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MAT19065-11 Sheet 3 6 No.Sarcococca confusa 83 39 No.Prunus lusitanica 'Myrtifolia' 6 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 8 No.Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' 8 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 7 No.Sarcococca confusa 8 No.Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' 7 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 5 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 4 No.Potentilla fruticosa 'Red Ace' MAT19065-11 Sheet 4 1 No. Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 6 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 8 No.Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' 6 No.Sarcococca confusa MAT19065-11 Sheet 4 6 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' 5 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 4 No. Acer ginnala 2 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' 5 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 4 No.Potentilla fruticosa 'Red Ace' 5 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' 3 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 5 No.Potentilla fruticosa 'Red Ace' 9 No.Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' 84 10 No.Sarcococca confusa 9 No.Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' 7 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 5 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' Alnus cordata 6 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 6 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 84 8 No.Sarcococca confusa 10 No.Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' 85 15 No.Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' 2 No. Acer ginnala 7 No.Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n' Gold' MAT19065-11 Sheet 4 6 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 2 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 1 No. Amelanchier lamarckii 14 No.Sarcococca confusa 9 No.Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' 1 No. Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' SPECIFICATION Forestry Commission Practice note 8. All native species should be of local stock. Native trees and shrubs certified as British Native plant stock. All planting stock should comply with the Horticultural Trade Association National Plant specification. All planting preparation, handling, planting & maintenance should be in accordance with CPSE Code for Handling and Establishing plants. All trees and shrubs to comply with BS 3936 Part 1 1992, planted to BS 4043:1989 and BS 4428:1989. All works generally, to comply with the written Soft Landscape Specification. Topsoil incorporated into planting beds to be gently mounded towards the centre of each bed to allow for settlement. On completion of planting the whole area of the shrub bed shall be mulched with 75mm consolidated thickness of medium textured decorative grade natural pine bark having first been prepared in accordance with the specification. Free standing hedges shall have a 3 strand galvanised wire and tanalised softwood timber post fence, to BS 1722 Part 2:2000, erected along a line between the two rows of hedge plants. All existing trees and hedges to be protected in accordance with BS5837:2012 for the duration of the construction period. NOTE: DO NOT SCALE FROM DRAWING Plant Schedule and Tree Pit Details on Sheet 3 15 No.Ceanothus 'Autumnal Blue' 10 No. Viburnum tinus 'Gwenllian' Legend Existing trees to be retained and protected during construction 1 No.Liquidambar styraciflua 'Lane Roberts' 17 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 110 2 No.Betula nigra 'Heritage' Existing trees to be removed during construction 3 No.Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis Rosea' 9 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' Proposed tree planting to receive short double staking with expandable rubber tree ties and irrigation tubing to root system 8 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 1 No. Alnus cordata Proposed specimen shrub planting to receive short angular staking with expandable tree tie and irrigation tubing to root system as required 7 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' Proposed climbing plants to be trained up adjacent wall/ fence with galvanised wires and hook set 250mm apart with support canes removed prior to planting us avium 'Plena' 6 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 8 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 13 No.Sarcococca confusa 9 No.Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' 11 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' 6 No.Sarcococca confusa 8 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' Proposed hedge planting to be planted in a double staggered row 400mm apart and placed 400mm apart in each row with 75mm bark mulch to base, to be maintained at a maximum height of 1.2 m 10 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' Proposed hedge planting to be planted in a double row 400mm apart and placed 400mm apart in each row with 75mm bark mulch to base, to be maintained at a maximum height of 1 m 6 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 1 No.Prunus avium 'Plena' 8 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 14 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' 8 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 6 No.Sarcococca confusa V 1 No.Quercus robur Proposed shrub planting to receive 75mm bark mulch after planting operations Proposed mixed shrub and herbaceous planting to be planted in groups of 3, 5 or 7 of the same species with larger growing species to the back of planting areas and to receive 75mm bark mulch after planting operations Proposed mixed native shrub planting to be planted in groups of 3,5 or 7 of the same species and to receive 75mm bark mulch after planting operations 9 No. Viburnum tinus 'Gwenllian' 3 No.Betula nigra 'Heritage' 11 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 9 No.Photinia fraseri 'Red Robin' 8 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' V Proposed grass areas to receive good quality amenity grass turves laid in line with good horticultural practices Proposed grassland areas to be seeded with RE3 grass seed mix as supplied by Germinal 1 No.Prunus avium 'Plena' 9 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' 7 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' V 1 No.Quercus robur 5 No.Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' 11 No.Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' 6 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 1 No.Prunus avium 'Plena' Proposed wildflower meadow to be seeded with WFG2 Flowering Meadow mix (with wild flower and grass seed) or similar as supplied by 6 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 8 No.Sarcococca confusa 8 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' 7 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 9 No.Sarcococca confusa 6 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' Managed in accordance with the LEAMPP Cut lines V A Rev 5 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' culus hippocastanum CM Drawn ACD 6 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' V 17.11.2014 Layout changes Date Details 10 No.Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' BR AR NEW K ISTO RO L RO AD AD 8 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' Ecology Arboriculture V Landscape Architecture 6 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' ACD Landscape Architect & ACD Ecology Rodbourne Rail Business Centre, Grange Lane, Malmesbury, SN16 0ES Tel: 01666 825646 1 No. Alnus cordata ACD Arboriculture Courtyard House, Mill Lane, Godalming. GU7 1EY Tel: 01483 425714 ACD (Landscape Architects) Southampton 12 Southgate Street, winchester, SO23 9EF Tel: 01965 855604 GREEN V V V V 16 No.Buxus sempervirens 30 No.Buxus sempervirens V V V V V V V V TUFFLEY rvirens 8 No.Rosa 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' osmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' utumn Glory' Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' MAT19065-11 Sheet 4 V 10 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' 5 No.Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens MAT19065-11 Sheet 5 20 No.Buxus sempervirens client: Matthew Homes drawing: Landscape Proposals date: SEP '14 scale: 1:200@A1 drawing no: MAT19065-11A Sheet 4 checked: JC drawn: HG V V 13 No.Buxus sempervirens 4 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' 3 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 6 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' 5 No.Cistus 'Silver Pink' 4 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' scheme: Site A, Contract Chemicals Site, Bristol Road, Gloucester 21 No.Buxus sempervirens MAT19065-12 Sheet 2 6 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' CRESCENT 6 No.Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' 9 No. Abelia grandiflora 'Compacta' 7 No.Hebe 'Autumn Glory' 19 No.Lonicera pileata V 11 No.Lonicera pileata Copyright of ACD Landscape Architects Ltd. All rights described in Chapter IV of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 have been generally asserted: 2011. Copyright of this plan remains with ACD until all fees have been paid in full.
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