2012-2014 Annual Report - Xavier College Preparatory High School


2012-2014 Annual Report - Xavier College Preparatory High School
Xavier College
Preparatory High School
Annual Report
When you walk onto Xavier’s campus from the parking lot, it’s hard to miss two things. You
are greeted by a bronze statue of St. Francis Xavier with two students, and they are
conspicuously pointed toward the parking lot you just left. I’ve always imagined that Francis
is directing his companions to leave, to “go forth” into the world, to take what they have
learned at Xavier and to give it away generously to a world in need.
The other very conspicuous sight is the Berger Athletic Center, but many might not know how
this building earned its name. It’s my privilege to share this history.
Chris Alling
More than ten years ago, before Xavier was Xavier, when the idea of a Catholic/Jesuit high
Xavier President
school in the desert was more dream than reality, a group of parents were blessed to find
themselves in a relationship with the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation. The leaders directing this foundation’s valiant effort to
help people help themselves were willing to listen to the hopes and dreams of the individuals trying to make Xavier a reality.
More importantly, the Berger Foundation was willing to do more than listen; they were willing to act. Not a day goes by that I don’t
thank God for this very fortuitous relationship. I know that numerous organizations across the Coachella Valley have benefitted from
the Berger Foundation’s generosity and echo my gratitude.
Our kids learn amazing lessons when they participate in the co-curricular life of the school, on the fields and the courts, and in the
heat of competition. I hope all we do in the classroom and in every facet of Xavier life remains directed
toward forming young men and women who will embody the same spirit of generosity that animates the good work of the Berger
XAVIER Administrators & Board of Directors
Mr. Timothy Sullivan - Chairman
Vice President and General Manager
(retired) Marriott International
Mr. Michael Rover - Vice Chairman
Founding Partner, Rover Armstrong
Law Firm
Mr. John Fitzpatrick - Secretary
COO Sunrise Golf Inc.
Mr. Robert McAdams - Treasurer
Chief Financial Officer (retired)
Mr. Robert Byrne
Founder, Byrne & Clayton Consulting
Mr. Willie Dugan
CEO & Co-Founder, The Lead Group
Father Howard Lincoln
Pastor, Sacred Heart Church
Ms. Lynn Mallotto
CEO, Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce
Chris Alling, President
[email protected]
Jimmy Tricco, Principal
[email protected]
Mark Granger, Dean of Students
[email protected]
Leticia Sendejo, Director of Admissions
[email protected]
Mark Campbell, Director of Athletics
[email protected]
Matt Emerson, Director of
Marketing & Advancement
[email protected]
Fadi Germanos, Business Manager
[email protected]
Xavier College Preparatory is a Roman Catholic high
Mrs. DoeLeen Rover
school that actively seeks, educates, and nurtures young
President Emerita.
men and women from a wide variety of ethnic,
socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds in the
Coachella Valley. In the tradition of St. Ignatius of
In the pages that follow, every effort has been made Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, Jesuit
education is committed to the development of the whole
to carefully and deliberately record each gift and
donor accurately, taking into account the love and person through a challenging educational experience,
spiritual and religious formation, and co-curricular
thoughtfulness of each gift given.
involvement. Supporting the role of parents as primary
educators, our entire school program is dedicated to
If we have mistakenly misreported any
developing conscientious leaders and agents of change
information, please contact the development office who are intellectually competent, open to growth,
committed to justice, and religious and compassionate
at 760.601.3900 x. 6087. Thank you.
in service to others for the greater glory of God.
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report | 2012-2014
XAVIER Student Demographics
With a 2014 freshman class of 145, total enrollment sits at 586, giving the school its largest
student body in its 9-year history.
Despite the national economic environment, applications have remained strong, and the school will continue to
grow its enrollment in the years to come.
As a Catholic School, Xavier welcomes
students from all religions. Nine religious faiths are represented in the current student population.
Native American >1%
African American 3%
Asian American 5%
Other 6%
While there are variations in the gender balance from
year to year, females currently outnumber males 55% to
Xavier is commited to enrolling students from all racial
and socio-economic backgrounds.
Multi-Racial 11%
Bermuda Dunes, 3% Cathedral City, 6% Coachella Valley, 2% While Xavier is located in the City of Palm
Desert, its student population is comprised of students
from all nine of the Valley’s cities, as well as ten other
surrounding cities. Unlike a
traditional public high school, we consider
Xavier’s community to be the entire Coachella Valley.
Other, 13% Indian Wells, 2% Indio, 14% Rancho Mirage, 14% Palm Springs, 4% LaQuinta, 18% Palm Desert, 24% 3
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report | 2012-2014
XAVIER 2013/2014 Financial Statement
Other Income, $21,587.00 Contribu$ons & Grants, $2,545,140.00 Interest & Dividends, $6,543.00 Tui$on & Fees, $5,631,536.00 Fundraising Ac$vi$es, $122,296.00 Program Services & Fees, $807,022.00 Expenses
Athle&cs, $1,012,496.00 Management & Admin. , $2,732,964.00 Academic Programs, $4,174,546.00 Dev. & Fundraising, $81,250.00 Molly Walters moved her
family from Texas in 2009, back
to the Coachella Valley.
