stamp bulletin - Australia Post Shop


stamp bulletin - Australia Post Shop
stamp bu l le t in
Special Edition 257 A
• Australian Gold Medallists Stamps
2 5 7A b u l l e t i n
    
In this Bulletin...
Designer on the night shift
The Gold Medallists sheetlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
...more than a year in the making, printed and on sale less than
24 hours after Ian Thorpe won Australia’s first gold medal at the
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
The sheetlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
The Australian Gold Medallists in issue date order
New issue, Opening Ceremony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Mail order codes for Australian Gold Medallists Sheetlets
and other Olympic issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
...reference list of codes and prices
Other products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Back cover
... first day covers and stamp replica pin covers
Calls to the Australian Philatelic Bureau
Due to the success of our Australian Gold Medallists stamps, our call centre lines
have been very busy, with call numbers around three to four times normal levels.
Although we put on extra staff, we realise that some callers have had to wait for
longer than we would like. We apologise for any inconvenience and trust you will bear
with us at this busy time.
Australia Post is not a sponsor of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Nothing in this publication should be read to imply or infer a sponsorship relationship.
Copyright 2000, Australian Postal Corporation.
All Rights reserved.
All applications for the reproduction of
Australian stamps should be made in
writing to:
The Manager – Philatelic Group
Australia Post
GPO Box 1777Q
Fax: 03 9204 7744
28 864 970 579
The Australian Stamp Bulletin is produced by the Australia Post Philatelic Group and printed by Canberra
Press Moorabbin. All information contained in this Bulletin has been included in good faith, on the basis
that the products will be available for sale, at the prices stated, and in the manner described.To the best
of Australia Post’s knowledge, all information contained in this Bulletin was correct at the time of printing.
Australia Post will not, however, be held responsible for any inadvertent errors or oversights, or any
change to information which may occur after publication.
Availability of specific stamps and products is subject to demand, hours of operation of individual
outlets and factors outside the control of Australia Post.
Find out more about stamps by visiting Australia Post’s web site:
Another Australian team, not of athletes, but
of designers, printers and researchers,
gathered in Alexandria NSW on Saturday 16
September, waiting for their chance to test
themselves against the clock.
This team had spent months preparing to
achieve a goal that had started with an
audacious idea :
“to celebrate each gold medal won by an
Australian individual or team during the
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games with a stamp,
available for sale from 12 noon the day after
the medal is won”.
More than 10 months of research and
development had refined and improved the
process. The design, technology and logistics
had been tested, refined then tested again
until everyone involved was sure the goal they
had set was achievable.
But on Saturday 16 September, this team,
like everyone else in Australia, waited
anxiously for the first Australian to win a
Gold Medal at the Sydney 2000 Olympic
Games. The wait was mercifully short.
Saturday evening saw not one, but two gold
medals for Australia. Ian Thorpe won
Australia’s first, in the 400 m freestyle. Not
long after that Michael Klim, Chris Fydler,
Ashley Callus and Ian Thorpe won Australia’s
second gold medal, this time in the men’s 4 x
100 m freestyle relay.
Here’s how the stamps came together:
Much of the work required to produce this
stamp issue had been done over an eighteen
month period leading up to the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games. The concept, project and
basic designs for the sheetlet and stamps had
been approved by all the relevant
organisations, including the Australian
Olympic Committee (AOC), the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) and
the Sydney Organising Committee for the
Olympic Games (SOCOG).
When a medal was won, the final stamp
and sheetlet had to be designed, and that
design approved, before any printing could
take place. Once the medal was won, however,
the clock was ticking, and speed was essential.
The template
The process
The use of a pre-designed template, which
appears along the right hand and lower edges
of the stamp, reduced the number of variables
to be considered and enabled the designers to
meet the tight schedule required to achieve
the goal of next day availability.
Australia Post’s designers utilised the online
library of Allsport for images of the athlete(s).
Their preference was for photographs taken
on the podium, with finishing line or action
photographs also being considered.
Once the designers had selected the image,
extraneous background details were removed
and the colour corrected as required.
Researchers provided the designers with the
correct name of the athlete(s), the relevant
discipline and the name of the event.This
information was added to the stamp in the
area below the photograph. A second,
alternative image was also selected. Then both
images were transmitted to the AOC for approval.
