

DeDuster ®
Model C-50
Corporate Office: 724.584.5500 l Instant Access 24/7 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861
Please record your equipment’s
model and serial number(s) and
the date you received it in the
spaces provided.
It’s a good idea to record the model and serial number(s) of your equipment and the date
you received it in the User Guide. Our service department uses this information, along
with the manual number, to provide help for the specific equipment you installed.
Please keep this User Guide and all manuals, engineering prints, and parts lists together
for documentation of your equipment.
Manual Number: UGC059-0616
Serial Number(s):
Model Number(s):
DISCLAIMER: Conair shall not be liable for errors contained in this User Guide or for incidental, consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this information. Conair makes no warranty
of any kind with regard to this information, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose.
Copyright 2016 l Conair l All rights reserved
Ta ble of C on te n ts
1 - 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Purpose of the User Guide................................................................................ 1-2
How the Guide Is Organized............................................................................. 1-2
Your Responsibility as a User ........................................................................... 1-2
ATTENTION: Read This So No One Gets Hurt..................................................... 1-3
Zero Energy State (ZES).................................................................................... 1-4
2 - 1 D e s c r i p t i o n
What is the DeDuster®?.................................................................................... 2-2
Typical Applications.......................................................................................... 2-2
How the DeDuster® Works................................................................................ 2-3
Specifications................................................................................................... 2-6
3 - 1 I n s t a l l a t i o n
Unpacking the Boxes........................................................................................ 3-2
Preparing for Installation.................................................................................. 3-3
Identifying Your Components............................................................................ 3-4
Testing the Installation..................................................................................... 3-4
4 - 1 O p e r a t i o n
Beginning Operation......................................................................................... 4-2
Switching On.................................................................................................... 4-2
Switching Off................................................................................................... 4-2
Adjustment....................................................................................................... 4-3
Tab l e of Con ten ts
I i
5 - 1 M a i n t e n a n c e
Maintenance Features...................................................................................... 5-2
Warnings and Cautions..................................................................................... 5-2
Maintenance Overview..................................................................................... 5-3
Preventative Maintenance Schedule................................................................. 5-3
Emptying the Dust Container............................................................................ 5-4
Cleaning the DeDuster®.................................................................................... 5-4
Visual Inspection.............................................................................................. 5-4
Cleaning the Inlet Air Filters.............................................................................. 5-4
Cleaning the Outlet Air Filters........................................................................... 5-5
Repairs............................................................................................................ 5-5
Dismantling and Disposal................................................................................. 5-6
Transportation and Storage.............................................................................. 5-6
6 - 1 T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Before Beginning.............................................................................................. 6-2
A Few Words of Caution.................................................................................... 6-2
Identifying the Cause of a Problem................................................................... 6-2
Performance Problems..................................................................................... 6-3
Parts List......................................................................................................... 6-4
Table of Con ten ts
Customer Service Information ......................................................................... A-1
Warranty Information........................................................................................ A-2
I ntro ducti o n
I nt ro d u c ti on
Pu rpos e of the Us er G uide...................................... 1-2
H o w the G uide Is Or ganized.................................... 1-2
Yo u r Res pons ibility as a Use r ................................. 1-2
AT T ENTIO N : Read This So No One Ge ts Hu rt . . ............. 1-3
Z e ro Ener g y Sta te ( ZES).. . . ..................................... 1-4
I n t rod u cti on
P u r p o s e o f t h e Use r G u i d e
This User Guide describes the Conair DeDuster® and explains step-by-step how to install
and operate this equipment.
Before installing this product, please take a few moments to read the User Guide and
review the diagrams and safety information in the instruction packet. You also should
review manuals covering associated equipment in your system. This review won’t take
long, and it could save you valuable installation and operating time later.
Ho w t h e G u i d e i s O rg a n i z e d
Symbols have been used to help organize the User Guide and call your attention to important information regarding safe installation and operation.
Symbols within triangles warn of conditions that could be hazardous to users or could
damage equipment. Read and take precautions before proceeding.
Numbers indicate tasks or steps to be performed by the user.
u A diamond indicates the equipment’s response to an action performed by the user or a
r An open box marks items in a checklist.
A circle marks items in a list.
2 Indicates a tip. A tip is used to provide you with a suggestion that will help you with the
maintenance and the operation of this equipment.
Indicates a note. A note is used to provide additional information about the steps you are
following throughout the manual.
