COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:40 Page 116 COAXIAL DEVICES Selection Guide PAGE VHF/UHF COAXIAL CIRCULATORS & ISOLATORS 116 LOW COST 35 STANDARD 36 PACKAGES 3-PORT 38 PACKAGES 4-PORT 40 STANDARD COAXIAL DEVICES 1 TO 18GHz PACKAGES 125/126 127/128 CONNECTORS & TABS 129 COAXIAL ISOLATOR FOR SPACE APPLICATION For Custom design, please contact your Sales Representative 115 130 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:40 Page 117 VHF / UHF COAXIAL CIRCULATORS & ISOLATORS AVERAGE POWER KW 100 WAVEGUIDE TECHNOLOGY 10 COAXIAL TECHNOLOGY 1 0.1 VHF-UHF 1 10 100 FREQUENCY GHz General description Chelton Telecom & Microwave supplies a wide range of coaxial HF/VHF and UHF circulators covering the frequency range down to 27MHz. Chelton Telecom & Microwave uses results obtained with modelisation to design the state-of-the-art features such as ferrite material and space saving packages : • The “T” series is our standard design for three port junctions. Circulators are equipped with KMR/SMA connectors and isolators with an internal load of 1W average / 60W peak, N female connectors for input power higher than 60W-CW. • Wide-band ferrite devices, such as those in the λ series package, enables coverage of the 225-400MHz band for high power up to 300W-CW / 1 kW peak. • Low cost coaxial devices have been specially designed for cellular base stations. Case of circulators and isolators are made with aluminum casting in order to drastically reduce cost and deliveries. Designed for the wide-band application in the 170 to 1215MHz frequency range, Chelton Telecom & Microwave power circulators φ series provide low insertion loss and high isolation. They are specifically designed to feature low 3rd order inter-modulation products with power up to 2000W-CW. They are suitable for telecommunication and broadcasting applications. • In order to improve isolation, four-port circulators and isolators are produced by optimally integrating two single-junction circulators in a single package. The insertion loss of four-port circulators includes two pass-through ferrite junctions. They are typically used in telecommunications and radio-telephone applications. • Options such as configuration, frequency range, connector type and location, tab (drop-in) configuration, wider temperature range, high power, etc., are available upon request. For Custom design, please contact your Sales Representative 116 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 118 Standard cases versus frequency 3-Port-VHF/UHF coaxial circulator/isolator 3-Port power devices TA 100 30 TO 30 235 230 170 230 170 Low cost coaxial devices 225 225 400 400 225 400 T2 1400 350 TD 760 960 T3 800 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 PA 30 1215 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 MHz 4-Port-VHF/UHF coaxial circulator/isolator 100 PO 30 210 P2 350 1400 P4 870 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 2000 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 MHz Low cost coaxial circulators & isolators 3-Port circulators & isolators Circulator Isolator Frequency Average Specification in temp. range range power Isolation Inser. loss VSWR (MHz) max. W min. dB max. dB max BC3062 BC3060 BC3080 BD3067 BD1062 BE1070 BC1062 BC1060 BC1080 BD1067 BD3062 BE3070 920 - 960 920 - 960 920 - 960 1805 - 1880* 1805 - 1880* 2100 - 2180 * AVAILABLE IN 50 50 60 50 50 50 20 20 23 20 20 23 1930 - 1990MHZ 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.20 1.20 1.20 Temperature range °C Outline drawing Connector female -10 to +55 -10 to + 55 -10 to + 55 -10 to + 55 -10 to + 55 -10 to + 55 T15 T12 T59 T12 T15 T12 N SMA N SMA N SMA Temperature range °C Outline drawing Connector female BAND 4-Port circulators & isolators Type Frequency range (MHz) Average power max. W BB4110 