
Resident Adrian Shore with
Drex, Arbor Acres’ Service Dog
Gazing across the full sweep of 2014, I am struck by the good that was
accomplished - much of it preparatory for more to come. At the center stands
the creation of a plan required to ready Arbor Acres for the renovation of the
facility that serves residents who require skilled nursing care. The vision for
this project traces to work begun in 2013 and continued through last year and
forward into 2015. The rock we pushed so faithfully the whole of last year at
last is rolling.
The Essential Promise Campaign launched in 2014 to generate financial
support for the renovation of the skilled nursing facility within Fitzgerald
represents enormous work on the part of staff and volunteers. Dek Driscoll
and resident Bill Ball are chairing the effort. In April of 2014, when Betty and
Bob Strickland committed $1 million to the campaign, hope soared. Their lead gift supplied sufficient energy to the campaign that by year-end the
Board would increase its goal from the original $3 million to the present $3.5 million. In honor of the Strickland’s generosity, the Board chose to name
the renovated residence Strickland Place at Fitzgerald. Gifts to the campaign
have arrived in all sizes - a steady attestation to the philanthropic spirit and
caring of residents, and the wider circle of Arbor Acres’ friends.
In 2014, the Board created The Copey Hanes
Garden as a lush reminder of one of Arbor Acres’
early benefactors and dearest friends. Additionally,
this year saw the opening of The Professional
Arts Gallery honoring all Arbor Acres employees.
Artists, we call them. With its photographs and
commissioned painting of Artists in wide ranging
professions, the Gallery encourages all who work
here to exercise the God-given capacity to deliver
beauty to the lives of others. Lastly, throughout
David Piner
2014, over forty leaders from all Departments and
organizational levels participated in Arbor Acres’
first Leadership Arts Academy. The future will demand great leaders. This
year Arbor Acres began investing in its own.
In 2014 Arbor Acres was challenged to serve the high level of financial
need among residents, which this year far exceeded available financial
assistance income. By year-end the cost of providing financial assistance
had exceeded the revenue by over $400,000. Regardless of success in
improving the flow of charitable gifts, Arbor Acres was forced to use finite
reserves to offset this loss. Returning the financial assistance program to
healthier balance, without compromise to the mission, remains a foremost
goal of 2015.
Beauty flourished at Arbor Acres in 2014. It manifest in lives touched,
generous resident giving, excellent governance by an engaged Board of
Directors, hours of volunteer service, and tasks performed by true artists in every professional department. For thirty-five years, since March 3,
1980, residents, and those dedicated to their well-being, have danced this
dance of extraordinary caring and mutual support. Of the many beauties
that abound in any year, this exquisite thirty-five year-old waltz may be the loveliest of all.
With best wishes and LOVE,
Fitzgerald Renovations
After thirty years of continuous
service the time to renovate the
skilled nursing care facility, now
known as Strickland Place, has
come. Updates and upgrades
have occurred over the years, but
never has the building received the
substantial makeover planned for it
now. It is a massive undertaking financially and logistically. It is also
essential if the building is to serve
successfully for future generations.
The renovation involves the
• Replacement of heating and
air-conditioning, wiring, plumbing,
and life-safety and communication
systems. Fully two-thirds of the total $11,250,000 cost will be
incurred to bring the building up to current standards of efficiency
and performance.
• Construction of five new resident
rooms, a response to pressing
needs in the community and to
prepare Arbor Acres for anticipated
future demand.
• Total reconstruction of the interior
of one of the original residential
wings to replace old rooms adjoined
by shared half-baths, with ten up-todate private rooms each with a full
bathroom. These rooms, along with
the five newly constructed rooms,
plus three long-vacated rooms
which have now been relicensed for
use, will increase Arbor Acres total
licensed skilled nursing bed capacity
from 65 to 83.
• Elimination of interior walls
in public areas to enhance the
openness and the ability of residents
to access views to the out- of-doors.
• An accessible and upgraded
outdoor garden in the open space
formed by the adjoining of existing
wings of the building.
• Interior landscaping and water
features to bring nature inside and to create a park-like environment.
• A new café for enjoyment of
casual visits with friends and family.
• Enlarged windows in all rooms
to invite light and nature into each
resident’s home.
• A newly constructed, greatly
enlarged and beautifully appointed
Beauty Salon
• The Long Chapel and meditation
garden for worship and private
• Relocation of staff work areas to improve operational efficiency and to bring staff closer to the
residents they serve.
• Open dining areas with display
counters so that when possible
residents can self-select their meals.
• Activity kitchens that are easily accessible and that will supply enticing aromas to stimulate appetites.
• A shop, known as Phoebe’s,
where residents can purchase
cards and gifts, or simply browse
and enjoy the look and feel of
the merchandise (shopping is
secondary to serving the senses
including the sense of normalcy).
• Large video screens that will
become technological windows to
the wider world. Imagine spending a relaxing day watching ocean
waves roll, the eagles tending their
young, or the giraffes loping across
the Savannah.
This is the new Strickland Place
at Fitzgerald - a place of beauty,
vitality, and expanded possibilities.
Colors will be vibrant, textures will
be lush, sights and scents will be
stimulating, and residents and their
families will be at the center of it
all. The beauty of the environment
matters only to the extent that
residents also experience care
that is beautiful, food that delights,
and possibilities that enrich life for
them and for their loved ones. This
is the vision that is unfolding now
and that will continue to unfold until
the project is completed in June of 2016. Getting there will be exciting.
This long-awaited transformation for the frailest of AA residents will be beautiful.
At the heart of Arbor Acres’ mission lies a commitment to serve those living here with care, kindness, and love.
Ensuring the continuation of a place where each resident has the opportunity for an enhanced quality of life rests
upon the support of many people. The Heritage Society, created by the Board of Directors almost two decades ago,
represents 124 individuals and families who have made a commitment to Arbor Acres in one of three ways:
~ Through their estate plans. Such gifts can be made through wills, charitable trusts, annuities or life insurance.
~ Through the creation of a Named Fund within the Financial Assistance Endowment Fund.
~ Through lifetime giving of $100,000 or more.
Mrs. Sylvia Alderson
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander
Mr. Ross O. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Baker, Jr.*
Dr. Frederick A. Blount
Mrs. Kirby Brown
Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess
Mr. Jon M. Burkhart
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon
Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cavenaugh, Jr.
Mrs. Sara P. Chambers
Mrs. Sophia S. Cody
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cramer
Mr. George W. Crone, Jr.
Mrs. Suzanne M. Danilowicz
Mrs. Catherine J. Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett
Mrs. Aleta G. Ellison
Mrs. Mary Emler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming
Mrs. Louise B. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring*
Mrs. Izoria S. Gordon
Mrs. Emma Graham
Mrs. Miriam S. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Haxton
Mrs. M. Betty Haywood
Mr. Nixon Hennessee
Mrs. Margaret V. Hill
Mrs. Alice Hinman
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindsay Holcomb, Jr.*
Mrs. Jean L. Hole*
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
Mrs. Betty Holmes
Ms. Gwen Toburen Horn
Mrs. Jacqueline Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hunter
Mrs. Ann C. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones
Mrs. Martha J. Keiger
Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger
Mrs. Martha Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott
Mrs. Gail A. Lake
Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis
Miss Nancy Lide
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr.
Mrs. Sara S. Long
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin
Mr. John M. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. David L. McCullough*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Merritt*
Mr. Thomas A. Miskimen
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Moore, Jr.
Mr. Gordon D. Muir
Mrs. Margaret Nicholson
Mr. Ellis Pardue
Ms. Denni H. Peebles
Mr. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr.
Mr. W. David Piner*
Mrs. Margaret Pittard
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reavis
Mr. E. Norwood Robinson*
Mr. Michael Robinson and Ms. Wynn Tanner
Dr. and Mrs.William M. Satterwhite, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sayers*
Ms. Camille S. Smith*
Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach
Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. W. David Stedman*
Mr. Christopher G. Stockton
Mr. Richard Stockton
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas B. Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickland*
Mrs. Margaret P. Taylor*
Mrs. Nellena B. Thomas
Mrs. Norma S. Turnham
Ms. Mary S. Underwood*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.
Ms. Frances Vazquez
Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Wegwart
Mr. Fillmore E. Williams
Mrs. Lucy Willingham
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble
Mr. and Mrs. Vann York
Mr. Samuel J. Zachary
*Indicates new members as of January 1, 2014
We remember with great fondness
members who have died this past year:
Lois L. Logan (d. May 13, 2014)
Marilee Pardue (d. Oct. 12, 2014)
June Pfefferkorn (d. Feb. 10, 2014)
Ruth Pleasants (d. March 9, 2014)
Jean Steelman (d. Dec. 4, 2014)
Wendel “Bunky” Stockton (d. May 19, 2014)
Ruth M. Wall (d. Dec. 17, 2014)
As of December 31, 2014, the Assistance Endowment Fund, within which there
are eighty-three named funds, totaled $13,382,469. The total raised in 2014 was
$97,906. The Fund is overseen by the Finance Committee of the Arbor Acres
Board of Directors to assure a balance between growth and income, and to
generate a steady stream of revenue for financial assistance needs. In 2014,
$520,000 was withdrawn to help residents who have acute financial needs.
We appreciate our donors for their philanthropic spirit and compassion for Arbor Acres’ residents.
The Eben Alexander, Jr. Fund
The R. Worth and Atha Johnson Allen Fund
The W. Guy & Pauline C. Angell Fund
The Arbor Acres Resident Council Fund
The Clyde G. and Sue F. Barber Fund
The C. Marvin and Pauline K. Boggs Fund
The Ruth Peters Braun Fund
The Dorothy F. Buddine Fund
The Richard W. Bunn Fund
The Gertrude Gilliam Cahoon Fund
The Ruth C. and Jack H. Campbell, Sr. Fund
The Sam N. and Pauline H. Carter Fund
The James A. Cavenaugh, Jr. Fund
The Jack Allan Cheek, Sr. Fund
The Reverend George B. Clemmer Fund
The Nancy A. and J. Scott Cramer Fund
The Dorothy A. and George W. Crone, Jr. Fund
The Felix Gray and Lena R. Crutchfield Fund
The Robert H. Cundiff Fund
The George W. and Mary H. Dalton Fund
The Matthew, Andrew, Hedy Danilowicz Fund
The Glenn W. and Catherine J. Dobbs Fund
The Lucy Gray Smither and Harvey Drake Fund
The Charles H. and Carolyn G. Duckett Fund
The R. Harold and Aleta Griffin Ellison Fund
The Paul W. and Mary M. Emler Fund
The William H. Entwistle, Jr. Fund
The Robert J. and Marjorie H. Froeber Fund
The Bishop W. Kenneth and Martha O. Goodson Fund
The I. Bryce and Izoria S. Gordon Fund
The William D. and Emma B. Graham Fund
The Wanda W. Hackbarth Fund
The Charles W. and Jean L. Hole Fund *
The Glenn H. Hollingsworth Fund
The James E., Jr. and Betty J. Holmes Fund
The Ruby P. Johnston Fund
The Glenn Adkins Jones Fund
The Elizabeth Bynum Kapp Fund
The Truman T. and Hilda C. Kiger Fund
The Ruth I. and Emil Kohut Fund
The Hattie B. Lakey Fund
The Julian and Elizabeth G. Lake Fund
The Frederic H. Lassiter Fund
The Mary Lois H. Leith Fund
The David W. and Elizabeth C. Lewis Fund
The Ralph E. and Lois L. Logan Fund
The Gwen Lentz (Mrs. Clyde A.) Long Fund
The Harold R. and Helen S. Longfellow Fund
The Peggy B. and John M. McCoy Memorial Fund
The Margaret Ione McIntyre Fund
The William H. and Georgia M. Millett Fund
The Mary, Burt and Tom (Miskimen) Fund
The J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund
The Walter M. Moore, Jr. Fund
The Gwen S. Morris Fund
The Robert S. Northington, Sr. Fund
The Dorothy B. Peacock Fund
The L. Gordon and June D. Pfefferkorn Fund
The William E. & Flossie B. Phibbs Fund
The W. David Piner Fund
The Ruth M. and Clifton E. Pleasants Fund
The Richard B. and Nancy B. Port Fund
The Shirley Marie Rogers Fund
The Harry D. Sasher Fund
The Phoebe Barnhardt and
William Madison Satterwhite, Jr. Fund
The William S., Jr. and Dorothy C. Smith Fund
The Harry R. and Verna L. Sorensen Fund
The Aldonia W. Spivey Fund
The Norman V., Jr. and Frances K. Stockton Fund
The Peggy W. & Ralph M. Stockton, Jr. Fund
The Thomas B. and Jean S. Stockton Fund
The Elizabeth M. and Robert L. Strickland Fund *
The W. Mills and Margaret P. Taylor Fund *
The Ella Joyner Brame and Lawrence R. Toburen Fund
The Charles Byrd Wade, Jr. and Margaret P. Wade Fund
The Louise Yarbrough Wagoner Fund
The Reverend and Mrs. R. Gilmer Wagoner Fund
The Evelyn S. Watlington Fund
The Janie Davenport Weaver Fund
The Elizabeth Welch Fund
The William G. White, Jr. Fund
The William F. and Jane G. Womble Fund
The W. Vann & Ann York Fund
*Newly established funds during 2014
To Everything, There is a Season...