Yo u r Re s p o n si b i l i t y as a Use r
You must be familiar with all safety procedures concerning installation, operation, and
maintenance of this equipment. Responsible safety procedures include:
In tr od uction
Thorough view of this User Guide, paying particular attention to hazard warnings,
appendices, and related diagrams.
Thorough review of the equipment itself, with careful attention to voltage sources,
intended use, and warning labels.
Thorough review of instruction manuals for associated equipment.
Step-by-step adherence to instructions outlined in this User Guide.
Read T h i s So N o On e G e t s H u rt
I ntro ducti o n
We design equipment with the user’s safety in mind. You can avoid the potential hazards
identified on this machine by following the procedures outlined below and elsewhere in
the User Guide.
WA R NING : Impro per i nst a llation, oper ation, or s e r v ici n g ma y resul t i n equi pment damage or per s onal inj u r y.
This equipment should be installed, adjusted, and serviced by qualified technical
personnel who are familiar with the construction, operation, and potential hazards
of this type of machine.
All wiring, disconnects, and fuses should be installed by qualified electrical
technicians in accordance with electrical codes in your region. Always maintain
a safe ground. Do not operate the equipment at power levels other than what is
specified on the machine serial tag and data plate.
WA RNING : Vo l t a ge ha z a rd
This equipment is powered by single-phase alternating current, as specified on
the machine serial tag and data plate.
A properly sized conductive ground wire from the incoming power supply must be
connected to the chassis ground terminal inside the electrical enclosure. Improper grounding can result in severe personal injury and erratic machine operation.
Always disconnect and lock out the incoming main power source before opening
the electrical enclosure or performing non-standard operating procedures, such
as routine maintenance. Only qualified personnel should perform troubleshooting
procedures that require access to the electrical enclosure while power is on.
WA R NING : C o mpressed a ir hazar d
If you use compressed air, you must wear eye protection and observe all OSHA
and other safety regulations pertaining to the use of compressed air. Bleed off
pressure before servicing equipment.
I n t rod u cti on
Z er o E n e rg y S t at e ( ZES )
CAUTION: Before performing maintenance or repairs on this product, you should
disconnect and lockout electrical power sources to prevent injury from unexpected energizing or start-up.
During maintenance, it is essential that the system be put into a state which
eliminates the possibility of components making an unexpected and dangerous
movement. This procedure is typically referred to as lockout. After all energy
sources have been neutralized, the system is in the zero mechanical state (ZMS).
This provides maximum protection against unexpected mechanical movement.
The lockout procedure must include all energy sources:
Electrical power supply
Compressed air supply
Hydraulic fluids under pressure
Potential energy from suspended parts
Energy in springs
Any other source that might cause unexpected mechanical movement
The following is a recommended Zero Energy State procedure which must be followed
prior to any inspection, or maintenance of the DeDuster.
1 Turn off the all devices attached to the DeDuster.
2 Perform the proper shutdown sequence to the connected equipment and allow all
components (internally and externally) to adequately cool.
3 Disconnect and lock out the primary electrical supply feeding all attached components.
WARNING: Before removing lockout devices and returning switches to the ON
position, make sure that all personnel are clear of the machine, tools have been
removed and all safety guards reinstalled.
In tr od uction
D e scri pti o n
D e sc r i p ti on
W h a t is the D eDus ter ® ? . . . . . ..................................... 2-2
Ty p ic al A pplic a tions.. . . . . . . . ..................................... 2-2
H o w the D eDus ter ® Wor ks.. ..................................... 2-3
S p e c ific a tions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 2-6
D es cri p ti on
Wh a t i s t h e D e D u st e r ® ?
The Conair DeDuster® is suitable for cleaning granular products within the scope of the
customer dependent product specification. Cleaning may be a prerequisite for
Ty p i ca l A p p l i c at i o n s
Conair DeDuster®’s can be installed on the following equipment types:
Injection molding machines
Filling Units
Rack Frames
Characteristics of the DeDuster® unit:
Descr ip tion
Throughput of approximately 10 – 100 lb/h {5 – 45 kg/h}
Low overall height of under 10 in {260 mm}
Ability to remove dust and angel hair (streamers)
Low energy consumption (installation dependent)
Easy to operate
3 Product Description
The Conair DeDuster is only for cleaning bulk materials in accordance with the enclosed
How It Works
product specifications.
