TurboCAD Pro V17.2 Architectural Presentation


TurboCAD Pro V17.2 Architectural Presentation
Donald B. Cheke
TurboCAD Pro V17.2 - Architectural Presentation
From 2D Drawing to 3D Model
Donald B. Cheke
Donald B. Cheke
Copyright © 2010 Donald B. Cheke
TurboCAD is a registered trademark of IMSI/Design
Published by:
Donald B. Cheke
Saskatoon, SK Canada
Visit: www.textualcreations.ca
All rights reserved
No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, stored on a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form without written permission from the author. The purchaser may, however, print one copy of the
document to paper and may make one backup copy of the downloaded material for personal safe
Limitation of Liability
While every effort has been taken in the preparation and the writing of this document the author
assumes no responsibility for errors and/or omissions nor for the uses of the material and the decisions
based on such use. No warranties are made, express or implied with regard to either the contents of the
document, its merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose. The author should not be liable for
direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the
contents of this document.
Special Note
All of the work presented within this tutorial is based on TurboCAD Pro V17.2. Although users of previous
versions are welcome to try the tutorial it cannot be stated what results will be achieved. Many changes,
some subtle and others not so subtle, are made with each program revision. Although many steps and
directions would be generic some may not be. The same can be said for tools between versions. Older
versions may not have the same tools as Pro V17.2 and if the same tools are available the tools
themselves may have been revised and hence, work in a different manner than they previously did.
Donald B. Cheke
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Files ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Setup.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Marion Plan Insertion ................................................................................................................................................24
Wall Detail ..................................................................................................................................................................27
Preparing for 3D ........................................................................................................................................................41
Exterior Walls..............................................................................................................................................................46
Interior Walls ..............................................................................................................................................................70
Floor and Ceiling ........................................................................................................................................................94
Door Openings ......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Window Openings ................................................................................................................................................... 115
Door Construction ................................................................................................................................................... 120
Door Insertion with Door Tool ............................................................................................................................... 156
Window Insertion with Window Tool.................................................................................................................... 184
Roof........................................................................................................................................................................... 210
Materials Application – Session 1 ....................................................................................................................... 262
Named View............................................................................................................................................................. 273
Render Scene Environment .................................................................................................................................. 276
Render Scene Luminance ..................................................................................................................................... 278
Exterior Enhancements .......................................................................................................................................... 283
Saving the First Rendered Image ......................................................................................................................... 311
Interior Presentation - Named View ..................................................................................................................... 313
Render Scene Environment and Luminance – Interior View ........................................................................... 314
Materials Application – Session 2 ....................................................................................................................... 321
Furnishings – Session 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 324
Adding People – An Alternative Method ............................................................................................................. 340
Saving the Second Rendered Image ................................................................................................................... 345
Garage Stairs and Railings .................................................................................................................................... 348
Sky View Presentation ........................................................................................................................................... 361
Furnishings – Session 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 365
Preparing for Sky View ........................................................................................................................................... 394
Named View – Session 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 396
Saving the Third Rendered Image........................................................................................................................ 399
Paper Space Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 400
Page 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 403
Printing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 407
Additional Note ....................................................................................................................................................... 409
Appendix – An Important Note about TurboCAD Materials ............................................................................. 410
Donald B. Cheke
Without a doubt, one of the larger fields where CAD software is employed regularly is within the
architectural industry and its myriad faces. As such, any means to make the process of architectural
presentation quicker and easier is most certainly welcome. With such thinking driving the development
of TurboCAD, this awesome program continues to evolve and provide users a formidable way to achieve
pleasing and functional plans and renderings in a very timely and professional manner.
TurboCAD Pro V17.2 - Architectural Presentation is a fully illustrated tutorial that leads the beginner
through every keystroke necessary to transform IMSI/Design's 2D Marion floor plan into the fully detailed
3D model presented on the cover of this tutorial. The furnishings are not created during the tutorial, but
they are supplied and inserted into the house during the tutorial. This tutorial was originally written for
TurboCAD version 11 and then revised for version 15 and due to its popularity it has now been fully
revised for version 17.2, integrating new program processes and some new design ideas.
Also within the tutorial, the reader will learn how to set up their drawing, how to insert standard lighting
and how utilize render scene luminance. The reader will learn how to establish a render scene
environment and the reader will learn how to render their drawing and save it in a high resolution image
format. Three different views will be established and one paper space page will be created.
This tutorial is in no way intended to teach house design or construction but rather it is intended to teach
the use of some of the tools that TurboCAD has to offer and to introduce the new user to a drawing
methodology. The author feels confident that the techniques outlined within the tutorial can help lay the
foundation for future successful TurboCAD drawing and illustration for even the newest user.
