The Wright-Patterson Officers` Spouses` Club - Wright
The Wright-Patterson Officers` Spouses` Club - Wright
The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club December 2015 & January 2016 Volume 53 Issue 5 Table of Contents Board of Governors .. pg 2 President’s Pen......... pg 3 Honor Flight Photos .. pg 3 Dec Calendar............ pg 4 Welfare...................... pg 4 Jan Calendar ............ pg 5 Sunshine Committee pg 5 AF Museum Guides.. pg 5 Antiques Societè....... pg 6 Book Club ................. pg 6 Bridge (Contract) ...... pg 6 Bridge (Duplicate) ..... pg 7 Bridge Scores ........... pg 7 Brush & Palette ......... pg 7 Bunco........................ pg 7 Chicks4Flicks ............ pg 7 Coffee Group ............ pg 7 Happy Hour Crafting . pg 7 Lunch Bunch............. pg 8 Mah Jongg ................ pg 8 Photography Club ..... pg 8 Play Group ................ pg 8 Raise Your Glass...... pg 8 Rubber Stamp Club .. pg 9 Skylarks .................... pg 9 Spouses Night Out ... pg 9 ISG ............................ pg 10 Thrift Shop ................ pg 11 Sponsors................... pg 11 ROWW...................... pg 12 Casino Photos .......... pg 12 2016-2017 BOG ....... pg 13 RSVPs ...................... pg 14 VOTQ........................ pg 14 January Event........... pg 15 The 2015-2016 WPOSC Board of Governors Executive commitee President ······················ Lynne Donahue ········813-992-2025 [email protected] 1st Vice President ··········· Bekah Kuhlman ·······402-250-8758 [email protected] 2nd Vice President ·········· Pam Woodard ··········617-955-7975 [email protected] Secretary ······················ Lori Enochian ··········937-912-9909 [email protected] Admin Treasurer ············ Beth Newberry·········.937-306-8062 [email protected] Welfare Treasurer ··········· Shasta Lantz ············520-954-5718 Parliamentarian ·············· Toni Lynch ·············808-260-5258 Standing Committees Activities ······················ Tracie Navarra ·········808-381-3140 Child Care ···················· Position Available Hospitality/Newcomers ···· Emily Cordell ··········407-454-1493 CoChair······················ Kara Welch ·············816-738-1310 Mah Jongg Book Sales. ···· Amy Jo Jones ··········937-426-1567 Membership·················· Position Available Programs······················ Paula Cardenas ·········937-384-0092 CoChair······················ Cristina Lewis ··········937-331-8913 Reservations Line - Answering Machine ············937-315-1550 Reservation Chair ··········· Robin Cook·············210-542-6653 CoChair···················· Erin Simmons ··········520-861-3177 Scholarships ·················· Stacey Imhoff ··········937-350-5009 Thrift Shop ··················· Rosemary Miller ·······937-458-3806 Ways & Means ·············· Jerry Miko ··············937-470-0730 Web Coordinator ············ Christi Brendlinger. ···210-882-0166 Welfare························ Kelly Lesnick···········480-370-8297 The Wright Word ··········· Robin Stone·············850-803-3139 Special Events Airmen’s Cookie Drive…..Cara Albers ·············813-601-2335 Holiday Decorations ········ Kristin Ballard··········513-435-0011 CoChair···················· Kaile Kring ·············308-830-0015 Special Volunteer Groups A.F. Museum Guides······· Sue Craven··············937-233-3538 CoChair ···················· Sara Lowe···············937-878-3558 Special Interest Groups Int’l Spouses’ Group ········Inma Kusnierek ········937-325-0371 CoChair ····················Yuko Tamura···········937-236-4224 CoChair ······················Larisa Celeste ············732-939-2777 ROWW ·······················Mary Rodin ·············937-878-0032 Activities Antiques Societé·············Elizabeth Clark ·········937-429-2410 CoChair ·····················Kathy Cohrs ············937-427-3609 Book Club ····················Sandra Moore ··········937-298-2859 Bridge (Contract) ············Mary Rodin ·············937-878-0032 CoChair ·····················Sue Fecke ···············937-256-6122 Bridge (Duplicate)···········LaVerne Will ···········937-256-9833 CoChair ·····················Sandy Ferrell ···········937-431-1751 Brush & Palette ··············Leigh Whitehead·······937-233-5843 CoChair ·····················Patty Sprouse ···········937-291-2007 Bunco··························Tracie Navarra ·········808-381-3140 Chicks4Flicks ················Destiny Tomlin ········239-292-2477 Coffee Group·················Stephanie Pier ··········478-662-7030 Happy Hour Crafting ·······Cara Albers ·············813-601-2335 Lunch Bunch·················Kim White ··············937-522-1297 CoChair ·····················Cathy Long ·············937-751-4890 Mah Jongg····················Amy Jo Jones···········937-426-1567 Play Group ···················Jill Evans ················614-595-9099 CoChair ·····················Emily Schmidt ·········813-440-0799 Photography Club ···········Nicole Soeder ··········586-703-1190 CoChair ·····················Megan Markling ·······405-315-3970 Raise Your Glass ············Susie Sincock···········310-617-7230 CoChair ·····················Bekah Kuhlman········402-250-8758 Rubber Stamp Club ·········Lori Enochian ··········937-912-9909 Skylarks ·······················Sally Lee ················937-874-5123 Spouses’ Night Out ·········Bekah Kuhlman········402-250-8758 CoChair ·····················Emily Cordell ··········407-454-1493 Honorary Executive Commitee Honorary Advisor ···········Ruth Ann Thompson ··································Spouse of AFLCMC Commander Honorary Advisor ··········· Wayne Reeves ··································Spouse of AFLCMC Executive Director Advisor························Kathryn Devillier ··································Spouse of 88th ABW Commander Want to become a member of the Wright-Patt Officers’ Spouses’ Club? Complete membership form from and mail to: WPOSC Membership, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324 Need to make changes? Contact [email protected] to change address, telephone number, email, rank, organization, or resignation. If you are PCSing and have paid your dues for one year, you may request a refund of the balance. The Wright Word 2 December 2015/ January 2016 Greetings! I can’t believe that it is the end of 2015! This year has gone by so quickly! I want to thank everyone that has stepped up to be an OSC officer, a committee chair, an activity chair, or a volunteer at the Thrift Shop. This club could not operate without each and every one of you. You are all an integral part of this organization, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Special thanks goes to Paula Cardenas, Beth Newberry and Rosemary Miller. When the Thrift Shop was forced to close, Paula stepped up to not only take on the monumental task of managing the Thrift Shop, but also reopened the Thrift Shop and turned an incredible profit to help pay off some of the $20,000 in taxes, fees and penalties that the Thrift Shop had incurred over the years. Beth Newberry has taken the Thrift Shop accounting books and painstakingly reviewed them and put procedures in place to help avoid these accounting problems in the future. Rosemary Miller took on the role of Thrift Shop Chair and I’m thankful that she did because she has done a fantastic job! Because of these 3 individuals, the Thrift Shop is now operating within the letter of the law and paying all bills on time and correctly. I’m also proud to announce that Paula Cardenas is now the paid Thrift Shop Manager, and Beth Newberry is the paid Thrift Shop bookkeeper. Please join me in thanking all 3 of these ladies for all of the time and dedication they have put into the OSC and the Thrift Shop! I wish each and every one of you Happy Holidays and hope that 2016 brings you much happiness with everything that you have dreamed of and more! Thank you, Kari Tucker, for capturing & sharing this great photo! Kara Welch & Tracie Navarra Barbara & Christopher Coombs Lori & Greg Enochian Trevor & Destiny Tomlin Jack the Therapy Dog - one of the many therapy dogs and cats at the airport. Kari Tucker with her son. & Pam Woodard with her son and his friend. Lynne P.S. Special thanks to all the Holiday Decorating Volunteers for their hard work in decorating the Wright-Patterson Club! The many employees and event attendees are very appreciative of the beautiful holiday decorations. The Wright Word Jack & Lynne Donahue with their sons. 3 December 2015/ January 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Wednesday 8 7 BUNCO Paula’s House, 6 pm Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Friday 2 3 Brush & Palette 9:30am -2:30 pm OSC Holiday Brunch ISG Meeting Wright-Patt Club WP Club, 10:30 am 9:30am-12:30pm Skylarks 9:30am-11am Bridge (Contract) Kittyhawk Chapel Rockers, 9:30 am 6 Thursday 9 4 15 14 5 Skylarks Performance OSC Luncheon, 10am 10 11 Brush & Palette Board Meeting 9:30am -2:30 pm Mimi’s Café at The Greene, 9am Skylarks 9:30am-11am Play Group Skylarks Performance Kittyhawk Chapel Learning Tree Farm 9:30am UMW, 7pm Skylarks Performance Photography Club The Summit, 1pm Pam’s Home, 10 am Stamp Club RSVPs Due Antiques RSVPs Due 13 Saturday 12 Rubber Stamp Club Bldg 95, 10 am-Noon Raise Your Glass Susie’s Home, 7pm 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 B&N Gift Wrapping B&N Gift Wrapping B&N Gift Wrapping Lunch Bunch Beavercreek, 9am-10pm Beavercreek, 9am-10pm Beavercreek, 9am-10pm Wheat Penny, 11:45am Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Photography Club Bridge (Contract) Clifton Mill, 10 am Skylarks Performance Rockers, 9:30 am Brookdale Place, 10am Fisher House Brunch Skylarks Performance Set up by 10 am Wilmington Place, 1pm Skylarks Performance Antiques Societé WP-Club, 10:30 am Holiday Inn, 7:30pm SNO Wine Gallery, 6:30 pm Coffee Group TBD 20 21 22 Thrift Shop Closes till January 8, 2016 27 28 Christmas Day 29 30 31 New Year’s eve Kelly Lesnick (480) 370-8297……………………...