Product falls through the C-20 DeDuster® under the force of gravity.
Product falls through the C-50 DeDuster® under the force of gravity. Unwanted dust (e.g.
Unwanted dust (e.g. abrasion dust, fluff, angel hair) is separated from
abrasion dust, fluff, angel hair) is separated from the product and collected.
the product and collected.
D e scri pti o n
How th e D e D u s t e r ® Wo rk s
Untreated Product
Cleaned Product
Compressed Air Supply
Fresh Air Inlet (Filtered)
Dirty Air
Dust & Streamers
Outlet Air (Filtered)
Figure 5: Operation Diagram
After falling through the feeder, the product passes through an air ionizer that disrupts the
bond between the product and the dust.
The product then reaches the venturi zone in the Conair DeDuster®. The controllable flow
of the cleaning air removes dust particles and angel hair from the product. The air speed in
the venturi zone is regulated using the air pressure regulator.
The product exits the Conair DeDuster® downward. The level of product in the hopper
below the Conair DeDuster® can be maintained using an optional inspection glass, filling
level sensor, vacuum loader, and controller.
The exhaust air from the Conair DeDuster® is directed to the cyclone assembly where the
dust is separated from the air stream and dropped into the dust container. The air then
passes through the outlet air filters and is released to the atmosphere.
64-0118-EN Rev. B
D e s cri p ti on
Ho w t h e D e D u st e r® Wo rk s
Control Unit
Vacuum Loader (“Flapper” type)
Inlet Hopper
Dust Container
C-50 DeDuster
Level Sensor
Descr ip tion
Outlet Hopper
How th e D e D u s t e r ® Wo rk s
Outlet Filter Cover
Product Feeder
Dusty Product Inlet
D e scri pti o n
Power Switch
Clean Product
Dust Container
Fresh Air Inlet with FIlter
Power Plug Connection
Compressed Air Inlet
Air Pressure Regulator and Gauge
D e s cri p ti on
Speci fi cati o n s
Top View
Side View
Bottom View
Flow rate (pellet throughput)
3.43" {87 mm}
50 lbs/hr {20 kg/hr} at 30 lbs/ft density
70 lbs/hr {30 kg/hr} at higher bulk densities
Dimensions inches {mm}
A - Overall height
B - Body height
C - Width
D - Overall depth
E - Filter housing width
F - Material inlet diameter
G - Bolt pattern (square)*
H - Body depth
I - Through holes
J - Inlet center line to filter housing
K - Material outlet (square)
Approximate weight lb {kg}
Installed weight
Shipping weight
Available voltages - Approximate full load amps
110 VAC
220 VAC
Compressed air requirements d
13.1 {333}
9.5 {240}
15.5 {392}
7.1 {180}
5.0 {127}
3.5 {90}
5.3 {135}
6.0 {152}
(4x) 0.38 {10}
4.7 {121}
1.2 {30}
2-3 CFM {3.4 – 5 m /hr} at 20-30 psi {1.5-2 bar}
Descr ip tion
Specification Notes
* Top and bottom mounting patterns are the same.
20 {9}
30 {14}
{87 mm}
FLA data for reference purposes only. Does not include any options or accessories on equipment. For full FLA detail for power circuit design of specific machines and systems, refer to the electrical diagrams of the equipment order and the nameplate applied to the machine.
Specifications may change without notice. Consult with a Conair representative for the most current information.
I nst al l ati on
U n p ac king the Boxes.. . . . . . . ..................................... 3-2
I ns talla t ion
Pre par ing for Ins talla tion.. ..................................... 3-3
Id e ntify ing Your Com ponents................................... 3-4
Te s t ing the Ins talla tion.. . . . ..................................... 3-4
I ns tal l a ti on
Unpacking the Boxes
The DeDuster® typically comes in a single box.
1 Carefully remove the DeDuster® and components from the box.
2 Remove all packing material, protective paper, tape, and plastic. Compare contents
to the shipping papers to ensure that you have all the parts.
3 Carefully inspect all components to make sure no damage occurred during shipping. Check all wire terminal connections, bolts, and any other electrical connections, which may have come loose during shipping.
4 Record serial numbers and specifications in the blanks provided on the back of the
User Guide’s title page. This information will be helpful if you ever need service or
5 You are now ready to begin installation. See Installation Section entitled,
Preparing for Installation.