It’s known as Arborview, a
name that evokes vistas of beauty
enlivened by gentle breezes. The
coined term was ascribed two years
ago to the portion of Fitzgerald that
serves residents with dementia.
Home to approximately thirty
residents, Arborview manifests
daily the mission captured in the
Mission Statement: “Through
excellence, innovation, caring
and beauty, Arbor Acres
cultivates community, comfort
and well-being for senior adults.”
More than five million Americans
live with Alzheimer’s Disease. Care for these millions has been
labeled the most expensive in the
world. This cost will only escalate
as the baby boomers age, tripling
by the year 2050.
Arbor Acres embraces these
goals for all its memory impaired
residents in Arborview: (1)
to enable them to maintain
solidly their quality of life, (2)
to maximize their capacities to
function autonomously, (3) to
assure their safety, (4) to enhance
their cognition, and to respond
compassionately to mood and
behavior, and (5) to promote social
engagement essential to the
thriving of all human beings.
The renovation of Strickland
Place, the portion of Fitzgerald
that serves residents who require
skilled nursing, will expand also the
life-enriching possibilities available
to residents of Arborview. They
will be provided support in their
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
exploration of Strickland Place
which will open for them new
things to see, new social settings,
a place for browsing (the Gift Shop
known as Phoebe’s), new dining
experiences, and a place to sip
wine with friends. Mostly, they will
discover in the company of caring
staff expanded opportunities to
enjoy nature’s beauty with people
they recognize and trust.
Daily life in Arborview reflects
Arbor Acres’ highest commitment:
to reach deeply into those least
able to express themselves to
discover their hidden preferences
and how best to touch their hearts
and souls. Arborview exists at
the frontier of this mission. It is
the place where care is crafted
uniquely one resident at a time,
where words matter less than
feelings, and where all are enabled
to achieve personally their highest
possible experience of well-being.
And so it is in 2015 at Arbor
Acres. Springtime is bringing its
colors of green to our trees and
grasses and bright yellow and red to
the flowering plants. However, other,
not so seasonal changes, are also
presenting themselves around our campus.
Have you noticed workers in
hard hats carrying rolls of plans
and heavy equipment? Have you
gone for a visit to a friend’s room in
Strickland Place at Fitzgerald only
to find that your friend has moved to
another hallway room? Perhaps you
have noticed the excitement on the
faces of staff and Board members
as they eagerly explain the purpose
of this increased activity.
The portion of Fitzgerald Health
Care Center that serves residents
who require skilled nursing, now
known as Strickland Place at
Fitzgerald, is a 30-year-old structure
that is home to 65 residents. In
February 2015 the Board of Arbor
Acres approved an expenditure of
$11.25 million to give this hallowed
space a much-needed renovation.
The completed project will be
beautiful, and it will allow 18 more
skilled beds to be available to those
residents who require extra care.
In addition to aesthetic changes,
the renovation will also address
important, necessary updates to
the heating, air conditioning, and
sprinkler systems. Improved dining
options for residents and family
members, a new beauty shop, and
P. Hunt
Board of
two TV projection screens will add
to the quality of life for residents,
family, and staff.
Families have wisely questioned
staffing changes that will be
required for additional residents.
Kathy Gwyn has recently assumed
a new role of Vice President of
Health Services. She and her team
know the importance of a welltrained and motivated staff. Under
Kathy Gwyn’s watch, “The Essential
Promise,” our capital campaign
slogan, represents not only the
renovation of Strickland Place at
Fitzgerald, but also the care that will
be provided for the residents who
are at home there.
Join us in our excitement for
Arbor Acres as we bring this
newly renovated facility on line.
We are indeed fortunate to have
choices such as Strickland Place
at Fitzgerald on our campus and
in our community. As 2015 Board
Chair I am proud of the work being
accomplished at Arbor Acres, which
will benefit our current and future
residents. I am also thankful for
each of you.
Generous Giving to Arbor Acres
Arbor Acres is grateful to the following donors for their generosity.
This list includes all gifts made between
January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014.
Please note this Annual Report reflects gifts made in 2014.
We have attempted to be as accurate as possible in compiling these lists.
If you find an error or omission, please contact Wendy Cason at 336.748.4636.
DONOR LIST (Years of Giving Indicated in Parenthesis)
*Indicates Deceased
Mr. James G. Adams, Sr.* (24)
Ms. Nancy G. Adkins (12)
Dr. and Mrs. Harley P. Affeldt (19)
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Albright (3)
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander (11)
Ms. Betsy Alexander (6)
Mrs. Jean B. Alexander (1)
Mrs. Wynnette Alexander (27)
Anonymous (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen (21)
Ms. Winnie Allred (12)
Ms. Helen J. Ammen (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Anderson (22)
Mrs. Peggy Andrews (5)
Mr. Stephen H. Andrews (1)
Ms. Scharlot Angel (11)
Ms. Shirley Angel (3)
Anonymous (18)
Ms. Betty B. Anthony (1)
Arbor Acres - Womble Fourth Floor (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Argabright (28)
Mrs. Susan T. Arnold (4)
Mrs. Anne C. Arnsdorff* (1)
Ms. Cindy Atwood (2)
Audubon Society of Forsyth County (7)
Ms. Douglas E. Austell (1)
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Austin (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Austin (5)
Ms. Lisa L. Austin (11)
Ms. Sarah Y. Austin* (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bailey (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Z. Bailiff (26)
Mrs. Marilyn Baird (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Baity (28)
Mr. Kemp A. and Dr. Marilynn Baker (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge, Jr. (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Baldwin (9)
Mrs. Sue Baldwin (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ball (9)
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ball III (4)
Mr. Charles R. Bame (2)
Ms. Teresa T. Barger (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Barkley, Jr. (17)
Ms. Cindi Barnes (12)
The Reverend and Mrs. Roland T. Barnhardt (19)
Ms. Sarah B. Barnhardt (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barnwell (3)
Mrs. Suzanne S. Barrows (18)
Mr. Daniel Bartko (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie M. Barton (17)
Mrs. Jane C. Bass (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Bassett (4)
Mr. William M. Batchelor (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Gam Bates (2)
Mr. Frederick Bauer (6)
Ms. Mary Beach (1)
Mrs. Laura Beasley (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason (18)
Mrs. Mary M. Beavers (28)
Mr. Christy Bebber (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beham (2)
Mrs. Kathy Bender (1)
Ms. Karen B. Bennett (25)
Dr. F. Edward Bentley (19)
Mr. Odell D. Beroth (10)
Mr. Joe H. Berrier (20)
Mr. James C. Berrier (24)
Ms. Elizabeth A. Best (9)
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Biby (26)
Mr. Darcus D. Bisher (1)
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Black (11)
Mrs. Carolyn Black (4)
Ms. Jill Blackburn (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M. Blackwell III (2)
Ms. Cynthia E. Blair (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Blair (6)
Mrs. Lucille Blankenship (5)
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Blanco (11)
Mr. Robert L. Blevins (18)
Mr. R. A. Blevins (10)
Mrs. Sarah Blizard (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bloom (1)
Dr. Frederick A. Blount (20)
Mrs. Katrina S. Bodford (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke (29)
Mrs. Katherine H. Boone* (10)
Mr. and Ms. Vaughn Boone (1)
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Boone (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Borick (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Borst (10)
Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet* (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Bowen (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn Bowen (5)
The Reverend Lori Anne Bowen (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bowen (6)
Mr. Bowman W. Bowers (8)
Ms. Ola Bowman (2)
Mrs. Sandra Boyette (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Boyles (9)
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brady (28)
Ms. Wilba P. Brady (28)
Ms. Willa M. Brandon (1)
Mr. Joseph M. Brantley III (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Branton (28)
Ms. Margaret Brennan (1)
Mrs. Barbara A. Brennan (1)
Mrs. Frances Brenner (2)
Mrs. Miriam P. Brenner (3)
Mr. Robert P. Brewer (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brewer (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Briggs, Jr. (9)
Mrs. Iris Bristow (12)
Mrs. Judith Brody (1)
Mrs. Charlotte C. Broughton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Brown (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Brown (7)
Mrs. Kirby Brown (10)
Rev. and Mrs. Rodney C. Brown (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Buchanan (9)
Mrs. Jane L. Bumgardner (3)
Mrs. Evelyn F. Bumgarner (25)
Mrs. Miriam Bumgarner (27)
Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess (32)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burke (6)
Ms. Patricia V. Burke (11)
Mr. Jon M. Burkhart (8)
Mr. John K. Burnett (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burnette (10)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress (6)
Mrs. Jo Ann Burton (5)
Mrs. Martha H. Butner (21)
Ms. Lynn Byerly (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Byerly (3)
Mr. Richard T. * and Mrs. Mary Lois Bynum (5)
Ms. Lisa Bynum (1)
Dr. Albert G. Byrum III (3)
Mrs. Helen Caines (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell (4)
Ms. Elizabeth S. Callari (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Campbell (13)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Campbell (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon (27)
Mrs. Alice Canterbury (2)
Mrs. Agnes M. Canzona (14)
Career Center of Forsyth County (1)
Mrs. Martha Carlisle* (5)
Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Carr, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Beth Carroll (24)
Mrs. Linda P. Carroll (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Carter (18)
Mrs. Mickey Carter (1)
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
Ms. Nancy S. Carter (10)
Ms. Susan N. Carter-Hope (7)
Mr. Thomas N. Carter (21)
Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Cartner (12)
Mrs. Margaret Casey (7)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Casey (15)
Miss Edith L. Cashwell (16)
Mrs. Wendy D. Cason (6)
Ms. Gwenne Causey (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cavallo, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cave (8)
Bob and Jane Caviness (16)
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cerra (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers (10)
Mrs. Sara P. Chambers (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. (11)
Mr. George W. Chandler, Jr. (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Chapple, Jr. (30)
Mr. Rodney Cheek (2)
Mrs. Helen B. Christie (22)
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Christopher, Jr. (9)
Mrs. Katherine E. Chubb (1)
Mr. William I. Clapp (3)
Mrs. Dorothy S. Clark (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Butch R. Clark (8)
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Clark (23)
Mrs. Amanda H. Cleary (6)
Ms. Jane Click (27)
Ms. Carolyn R. Clifton (8)
Mrs. Bonnie Cobb (1)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Coble (15)
Mrs. Martha J. Cochran (22)
Mr. Russell P. and
Mrs. Nancy H.* Cockman (4)
Mrs. Sophia S. Cody (19)
Mr. William S. Coffman (1)
Mrs. Beverly Coker (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Cole (1)
Mrs. Virginia S. Coleman (1)
Mrs. Sarah Hill Colhoun (2)
Mr. Leon Collett (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Renny A. Collins (26)
Mrs. Ruth B. Collins (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Coltrane, Jr. (25)
Mr. Jeffrey S. Coltrane, Jr. (10)
Ms. Johnsie G. Compton (1)
Mrs. Marilena J. Conrad (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cook, Jr. (3)
Ms. Bonnie S. Cook (18)
Mrs. Donna L. Cooke (2)
Mrs. Jean B. Cooper (2)
Mrs. Barbara C. Corrigan (1)
Mrs. Maggy Costandy (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Miller S. Council (21)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan (30)
Mr. Maxwell Cox (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan L. Cox (13)
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cramer (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Les Cranfill (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Craver (27)
Mrs. Ginny Craver (28)
Mrs. Martha R. Crawford (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Creasy (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Crichlow, Jr. (16)
Ms. Rhodena Cromer (1)
Mr. George W. Crone, Jr. (24)
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Cross, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Crumpler (1)
Mr. James M. Culberson, Jr. (28)
Mrs. Mabel S. Culler (3)
Mrs. Judith Culley (6)
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dan Culp (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Meriwether L. Cuningham (14)
Mr. Robert E. Curlee (15)
Mr. Herbert Dale (1)
Mr. Samuel S. Dalton (12)
Mrs. Debbie Daniels (1)
Mrs. Sadie R. Daniels (1)
