eTrust Directory Administrator Guide
eTrust Directory Administrator Guide
eTrust Directory Administrator Guide r8, Service Pack 1 G00505-4E This documentation and related computer software program (hereinafter referred to as the “Documentation”) is for the end user’s informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by Computer Associates International, Inc. (“CA”) at any time. This documentation may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA. This documentation is proprietary information of CA and protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, licensed users may print a reasonable number of copies of this documentation for their own internal use, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy. Only authorized employees, consultants, or agents of the user who are bound by the confidentiality provisions of the license for the software are permitted to have access to such copies. This right to print copies is limited to the period during which the license for the product remains in full force and effect. Should the license terminate for any reason, it shall be the user’s responsibility to return to CA the reproduced copies or to certify to CA that same have been destroyed. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this documentation “as is” without warranty of any kind, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement. In no event will CA be liable to the end user or any third party for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this documentation, including without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, goodwill, or lost data, even if CA is expressly advised of such loss or damage. The use of any product referenced in this documentation and this documentation is governed by the end user’s applicable license agreement. The manufacturer of this documentation is Computer Associates International, Inc. Provided with “Restricted Rights” as set forth in 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212, 48 C.F.R. Sections 52.227-19(c)(1) and (2) or DFARS Section 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) or applicable successor provisions. 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Contents Chapter 1: Introduction eTrust Directory Modules ..................................................................... DXserver ................................................................................. The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) ...................................... Configuration Files ........................................................................ DXtools .................................................................................. Samples .................................................................................. RDBMS Tools ............................................................................. DXwebserver ............................................................................. eTrust Directory Glossary ..................................................................... 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-6 Chapter 2: DXserver Overview What is DXserver? ............................................................................ 2-1 DXserver Configuration Files .................................................................. 2-2 DXserver File Directories .................................................................. 2-2 Sample Configuration Files ................................................................ 2-4 Configuration File Types .................................................................. 2-4 The Initialization File ...................................................................... 2-5 Configuration Grouping Files .............................................................. 2-6 Knowledge Files .......................................................................... 2-7 DXserver Commands ......................................................................... 2-9 The dxserver Command - Install, Start, or Stop the DXserver .................................. 2-9 DXserver Script Language .................................................................... 2-11 Configuration Files ....................................................................... 2-11 Command Syntax ........................................................................ 2-12 Script Files .............................................................................. 2-13 Script File Errors and Debugging .......................................................... 2-13 DXconsole .................................................................................. 2-14 DXconsole Security....................................................................... 2-14 Opening DXconsole ...................................................................... 2-14 Contents iii Closing DXconsole........................................................................ 2-15 Configuring DXconsole ................................................................... 2-16 Help Command .......................................................................... 2-21 Command Shortcuts ...................................................................... 2-22 Databases ................................................................................... 2-23 Multiple DSA Processes to One DIT/DIB ................................................... 2-23 Multiple Directory Databases on One Machine .............................................. 2-24 Hot Swap ................................................................................ 2-24 Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory ........................................................ 2-25 Ports Used by eTrust Directory Components ................................................ 2-25 Ports Used by Sample Tools and Sample DSAs .............................................. 2-26 Chapter 3: General Administration Defining DSAs with the set dsa Command ....................................................... 3-1 The set dsa Command Syntax ............................................................... 3-2 The set dsa Command Parameters .......................................................... 3-3 Setting DSA Port Numbers ................................................................. 3-4 Viewing Communications Settings .......................................................... 3-4 Alarms, Traces, and Logs ...................................................................... 3-5 Alarms ................................................................................... 3-5 Traces .................................................................................... 3-5 Logs...................................................................................... 3-8 Associations ................................................................................. 3-13 The assoc Command Options .............................................................. 3-13 Viewing Association Configuration ........................................................ 3-15 Viewing Associations ..................................................................... 3-16 Tracing Associations ...................................................................... 3-16 Stopping a DSA .......................................................................... 3-16 Association Times ........................................................................ 3-17 Controlling Binds ......................................................................... 3-17 Aborting Associations .................................................................... 3-18 Concurrent Associations .................................................................. 3-18 Association Queues ....................................................................... 3-19 Local Operations ............................................................................. 3-20 The oper Commands...................................................................... 3-20 Viewing Operation Configuration .......................................................... 3-22 Viewing Operation Statistics ............................................................... 3-22 Concurrent Operations .................................................................... 3-23 Administration Limits .................................................................... 3-23 Operational Attributes .................................................................... 3-23 iv eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Access Controls .......................................................................... Read Only ............................................................................... Abandoning Operations .................................................................. The Directory Information Base ............................................................... Viewing DIB Configuration ............................................................... Database Name .......................................................................... Manage Connections to the Database ...................................................... Alias Integrity ........................................................................... Counting Entries ......................................................................... Rejecting All list Commands .............................................................. Rejecting All Unfiltered Searches .......................................................... Password Storage ........................................................................ Indexing Options ........................................................................ DXcache .................................................................................... How DXcache Works ..................................................................... Design the DXcache System ............................................................... Enable and Configure DXcache ............................................................ View the DXcache Configuration .......................................................... Keep DXcache Synchronized with the Database ............................................. Use eTrust Directory in Cache-Only Mode.................................................. Virtual Attributes ............................................................................ Dynamic Groups ......................................................................... Class of Service Templates ................................................................ Knowledge Flags ............................................................................ The Three Kinds of Knowledge Flags ...................................................... List of all DSA Flags ...................................................................... List of all Trust Flags ..................................................................... List of all Link Flags ...................................................................... 3-23 3-24 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-26 3-27 3-27 3-28 3-28 3-29 3-29 3-30 3-32 3-32 3-33 3-33 3-37 3-37 3-38 3-40 3-40 3-43 3-48 3-48 3-52 3-53 3-54 Chapter 4: Schema Definition Configuring Schema .......................................................................... Grouping Schema ......................................................................... Managing Schema ........................................................................ Schema Commands ....................................................................... Viewing Schema .......................................................................... Schema Prefixes........................................................................... Attributes .................................................................................... Attribute Syntaxes ........................................................................ Attribute Checking ........................................................................ Syntax Aliases for Unsupported Attribute Syntax ............................................ Contents 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-7 v Attribute Sets ............................................................................. 4-8 Attribute Names .......................................................................... 4-8 Unique Attributes ......................................................................... 4-9 Changing the Schema Definition for Attributes in Use........................................ 4-12 Object Classes ................................................................................ 4-14 Object Class Kind ......................................................................... 4-14 Object Class Checking .................................................................... 4-15 Object Class Storage ...................................................................... 4-16 Name Bindings .............................................................................. 4-18 Name Binding Checks .................................................................... 4-18 Name Bindings and Structural Object Classes ............................................... 4-19 Name Bindings and Aliases ............................................................... 4-19 Considerations for Schemas that Do Not Support Name Binding .............................. 4-19 Defining Local Schema........................................................................ 4-20 Chapter 5: Distribution and DSP Managing DSP ................................................................................ 5-2 DSP Command Options .................................................................... 5-2 Knowledge References ..................................................................... 5-3 Remote Operations ........................................................................ 5-4 Limiting Remote Operations ................................................................ 5-4 Remote Connections ....................................................................... 5-5 Unbinding Remote Connections ............................................................ 5-5 Incoming DSP Credentials .................................................................. 5-6 Outgoing DSP Credentials.................................................................. 5-6 Distributed Searches (Multi-Chaining) ....................................................... 5-6 Limiting Multi-Chaining ................................................................... 5-6 Viewing DSP Configuration ................................................................ 5-7 Configuring a DSA ............................................................................ 5-8 Configuring a Subordinate DSA ............................................................ 5-8 Proxy DSAs ............................................................................... 5-9 Configuring Another DXserver ................................................................ 5-10 Configuring Alternative Network Addresses ................................................ 5-10 Configuring a Third-party DSA ............................................................ 5-11 DXlink .................................................................................. 5-11 Configuring Multiple Local DSAs .......................................................... 5-12 Configuring a Domain of DXservers ........................................................... 5-13 A Domain of DXservers ................................................................... 5-13 Sharing DXserver Configuration ........................................................... 5-14 Configuring a First-level DSA.............................................................. 5-14 vi eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring a Router DSA ................................................................ Transparent Routing ..................................................................... Configuring a Relay DSA ................................................................. Caching Entries from Subordinate DSAs ................................................... Alternative DSAs ............................................................................ DSA Failover ............................................................................ DSA Load-Sharing ....................................................................... DSA Query Streaming .................................................................... 5-15 5-15 5-16 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-20 5-24 Chapter 6: Security Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption ........................................................... 6-2 About the SSL Protocol .................................................................... 6-2 SSL Encryption and Authentication Using SSLD ............................................. 6-3 DXserver Personality Certificates ........................................................... 6-5 Setting Up SSL For DXserver ............................................................... 6-6 Client Encryption ........................................................................ 6-11 DSA-to-DSA Encryption (DSP and DISP) ................................................... 6-11 Authentication .............................................................................. 6-12 Setting the Minimum Authentication Level ................................................. 6-12 Anonymous Authentication ............................................................... 6-13 Simple Authentication .................................................................... 6-13 SSL Authentication ....................................................................... 6-14 Distributed User Authentication ........................................................... 6-16 DSP Simple Authentication ............................................................... 6-17 DSP SSL Authentication .................................................................. 6-19 DISP Authentication ..................................................................... 6-19 Bypassing Mutual Authentication ......................................................... 6-20 Conveying User Authentication ........................................................... 6-21 DSP Link Authentication ................................................................. 6-22 Impersonation Protection ................................................................. 6-23 Managing Passwords ........................................................................ 6-24 How Password Rules Are Applied......................................................... 6-24 Password Protection ..................................................................... 6-25 Password Command Options ............................................................. 6-25 Enabling or Disabling Password Management .............................................. 6-28 Checking Password Quality ............................................................... 6-28 Setting the Life Span of Passwords ......................................................... 6-29 Resetting a Password ..................................................................... 6-30 Locking an Account after Incorrect Login Attempts ......................................... 6-31 Suspending an Account Manually ......................................................... 6-31 Contents vii Preventing Users from Re-using Passwords ................................................. 6-32 Some Password Controls Require an LDAP Client ........................................... 6-32 Example Password Policy ................................................................. 6-33 Access Control Overview ..................................................................... 6-34 Access Control Policies .................................................................... 6-34 Access Control Rules...................................................................... 6-35 Designing Your Access Control Scheme .................................................... 6-35 Working with Access Controls ............................................................. 6-37 Static Access Controls......................................................................... 6-38 Overview of Static Access Control Rules .................................................... 6-38 Setting Up Static Access Controls .......................................................... 6-40 Defining Superusers ...................................................................... 6-42 Defining Administrative Users ............................................................. 6-43 Defining Registered Users ................................................................. 6-45 Defining Public Users ..................................................................... 6-47 Protecting Items .......................................................................... 6-48 Dynamic Access Controls ..................................................................... 6-51 Enabling and Disabling Dynamic Access Controls ........................................... 6-51 Dynamic Access Control Rules ............................................................. 6-52 Groups, Roles, and Proxies .................................................................... 6-53 Defining Groups of Users ................................................................. 6-53 Role-Based Access Controls ............................................................... 6-54 Secure Proxies ............................................................................ 6-56 Access Controls and Aliases ............................................................... 6-57 Access-Controlled Routing .................................................................... 6-58 Chapter 7: Replication Replication Concepts .......................................................................... 7-2 Compare Distribution and Replication ....................................................... 7-2 Compare Multimaster and Master–Slave Replication .......................................... 7-2 Compare Real-Time and Write-Behind Replication ........................................... 7-3 Compare Replay-Based and State-Based Replication .......................................... 7-3 Three Types of Replication Used with eTrust Directory ....................................... 7-4 Keep System Clocks Synchronized .......................................................... 7-4 Multiwrite Replication ......................................................................... 7-5 How Multiwrite Replication Works ......................................................... 7-5 Multiwrite Can Work Asynchronously ...................................................... 7-6 How Multiwrite Groups Work .............................................................. 7-7 Set Up a Multiwrite System ................................................................ 7-10 Recovering a Multiwrite System Using Queues .............................................. 7-12 viii eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Recovering a Multiwrite System Using DISP ................................................ Multiwrite Replication to an LDAP Directory ............................................... Multiwrite and DXcache .................................................................. Re-synchronize Databases Manually ....................................................... Example: Multiwrite Replication .......................................................... DISP Replication ............................................................................. Configuring a DISP Responder ............................................................ DISP Agreements ........................................................................ Setting DISP Agreements ................................................................. Viewing DISP Agreements ................................................................ Shared DISP Configuration ............................................................... Manual Initiation of DISP ................................................................. Shadow DSAs ........................................................................... DISP Routing ............................................................................ Selective Shadowing ..................................................................... Manually Synchronizing Replicas Using Database Tools ......................................... How Manual Synchronization Works ...................................................... How to Manually Synchronize eTrust Directory Databases ................................... 7-14 7-17 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-21 7-21 7-21 7-22 7-23 7-23 7-24 7-24 7-24 7-25 7-27 7-27 7-27 Chapter 8: LDAP and DXlink LDAP Clients................................................................................. 8-2 Defining the LDAP Port ................................................................... 8-2 Configuring LDAP Names ................................................................. 8-2 Handling LDAP Strings ................................................................... 8-3 Transparent Routing ...................................................................... 8-3 Schema Publishing ............................................................................ 8-4 Integrating Other LDAP Servers................................................................ 8-6 User Credentials on DXlink Binds .......................................................... 8-7 Prefix Mapping ........................................................................... 8-9 Working with Microsoft Exchange ......................................................... 8-10 Chapter 9: Monitoring the Directory General Monitoring ........................................................................... DXconsole ................................................................................ Log Files ................................................................................. Databases ................................................................................ Disk Space ............................................................................... 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-3 9-3 Contents ix SNMP and the Directory Monitoring MIB ....................................................... 9-4 Configuring the SNMP Agent .............................................................. 9-5 SNMP Monitor Utility ..................................................................... 9-6 Configuring the SNMP Trap Destination..................................................... 9-8 CMIP and X.700 Management .................................................................. 9-9 Configuring the CMIP Agent ............................................................... 9-9 CMIP Monitor Utility ...................................................................... 9-9 Chapter 10: Using DXtools Database Tools ............................................................................... 10-2 Creating a DSA: DXnewdsa ............................................................... 10-4 Creating a Database: DXnewdb ............................................................ 10-5 Extending a Database: DXextenddb ........................................................ 10-5 Destroying a Database: DXdestroydb ....................................................... 10-6 Emptying a Database: DXemptydb ......................................................... 10-6 Backing Up a Database: DXbackupdb ...................................................... 10-7 Restoring a Database: DXrestoredb ......................................................... 10-8 Tuning a Database: DXtunedb ............................................................. 10-9 Managing Indexes: DXindexdb ........................................................... 10-10 Displaying Database Statistics: DXstatdb................................................... 10-13 Listing Existing Databases: DXlistdb ...................................................... 10-14 Adding a Database User: DXadduser ...................................................... 10-14 Deleting a Database User: DXdeluser ...................................................... 10-15 Loading a Database: DXloaddb ........................................................... 10-16 Dumping a Database: DXdumpdb ........................................................ 10-18 Granting Access to a Database: DXgrantdb ................................................. 10-19 Revoking Access to a Database: DXrevokedb ............................................... 10-19 Upgrading Previous Versions of a Database: DXupgradedb ................................. 10-20 Initializing Multiwrite–DISP Recovery: DXdisp............................................. 10-20 Reporting On and Generating Certificates: DXcertgen ....................................... 10-21 LDIF Tools ................................................................................. 10-27 CSV Source Data ........................................................................ 10-27 Template Files (LDT) .................................................................... 10-28 LDIF Files .............................................................................. 10-29 Converting CSV Data to LDIF Format: csv2ldif ............................................. 10-30 Sorting an LDIF File: ldifsort .............................................................. 10-31 Calculating the Change Between Two LDIF Files: ldifdelta .................................. 10-33 DAP Tools .................................................................................. 10-35 Common Command Options ............................................................. 10-36 Searching a Directory: DXsearch .......................................................... 10-37 x eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Reporting on Certificate and CRL Indexes: DXcert ......................................... Modifying a Directory: DXmodify ........................................................ Loading Binary Files: DXmodify .......................................................... Renaming a Directory Entry: DXrename ................................................... Deleting a Directory Entry: DXdelete...................................................... Bulk Loading Options ................................................................... Schema Tools............................................................................... Extracting Schema in LDIF Format: DXschemaldif ......................................... Converting Schema from LDIF to DXserver Format: ldif2dxc ................................ Converting Schema from DXserver Format to DXtools Format: DXschematxt ................. Directory Administration Tools .............................................................. Checking DSA configuration: DXsyntax ................................................... 10-38 10-39 10-40 10-41 10-42 10-42 10-43 10-44 10-45 10-49 10-50 10-50 Chapter 11: Using JXplorer The JXplorer Browser ........................................................................ 11-2 Menu Bar ............................................................................... 11-3 Button Bar ............................................................................... 11-5 Quick Search Bar ......................................................................... 11-6 Displaying the Directory Tree ............................................................. 11-6 Browsing a Directory ......................................................................... 11-7 Starting JXplorer ......................................................................... 11-7 Connecting to a Directory ................................................................. 11-7 Reading Schema ......................................................................... 11-8 Navigating the Directory Tree ............................................................. 11-8 Displaying an Entry ...................................................................... 11-9 Refreshing Entries....................................................................... 11-11 Searching .............................................................................. 11-11 Exploring Schema ....................................................................... 11-14 Editing the Directory ........................................................................ 11-16 Directory Tree Operations ............................................................... 11-16 Modifying Attributes in an Entry ......................................................... 11-18 Using Binary Values ..................................................................... 11-20 Adding a New Entry .................................................................... 11-23 Submitting an Entry to the Directory ...................................................... 11-24 Using LDIF Files ............................................................................ 11-25 Importing and Exporting an LDIF File .................................................... 11-25 Using an LDIF File Without a Directory ................................................... 11-25 Binary Values in LDIF Files .............................................................. 11-26 Using SSL and SASL ........................................................................ 11-27 Server Authenticated SSL ................................................................ 11-27 Contents xi Client Authenticated SSL and SASL ....................................................... 11-27 Managing Certificates and Keystores ...................................................... 11-28 Online Help ................................................................................ 11-28 Configuring JXplorer ........................................................................ 11-29 View Menu ............................................................................. 11-29 Options Menu ........................................................................... 11-29 Creating HTML Viewing Templates ....................................................... 11-34 Configuring Tree Icons ................................................................... 11-35 Extending the Java Binary Editor .......................................................... 11-35 Internationalization ...................................................................... 11-35 Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 11-36 Other LDAP and Directory Resources ..................................................... 11-36 Chapter 12: Using DXmanager How DXmanager Works ...................................................................... 12-2 How You Can Use DXmanager ................................................................ 12-3 Monitor DSA Status ...................................................................... 12-3 Check DSA Configuration ................................................................. 12-3 Track DSA Statistics ...................................................................... 12-3 Check Namespace Design ................................................................. 12-3 How DXmanager Presents Information ......................................................... 12-4 Starting DXmanager .......................................................................... 12-4 Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 12-5 Connectivity ............................................................................. 12-5 DXwebserver Port Numbers ............................................................... 12-5 Chapter 13: Using JXweb Connecting to JXweb ......................................................................... 13-2 Connecting to a Directory ..................................................................... 13-3 The JXweb Environment ...................................................................... 13-4 Customizing JXweb .......................................................................... 13-4 Using JXweb in Languages Other Than English ................................................. 13-5 Displaying Non-English Characters in Internet Explorer...................................... 13-5 Displaying Non-English Characters in Mozilla Browsers ..................................... 13-5 Online Help ................................................................................. 13-5 xii eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 14: Using The UDDI Server About UDDI Registries ....................................................................... What a UDDI Registry Can Do ............................................................ About the eTrust Directory UDDI Server ................................................... eTrust Directory UDDI Server................................................................. Connecting to the UDDI Client ................................................................ Connecting to a UDDI Registry ............................................................... Using tModels ............................................................................... Using the UDDI Client in Languages Other Than English ........................................ Displaying Non-English Characters in Internet Explorer ..................................... Displaying Non-English Characters in Mozilla Browsers ..................................... 14-2 14-2 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-5 14-6 14-6 14-6 Chapter 15: Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools Implementing the Samples ................................................................... 15-2 The Sample DSAs ............................................................................ 15-3 What the Sample DSAs Are Useful For ..................................................... 15-3 When the Sample DSAs Are Installed ...................................................... 15-3 How the Sample DSAs Work Together ..................................................... 15-3 The Democorp DSAs ..................................................................... 15-4 The UNSPSC DSAs ...................................................................... 15-5 The Router DSAs ........................................................................ 15-6 Sample Web Applications .................................................................... 15-7 Customized Version of JXweb: democorp .................................................. 15-7 Sample DSML Server: dsml ............................................................... 15-8 Sample SAML Server: saml-sample ........................................................ 15-9 Sample SPML Server: spml-sample ....................................................... 15-10 Sample Use of UDDI: uddiv3-demo ....................................................... 15-11 Sample Configuration Files .................................................................. 15-13 Sample Tools ............................................................................... 15-13 The DXcmip Tool ....................................................................... 15-13 The dua Tool ........................................................................... 15-14 The DXtoolsgui Tool .................................................................... 15-14 The ldua Tool ........................................................................... 15-15 The schema Tool ........................................................................ 15-15 The snmp Tool .......................................................................... 15-17 The soak Tool ........................................................................... 15-18 The ssl Tool ............................................................................ 15-21 The test Tool............................................................................ 15-23 The DXtrap Tool ........................................................................ 15-25 Contents xiii Chapter 16: Deploying a Directory Directory Design ............................................................................. 16-2 Requirements Analysis .................................................................... 16-2 Service Definition......................................................................... 16-2 Schema Design ........................................................................... 16-2 Directory Enabled Applications ............................................................ 16-3 Namespace Design ....................................................................... 16-3 Security ................................................................................. 16-3 Dimensioning ............................................................................ 16-4 Performance ............................................................................. 16-4 Availability .............................................................................. 16-4 Synchronization .......................................................................... 16-5 Scalability and Distribution ................................................................ 16-5 Complexity .............................................................................. 16-5 Operations and Practices ...................................................................... 16-6 Management ............................................................................. 16-6 Monitoring .............................................................................. 16-6 Capacity Planning ........................................................................ 16-6 Backup and Restore ....................................................................... 16-7 Journaling ............................................................................... 16-7 Database Tuning ......................................................................... 16-8 Change Control .......................................................................... 16-8 Upgrades ................................................................................ 16-9 Maintenance ............................................................................. 16-9 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 16-10 Optimizing Performance ................................................................. 16-10 Managing Large Numbers of Users........................................................ 16-10 Managing Large Numbers of Entries ...................................................... 16-11 Limiting Users .......................................................................... 16-11 Appendix A: Tailoring the RDBMS Changing the Default Page Size ................................................................ Increasing the Number of Cache Pages ......................................................... Increasing the Number of Database Connections ................................................ Step 1. Increase the Shared Memory Maximum (Optional) .................................... Step 2. Increase the Database Connection Limit .............................................. Other Customizations ........................................................................ xiv eTrust Directory Administrator Guide A-2 A-3 A-4 A-4 A-5 A-5 Appendix B: DXserver Command Language Command Categories ......................................................................... B-1 Add Command ............................................................................... B-2 Clear Commands ............................................................................. B-2 Close Commands ............................................................................. B-2 Set Commands ............................................................................... B-3 The set admin-user Command ............................................................. B-8 The set agreement Command .............................................................. B-8 The set attribute Command ................................................................ B-9 The set dsa Command ..................................................................... B-9 The set name-binding Command .......................................................... B-11 The set object-class Command ............................................................. B-11 The set protected-items Command ......................................................... B-12 The set public-user Command ............................................................. B-12 The set reg-user Command ............................................................... B-13 The set super-user Command ............................................................. B-13 Source Commands ........................................................................... B-14 Trace Commands ............................................................................ B-15 Appendix C: Messages and Logs UNIX System Error Log ....................................................................... C-1 Windows Event Log .......................................................................... C-1 DXserver Logs ................................................................................ C-2 Advantage Ingres Logs ........................................................................ C-3 DXserver Alarm Messages ..................................................................... C-7 DXserver Warning Messages.................................................................. C-13 Alias Errors ................................................................................. C-16 Service Errors ............................................................................... C-17 Advantage Ingres Errors ..................................................................... C-17 Appendix D: Installing eTrust Directory for Windows Installation Overview ......................................................................... D-2 eTrust Directory Components .............................................................. D-2 Default Installation Locations .............................................................. D-3 The %DXHOME% Location ................................................................ D-3 Installation Logging ....................................................................... D-3 Upgrade eTrust Directory .................................................................. D-4 Upgrade Advantage Ingres ................................................................ D-4 Contents xv Embedded eTrust Identity and Access Management ......................................... D-5 Install eTrust Directory Using the Product Explorer.............................................. D-6 Step 1. Check System and Disk Requirements ............................................... D-6 Step 2. Install eTrust Directory ............................................................. D-7 Step 3. (Optional) Install eTrust Directory Web Components .................................. D-8 Step 4. (Optional) Install the Samples and Technology Previews............................... D-9 Install eTrust Directory Using Commands ..................................................... D-11 Install eTrust Directory Silently ............................................................... D-14 Install Silently Using Commands .......................................................... D-14 Install Silently Using Response Files ....................................................... D-15 Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product ............................................... D-17 How Installation Codes Work ............................................................ D-17 Install eTrust Directory as an Embedded Module ........................................... D-17 Uninstall eTrust Directory After an Embedded Installation .................................. D-18 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ D-19 Appendix E: Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX Installation Overview .......................................................................... E-2 eTrust Directory Components .............................................................. E-2 Default Installation Locations ............................................................... E-3 The $DXHOME Location ................................................................... E-3 Installation Logging ....................................................................... E-3 Upgrade eTrust Directory .................................................................. E-4 Upgrade Advantage Ingres ................................................................. E-4 User Accounts............................................................................. E-5 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program ........................................... E-6 Step 1. Check System and Disk Requirements ................................................ E-6 Step 2. Install eTrust Directory ............................................................. E-10 Step 3: (Optional) Install the Web Components .............................................. E-16 Step 4: (Optional) Install the Technology Previews and Sample Tools .......................... E-17 Install eTrust Directory Using Commands ...................................................... E-19 The dxsetup Command ................................................................... E-19 The dxwebsetup Command ............................................................... E-20 Install eTrust Directory Silently ................................................................ E-21 Install Using Commands .................................................................. E-21 Install Using Response Files ............................................................... E-22 Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product ................................................ E-24 How Installation Codes Work ............................................................. E-24 Install the Main eTrust Directory Components as an Embedded Module ....................... E-24 Install the Web Components as an Embedded Module ....................................... E-24 xvi eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Uninstall eTrust Directory after an Embedded Installation ................................... E-25 Troubleshooting ............................................................................. E-26 Appendix F: Licenses for Third-Party Products Apache ...................................................................................... F-1 Morten’s JavaScript Tree Menu v2.3.2 ........................................................... F-3 OpenLDAP .................................................................................. F-4 The OpenLDAP Public License ............................................................. F-4 The OpenLDAP Copyright Notice .......................................................... F-5 OpenSSL ..................................................................................... F-6 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web Services Developer Pack ........................................ F-8 Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant................................................................. F-13 Contents xvii Chapter 1 Introduction The eTrust™ Directory consists of a suite of products that lets you build an industrial-strength directory service for directory-enabled applications. The product suite includes a high performance, state-of-the-art Directory server, graphical Directory browsers, and a set of tools for importing, exporting, and synchronizing data with other information systems. eTrust Directory advanced features are: ■ ■ ■ Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) support for access and the X.500 distributed directory model for distribution, which lets you build highcapacity global directory systems Its underlying information repository (on each server) that uses a relational database to apply a patented meta-data design, thus ensuring reliability and data integrity Its unique ability to connect and integrate smaller scale LDAP Servers to create a unified directory backbone service with legacy directory servers The system is highly scalable and robust, and meets the needs of large corporate organizations, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), carriers, the military, and the smaller office automation directory applications. Introduction 1–1 eTrust Directory Modules eTrust Directory Modules The following diagram shows the relationships between the major components of eTrust Directory: JXplorer SPML ne t DXconsole te l Web Services Examples SAML SSL SNMP TLS CMIP AP LD DSML LDAP DSP DAP DISP UDDI Server DXserver LDAP UDDI SQL DXmanager HTTP JXweb UDDI Client LDAP DXwebserver DA P Config . Files DXadmind SSLD Ingres Database SQL DXtools DXserver The DXserver process uses highly efficient techniques for managing directory information and processing the directory protocols. The eTrust Directory supports the following protocols: Protocol Description LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol DAP (X.511) Directory Access Protocol DSP (X.518) Directory System Protocol DISP (X.525) Directory Information Shadowing Protocol CMIP (X.700) Common Management Information Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol The DSA fully supports all mandatory requirements of the approved protocols. See the appendix Supported Standards in the eTrust Directory Getting Started guide for a list of all standards supported by eTrust Directory. 