In stalla tion
Prepari n g f o r In s t a l l a t i o n
Plan the location. Make sure the area where the DeDuster® is installed has the following:
A grounded power source. Check the DeDuster®’s serial tag for the correct amps and
voltage. All wiring should be completed by qualified personnel and should comply
with your region’s electrical codes.
Clearance for safe operation and maintenance. Make sure there is enough clearance
around the DeDuster® for maintenance and servicing.
A sturdy and level surface to be mounted upon.
Protection from dust, moisture, and strong vacuums. Other parts of the system may
cause a vacuum at the DeDuster® product discharge to exist.
Note: The DeDuster
intended for upright installation only.
I ns talla t ion
WA R NING : Impro per i nst a llation, oper ation, or s e r v ici n g ma y resul t i n equi pment damage or per s onal inj u r y.
This equipment should only be installed, adjusted, and serviced by qualified technical personnel who are familiar with the construction, operation, and potential
hazards of this type of machine.
All wiring, disconnects, and fuses should be installed by qualified electrical
technicians in accordance with electrical codes in your region. Always maintain
a safe ground. Do not operate the equipment at power levels other than what is
specified on the machine serial tag and data plate.
The individual components of the DeDuster® unit are supplied disassembled.
Remove the parts of the DeDuster® assembly from the packing material.
Mount the DeDuster® body to the stand or equipment where the DeDuster® assembly will be used.
Attach the cyclone weldment assembly to the DeDuster® body using the supplied
tri-clamp and gasket. carefully position the cyclone weldment assembly so the filter
mount surface is parallel to the DeDuster® mount flanges.
Attach the dust container, outlet air filters, and outlet air filter cover to the cyclone
weldment assembly.
Attach a suitable air hose from the compressed air supply to the compressed air regulator and gauge assembly on the DeDuster®.
I ns tal l a ti on
Id en ti fy i n g Yo u r C o m p o n e n t s
Techni ca l Da ta
Sco pe o f Supply
The DeDuster® is supplied as individual subassemblies that must be assembled by the end
user. Confirm that all parts are included in the package immediately upon receipt.
Cyclone Weldment
The scope of supply contains:
Power cord
Cyclone weldment with clamp
and gasket
Outlet air filter cover
Outlet air filters (2)
Dust container
Operating manual
Clear outlet hopper with holder
for filling level sensor (optional)
Outlet Air Filter Cover
Outlet Air Filter
Dust Container
Note: Individual parts supplied can vary depending on the order.
Te s t i n g th e I n s t a l l at i o n
1 Confirm that the power switch is in the off position (“0”). Connect the power cord
to the DeDuster® and to an appropriate power receptacle.
2 Cycle the power switch on the DeDuster® to confirm that the integrated product
feeder is operational. Looking inside the product inlet, the paddle should turn when
the switch is turned on (“I”).
3 Confirm that the dust collector assembly, dust container, and compressed air
connection are all secure.
In stalla tion
O p e rati on
B e ginning Oper a tion.. . . . . . . . ..................................... 4-2
S w i t c hing On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 4-2
S w i t c hing Off.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 4-2
O per a t ion
A d j u s tm ent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 4-3
Op era ti on
Beg i n n i n g O p e ra t i o n
Check that the compressed air connection is attached securely and is free of leaks
Check that the power connection is correct and that the correct voltage is supplied
Turn on the compressed air supply to the DeDuster® and adjust the operating pressure
on the Compressed Air Regulator and Gauge assembly
Switch on the power supply
Sw i tc h i n g O n
Note: In the event of a fault, see
Chapter 6, Troubleshooting.
Check that the compressed air connection is attached securely and is free of leaks
Check that the power connection is correct and that the correct voltage is supplied
Turn on the compressed air supply to the DeDuster® and adjust the operating pressure
on the Compressed Air Regulator and Gauge assembly
Switch on the power supply
Sw i tc h i n g O f f
Turn off the power supply switch
Allow all product to clear from the DeDuster®
Shut off the compressed air flow supply to the DeDuster®
Ad j u s tmen t
Ba si c Set up
The DeDuster® settings are adjusted based on the following process conditions:
Level of product contamination
Desired throughput
Desired product purity
It is important to note that the settings affect each other. For example, if the throughput is
increased at the Integrated Product Feeder, the air pressure must also be adjusted to maintain the same cleaning performance.