Mrs. Jean Darden (9)
Ms. Darlene C. Davenport (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Daves (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Mayer E. David (2)
Dr. Courtland H. Davis (9)
Mr. and Mrs. L. Duane Davis (4)
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Davis (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Davis (2)
The Reverend and Mrs. John E. Davis, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Davis (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Davis (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William Deal (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dean (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Deaton (14)
Mrs. Lynn Delp-Cribb (2)
Mr. and Mrs. A. Horace Deudney (2)
Ms. Barbara Deupree (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Dew (18)
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dewees (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Dickey (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dillard (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dillard (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Dillon (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Dixon (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William Dixson (2)
The Reverend and Mrs. Lewis H. Dodson (8)
Ms. Rachel E. Dodson (11)
Mrs. Judy P. Doggett (2)
Dogwood Garden Club (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dossinger (7)
Mrs. Betty D. Doub (14)
Mrs. Barbara W. Douglas (1)
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas (3)
Mr. Gordon B. Doyle III (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Drake (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Duckett (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Duffer (20)
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dull (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunn (20)
Mr. Steven W. Dunn (7)
Ms. Nancy C. Eanes (1)
Ms. Debra A. Easter (20)
Ms. Denise Edwards (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egleston (8)
Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Elliott (4)
Anonymous (5)
Mr. John R.* and Mrs. Suzan Elster (19)
Mrs. Mary Emler (23)
Ms. Marian English (2)
Mrs. Carolyn C. Enslen (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Eppert (6)
Mrs. William G. Ervin (1)
Ms. Jane S. Everhart (18)
Mr. David Fairall (2)
Mrs. Sallie Fairall* (3)
Mrs. Mary E. Farr (2)
Ms. Ann G. Faust (21)
Ms. Gilda Federman (1)
Mrs. Elizabeth Felts (10)
Ms. Margaret H. Felts (8)
Anonymous (18)
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Ferree (23)
Mrs. Martha M. Field (3)
Ms. Ruth B. Finley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Fisher (23)
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fleetwood (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming (29)
Mrs. Louise B. Flowers (27)
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Floyd (1)
Ms. Ann Flynt (3)
Mrs. Betty S. Foster (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Foster (3)
Mrs. Ruth S. Foster (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Fox (9)
Mr. and Mrs. John Fragakis (6)
Mrs. Libby R. Freedman (3)
Mrs. Nella P. Fulton (4)
Reverend and Mrs. Donald K. Funderburk (22)
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Fyock (25)
Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Gaddy, Jr. (25)
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gallaher (6)
Mr. John K. Gallaher (11)
Mrs. Dorothy B. Gantt (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Gardner (17)
Mrs. Sharla Gardner (2)
Ms. Elizabeth B. Garner (2)
Mrs. Wanda Garwood (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Gatto (1)
Ms. Elizabeth Gee (11)
Mrs. Marjorie Geer (1)
Mrs. Doris C. Gehring (6)
Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring (10)
Mr. Francis J. Geiser, Jr. (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Gerding (3)
Mr. Lester* and Mrs. Patricia Geyer (3)
Dr. Robert Gibson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Gibson (2)
Ms. Elizabeth P. Glenn (6)
Dr. Richard Glenn (9)
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gooding (23)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kenneth Goodson, Jr. (28)
Mrs. Izoria S. Gordon (6)
Mr. Richard Gottlieb (3)
Mrs. Della Graham (2)
Mrs. Emma Graham (12)
The Honorable and Mrs. William Graham (3)
Mrs. Mary C. Grant (5)
Ms. Sharolyn S. Grant (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Will Grant IV (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III (19)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Grantham (3)
Ms. Sheila M. Green (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Greene (26)
Mr. Thomas J. * and
Mrs. Joyce H. Greenwood (26)
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Grice (21)
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Grousbeck (3)
Mr. Trent Grubb (6)
Mrs. Patricia Gunlock (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gunnell (23)
Mrs. Eleanor S. Gurney (18)
Mrs. Kathy L. Gwyn (6)
Mrs. Martha Gwyn (21)
Mrs. Miriam Haines (10)
Mrs. Carolyn Hale (2)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Hall (27)
Ms. Nancy M. Hall (1)
Mrs. Rachel Hamilton (5)
Mr. Thomas B. Hamilton (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Wade G. Hampton III (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Wade G. Hampton, Jr. (4)
Always on Call
Drex, one of Arbor Acres’ newer
employees, works hours much like
those of his human counterparts.
As a trained service dog (which is
different from a therapy dog), Drex
must put in 40/hours per week to
retain his right to work at Arbor Acres.
With the hiring late in 2014 of
Hannah Jessup as Director of
Arborview, Arbor Acres secured a two
for one package deal. Drex was the
other half of this remarkable package.
Hannah holds vast responsibilities.
Within Arborview she oversees
nursing, recreation, dining,
housekeeping and the sustaining of a
way of life shaped by each resident’s
preferences. With thirty residents all
requiring individualized attention and
care, the challenge is great. Hannah,
with Drex’s help, is up to it.
Prior to coming to Arbor Acres,
Hannah applied for and received
a service dog from Canine
Companions for Independence. She
spent two weeks at CCI in intensive
training to make sure the match
between owner and dog worked.
Hannah believes it is a match made
in heaven. Drex appears to agree but
has remained silent on the matter.
Drex helps Arborview residents
maintain their cognitive abilities,
strengthen their fine and gross motor
skills, widen their range of motion,
focus their attention, and enjoy
improved socialization.
Drex, Resident Service Dog
He assists with activities of
daily living and provides leisure
opportunities for residents. Hannah
reports, “Drex can open and hold
doors, pick up items off the floor, and pass a ball!”
Hannah summarizes Drex’s
contribution this way: “I feel that Drex
not only helps improve residents’
feelings of independence, but also
gives them a better quality of life.”
Arbor Acres feels the same way
about Hannah.
Tea Time at Arbor Acres
Just one of the many activities keeping
our residents in step with living life fully
Afternoon tea is so much more
than a delicious beverage, or a hot
drink with many health benefits.
It is the essence of hospitality,
providing nourishment, creating
comfort while putting all at ease.
When we gather together with
others something essential
happens. Thoughts gravitate
toward other’s welfare. In this
process we can feel united with
others, connected through the time shared over tea.
At 4:00 pm on the second and
fourth Wednesdays of every
month, residents can enjoy a
selection of fine teas, wonderful
biscuits and other edibles in an
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 10 }
atmosphere comparable to that
found in the heart of England.
A beautiful selection of teas
is presented along with an
assortment of nibbles that change
monthly. An array of fine tea cups
and small plates accompany the
tea cart. These pieces of china
have been collected over the years
and each resident delights in their
chosen pattern.
It all sounds so simple and yet
carries significant meaning for
the soul. The act of opening the
heart and sharing company with
others touches the essence of
Mrs. Ruth Hanas (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hancock, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby C. Hancock (6)
Mrs. Cynthia Hancock (1)
Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. (26)
Mrs. Jane Hanes (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hanley (3)
Mrs. Julia P. Hardy (19)
Mrs. Miriam S. Harmon (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie R. Harrelson (7)
Mr. James Harrill (1)
Ms. Grace E. Harrill (4)
The Honorable and
Mrs. James A. Harrill, Jr. (7)
Ms. Nancy C. Harrill (11)
Mr. David R. Harris (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Justus Harris (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Harris (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harriss (1)
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hathcock (26)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser (11)
Ms. Cynthia Y. Hauser (13)
Mr. Bobby Hawkins (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Haxton (6)
Mrs. JoAnn F. Hayes (1)
Mrs. M. Betty Haywood (11)
Ms. Sandra Hazelwood (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Hearn (8)
Mr. Bill Heffner (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Heflin (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heilig (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson B. Helms, Jr. (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Henderson (2)
Mrs. Meneta W. Henderson* (19)
Mrs. Jane C. Hendrix (1)
Mr. Mike Hendrix (8)
Ms. Dorothy R. Henley (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Henley (28)
Mr. Nixon Hennessee (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Herring (13)
Miss Kathy Hewett (1)
Mrs. Katherine W. Hicks (4)
Mrs. Martha Bond Hilburn (11)
Mrs. Margaret V. Hill (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Hill (4)
Mr. E. Franklin Hill (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Julian T. Hill (2)
Ms. Mary S. Hill (9)
Mr. T. Gray Hinkle (2)
Mrs. Alice Hinman (26)
Mr. Frank Hinman II (9)
The Reverend Robert Hinman (1)
Mrs. Millie Hinshaw (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy R. Hinson (6)
Mr. W. David Hobbs, Jr. and
Ms. Gail Lybrook (5)
Mrs. Janet Hobbs (5)
Mr. and Ms. Michael Hobby (1)
Mr. Edward Hogan, Jr. (2)
Miss Gaynelle Hogan (2)
Mrs. Debbie Holbrook (8)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindsay Holcomb, Jr. (32)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald W. Holcomb (12)
Mrs. Jean Hole (26)
Ms. Mitzi L. Hole (8)
Mr. William E. Hollan, Jr. (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Holliday, Jr. (17)
Ms. Christine Hollingsworth (4)
Mrs. Betty Holmes (32)
Mr. Dalton B. Holmes (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holthouser (7)
Mrs. Martha W. Hopkins (2)
Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Horsley (3)
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Horton (22)
Mr. Bailey E. Howard, Jr. (14)
Mrs. E.R. Howard (9)
Mr. Fred Howard (8)
Mrs. Margie R. Howard (23)
Ms. Lisa S. Howell (1)
Mr. William G. Howell (1)
Mr. Ronald E. Hoy (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hubbard (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hubbard (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Hucks (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Humphreys (19)
Ms. Sallie Hundley (1)
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt (12)
The Reverend Clark W. Hunt (28)
Mrs. Jacqueline Hunt (31)
Mr. John W. Hunt (23)
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt (30)
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hunter (2)
Mrs. Jean Hunter (27)
Mr. John and Mrs. Patricia Hunter (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Hurdle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ora A. Hurst (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Hutchison (3)
Mrs. Carol E. Hyde (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Ingram III (19)
Mrs. Lila Isakow* (1)
Mr. David* and Mrs. Deborah Isbister (1)
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Iseman, Jr. (21)
Mrs. Martha H. Isenberg (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Jackson (2)
Ms. Cheryl Jacobs (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. James (8)
Mr. Gustav C. Jamison (11)
Mr. William Jarrell (1)
Mr. James R. Jarrell (8)
Mr. John R. Jarrell (28)
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jenkins (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jenks (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jessup (5)
Mrs. Betty W. Johnson (5)
Mrs. Carol A. Johnson (22)
Mr. Don Johnson and Mr. Don Wofford (2)
Mrs. Lucy Johnson (2)
Mrs. Molly W. Johnson (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Johnson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson-Ware (2)
Mrs. Ann C. Johnston (25)
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnston III (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones (9)
Mrs. Nancy Jones* (1)
Ms. Patricia B. Jones (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jones III (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan II (28)
The Reverend and Mrs. N. Fred Jordan, Jr. (11)
Mrs. Joy J. Joss (6)
Miss Carlene Judy (8)
Mrs. Desdie W. Kaylor (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Keaton (8)
Mrs. Margaret Keely (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keely (9)
Mrs. Martha J. Keiger (26)
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Keiger (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith (10)
Mrs. Jane W. Kelly (4)
Ms. Vicki L. Kendrick (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden O. Kepley, Jr. (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Kiker (1)