Thankfully, Molly and her
children found Xavier. Taylor
(’11) is now a senior at the
University of Mississippi (Ole
Miss) and Blake (’14) just started his freshman year at
Arizona State University.
Molly has been an avid supporter of Xavier from the
first day she set foot on campus. Like her
children, Molly is eager to know what she can do to
help, and she’s never once tried to avoid me when she
saw me coming to ask for her help (as far as I know). I
am reminded of Molly’s
generosity every time I sit under our shaded lunch areas,
every time I walk down the second floor hallway of the
classroom building, every time I watch kids in a biology
lab or art studio, and lately, every time I walk through
the newly
renovated Molly Walters Family Classrooms on the second floor of the Berger Athletic Center. Molly inspires
us all to live our lives mindful of the ways we might
make a difference for others.
- Chris Alling
As visitors to Xavier know, the football and soccer field
underwent major upgrades this past summer, due in significant part to the generosity of Carolyn and Peter Shea.
Mr. and Mrs. Shea are longtime supporters of Catholic
education, both in the Coachella Valley and in many
other areas. Mr. and Mrs. Shea
enabled Xavier to expand the southwest parking lot,
purchase bleachers for both home and visiting crowds,
put in crucial fencing around the field, and add three
new 8-seat vans to Xavier’s fleet of vehicles for student
transportation. They also funded the outstanding new
sound system on the football and soccer field.
Xavier’s faculty, staff, and students are deeply
grateful for the partnership of Mr. and Mrs. Shea and
their willingness to advance Xavier’s mission to form
servant leaders.
- Matt Emerson
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report | 2012-2014
XAVIER 2012/2013 Annual Gift Donors
July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013
Each year, a portion of Xavier
’s operational costs and tuition
assistance for students are derived from contributions to the
Annual Fund.
The donors listed here have
made gifts in response to direct
mail, the annual Phone-AThon and
personal meetings.
Although some gifts to the Annual Fund may be
designated for particular purposes, in general,
donors allow the school to use
the money where it is most
needed in any
particular year.
In this way, Xavier can meet its
obligations, undertake maintenance and
renovation projects,
distribute need-based
financial aid, and cover
administrative expenses that
tuition revenue alone cannot
We thank the many
generous donors who help
Xavier continue to provide
value-based education in the
Coachella Valley.
Dr. and Dr. Murthy Andavolu
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Andrade
Mr. George Argyros
(John’s Restaurant)
Mr. and Mrs. David Arndt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asch
Mr. Aaron Ashcraft
Mr. Lee Ashton
Ms. Beth Aune
Mr. and Mrs. Umberto Bagnara
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Balchan
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Barajas
Ms. Diana Barbatti
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Bautista
Ms. Tina-Marie Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bebar
Dr. and Mrs. James Bell
Mr. Gregory Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Benjamini
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Berardi
Mr. Mark Berlinger
(Wawona Packing Company)
Bobby’s Detroit Coney
Island Restaurant
Mr. Giancarlo Boccato
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bogue
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boiko
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolaños
Mr. and Mrs. John Borba
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Borja
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Botello
Ms. Gail Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brutto
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bullock
Dean and Rosemarie Buntrock
Miss Regina Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cabrera
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Calasan
Mr. Corey Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Campbell
Ms. Shelly and Mr. Steve Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio Cardenas
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. William Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cascarano
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Ceja
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cenicola
Mr. Kirk Cerniglia
(Royal Madera Vineyards)
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Cervello
Dr. and Mrs. Vache Chakmakian
Mr. Mark Chitwood
Clementine Shop, LLC
Ms. Colleen Cooney
Mrs. Ann Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Enda (Bob) Coyne
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Cozens
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Cuevas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cullinan
Mr. Evan Davis ‘12
Ms. Blanca De Jesus
Mr. and Mrs. Franz De Klotz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger de Lange
Mr. Daniel DeBlasio
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Delgado
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report | 2012-2014
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Delio
Mr. and Mrs. William DeMucci
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Desnoes
Mr. and Mrs. Michel Despras
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dichter
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dreier
Mr. Brian Duly
(Premier Ancillary Services, LLC)
Mr. and Mrs. JD Ebersberger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Egan
El Paseo Village, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Elisha
Emergency Physicians Professional Association
Mr. Robert A. Ercoli ‘12
Ms. Susan Estay
Miss Megan Evers
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fakehany
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmad Farhat
Ms. Mary Farrell
Mr. Marvin Farris
(Custom Produce Sales)
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Fenton
Ms. Dawn Ferraro
First Republic Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. William Fleet
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flynn
Follett Educational Services
Ms. Denise Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Francois Gaertner
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Gaete
Mrs. Rosario Galindo
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Galippo
(Total Watch Security, Inc.)