Adjusting the DeDuster®
Op er a tion
Set the DeDuster® to the basic setting
Adjust the DeDuster® until the desired result is achieved.
Check the dust content of the cleaned product and the DeDuster® settings at regular
intervals. In the event of process deviation, readjust the DeDuster®.
Adj ustmen t
Integrated Product Feeder
Compressed Air Regulator and
O per a t ion
Power Switch in “OFF”
O p era ti on
Ad j u s t me n t
Confirm that the Integrated Product Feeder is in the lowest position.
Turn on the compressed air supply and set the Compressed Air Pressure Regulator to
15 psi {1 bar}.
Switch on the Integrated Product Feeder by setting the Power Switch to the “ON”
Product Flow Set up
Measure the product throughput by timing the amount of time it takes for a given
weight of material to pass through the DeDuster®.
To increase the product throughput, loosen (but do not remove) the nuts that secure
the Integrated Product Feeder and raise the Integrated Product Feeder by small increments and tighten the nuts.
Measure the throughput between changes.
Air Flow Set up
Op er a tion
Turn the knob on the Compressed Air Pressure Regulator to increase the pressure
until pellets are seen accumulating in the dust container. Do not adjust the regulator
above 35 psi (2.5 bar).
Turn the knob backwards to reduce the air pressure until no more pellets are carried
over into the dust drum.
Cleaning performance can be insufficient if the air flow is too low.
An unnecessary quantity of good product will be carried over to the Dust Container if the air flow is too high.
M a inte n an c e
Ma i ntenanc e Fea tur es . . . . . . . ..................................... 5-2
Wa r nings and Cautions.. . . . . ..................................... 5-2
Ma i ntenanc e O ver v iew.. . . . . ..................................... 5-3
Pre venta tive Maintenanc e Sche dul e......................... 5-3
E m pty ing the D us t Container . . ................................. 5-4
C le a ning the D eDus ter ®. . . . . ..................................... 5-4
M aint enanc e
V is ual Ins pec tion.. . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 5-4
C le a ning the Inlet Air Filters................................... 5-4
C le a ning the O utlet Air Filte rs................................. 5-5
R e pair s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 5-5
D i s mantling and D is pos al.. ..................................... 5-6
Tra ns por ta tion and Stor a ge . . ................................... 5-6
M ain ten an ce
M a i n t e n an c e Fe a t u re s
The DeDuster® needs regular, scheduled maintenance for peak performance.
Wa r n i n g s an d C au t i o n s
To maintain the best performance of the DeDuster® it must be cleaned and inspected regularly. Maintenance includes a monthly and annual (every 6 months) schedule.
Use this maintenance schedule as a guide. You may need to shorten the time of the maintenance schedule, depending on how often you use the DeDuster®, and the types of material
flowing through it. Follow all precautions and warnings when working on the equipment.
WA R NING: Impr ope r ins tallation, ope r ation, or s e r v i ci ng ma y r e s ult in e quipme nt damage or per s onal inj ur y.
This equipment should be installed, adjusted, and serviced by qualified technical
personnel who are familiar with the construction, operation, and potential hazards
of this type of machine.
All wiring, disconnects, and fuses should be installed by qualified electrical
technicians in accordance with electrical codes in your region. Always maintain
a safe ground. Do not operate the equipment at power levels other than what is
specified on the machine serial tag and data plate.
WA R NING: Voltage hazar d
This equipment is powered by single-phase current, as specified on the machine
serial tag and data plate.
A properly sized conductive ground wire from the incoming power supply must be
connected to the chassis ground terminal inside the electrical enclosure. Improper grounding can result in severe personal injury and erratic machine operation.
Always disconnect and lock out the incoming main power source before opening
the electrical enclosure or performing non-standard operating procedures, such
as routine maintenance. Only qualified personnel should perform troubleshooting
procedures that require access to the electrical enclosure while power is on.
Maintenan ce
M ai nten a n ce Ov er v i e w
This section describes the maintenance schedules that should be performed as well as the
maintenance procedures to follow.
To maintain the best performance, follow this maintenance schedule and develop an effective preventative maintenance program.
Preven ta t i v e M a i n t e n a n c e S c h e d u l e
UU Blow or vacuum, dust and chips from all surfaces of the DeDuster®. Open
pneumatic and electrical enclosures and remove the dust and chips from all
UU Check that both the Inlet and Outlet Air Filters are clean and working properly.
