It`s All About the Ahhhh… - Maxwell


It`s All About the Ahhhh… - Maxwell
January 2012
The Briefing The Maxwell-­‐Gunter Officers’ Spouses Club NewsleGer It’s All About the Ahhhh…!
Relax and enjoy some “Me Time” after the Holidays. Thursday, January 19th 2012 10:45am un/l 1:00pm, in the O’Club Ballroom Looking for ways to de-stress and relax !
after the busy Holiday Season?!
Then you will not want to miss this one!!
Cost: $13.25 Menu: BBQ Chicken & Roasted Corn Salad Alterna/ve Menu: Chef Salad Both Menus Include Coffee, Iced Tea, Ice Water & Cake This month we will be collec/ng the following for the Sunshine Center. More informa/on on the Sunshine Center can be found on Page 2 Think January White Sales!!! Even though we have collected some of these items before, they are s/ll in need of: Twin-­‐bed fiGed sheets and top sheets, pillow cases, Pillows, Pots and pans -­‐ all sizes, Pot Holders, Dish Towels, Wall clocks Remember, any of these items can be gently used!! Thank you so much for your generosity! -­‐ Susan Dunn for the Sunshine Center Mini Massages, Sports Massages and much more! Reservation Policy for Socials
For the upcoming monthly socials, please make your reserva/ons on or before 5 PM on the reserva/on deadline date by emailing: mgosc.reserva/[email protected] Please include your first and last name, phone number, meal preference and whether you are an O'Club member. You will be contacted regarding method of payment. Do not send credit card informa/on over e-­‐mail. Cancela/ons must be made by 5 PM the Thursday before the social or your credit card will be charged for the meal. A Permanent Reserva/on Card can be found on page 4. Childcare informa/on is on page 8. Babes in arms are welcome at MGOSC socials. Reservations are required so please make your reservation by January 12!
The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 1 President’s Page
by Lisa McCaffrey Happy New Year!!
I am so excited for the Silent Auc/on, this is such a fun event. The spouses finally get to meet each other, and we get to socialize in the evening! Please think about asking your favorite Montgomery business for a dona/on, we can use items separately or build baskets with many small items. I hope to meet all of your spouses the first Friday in February! I am asking, if you are unable to aGend a func/on but did not cancel your reserva/on in /me, you contact PauleGe (reserva/ons) and make the arrangements to pay for your meal. We have to pay the club the day of our events, so we need to collect for the meals quickly. It is important that you take the responsibility and not leave it to our wonderful volunteer to chase you down. Thanks so much!!! It is that /me of year when we are thinking about who will lead this great group next year. I would love to con/nue on the board but will be PCSing this summer. I was leery of being president this year, but I am so glad I did not let this opportunity slip by. I have gained so much from this posi/on and people here at Maxwell. Please, if you want to ask me any ques/ons about any board posi/on off the record give me a call!! Happy New Year! -Lisa !
Family Sunshine Center
During many of our func/ons, we ask for dona/ons for the Family Sunshine Center. Who exactly are they? The Family Sunshine Center has been serving vic/ms and survivors of family violence for 30 years in Autauga, Butler, Chilton, Crenshaw, Elmore, Lowndes and Montgomery coun/es. Since 1981, they have grown to incorporate services not only to vic/ms with immediate crisis needs but also those ready to move out of emergency shelter and into self-­‐sufficient lifestyles. They also provide a non-­‐residen/al counseling center and a community outreach program for preven/on educa/on. Most recently, they have added sexual assault counseling to the services they offer. Their staff works diligently to raise awareness about domes/c violence and sexual assault and the services that are available to vic/ms. They strive to ensure a network and posi/ve communica/ons among law enforcement, legal services, the court system and other agencies a vic/m might encounter while exi/ng the cycle of violence. To learn more about who they are and what they offer, please visit The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 2 January 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 9:30am Bowling 6:30pm Evening Bunko New Year’s Day 9:00am Line Dancing 15 16 9:30am Bowling 11:30am Lunch Bunch 17 9:30am Bowling 29 23 9:00am Line Dancing Chinese New Year -­‐ Dragon 30 24 31 9:30am Bowling 9:30am Bowling Friday Saturday 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 10:45am!
It’s All
About the
20 21 25 26 27 28 10:00am Book Club Mar/n Luther King Jr. Day 22 Thursday • 
9:30am Board Mee/ng Social
9:00am Morning Bunko 5:00pm Crud Epiphany Hot Tea Month Na/onal Soup Month Na/onal Hobby Month Na/onal Blood Donor Month Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble
art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the
elimination of non-essentials.
