Features : Officers : - The Lone Star Performance Buick Club


Features : Officers : - The Lone Star Performance Buick Club
Lone Star Performance Buick Club
Volume 16 Issue 2
Summer 2004
Richard Herring 1939 - 2004
Features :
Letter from the Director
Upcoming Events
Tech. Tips
Club News
Officers :
Rick Kinworthy
Vice President:
David Newton
Morgan Farrington
Morgan Farrington
Show Director:
Robert Davidson
Race Director:
Mark Metdker
Asst. Show / Race Director:
Patrick Smith
Carl Brimer
MCCC Representative:
Morgan Farrington
Quick Times
is the official publication of the
Lone Star Performance Buick Club (Chapter of the
GS Club of America). No part of this publication may
be reproduced in any form or manner without the
express consent of the Lone Star Buick Chapter
GSCA, unless this publication is listed as the source.
Club dues are $25 per year and are payable every
January 1st. Dues entitle the member to a one year
subscription to Quick Times along with other benefits
accordingly. The “Buick” name and all other related
Buick model names are registered trademarks of the
General Motors Corporation. And are used with
permission by the Lone Star Performance Buick
Chapter GSCA through it’s association with the Buick
GS Club of America.
From Left: Richard Herring and his new bride Glenda, Charlotte Llano, Morgan Farrington, Catherine
Roberts and Frank Llano
Remembering a Fallen Friend
In memory of a very loyal LSPBC club member and friend of mine — Richard Herring
As a member, Richard always represented our club well. He tried to recruit new members whenever he could. He enjoyed the club and tried to help it grow and prosper. He,
along with myself, were on the Board of Directors for the “Muscle Car Club Challenge”, attending the meetings and racing for our club. He hardly ever missed a meeting, driving all
the way from south of Desoto, Texas to far North Dallas for the Sunday morning meetings
or a race.
Richard was married just two months before the car accident in which both he and
Glenda were killed. The 22 year old driver of the 18-wheeler truck has been charged with
manslaughter. Glenda was a terrific lady and a lot of fun. For the first time she got to watch
Richard race his Grand National the week before their accident. It was a Muscle Car Club
Challenge event at Redline Raceway. Richard had one of his best days at the MCCC meet.
He went four rounds before losing in the semi-finals and four rounds in the “Race of Champions”, representing the LSPBC. Glenda, Charlotte and I were very proud of Richard.
Richard did not drink, smoke or curse, which made him a rare individual. He also was a
Christian by faith. We will all miss Richard, but we were lucky to have known him for the
time he was with us.
Contributed by Frank Llano
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A Word From the President
Thanks to our members and volunteers,
this year is proving to be a great success
for LSPBC. The car shows have been attracting great cars and the attendance has
been good. Our membership has been
growing and participation at the race events
has increased as well. Although this is a
good start, I would like to see even more
participation at the shows and racing events from our members. I know that it is hard to plan around our daily lives;
however, a larger amount of attendees makes for more fun!
On that note, we possibly have more club events planned
this than ever before. So reap the most of your membership and benefits of your club. Do not forget that the
LSPBC picnic has been scheduled for July 31st at Tom
Malouf’s Ranch this year. There are already about one
hundred family and members scheduled to attend. Don’t
get left out on possibly the biggest and baddest LSPBC
picnic ever! Thank you all for your continued support and I
hope to see each of you again soon.
say that it was a very nice event. They had a car show and
an additional area to display cars for sale. There were lot’s
of food and drink, a GS Nationals video, a horseshoe
throwing contest, and a awesome burn-out contest that was
the highlight of the event. The 210 mile trip was a blast and
we hope to go again next year. I also want to welcome EJ
as a new member of our chapter as well. We are all glad to
have you aboard. In other matters, LSPBC will be hosting
the BASS PRO SHOPS car show in Grapevine on the 1st
Sunday in October (Oct 3rd). The show will be running
from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This is also their last show of
the year. We will need at least four members to help run
the show. Please contact Robert Davidson if you can help.
As a perk for hosting, the club will receive half of the 50/50
pot proceeds at the end of the event. We look forward to
seeing you out there!
Gota go guys/gals. See ya at the other end!