As with any technically advanced software, the user is generally faced with a steep learning curve. It is
the hope of the author that the money and time spent working through a Textual Creations tutorial will
help ease the learning and allow the reader to come away feeling confident that they made a wise
This tutorial will assume that the reader has the Platinum edition of TurboCAD Pro V17.2 with its extra
architectural and mechanical tools. Although no mechanical specific tools will be used during the
tutorial many architectural features will be. Although the basic edition of TurboCAD does come with
some architectural tools there are others available within the platinum edition that will be used within
the tutorial.
There are many ways to approach a project and it is likely that each person using the program would
proceed in very different ways, so be open to alternative methods as experience builds. What is
important is that the user becomes familiar with the objects that they wish to model and begin to look at
them in a different way than they might otherwise do. What primitive shapes make up the whole? What
will be required of these primitive shapes early in the drawing and how will this affect needs further
along? What component or components should be started with? Many questions can only be answered
through experience, but hopefully some of them will be answered by the time the beginner has worked
through this tutorial. There is a great deal covered in this tutorial and the author urges the beginner to be
patient, to read very carefully and to take the time necessary to do a good job. Try to enjoy the process as
much as you will enjoy the final results.
This tutorial assumes that the beginner has studied the desktop to some degree and can locate most of
the tools. Since there are endless desktop configurations that can be set up in TurboCAD the author has
opted to illustrate the required tools with the Office 2000 user interface, and the default toolbars in their
undocked format (Office 2000 theme).
Donald B. Cheke
Please remember that any supplied images and files are for use within the tutorial only and may not be
shared or sold to others. The supplied furnishings may be used in future personal or commercial
rendered projects (including printed works).
Please create a new file on the C drive of your computer called Marion Tutorial V17 and place all the
supplied files in the new folder, as indicated in the pictures below. By placing the files in the new folder
the user should not need to redefine the file locations for the image wrapped materials that are already
assigned to the Marion Tutorial Furnishing files. All supplied .tcw furnishing files have materials applied
and are assigned to layers. Some furnishings contain blocks (pulls, dining room chairs) and these too will
transfer to the main tutorial file when inserted as symbols.
Donald B. Cheke
That Marion Furnishings V17 folder, which is also placed in the Marion Tutorial V17 folder, contains the
items indicated in the picture below.
About the files and usage rights.
File Name
Courtesy of:
024tissu Choc.jpg
Photo by Don Cheke
Dee IMG_0701 DBC
Dee IMG_0701
Photo by Don Cheke
Free texture from web
Personal or commercial
use in renders only
Personal or commercial
use in renders only
Personal or commercial
use in renders only
Free texture from web
Photo by Don Cheke
The author found this image on a free texture
web site but did not make a note of which web
site at the time.
The author found this image on a free texture
web site but did not make a note of which web
site at the time.
The author found this image on a free texture
web site but did not make a note of which web
site at the time.
Free texture from web
Free texture from web
Donald B. Cheke
If need be, zoom in with the mouse wheel so the grid is visible on screen.
Switch to World Plan view.
Marion Plan Insertion
From the File menu at the top of the TurboCAD desktop select Open.
Locate the Marion floorplan.tcw file. This is a file that has long been included as one of the program
samples. Its default location is C:\Program Files\IMSIDesign\TCWP17\Architectural\. It has also been
included as part of the tutorial download. Select the file name and click Open.
Press Ctrl + A to select the entire drawing.
Select Copy at the top of the TurboCAD desktop.
Close the Marion floor plan drawing.
With the Architectural Presentation Tutorial file on screen select Paste at the top of the TurboCAD
With everything still selected, Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 0 in the X and Y Position fields. Press
Enter to move the plan into place.
Donald B. Cheke
Note the ceiling detail in the Family Room, Dining Room and Master Bedroom. These special ceilings will
not be addressed in this tutorial. A straight ceiling at a height of eight feet will be used throughout the
house. This will keep the tutorial a bit simpler for beginners.
Wall Detail
To get a feel for how the 3D model will be constructed a 2D wall detail will be now be constructed –
working towards the image below.
Select Zoom Extents.
Grab the lower scroll bar and move it to the left until the house plan is almost out of sight.
Select the Rectangle tool from the Line toolbar.
When proceeding, zoom in and out with the mouse wheel and move around the drawing as necessary.
Donald B. Cheke
Move the cursor along the wall lines to the opposite inside corner vertex by the door to the laundry
laundry, as
indicated in the picture below, and V SEKE snap the last point of the wall. The wall self
self-heals. In progress
Select Zoom Extents for an overall view so far.