BB4111 BB4112 BB4113 BB4003 380 - 430 406 - 470 424 - 428 460 - 468 470 - 600 100 100 100 100 50 45 40 50 50 35 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.1 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.30 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 N N N N N BC4107 BC4108 BC4109 870 - 960 917 - 960 935 - 960 50 65 65 45 50 50 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.25 1.20 1.20 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 P4 P4 P4 N N N CUSTOMIZED Specification in temp. range Isolation Inser. loss VSWR min. dB max. dB max DEVICES AVAILABLE For more 50W-CW input power, cooling is necessary by conduction via heat sink (R TH = 0.4°C / W max.) For Custom design, please contact your Sales Representative 117 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 119 How to order? Please specify: ❏ ❏ ❏ Model number, Center frequency and desired bandwidth, or frequency range, Direction of circulation (clockwise or counter clockwise). Standard coaxial circulators & isolators 3-Port circulators & isolators Circulator BA3038 BA3011 BA3021 BA3015 BA3010 BA3012 BA3040 BA3013 BA3016 BA3029 BA3017 BA3017 BA3039 BB3028 BB3001(2) BB3006(2) BB3007(1,2) BB3011(2) BB3019 BB3080 BB3025 BB3038 BB3023 BB3031 BB3026 BC3019 BC3041 BC3019 BC3006 BD3003 BD3040 BB3018 Isolator BA1011 BA1015 BA1010 BA1012 BA1016 BA1017 BB1028 BB1001(2) BB1006(2) BB1019 BB1080 BB1025 BB1038 BB1023 BB1031 BB1026 BC1041 BC1006 BD1003 BC1042 BB1018 Frequency range (MHz) Avg. power max. W Peak Specifications at 25°C power Isolation Inse. loss VSWR max. max. kW min. dB max. dB Spec. in temperature range Temperature VSWR range max. °C Isolation Inse. loss min. dB max. dB Outline drawing Connector (female) 15 18 18 18 18 18 23 23 18 18 18 32 26 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.35 0.35 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.2 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.12 1.18 15 17 17 17 17 16 22 22 17 17 17 30 20 1.0 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.4 1 1 1 0.5 0.4 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.25 1.25 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.15 1.25 -40 to +70 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 0 to +70 0 to +70 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 +20 to +70 +20 to +70 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 N(3) SMA N(3) SMA N(3) SMA N(3) N(3) N(3) N(3) N(3) N(3) N(3) 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.75 0.6 0.7 0.3 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.37 1.30 1.30 1.25 20 16 17 14 14 18 18 18 16 18 19 18 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.9 1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.75 0.6 0.7 0.6 1.25 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.37 1.30 1.30 1.30 -20 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +60 -40 to +80 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 200(4) 25 20 20 17 14 20 20 20 16 18 19 20 -10 to +55 -30 to +60 -10 to +55 T57 λ1 λ1 λ2 T56 T2 T2 T2 T50 T2 T50 T2 N SMA N N N(3) N(3) N(3) N(3) SMA N(3) SMA N(3) 610-960 700-860 760-960 800-960 50 200(4) 50 50 15 20 19 20 1.1 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.55 1.25 1.30 1.25 15 18 16 18 1.1 1.55 0.5 0.5 1.55 1.30 1.45 1.30 -40 to +95 -10 to +55 -40 to +95 -10 to +55 TD T2 TD T3 SMA/INT N(3) SMA SMA 960-1215 960-1215 450-470 400-500 50 100 100 10 19 20 18 18 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.3 1.30 1.25 1.30 1.25 17 20 18 17 0.5 0.45 0.6 0.6 1.35 1.25 1.35 1.30 -40 to +85 -10 to +65 -10 to +60 -10 to +50 T3 T2 T2 T2 SMA N(3) SMA SMA 27 62-72 68-88 72-88 88-108 105-145 138-155 155-174 165-200 174-225 200-235 216-230 216-230 60 20 100 50 100 50 250 250 100 100 100 250 325 200-400(5) 225-400 225-400 225-400 225-400 