Mr. and Mrs. John Gamlin
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Garczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Fadi Germanos
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gitmed
Mr. Marc Glassman
Ms. Elizabeth Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Efren Gonzalez
Mrs. Mary Hach
Mrs. Ruth Halverson
Mr. Dennis Hamamjian
(D.K. Fresh, Inc.)
Mr. and Mrs. James Harebottle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel + Hauserman
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Haven
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Henry
Mr. Dakota Hernandez
Ms. Margaret Hill
Mr. Michael Hoefling
Mrs. Joan Hollman
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Honold
(Burgers & Beer)
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Housken
Mr. James Houston
J. Russell! The Salon
Mrs. Cynthia Janssen
Mr. Gilbert Jaudy
Mrs. Gertrude Jensen
Johnny Rockets
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson
Mr. Sabby Jonathan
Mr. M C. Kaveny
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly
Ms. Mary Kelly
Miss Nina Khanna ‘13
Dr. and Dr. P K Khanna
Mr. Robert Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Killebrew
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kinsey
Knights of Columbus
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Krause
Mr. and Mrs. James Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kurupas
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Lara
Mr. Herve Le Mansec
Mrs. Mary Ledbetter
Ms. Mary Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lennon
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Letellier
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lethcoe
Ms. Christine Livreri
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lizza
Dr. and Dr. Abraham Lo
Mr. and Mrs. Geronimo Lopez
Mr. and Mrs Matthew MacConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Craig MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maggio
Ms. Lynn Mallotto
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marquez
Martin and Bochnewich, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Nabor Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Richard May
Mrs. Jennifer McCarron
Mrs. Shelley McClellan
Ms. Shelby McCracken
Mr. Colin McDermott
Mr. Richard C. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. John Mellinger
Mr. Jeffrey Menning
Dr. Pamela Meoli
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mercado
Mrs. Catherine Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Miller
Mirage Lane Dentistry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Moller
(Moller’s Gardens)
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Murray
Mr. and Mrs. David Muth
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Myrum
Dr. and Dr. Mohender Narula
Dr. Barry Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Niblo
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nigosian
(Nigosian Family Farms)
Mrs. Maria Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Norris
Mr. and Mrs. George O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olson
Mr. and Mrs.Greg Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Orr
Palms To Pines Rotary
Club Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Pange
Ms. Vickie Parada
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Payne
XAVIER 2012/2013 Annual Gift Donors Cont.
$1-$500.00 Cont.
Mr. Matthew Pepping
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pepple
Mrs. Dilly Perera
Powder Ridge Ski Patrol
Mr. Tracy Powell
Mr. and Mrs. David Powers
Prime Time Sales, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quintana
Rancho Las Palmas Chiropractic Center
Mr. Ralph Raya
Red Robin International, INC
Reis Enterprises
Ms. Stephanie M. Rhoten ‘12
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rhoten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rippetoe
Mr. and Mrs. Orazio (Frank) Rizzo
Mr. Jeff Roberts
(J & J Ranch Produce)
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Robles
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodney
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossi
Mrs. Monique Rousseau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rover
Saint Margaret’s Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. James Salazar
Mr. and Mrs. Noe Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sarna
Ms. Sandy Scarberry
Dr. Jeff Schantz
(Schantz & Moranda Ortho. Care)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schenk
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Scotten
Ms. Maryann Semancik
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sobrero
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Soto
Soul of Mexico
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Specchierla
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Spinney
Springs Valley Produce
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steinke
Mr. and Mrs. John Stenmoen
Stevco, Inc.
Mr. and Dr. Ronald Stockdale
Ms. Deborah Stone
Stop N Top Frozen Yogurt
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Strange
Ms. Sandra Susini
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sutton
Mrs. Irene Tapia
Target Take Charge of Education
The Gardens on El Paseo
The Grape Guys
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. Thompson
Mr. Mark Thurston
(Thurston Marketing)
Tour De Palm Springs
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Valenzuela
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Van
Ms. Jeanine Veldhuis
Viking Capital Company, LLC
Visalia Honda - GM
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Voyne
Mr. Matthew Wagner
Mr. andd Mrs. Thomas Walter
Mr. Marc Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Watts
Mrs. Jennifer Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weir
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Werner
Wetzel’s Pretzels
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whelchel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whitcomb
Wiefels & Son
Ms. Kelly Wilson
Mr. Norman Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Woodward
Mr. Lyndel Wright
Yogurt at It’s Best
YTB Travel Network, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Braunschweiger
Central Intergroup Office of the Desert
Mr. and Mrs. McKee D. Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Congress
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davidian
Desert Empire Insurance Services
Mrs. Roberta Frink
Dr. and Mrs. David Friscia
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Good
Mr. Mark Granger
Mr. and Mrs. David Gregory
Jamba Juice
Mr. and Mrs. Gary LaSalle
(LaSalle Electric)
Dr. and Mrs. Khoi Le
Mr. and Mrs William Lennartz
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Martinez