Donald B. Cheke
Walls will now be placed along the hallway.
The first point of the next wall is not in the hallway, but it wraps around into the hall.
Move the cursor to the inside corner vertex at the foyer area, as indicated in the picture below, and V
SEKE snap to define the first point of the new wall.
Move the cursor to the outside corner vertex at the entrance to the hall, as indicated in the picture below,
and V SEKE snap to define the next point of the new wall. In progress below.
After the snap it can be seen that the first segment will need to have Autocleanup turned off. That will be
done after the run is complete.
Move the cursor down the hall to the outside corner vertex of the WH closet, as indicated in the picture
below, and V SEKE snap to define the next point of the new wall. In progress below.
Donald B. Cheke
Press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
Switch to Isometric SE view.
Select the Quality Rendering tool on the Render toolbar.
Turn off the Exterior Walls 3D layer and allow the screen to rerender.
To select all the visible walls, press Ctrl + K to open the Select by Colors dialogue. Select Navy Blue and
click OK. Select
Create a new layer called Interior Walls 3D.
Assign the selection to the new layer.
Select Black from the color dropdown menu on the Property toolbar.
Donald B. Cheke
Select the foundation as the object to subtract from and then the smaller box as the object to subtract. In
progress below.
Press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
The patio doors require a material change.
Donald B. Cheke
Open the Style Manager palette and expand Door Styles if need be.
Select Marion Patio so it is the active door.
Expand Materials.
Left mouse click in the box to the right of Panel material. Select Glass from the Category dropdown menu
and Marion Window Glass from the Material dropdown menu. Click OK.
Turn off the grid.
Select Zoom Extents.
Select the Quality Rendering tool on the Render toolbar for a look so far.
Donald B. Cheke
Add the name 1-2 and adjust the Muntins Block settings to reflect those in the image below.
Click OK to exit the Muntins Block dialogue and OK to exit the Muntins dialogue.
Move the cursor to the master bath toilet area and using a left mouse click, place the window. In
progress below.
Press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
Donald B. Cheke
Switch to Isometric SE view.
Turn off the grid.
Turn on the Main Floor 3D layer.
Select the Quality Rendering tool from the Render toolbar for a look so far.
Select the Wireframe tool from the Render toolbar to end the render.
All the double windows need some alignment so that there two inside edges meet.
Zoom in on the master bath windows.
Select the Assemble by 3 Points tool from the 3D Modify toolbar.
Select the left window as the object to relocate. V SEKE snap the lower right forward corner to define the
source point. Move the cursor to the corresponding vertex on the right window and V SEKE snap to define
the destination point. Select Finish on the Inspector Bar or from the local menu to complete the move. In
progress below.
Donald B. Cheke
Select Plane by Active
tive View from the Workplane toolbar.
Select the Polyline tool from the Line toolbar.
Using five V SEKE snaps, trace around the first gable end wall as indicated in the picture below. In
progress below. After the fifth snap right mouse click and select Close
from the local menu
Remember to snap
on outside of wall
sheet components.
In the same fashion, using five V SEKE snaps trace around the next gable end wall as indicated in the
picture below. In progress below. After the fifth snap right mouse click and select Close from the local
Donald B. Cheke
In the same fashion, using five V SEKE snaps, trace around the next gable end wall as indicated in the
picture below. In progress below. After the fifth snap right mouse click and select Close from the local
Press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
Switch to Isometric SE view.
Select the Top Wall Modifier tool from the Architecture toolbar.
Select the wall at the breakfast area as the wall to modify and then select the smaller blue profile on the
left side of the house as the modifier graphic. In progress below.
Donald B. Cheke
Select the new box roof section below the last slice as the object to slice. Using two V SEKE snaps define
the slice line along the fascia as indicated in the picture below. In progress below.
Press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
Select and delete the two cut offs.
Switch to Isometric SW view.
Select the new roof section and assign it to the Roof 3D layer.
Press Esc to deselect the selection.
Turn on the layers, as indicated in the picture below.
Donald B. Cheke
Switch to Isometric SE view.
Select the Quality Rendering tool from the Render toolbar.
Before continuing with additional modeling, a view, an environment and luminance lighting will be
addressed. This will give the reader a preview of what the outside rendered scene will look like when the
modeling is finished. An inside render will eventually be made but that is going to be made with a file
saved under a new name since the lighting, render scene environment and other things will be changed
to better suit that type of presentation.
Named View
Select the Draft Rendering tool from the Render toolbar.
Before a view can be named the drawing must be maneuvered into a desirable view. This is done with
the Walk Through tools but before this is done the camera perspective must be engaged. Right mouse
click on a render icon to open the Camera Properties.