Mr. Richard L. Kimball, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Kimball (5)
Mrs. Billie C. Kimel (20)
Ms. Dora W. Kimsey (8)
Mrs. Mary Kinard (3)
Dr. and Mrs. R. Mark King (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kinken, Jr. (31)
Mr. M. C. Kinlaw, Jr. (6)
Mrs. Arlene B. Kirby (32)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey Kirby (3)
Ms. Linda L. Kirby (11)
Mrs. Martha Kirby (7)
Mrs. Donna Knight (1)
Mr. Kenneth D. Knight (9)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knox (26)
Mr. and Mrs. Karl O. Koebberling (11)
Mrs. Susan G. Koivisto (8)
Ms. Joan Kramer (20)
Ms. Sally Lacy (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Ladd (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lakey (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Lamar (25)
Ms. Sarah Lambert (1)
Mrs. Emily F. Lambeth (7)
Mrs. Ruby B. Lambert (2)
Mr. George Lambeth (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambeth (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Lancaster (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lane (1)
Mrs. Bettie J. Larmore (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Larmore (1)
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley (8)
Mrs. Jane Lassiter (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Lavender II (1)
Mrs. Judith Law (25)
Ms. Mary N. Lea (8)
Mr. Donald B. and Mrs. Janice F. Leach (5)
Mrs. Jane A. Lee (4)
Mrs. Margaret R. Lee (14)
Mr. Richard* and Mrs. Lily Lees (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Wade Lefler (1)
Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Max Leonard (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford A. Leonard (20)
Mrs. Garnette H. LeRoy (5)
Mrs. Dorothy B. Lesniak (5)
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Melisa Levin (2)
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thad Lewallen III (17)
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Lewis (13)
Mr. Joe Lewis (2)
Ms. J. Meredith Lindel (4)
Mrs. Karen W. Lineberry (11)
Mrs. Mary Lineberry (1)
Dr. Eugene B. Linton* (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Listokin (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Lominac (29)
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr. (28)
Mrs. Judy Long (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. (31)
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ray Long (5)
Mrs. Sara S. Long (12)
Ms. Joyce Love (1)
Mrs. Mary Alice Love (27)
Ms. Karen Lowder and Ms. Martha Lowder (1)
Mrs. Hundley Lowe (1)
Mrs. Janice Lutz-Vanhoy (10)
Mrs. Carol C. Lyerly (6)
Ms. Carol M. Mabe (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Macey (18)
Mrs. Sara Mackie (3)
Mrs. Judy MacMillan (12)
Mrs. Muriel M. Madden (2)
Mrs. Margaret J. Maher (2)
Mrs. Jo Ann Main (4)
Mrs. Janice Mallett (1)
The Reverend and Mrs. Clay Manning (29)
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert E. Manthey (9)
Miss Angela D. Marion (12)
Mrs. Antionette G. Marley (22)
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Marshall (1)
Ms. Nancy S. Marshall (12)
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin (21)
Mr. John M. Martin (20)
Ms. Mary R. Martin (22)
Mr. Richard Martin (2)
Mr. David Masich (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mason (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Masters (3)
Mrs. Adilee Matherly (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Arzie J. Matthews (3)
Mr. Clifton H. Matthews (10)
Mrs. Maxine Mathis* (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mauzy III (10)
Mr. Robert* and Mrs. Lillian Maxwell (3)
Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Maynard (14)
Ms. Sarah A. McAlister (12)
Ms. Ada B. McBride (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth A. McBride (21)
Mrs. Sig McCain (4)
Mrs. Elsie J. McCall (7)
Ms. Leslie C. McCall (4)
Dr. William McCall (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. McClain (15)
Mrs. Lisa McClellan (2)
Mr. James T. McCombs (15)
Dr. Leah P. McCoy (18)
Dr. and Mrs. David L. McCullough (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David G. McDonald (24)
{ 11 }
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter McDowell (29)
Mr. and Mrs. Tony D. McDowell (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale O. McDuffie (4)
Mrs. Joanne C. McJunkin (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. McJunkin (11)
Mrs. Joan S. McKinney (4)
Mrs. Eloise McLean (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. McNair (6)
Mrs. Martha McNair (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McPherson (6)
Mr. John H. McPherson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. L. Pat McPherson (9)
Mrs. Martha McPherson (5)
Ms. Patricia Mead (2)
Dr. Robert L. Means (11)
Miss Charlotte R. Mecum (1)
The Reverend Dr. and
Mrs. William T. Medlin III (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Mendlovitz (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Greg G. Meredith (2)
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Meredith (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Merritt (11)
Mrs. Kaye B. Merritt (23)
Ms. Kim Metzner (1)
Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Milholen III (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Miller (6)
Ms. Barbara P. Miller (1)
Mr. Robert L.* and Mrs. Doris Anne Miller (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Craig H. Miller (27)
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Milner III (10)
Mr. Thomas A. Miskimen (12)
Mrs. Caroline Mitchell (1)
Ms. Pam Molenaor (1)
Mrs. Bridget Molten (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Moncrief (10)
Dr. William G. and Mrs. Mary* Montgomery (15)
Mrs. Tricia Moody (1)
Ms. Marilyn M. Moore (6)
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 12 }
Mrs. Juliette R. Moore (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Moore, Jr. (27)
Mr. Joseph F. Moore (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Moore (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Morgan (2)
Mrs. Lynda K. Morris (17)
Mr. Robert E. Moser (5)
Mrs. Beryl G. Moser* (22)
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moshell (2)
The Reverend and Mrs. Aaron W. Moss (23)
Mrs. Anna Mowery (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Otto W. Mueller (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mull (2)
Ms. Frances R. Mundy (12)
The Reverend and Mrs. Jerry D. Murray (6)
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bradford Myers, Jr. (3)
Ms. Pamela R. Myers (4)
Mrs. Virginia Nanzetta (18)
Mrs. Kathryn A. Nelson (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman (12)
Mrs. Phyllis Newsome (7)
Mr. and Mrs. George Newton (3)
Mrs. Margaret Nicholson (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Nifong (29)
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Nixon (4)
Ms. Diane Norman (12)
Mr. Julian O. and
The Reverend Suzanne Northcraft (18)
Ms. Frances H. Norton (2)
Mr. and Mrs. K. Patrick Ober (6)
Mrs. Mary Ann Odell (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odom (18)
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Oelschlager (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. (32)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ogburn, Jr. (21)
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Orr (1)
Mr. and Mrs. L. Glenn Orr, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne (12)
The Reverend and
Mrs. William H. Osborne, Jr. (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Otey (5)
Ms. Linda J. Owings (23)
Ms. Deborah Palat (2)
Ms. Angie Pantazapoulos (1)
Mr. Ellis and Mrs. Marilee* Pardue (5)
The Reverend and Mrs. B. J. Parker (17)
Anonymous (6)
Mrs. Emily Parks (9)
Mr. John Paterson, Jr. (11)
Mr. Michael Patram (20)
Mrs. Nancy Patram (9)
Mrs. Jean A. Patterson (3)
The Reverend and Mrs. Ardis D. Payne (23)
Mr. Joseph Stanfield and Ms. Nancy Payne (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Payne (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Pearson (18)
Mrs. and Mrs. Raymond E. Pearson (2)
Ms. Denni H. Peebles (2)
Mrs. Debra S. Pegg (18)
Mrs. Vivian R. Penry (30)
Mrs. Beulah Perkins (11)
Mr. Clifford Perkins (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perkins (4)
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pershing (28)
Mrs. Helen Peterson (18)
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Petree, Jr. (15)
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pfefferkorn (12)
Mr. L. Gordon and Mrs. June* Pfefferkorn, Jr. (25)
Ms. Susan Pfefferkorn (3)
Mr. Elmore Pillsbury (2)
Mrs. Laura F. Piner (2)
Miss Lillian F. Piner (1)
Mr. W. David Piner (20)
Mrs. Margaret Pittard (25)
Mrs. Ruth F. Pitts (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth Plaisted (2)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (15)
Mrs. Jeannette Plummer (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Pollard (15)
Dr. F. Edward Pollock, Jr. (7)
The Reverend and Mrs. G. Lee Pollock (16)
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Pollock, Sr. (2)
Ms. Caroline M. Poteat (1)
Mrs. Marion Pranikoff (2)
Dr. Walter S. and Dr. Deborah Pritchard (11)
Mrs. Sallie Millis H. Pryor (3)
Mrs. Ann Purcell (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purcell (8)
Mrs. Joy Quesenberry (5)
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ragland, Sr. (21)
Mr. Linwood Rank (1)
Mrs. Anne D. Rankin (28)
Ms. Joanne Raschke (1)
Ms. Karen Raschke (1)
Mrs. Mary Ann Ratcliff (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Raub (1)
Ms. Carol Rawls (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reavis (4)
Ms. Peggy S. Reavis (1)
Mr. Vann M. Reece, Jr. (7)
Mrs. Wanda T. Remy (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Reynolds (12)
Mrs. Fern Rhodes (8)
Mr. Willie C. Rice (2)
Mrs. Nancy Richards (17)
Mrs. Betsy Richardson (1)
Mrs. Betty Richardson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie U. Ricketts, Jr. (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Rider (2)
The Reverend and Mrs. David Riffe (4)
Mrs. Janet Rigsbee (2)
Mr. Lonnie V. Ring (2)
Ms. Pamela Ripsom (1)
Mrs. Brenda Robertson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Robinson, Jr. (3)
Mr. E. Norwood Robinson (33)
Dr. George P. Robinson (30)
Mr. Michael Robinson and
Ms. Wynn Tanner (28)
Mrs. Rachel N. Robinson (24)
Ms. Eva Rodtwitt (1)
Mr. Bill Rogers (1)
Dr. and Mrs. J. William Rogers (3)
Ms. Rita Rohde (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rohde (4)
Ms. Lynn Ross (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roth (12)
Dr. Mary Roufail (4)
Judge and Mrs. Julius A. Rousseau, Jr. (34)
Ms. Bettie S. Rowe (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Royster (3)
Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin (8)
Mr. and Mrs. James Ruffin (6)
Mrs. Betty Runnion (10)
Ms. Martha E. Russell (19)
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Saltzgiver (3)
Mrs. Sylvia Sanchez (4)
Mrs. Margaret Sandresky (10)
Mrs. Sarah Sands (17)
Mrs. Louise E. Sapp (27)
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Satterwhite, Jr. (24)
Dr. and Mrs. William Satterwhite (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Saunders (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sawyer (5)
Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer (18)
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sayers (15)
Mrs. Yvette B. Scales (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Schafer (6)
Mr. Raymond A. Schehr (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scherl (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler (10)
Mrs. C. L. Schoolfield (19)
Dr. David Schreiner (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Schwartz (10)
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Scurry (25)
Mrs. Regina Sechrest-Winebarger (2)
Mrs. Betty P. Setzer (3)
Ms. Debra T. Shearer (11)
Mrs. Ann H. Shearon (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Sheek (1)
Mr. Harold T. and Mrs. Bettye B.* Shehan (25)
Mrs. Janet G. Shepherd (16)
Dr. and Mrs. Brad C. Shinaman (24)
Mrs. Gail G. Shoaf (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shoffner (5)
Mrs. Adrian R. Shore (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shore (3)
Sandra and Wayne Shugart (5)
Mrs. Barbara Shull (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sibley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Sigmon (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Sizemore (9)
Mrs. Carol M. Slagle (5)
Mr. David C. Slater (4)
Mrs. Courtney Slawter (19)
Mrs. Martha Sloan (1)
Mrs. Donna Smart (3)
Ms. Camille Smith (3)
Ms. E. Sue Smith (8)
Mrs. Helen T. Smith (7)
Mrs. Molly R. Smith (4)
Mrs. Melba Smith (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Sander Smith (2)
Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal (32)
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smithdeal (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Smitherman (16)
Mrs. Gordon R. Smoak (22)
Mrs. Linda Solomon (1)
Ms. Margaret R. Sosnik (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Southard (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach (33)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach (12)
Ms. S. Antoinette Spain (8)
Mr. and Mrs. David Spangler (5)
Mr. Richard C. Spangler III (2)
Mrs. Goldie Sparger (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall W. Sparger, Jr. (27)
Mr. Sidney R. Sparks (10)
Mr. R. Arthur Spaugh, Jr. (13)
Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer (31)
Mrs. Nancy N. Spencer (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher L. Spillman (12)
Mr. Elmer Springer (1)
Mrs. Margaret H. Stamey (3)
The Reverend and Mrs. T. P. Starnes (8)
Mr. and Mrs. W. David Stedman (14)
Ms. Jean Steelman* (29)
Mrs. Terry P. Stephens (8)
Mrs. Joyce Stewart (12)
Art, Both
Fine and Fun
Winston-Salem is the City of Arts
and Innovation and Arbor Acres is
doing its part to uphold the brand.