Men’s Senior Baseball League Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Montez
Mr. John Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Noble
Norman’s Uniforms
Dr. and Mrs. Yemi Omilana
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Tim Richardson
(Mirage Dermatology)
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ruiz
Mrs. Marian Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Salmon
Dr. and Dr. Michael Seto
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Simmers
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Sontz
The Boeing Company
The Community Foundation
Mrs. Sharyl Walker and
Mrs. Lynne Chasen
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walters
Mr. Ken Yontz
Mrs. Eloise Helbling
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Neufeld
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Okamoto
Ms. Laura Perez and
Dr. Duane Nishikubo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Saunders
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Stabile
Mr. and Rev. James Stilwell
The Medtronic Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tiedeman
Mrs. Phyllis (Kelly) Carmien
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cole
Mr. Ron Corti
Mr. Mark De Francesco
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey
Mrs. Patricia Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Ichida
(Hayday Farms)
Mary Louise Knoblauch +
Mrs. Patricia Osmanson
(Lunada Bay)
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purcell
Sacred Heart Church Men’s Club
Sacred Heart Church Women’s Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simmons
Mr. Henry J. Thierry
Mr. Paul Yates
Mrs. Barbara Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bianco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dearing
Mr. and Dr. Ronald Donley
Fairchild-Martindale Foundation
Mr. and Mr. Thomas Flanagan
Mr. Carl Garczynski
Rev. Joseph Hooper and
Mr. Trey Isenhower
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Humphreys
Dr. and Dr. Carlos Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mike
Dr. Michael Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Overgaag
Mrs. Lucy Perricone
Mrs. Bette Poliquin
Mr. and Mrs. William Powers
Mr. James Shea +
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Amidei
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Annunziata
Mr. and Mrs.Anthony Bianco
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bleicher
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Conway
Desert Community Foundation
Diocese of San Bernardino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Emerson
Dr. and Mrs.Frank Ercoli
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gallaher
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dalecio
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dolan
Mr. Willie Dugan
(Prime Lead, Inc.)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanagan
Mrs. Elaine Jerome
Rev. Howard A. Lincoln
(Sacred Heart Church)
The Bob Baker Foundation, Inc.
The California Province of the
Society of Jesus
Mrs. Molly Walters
William H. Hannon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burdick
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sullivan
Mrs. Beatrice Carberry +
Highland Street Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Jelinek Trust +
The H. N. and Frances C. Berger
$100,000 and above
Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Rover
+ Deceased
Planned giving is a way
for you to integrate your
personal, financial and
estate planning goals by
making lifetime or
testamentary charitable
gifts. For additional
information, contact Matt
Emerson, Director of
Advancement, at
760-601-3900 ex. 6087 or by
email at
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report |2012-2014
XAVIER Lifetime Giving
$100,000.00 and above
Andrew Allen Charitable Foundation
The H. N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burdick
The California Province of the Society of Jesus
Mr.+ and Mrs. Don Callender
Mrs. Phyllis (Kelly) Carmien
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hemstreet
Highland Street Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Mrs. Bob Hope+
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mike
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Ministrelli
Mr. Harry Nudd+
Mr.+ and Mrs. Tod Parrott
Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perry
Mrs. Leona J. Preece+
Mr.+ and Mrs. John C. Radovich
Roel Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Rover
Sacred Heart Church
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shea
Mr. James Shea+
Ms. Barbara Steffens
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sullivan
Mr. Henry Trione
Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians
Ms. Molly A. Walters
Weingart Foundation
Aubrey Almanza
Class of 2012
Twenty-five hundred miles away, in the
snowy northeast, Aubrey Almanza (’12)
reflects gratefully on her four years at Xavier.
“At Xavier, you have this really intimate
community where everyone knows everyone. There’s so much
support, you don’t feel anonymous,” Aubrey said.
Originally from Palm Desert, Aubrey attended grade school at St. Margaret’s
Episcopal School. She chose Xavier because she wanted a smaller environment with a closer community.
“Xavier does away with embellishments that distract students from becoming
the best version of themselves,” she said. “You don’t have to worry about how
good you look and no one really knows what background you come from.”
While at Xavier, Aubrey played volleyball, swam on the swim team, participated in a Christian Life Community, served as President of the National Art
Honors Society and worked on the prom committee. Now attending Johns
Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, Aubrey extols the foundation
Xavier provided.
“Xavier teaches the importance of communication with peers and teachers,”
she said. “Too many kids are too intimidated to go to their professors, but at
Xavier, you’re taught to talk to teachers whenever you have an issue or question.”
Aubrey credits Xavier for academic preparation, but also for helping foster
the right desires.
“Xavier stands out for its ability to teach students how to consciously better
themselves,” she said. “The capacity to critically reflect is something young
people are not taught today.”
In fact, Aubrey even takes a few moments each day to carry out one of the
most important parts of Xavier, the daily examen.
“Every day I take some time to meditate or reflect. I think of what’s going on
in my life, and if I think there’s something out of character, I make a plan to
change it,” Aubrey said.
At Johns Hopkins, Aubrey is studying journalism, and she said she loves the
Baltimore, Maryland school.