-Lin Yutang
The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 3 2011-2012
Coming Program
Date Event Loca/on Time RSVP Deadline Friday, 3 February First Friday Fun Night & Silent Auc/on O’Club Ballroom 5:30am 27 January Thursday, 22 March “LiGle Black Dress” Black Dress/Tie Birthday Party O’Club Ballroom 10:45am 15 March Thursday, 19 April Members Only BINGO O’Club Ballroom 10:45am 12 April Thursday, 17 May Happy Trails to You, Un/l We Meet Again… O’Club Ballroom 10:45am 10 May The above informa/on is subject to change. Keep an eye on the Briefing and our website for the latest! MGOSC 2011/2012 Permanent Reserva/on Card Last Name: _______________________________ First Name: ____________________________________ Spouse’s Name: _______________________________ Rank:______________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ E-­‐Mail: ______________________________________ Visa or MC #: ____________________________________________ Exp Date: _____/_____ CID: _________ Club Member (circle one): Yes or No Meal Preference (circle one): Regular or Chef Salad I understand that unless I cancel my reserva/on by 5pm the Monday preceding the social, I will be charged for the meal on the credit card provided. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Scholarships Are
Coming Do you want a scholarship to help pay for school? Check out the MGOSC web page for our Scholarship Applica/on if you are: •  A 2012 gradua/ng senior •  An eligible spouse obtaining an undergraduate degree •  A dependent who meets eligibility, obtaining an undergraduate degree Save the Date… MGOSC Silent Auc/on February 3, 2011, 6:00pm, Maxwell Officer’s Club Bring your spouse for an evening of fun… Appe/zers, Drinks, and Fun items to bid on Members are encouraged to bring guests. The more the merrier! *If you have a home business and would like to donate an item to be auc/oned off, please contact Michelle Cool. Only one item per business please. The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 4 Special Activities Ac/vity Contact Bicycling Tiffany Mahar Bible Study Dayna Olson Blue Moon Volunteers Louise Griswold Book Club Kate Fuller Bowling Renee Warner Evening Bunko Melissa Rich Morning Bunko Cyn Wilson Cooking Club Rachel PiGner Craw Club Cyn Wilson Crud Jaycee Booth Golf Jennifer HalleG Line Dancing Vickie Dendis Lunch Bunch Cyn Wilson Mah Jongg Linda Wheeler Moms, Pops & Tots Lindsay Henley Photography Club Kelley Benson Running Ka/e McKim Scrapbooking Tiffany Mahar Tennis Melanie Sparrow Walking Melanie Sparrow Wine Tas/ng Sarah Allen & Lisa McCaffrey Email Phone Contact Informa/on is for MGOSC Members Only You must be an MGOSC member to attend our
Special Activities.
The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 5 Special Activities Book Club
We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the Hunt Housing Office at Maxwell. This month we are mee/ng January 4, 10:00 and we will discuss American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Bowling
We meet every Tuesday, 9:30am at Maxwell Lanes. Morning Bunko
Morning Bunko meets the 1st Friday of each month at 9am. This month we will be mee/ng on the 6th. If you would like to join us please let me know by sending me, Cyn, an email. You will need to contact me th
with your reserva/ons by Wednesday the 4 so I can let our hostess know how many tables to set. The cost is $5.00 to play (a five or five ones please). When you RSVP, I will give you the Hostesses name, address and let you know if you need to bring a treat to share. Un/l then…Happy Rolling! Evening Bunko
Evening Bunko is going to be held on January 3rd at 6:30pm. Please RSVP by January 1. Craft Club Craw Club will not be mee/ng in January while we try to recover from the Holidays or as we fondly call them around our house…the Holly-­‐Daze!!! But look for us back in February as we work on some fun Valen/ne projects! Crud We meet on “First Fridays” at the O’Club, 5:00pm. Running Ka/e McKim is in the process of designing a Dri Fit Shirt with Running Club. If you are interested in a shirt please e-­‐mail Ka/e. Line Dancing
Monday, January 9th, 9 a.m. and Monday, January 23rd, 9 a.m. -­‐ Maxwell Fitness Center There is more to life than increasing its speed.