Under the Camera tab check Perspective View and slide the View Angle to 51.566.
Donald B. Cheke
**See supplied video (Furnishing
Orthogonal Move.mp4) for a look at
moving the furnishings orthogonally
for placement. Armchair is placed in
the video.
The picture will be moved after the sofa and end table are placed.
**Select the Arm Chair thumbnail on the Library palette and drag it into the drawing.
With the arm chair still selected, press D SEKE and relocate (M SEKE) the reference point to the lower
line of the leg, as indicated in the picture below.
Left mouse click on the reference point of the selection to pick it up. Move the cursor to the corner of the
floor, as indicated in the picture below, and V SEKE snap it in place. In progress below.
Donald B. Cheke
Switch to World Plan view.
Place the cursor over the line that leads to the X rotation handle and left mouse click to pick it up. Move
the cursor to the left so that the arm chair is near the living room, as indicated in the picture below.
Place the cursor over the line that leads to the Y rotation handle and left mouse click to pick it up. Move
the cursor downward so that the arm chair is in the living room, as indicated in the picture below.
Left mouse click on the green X rotation handle and rotate the arm chair so that it faces into the living
room on the diagonal. A user can Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 315 in the Z Rotation field, if
By moving the selection orthogonally, as was done to move the arm chair into position, make any
movement tweaks deemed necessary.
Donald B. Cheke
Right mouse click on one of the Standard view icons to open the Named View dialogue. Select Interior
ISO in the Name field and click Go to. Click Close.
Select the Walk tool from the Walkthrough toolbar.
Left mouse click in the drawing and hold the mouse button down. Move the cursor down and then to the
right to move the arm chair and the fireplace into view. Right mouse click and select Straighten from the
local menu.
Press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
Right mouse click on one of the Standard view icons to open the Named View dialogue. Select Interior
ISO in the Name field and click Modify. Click Close.
Before rendering and saving, a person (the author's wife, Denise) will be placed in the scene as a
wrapped/masked object.
Donald B. Cheke
Turn off the Plant_01 and Stairs layer.
Left mouse click on the reference point of the selection to pick it up. Move the cursor to the back right
corner of the garage floor and V SEKE snap the selection in place. In progress below.
With the stairs still selected, Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter -24' 6 in the X Position field. Press
Enter to move it to the laundry room door.
Press Esc to deselect the selection.
Select the Railing tool from the Architecture toolbar.
Select the stairs that were just created to place a Standard railing.
Open the Styles Manager palette and expand Rail Styles. Select Standard and select Create New Style.
Donald B. Cheke
Enter Garage Stair Railing and click OK.
Back in the drawing, press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
Double click on the railing to open the Properties dialogue. Under the General Tab, select Garage Stair
Railing from the Rail Styles dropdown menu. Click OK.
Back on the Style Manage palette, drag the columns wider, if need be, and expand the various
The image below should help the user get a better idea of what the fields relate to as the fields are
changed. The image below shows more components than will be used.
Establish the sizes as indicated in the pictures below (Guardrail and Bottomrail and Dynamic Posts will
not be used).
Donald B. Cheke
Select the overhead and walk-in doors of the garage.
Assign the selection to the Garage Doors layer.
Turn off the Doors by Door Tool layer.
Press Esc to deselect the selection.
Select Refresh at the top of the Design Director palette to deselect the Garage Door layer name.
Turn layers on as needed to match what is indicated in the picture below.
Donald B. Cheke
Named View – Session 2
Right mouse click on one of the Standard View icons to open the Named View dialogue. Select Outside
ISO (isometric) in the Named View dialogue and click Go to. Click Close.
Switch to Isometric SE view.
Select the Examine tool on the Walkthrough toolbar.
Select Look To Drawing Center from the View / Camera menu at the top of the TurboCAD desktop.
Left mouse click in the drawing and hold the mouse button down. Move the cursor downward to turn the
model to a similar view, as indicated in the picture below.
Select the Walk tool on the Walkthrough toolbar.
Left mouse click in the drawing and hold the mouse button down. Move the cursor downward to move in
on the model.
Donald B. Cheke
Select the Page 1 tab.
Select the Insert Viewport tool from the Named View toolbar.
Using two G SEKE snaps place a viewport, as indicated in the picture below. Top left to lower right
placement. In progress below. Split image below.
Select Floor Plan from the Named View dialogue that opens. Click Go to. Click Close.
Press the Space Bar to exit the tool.
Double click on the viewport to open the Properties dialogue.
Check Hidden Line. Nothing else is checked.

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