NGĀTI TAMA KI TE TAU IHU—PANUI Here o Pipiri Pānui, August
NGĀTI TAMA KI TE TAU IHU—PANUI Here o Pipiri Pānui, August
NGĀTI TAMA KI TE TAU IHU—PANUI Here o Pipiri Pānui, August 2016 Top stories in this panui Rangitira celebrates 100 years Its in the wai—Rangitira celebrates 90 years young Inaugural General Manager Our Rangitahi Mrs Riria Utiku celebrates 100 years young Our beautiful Rangitira Aunty Riria Utiku celebrated her 100th birthday, in February. A wonderful celebration was held at Ngāti Poneke in Wellington where many generations of Riria’s whānau celebrated with their kuia. It was a special occasion, there was a lot of reminiscing and catching up with everyone Ngāti Tama Ki Te Waipounamu Board wanted to acknowledge this precious milestone with an appropriate taonga, Mr John Ward-Holmes hand picked a specific whale tooth, which was to be carved to highlight Mrs Utiku’s favourite sports and recognition of Ngāti Tama. Brian Flintoff carved the tooth as a Tui encompassing carved patterns from Ngāti Tama. One wing holds a golf club and one wing holds a hockey stick. Bronwyn Billens wove a very special kete for the taonga to be given in. Aunty Riria was extremely humbled by the beautiful taonga gifts. . 90 years young—Aunty Peggy Whitton Aunty Peg Whitton celebrated her 90th birthday in grand style at Whakatu Marae, it was amazing to hear the stories and see the photos of Aunty Peg’s life to date, always the staunch advocate for Māori and Māori issues. It was truly a lovely and memorable evening. Aunty Peg was speechless when she received a carved whalebone Taonga and was very humbled that Ngāti Tama felt her worthy of such a beautiful taonga. Although Aunty Peggy is a person of few words she certainly was amazed at the support shown to her on the evening and was very appreciative of that. Nau mai Haere mai—Frans van Boekhout—Our General Manager We fondly welcome Frans van Boekhout as our new GM to the Tama Group and to the Tama whānau. We are thrilled to have his skills, business acumen and positive approach to solution management on our team. Frans has more than 30 years commercial management experience in Aotearoa. It is part of our strategic plan to engage the right people to help and support us as trustees in driving cultural and economic growth of the Ngāti Tama Ki Te Tau Ihu Iwi through exemplary business Message from Frans Tēnā koutou ki te whānau o NgātiTama Ko Nedlloyd Fraser te waka Ko Vaalser te Maunga Ko Rijn te Awaroa Nō Horana ahau Ko Sally tōku hoa rangatira Ko Sarah ratou ko Peter ko Lisa āku Tamariki Ko Frans van Boekhout tōku ingoa Nō reira, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā tātou katoa I was very happy and humbled to have been appointed in June to the inaugural General Manager’s role. Although I hail from the Netherlands, I spent most of my adult life in Aotearoa and the last twenty years under the cloaks of Maungatapu and Wharepapa. Sally grew up in Riwaka, daughter of tobacco farmers, and our own whānau has spent many summers at Stephens Bay and camping at Pohara, Totaranui and Kaiteriteri. Again I was humbled by the warm mihi whakatau when I first started and look forwards to meeting more Ngāti Tama Uri. Please call into our nice new offices if you are passing by or visiting Nelson. With my appointment a load has lifted off the shoulders of the Tama Te Tau Ihu (TTI Ltd) Directors, who have been working very hard with a lot of aroha to continue to manage the business of the Ngāti Tama Group, following staff resignations. I would like to thank the Directors, Butch Little, Nikki Jones and Dianne Brown who have been very helpful to get me off to a good start. We will be developing a team in the office to carry out Trust mahi and to continue to ensure the mana of Ngāti Tama in our rohe and beyond. I am looking forward to a long and positive association, working hard for the beneficiaries of the Trust. Nāu te raurau, nāku te raurau, ka ora te Iwi Ngā mihi mahana Frans Rangitahi Sporting acknowledgement We would like to say a huge congratulations to Te Puoho Stevens who recently travelled to Europe to compete in the 7’s sporting event. What an awesome achievement! Well done, we’re proud of you! Education Grants A recent recipient of an Education Grant Pakari Moore, has contacted the Trust Office with the following message: “Kia Ora Ngāti Tama, I would just like to thank you for helping me out whilst I was studying. I am now a qualified PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor. This is my graduation photo with my instructors!” Well done Pakari, Awesome Work! If you or a whānau member are currently studying (or planning to study), please contact the trust office for an education grant application form! We would love to hear from you, because it’s all about the future! Your Future! Dawn Blessing for Suter Art Gallery The Dawn Ceremony for the Suter Art Gallery was held on Friday 12 August starting from 5:30am. It was a cold and frosty morning, with a great turn out from Tama whānau, making it a memorable and wonderful blessing. There is a Pou currently under construction for the gallery and updates will be provided as it progresses. The Gallery will re-open its doors to the public on Sunday 2 October. It was really good to see so many Ngāti Tama whānau at this event. The New Zealander of the Year Awards - 2017! If you are interested or think that a Ngāti Tama person, should be recognised then we can help and support a nomination. These awards recognise a diverse range of Kiwis making a difference. Whether they’re contributing to grassroots communities or putting New Zealand on the world stage, they inspire us all. Any member of the public can nominate an individual or community organisation. Nominations can be made until September. Visit http:// for more details. We wish all nominees best wishes. Anaweka Waka update Manawhenua Ki Mohua have joined forces with Fonterra and the University of Auckland to preserve the 600 year old waka. You may remember this waka was found in the Anaweka estuary in December 2011. Fonterra’s support was sought with the idea of one of their Takaka buildings being used to house the waka during the complex preservation process. As mentioned in December we would have loved to have housed the waka at Onetahua Marae, however due to technical requirements that was not