Guide for completing the Enquiry - Crown land form
Guide for completing the Enquiry - Crown land form
Page 1 of 17 Guide for completing the Enquiry - Crown land form Gordon Stephenson House, 140 William Street Perth Western Australia 6000 PO Box 1143 West Perth Western Australia 6872 Telephone (08) 6552 4400 Facsimile (08) 6552 4417 Freecall: 1800 735 784 (Country only) Email: [email protected] Website: ABN: 68 565 723 484 Page 1 Page 2 of 17 Contents Purpose of the Enquiry – Crown land form ...............................................................................................3 Section 1. Enquirer details ........................................................................................................................4 Section 2. Land details .............................................................................................................................4 Section 3. Purpose of request for land enquiry .........................................................................................9 Section 4. Lessee, management body and consent ............................................................................... 10 Section 5. Detail of proposal ................................................................................................................... 10 Section 6. Additional information ............................................................................................................ 10 Section 7. Declaration ........................................................................................................................... 10 Submission of an Enquiry - Crown land ................................................................................................... 11 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 12 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 3 of 17 Purpose of the Enquiry – Crown land form The Enquiry – Crown land form is for enquiries about Crown land in relation to: Purchasing Crown land Leasing Crown land Roads Reserves Easements Other The Enquiry – Crown land form can be completed by hand or online and can be accessed at Handwritten submission 1) Open the form and select the print option. 2) Use a blue or black pen to complete the form. 3) Attach supporting information. 4) Sign and date the form. 5) Scan as PDF and submit via email, mail or facsimile. Online submission 1) Click on the link and select “save a copy” and save on your computer. 2) Complete the details using the prompts. 3) Complete the Electronic and Auto-lock signature when completed (Enquirer Declaration, Section 7). 4) Save as a PDF and submit via email, mail or facsimile. For licenses to access or use Crown land for events or functions go to: 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 4 of 17 Section 1. Enquirer details Complete section 1. If the enquiry is on behalf of a registered entity or corporation, provide reasons and authorisation to enquire on behalf of the entity and details of the contact person. ABN (Australian Business Number) details can be access ACN (Australian Company Number) details can be accessed ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) details can be accessed at at at Section 2. Land details Land details can be accessed through Landgate and the Local government authority (City, Town or Shire) in which the land resides. Queries on using Landgate services can be directed to its Customer Service Centre on (08) 9273 7341 or by email Landgate Customer Service Staff at [email protected]. Crown land that is a park, reserve or managed conservation land does not have title details registered at Landgate. The local government authority can provide information on this form of land. Section 2.1 Street description and description of land Provide the street address of the land and any other information that will assist in processing the enquiry. 2.1 The street address can be identified using Landgate’s Map viewer. There is a help portal on the FAQ link. The Map viewer can find the location of land using the following criteria: Address; Certificate of Title; Coordinates; Crown Allotment; Lot on Survey; or Reserve. Figure 1: Search engine on Landgate Map Viewer (top left). 1) Use the search in default (Address) setting. 2) Enter the address and select Locate. 