David Newton
LSPBC Vice President
Rick Kinworthy
LSPBC President
A Word From the Vice President
Well here we are with 6 months of the
year already gone. We have had 3 great
shows at Chuck’s, 4 Club races at Redline,
our Annual show at Ewing Autogroup, the
Brand X Bash in Temple and EJ’s bash
down in Conroe. Well, all I can say is we
have been busy with even more to come
between now and the end of the year. We
have signed up some new members and renewed some
old members at just about every event we have had this
year. Let’s keep that going. We still have 4 more shows at
Chucks, 4 more Redline races, our Picnic at Tom Malouf’s
ranch in Wills Point, the Bowling Event at Main Event in
Lewisville, a Speed Zone event, a possible Dyno club meet
before Noble and a few more club meetings.
Thanks to all of our club sponsors:
Chuck’s All American Food and Fun
Ewing Autogroup
Richardson Imports
Mid Cities Roofing
I also wanted to mention our point leaders for our races
and shows. Rick Kinworthy, our race leader and Jack
Laswell, our show leader. Watch out guys were shooting
for ya! As always, if there is a event that you would like to
see the club do let us know. If there is enough interest,
we’ll get it done. Remember, this is your club.
As I previously said, a few of us from the DFW area made it
down to EJ’s in Conroe for his annual Buick Bash. I can
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The Show Director’s Report
Here’s just a few words to update everyone on how our season is progressing.
Our April Chuck’s show was a huge success with 75 cars registered, including 9
LSPBC cars. There were about 18 Buick’s
there but not everyone chose to register.
Jack Laswell took top honors with his ’86
GN and Tina Newton captured second
place with her red ’72 GS. Attendance at the May show
was almost as good as April. There were 70 cars entered
including 12 Buick’s (22 in all). The results were the same.
Jack Laswell again took first place and Tina Newton second. Does anyone see a pattern developing here? The
June show was plagued by thunder storms in the morning
but by the afternoon the rain moved out and the temperature was pleasant, but sticky, and the show went on. The
final car count was 48 cars with seven Buick’s entered. It
turned out much better than I thought it would. Normally at
5:30 we have about 30-40 cars in the lot. That day there
may have been 8-10. It didn’t look good, but we had a last
minute spurt that helped salvage the day somewhat.
Through three shows, the season points total has Jack
Laswell in front. Tina and a few others are still in striking
distance but they may have to get Guido to pay Jack a visit,
if you know what I’m say’n.
On Saturday, the 26, we had our annual Ewing show.
Again the weather kept attendance low. There was no rain
but the threat was there and the weatherman kept talking
about it. So we closed the registration one hour late with
only 38 cars in the lot. We did get the rain during the 50/50
giveaways, but I think everyone had a good time. We had
extra trophies, so we gave 2 first place, a second and a
third. Guess who tied for first. Jack Laswell and Tina Newton. Getting old isn’t it. Robert Downey won second place
with his ‘89’ Pontiac Turbo TA and third place went to Mark
Metdker, another ‘89’ Turbo TA.
The row of Buicks at Chuck’s
David Newton gets a big ‘atta boy for the trophies he selected. An upright clear acetate made in the shape of
Texas with the LSPBC Logo and the Ewing name engraved. Everyone really liked them.
For those of you who couldn’t be there, we’ll continue this
exciting narrative in our next newsletter. For the rest of
you, I see ‘ya there.
A Vintage Thunderbird club brought some beautiful 60’s era
models for one of our Saturday show events.
Robert Davison
LSPBC Show Director
Join LSPBC Today!
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A testament to the diversity and quality of vehicles entered in the LSPBC car shows:
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Food for Thought From the Editor
Have you thanked a military veteran or
service person lately for their sacrifice? I
have never served in the armed forces;
but, I know enough to understand that fact
has not been provided without great sacrifice. Fellow LSPBC member and military
reservist Frank Martinez has been called to
duty to defend our country. On the behalf
of all our members I would like to thank him and all our men
and women who have honorably chosen to fulfill this duty.