……….…[email protected] Fisher House Volunteer Brunch. WPOSC members have the opportunity to provide brunch for the families staying at Fisher House. Food is generally set up and ready to serve to the guests at 10:00 am. Fisher House brunch is scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month (December, 16th 2015). Choose to serve or bring a dish or both using this link: 445a8aa28a7f94-fisher The Wright Word Fisher House Silent Auction Basket Item Donation Drive. WPOSC members have the opportunity to provide a donation to go into baskets for the Fisher Nightingale House Silent Auction. Beginning in December, donations will be collected at our monthly WPOSC function and assembled to make several baskets. Please contact Kelly if you’re interested in volunteering. 4 Barnes and Noble Gift Wrapping Fundraiser. Barnes & Noble supplies everything we need & donations go directly into the Welfare account. This event is scheduled for December 14th-16th, from 0900-2200. Reserve your favorite time now by visiting the link below: /20f0445a8aa28a7f94-barnes December 2015/ January 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 4 10 11 BUNCO Bldg 95 6pm Social, 6:30pm Dice 18 17 Martin Luther King Day 24 25 Happy Hour Crafting 6:30 pm & Place TBD 5 6 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Brush & Palette 9:30am -2:30 pm Photography Club WP-Club, 9:30am Bridge (Contract) Rockers, 9:30 am Stamp RSVPs Due 12 13 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm 8 7 ISG Chapel #3, 10:30 am 9 Rubber Stamp Club Chapel #3, 10:30am Raise Your Glass A Taste of Wine, 6:30pm 14 15 16 Brush & Palette 9:30am -2:30 pm Luncheon & BUNCO Antiques RSVPs Due WP-Club, 10:30am 19 20 21 22 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Book Club Hope Hotel, 10am Antiques Societé WP-Club, 11:00 am 23 Brush & Palette 9:30am -2:30 pm Bridge (Contract) Rockers, 9:30 am 27 28 29 Brush & Palette 9:30am -2:30 pm Bridge (Duplicate) Rockers, 9:30 am Play Group Time & Place TBD Coffee Group TBD 26 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm 31 Emily Cordell…[email protected] If you or your spouse would like to join the Sunshine Committee by offering your services, skills or providing meals, etc.; please email Emily Cordell. Thank you in advance for your spirit to support with kindness and good deeds. If you know of a WPOSC member who might be in need of a little Sunshine, please contact Emily or any OSC board member. The Wright Word 2 New Year’s Day Please Note: Activities & Events for Calendar are abbreviated, please see activities pages for more information. 3 Saturday 30 Lunch Bunch Red Robin, 11:30am ROWW WP-Club, 10:45am Sue Craven……………..937-233-3538………[email protected] Sara Lowe 937-878-3558 If you would like to learn more about what we do and how you may become a volunteer, just contact Sue. She is a long-time museum guide and is glad to share her knowledge. Training and orientation are pro- 5 vided to all of our volunteers. You may design your own tour, escort groups through the museum, or read to classes on school tours. New volunteers are always welcome and all branches of the military are accepted as volunteers. Come and join us! December 2015/ January 2016 Points of Contact for each group are listed at the beginning of each article. Unless otherwise stated, all groups meet in the OSC Activities Room, Building 95 (same building as the Thrift Shop). ANTIQUES SOCIETÉ ANTIQUES SOCIETÉ Elizabeth Clark……….937-429-2410 [email protected] Kathy Cohrs…………..937-427-3609 [email protected] Hats, Gloves & More Hats Holiday Decorating with Antiques Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:30 am, Social & Viewing of Displays 11:30 am, Seating for Lunch $20 WP-Club Members & $22 Non Members This is the most popular event of the Antiques Societé. All OSC members and friends are invited to attend. If you wish to decorate an antique, you’ll be given a 3’x3’ table. If the item is too large (such as a trunk, tricycle or chair) it can be placed on the floor. The displays will be judged and beautiful antique prizes and handmade ribbons are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category. Door prizes are antiques too! Categories: Foyer/Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Family Room, Boudoir/Powder Room, Nursery/Child’s Room, First Time Entry Stipulations: Only OSC members may enter. No limit on number of displays entered. Set up is between 9:30-10:30 am. At least 