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 5 of 17 Hover the mouse over the land and this will bring up the address details. The boundary of the land is marked by a red polygon (see figure 2). Coordinate references appear in a blue box (see figure 3). Information on the Zone, Northing and Easting coordinate references is shown on the bottom left of the screen (see figure 4). Maps and aerial photographs can be purchased from Landgate. The documentation is attached to the form. Figure 2: Sample result on 31 Seabrook St Dianella WA 6059. Zone: 50 Northing: 6,772,021 Easting: 394,366 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 6 of 17 Figure 3: View of Map Viewer search using coordinate references and appears in a blue box. Figure 4: A Northing and Easting coordinate reference is shown at the bottom left of the Map Viewer. Section 2.2 Area and size of land enquired (Approximate boundary and area, in m² or ha) Provide details on the parcel of Crown land including dimensions of the land in metres in either direction and, where possible, the total area in metres square (m²) or (ha) and the centre point of the land. Example: 300m by 200m, 60,000m². Centre point at Zone: 50 Northing: 6,772,021 Easting: 394,366 Section 2.3 Local government name Use the drop down selection in Section 2.3 to identify the local government authority (see Appendix 1). Details of Regions and Local Government Areas are also available on the Department of Lands website here. Example: Shire of Collie Section 2.4 Local government consultation You are encouraged to consult with the local government authority where the land resides as they have information on planning proposals in their areas. Documentation on planning or other approvals or correspondence from the local government authority may assist your Crown land enquiry. Local government authorities hold information on parks, reserves and managed conservation lands. Land may also reside with a management body, government department or the local government authority. 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 7 of 17 Section 2.5 Landgate title search Figure 5: Sections 2.5, 6 and 7 of the Enquiry – Crown land form. Additional and alternative land description portals and methodology to assist enquiry direct parties to assist collation of key material to substantiate an enquiry. Landgate holds information on Titles and Records with land title and tenure details. A Certificate of Title includes ownership details, interests registered against the land and a legal land description. The Map Viewer identifies if a title exists for a block of land and a copy can be purchased from Landgate. Figure 6: A block of land at Collie with Map Viewer (bound by red polygon for Lot 2814 On Plan 90215). Section 2.6 Landgate cadastral map and reference Layers Section 2.1 of this guideline details the access and basic functionality of Map Viewer. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) generates layers of information on the block of land. 1) At the top of the Map Viewer tool, select the Layer icon. 2) Expand the layers by selecting the cross and individually enable the GIS search engines (Figure 8). 3) Use the view icon (eye) and data (ticket or label icon) to view information such as local government authority. Crown allotment and town and ward boundaries are displayed in the Cadastre and Administrative Areas layers. 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 8 of 17 Figure 7: Select layer icon. Figure 8: Layers that can be selected. Figure 9: Detail available on the Administrative Areas layer in Map View. It has information on reserves, Management details, Deposited Plan details, area and spatial details, colour coded use and management protocols and orders. 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 9 of 17 The Administrative Areas layer provides details on reserves, management details, Deposited Plan details, area and spatial details, colour coded use and management protocols and orders (see figure 9). Section 2.7 PIN location identifier Non verified GIS search portals and land identifiers. Provide a precise description of the land. Liaise with the appropriate body where details on tenure and title are held by private entities or there are interested parties in the land. A Parcel Identification Number (PIN) may be sufficient where title has not been granted and there are no details with the local government authority or Landgate. If the requirements for sections 2.4 to 2.6 are met, the PIN can be used for section 2.7. GIS information can be sourced through Google Maps. 1) Locate the Crown land location and scroll/pan in to clearly identify the land. 2) Right click on the mouse and select “Directions to here”. This will drop a PIN. 3) Right click on the mouse and select “What’s here”. This will provide coordinates as Decimal degrees (DD): Figure 10: Recovery and details of PIN (spatial locator) for Lot 10660 Alexander Ave Helena Valley WA 6056. 