1–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide eTrust Directory Modules The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) The RDBMS stores and maintains the Directory Information Base (DIB) within specially designed tables. Each DIT or DIB image stores its own set of tables in the RDBMS’s portion of the file system. The RDBMS contributes to the performance, reliability, and management of the DXserver system with the following features: ■ Caching ■ Query optimization ■ Multiprocessing and locking ■ Check-pointing and recovery ■ International character sets and collating sequences ■ Database table and indexing management ■ Housekeeping and tuning utilities Unlike other X.500 and LDAP implementations, particularly in-memory implementations, the DXserver does not load directory information and other indexes into memory on startup, unless DXcache is configured. See the chapter “General Administration” for more information about DXcache. Configuration Files When a DSA starts up, it initializes with commands stored in configuration files. The configuration files are organized into logical groups corresponding to their function (for example, logging, schema, knowledge). DXtools The DXtools provide general data management facilities, including: ■ Managing databases ■ Tuning and backing up directory data ■ Importing and exporting directory data ■ Bulk loading databases from a prepared LDIF file ■ Bulk extracting a database to an LDIF file for comparison ■ LDIF sorting and comparison For descriptions of these tools, see the chapter "Using DXtools". Introduction 1–3 eTrust Directory Modules Samples A number of sample configurations and utilities are provided for testing and demonstration purposes. These reside in the ../dxserver/samples subdirectories: Subdirectory Purpose cmip An executable to request CMIP counters from the directory. democorp DemoCorp example, run the setup script to automatically configure the DemoCorp DSA. dua Sample text-based Directory User Agent (DUA) that runs over DAP dxtoolsgui Java GUI interface to the DXtools—run dxtoolsgui.bat on Windows or on UNIX. Note: This requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE). ldua Sample text-based DUA that runs over LDAP router An example router DSA that does not use a database and has the prefix c = AU, and is aware of the DemoCorp and UNSPSC DSAs. schema A Perl schema translation tool to update schema.txt for the DXtools snmp An executable to request SNMP information from the directory. soak An executable to measure the throughput (in searches per second) of a DSA. ssl Examples of using DUA-DSA and DSA-DSA SSL authentication and encryption. test A selection of Directory scripts to modify the directory using the supplied DUA or LDUA clients. Run the setup script to automatically configure the Test DSA and execute the DUA and LDUA client scripts. trap Information and an example program that can receive triggers from the directory. unspsc United Nations Standard Product and Services Classification (UNSPSC) Code System. Run the setup script to automatically configure the UNSPSC DSA and populate it with UNSPSC data. For more information see .../dxserver/samples/README.TXT, and the README.TXT files within each sample sub-directory. 1–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide eTrust Directory Modules RDBMS Tools The RDBMS tools provide support for the RDBMS. See the Advantage Ingres product documentation set for further details. DXwebserver The DXwebserver enables access to the DXserver process through web-based GUIs, including: DXmanager A graphical, web-based eTrust Directory administration tool JXweb A graphical web-based LDAP directory browser and editor UDDI Client A graphical web-based browser for a UDDI Server You can also create your own web-based GUIs to suit your organization. Three technology previews are also provided for testing and demonstration purposes. These reside in the ../dxwebserver/samples subdirectories: democorp This is a version of JXweb that has been customized to work well with the fictional company Democorp. dsml This is a sample DSML server that converts DSML to LDAP and vice versa. This allows client applications that use DSML (including web services) to communicate with eTrust Directory without using LDAP directly. uddi This is a demonstration of a typical application of a UDDI server. It shows a web site that compares prices on airline flights by looking up the prices on different web servers, which are registered with a UDDI server. Each sample includes a Readme that describes how to install the sample. Introduction 1–5 eTrust Directory Glossary eTrust Directory Glossary This section defines some terms that are commonly used in this guide. Attribute Entries are comprised of attributes. Each attribute consists of a type and a value. For example, in a staff directory, each entry would include attributes that defines the person’s name, phone number, office location, etc. Distinguished name (DN) A name that uniquely identifies an entry. The DN includes the name of the entry, plus the names of all superior entries and domains. Thus, the DN identifies the entry, and its location within the directory information tree (DIT). Directory system agent (DSA) A hierarchy of parent-child entries, built from the data stored in the directory. One unified directory might actually consist of many linked DSAs. Directory system protocol (DSP) A server-to-server protocol used by X.500 for distributed operations. This is the protocol used for chaining. LDAP does not have a DSP equivalent. Entry The basic unit of information storage in a directory. All information in a directory is stored in the form of entries. Also sometimes named objects. For example, in a directory listing all staff members at a company, each staff member would have an entry. Latency The delay caused by the round-trip time taken between sending a network packet and receiving a response. Multiwrite A mechanism for replicating updates to a number of DSAs to ensure they are synchronized. When DXserver receives an update, this will be written to itself and then its peers. If a peer DSA cannot be reached, the updates will be queued and replayed when the DSA becomes available. Multiwrite groups Tiered replication will be implemented using multi-write groups. DSAs on either side of a slow link (e.g. different continents) can be grouped. Replication will occur in the group and sent to elected hubs from another group asynchronously. Namespace A namespace is a set of names in which all names are unique. Each name contains enough information to identify where the named entry appears in the structure of all entries. 1–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide eTrust Directory Glossary Replicating hub In a tiered replication scheme, a hub given responsibility for cascading updates to its peers. The DSA that originated the update offloads replicating responsibility to the hub. Schema A formal definition of the contents and structure of the directory data. This governs where each entry can be placed within the directory structure, how entries are to be named, and what attributes each entry can contain. Tiered replication During normal replication of an update, an entity will cycle through and update all mates. In a tiered model the update will be passed on to a mate outside the group, which will write to its mates. Introduction 1–7 Chapter 2 DXserver Overview This chapter describes how the eTrust Directory server component works. What is DXserver? The eTrust Directory server component is named DXserver. DXserver can be operated as a directory in a standalone mode similar to other LDAP servers. DXserver can also be configured to operate in a distributed environment as a full featured X.500 Directory System Agent (DSA) supporting all the powerful X.500 features such as chaining, parallel searching, distributed management and advanced security. DXserver supports many communications protocols and management facilities, including: ■ User access protocols (DAP, LDAP) ■ System (inter server) protocols (DSP, DISP) ■ Management protocols (SNMP, CMIP) ■ Input commands (from script files or management console) ■ Logging Services (alarms, traces, management responses) DXserver Overview 2–1 DXserver Configuration Files DXserver Configuration Files DXserver stores configuration information in a structured directory tree. The easy-to-use, hierarchical tree defines the conventions and the strategy for managing the directory system that can extend to multiple servers, multiple machines, and multiple platforms. The configuration files should be managed from a central station. The directories are shared across all servers to ensure consistency in system operation. This architecture also lets you manage version of the configuration files, because you can store these files in a document or source control system. DXserver File Directories After installation, DXserver uses the following directories: DXserver |__ bin |__ config | |__ access | |__ autostart (UNIX only) | |__ database | |__ knowledge | |__ limits | |__ logging | |__ replication | |__ schema | |__ servers | |__ settings | |__ ssld |__ logs |__ samples |__ pid |__ install (UNIX only) |__ uninstall (UNIX only) bin This directory holds all binary executables and batch files for the product. config This directory holds the current configuration files, and some Readme files for your reference. DXserver always starts with the configuration information stored in this directory. We recommend that you give read-only permissions to files in these directories to prevent accidental overwriting. Each subdirectory contains the configuration file(s) that deal with a component of the DXserver configuration. access Access control rules. autostart (UNIX only) DXserver uses the autostart directory to track the servers that must start at the same time as the operating system. 2–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Configuration Files database Database name information. knowledge Access-point information for all DSAs. limits Administrative limits, such as size limits and time limits. logging Trace levels and log file names. replication Replication agreements. schema Schema definitions. servers Startup information for each server. An initialization file must exist for each defined DSA. settings Operational settings and controls. ssld Trusted CA and server certificates. logs This directory is the default log output directory for DXserver, which generates all log files at this location unless you specify another directory. samples This directory contains demonstration utilities and test script files. Each sample has its own subdirectory and associated README file. pid This directory is for DXserver use only, and contains information about currently running processes. The pid directory does not contain any files after an installation, but when the services are run, files are created in that directory. install (UNIX only) This directory is for DXserver use only, and contains installation files and environment information. uninstall (UNIX only) This directory contains uninstallation scripts.. DXserver Overview 2–3 DXserver Configuration Files Sample Configuration Files DXserver contains a working example DSA configuration. You can use the example server without modification as described in the appendixes “Installing DXserver for Windows” and “Installing DXserver for UNIX.” The example contains three DXserver configurations—Router, DemoCorp and UNSPSC. Configuration File Types You can identify file types within the directory configuration structure by their file name extensions. It is important to use the correct file name extensions when creating new files. Use the following file types in a DXserver configuration set: 2–4 Extension File type Description .dxc Configuration Contains one or more commands that set configuration parameters. .dxg Group Groups a selection of one or more .dxc files (in the current directory) using the DXserver source command. .dxi Initialization DXserver initialization file. A .dxi file contains commands to source other (.dxg and .dxc) files. .dxs Script Contains commands supported by the DXcli. You usually use script files for testing. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Configuration Files The Initialization File Each server’s initialization file sources (refers to and reads) selected files from the config subdirectories. Important points to notice are: ■ ■ The initialization file is a template in which the DSA sources a single file from each of the config subdirectories appropriately. You can organize the contents of the config directories as required—from one file to many files—typically creating a specific file in each of the config directories for each new DSA definition. Here is the DemoCorp initialization file: # Computer Associates DXserver/config/servers # # DXserver initialization file. # # logging and tracing close summary-log; close trace-log; source "../logging/default.dxc"; # schema clear schema; source "../schema/default.dxg"; # access controls clear access; # source "../access/"; # knowledge clear dsas; source "../knowledge/sample.dxg"; # operational settings source "../settings/default.dxc"; # service limits source "../limits/default.dxc"; # database source "../database/democorp.dxc"; # replication agreements (rarely used) # source "../replication/"; DXserver Overview 2–5 DXserver Configuration Files Configuration Grouping Files Each component directory can consist of one or more configuration (.dxc) files. For complex configurations typically involving multiple DSAs, you might need a number of configuration files, grouped in a convenient manner using grouping (.dxg) files: Group 1 commands A Group 2 commands B commands C As an example, suppose the DSAs TestCorp1, TestCorp2, and TestCorp3 all require the schema files x500.dxc, cosine.dxc, and inetop.dxc. Rather than “sourcing” each of these files from each of the DSA initialization files, it is more convenient to create a TestCorp.dxg file containing the following lines: source “x500.dxc”; source “cosine.dxc”; source “inetop.dxc”; Each DSA initialization file would then contain the following line: source “../schema/TestCorp.dxg”; The advantage of this approach is that, if these DSAs require additional schema, only a single file—TestCorp.dxg—needs editing. Reasons for grouping files are: ■ ■ To present a view that abstracts any internal organization within the component To manage ordering of the configuration files—especially important in schema where definitions in one file depend on definitions in another file Typically the schema and knowledge files are grouped. 2–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Configuration Files Knowledge Files This section describes what knowledge files are, and how to use them. Knowledge files are text files that include commands that affect how DSAs work. Each DSA has a single knowledge file, which is named dsaname.dxc, where dsaname is the case-insensitive name of the DSA. These knowledge files are kept in the config/knowledge directory. Each DSA must source its own knowledge file, which includes what operations from remote DSAs are to be permitted or denied. Each DSA can also source the knowledge files for other, remote DSAs. These files define how the local DSA works with the remote DSA. For information about knowledge flags, see Knowledge Flags in the chapter General Administration. Using Knowledge Files in a Single-Server Environment If your directory includes more than one DSA, you need to consider how you work with your knowledge files. If all of the DSAs happen to be one the same computer, they can all source the same copy of the knowledge files. Router DSA Server A router.dxc unspsc.dxc democorp .dxc Democorp DSA UNSPSC DSA Three DSAs on one server, sharing the same knowledge files DXserver Overview 2–7 DXserver Configuration Files Using Knowledge Files in a Distributed Environment However, it is more likely that the DSAs in a distributed system are on different computers. To make sure that operations are not slowed down by network limitations, each DSA should use its own local copy of the knowledge files. We recommend that you make any changes to only one of these sets of knowledge files, and then copy the changed files to the other locations. This will help you keep the knowledge files synchronized. For example, in the system shown here, you could use the knowledge files on Server A as the master copies. Whenever you need to change a knowledge file, you would make the change on Server A. You could then copy the changed files to the other two servers. Server A router.dxc Router DSA unspsc.dxc democorp .dxc router.dxc Democorp DSA router.dxc unspsc.dxc democorp .dxc Server B Server C unspsc.dxc UNSPSC DSA democorp .dxc Three DSAs on separate servers, using local copies of the same knowledge files 2–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Commands DXserver Commands When a server starts up, it reads an initialization file (.dxi) from the servers subdirectory. The initialization file name is derived from the DSA name. For example, democorp.dxi defines a DSA named DemoCorp. Thus, the following command causes DXserver to search the servers subdirectory for a file called democorp.dxi: dxserver start democorp When found, it is read and the commands are executed (usually instructions to read other files in the other subdirectories of the config tree). See the appendixes “Installing eTrust Directory for Windows” and “Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX” for information about starting and stopping a DXserver process. The dxserver Command - Install, Start, or Stop the DXserver You can run the DXserver from the command line using the following command: dxserver options Important! You must start the RDBMS before starting DXserver. If an error occurs while reading the configuration files, DXserver cannot start. You can find information about this error in both the operating system error log and the DXserver alarm and trace log files in the dxserver/logs directory. The options of the dxserver command are: Option Meaning init serverName Signals serverName to reread its configuration files (if running). For example: dxserver init democorp init all Signals all DSAs to reread its configuration files install serverName Adds serverName to the list of servers to start at system startup. For example: dxserver install democorp Note: On Windows, the dxserver start command implicitly installs eTrust Directory remove serverName Removes serverName from the auto-startup list, for example: dxserver remove democorp start serverName Starts the DXserver serverName. For example: dxserver start democorp DXserver Overview 2–9 DXserver Commands Option Meaning start all Starts all DSAs. status serverName Reports the running status of serverName. For example: dxserver status democorp If you omit the serverName, the status of all servers is reported. stop serverName Stops the DXserver serverName. For example: dxserver stop democorp 2–10 stop all Stops all DSAs version Displays version information eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Script Language DXserver Script Language You can use the DXserver commands to control every aspect of DXserver operation. The DSA supports an extensive set of configuration and management commands that you can use in configuration files or enter interactively through the management console. The complete command language is defined in the appendix “DXserver Command Language.” You can organize commands into script files. Script files have the following general uses: ■ Configuration—A group of DSAs can share the same configuration information. ■ Prototyping—X.500 operations you can automate. ■ Testing—The command language supports conditional statements. ■ Shortcuts—Storage of often used commands. Configuration Files In order to describe the large number of DXserver commands, you can separate commands into individual files according to their function. These separate files should then reside in the appropriate config subdirectory. A description of each set of related commands is in subsequent chapters: ■ General administrative commands—see the chapter “General Administration” ■ Schema commands—see the chapter “Schema Definition”) ■ DSA and distribution commands—see the chapter “Distribution and DSP” ■ Security commands—see the chapter “Security” ■ Replication commands—see the chapter “Replication” ■ X.500 commands—see the appendix “DXconsole DUA” DXserver Overview 2–11 DXserver Script Language Command Syntax Typically, commands have one of the following formats: set item = value; get item; action parameters; ■ ■ ■ Some commands are hyphenated (for example, add-entry-req). You can spread each command over many lines. You must terminate each command with a semicolon. You do not need to quote simple (one-word) strings. You must quote more complex (many-word) strings. Within a quoted string, you can use a backslash (\) as an escape mechanism for the following cases: Case Example String Quote my “favorite” car "my \"favorite\" car" Backslash c:\myfile "c:\\myfile" Hex number touché "Touch\xC2e" There is often a need to specify attribute values in character sets other than ASCII. For example, you can perform the following modification: mod-entry-req entry=<c au><o democorp> add-attr { description "a description" }; But how is this done in other languages? LDAPv3 has standardized on UTF-8 for internationalization. An example, using UTF-8, is now: mod-entry-req entry=<c au><o democorp> add-attr { description utf8 "touch\xC3\xA9" }; The Latin-1 character e-acute (E9) in UTF-8 (C3A9) has been encoded. The following example would search for all entries with common names beginning with e-acute. search-req base-object=<> whole-subtree filter = { attr = commonName substrings [ initial utf8 "\xC3\xA9" }; Commands can continue over multiple lines. If you enter an incomplete command at the management console, a continuation prompt, as shown below, displays until you enter a semicolon: ---> Tip: You can interrupt the execution of a script file from the management console using the telnet commands Ctrl-c or Ctrl-x. (See DXconsole in this chapter.) 2–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Script Language Script Files Script files store frequently used or complex commands (such as schema initialization commands). You can then execute these files from the management console or from inside other command files using the command: source "script-file"; or the short form of the command: ! "script-file"; Tip: A configuration file (.dxi, .dxc, or .dxg) is a special form of script file. Within a script file, the # sign introduces a comment. DXserver treats the # and all text after it, to the end of the line, as a comment. A script file can source other script files. The source command is relative to the file that invokes it. For example, when you source the file schema.dxg using the command: source "../schema/schema.dxg"; then the schema.dxg script can source a file in its own directory using the command: source "attr.dxc"; Script File Errors and Debugging Usually the system does not echo commands in script files before they are executed. If there is an error in the script file, a message similar to the following is displayed: >>>> set allow-binds = 1; -----------------------^ (line 12 in ‘test.dxc’) Syntax Error: Expected ‘true’ or ‘false’ Tip: To obtain a full log of every command executed in a script file, set the first lines of the script file to: echo-on; set trace-file = "script.log"; After running the script file, you can examine the log file to locate any failed command and the reason for the failure. DXserver Overview 2–13 DXconsole DXconsole The management console, DXconsole, lets you enter commands interactively. It lets you monitor users, modify administrative controls, and perform actions. DXconsole also includes a powerful co-resident directory client (DUA) command-line interface, which you can use to enter user queries for diagnostic or prototyping tasks. For more information about the DUA, see the eTrust Directory SDK Developer Guide. DXconsole Security For security reasons, DXconsole is only accessible from the local computer. The management console only accepts one telnet session. To prevent anyone else from starting up DXconsole, make sure you keep DXconsole always running. To prevent attacks from remote telnet sessions, define a console port in the DSA knowledge. This scheme uses the local host security. An administrator must have an account on the local computer to communicate with the DSA through this port. You can use the console remotely when you set the remote-console-port flag. You can attach a password, and SSL may be required. See Configuring DXconsole for more information. Opening DXconsole Open DXconsole To open DXconsole, use the telnet command to connect to the local host with the console-port number: % telnet localhost 19390; Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is ‘^]’. Welcome to the DSA Management Console dsa> Open Remotely To open DXconsole remotely, use the telnet command to connect to the remote machine with the remote-console-port: % telnet eagle 19392 Note: You should enable local echo on the local telnet client. 2–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXconsole Closing DXconsole Close DXconsole The usual way to close DXconsole is to log out. This closes the telnet session from the DSA: dsa> logout; Close Locally You can close DXconsole locally from the local telnet session: <control-]> telnet> quit The telnet session closes automatically when the DSA shuts down. DXserver Overview 2–15 DXconsole Configuring DXconsole DXconsole can be enabled either locally or remotely. The remote DXconsole provides the DSA administrator with a means of managing the DSA. The access protocol is telnet. To remotely manage a DSA using DXconsole, either log on to the machine running the DSA and open DXconsole using the console port, or use a remote telnet connection that uses the remote console port. telnet Window DSA By default, DXconsole is only accessible from localhost for security reasons. To enable DXconsole, you must define the console port in the knowledge file of the DSA. For more information, see the section Defining DSAs in the chapter “General Administration.” For a list of all ports in a default installation of eTrust Directory, see the section Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory in the chapter DXserver Overview. 2–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXconsole The DXconsole Command Options To configure DXconsole, include the following options in the DSA knowledge file: Option Parameter Description console-port Port number Allows DXconsole to accept connections from the local computer. When this is not specified, the DSA does not have a local console. remote-console-port Port number Allows DXconsole to accept a connection from a remote computer on this port. When this is not specified, there is no remote console for the DSA. console-password Password The password required for connections from a remote computer. This password is transmitted in clear text. remote-console-ssl Boolean Forces DXconsole to encrypt sessions when it runs remotely. Configuring DXconsole to Run Locally To enable DXconsole locally, use the following command: set dsa dsaname = { ... console-port = port_number ... }; DXconsole: Local Configuration In the following sample configuration, the line console-port = 19390 defines the port that DXconsole will use to accept connections from the same machine only: set dsa DEMOCORP = { prefix dsa-name dsa-password address disp-psap cmip-psap snmp-port console-port ssld-port auth-levels trust-flags }; = = = = = = = = = = = <c AU><o DEMOCORP> <c AU><o DEMOCORP><cn DXserver> "secret" tcp "" port 19389 DISP CMIP 19389 19390 1112 anonymous, clear-password, ssl-auth allow-check-password, trust-conveyed-originator DXserver Overview 2–17 DXconsole Configuring DXconsole to Run Remotely You can connect to DXconsole from a remote computer, using a password for authentication. This is configured by adding the "remote-console-port = 19395" and "console-password = "password"" lines to the DSA knowledge file. Although this method allows remote access and some security, the password that is sent to DXconsole from the client is transmitted in clear text. This poses a moderate security risk on unsecured networks. To provide security, you can specify a console password. When this is set, the user is prompted for a password before a connection is made. Important! If you do not want the password to be displayed when it is entered, you must turn local echo OFF on the telnet session. To enable DXconsole remotely, use the following commands: set dsa dsaname = { ... remote-console-port = port_number console-password = password_string ... }; DXconsole: Remote Configuration 2–18 set dsa DEMOCORP = { prefix = <c AU><o DEMOCORP> dsa-name = <c AU><o DEMOCORP><cn DXserver> dsa-password = "secret" address = tcp "" port 19389 disp-psap = DISP cmip-psap = CMIP snmp-port = 19389 console-port = 19390 remote-console-port = 19395 console-password = "password" ssld-port = 1112 auth-levels = anonymous, clear-password, ssl-auth trust-flags = allow-check-password, trust-conveyed-originator }; eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXconsole Configuring DXconsole to Run Securely and Remotely You can force the remote console connection to run over TLS by adding the "remote-console-ssl = true" line to the DSA knowledge file. This ensures that console commands and passwords are not transmitted in-the-clear over public networks. Only one console session can be active at any one time, even if both the consoleport and remote-console-port flags are set. To force DXconsole to use SSL/TLS when it is running remotely, add the following settings: set dsa dsaname = { ... remote-console-port = port_number remote-console-ssl = true console-password = password_string ... } DXconsole: Secure Remote Configuration In the following sample configuration, the console is running remotely, and SSL-encrypted: set dsa DEMOCORP = { prefix = <c AU><o DEMOCORP> dsa-name = <c AU><o DEMOCORP><cn DXserver> dsa-password = "secret" address = tcp "" port 19389 disp-psap = DISP cmip-psap = CMIP snmp-port = 19389 console-port = 19390 remote-console-port = 19395 remote-console-ssl = true console-password = "password" ssld-port = 1112 auth-levels = anonymous, clear-password, ssl-auth trust-flags = allow-check-password, trust-conveyed-originator }; DXserver Overview 2–19 DXconsole Testing the Secure Remote DXconsole Using TLSclient The TLSclient utility establishes an encrypted tunnel between the remote console client and the DSA. The steps to configure the DSA and TLSclient are as follows: Create the TLSclient Configuration File 1. Create the TLSclient configuration file on the client machine 2. Configure the DSA for SSL connections to DXconsole on the server machine 3. Start TLSclient on the client 4. Start the DSA on the server 5. Test the connection To configure TLSclient, you will need to create the following file on the client machine: ■ Windows: %DXHOME%\config\tlsclient\tlsclient.cfg ■ UNIX: $DXHOME/config/tlsclient/tlsclient.cfg This implies that eTrust Directory is also installed on the client machine, although this may not be required. The only requirement should be that the environment variable DXHOME is set and the trusted root certificate is available. The format for tlsclient.cfg is: inPort outPort remoteAddress Where inPort is the port on the client machine that will be used for tunneling, outPort is the DXconsole remote-console-port on the server and remoteAddress is the hostname of the server running the DXconsole you wish to connect to. Here is an example for the sample DemoCorp DSA running on the server machine: 19390 19395 Start TLSclient TLSclient can be installed to the system services using the command: tlsclient install <tlsclient-server-name> -ca <file> Here is an example for the DemoCorp DSA: tlsclient install democorp -ca config/ssld/trusted.pem You can then start the TLSclient instance with: tlsclient start <tlsclient-server-name> For the DemoCorp DSA example, this would be: tlsclient start Democorp 2–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXconsole Starting DXserver Testing the connection To start DXserver, do the following: 1. Ensure that the DSA is stopped using: dxserver stop dsaname 2. Start the DSA using: dxserver start dsaname To test this connection, do the following: 1. Open the DXconsole client, or your favourite Telnet program, on the client machine 2. Connect to the inPort (defined in tlsclient.cfg) on the local machine (19390 in the DemoCorp sample) 3. Enter the DXconsole password when prompted You now have a fully-functioning SSL-encrypted connection to DXconsole on the server machine. To verify this, start TLSclient with the debug option, or set "trace all;" on the DSA, or use a packet-snooping application. Help Command The help command lists the outer-level commands for the DSA administration modules, X.500 services, and management scripts. When you enter the help command at the console, the response is similar to: Enter one of the following keywords: (modules) trace, log, stack, assoc, oper, schema, dsp, disp, dib, access (services) bind-req, unbind-req, abort-req, abandon-req, read-req, compare-req, list-req, search-req, add-entry-req, rem-entry-req, mod-entry-req, mod-dn-req (scripts) open-log, close-log, flush-log, source, !, echo, echo-on, echo-off, wait, if-reply, goto When you are not sure of the syntax, try a nonsense word for the missing part, or leave the command incomplete and let the resulting error message tell you what is expected: >>>> oper get fred; -----------------^ Syntax Error: Expecting “config” or “stats”. DXserver Overview 2–21 DXconsole Command Shortcuts If you frequently use a command, or a set of commands, then store the commands in a file and execute that file. For example, a script file called List can contain the following command: list-req entry = <c AU><o DemoCorp>; You can execute it from DXconsole using the command: dsa> !list; 2–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Databases Databases eTrust Directory consists of two major components. These are the DSA process and its underlying database. The DSA process is the X.500/LDAP directory object and protocol processing system and the database is used to store and retrieve the dismantled directory objects (entries) in the specially designed database tables. You can use the DSA process as a router engine, or configure it to be responsible for a portion (or all) of the DIT. When a DSA process is not acting just as a directory protocol router (for distribution or alternate, load balancing DSAs), it should be considered as a process that is responsible for a DIT Namespace. Set Database Name When starting, the DSA process needs to know the name of the database it should access. This value is usually set in a database initialization file using the command: set database-name = databaseName; where databaseName is the name of an RDBMS database. See The Directory Information Base in the chapter “General Administration” for more information about setting database names. Multiple DSA Processes to One DIT/DIB More than one DSA can access the same X.500 DIT/DIB database (for example, to provide load sharing and increased user counts). There is no possibility of database inconsistency because the database management system enforces full locking controls. When multiple DSAs on the same machine access the same database, you must configure each DSA with unique listening addresses within their knowledge files. For more information, see the section Defining DSAs in the chapter “General Administration”. DXserver Overview 2–23 Databases Multiple Directory Databases on One Machine A single machine can host many discrete directory images. This is useful for testing on separately managed production and testing databases or for partitioning your directory into separate databases. Hot Swap Change Database Name While DSA Active You can change the database name while the DSA is active without disconnecting or disrupting directory clients, using the following command: set database-name = newdb; where newdb is the name of another RDBMS database, which must already exist. You can switch to a newly reorganized database, a hot standby copy, or a restored copy by using the hot swap of a database. 2–24 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory This section lists the port numbers used in a default eTrust Directory installation. If one of these port numbers is also used by another application on the same computer, you may need to change the port number used by eTrust Directory. Most of the port numbers listed here are configurable. Ports Used by eTrust Directory Components The following table lists the port numbers used by the eTrust Directory components in a default installation. Component Protocol Port Description of Port Number DXwebserver TCP (Tomcat) 8080 Accepts SSL Requests The port on which Tomcat No listens for requests. If you change this, the DSML, SAML, and SPML samples won’t work. SSLD TCP 8005 The port on which Tomcat Yes listens for the shutdown command TCP 8009 The Coyote/JK2 1.3 connector port TCP 8443 Yes The port to which SSL requests are redirected if they come in on a non-SSL port TCP 1112 The listen ports which DXserver uses when connecting to SSLD 1113 iTechPoz data DSA Configuration See the following site for descriptions of these ports, and instructions for changing them: pub/a/onjava/2002/07/3 1/tomcat.html See the SSL section in the chapter “Security” UDP 509 SNMP port No DXHOME/config/ knowledge/iTechPoz.dxc TCP 509 DSA listen address port Yes TCP 10510 Local console port (Telnet) Yes This DSA is only to be used by eIAM. UDDIV3 data UDP DSA TCP 31389 SNMP port No 31389 DSA listen address port Yes DXHOME/config/ knowledge/uddiv3.dxc TCP 31390 Local console port (Telnet) Yes This DSA is only to be used by the UDDI Server. DXserver Overview 2–25 Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory Ports Used by Sample Tools and Sample DSAs The following table lists the port numbers used by a sample tool and the sample DSAs installed during a default eTrust Directory installation. Any extra DSAs that you add will take up additional ports. For information about how to set the port number of a DSA, see the section Setting DSA Port Numbers in the chapter “General Administration.” Sample Protocol Port Description of Port Number DXtrap sample tool UDP 162 The port on which DXtrap receives SNMP traps Democorp sample DSA UDP 19389 SNMP port No TCP 19389 DSA listen address port Yes TCP 19390 Local console port (Telnet) Yes UDP 19289 SNMP port No TCP 19289 DSA listen address port Yes TCP 19290 Local console port (Telnet) Yes UDP 19489 SNMP port No TCP 19489 DSA listen address port Yes TCP 19490 Local console port (Telnet) Yes Router sample DSA UNSPSC sample DSA 2–26 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Accepts SSL Requests Configuration See the section The DXtrap Tool in the chapter “Samples” DXHOME/config/ knowledge/democorp.dx c DXHOME/config/ knowledge/router.dxc DXHOME/config/ knowledge/unspsc.dxc Chapter 3 General Administration This chapter describes the commands you use to set up and maintain the general behavior of DXserver. Defining DSAs with the set dsa Command The set dsa command defines the basic properties of each DSA or LDAP server in the system. These DSAs include the local DSA itself, any remote DSAs (either on the same system or on other systems), and other X.500 or LDAP servers. Information about other directories, how to connect to them, their role (for example, Replicas) and the entry namespace they manage is referred to as knowledge. The total “knowledge” of the system is used to form a backbone of directory servers to which each DSA belongs (a directory system). The DSA is defined in a configuration file (.dxc) in the knowledge directory (along with other DSA definitions). A DXserver determines its own entry (identity) by looking for its own name among all the set dsa definitions. Important! A DSA must use its own name (case insensitive) from the initialization file; for example, the initialization file for the DSA illustrated below is serverName.dxi. General Administration 3–1 Defining DSAs with the set dsa Command The set dsa Command Syntax The set dsa command has the following format: set dsa serverName = { prefix native-prefix dsa-name dsa-password ldap-dsa-name ldap-dsa-password }; = = = = = = <DN> <DN> <DN> "string" <DN> "string" address = tcp hostname port portNumber [ ,tcp host2 port port2 ] tsap ssap osi-psap = tsel = ssel = psel disp-psap cmip-psap snmp-port console-port remote-console-port remote-console-ssl console-password ssld-port = = = = = = = = auth-levels dsp-idle-time = authLevelList = number dsa-flags trust-flags link-flags = dsaFlagList = trustFlaglist = linkFlagList dispsap cmipsap portNumber portNumber portNumber boolean "string" portNumber Important! You must declare the parameters in the order shown. Only prefix, dsa-name, and address are mandatory. 3–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Defining DSAs with the set dsa Command The set dsa Command Parameters The parameters of the dsa set command are: Parameter Value serverName Name of the DXserver—must be less than or equal to 31 characters. prefix Distinguished name of the local root entry, for example, <c AU><o Democorp>. native-prefix (Optional) Distinguished name for an LDAP server, other DSA, or agent that should be specified when using prefix mapping. dsa-name Distinguished name that identifies the DSA. dsa-password (Optional) String used in DSP authentication. ldap-dsa-name (Optional) Distinguished name used when binding to an LDAP server. ldap-dsa-password (Optional) String used in LDAP authentication. address DXserver Listen address: TCP address and listen port number tsap (Optional) Transport SAP (not recommended). ssap (Optional) Session SAP (not recommended). osi-psap (Optional) Presentation SAP (service access point) (not recommended). disp-psap (Optional) DISP presentation SAP; when absent, DISP is disabled. cmip-psap (Optional) CMIP presentation SAP; when absent, CMIP is disabled. snmp-port (Optional) SNMP port; when absent, SNMP is disabled. console-port (Optional) Management console port address. When this and the remote console port address are absent, the management console is disabled. remote-console-port (Optional) Remote console port address. remote-console-ssl (Optional) Encrypts console sessions where the console may be attached to from a remote host console-password (Optional) String used in console authentication. ssld-port (Optional) SSL port; used for SSL authentication. auth-levels (Optional) List of authorization levels supported by this DSA. See the chapter “Security” for more information. dsp-idle-time (Optional) Maximum time in seconds a DSP connection can be idle before it is disconnected. The default is 600 (10 minutes). dsa-flags (Optional) Comma-separated list of DSA flags; see DSA Knowledge Flags in this chapter for more information. trust-flags (Optional) Comma-separated list of trust flags; see DSA Knowledge Flags in this chapter for more information. link-flags (Optional) Comma-separated list of link flags; see DSA Knowledge Flags in this chapter for more information. General Administration 3–3 Defining DSAs with the set dsa Command Setting DSA Port Numbers When you are running eTrust Directory on Windows , you usually use a port number between 1700 and 64K (65536). When you are running eTrust Directory on a UNIX platform, your system administrator will allocate available port numbers. On most systems, the port numbers also go up to 64K (65536). Port numbers are used differently from one DSA to another. For example, DXserver listens for connections on ports defined in its knowledge file, but communicates to other DSAs on ports defined in their knowledge files. Some parameters, for example, console-port, are only meaningful to the DXserver. No other servers use these parameters. For a list of all port numbers used in a default installation, see the section Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory in the chapter “DXserver Overview”. Example DSA Configuration The following is an example of a DSA configuration: set dsa DemoCorp = { prefix dsa-name dsa-password }; = <c AU><o DemoCorp> = <c AU><o DemoCorp><cn DXserver> = "secret" address = tcp Eagle port 19389 snmp-port console-port ssld-port = 19389 = 19390 = 1112 auth-levels = anonymous, clear-password, ssl-auth trust-flags = allow-check-password Viewing Communications Settings You can view the listen addresses of the DXserver using the following command at the DXconsole: get stack; An example output from this command is: dap-psap = "" dsp-psap = "" disp-psap = "DISP" cmip-psap = "CMIP" address = port 19389 snmp-port = 19389 ssld-port = 1112 console-port = 19390 snmp-description = CA eTrust DXserver snmp-contact = [email protected] snmp-name = democorp snmp-location = 3–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Alarms, Traces, and Logs Alarms, Traces, and Logs Output from the DSA can result from: ■ Responses to X.500 requests as entered from DXconsole ■ Echoing of input commands from the console or a script file ■ Trace information ■ Alarm information The output from the DSA appears on DXconsole when it is open. It can also be captured in a log file. Alarms Alarms report serious problems. Some triggers of alarms are: ■ A configuration problem—For example, a DSA fails to start because it has the same listen address as one already running. ■ A usage problem, such as sending a DAP request to an LDAP port. ■ A system problem, such as running out of memory or disk space. Unlike tracing and logging, alarm messages cannot be suppressed: ■ Alarm messages are always written to the alarm-log (which cannot be closed). ■ When a console is open, alarm messages are sent to it. ■ When an snmp-log is open, an SNMP trap is raised for every alarm. Traces Tracing provides debugging information and analyzes service requests. Tracing does not control what is logged to the summary, query, or stats logs. In the DSA, the trace command controls the amount of tracing that is sent to the DXconsole and trace-log file (if open). General Administration 3–5 Alarms, Traces, and Logs The Trace Command DXserver supports various forms of tracing. The trace options can be turned on using the command: set trace = option, option; Multiple trace options can be specified. Trace options in the set trace command are not cumulative and override options set in previous set trace commands. In the following example, the final trace option is summary: set trace = time, error; set trace = summary; The time and error options are turned off by the second set trace command. The none option turns all tracing options off. Tip: Full tracing degrades performance, so you should use it only during testing. The following trace options are supported: Trace Option Meaning alert Displays authentication errors. cert Displays certificate operations. connect Displays connections. diag Traces local DXserver operations that were refused. disp Traces warnings during DISP recovery. See the chapter Replication for more information. dsa This option is similar to the x500 trace, but it also includes tracing of the module flow inside the DSA. error Reports events that may impact on the ability of DXserver to perform a requested operation. These events are usually more serious than those reported under warn. This is the default trace level. ldap This traces detailed LDAP operations. The output can become quite large when searches return a large number of entries. none Turns off all tracing . query Displays a one-line summary containing the request and a one-line summary of the result. stack Displays detailed protocol tracing. The output can become quite large. 3–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Alarms, Traces, and Logs Trace Option Meaning stats Displays statistical information for each minute the DSA is not idle. summary Displays a one-line summary containing the service request and result. time Displays the start time, end time, and elapsed time of an operation with a brief summary of the operation. update Displays update operations—add, delete, modify, and rename. warn Displays a message when an X.500 service is not successful. For example, an object class violation diagnostic might indicate that a mandatory attribute such as surname is missing. Warn messages usually represent a user error, rather than a problem with DXserver. This is no longer the default trace level: see error. x500 Displays the full detail of the service request, confirmation, or error. This traces DAP, DSP, and LDAP operations. The output can become quite large when searches return a large number of entries We recommend that the error trace option is included in the set trace command during normal operation. Tracing Protocol Low-level protocol can be traced. The protocol trace is written to the trace log, if open. This tracing is only for debugging purposes. To enable protocol tracing, use this command: set trace = stack; Tracing Statistics The stats trace option enables you to retrieve the following minute-by-minute statistical information about a DSA: Label Description Assocs Displays the number of current associations. NilCredit Displays the number of times flow control was applied (to any association). NoTicks Displays the number of times per second processing did not occur because the DSA was too busy. When the number is more than 10, the DSA is very busy. The largest value is 60. Queue Displays the number of current outstanding operations. Active Displays the percentage of the time during the last minute that there was activity. Activity covers local operations and chained operations. If Active is 0 it is safe to shut down the DSA. Ops Displays the number of operations processed in the last minute. General Administration 3–7 Alarms, Traces, and Logs Logs The logs contain the output from a DSA. Controlling Logging The following commands control output: ■ trace options; ■ set trace = options; ■ set logType = filename; ■ close logType; ■ flush logType; ■ echo string; ■ echo-on; ■ echo-off; These commands can be used in two ways. You can define these commands in the configuration file (.dxc) in the logging directory, and you can also enter them manually on DXconsole. Log Types DXserver supports the independent log types listed in the following table. Log Type Records Description alarm-log Alarms ■ ■ ■ alert-log All authorization errors ■ ■ ■ 3–8 The alarm log is always open when a DSA is running. It cannot be closed with the close command. It has a default value of serverName_alarm.log. All alarms are written to the alarm log, regardless of the tracing level set or whether a DXconsole is open. The alert log is only written if it has been opened with the set alertlog command. Writing to the alert log is not affected by the trace setting. When an alert log is open, the system records all authorization errors. It can be used to show attempts at unauthorized access to the DXserver. It is time and date stamped, and a new one is written daily. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Alarms, Traces, and Logs Log Type Records cert-log Specific certificate operations Description ■ ■ ■ connect-log All released connections ■ ■ ■ diag-log Refused DXserver operations ■ ■ ■ The cert log is only written if it has been opened with the set certlog command. Writing to the certificate log is not affected by the trace setting. When a certificate log is open, the system records all add or modify operations that include a userCertificate, caCertificate, or certificateRevocationList attribute. In addition, any read or search, or any search filter that returns one of these attributes, is recorded. It is time and date stamped, and a new one is written daily. The connect log is only written if it has been opened with the set connect-log command. Writing to the connect log is not affected by the trace setting. When a connect log is open, the system writes a line for each connection made when the connection is released. It is time and date stamped, and a new one is written daily. This log (or trace log if diag tracing enabled) will contain the reason why local DXserver operations have been refused. There are a number of situations where this may occur depending on a DSAs configuration and data. An example would be if search was performed with an invalid DN. The operation, affected entry and diagnostic message will appear. To enable this log, use the following commands: set trace +diag; set diag-log = "logs/$s_diag.log"; query-log Search activity ■ ■ ■ stats-log Summary of operational statistics ■ ■ ■ The query log is only written if it has been opened with the set querylog command. Writing to the query log is not affected by the trace setting. When a query log is open, the system writes a one-line summary of the operation requested, which includes a time and date stamp. It is time and date stamped, and a new one is written daily. The stats log is only written if it has been opened with the set statslog command. Writing to the stats log is not affected by the trace setting. When a statistics log is open, a one-line entry is added to the statistics log file for every minute that the DSA is active. When the DSA is not active, no information is written to the stats log; this prevents the stats log from growing during inactivity. It is time and date stamped, and a new one is written daily. General Administration 3–9 Alarms, Traces, and Logs Log Type Records summary-log Summary of daily activity Description ■ ■ ■ trace-log Diagnostic tracing ■ ■ update-log All add, delete, modify, and rename operations ■ ■ ■ warn-log Errors and warnings ■ When a summary log is open, the system writes the summary tracing for all operations to the summary log regardless of the tracing level set or whether DXconsole is open. It is time and date stamped, and a new one is written daily. When a trace log is open, tracing for all operations is written to the trace log. The level of tracing written to a trace log is dependent on the level of tracing set on the DSA. The update log is only written if it has been opened with the set update-log command. Writing to the update log is not affected by the trace setting. When an update log is open, the system records all add, modify, rename, and delete operations. It is time and date stamped, and a new one is written daily. When a warn log is open, all errors and warnings are written to the warn log. ■ Warnings are only listed if the tracing level is set to 'warn'. ■ Errors are only listed if the tracing level is set to 'error'. ■ 3–10 The summary log is only written if it has been opened with the set summary-log command. Writing to the summary log is not affected by the trace setting. Each warning or error written to the log is time- and date-stamped, and a new log is written daily. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Alarms, Traces, and Logs Log File Commands Open a Log File To open a log file, use the command: set logType = "filename"; If a log file does not exist when opened, it is created. If it already exists, the DSA appends the output. If the log file name contains the string $S then the system substitutes the name of the DSA. For example, when the name of the DXserver is DemoCorp, the following command opens a log file named ../logs/DemoCorp.log: set trace-log = "logs/$S.log"; Flush a Log File To force all buffered output to a particular log file, use the flush command. This feature is provided so you can examine a current log file off-line while the normal log file is still open. To flush a log file, use the command: flush logType; Note: Alarm logs are always flushed. Close a Log File The close command stops output to the log file by closing it. When the DSA shuts down, it automatically closes any open log file. To close a log file, use the command: close logType; Inspect Names of Log Files To inspect the names of each of the enabled log files (including the snmp-log file), use the following command: get log; The following is an example of the output: alarm-log summary-log stats-log trace-log query-log update-log alert-log cert-log connect-log snmp-log = = = = = = = = = = logs/democorp_alarm.log logs/democorp_20010122.log logs/democorp_stats_20010122.log logs/democorp_trace.log logs/democorp_query_20010122.log logs/democorp_update_20010122.log logs/democorp_cert_20010122.log logs/democorp_connect_20010122.log udp eagle port 9999 General Administration 3–11 Alarms, Traces, and Logs History Files Most of the log files, once opened, start afresh each day. For example, the following command produces a log file in the logs directory of the form serverName_yyyymmdd.log for each day there is activity on the DSA.: set summary-log = "logs/$S.log"; You can use these history files to inspect auditing, accounting, billing, and statistical information. Echoing Echoing is the process of displaying the commands in a script file before executing them.. There are three echo commands: ■ echo-off; ■ echo-on; ■ echo "string"; The output of echoed commands goes to DXconsole (if connected) and the tracelog file (if open). To prevent the display of commands in a script file during startup, echo is off by default. (See the chapter “DXserver Overview”) To view each command before it is executed, use the echo-on command. Messages on the console can be displayed using the echo command, for example: echo "Initializing ..."; Turning echo-on in a script might slow the execution of the script slightly. 3–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Associations Associations An association is a connection to a DSA. The number of DSA associations can be managed using the assoc module commands. The association commands have the following forms: ■ set parameter = value; ■ get parameter; ■ assoc action; The assoc Command Options The following are the parameters of the assoc set command: Keyword Parameter Description allow-binds Boolean When FALSE, new associations are rejected. Use this to perform a graceful shutdown. auth-trap Boolean Turns on raising an authentication trap whenever an authentication failure occurs. min-auth none, clear-password, or ssl-auth The minimum authentication level required on a bind. credits Integer The maximum number of concurrent operations the DSA processes for each user association. force-encrypt-anon Boolean Forces SSL encryption on anonymous binds. When this setting is on, if a user attempts to create an anonymous bind without SSL, the DSA will disallow the bind and return an "Inappropriate authentication" error. force-encrypt-auth Boolean Forces SSL encryption on authenticated binds. When this setting is on, if a user attempts to create an authenticated bind without SSL, the DSA will disallow the bind and return an "Inappropriate authentication" error. hold-ldap-connections Boolean When TRUE, prevents a DSA from clearing the underlying TCP/IP connection after a bind refusal. max-bind-time Integer or none The maximum time, in seconds, that any particular association can last (a value of 0 or none means unlimited). General Administration 3–13 Associations Keyword Parameter Description max-pdu-size Integer The largest size (in bytes) that a protocol data unit may be to be accepted by DXserver. The default value is 0, meaning unlimited. This value may be retrieved with the 'get assoc;' command, if the value has been set. max-users Integer or none The maximum number of current associations (number of users bound to the DSA). op-error-trap Boolean Turns on raising an operation error trap whenever an operation error occurs. password-age Integer The number of days a password is valid. By default, this feature is disabled (0). password-history Integer The maximum number of entries to retain in the history. By default, this feature is disabled (0). password-last-use Integer The number of days a password remains valid when it is not used. When the value is exceeded, the password expires. By default, this feature is disabled (0). password-length Integer The minimum length of a password. The default is 6 characters. password-maxsuspension Integer The number of seconds after which a suspended password reactivates. By default, this feature is disabled (0). password-min-age Integer The number of days that transpire between changing a password (lockout period). By default, this feature is disabled (0). password-non-alphanum Integer The minimum number of nonalphanumeric characters a password must contain. The default is 0. password-numeric Integer The minimum number of numeric characters a password must contain. The default is 0. password-policy Boolean Enables or disables password management. See Password Management in the chapter “Security.” password-retries Integer The number of consecutive failed logon attempts before a password is suspended. The default is 3. role-subtree DN The DN of the subtree that stores the roles. Together with use-roles, it is used to set role-based access controls. For information about roles, see Role-based Access Controls in the chapter “Security.” ssl-auth-bypass-entrycheck Boolean Turns off automatic checking for the existence of an entry named by the subject held in the certificate. 3–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Associations Keyword Parameter Description trap-on-update Boolean Turns on raising an SNMP trap whenever an update occurs. trust-sasl-proxy DN The distinguished name of the trusted proxy. use-roles Boolean Enables or disables role-based access control. user-idle-time Integer The maximum idle time in seconds. When a user is idle for user-idle-time seconds, that user is disconnected. This reduces the number of users connected and lets new users connect to the DSA. The following are the parameters of the assoc get command: Parameter Description assoc Shows the current association configuration values of the DSA. users Provides information about currently bound users. The following is the action of the assoc command: Value Description abort Abort one or all associations. Viewing Association Configuration To inspect the current association configuration, use the command: get assoc; This command shows the current association configuration values of the DSA. Details of the sample of output from this command are below: max-users max-bind-time user-idle-time allow-binds min-auth credits trap-on-update auth-trap op-error-trap ssl-auth-bypass-entry-check use-roles hold-ldap-connections password-policy = = = = = = = = = = = = = 255 0 3600 TRUE none 5 0 0 0 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE General Administration 3–15 Associations Viewing Associations The assoc module maintains information about all associations. This includes connection information, connect times, idle times, and so on. The command get users returns a list of currently bound users. A sample of output from this command follows: Association 0: connected for 240 seconds, idle for 5 seconds Association 0: bound using *UNKNOWN* from TCP as ANONYMOUS Association 1: connected for 111 seconds, idle for 24 seconds Association 1: bound using DAP from TCP as PASSWORD AUTH user: <countryName "US"> <organizationName "CA"> <commonName "Berndt Stark"> Tracing Associations The association trace facility controls the X.500/LDAP operation tracing of individual users through the DXconsole. Users are assigned association numbers in the order in which they bind to the DSA. The first user to bind to the DSA receives association number 0, the second user receives association number 1, and so on. Control Association Tracing To control the association tracing, use the command: trace enable assoc = association_number For example, to trace a specific association, first open a DXconsole session using telnet. Set the tracing to error only: set trace = error Determine the association number of the user that requires tracing with the get user command (see Viewing Associations in this chapter) and supply that number to the trace enable command. Disable Association Tracing To disable the association tracing, use the command: trace disable assoc = association_number Stopping a DSA To shut down the DSA with DXconsole, use the command: dsa> shutdown; 3–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Associations Association Times User connections can be unconditionally aborted by setting a maximum bind time. Any user bound to the directory for longer than the maximum bind time automatically has their association aborted. To set the maximum bind time, use the command: set max-bind-time = 3600; The value is the maximum number of seconds a user can be bound to the DSA (the example shows 3,600 seconds, or one hour). 0 = no limit. Controlling Binds Two assoc module commands control the bind operation. The first is allowbinds. When set to false, the system rejects all binds. The second, min-auth, sets the minimum authentication level required on a bind. When set to clearpassword, a user name and password must be provided with the bind request. The system checks this user name and password against an existing entry in the directory database before allowing the bind. For example: Allow Binds Disable New Binds set allow-binds = true; set min-auth = clear-password; To shut down the DSA gracefully, the administrator can disable new users binding to the DSA and then wait until each association unbinds or times out. To disable new binds, use the command: set allow-binds = false; Any new user that attempts to bind to the DSA receives a bind-refuse with the following error: Bind-Error: Service Error: Directory unavailable Monitor Active Users Before allowing or disabling binds, you may want to see who is currently bound to the DSA. To monitor active users, use the command: get users; The command displays the number of users, their connection time, connection address, and user name. See the chapter “Security” for more information about authentication and binds. General Administration 3–17 Associations Aborting Associations As described previously, to obtain information about currently connected users, use the command: get users; You can abort all or some associations by using this information and one of the following commands (assuming 131072 is a valid association). abort all-users; abort user 131072; Concurrent Associations You can configure the maximum number of users that can be bound to the DSA. For example, to set this value to 100, use the command: set max-users = 100; Note: The operating system sets an upper limit of allowed associations per DSA, which relates to the maximum number of file descriptors per process. The maxusers value can be set to 0 to prevent any users from binding to the DSA. Set Maximum Idle Time To increase availability of the directory, you should set the maximum idle time parameter. The idle time for a user is the time elapsed since the DSA performed the last operation on that user’s association. Any connected user idle for longer than the maximum idle time automatically has the association aborted. The maximum idle time is set with the command: set user-idle-time = 600; The value is the number of seconds a user connection can be idle before risking a disconnection (the previous example shows 600 seconds, or 10 minutes). The system rejects an association when the number of current associations is at the specified max-users limit, and no user has exceeded his or her maximum bind time or maximum idle time. 3–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Associations Association Queues The maximum number of DSA operations in progress at the same time on a peruser basis can be set using the credit limit, for example: set credits = 5 To determine the maximum number of concurrent operations you can perform, multiply the number of credits by the maximum number of users. When the credit value is exceeded, the DSA delays the receipt of any new requests from the DUA. There is a difference between this value and the max-local-ops value (see Local Operations in this chapter). The credits parameter provides a mechanism to govern how many client requests are outstanding at any given time for each association and to delay new requests. Conversely, the max-local-ops value rejects new operations above its limit. General Administration 3–19 Local Operations Local Operations You can manage local operations using the oper module commands. The operation commands have the following form: ■ set parameter = value; ■ get parameter; ■ oper action; The commands are defined in the configuration file (.dxc) in the limits directory. The oper Commands The following are the parameters of the operation set command: Keyword Parameter Description access-controls Boolean TRUE enables access controls; FALSE disables access controls. add-oc-parents Boolean When set to TRUE, it causes DXserver to add superior object classes even if the client did not specify these while adding an entry. It complements the prune-oc-parents and return-oc-parents flags and is added for Netscape compatibility. dynamic-access-control Boolean Used to enable or disable dynamic access controls. For more information, see the chapter “Security.” ignore-name-bindings Boolean When set to TRUE, it lets the DXserver operate without name bindings. This can be useful when the schema is imported from a directory that does not support name bindings. For more information, see the chapter “Schema Definition.” max-local-ops Integer The maximum number of concurrent operations the DSA processes for all users. max-op-size Integer or the keyword none The maximum number of entries that a search or list can return (a value of 0 or the keyword none means unlimited). This value overrides a user-requested size limit service control when the max-op-size is less than the one requested by the user. max-op-time Integer or the keyword none The maximum time (s) that any particular operation can last (a value of 0 or the keyword none means unlimited). This value overrides a user-requested time limit service control when the max-op-time is less than the one requested by the user. op-attrs Boolean When set to TRUE, operational attributes are added automatically to each entry by the DSA; when set to FALSE, operational attributes are treated like regular attributes. prune-oc-parents Boolean For more information, see the chapter “Schema Definition.” 3–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Local Operations Keyword Parameter Description return-oc-parents Boolean For more information, see the chapter “Schema Definition.” role-subtree DN The distinguished name of the subtree used to store roles. For more information, see the chapter “Security.” trust-sasl-proxy DN The distinguished name of the trusted proxy. For more information, see the chapter “Security.” use-roles Boolean Used to enable and disable role-based access controls. For more information, see the chapter “Security.” The following DSA flag identifies a DSA as a read-only (no updates permitted) DSA. You can set this flag in the set dsa command in the knowledge directory. dsa-flags = read-only The following are the parameters of the operation get command: Parameter Description oper Shows the current operation configuration values of the DSA. stats Returns a list of operation statistics. The following are the actions of the oper command: Value Description abandon Abandons one or all operations on a particular association. reset Resets the statistics counters. General Administration 3–21 Local Operations Viewing Operation Configuration The following command shows the current operation configuration values of the DSA: get oper; Here is an example of the output of this command: max-local-ops max-op-time max-op-size access-controls op-attrs read-only prune-oc-parents return-oc-parents add-oc-parents dynamic-access-control modify-on-add unique-attrs ignore-name-bindings = = = = = = = = = = = = = 200 120 200 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE attr1, attr2 FALSE Viewing Operation Statistics List Operation Statistics The oper module maintains statistics about all operations, including events, services, errors, timeouts. The following command returns a list of operation statistics: get stats; An example of the output of a get stats command is given below anonymous binds = 43 in ops = 789 read ops = 350 add entry ops = 1 modify entry ops = 3 modify-dn ops = 1 list ops = 371 search ops = 6 whole tree search ops = 6 errors = 2 name errors = 1 found local entries = 187 no such object = 1 DSA statistics can be read using SNMP or CMIP. The Management Information Base (MIB) being read defines the names displayed from those actions. For example, noSuchObject displays as “no such object.” Reset Counters The statistics are stored in counters. To reset these counters, use this command: reset stats; 3–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Local Operations Concurrent Operations To restrict the maximum number of DSA operations in progress at the same time, use the following command: set max-local-ops = 100; Administration Limits To restrict the maximum time that the list and search services can run and the maximum number of entries these operations can return, use the following command: set max-op-time = 20; set max-op-size = 100; If an operation exceeds either of these limits, the error “Administration limit exceeded” is returned. Operational Attributes To control the automatic creation and updating of operational attributes (for example, last modified time) on entries in the DSA, use the following command: set op-attrs = true; If it is set to true, the DSA will automatically control the creation and updating of operational attributes. The op-attrs parameter should normally be set on each DSA. Note: If the multi-write-disp-recovery flag is set, the op-attrs parameter must be true. If the op-attrs parameter is set to false, then: ■ ■ The DSA will not create or update operational attributes All no-user-modification schema settings will be overridden. This means that an administrator will be able to update any operational attributes manually. Access Controls To control the level of security available on the DSA, use this command: set access-controls = true; When access controls are enabled and no rules are defined, no entries are visible and the directory cannot be viewed or updated. However, it is still possible to load the directory using the bulk load tools. For more information about access controls, see the chapter “Access Controls.” General Administration 3–23 Local Operations Read Only To reject all updates, set the read-only DSA flag in the configuration file (.dxc) in the knowledge directory, using the set dsa command: dsa-flags = read-only This guarantees update security and over-ride any access controls. It is very useful for public DSAs. In conjunction with a public DSA, an administrator can start up a local DSA that connects to the same database to perform updates. Abandoning Operations To obtain information about the current users, use the command: get users; You can abandon any outstanding operations using this information and one of the following commands (assuming 131072 is a valid association and 2 is a valid operation): abandon all on association 131072; abandon operation 2 on association 131072; When an operation is abandoned, the targeted service returns the following error: Service error: operation abandoned The abandoned operation itself returns an abandon confirm. If the operation cannot be abandoned, it returns an abandon-refused message with the appropriate error. A DSA can truncate processing an operation when it exceeds the global configuration values, for example: set max-op-time = 60; set max-op-size = 100; Tip: Services that exceed global limits are not abandoned; rather they return an error or partial result. The result returned by an abandoned operation depends on how far the operation progressed before being abandoned. The display shows either the following error message: Service error: administration limit exceeded or partial results (with the partial outcome qualifier set to the appropriate problem). An update operation cannot be abandoned. 3–24 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The Directory Information Base The Directory Information Base To manage the DIB, use the commands: ■ set parameter = value; ■ get parameter; The following are the parameters of the DIB set command: Keyword Parameter Description alias-integrity Boolean Enables or disables alias integrity checking. See the section Alias Integrity. database-name String The database that is connected to the server. dbconnection A compound value, which consists of database-name, databaseuser, and user-password. eis-count-attr Attribute An attribute name. index-reverse Attributes List of attributes to be reverse-indexed. See the section Indexing Options. index-wide Attributes List of attributes to be wide-indexed. See the section Indexing Options. not-searchable Attributes List of attributes to be marked as not searchable. See the section Indexing Options. password-storage The method used to store user passwords. See the section Password Storage for the list of password storage methods. shutdown-on-sql-error Boolean Sets the DSA to shut down whenever an untrapped database error occurs. See the section Manage Connections to the Database Two flags in the knowledge directory affect operations on the database. These are the limit-list and limit-search flags. set dsa DemoCorp = { ... DSA flags = limit-list, limit-search, ... ...}; The following is the parameter of the DIB get command: Keyword Value dib Shows the DSA configuration values of the directory information processor. See the appendix “DXserver Command Language” for information about grouping commands accurately. General Administration 3–25 The Directory Information Base Viewing DIB Configuration To monitor the database management settings, use the DIB module’s get commands at DXconsole. To view the DIB configuration variables and their values, use the command: get dib; Example output of this command is shown below: alias-integrity= TRUE database-name database-user database-password eis-count-attr limit-search limit-list password-storage = = = = = = = demo fred ***** dxEntryCount FALSE FALSE sha-1 Database Name The DSA must know the name of the database it accesses. This value is usually set in the initialization file (.dxi) through the database configuration file (.dxc), for example: set database-name = demo; where demo is the name of an Advantage Ingres database. In certain situations, because of the access controls required to access Advantage Ingres databases, it may be necessary to supply a user name and password. Database applications, in this case the eTrust Directory DXserver process, must supply these credentials to Advantage Ingres when accessing the database. If this situation arises, use the alternate form of the database configuration command as shown below: set dbconnection = { db-name = demo, db-user = ingres, db-password = secret }; where demo is the name of the database, ingres is the user name and secret is the password. Tip: Throughout this guide, references to Advantage Ingres include both Ingres II and OpenIngres, unless one or the other is explicitly specified. See Databases in the chapter “DXserver Overview” for more information about databases. 3–26 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The Directory Information Base Manage Connections to the Database eTrust Directory manages problems with the DSA connection to the database in two ways: ■ If a DSA cannot connect to a database, it raises an alarm and shuts down. ■ You can set each DSA to shut down when a database error occurs DSA Shuts Down If Database Connection Lost If a DSA cannot connect to a database, it raises an alarm and shuts down. For a description of the alarms, see the section DXserver Alarm Messages in the appendix “Messages and Logs”. If a DSA shuts down due to an Ingres error, you should check the Ingres logs to find out what the problem was. For more information about Ingres logs, see the section Advantage Ingres Logs in the appendix “Messages and Logs”. Shut Down DSA If a Database Error Occurs You can set each DSA to shut down if the database produces an error. By default, this option is off. If you are concerned that a DSA may It is possible that a database could To set a DSA to shut down if the database produces an error, use the following command: set shutdown-on-sql-error = true; Alias Integrity When an entry that has one or more aliases pointing to it is removed, the aliases are also removed. This occurs regardless of the setting of the alias-integrity flag. When alias integrity is turned on, invalid aliases (where no referenced entry exists) cannot be added. To disable the alias integrity feature, use the command: set alias-integrity = false; See Aliases in the appendix “DXconsole DUA” for more information about aliases. General Administration 3–27 The Directory Information Base Counting Entries It is often useful to know how many entries in the directory satisfy a specific set of search criteria. However, performing such a search and counting the entries returned is not feasible in an automated system or in a system where the search returns large numbers of entries. Searches can return the number of entries that satisfy the search rather than the entries themselves using the eis-count-attr parameter. This parameter can be set to an unused attribute. We recommend that you use the attribute dxEntryCount in the database settings file database/default.dxc: set eis-count-attr = dxEntryCount; To enable a search to return the number of entries satisfying a search filter simply set the attributes to be returned by the search to the eis-count-attr attribute: search-req base-object = <c "AU"><o "Democorp"> whole-subtree filter = { attr = surname substrings [ initial "C" ] } attrs = dxEntryCount; The resulting search returns a single entry with a dxEntryCount attribute. This attribute is set to the number of entries found that satisfy the search filter. For example: SEARCH-CONFIRM ... Entry: <countryName "AU"> <organizationName "Democorp"> Content: (dxEntryCount 98) This search result indicates that there are 98 entries with a surname beginning with "C" in the DemoCorp directory. Rejecting All list Commands There can be instances where a DIT has a very flat structure and there are many thousands of entries under one node. In this case, the list operation is not useful. The DSA can be set to reject all list requests by setting the limit-list DSA flag in the knowledge directory, using the set dsa command: dsa-flags = limit-list For information about using the limit-list flag to set up query streaming, see Query Streaming in the chapter “Distribution and DSP.” 3–28 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The Directory Information Base Rejecting All Unfiltered Searches There may be instances where a DSA is set up to handle large numbers of simple lookup searches, and a high throughput is very important. Large complex searches can put unwanted pressure on the performance of the DSA. It is possible to limit the types of searches processed by setting the limit-search DSA flag in the knowledge directory, using the set dsa command: dsa-flags = limit-search This flag causes searches with no filter or with a filter containing an attribute present, substrings any, or a range of values (>=, <=) to be rejected. Only simple (or exact) searches are accepted. For example, if you want to search for all people with a surname of Smith and enter sn=smith, your request is processed; however, if you search for all surnames that sound like Smith, and enter sn~=smith, your request is rejected. For information about using the limit-search flag to set up query streaming, see Query Streaming in the chapter “Distribution and DSP.” For more information about phonetic match searching, see Chapter 13 in the eTrust Directory User Guide. Password Storage To check a password, an application requests a compare operation. The DSA will then hash/encrypt the candidate password, and compare it with the value saved in the directory. The DXserver can store user passwords in a number of formats: ■ ■ sha-1—This is the default ssha-1—This format implements the SHA-1 algorithm used by Netscape, iPlanet, and Sun. ■ oem-hash ■ oem-encrypt—This is a reversible format ■ crypt ■ md5 General Administration 3–29 The Directory Information Base Indexing Options Indexing helps with the search process. Indexing options can appear anywhere in the database configuration after the schema definitions. If they appear after the database definition, then warning messages for items already indexed in the database will be produced. This database configuration file must come after the schema configuration file in the server initialization file. You can use the tool dxindexdb to set up the index. For more information, see Managing Indexes: DXindexdb in the chapter ‘Using DXtools’. Important! If you have indexed the database with DXtools (for example, dxindexdb), ensure that the attributes indexed here match those in the database. Indexing Commands Use the following commands to set the options: set not-searchable = attribute-1[, attribute-2…] set index-wide = attribute-1[, attribute-2…] set index-reverse = attribute-1[, attribute-2…] clear indexes where attribute-n is an attribute name that is either an LDAP or alternate name, but not an OID. The following table describes the index settings: Keyword Parameter Description index-reverse Attributes Lists attributes which will be indexed in reverse order. This is useful for attributes which begin with the same prefix. For example, you could reverse-index a list of the physical addresses of network cards (44-45-53-54-42-00, 44-45-53-54-42-01, and so on). index-wide Attributes Lists attributes which will be given a wide index. Use wide indexing for attributes whose values you expect to be longer than 106 characters. not-searchable Attributes Lists attributes which are to be marked as not searchable. This is useful for increasing the speed of operations (updates, searches etc). Search operations containing these attributes will return the message “Unwilling to perform.” The list of attributes must match those set in the database configuration file. Important! If a DSA has either DISP replication or multiwrite recovery set (see the chapter “Replication”), do not set the createTimestamp, modifyTimestamp, or deleteTimestamp attributes as not searchable. 3–30 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The Directory Information Base Creating Additional Wide Indexes To create additional wide indexes for some attributes without changing any wide indexes that have already been set up, use the add command at the bottom of each schema for which the wide index is required: add index-wide = attribute-1[, attribute-2…] One set index-xxxx command initializes all xxxx indexes, so if you specify two commands for the same special index, only the attributes of the second command will be indexed. For information about using these options, see the eTrust Directory User Guide. Warning Message: “Attribute (attrname) exceeds searchable size limit (size)” You may see the following warning message from DXserver: Attribute [attrname] exceeds searchable size limit [size] where: ■ attrname is an attribute, and ■ size is the size limit that has been exceeded. This message means that you stored a value in the attribute that exceeds the normkey. That value cannot be successfully searched for after the limit. The limit for the search table is 106 bytes, and for the wide index is 1900 bytes. If you need accurate search results for this attribute you need to create a wide index for it. If users rarely or never perform a search on this attribute, then you should turn the indexing for this attribute off. General Administration 3–31 DXcache DXcache DXcache uses in-memory techniques to make lookups on indexed attributes even faster. In a system with DXcache running, some or all attributes are preloaded into memory. When a search request involving one of these preloaded attributes is sent to the directory, the request is directed to the cache. Example: Using DXcache to speed up lookups of customer details You are setting up a directory of customer details for the call center of a phone company. The call center staff usually look up customer details using the customer’s account number, and they usually want to see the customer’s name and account balance. To speed up these lookups, you should index the account number attribute, and cache the attributes for the account number, the customer name, and the account balance. How DXcache Works When DXserver starts up, it looks in the DXI configuration file to work out which attributes should be indexed or cached. It caches and indexes those attributes. When a search request is sent to the directory, it might be directed to the cache, or it might go to the database: ■ ■ If a search is a simple lookup of an indexed attribute in the cache, requesting attributes that are in the cache, it is directed to the cache. If a search uses attributes that are not cached, it is sent to the database. This means that DXserver’s proven superior performance for complex searches is maintained. The following table shows what kinds of search DXcache can handle in different situations: Attributes in Search Filter Attributes to be Returned after a Search Search Indexed Cached The search will be performed in the cache. Cached Cached The search will be performed in the cache. No filter Cached The search will be performed in the cache. Some of these attributes are not cached 3–32 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The search will be performed in the directory. DXcache Design the DXcache System If you plan to use DXcache, you need to decide which attributes your users are likely to search on, and which attributes they are likely to want to return. Then, set up the following: ■ ■ Index the attributes that users are likely to enter in the search filter. Cache the indexed attributes, and the attributes that users are likely to request. You can load all attributes into the cache, to make all searches faster. This would make the cache much larger than if you only cached some attributes. DXcache also supports base-object searches, in which the search is restricted to objects below the object specified as the base object.. For base-object searches, the filter is not required, but all the other DXcache conditions must be met. Note: Multiwrite–DISP recovery cannot be used in conjunction with the cache where more than one DSA is attached to the same database. Note: The DSA start time depends on the number and size of the attributes that are to be loaded into the cache. Enable and Configure DXcache To enable caching, add the following command to the DXI initialization file: set lookup-cache = true; This command must appear after the cache and database definitions in the initialization file. DXserver loads the cache as soon as it reads the set lookup-cache command. To configure DXcache, you need to add further commands to the initialization file. These commands include:: set set set set set set cache-attrs cached-only-attrs cache-index cache-load-all cache-reverse max-cache-size = = = = = = {attribute1 [, attribute2 …] | all-attributes}; {attribute1 [, attribute2 …] | all-attributes}; attribute1 [, attribute2 …]; boolean; {attribute1 [, attribute2 …] | all-attributes}; number; General Administration 3–33 DXcache DXcache Settings The following table describes the DXcache settings: DXcache Setting Description cache-attrs Defines the attributes that are returned. Use the value all-attributes to ensure that all attributes are cached; however, when a large number of attributes are used, this requires a large amount of memory. cached-only-attrs Specifies the attributes that will be stored in the cache only. cache-index Defines which attributes will be indexed. The cache responds to a search filter that uses one of these attributes. You can define as many as you like, separated by commas. Memory requirements are affected. cache-load-all Forces DXcache to load all entries in the database into the cache. DXcache can only handle searches where the filter does not reference an indexed attribute if it knows that all the entries have been loaded into the cache. cache-reverse Sets the cache to reverse-index the attributes. lookup-cache Enables or disables DXcache. max-cache-size Sets the maximum amount of memory (in MB) that the cache is permitted to use. This setting depends on how much memory your computer has. We recommend that you set this to 50% to 70% of your machine’s total memory, depending on other programs’ memory requirements on the same computer. Note: The cache uses the minimum amount of memory required to store the indexes and results. An alarm is raised and the cache is disabled when the cache requires more memory than defined with max-cache-size. Index the Attributes To Be Used in the Search Filters The following command indexes the attributes that appear in the search filters: set cache-index = attribute [, attribute …]; The cache holds all entries that contain one or more of these attributes. Entries that contain none of the attributes in this list are not loaded into the cache. The choice of indexed attributes directly affects the number of entries in the cache. 3–34 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXcache Index the Attributes To Be Returned by Search Requests The following command specifies the attributes that will be returned by the search request: set cache-attrs = {attribute1 [, attribute2 …] | all-attributes}; The indexed attributes are already cached so you only need to specify any additional attributes. Search requests that do not specifically request particular attributes to be returned are actually implicitly requesting the return of all attributes. To cater for this type of request, you can use the following command to cache all attributes: set cache-attrs = all-attributes; If you cache all attributes, DXcache will require more memory than if you cached only some attributes. Set the Maximum Cache Size To set the cache size, use the following command: set max-cache-size = number; You must specify the maximum memory that the cache may use. The cache always uses the minimum amount possible. The cache is designed to be memory-resident, so make sure that the maximum cache size is less than the RAM available. For example, if the cache size is 2 GB but there is only 500 MB of RAM, the cache has not been configured correctly. One million entries, including their attributes, occupy about 2GB of memory. DXserver and other 32-bit Windows applications each have a virtual address space limitation of 2GB, regardless of the amount of memory in the system. UNIX-like operating systems have a limit of 4 GB. Do not set the cache size equal to the memory available. You should leave some RAM for the operation system. For example, if your operating system uses 250 MB on a 1 GB computer, do not set the max-cache-size to more that 750 MB. General Administration 3–35 DXcache Set DXcache to Process All Search Requests The cache does not help with some types of search request. For example, the following requests will be directed to the database, not to the cache: ■ commonname=*smith* ■ Search requests where the filter does not specify an indexed attribute. ■ One-level searches without filters (or with the filter (objectclass=*) To set the cache to process all search requests, add the following commands: set cache-load-all = true; set cache-attrs = all-attributes; The first command ensures that all entries are loaded into the cache, while the second ensures that all attributes in each entry are loaded. Each of them increases the amount of memory used by the cache, so make sure that you only use them if required. Generally, NOTs can only be processed if all entries are in the cache. Reverse-Index Cached Attributes If the users use searches of the form (telephonenumber=*1234), you may index some attributes so they index the values after reversing the order of the bytes. Use the following command to reverse-index a cached attribute: set cache-reverse = attribute For example, 123-4567 will be indexed as if it were 7654-321. Example DXcache Configuration You are running DXserver on a 2GB system, and you want to use a 1.5 GB cache. You know that users often search on the attributes commonName and organizationalUnitName, and they often want to return the attributes commonName and description. To configure DXcache for this situation, add the following commands to the end of the servername.dxi file. set database-name = database; : set set set set 3–36 lookup-cache = true; cache-attrs = description; cache-index = commonName, organizationalUnitName; max-cache-size = 1500; eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXcache View the DXcache Configuration To view the cache configuration variables and their values, use the command: get cache; This command displays whether the cache is enabled and provides some statistical information about the cache configuration. Example output of this command is shown below: Cache enabled max-cache-size = 1000 (MB) entry hash size 2550, maxp 10 cache-attrs = postalCode cosineUserid cache-index = surname(0/0) commonName(0/0) Memory used by cache: 1008316/1183947 Keep DXcache Synchronized with the Database Updates received by a DSA running DXserver are applied first to the database and then to the DXcache. All updates successfully applied to the database are applied to the cache. Therefore, if no other DXserver is updating the database, the cache will remain synchronized. If the database is updated by other instances of DXservers, you should configure the DXservers to keep their caches synchronized. To achieve this, set the following: ■ ■ All DXservers that update the database must belong to a multiwrite group (see the chapter Replication for more information about multiwrite groups.) All DXservers that update the database must have the DSA flag multi-writenotify set in their knowledge file. The effect of this is that multiwrite updates are sent to the cache but they will update only the cache contents—they are not reapplied to the database. Thus, the cache remains synchronized with the database. General Administration 3–37 DXcache Use eTrust Directory in Cache-Only Mode You can run eTrust Directory in cache-only (memory-resident) mode. In this mode, eTrust Directory uses DXcache as its repository, rather than a database. Traditional directories were designed with the following assumptions: ■ Persistent data storage ■ Data is read much more often than it is written to However, with the advent of web applications and web services, there is a growing need for a directory service with the following characteristics: ■ Transient data storage ■ Data is read about the same number of times it is written to Configure Cache-Only Mode To create a cache-only DXserver, simply remove all references to database and database settings, and add the following to your configuration: set cache-only = true; Of course none of the database DXtools can be used with a cache-only DXserver. You must use the DXmodify or ldapmodify tools to load the cache and the DXsearch or ldapsearch tools to dump its contents. How eTrust Directory Works in Cache-Only Mode A cache-only DXserver reads and writes data extremely quickly. It can service thousands of updates per second, rather than the tens or hundreds of updates per second for traditional directories. This update speed is achieved because the data in the repository is never written to disk. There is no write-behind strategy of any kind. A cache-only DXserver does not even require Ingres or any other database to be running. If a cache-only DXserver is shut down or is stopped by a software or hardware problem, all data is lost and cannot be recovered. Thus it is ideally suited for storing short-lived data that needs to be updated frequently. 3–38 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXcache Example of a Cache-Only Directory You could use a cache-only directory to store web session objects. These objects are only required for a short time and may be updated repeatedly, and have no long-term value. There may be thousands of these objects in use at peak times and so an application still requires the scalability and availability offered by traditional directories. However, storing such objects in a traditional directory is prohibitively expensive because of the cost of updates which must eventually be written to disk. In this situation, a cache-only DXserver could be used to manage only the session objects, leaving a traditional directory to manage the persistent data. General Administration 3–39 Virtual Attributes Virtual Attributes This section describes two different kinds of virtual attributes: Dynamic groups These can reduce the time you spend updating the membership of groups. Class of Service templates These can reduce the size of the directory, reduce the time you spend doing bulk updates, and help keep information consistent. Dynamic Groups eTrust Directory supports static, dynamic, and hybrid groups. Static groups are useful for directories when the members of groups do not change often. Dynamic groups are useful when you know that you will often need to change the membership of a group, because there is no overhead involved in maintaining the group data. Hybrid groups allow you to use the features of both static and dynamic groups. How Static Groups Work Users and other entries can be grouped in the directory using a static group entry. A static group entry contains a list of member DNs. The static group entry usually has an object class of “groupOfNames” and an attribute “member” that has one value for each of the members in the group. If a user is removed from the directory, then the user must also be removed from any static groups that they belonged to. This must be done manually by removing the user’s member DN from each group that the user was a member of. How Dynamic Groups Work A dynamic group does not store each member DN in its directory entry. Instead, it stores an LDAP search request that is executed when a base-object search is performed on the dynamic group entry. This LDAP search finds all the members that satisfy the search filter and return the DNs of those members. If a user is removed from the directory, then their user entry will not be found by the LDAP search, so the user will have been automatically removed from the dynamic group. 3–40 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Virtual Attributes How Hybrid Groups Work It is possible to create a hybrid group. This is a group entry that contains both an LDAP search attribute and a list of one or member DNs. To create a hybrid group, make sure that the “member-attr” in the dynamic group definition is the same as the attribute used to store the static members. This means that the static and dynamic members will be combined when a baseobject search is performed on the entry. Enabling Dynamic Groups To turn on dynamic groups, add the following to the DSA configuration file. clear dynamic-group; set dynamic-group GROUP = { object class = groupOfURLs url-attr = memberURL member-attr = member }; You can also use other object classes and attributes than those shown above. However, the “url-attr” must have a string syntax and must be a MUST or MAY container attribute of the object class. The “member-attr” must have a distinguishedName syntax, because it is used to return the DNs of the members. Creating a Dynamic Group To create a dynamic group, add an entry to the directory that has an object class as defined in the dynamic group configuration and an attribute as defined by the “url-attr” in the dynamic group configuration. The value of the “url-attr” in the dynamic group entry is an LDAP search which has the following form: ldap:///Base DN of Search??Scope?Filter The Scope value is optional. It has three possible values: ■ ■ ■ sub—searches the entire subtree base—searches the base DN only. This is the default, but it is the least useful option. one—searches the top level of the subtree only The Filter value is also optional. The value is any LDAP search filter string. The default value is OC present. For example, to search for all people in the Finance department in either the Payroll or Accounts groups: ldap:///ou-finance,o=democorp,c=au??sub? (|(organizationalUnitName=payroll)(organizationalUnitName=accounts)) General Administration 3–41 Virtual Attributes Viewing Dynamic Groups The dynamic group configuration in use in a DSA can be viewed using the console command: get dynamic-groups; This will produce a listing of each dynamic-group in use, with the group label at the top. A sample configuration follows: ************** GROUP ************** Group object class : groupOfURLs Group Search URL : memberURL Member to Append : member 3–42 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Virtual Attributes Class of Service Templates When directory information needs to be shared across multiple entries, the shared information can be stored in a Class of Service (CoS) template. Then, when a search returns an entry that contains a Class of Service attribute, the attributes and values from the associated template are included in the entry. This means that the information in CoS templates is only stored once, which is good for three reasons: ■ Directory size is reduced ■ Simple bulk updates are faster ■ Information is consistent The shared information is usually a level of service, such as a standard or premium subscription to an internet service provider. How Class of Service Templates Work The virtual attributes and values are stored in templates, which are kept in a DXserver configuration file. When a search returns an entry that contains the CoS attribute, the attributes and values from the associated template are presented. A template can have multiple attributes and values. All attributes in a template will be added to the entry. If an entry already has an value for an attribute in a template, the attribute in the template can either over-write the value, or the value can be left untouched. This is controlled by the disposition of the template attribute. The two possible dispositions are: ■ ■ default—The value from the template replaces the existing value override—If the entry already contains this attribute, the existing value will persist. Use this when a customer requires special treatment. The attributes that are stored in CoS templates are not searchable. General Administration 3–43 Virtual Attributes Example: The Excellent ISP Company The company Excellent ISP is an internet service provider. The customers of Excellent ISP can subscribe for one of two classes of service: Standard Premium Mail Storage 20 MB 30 MB Web Space 20 MB 30 MB Hours per Month 15 hr Unlimited Cost per Month $19.95 $29.95 Cost of Extra Hours $1.00/hr $0.00/hr The Excellent ISP customer directory includes the subscription information in each customer entry. Entries Without Class of Service Virtual Attributes Before CoS is introduced, this information is stored in each entry. If there are one million users, then these attributes appear one million times. If Excellent ISP increases its fees, then a large global update is required. Here is an example entry for an Excellent ISP customer who has the standard class of service: dn: cn=John Smith, o=Excellent ISP, c=US oc: inetOrgPerson oc: excellentISPuser cn: John Smith sn: Smith excellentISPmailQuotaMB: 20 excellentISPwebSpaceMB: 20 excellentISPaccessHours: 15 excellentISPprice: 19.95 excellentISPextraHoursPrice: 1.00 excellentISPpackage: Standard Here is an example entry for an Excellent ISP customer who has the premium class of service: dn: cn=Mary Chen, o=Excellent ISP, c=US oc: inetOrgPerson oc: excellentISPuser cn: Mary Chen sn: Chen excellentISPmailQuotaMB: 30 excellentISPwebSpaceMB: 30 excellentISPaccessHours: Unlimited excellentISPprice: 29.95 excellentISPextraHoursPrice: 0 excellentISPpackage: Premium 3–44 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Virtual Attributes Entries With Class of Service Virtual Attributes To save space and time, the shared information in these entries can be moved into a template. The shared information in the entries is then replaced with a new attribute, whose value indicates which CoS template to use. The attributes from the CoS template will be added to the entry on a search. dn: cn=John Smith, o=Excellent ISP, c=US oc: inetOrgPerson oc: excellentISPuser cn: John Smith sn: Smith excellentISPpackage: Standard dn: cn=Mary Chen, o=Excellent ISP, c=US oc: inetOrgPerson oc: excellentISPuser cn: Mary Chen sn: Chen excellentISPpackage: Premium Class of Service Templates The Excellent ISP company would need to use two templates. The standardlevel template would appear as follows: set class-of-service standard = { object class = excellentISPuser cos-attr = excellentISPpackage cos-value = "Standard" attribute-values = { (type = excellentISPmailQuotaMB value = "20" disposition = default), (type = excellentISPwebSpaceMB value = "20" disposition = default), (type = excellentISPaccessHours value = "15" disposition = override), (type = excellentISPprice value = "19.95" disposition = default), (type = excellentISPextraHoursPrice value = "1.00" disposition = default) }; } General Administration 3–45 Virtual Attributes The premium-level template would appear as follows: set class-of-service premium = { object class = excellentISPuser cos-attr = excellentISPpackage cos-value = "Premium" attribute-values = { (type = excellentISPmailQuotaMB value = "30" disposition = default), (type = excellentISPwebSpaceMB value = "30" disposition = default), (type = excellentISPaccessHours value = "Unlimited" disposition = override), (type = excellentISPprice value = "29.95" disposition = default), }; } (type = excellentISPextraHoursPrice value = "0.00" disposition = default) Configuring Class of Service Virtual Attributes When the shared attribute values change, they can be updated in the configuration files. Therefore, make sure that configuration files are stored in a source code control system to allow for rollbacks. Distribution of CoS entries is achievable, but requires the DSA configuration to be manually copied to all nodes. Configure the DSA Add the following line to the local DSA configuration to clear any currently cached CoS information. clear class-of-service; This allows CoS attribute modifications to be made which can be included while the DSA is still running using the command dxserver init. Make sure that the template configuration file is sourced after the schema is sourced. The template uses attributes that are defined in the schema configuration. Add CoS Attributes to Entries 3–46 To use CoS templates with an entry, add the cos-attr attribute to the entry. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Virtual Attributes Create Class of Service Templates Templates can be stored in any directory. However, if there are many templates, you should store them in separate files in the DXHOME/config/settings directory. The Class of Service templates use the following syntax: <cosTemplate> ::= set class-of-service <cosLabel> = { <operCos> }; <cosLabel> ::= <string> <operCos> ::= object-class = <attrOid> cos-attr = <attrOid> cos-value = <value> attribute-values = { <cosTemplateList> } <cosTemplateList> ::= <cosTemplate> | <cosTemplate>, <cosTemplateList> <cosTemplate> ::= ( type = <attrOid> value = <cosValueList> disposition = <cosDisposition> ) <cosValueList> ::= value | value, <cosValueList> <cosDisposition> ::= default | override Note: The cos-attr used in a Class of Service template must be a single-valued attribute. Viewing Class of Service Templates The templates in use in a DSA can be viewed using the console command: get class-of-service; This will produce a listing of each class of service template in use, with the template label at the top. For example, the template for the standard class of service at the company Excellent ISP discussed in the example above would appear like this: ************** standard ************** class-of-service = target object class : excellentISPUser target attribute : excellentISPPackage target value : "Standard" attribute list = attribute : excellentISPmailQuotaMB value/s : "20" disposition : default attribute : excellentISPwebSpaceMB value/s : "20" disposition : default attribute : excellentISPaccessHours value/s : "15" disposition : override attribute : excellentISPprice value/s : "19.95" disposition : default attribute : excellentISPextraHoursPrice value/s : "1.00" disposition : default General Administration 3–47 Knowledge Flags Knowledge Flags This section describes how to use knowledge flags to define the configuration, security, and interoperability of DSAs. This section also includes tables that list all of the possible knowledge flags. For information about how knowledge files work, see Knowledge Files in the chapter DXserver Overview. The Three Kinds of Knowledge Flags The DXserver uses three sets of flags to define the configuration, security, and interoperability of DSAs: DSA Flags DSA flags define which operations that can be performed on the local DSA. These flags can be used by the local DSA to determine which operations it can process. They can also be used by remote DSAs to determine which operation the local DSA will process.. Trust Flags Trust flags define how a DSA works with a remote DSA. Trust flags only affect how a remote DSA works. Link Flags Link flags define any special conditions for linking to the remote DSA, including the protocol, encryption level, and any interoperability requirements for specific applications. Example: Flags in a Knowledge File The following example knowledge file includes all three types of flags: set dsa democorp = { ... dsa-flags = multi-write, shadow, load-share, no-routing-ac, limit-search, limit-list trust-flags = allow-check-password, trust-conveyed-originator, allowupgrading, allow-downgrading, no-server-credentials link-flags = dsp-ldap, ssl-encryption-remote, ms-ad }; The DSA flags will be used by the Democorp DSA when a client or another DSA attempts to run an operation on it. Also, other (remote) DSAs can use the DSA flags to check which operations can be sent to the Democorp DSA. The trust flags will be used by remote DSAs to check how much they should trust the Democorp DSA. The link flags will be used by remote DSAs to define how they should link to the Democorp DSA. 3–48 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Knowledge Flags Example: How the limit-search DSA Flag Works DSA flags are used by a DSA to define how it responds to operations that other DSAs or clients attempt to perform on it. The following example shows how the limit-search DSA flag works: 1. The UNSPSC receives an unfiltered search request from a client. The UNSPSC DSA cannot fulfill the search request, but it knows that the Company A DSA can. 2. The UNSPSC DSA checks the Company A knowledge file to see whether there are any conditions for searching the Company A DSA. The flag limit-search indicates that the Company A DSA will reject any unfiltered or complex searches. 3. The UNSPSC DSA returns a Search Refused response to the client. set dsa companya = { dsa-flags = limit-search 2. Check Company A DSA flags }; companya.dxc Client Application (JXplorer) 1. Search request o=”Company A” UNSPSC DSA Company A DSA 3. Search response Using DSA flags to define how a DSA responds to requests For information about particular DSA flags, see List of all DSA Flags in this chapter. General Administration 3–49 Knowledge Flags Example: How the allow-check-password Trust Flag Works Remote DSAs use trust flags to define how much they should trust a DSA. By default, security is tight. The trust flags provide a mechanism to selectively relax security between DSAs. The following example shows how a DSA uses the trust flag allow-checkpassword: 1. The UNSPSC DSA receives a bind request from a user whose credentials are stored in the Democorp DSA. The UNSPSC DSA cannot check the user’s credentials, but it knows that the Democorp DSA can. 2. The UNSPSC DSA checks the Democorp knowledge file to see whether it can trust the Democorp DSA to authenticate a user. The flag allow-check-password indicates that this is permissible. 3. The UNSPSC DSA requests the Democorp DSA to authenticate the user. 4. The Democorp DSA responds with the user’s authentication. 5. The UNSPSC DSA returns the bind confirmation to the client. set dsa democorp = { trust-flags = allow-checkpassword 2. Check Democorp trust flags dn=<c=au><o=democorp> <cn=”Bob Smith” }; democorp.dxc Client Application (JXplorer) 1. Bind request 3. Authentication request UNSPSC DSA 5. Bind response Democorp DSA 4. Authentication response Using Trust Flags to Trust Another DSA to Authenticate a User For information about particular trust flags, see List of all Trust Flags in this chapter. 3–50 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Knowledge Flags Example: How the dsp-ldap Link Flag Works Remote DSAs use link flags to define any special conditions for a link to another DSA. The following example shows how the dsp-ldap flag works. 1. The UNSPSC DSA receives a request to search the remote DSA named Company A, which happens to be an LDAP server. 2. The UNSPSC DSA checks the Company A knowledge file to see whether there are any special conditions for linking to that DSA. The flag dsp-ldap indicates that the Company A DSA requires that any links use LDAP. 3. The UNSPSC DSA uses DXlink to make an LDAP search request of the Company A DSA. 4. The Company A DSA responds with the search result (also using LDAP). 5. The UNSPSC DSA returns the search result to the client. set dsa companya = { link-flags = dsp-ldap 2. Check Company A link flags }; companya.dxc Client Application (JXplorer) 1. Search request o=”Company A” 3. Search request (LDAP) UNSPSC DSA 5. Search response Company A LDAP server 4. Search response (LDAP) Using Link Flags to Define the Nature of a Link Between DSAs For information about particular link flags, see List of all Link Flags in this chapter. General Administration 3–51 Knowledge Flags List of all DSA Flags The following table lists and describes all of the available DSA flags: DSA Flag Description limit-list Disables the list operation on the DSA. For more information, see Query Streaming in the chapter Distribution and DSP, and Limit List in this chapter. limit-search Restricts complex searches or searches with no filter on the DSA. For more information, see Query Streaming in the chapter Distribution and DSP, and Limit Search in this chapter. load-share Marks a DSA as part of a load share group. The DSA should have other peer DSAs with the same prefix, which are also marked as load-share. A router DSA shares operations over each DSA in the load share group. See the section Load Sharing DSAs in the chapter Distribution and DSP. ms-ad Active Directory - The DSA is treated as a Microsoft Active Directory server. Set this flag if you observe any problems with linking to Active Directory. See also Connecting to Active Directory in Chapter 11 of the User Guide. multi-write Marks a DSA as part of a multiwrite group. The DSA should have other peer DSAs, with the same prefix, which are also marked as multiwrite. Updates are automatically propagated to all peer DSAs marked as multiwrite. See the chapter Replication for more information. multi-write-async Makes the DSA update asynchronously, even though it is in a multiwrite group. See Asynchronous Multiwrite Behavior in the Replication chapter. multi-write-disp-queue Allows multiwrite queues while DISP is in progress. Multiwrite DISP recovery cannot be used where more than one DSA is attached to the same database. See Multiwrite Recovery With DISP in the Replication chapter. multi-write-notify Sends multiwrite updates to DXcache. no-routing-ac Permits forwarding of a request to another DSA regardless of access control constraints. See Access-Controlled Routing in the chapter Security for more information. read-only Disables update operations on the DSA. See also Query Streaming in the chapter Distribution and DSP. relay Permits a router DSA to exist without consuming a level of the DIT. See Configuring a Relay DSA in the chapter Distribution and DSP. shadow Permits a DSA to be updated by DISP or multiwrite, but prevents any other updates (for example, through DAP or LDAP) from occurring. See the chapter Replication. 3–52 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Knowledge Flags List of all Trust Flags The following table lists and describes all of the available trust flags: Trust Flag Description allow-check-password Permits a DSA, while processing a bind request from a user who is not local, to pass a name and password-compare request to this DSA. The result of the compare request is then used to authenticate the user. See Distributed User Authentication in the chapter Security for more information. trust-conveyed-originator Signifies that a DSA treats the originator and authentication level passed in DSP chaining arguments as if that user and authentication level were authenticated locally. See Distributed User Authentication in the chapter Security for more information. allow-upgrading Lets the DSA pass an anonymous user request across an authenticated DSP link. See Authentication in the chapter Security for more information. allow-downgrading Lets the DSA pass an authenticated user request across an anonymous DSP link. See Authentication in the chapter Security for more information. no-server-credentials Removes the requirement for mutual authentication and permits a link to be set up if the remote DSA does not send credentials in the bind response. See User Credentials on the DXlink Binds in the chapter LDAP and DXlink for more information. General Administration 3–53 Knowledge Flags List of all Link Flags The following table lists and describes all of the available link flags: Link Flag Description dsp-ldap The DSA is treated as an LDAP server that supports LDAP 3.0. Other DSAs will send requests to the DSA using DXlink. When dsp-ldap is configured, there will be no COMPARE operation on the userPassword attribute, following a bind over DXlink. If the same user connects more than once, that user will use the same link, and dxserver will check that the user and the password are the same. See Integrating Other LDAP Servers in the chapter LDAP and DXlink for more information. dsp-ldap-proxy Causes the last DSA in the chain to use the authorization of the originating user to perform operations on the LDAP server. See Automatically Authorizing LDAP Operations in the chapter LDAP and DXlink for more information. dsp-ldapv2 The DSA is treated as an LDAP server that supports LDAP 2.0. Other DSAs will send requests to the DSA using DXlink. See Integrating Other LDAP Servers in the chapter LDAP and DXlink for more information. ms-ad The DSA is treated as an Active Directory service. If you observe any problems with linking to Active Directory, set this flag. See Connecting to Active Directory in the chapter “Connecting to Other Applications and LDAP” in the User Guide for more information. ms-exchange The DSA is treated as a Microsoft Exchange server to overcome limitations in Exchange’s version of LDAP. See Integrating Other LDAP Servers in the chapter LDAP and DXlink for more information. ssl-encryption Any DSA DSA-to to-DSA communication to the DSA with this link flag will be made using SSL encryption. See DSA-to-DSA Encryption (DSP and DISP) in the chapter Security for more information. ssl-encryption-remote It is similar to ssl-encryption, but SSL encryption is not used if the target DXserver is on the same host. unavailable Marks a DSA as unavailable. A DSA will not forward requests to a DSA marked as unavailable. 3–54 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 4 Schema Definition The directory schema is a set of configurable rules that a DSA enforces on the data created within the directory. These rules define: ■ The names of the various types of attributes that can exist in an entry ■ The syntax (or data type) of each of these attributes ■ ■ ■ Which attributes in each object class (a defined group of attributes) are mandatory and which are optional How each directory entry is named (for example, a person is named by his or her common-name attribute) Where the directory entry can be created in the DIT (for example, an OrganizationalUnit entry can only exist under an Organization entry) eTrust Directory provides a full directory schema definition starter kit, including: ■ OSI (X.500, X.400, X.435 [EDI] ) ■ Internet (LDAP, Inet, Cosine, Quipu, Thorn) ■ Industry (JNDI, DADF, Mosaic, UNSPSC) ■ Organizations (DMS, Umich, Entrust, RSA, Netscape) This chapter includes information about schema files, attribute definitions, schema prefixes, object class definitions, and name bindings. Name bindings are an implementation of the X.500 DIT Structure Rules. The schema of a running directory is available to LDAP clients via the LDAP Version 3 mechanism of schema publishing. See Schema Publishing in the chapter LDAP and DXlink for more information. Schema Definition 4–1 Configuring Schema Configuring Schema DXserver checks and validates schema rules on every update operation to maintain directory integrity. All aspects of X.500 schema are fully configurable, down to the attribute syntaxes (basic directory information types) compiled in the entry. You should create the schema within configuration files (that is, in the DXHOME/config/schema directory) rather than dynamically using the console interface, as the latter will only remain in effect while that DSA is running. Important! The DXtools require a separate schema file, schema.txt. If you add or change the schema definition for DXserver, you must also update schema.txt for the tools. For information about how to update schema.txt, see SCHEMA Tools in the chapter "Using DXtools." Grouping Schema You usually define schema in a single definition file. All schema definition files reside in the schema configuration directory. When building your directory schema, you typically need definitions from several schema definition files. You can group these schema definition files together in a single file using the source command. The following is an example schema.dxg file: # Schema definition file – schema.dxg source “x500.dxc”; source “cosine.dxc”; source “mhs.dxc”; source “quipu.dxc”; The DXserver initialization (for instance, democorp.dxi) file sources this schema definition. # DSA initialization file – democorp.dxi ... # SCHEMA source “../schema/schema.dxg”; ... 4–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring Schema Managing Schema There are a number of parameters to the schema module set commands that let you change the schema configuration. You can view them by the schema module get command. The following tables summarize these commands and the following sections explain them in more detail. You can manage and monitor schema configuration using the commands: ■ ■ set parameter = value; get schema for parameter; Schema Commands The following are the parameters for the set schema command: Parameter Value oid-prefix Defines an object identifier (OID) prefix. An OID prefix consists of a name used to represent the portion of the object identifier common to multiple schema definition statements. attribute Defines an attribute. An attribute consists of an attribute name, alternate name, syntax, single-valued flag, and a description. attr-set Defines an attribute set. An attribute set consists of an attribute set name and a list of previously defined attributes or attribute sets. object-class Defines an object class. An object class consists of an object class name, an alternate name, a subclass definition, an object class kind, a must-contain list of previously defined attributes or attribute sets, a may-contain list of previously defined attributes or attribute sets, and a description. name binding Defines a name binding between two previously defined object classes. A name binding consists of a name for the name binding, an object and its allowable parent, and an attribute that names the object. The following is the parameter of the get schema command: Parameter Value for Item; a name or an object identifier of any schema definition (an attribute, object class, name binding, prefix, or attribute set). Schema Definition 4–3 Configuring Schema Viewing Schema Example: Viewing Schema Definition To retrieve the definition of commonName, use the command: get schema for commonName; or get schema for (; An example output of this command is: Attribute ( name = commonName ldap-names = cn syntax = caseIgnoreString You can use the name, ldap-names, or object identifier with this command. Schema Prefixes All attribute, attribute set, object class, and name binding definitions have a unique object identifier (for example, that uniquely identifies that object. When defining a schema, you can find many definitions on the same branch of the schema definition tree. You can define a schema prefix that replaces the branch of the tree in all subsequent definitions. Example: Schema Prefix Definition set set set set oid-prefix oid-prefix oid-prefix oid-prefix x500attr = x500oc = x500aset = x500nbind = (2.5.4); (2.5.6); (2.5.7); (2.5.15); set attribute x500attr:3 = { name = commonName ldap-names = cn syntax = caseIgnoreString }; Given the previous definition, the prefix x500attr can replace any occurrence of the 2.5.4 portion of an object identifier. Thus, an attribute with the object identifier of can also be represented as x500attr:6. Without schema prefixes, the previous definition would read: set attribute ( = { name = commonName ldap-names = cn syntax = caseIgnoreString ; Schema prefixes improve readability and reduce the chance of errors in the definition, especially when the object identifiers are long. For example, the object identifiers of each of the Quipu attributes are of the form 0.9.2342.19200300.99.1.x, making a prefix desirable. 4–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Attributes Attributes An attribute is the foundation of directory information. It consists of a type, for example, commonName, and one or more values, for example, Rick, Richard. You define an attribute in the configuration file with information about its object identifier (OID), name, LDAP names, syntax, whether it is single-valued, whether its value can be modified, and a description. You can define more than one LDAP name for each attribute. The LDAP name defaults to the attribute name, so typically you only need to define the LDAP name when it is different from the attribute name. There is no limit to the number of attributes or rules that you can define for a DSA or on the size of the attributes you can store in the DSA. Example: Attribute Definition Example: Read-Only Attribute Definition set attribute x500attr:3 = { name = commonName ldap-names = cn syntax = caseIgnoreString description = "Common Name attribute" }; schema set attribute ( = { name = createTimestamp syntax = generalizedTime no-user-modification }; Schema Definition 4–5 Attributes Attribute Syntaxes Attribute syntaxes define the format of basic information types. All attribute syntaxes defined in X.520 are supported: ■ audio ■ generalizedTime ■ octetString ■ binary ■ fax ■ postalAddress ■ boolean ■ guide ■ preferredDelivery ■ caseExactString ■ integer ■ presentationAddress ■ caseExactStringIA5 ■ jpeg ■ printableString ■ caseIgnoreIA5String ■ mhsORAddress ■ telephoneNumber ■ caseIgnoreList ■ mhsORName ■ teletexTerminalId ■ caseIgnoreString ■ numericString ■ telexNumber ■ distinguishedName ■ objectIdentifier ■ UTCTime ■ facsimileNumber As more applications become directory-enabled, you can define new attribute syntaxes. To support these new syntaxes, particularly with their search matching rules, you may need special syntax coding and decoding functions. Generally this requires a software update to the DSA and DUA processes. However, to more readily support new attribute syntaxes on demand in operational systems, the DXserver has a feature for using unknown syntaxes. The undefined attribute syntax lets the DXserver DSA accept any unknown attribute syntaxes and store them in the directory. Intelligent matching rules are applied so you can search for them. Tip: See the configuration files (.dxc) in the schema directory for the latest supported syntaxes. To ensure DIT data integrity over configuration changes, the DSA stores the names of its current attributes and attribute syntaxes securely within the directory. The list names the ones that have been used to create directory entries. This list is not the same as that of all possible attribute names and syntaxes. When you attempt to change the syntax of an attribute after an instance of that attribute exists, the following message occurs: ** ALARM **: Database attribute attribute has different syntax than schema 4–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Attributes Attribute Checking When you load attributes (by using set attribute), they inherit certain rules from their syntax (for example, caseIgnoreString). When attempting to add attributes with values that do not comply with these rules, they are considered invalid. When the DSA encounters an invalid attribute (for example, on updates), it returns an error containing the attribute and the associated problem. Tip: In the search service, the system ignores invalid attributes after the base object is found. The DSA always returns attributes exactly as you stored them. For example, a commonName stored as JohN citiZen matches John Citizen and JOHN CITIZEN but the value JohN citiZen is always returned. Similarly, when you received the original string as an IA5 string, you store it as an IA5 string even though it contains only printable characters. The DSA permits attributes of any size, so you do not have to define any attribute bound limits. Syntax Aliases for Unsupported Attribute Syntax Syntax aliasing is useful if you add a new schema object definition that uses an attribute syntax that is not supported by eTrust Directory. The command for setting up a syntax alias is: [ schema ] set syntax alias <oid> = { name = <string> alias-for = <string> }; For example, set syntax-alias ( = { name = dlSubmitPermissions alias-for = caseIgnoreString }; Schema Definition 4–7 Attributes Attribute Sets Attribute sets let you easily group attribute definitions under a label so you can use them later in object class and other definitions. Define attribute sets in the configuration file using the set attr-set command. The attribute set is given an object identifier and a definition. The definition consists of a name and a list of attributes or attribute sets that are contained in the attribute set being defined. Example: Attribute Set Definition set attr-set x500aset:3 = { name = organizationalAttributeSet description, localeAttributeSet, postalAttributeSet, telecommunicationAttributeSet, businessCategory, seeAlso, searchGuide, userPassword }; Attribute sets are a convenient way of grouping large numbers of attributes together for use in object class definitions. Attribute sets can contain other previously defined attribute sets. Attribute Names A schema defines the basic information types and rules in a directory, so a schema is a central part of most directory services. When defining a schema, you must supply a name. You can also supply a number of LDAP names in the definition. Use either the schema name or one of the LDAP names as a keyword in other management console commands. For example, when you define an attribute using the following command, you can use organizationName or the shorter LDAP name, o, in other commands that need to reference the attribute: set attribute ( = { name = organizationName ldap-names = o syntax = caseIgnoreString }; LDAP names are most convenient when defining Distinguished Names (DN). The following DN: <c AU><o “Computer Associates”><ou Sales><cn "Jim Smith"> is equivalent to: <countryName "AU"> <organizationName "Computer Associates"> <organizationalUnitName "Sales"> <commonName "Jim Smith"> 4–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Attributes Unique Attributes Some applications that use eTrust Directory as a repository may require that the value of some attributes are unique across the repository. Information such as user name, user ID, or key may need to be unique for correct operation of a service. For example, an e-mail service will not operate effectively if a user chooses an ID that is already in existence. The benefits of this change will be to push uniqueness checking from the application to the directory. This removes the potential for attributes existing with duplicate values. Distribution and Replication Unique attributes cannot be used in a distributed environment, because there is no way of ensuring that attribute values across multiple DSAs are not being updated concurrently. This means that the attribute value check will only apply to the local DSA. Make sure that the DSA design does not assume that the attribute value check will be performed across multiple DSAs. In a replicated environment, unique attributes can be used in a single master scenario only. This is also because of the issue of concurrent updates. Unique Attribute Flag Set the unique attributes using the DSA set command: set unique-attrs = attr1, attr2, …; To see a list of all of the unique attributes in a DSA, use the DSA console to issue a get oper command. Implementing Unique Attributes Before you implement unique attributes: ■ ■ Choose the attributes carefully. Make sure you understand how client applications handle problems when trying to add or modify attribute values that already exist. During operation, take care to not inadvertently switch off this feature if it is still required. Schema Definition 4–9 Attributes How Unique Attributes Work When a client application tries to update an attribute that is set to be unique, eTrust Directory checks that the attribute value is not already in existence. If the value does already exist, an error message is sent back to the client application. If the value does not yet exist, the client request is confirmed. Limitation: Access Controls Bypassed If these attributes have access controls imposed, the triggered search will bypass these to ensure uniqueness. This means that a user may be able to write a client application to determine these values. If the unique attributes contain sensitive information, then this may be an issue. Limitation: Uniqueness Cannot Be Restricted to a Sub-Tree If attribute value uniqueness is required, but only need to be unique for a particular sub-tree, then separate DSAs will be required. Limitation: Uniqueness Not Enforced In Pre-Existing Data We recommend that this feature be enabled on empty directories or new attributes. This will ensure uniqueness. There is no DSA mechanism for finding duplicates. If this feature is being enabled on a running system, the administrator should perform checks for duplicate attribute values. Uniqueness will not be enforced on back-end loads. This has a similar impact as turning on this feature with an existing set of data. The following example shell script shows how to find duplicates. This script is restricted to values to length 106. #!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: database attribute" exit 1 fi DATABASE=$1 ATTRIBUTE=$2 OUTPUT=`sql $DATABASE <<EOF SELECT aid FROM attr WHERE description = '$ATTRIBUTE';\g \q EOF` 4–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Attributes # Process output to get Aid AID=`echo "$OUTPUT" | grep -v aid | awk -F'|' '{ print $2 }'` sql $DATABASE <<EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 CREATE VIEW findDuplicates(aid, norm, count) AS SELECT aid, norm, count(norm) FROM search WHERE aid = $AID GROUP BY aid, norm;\g \q EOF sql $DATABASE <<EOF | tr -d " " | grep $ATTRIBUTE | awk -F'|' '{ print $2 " = " $3 ", occurrences = " $4 }' SELECT a.description, f.norm, f.count FROM findDuplicates f, attr a WHERE f.aid = a.aid;\g \q EOF sql $DATABASE <<EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 DROP findDuplicates;\g \q EOF Schema Definition 4–11 Attributes Changing the Schema Definition for Attributes in Use Important! Never change database tables manually unless CA Technical Serves direct you to do this. If an attribute, object class or name binding has never been used in the directory, then you can change or remove the schema definition by modifying the schema configuration file. If the attribute has been used before, but is no longer in use, then you should dump the database to LDIF and then reload it before you modify the schema. If an attribute has at any time been used within the directory, you can only change its schema definition using these instructions. Important! You cannot simply delete all the entries that have the attributes to be changed, change schema, and import back the data. Important! A single schema file may be used by many different DSAs, which may use many different databases. If you change a schema file, check that it will work correctly with all of the DSAs that use that file. Remember to regenerate the schema.txt file for the DAP tools after changing the DXserver schema configuration. Changing LDAP Attribute Names If an attribute is in use, but you wish to change its name for clients connecting to the directory via LDAP, then simply alter the "ldap-names" part of the schema definition. Changing Schema Definitions for Attributes in Use If an attribute has at any time been used within the directory, you cannot simply delete all the entries that have the attributes you want to change, change the schema, and import back the data. This will not work. Instead, you must reload the database with DXloaddb to remove the old schema definitions from the database. To change the schema definition for attributes in use, do the following to every databases and DXservers that uses the schema definition to be changed: 4–12 1. Stop all related DSAs. 2. Back up the system (data and configuration). eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Attributes 3. Dump the database to to an LDIF file: dxdumpdb olddbname 4. Sort the LDIF file. To do this, use the following command: ldifsort old.ldif old_sorted.ldif 5. Change the schema definitions . 6. Load the database from the sorted LDIF file with DXloaddb 7. Start all the DXservers 8. Verify the changes This can be done without taking the eTrust Directory service offline by using the database hot-swap feature: 1. Turn off DXcache. 2. Mark the DSA as read-only. To do this, add the following DSA flag to the configuration file: dsa-flags = read-only 3. Dump the database to to an LDIF file: dxdumpdb olddbname 4. Sort the LDIF file to ensure that it will load successfully. To do this, use the following command: ldifsort old.ldif old_sorted.ldif 5. Change the attribute syntax in the schema configuration dxnewdb newdbname 6. Change the database name in the DSA configuration dxloaddb newdbname 7. Initialize the DSA. dxserver init dsa-name If you do not change the DSA configuration before running DXloaddb, then DXloaddb will use the schema.txt file which does not have the changed attribute definitions. Schema Definition 4–13 Object Classes Object Classes Object classes specify which attributes (and attribute sets) you can have in an entry. You define an object class by specifying its object identifier, a name, an alternate name, a subclass, an object class kind, a list of must-contain and a list of maycontain attributes or attribute sets, and a description. Example: Object Class Definition set object-class x500oc:5 = { name = organizationalUnit subclass-of top kind = structural must-contain organizationalUnitName may-contain organizationalAttributeSet description = "X.500 Organizational Unit Object Class" }; The organizationalAttributeSet referred to in this example was defined in Schema Example 3—Attribute Definition. Object Class Kind Within the X.500/LDAP standards, there are three kinds of object classes: ■ Abstract classes (for example, the object class top) ■ Structural classes (for example, the object class inetOrgPerson) ■ Auxiliary classes The kind keyword defines the type of object class. The kind keyword is optional, but if it is missing, DXserver derives the object class kind using the following rule: when the object class inherits top, it is assumed to be structural; otherwise, it is auxiliary. Abstract Classes The abstract object class determines the structure of an LDAP directory. The object class top, for example, is the root object class from which all structural object classes are derived. It contains one mandatory attribute, objectClass, and because all entries inherit its attributes, it ensures that an object class defines these entries. An abstract object class cannot stand alone in an entry. The entry must also contain a structural object class. 4–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Object Classes Structural Classes Most of the object classes in a directory are structural, because they define what an entry is. They also impose rules on the entries that are stored beneath them. For example, the object class organization (o) may require that all objects stored beneath it belong to the object class organizationalUnit (ou). Other examples of structural object classes are groupOfNames, inetOrgPerson, and person. Auxiliary Classes The LDAP rules require each entry to belong to only one structural object class, but an entry can also belong to one or more auxiliary object classes. An auxiliary object class adds attributes to entries already defined by a structural object class. An auxiliary object class cannot stand on its own in an entry. The entry must contain a structural object class. Unlike structural object classes, auxiliary object classes place no restrictions on storing an entry. Object Class Checking When adding an entry, the DSA automatically includes all the attributes from any superclasses of the new entry's object class. For example, when an entry is created with the object class inetOrgPerson, it includes attributes from the inherited object classes (organizationalPerson, Person, top). Important! DXserver supports multiple inheritance of object class. This means that an object class can inherit attributes from more than one parent object class. Schema Definition 4–15 Object Classes Object Class Storage By definition, the object class attribute used by every object or entry in the directory can have multiple values of object identifiers. This enables object classes to indicate their refinement (for example, through the use of object class refinement or the addition of auxiliary object classes). Configuring how the OC Attribute is Stored You can configure how the object class attribute (single value or multiple values) is stored within the directory. By default, the DSA adds the object classes to the entry exactly as specified in the LDAP or DAP add request (for example, the object class attribute may have multiple OIDs). However, directory performance improves slightly when the object class attribute only contains a single value (the OID of the refined OC). However, this should not be the main influence over the object class design of attributes. Where entries contain a single inherited object class and explicitly list all its superiors (their OC OIDs), the superiors can be removed, leaving the lowestlevel object class in the hierarchy as a single OID value. Similarly, when entries are returned, the object class attribute can be automatically modified by the DSA to contain all the superior object classes. This OC refinement information can be returned (as OC OIDs) because the directory maintains the object class structure rules that have been configured (in its internal schema management control system). For example, suppose that the directory contained entries corresponding to people. Each entry can explicitly contain the following object classes within the database: 4–16 ■ inetOrgPerson ■ organizationalPerson ■ Person ■ top eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Object Classes Pruning and Replacing Object Classes It is more space-efficient to configure the DSA to prune all object classes, except the lowest (inetOrgPerson), when creating the entry and to replace all the superior object classes (organizationalPerson, Person, and top) when returning the entry as a result of a client search. The following configuration settings control the pruning and replacing of object classes: Setting Parameter Description set prune-oc-parents Boolean Removes redundant superior object classes when new entries are created. set return-oc-parents Boolean Replaces the superior object classes to entries retrieved when searching. set add-oc-parents Boolean Causes parent objectclasses to be added when entries are added. e.g. Consider adding a democorp entry with the classes: inetOrgPerson This control adds the parent (top-personorganizationalPerson) classes. This makes the directory entry hold the following classes: ■ top ■ person ■ organizationalPerson ■ inetOrgPerson Important! When these settings are configured, searching entries using an object class filter (for example, oc=Person) does not return any entries, because the specified object class of Person is not present in the data; it is only added to search results that contain the inetOrgPerson object class. Schema Definition 4–17 Name Bindings Name Bindings Name bindings define where entries appear in the DIT. DXserver requires a separate name binding for each allowable parent-object and child-object relationship in the directory. Example: Name Binding Definitions set name-binding x500nbind:2 = { name = org-top organization allowable-parent top named-by organizationName }; set name-binding x500nbind:3 = { name = org-country organization allowable-parent country named-by organizationName }; In this example, a new definition (arbitrarily named org-country) states that you can place an organization object under a country object and that you must name it by the organizationName attribute. The definition org-top states that you can also place an organization object under a top object (that is, the root of the DIT) named by the organizationName attribute. Multiple attributes can name an object, in which case you separate the attributes by commas. Additional naming attributes are optional when the keyword optional precedes them. Example: Advanced Name Binding Definition set name-binding x500nbind:22 = { name = orgUnit-orgPerson organization allowable-parent organizationalUnit named-by commonName optional surname }; Name Binding Checks The DSA checks name binding rules whenever you add or rename an entry. To enforce both the parent-child relationships in the directory, and the naming attributes used by a particular entry, name bindings are necessary. The system reports any name binding errors as: Update Error: Naming Violation. When you enable warnings (set trace = warn,…;), the system sends a message describing the reason for the name binding failure to the console. There is one exception regarding name binding checks. When an object is added under the naming context (or prefix) of a DXserver, then no name bindings need exist. This facilitates the changing of the directory’s naming context without the need to change associated name binding definitions. In this situation, DXserver will give the following message: Relaxed name bindings under root. 4–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Name Bindings Name Bindings and Structural Object Classes When an entry has more than one object class, the DSA looks through its list of name bindings to ensure that one exists between one of the structural object classes of the parent and one of the structural object classes of the entry containing the appropriate naming attribute. It then uses this structural object class to find a name binding and ignores all other auxiliary object classes. The DSA permits modification of the structural object class only when a name binding satisfies the parent-object relationship and the object is a leaf entry. Name Bindings and Aliases Name bindings for aliases are automatic, and you do not configure them manually. The DSA lets you create an alias entry in place of any valid object provided that you name it using the same attribute that an equivalent name binding rule permits. For example, when there is an org-orgUnit name binding, the DSA lets you place an alias under an organization object when you name it using an organizationalUnitName attribute. Thus, you do not need to define an object-alias name binding for every part of the DIT where you can place an alias. Considerations for Schemas that Do Not Support Name Binding When a schema is imported from a directory that does not support name bindings or structure rules, it is possible for eTrust Directory to operate without name bindings. To enable this functionality, add the following command to the settings file: set ignore-name-bindings = true; You can retrieve the state of this flag by using the get oper; command. Schema Definition 4–19 Defining Local Schema Defining Local Schema The X.500 standards enable the definition of local attributes, attribute sets, object classes, and name bindings in the schema in much the same way as previously described in Name Bindings and Aliases in this chapter. Before defining local schema, you should check the existing published schema to determine whether the required attribute, object class, and name binding definitions already exist. When you need to define additional schema, create an object identifier arc ( in the following example) and add the new schema under this arc. Use the set commands described previously to define the schema, and then include the newly created configuration file (.dxc) in the schema group configuration file (.dxg), used by the DSA. The following example describes a single object class that can contain three attributes. Computer Associates created the object class so that you could add the additional attributes to an organizationalPerson object. All the names in the schema definition below have the prefix ca. The use of an object identifier prefix in the name helps simplify attribute references by replacing the common portion of a complicated object identifier with a simple character string and helps identify related attributes. Example: Local Attribute, Attribute Set, Object Class, and Name Binding Definitions set set set set set set set set set set 4–20 oid-prefix caAttr = (; oid-prefix caOclass = (; oid-prefix caAset = (; oid-prefix caNbind = (; attribute caAttr:0 = { name = caNearestPrinter syntax = caseIgnoreString description = "Local Printer Attribute" }; attribute caAttr:1 = { name = caMobilePhone syntax = caseIgnoreString description = "Mobile Phone Attribute" }; attribute caAttr:3 = { name = caAlternateContact syntax = caseIgnoreString description = "Local Contact Attribute" }; attr-set caAset:0 = { name = caAttributeSet caNearestPrinter, caMobilePhone, caAlternateContact }; object-class caOclass:0 = { name = caOrgPerson subclass-of organizationalPerson kind = structural may-contain caAttributeSet description = "CA Organizational Person Object Class" name-binding caNbind:0 = { name = caOrgPerson-org caOrgPerson allowable-parent organization named-by commonName }; eTrust Directory Administrator Guide }; Chapter 5 Distribution and DSP In a distributed environment, a number of different Directory System Agents (DSAs) manage a different part of the Directory Information Tree (DIT). There needs to be a DSA-to-DSA protocol, such as the X.500 Directory Systems Protocol (DSP), that lets the DSAs cooperate to resolve queries on any area of the DIT. DXserver fully supports the X.500 directory systems protocol, including: ■ Chaining—Performing queries through other DSAs ■ Multi-chaining—Performing distributed searches across many DSAs ■ Referrals—Informing clients where to find information DXserver greatly simplifies the configuration of arbitrarily distributed DSAs by providing the following unique features: ■ ■ Prefix-based knowledge—Each DSA is identified by a name and its base prefix. All superior, subordinate, and peer references are automatically inferred. Shared configuration—You define all the knowledge files once, which are then used by any DSA. The benefits of these features are: ■ ■ ■ Shortest-path routing—Each DSA has knowledge of other DSAs so requests are chained directly to the DSA that processes the request. Integrated security—See the chapter “Security” for more information about DSA to DSA security. High speed switching—Knowledge information is cached in each DXserver. Distribution and DSP 5–1 Managing DSP Managing DSP You can manage DSP configuration using the DSP module commands at the DXconsole. The DSP module commands let an administrator set and clear DSP configuration management variables. You can manage DSP configuration using the commands: ■ set parameter = value; ■ get parameter; ■ clear dsas; ■ unbind parameter; DSP Command Options A number of parameters of the DSP module commands let you change the DSP configuration. The following tables summarize these parameters, and the subsequent sections explain them in more detail. The following are the parameters of the dsp set command: Parameter Value always-chain-down Value is TRUE or FALSE; when set to TRUE, the DSA overrides chainingprohibited controls when you need to chain the request to a subordinate DSA. dsa The configuration details of a remote directory server. max-dsp-ops The maximum number of concurrent remote operations supported by the server. multi-chaining Value is TRUE or FALSE; when set to TRUE, the DSA can multi-chain searches to other DSAs. multi-write-disp-recovery Value is TRUE or FALSE; when set to TRUE, the DSA disables offline multiwrite queuing. DSAs that cannot be contacted are dropped immediately from the multiwrite set, and DISP is used to resynchronize the DSAs when they come back online. Multiwrite DISP recovery cannot be used where more than one DSA is attached to the same database. For more information, see Multiwrite Replication the chapter “Replication.” multi-write-queue The maximum number of multiwrite operations that are queued when a peer DSA cannot be reached. For more information, see the chapter “Replication.” 5–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing DSP The following are the parameters of the dsp get command: Parameter Value dsp Shows the current DSP configuration values of the DSA. online-dsas Provides information about current outgoing connections to other DSAs. dsas Provides information about all known DSAs. The following are the additional commands of the DSP module: Command Meaning clear dsas Removes all remote-DSA definitions from the DSA. unbind Unbind one, or all, outgoing connections to other DSAs. Knowledge References The information in a set dsa definition is called a knowledge reference. A knowledge reference provides the address of another DSA and an entry point, represented by the DSA’s prefix, into the part of the directory tree that the DSA controls. A DXserver is identified by its name and prefix. References appear as entries to a DUA (see List Service in the appendix “DXconsole DUA” for more information). Access controls can hide the presence of a subordinate DSA, making that subtree invisible to a list service or any other service. (See Access-Controlled Routing in the chapter “Security” for more information). The DSA dynamically determines the type of reference (superior, subordinate, or cross-reference). When the reference is a cross-reference, the ancestors of the cross-reference are visible to the list service. Distribution and DSP 5–3 Managing DSP Remote Operations Each DSA has a context prefix that defines the base of the DIT controlled by that DSA. When the DSA receives an incoming operation, it services the request locally when it is in the DSA’s own DIT. When the operation is not local, it chains the operation to a remote DSA unless: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ One (user) service control—chainingProhibited or localScope—is set. You can override this service control. (See Proxy DSAs in this chapter for more information.) Access controls hide the existence of the remote DSA. (See Access-Controlled Routing in the chapter “Security” for more information.) The remote DSA is unavailable. You cannot establish a link of the appropriate authentication level to the remote DSA. (See Other Security Features in the chapter “Security” for more information.) There is no DSA knowledge configured for the area of the operation. Depending on the circumstance, the remote operation returns a: ■ Result ■ Referral ■ Service error ■ Security error See the X.500 standards for a complete specification of how distributed DSAs cooperate to resolve a query. Limiting Remote Operations In a multi-DSA environment a DSA may have to forward requests to other DSAs to process. You can limit the maximum number of concurrent remote operations that a DSA manages by setting max-dsp-ops in the configuration file (.dxc) in the limits directory. Example: Limiting the Number of Remote Operations to 100 5–4 set max-dsp-ops = 100; eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing DSP Remote Connections The DSA dynamically binds to and unbinds from remote DSAs. A DSA maintains at most one connection per security level (set by the auth-levels list in the DSA definition) to a remote DSA. When a DSA has an established DSP connection of the correct security level to a remote DSA, it uses this connection. A second connection of the same security level is not set up. The DSA definition supports trust flags that enable a DSA to upgrade or downgrade a link between DSAs. For example, when a link between two DSAs supports only anonymous connections, a credentialed user can access the link when the receiving DSA supports the allow-downgrading trust flag. Conversely, when the only allowed DSP link is a clear-password link, an anonymous user can access the link only when there is support for the allow-upgrading trust flag (see DSA Knowledge Flags in the chapter “General Administration” for more information). A DSP connection to a remote DSA unbinds after the dsp-idle-time is exceeded. Remove Remote DSA Knowledge You can remove all knowledge of remote DSAs using the command: clear dsas; Unbinding Remote Connections Display Outgoing Connections When a DSA communicates with a remote DSA using DSP, it sets up a connection (bind) to the remote DSA. You cannot abort this connection using the abort user command described previously because it is an outgoing connection. You can obtain information about outgoing connections with the command: get online-dsas; Unbind All or Some Connections You can unbind all or some connections using this information and one of the following commands (assuming 3 is a valid connection identifier): unbind all; unbind dsa 3; Unbind Outgoing Connections That Exceed Global Values A DSA can automatically unbind outgoing connections when they exceed global values set in the remote-DSA definition, for example: set dsa “Eagle” = { ... dsp-idle-time = 60 ... }; Distribution and DSP 5–5 Managing DSP Incoming DSP Credentials When a local DSA receives a bind with credentials from a remote DSA, it checks the credentials against a matching (remote) DSA configuration. When you do not configure a relevant remote DSA, the system rejects the incoming bind. See DSA-to-DSA Encryption (DSP and DISP) in the chapter “Security” for more information. Outgoing DSP Credentials If a remote DSA requires authentication, the local DSA must send credentials when binding to the remote DSA. To be able to do this, the local DSA must have credentials (user name and password) defined in its own set dsa definition (see Configuring a DSA in this chapter for more information). Distributed Searches (Multi-Chaining) Searches can span multiple DSAs. A subtree search searches all entries below and including the base-object of the search. Some entries can reside on a different DSA from the base-object. When you enable multi-chaining, the DSA searches for immediate subordinate DSAs after you find the base-object and then forwards the search to these DSAs. Results from all subordinate DSAs and the local DSA (the DSA containing the base-object) are collated before being returned. Limiting Multi-Chaining In a multi-DSA environment the DIT is controlled by multiple DSAs. A search area can span part of the DIT that is controlled by more than one DSA. In this case the DSA containing the base object of the search will multi-chain the request to the other relevant DSAs. You can disable multi-chaining in two ways: ■ ■ The originator of the request can disable multi-chaining by specifying localscope in the common arguments of the search. The DSA administrator can disable multi-chaining by using the command: set multi-chaining = false; The DSA prevents multi-chaining to any DSA having a presence hidden by access controls. (See Access-Controlled Routing in the chapter “Security” for more information.) 