Clean or replace any dirty filters.
Annually or as often as necessary
UU Blow or vacuum dust and chips from the inside the DeDuster®. Remove all dust
and chips from inside all control cabinets.
UU Verify that all electrical terminals are tight.
UU Check that all air lines are in order (free of cuts or abrasions).
UU Empty the Dust Container on the Dust Collector Assembly.
M aint enanc e
WA R NING : E l ect ri ca l ha z ar d
Before performing maintenance or repairs on this product, disconnect and lock
out electrical power sources to prevent injury from unexpected energization or
start-up. A lockable device has been provided to isolate this product from potentially hazardous electricity.
M ain ten an ce
E mp ty i n g t h e D u s t C o n t ai n e r
Dust Container Lid
Dust Container Lid Flap
Dust Container
Switch off the power supply and turn off the compressed air supply.
Flip the four dust container lid flaps up and remove the dust container.
Dump out dust according to an acceptable procedure and wipe the inside surfaces of
the dust container clean.
Cleaning the DeDuster®
Clean all accessible parts with a vacuum cleaner and a soft cloth.
Use compressed air if necessary.
Use warm water on stubborn dirt but be sure to dry thoroughly.
Note: Do not disassemble the DeDuster for cleaning operations.
Vi s u a l In s p e c t i o n
Inspect all components for visible damage.
Check that all fasteners are tight.
Check that the air hose is correctly attached and that all hose connections are secure
and free of leaks.
C l e a n i n g t h e I n l e t A i r F i l t e rs
Maintenan ce
The DeDuster® is equipped with a custom filter element for the air that is drawn into the
DeDuster®. These filters can be cleaned but some common concerns should be noted. It
is easy to damage the filter elements even when they cleaned correctly (e.g. compressed
air blown from the inside to the outside). The filter media can also be worn by the dust
particles that it traps. Considering these two points, Conair recommends replacing the filter
periodically (i.e. after 3-4 cleaning cycles).
 Check that all fasteners are tight.
 Check that the air hose is correctly attached and that all hose
connections are secure and free of leaks.
Cleaning the Inlet Air Filters
The C-20 DeDuster® is equipped with a custom filter element for the air
that is drawn into the DeDuster®. These filters can be cleaned but some
common concerns should be noted. It is easy to damage the filter
elements even when they cleaned correctly (e.g. compressed air blown
The DeDuster® is equipped
with two
for the
thatbeis worn
from the inside
to the
filter media
by the
it traps. but
these two
the atmosphere. These
be cleaned
some common
be noted.
the they
filter are
after 3-4
It is easy to damagerecommends
the filter elements
cleaned (i.e.
see the
Parts List
air as shown in the cycles).
(air blown
the inside
to Spare
the outside).
Section 10.
Cl eani n g th e Ou tl e t A i r F i l t e rs
media can also be worn by the dust particles that it traps. Considering these two points,
Air Filters
Conair recommends
replacing the
(i.e. after 3-4 cleaning cycles).
The C-20 DeDuster® is equipped with two custom filter elements for the
air that is released to the atmosphere. These filters can be cleaned but
some common concerns should be noted. It is easy to damage the filter
elements when they are cleaned correctly with compressed air as shown
in the illustration above (air blown from the inside to the outside). The
The DeDuster mayfilter
be serviced
by the end user. If a problem with the DeDuster®
can also be worn by the dust particles that it traps.
occurs, contact the Considering
Conair Corporation
these two
points, Pelletron recommends replacing the filters
periodically (i.e. after 3-4 cleaning cycles). For replacement part
numbers, see the Spare Parts List in Section 10.
R epai rs
M aint enanc e
Contact Conair
Parts and Service
Phone: 800-458-1960
From outside of the
United States,
Call: 814 437 6861
The C-20 DeDuster® may not be serviced by the end user. If a problem
with the DeDuster® occurs, contact the Pelletron Corporation directly.
64-0118-EN Rev. B
M ain ten an ce
D i s ma n t l i n g an d D i sp o s al
DA NGE R: Ele ctr ical hazar d
Before dismantling the DeDuster® unit, disconnect it from the external power supply and confirm that no voltage is present.
CA U T ION : Lifting
Some of the parts of the DeDuster® unit are heavy. Use suitable lifting equipment
gear when necessary.
Di sma nt l i ng
Switch off and unplug the DeDuster®.