possible. The final resting place is still to be decided and we will keep you updated on progress including information on public viewings when they happen! Tama Asset Holding Company overview and update Tama Asset Holding Company (TAHC) is the Trusts Asset Holding Company established in accordance with the Māori Fisheries Act to initially receive and manage Ngati Tama’s fisheries interests. Post Settlement it is now responsible for the management of all the Trusts commercial activities including NAME POSITION forestry, seafood, property and other investments. The TAHC is separate from but wholly Tony Sewell Independent owned by and responsible to the Trust. It has Director its own board of directors who are appointed by Toni Grant Independent the Trustees. At least one Director must be a Director trustee and no more than 40% of Directors may Diane Strong Chair be current elected Trustees at any time. There are currently three directors, one trustee and two independent directors. The directors are committed and dedicated to be risk favourable whilst ensuring that commercially and financially we not only retain our putea but grow the putea so that we can provide goods returns to the Ngāti Tama Trust, for the benefit of our whānau. The TAHC would like to take this opportunity to gratefully thank Taria Mason for supporting the TAHC as interim Director, Taria your enthusiasm and support was greatly appreciated. Calling for Nominations for Associate Trustee. The Ngāti Tama Ki Te Waipounamu Trust is calling for expressions of interest for the position of an Associate Trustee! Our aim is to select a whānau member who is able to provide a long term commitment, who would like to gain key skills and experience whilst serving on the Trust. To be eligible you must be a registered member of Ngāti Tama Ki Te Tau Ihu. To ensure that the trust has seamless longevity we are committed to supporting whānau that are interested into Leadership and Governance roles. This is a positive opportunity for someone to help with the development and progress of the Trust. The position would suit a person who has the following attributes: Has good common sense along with good business and financial sense Is keen to be part of the Trust Board and learn the role and responsibilities of governance and being a Trustee Has an understanding of Māori values and culture Is a team person and motivated Applications close on 19 September 2016. For more information please email [email protected] Get Involved BECOME AN ASSOCIATE TRUSTEE! Gifting of Awaroa Beach We were excited to be part of the ceremony which gifted the Awaroa beach property to the people of New Zealand at the beginning of July! You may know that organisers Adam Gard’ner and Duane Major used crowd funding as a platform to enable nearly 40,000 Kiwis to gift $2million to purchase the beach! It was a wonderful feat and a great day had by all! Below are some of our photos, starring our own whānau! For further information on the event, please refer to this link: http:// Awaroa unveiling Aunty Peg Whitton has the honours of the unveiling of the new sign for Awaroa Beach Update from the Chair of Ngati Tāma Ki Te Waipounamu Tēnā koutou whānau Kei te mihi mahana ki te whānau o Tama. Not only have we welcomed Frans to our team, but we re-located the Tama office to more suitable premises at 74 Waimea Road in Nelson. A lot of work went into the move and I would like to thank everyone for their kaha tau takō. Special thanks to Deryk Mason who displayed our Tūpuna photo’s on our photo wall and also to Robin Slow for the loan of two magnificent artworks which are now in our reception and Board room areas. If you are passing by do pop-in to say kia ora, we would love to see you! We were delighted to host our AGM at our new offices, it was a positive hui that started with a mihi whakatau and presentations were made to both Aunti Judi and Robert McKewen in acknowledgement of their mahi, dedication and commitment they have given the trust over many years. The Trustees would also like to thank the Tama whānau for having confidence in the current Trust Board and for maintaining consistency with the current Trustees. The Trustees do work hard in the role of Kaitiakitanga to protect, maintain and enhance our resources and taonga for future generations. You may know that we lodged an appeal in the Environment Court over a resource consent the Tasman District Council issued for Gunsboro Ltd, this was for an increase in water take. This went to mediation in May and the outcome was resolved in the last month, where after negotiation they agreed to a voluntary reduction in their water take. I would like to announce that Butch Little has been appointed Deputy Chair for the Ngāti Tama Ki Te Waipounamu Trust.I would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Deputy Chair Diane Strong for her tireless work, support and active engagement with whanau, Te Waipounamu iwi and at national Iwi chair forums. 'Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini My strength is not mine alone but that of many.’ We are also in the process of seeking legal advice on how to challenge the Tasman District Council relating to plans by Kahurangi Virgin Water to take groundwater from the Takaka confined Marble Aquifer for commercial bottling. As trustees we are unanimous in our stance to protect this very special Taonga and are focussed on ensuring that protection extends to the wai in and around Te Waikoropupu Springs and we will keep you updated on progress. Ngā mihi ki a korua Nana Ria rāua ko Nanny Peg on celebrating your longevity, you are an inspiration to us all. Kia kaha ngā wahine toa. Tino pai rawa atu koe! Registration and updating your details If you move, please e-mail your new contact details to [email protected] so we can keep you in the loop on what’s happening! Also if you know someone who needs to register, an enrolment from can be downloaded from the Ngāti Tama website www.ngati Tama Whānau—Free Desk We recently found a desk in our storage area, of excellent quality and in very good condition. As we don’t have use for it we’ve decided it needs a new home and it comes ready to assemble! Please contact the Trust office if you’re interested, either by phone 03 548 1740 or e-mail [email protected]
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