“I feel like my school is electric,” she said. “Every single student here has so
much going for them and there’s always so much buzz about who’s creating
what and who’s inventing what.”
As for the future, Aubrey hopes to write more and travel.
“Writing is my passion,” Aubrey said. “I feel like I would be happy creating,
whether it be novels, speeches, plays or children’s books.”
+ Deceased
She hopes to study abroad as well, especially at Oxford University. She also
intends to spend time in New York City, London and Paris.
“There’s a lot of world to be seen, and I’d like to get on it.”
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report | 2012-2014
Gregory M. Friscia Memorial Fund
The Gregory Friscia Memorial Fund was created in 2013 when Xavier student
Gregory Martin Friscia died at the age of 17.
The son of loving and devoted parents David and Karen Friscia, Greg died
March 24, 2013, from head trauma sustained in a skate boarding accident.
Greg was a model student durring his time at Xavier. Everyone at Xavier had the
privilege of watching him blossom into a wonderful young man who was admired
by his classmates and respected by his teachers. He was a scholar and an athlete
and friend to many. He had a sense of humor and a positive, upbeat attitude
towards everything and everyone. He had a zest for life and a beautiful smile,
which brightened everyone’s day. His family hopes that the memory of Greg will
inspire future Xavier students to be well rounded, intellectually curious, kind, and
dedicated to the ideals of a scholar-athlete.
Gregory M. Friscia
August 14, 1995 March 24, 2013
Dr. Scott Aaronson
Mrs. Carole Adams
Ms. Kelli Adams
Miss Sydney Alacano
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Alvarez
Dr. and Mrs. Annunziato
Ms. Deanne Anders
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson
Miss Shelby Andrade
Dr. James Antinori
Ms. Beth Aune
Mrs. Diana Barbatti
Dr. Robert Bass
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Bassanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Beardsley
Lauren and Betsy Beaudin
Dr. and Mrs. Rainier Bergmann
Mr. Robert Binkele
Mr. Alex Bleza
Mrs. Deidre Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Byrd
Dr. andMrs. Larry Clark
Class of 2014
Mrs. Karen Cleary +
Coachella Valley Pathology
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cohen
Dr. Barbara Comess
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Corti
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cullinan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Czako
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dalecio
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davidian
Ms. Nan Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Franz De Klotz
Miss Kelsey Dearing-St. Clair
Desert Ear, Nose and Throat Medical
Group, Inc.
Executive Team Desert Regional
Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Desnoes
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dichter
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dreier
Xavier would like to thank those who have donated to the Gregory Friscia
Memorial Fund that has been set up to help fund the education of students like Greg.
Dr. David Duffner
Mr. James Early
Mr. and Mrs. JD Ebersberger
Mr. Geoff Eyer
Dr. Suzanne Felson
Flynn Family
Dr. Megan Foster and
Dr. Scott Gering
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Freeman
Mrs. Marjorie Fuchs
Mr. Thomas Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. John Gamlin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gebhart
Gerhardt Family
Dr. Steven Ginex
Dr. Melvin Gonzalez
Dr. and Mrs. Adrian
Mrs. Carol Gunther
Dr. and Mrs. Les Gurwitt
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Guss
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. David Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Den Hartog
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Haven
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins
Mrs. Becky Hensley
Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Herz
Mr. Daniel Herz
Mr. and Mrs. David Hill
Mrs. Deborah Hornick
Mr. and Mrs.+ Rick Horst
Mr. William Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. David Hyams
Mr. and Mrs. Gioacchino Ippolito
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jesser
Mr. Gary Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Johnson
The Peter Johnson Family
Mr. Jeffrey Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knee
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Lieberman
Emergency Med. Group
Ms. Cam Lippincott
Dr. and Dr. John Lo
Dr. Carlos Lopez and
Dr. Luisa Lopez-Ospina
Dr. and Dr. Tarek Mahdi
Mrs. Marilena Martello
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Matthews
Judy, Katie and Richard May
Mr. and Mrs. Shaul Mezrahi
Mr. Brad Miller
Mrs. Ann Morrison
Mrs. Karen Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Nelson
Rancho Mirage Anesthesia
Desert Cardiology Consultants
Miss Bailey Nelson
Mr. Riley Nelson
Miss Emma Nelson
Dr. Michael Neri
NORCAL Mutual Insurance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Ojeda
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Okamoto
Miss Caroline Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Page
Ms. Barbara Panawa
Mrs. Lucy Perricone
Mrs. Kathleen Place
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rachel
Mrs. Michele Raney
Dr. Tim Richardson
Riverside County Medical
Mrs. Sharon Rowe
Mrs. Lucy McHugh
Schantz and Moranda
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Schon
Mr. Mark Scioli
Mr. Donald Scriven
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Serfling
Dr. and Mrs. Charlie Shaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shigenaga
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Sneider
Sofia and Joseph Sobrero
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Sofonio
Dr. and Mrs. Peter St. Louis
Mr. and Mrs. William Stabler
Ms. Deborah Stone
Ms. Donna Sturgeon
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sullivan
Dr. and Dr. David Thordarson
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tiedeman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tonin
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Torres
Mr. Robert Torrey
Mr. and Mrs. Vladimer Tudor
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walters
Ms. Molly Walters
Mrs. Irma Wedekind
Dr. and Mrs. Sam Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Welton
Dr. David Wilgarde
Mr. and Mrs. Al Williams
Dr. Brett Wolff
Dr. and Dr. Thomas Wong
Dr. Bachir Younes
Ms. Laura Zack
+ Deceased
Gifts In Kind
Xavier’s continued growth and
development is supported by
gifts of all kinds. We welcome
gifts from businesses and
members of our community,
to ensure that academic, athletic and co-curricular activities have the resources they
need. Your generous gift helps
make that possible. Again
thank you for your
generous donation.