Disconnect the compressed air supply hose.
Empty the Dust Container.
Remove the DeDuster® assembly from the installation
Close off all unit openings and store.
Di spo sa l
Dispose of the DeDuster® components in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Dust Di spo sa l
Dispose of the dust according to the applicable plant and local regulations.
Tr a n s p o rt a t i o n a n d S t o ra g e
Tra nspo rt a t i on
Important: Lift the DeDuster® only by
the housing. Do not lift the unit using
the dust collector housing.
Transportation may only be carried out by qualified persons and in accordance
with the safety instructions and the local regulations. Some of the parts of the
DeDuster® are heavy. Use suitable lifting gear when necessary.
Disassemble the C-50 DeDuster® into subassemblies prior to transport. Carefully pack the
components so that they are protected against impact.
St o ra ge
Maintenan ce
Clean the DeDuster® assembly before storing.
Close off all openings in the equipment with suitable protective covers before storing.
Store the C-50 DeDuster® assembly in a dry, dust-free location and add desiccants if
Tro ub l e s h ooti n g
B e f or e Beginning.. . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 6-2
A Few Wor ds of Caution. . . . ..................................... 6-2
Id e ntify ing the Caus e of a Pro bl e m.......................... 6-2
Pe rfor m anc e P r oblem s.. . . . . ..................................... 6-3
Pa rts Lis t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... 6-4
Tr o u b le sh oo ting
Tr ou b l es h ooti n g
Be fo r e Be g i n n i n g
You can avoid most problems by following the recommended installation, operation and
maintenance procedures outlined in this User Guide. If you have a problem, this section
will help you determine the cause and tell you how to fix it.
Before you begin troubleshooting:
Additional manuals and prints for
your Conair equipment may be
ordered through the Customer
Service or Parts Department for a
nominal fee. Most manuals can be
downloaded free of charge from
the product section of the Conair
UU Find any wiring, parts, and assembly diagrams that were shipped with your equipment. These are the best reference for correcting a problem. The diagrams will note
any custom features or options not covered in this User Guide.
UU Verify that you have all instructional materials related to the DeDuster®. Additional
details about troubleshooting and repairing specific components are found in these
UU Check that you have manual for other equipment connected in the system. Troubleshooting may require investigating other equipment attached to, or connected with
the DeDuster®.
A Fe w Wo rd s o f C au t i o n
WA R NING: Impr ope r ins tallation, ope r ation or
ser vi cing may r e s ult in e quipme nt damage or
perso nal injur y.
This equipment should only be installed, adjusted, and serviced by qualified technical personnel who are familiar with the construction, operation, and potential
hazards of this type of machine.
All wiring, disconnects, and fuses should be installed and adjusted by qualified
electrical technicians in accordance with electrical codes in your region. Always
maintain a safe ground. Do not operate the equipment at power levels other than
what is specified on the machine serial tag and data plate.
Id en ti fy i n g t h e C a u se o f a P ro b l e m
The Troubleshooting section covers problems directly related to the operation and
maintenance of the DeDuster®. This section does not provide solutions to problems that
originate with other equipment. Additional troubleshooting help can be found in manuals
supplied with the other equipment.
The main problems you will see with the DeDuster® are:
DeDuster® Operation concerns. This section contains problems that may be related
to operation of the DeDuster®.
Additional troubleshooting help can be found in the documentation manuals included with
this User Guide.
Tr ou blesh ooting
Perfor ma n c e P r o b l em s
Look in this section when you have problems such as lights on the control that are working improperly, buttons that do not execute the function properly, and when information input is not executed properly.
Possible Cause
Dust remains in the product.
Air is not flowing properly
through the unit.
Confirm that air is flowing into
unit from Compressed Air Supply
Increase the air pressure. Refer to
Section 3 for details.
Check the filters for excessive
contamination and clean or change
if necessary
Too much product in the dust
Air pressure is too high.
Reduce the air pressure. Refer to
Section 3 for details.
Product flow (throughput) is too
low, or blocked.
Circuit that DeDuster® is plugged
into does not have power.
Confirm circuit that DeDuster® is
plugged into has power
Product inlet is blocked.
Check the product inlet for a
Height of Integrated Product
Feeder is too low.
Raise the height of the Integrated
Product Feeder Refer to Section 3
for details.
Height of Integrated Product
Feeder is too high.