The freedoms we have today and the ability to live our daily
lives without fear are a testament of their abilities and to
those who have served before them. Possibly these facts
become more evident and close to the heart with age. I
often pray that my children and future grandchildren will
never have to worry about having the freedoms and
choices that we sometimes take for granted. In a year of
elections and political controversy the fact remains that the
American military has recently liberated two countries from
tyranny. Two countries who’s citizens lived in daily fear of
nearly every word spoken from their mouths. No longer do
they have to be fearful of being extinguished on the basis of
their nationality or beliefs. Women previously barbarically
punished for even expressing an opinion are now able to
openly receive an education. A sovereign and free government is now under organization rather than a totalitarian
dictatorship. A near collapsed infrastructure of electrical
grids, hospitalization and basic plumbing is being restored
to two nations of people. Those of you, as well as myself,
who lost power during recent storms had a hard time being
deprived of electricity for a week! In the near future the
people of Iraq will also be able to hold their own democratic
elections. Who could deny that providing the means of
freedom and self government that many have taken for
granted in America is a just and noble cause? Rarely a day
goes by that you don’t hear bad or negative news in the
media in some form or another about our involvement in
the middle east and other countries. Just remember this for
example, nobody out there is reporting on the thousands of
planes that arrive at their destination safely every day. Just
the ones that don’t. Irregardless of your political affiliation,
the members of our armed forces are fighting for each of
us. They are detached from their family and friends so that
we don’t have to. You could even say that Frank is fighting
for us so that we can keep going racing and attending our
car shows. When the soldiers of the Vietnam era returned
home there were no parades. There was no welcome
home parties. Many were even shunned in public for performing their duty. This was such a tragedy. So for those
of you who have friends, relatives, passively meet someone
who is serving, or have served this great country in the
past, don’t forget to tell them “thank you”. A whole hearted
thank you means more to them than you may ever know.
Carl Brimer
LSBPC Newsletter Editor
Frank Llano and Richard Herring representing the LSPBC
at a TMCC event at the Texas Motorplex
A beautiful sight near the 2004 Bowling Green event!
Just when you think
that you have seen it
all….. It puts a whole
new spin on the
phrase “skate or die”
Can you say ROAD
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Join LSPBC Today!
Editor’s note: The preceding was a editorial commentary and as
such does necessarily reflect the views of the LSBPC or its’ sponsors as a whole nor does the LSBPC subscribe to or have any
affiliation to any political organizations.
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Upcoming Events
July 31st:
LSPBC Annual Picnic at Tom Malouf’s ranch. Driving directions included in newsletter.
August 14th:
LSPBC points racing series event at Redline Raceway.
Gates open at 6:00 p.m. Get there early to park in the
LSPBC section.
August 21st:
Chuck’s Cruise Night hosted by the LSPBC. Registration
begins at 5:00 p.m. Located in the shopping center at the
corner of Hwy 121 and Preston Rd.
August 28th:
LSPBC family bowling at the Main Event in Lewisville.
Bowling and shoe rentals will be paid for by the club. Food
and drinks will be the responsibility of the participants.
EWING Plano: New Cars: 866-262-3333 Used: 866-261-5555
4464 W. Plano Parkway, Plano Texas (www.EwingPlano.com)
September 11th:
LSPBC points racing series event at Redline Raceway.
Gates open at 6:00 p.m. Get there early to park in the
LSPBC section.
September 18th:
Chuck’s Cruise Night hosted by the LSPBC. Registration
begins at 5:00 p.m. Located in the shopping center at the
corner of Hwy 121 and Preston Rd.
October 9th:
LSPBC points racing series event at Redline Raceway.
Gates open at 6:00 p.m. Get there early to park in the
LSPBC section.
October 2nd:
LSPBC sponsored car show at Bass Pro Shops 1-5 p.m.
October 16th:
Chuck’s Cruise Night hosted by the LSPBC. Registration
begins at 5:00 p.m. Located in the shopping center at the
corner of Hwy 121 and Preston Rd.
LSPBC Speedzone Event
LSPBC Dyno Day
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BIG BAD 2004 Picnic!
The 2004 LSPBC annual picnic is here! Come join us
Saturday, July 31st for a day full of fun and camaraderie at
LSPBC member Tom Malouf’s Ranch. This will be the
picnic that will be remembered for years to come. Members and their families should begin to arrive after 11:00
a.m. Food will be served about 12:30 or so. There will be
sodas, hot dogs for the land lovers, lots of deep fried catfish, french fries, and hush puppies all catered by Tom’s
ranch-hands. Bring your own chairs if you want a comfortable place to sit down. Bring your fishing rod if you would
like to go fishing in the large pond. There will also be horse
shoe throwing and a volley ball net set up for some friendly
competition. There will be a club meeting to discuss upcoming events and plans for the future during this event as
well. This event is scheduled to end around 5:00 p.m. so
there will be plenty of time for everyone to have fun.