5–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing DSP Viewing DSP Configuration You can monitor DSP connections using the dsp module get command at the DXconsole. You can view the DSP configuration values and details of current outgoing connections. View DSP Configuration To view the DSP configuration, use the command: get dsp; This is a sample of the output from this command: max-dsp-ops local-prefix local-dsa multi-chaining always-chain-down multi-write-queue View Online Connections = = = = = = 100 <countryName AU><organizationName “DemoCorp”> “DemoCorp” FALSE TRUE 200 (current 0) To view the DSP connections that are currently active, use the command: get online-dsas; This is a sample of the output from this command: dsa> get online-dsas; Remote: DSA 2 (DEMOCORP) Association: state 3, idle for 2 seconds, 0 operations waiting 0 operations abandoned prefix: <countryName “AU”> <organizationName “DEMOCORP”> dsaName: <countryName “AU”> <organizationName “DEMOCORP”> <commonName “DXserver”> dsaPassword: ? hostname: EAGLE OSI PSAP: address: address: dispPsap: DISP cmipPsap: CMIP snmpPort: 19389 consolePort: 19390 ssldPort: 1112 DEMOCORP:next_distinct: (none) (precedence 3) :next_similar: (none) :children: (none) refType: cross auth-levels: anonymous clear-password ssl-auth dsa-flags: trust-flags: allow-check-password link-flags: maxIdleTime: 60 credit: 5 precedence: 3 Display Each DSA for Which the Current DSA Has Knowledge Use the following command to display information about each DSA for which the current DSA has knowledge, including itself: get dsas; Distribution and DSP 5–7 Configuring a DSA Configuring a DSA You can configure all DSAs, including the local one, using the set dsa command (see Defining DSAs in the chapter General Administration for more information). You can dynamically issue the set dsa command from the DXconsole, but it is recommended that you include it in a DSA definition file (.dxc) in the knowledge directory. You then source this file from another configuration file, either a .dxg file in the knowledge directory or a .dxi file in the servers directory. Configuring a Subordinate DSA The following example defines a DSA called DemoResearch, which is subordinate to the pre-configured DemoCorp DSA in the standard version. Example set dsa “DemoResearch” = { prefix = <c AU><o DemoCorp><ou Research> dsa-name = <c AU><o DemoCorp><ou Research><cn DXserver> dsa-password = “demo” address = tcp Eagle port 389 disp-psap = DISP cmip-psap = CMIP snmp-port = 1950 console-port = 1952 auth-levels = anonymous, clear-password dsp-idle-time = 10000 credits = 5 }; The DSA definition contains a prefix that defines the area of the DIT that is covered by this DSA: prefix = <c AU><o DemoCorp><ou Research> The DSA administers the prefix and the entries below, except for any areas of the DIT below the prefix that are covered by another DSA. Every object within the directory has a unique distinguished name (DN), which directs it to an entry in the directory. The complete directory tree is called the Directory Information Tree (DIT) and can comprise a number of independent X.500 DSAs or LDAP servers that, between them, hold all the various branches of the directory tree. The naming context (which is also a DN) of an X.500 or LDAP server defines the branch that server owns. The X.500 and LDAP communities differ in the way they write their DNs. Within X.500, DNs are written from the top of the tree down (for example, c=US, o=Computer Associates, and so forth). Within the LDAP community, DNs are written from the leaf entry up (for example, cn=John Smith, ou=Sales, and so forth). 5–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring a DSA Proxy DSAs There are a number of situations where a group of DSAs must appear to the outside world as a single DSA. External DUA or DSA Proxy DSA Internal DSA 2 Internal DSA 1 Internal DSA 3 Internal DSA 4 For example, an organization can make a single DSA visible through an Internet firewall, but internally let that DSA send DSP requests to other internal DSAs that control subtrees subordinate to the visible DSA. This configuration fails when the external DUA sets the local-scope or chaining-prohibited service controls. In this case, the visible DSA returns a referral, but the DUA cannot connect to the referred DSA because there is no access to this DSA through the firewall. The solution to this problem is overriding the local-scope and chainingprohibited service controls using the command: set always-chain-down = true; When you enable this feature in the visible DSA, requests are chained to the relevant DSA regardless of the request’s service controls. Also, subtree searches are always multi-chained to subordinate DSAs. A proxy DSA is also useful if an X.500 guard wants to hide the address of DSAs inside the enclave that it is guarding. Distribution and DSP 5–9 Configuring Another DXserver Configuring Another DXserver To configure the knowledge of a remote DSA, use the set dsa command (see Defining DSAs in the chapter “General Administration” for more information). Local DSA Remote DSA A DXserver is identified by its name and prefix. The relationship between two DXservers is represented by the corresponding relationship between the prefixes. See A Domain of DXservers in this chapter for more information. Configuring Alternative Network Addresses You can configure knowledge of more than one network address for a DSA. This is used where you want to distribute the directory over more than one physical or logical network. This facilitates increased network availability by using additional networks between DSAs. To configure knowledge of more than one network address for a DSA, use the set dsa command: set dsa “DualNetwork” = { … address = tcp “dnet1” port 389, tcp “dnet2” port 1900 … }; NET 1 DSA Dual Network NET 2 Handling Firewall Address Translation If your firewall translates remote addresses, your DSA may not recognize the remote DSA because of the changed address. You must configure alternative network addresses in the knowledge file of the remote DSA by specifying the address of the remote DSA followed by the address of the firewall. 5–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring Another DXserver Configuring a Third-party DSA To configure the knowledge of third-party DSAs, use the set dsa command. Example: Setting a Remote DSA Reference set dsa “DemoUni” = { prefix = <c AU><o DemoUni> dsa-name = <c AU><o DemoUni><cn DSA> }; address = tcp “” port 389 auth-levels dsp-idle-time = anonymous = 10000 Note: This DSA does not support DISP, CMIP, or SNMP and has only anonymous access. DXlink A third-party DSA can be an LDAP server. DXserver has a feature, DXlink, which treats a remote LDAP server as another DSA. To activate DXlink, set the dsp-ldap link flag in the set dsa command in the knowledge directory of the LDAP server: link-flags = dsp-ldap Note: When you are using LDAP Version 3, use the dsp-ldap link flag. When you are using LDAP version 2, use dsp-ldapv2. For more information about DXlink, see Integrating Other LDAP Servers in the chapter “LDAP and DXlink.” Distribution and DSP 5–11 Configuring Another DXserver Configuring Multiple Local DSAs To support large databases, parallel processing, or independent subtrees (for example, for performance or security reasons), you can run a number of DXserver DSAs on the same machine. You configure each DSA with its own definition and connect the DSAs together using DSP. Example: Setting Two DSA References on the Same Machine # Knowledge configuration file: localTwo.dxc set dsa “LocalTwo” = { prefix = <c "AU"><o "DemoCorp"><ou "Sales"> ... address = tcp "Eagle" port 1910 ... }; # Knowledge configuration file: localThree.dxc set dsa “LocalThree” = { prefix = <c "AU"><o "DemoCorp"><ou "Support"> ... address = tcp "Eagle" port 1920 ... }; In this example, you can see that two local subtree DSAs are accessible: AU/DemoCorp/Sales and AU/DemoCorp/Support. They each listen on separate ports—1910 and 1920—although they have the same TCP/IP address. If the underlying RDBMS supports load sharing across multiple CPUs, each DSA process inherits this capability. 5–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring a Domain of DXservers Configuring a Domain of DXservers A typical directory installation will include a number of DSAs, which together control the DIT. These DSAs will usually control different portions of the DIT and they need to cooperate in order to process client requests. This section shows how a group of DSAs share DXserver knowledge. A Domain of DXservers The following diagram shows how to configure five DSAs to control a DIT. Each DSA has control over a portion of the DIT, represented by its prefix, and a relationship with the other DSAs in the domain. For instance DSA1 is the superior DSA of DSA2 and DSA3, while DSA4 and DSA5 are subordinates of DSA3. DSA 1 DSA 3 DSA 2 DSA 4 DSA 5 A request received by one DSA that requires an operation on an entry that is not contained in that DSA’s area of control, is chained (forwarded) to the relevant DSA. A request may be chained through a number of DSAs before finding the DSA capable of processing the request. When a domain of DSAs has shared knowledge, a DSA receiving a request is able to forward that request directly to any other DSA within the domain. A search request can require a subtree search spread over more than one DSA. In this case, the DSA containing the base object of the search performs the search locally and multi-chains the search to any DSAs that control part of the subtree to be searched. These DSAs will then return the search results back to the originating DSA, which will collate them and return the result back to the client. Distribution and DSP 5–13 Configuring a Domain of DXservers Sharing DXserver Configuration You should include each DSA definition in its own configuration file (.dxc) in the knowledge directory. You can group together a number of DSA definitions into a domain by creating a group file (.dxg) in the knowledge directory that sources each required configuration (.dxc) file. You can then include the group file in a server initialization file (.dxi) in the server’s directory. If you change a reference or add a new DSA to the network, you can generate a new configuration file and send a copy to each DSA that uses the reference. DSA A DsaA.dxi dom.dxg (Copy) .dxc (Copies) DsaA.dxc dom.dxg DsaB.dxc DSA B DsaB.dxi dom.dxg (Copy) .dxc (Copies) Each DXserver recognizes its own set dsa definition so that it can determine whether or not an operation is local. Configuring a First-level DSA When the local prefix contains only one Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) in its DN, the DSA is a first-level DSA. Usually there is no actual root-level DSA, so each first-level DSA must handle lists and searches from the root. This means that a first-level DSA multi-chains a search from root to other first-level DSAs. 5–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring a Domain of DXservers Configuring a Router DSA It is possible to start a DSA without connecting to a database. In this configuration, the DSA (known as a router DSA) simply forwards requests to other DSAs. To do this, comment out or remove the line in the DSA initialization file that sets the database name, as follows: ... # DATABASE # source “../database/dbname.dxc”; ... A DSA without a database is used to pass on requests to one of a number of DSAs known to the router DSA. The router DSA determines which DSA can best process the client’s request. See Alternative DSAs in this chapter for more information. A router DSA consumes a level of the DIT. In the following example of a router DSA’s knowledge file, c=au is the level of the DIT consumed by the router DSA. set dsa ROUTER = { prefix dsa-name dsa-password address disp-psap cmip-psap snmp-port console-port ssld-port auth-levels dsp-idle-time }; = = = = = = = = = = = <c AU> <c AU><CN DXserver> “secret” tcp “hostname” port 19289 DISP CMIP 19289 19290 1112 anonymous, clear-password, ssl-auth 60 Transparent Routing A router DSA can be used to link clients to a number of external LDAP servers, using DXlink. In this case, the LDAP clients and the LDAP server may have schema that are not known by the router DSA. This means that the router DSA may receive requests and responses that contain unknown schema. Normally, the router cannot process such queries. However, if transparent routing is enabled, the router can pass LDAP requests and responses without requiring the controlling schema. Transparent routing only works with LDAP clients. To enable transparent routing, use the following command: set transparent-routing = true; By default, transparent routing is set to FALSE. Distribution and DSP 5–15 Configuring a Domain of DXservers Configuring a Relay DSA You can configure a DSA as a relay DSA so that it forwards requests. A relay DSA does not occupy a level of the DIT. This is useful for router DSAs (such as load balancers) or proxy DSAs (such as firewalls), because you can effectively insert them without affecting the DIT. A relay DSA always forwards requests; therefore it cannot have a local database. A relay DSA only adds to the DSP trace information if the incoming request was from a DUA. To create a DSA as a relay DSA, add relay to its DSA flags: set dsa DemoCorp = { ... dsa-flags = relay, ... ... }; Caching Entries from Subordinate DSAs Unlike DAP, LDAP does not have a LIST operation. So, when LDAP clients want to browse a directory, they invoke one-level searches that return object class only. These one-level searches become a problem when there are many subordinate DSAs because a one-level search must be broadcast to each of the DSAs (whereas a LIST simply returns the names of the DSAs). To stop the flooding effect that this creates, especially at first-level DSAs, the DXserver caches the replies to one-level-search queries and makes them available to subsequent similar requests. Only one-level searches returning object class are cached—these are the searches commonly used to browse the directory. 5–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Alternative DSAs Alternative DSAs If you define more than one DSA with the same prefix (naming context) and data, these DSAs can be used to improve the performance and availability of the directory service. This section describes three ways that groups of DSAs with the same prefix and the same data can be used: ■ ■ ■ Failover—To improve the availability of the service, when one DSA fails, another automatically takes over its request load. Load sharing—To improve performance, read requests are divided between two or more DSAs. Query streaming—To improve performance, requests of different types are routed to different DSAs. Distribution and DSP 5–17 Alternative DSAs DSA Failover The purpose of failover is to improve the availability of the directory service. In the following example, the router DSA usually sends requests to DSA 1. If DSA 1 fails, the router DSA automatically sends all requests to DSA 2. This change is invisible to the clients. In this system, DSA 2 is simply a backup: it is only used if DSA 1 fails. Router DSA DSA 1 Database DSA 2 Replication Computer A Database Computer B Failing Over to a Backup DSA In the following example, the San Diego and Tokyo offices each use local replica DSAs, to improve performance. During normal operation, each local router DSA sends requests to the local data DSA. If either of the local data DSAs fails, the routers automatically fail over to the remote data DSA. San Diego Router DSA Tokyo Router DSA DSA 1 DSA 2 Database Replication Computer A (San Diego) Failing Over to a Remote DSA 5–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Computer B (Tokyo) Alternative DSAs Set the DSA Precedence For Failover When more than one data DSA fails, the router DSA fails over to other DSAs in their order of occurrence in the configuration files. You can override this order with the following commands: set precedence set write-precedence = dsaname1 [, dsaname2, dsaname3… ] ; = dsaname1 [, dsaname2, dsaname3… ] ; The command set precedence defines the order of the DSAs that the router DSA fails over to. The command set write-precedence defines the order in which DSAs are chosen to perform updates. You can use it to direct the write requests from a failover computer to a preferred master. If the set write-precedence command is not present, updates follow the normal precedence, which is defined by the order of the DSAs in the configuration file, or the set precedence command. The DSAs in these lists have precedence over those that are not listed, and DSAs earlier in the lists have precedence over those later in the lists. When these commands occur in a configuration file, source them after the knowledge. To maximize performance, in general you should give faster DSAs precedence over slower DSAs, and local DSAs precedence over remote DSAs. Example: Using precedence for geographically separated DSAs The DSAs EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH contain the same information. The following command ensures that DSAs in the east fail over to EAST before WEST: set precedence = EAST, WEST; The DSAs NORTH and SOUTH are not listed, so if both EAST and WEST are unavailable, DSAs will fail over to them in the order that they are listed in the configuration file. Example: Using write precedence set write-precedence = home-dsa,work-dsa; Distribution and DSP 5–19 Alternative DSAs DSA Load-Sharing Load-sharing is a way to use a router DSA and multiple data DSAs to improve performance. In a system with load-sharing, the router uses a least-busy algorithm to send read requests to the DSA with the least load at the time. In the example load-sharing configuration shown below, DSA2 has the smallest queue of outstanding queries, so the router DSA will send the next query to that DSA. Queries Router DSA Queue: Queue: 20 queries 0 queries DSA 1 DSA 2 Queue: 10 queries DSA 3 Database Example Load-Sharing Configuration When the router DSA is checking the DSAs, it only considers requests that it has sent, and it does not assess the load that might be caused by the request about to be sent, or the effect of requests that are being sent from other DSAs. You can examine the statistics logs of the data DSAs to understand how often the load is such that all three are busy. If all three are often busy, you might need more data DSAs. 5–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Alternative DSAs Load-Sharing Groups In a load-sharing system, DSAs work to balance the number of read requests. You can use load-sharing groups to constrain load-sharing to a sub-set of the DSAs that have the same prefix. The following example shows a router DSAs and three data DSAs with the same prefix. Two of these data DSAs are in a load-sharing group, and the router shares the load of read requests between these two DSAs. The third DSA is ignored because it is not in the load-sharing group. Read Requests Load-sharing group Router DSA DSA 1 DSA 2 DSA 3 Database Computer A Using a Load-Sharing Group to Limit Load-sharing to Particular DSAs Distribution and DSP 5–21 Alternative DSAs In the following example, the San Diego and Tokyo offices each use local loadsharing groups of DSAs, to improve performance. During normal operation, each local router DSA sends requests to the local group. If all of the DSAs in one local load-sharing group fail, the router can fail over to the remote load-sharing group. During normal operation, the router shares the load of read requests between the DSAs in the first load-sharing group. If all of the DSAs in this group are unavailable, the router will fail over to the second load-sharing group. Read Requests Read Requests San Diego Router DSA Tokyo Router DSA DSA 1 DSA 2 DSA 3 DSA 4 Load-sharing groups Database Database Replication Computer A (San Diego) Example System with Two Load-Sharing Groups 5–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Computer B (Tokyo) Alternative DSAs Set the DSA Precedence For Failover with Load-Sharing Groups You can use precedence rules to affect how failover works with load-sharing groups. For information about setting precedence, see the section Set the DSA Precedence For Failover in this chapter. If you use the set precedence command to list DSAs that are also in load-sharing groups, then a load-sharing group has the precedence of the highest DSA in that group. For example, consider the following command: set precedence DSA1, DSA2, DSA3, DSA4; A load-sharing group that includes DSA1 and DSA4 has precedence over a group that includes DSA2 and DSA3. Also, a load-sharing group that includes DSA4 has precedence over a group that includes no listed DSAs. Set Up a Load-Sharing System To set DSAs to share the load for a particular context prefix, do the following: 1. Decide how many DSAs you will use to share the load of read requests. 2. Set up these DSAs with the same prefix and the same data. 3. Set each DSA to share the same knowledge information. 4. Add the load-share DSA flag to the shared knowledge: set dsa dsaname = { ... dsa-flags = load-share, ... ... }; 5. In the router DSA’s group knowledge file (.dxg), list the load-sharing DSAs consecutively. 6. (Optional) To create a load-sharing group, add the load-share-group item to the knowledge for the DSAs in the group: set dsa dsaname = { ... load-share-group = group-name dsa-flags = load-share, ... ... }; Distribution and DSP 5–23 Alternative DSAs DSA Query Streaming Query streaming is a way to send particular types of queries to different DSAs. This allows you to dedicate DSAs to particular types of operations, which can improve performance consistency. You can use query streaming with load sharing, to direct queries to different load-sharing groups. How Query Streaming Works Query streaming is somewhat like checkout lanes in a supermarket. In a supermarket, the express lanes are reserved for small sales, to allow people with only a few items to be served quickly. In a supermarket without an express lane, people with only a few items can be stuck behind people with many items. Similarly, you can dedicate some DSAs to small, fast queries (for example, authentications) so that they are not held up by complex queries (for example, reports). In the following example, the Router DSA sends queries in the following manner: ■ Simple searches only go to DSA 1 and DSA 2 ■ Complex searches only go to DSA 3 ■ Update requests only go to DSA 4 Queries Router DSA Simple queries DSA 1 load-share limit-search read-only Simple queries DSA 2 load-share limit-search read-only Complex queries DSA 3 Update requests DSA 4 read-only Example of a Distributed System Set Up to Allow Query Streaming 5–24 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Alternative DSAs Set Up Query Streaming To set up query streaming, follow these steps: 1. Decide how many data DSAs your distributed system will include. 2. Decide what queries each data DSA will accept. 3. For each data DSA, set one or more of the following flags in the DSA knowledge file: The read-only flag A router will not forward update requests to a DSA that has the flag read-only set in its knowledge file. This routes update requests to any DSAs without the flag read-only. The limit-list flag A router DSA will not forward any list requests to a DSA that has the flag limit-list set in its knowledge file. The limit-search flag A router DSA will not forward any complex searches to a DSA that has the flag limit-search set in its knowledge file. For more information about the limit-search flag, see the section Example: How the limit-search DSA Flag Works in the chapter “General Administration.” What Is a Simple Search? This section describes simple and complex searches. If a DSA includes the limitsearch flag in its knowledge file, no complex searches will be sent to that DSA. The following searches are simple: ■ Exact match searches—For example, cn=john smith ■ Initial substring searches—For example, cn=john s* ■ ■ Searches that include exact-match and initial-substring searches combined with simple ANDs or ORs,—For example, (&(cn=john smith)(cn=john s*)) All base-object searches (reads), regardless of the filter The following searches are complex: (objectclass=*) (!(cn~=john smith)) (&(objectclass=*)(cn~=john smith)) (|(cn=jon*)(cn=john*)) These complex searches could only be sent to a DSA that does not have the limitsearch flag set. Distribution and DSP 5–25 Chapter 6 Security This chapter describes the following areas of eTrust Directory security: ■ Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption ■ Authentication ■ Password management ■ Access controls Security 6–1 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption This section describes how to use SSL to protect link connections to or from DXserver. About the SSL Protocol SSL is a protocol for providing link-level security. SSL has virtually become the industry standard for encryption, integrity, and authentication. For more information about SSL, see SSL and Certificates SSL uses X.509 certificates. When you use SSL, you must properly manage these certificates through a certification authority or appropriate software. JXplorer lets you manage certificates, private keys, and keystores. See the chapter “Using JXplorer” for more information about managing certificates and enabling SSL authentication. eTrust Directory and SSL DXserver supports SSL as both an encryption method and an authentication method. We refer to this as SSL encryption and SSL authentication. Note: SSL authentication always uses SSL encryption. 6–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption SSL Encryption and Authentication Using SSLD You can protect any link connection to or from DXserver with SSL encryption. eTrust Directory implements SSL encryption and authentication as a companion process to the DSA. This process is called SSLD. SSLD is based on OpenSSL. For security, SSLD must run on the same computer as the DXserver. SSLD is multithreaded, which means that one SSLD process can serve multiple DXservers simultaneously. There is no need to run multiple SSLD processes on the same computer. The SSLD server supports: ■ SSL (both version 2 and 3) ■ Transport Layer Security (TLS) How the SSLD Works with Certificates SSLD uses the following types of certificates, which are stored in its configuration directory: ■ ■ Trusted root certificates (“trusted.pem”) that contain one or more certificates of trusted Certification Authorities. Personality certificates that identify the one or more DXservers that are communicating with the SSL server. There is one per DSA (dsaName.pem), and each one contains a private key. The following diagram displays this: Directory Client DB DSA SSLD Personality Certs HSM Trusted Certs Security 6–3 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption How DXserver Works with SSL Binds Unlike other directory implementations, the eTrust Directory DSA handles DAP, LDAP, DSP and DISP protocols through a single port in SSL-encrypted and unencrypted forms. When SSL encryption or decryption is required, the DSA passes the packets to the SSLD to perform the SSL operation. When a client binds to a DXserver using SSL, the following happens: 1. If the DXserver is not already connected, it connects to the SSLD, assuming it is running. Note: If the SSLD is not running or is not configured properly, possibly with a different port, the DSA refuses the client connection (fails the bind request). 2. DXserver passes all SSL handshaking to the SSLD to establish the SSL connection with the client. 3. DXserver uses SSLD to decrypt requests and encrypt responses. The following diagram displays this: Directory Client DB DSA 1 2 3 SSLD 6–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption DXserver Personality Certificates When a DSA connects to SSLD it passes the DSA server name as its SSLD personality. The server name is the name specified by the set dsa dsaName command in the DSA configuration file in the knowledge directory. For example, for the Democorp DSA, the SSLD personality name is democorp. This personality determines the certificate file that the SSLD uses to support authentication of the DSA. The personality name passed to the SSL server is mapped to a file name of the form personality.pem (the personality string is converted to lowercase). This file contains a certificate and private key in PEM format (the private key is what gives the DSA its identity) unless a HSM is in use, in which case it is a hardware reference. For information about DXserver HSM support, contact Computer Associates at Generating Personality Certificates You must not simply rename the personality files that come with eTrust Directory (for example, from democorp.pem to mydsaname.pem) and edit the subject lines. This text is just comments for the real certificate—changing the text does not alter the certificate. You must generate a new certificate. To generate personality certificates, use separate certificate authority software. The popular certification authority software OpenSSL is available from You can either build the package from the source code (which requires a compiler) or locate a binary (precompiled) package for your operating system. When you are generating a personality certificate, ensure the following: ■ ■ Make sure that the DSA name in the subject field of the certificate matches the DSA name in the DSA knowledge. For example, for the Democorp DSA, this is <c AU><o Democorp><cn DXserver>. Add the root certificates of the certificate authorities that you use to generate your DXserver personality certificates to the end of the trusted.pem file. Security 6–5 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption Setting Up SSL For DXserver This section describes what you have to do to set up SSL for DXserver. You will need a root certificate, a DSA personality certificates and an SSLD instance to service DSA requests. Configuring DXserver for SSL Operation DXserver needs to know which port the SSLD is using for connections. This is configured in the DSA configuration file (.dxc) in the knowledge directory. For example: set dsa Democorp = { ... ssld-port = port_number ... }; If the SSLD port number is not specified, it defaults to port 1112. For a list of all ports in a default installation of eTrust Directory, see the section Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory in the chapter DXserver Overview. Configuring the SSLD To configure SSLD, you need a root certificate, DSA personality certificates and a SSLD instance to service DSA requests. The format of the SSLD command is as follows: ssld action [arguments] The following table lists the SSLD actions available: Action Description install Saves the startup arguments and options and sets the SSLD to start automatically at system startup. ssld install ssld-server-name -certfiles path -ca file [options] start Starts the SSLD: ssld start ssld-server-name [-certfiles path -ca file [options]] If you have already installed the SSLD, you can omit the arguments and options. To start all previously installed SSLDs, use the command: ssld start all 6–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption Action Description stop Stops the specified SSLD: ssld stop ssld-server-name To stop all SSLDs, use the command: ssld stop all remove Removes the specified SSLD from the list of automatically restarting SSLDs so that it does not restart at the next system startup. ssld remove ssld-server-name To remove all SSLDs, use the command: ssld remove all status Displays the status of all configured SSLDs: ssld status -ciphers Prints a list of all ciphers that can be used for SSL/TLS connections: ssld -ciphers The following table describes the parameters of these commands. Parameter Meaning -certfiles path The directory that contains certificate and private-key files in PEM format. This parameter is required by the install action. It is also required by the start action if the SSLD server has not already been installed. -ca file A file that contains trusted certification authority certificates in PEM format. This parameter is required by the install action. This parameter is also required by the start action if the SSLD server has not already been installed. The arguments of the ssld install and the ssld start commands are: Argument Values -hsm_pin pin The hardware security module (HSM) user PIN. If specified, the private key is used through the HSM. -hsm_lib file File containing the pks#11 library supplied by the HSM vendor. -hsm_slot n The HSM slot number. -cipher string Specifies the ciphers that will be used for SSL/TLS connections. -help Displays command usage. -port n The listen port, which DXserver uses when connecting to the SSL daemon. If not specified, it defaults to port 1112. -tls Instructs SSLD to use TLS instead of SSL 3.0. Security 6–7 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption Argument Values -nologo Do not show the banner. -debug n Sets a debugging level (0-9). -threads n Specifies the number of extra threads. The default is 2, which makes the SSLD multi-threaded by default. Resetting SSLD Parameters The parameters of the ssld start command are stored. This means that even if you stop and restart the SSLD, it continues to use the parameters that you set when you first started the SSLD. For example, if you run the following commands, the logging level set in the first line is not reset: ssld start xxx -debug 9 ssld stop xxx ssld start xxx There are two ways to reset SSLD parameters: ■ Reset the parameter directly You can stop and start the SSLD again, making sure that you explicitly re-set all parameters. For example, to re-set the logging parameter: ssld stop xxx ssld start xxx -debug 0 ■ Install the SSLD again, with the new parameters Another way to reset SSLD parameters is to remove and re-install the SSLD. The installation re-sets the parameters: ssld ssld ssld ssld stop xxx remove xxx install xxx [arguments] start xxx The parameters are stored in the following locations: ■ ■ 6–8 Windows—The following registry variable : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ssld_ins tancename\Parameters UNIX and Linux—The ssld_name.args file in $DXHOME/config/ssld eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption SSLD Is Multi-Threaded SSLD can be configured to run more than one instance on each computer. However, we recommend that you use only one instance of SSLD per computer. You should only run one instance of SSLD on each computer because SSLD cannot determine if there is another SSLD instance on the same port when it starts up. This is due to the way Windows allocates TCP ports. This limitation means that two SSLD instances might be running on the same port, with unpredictable results, including "Assertion Error" messages and SSLD hanging and refusing to accept new requests. Instead of running multiple instances of SSLD, use the -threads parameter to set the required number of threads. We recommend that you set the number of threads to twice the number of CPUs, unless you have a large number of CPUs. If you have many CPUs, then set the number of threads to the number of CPUs plus five. In the following example, the SSLD process uses four CPUs, and is started automatically when the Democorp DSA is started. The certificate and private key files are in the directory DXHOME/config/ssld/personalities, and the trusted Certification Authority (CA) certificate is in config/ssld/trusted.pem. ssld install democorp –certfiles config/ssld/personalities –ca config/ssld/trusted.pem –threads 4 SSLD Example: Specifying the Cipher for SSL/TSL Connections You can specify which cipher is to be used for SSL/TLS connections. When you start the server, use the -cipher option, as in this example: ssld start democorp –certfiles config/ssld/personalities –ca config/ssld/trusted.pem -cipher RC4-MD5 To list all the available ciphers, use the -ciphers action: ssld -ciphers A list of ciphers appears, as in the following example: EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(1024) Au=RSA Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1 EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(1024) Au=DSS Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1 DES-CBC3-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA(1024) Au=RSA Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1 DHE-DSS-RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(1024) Au=DSS Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1 RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA(1024) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1 RC4-MD5 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(1024) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5 EXP1024-DHE-DSS-RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(1024) Au=DSS Enc=RC4(56) Mac=SHA1 export EXP1024-RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA(1024) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(56) Mac=SHA1 export EDH-DSS-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(1024) Au=DSS Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1 DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA(1024) Au=RSA Enc=DES(56) Mac=SHA1 EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export EXP-EDH-DSS-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(512) Au=DSS Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export EXP-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC2(40) Mac=MD5 export EXP-RC4-MD5 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export Mac=MD5 export Security 6–9 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption For more information about ciphers, see 6–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption Client Encryption DXserver automatically detects an SSL session from an LDAP client or DAP DUA. If the SSLD is running, it manages all the session establishment and encryption. If the SSLD is not running, the connection is refused. The only way to force a client to use SSL encryption is by enforcing SSL authentication. DSA-to-DSA Encryption (DSP and DISP) To enable a DXserver to use encryption when communicating with a remote DSA, set the link flags to ssl-encryption in the knowledge file of the remote DSA. For example, to enable encryption from a Democorp DSA to a UNSPSC DSA, ensure that, in the knowledge, the UNSPSC link flag is set to ssl-encryption. set dsa UNSPSC = … link-flags = ssl-encryption … DUA OP DemoCorp DSA BIND UNSPSC DSA Note: The previous DSAs share the same configuration, but the Democorp directory must look up the capabilities of the other directories to decide whether to use SSL encryption. Security 6–11 Authentication Authentication Authentication is the process of validating users. During authentication, the server asks itself, “Is the user who they say they are?” DXserver supports three levels of authentication: ■ Anonymous (no credentials) ■ Simple (name and password) ■ SSL (certificate-based authentication) Authentication is performed on all incoming binds from a client or server. When certificate-based authentication is used, then all communication on the association set up by the bind will use SSL encryption. Setting the Minimum Authentication Level You can set the minimum authentication level on a DXserver using the set min-auth command. This sets the minimum requirements for a successful bind to the DXserver. No Authentication Setting no authentication permits any type of authentication (including anonymous). To permit any authentication, use the following command in the initialization script or at the management console: set min-auth = none; Name and Password Authentication To force authentication of at least a name and password, set min-auth to clear-password. This ensures that a user provides a user name and clear-text password or provide a certificate (to be checked using SSL authentication) on a bind. set min-auth = clear-password; Certificate Authentication To force authentication by certificate, set the following command: set min-auth = ssl-auth; 6–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Authentication Anonymous Authentication When no credentials are provided or only simple credentials are provided without a password (for instance, just a name), then the bind is treated as anonymous. An anonymous bind is accepted only when the minimum authentication level is none. Simple Authentication When a name and password are supplied with the following conditions, the bind is treated as simple. ■ The name corresponds to a real entry in the directory. ■ That entry has a password attribute. ■ The supplied password matches it. ■ The min-auth flag does not include the value ssl-auth. For simple authentication, all users must have corresponding directory entries containing the password attribute. Authentication fails and the bind is refused when: ■ The entry named by the user cannot be found. ■ The entry named by the user name does not contain a password attribute. ■ The password provided does not match the password value of the attribute in the entry named by the user name. When the user does not provide a user name and password or only provides a user name, and if the minimum authentication level is set to “none,” the bind is accepted as anonymous. You can add the password attribute to an object with a remote DUA. When access controls are in force, users can add or change a password only when they have the appropriate privilege, for example: ■ ■ Superuser Administrator of a subtree (only for entries in the subtree and only when the administrator has privileges on the password attribute) ■ Administrators of their own entry ■ Registered user with update permissions on the password attribute Security 6–13 Authentication SSL Authentication SSL authentication has two parts: 1. 2. Establish the SSL connection. Establish the directory connection (using a bind). Establishing the SSL Connection The SSL client provides a certificate with the SSL connection: SSL Client DemoCorp DSA The DXserver/SSLD validates the certificate by checking the validity dates and checking the issuer of the certificate against the configured trusted roots. SSLD SSL Client Trusted Certs DemoCorp DSA The SSL connection is then established. SSL Client SSL DemoCorp DSA Establishing the Directory Connection The SSL client uses the SSL bind procedure. In LDAP, this is known as SASL/EXTERNAL. (In X.500, we use the Bind External Procedure.) This tells the directory to use the certificate from the link layer. 6–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Authentication SSL Client BIND SSL DemoCorp DSA The DSA checks the entry named by the subject DN contained in the certificate. In the case of DAP or LDAP (clients), the DSA verifies that the entry exists. In the case of DSP or DISP, the DSA will check the dsa-name in its knowledge. To bypass this last check of the certificate’s subject DN, use the command: set ssl-auth-bypass-entry-check = TRUE; This establishes the directory connection. X.500/ LDAP SSL Client SSL DemoCorp DSA Restricted Chaining If a DSA receives a bind request and passes a compare request to a remote DSA, then the compare request will have a chaining-prohibited control set. This prevent the remote DSA from passing the compare request to another DSA and ensures that the compare is only processed by a trusted DSA. If users are storing a hierarchy of DSAs, then it is a good idea for the DSAs to share knowledge so that compare requests can be sent straight to the DSA that contains the entry. Overriding Restricted Chaining It is possible for a DSA to override the chaining-prohibited control by setting always-chain-down to true. This can be useful when you want to configure proxy DSAs. For information about proxy DSAs, see the section Proxy DSAs in chapter 5. However, we recommend that you do not override the chaining-prohibited control, because this breaks the trust relationship between DSAs. Security 6–15 Authentication Bypassing the Entry Check Usually, during SSL authentication, the DSA verifies that the entry exists. This can be bypassed with the command: set ssl-auth-bypass-entry-check = TRUE; In this case, when authenticating the client, the DSA will not check that an entry with a distinguished name matching the subject field in the certificate of the client exists in the directory. Distributed User Authentication A user can bind to one DSA when their entry is held on another DSA. When the bind is made, the DXserver can forward a check to another DSA when certain distributed authentication parameters are set. During simple authentication, the local DSA can forward the password check to a remote DSA only when the local DSA can make an authenticated connection to the remote DSA. The remote DSA must have the correct trust-flags set in the DSA definition. For example, to enable the Democorp DSA to forward a password check on to the UNSPSC DSA, the Democorp DSA must check its knowledge of the UNSPSX DSA. If the UNSPSC knowledge file contains the trust flag allow-check-password, then the Democorp DSA can pass the password compare request to the UNSPSC DSA. set dsa UNSPSC = ... trust-flags = allow-check-password ... bind request DUA bind response Democorp DSA compare request compare response UNSPSC DSA If the DSA receiving the bind request passes a compare request of the password value to the remote DSA, and this returns a compare confirm with assertion true, then the DSA returns a bind-confirm to the user. 6–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Authentication DSP Simple Authentication DSP and DISP binds are subject to the min-auth setting. This means that if the local DSA has enabled authentication, an incoming DSP or DISP bind request must have valid bind credentials. Authenticated DSP binds use mutual authentication. During the bind process, each DSA supplies its own credentials to the other DSA, and each DSA also checks the credentials supplied to it by the other DSA. Credentials Used During DSA Binds An incoming bind is accepted only when there is a DSA knowledge configuration that meets all the following conditions: ■ The distinguished name of the credentials matches the remote DSA dsaname. ■ The password in the credentials matches the remote DSA password. ■ The address of the binding DSA matches the address of the remote DSA. We recommend that the DSAs in a DSP-meshed network share the same group knowledge configuration file so that all the combinations of names and passwords are known to each DSA. See Managing DSP in the chapter “Distribution and DSP” for more information about sending credentials with a DSP bind request. Security 6–17 Authentication How Mutual Authentication Works This section describes the mutual authentication process. 1. The DSA sending the bind request includes its credentials with the bind request. It gets these credentials from its own knowledge file. 2. The DSA receiving the bind request checks the credentials against its knowledge of the sending DSA. In this example, the UNSPSC DSA receives a bind request from the Democorp DSA, and checks its credentials: set dsa Democorp = ... dsa-name = <c CA><o UNSPSC<>cn DXserver> dsa-password = … address = … ... Democorp DSA bind request UNSPSC DSA 3. The DSA that received the bind requests now sends a bind response back, including its own credentials in this bind response. 4. The DSA that sent the bind request checks the credentials of the other DSA against its knowledge of the other DSA. In the following example, the UNSPSC DSA receives a bind response from the Democorp DSA, and checks its credentials: set dsa UNSPSC = ... dsa-name = <c CA><o UNSPSC<>cn DXserver> dsa-password = … address = … ... Democorp DSA 5. 6–18 bind response UNSPSC DSA If all the credential checks match, the bind succeeds. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Authentication DSP SSL Authentication To enable SSL authentication between DSAs, the auth-levels flag of the receiving DSA must include the value ssl-auth. If you simply want DSA-to-DSA connections to be encrypted, SSL authentication is unnecessary. Instead, set the link-flags element in the DSA knowledge to sslencryption. How DSP SSL Authentication Works This section describes the DSP SSL authentication process. 1. The DSA sending the bind request checks its own knowledge file to determine if it can use SSL. 2. The sending DSA then checks the knowledge file of the receiving DSA to see if it can accept an SSL connection. If it cannot, the bind attempt is aborted. If it can, the DSA sends the SSL bind request. In this example, the Democorp DSA finds the ssl-auth flag in its copy of the UNSPSC knowledge file, so it sends the SSL bind request: set dsa UNSPSC = … auth-levels = ssl-auth … DemoCorp DSA BIND UNSPSC DSA DISP Authentication DISP authentication is controlled by the DISP agreement. See DISP Agreements in the chapter “Replication” for more information about DISP agreements. Depending on the setting of auth-level in the agreement, the authentication method follows the DSP simple or DSP SSL procedures outlined previously. Security 6–19 Authentication Bypassing Mutual Authentication In the case of simple authentication, DSAs always exchange name and password if configured. Not all third party DSAs or LDAP servers support the returning of credentials on bind confirm. You can set a trust flag in the knowledge file of the third-party DSA to bypass the return credentials check: set dsa UNSPSC = … trust-flags = no-server-credentials … DemoCorp DSA BIND RESPONSE UNSPSC rd 3 PARTY DSA In the case of SSL authentication, certificates are always exchanged and the subject DN is always checked against the DSA name in the knowledge configuration file. You cannot bypass mutual authentication when using SSL authentication. 6–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Authentication Conveying User Authentication In a networked system of DSAs, a user can bind to a DSA, and then request information that is held on another DSA. You can use the trust-conveyed-originator flag to allow the first DSA to convey the user’s authentication to the second DSA. How User Authentication Is Conveyed Between DSAs 1. A user binds to a DSA. The bind request includes the user’s DN, and the user’s credentials. 2. The DSA authenticates the user. 3. The user makes another request which the current DSA cannot fulfill. 4. The DSA passes the request to another DSA that will be able to fulfill the request. The request includes the user’s DN and authentication 5. The receiving DSA must decided whether to trust the user’s authentication. To do this, it looks at the knowledge file of the first DSA for the trustconveyed-originator flag. 6. If the receiving DSA finds the trust-conveyed-originator flag, it accepts the request. Even though the user was authenticated on Democorp, it will be treated as if it had been authenticated on UNSPSC. 7. The receiving DSA uses the DN of the originating user to determine what access controls to apply to the request. In this example, the UNSPSC DSA trusts the user authentication of the request that has been passed to it by the Democorp DSA: set dsa DemoCorp = … trust-flags = trust-conveyed-originator … DUA OP DemoCorp DSA OP UNSPSC DSA Security 6–21 Authentication DSP Link Authentication Traffic on any link is generally carried at the same security level. That is: ■ High security—SSL authentication is carried on an SSL bind ■ Medium security—simple authentication is carried on a simple bind ■ Low security—anonymous authentication is carried on an anonymous bind SSL authentication DSA Simple authentication DSA No authentication Possible Problems with Link Authentication This can present problems if a user makes a successful simple bind to a directory, but is refused any distributed operations because all distributed links have a minimum authentication level of ssl-auth. Similarly, a user might make a successful SSL authenticated bind to a directory, only to be refused distributed operations because the distributed directories cannot support SSL authentication. In either case, the error reported is “No compatible link type.” Possible Solutions to the “No compatible link type” Error One solution is to change the “auth-levels” so that a compatible DSP link can be established. Another solution is to either upgrade or downgrade the trust levels on the link between distributed DSAs. A user who makes a successful simple bind can be upgraded to allow distributed operations over an SSL link; a user who makes a successful SSL bind can be downgraded to allow distributed operations over an anonymous or simple link. This should not be undertaken lightly. The only reasonable use is to permit unauthenticated DSA links within the one organization (or on the one host), or to grant access to a public server. You can use downgrading and upgrading on inter-office links, but the use of encryption should suffice. 6–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Authentication Examples: Upgrading and Downgrading the Link Type The following example demonstrates the upgrade of anonymous bind user on a simple link between a Democorp DSA and a UNSPSC DSA: set dsa UNSPSC = … trust-flags = allow-upgrading … DUA anon DemoCorp DSA simple UNSPSC DSA The following example demonstrates the downgrade of an SSL bind user on a simple link between a Democorp DSA and a UNSPSC DSA: set dsa UNSPSC = … trust-flags = allow-downgrading … SSL DUA DemoCorp DSA simple UNSPSC DSA Impersonation Protection DSA authentication is completely separate from DUA authentication. This means that a DUA cannot gain access using the credentials of a DSA, and a DSA cannot gain access using the credentials of a DUA. DSA authentication checks network addresses and credentials. This makes it difficult for one DSA to impersonate another DSA. Security 6–23 Managing Passwords Managing Passwords A policy is a set of rules that defines behavior. In eTrust Directory, you can define a policy for passwords. This password policy controls the password that users enter to bind to a DSA. There are two kinds of password rules: ■ Password quality checking rules ■ Password management rules Password quality checking rules define the quality of a new password. The rules are applied when a user changes their own password. The rules include: ■ Setting the length of the password: ■ Setting the minimum number of particular types or characters: ■ Limiting repetition within the password: ■ Preventing the user from including their own user name in the password ■ Preventing the user from re-using a recent password Password management rules define how to deal with passwords during operation, including: ■ Life span of passwords ■ Suspending user accounts manually ■ Locking user accounts after incorrect login attempts ■ Resetting passwords ■ Grace logins after the password has expired How Password Rules Are Applied Password rules (except vetting checks) are only applied when operations are being performed by the user that owns the password. For example, if an administrator updates the password then no history check will occur. This effectively resets the password. Each DSA can have a single set of password rules. You cannot apply different password policies to users stored within the same DSA. You can apply different policies to different groups of users by splitting the users up by sub-tree and having each sub-tree serviced by a separate DSA. Each DSA can then have its own set of password policies. 