-Mohandas K. Gandhi
The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 6 Special Activities Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 11:30am. Each month we go to a different Restaurant in the Montgomery/PraGville Area. In January we will head to PraGville. Thinking on the lines of Italian…will let you know for sure closer to the date. If you would like to join us for lunch, please RSVP by Friday the 6th. Wine Tasting
Diane Guendel was our 1st Place winner in red wine at the wine club tas/ng this month. Recipes from this month: Mulled Wine 1 boGle pinot noir 2 cups white grape juice 1-­‐2 tsp mulling spice mix (works best if placed in a cheesecloth wrap) ½ cup sugar In a medium saucepan, bring wine, white grape juice to a slow simmer. Add mulling spice mix and sugar, s/r un/l sugar dissolved. Steep for 15-­‐20 minutes. Remove spices, serve and enjoy! (Can also be placed in a slow cooking pot on high for 1 hour and then warm un/l ready to serve.) Tortellini Soup 3 cans Beef Broth 1 lb Italian Sausage-­‐ cooked and drained 1/2 tsp oregano 2 cups of chopped canned tomatoes 1/2 cup water 1 cup chopped onion 8 oz tomato sauce 1/2 tsp basil or a few leaves of fresh 1/2 cup red wine 2 cloves garlic , minced or 4 tablespoons jarred garlic
3 Tbsp. Parsley 1 cup sliced carrots Add Later 1 1/2 cup sliced zucchini 8 oz cheese tortellini *Simmer all, except the last 2 ingredients, uncovered for 30 minutes. Add last 2 ingredients and simmer, covered, 40 minutes. Top with Parmesan cheese and serve. OR * Sauté carrots and onion, mix all in Crockpot for a few hours, add last 2 ingredients 1 hour ( on high) before serving The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 7 MGOSC Information “Friend” us on Facebook
Thrift Shop
Search for “Maxwell Gunter OSC” Bldg. 851, in the Maxwell Mall on Maxwell AFB (334) 953-­‐6407 Do you know an MGOSC member
who could use a card?
Shopping Hours Tuesday 9:00am to 2:00pm, 3:00pm to 6:00pm Wednesday and Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm Consignments Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Dona/ons We accept dona/ons 24 hours a day at our kiosk located on the side of the Thriw Shop building. Please let Sarah Marcov know with full details: Name, reason for the card and the address. Some good reasons would be: Sympathy, an opera/on, extended illness or congratula/ons. We are unable to send birthday and “missing you” cards because of the volume. Please contact Sarah at: [email protected] Volunteers Contact Reeba at the above number to volunteer. Volunteers are ALWAYS welcome! Find us on the Web
Our mailing address:
Childcare for Social Events
Maxwell-­‐Gunter OSC 355 South Kelly St Bldg. 1090 PMB 3749
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 The Thrift Shop
Still Needs a Fridge!
The Thriw Shop has a teeny-­‐/ny liGle refrigerator, and would like a larger one. Generous members some/mes bring goodies to the volunteers and it would be nice to have a place to store them. If you have a full-­‐sized refrigerator you are willing to donate, please let the folks at the Thriw Shop know. Your dona/on will be tax deduc/ble. Need more MGOSC Info?
Check the OSC informa/on board in the the restrooms at the O'Club. Just Google “MGOSC” Babies in arms are welcome at the socials. For children ages 1-­‐5 (who have not started kindergarten), the CDC requires for you to have a completed copy of: •  AF FORM 1181 on file •  Copy of the child’s shot record. •  A note with any allergies your child may have The CDC Provides snacks/lunch for the children, so all you will need to bring is a change of clothing, diapers and wipes. Reserva/ons for Childcare will need to be made one week prior to the func/on in order for the CDC to schedule extra staffing if needed. Children from 6 weeks -­‐ 1 year are on a case by case basis, due to limited space. The Cost is $4.00 per hour per child. You will need to contact the CDC to make your reserva/ons at (334) 953-­‐6667. For children ages 5 and older (who have started kindergarten), the Youth Center will be available. You will need to make your reserva/ons one week in advance and you WILL NOT be required to be a Member of the Youth Center for Childcare. The Cost is $4.00 per hour per child. To make your Childcare Reserva/on at the Youth Center, you will need to call (334) 953-­‐6292. The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 8 MGOSC Board 2011-2012 Advisors
Honorary President: Kathleen Fadok MGOSC Advisor: Sandi Killough Executive Board
President: Lisa McCaffrey 1st Vice President: Renee Warner Administra/ve Treasurer: Mike Peters & Dayna Olson 2nd Vice President: Kelly Phelps Charitable Treasurer: Carol Powers Recording Secretary: Julie Daniels Corresponding Secretary: Sarah Marcov Parliamentarian: Susan Dunn Social Directors