We relish the Arts, both within and beyond the boundaries of the campus. Many residents are
patrons of the Piedmont Symphony,
Winston-Salem Chorale, Reynolda
House Museum, Piedmont Opera,
Piedmont Craftsmen, Triad Stage
(and other local theaters), and the
arts at the four universities located in Winston-Salem.
Tom Ogburn, renowned sculptor,
teaches at Arbor Acres regularly.
Residents learn to sculpt in clay, a
creative activity that also exercises
the hands in ways helpful to those
who suffer the inevitable stiffening
of joints. Steven Dunn, a resident
and a popular Winston-Salem artist,
teaches water color and oil painting
classes for residents twice weekly.
The artists’ studio at Arbor Acres
provides a light and accommodating
setting where residents can work at
their leisure without the fuss of having
to put their paint and equipment
away. Some in Steven’s class are
discovering for the first time both their interest in and talent for painting.
The residents’ Live and Learn
Committee strives to offer
programming that appeals to the
residents artistic tastes and interests.
Recent programs taught by Dale
Pollock, former Dean of the School
of Filmmaking at the University of
North Carolina School of the Arts,
focused on the art of filmmaking. In
the past the Committee has brought
to campus significant theatrical
productions, including Barter
Theater’s staging of the play 1000
Walking the corridors of Arbor
Acres and finding throughout the
campus the fine artwork contained
in the growing Arbor Acres’ Art
Collection engages
residents and visitors
in a long conversation
with a wide range of
visual art. This sets
the standard for the
whole of life at Arbor
Acres - life that is rich
with opportunities for
creative expression and
for the enjoyment of art
that engages the soul.
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Extraordinary People
Here at Arbor Acres, we have
no shortage of active, generous
volunteers – extraordinary people
doing extraordinary things that truly
enhance the lives of their friends
and neighbors every day. Thanks
to volunteers, newcomers to our
campus are welcomed warmly as
they become part of our community.
Thanks to volunteers, we have
beautiful gardens and resident
bluebirds, ducks and geese to enjoy.
Thanks to volunteers, our residents
enjoy opportunities off campus
without transportation challenges.
Thanks to volunteers, we keep current
on campus events via the library,
bulletin boards, publications and the
marquees. Thanks to volunteers,
we proudly support the greater
community via efforts on behalf of
Meals on Wheels, Crisis Control and
other agencies that address hunger
and other community needs. Thanks
to volunteers, we have musical
performance groups, and music
during our worship services and in
our lobbies. Thanks to volunteers,
our residents enjoy self-determination
via the Resident Council and sage
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 14 }
governance through the members
of our Board of Directors. Thanks
to volunteers, our most challenged
and dependent residents are read
to, visited, and able to participate
in community activities. Thanks to
volunteers, The Village Shop donated
nearly $24,000 to the Resident
Assistance Fund last year. Thanks
to volunteers, we are learning the
Life Stories of our neighbors and
enriching our minds through the Live and Learn series.
Every year, resident and community
volunteers donate hundreds of hours
within our community. In many ways,
this number is insignificant because
serving is always done with a smile
and a loving heart. None seeks
rewards or accolades. People come
forward because it is what we do. It is who we are. It is part of the
artistry of Arbor Acres.
“No one is more cherished in this world than
someone who lightens the burden of another.
Volunteers often don’t necessarily have the time;
they just have the heart. Thank you.”
Leslie H. McCraw, Recreational Arts
Coordinator for Licensed Communities
Ms. Virginia Stines (2)
The Reverend and Mrs. Frank A. Stith III (12)
Ms. Wendy Stockton (7)
Ms. Preston Stockton (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stockton, Jr. (5)
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Wendel* Stockton (34)
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas B. Stockton (20)
Mrs. Betty Stone (3)
Dr. Hunter G. Strader (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strayhorn (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickland (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Allston J. Stubbs (10)
Dr. Thomas E. Stump (1)
Mrs. Jacqueline Suggs (3)
The Reverends Douglas L. and
Patricia Suggs (14)
The Reverend and Mrs. Raymond Summey (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Summey (1)
Mr. Tyson* and Mrs. Judith Swain (9)
Mrs. Helen Osteen Swann (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swofford (24)
Mr. Wade and Reverend Lisa Tanico (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Tanner (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor (25)
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor (14)
Mrs. Margaret P. Taylor (3)
Mrs. Susan Taylor (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Taylor (22)
Ms. Brenda Terrell (1)
Anonymous (1)
Mrs. Nancy A. Thomas (1)
Mrs. Nellena B. Thomas (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Thomas (10)
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Thompson, Jr. (20)
Mrs. Lillian Thompson* (1)
Ms. Betsy J. Thompson (17)
Mr. D. D. Thompson, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Lea Thompson (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Tomlinson (8)
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole (13)
Ms. Barbara Trent (8)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trulove (30)
Mrs. Martha R. Tucker (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turnage (3)
Mrs. Norma S. Turnham (20)
Mrs. Nancy T. Tutterow (27)
Mr. Terry W. Tuttle (1)
Ms. Stephanie Tyson and
Ms. Vivian V. Joiner (1)
Ms. Mary Underwood (2)
Mrs. Susan T. Uphoff (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Valaoras (2)
Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Van Meter, Jr. (23)
Mrs. Eleanor J. Vance (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr. (31)
Ms. Patricia A. Vaughn (2)
Anonymous (8)
Mrs. Martha Veto (1)
Mr. Felipe Villalon (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vinson (2)
Anonymous (16)
Mrs. Joan W. Wadkinson (10)
Mr. C.S. Wagoner, Jr. (16)
Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Walker (1)
Mrs. Martha M. Walker (26)
Mr. Samuel J. Walker (20)
Mrs. Susan B. Wall (3)
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Walsh (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Walters (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wanders (15)
Mrs. June D. Ward (32)
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ward (25)
Mr. Blaine S. Ward (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ward (6)
Mrs. Sharon Warfield (3)
Mr. Robert E.* and Mrs. Leslie Warhover (19)
Ms. Julie Watson (2)
Mrs. Linda Watts (4)
The Reverend and Mrs. Doug Watts (3)
Mrs. Jane Waugh (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weast (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Weaver (2)
Ann and Paul Webster (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weekly, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Wegwart (14)
Ms. Louise B. Welborn (26)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Wells (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wentz, Jr. (12)
West End Garden Club (1)
Ms. Debbie Westbrook (1)
Mr. William C. Westbrook (2)
Mrs. Annette Westmoreland (1)
Mrs. Mary Lu Whaling (23)
Mr. Kenneth T. Wheeler, Jr. (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. White, Jr. (4)
Mr. Girard C. White (1)
Mrs. Nellie Whitener (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Whitlock, Jr. (14)
Mrs. Beth Whitsett (2)
Mrs. Doris E. Whitt (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wierman (1)
Wild Flower Garden Club (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiles (2)
Mr. Jim Wilhelm (6)
Mrs. Ernestine B. Wilkes (23)
Mr. Michael Wilkins (4)
Mrs. Kay B. Wilkinson (23)
Mrs. Nita S. Wilkinson (27)
Mr. David Williams (7)
Ms. Edith A. Williams (27)
Mrs. Emmy K. Williams (2)
Mr. Fillmore E. Williams (25)
Mrs. Jane M. Williams (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Williams (3)
Mr. Joeff Williams (3)
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Williams (11)
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Williard (20)
Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Willingham (9)
Mrs. Lucy Willingham (3)
Mrs. Carol Willis (1)
Mrs. Barbara O. Wilson (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd C. Wilson, Jr. (1)
Mrs. Dell A. Wilson (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Wilson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wilson (27)
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Wilson (18)
Mrs. Jewel M. Wilson (25)
Mrs. Madeline Wilson (3)
Mrs. Randon D. Winborne (1)
Ms. Ann K. Windham (15)
Ms. Shirley L. Windham (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Winn, Jr. (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Blanton Winship (2)
Winston-Salem Golden K Kiwanis Club (2)
Mrs. Doris Wise (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wise (2)
The Reverend Lisa L. Wishon (18)
Mrs. Norma C. Witherspoon (11)
Mrs. Jo Woestendiek (5)
Mr. Ted Woestendiek (2)
Mrs. Barbara F. Wolfe (9)
Mr. Donald W. Wolford (2)
Mrs. Lynn Womble (2)
Mrs. Martha Womble (30)
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble (35)
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr. (9)
Mr. Hubert C. Woodall, Jr. (24)
Mrs. Marion Woods (5)
The Reverend and Mrs. Dana B. Wooten (6)
Ms. Glenda S. Wooten (9)
Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough (16)
Ms. Juanita M. Yarborough (22)
Mr. James E. Yarbrough (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Yarnell (19)
Mrs. Jean Yates (12)
Mrs. Mary Preston Yates (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Yelverton (22)
Mr. Ralph Yokeley (27)
Mrs. Ann Young (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin I. Zachary (18)
Mr. Samuel J. Zachary (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Jere P. Zollicoffer (1)
{ 15 }
Tributes in Memory and
Honor of Loved Ones
We are grateful to those who have honored or
remembered the following individuals through their
generous gifts to Arbor Acres, thus advancing our mission.
Mrs. Katherine K. Acton
Mrs. Lydia Affeldt
Mrs. Virgine Alban
Judge Abner Alexander
Mrs. Ophelia W. Alexander
Mrs. Mary Allen
Mrs. Grace E. Almond
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Alspaugh
Mrs. Velma Ansell
Mrs. Kathryn Arrant
Ms. Sumter Austin
The Reverend and Mrs. E. M. Avett
Mrs. Ella S. Bailey
Ms. Bettie R. Baise
Mrs. Virgie Baker
Mrs. Rebecca H. Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Barkley
Mrs. Blanche B. Barnhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Sr.
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 16 }
Mr. Ronald Barrows
Mrs. Evelyn O. Bartelt
Mrs. Edith Bartko
Mrs. Emily Bartko
Miss Vivian A. Bates
Mrs. Virginia Bauknight
Mrs. Vesta M. Baynes
Mrs. Louis Seely Beard
Mr. Alexander Beaty
Mrs. Mary G. Beeson
Ms. Doris McMath Bennett
Mrs. Edith B. Bentley
Mrs. Dorothy Beroth
Mr. Albert F. Berrier
Mrs. Johnsie Berrier
Mrs. Mary F. Berrier
Mrs. Vallie T. Berrier
Mrs. Ellen Bethel
Mr. Raphael Black
Mrs. Mary S. Blair
Mr. Charles Blake
Mrs. Susanne Blanco
Mrs. Nellie B. Blevins
Mrs. Charlotte “Liebe” Blount
Mrs. Florence Boesel
Mrs. Harriet N. Bonin
Mrs. Molly J. Booe
Mrs. Ruth Bossellman
Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet
Mrs. Stella Sparks Bowers
Mr. Wilburn M. Bowers
Ms. Barbara Bowman
Mrs. Swanna Brady
Mrs. Elizabeth Brandon
Mrs. Betty C. Brantley
Mrs. Maria Braver
Mrs. Isabella S. Bright
Mrs. Nell T. Brock
Mr. Phillip R. Broyhill
Ms. Ola Mae Bruce
Mrs. Eleanor D. Burger
Mrs. Nell B. Burke
Mrs. Irene M. Burnette
Mrs. Helen Burrier
Mrs. Margaret Byerly
Mrs. Dorothy Byers
Mrs. Katherine Bynum
Mr. Richard T. Bynum
Mrs. Velma D. Byrd
Mr. Joe Calvert
Mrs. Lena Calvert
Mrs. Fred Campbell
Mr. Jack H. Campbell
Mrs. Ruth C. Campbell
Mr. Bill Carmichael
Mrs. Dorothy Mitten Carpenter
Mrs. Gil Carpenter
Mrs. Frances S. Carroll
Mrs. Charlotte Carter
Mrs. Cora B. Carter
Ms. Ella Sue Carter
Mrs. Jane Carter
Mrs. Ruby P. Carter
Mr. Cecil Cartner
Mrs. Viola S. Cashwell
Mrs. Miriam Caviness
Mrs. Nancy Caviness
Mrs. Dorothy E. Chambers
Mr. William H. Chambers, Jr.