6–24 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing Passwords Password Protection You cannot read passwords directly. An attempt to read a password attribute results in the return of the encrypted value. See Password Storage in the chapter “General Administration” for more information about encryption algorithms. Passwords are always single-valued. This means that an administrator cannot add a secret value and use this as an unpublished entry point into the DSA. Passwords are encrypted before they are stored in the database. This prevents the possibility of interrogating the database directly for the value of any passwords. Password logins are secure only if each person can change only their own password. Make sure that you set access controls so that each user can update only their own password. Also make sure that administrators are allowed to update any user password. Password Command Options The following table briefly describes each of the password settings. The default for most values is 0, which means that the option is off: Keyword Parameter Description password-age Number of days | 0 (Default: 0) The number of days for which a password will remain valid See the section Setting the Life Span of Passwords. password-allow-ignoreexpired True | False (Default: False) The password-allow-ignore-expired option bypasses the expiration check of the password. This only takes effect for entries that include the attribute dxPwdIgnoreExpire. See the section Setting Passwords to Never Expire. password-allow-locking True | False (Default: False) Allows a user’s account to be locked. This only takes effect for entries that include the attribute dxPwdLocked. See the section Locking an Account after Incorrect Login Attempts. password-alpha Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The minimum number of alphabetic characters in the password See the section Checking Password Quality . Security 6–25 Managing Passwords Keyword Parameter Description password-alpha-num Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The minimum number of alphanumeric characters in the password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-force-change True | False (Default: False) Forces users to change their passwords after their passwords have been reset See the section Forcing Password Changes after Reset. password-grace-logins Number of logins | 0 (Default: ) The maximum number of times that the user can log in with their password after it has expired See the section Setting the Number of Grace Logins. password-history Number of entries | 0 (Default: 0) The maximum number of entries to retain in the history. This prevents the user from re-using these passwords. See the section Preventing Users from Re-using Passwords. password-last-use Number of days | 0 (Default: 0) The number of days a password remains valid if it is not used. If the value is exceeded, the password expires. See the section Setting the Maximum Life Span of Passwords. password-lowercase Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The minimum number of lowercase characters in the password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-max-length Num. chars | 0 The maximum length of the password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-max-repetition Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The maximum number of single characters that can be repeated in a password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-max-substringrepetition Number of reps | 0 (Default: 0) The password-max-substring-repetition option sets the maximum repetitions of a substring within a password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-max-suspension Number of secs | 0 (Default: 0) The number of seconds after which a locked password reactivates See the section Locking an Account after Incorrect Login Attempts. 6–26 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing Passwords Keyword Parameter Description password-min-age Number of days | 0 (Default: 0) The number of days since a password was changed until it can be changed again See the section Setting the Minimum Life Span of Passwords. password-min-length password-min-lengthrepeated-substring Num. chars | 0 (Default: 6) The minimum length of a password Integer ≥2 | 0 (Default: 0) The password-min-length-repeated-substring option sets the minimum length of substrings that will be checked. This only takes effect for entries that include the attribute maxSubstrRep. See the section Checking Password Quality . See the section Checking Password Quality . password-non-alpha Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The minimum number of non-alphabetic characters in the password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-non-alpha-num Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters in the password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-numeric Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The minimum number of numeric characters in the password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-policy True | False (Default: False) Enable password management password-retries Integer | 0 (Default: 0) The number of consecutive failed logon attempts before a password is locked See the section Locking an Account after Incorrect Login Attempts. password-uppercase Num. chars | 0 (Default: 0) The minimum number of uppercase characters in the password See the section Checking Password Quality . password-usernamesubstring True | False (Default: False) The password-username-substring option sets whether the password can contain the user’s RDN When this is set to true, the password must not contain the user’s last RDN. See the section Checking Password Quality . Security 6–27 Managing Passwords Enabling or Disabling Password Management Even if you have other password options set, they will only take effect if you set the password-policy option to true. To enable or disable password management, set the following option: set password-policy = true | false; Checking Password Quality You can set up rules to make sure that users only choose strong passwords. If you have set rules about password quality, these rules are applied when a user attempts to change their own password. If the new password does not pass the tests, the user will have to try again with a new password. When an administrator changes a password for a user, the password policy rules are not applied. The rules will be applied the next time that the user changes their own password. Set the length of the password: set password-min-length = number-of-characters | 0; set password-max-length = number-of-characters | 0; Set the minimum number of particular types of characters: set set set set set set password-alpha = number-of-characters | 0; password-alpha-num = number-of-characters | 0; password-lowercase = number-of-characters | 0; password-non-alpha = number-of-characters | 0; password-non-alpha-num = number-of-characters | 0; password-numeric = number-of-characters | 0; Limit repetition within the password: set password-max-repetition = number-of-characters | 0; set password-max-substring-repetition = number-of-characters | 0; set password-min-length-repeated-substring = number-of-characters | 0; Note: The password-min-length-repeated-substring option only affects those users whose entries include the attribute maxSubstrRep. Prevent the user from including their own user name in the password: set password-username-substring = true | false; 6–28 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing Passwords Setting the Life Span of Passwords Use the following commands to control password expirations. Setting the Maximum Life Span of Passwords Set the number of days for which a password will remain valid: set password-age = number-of-days | 0; Set the number of days a password remains valid if it is not used. If the value is exceeded, the password expires: set password-last-use = number-of-days | 0; Example: Making passwords valid indefinitely You want passwords to be valid indefinitely except when they are not used for 30 days. Set the parameters as follows: set password-policy = TRUE; set password-last-use = 30; You do not need to use the set password-age option because you are using its default value of 0 (off). Setting the Minimum Life Span of Passwords You can also set the minimum life span of a password. This is the number of days since a password was changed until it can be changed again. You can use this to prevent people from changing their password many times to fill up the password history. To do this, use the following command: set password-min-age = number-of-days | 0; Setting Passwords to Never Expire Accounts can be made to never expire. This is useful for accounts shared by many users. To set a user’s password to never expire: 1. Set the password-allow-ignore-expired option to true: set password-allow-ignore-expired = true; 2. Add the attribute dxPwdIgnoreExpire to the user’s entry. To check which user passwords are set to never expire: ■ Search for all user accounts with the attribute dxPwdIgnoreExpire. You can only find out if entries have this attribute by searching for it explicitly. Security 6–29 Managing Passwords Setting the Number of Grace Logins In a grace login system, passwords expire but users can use an expired password for limited number of times. This gives them the opportunity to change the password. If the number of grace logins is exceeded, the account will behave as if it were expired. The number of grace logins remaining will be sent back to the binding client in the presence of the password policy request control. To set the number of grace logins, use the following command: set password-grace-logins = number-of-grace-logins | 0; Resetting a Password Whenever an administrator updates a user password, the password policy attributes for that entry are reset. These attributes include: ■ Any password history ■ The time of the last use of the password ■ The time the password was created For example, if password-age is set to 30 days and a user has not logged in for more than 30 days, the administrator can update that user's password to enable that user to log in again. Forcing Password Changes after Reset You can force users to change their passwords after their passwords have been reset. To do this, use the following command: set password-force-change = true; When a user logs in with their new password, the only operation the user can perform is to change their password. After the user has changed their password, their normal operations are restored. This password control can only be used with LDAP clients that are aware of LDAP password policy controls (for example, LDUA and the PAM-LDAP client). 6–30 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing Passwords Locking an Account after Incorrect Login Attempts You can set accounts to be locked if someone has made too many unsuccessful attempts to log in. To set accounts to be locked after a certain number of attempts to log in, use the following command: set password-retries = number-of-attempts; To allow users to attempt to log on again after a certain amount of time has passed, use the following command: set password-max-suspension = time-in-seconds | 0; Example: Limiting the number of logon attempts You want to allow users attempt to log on only two times before their account is locked, and you want to allow them to try to log on again after six hours. To do this, use the following commands: set password-policy = TRUE; set password-retries = 2; set password-max-suspension = 21600; Suspending an Account Manually You can suspend a user’s account manually by locking their password. You can later remove the suspension, and the user can continue to use that password. Note: This only works with LDAP clients that are aware of LDAP password policy controls (for example, LDUA and the PAM-LDAP client). To suspend a user’s account, you need to do the following: 1. Set access controls as required (see the other sections in this chapter). 2. Enable password locking. To do this, use the following command: set password-allow-locking = true; 3. Lock the user’s password. To do this, add the attribute dxPwdLocked to the user’s entry. To unlock the account: ■ Remove the attribute dxPwdLocked from the user’s entry. Do not set the value to 0. If this attribute is present, the account will still be locked. To check which user accounts are locked: ■ Search for all user accounts with the attribute dxPwdLocked. The only way to find out if entries have this attribute if you search for it explicitly. Security 6–31 Managing Passwords Preventing Users from Re-using Passwords Set the maximum number of entries to retain in the history. By default, this feature is disabled (0). If you do not want to check a changed password against old passwords, set the value to 0: set password-history = maximum-number | 0; Some Password Controls Require an LDAP Client Some password controls can only be used with LDAP clients that are aware of LDAP password policy controls (for example, LDUA and the PAM-LDAP client). This section of the eTrust Directory password policy follows the proposed standard described in section 5 of this draft document: Note: This document may be renamed in the future. PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE { warning [0] CHOICE { timeBeforeExpiration [0] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt), graceLoginsRemaining [1] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) } OPTIONAL, error [1] ENUMERATED { passwordExpired (0), accountLocked (1), changeAfterReset (2), passwordModNotAllowed (3), mustSupplyOldPassword (4), <== Not required (handled by bind) insufficientPasswordQuality (5), passwordTooShort (6), passwordTooYoung (7), passwordInHistory (8) } OPTIONAL } timeBeforeExpiration and graceLoginsRemaining are provided where appropriate. For example, password policy must be enabled in DXserver. Account Management The following command does not require the control but is handy for informing the user: set password-allow-locking = true or false; This feature requires the control set password-force-change = true or false; 6–32 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Managing Passwords Example Password Policy This section describes a sample password policy, and then lists the commands to create that policy. For this policy, you want to set up the following rules: ■ ■ ■ ■ Passwords can be reused. You do not want to keep a history of old passwords. A password must be at least eight characters in length with at least one numeral. If a user’s password is ever reset, you want the user to change the password immediately after their first login. If a password is not used for sixty days, you want the account to be locked. To set up this policy, set the following password rules: set set set set set password-policy = true; password-min-length = 8; password-numeric = 1; password-force-change = true; password-min-age = 60; Security 6–33 Access Control Overview Access Control Overview Access controls protect data from unauthorized access or modification. Access controls work by asking this question before performing an operation: Is this client permitted to perform this operation, on this data, in this subtree, at this time? where: - A client is a user, a role, a group of users, or a subtree of users. - An operation is one of the usual directory services, such as compare, list, search, read, add, remove, modify, or modify-dn. - The data (protected item) is an entry, attribute, or attribute value. - A subtree is a particular area of the DIT. - The time is a particular minute of the day or a particular day of the week. When the answer to this question is yes, the operation can proceed. When the answer is no, the operation is refused. Access Control Policies A number of access controls are usually in place. The net effect is known as an access control policy. By definition, only one access control policy is in place at any given time. An access control policy can change periodically, for example, there can be one for business hours and another for after hours. You can set the DXserver access controls to activate at certain times, so a single policy could contain different rules for different times of the day or week. To define your access control policy, you define a set of rules access control. During operation, DXserver maps these rules onto 1993 X.500 access controls. 6–34 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Access Control Overview Access Control Rules DXserver manages access controls by letting you define rules. There are two types of rules: Static rules—These apply to individuals and groups of individuals, and are stored as text files in the DXserver configuration files, or run as commands on DXconsole. Dynamic rules—These are stored in an attribute in the directory, and can be set by anyone who has the power to delegate the permissions being created. In addition, eTrust Directory lets you define users groups and roles, which can help you apply access controls to many users at once. Important! The 1993 X.500 access controls are not exposed directly; rather they are defined by rules. This is because the 1993 X.500 Access Controls are difficult to understand (defining such things as userFirst, itemFirst, precedence, protectedItems, and so on) and because the definitions of DXserver rules are mathematically proven not to have security loopholes. Designing Your Access Control Scheme We recommend that you use these principles while you are developing your access control scheme: ■ Plan your access control scheme before you start implementing it ■ Use domains to limit the range of your access controls ■ Grant access rather than denying access ■ Keep access control schemes simple Plan Your Access Control Scheme Before you start setting access controls, plan your access control scheme. To do this, write your scheme out carefully. Here is an example of a set of access control rules written in plain language: ■ The DSA manager has all privileges. ■ Authenticated users can update their own entries. ■ PABX operators can update all telephone numbers. ■ ■ Public (anonymous) users can view only name, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of staff, but they can view anything in the public subtree. Passwords must be invisible to everyone except DSA administrators. Security 6–35 Access Control Overview Use Domains to Limit the Range of Access Controls A static access control policy can apply to a single DSA, or a group of DSAs that share the same (or have copies of) group configuration files. Sharing the same access control configuration across many (or all) DSAs makes administration easier, and enables access-controlled routing. Grant Access Rather than Denying Access In general, you should grant rather than deny access to data. If you grant access to all data and then deny access to portions of the data, sensitive data that you have protected can become visible inadvertently. For example, when items within a subtree are protected and the root of the subtree (or a parent) is renamed, the protection no longer exists. Any new attributes are also automatically visible, unless specific denials are implemented. Keep Access Control Schemes Simple You should design your access control scheme to be as simple as possible. This might involve re-designing your DSAs. This is important because overly complex access control scheme can lead to the following problems: Security breaches—If you define many different groups with different subtrees, you must maintain careful control of valid users and subtrees. If you lose track of valid users and subtrees, this will eventually cause a security problem. Performance—Complex access control schemes can result in performance degradation. This is because the DSA may need to evaluate every control for every piece of information returned, depending on the circumstance and privileges of the user in question. 6–36 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Access Control Overview Working with Access Controls Enabling Access Controls 1. Enable access controls: set access-controls = true; 2. Set static or dynamic access control rules. Clearing Access Controls To reset all access controls, use the following command: clear access; Displaying Access Controls To display the 1993 X.500 access control details, use the following command: get access; For full details of access controls, see the 1993 X.500 standard Security 6–37 Static Access Controls Static Access Controls Static access controls are applied to individuals or groups of individuals. Overview of Static Access Control Rules This section describes static access controls and how they work Static Rule Components A static access control rule can include the following information: ■ The rule type ■ Which user, groups, or roles it applies to ■ Which area of the directory it applies to ■ What attributes it applies to ■ What additional permissions it gives ■ What authentication level it requires ■ When it applies Because all rules are cumulative, you can define very complex access control polices. Hierarchy of Rules The static access control rules have a hierarchy of power. Here are the rules listed from superior to inferior: ■ Superuser ■ Administrative user ■ Protected item ■ Registered user ■ Public user A superior rule always overrides an inferior user rule. For example, a superuser rule always overrides any administrative user rule. 6–38 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Static Access Controls Rule Inheritance Rules are inherited: Grants are inherited above If a grant is defined for a given level, then all levels above inherit that grant. For example, if all registered users are granted read/write permission to their password, then superusers and administrative users are granted the same permission automatically. Denies are inherited below If a deny is defined for a given level, then all levels below inherit the deny. For example, if a registered user is denied access to home address, then all public users are denied the same. Running Static Access Control Commands You can run access control commands from DXconsole, or you can include them in a DXserver configuration file (.dxc) in the access directory. If you issue these commands using DXconsole, the commands are not stored in the configuration files. This means that they are only valid for the run-time of the DSA. If you include static access control rules in the DXserver configuration file, they are activated when DXserver is initialized. This occurs when DXserver starts up, and when an administrator reinitializes the system. Generally, you group these files together by using a group configuration file (.dxg), which constitutes an access control policy. You can share policies among a number of DSAs. Security 6–39 Static Access Controls Setting Up Static Access Controls This section shows the command for setting access control rules, and describes the options you can use with these rules. The command for setting static access control rules has the following format: set rule-type tag = { own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string DN subtree = attrs = attr1 [, attr2 ...] perm1 [, perm2 ...] perms = auth-level = simple | ssl-auth validity = start hhmm end hhmm on daystring }; where: rule-type Defines the action of the set command. These actions include: super-user Grants unlimited access to particular users. admin-user Grants read and update privileges to particular users. reg-user Grants read privileges to particular users. public-user Grants read privileges to all users protected-items Protects a subtree, entry, or attribute. tag A human-readable name for the access control rule. own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string Defines the users that this rule applies to, with the following possible values: own-entry A user’s own entry user = DN A user’s distinguished name role = DN A role’s distinguished name user-subtree = <DN> The distinguished name of a user-subtree group = string The name of a predefined group of users subtree Defines the part of the directory to which the rule applies, with the following possible values: 6–40 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Static Access Controls entry = <DN> The distinguished name of an individual entry subtree = <DN> The distinguished name of a user-subtree attrs Defines the attributes to which you want to limit access. You can give the name of an attribute set in place of the attribute name. See Attribute Sets in the chapter “Schema Definition” for more information. perms Applies permissions to a particular rule type, with these possible values: read Permits the user to read the defined attributes or entries. The other permission levels all include read access. add Permits the user to add new defined attributes or entries remove Permits the user to delete the defined attributes or entries modify Permits the user to modify the defined attributes or entries modify-dn Permits the user to modify the DN the defined attributes or entries rename Permits the user to rename the defined attributes or entries all Permits the user to carry out all operations on the defined attributes or entries auth-level Defines the authentication level at which the user must bind. The following table lists the available values: simple (Default) The user must bind using simple authentication ssl-auth The user must bind using SSL authentication validity Defines the times when the rule applies. The following table lists the available values: start Is the time at which this rule becomes valid end Is the time at which this rule is no longer valid on Is a string that defines the days on which this rule is valid. Each day of the week is represented by a number, starting with 1 for Monday. For example, 45 represents Thursday and Friday. The default is any time. Security 6–41 Static Access Controls Defining Superusers Superusers have unrestricted read and update access to all parts of the DSA. Add users to the list of superusers either as single users, groups of users, roles, or all users in a specified subtree. The command has the format: set super-user tag = { own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string [auth-level = simple | ssl-auth ] [validity = start hhmm end hhmm on daystring ] }; where: tag (Optional) Is the name you define for this rule own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string Identifies the user, group, or subtree of users that is to have superuser access auth-level (Optional) The authentication level at which the listed users must bind validity (Optional) Is the days and times on which this rule is valid Example: Adding Superusers The following command defines a single user with superuser privileges across the domain of the Democorp DSA: set super-user “dsa-manager” = { user = <c “AU”><o “Democorp”><commonName “DSA manager”> }; Example: Being a Superuser of One’s Own Entry The following command gives all users in the domain of this DSA superuser privileges on their own entry from 0800 hours to 1800 hours on Monday to Friday: set super-user “self” = { own-entry validity = ( start 0800 end 1800 on 12345 ) }; When you include this command in an access.dxc file that multiple DSAs source, all users in the domains of those DSAs will have superuser privileges on their own entries. This is the only type of superuser rule that does not grant the user access to all parts of the DSA, 6–42 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Static Access Controls Defining Administrative Users Within a specified subtree, you can assign administrator authority to users. Administrative users have read and update privileges over a specified administrative scope. This scope is a subtree, entry, or designated attributes in an entry or subtree. The administrative user can view and update protected items within the administrative scope. Add users to the list of administrative users either as single users, groups of users, roles, or all users in a specified subtree. Note: Administrative user definitions are effective only when you enable access controls. An administrator with access to only selected attributes within a subtree cannot add or remove entries. The command has the format: set admin-user tag = { own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string DN subtree = [ attrs = attr1 [, attr2 …] ] perm1 [, perm2 ...] ] [ perms = [ auth-level = simple | ssl-auth ] [ validity = start hhmm end hhmm on daystring ] }; where: tag (Optional) Is the name you define for this rule own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string Identifies the user, group, or subtree of users that are to be administrative users subtree Contains a list of the distinguished names of one or more subtrees that the listed users can administer attrs (Optional) Restricts update permissions to only those attributes listed. Users cannot delete any entry if attributes are listed here. perms (Optional) Contains the level of permission that this rule grants to the listed users over the listed subtree auth-level (Optional) The authentication level at which the listed users must bind validity (Optional) Is the days and times on which this rule is valid Security 6–43 Static Access Controls Example: Adding Administrative Users In the following example, there is one specified subtree: AU/DemoCorp. This subtree has administrators defined by the group admin-user-group. set admin-user “administrators” = { group = “admin-user-group” subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> }; Example: Allowing Update Privileges on a Role In the following example, all users in the role project-leader-group have read and update privileges on the entry AU/DemoCorp/R&D/Technology SIG if they bind to the DSA using SSL authentication. set admin-user “project-leaders” = { role = <c “AU”><o “Democorp”><ou “roles”><cn “project-leader-group”> entry = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”><ou “R&D”><listName “Technology SIG”> auth-level = ssl-auth }; Example: Allowing Update Privileges on a Single Attribute In the following example, all users in the group pabx-mgmt-group have update privileges on the attribute workPhone in the subtree AU/Democorp/R&D. Example: Allowing Users Update Privileges on Specific Attributes in Their Own Entry In the following example, all users in the subtree AU/Democorp/R&D have update privileges on the attributes workPhone and description in their own entry. 6–44 set admin-user “work-phone” = { group = “pabx-mgmt-group” subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”><ou “R&D”> attrs = workPhone }; set admin-user “my-own-work-details” = { own-entry subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”><ou “R&D”> attrs = workPhone, description }; eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Static Access Controls Defining Registered Users In a specified subtree, you can assign users the authority of a registered user. Registered users have read privileges over a specified scope: a subtree, entry, or the designated attributes in an entry or subtree. Protected items in the scope are invisible. Note: Registered user definitions are effective only when you enable access controls. The command has the format: set reg-user tag = { own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string DN subtree = [ attrs = attr1 [, attr2 …] ] perm1 [, perm2 ...] ] [ perms = [ auth-level = simple | ssl-auth ] [ validity = start hhmm end hhmm on daystring ] }; where: tag (Optional) Is the name you define for this rule own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string Contains a list of the distinguished names of the users, groups of users, roles, or all users in a specified subtree that are to be registered users subtree Contains a list of the distinguished names of one or more subtrees that the listed users can read attrs (Optional) Contains a list of attributes for which the listed users have the permissions listed in the perms parameter. perms (Optional) Contains the level of permission that this rule grants to the listed users over the listed attributes auth-level (Optional) The authentication level at which the listed users must bind validity (Optional) Is the days and times on which this rule is valid Example: Adding Registered Users In the following example, all the users in the subtree AU/DemoCorp/R&D can read the subtree AU/DemoCorp. set reg-user “R&D-Users”= { user-subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”><ou “R&D”> subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> }; Security 6–45 Static Access Controls Example: Allowing Read Privileges on an Entry In the following example, all users in the group staff have read privileges on the entry AU/DemoCorp. Example: Allowing Read and Modify Privileges on a Number of Attributes In this example, all DemoCorp users can browse all entries in the subtree DemoCorp; however, when they read or search for an entry in the subtree, only those attributes that you declare are visible. The users also have modify privileges on the listed attributes for all entries in the subtree. set reg-user “democorp-staff” = { group = “staff” entry = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> }; set reg-user “self-view” = { user-subtree = <c AU><o DemoCorp> subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> attrs = telephoneNumber, commonName, surname, title, mhsORAddresses, dcEmail perms = modify }; Example: Allowing Users Read Privileges on Particular Attributes in Their Own Entry The following example lets any user in the subtree AU/DemoCorp view only the selected attributes in their entry. set reg-user = { own-entry subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> attrs = telephoneNumber, commonName, surname, title, mhsORAddresses, odEmail }; This differs from the previous example where all users in the subtree DemoCorp can view all entries in that subtree. 6–46 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Static Access Controls Defining Public Users You can make specific subtrees available to public (anonymous) users. Public users have read-only access to all entries and attributes within the specified public range. This range is a subtree, entry, or the designated attributes in an entry or subtree. Any permission granted to public users is also automatically granted to authenticated users. Protected items within the specified public range are invisible to public users. Note: Public user definitions are effective only when you enable access controls. Public ranges are made available to public users with the following command: set public-user subtree [ attrs [ perms [ validity }; tag = = = = = { DN attr1 [, attr2 …] ] perm1 [, perm2 ...] ] start hhmm end hhmm on daystring ] where: tag (Optional) Is the name you define for this rule subtree Contains a list of the distinguished names of one or more subtrees that all users can read attrs (Optional) Contains a list of attributes for which all users have the permissions listed in the perms parameter. perms (Optional) Contains the level of permission that this rule grants to all users over the listed attributes validity (Optional) Is the days and times on which this rule is valid Example: Adding a Public Subtree In the following example, all users can view the name, telephone number, and X.400 mail addresses in the subtree AU/DemoCorp/Phone List. The access control rule is tagged with the name public-attr. set public-user “public-attr” = { subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”><ou “Phone List”> attrs = telephoneNumber, commonName, surname, mhsORAddresses }; Security 6–47 Static Access Controls Protecting Items You can protect specific subtrees, entries, or particular attributes in a subtree or entry. For a protected item: ■ ■ ■ Superusers have read and update privileges Administrative users have read and update privileges if the subtree is in the user’s administrative area Other users do not see the items Some limitations on this command: ■ ■ ■ This command does not protect naming attributes. If you rename a protected subtree or entry, or any of its parents, the permissions rule no longer protects the item. Protected item definitions are effective only when you enable access controls. The command that protects items has the following format: set protected-items tag = { own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string DN subtree = [ attrs = attr1 [, attr2 …] ] perm1 [, perm2 ...] ] [ perms = [ validity = start hhmm end hhmm on daystring ] }; where: tag (Optional) Is the name you define for this rule own-entry | user = DN | role = DN | user-subtree = DN | group = string Contains a list of the distinguished names of the users, groups of users, roles, or all users in a specified subtree that are to be registered users subtree Contains a list of the distinguished names of one or more subtrees that the listed users can read attrs (Optional) Contains a list of attributes for which the listed users have the permissions listed in the perms parameter perms (Optional) Contains the level of permission that this rule denies to the listed users over the listed attributes. Unlike the other access control commands, any permissions listed in the set protected-items command are denied. validity Is the days and times on which this rule is valid 6–48 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Static Access Controls Protecting Entries and Subtrees There is a subtle difference between protecting entries and protecting subtrees. When you protect an entry, neither a registered, nor public user can read it. It can, however, appear in a list result if the user can access the parent. This occurs because the protected entry may have subordinates that are visible to the user. If the same entry has protection as a subtree, a registered or public user cannot read it, and it does not appear in a list result as a subordinate entry. Protecting Passwords Protecting a password makes the password attribute invisible to unauthorized users. Because authentication requires the name of an entry, and that entry must contain a password, hiding the password makes login entries indistinguishable from other entries. Examples of set protected-items Commands Example: Protecting a Subtree Protecting a subtree from registered users also makes it invisible to public users, as described in the section Hierarchy of Rules. set protected-items “hide-finance-from-employees” = { group = “employees” subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”><ou “Finance”> }; Example: Protecting an Entry You could use the following rule to hide the existence of some management information about a DSA definition stored within the directory: set protected-items “hide-schema-from-employees” = { group = “employees” entry = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”><ou “Schema”> }; Example: Protecting Attributes In this example, all entries in the subtree AU/DemoCorp have protection for their homePhone and password attributes (if they have these attributes). However, these attributes are visible to superusers and administrative users in their scope. set protected-items “hide-passwords-and-home-phone” = { subtree = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> attrs = homePhone, userPassword }; Security 6–49 Static Access Controls Example: Giving a User Permission to Modify All Attributes in Their Own Entry Except "Role" In this example, the reg-user rule gives the user permission to modify all attributes in their own entry, and the protected-items rule denies the user modification rights to the role attribute in the user’s own entry if it has a higher precedence than the reg-user rule. set reg-user = { own-entry subtree = perms = }; <o Democorp> modify set protected-items = { own-entry subtree = <o DemoCorp> attrs = role perms = modify }; Without the "perms = modify" in the protected-items rule the user would be denied all access to the role attribute (including read access). Example: Allowing users to view a whole entry and modify some attributes A common task with access controls is to provide update access to most attributes within an entry but to prevent the update of a small number of attributes. This problem is more complex if the list of attributes that can be updated can grow - for example, as more attributes are added to the entry. ■ Providing "reg-user" access to the entry will give read-only access. ■ Providing "admin-user" access will give update access. ■ Setting "protected-items" on some attributes will prevent updates, but not by users with "admin-user" rights. It will also prevent reads by users with "public-user" or "reg-user" rights. A solution to this problem is to use the optional permissions in the access control rules. The following access rule will allow all users in the subtree to modify all attributes in their own entry. set reg-user = { own-entry subtree = <o test> perms = modify }; To prevent update access to some of these attributes, use: set protected-items = { own-entry subtree = <o test> attrs = attr1, attr2, ... perms = modify }; This prevents the user modifying the attributes listed, but it does not prevent read access. This is because the only permission denied is modify. 6–50 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Dynamic Access Controls Dynamic Access Controls Dynamic access controls enable run-time management of access controls. This is useful for automated provisioning systems in ISP environments, and where the directory is used as an authorization engine. Dynamic access controls specify a subject (an identity or a role), a permission, and a list of attributes that are the target of the control. They also contain a tag that is transparent to DXserver. Adding a rule to the dxDynamicAccess attribute in an entry creates the access control rule. The subtree in which dynamic access controls are active is the local naming context; therefore, only attributes stored locally are affected by access control decisions. dxDynamicAccess is an operational attribute; it is not controlled by schema. Any user can add, delete, or modify a rule, provided they have write access over the subtree defined by the entry containing the dxDynamicAccess attribute, and the privilege in the attribute is in the user’s power. Important: In the configuration files, make sure that the database is defined (using "set database=<database_name>") before the directory reads the "set dynamic-accesscontrol=true" directive. This is because the "set dynamic-access-control=true" directive causes the directory to perform a search on the database, so it needs to know the database name. Note: Dynamic access controls are limited to local DSAs, which means that they cannot be used in a distributed environment. This even applies to a router DSA on the local computer. Dynamic rules apply downwards from the entry in the DIT where the dxDynamicAccess attribute is stored. Enabling and Disabling Dynamic Access Controls To enable dynamic access controls: 1. Enable access controls: set access-controls = true; 2. Enable dynamic access controls: set dynamic-access-control = true; To disable dynamic access controls, enter the following command: set dynamic-access-control = false; Security 6–51 Dynamic Access Controls Dynamic Access Control Rules The rules governing dynamic access controls take the following form: <tag> {all| roles <dn>| user <dn>} {read | write | deny} <attr>… where tag is an identifier used for documentation purposes, dn is a distinguished name, and attr is an attribute. When creating rules, remember that a rule specified for a particular user prevails over one specified for a role, and that both prevail over all. Also, when creating the rule, the user or role need not exist. Example: Letting all read one attribute The following command gives everyone permission to read the commonName attribute. The tag Joe is to help you with maintenance and problem analysis; DXserver does not interpret it. Joe all read commonName Example: Letting all read all attributes The following command gives everyone permission to read all attributes: Example: Denying permission for roles to read an attribute The following command denies the roles of CEO and AdminFinance within Democorp access to the ssoHelicopter attribute: Example: Letting one user write to an attribute The following command lets a user with the common name Craig write to the ssoHelicopter attribute: 6–52 Joe all read all Joe role cn=ceo,o=Democorp deny ssoHelicopter Joe user cn=Craig,o=Democorp write ssoHelicopter eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Groups, Roles, and Proxies Groups, Roles, and Proxies This section describes how groups, roles, and proxies work. Defining Groups of Users You can define groups of users to make it easier to manage those users. Define groups such that you can use it in other access control commands. Note: Group definitions are effective only when you enable access controls. The command has the format: set group tag users name }; = { DN1 [, DN2 …] = GroupName = where: users Is a list of the distinguished names of one or more users in the new group name Is the name you give to the group. Example: Forming a Group The following command defines a group containing two users. The group is named admin-user-group, suggesting that the users have administrative user privileges. set group = { name = "admin-user-group" users = <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> <ou “Services”><ou “Networks”><cn “Anna HAWKINS”>, <c “AU”><o “DemoCorp”> <ou “Services”><ou “Networks”><cn Brendan RANDALL”> }; Security 6–53 Groups, Roles, and Proxies Role-Based Access Controls When access control rules are applied to a role, they are known as role-based access controls. A role is a directory entry that can be associated with user entries. These associated user entries are member entries. A role may contain any number of members. This can be useful in a large distributed directory environment where people change their roles frequently, and when the directory is to be used as an authorization engine. Both static and dynamic rules support roles. Roles are maintained in a subtree of the directory information tree (DIT), using the object class groupOfNames. You can control access to the role subtree using access controls. How Role-Based Access Controls Work When a user binds to DXserver, the user’s credentials are verified. A search is initiated for the user’s distinguished name in the member attribute of any entry with the object class groupOfNames. The name(s) returned by this search are stored as the roles pertaining to the connection, and then used in access control decisions. Note: Role-based access controls are limited to local DSAs, which means that they cannot be used in a distributed environment. This even applies to a router DSA on the local computer. Enabling and Disabling Role-Based Access Controls To add a user entry to a role, enter the distinguished name of the user entry to the role entry, as an attribute value of the member attribute type. To activate role-based access controls, enter the following commands: set role-subtree = <dn>; set use-roles = true; where dn is the distinguished name of the subtree used to store the roles. To disable role-based access controls, enter the following command: set use-roles = false; 6–54 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Groups, Roles, and Proxies Example: Activating role-based access control In the following example, when a user binds to DXserver, DXserver searches the member attribute of the entries with oc in the groupofNames in the subtree c=au, o=Democorp, ou=Roles for that user’s distinguished name. The entries which contain that member identify the roles of the member. To activate role-based access controls: set role-subtree = <c “au”> <o “Democorp”> <ou “Roles”>; set use-roles = true; Example: Add a new role with two users This example shows how to add the new role AdminFinance with the two members, Noelene Correa and Linda Deacon. add-entry-req entry = <countryName "AU"> <organizationName "Democorp"> <organizationalUnitName "Roles"> <commonName "AdminFinance"> contents = { (objectClass groupOfNames ) (member <c au><o Democorp><ou Clerical><cn "Noelene Correa">, <c au><o Democorp><ou Finance><ou Budgets><cn "Linda Deacon"> ) Security 6–55 Groups, Roles, and Proxies Secure Proxies The secure proxy feature lets an authorized user (or process) impersonate a user or role for whom it has responsibility, and bind to DXserver to elicit access control decisions (for example, when the directory is used as an authorization engine, such as a web server). The proxy must bind to DXserver using certificate-based authentication. Those users permitted to proxy (impersonate someone else) are identified to DXserver as a list of distinguished names held in the trust-sasl-proxy list. When using a proxy, the impersonating user can never obtain more power than they already have. In other words, in assuming the identity of another user, they may not obtain all the privileges of that user. Once bound to DXserver, the proxy may change identity by changing the value of dxProxyUser in the entry cn=roles to the distinguished name of the new identity. This has the effect of evaluating the roles for the new identity. An exception is, where the proxy also changes the value of dxProxyRole in cn=roles. In this case, roles are taken directly from the attribute value, not by accessing role entries in the directory. The entry cn=roles is a magic entry, and does not appear in the DIT. To permit the proxy to impersonate users not in the directory (external users), the proxy replaces the value of the dxProxyUser attribute in the magic entry with the distinguished name of the new identity, and at the same time replaces the value of the dxProxyRole attribute with the roles of the new identity. In this instance, the roles provided in the replace operation are used directly, provided set ssl-auth-bypass-entry-check = true; Activate Secure Proxy To activate proxy access, enter the following command: set trust-sasl-proxy = <dn>, … where dn is the distinguished name of a trusted proxy. The proxy must bind using SASL/EXTERNAL over SSL. 6–56 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Groups, Roles, and Proxies Access Controls and Aliases When a user binds with a user name and password, the system checks the password supplied with the bind against the password in the database for the specified user. When the user name is an alias, the system checks the password against the password in the entry to which the alias points, but the user name associated with the bind is the alias name. This means that a user can bind with more than one user name, and each user name can have different access controls associated with it. Security 6–57 Access-Controlled Routing Access-Controlled Routing This section describes how access controls work in a distributed environment. If the DSA determines that it needs to chain or multicast an operation to a remote DSA but the area controlled by that DSA is completely invisible because of static access controls, the DSA refuses to route the request to the remote DSA. By default, a DSA prevents the forwarding of a request to another DSA according to its static access controls. To permit the forwarding of a request regardless of access control constraints, set the no-routing-ac DSA flag in the configuration file (.dxc) in the knowledge directory. This lets a DSA pass a request to another DSA even when the user’s access controls on the local DSA do not permit access to the particular entry or subtree in the request. For example, to let a DemoCorp DSA pass a request to a UNSPSC DSA regardless of the user's local static access control constraints, you must set the DSA flags in UNSPSC’s knowledge configuration: set dsa UNSPSC= … dsa-flags=no-routing-ac … DemoCorp DSA 6–58 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide UNSPSC DSA Chapter 7 Replication This chapter describes the replication schemes you can use with eTrust Directory. In a replicated directory, information stored in one part of the directory is also stored elsewhere as one or more copies. Replication is deployed for one or both of the following reasons: ■ ■ Improved availability—Replication can make a system more robust by enabling the directory on one server to fail over to an alternative server. Applications can continue working as there are alternate DSAs/servers in the network which can serve the same parts of the namespace. Improved performance—Replication can place frequently accessed information closer to where is it needed, which improves response times. Replication involves copying data, and whenever data is copied, you must ensure that the copies are synchronized. Developing and maintaining replicated systems can be expensive, and you should weigh these costs against the benefits of performance and recovery in the event of failure. Replication 7–1 Replication Concepts Replication Concepts This section describes some important concepts about replication. These concepts are used in explanations of the three different types of replication that you use with eTrust Directory. Compare Distribution and Replication Distribution differs from replication. In a distributed directory, each piece of data is stored on only one server. The directory information tree (DIT) it split and each section is stored a different server. In a replicated directory, each piece of data is held on more than one server. The entire DIT is stored in more than one place. You can use both replication and distribution in the same system. The DIT is split and stored in many different servers, and at least some of those sections of the DIT are also copied and stored in more than one place. Compare Multimaster and Master–Slave Replication In a system with multimaster replication, all DSAs are masters. Data is copied between all DSAs. The master DSAs are also called peer DSAs. In a system with master–slave replication, data is always copied in one direction, from a master DSA to one or more slave DSAs. Read and Update Requests Read and Update Requests Master DSA Updates Read and Update Requests Master DSA Updates Updates Master DSA Update Update Update Master DSA Slave DSA Slave DSA Read and Update Requests Multimaster Replication 7–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Master-Slave Replication Slave DSA Replication Concepts Compare Real-Time and Write-Behind Replication In a system with real-time replication, data is replicated to other servers as soon as an update request is received from a client.. The update confirmation is not sent to the client until each of the slave or peer DSAs has sent an update confirmation message. In a system with write-behind replication, data is replicated periodically, independent of the client update. The update confirmation is sent as soon as the operation completes locally. Write-behind replication can in these two ways: ■ ■ On-demand write-behind replication—The updates are transferred immediately after they occur Scheduled write-behind replication—The updates are transferred according to a periodic schedule. Latency is the time for which the shadow servers are out-of-date with respect to a master server. For many applications, such as an authentication service, any latency is unacceptable. To overcome the problem of latency, use a real-time replication system rather than write-behind replication. Compare Replay-Based and State-Based Replication In a replay-based system, every update applied to a master is subsequently applied to the slaves. This system is simple and can operate in real time, but it is not robust when something goes wrong with the replay or when conflicting updates occurred in a system with many masters. In a state-based system, a difference is calculated between the current state of the master system and some previous state of the slave system. The calculated difference between these two states is then sent across to the slave. If conflict resolution is built in, then this mechanism can also reconcile a system with many masters. A state-based system deals very efficiently with repeated updates. For example, even if an entry were modified 100 times since the last update, only one update is transferred. In a replay-based system, 100 updates would be sent. However, state-based systems are generally not designed to operate in real-time. Replication 7–3 Replication Concepts The following table summarizes the two schemes: Replication Type Advantages Disadvantages Example Replay-based Simple Can be real-time Poor recoverability Multiwrite State-based Efficient High recoverability Cannot be real-time DISP Three Types of Replication Used with eTrust Directory eTrust Directory supports three standards-based mechanisms of replication: Replication Characteristics Scheme Most Suitable Deployment Multiwrite Where network links, computers, and Multimaster power supplies are reliable Real-time Simple configuration High performance Replay-based DISP Master–slave Write-behind High flexibility State-based Where interoperability is required with another vendor’s X.500 directory DXtools Batch mode High traceability Where synchronization is required between two directories or with a legacy system Keep System Clocks Synchronized For any replication system, synchronize the operating system clocks regularly. If the system clocks are not set at the same time, replication will not work as you expect, because conflict resolution is time-based—the most recent update wins. 7–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication Multiwrite Replication Multiwrite replication is a good choice for a system that includes applications that require real-time replication. Multiwrite replication uses the fast, efficient Directory System Protocol (DSP) to chain updates between servers in real time. To use multiwrite replication successfully, your network links, computers, and power supplies should be reliable. Treat system crashes and unreliable networks as disaster recovery scenarios that involve reconciliation between databases using DXtools. You can configure DSAs into multiwrite groups. When an update is applied to a DSA in a group, it passes these updates on to the other DSAs in the group. How Multiwrite Replication Works Multiwrite replication uses DSP chaining to apply updates to all replication peers in real-time. When a client makes an update request, that update is applied immediately to the local DSA, and then to all other DSAs. The client receives the confirmation response only after all DSAs have successfully applied the update. The following diagram shows these steps: 1. Write to self—A client sends an update request to DSA1, and this DSA applies the update to itself. 