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report | 2012-2014
XAVIER 2013/2014 Annual Gift Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Alcorn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anichowski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alderete
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Alles
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Alling
Ms. Alicia Almanza
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Alvarez
Dr. and Dr. Murthy Andavolu
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Andrade
Mr. and Mrs. David Arndt
Mr. Lee Ashton
Associated Student Body
Redlands High School
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Balchan
Mr. and Mrs. Din Ballazhi
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Barajas
Ms. Karen Baumert
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Beardsley
Dr. and Mrs. James Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Benjamini
Ms. Linda Bermudez
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bigos
Ms. Elizabeth Gold
Boguey Concessions, LLC
Ms. Patti Boiko
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolaños
Mr. and Mrs. Liborio Borjas
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boydstun
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Branconier
Mr. and Mrs. Dylan T. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brutto
Bubble Springs
Mr. Brent Buckman
Buffalo Wild Wings
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byrne
Mr. Kevin Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cabrera
Cafe Italia
Dr. and Mrs. James Caley
California Community Foundation
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio Cardenas
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caridi
Mr. Mario Gonzales and
Ms. Paula R. Carrick
Rev. and Mrs. Mark Cedar
Mr. and Mrs. Ismael Celaya
Mr. and Mrs. Tino Cervantes
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Cervello
Dr. and Mrs. Vache Chakmakian
Mr. Basil Chapman
Ms. Isabel Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. William Chuzel
City Wok
Mr. and Mrs. McKee D. Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Conley
Ms. Erin Conway
Mrs. Ann Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cousins
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Cozens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cullinan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davidian
Mr. Ronald Davis
Ms. Blanca De Jesus
Dr. and Mrs. Manuel F. De Jesus
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Delle Monache
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DelRose
Desert Dental Spa
Desert Empire Insurance Services
Desert Resort Management
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Desnoes
Mr. and Mrs. Michel Despras
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dichter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickinson
Mrs. Alice Dix +
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dreier
Mr. and Mrs. JD Ebersberger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Egan
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Elisha
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Emerson
Ms. Angela Espejo
Ms. Severine Estrada
Mr. and Mrs. John Evenson
Mr. and Dr. Donald Ezzell
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fakehany
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmad Farhat
Dr. and Mrs. John Feller
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Fenton
Mr. and Dr. Christopher Fergon
Ms. Dawn Ferraro
Ms. Isabel Fioretti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. William Fleet
Mr. and Mrs. John Flores
Ms. Jenell L. Fontes
Forest Lawn Memorial Parks
Ms. Angie Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Francois Gaertner
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gallaher
Mr. and Mrs. John Gamlin
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Garczynski
Ms. Suzanne Gaul
Mr. and Mrs. Fadi Germanos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilliland
Girl Scouts Troop 007
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gitmed
Mr. Marc Glassman
Mrs. Charlotte Halbur
Mrs. Laura Hall
Mrs. Ruth Halverson
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hansbury
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Haven
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Henry
Mr. and Mrs. David Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Honold
(Burgers & Beer)
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Housken
Mrs. Tingzhi Huang
Mr. and Mrs. David Hyams
Inner Circle Education Center-ICEC
J. Russell! The Salon
Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs
Jamba Juice
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jesser
Jessup Auto Plaza
Mrs. Laura Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report | 2012-2014
JW Marriott Desert Springs
Resort & Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kalisek
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keenan
Mrs. Jacqueline A. Keuth
Mr. and Mrs. John Kibler
Kincaid Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff King
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Klein
Knights of Columbus
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kruppe
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Larson
Las Casuelas Quinta
Mr. Herve Le Mansec
Mrs. Mary Ledbetter
Ms. Mary Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Letellier
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lethcoe
Liuna Local 777
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lizza
Mr. Norman Lofthus
Dr. and Dr. Carlos Lopez
Loyola Jesuit Community
Mr. and Mrs Matthew MacConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maggio
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Malette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maloney
Ms. April Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCoy
Mr. Colin McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McElrath
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGovern
Dr. Pamela Meoli
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mercado
Mrs. Catherine Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Miller
Mrs. Desda Monaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Montez
Ms. Carol Morton
Mrs. Karen Murphy
MVI Administrators, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nelson
Nobell Energy Solutions, LLC
Noble & Company, LLC
Mrs. Maria Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Norris
O’Brien, Miller & Blake, LLP
Tokiyo Ochi
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Oleson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Otten
Mrs. Sandra M. Ovesen
Palm Springs Motors, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Panawa
Ms. Vickie Parada
Mr.+ and Mrs. Tod Parrott
Ms. Carmen Pavel
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pepple
Pepsico Foundation
Ms. Laura Perez and
Dr. Duane Nishikubo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plat
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Poland
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quintana
Ms. Michele Raney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Rhodes
Ms. Diana Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Richardson
Right Way Golf Cars, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Orazio (Frank) Rizzo
Mr. Jeff Roberts
(J & J Ranch Produce)
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Robles
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rogers
Roof Tile Specialty
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossi
Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill
Mr. Douglas Ruiz, Jr.