1 antique or collectible in display. Previous winning displays are not eligible. You must register your entry. To arrange a display, call Kathy Cohrs by 12/14/15, 8:00 pm at 937-427-3609. Luncheon Menu: Mixed greens with cranberries, pecans, oranges, feta & raspberry vinaigrette; Petit filet cordon bleu; Sugar snap peas; Red skin potatoes; Rolls & butter; Homemade Christmas cookies; Eggnog, coffee & tea Sandra Moore 937-298-2859 [email protected] Date: Fri., Jan. 22, 2016 11:00 am, Social &11:30 am, Seating $15 WP-Club Members & $17 Non-Members Once again our very own Evelyn Pelan will be our speaker after lunch. You might remember she has presented very informative and fun programs in the past, so you don’t want to miss her tell us the history of hats and gloves. She will be giving a power point presentation and will bring many examples from her personal collection. Please feel free to arrive wearing a hat and gloves. Bring a friend for a day of learning, good food and friendship. Luncheon Menu: Caesar Salad, Beef Tips with Mushroom Sauce, Buttered Noodles, Green bean Almondine, Rolls and butter, Dessert, coffee and tea No December Meeting! We will not be having a meeting this month as everyone is so busy during the holiday season. So I would just like to wish all the book club members a very happy Christmas and a great New Year. See you in January! January Meeting: Thurs., 1/21/16, 10 am Location: Packy’s in the Hope Hotel HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of our members. The book we are reading this month is The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion. This is the sequel to a book - The Rosie Project - which we read in 2014 and is even more hilarious. The Book Club meeting will be held on January 21st at Packy's in the Hope Hotel. This is a new venue due to Barnes & Noble being unable to accommodate us in January. Hoping that the weather is not too bad, but keep tuned to Fairborn School Closings. I look forward to seeing you all then. Reservations by Fri., 1/15/16, 6:00 pm A-L. . . .Betty Gray…..937-237-8192 M-Z. . . .Janet Lee ……..937-767-5541 BRIDGE (CONTRACT) Sue Fecke 937-256-9833 Mary Rodin 937-878-0032 Meets: Every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Time: 9:30 am to mid-afternoon Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club Reservations by Wed., 12/ 9/15, 6 pm A-L. . . .Betty Gray…….937-237-8192 M-Z. . . .Janet Lee ……..937-767-5541 The Wright Word BOOK CLUB We play 7 progressions of 35 minutes each, with an hour break for lunch. Players with all skills are welcome. 6 December 2015/ January 2016 Points of Contact for each group are listed at the beginning of each article. Unless otherwise stated, all groups meet in the OSC Activities Room, Building 95 (same building as the Thrift Shop). BRIDGE (DUPLICATE) BRUSH & PALETTE CHICKS 4FLICKS LaVerne Will……….937-256-9833 Sandy Ferrell……… 937-431-1751 Leigh Whitehead…….937-233-5843 [email protected] Patty Sprouse………...937-291-2007 Destiny Tomlin……….239-292-2477 [email protected] Meets: every 4th Wednesday Playtime: 9:30 a.m. to mid-afternoon Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club The Duplicate Bridge Group will not play in November and December. Wright-Patt Bridge Scores September 16th: Meets: Wednesdays Time: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Last 2015 date is December 9th Resumes January 6, 2016 Come and check out Brush & Palette. Our instructor is available at least once a month to help with all aspects of painting. 1st Place: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will 2nd: Donna Krile & Jackie Barry 3rd: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer 4th: Sandy Ferrell & Marsha Eggleston 5th: Marilyn Christmann & Linda Cockeram Small Slam Pot: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will November 4th 1st: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer 2nd: Marilyn Christmann & Linda Cockeram 3rd: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will 4th: Jackie Barry & Ruth Weatherhead 5th: Joan Chapin & Sandy Ferrell 6th: Sarah Cunningham & Doris Kovacs 7th Place: Ginny Barber & Mae Porter Small Slam: Marilyn Christmann & Linda Cockeram The Wright Word Chicks4Flicks is a fun group for people who enjoy watching movies. Our meeting time will vary each month to help fit different schedules. COFFEE GROUP Stephanie Pier………..478-662-7030 [email protected] Meets: Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each Month. Time and Place TBD Look for the Evite! HAPPY HOUR CRAFTING October 21st 1st: Doris Kovacs & Sarah Cunningham 2nd:Mae Porter & Marcia Eggleston 3rd: Mary Rodin & LaVerne Will 4th: Sandy Ferrell & Brenda Burlsan 5th: Ruth Weatherhead & Jackie Barry Small Slam: Mae Porter & Marcia Eggleston Meets: Time and Place TBD Look for Evite! Cara Albers 813-601-2335 [email protected] BUNCO Tracie Navarra ….