Membership / Hospitality: Sarah Allen Special Ac/vi/es: Melanie Sparrow Programs: Cynthia Wilson Reserva/ons: Alisa Thompson & PauleGe Hall Ways & Means: Michelle Cool Publicity: Kim Milner Historian: Elsa Crow & Jaycee Booth Charitable Directors
Charitable CommiGee Chair: KiGy Lefevre Scholarship CommiGee Chairs: Tracy Neal & Leslie Watkins Thriw Shop Manager: Reeba Robitzsch Thriw Shop Liaison: Leanne Cornwell Community Directors
The Briefing Editor: Cassandra Picchi Facebook Page Editor: Vicki Dendis Website Administrator: Axel Kreimeier Liaisons
Base Support Agencies: Kat Pennington Air War College: Shawn Lee Air Command & Staff College: Melissa Rich Interna/onal Spouses: VACANT Re/red Officers’ Wives Club: Mary Stojak Email Addresses
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] mgosc.specialac/vi/[email protected] [email protected] mgosc.reserva/[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] mgosc.briefi[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 9 Base Support Agency Info
Mobile Marketing Coupons
Text the word “AAFES” to 95613 to get valuable coupons to your cell phone. AFRC •  The Maxwell AFB Community Library has moved to 131 Shumacher Avenue (building 910, across the street from MPF Customer Service). Staff members will be available to answer ques/ons and show you the latest online services and programs available. •  Opera/on Homefront is once again sponsoring the Military Child of the Year Award. The 2012 award will be given to an outstanding military child from each Service – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Each winner will receive $5,000 and be flown with a parent or guardian to Washington, D.C. for a special recogni/on ceremony on April 5, 2012. Nomina/ons are being accepted un/l January 15th online at hGp://
www.opera/ •  The Military One Source NewsleGer includes 5 ar/cles addressing a wide range of topics of interest to both single service members and military families: Healthy Living, Family Life in the Military, Personal and Family Readiness, Career and Educa/on Spotlight, and Tools and Resources. By clicking on any one of those topical panels, you will be able to access the monthly ar/cle! Read all five ar/cles or just one, the choice is yours, but all of the op/ons are available within one easy to use format! The newsleGer can be found at this website: hGp://
0::::MONTH,YEAR:December,2011 •  Joining Forces and the USO have partnered to create a na/onwide interac/ve “Thank You” card for our troops. To send a message from Alabama, just click on the following link: hGp://
thanks •  Applica/ons for the 2012 Scholarships for Military Children Program will be available star/ng December 1st at commissaries worldwide as well as online at Applicants must submit an essay on a topic which will be available December 1st on Applica/ons must be turned in to a commissary by close of business February 24, 2012. •  Air Force Aid offers scholarships as well as has a great site with links to other scholarships. Please see the following website for more informa/on: hGp://
Educa/on/ScholarshipLinks.cfm Facebook
Become a friend of the Exchange by going to and print new coupons every two weeks! Youth Center Camp #1-­‐-­‐Health Rocks Day Date: 21 Jan 2012 Time: 0900-­‐1600 Loca/on: Maxwell Youth Center Sponsors: Opera/on Military Kids/Maxwell Youth Center Funding: Opera/on Military Kids is providing a $1,000.00 grant to fund the event, while the Maxwell Youth Center will actually conduct the camp and handle the logis/cs of the event. Purpose: Parents and children are invited to aGend this all day camp. This event prepares all family members to make healthier choices towards a happier lifestyle through educa/on, craws, and games. Who is eligible: All military children and their parents (Not meant to be a drop-­‐off event for children) Applica/ons will be available at the Maxwell-­‐Gunter Youth Centers and the A&FRC. Camp #2-­‐-­‐The Opera/on Military Kids (OMK) “Retreat” Date: Last weekend in April 2012 (Sat 28th, Sun 29th, Half Day Mon 30th) Time: TBD Loca/on: Maxwell Youth Center Sponsors: Opera/on Military Kids/Maxwell Youth Center Funding: Opera/on Military Kids is providing the funding/
