
Honesty is contagious, and it starts with me.
Why do we value Academic Honesty?
Why an Honor Code?
Erendağ, Gülen. Working Together. 2012.
Photograph. Robert College, Istanbul.
Your Responsibilities
You are responsible for reading this
guide, understanding its principles
and following its rules. If you are ever
in doubt about the ethics of an action,
you must ask your teacher, a counselor or a librarian for clarification.
Ignorance of this guide is not an acceptable excuse for violation of the
Honor Code.
Robert College staff and faculty are committed to preparing you for
your future, wherever that future may take you. Academic honesty,
integrity, and positive global citizenship are all attributes that will
be expected at university and in the workplace.
To help you develop academic skills , the RC community ensures
access to the best print, professional, and on-line resources available. To help you develop citizenship skills, the RC community ensures that you give proper credit to those who researched, wrote,
edited, composed, or otherwise created the materials you use.
RC students, staff, and faculty are expected to act honestly and not
to tolerate dishonesty in others. The Academic Honor Code is the
first step to understanding and upholding these attributes.
Each entering student must successfully complete the online Honor
Code Orientation, take the plagiarism test, and sign the student
What is the pledge?
It’s simple
“As a member of the Robert College community, I will do my own
work, give credit to information sources, respect myself and others,
and be fair and honest with all.”
Honesty is contagious, and it starts with me.
Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct
These are examples of violations of the Honor Code
On tests and exams
Erendağ, Gülen. Library Balcony. 2012.
Photograph. Robert College, Istanbul.
"There are seven things that will destroy us: Wealth without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge
without character; Religion without
sacrifice; Politics without principle;
Science without humanity; Business
without ethics."
Mahatma Gandhi
"In looking for people to hire, you
look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they
don't have the first, the other two
will kill you."
Warren Buffet
Honesty is not something to flirt with.
We must be married to it.
~ Anon
disobeying/ignoring instructions, disobeying/ignoring a proctor
working before the start signal, after the stop signal etc.
communicating in any form during a test or exam (talking, signaling, texting, sending notes etc.)
looking at another student’s work during a test or exam
giving answers to another student during an exam
taking unauthorized notes, material, equipment etc. into tests or
examinations (whether used or not)
dishonestly obtaining test matter in advance of the test
letting someone copy from you on a test
On written assignments
Presenting someone else’s work as one’s own —written, designed,
drawn, calculated, performed, composed or created , in part or in
whole—is a violation of the Code. Examples are:
paraphrased without citing your sources
presenting someone else’s work, words or ideas as one’s own –
even if translated - without citing your sources
failing to give credit to other authors, failure to use quotation
marks when required
submitting a paper written by someone else, either another student or by purchase
submitting the same paper to more than one teacher without
the express permission of both
working with someone else when specifically told to work on
one’s own, whether someone in school, someone out of school,
paid or unpaid
letting someone copy from you on an assignment or on homework
On experiments, research findings or reports.
falsifying or fabricating results, data, information
falsifying quotations and or citations
fabricating or falsifying evidence, data, etc.
using other people’s results without permission
changing one’s own or someone else’s grades/ records in a record book, computer file, etc.
Honesty is contagious, and it starts with me.
1. Teacher will discuss the Academic
Honor Code with the student privately.
2. Teacher and student will fill out the
Academic Honor Code Violation
3. All Honor Code Violation Reports
will be filed with the Dean of Student affairs.
Additional disciplinary action, including
but not limited to referral to the Honor
Court or Discipline Committee, will be
determined based on the frequency
and gravity of the infraction as well as
the student’s year.
Suspicion of cheating and other academic misconduct will be reported to
the Dean of Student Affairs with supporting proof or documentation, who
will in turn inform the Academic Honesty Committee. If an offense is found
to have been committed, appropriate
action will be taken which may include
redoing the work, reporting to the librarian for further instruction, deduction of some or all marks, and possible
referral to the Honor Court or the Discipline Committee.
Enden, Cemal. No Exit. 2012. Photograph. Robert College, Istanbul.
During your time at Robert College, all the work you hand in must
be your own. All assignments, big or small, marked or ungraded,
drafts and final copies demonstrate your pledge to honesty, respect, integrity and citizenship in the RC community.
You must give credit where credit is due. When you use another
person's work - ideas, facts, theories, opinions, statistics, graphics,
drawings, music, etc., or any other type of information except common knowledge—you must cite their work, both in the body of
your assignment and on a properly formatted Works Cited list.
You are responsible for checking with your teacher if you are unsure whether how you are planning to work is ethical or appropriate. Do not assume that just because the last project was done in
pairs that you can work on the new one with a partner.
You must tell the truth. Robert College students are required to
respect themselves, each other, the whole school community. Behaving ethically and honestly is an important part of creating a respectful, trusting, safe community. Each of us must do our part.
You must respect the work of others. Be aware that your actions
affect others. Never interfere with another student’s progress.
You must encourage your peers to respect the Honor Code. Don’t
let others use your homework, copy your test, cheat or lie.
Honesty is contagious, and it starts with me.
1. Teacher will discuss the Responsible
Use Policy with the student privately.
2. Teacher and student will fill out the
Academic Honor Code Violation Report.
3. All Honor Code Violation Reports will
be filed with the Dean of Student
Additional disciplinary action, including
but not limited to referral to the Honor
Court or Discipline Committee, will be
determined based on the frequency and
gravity of the infraction as well as the
student’s year.
Erendağ, Gülen. Stretch! 2012. Photograph. Robert College, Istanbul.
Responsible Use of Technology
I will respect all digital devices.
I maintain my digital device, I label and organize my files, and I
backup my work regularly.
I will respect instructional time.
Infractions and misuse of technology
with regards to the guidelines in the
Responsible Use Policy will be reported
to the Dean of Student Affairs with supporting proof or documentation, who
will in turn inform the Academic Honesty Committee. If an offense is found to
have been committed, appropriate action will be taken which may include
the possible loss of computer privileges
and/or confiscation of the device, electronic search of files, and possible referral to the Honor Court, Discipline
Committee or relevant authorities.
When using technology in school, education is my priority.
I will respect myself.
I am my online identity, my online identity is me.
I will protect myself.
I keep personal information safe.
I will respect others and their intellectual property.
I treat others the way I wish to be treated, online and off.
I will protect intellectual property.
I am proud of my research and I follow the RC Honor Code.
Updated June 18, 2013.
RC reserves the right to update the RUP whenever necessary.
Honesty is contagious, and it starts with me.