…808-381-3140 [email protected] Meets: December 7, 2015 Where: Paula Cardenas’ house 4167 Purplefinch Lane Miamisburg, OH 45342 Time: 6:00 pm social, 6:30 pm dice roll! Bring a dish to share, $7 toward prizes, and a gift for the gift exchange afterward! Meets: January 11th, 2016 Where: Building 95 Time: 6:00 pm social, 6:30 pm dice roll! Bring a dish to share and $7 toward prizes. Email Tracie to get on the Evite list! 7 NO December Meeting & January 25, 2016 Meeting 6:30 pm with Place TBD Join us the last Monday of each month for a night of fun, friends, and crafts. Complete the group led craft or bring your own to work on. A small fee is required for materials if you wish to participate in the group craft. Please bring a snack or drink to share and contact me with any questions. I look forward to seeing you! December 2015/ January 2016 Points of Contact for each group are listed at the beginning of each article. Unless otherwise stated, all groups meet in the OSC Activities Room, Building 95 (same building as the Thrift Shop). LUNCH BUNCH PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Kim White…………...937-522-1297 [email protected] Cathy Long………….937-751-4890 [email protected] Nicole Soeder ………..586-703-1190 [email protected] December 17, 2015 Meeting Wheat Penny at 11:45 am ( 515 Wayne Avenue, Dayton 45410 (near the Oregon District) January 28, 2016 Meeting Red Robin at 11:30 am 2671 Fairfield Commons Blvd. Beavercreek 45431 Both are kid-friendly! MAH JONGG Amy Jo Jones………..937-426-1567 [email protected] Meets: Every Tuesday Time: 9:30 am- 12:30 (or until 2:30ish) Last meeting is December 15, 2015 Meetings resume January 5, 2016. Megan Markling …….405-315-3970 [email protected] Meets: Different places during month Our group consists of photographers with all levels of skill. We enjoy learning together, encouraging and supporting each other. Jill Evans………………..614-595-9099 Emily Schmidt…..…….. 813-440-0799 December 9, 2015 Meeting: Learning Tree Farm at 9:30 am 3376 S Union Road, Dayton 45417 January 28, 2016 Meeting: Place and Time TBD December Meetings: 12/08: Pam Woodard’s Home at 10am 2153 Sulky Trail Beavercreek, 45434 Bring a dish to share 12/14: Clifton Mill at 10 am 75 Water Street, Clifton 45316 *No wall change in December. Post photos online. Theme is Family and Furry Friends. October Halloween Party with the Play Group Members. Visit our Facebook page at January Meetings: 1/6/16: WP-Club, photo wall at 9:30 am We will need about 14 pictures. Theme is Stairs, Bridges, and Black/white Scenes. Want to join the WPOSC Photography Group Facebook page? Just ’friend’ me (Nicole Soeder) and I will accept so you can post photos, ask about the next outing, etc. Photo by Kirsten Olson Madaus Mah Jongg is a Chinese game of skill, strategy and calculation. It is very similar to Rummy but is played with tiles rather than cards. The main objective is to build sets through drawing and discarding tiles. In different variants, there are different tiles but there are always four players. Come by and try it once! The Wright Word PLAY GROUP 8 RAISE YOUR GLASS Susie Sincock 310-617-7230 Bekah Kuhlman 402-250-8758 Please bring a bottle of wine to share as we start the holiday season with a merry get-together at Susie’s house. December 2015 Meeting Holiday Meeting at Susie’s Home 3726 Red Oak Court Beavercreek, OH 45430 When: Friday, December 11 at 7 pm January 8, 2016 Meeting A Taste of Wine at 6:30 pm 90 South Main Street Miamisburg, OH 45342 December 2015/ January 2016 Points of Contact for each group are listed at the beginning of each article. Unless otherwise stated, all groups meet in the OSC Activities Room, Building 95 (same building as the Thrift Shop). RUBBER STAMP CLUB Lori Enochian……...937-912-9909 [email protected] December 2015 Meeting: Friday, December 11 at 10 am RSVP: Wednesday, December 9 We have 2-3 new and different cards & projects to make and take home each month (every 2nd Friday, for that matter, so go ahead and mark your calendar now through May 2016). In December, we will make an assortment of gift card holders and small gift packaging for the holidays. In January, we will be meeting with the International Spouses’ Group and making cards with their members! All levels of stampers are welcome, even beginners who have never inked up a stamp. We’ll bring you up-to-speed in no time! We all have lots of crafting tips and techniques to share, plus news on where to find the best bargains, stamp conventions, and stamping websites! Pull up a chair and join us! Please send an e-mail, and we’ll get you on our mailing list! SKYLARKS Sally Lee……………...937-874-5123 [email protected] Meets: Every Tuesday morning (Sept.-Nov. and Feb.