31.925759,116.042898 4) Click “more” and the coordinate details can be attached (via copy and paste) to the Form. Section 3. Purpose of request for land enquiry Section 3 sets out the purpose of the enquiry. Some of the reasons that may be cited include: Access for development Creating an easement Access to a land locked property Use, lease or purchase Crown land for an enterprise 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 10 of 17 Example: I have a residence and hold title at Lot 100 on Plan 45637, 81 Wandena Place Claymore WA 6287. To the north of me on DP:104456, R 10017 2817 is a Reserve that I understand is held for forest activities. I wish to develop an easement and light roadway to access my property as shown in Attachment 6.1. This will involve approximately 20m of road creation. Section 4. Lessee, management body and consent Detail the approach to management of the land or third parties who have interest or involvement in the land. Example: The local government (City of Ashmore referred me to the Department of Water on 20 June 2014. Unfortunately I have been unable to identify the appropriate referral place. Attachment 6.2 is a copy of the letter I forwarded detailing my plan for an easement to access my property referred to in Section 6.1 through undeveloped Industrial land at the rear of the Wellington Industrial centre. I was also advised that there would be issues in my application as I need to obtain native title parties approval, however I have been unable to locate these groups. Section 5. Detail of proposal Outline any planning activity with the implications, benefits and timeframes if tenure is granted. In clear language, explain what you intend doing, how you would acquire the land including the terms of a lease, why the proposal is suitable. Include maps, timelines, stages and supporting material as appropriate. Example: I propose accessing the land identified in Section 6.1 for an expanded car park and truck stop for my caravan park at lot 102 Great Northern Highway, Bindale. This site is shown on Maps at Attachment 6.2. The building and construction period is (subject to approval) June 2015 to April 2016 and includes covered parking and a facility for minor amenities. I have commissioned some initial plan diagrams and attached at Attachments 6.3 and 6.4 and a construction schedule Gantt chart is at attachment 6.5. I anticipate that I would enter into a lease for the land and pay the state for land access over a nominated 20 year period. Section 6. Additional information Review the form using the checkboxes to confirm that all of the requirements have been met. Identify the information that will be provided in sections 2.1 to 2.7 and outline your endeavors to consult the relevant local government authority and the use of Landgate systems. Additional plans, descriptions, consultation and interaction with parties related or having interest or management authority in this land. Please clearly identify on attachment scans, facsimile or mail correspondence when submitting this enquiry to which reference these attachments support your land enquiry. Section 7. Declaration Review the declaration. You may wish to consult a legal professional prior to submitting your enquiry as there may be costs associated with the land dealing. Only use the Electronic and Auto-lock signature when the form is completed. 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 11 of 17 Submission of an Enquiry - Crown land The completed and signed form can be returned by any of these methods: Electronically scan and e-mail to: [email protected] Or: Post to: “Proposal - Crown land” Department of Lands PO Box 1143 WEST PERTH WA 6872 Or: Facsimile: +61 8 6552 4417 If you have any questions regarding this application form, please contact the Department of Lands: Phone: (08) 6552 4400 Email: [email protected] 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 12 of 17 Appendix Section 2.3 Local government entities reference list Local Government Authority Region City of Albany Great Southern City of Armadale Metropolitan City of Bayswater Metropolitan City of Belmont Metropolitan City of Bunbury South West City of Busselton South West City of Canning Metropolitan City of Cockburn Metropolitan City of Fremantle Metropolitan City of Gosnells Metropolitan City of Greater Geraldton Midwest City of Joondalup Metropolitan City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Goldfields-Esperance City of Kwinana Metropolitan City of Mandurah Peel City of Melville Metropolitan City of Nedlands