There will be a staked perimeter marking the area which
everyone will be restricted from crossing. Please make
sure that all family members attending with you understand
the importance of this. Tom’s ranch is a trophy whitetail
deer ranch and breeding area. His deer are crucial to the
operation of his land and crossing this line may result in
injury or death to his animals! They are very easily frightened by close human contact. Again, please adhere to this
one request and everyone will have a great time. Don’t be
left out! RSVP if you have not already done so to Rick Kinworthy at [email protected] or 817-798-5465.
Don’t forget your fishing pole!
See You There!
The Ranch House
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How To Get To The Picnic:
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How To Get To The Picnic:
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Where To Get Wholesale GM Parts
Racing Points Battle
I trade with Lance Dirksen (Parts Department) at Don Snell
Buick on Central Expressway and Royal Lane in Dallas
(214-363-7251). Lance, and his co-worker Jesse Calame,
have known a number of the club members for many years.
In fact, Jesse used to do heavy duty wrench work on the
GS’s many years ago. Jesse has since left about a year
ago due to his wife’s illness, but; Lance continues on. I
recently spoke with Lance and he will give wholesale pricing to any LSPBC club member. Additionally, he is able to
look up and get parts for any GM car or truck product. He
is knowledgeable and always helpful.
Total Points Standings after 5 completed races:
Morgan Farrington
LSPBC Treasurer / Secretary
Race Winners!
May 8th:
Cody Copeland
Ron Britton
Kyle Faulkner
Mike Faulkner
June 12th:
Rick Kinworthy
Jack Laswell
Danny Oviedo
David Newton
July 10th:
Greg McCall
Jack Laswell
Aaron Logan
Rick Kinworthy
Rick Kinworthy
185 pts
Cody Copeland
135 pts
Danny Oviedo
110 pts
David Newton
90 pts
Victor Segovia
80 pts
Patrick Smith
75 pts
Ron Britton
60 pts
Stan Davis
Mike Faulkner
50 pts
50 pts
Scott Jorrey
Greg Kring
Billy Duke
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Mark Metdker
Tim Winn
John Martin
Keith Stegal
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
Mitch Smith
20 pts
Bryan Alberti
Craig Casey
Tina Newton
Chip LeClair
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
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Car Show Points Winners!
April 17th:
Jack Laswell
2nd David Newton
Victor Segovia
Tina Newton
86 GN
86 GN
87 TT
72 GS
27 pts
22 pts
22 pts
18 pts
May 15th:
Jack Laswell
2nd Tina Newton
Victor Segovia
Robert Downey
86 GN
72 GS
87 TT
89 TTA
25 pts
20 pts
19 pts
17 pts
June 19th:
Jack Laswell
2nd Tina Newton
Victor Segovia
David Newton
New Club T-Shirts Available!
I just wanted to give everyone an update. As most of
you know, we ran out of shirts a few months back. We
have had two different ones made. One type is the original
club shirt with the state of Texas on the front that includes
pictures of three Buicks. The other type is a reproduction
of the “BIG BAD BUICK” shirts. They are currently available for purchase at all of the upcoming events. Each, regardless of size is only $15.00. I am sorry for the delay;
but, they have been worth the wait!
David Newton
LSPBC Vice-President
Cars and Parts for Sale
86 GN
72 GS
87 TT
86 GN
24 pts
21 pts
14 pts
14 pts
Overall Points Standings as of June 2004:
Jack Laswell
86 GN
76 pts
Tina Newton
72 GS
59 pts
Victor Segovia
87 TT
55 pts
David Newton
86 GN
51 pts
Rick Kinworthy
87 GN
Morgan Farrington 87 GN
33 pts
33 pts
Cody Copeland
Robert Downey
87 TT
89 TTA
27 pts
27 pts
Victor Segovia
87 Limited
14 pts
Jesse Cole
87 GN
12 pts
Brian Alberti
Brian Alberti
George Ray
87 TT
11 pts
03 Park Ave 11 pts
87 GN
11 pts
Daniel Oviedo
Robert Downey
87 TT
87 GN
10 pts
10 pts
1987 Buick Grand National:
Rev. Charles Hastings - Original Owner. Un-abused 58k
original miles. Non T-Top with Positrac. $17K neg. Contact Frank Llano for information. 972-716-8002
1987 Buick Grand National:
Original owner bought from Reynolds Buick and it has been
a daily driver for life. Original motor and transmission.