- April) Where: Choir Room, Kittyhawk Chapel Time: 9:30 am to 11:00 am December Events for the Skylarks 3rd 10:00 am-- OSC Luncheon 7th 7:00 pm-- UMW Christmas Party (United Methodist Church) 8th 1:00 pm--The Summit at Park Hills 15th 10:00 am-- Brookdale Place at Oakwood 15th 1:00 pm--10 Wilmington Place 15th 7:30 pm--1st Baptist Church Christmas Party at Holiday Inn Fairborn History of Skylarks: On Friday, February 11, 1955, the Board of Governors of the Women's Club of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (as it was known then) moved and voted to invite the Officers' Wives' Glee Club to become a part of the Women's Club as a social function, and to be known as the Music Circle. Then, in 1956 the Wives' Club Music Circle in Japan changed its name to 'Skylarks,' reflecting the lyrics from an adaptation of 'On Wings of Song' which the group adopted as its theme song. The name change idea spread to Air Force Wives' Club Music Circles throughout the Air Force, and in 1959, the Wright-Patterson Music Circle adopted the name change. We have been known as the 'Skylarks' ever since. Mary Haritos, Sylvia Pringle, Sally Lee, and Judy Brainard with Heidi Cahoon as their pianist. The Skylarks are taking a well-deserved hiatus for the month of January, but in February, we begin preparing for our spring series of concerts. We are still looking for a few more voices, so please join us! Contact me at the information listed above. I promise you will be glad you did! SPOUSES’ NIGHT OUT Bekah Kuhlman………..402-250-8758 Emily Cordell…………..407-454-1493 Meets: December 15th, 2016 Where: Wine Gallery at 6:30 pm 5 West Monument Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 White Elephant Exchange January 2016 is TBD, Watch for Evite! January 2016 Meeting: Friday, January 8 at 10:30 am At Chapel #3 with ISG Shhhh….rehearsing... Inclement Weather: The WPOSC follows the Fairborn City Schools with regard to inclement weather. When Fairborn schools are closed, activities and events are cancelled. Should there be a delay in school openings, check with the activity point of contact. Closing and delays by WPAFB will supersede all other closings and delays. The Wright Word 9 December 2015/ January 2016 Chair: Inma Kusnierek (Spain) .........................937-325-0371........................... [email protected] Co-Chair: Yuko Tamura (Japan)......................937-238-8816........................... [email protected] Co-Chair: Larisa Celeste (Romania)................732-939-2877........................... [email protected] December Meeting Place: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Club December Meeting Date: Friday, December 4th (RSVP by November 27th) December Meeting Time: 10:30 am Social & 11:00 am Seating On December 4th, we will have our Holiday lunch at The WPAFB Clubsocial at 10:30, seating 11:00 am. Those that wish to play Bingo for the beautiful door prizes can participate for a small donation of $1 per Bingo card (funds go towards the International Fair). Family and friends are welcome to attend the luncheon. We may have a very important person visiting us during the lunch!!!!! · The lunch is $15.00 per person. Reservations must be made and paid by cash or check by November 27th to Inma Kusnierek. Please contact Inma, Yuko or Larisa to make the reservations. Please make note that our January meeting will be on January 8th, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. - Chapel # 3. We will be joined by the Rubber Stamp Club, whose members will bring some rubber stamping projects for us to do. If you enjoy learning about different cultures, meeting new people and tasting new foods. Please join us! · Location: Chapel #3. 6568 Chapel Lane, Riverside, OH, in the Prairies Housing Area off Spinning Road. Directions: Colonial Glenn Highway toward Air- way Road; turn left at the “Speedway” traffic light onto Spinning Road; turn right onto Chapel Lane; Chapel 3 is at the end of Chapel Lane. The International Spouses’ Group wish you a very Happy, Healthy and safe Holiday Season. Come celebrate with us!!!!!! January 2016 Meeting Place: Chapel #3 at 6568 Chapel Lane, Riverside, OH January 2016 Meeting Date & Time: Friday, January 8, 2016 at 10:30 am The Wright Word 10 December 2015/ January 2016 WPOSC THRIFT SHOP G s 3D tart reat Fi with Las be h Y r L ou es n as h M ique as ’s ca ra Chair: Rosemary Miller 937-458-3806 Manager: Paula Cardenas 937-384-0092 Location: Building 95 on Wright Avenue, sharing the building with Outdoor Recreation and the Officers’ Spouses’ Club Activities Room. Contact Information Office Phone: 937-879-5630◄►24 Hr Info Line: 937-285-0306 Hours of Operation T, W, & F…………………………....9:30 am to 2:00 pm Please check with the Thrift Shop for exact times & dates. Hours of Consignment T, W, & F………………………...