Mrs. Catherine M. Clark
Mrs. Alice Stenholm Clements
Mrs. Sallie Morgan Kimbrough Clements
Mrs. Mattie Lee Clendenin
Mrs. Mae Kurfees Click
Dr. Robert Clinard
Dr. Wayne Cline
Ms. Mary Ellen Clodfelter
Mrs. Nancy H. Cockman
Mr. Rosser F. Cockman
Mrs. Florence F. Collins
Mrs. Mozelle C. Coltrane
Mrs. Annabelle C. Connor
Mrs. Mary Alice Conrad
Dr. Miles R. Cooper
Mrs. Cleta Corrigan
Mr. James H. Corrigan, Jr.
Mrs. Caroline B. Cottingham
Mrs. Belle Cox
Mr. C. C. Cox
Mrs. Rachel Cox
Mrs. Annie H. Cragan
Mr. Foil Craver
Mrs. Hesta K. Crawford
Mr. Allen Crews
Ms. Edna L. Crews
Mrs. Dorothy A. Crone
Mrs. Abigail Cronk
Mrs. Crystal Crouse
Mrs. Edith S. Cumby
Mrs. Zell Richmond Cunningham
Mrs. Sarah S. Dale
Mrs. Mary Darden
Mrs. Margaret Davenport
Ms. Audrey N. Davis
Mrs. Carrie C. Davis
Mrs. Marilyn Davis
Mrs. Jean Deal
Mr. Gordon DeHaan
Ms. Sarah R. Dixon
Mrs. Bessie Dixson
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dodson
Mrs. Mattie E. Drye
Mrs. Ella Lashmit Dunn
Mr. James Wilson Dunn
Mrs. Flora B. Dutton
Mrs. Virginia Dyar
Mrs. Grace R. Early
Mr. Dell Edwards
Mrs. Bessie W. Ellison
Mrs. Ina Elmore
Ms. Kathleen C. Enders
Mrs. Virginia Eppert
Mrs. Pearl R. Fair
Mrs. Ellen Faircloth
Mrs. Mary M. Fanning
Mrs. Lucy C. Finch
Mrs. Frances P. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Roberta C. Fleming
Ms. Lena W. Flinchum
Mr. Robert A. Foster
Mrs. Norma Freeman
Mrs. Cleo Fulcher
The Reverend J. Marion Fulk
Mr. James A. Fyock
Mrs. Christine Gallaher
Mrs. Sandra K. Gallant
Mrs. Nancy Garrison
Mrs. Marjorie S. Geer
Mrs. Joan E. Geiser
Mr. Lester Geyer
Mrs. Doris S. Gibson
Mrs. Margaret Alice Gibson
Mrs. Geraldine Payne Gilbert
Mr. Russell Lofton Gilbert
Mrs. Elizabeth Roe “Lib” Glenn
Mrs. Alice W. Goins
Mrs. Alice Goodson
Mrs. Martha Goodson
Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr.
Mr. Harvey Gordon
Mr. I. Bryce Gordon
Mrs. Gladys Graf
Mrs. Kent H. Graham
Mr. William D. Graham
Mrs. Naomi Carson Green
Mrs. Helen H. Greene
Mr. Thomas J. Greenwood
Mr. William Greer
Dr. O. Franklyn Griffith III
Mrs. Virginia P. Griffith
Mrs. Catherine J. Grubb
Mrs. Wilma Gunn
Mrs. Kathleen Gunnell
Mr. Ralph Haines
Mrs. Sarah F. Hamlin
Ms. Minnie B. Hamm
Mrs. Anne Hammersla
Mrs. Margaret Hamrick
Mrs. Helen C. Hanes
Mrs. Mabel A. Hardwick
Mrs. Carrie A. Harker
Mrs. Marjorie Harrigan
Mrs. Grace R. Harrill
Mrs. and Mr. Ella R. Harris
Mrs. Louise G. Harris
Mrs. Margaret L. Hawkins
Mrs. Alice Haxton
Mrs. Earl Hege
Mr. Jerry C. Hendrix
Mr. Henry Henley
Mrs. Betty S. Hennessee
Mr. Bunker Hill
Mr. Edwin M. Hill
Mr. Harrell B. Hill
Mrs. Jessie Tilton Hill
Mrs. Rebekah B. Hinkle
Mr. Talmadge Hinkle
Mrs. Aileen Hinshaw
Mrs. Carmen Hogan
Mrs. Eda B. Holden
Mrs. Lottie Madison Hollan
Mrs. Margaret Holliday
Mrs. Caroline Holloway
Mrs. Doris Holshouser
Mrs. Willa B. Holthouser
Mr. Eugene T. Horton
Mrs. Alva Howard
Mrs. Annie W. Howard
Mr. Aubrey L. Howell
Mrs. Florine Hoy
Mrs. Lucy G. Hubbard
Mrs. Bessie Hunt
Mrs. Elaine M. Hunt
Mrs. Eloise N. Hunt
Mrs. Elsie H. Hunt
Mr. Henry A. Hunter
Mrs. Elizabeth Hustel
Mrs. Lillie P. Hutchens
Mr. Albert B. Hyde
Ms. Polly Ann H. Ingram
Mrs. Lila Isakow
Mr. David Isbister
Mrs. Myrna C. Ivey
Mrs. Dorothy Higgins
Mr. Schafer Jacoby
Mr. Elsie C. James, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth James
Dr. Edgar L. Jamison
Mrs. Dot Jammer
Mrs. Jewell D. Jarrell
Mrs. Helen Jenkins
Mrs. Lottie R. Jessee
Mrs. Mabel E. Johnson
Mrs. Lama Murray Jones
Mrs. Mabel F. Jones
Mrs. Nancy C. Jones
Mrs. Rebekah Hinkle Jones
Mr. Robert N. Jones
Mrs. Katherine W. Jordan
The Reverend Dr. Carl Judy
Mrs. Margaret Judy
Mrs. Margaret B. Keaton
Mrs. Jessie W. Kessler
Mrs. Jo Ann Key
Mrs. Frances Kimball
Mr. Jerry Kimball
Mr. Leon Kimball
Mrs. Mary W. Kimball
Mr. Raymond Kimball
Mr. Howard Kimel
Mrs. Margaret Kimel
Mrs. Gloria B. King
Mrs. Gloria Y. King
Mrs. Jackie Kinlaw
Mrs. Margie Knight
Mrs. Ruth Knott
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Ladd
Mrs. Jane Laign
Mrs. M. T. Lambeth
William A. Lambeth
Mrs. Tennie Lane
Mr. Paul Lawson
Mr. Richard Lees
Dr. Beatrice Levin
Dr. Franklin K. Levin
Mrs. Hazel C. Levin
Mrs. Alice Lewis
Mr. David Lewis
Mrs. Doris M. Lewis
Mrs. John Lewis
Mr. Myron Lewis
Mrs. Pearl F. Lewis
The Reverend Dr. Julian Lindsey
Mrs. Betty Jo H. Linton
Mrs. Jessie Listokin
Mr. Mark Lively
Mrs. Alma B. Lochte
Mrs. Lois L. Logan
Mrs. Lucille C. Lord
Mr. Marion J. Lowe
Mrs. Mary Hazel M. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mabe
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Macey
Mr. James P. Mallett
Mrs. Alline B. Martin
Mrs. Ardella Y. Martin
Mrs. Beulah Vey Martin
Mr. Kedric E. Martin
Mr. Kenneth M. Martin
Mrs. Marion Martin
Mrs. Maxine Mathis
Mrs. Betty Mauzy
Mrs. Mary Charles Maxwell
Mr. Robert Maxwell
Mrs. Doris B. May
Mrs. Sarah Y. McAfee
Mrs. Mary M. McCallum
Mrs. Lucy S. McClain
Mrs. Genevieve H. McCollum
Mrs. Josephine O. McCombs
Mrs. Pearl McCormick
Mrs. Mary F. McCoy
Mrs. Anna McEvoy
Mr. John J. McEvoy
Mrs. Alma Grace McGee
Mr. William F. McILwain
Mrs. Mildred McMichael
Mr. Lyle W. McNames
Ms. Norma T. Mecum
Mrs. June T. Medlin
The Reverend William T. Medlin, Jr.
Mrs. Lauretta J. Mess
Mrs. Ennis S. Mickey
Mrs. Arlene Mikita
Mrs. Annie S. Miller
Mrs. Maud Miller
Mr. W. O. Miller
Mrs. Meriel Mitchell
{ 17 }
Mrs. Lucille W. Perry
Mrs. Pauline D. Perry
Mrs. Eleanor Pfefferkorn
Mrs. June Pfefferkorn
Mrs. Louise A. Philpott
Mrs. Sara W. Philpott
Mrs. Doris Pillsbury
Mrs. Jean S. Piner
Ms. Ella (Jerri) Pitts
Mr. Clifton E. Pleasants
Mrs. Ruth Pleasants
Mrs. Nancy Port
Ms. Frances S. Portaro
Ms. Dixie Proctor
Mrs. Estelle D. Pruett
Ms. Louise T. Pryor
Mrs. Minerva H. Ragland
Mrs. Flora E. Raper
Mrs. Eleanor B. Reid
Mrs. Eleanor Reid
Mr. Lawrence Reid
Mr. John Reifsnider
Mrs. J. C. Reins
Mrs. Mary Reitzel
Mr. Obed Reitzel
Dr. Charles N. Remy
Mr. Wayne Remy
Mrs. Mattie F. Renfro
Ms. Mildred V. Reynolds
Mr. Frank E. Rhodes, Jr.
The Reverend Bert Richards
Mrs. Betty Richards
Mrs. Jackie P. Rider
Mrs. Pauline W. Ridings
Mrs. Pansy Riffe
Mr. Courtney S. Roane
Mrs. Helen Barbour Roane
Mrs. Frances Anne Rogers
Mr. Bill Rohde
Dr. Walter Roufail
Dr. and Mrs. C. Excelle Rozelle
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rudisill
The Reverend Robert G. Russell
Mrs. Theresa Scott Russell
Ms. Mildred Modlin
Mrs. Valentina R. Molini
Mrs. Mary E. Montgomery
Mrs. Lillian Mae B. Moore
Mrs. Marie W. Morgan
Mrs. Juanita Morris
Mrs. Beryl G. Moser
Mrs. Elaine L. Muir
Ms. Ruth H. Mundy
Mrs. Charlotte Myers
Mrs. June Myers
Ms. Elizabeth K. Nelson
Mrs. Lewis Nifong
Mrs. Jean P. Nisbet
Ms. Sibyl M. Nissen
Mr. Benjamin F. Niven
Mrs. Ella Betty Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Lucious Noble
Mrs. Esther Northcraft
The Reverend John S. Oakley
Mrs. Ola Oakley
Mrs. Elene Scott O’Brien
Mrs. Polly M. Oettinger
Mr. and Mrs. Kapp Ogburn
Mrs. Katharine Ogburn
Mrs. Dorothy H. Oliver
Mrs. Martha Osteen
Mrs. Anna Owings
Mr. Jim Owings
Mrs. Jane Pardue
Mrs. Marilee Pardue
Ms. Virginia Parker
Mrs. Julia M. Parsons
Mrs. Mary Pastore
Mrs. Mabel V. Paterson
Mrs. Annetta Payne
Mrs. Hazel C. Payne
Mrs. Dorothy B. Peacock
Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles
Mrs. Martha Pennington
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 18 }
Mrs. Mary L. Rutledge
Ms. Lillian H. Sain
Mrs. Miriam Bonner Sams
Mrs. Pearl S. Sams
Mrs. Helen B. Sanders
Mrs. Eleanor P. Sandresky
Mrs. Kezial Elizabeth E. Sands
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sands
Mrs. Sue Sarbaugh
Dr. C. Glenn Sawyer
Mrs. Ida Cahoon Sawyer
Mrs. Martha D. Sayers
Mrs. Gustav Schumann
Mrs. Bertha H. Scott
Mrs. Alice F. Sexton
Mrs. Bettye B. Shehan
Mrs. Minnie C. Sheppard
Mrs. Ruth Neese Shields
Ms. Lillian S. Shoffner
Mrs. Alice V. Shomper
Mrs. Eleanor Sue C. Shore
Mr. Richard E. Shore
Mr. Robert D. Shore
Mr. Richard Simpson
Mrs. Brona W. Sink
Mr. Clyde Sink
Mrs. Nita Sizemore
Mr. John H. Skeen
Mrs. Nelva Skeen
Mrs. Dorothy Slater
Mr. Robert L. Slater
Mrs. Grace Sluden
Mr. D. Mack Smith
Mrs. Dorothy C. Smith
Mrs. Edna Mae “Mickey” Smith
Mrs. Frances Smith
Mr. Frank L. Smith
Mrs. Lettie S. Smith
Mrs. Mary B. Smith
Mr. Arthur Snowhite
Mr. William G. Southern
Mrs. Evelyn T. Spach
Mrs. Catherine Spangler
Mr. J.B. Sparger
Mrs. Margaret A. Sparger
Mrs. Nellie Sparks
Mrs. Mary Gordon Spaugh
Mrs. Nell Penn Spencer
Mrs. Thelma Spencer
Mr. Arthur B. Steelman
Mrs. Blossom T. Steelman
Miss Jean Steelman
Mr. Robert W. Steelman
Mrs. Louise Stewart
Mrs. Murial Stillman
Mrs. Frances K. Stockton
Mrs. Monie Stockton
Mr. Norman V. Stockton
Mrs. Robert Stockton
Mr. Robert G. Stockton
Mrs. Monie Stockton
Mrs. Wendel Stockton
Mrs. Annie Hart Stovall
Mrs. Helen H. Strader
Mrs. Lula B. Summey
Mr. John Surratt
Mrs. Nancy Surratt
Ms. Em Suttle
Mr. Tyson Swain
Mrs. Bess Swann
Mrs. Helen Swofford
Mrs. Margaret Talley
Mrs. Etta Tanico
Mr. Jesse C. Temple
Mrs. Margaret R. Tennille
Mrs. Katie W. Thomasson
Mrs. Edith W. Thompson
Mr. James and Mrs. Elsie Thompson
Mrs. Lillian Thompson
Ms. Lin Rae C. Thompson
Mary Catherine Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tomlinson
Mrs. Juanita D. Tomlinson
Mrs. Jane W. Truscott
Mrs. Julia D. Turner
Mr. John F. Turney
Mrs. Vivian C. Underwood
Mrs. Eleanor F. Vardell
Mrs. Beatrice Vogler
Mr. Naylor Vogler
Mrs. Stella Vogler
Mrs. Emily VonCannon
Mrs. C. S. Wagoner, Sr.