The standard elements listed below are
identified on the sheetlet and stamp below.
b Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Australian Gold
Medallists. This is the official name of the issue.
The discipline in which the event is held.
The specific event in which the medal was won.
Beyond printing the stamps
The winner’s or winners’ names. Team members who
participated in the winning event, whether or not they
played in the final, are listed on the selvedge.
After the image was approved, it was sent
via a wide area network which connected the
Alexandria site to the six FujiXerox print sites,
and via a dedicated ISDN line to Melbourne,
where the electronic file was converted
directly to plate for offset printing.
The imprint identifies both the type of printing used to
produce that sheetlet and the print site for that sheetlet.
g Denomination
h A graphic element that identifies the Australian
issues for 2000
Identifies national origin
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Gold Victory Medal
Australian Olympic Team logo
Year of issue
Once this high resolution image had been
transmitted, a range of lower resolution
images were inserted into templates for use
in point of sale posters, media campaigns
and for updating our Philatelic web site.
Other images were sent to the main
national media outlets and to Australia
Post state public relations representatives,
who coordinated local activities featuring
the winner’s friends, relatives and neighbours.
The whole process took place overnight
without a hitch each time an Australian
team or individual won a gold medal. At
around 8am on the morning following
each gold medal win, boxes of digitally
printed sheetlets were on their way to
selected post offices in every Australian
state and territory. That same day, offset
sheetlets were shipped from Melbourne for
distribution Australia-wide, reaching up to
80% of outlets within 48 hours.
At the conclusion of the Olympic
Games, David Maiden, Manager, Philatelic
Group, said that beyond the philatelic
“... the Australian Gold Medallists stamps
captured the immediacy and enthusiasm of the
competition and helped spread the gold medal
winners’ pride and excitement throughout
Technical Details
Issue date ..........................See individual stamps
Denominations....................Ten x 45c
Designer ............................Beth McKinlay, Australia Post
Design Studio
Stamp size..........................35 x 35 mm
Perforations ........................13.86 x 14,6
Sheet layout........................Sheetlet of ten
Digital stamps
Print Process ......................Digital
Printer ................................FujiXEROX
SA and ACT
Paper ................................Tullis Russell
Sheet layout........................Two A5 sheetlets of ten stamps
Special features ..................Pre-perforated stock
Imprint in bottom right corner
of selvedge identifies the print
Offset stamps
Print process ......................Lithography
Printer ................................SNP Ausprint
Paper ................................Tullis Russell
Sheet layout........................120 stamps up on full sheet
Special features ..................Pre-perforated stock
Direct to plate
Imprint (map of Australia) in
bottom right corner of
selvedge identifies offset
National FDI postmark..........Sydney NSW 2000
By any measure, the project was a tremendous
success and a highlight of the 2000 issue
Offset sheetlets (sold individually)
Digital Medal Sets (sets of six digitally
printed sheetlets from a single print site, for
a gold medal won by an Australian
individual or team)
Digital State Sets (sets of digitally printed
sheetlets, one for a god medal won by an
Australian individual or team, all sheetlets
in the set are from a single print site)
These are the mail order codes for the standard sets offered. If you wish to purchase any of these
standard sets, simply fill in the order form, including the mail order code for the set(s) you require
and process as usual. Mail order codes for individual offset printed sheetlets are listed on
pages 9 - 12. For reference, the make-up of each set is described on Page 8. The colour coding used
on this page is used throughout this issue of the Bulletin.
• Digital stamps will only be available in sheetlets. All requests for other configurations will be
provided from offset stock, without selvedge or imprint.
• If you want your normal standing order configuration for a Gold Medallist sheetlet, enter the
configuration you want along with the mail order code for the offset printed sheetlet. These
requests will be filled from offset stock, without selvedge or imprint. There are no gutter strips
for the Australian Gold Medallists issue.
• If you wish to order individual digital sheetlets, enter the offset mail order code for that gold
medal along with the single letter identifier for that state print location, in the order form).