Lower the height of the Integrated
Product Feeder Refer to Section 3
for details.
Product flow is too fast
Reduce product throughput. Refer
to Section 3 for details.
Tr o u b le sh ooti ng
Too high a load compared to settings.
Note: If the fault cannot be resolved or if it is not in the list above, contact Conair directly.
Tr ou b l e s h ooti n g
Par ts Li s t
Contact Conair
Parts and Service
Phone: 800-458-1960
From outside of the
United States,
Call: 814 437 6861
Please consult Conair Customer Service for pricing and accurate availability.
Common C-20 DeDuster® Spare Parts
Qty Used
Part Number
Lead Time
Outlet Air Filter
In Stock
Inlet Air Filter
In Stock
Feeder Motor – 220V 50/60 Hz
In Stock
Feeder Motor – 110V 50/60 Hz
In Stock
Pressure Regulator
In Stock
Dust Container
In Stock
Cyclone Assembly Clamp (Gasket Included)
In Stock
Agitator Paddle - Flexible Urethane – 8 Vane
In Stock
Agitator Paddle – Flexible Urethane – 4 Vane (Optional)
In Stock
When ordering spare parts, state the model number and the serial number of the unit (see name plate on unit).
Tr ou blesh ooting
We’ re Her e to He l p
Conair has made the largest investment in customer support in the plastics industry. Our
service experts are available to help with any problem you might have installing and operating your equipment. Your Conair sales representative also can help analyze the nature of
your problem, assuring that it did not result from misapplication or improper use.
How to C o n t a ct C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e
To contact Customer Service personnel, call:
Additional manuals and prints
for your Conair equipment may
be ordered through the Customer
Service or Parts Department for a
nominal fee.
Most manuals can be downloaded free of charge from the
product section of the Conair
NOTE: Normal operating hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST. After hours emergency
service is available at the same phone number.
From outside the United States, call: 814-437-6861
You can commission Conair service personnel to provide on-site service by contacting the
Customer Service Department. Standard rates include an on-site hourly rate, with a oneday minimum plus expenses.
Before Yo u C a l l . . .
If you do have a problem, please complete the following checklist before
calling Conair:
UU Make sure you have all model, control type from the serial tag, and parts list numbers
for your particular equipment. Service personnel will need this information to assist
UU Make sure power is supplied to the equipment.
UU Make sure that all connectors and wires within and between control systems and
related components have been installed correctly.
UU Check the troubleshooting guide of this manual for a solution.
UU Thoroughly examine the instruction manual(s) for associated equipment, especially
controls. Each manual may have its own troubleshooting guide to help you.
A p p en d i x
Equi pm en t Gu a r a n t e e
Conair guarantees the machinery and equipment on this order, for a period as defined in
the quotation from date of shipment, against defects in material and workmanship under
the normal use and service for which it was recommended (except for parts that are typically replaced after normal usage, such as filters, liner plates, etc.). Conair’s guarantee is
limited to replacing, at our option, the part or parts determined by us to be defective after
examination. The customer assumes the cost of transportation of the part or parts to and
from the factory.
Perform a n c e Wa r r a n t y
Conair warrants that this equipment will perform at or above the ratings stated in specific
quotations covering the equipment or as detailed in engineering specifications, provided
the equipment is applied, installed, operated, and maintained in the recommended manner
as outlined in our quotation or specifications.
Should performance not meet warranted levels, Conair at its discretion will exercise one
of the following options:
Inspect the equipment and perform alterations or adjustments to satisfy performance
claims. (Charges for such inspections and corrections will be waived unless failure
to meet warranty is due to misapplication, improper installation, poor maintenance
practices, or improper operation.)
Replace the original equipment with other Conair equipment that will meet original
performance claims at no extra cost to the customer.
Refund the invoiced cost to the customer. Credit is subject to prior notice by the customer at which time a Return Goods Authorization Number (RGA) will be issued by
Conair’s Service Department. Returned equipment must be well crated and in proper
operating condition, including all parts. Returns must be prepaid.
Purchaser must notify Conair in writing of any claim and provide a customer receipt and
other evidence that a claim is being made.
Warran t y Li mi t a t i o n s
Except for the Equipment Guarantee and Performance Warranty stated above,
Conair disclaims all other warranties with respect to the equipment, express or
implied, arising by operation of law, course of dealing, usage of trade or otherwise,
including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
a particular purpose.
A p pen dix