Mrs. Annie M. Walker
Mrs. Collye Mae D. Walker
Mrs. Helen Walker
Mrs. Jean Walker
Mrs. Ruth M. Wall
Mrs. Bernice K. Waller
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Waller
Mr. Terry L. Walser
Mrs. Anna Maria K. Wanders
Mrs. Mamie Ward
Mrs. Nora M. Ward
Mrs. Phyllis Y. Ward
Mr. Edward Waters
Mr. Carroll Weathers
Mrs. Mary Park Weathers
Mrs. Martha Webster
Mrs. Bertha N. Wells
Mrs. John Whitaker, Sr.
Mrs. Peride White
Mrs. Geraldine G. Whitlock
Mr. Ed W. Wilkinson
Mrs. Anna Lee Williams
Mrs. Patricia O. Williams
Mrs. Betty G. Wilson
Mrs. Lucy P. Wilson
Mr. Delbert Wise
Mrs. Jennie Wise
Mrs. Regina Wisegarver
Ms. Bess Wolfe
Mr. Henry L. Wolfe, Jr.
Mr. Bunyan Snipes Womble
Mrs. Edith Willingham Womble
Mrs. Inez Wooten
Mrs. Sallie Yarborough
Mrs. Florence Yarnell
Dr. Douglas M. Young
Mrs. Marian P. Youngkin
Mrs. Betty Yount
Mrs. Ophelia Zachary
Foundation Giving
Cape Fear Memorial Foundation
Tom Davis Fund Foundation
The T. W. Dixson Foundation
The Brown F. Finch Foundation
The Grousbeck Family Foundation
James G. Hanes Memorial Fund /Foundation
The John Wesley and
Anna Hodgin Hanes Foundation
The Richard and Sybel Hayworth Foundation
The Pfefferkorn Foundation, Inc.
Life is Symbolic.
Start Interpreting.
The other day I came across a powerful
phrase: “Life is symbolic. Start interpreting.”
My first thoughts traveled to The Essential
Promise Campaign to renovate Fitzgerald, and
how the campaign is intended to make possible
a new interpretation of life for residents who
require skilled nursing care. When first built 30
years ago, Fitzgerald was rich with symbols
supporting the belief that life in a licensed
nursing facility is all about serving clinical needs.
Nursing stations were gigantic, floors were
linoleum and everything from signage to chart
racks symbolized “hospital.”
Thankfully, definitions of quality of life for
residents in Fitzgerald have evolved. Floors are
now carpeted, the SPA replaced central bathing
Denni Peebles
Director of
Philantropic Arts
The Strickland Family Foundation
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.
and nursing stations have shrunk to the scale
of residential furniture. All of these changes are
improvements, but we believe there is still more
to do. We want to fill Fitzgerald with greater
symbols of life.
Through The Essential Promise Campaign,
Strickland Place, the area within Fitzgerald
that serves those who require skilled nursing
care, will be re-interpreted as a residence for
those living there. The planned updates include
gardens, water features and interior trees,
space for worship and contemplation and, most
important of all, improvements that will foster
even higher levels of individualized care.
The addition of 18 newly licensed beds is itself
a symbol of growing demand from expanding
numbers of seniors. Arbor Acres mission must
rise to meet increasing needs among residents
and within the community at large.
We believe the residents of Strickland Place
deserve the fullness of life’s embrace. We
believe it is important to bring nature’s serenity
and balance into this vital place of residence.
We believe the families of residents who require
expert care should find joy and peace when
visiting in their loved one’s home.
Join in manifesting these beliefs by helping
Arbor Acres fill Strickland Place with rich
symbols of hope. Support the Essential Promise Campaign. Your gift, itself a symbol of hope, is needed.
{ 19 }
Setting the Table in Strickland Place
The body requires nourishment. The soul requires
dining. Except when suffering traumatic deprivation,
human beings never eat just to live. We require meals
seasoned with meaning, comfort, and companionship.
The experience is more vital than the calories alone.
Since childhood our lives have been shaped around
togetherness at the table. When meals become dreary
and lose their social purpose, appetite declines, and joy evaporates.
Arbor Acres was a pioneer in the transformation of
the clinical experience once referred to as “feeding”
into an experience modeled on dining in one’s home.
When Fitzgerald Health Center opened in 1985, it
offered residents waited table service and assured that
the provision of required assistance during mealtime
occurred discretely. Those helping residents with their
dining were seated alongside them rather than standing
over them. That change alone brought greater normalcy
to the experience of each resident’s daily dining.
With the renovation of the Strickland Place dining
rooms, and the opening of the Carom Café (named
for residents Cama and Robert Merritt), dining will
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 20 }
ascend to new heights. The dining rooms are open to
and contiguous with the community cores returning to
residents the privilege of coming to the table when they
choose to come, rather than when doors are opened.
The openness of the space will assure that the aromas
of the food reach the residents in order to stimulate
their appetites at meal time. Well-prepared food will
be presented on a serving line allowing residents
who are able to select their meals personally. Family
members who want to join their loved ones for meals
will be welcomed and offered well-set tables with comfortable seating.
Opening in June of 2016, the Carom Café will provide
residents and guests an alternative setting for light
catered meals. Additionally the Café will offer between
meal refreshments and the long-awaited opportunity for
residents and their loved ones to share a nice glass of
wine or a nibble in the late afternoon or early evening.
Based on the highly successful Alibi Café in Asbury
Place, the Carom Café promises to be a gathering place
for friends, for singing, and for the savoring of frozen
yogurt. Families and friends, please join us!
Mr. Archie G. Allen, Jr.
Mrs. Emily H. Allen
Mrs. M. Elizabeth Allen
Mrs. Peggy Andrews
Arbor Acres MemoryCare
Nursing Staff
Arbor Acres Staff
Mrs. Anne C. Arnsdorff
Ms. Sarah Y. Austin
Mrs. Harvey Ayers
Mrs. Marilyn F. Baird
Mrs. Mary West Ball
Mrs. Margaret B. Bayer
Mrs. Jean Beam
Ms. Geraldine R. Bebber
Mrs. Ginger Bennett
Mr. Odell D. Beroth
Ms. Pat Bertodatto
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Best
Mrs. Mary Ellen Blair
Mr. Robert L. Blevins
Mrs. Katherine H. Boone
Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet*
Mrs. Janice Bowen
The Reverend Lori Anne Bowen
Mr. Kenneth W. Boyles
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Brady
Mrs. Doris Braithwaite
Mrs. Betty C. Brantley
Mrs. Carolyn B. Branton
Mr. Theodore R. Branton
Mrs. Betty Lou Buchanan
Mrs. Joan Buchanan
Ms. Peg Burke
Mr. Jon M. Burkhart
Mr. L.D. Burton
Mr. William M. Butler
Mrs. Mary Lois Bynum
Mr. Richard T. Bynum*
Mrs. Helen Caines
Ms. Elizabeth S. Callari
Ms. Katherine Carter
Mrs. Wendy D. Cason
Mrs. Gwendolyn C. Causey
Mrs. Helen B. Christie
Mrs. Amanda H. Cleary
Mrs. Martha J. Cochran
Mrs. Nancy H. Cockman*
Mr. Russell P. Cockman
Mr. J. Max Coltrane
Mrs. Johnsie G. Compton
Mr. James H. Corrigan, Jr.*
Mrs. Ginny Craver
Mrs. Diane B. Crichlow
Ms. Rhodena Cromer
Mrs. Helen D. Davis
Ms. Barbara Deupree
Mrs. Carrie Ruth Dodson
The Reverend Lewis H. Dodson
Mrs. Betty D. Doub
Mrs. Carolyn Duckett
Mr. Charles H. Duckett
Mrs. Zelma H. Dunnagan
Ms. Norma J. Easter
Mrs. Patricia Edwards
Mrs. Aleta G. Ellison
Ms. Mary E. Farr
Ms. Gilda Federman
Ms. Margaret H. Felts
Ms. Jean L. Floyd
Mrs. Ruth S. Foster
Mrs. Peggy G. Fox
Mrs. Betty Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fulp
Mrs. Dorothy B. Gantt
Mrs. Nancy Garrison*
Mrs. Doris S. Gibson*
Mrs. Linda Glenn
Dr. Richard Glenn
Ms. Rilma Gobble
Mrs. Doris Goodson
Mr. W. Kenneth Goodson, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. Goodwin
Ms. Leslie Gordon
Mrs. Emma Graham
Mrs. Ann Grant
Mrs. Myra C. Grant
Dr. Willis J. Grant, III
Mrs. Robert C. Gray
Mrs. Joyce H. Greenwood
Mr. Thomas J. Greenwood
Mrs. Pearl R. Gregory
Mrs. Kathy L. Gwyn
Mrs. Mabel G. Hardwick
Ms. Nancy C. Harrill
Mrs. Dolly Hauser
Mr. Braydon Connor Hawkins
Mrs. Kate Hawkins
Mrs. Renna Margaret Hawkins
Mrs. Anne Haxton
Mr. Manford Haxton
Mrs. M. Betty Haywood
Mrs. Mae R. Heffner
Mr. Clyde Hendricks
Mrs. Anne Henley
Mr. Edwin M. Hill*
Mr. Julian T. Hill
Mrs. Ruth Hill
Mrs. Alice Hinman
Mrs. Millie Hinshaw
Mrs. Jean Hole
Mrs. Betty Holmes
Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins
Mrs. Lettie Howard
Ms. Robin Howard
Mrs. Charlotte L. Hubbard
Mr. Frank H. Hubbard
Ms. Miriam W. Hudspeth
The Reverend Clark W. Hunt
Mrs. Jacqueline Hunt
Mrs. Victoria Hunt
Mrs. Patricia Hunter
Mrs. Eloise Spence Hurdle
Mrs. Louise C. Hutchinson
Mrs. Eleanor S. Jamison
Mr. James R. Jarrell
Mr. Howard C. Jones
Mrs. Mary L. Jones
Mrs. Margaret Keely
Mrs. Edith Keiger
Mrs. Martha J. Keiger
Mrs. Andrea Kepple
Mrs. Jennie M. Knott
Mrs. Michelle Kurutz
Mr. and Mrs. David Lambert
Mrs. Emily F. Lambeth
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley
Mrs. Jane S. Lasley
Mrs. Rose Lawrence
Mrs. Sara S. Long
Mrs. Gloria Lowe
Mrs. Lorene P. Mabe
Mrs. Margaret J. Maher
Mrs. Rachel M. Marion
Ms. Toni Marley
Mrs. Maxine Mathis*
Ms. Annie Lee Walker McAlister
Mr. Raymond G. McJunkin
Mrs. Mildred McMichael*
Mr. Grover C. McNair
Mrs. Martha McPherson
Mrs. Cama Merritt
Mr. Robert E. Merritt
Metropolitan United
Methodist Church Fathers
Metropolitan United
Methodist Church Mothers
Mrs. Doris Anne Miller
Mr. Robert L. Miller*
Mr. Nicholas W. Mitchell
Mrs. Mary E. Montgomery*
Mrs. Beryl G. Moser*
Ms. Catherine Myles
Mrs. Margaret Nicholson
Mrs. Anita Ogburn
Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne
Mrs. Nancy Patram
Peaches, Therapy Dog
Mrs. Jane G. Pearce
Ms. Denni H. Peebles
Mr. W. David Piner
Ms. Emily Pizzino
Mrs. Joanne Raschke
Mrs. Peggy R. Rhodes
Mrs. Kirsten Ririe
Mr. Michael Robinson
Ms. Eva Rodtwitt
Ms. Lynn Ross
Mrs. Gary Rousseau
Judge Julius A. Rousseau, Jr.