350-400 378-512 405-450 405-470 415-430 415-454 450-500 250 60 100 200 300 200(4) 200(4) 200(4) 1.00 1.20 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 100 10.00 For Custom design, please contact your Sales Representative 118 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 120 4-Port circulators & isolators Type BA4140 BA4113 BA4217 BD4013 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Frequency range (MHz) Avg. power max. W 138 - 155 155 - 174 200 - 207 960 - 1215 250 250 100 100 Peak Specifications at 25°C power Isolation Inse. loss VSWR max. max. kW min. dB max. dB 0.5 0.5 0 5 45 45 50 38 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.30 1.30 Spec. in temperature range Temperature Outline VSWR range drawing max. °C Isolation Inse. loss min. dB max. dB 45 45 45 35 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.25 1.25 1.30 1.35 0 to +70 0 to +70 -10 to +55 -30 to +70 P0 P0 P0 P2 Connector (female) N N N N High power device. Specifications are absolute maximum ratings at high power (listed Avg. power). With SMA, N connectors or tab integrations depending on max. power level request. 200W-CW on 3: 1 continuous load VSWR. Permanent short circuit duration: 3 sec. max. 100W-CW on permanent short circuit handling, cooling by conduction via a heat sink (RTH = 0.4°C/W max.). 10 % bandwidth. For more than 50W-CW input power, cooling is necessary by conduction via heat sink (RTH= 0.4°C/W max.) 119 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 121 VHF / UHF 3-Port devices - packages Note On request: reverse direction Dimensions in mm Tolerances ±0.5 TO SERIES T2 SERIES T3 SERIES TD SERIES All dimensions supporting an asterisk (*) are measured “under flanges”. 120 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 122 λ1 SERIES λ2 SERIES T15 T59 T57 SERIES T50 SERIES T56 SERIES All dimensions supporting an asterisk (*) are measured “under flanges”. 121 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 123 VHF / UHF 4-Port devices - packages Features • KMR/SMA female connectors (except where noted) • KMR/SMA male connectors available upon request • Tabs for microstrip or stripline applications available upon request (IT50 - IT17 - IT27) Note On request: reverse direction Dimensions in mm Tolerances ±0.5 On request “H” configuration PO SERIES All dimensions supporting an asterisk (*) are measured “under flanges”. 122 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 124 P2 SERIES P4 SERIES 123 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 125 STANDARD COAXIAL DEVICES 1 TO 18GHz AVERAGE POWER KW 100 WAVEGUIDE TECHNOLOGY 10 COAXIAL TECHNOLOGY 1 0.1 1 STANDARDS 10 100 FREQUENCY GHz General information Chelton Telecom & Microwave offers the worldwide market a broad range of coaxial circulators and isolators, covering the frequency range 1GHz to 18GHz. T SERIES This catalog describes standard three-port circulators and isolators. General description 4-port are available upon request, based on standard 3-port designs. Please consult our sales offices for further information. These devices are used for popular bandwidth, with an average power of 10, 20, 30, 50W depending on the frequency. • Seven standards “T” packages. • The standard unit has KMR/SMA female connectors and when used as an isolator, an internal 60W peak/1W AVG termination on port 3. • T1 and T2 series are dedicated to high average power applications. Standard cases versus frequency T1 T2 T3 T6 T’6 T9 T11 1 2 3 4 5 10 124 18 GHz H SERIES P SERIES COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 126 Electrical specifications Type Isolator Circulator Outline drawing BD3037 (1,2) - Outline drawing BD3040 (1, 2) - Outline drawing BD3002 Frequency range (GHz) Specifications at 25°C Isolation Inser. loss VSWR max min. dB max dB Spec. in temperature range Isolation Inser. loss VSWR max min. dB max dB Circulator Avg. power max W Peak power max kW Temperature range °C Weight g. approx. T1: 50.8 x 50.3 x 32 mm approx. 