185k miles. Green Stripe injectors, K&N air filter, after market MAF. A/C works fine. Transmission shifts normal.
Original paint. Rebuilt tie rods, ball joints, poly bushings,
turbo. $9900.00 Contact Tim Luber for additional information at [email protected]
Alpine CDA-7842 AM/FM CD Receiver with remote:
New in box. Bought as display model for another vehicle
prior to selling car. Detachable face with case. “Max Tune
SQ” tuner. High Power 40W x 4 & Dual 4V Pre-Outs perfect
for clear amplified systems. Shuttle control. Must sacrifice
at $150.00 cash-n-carry firm. Contact Carl Brimer at 817265-8844 or at [email protected]
Precision Power EQP EQ / Fader:
Bought new and never installed. 5-Band equalizer by PPI
includes selectable Sub X-over, Fader, and Aux Inputs.
Unit is small enough to possibly fit in-dash under DIN size
radio or it can be fixed mounted under dash. Backlight is
switchable from green to amber. This is a competition level
unit complete with installation hardware. A bargan sacrifice
at $150.00 cash-n-carry firm. Contact Carl Brimer at 817265-8844 or at [email protected]
Sony XR-C6100 FM/AM Cassette CD Changer Control:
Used complete with face plate and wire harness only. Detachable face with 3-step D-Bass selector. High power
40Wx4 including separate front/rear pre-outs. Lost instructions and cannot remember the button sequence to relight
the display. A great unit at a cheap cash-n-carry price.
$30.00. Contact Carl Brimer at 817-265-8844 or at [email protected]
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Featured Product
Accurate Machine Works’ beautiful PCV catch can.
AMW’s PCV Catch Cans are designed by automotive enthusiasts for those who expect
a higher standard of performance from their vehicle and wish to help extend the life of
their engine by decreasing oil contamination from the intake tract to the combustion chamber. Months of research and testing has provided AMW with a unique and functional kit
that has worked flawlessly on many makes of vehicles, from turbo applications, imports,
late model domestics, to early model muscle. The internal design of the AMW catch can
is superior in function to other catch cans on the market. Oil vapors and other contaminates are first caught and condensed by a stainless mesh and then dropped to the bottom
of the can where a series of under-cuts in the walls prevent the oil from climbing back to
the top and exiting back into the intake tract.
Oil contamination derives from the positive crankcase ventilation valve common on
most internal combustion engines where vacuum is pulled on the crankcase by the intake
or in some cases the throttle body. This contamination occurs when oil vapors exit the
crankcase via the PCV valve, enter the intake tract, and create adverse effects such as
carbon build-up on valves, pistons, and plugs, as well as cause harmful detonation. Detonation in many cases causes the ECM/PCM to retard timing, thus creating a reduction in
horsepower. Power adders such as turbos, blowers, or nitrous can benefit greatly due to
the removal of oil contamination in the combustion process. Poor emissions could also be
traced back to high levels of oil residue being burned in the combustion process. By removing this oil, a clean burning engine could help the environment as well as improving
the performance of a vehicle.
AWM’s PCV Catch Cans and mounting brackets are
made from 6061 billet aluminum and machined cut on CNC
machines producing a precise product with a professional
appearance. Dimensions of the can are 2-1/2” in diameter by
5 ¾” tall, therefore making installations in tight spaces more
convenient. Installation takes on average 15 to 20 minutes
with minimal mechanical knowledge and common household
tools. All hardware and accessories are included with purchase i.e. mounting bracket, screws, billet aluminum fittings,
hose clamps, and five feet of hose.