2. Write to peers—If the local update succeeds, DSA1 sends the request to its peer DSAs. If these updates succeed, the peers send confirmations to DSA1. 3. Send response to client—When DSA1 has received confirmation from each peer, it sends the confirmation response to the client. 2 2 1 2 Client DSA 1 DSA 2 3 DSA 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Update Request Update Confirmation Database 1 Database 2 Database 3 The Three Phases of Multiwrite Replication When a multiwrite update fails, the system must be recovered. See the sections Replication 7–5 Multiwrite Replication Recovering a Multiwrite System Using Queues and Recovering a Multiwrite System Using DISP. Multiwrite Can Work Asynchronously Multiwrite is usually synchronous: an update operation is not confirmed until all the multiwrite peers have applied it. This provides for load-sharing and failover. However, this synchronous behavior may not be desirable if peer DSAs are connected by slow links, or if latency is not an issue. If a DSA is set to multiwrite asynchronously, when other DSAs multiwrite to this DSA, they will not wait for a confirmation before they to hold the confirmation on account of this DSA. The confirmation is returned once all the multiwrite peers not marked multi-write-async have applied the update. To set a DSA to multiwrite asynchronously, add the DSA flag multi-write-async to the DSA’s knowledge. 7–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication How Multiwrite Groups Work In a system that includes at least one slow network link between DSAs, delays caused by this slow link can slow down the whole multiwrite system. Multiwrite groups let you avoid delays due to a slow network link. How A Slow Network Link Causes Delays A single slow link can delay a multiwrite system because the DSA making the update must wait for confirmation from all DSAs before sending confirmation back to the client. This can cause a bottleneck if many updates are made each second. The following diagram shows a multiwrite system in which three of the DSAs are connected by slow network links. In this system, DSA 1 must wait until it has received confirmation from these three DSAs before it can send the update confirmation back to the client. From the client’s point of view, each update takes much longer than it should. DSA 2 DSA 3 2 2 1 Client DSA 1 2 DSA 4 3 2 2 Update Request Update Confirmation DSA 6 DSA 5 Slow Network Link A Multiwrite System with Slow Network Links Replication 7–7 Multiwrite Replication How Multiwrite Groups Avoid Bottlenecks To avoid delays due to slow network connections, you can put the DSAs on each side of a slow link into separate groups. Each group has one hub DSA. This is the DSA that will accept multiwrite requests from DSAs in other groups. The following diagram shows these steps: 7–8 1. Write to self—A client sends an update request to DSA1, and this DSA applies the update to itself. 2. Write to peers in group—If the local update succeeds, DSA1 sends the request to its peer DSAs in the same multiwrite group. If these updates succeed, the peers send confirmations to DSA1. 3. Send response to client—When DSA1 has received confirmation from each peer in its multiwrite group, it sends the confirmation response to the client. 4. Write to hub DSAs in other multiwrite groups—DSA1 sends the request to the hub DSAs in each of the other multiwrite groups. 5. Hub DSAs write to peers—Each hub DSA sends the request to the other DSAs in its group. When each hub DSA has received confirmation from each peer in its multiwrite group, it sends the confirmation response to the first DSA. The client confirmation will not be affected by the slow links, because the updates over these links are asynchronous. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication Multiwrite Group C DSA 9 5 Multiwrite Group A DSA 2 DSA 8 (Hub) DSA 3 5 5 DSA 11 4 2 DSA 10 2 DSA 1 1 3 Client 4 DSA 5 5 DSA 4 (Hub) 5 DSA 6 5 Multiwrite Group B DSA 7 Multiwrite Hub Failover If an update sent to a hub fails because the hub DSA cannot be reached, then the DSA tries the next hub in the list. If all hubs fail, then the update will be queued against the first hub DSA. This DSA takes care of queuing for the offline DSAs. Replication 7–9 Multiwrite Replication Set Up a Multiwrite System You can set up a multiwrite replication system in many different configurations, including master–slave, primary-backup, multimaster, or multiwrite groups. You can also use other DSA flags to support load balancing and query streaming. Multiwrite replication is simple to implement. Because multiwrite replication is built into DXserver, you do not need to use a separate product or additional licensing. Enable Multiwrite Replication To enable multiwrite replication, do the following: 1. Decide which DSAs will be included in the multiwrite system. 2. Configure these DSAs with the same context prefix. 3. Connect each DSA to a database holding synchronized information. 4. Set each DSA to share the same knowledge information. 5. Add the DSA flag multi-write to the shared knowledge, as follows: set dsa dsaname = { ... dsa-flags = multi-write, ... ... }; Note: Place DSA flags after dsp-idle-time and before any trust and link flags. Set Up a Multiwrite Group To set up multiwrite groups, do the following: 1. Decide which DSAs will be included in the multiwrite system. 2. Decide how many multiwrite groups you need, and which DSAs will be grouped together. 3. For each groups of DSAs, choose a hub DSA. 4. Configure all DSAs with the same context prefix. 5. Connect each DSA to a database holding synchronized information. 6. Set each DSA to share the same knowledge information. 7. Add the multi-write DSA flag to the shared knowledge: set dsa dsaname = { ... dsa-flags = multi-write, ... ... }; 8. In the knowledge for each DSA, define the multiwrite group: set multi-write-group = group-name 7–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication Define the Hub DSA for a Multiwrite Group To set a DSA as the hub for a multiwrite group, list it first in the list of DSA knowledge files. Set the Retry Interval To define the frequency at which DXserver will attempt to bind to a multiwrite peer which cannot be contacted: set multi-write-retry-time = <seconds>; If you don’t set this time, the default value of 60 seconds will be used. Replication 7–11 Multiwrite Replication Recovering a Multiwrite System Using Queues With multiwrite replication, you can choose between two methods of recovery: queues or DISP. This section describes how queues work. How Multiwrite Queues Work Multiwrite DSAs are usually online. If one of the DSAs in the group goes offline, the update is queued in memory until the DSA becomes available again. After queuing, a confirmation is sent to the directory client. In effect, multiwrite converts into a write-behind scheme until the offline DSA becomes available. Increase the Queue Size The queue pool has a default size of 200 updates for each peer. To change the queue pool size, use the following command: set multi-write-queue = n; where n is the size of the update queue. You can gauge the required size from, for example, the size of the updates in your LDIF file. View the Size of a Multiwrite Queue To see the current size of the multiwrite queue, use the following command: get dsp; Here is a sample of the output from this command: max-dsp-ops = 100 local-prefix = <countryName "AU"> <organizationName "CA"> <organizationalUnitName "Test"> <organizationalUnitName "mwrite"> local-dsa = dsa-1 multi-chaining = TRUE always-chain-down = FALSE multi-write-disp-recovery = FALSE multi-write-queue = 200 ... 7–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication Multiwrite Queue Alarms While a peer DSA is offline, new updates are queued and, periodically, an attempt is made to connect to the offline DSA. When the peer DSA comes back online, the queued requests are sent in the order that they are processed locally. Consequently, multiwrite copes well with a DSA that is offline for a short period of time. However, if the peer DSA remains offline for an extended period, the multiwrite queues build up. Alarms are raised at 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100% of queue capacity, and written to the alarm log. If the queue becomes full, DXserver ignores the unavailable DSA. It discards all the queued requests for the peer and drops the peer from the multiwrite set. You must then resynchronize the databases and restart the DSAs. If multiwrite has occurred, the get dsp command returns one of the following statuses: Status Description Failed Indicates that the multiwrite peer is not responding to an update. Updates for that server are held in the multiwrite queue until the server responds. The queue is retained until the multiwrite queue size is exceeded. Recovering Indicates that the multiwrite peer has become available and still has old updates in its queue. OK Is the normal multiwrite server status. Replication 7–13 Multiwrite Replication Recovering a Multiwrite System Using DISP With multiwrite replication, you can choose between two methods of recovery: queues or DISP. This section describes how DISP recovery works with multiwrite replication. Enabling DISP recovery generally avoids manual resynchronization of the databases. DISP recovery works in concert with multiwrite by handling all the recovery. In effect, fast multiwrite is used during uptime and DISP is only used for recovery after a downtime. DISP recovery has the following features: Database tables All information is derived from database tables instead of in-memory queues. This means that recovery can survive restarts of a master (whereas you can lose the in-memory queues). State-based Resynchronization uses efficient state-based deltas. This is usually superior to replay-based recovery. Reconciliation The DISP processing supports automatic conflict resolution using a last write wins rule. Managing conflicts is often a problem for replay-based systems because the order of updates from different masters can be critical. Important! If you configure multiwrite DISP recovery, you should specify the ssl-auth authentication level only if you have set up SSL certificates for the DSAs in the multiwrite group. This is because DISP recovery uses the highest available authentication level. Note: Multiwrite–DISP recovery cannot be used where more than one DSA is attached to the same database. 7–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication Enable Multiwrite-DISP To turn on multiwrite with DISP recovery, use the following command: set multi-write-disp-recovery = TRUE; The effect of turning on this flag is to disable offline multiwrite queuing, so that when a DSA cannot be contacted, it is immediately dropped from the multiwrite set. However, DISP periodically probes the unavailable DSA. When the unavailable DSA comes online, the following occurs: 1. The multiwrite queue is enabled. 2. DISP performs the resynchronization (by sending a delta for the period in which the DSA was offline). While this is occurring, any updates are queued. 3. When the DISP update completes, the multiwrite queue is replayed to the new DSA. 4. Multiwrite operation resumes. Note: There are no explicit DISP agreements—all resynchronization and reconciliation is automatic. Queueing Multiwrite-DISP If the following configuration flag is set to true, a multiwrite master will only start DISP recovery after it has been down or its multiwrite queues had reached their limits: multi-write-disp-queue = <boolean> In all other cases it replays its queue content to any peer that was unavailable for a while. Consistency During Recovery The following setting guarantees consistency during recovery: disable-non-peer-binds = <boolean> If a DSA goes offline in a multiwrite DISP scenario, and this is set to true, only binds from multiwrite peers are allowed. This stops the recovering DSA from receiving non-peer (client, relay, router, or chained) requests that may provide inconsistent results. When the DSA has been synchronized (get dsp; or snmp shows multiwrite queues ok) then this setting can be set back to false. The DSA will accept binds after a few minutes. Replication 7–15 Multiwrite Replication Granularity of DISP Reconciliation When DISP resynchronization starts it propagates all changes to the DSA since the last successful multiwrite update. In a multimaster system, it is possible that some of the changes can clash. Resolution of these conflicts is automatic and is done on a last write wins rule, with the smallest element being an X.500 object. For example, when DSA1 updates an object’s surname attribute at time T, and DSA2 updates an object’s phoneNumber attribute at time T+1, then the final object after resynchronization is the object contained in DSA2, and does not have the changes to the surname. Add a Database Replica To add a database replica: 1. Follow the instruction in Manually Synchronizing Replicas Using Database Tools in this chapter. This creates another database containing the same data as the source. 2. Create a new peer DSA that will use the new populated database. 3. Change the DSA flags in the knowledge file to contain the multi-write flag for both the source and target DSAs. 4. Use the following command for all multiwrite DSAs running multiwrite DISP recovery, that is, where multi-write-disp-recovery = TRUE For example, on the Source DSA use the command: dxdisp -clear targetDSA sourceDB This clears the time of the last DISP update to the target DSA from the source DSAs internal database tables. When the source DSA starts, it sets this time to the source DSAs startup time and then only sends DISP updates containing changes since that time. 5. 7–16 Start the source and target DSAs. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication Remove a Database Replica To remove a replica: 1. Shut down all the peers within the replication set. 2. Edit the initialization file or the knowledge group file (if applicable) to delete the knowledge of the DSA being removed. 3. Clear the time of the last DISP update from each of the remaining DSAs in the replication set for the DSA being removed using tool DXdisp tool. For example, if Apple, Banana, and Pear are DSAs in a replication set and you remove the Pear DSA, issue the following commands: On the system running the Apple DSA: dxdisp –clear Pear AppleDB On the system running the Banana DSA: dxdisp –clear Pear BananaDB Multiwrite Replication to an LDAP Directory You can use multiwrite replication to replicate updates applied to eTrust Directory to an LDAP server. To forward all updates on an eTrust Directory server to an LDAP server, include the following line in the knowledge of the LDAP server: dsa-flags = multi-write Multiwrite and DXcache If you are using DXcache to increase search performance to a shared database, you can still send multiwrite updates to only update DXcache by including the DSA flag multi-write-notify in the knowledge: dsa-flags = multi-write-notify In this mode, the cache is updated but the database is not. Configure at least one DXserver connected to the database so that the database remains updated and synchronized. See the chapter “General Administration” for more information about DXcache. Replication 7–17 Multiwrite Replication Re-synchronize Databases Manually Regardless of the amount of automatic recovery in place, it is always necessary to have procedures in place that use tools to resynchronize databases. If a DSA is offline for a long period of time, then a large number of updates may be required to synchronize that DSA with the master. When this is the case, it can be quicker to reload the data from a snapshot of the master database. If you do this, you must also inform the master and other peers that a manual resynchronization has taken place. To take a snapshot of the master and reloading it on the slave, use the DXdumpdb and DXloaddb tools To inform a peer that a particular DSA has been manually resynchronized, use the following command: dxdisp -clear dsaname dbname where ■ dsaname is the name of the slave DSA ■ dbname is the name of the database associated with the peer DSA To manually resynchronize master and slave DSAs: 7–18 1. Shut down the master DSA. 2. Dump the master database using the DXdumpdb tool. 3. Inform the master (and any other peer DSA) that a manual resynchronization has occurred using the DXdisp tool. 4. Restart the master DSA. 5. Copy the LDIF file to the slave machine. 6. Reload the slave database using the DXloaddb tool. 7. Start the slave DSA. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Multiwrite Replication Example: Multiwrite Replication The system shown in this diagram has the following properties: ■ ■ ■ ■ All read operations (read, list, search, compare) are load-shared between the two machines (according to the order that the DSAs are defined). Making use of both machines can double the system throughput. All write operations (modify, rename, add, delete) occur in real time using multiwrite. This ensures that both machines are synchronized at the time the update-confirm is sent back to the client. The primary router (R1) can automatically redirect/retry any queries sent to a data DSA (RO1, RW1, RO2, RW2) that unexpectedly shuts down. When this DSA is returned to operation, it is automatically resynchronized. The client application should fail over to the backup router (R2) in the event that Machine 1 (or R1) unexpectedly shuts down. If the client retries (to R2) any queries outstanding (on R1), then there is no possibility of the system losing transactions. This configuration can be summarized in the following table: DSA Function Prefix DSA flags R1, R2 Router DSA <c US> - RO1, RO2 Read DSA <c US><o CA> read-only, load-share RW1, RW2 Read/Write DSA <c US><o CA> multi-write This diagram shows the effective combining of distribution and replication. The prefix of the routers (R1, R2) is one level less than that of the data DSAs (RO1, RW1, RO2, RW2). A query is routed to a data DSA when the base object of the query is within the subtree of the data DSA. Replication 7–19 Multiwrite Replication You can configure the system shown this diagram to have the immediacy of the multiwrite replay system with the recoverability of the state-based system. In this case, DSP is used to chain requests in real time to peer/slave DSAs while DISP can be used to recover requests if any DSAs are restarted. 7–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DISP Replication DISP Replication X.500 defines a master–slave replication scheme using DISP (Directory Information Shadowing Protocol). In this scheme, any update that succeeds locally is forwarded to other DSAs according to any controlling bilateral agreement with those other DSAs. The DXserver DSA implements the 1993 Directory Information Shadowing Protocol (DISP), which lets you replicate information in OSI-conformant directories. This implementation is very flexible and supports: ■ DISP routing ■ Shared configuration ■ On-demand and periodic updates Configuring a DISP Responder To configure the DISP responder module, enter a listening address in the DSA definition in the configuration file (.dxc), in the knowledge directory. Example: Configuring the DISP Responder # Sample DSA Knowledge configuration file: DemoCorp.dxc set dsa “DemoCorp” = { prefix = <c AU><o DemoCorp> dsa-name = <c AU><o DemoCorp><cn “DXserver”> dsa-password = “demo” address = tcp eagle port 1900 disp-psap = DISP ... auth-levels = anonymous, clear-password dsp-idle-time = 3600 }; This responder remains active, awaiting incoming DISP protocol requests. DISP Agreements Agreements form the basis of all replication transfers. You direct and validate DISP updates between DSAs using agreements. A DSA can have a number of agreements relating to one or more remote DSAs. You can manage DISP agreements using the commands: ■ set agreement id.ver = agreement; ■ get agreement An agreement is a set of statements that defines a replication strategy. Define each agreement with an agreement identifier and an agreement version. Replication 7–21 DISP Replication Setting DISP Agreements You can set agreements using the set command, which the following form: set agreement id.ver = { initiator = name mode responder = name authlevel [relay = name authlevel ] area = <DN> [filter = { searchFilter }] [attributes = { attrSelectionList }] [strategy = frequency time type] }; The following are the parameters of the set agreement command: Parameter Value id.ver The agreement identification and version numbers (for example, 1.2). initiator The DSA initiating the DISP update: name—DSA name as defined in a set dsa definition mode—either supplier or consumer responder The DSA receiving the DISP update: name—DSA name as defined in a set dsa definition authlevel—anonymous, clear-password, or ssl-auth relay (Optional) An intermediate DSA used to relay the DISP update: name—DSA name as defined in a set dsa definition authlevel—either anonymous or clear-password area The top of the subtree being replicated; the value is the distinguished name of the entry at the top of the subtree. strategy (Optional) Enables automatic DISP update to be performed. The strategy either has the keyword value on-change or has the following three values: frequency—has one of the keyword values hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly time—either dd:hh:mm or hh:mm type—either incremental or full Filter A search filter restricting the entries to be included in the DISP update searchFilter—an X.500 filter attributes A list of attributes to include and/or exclude from a DISP update. attrSelectionList ::= attrSelection | attrSelection attrSelectionList attrSelection ::= { [object-class = objectClass,] IncludeExclude } IncludeExclude ::= [all-attributes] | [include = attrTypeList] | [exclude = attrTypeList] attrTypeList ::= attributeName [, attributeName] 7–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DISP Replication Example: A DISP Agreement set agreement 0.0 = { initiator = EAGLE supplier responder = BACKUP anonymous area = <c AU><o DemoCorp> strategy = daily 03:00 incremental }; Viewing DISP Agreements You can monitor DISP configuration using the get disp command. To view details of an agreement, use the following command: get agreement 1.0; where 1 is the agreement identifier and 0 is the agreement version. The output of this command looks similar to: Agreement 1.0 initiator responder area = EAGLE supplier = BACKUP = <countryName AU> <organizationName DemoCorp> - last update at Thu Jul 9 09:53:47 1998 Shared DISP Configuration You can achieve replication between two DSAs using point-to-point DISP. DB DSA (Supplier) DISP DSA DB (Consumer) Share the DISP configuration between the DSAs. When two DSAs share an agreement that includes a strategy (see DISP Agreements in this chapter for more information), where one of the DSAs is an initiator and the other a responder, the system performs automatic DISP updates as determined by the strategy. Replication 7–23 DISP Replication Manual Initiation of DISP You can manually perform a DISP update, even when there is a strategy, using the command: disp update agreement 1.0; The strategy in the agreement defines the mode of the update. When there is no strategy, the update defaults to full. An incremental update updates all entries that changed since the last DISP update or since the DSA started. Shadow DSAs You can mark a slave DSA as a shadow. This means the DSA will act as a read only DSA and will not grant updates, except via DISP or Multiwrite. The master DSA can update the slave using DISP. Clients can query, but not update, the DSA using DAP or LDAP. set dsa ShadowDSA = { ... dsa-flags = shadow, ... ... }; DISP Routing DXserver supports the concept of a DISP relay that lets you route DISP through one or more intermediate DSAs. This is especially useful for firewall and X.500 Guard applications. DB DSA Routing DSA DSA DB To include a relay DSA in a DISP replication process, all three DSAs must have an agreement that identifies the relay. All three DSAs can share the same DISP configuration. Example: A DISP Agreement with Relay 7–24 set agreement 0.0 = { initiator = EAGLE supplier responder = BACKUP anonymous relay = DSA-RELAY anonymous area = <c AU><o DemoCorp> }; eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DISP Replication Selective Shadowing The DXserver supports three methods of restricting the data that a supplier replicates to a shadow consumer. These methods are: ■ Specifying the replicated area ■ Specifying a subtree filter for the replication area ■ Specifying the set of attributes to be shadowed. Each of these refinements to the shadowed data are defined below. Specifying the Replicated Area This is defined by the area parameter in the DISP agreement. It specifies the top of the subtree to be replicated. Specifying a Subtree Filter This is defined by the optional filter parameter in the DISP agreement. This specifies a filter that is applied to entries in under the area context prefix. The filter parameter is defined as: filter = { <filter> } | NULL <filter> ::= and { <filterSet> } | or { <filterSet> } | not { <filter> } | <filterItem> <filterSet> ::= <filter> | <filter> , <filterSet> <filterItem> ::= attr = <attrOid> <filterExist> <filterExist> ::= present | value <filterComp> <value> | substrings [<substrings>] <filterComp> ::= = | <= | >= | ~= <subStrings> ::= <subStr> | <subStr> , <subStrings> <subStr> ::= <subStrPortion> <string> <subStrPortion> ::= initial | final | any Using the subtree filter may cause problems when shadowing to other vendors directories. This is the case when a full refresh is requested, or if an entry is shadowed, but its parent entry does not exist on the shadow consumer. eTrust directory overcomes these problem by the shadow consumer automatically creating glueDSEs for the missing entries. A glueDSE is a DSE (Directory Specific Entry) that has a name but no attributes including objectclass. If the subtree filter contains anything other than comparisons on object class values, for example a filter that matches all surnames of smith, then it is possible for an replicated entry to be modified on the master DSA such that the entry no longer matches the search filter. Subsequent DISP updates will not contain this entry but the shadow DSA will still contain the unmodified attribute and value. This is not a problem if the whole entry is deleted. For this reason it is not recommended to use anything other than restrictions based on object class. Replication 7–25 DISP Replication Specifying a Selection of Attributes This is defined by the optional attributes parameter in the DISP agreement. This specifies the set of attributes that are shadowed. Each element of attrSelectionList is an attrSelection element, which specifies the attributes that the shadow supplier is to select for shadowing. Specification of attributes for an object superclass also applies to any subclasses of the named class. If the class is omitted, the selection applies to all classes. When using the exclude specification, any attributes contained in an entry which are not explicitly excluded are implicitly included. Attributes are implicitly included in the case where all-attributes is specified. The attribute object class, all attributes that are described in the schema as must contain, and all operational attributes will be replicated unless they are explicitly excluded (that is, listed in an exclude list). Where entries belong to more than one of the specified classes, the specifications are cumulative. In the case of conflicting specifications include has priority over explicitly excluded attributes and exclude has priority over implicitly included attributes. It is possible for a selective DISP update to contain add entry requests that do not satisfy the schema requirements of the shadow consumer. For example, all mandatory attributes may not be present in the entry contained in the DISP update. With eTrust Directory, such an update is allowed, because it is assumed that the master DSA has verified the schema of the complete entry and allowed a partial replication to the shadow (or slave) DSA. The shadow DSA should be a read-only DSA so the fact that not all attributes are present in the entry should not be of consequence. This may cause problems when replicating to other vendors’ directories. Example: Selective Shadowing Example Agreement 7–26 set agreement 2.1 = { initiator = EAGLE supplier responder = BACKUP anonymous area = <c AU><o Democorp> filter = { attr = objectClass value = organizationalPerson } attributes = { { exclude = title, description, telephoneNumber } } strategy = on-change }; eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Manually Synchronizing Replicas Using Database Tools Manually Synchronizing Replicas Using Database Tools eTrust Directory databases should be manually synchronized when: ■ ■ The DXstatdb tool shows differing numbers of entries between databases in a replication set when the system is quiet. In this case, it usually makes sense to resynchronize all the directory databases to have the same number as the master database. There is a large mismatch between directory entries, perhaps because a multiwrite peer or DISP responder is unavailable for a long period of time while updates are applied to other systems in the replication set. How Manual Synchronization Works eTrust Directory provides a powerful set of database tools that can be used for resynchronization. This technique extracts directory information directly from the directory database into an intermediate LDIF file and then populates the target directory database directly from this file. Note: Both the source and target DSAs should be shut down during these operations. Source DB dxdumpdb LDIF ldifsort File LDIF File dxloaddb Target DB How to Manually Synchronize eTrust Directory Databases To manually resynchronize eTrust Directory databases: 1. Dump the source database and use the DXdumpdb tool to produce an LDIF file. 2. Use the ldifsort tool to sort the source LDIF file into DIT depth order. 3. If the databases are on different systems, copy the LDIF file from the source system to the target system. 4. Use the DXloaddb tool to load the target database with the LDIF data. 5. Start the source and target DSAs. Replication 7–27 Chapter 8 LDAP and DXlink DXserver supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), which enables any LDAP-conformant client access to DXserver. LDAP is fully integrated with DXserver and provides greater performance and efficiency than gateway approaches. Another advantage of integrated LDAP is that it obeys the DSA schema. This means that you only configure new schema once because both LDAP and DAP protocols share the same configuration. DXserver also supports the integration of LDAP servers into a distributed directory backbone. DXlink lets DXserver send requests to one or more LDAP servers and process the results returned from them as if they were normal X.500 directory servers. This enables LDAP servers to be integrated into a fully distributed directory framework. LDAP and DXlink 8–1 LDAP Clients LDAP Clients DXserver can be accessed from LDAP clients, such as web browsers, address books, and Lightweight Directory User Agents (LDUAs). DXserver LDAP LDAP Server Client DXserver Defining the LDAP Port You define the LDAP address using the set dsa command, which contains a port number that listens for LDAP requests, as follows: set dsa “Eagle” = { ... address = tcp “eagle” port 389 ... }; This address definition is mandatory; it automatically enables LDAP as the DXserver listens for different protocols on the same port. For more information, see the section Defining DSAs in the chapter “General Administration” for more information. For a list of all ports in a default installation of eTrust Directory, see the section Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory in the chapter DXserver Overview. Configuring LDAP Names You configure LDAP names along with the usual schema attribute and object class definitions: set attribute = { name = commonName ldap-names = cn syntax = caseIgnoreString }; LDAP names are integrated into the DXserver schema. See the chapter “Schema Definition” for more information. 8–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide LDAP Clients Handling LDAP Strings LDAP uses only string labels for information, so DXserver resolves them to their true object and attribute identifiers by looking up their schema information. For each object and attribute label specified in the LDAP service requests, DXserver looks first for matching ldap-names, and then for a name. LDAP is a string-handling protocol only; therefore, a number of restrictions are implicit: ■ ■ ■ Developers of directory clients must ensure the DXserver receives an appropriately formatted LDAP message because the LDAP syntax is highly dependent on appropriate punctuation, white space, and so forth. Developers of LDAP directory clients must define locally customized attributes and objects through the DXserver schema definition process. Developers should remember that LDAP names are not necessarily unique. For example, two organizations can define the string mail, but have different syntaxes and uses for it. Transparent Routing When using DXserver to route client requests to external LDAP directories using DXlink, it may not be feasible or convenient to include all third-party schema. See the Transparent Routing section in the Distribution and DSP chapter for more information. LDAP and DXlink 8–3 Schema Publishing Schema Publishing eTrust Directory supports schema publishing through LDAP Version 3. This enables LDAP directory clients to read the directory schema dynamically from the DXserver using LDAP Version 3. For further information, see section 3.2.2 Subschema Entries and Subentries of RFC 2251 LDAPv3. The following information is published through the cn=schema subschema subentry using LDAP Version 3: ■ Attributes ■ Object Classes ■ Attribute Types ■ Syntaxes ■ Name Forms ■ Structure Rules This can be retrieved by performing a base object search of the cn=schema subentry with a search filter of objectClass present. The following is an extract of the LDAP trace of such a search: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > <-- LDAP MESSAGE messageID 2 SearchRequest baseObject: cn=schema scope: baseObject derefAliases: derefAlways sizeLimit: 0 timeLimit: 0 typesOnly: false filter: present: objectClass attributes: --> LDAP MESSAGE messageID 2 SearchResultEntry objectName: cn=schema attributes type: objectClass value: top value: subschema type: cn value: schema > type: attributeTypes > value: ( NAME 'objectClass'SYNTAX > value: ( NAME 'aliasedObjectName'SYNTAX . . . > value: ( NAME 'uNSPSCdateto' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE) > type: objectClasses > value: ( NAME 'top' ABSTRACT MUST (objectClass)) > value: ( NAME 'alias' SUP (top) STRUCTURAL MUST (aliasedObjectName)) . . . > value: ( NAME 'uNSPSC' SUP (top) STRUCTURAL MUST (uNSPSCCode$uNSPSCTitle) MAY (uNSPSCContractManager$uNSPSCContractID$uNSPSCContractAuth$uNSPSCContractSupplie 8–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Schema Publishing r$uNSPSCdateissued$uNSPSCdatefrom$uNSPSCdateto)) > type: ldapSyntaxes > value: ( DESC 'Audio') > value: ( DESC 'Binary') . . . > value: ( DESC 'UTC Time') > type: nameForms > value: ( NAME 'country-top-NF' OC country MUST (countryName)) > value: ( NAME 'o-top-NF' OC organization MUST (organizationName )) . . . > value: ( NAME 'uNSPSC-uNSPSC-NF' OC uNSPSC MUST (uNSPSCTitle) MAY (uNSPSCCode$uNSPSCContractID)) > type: dITStructureRules > value: (1 NAME 'country-top-SR' FORM country-top-NF) > value: (2 NAME 'o-top-SR' FORM o-top-NF) . . . > value: (38 NAME 'uNSPSC-uNSPSC-SR' FORM uNSPSC-uNSPSC-NF SUP (36 37 38)) LDAP and DXlink 8–5 Integrating Other LDAP Servers Integrating Other LDAP Servers LDAP servers do not support the DSP protocol. This means that you cannot perform a distributed search over a number of LDAP directory servers. eTrust Directory has a facility called DXlink that lets LDAP servers link into an X.500 backbone. The DXserver can send requests to one or more LDAP directories and process the results returned from them as if they were X.500 directory servers. DXserver LDAP DXserver DXlink To configure DXlink, configure the LDAP server as if it is a DXserver, and add the dsp-ldap link-flags to the dsa definition as follows: set dsa “LDAPserver” = { prefix = <c AU><o DemoCorp><ou email> dsa-name = <c US><o DemoCorp><ou email><cn LDAPserver> address = tcp Eagle port 389 ... link-flags = dsp-ldap } Note: When you are using LDAP Version 3, use the dsp-ldap link flag; however, when you are using LDAP version 2, use dsp-ldapv2. 8–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Integrating Other LDAP Servers User Credentials on DXlink Binds LDAP servers expect connections from only LDAP users; therefore, DXlink must make the X.500 backbone look like an ordinary LDAP user. A complication arises with name and password security (simple credentials). In DSP, a single link between DSAs can support any number of users, because user information is passed with each DSP request. However, in LDAP, links cannot be shared, so DXserver must set up separate links for every LDAP user. When the DSA is acting as a direct pass-through from a user to an LDAP server and the user's name resides on the LDAP server, then the DSA sets up a separate link for that user and uses their credentials in that link: User=J. Bloggs password = yellow Client User=J. Bloggs password = yellow DSA LDAP Server Setting User Credentials for LDAP Operations However, if either of the following is true, you can set the credentials used in the DXlink connections in the LDAP server configuration file: ■ ■ The user invoking the request is authenticated using a DN that is outside the LDAP server. More than one DSA is in the path to the LDAP server. For example: set dsa LDAP1 = { ... ldap-dsa-name = <c US><o “Ace Industry”><cn “Fred Smith”> ldap-dsa-password = fredspassword ... }; The ldap-dsa-name must be a valid entry on the LDAP server because all requests from the backbone use the permissions that are granted to this entry. The DSA in the previous example expects credentials to be returned on the bind confirm sent by the LDAP server. If no credentials are returned then the bind is rejected. The knowledge reference of the LDAP server can include the trust flag no-servercredentials, which indicates to the DSA that the LDAP server will not return credentials on a bind. LDAP and DXlink 8–7 Integrating Other LDAP Servers When this flag is set, then the DSA will accept a bind confirm result returned from the LDAP server if it does not include credentials. set dsa LDAP1 = { ... trust-flags = no-server-credentials ... }; Automatically Authorizing LDAP Operations When a directory backbone performs operations over DXLINK, some operations on the target LDAP server may require that the user be authorized for that operation. You can include the dsp-ldap-proxy link flag in the DXLINK knowledge, to cause the last DSA in the chain to use the authorization of the originating user to perform operations on the LDAP server. Important! This may compromise security, because the originating user is never authenticated by the LDAP server. Usually, the last DSA in the chain binds to the LDAP server using the credentials specified in the ldap-dsa-name and ldap-dsa-password flags. If the dsp-ldap-proxy flag is also set, then the DN of the user that made the initial bind is added to the following subsequent requests: ■ search ■ compare ■ modify ■ add ■ delete ■ modify DN If the initial bind was anonymous, no DN is added to subsequent requests. This is achieved by the DSA chaining the operation over DXLINK adding the originator DN to a LDAP proxy control on the request. The LDAP server will need to allow the DN specified ldap-dsa-name authorization to proxy all users. Note: The dsp-ldap-proxy link flag can only be used if the target LDAP server supports the LDAP Proxy Authorization control. 8–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Integrating Other LDAP Servers Prefix Mapping Prefix mapping lets LDAP servers, other DSAs, or agents map into an area of the DIT. Prefix mapping is useful for collecting disjointed subtrees under a common node. Applications include transient groupings (such as task forces) or logical groupings (such as libraries where individual libraries are spread across an organization or location tree). Prefix mapping is also useful for DXlink because an LDAP server may not be able to change its prefix. Because LDAP servers have no concept of distribution, their DITs usually contain the first- or second-level nodes. This makes it hard to integrate them into a host DIT. An example is an X.500 directory system that controls the nodes c=US and c=US, o=CAI. There is also an LDAP server with the X.500 naming context: “c=US, o=CA” The LDAP server does not contain the c=US node but controls the tree beneath the c=US node that starts with the o=CA entry. It was set up to control the North American part of CA but is now required to be incorporated into the entire CA directory. This context can be mapped into the host's X.500 naming context “c=US, o=CAI” as: “c=US, o=CAI, ou=CA North America” Thus, a subtree search of “c=US, o=CAI, ou=CA North America” is mapped to a subtree search of “c=US, o=CA” before being forwarded to the LDAP server. The results are mapped back into the host DIT space. C=US O=CAI O=CA North America You can enable prefix mapping by defining a native-prefix in the server definition: set dsa LDAP1 = { ... prefix = <c US><o CAI><ou “CA North America”> native-prefix = <c US><o “CA”> ... }; LDAP and DXlink 8–9 Integrating Other LDAP Servers Working with Microsoft Exchange An example Microsoft Exchange knowledge file is shown below: set dsa EXCHANGE = { prefix = <c AU><o Exchange> native-prefix = <o “Computer Associates”><ou TEST><cn Recipients> dsa-name = <c US><o Exchange> address = tcp “currawong” port 389 auth-levels = anonymous dsp-idle-time = 60 trust-flags = no-server-credentials, allow-downgrading, allow-upgrading link-flags = dsp-ldap, ms-exchange }; The native prefix is determined by the following entries that can be found in Microsoft Exchange Administrator. See the example shown in the following dialog, where: o = the Exchange Address Book name ou = the domain name cn = the recipients container (usually named “recipients”) 8–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 9 Monitoring the Directory We recommend that you monitor the directory to detect operational problems as early as possible. DXserver supports both Internet and OSI protocols for monitoring server operations. These protocols are: ■ The Internet Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ■ The X.700 Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) ■ Telnet—used by the management console General monitoring facilities, and DXadmind, the eTrust Directory administration daemon, are also available. Monitoring the Directory 9–1 General Monitoring General Monitoring During normal operation of a directory: ■ Data is added to and deleted from the directory. ■ User and other DSA connections are made and released. ■ Log files are generated. You should review DXserver operation periodically to ensure DXserver continues to run smoothly. DXconsole You can perform special-case checking of operational parameters and server usage with management commands. To view the number and type of operations performed by the DSA: get stats; To view current DSP connections to other DSAs: get online-dsas; To view current user connections to the DSA: get users; To view the names of the currently enabled log files: get log; Log Files We recommend that you maintain log files to record a DSA’s activity. You can then postprocess these files to obtain: ■ Statistics ■ Billing ■ Auditing We also recommend that you periodically monitor the alarm log to check for operation errors. 9–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide General Monitoring Databases The DXtools DXstatdb command prints a summary of a given database. The database itself has monitoring facilities. See the chapter “Using DXtools” for more information. Disk Space As a directory grows, it consumes more disk space. Disk space is used for: ■ Directory data ■ Backups (database checkpoints) ■ Log files When the directory contains a large amount of data, the database checkpoint files can become large. You can either delete old checkpoint files or move them to storage areas. Monitoring the Directory 9–3 SNMP and the Directory Monitoring MIB SNMP and the Directory Monitoring MIB DXserver has a built-in SNMP agent to monitor operations of the DSA. This management agent implements the RFC1567 Directory Monitoring Management Information Base (MIB) and includes information such as: dsaOpsTable Provides summary statistics on the directory accesses, operations, and errors dsaEntriesTable Provides summary statistics on the entries held by the DSA and on cache performance dsaIntTable Provides useful information about the interaction of the monitored DSA with peer DSAs The SNMP agent can also monitor information that is specific to eTrust Directory. These monitoring options are described in /samples/snmp/dxmib.asn1. The SNMP can monitor: ■ Multiwrite replication ■ DXserver statistics ■ DXcache You can use any third-party SNMP manager, provided it supports the RFC1567 MIB. Because this is a read-only MIB, you cannot use it for configuring the DSA. 9–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide SNMP and the Directory Monitoring MIB Configuring the SNMP Agent Configure the SNMP agent (via DXconsole or in the DSA configuration file (.dxc) in the knowledge directory), using the set dsa command. Example:Configuring the SNMP Agent set dsa “DEMOCORP” = { ... snmp-port = 19389 ... }; Define the UDP/IP port that listens for incoming SNMP requests by setting the snmp-port. This is the only UDP port that the DSA uses, so it can accept any value and it does not interfere with TCP port numbers. You can set the following SNMP parameters: ■ snmp-description ■ snmp-contact ■ snmp-name ■ snmp-location set set set set snmp-description = “SNMP monitor” snmp-contact = “[email protected]” snmp-name = myDXserver snmp-location = myOffice For a list of all ports in a default installation of eTrust Directory, see the section Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory in the chapter DXserver Overview. Monitoring the Directory 9–5 SNMP and the Directory Monitoring MIB SNMP Monitor Utility eTrust Directory supplies a sample SNMP MIB walker utility called dxsnmp in the samples/snmp directory. The SNMP utility polls the server periodically and prints nonzero parameters. To start the SNMP utility, use the following command: dxsnmp -r[n] ipaddress/port The -r option is the refresh rate (in seconds). You can enter a number after the -r to indicate the number of seconds between each refresh. The default value is 5. Example: Starting the SNMP MIB Walker dxsnmp –r localhost/19389 The following is a sample output: $ dxsnmp localhost/19389 sysDescr sysObjectID sysUpTime sysContact sysName sysLocation sysServices dsaAnonymousBinds.1 dsaUnauthBinds.1 dsaSimpleAuthBinds.1 dsaStrongAuthBinds.1 dsaBindSecurityErrors.1 dsaInOps.1 dsaReadOps.1 dsaCompareOps.1 dsaAddEntryOps.1 dsaRemoveEntryOps.1 dsaModifyEntryOps.1 dsaModifyRDNOps.1 dsaListOps.1 dsaSearchOps.1 dsaOneLevelSearchOps.1 dsaWholeTreeSearchOps.1 dsaReferrals.1 dsaChainings.1 dsaSecurityErrors.1 dsaErrors.1 dsaMasterEntries.1 dsaCopyEntries.1 dsaCacheEntries.1 dsaCacheHits.1 dsaSlaveHits.1 Example: Monitoring multiwrite replication CA eTrust DXserver 8323.00 [email protected] democorp 0 11 0 0 8 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 20 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 This is only displayed if multiwrite replication is enabled. The following is a sample output: dxRemoteDsaName.1 dxRemoteDsaName.2 dxRemoteDsaName.3 dxMWQueueLength.1 dxMWQueueLength.2 dxMWQueueLength.3 dxMWStatus.1 dxMWStatus.2 dxMWStatus.3 dxMWPendingRemote.1 dxMWPendingRemote.2 9–6 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : eTrust Directory Administrator Guide : : : : : : : : : : : DEMOCORP2 DEMOCORP3 DEMOCORP4 0 1 0 1 (ok) 2 (failed) 1 (ok) 0 0 SNMP and the Directory Monitoring MIB dxMWPendingRemote.3 dxMWConfirmedLocal.1 dxMWConfirmedLocal.2 dxMWConfirmedLocal.3 Example: Monitoring DXserver statistics : : : : 0 0 1 0 The dxStatsNoTicks and dxStatsBusy items only appear if stats logging is enabled. The following is a sample output: dxStatsAssocs dxStatsNilCredit dxStatsNoTicks dxStatsQueue dxStatsBusy dxStatsOps Example: Monitoring Dxcache : : : : : : 1 0 1 3 2 11 This option always appears, but will only show information when DXcache is enabled. The dxCacheSearchHits value increments whenever a seach is resolved within the cache. The dxCacheSearchMisses value increments whenever a search has to be passed to the back end. The following is a sample output: dxCacheStatus dxCacheSize dxCacheSearchHits dxCacheMisses : : : : 3 (cache_ok) 456789 15 10 Monitoring the Directory 9–7 SNMP and the Directory Monitoring MIB Configuring the SNMP Trap Destination Deliver Alarms as SNMP Traps To configure the delivery of alarms as SNMP traps, use the following console command: set snmp-log = udp host port portnumber; You can place this command in the appropriate configuration file (.dxc) within the logging directory. Disable Feature To disable the feature: close snmp-log; Tip: The trap contains three variables: sysName, sysDescr, and sysLocation. sysName contains the name of the DXserver sending the trap, sysDescr contains sufficient information to reconstruct the actual update operation, and sysLocation contains the actual alarm text. Send Traps About Any Update Operations By default, all alarms are sent to the trap destination. However, you can configure the DXserver to send traps that contain information about any update operations it receives. To do this, set an associated Boolean setting, trap-on-update, as follows: set trap-on-update = true; Typically, you set this in the DXserver settings configuration file (.dxc) in the settings directory. 