1.200 - 1.400 22 0.2 1.20 20 0.3 1.25 250 2.5 0 to +55 450 0.45 1.25 100 1.0 0 to +55 380 T2: 50 x 50 x 26 mm approx. 960 - 1200 20 0.4 1.20 18 T3: 31.6 x 33.2 x 19 mm approx. 980 - 1200 20 0.4 1.25 18 0.5 1.30 50 1.0 -10 to +55 110 BD1003 960 - 1200 20 0.4 1.25 18 0.5 1.30 50 1.0 -10 to +55 110 BF1015 2800 - 3500 18 0.4 1.30 17 0.5 1.35 50 1.0 -10 to +55 110 BD3017 BD1017 1.2 - 1.4 19 0.4 1.30 18 0.5 1.30 50 1.0 -10 to +55 110 BD3018 BD1018 1.4 - 1.7 19 0.4 1.30 18 0.5 1.30 50 1.0 -10 to +55 110 1.30 100 50 -10 to +55 60 0.5 1.30 100 50 -10 to +55 60 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 -10 to +70 55 BD3003 Outline drawing BE3021 T6: 25.4 x 25.8 x 13.7 mm approx. 2025 - 2120 Outline drawing BE3026 BE1026 Outline drawing BE3027 BE1027 Outline drawing 20 0.25 1.20 18 0.3 T’6: 25.4 x 25.8 x 13.7 mm approx. 2700 - 3100 20 0.4 1.25 18 T9: 22 x 25 x 14 mm approx. 2.8 - 3.1 23 0.3 1.20 20 N52: 65.3 x 61.7 x 20 mm approx. BE3062 2700 - 3100 20 0.35 1.15 20 0.4 1.25 1000 200 -10 to +55 BE3068 2700 - 2900 20 0.35 1.15 20 0.4 1.25 1000 200 -10 to +55 BE3069 2700 - 3400 20 0.35 1.20 20 0.4 1.25 20 -10 to +55 Outline drawing T11: 12.7 x 17.2 x 12.8 mm approx. BF3005 BF1005 3.1 - 3.5 23 0.3 1.20 20 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 -10 to +70 55 BF3007 BF1007 3.7 - 4.2 23 0.3 1.20 20 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 -10 to +70 55 BH3005 BH1005 5.9 - 6.4 20 03 1.25 20 0.4 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 BH3006 BH1006 6.4 - 7.1 20 0.3 1.25 20 0.4 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 BH3007 BH1007 7.1 - 7.8 20 0.3 1.25 20 0.4 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 Bl3003 Bl1003 7.8 - 8.7 20 0.3 1.25 20 0.4 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 Bl3004 Bl1004 8.5 - 9.6 20 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 BJ3011 BJ1011 9.6 - 10.6 20 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 BJ3012 BJ1012 10.6 - 11.7 20 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 BJ3014 BJ1014 12.5 - 13.5 20 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 BJ3009 BJ1009 13.5 - 14.5 20 0.4 1.25 20 0.5 1.25 30 0.3 -25 to +70 25 BG1013 4800 - 5200 18 0.4 1.25 18 0.6 1.40 10 -40 to +85 BG1008 5200 - 5900 23 0.3 1.20 20 0.4 1.25 10 -30 to +60 BH1004 7000 - 7800 20 0.35 1.25 20 0.4 1.30 10 -25 to +70 BH1002 7650 - 8400 20 0.35 1.25 20 0.4 1.30 10 -25 to +70 BH1000 7800 - 8100 20 0.4 1.30 18 0.5 1.30 10 -40 to +100 BJ1050 10500 - 13000 23 0.35 1.20 20 0.4 1.25 10 -20 to +70 BH1018 14000 - 16000 18 0.50 1.25 18 0.6 1.30 30 -25 to +70 Notes: (1) (2) 300 With tab integrations (ITN1/ITN2) or N types connectors Devices need to be mounted on a heat suite with thermal resistance of 0.4°C/W max 125 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 127 Packages Features • KMR/SMA female connectors (except where noted). • KMR/SMA male connectors available upon request. • Tabs for microstrip or stripline applications available upon request (IT50 - IT17 - IT27). All dimensions in mm Case L W H A B C D E T1 50.8 50.3 32 44.8 34.1 0 37 25.4 T2 50 50 26 39.6 - 20 35.5 25 T1 SERIES F G 3 (2 plces up) 4 25.4 (1 plce down) 5.2 Through Ø Holes 3 x M3 2 x 3.5 N52 pas d’autre schéma T2 SERIES 126 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 128 Packages Features • KMR/SMA female connectors (except where noted). • KMR/SMA male connectors available upon request. • Tabs for microstrip or stripline applications available upon request (IT50 - IT17 - IT27) . T3 SERIES T’6 SERIES T6 SERIES T9 SERIES T11 All dimensions supporting an asterisk(*) are measured “under flanges”. 