Source: AWM product website
Both members Daniel Oviedo and David Newton are currently testing this product on their vehicles. They both are
reporting successful operation of this product at this time. The units are also offered in red, black, blue and clear anodized
finishes. The current price for the catch cans is $88.00; however, they are currently stating that they have run out of stock
on their website. Additional information can be obtained at www.accmachtech.com or by phoning 979-774-0062.
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Technically Speaking
The following article has been reprinted with the permission
from the GSX-tra publication and the Buick GS Club of
Spark Plugs, O2 Sensors and
Fuel Injectors
By Richard Lasseter
We have one ‘87 TR in our stable in that uses nothing
but Sunoco 110 octane “Standard” (purple) race gas. We
run 20 psi boost (with 21-22 psi spikes at times). With the
old “blue top” 36lb. injectors, performance is maxed out at
116-117mph through the quarter mile with a TA-49 turbo,
Champion ported iron heads, H206-206 cam etc. At this
level of performance with this particular combo, the 36lb.
Injectors are unable to supply additional fuel to make any
more power. This TR runs 11.70’s with low boost launches
on the Red Stripe converter. We never get even one degree of spark retard, even though low O2 numbers at the
end of the quarter mile always get our attention. That is
how we know that our injectors are maxxed out. The car is
heavy with every imaginable option that adds weight, including the power astro roof. And the roof option (like TTops) is why we don’t aggressively boost the car under
launch. Water leaks are too commonly the result!
As far as spark plugs go, my advice is to never let them
go over 750 miles on a steady diet of race gas. At higher
boost, you will get misfires and “popping”. We just pulled
out a set of Autolite 24’s gapped .034” at 1012 miles after
we began to experience misfire at boost levels above
17psi. The plugs looked fine, but a set of new ones eliminated the problem.
As far as O2 sensors go, this same TR will go an easy
500 miles on one of our heated O2 sensors. Try that with a
standard 1-wire O2 sensor on a full diet of race gas! After
about 500 miles on race gas, we routinely replace the sensor. A sure way to know that your O2 sensor is “shot” is
when you get a string of “garbage” numbers on your scan
tool when you play back those O2 readings after a full throttle pass. They’ll simply be all over the place….92, .80, .45,
.91, …. Etc. from frame to frame.
Now, most of you know what you need when it comes to
fuel injectors. Nowadays, you either stick with stock 2830lb. Injectors or go up to 42’s. Due to poor availability and
current pricing, 36lb. injectors are mostly out of the picture.
When available, 36lb. Injectors worked very sweet on the
street and supplied ample fuel for TR’s making enough
horsepower to run 115-116 mph in the quarter mile. When
the 42 pounders came out, driveability was an initial concern. Immediate off-idle response often gave a bog, which
felt just like a bad accelerator pump on a carbureted car.
But this was back in the mid 1990’s and nowadays Quad
Air and others have the fuel programming down pat from a
dead idle all the way up.
I’m going to end this article relating a very common mistake made by so many TR owners, especially new TR
owners. We have a lot of new TR owners in our club, and
maybe this will keep some of you from making the same
costly mistake.
First of all, if you run your TR exclusively on pump gas,
then you are limited to 16 psi boost and will not run below
12.50 / 107 mph. This is admittedly a generalization, yet it
will undoubtedly cover 95% of the cases as noted above.
And in such cases, your stock injectors will supply all the
fuel you’ll need. I remember that in 1990 my GNX ran easy
12-teens at up to 112mph with stock injectors. That was
before aftermarket injectors (or turbos, for that matter) were
commonly available. I’m sure that we were on the brink of
inadequate fuel delivery, but it did work at the time. And
that was at 19-20psi on an otherwise stock GNX using 50%
100 octane Sunoco unleaded and 50% 110 octane Sunoco
“purple”. The only other mods were an external Bosch
“286” pusher fuel pump, TTA style Bosch “237” fuel regulator, removal of catalytic converter, old Don Kiger or Conley
Mag 4 chip and a K&N 9” cone filter. Tires were P295/5015 M&H DOT’s. This was all part of the typical TR modification program in 1990.
So again, I can’t imagine any pump gas TR running under
17psi boost needing larger fuel injectors. The O2 numbers
on a scan tool will easily let you know if you do need an
injector upgrade!
Swappin’ parts at the X-Bash in Temple, Texas
See you at the picnic!
Happy Trails.
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