Mrs. Fowler Ruffin
Mr. John Ruffin
The Reverend Tom Rutledge, Jr.
Mrs. Pamela Sanders
Mrs. Phoebe Satterwhite
Dr. William M. Satterwhite, Jr.
Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer
Mrs. Peg Schneider
Mrs. Martha Schreiner
Mrs. Phyllis Sechrest
Sharps & Flats
Ms. Nancy Jo Shaw
Mrs. Joan Sibley
Mrs. Joyce Smith
Mrs. Melita Smith
Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal
Mrs. Ella K. Southard
Mrs. Ann L. Spencer
Mrs. Lucy Stith
Mrs. Jean Stockton
Mr. Richard Stockton
Bishop Thomas B. Stockton
Mrs. Wendel Stockton*
Mrs. Ruth S. Stokes
Mrs. Colean L. Stout
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Strickland
Mr. Robert L. Strickland
Mrs. Elaine Stutts
Mrs. Jane C. Sugg
Mrs. Estelle Summey
Mr. Raymond Summey
Ms. Wynn Tanner
Mrs. Margaret P. Taylor
Mrs. Nancy Thacker
Ms. Betsy W. Thompson
Mrs. Estelle Thompson
Mrs. Norma S. Turnham
Mr. Terry W. Tuttle
Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke
Mrs. Carolyn Vaughn
Mr. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.
Mrs. Hortensia Villalon
Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner
Ms. C. Anne Wallen
Ms. Martha Walser
Mrs. Constance R. Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Al Ward
Mrs. Leslie Warhover
Mr. Robert E. Warhover
Ms. Jean Warren
Mr. Jessie Watson
Mrs. Jane Waugh
Mr. Terry Wilkerson
Mrs. Lucy Willingham
Mr. Eugene G. Wilson
Mrs. Jo Woestendiek
Mr. Gerald Workman
Mrs. Harriet Workman
Mrs. Thorne G. Worley
Mr. Samuel J. Zachary
*Indicates Deceased
{ 21 }
2014 Financial Highlights Review
Calendar year 2014 was a positive year financially for Arbor
Acres. The year generated a
$2,498,000 increase in net assets
which now total $45,071,706
(38% of the total balance sheet).
The majority of this increase stems
from the successful launch of the
capital campaign for the renovation of
Fitzgerald. The Financial Assistance
Endowment Fund increased as well
and now totals $13,390,000.
Revenues received in 2014
exceeded costs for serving residents
by a scant $39,000. This narrow
margin, were it to be repeated year
after year, would prove insufficient
to permit accumulation of reserves
required to meet long-term repair and replacement needs. Accordingly, the Board and staff are working
diligently to make expense and
revenue adjustments calculated
to improve overall results. On the
positive side of the ledger, campus
wide occupancy as of year-end was
a very healthy 94.1%.
Total revenues excluding the capital
campaign receipts were $661,000
over budget. As of December 31,
2014, gifts and pledges to the
Capital Campaign totaled $2,877,613.
Unrestricted contributions exceeded
budget by $179,000.
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 4 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 22 }
Other .38%
Other Contributions 1.22% Realized Gain/Loss
on Investments 1.50%
Investment Income 2.17%
Contribution Financial Assistance 2.71%
Total expenses
Ken Boyles
Capital Campaign 8.71%
excluding those
Chief Financial
associated with the
capital campaign and
other expenses not
incurred in direct service to Entrance Fees Earned 12.88%
the needs of residents were
$309,000 over budget. Half
of this overage resulted from
Resident Fees 69.42%
unexpectedly high raw food costs.
Expenses related to staffing such
as salaries and benefits were
$39,000 (0.26%) over budget.
Financial assistance dollars
spent to cover residency costs for
thirty-three needy residents totaled
$1,634,000. This represents 6.38%
Insurance 1.32%
of total resident revenue and an
increase of $297,000 over the
amount required for this purpose in
2013. Funds available in 2014 for
the provision of financial assistance
Maint/Utilities 12.13%
totaled $1,243,000 creating a
shortfall of $391,000 that had to
be covered through use of
unrestricted reserve funds.
Arbor Acres outstanding debt
Labor 40.99%
Benefits 11.89%
as of December 31, 2014 totaled
$43,992,000. 79% of the total
amount carries a fixed interest
Audit & Legal .49%
rate. The average interest costs
Interest Expense 5.41%
on the total debt equaled 3.37%.
Investments in 2014 produced a
Depreciation 16.31%
5.5% net return for the year.
Other 6.03%
Contributing Churches in 2014
Arcadia United Methodist Church of Lexington
Ardmore United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Baltimore United Methodist Church of East Bend
Bethel United Methodist Church of Mocksville
Bethesda United Methodist Church of Lexington
Bethesda United Methodist Church of Madison
Boonville United Methodist Church of Boonville
Bunker Hill United Methodist Church of Kernersville
Canaan United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Celia Phelps United Methodist Church of Greensboro
Centenary United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Centenary United Methodist Church of Clemmons
Center United Methodist Women of Mocksville
Central United Methodist Church of Mount Airy
Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church of King
Christ United Methodist Church of High Point
Clemmons United Methodist Church of Clemmons
Concord United Methodist Church of Mocksville
Doubs Chapel United Methodist Church of Pfafftown
Eden United Methodist Church of Madison
Elm Grove United Methodist Church of Pfafftown
Fairview United Methodist Church of Thomasville
First United Methodist Church of Asheboro
First United Methodist Church of Mocksville
First United Methodist Church of Randleman
First United Methodist Women of Randleman
First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro
Gilboa United Methodist Church of Marshville
Glenwood United Methodist Crusade of Greensboro
Harmony Grove United Methodist Church of Lewisville
Hatcher’s Chapel United Methodist Church of Pilot Mountain
Hickory Grove United Methodist Church of Ruffin
Jamestown United Methodist Church of Jamestown
Lees Chapel United Methodist Church of Greensboro
Lewisville United Methodist Church of Lewisville
Liberty United Methodist Church of Mocksville
Macedonia United Methodist Church of Southmont
Main Street United Methodist Men of Kernersville
Main Street United Methodist Church of Kernersville
Memorial United Methodist Church of Thomasville
Midway United Methodist Church of Lexington
Milford Hills United Methodist Church of Salisbury
Morris Chapel United Methodist Church of Walkertown
Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Mount Tabor United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Mount Vernon United Methodist Church of Trinity
Mountain Grove United Methodist Church of Hamptonville
Oak Ridge United Methodist Church of Oak Ridge
Peachland United Methodist Church of Peachland
Pilot View United Methodist Church of Pilot Mountain
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church of Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Union United Methodist Church of Liberty
Providence United Methodist Church of Salisbury
Rehobeth United Methodist Women of Greensboro
Salem United Methodist Church of Mount Airy
Sedge Garden United Methodist Church
of Kernersville - The Walker Class
Shady Grove United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Sharon United Methodist Church of Lewisville
Shiloh United Methodist Church of Lexington
Stony Knoll United Methodist Church of East Bend
Sunrise United Methodist Church of Lewisville
Sunshine Circle 13 - Centenary United Methodist
Church of Winston-Salem
Tabernacle United Methodist Women of Greensboro
The United Methodist Church of Charlotte
Trinity United Methodist Church of King
Trinity United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Tyro United Methodist Church of Lexington
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church of High Point
Wesley Heights United Methodist Church of Lexington
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
West Chapel United Methodist Church of Asheboro
White Rock United Methodist Church of Roaring River
Yadkin College United Methodist Church of Welcome
Vendor Gifts
Vendors gave a total of $21,735 in 2014.
Arbor Acres appreciates this generous support.
Allied Design, Inc.
American Furniture Hall of Fame
American Home Furnishings Alliance
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Career Center of Forsyth County
Consolidated Planning, Inc.
Cook and Boardman Inc
The Duke Energy Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Forsyth Rooter Company
B.W. Hawkins Builders
Home Real Estate
Immedia Print
Lowes Foods
Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc.
Poovey Enterprises Inc.
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Ryan’s Restaurant
S&L Painting & Decorating, Inc.
Southern Pharmacy Services
Walnut Cove Furniture Inc.
Wellington Property Owners Association
West End Construction
W. M. Wrege Building Co., Inc.
An Abundance of Love
Before year-end, the residents
of Strickland Place at Fitzgerald
will be receiving salon services in
a newly appointed space, bright
with art, light, and the streaming
of nature through an expansive
window. The salon experience is
always about more than hair and
nails. It is about feeling lovely, the
most exquisite of sensations.
The new salon, named after
Margaret Nicholson, honors a
twenty year resident of Arbor
Acres, whose relationship to our
community goes back twentyseven years to 1986 when her
mother, Annie Howard, became
one of the early residents of
Fitzgerald Health Center. A
singular font of energy and ideas,
Margaret has made it her life’s
mission to share love with those
around her. She has done this
by motivating groups to provide
Christmas remembrances
to every resident. A talented
seamstress, Margaret has
made and donated countless
lap robes using fabric given to
Arbor Acres as a result of her
personal advocacy. The story
of Margaret’s service to her
neighbors is epic. Bright of mind
and spirit, Margaret remains
indefatigable. The beauty of
her life will continue perpetually
through the salon named in her honor.
The notion of naming the
Nicholson Salon for one of
Arbor Acres most beloved
residents and volunteers came
from an anonymous donor,
also a resident, who saw the
potential to serve both those
living in Strickland Place and
Margaret through a single act of
generosity. Gifts made solely to
benefit and shine light on others
come from a refined spirit of
philanthropy. This particular gift,
emerging from beauty, honors a
beautiful life through the naming
of a space dedicated to beauty’s
That is an abundance of love
well worth celebrating.
{ 23 }
Board of Directors
Chair: Victoria P. Hunt
Chair Elect: Marian M. Douglas
Vice Chair: Dale E. Driscoll
Secretary: Nancy S. Cannon
Treasurer: Paul M. Wiles
Immediate Past Chair: Anita H. Ogburn
1240 A rb o r R o a d
Winst o n -S a l e m , N C 2 71 0 4 -11 9 7
Tele p h o n e 3 3 6 .7 2 4 .7 9 2 1
Toll F re e 8 6 6 . 6 5 8 . 2 7 2 4
www. arboracres .org
Pamela H. Ball
David B. Blanco
Dudley C. Chandler, Jr.
Florence P. Corpening
Nicholas A. Daves
Amy M. Egleston
James A. Gallaher
Scott J. Gerding
Susan R. Hauser
Ralph H. Holthouser
Kay B. Johnson-Ware
J. William McGuinn, Jr.
William T. Medlin III
Kathryn A. Nelson
Lisa P. Purcell
Steven L. Reeder
James A. Rousseau II
James M. Ruffin
William F. Sayers
Susan S. Schwartz
Richard C. Spangler
Steven M. Virgil
Doris P. Whitt
Mary Preston Yates
Bishop: Larry M. Goodpaster
District Superintendent: Jeffrey S. Patterson
President: W. David Piner
Photographs courtesy of Robert Merritt, resident and Brent Campbell, Marketing Assistant.