Mr. Douglas Ruiz, Sr.
Mrs. Marian Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Saad
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sarna
Mrs. Pauline Schiff
James F. Schmidt
Schools First
Dr. and Dr. Michael Seto
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith
Mrs. Kathryn Smith
Mr. Raphael L. Snitil
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sobrero
Son Cabinetry & Design
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Specchierla
Mrs. Ellen Sroka
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steinke
Mr. and Mrs. John Stenmoen
Ms. Verdlee Stevenson
Mr. Philip D. Stilwell
Ms. Deborah Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Strange
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Taff
Mrs. Wei Tan
Target Take Charge of Education
Ms. Shari Taylor
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
The Gardens on El Paseo
The Men’s Wearhouse
The Palms Golf Club
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Tschetter
U.S. Growers Cold Storage
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Van
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Schoyck
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Varela
Mr. and Mrs. Edimir Vargas
Viking Capital Company, LLC
Ms. Suzanne Virtue
Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Voyne
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Waggoner
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Walker
Ms. Sandra Walmsley
Dr. Nicolle Walters
Mrs. Jennifer Weeks
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whelchel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whitcomb
Wilson Johnson CRE, Inc.
Mr. Scott Wilson
Wintec Energy Ltd.
Dr. and Dr. Thomas Wong
Mrs. Carol Woodward
Mr. Ted Zepeda
XAVIER 2013/2014 Annual Gift Donors
Barnes & Noble
Border Valley Trading, LTD
Mr. Clayton R. Buntrock
Mr. and Mrs. Willy Caipo
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Coachella Valley Beauty College, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Congress
Ms. Danita Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Enda (Bob) Coyne
Desert Community Foundation
Mr. and Dr. Ronald Donley
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Ezekiel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Fusco
Mr. and Mrs. David Gandolfo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. David Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs.+ Robert Hinchberger
Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Ichida
(Hayday Farms)
Mrs. Margaret Jelinek Trust +
Mr. and Mrs William Lennartz
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Molyet
Norman’s Uniforms
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Okamoto
Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi
Mr. and Mrs. William Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Salmon
Mr.+ and Mrs. Michael Salta
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Sandels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Saunders
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Sontz
Triple J. Enterprise, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wickstrand
Mr. Ken Yontz
Mr. Mark Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heidkamp
Mrs. Patricia Howe
Dr. and Mrs. Khoi Le
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Rover
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tiedeman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bleicher
Central Intergroup Office of the Desert
Condor Security of America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Franz De Klotz
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dolan
Dr. and Mrs.Frank Ercoli
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Haven
Mr. James Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnson
Mr. Mark Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary LaSalle
(LaSalle Electric)
Mr. and Dr. Michael Lindley
Mrs. Patricia Osmanson
(Lunada Bay)
Mr. Mitchell Milias
Dr. and Mrs. Yemi Omilana
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rover
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ruiz
Sacred Heart Church Women’s Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schein
SMaRT Education
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Stabile
Mr. and Rev. James Stilwell
Tour de Palm Springs
Twenty-Nine Palms
Band of Mission Indians
Mr. Gary Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wickstrand
Dr. Barbara Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Nachhattar Chandi
Computer Consultants
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dalecio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dearing
Rev. Joseph Hooper and
Mr. Trey Isenhower
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich McNulty
Mr. Harold M. Messmer Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mike
Mr. Todd Mikles
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Moiso
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Overgaag
Mrs. Lucy Perricone
Mrs. Bette Poliquin
Mr. and Dr. Ronald Stockdale
California Province of the
Society of Jesus
Mr. and Mrs. John Curci
Mr. T.W. Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sam Maggio
Dr. Michael Milligan
RD and Joan Dale Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sullivan
Mr. Henry J. Thierry
William H. Hannon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Gil Ordway
Mrs. Phyllis (Kelly)Carmien
Mr. and Mrs. John McGraw
The H. N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation
$100,001 and above
Harry Nudd +
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shea
Mrs. Molly Walters
Doug and Donna Martin
For Doug and Donna Martin, the decision
to support Xavier College Prep and Jesuit
education was an easy one.