Australian Gold Medallists Album Set
Offset sheetlets (16) stock sheets (16) + Gold Medallists album
Offset Set, sheetlets only
One sheetlet for each gold medal won by an Australian individual or team
Offset Sheetlet Set (16 sheetlets)
Digital Medallist Sets
One sheetlet from each of the six print sites
for a single gold medal won by an Australian individual or team
Ian Thorpe, Swimming, Men’s 400 m Freestyle (six sheetlets)
Swimming, Men’s 4 x 100 m Freestyle Relay (six sheetlets)
Michael Diamond, Shooting, Men’s Trap (six sheetlets)
Equestrian Team 3 Day Event (six sheetlets)
Susie O’Neill, Swimming, Woman’s 200 m Freestyle(six sheetlets)
Swimming, Men’s 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay (six sheetlets)
Simon Fairweather, Archery, Men’s Individual (six sheetlets)
Cycling, Men’s Madison (six sheetlets)
Grant Hackett, Swimming, Men’s 1500m Freestyle (six sheetlets)
Water Polo, Women’s (six sheetlets)
Beach Volleyball, Women’s (six sheetlets)
Cathy Freeman, Athletics, Women’s 400 m (six sheetlets)
Lauren Burns, Taekwondo, under 49 kg (six sheetlets)
Hockey: Women’s (six sheetlets)
Sailing: Women’s 470 (six sheetlets)
Sailing: Men’s 470 (six sheetlets)
Digital State sets
One sheetlet from a single print location for
each gold medal won by an Australian individual or team
NSW sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
VIC sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
QLD sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
WA sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
SA sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
ACT sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
Digital Set of State Sets, (16 sheetlets from each of 6 print sites) $432.00
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
While stocks last, you may also purchase the
Australian Gold Medallists album + set of ten
stock sheets, without stamps for $17.95
When ordering single sheets of digitally printed
stamps, use these codes to identify print locations:
For example to order a single digitally printed
sheetlet of Ian Thorpe, that was printed in
NSW, enter:
in the mail order form
Australian Stamp Bulletin Mail Order Form
Postage stamps cannot be accepted as payment for orders.
Unit Price $A
Order Code
Description of items
No. Required
Order Value $A
Ian Thorpe, 400 M Freestyle
Ian Thorpe, 400 M Freestyle
Ian Thorpe, 400 M Freestyle
block of 4
Ian Thorpe, 400 M Freestyle
Digital Sheet printed in NSW
$27 .00
$1 .80
If you have questions about the availability of sheets, sets or special configurations,
please contact the Australian Philatelic Bureau
In Australia, 1 800 331 794. Overseas customers phone 61 3 9887 0033 or fax 61 3 9887 0236
Email to: [email protected] or visit our web site at
The stamps
Australian Gold Medallists Album Set................$96.00
Ian Thorpe, Swimming: Men’s 400 m Freestyle
Medal date 16 September 2000
Issue date 17 September 2000
This is the complete Australian Gold Medallists Album Set,
comprising a set of offset printed stamps (one sheetlet for
each gold medal won by an Australian individual or team)
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Ian Thorpe, Swimming, Men’s 400 m Freestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location
0134301E Ian Thorpe, Men’s 400 m Freestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
+ stock sheets to hold Australian Gold Medallists sheetlets
+ Gold Medallists Stamp Album
Offset Set
This set comprises offset printed Australian Gold Medallists
sheetlets, one sheetlet of ten x 45c for each gold medal won
by an Australian individual or team
Swimming: Men’s 4 x 100 m Freestyle Relay
Michael Klim, Chris Fydler, Ashley Callus, Ian Thorpe
Medal date 16 September 2000
Issue date 17 September 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
0134302 Swimming, Men’s 4 x 100 Freestyle Relay ............................$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134302E Swmming, Men’s 4 x 100 Freestyle Relay...........................$27.00
Digital Medal Set ............................................$27.00
These sets of digitally printed sheetlets are for a selected
Michael Diamond, Shooting: Men’s Trap
Medal date 17 September 2000
Issue date 18 September 2000
gold medal won by an Australian individual or team (you
select the gold medal), Digital Medal Sets are comprised of
one sheetlet of ten x 45c from each print site for the selected
gold medal.
Digital State Set ............................................$72.00
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
0134303 Michael Diamond, Shooting, Men’s Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134303E Michael Diamond, Shooting, Men’s Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
These sets of digitally printed sheetlets of ten x 45c are from
a selected print site (you select the site). Digital State Sets
are comprised of one sheetlet for each gold medal won by
an Australian individual or team.
Equestrian: Team 3 Day Event
Andrew Hoy, Stuart Tinney, Matthew Ryan, Phillip Dutton
Medal date 19 September 2000
Issue date 20 September 2000
Digital Set of State Sets ................................$432.00
This set combines all the digitally printed sheetlets
(96 sheetlets in total).