… 9:30 am - 11:30 am To volunteer at the Thrift Shop, call Rosemary Miller or email her at [email protected] Thrift Shop is CLOSED from December 21, 2015 till January 8, 2016. Happy Holidays! The Wright Word 11 December 2015/ January 2016 Thursday, January 28, 2016 Fireside Room, Wright-Patterson Banquet Center Social: 10:45am, Seating: 11:30 am Ladies, January is the start of the New Year and a time to reflect on earlier times in our lives. With that in mind, head up to your attic or down to your basement, open that trunk and dig out those little white gloves and adorable hats so you can wear them to our January Tea. We will also be celebrating the birthdays of all of our members. So don your hats and gloves and join us as we celebrate the past, present, and the future. Menu: Champagne Punch Tomato Basil Soup Tossed Salad 1/2 Sandwich (Turkey or Beef) Birthday Cake Rolls and Butter Water, Coffee and Tea $12.00 Members $14.00 Non-Members CASH ONLY, No Charges or Checks Reservations Mary Weisert……………...937-426-5183 [email protected] Sandy Ferrell…………….. 937-431-1751 [email protected] Please have your reservations made by January 22, 2016. The Wright Word 12 December 2015/ January 2016 TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS PRESIDENT: Presides at all meetings of the OSC and the Board of Governors; appoints (with the approval of the Executive Board) all chairmen; fills vacancies in the other elected offices. Reviews and signs all audit reports and is an exofficio member of all committees. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence; serves as Protocol Officer for all OSC functions; cochairs the Holiday brunch, sits on the social and membership committees, and performs such duties as may be delegated by the President. It's that time again to consider running for an executive office on the OSC Board of Governors. The nominating committee will meet in February to select a slate of candidates. If you would like to be considered for an office, fill out and send in the below form by February 19, 2016. For additional information please contact Toni Lynch at 808-260-5258 or [email protected]. Wright-Patterson Officer’s Spouses’ Club 2016-2107 Candidate Application Name:____________________________________Phone No: (____)_______- ______________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Spouses’ Name: _________________Organization: ___________________________________ SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: Performs the duties of the First Vice President in his/her absence; serves as Protocol Officer for the Board of Governors; co-chairs the Holiday brunch; sits on the thrift shop, welfare, and scholarship committees; and performs duties as may be delegated by the President. Children (Name & Ages) _________________________________________________________ SECRETARY: Records the minutes of all meetings of the OSC and Board of Governors and posts them; is custodian of the permanent records of the OSC, and performs any duties delegated by the President. Computer experience is required. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Education (Schooling, Training, or Special Courses): ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Work Experience: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Experience: ___________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE TREASURER: ____________________________________________________________________________ Custodian of financial records and accounts of the OSC. Responsible for ____________________________________________________________________________ filing income tax statements with the IRS; and is accountable for all money Hobbies, Special Interests, Skills: __________________________________________________ in the Administrative Fund. Presents books for audit upon resignation or ____________________________________________________________________________ completion of terms of office and presents all audit reports to the Presi____________________________________________________________________________ dent for review and signature. Computer experience is required. Please indicate, by numerical order, the offices you would consider running for (President, The Welfare Treasurer: Custodian of financial records and accounts of the OSC; and is accountable for all money in the Welfare Fund. Presents books for audit upon resignation or completion of term of office. Computer experience is required. The Wright Word 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President must be active duty or a spouse of an active duty member). _____President _____1st Vice President _____2nd Vice President _____Secretary _____Administrative Treasurer _____Welfare Treasurer Completion of this application does not assure you of a nomination. It is an aid for the Nominating Committee in selecting a slate of officers. By agreeing to serve on the Board of Governors, you agree to read and abide by the Constitution, the Bylaws, and the Guidelines of this organization. All applications must be received by February 19, 2016. Mail to: Toni Lynch, 730 Pearson Road, WPAFB 45433 (or email to [email protected]). 