127 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 129 CONNECTORS & TABS Depending on power handling, connectorized devices are available with integrations at any place, instead of the N connectors: on requirements, we can offer devices with, N, SMA or TAB style connections. ITN1 ITN2 Connectors KMR/SMA CONNECTORS N connectors Tabs and terminations IT50 IT17 IT27 TERMINATIONS 128 COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 130 COAXIAL ISOLATOR FOR SPACE APPLICATION 1- INTRODUCTION SPACE HERITAGE Microwave division and especially ferrite devices started his own space activity with TELECOM 2. Then year after year a huge space experience has been built based on all main European programme and some of Indian one as INSAT. These ferrite devices are in telecommunication payloads, and in the microwave equipment of the earth observation (as ERS1&2, PPF, ASAR) or probes. During this last 20 years, all the available technologies at Temex for ferrite devices have passed the requirements of space activity : 1. Dropin isolators and circulators : L, C and X band 2. Coaxial isolators and circulators : L, C and X band, with integration , SMA and N connectors 3. Waveguide isolators , circulators and loads : X, Ku, K, Ka band SCREENING AND QUALIFICATION All customer specifications are welcome and custom design can be done upon request If customer would have not procurement specification ,Chelton Telecom and Microwave recommend to procure Dropin and coaxial isolators according to the requirements of the European space agency generic specification :ESA/SCC3202 that may be procured free of charge threw the ESA web site . 2-COAXIAL ISOLATOR AND CIRCULATOR Microwave typical performances L band Available frequency band (MHz) 1500-1700 Bandwidth Isolation Insertion loss VSWR <10 % 23dB 0.2 dB 23 dB these performances should be read in operating temperature range. S/C band Available frequency band (MHz) 3000-7000 Bandwidth Isolation Insertion loss VSWR <15 % 23dB 0.2dB 23 dB these performances should be read in operating temperature range X band Available frequency band (MHz) 7000-10000<10 % Bandwidth Isolation Insertion loss 21dB 0.25 dB 21 dB 129 VSWR COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 131 these performances should be read in operating temperature range. Ku band Available frequency band (Mhz) 11000-18000 Bandwidth Isolation Insertion loss VSWR <7 % 23dB 0.25 dB 21 dB these performances should be read in operating temperature range. Maximum ratings Operating temperature range Storage operating temperature range Min -20 °C -40 °C Max + 70 °C +85 +C Environnemental conditions Vibration condition : according ESA/SCC 3202 requirements The components shall be subjected to test ‘Fc’ of IEC Publication N°.68-2-6, sweep frequency 10-200010Hz. The entire frequency range of 10 to 2000Hz and return to 10Hz shall be traversed in 10 minutes. This constitutes one cycle. The vibration amplitude shall be 1.5mm from 10Hz to the higher cross-over frequency and then 20g acceleration to 2000Hz. 3-Space Heritage Frequency band Programme/Customer 1670-1700 1670-1700 1565-1585 1670-1700 1670-1700 1550-1585 2200-2300 2290-2310 2185-2315 3100-3500 3100-3500 5300-5300 5300-5300 5300-5300 3300-3700 3400-4200 3400-4200 3400-4200 3400-4200 3400-4200 3600-4200 3700-4200 3700-4200 3400-4200 3700-4200 3700-4200 Météosat2/ANT Météosat2 MT-SAT AlcatelEspace Metop /Bosch Telecom Metop /Bosch Telecom Alcatel Space Artémis Alcatel Espace Inmarsat/ANT Alcatel Espacio ETRI ETRI Poseïdon2/alcatel Espace Poseïdon2/Alcatel Espace Poseïdon2/Alcatel Espace GAGAN/SAC INSAT3/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT3/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT2/SAC GE7&8/ANT INSAT3/SAC INSAT3/SAC GE7/8/ Bosch Specific features Drawing CTM P/N number ANT generic spec ANTgeneric Bosch generic spec Bosch