The sheetlets that make up these sets are also available individually
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Equestrian, Team 3 Day Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134304E Equestrian, Team 3 Day Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
Susie O’Neill, Swimming: Women’s 200 m Freestyle
Medal date 19 September 2000
Issue date 20 September 2000
Grant Hackett, Swimming: Men’s 1500 m Freestyle
Medal date 23 September 2000
Issue date 24 September 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Susie O’Neill, Swimming, Women’s 200 m Freestyle . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134305E Susie O’Neill, Swimming, Women’s 200 m Freestyle . . . . . . .$27.00
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet
Grant Hackett, Swimming, Men’s 1500 m Freestyle . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134309E Grant Hackett, Swimming, Men’s 1500 m Freestyle . . . . . . . .$27.00
Swimming: Men's 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay
Team: Ian Thorpe, Michael Klim, Bill Kirby, Todd Pearson
Medal date 19 September 2000
Issue date 20 September 2000
Water Polo: Women’s
Team: Liz Weekes, Yvette Higgins, Gail Miller, Naomi Castle, Bronwyn
Mayer, Simone Hankin, Danielle Woodhouse, Kate Hooper, Debbie
Watson, Taryn Woods, Bridgette Gusterson, Joanne Fox, Melissa Mill
Medal date 23 September 2000
Issue date 24 September 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Swimming: Men’s 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134306E Swimming: Men’s 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
Simon Fairweather, Archery: Men’s Individual
Medal date 20 September 2000
Issue date 21 September 2000
Beach Volleyball: Women’s
Team: Kerri Pottharst, Nathalie Cook
Medal date 25 Sep 2000
Issue date 26 September 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Simon Fairweather, Archery, Men’s Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134307E Simon Fairweather, Archery, Men’s Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27.00
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Beach Volleyball, Women’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134311E Beach Volleyball, Women’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
Cycling: Men’s Madison
Team: Brett Aitken, Scott McGrory
Medal date 21 September 2000
Issue date 22 September 2000
Cathy Freeman, Athletics: Women’s 400 m
Medal date 25 September 2000
Issue date 26 September 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Cycling, Men’s Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134308E Cycling, Men’s Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Cathy Freeman, Athletics, Women’s 400 m , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134312E Cathy Freeman, Athletics, Women’s 400 m , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,$27.00
Individual sheets are also available in sets
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Water Polo, Women’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134310E Water Polo, Women’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
Individual sheets are also available in sets
Opening Ceremony
  
For illustration purposes only, final art not available at the time of printing
Lauren Burns, Taekwondo: Women’s under 49 kg
Medal date 27 September 2000
Issue date 28 September 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Lauren Burns, Taekwondo: Women’s under 49 kg . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134313E Lauren Burns, Taekwondo: Women’s under 49 kg . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
Hockey: Women’s
Team: Rechelle Hawkes, Alyson Annan, Juliet Haslam, Clover Maitland, Jenny Morris,
Kate Starre, Katie Allen, Lisa Carruthers, Renita Garard, Nikki Hudson, Rachel Imison,
Claire Mitchell-Taverner, Alison Peek, Katrina Powell, Angie Skirving, Julie Towers
Medal date 29 October 2000
Issue date 30 October 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Hockey: Women’s , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134314E Hockey: Women’s , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,$27.00
Sailing: Women’s 470
Jenny Armstrong, Belinda Stowell
Medal date 30 September 2000
Issue date 1 October 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Sailing: Women’s 470 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134315E Sailing: Women’s 470 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
Sailing: Men’s 470
Tom King, Mark Turnbull
Medal date 30 September 2000
Issue date 1 October 2000
Mail order codes
Single offset sheetlet of ten x 45c
Sailing: Men’s 470 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Digital Medal set (six sheetlets, one each print location)
0134316E Sailing: Men’s 470 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27.00
This special issue (one x 45c) celebrates the
opening ceremony of the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games.
The classical simplicity of the design portrays
the pivotal moment of the opening
ceremony, the lighting of the Olympic flame
in the stadium. The stamp shows Cathy
Freeman holding the Olympic Torch aloft.
The background image shows the ring of
flame in the water against the backdrop of
the waterwall.