resources for this event, while the Maxwell Youth Center will provide the facility and staff to work the camp. Purpose: Provide an opportunity for 21 children and friend (42 total) who are dealing with Deployment to experience what deployment is like. Each youth chosen, ages 14-­‐18, has the chance to bring a friend with them to experience this mock deployment. Par/cipants will be divided into "squadrons", "deployed" to loca/ons all over the world, and tasked "missions" to fulfill as a team. The youth will set up their "camps" in the MYC gymnasium and will be assigned different posi/ons, from team leader to grub master. Who is Eligible: All military children throughout the State of Alabama (Ac/ve Duty/Guard/Reserve). Applica/on Process: 1 February 2012 is the first day to apply for this opportunity and the deadline is 2 March 2012. Applica/ons will be available on line and event will be adver/sed through the standard Maxwell AFB channels. dcdcdcdcd The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 10 Base Support Agency Info
Medical Clinic:
The TRICARE Young Adult (TYA) Prime op/on is available for purchase on December 1st with coverage beginning January 1st . TYA Prime will offer young adult beneficiaries TRICARE Prime coverage for monthly premiums of $201. To read this news release, please visit: Flight Medicine has added two providers, Lt Col (Ret.) Dr. Walter and PA Vann. Family members of flying status sponsors will be moved from Family Health to Flight Medicine in the near future because of their increased access. Pa/ents are no/fied with an authoriza/on leGer from TRICARE of their referrals and the number of visits and the expira/on date. If pa/ents receive civilian medical care over the number of referral visits they will be billed by the provider. The clinic is working a process where Case Management and Disease Management will assist long-­‐term care pa/ents with management of their referrals. URGENT CARE CENTERS Urgent care requires PRIOR authoriza/on from your PCM. Pa/ents enrolled to a 42 MDG PCM should call the Awer Hours Answering Service at 953-­‐3368 to have the on-­‐call provider contact you. MONTGOMERY PRATTVILLE American Family Care, 2570 Berryhill Road, 334-­‐323-­‐1330 American Family Care, 1965 Cobbs Ford Rd, 334-­‐361-­‐7054 American Family Care, 2936 Mar/ Lane, 334-­‐288-­‐0088 Primed Silver Hills, 1595 E. Main Street, 334-­‐361-­‐3171 Primed Atlanta Hwy, 4305 Atlanta Hwy, 334-­‐271-­‐7051 PraGville Bap/st Hospital, 124 S. Memorial Drive, Primed Taylor Crossing, 34 Taylor Road N., 334-­‐272-­‐7639 334-­‐365-­‐0651 Primed Vaughn Road, 2815 Eastern Blvd, 334-­‐271-­‐4545 WETUMPKA Bap/st Medical Center East, 400 Taylor Road, 334-­‐277-­‐8330 Bap/st Medical Center South, 2105 E. South Blvd, 334-­‐288-­‐2100 Primed Wetumpka, 4452 U.S. Hwy 231, 334-­‐567-­‐8400 Wetumpka Urgent Care, 11 Cambridge Drive, 334-­‐514-­‐3820 Jackson Hospital, 1725 Pine Street, 334-­‐293-­‐8000 center for hours and ages seen Please contact your local urgent care 42nd Force Support Squadron:
1 Jan: 1100 Combined Protestant New Year’s service at Chapel 1; 0800 Catholic Mass at Chapel 1 8 April Easter Sunrise Service at Air Park at the Wright Brothers Flying Machine. Time TBA Montgomery Performing Arts
Centre January’s offerings include: •  Lewis Black (Jan. 7) •  Gregg Allman with Opening Act Jaimoe’s Jasssz Band (Jan. 11) •  Broadway at the MPAC presents: Monty Python’s Spamalot (Jan. 24) •  Broadway at the MPAC presents: “In the Heights” (Jan. 30) For more informa/on visit Commissary Holiday Hours
Maxwell: 1-­‐2 Jan-­‐ New Years Day and the day awer -­‐ closed Gunter: 1 Jan-­‐ New Years Day-­‐ closed; 2 Jan-­‐ day awer r-­‐ open Alabama Shakespeare Festival
In the Book of… January 6-­‐22 In John Walch’s powerful reimagining of The Book of Ruth, an Army lieutenant, and her Afghani interpreter seGle in Mississippi, where they are targeted by a rampaging poli/cian. Family, friendship, and the American Way are tested in this owen funny, touching, and unforgeGable story. Recommended for ages 17+ due to mature language and themes and sexual content. For more informa/on visit The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. -Sydney J. Harris
The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 11 Friendly Faces Board Meetings
Gone Wild!!
Holiday Breakfast Buffet
Thanks to
Fanci Free
Boutique in
Prattville for
hosting November
Wine Tasting
Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what
you want is someone who will take the bus with you when
the limo breaks down.
-Oprah Winfrey
The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 12 Friendly Faces dcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc Thank you for making this year’s
Holiday Mini Market
such a success!
If you haven’t any charity in your heart, you have
the worst kind of heart trouble.
-Bob Hope
dcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc The MGOSC is a private organiza/on. It is not part of the Dept. of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. 13