13 December 2015/ January 2016 ONLINE Go to and click on the blue “Make A Reservation” box in the upper right corner. Enter your information in the reservation form. Choose whether you will pay by cash, check, or PayPal for credit cards. (Note: all PayPal payments will be assessed $1.00 per reservation to cover processing fees.) Await a reservation confirma- tion email (followed by a PayPal confirmation email if you chose to pay by credit card). Guests are welcome on a space- available basis. All guest charges will be billed to the host member. Anyone who is eligible for membership in the WPOSC may attend only one function before joining. A WPOSC member cannot bring an existing WPOSC member as a guest. PAYMENT Cash or check payment MUST PHONE/EMAIL Call 937-315-1550 or send an email to: [email protected] When calling or emailing, please state the following: Your Name, Telephone Number, Email Event Name WP club member: Yes or No Any Guests? Menu selections You will receive a call or email confirming your reservation and requesting your payment information. Do not assume you have a reservation until you have been contacted. If you have not been contacted within 48 hours, please call or email again. GUESTS BE received on or before the date of the event. Credit Card payments are not accepted at the door and can only be used if using the online reservation system. All confirmed reservations will be required to pay in full for the function even if the member does not attend the event. Paying by check? Make check payable to: Wright-Patterson OSC (WPOSC) No-shows with a reservation will be billed the appropriate amount. No reservations will be accepted after the deadline. In addition, walk-ins cannot be accommodated on the day of the function. Congratulations to Beth Newberry on being selected as the Volunteer of the Quarter for the 3rd Quarter of 2015. Below is the submission for her nomination. The Wright Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club and the Base Thrift shop would like to jointly nominate Ms. Beth Newberry as volunteer of the quarter. In her role as the WPOSC administrative treasurer she provides financial oversight of the operating budget for the OSC. Ms. Newberry has taken an active volunteer role at the WPOSC Base Thrift shop and has dedicated over 150 hours this quarter to the reopening of the Thrift Shop. Ms. Newberry has taken on numerous projects on the thrift shop committee and has volunteered to act as the interim bookkeeper. In addition to her volunteer activities at Wright Patterson AFB, Ms. Newberry volunteers her time at her children’s school and as a Girl Scout leader. Ms. Newberry truly deserves to be recognized for her dedication to the community. The Wright Word Editor: Robin Stone Proofreaders: Lynne Donahue, Bekah Kuhlman, Pam Woodard, and Lori Enochian The Wright Word is an unofficial magazine of The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324. Standard US postage paid at Xenia, Ohio and additional mailing offices. Subscription to members is included in annual dues. The opinions expressed herein no way represent those of the United State Air Force or the WPOSC and are solely the opinions of the individual writers. Products or services advertised do not constitute endorsement by the Air Force or the WPOSC. Reprints by permission. Printed by DOMICONE PRINTING INC. The above logos were obtained from Special Services Branch, FASC. Other logos were obtained from the corresponding websites of the article. Editor email address: [email protected]. The Wright Word 14 Beth’s husband, John, joined her for her award day. December 2015/ January 2016 The Wright Word 15 December 2015/ January 2016 The Wright Word Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club P.O. Box 67 Fairborn, OH 45324 POSTMASTER: Address Service Requested Time Dated Material - Please deliver promptly PRST Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 35 Xenia, OH 45385 Reservation Line: 937-315-1550 Email: [email protected] Web: Inside This Issue of The Wright Word December & January Activities Board Of Governors Application CASINO Night Photos Activities Photos MOVING? LET US KNOW! The post office will not forward your newsletter, and we will be charged for each issue returned to us. Please help us contain these costs by letting us know as soon as possible if you have changed addresses. Thank you.
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