The sheetlet’s decorative selvedge features an
image of the Olympic flame and cauldron.
Associated products
There are no associated products for this
issue due to licensing requirements.
Technical details
Issue date ..........................10 October 2000
Denominations ..................Ten x 45c
Design ..............................Janet Boschen, Australia Post
Design Studio
Print process......................Lithography
Printer ..............................SNP Ausprint
Paper ................................Tullis Russell
Stamp size ........................35 x 35 mm
Perforations ......................13.86 x 14.6
Sheet layout ......................120 stamps up on full sheet
Special features..................Olympic rings
National postmark ..............Sydney NSW 2000
State capital city GPOs will have state FDI postmarkers for
this issue. Post offices are permitted to apply FDI postmarking to
this issue for a period of one month from the date of issue.
Mail order codes
0147250 Opening Ceremony ................................$4.50
Individual sheets are also available in sets
Gold Medallists Issues
Gold Medallists Issues
Mail Order Product Description
Withdrawal Date
Australian Gold Medallists Album Set
Offset sheetlets (16), stock sheets (16) + Gold Medallists album
Offset Set, sheetlets only
One sheetlet for each gold medal won by an Australian individual or team
Offset Sheetlet Set (16 sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
Offset Sheetlets
Ian Thorpe, Swimming, Men’s 200 m Freestyle
Swimming, Men’s 4 x 100 m Freestyle Relay
Shooting, Michael Diamond, Men’s Trap
Equestrian, Team 3 Day Event
Susie O’Neill, Swimming, Women’s 200 m Freestyle
Swimming, Men’s 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay
Simon Fairweather, Archery, Men’s Individual
Cycling, Men’s Madison
Grant Hackett, Swimming, Men’s 1500m Freestyle
Water Polo, Women’s
Beach Volleyball Women’s
Cathy Freeman, Athletics, Women’s 400 m
Lauren Burns, Taekwondo: Women’s under 49 kg
Hockey: Women’s
Sailing: Women’s 470`
Sailing: Men’s 470
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
Digital Medallist Sets
One sheetlet from each of the six print sites
for a single gold medal won by an Australian individual or team
Ian Thorpe, Swimming, Men’s 200 Freestyle (six sheetlets)
Swimming, Men’s 4 x 100 Freestyle Relay (six sheetlets)
Swimming, Michael Diamond, Men’s Trap (six sheetlets)
(Equestrian, Team 3 Day Event (six sheetlets)
Susan O’Neill, Swimming, Women’s 200 m Freestyle (six sheetlets) $27.00
Swimming, Men’s 4x200m Freestyle Relay (six sheetlets)
Simon Fairweather, Archery, Men’s Individual (six sheetlets)
Cycling, Men’s Madison (six sheetlets)
Grant Hackett, Swimming, Men's 1500m Freestyle (six sheetlets)
Water Polo, Women’’s (six sheetlets)
Beach Volleyball, Women’s (six sheetlets)
Catherine Freeman, Athletics, Women’s 400 m (six sheetlets)
Lauren Burns, Taekwondo: Women’s under 49 kg (six sheetlets)
Hockey: Women’s (six sheetlets)
Sailing: Women’s 470 (six sheetlets)
Sailing: Men’s 470 (six sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
30 Oct 2001
Mail Order
30 Oct 2001
Gold Medallists Issues
Gold Medallists Issues
Mail Order
Digital State Sets
One sheetlet from a single print location for each gold medal won by an
Australian individual or team
NSW sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
VIC sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
QLD sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
WA sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
SA sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
ACT sheetlets (16 sheetlets)
30 Oct 2001
Digital set of State Sets, (16 sheetlets from each of 6 print sites) $432.00
30 Oct 2001
New Issue
10 October Opening Ceremony
Stamps, (sheetlet of ten x 45c)
30 Oct 2001
Postmarking arrangements for Gold Medallists and Opening Ceremony stamps
To accommodate the unique circumstances for Gold Medallists and Opening Ceremony stamps the following
special conditions will apply.
Post offices will be permitted to apply FDI postmarking to Gold Medallists covers for a period of one
month from the date that Gold Medallist stamp was issued. This allowance applies to the specific issue date of
an individual Gold Medallists stamp, and to the Opening Ceremony stamp only.