Metropolitan City of Perth Metropolitan City of Rockingham Metropolitan City of South Perth Metropolitan City of Stirling Metropolitan City of Subiaco Metropolitan City of Swan Metropolitan City of Wanneroo Metropolitan Shire of Ashburton Pilbara Shire of Augusta-Margaret River South West 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 13 of 17 Shire of Beverley Wheatbelt Shire of Boddington Peel Shire of Boyup Brook South West Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes South West Shire of Brookton Wheatbelt Shire of Broome Kimberley Shire of Broomehill / Tambellup Great Southern Shire of Bruce Rock Wheatbelt Shire of Capel South West Shire of Carnamah Midwest Shire of Carnarvon Gascoyne Shire of Chapman Valley Midwest Shire of Chittering Wheatbelt Shire of Christmas Island Wheatbelt Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands Wheatbelt Shire of Collie South West Shire of Coolgardie Goldfields-Esperance Shire of Coorow Midwest Shire of Corrigin Wheatbelt Shire of Cranbrook Great Southern Shire of Cuballing Wheatbelt Shire of Cue Midwest Shire of Cunderdin Wheatbelt Shire of Dalwallinu Wheatbelt Shire of Dandaragan Wheatbelt Shire of Dardanup South West Shire of Denmark Great Southern Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Kimberley Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup South West 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 14 of 17 Shire of Dowerin Wheatbelt Shire of Dumbleyung Wheatbelt Shire of Dundas Goldfields-Esperance Shire of East Pilbara Pilbara Shire of Esperance Goldfields-Esperance Shire of Exmouth Gascoyne Shire of Gingin Wheatbelt Shire of Gnowangerup Great Southern Shire of Goomalling Wheatbelt Shire of Halls Creek Kimberley Shire of Harvey South West Shire of Irwin Midwest Shire of Jerramungup Great Southern Shire of Kalamunda Metropolitan Shire of Katanning Great Southern Shire of Kellerberrin Wheatbelt Shire of Kent Great Southern Shire of Kojonup Great Southern Shire of Kondinin Wheatbelt Shire of Koorda Wheatbelt Shire of Kulin Wheatbelt Shire of Lake Grace Wheatbelt Shire of Laverton Goldfields-Esperance Shire of Leonora Goldfields-Esperance Shire of Manjimup South West Shire of Meekatharra Midwest Shire of Menzies Goldfields-Esperance Shire of Merredin Wheatbelt Shire of Mingenew Midwest 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 15 of 17 Shire of Moora Wheatbelt Shire of Morawa Midwest Shire of Mount Magnet Midwest Shire of Mt Marshall Wheatbelt Shire of Mukinbudin Wheatbelt Shire of Mullewa Midwest Shire of Mundaring Metropolitan Shire of Murchison Midwest Shire of Murray Peel Shire of Nannup South West Shire of Narembeen Wheatbelt Shire of Narrogin Wheatbelt Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku Goldfields-Esperance Shire of Northam Wheatbelt Shire of Northampton Midwest Shire of Nungarin Wheatbelt Shire of Peppermint Grove Metropolitan Shire of Perenjori Midwest Shire of Pingelly Wheatbelt Shire of Plantagenet Great Southern Shire of Quairading Wheatbelt Shire of Ravensthorpe Goldfields-Esperance Shire of Roebourne Pilbara Shire of Sandstone Midwest Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale Peel Shire of Shark Bay Gascoyne Shire of Tammin Wheatbelt Shire of Three Springs Midwest Shire of Toodyay Wheatbelt 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 16 of 17 Shire of Trayning Wheatbelt Shire of Upper Gascoyne Gascoyne Shire of Victoria Plains Wheatbelt Shire of Wagin Wheatbelt Shire of Wandering Wheatbelt Shire of Waroona Peel Shire of West Arthur Wheatbelt Shire of Westonia Wheatbelt Shire of Wickepin Wheatbelt Shire of Williams Wheatbelt Shire of Wiluna Midwest Shire of Wongan-Ballidu Wheatbelt Shire of Woodanilling Great Southern Shire of Wyalkatchem Wheatbelt Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley Kimberley Shire of Yalgoo Midwest Shire of Yilgarn Wheatbelt Shire of York Wheatbelt Town of Bassendean Metropolitan Town of Cambridge Metropolitan Town of Claremont Metropolitan Town of Cottesloe Metropolitan Town of East Fremantle Metropolitan Town of Mosman Park Metropolitan Town of Narrogin Wheatbelt Town of Port Hedland Pilbara Town of Victoria Park Metropolitan Town of Vincent Metropolitan 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide Version: 1 Page 17 of 17 © Government of Western Australia This document is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests and enquiries concerning the Enquiry – Crown land Guide and its reproduction should be addressed to the Manager Communications and Stakeholder Relations, WA Department of Lands. 20141023 Enquiry Crown land Form Guide