generic spec High power CTM sub system CTM sub system CTM sub system 130 45224515 45224410 45224530 45224898 45224831 45225042 45224114 45224474 45224544 45225409 45225409 45224661 45224662 45224663 45225311 45225195 45225280 45225197 45225361 45225281 45225250 4522424 45224852 4522509 45225096 45224853 BD1060-01 F BD1060-02 F BD1060-03 A/F BD1060-04 A BD1060-05 A BD1060-06 A/F BE106101A/D/G BE1061-02A BE1061-03A/F BF1005-04D BF1005-05D BG1020-02A/F BG1020-03 A/F BG3020-01A/F BG1019-10A/G BG1019-06A/G BG1019-11A/G BG3019-03A/G BG3019-05A BG3019-07A BG1019-08A/G BG1019-02A BG1019-03A/G BG1019-04A/G BG1019-05A/G BG3019-01A COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 132 Frequency band Programme/Customer Specific features Drawing number 4000-4200 4400-4800 4400-4800 5025-5225 5025-5225 5300-5300 5300-5300 5300-5300 5925-6425 5830-6300 7200-7700 7200-7700 6400-6700 6500-6900 7250-7750 5850-6450 6600-7050 6875-7075 8025-8400 8000-8300 8000-8300 7900-8500 7900-8500 9360-9840 8000-8400 9200-10100 8300-8900 8300-8900 8200-8350 8200-8350 8100-8350 7850-8470 7900-8500 8000-8300 7850-8470 13000-15000 13500-14500 13500-14500 13500-14500 10900-11800 11200-11700 10950-11700 11450-11700 11450-11700 10700-12500 10700-12500 10700-12500 5850-6450 6600-7050 13950-14550 13950-14550 13950-14550 13950-14550 10700-12750 12500-12750 Arabsat2 /Alcatel Espace HighPowerTNC INSAT3/ SAC INSAT4 /SAC Globalstar/Alcatel Espace Globalstar/Alcatel Espacio Poseidon 2/Alcatel Espace Poseidon 2/Alcatel Espace Poseidon 2/Alcatel Espace Intelsat 7/Alcatel Espace Intelsat 9/Alcatel Espace Intelsat9 /Alcatel Espace Intelsat9 /Alcatel Espace Intelsat9 /Alcatel Espace Gagan/SAC Tesat INSAT4 /SAC INSAT4 /SAC Globalstar/Alcatel Espacio PPF/ANT Eurasiasat/Bosch Eurasiasat/Bosch Syracuse3/Alcatel Espace Syracuse3/Alcatel Espace SAR 2000/Officine Galileo TESAT TESAT KOREASAT/Alcatel Espace KOREASAT/Alcatel Espace Spot4/Helios/Alcatel Espace Spot4/Helios/Alcatel Espace Spot5/Alcatel Espace Alcatel Espace Alcatel Espace Eurasiasat-1/Bosch Alcatel Espace Tempo/Alcatel Espace Hot –bird/ Alcatel Espace Poseïdon II/Alcatel Espace Iso adapt. Poseïdon II Turksat/Alcatel Espace INSAT 2 /SAC AMOS /Alcatel Espace Telecom 2/Alcatel Espace Telecom 2/Alcatel Espace MIER INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC INSAT4/SAC Stentor/Alcatel Espace 131 45224219 45225198 45225327 45224431 45224432 45224661 45224662 45224663 29345691 45224671 45224629 45224630 45224631 45225312 45225305 45225285 45225325 45224440 45224184 45224837 45224838 45225059 With PIN access 45225060 With PIN access 45224973 With PIN access 45225227 With PIN access 45225255 With PIN access 45225341 With PIN access 45225341 With PIN access 29345846 29345847 45224730 SMA/WR90 29345619 45224707 45224836 29345618 45 224 307 45 224 387 45 224 622 Iso adaptor. 45 224 623 29 345 926 29 345 896 45 224 018 45 224 300 45 224 310 45 224 528 45 225 258 45 225 259 45 225 285 45 225 285 45 225 282 45 225 282 45 225 326 45 225 326 45 224 091 45 224 592 CTM P/N BG1019-01A/G BG3019-04A/G BG3019-06A BG102001F/G/A BG412001A/F/G BG1020-02A/F BG1020-03 A/F BG3020-01A/F BH1001-08A BH1001-08A BH1004-10A BH1004-11A BH1004-12A BH1004-14A/G BH1007-10A/F BH1017-01A/G BH1017-02A/G BH105101A/F/G BI100303F/A/G BI1003-06D/A BI1003-07D/A BI1003-08F/A BI1003-09F/A BI1003-10F BI1003-11F/A BI1003-12F/A BI1003-13A BI1003-13D BI1006-02 BI1006-03A BI1006-04A BI1007-02F BI1007-03F/A BI3003-02D/A BI3007-02F BJ 1004-10 A BJ 1004-11A/F BJ 1004-12 A/F BJ 1004-13A/F BJ 1012-30 A/F BJ 1012-32 F/A/G BJ 1012-33 A/F/G BJ 1012-35 A/F BJ 1012-36 A/G BJ 1012-42 F BJ1012-45 A/G BJ1012-47 A/G BJ1033-01A BJ1033-02A/G BJ1034-01A BJ1034-02A BJ1035-01A BJ1035-02A BJ 1050-01 D BJ 1050-02 A/F COAXIAL_115-132 1/08/05 13:41 Page 133 132
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