Recent Issues
Special Products
Recent Issues
withdrawal 29 Dec 2000
Gold Medallist album + set of 10 stock sheets, no stamps . .$17.95
17 August Olympic Sports
Stamps (sheetlet of ten x 45c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Booklet of ten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Sheetlet pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.90
Maximum cards (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11.50
International PPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.58
Aerogramme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.78
Blank cover, Olympic Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.25
15 September Sydney/Athens withdrawal 30 Sept 2001
Stamps (title tabs) one each 45c and $1.50 . . . . . . . .$1.95
Stamp pack, Joint issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.35
Stamp pack, Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.35
Maximum cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.35
Set of Joint issue sheets (20 x $1.50 plus 20 x 45c)
with title tabs and decorative selvedge . . . . . . . . . . .$39.00
1144254 Single sheet, Sydney (20 x $1.50)
with title tabs, normal selvedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30.00
1144255 Single sheet, Athens (20 x 45c)
with title tabs, normal selvedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9.00
18 October Paralympic Torch
withdrawal 31 Oct 2001
Stamps, two x 45c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.90
Stamp pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.30
Maximum cards, set of two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.30
Set of sheets, 20 x 45 each design,
decorative border and title tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$18.00
1150251 Sheet of ‘Logo’ stamps, 20 x 45c, normal selvedge . .$9.00
1150252 Sheet of ‘Relay’ stamps, 20 x 45c, normal selvedge . .$9.00
3 July Paralympics
withdrawal 31 Jul 2001
Stamps, gummed (two x 45c, three x 49c) . . . . . . . . .$2.37
Stamps, self-adhesive (two x 45c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.90
Stamps, self-adhesive 45c (roll of 100) . . . . . . . . . .$45.00
Stamps, self-adhesive, 49c (booklet of 10) . . . . . . . . .$4.90
Gutter strips, ten x 45c (traffic lights in gutter) . . . . . . .$4.50
Gutter strips, ten x 49c (traffic lights in gutter) . . . . . . .$4.50
Stamp pack, gummed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.77
Collector pack [MO/CC] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Maximum cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.87
Seven Seas
0147235 Supplement Single 45c stamp (offset) for each
Australian Gold Medallist Stamp (16 stamps total) . . .$7.20
0147236 Optional Generic page with mount to hold each (offset)
sheetlet of ten x 45c (16 sheetlets total) . . . . . . . . . .$72.00
0147255 Supplement Single 45c Opening Ceremony stamp . .$0.45
0147260 Optional Generic page with mount to hold
single sheetlet of 10 x 45c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Paralympic Village Postmark
This special pictorial postmarker has been designed
for use during the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games.
Impressions from Queen Victoria Building Post
Office, NSW and the Australian Philatelic Bureau
from 18 to 29 October 2000
In retrospect: The Issue date for Collection of 2000
Australian Stamps is 13 November 2000, the
Territories Collection issue date is 1 November 2000
Interesting Products
These products may interest collectors
2000 Australian Olympic Gold Medallists - First Day Covers
To commemorate the release of the Australian Olympic Gold Medallist' stamp series, an officially
licensed Australian Olympic Committee series of ‘2000 Australian Olympic Gold Medallist’ first day
covers has been released. The covers – which are strictly limited to 2000 – feature Australia Post’s Gold
Medallists postmark and Gold Medallists stamps are offered in three configurations:
• 1000 Boxed sets of first day covers
• 500 Signed sets of first day covers in a presentation album (shown below)
• 500 Series of 6 signed and framed first day covers with unique photo of the golden moment
golden moment..
For further information
Phone: 1 300 85 0022
Fax: 03 9426 5540
e-mail: [email protected]
Locked Bag 900
Image for illustration purposes only.
Actual product will vary.
Replica Pin Covers
Limited edition
This limited edition series features ‘gold’ replica pins of the stamps in Australia
Post ‘s Olympic Sports issue. Each cover includes the equivalent Olympic Sports
and Australian Gold Medallist Stamps. Covers are available only for those sports
or disciplines in the Olympic Sports issue in which an Australian individual or team
won a Gold Medal at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games (Athletics, Cycling,
Equestrian, Hockey, Swimming and Water Polo).
$24.95 each
Limited to 1000 for each Australian Gold Medallists stamp issued
For further information
Phone: 1 300 850 010
02 9251 6601
[email protected]
P.O.Box 2000
Millers Point
Image for illustration purposes only. Actual product will vary.