“We see Xavier as the top of the line,” said
Mr. Martin. “We believe that academics,
education, and community service are the key. What we see here, it doesn’t
get any better.”
Mrs. Martin echoed her husband’s passion for Xavier. “We feel strongly that
athletics or any activity where you work for others is a great preparation for
life,” she said. “Xavier also feels that’s
The Martins know about good education. They met at Stanford, where both
attended as undergraduates. After Stanford, Mr. Martin attended Loyola Law
School, and since that time, has practiced in
the areas of trust, probate, and commercial real estate, a career that he says
he’s loved.
“You’re dealing with people’s wishes, what they want to accomplish, who
they want to benefit,” he said. “It really requires a lot of
analysis, input and interaction with people.”
The Martins’ interest in Jesuit education goes back a long way. Mr. Martin is
himself a product of Jesuit education, having attended Loyola High School
in Los Angeles, where he was later followed by his son. Mr. Martin credits
his time at Loyola for preparing him for the rigors of Stanford.
“Loyola frankly made Stanford, not necessarily easy, but it put me light years
ahead because of the background and emphases,” said Mr. Martin.
For the Martins, an outstanding education is the key.
“We strongly believe in education,” Mr. Martin said. “Our four
children have 24 years of higher education, and we think education is one of
the things parents can make available to their children.”
The Martins first heard about Xavier in 2004, when friends
introduced them to Xavier’s founders. Mrs. Martin, thrilled at the possibility
of a Catholic high school, was nevertheless worried that the school might
not have any funds.
“I thought, ‘Why don’t we do $100 a month?’” she said. “It’s not so bad when
you just give a little bit each month.”
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, La Quinta residents since 1991, are regular
golfers and tennis players, and they support a number of schools
and charities both in the valley and beyond.
+ Deceased
Xavier College Prep | Annual Report |2012-2014
Magis: The Opportunity to do MORE
esuits use the Latin word magis, or “more,” to inspire in
others and themselves a boundless desire to reach ever-higher levels of excellence.
At Xavier College Prep, we ask our students to make the most of their talents, to put forth their
best effort and to do more than they think is possible. We will expect no less from our graduates
and our Xavier community.
Academic excellence is not enough: we are here to form “men and women with and for others,”
for the common good. We are dedicated to nurturing graduates who will serve those most in need of their talents. After all, it was St. Ignatius of Loyola’s idea that the objective of a Jesuit education is to prepare people to
serve others for the greater glory of God,
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
by constantly adapting our educational goals and methods to contemporary life.
In the preceding pages, every effort has been made to carefully and deliberately record each gift and
donor accurately, taking into account the love and thoughtfulness of each gift given. If we have mistakenly
misreported any information, please contact the development office at 760.601.3900 x.6087. Thank you.
College Acceptances for the Class of 2014.
Arizona State University
Auburn University
Avila University
Azusa Pacific University
Barry University
Bentley University
Boise State University
Boston College
Boston University
Brescia University
Buffalo State College
California Baptist University
California Lutheran University
California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic
University, Pomona
California State University, Bakersfield
California State University, Chico
California State University, East Bay
California State University, Fresno
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, Northridge
California State University,
San Bernardino
California State University, San Marcos
Chapman University
Clemson University
College of Saint Benedict
College of the Desert
College of the Holy Cross
Colorado College
Colorado State University
Columbia College Chicago
Concordia University - Irvine
Cornell University
Creighton University
DePaul University
DeVry University
Dominican University of California
Drexel University
Fashion Institute of Design and
Merchandising, Los Angeles
Fordham University
Georgetown University
Gonzaga University
Hawaii Pacific University
Humboldt State University
Indiana University at Bloomington
Iowa State University
Ithaca College
Kansas State University
Lewis & Clark College
Louisiana State University
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University New Orleans
Marquette University
Marymount College
Master’s College and Seminary
Michigan State University
Middle Tennessee State University
MiraCosta College
Mississippi State University
Montana State University, Bozeman
Muhlenberg College
New Mexico State University
Northern Arizona University
Occidental College
Orange Coast College
Oregon State University
Palomar College
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park
Pepperdine University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Regis University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Riverside Community College
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary’s College
Saint Mary’s College of California
Salisbury University
San Diego Christian College
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Clara University
Santa Monica College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Smith College
Sonoma State University
Spalding University
St. John’s University Manhattan Campus
State University of New York at Albany
Stony Brook University
Tarleton State University
Temple University
Texas Christian University
The Ohio State University
The University of Alabama
The University of Arizona
The University of Iowa
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of California at Berkeley
University of California at Davis
University of California at Irvine
University of California at Los Angeles
University of California at Riverside
University of California at San Diego
University of California at Santa Barbara
University of California at Santa Cruz
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Dallas
University of Denver
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of La Verne
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Michigan
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
University of Oregon
University of Portland
University of Redlands
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California
University of the Pacific
University of Vermont
University of Victoria
Villanova University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Washington University in St. Louis
Westmont College
Whittier College
Xavier University