9–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide CMIP and X.700 Management CMIP and X.700 Management The DXserver DSA has an integral CMIP management agent for monitoring the operation of the DSA. The DSA provides limited support for ISO 9594-10 (Committee Draft April 1995) as follows: ■ ■ The MIB fully supports the DSA-managed object definitions. You can determine its structure and naming by setting scope=wholeSubTree or scope=baseObject. eTrust Directory supports all packages of the DSA-managed object. Each component of each package is read-only because the intended use is for monitoring. Configuring the CMIP Agent You configure the listening address for the CMIP agent through the management console or in the DSA initialization scripts. Example: Configuring the CMIP Agent set dsa “DEMOCORP” = { ... cmip-psap = CMIP ... }; The cmip-psap command defines the address, which this instance of the DSA listens on for OSI management requests. If required, you can input hexadecimal values in the syntax 0x1234 in place of characters or text. CMIP Monitor Utility eTrust Directory supplies a sample CMIP monitoring utility called DXcmip in the samples/cmip directory. This very simple CMIP manager performs periodic get requests on the DSA. You can start the CMIP utility using the following command: dxcmip -r[n] ipaddress/portnumber [psel] The -r option is the refresh rate (in seconds). You can enter a number after the -r to indicate the number of seconds between each refresh. The default value is five. Monitoring the Directory 9–9 CMIP and X.700 Management Example: Starting the CMIP Monitoring Application dxcmip -r localhost/19389 This example starts the CMIP monitor. It monitors operations on the server configured in SNMP Example 1—Configuring the SNMP Agent. The following is a sample output: $ dxcmip localhost/19389 objectClass nameBinding packages commonName accessPoint masterEntries copyEntries loopsDetected securityErrors nameErrors foundLocalEntries referrals serviceErrors aliasDereferences chainings invalidReferences unableToProceed outOfScope noSuchObject aliasProblem aliasDereferencingProblem affectsMultipleDSAs unavailableCriticalExtension timeLimitExceeded sizeLimitExceeded adminLimitExceeded maxSizeLimit maxTimeLimit prohibitChaining readOpsProc compareOpsProc abandonOpsProc listOpsProc searchOpsProc search1levelOpsProc searchSubtreeOpsProc addOpsProc removeOpsProc modifyOpsProc modifyDNOpsProc readOpsProc compareOpsProc abandonOpsProc listOpsProc searchOpsProc : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (Not decoded) DSA (Not decoded) 0 0 0 0 1 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 False 0 0 38 0 30 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 search1levelOpsProc : 0 searchSubtreeOpsProc addOpsProc removeOpsProc modifyOpsProc modifyDNOpsProc dSAScopeOfReferral dSAScopeOfChaining peerEntityAuthenticationPolicy requestAuthenticationPolicy resultAuthenticationPolicy dSPAssociationEstablishment dOPAssociationEstablishment dISPAssociationEstablishment maxDAPAssociations maxDSPAssociations 9–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMIP and X.700 Management maxDOPAssociations maxDISPAssociations dAPAssociationTimeout dSPAssociationTimeout dOPAssociationTimeout dISPAssociationTimeout dSAActiveAssociations pagedResultsMaxIDs pagedResultsTimer supportedApplicationContexts : : : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Not decoded) sdfasf : -0 Monitoring the Directory 9–11 Chapter 10 Using DXtools The DXtools provide a sophisticated set of utilities that simplify the management of directory data and databases. These utilities can be divided into the following general categories: Database Tools Simplify the management of the underlying Advantage Ingres databases and the tables used by the DSAs, and provide a high performance, high volume data import and export capability. LDIF Tools Convert and manipulate data using a format appropriate for import to the directory. DAP Tools Provide an X.500 DAP interface for importing and exporting data to/from a directory. Schema Tools Simplify the extraction of schema from LDAP directories, and the conversion of schema into a format appropriate for eTrust Directory and for use by the DXtools. Note: Throughout this guide, references to Advantage Ingres include both Ingres II and OpenIngres, unless one or the other is explicitly specified. Together, these tools: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Provide a fast start to any directory project, letting you easily load existing data for demonstration and prototyping. Provide the means for managing directory data on an ongoing basis. Can operate locally on the host Windows or UNIX server or execute from a Windows client workstation to a directory server over a TCP/IP network. Provide a migration path, a method, or both, for controlled exchange of data when DSP is not appropriate. Can be incorporated into your custom scripts. All tools return zero on success and non-zero when an error occurs. Using DXtools 10–1 Database Tools Database Tools The database tools provide a set of utilities that simplify the creation and management of directory databases and the DSA tables. Important! The RDBMS (Advantage Ingres) must be running for the database tools to execute successfully. The database tools are: DXnewdsa Creates a new DSA configuration, generating the initialization, database, and knowledge files, and creating the database if necessary DXnewdb Creates a new database including the tables that DXserver requires DXextenddb Adds extra Advantage Ingres locations to a database DXdestroydb Destroys an existing database DXemptydb Destroys all data in a database DXbackupdb Creates a checkpoint of a database DXrestoredb Recovers a database from the last checkpoint DXtunedb Modifies indexes and collects statistics and tunes a database DXindexdb Adds or removes wide indexes, certificate component indexes, and reverse indexes DXstatdb Displays statistics for a database DXlistdb Displays a list of databases owned by the user DXadduser Adds a new database administrator 10–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools DXdeluser Deletes an existing database administrator DXloaddb Loads (or reloads) an existing database from an LDIF file DXdumpdb Extracts data from a database into an LDIF file DXgrantdb Grants a particular user access to a database DXupgradedb Migrates the database to the current version DXdisp Initializes multiwrite DISP recovery DXcertgen Reports on currently configured certificates and generates new DSA personality certificates. Using DXtools 10–3 Database Tools Creating a DSA: DXnewdsa You can create a new DSA configuration with the DXnewdsa tool using the following command: dxnewdsa dsaname dbname port [prefix] where: ■ dsaname is the name of the DSA ■ dbname is the name of the database ■ port is the port number of the DSA ■ prefix is the DSA prefix For example: dxnewdsa mydsa mydb 12345 c AU o DemoCorp ou Sales Example output: Checking if the Ingres database mydb exists... The Ingres database mydb doesn't exist. Using dxnewdb to create it... Creating database 'mydb' . . . Creating DBMS System Catalogs . . . Modifying DBMS System Catalogs . . . Creating Standard Catalog Interface . . . Creating Front-end System Catalogs . . . Creation of database 'mydb' completed successfully. New database created >> Disconnecting... >> Connecting to database 'iidbdb'... >> Connecting to database 'mydb'... >> Creating DIT table... >> Creating TREE table... >> Creating NAME table... >> Creating SEARCH table... >> Creating SUBSEARCH table... >> Creating ENTRY table... >> Creating BLOB table... >> Creating ATTR table... >> Creating SUBATTR table... >> Creating ALIAS table... >> Creating INFO table... >> Creating DISP table... >> Creating DISPMODDN table... >> Disconnecting... >> Disconnecting... Tuning system catalogs... Writing the database file... Database file written Writing the knowledge file... knowledge file written Writing the initialization file... Initialization file written Starting the DSA... The DSA started. 10–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Creating a Database: DXnewdb To create a new database with the DXnewdb tool, use the following command: dxnewdb dbname where dbname is the name of the database. Extending a Database: DXextenddb You can extend a database’s storage over multiple locations with the DXextenddb utility using the following command: dxextenddb dbname fileArea locationName where: ■ ■ ■ dbname is the name of the database to extend fileArea is the directory under which to create the additional location (must be the absolute path name) locationName is the name of the additional location The DXextenddb utility is commonly used to increase the size of the database over the current 2 GB limit for a location. Adding Multiple Extensions To add multiple extensions, run DXextenddb multiple times. After you have added all the required extensions, run DXtunedb with either the -relocate or full option. For example, on UNIX, you could use the following commands: su – ingres dxextenddb demo1 /local/ingres location2 dxextenddb demo1 /local/ingres location3 su – dsa dxtunedb -relocate demo1 On Windows, you could use the following commands: dxextenddb sampledsa c:\newlocation location2 dxtunedb -relocate sampledsa Important! To run DXextenddb, you must be logged in as the Advantage Ingres user (UNIX only). Using DXtools 10–5 Database Tools Destroying a Database: DXdestroydb You can destroy a database that is no longer required with the DXdestroydb utility using the following command: dxdestroydb dbname where dbname is the name of the database to be destroyed. WARNING! The DXdestroydb utility removes all directory information in the database. If you want to remove all directory information but keep the database, use DXemptydb instead. Important! This command also destroys checkpoints (backups) associated with the database. Emptying a Database: DXemptydb You can remove all the data from a database that is no longer required with the DXemptydb utility using the following command: dxemptydb dbname where dbname is the name of the database. WARNING! The DXemptydb utility removes all data from all of the tables in the database. This utility differs from DXdestroydb because DXemptydb does not destroy the database; it leaves the database tables ready to accept new data. We recommend that you first create a backup of the database using DXbackupdb before issuing the DXemptydb command. 10–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Backing Up a Database: DXbackupdb The DXbackupdb utility creates a checkpoint of the specified database. You can execute the DXbackupdb utility using the following command: dxbackupdb [+journal|-journal] [-keepold] [-deleteoldest] dbname where: ■ dbname is the name of the database ■ +journal turns journaling on ■ -journal turns journaling off ■ -keepold keeps previous checkpoints ■ -deleteoldest deletes the oldest checkpoint Important! The backup performs a database checkpoint. There must be sufficient disk space available to save this checkpoint. Note that journaling requires additional storage. Using the +journal and -journal options, you can enable or disable database journaling to maintain a log of all changes made since the last checkpoint. Once you turn journaling on, it stays on until you issue the dxbackupdb command and the -journal option. For example: dxbackupdb dxbackupdb : dxbackupdb : dxbackupdb demo +journal demo (no journaling) (journaling is turned on) demo (journaling is still on) -journal demo (journaling is turned off) Tip: To turn journaling off, the database must be offline before you run the dxbackupdb command with the -journal option. If you run DXloaddb or DXindexdb, you must explicitly turn journaling back on (dxbackupdb +journal) with the database offline in order to resume journaling for all tables. You can run the DXbackupdb utility when the DSA is online. Important! Backups of the database are extremely important. See the chapter “Deploying a Directory” for more information. Using DXtools 10–7 Database Tools Restoring a Database: DXrestoredb The DXrestoredb utility restores a database from a previously created checkpoint. You can execute the DXrestoredb utility using the following command: dxrestoredb [+/-journal] [-list] [-fromold checkpointNumber] dbname where: ■ dbname is the name of the database to restore ■ +journal replays the journals after the checkpoint is restored ■ -journal restores the checkpoint without replaying the journals ■ -list lists valid checkpoints. ■ -fromold checkpointNumber restores from an older backup (the default is the most recent backup taken) Tip: We recommend that you perform daily backups, usually at night. When performing a restore, all DSAs that connect to the database must be shut down. 10–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Tuning a Database: DXtunedb When populating or updating the directory, you can improve the performance of the directory services by running the DXtunedb utility. You can execute the DXtunedb utility with the following command: dxtunedb [-full | -relocate] dbname where dbname is the name of the database to tune. The DXtunedb utility modifies the indexes, and updates statistics used by the query optimizer. You can run the DXtunedb utility when the DSA is online, except with the -full option. However, it is better to tune when DSAs are not busy because tuning consumes CPU. Run a Full Tune The DXtunedb utility has two options: -full and -relocate. The -full option provides a more comprehensive tuning of the database. To run a full tune, use the following command: dxtunedb -full dbname where dbname is the name of the database. Tip: The DXtunedb utility with the -full option tunes all tables, indexes, system tables, and statistics. All DSAs that connect to the database must be shut down. Enable New Locations The -relocate option enables the use of the new locations created by DXextenddb. Use the following command: dxtunedb -relocate dbname where dbname is the name of the database to be relocated. Relocating a database is faster than performing a full tune, but less extensive in terms of optimization. Important! This option does not update statistics. Using DXtools 10–9 Database Tools Managing Indexes: DXindexdb The DXindexdb utility is used to add, clear or list the following indexes: ■ Reverse indexes ■ Certificate component indexes ■ Certificate Revocation List (CRL) indexes ■ Wide indexes The DXindexdb utility uses the following syntax: dxindexdb dbname [[+ | -]reverse [attrList]] | [[+ | -]cert [componentList]] | [[+ | -]crl [componentList]] | [[+ | -]wide [attrList]] where dbname is the name of the database. Applying a reverse index to an attribute stores each value of that attribute in reverse order. This aids substring searches of the type (attr=*val). Only the first 106 characters of a value are significant in a search. If this is not adequate, or you receive a warning to this effect in the log file, you can apply a wide index to those attributes. For more information about wide indexes, see Indexing Options in the chapter “General Administration.” List Indexed Attributes, Certificate/crl Components To list the currently indexed attributes, certificate/crl components and give a list of attributes and components for indexing, specify dxindexdb with only the database name: dxindexdb demo where demo is the database name. Example output: Reverse indexed attributes: telephoneNumber Component indexed attributes: certificate(cert_version cert_issuer validity) certificateList(crl_version crl_issuer) Other attributes: oc aliasedEntryName userPassword createTimestamp countryName organizationName department givenName surname commonName multiLineDescription cosineRfc822Mailbox Other components: certificate(serialNumber cert_signature subject subjectPublicKeyInfo issuerUniqueIdentifier etc...) certificateList(thisUpdate nextUpdate etc...) 10–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Clear Existing Indexes To clear all the existing reverse, wide, and certificate/CRL indexes, use any of the options with no arguments: dxindexdb demo –reverse dxindexdb demo –cert dxindexdb demo -crl Add Reverse-Index Attributes To create one or more reverse-index attributes, use the -reverse option followed by a space-separated list of the attributes: dxindexdb demo -reverse attribute1 attribute2 Note: This will clear any previous reverse indexes. To add one or more reverse-index attributes to an existing set, use the +reverse option followed by a space-separated list of attributes: dxindexdb demo +reverse attribute1 attribute2 This will add the new reverse indexes to the previous reverse indexes. Add Certificate Component Indexes To create one or more certificate component indexes, use the -cert option followed by a space-separated list of the components: dxindexdb demo -cert component1 component2 Note: This will clear any previous certificate component indexes. To add one or more certificate component indexes to an existing set, use the +cert option followed by a space-separated list of components: dxindexdb demo +cert component1 component2 This will add the new certificate component indexes to the previous certificate component indexes. Add crl Component Index To create one or more CRL component indexes, use the -crl option followed by a space-separated list of the components: dxindexdb demo -crl component1 component2 Note: This will clear any previous crl component indexes. To add one or more CRL component indexes to an existing set, use the +crl option followed by a space-separated list of components: dxindexdb demo +crl component1 component2 This will add the new CRL component indexes to the previous CRL component indexes. Using DXtools 10–11 Database Tools Add Reverse and Component Index When both reverse and component indexing is required, a single command must be used to set up the indexes: dxindexdb demo -reverse attribute1 attribute2 -cert component1 component2 If a reverse index is added using the following command, all component indexes will be removed: dxindexdb demo -reverse attribute1 Add Wide Index To add a wide index to one or more attributes, use the following command: dxindexdb demo -wide attribute1 attribute2 Add Reverse and Wide Index 10–12 When both reverse and wide indexing is required, use the following command: dxindexdb demo -reverse attribute1 attribute2 -wide attribute1 attribute2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Displaying Database Statistics: DXstatdb The DXstatdb utility displays statistics of a particular database. The DXstatdb utility has the following format: dxstatdb [-cert] [-d] dbname where: List Database Statistics ■ dbname is the name of the database for which statistics will be generated ■ -cert lists the statistics for the certificates stored in the database ■ -d includes statistics for entries marked as deleted You can list the statistics for the database by using the following command: dxstatdb dbname The following is a sample output: Statistics: Number of attributes types Number of entries Number of node entries Number of leaf entries Number of alias entries Number of level 1 entries Number of level 2 entries Number of level 3 entries Number of level 4+ entries Number of values Number of blob (>2K) values List Certificate Statistics = = = = = = = = = = = 27 104472 4424 100048 0 12 58 341 104061 709281 0 You can list the statistics for the certificates stored in the database with this command: dxstatdb -cert dbname The following is a sample output: Certificate Statistics: Number of userCertificate Number of userCertificate issuers Number of expired userCertificate Number of not yet valid userCertificate = 1 = Not Indexed = Not Indexed = Not Indexed If there are CA Certificates and CRLs in the directory, the following output appears (note that this output shows that the CA Certificate has a component index): Certificate Statistics: Number of userCertificate Number of userCertificate issuers Number of expired userCertificate Number of not yet valid userCertificate Number of cACertificate Number of cACertificate issuers Number of expired cACertificate Number of not yet valid cACertificate Number of certificateRevocationList Number of certificateRevocationList issuers Number of expired certificateRevocationList Number of not yet valid certificateRevocationList = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 Not Indexed Not Indexed Not Indexed 1 0 0 0 1 Not Indexed Not Indexed Not Indexed Using DXtools 10–13 Database Tools List Deleted Entries By default, the dxstatdb command ignores entries marked as deleted in the database when reporting its statistics. This is useful because two synchronized databases could give different statistics because entries marked as deleted in a DISP shadow were being counted, but not on the master. To include entries marked as deleted in the listed statistics, use the '-d' option: dxstatdb -d dbname Listing Existing Databases: DXlistdb List Databases Owned by User The DXlistdb utility lists the databases owned by the user. (The user must be a database administrator—typically, the user who has created the database.) You can execute the DXlistdb utility using the following command: dxlistdb [dbname] The output of a dxlistdb command is a list of database names, such as: backup demo live test Test Database Existence You can test for the existence of a particular database by specifying the database name as an optional parameter to the dxlistdb command: dxlistdb mydatabase If the database mydatabase does not exist then DXlistdb will return an error code. Adding a Database User: DXadduser You can create a new database administrator with the DXadduser utility using the following command (this command is generally used only during installation): dxadduser dbadmin where dbadmin is the name of the new database administrator. Note: When dbadmin contains spaces, you must use quotation marks, for example, “Fred Bloggs.” 10–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Deleting a Database User: DXdeluser You can delete a database administrator with the DXdeluser utility using the following command: dxdeluser dbadmin where dbadmin is the name of the database administrator. Note: When dbadmin contains spaces, you must use quotation marks, for example, “Fred Bloggs.” Using DXtools 10–15 Database Tools Loading a Database: DXloaddb Use the DXloaddb tool to load or reload a database from a prepared LDIF file. This utility used to use schema.txt file to get schema information. It now loads schema information directly from the DSA. This means that you now have to specify the DSA name when you use the DXloaddb tool. The same change has been made to DXdumpdb. The command is: dxloaddb options ldif-file dbname The following are the options of the dxloaddb command: Option Description -p prefix The prefix of the DSA. Use a comma-separated LDAP format. Use a pair of quotes “” for a NULL DN. If a portion of prefix is more than one word, you can enclose the whole prefix in quotes or just the problem portion. For example, both of these prefixes will work: ■ o=“democorp test”,c=au ■ “o=democorp test,c=au” -O Includes standard operational attributes during the load. -P Hashes or encrypts passwords if in clear text: -I "not-searchable <attrlist>" 10–16 0: OEM hash algorithm. This option is deprecated - use SHA-1 instead. 1: SHA-1 (default) 2: Salted SHA-1. This produces a different hash even for the same clear text password, which is more secure. 3: OEM-reversible crypt algorithm (therefore less secure) 4: Traditional UNIX crypt algorithm 5: MD5 password hashing Prevents the attributes listed from loading into the search table, which reducing the size of the search table. Small table size means less disk space used, faster tuning, and faster loading. Also, update operations are faster on these attributes. Search operations containing these attributes will return empty results. The list of attributes must match those set in the database configuration file. For information about how to make attributes not searchable, see Indexing Options in the chapter “General Administration.” eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Option Description -a attributes The estimated average number of attributes per entry. This corresponds to the average number of lines per entry in the LDIF file. -n entries The estimated number of entries. -S dsaname The DSA server with the schema definitions that the DXloaddb tool will use. If you do not include this option, the DXloaddb tool parses the various DXserver configurations to find the one that connects to the database specified. database The name of the database to load. WARNING! If you use this option, all existing directory information in the database will be lost. The following are the parameters of the dxloaddb command: Parameter Description ldif-file The name of the LDIF file to use. dbname The name of the database to load. The number of entries and the number of rows per entry are used to estimate the size of each database table in advance. This enables the database to allocate the appropriate resources before the load commences, greatly reducing load time. The correct sequence in which to create and load a database is: dxnewdb dxextenddb dxloaddb (as many times as needed) Note: There is no need to reorganize or tune the database since this is done automatically as part of the DXloaddb process. Sort the LDIF file by distinguished name, in ascending order. The following example loads the data from democorp.ldif file to database democorp: dxloaddb –p "o=democorp test,c=au" -I "not-searchable createTimestamp,userPassword" -S democorp democorp.ldif democorp In this example, “o=democorp test,c=au” is the DN prefix, and the createTimestamp and userPassword attributes are not searchable. Using DXtools 10–17 Database Tools Dumping a Database: DXdumpdb Use the DXdumpdb utility to extract the data from a database to an LDIF file. This utility used to use schema.txt file to get schema information. It now loads schema information directly from the DSA. This means that you now have to specify the DSA name when you use DXdumpdb. The same change has been made to the DXloaddb tool. The command is: dxdumpdb options dbname [attributes] The following are the options of the dxdumpdb command: Option Description -p prefix The prefix of the DSA. Use a comma-separated LDAP format. If a portion of prefix is more than one word, you can enclose the whole prefix in quotes or just the problem portion. For example, both of these prefixes will work: ■ o=“democorp test”,c=au ■ “o=democorp test,c=au” The prefix you specified doesn’t have to be the same as in the database. That is, you can change the prefix to suit your needs. -Z schema Uses the schema file specified. -f outfile Dumps the data to the specified file. -i Includes attributes. -O Includes standard operational attributes. -x Excludes attributes. -v Run in verbose mode. This switches on error/status tracing. -l Locks the database while doing the dump. -u Username used to connect to the database. -P passwd The user’s Advantage Ingres password. -E eidlist Dumps only the entries specified. Eidlist is a comma-separated entry id list, for example, “0,1,2…9”. -S dsaname The DSA server with the schema definitions that DXdumpdb will use. If you do not include this option, DXdumpdb parses the various DXserver configurations to find the one that connects to the database specified. 10–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools The following are the parameters of the dxdumpdb command: Parameter Description dbname The name of the database to dump. attributes Space-separated list of attributes that you want to include or exclude in the dump (if no attribute list is given, you dump all). The following example extracts the LDIF format data from database democorp on the screen, using the o=”democorp test”,c=au DN prefix, and excludes the createTimstamp and userPassword attributes in the output. Dxdumpdb –p o=”democorp test”,c=au –x democorp -S democorp createTimestamp userPassword The following example extracts the first three entries from database democorp to the out.ldif file, using the o=”democorp test”,c=au DN prefix. Dxdumpdb –p o=Admin,c=au –f out.ldif -S democorp –E 0,1,2 democorp Granting Access to a Database: DXgrantdb Use this command to grant a nominated user access to a database with the DXgrantdb utility: dxgrantdb dbname [user] where: ■ ■ dbname is the name of the database to which you are granting access user is the name of the user to whom you are granting access Note: If you omit the user name, all database users are granted access. Revoking Access to a Database: DXrevokedb Use this command to remove the permission for the nominated user to access a database with the DXrevokedb utility: dxrevokedb dbname [user] where: ■ dbname is the name of the database to which access is revoked. ■ user is the name of the user whose access is revoked. Note: If you omit the user name, all database users will have their access revoked. Using DXtools 10–19 Database Tools Upgrading Previous Versions of a Database: DXupgradedb After upgrading eTrust Directory, existing databases may require changes to enable new features to work. For example, you may need to add new tables, upgrade existing indexes, or update existing tables. To upgrade a database, use the following command: dxupgradedb dbname where dbname is the name of the database that you want to upgrade. Note: You must run DXupgradedb before starting the server. Initializing Multiwrite–DISP Recovery: DXdisp When multi-write-disp-recovery = TRUE, and you reload a DSA, or remove a DSA from the multiwrite-DISP configuration, you must clear the last update time using the following command: dxdisp -clear dsaname dbname where: ■ dsaname is the name of the newly loaded or removed DSA ■ dbname is the name of the database To list the last update times of all multiwrite-DISP peers recorded in the database, use the following command: dxdisp -list dbname where dbname is the name of the database for which you want to list the last update times. 10–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Reporting On and Generating Certificates: DXcertgen The DXcertgen tool reports on currently configured certificates and generates new DSA personality certificates and directory user certificates. The command is: dxcertgen options [report|generate] The following are the options of the dxcertgen command: Option Description -d days Number of days certificate will be valid for(default days=365) -i issuer Generate root certificate with YOUR company's name (default: "CN=Certificate Authority,O=DXCertGenPKI,C=AU") -c clientcerts Path to client certificate and private key store (default: "$DXHOME/../jxplorer/security/clientcerts") -C clientpass Password for clientcerts keystore (default: <JXplorer clientcerts default>) -s cacerts Path to CA certificate and private key store (default: "$DXHOME/../jxplorer/security/cacerts") -S capass Password for cacerts key store (default: <JXplorer cacerts default>) -u users LDIF file of users to generate certificates for -p path Write user certificates to path rather than keystore -P keypass Assign this password to protect private key (default: dxcertgen) The following are the parameters of the dxcertgen command: Parameter Description report Report on configured certificates certs Generate certificates for DSAs (and 'users' if specified) Using DXtools 10–21 Database Tools Reporting Certificates The certificate report shows who the subject of the certificate is, the Certificate Authority who issued it, validity dates and whether the certificate is currently valid. Where there are multiple certificates in a file, they are numbered in the order they are found. If you have to delete a certificate, use the report to determine which one to delete. To run a report on the currently configured certificates enter the command: dxcertgen report <enter> You will see a report like this: TRUSTED ROOT CERTIFICATES - trusted.pem certificate : 1 version : 3 serialNum : 0 issuer : /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority notBefore : May 29 01:36:03 2003 GMT notAfter : May 27 01:36:03 2008 GMT subject : /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority status : valid PERSONALITY CERTIFICATES - router.pem certificate : 1 version : 1 serialNum : 4 issuer : /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority notBefore : May 29 01:36:13 2003 GMT notAfter : May 27 01:36:13 2008 GMT subject : /C=AU/CN=DXserver status : valid - democorp.pem certificate : 1 version : 1 serialNum : 1 issuer : /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority notBefore : May 29 01:36:07 2003 GMT notAfter : May 27 01:36:07 2008 GMT subject : /C=AU/O=Democorp/CN=DXserver status : valid - uddi.pem certificate : version : serialNum : issuer : notBefore : notAfter : subject : status : 1 1 5 /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority May 29 01:36:15 2003 GMT May 27 01:36:15 2008 GMT /O=CA/CN=UDDI valid - unspsc.pem certificate : 1 version : 1 serialNum : 2 issuer : /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority notBefore : May 29 01:36:09 2003 GMT notAfter : May 27 01:36:09 2008 GMT subject : /C=AU/O=UNSPSC/CN=DXserver status : valid 10–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools - ocsp.pem certificate : version : serialNum : issuer : notBefore : notAfter : subject : status : 1 1 4 /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority Jun 6 10:39:15 2000 GMT Jun 5 10:39:15 2005 GMT /C=AU/O=OCSP/CN=DXserver valid - sample.pem certificate : 1 version : 1 serialNum : 3 issuer : /C=AU/O=MiniPKI/CN=Certificate Authority notBefore : May 29 01:36:10 2003 GMT notAfter : May 27 01:36:10 2008 GMT subject : /C=AU/O=Sample/CN=DXserver status : valid Done. Generating Certificates To secure links between DSAs using SSL encryption or SSL authentication, each DSA needs a certificate, just as if it was a directory user. These are called DSA personality certificates, and are stored under $DXHOME/config/ssld/personalities. Note: To secure the system, the private key of the root certificate used to sign all the generated certificates is not stored or written out in any way. The tool generates a root certificate first, checks that it doesn't already exist in the $DXHOME/config/ssld/trusted.pem file, then appends the new root certificate to this file. It then uses the root certificate's private key to generate a new personality certificate for each configured DSA, using the DSA-NAME from the $DXHOME/config/knowledge file as the subject of the certificate. Any previous personalities will be overwritten. Using Your Company Name as the CA Issuer The default Certificate Authority issuer is hardcoded into the tool: CN=Certificate Authority,O=DXCertGenPKI,C=AU. To use your company name instead, just use the '-i issuer' option, and specify your company name as an LDAP DN. By default, the validity period for the certificates generated is 365 days, but you can change by using the -d option. Using DXtools 10–23 Database Tools Generating Certificates for eTrust Directory Users To generate user certificates and private keys, use the -u option. This should be the complete path to an LDIF file of users. The user certificates will be generated using the same root certificate's private key as the DSA personalities. To write the user certificates and private keys to the file system, enter the command: dxcertgen -i "cn=Real Company Certificate Authority,o=Real Company PKI,c=au" -d 730 -u $USERS_PATH/users.ldif -p $TEMP_PATH/users certs <enter> WARNING! The private keys that are written out are not password protected or encrypted in any way - they should be moved as soon as possible. Generating Personality Certificates for DSAs To generate personality certificates for currently configured DSAs, enter the command: dxcertgen -i "cn=Real Company Certificate Authority,o=Real Company PKI,c=au" -d 730 certs <enter> You will see the following output: Generating a new trusted root certificate... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ...................................++++++ ...............++++++ Appending trusted root certificate to /.../products/dxserver/config/ssld/trusted.pem... Generating dxserver personalities... Generating a new personality certificate for democorp.dxc... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... .............++++++ ....................................................++++++ Writing personality certificate to /.../products/dxserver/config/ssld/personalities/democorp.pem... Generating a new personality certificate for router.dxc... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... .++++++ ................................++++++ Writing personality certificate to /.../products/dxserver/config/ssld/personalities/router.pem... Generating a new personality certificate for unspsc.dxc... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... .++++++ ................................++++++ Writing personality certificate to /.../products/dxserver/config/ssld/personalities/unspsc.pem... Done. 10–24 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Database Tools Wiring User Certificates and Private Keys to a Secure Location To generate user certificates and private keys and write them to a more secure location, DXcertgen is able to use the keytool facility that ships with Java and JXplorer to add the certificates and private keys to a "keystore". The keystore is password protected and each private key is password protected as well. The certificates and keys are separated out into "client" or user certificates/keys and CA/self-signed/root certificates/keys. By default the tool writes the certificates and private keys to the JXplorer keystore, but you can specify alternate keystores. To specify an alternate keystore for CA certs, use the '-s cacerts' option to enter the complete path to the CA keystore. Don't forget to specify the CA certificates keystore password using '-S capass'. To specify an alternate keystore for client certificates, use the '-c clientcerts' option. Don't forget to specify the client certificates keystore password using the '-C clientpass' option. Specifying an Alternate Private Key Password To specify an alternate private key password use the '-P keypass' option. Note: JAVA_HOME must be set because the tool must run $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool to add the certificates and private keys to the keystore. To write certificates to the JXplorer keystore, enter the command: dxcertgen -u "%DXHOME%\samples\democorp\users.ldi" certs Generating a new trusted root certificate... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ....................++++++ Appending trusted root certificate to D:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxser ver\config\ssld\trusted.pem... Adding alias 'trusted' to keystore... Certificate was added to keystore Generating dxserver personalities... Generating a new personality certificate for router.dxc... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ....................................++++++ Writing personality certificate to D:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxserver \config\ssld\personalities\router.pem... Generating a new personality certificate for unspsc.dxc... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ..................................................++++++ Writing personality certificate to D:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxserver \config\ssld\personalities\unspsc.pem... Generating user certificates... Generating a new user certificate for Nadia_KITE... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ..++++++ ................................................++++++ Adding alias 'Nadia_KITE' to keystore... Certificate was added to keystore Generating a new user certificate for Jodie_LAY... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... Using DXtools 10–25 Database Tools ................................................++++++ .......................++++++ Adding alias 'Jodie_LAY' to keystore... Certificate was added to keystore Generating a new user certificate for Vivienne_LEVER... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ....++++++ .......................................++++++ Adding alias 'Vivienne_LEVER' to keystore... Certificate was added to keystore Generating a new user certificate for Juliet_LEVY... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ...................++++++ .++++++ Adding alias 'Juliet_LEVY' to keystore... Certificate was added to keystore Generating a new user certificate for Craig_LINK... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ..................++++++ ......++++++ Adding alias 'Craig_LINK' to keystore... Certificate was added to keystore Generating a new user certificate for Gavin_LOWE... Generating a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair... ................++++++ ................................................++++++ Adding alias 'Gavin_LOWE' to keystore... Certificate was added to keystore Done. 10–26 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide LDIF Tools LDIF Tools The DXtools manage directory data using the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF). The LDIF file format is suitable for describing directory information or modifications made to directory information. It is often used for transferring directory information between LDAP-based directory servers or describing a set of changes applied to a directory. This section describes how you can transfer comma-separated value (CSV) data files into LDIF directory files using the data conversion tools. The data conversion tools are: csv2ldif Uses the CSV data file and the LDIF template file to prepare an LDIF file for the dxmodify tool ldifsort Sorts an LDIF file or input stream on the given attribute type ldifdelta Calculates the change, or delta, between two LDIF files CSV Source Data A source data file is a comma-separated list of values. Each source data (CSV) file can contain many lines, and each line in the file should contain information about a single object or entry. DXtools Example 1 CSV Data File Fred,Jones,Manager,Administration,987 6254 Tom,Smith,Sales Person,Sales,987 6251 Bill,Smith,Foreman,Manufacturing,987 6257 Ken,Anderson,Account Manager,Sales,987 6255 Wendy,Murphy,Clerk,Administration,987 6233 Ann,Thompson,Receptionist,Administration,987 6222 Ian,Hall,Boilermaker,Manufacturing,987 6510 Linda,Bates,Accountant,Administration,987 6511 Sam,Campbell,Welder,Manufacturing,987,6510 Using DXtools 10–27 LDIF Tools While the default separator is a comma, the DXtools support the use of alternative and user-defined separators. See Converting CSV Data to LDIF Format: csv2ldif in this chapter for more information. You should enclose embedded commas within quotes. For example, if Tom Smith's address is contained as a single field, you can include embedded commas in the single address field as shown below: Tom,Smith,"36 High Street,Boystown,NY" To accommodate embedded quotation marks, as when applied to a property name in an address field, always use two sequential quotation marks to represent a single quotation mark in text. For example, if Tom Smith used his property name “The Grange” in his address: Tom,Smith,"""The Grange"",High Street,Boystown,NY" Template Files (LDT) The information contained in a data file is simply a list of values. To give meanings to these values, you must specify what the values in each field represent. To do this, define an LDIF template (LDT) file. The LDT files describe the objects contained in the directory. The LDT file follows the LDIF file format, which is used to add directory information to the data values. An LDIF file consists of a series of records separated by blank lines. A record consists of a sequence of lines describing a directory entry. Special substitution tokens are used to place fields from the CSV file into the LDT. Each line in the LDT file defines a rule that links a field in a CSV data file to a directory attribute or name with an object description. These rules let the tools translate CSV file information into LDIF file formats. DXtools Example 2 A sample LDIF Template File # Acme template file - LDIF format dn:ou=$4, o="Acme", c=US oc:organizationalUnit dn:cn=$1 $2, ou=$4, o="Acme", c=US oc:organizationalPerson surname:$2 title:$3 telephonenumber:+61 3 $5 10–28 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide LDIF Tools The Format of LDT files Each record in an LDT file specifies the format of entries at that level. Each record contains a DN and one or more attribute-value template lines. You can treat the $ character literally when the escape character (\) precedes it. This escape character has no significance other than escaping. Use \\ to represent the \ character. Using substitution tokens in the DN line lets you specify leaf nodes and their parents. You can therefore infer hierarchy from the original CSV data. You must explicitly code parent objects in the template file, and they must appear in increasing-depth order in the file before any definition of leaf objects. If you need a literal number following a substitution token, you can use the three-digit form of the token as in the following example (the three-digit form is shown underlined): # leaf node dn:cn=$1 $2,ou=$4, o=DemoCorp,c=AU oc:organizationalPerson Surname:$2 Description: $00199 \$ $2 \$ $3 Telephone:+61 $3 A substitution token cannot exceed three digits (maximum is $999). When this LDT file is interpreted, the $00199 looks at the first three digits after the $ (in this example $001 is equal to $1), so the program finds the first column of the CSV to substitute, and appends "99" characters to it. If you use $199 rather than $00199, the 199th column of the CSV is used to substitute, which is not the intention of this example. LDIF Files Using the LDIF format, you can convey directory information or a description of a set of changes made to directory entries. An LDIF file consists of a series of records with line separators. Each record consists of a sequence of lines describing either a directory entry or a set of changes to a single directory entry. These two types of records cannot be mixed in an LDIF file. An LDIF file contains either records that specify a set of directory entries or records that specify a set of changes you apply to directory entries, but not both. For further information about the LDIF format, review the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) draft Request For Comments (RFCs) available at Using DXtools 10–29 LDIF Tools Converting CSV Data to LDIF Format: csv2ldif The csv2ldif tool uses the CSV data file and the template LDT file described in the preceding two sections to prepare an LDIF file for the DXmodify tool. The format is: csv2ldif options numfields LDTfile CSVfile The following are the options of the csv2ldif command: Option Description -b badfile Output file name for CSV lines with bad format. -d Permits duplicate parent nodes to be generated. -f branching factor The number of branching factors. The default is 32. Note: This is a low-level option and should not be used unless directed by Computer Associates Technical Support. -i lines Ignores the first lines lines of the CSV file. -s sep Defines a field separator (default is a comma) The following are the parameters of the csv2ldif command: Parameter Description Numfields Total number of fields defined in the input CSV file. LDTfile Name of the LDT file. CSVfile Name of the input CSV file. DXtools Example 3 csv2ldif Using the example CSV data file and the LDT file, you can execute the csv2ldif utility using the following command: csv2ldif -i 1 7 acme.ldt acme.csv > acme.ldi The file acme.ldt contains the specification and translation rules. The file acme.csv contains the raw data in comma-separated value format. The CSV file is defined as having seven fields with the first line ignored. 10–30 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide LDIF Tools The output is redirected to the acme.ldi file. The following is a portion of acme.ldi: dn: o=Acme, c=US oc: organization dn: ou=Administration, o=Acme, c=US oc: organizationalUnit dn: cn=Fred Jones, ou=Administration, o=Acme, c=US oc: organizationalPerson postalAddress: 11 Main Street $ Newtown surname: Jones title: Manager telephonenumber: +1 (305) 987 6254 dn: ou=Sales, o=Acme, c=US oc: organizationalUnit Sorting an LDIF File: ldifsort The ldifsort program sorts an LDIF file or input stream for the given attribute type. The default sort is DN, which sorts LDIF records based on their distinguished names. In DN sort mode, ldifsort ensures that each record is followed by its immediate subordinates. The other sort option is to sort in descending order. You can use this option, for example, when deleting the entries in an LDIF file from the directory. This sorts the LDIF file on DN in descending order, thus ordering subordinates before superior entries. The LDIF file can then be passed to DXmodify to delete these entries. Note: By default, duplicate entries are ignored or written to the bad record file (-b file). If you do not want to ignore duplicate entries, use the -U option. By default, the sort attribute is DN, but any attribute can be specified. You can use another attribute, for example, to sort employee records in an LDIF file based on their employee numbers for administration, or to sort based on telephone numbers to allocate spare lines. You must use ldifsort before ldifdelta to sort both input files to ldifdelta in the same order. ldifsort has the following command-line format: ldifsort [options] infile [outfile] Using DXtools 10–31 LDIF Tools The options of the ldifsort command are: Option Description -d Sorts in descending order. The default is to sort in ascending order. -v Runs in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard error). -U Does not ignore (filter out) duplicate entries. -a attr Sorts entries based on the attribute attr. The default sort attribute is dn. -b file Writes duplicate or bad input records to file. -m count The number of records in each bucket. The default is 200. For best results, we recommend that you set this option to the square root of the number of entries in the file (-m count = √ number of entries in file). -r block Number of buckets to allocate at a time. The default is 10,000. -s bytes Size of read buffer for each bucket. The default is 2,048 (2k). -t dir Uses the directory dir for temporary files. The parameters of the ldifsort command are: Parameter Description infile The file to be sorted. outfile The file to which output is to be written. The default is to write output to standard out. DXtools Example 4 ldifsort Make the old directory the same as the reference directory: dxsearch -L -h oldhost "(oc=*)" > old.ldif dxsearch -L -h referencehost "(oc=*)" > ref.ldif ldifsort old.ldif old_sorted.ldif ldifsort ref.ldif ref_sorted.ldif ldifdelta old_sorted.ldif ref_sorted.ldif | dxmodify -h oldhost 10–32 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide LDIF Tools Calculating the Change Between Two LDIF Files: ldifdelta Use this tool to calculate the change, or delta, between two LDIF files. The ldifdelta program is an offline directory synchronization tool based on the LDAP directory interchange format. You can use ldifdelta to fully or partially synchronize directories. The output file produced by ldifdelta is an LDIF file containing LDIF change records. You can apply the output file against the outdated directory with the DXmodify tool to update it with respect to the reference directory. The format is: ldifdelta [options] oldfile newfile [outfile] The following are the parameters of the ldifdelta command: Parameter Description oldfile The outdated file. newfile The more recent file to compare against oldfile. outfile The output file containing the differences between newfile and oldfile. The following are the options of the ldifdelta command: Option Description -x Ignores X.500 operational attributes. -v Verbose output. -Z schema File containing schema definitions. You must do two things before using the ldifdelta tool: 1. Obtain the two required input LDIF files by using either the -L option with the DXsearch utility or the DXdump utility. 2. Sort the input LDIF data files using the ldifsort tool. Using DXtools 10–33 LDIF Tools DXtools Example 5 Using ldifdelta and ldifsort Together Make the old directory the same as the reference directory: dxsearch -L -h oldhost "(oc=*)" > old.ldif dxsearch -L -h referencehost "(oc=*)" > ref.ldif ldifsort old.ldif old_sorted.ldif ldifsort ref.ldif ref_sorted.ldif ldifdelta old_sorted.ldif ref_sorted.ldif | dxmodify -h oldhost The following are known limitations of the ldifdelta tool: ■ ■ 10–34 Compares distinguished name in a case insensitive way, not by schema matching rules. When comparing URL values, ldifdelta compares only the file names. It does not attempt to interpret the nature or contents of the file that the URL references. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DAP Tools DAP Tools The DAP import and export tools each work with LDIF files. The import tools (DXmodify, DXrename, and DXdelete) generate updates of the directory, usually from data in an LDIF file. The export tool (DXsearch) extracts data from the directory and creates an LDIF file that contains the extracted data. DXmodify DXrename Directory DXsearch LDIF DXdelete The following are the import and export tools: DXmodify Populates an empty directory; adds new entries; adds new attributes to existing entries; modifies, renames, or deletes attributes of an entry DXrename Changes the common name of a directory entry DXdelete Deletes one or more directory entries DXsearch Searches a specified directory using defined filters Note: These tools use the X.500 DAP/OSI protocol. They are similar to the public domain LDAP tools (ldapsearch, ldapmodify, ldaprename and ldapdelete) but offer more features. Using DXtools 10–35 DAP Tools Common Command Options The following command arguments are common to the import and export tools: Option Value -D binddn Distinguished name of the user performing the bind. -c Continuous operation mode. -n Shows what would be done, but does not actually do it. -Z schema File containing schema definitions. -v Runs in verbose mode. -f file Reads file rather than standard input. -w password Bind password (for simple authentication). -h daphost Directory server (default is localhost). -p dapport Port on directory server (default is 102, the OSI port). -H Usage and option information is displayed. -l timelim Time limit (in seconds) of search. You can include OSI addressing for transport, session, and presentation SAPs by fully expanding the daphost: hostname:portnumber/tsel/ssel/psel You can include binary and ASCII characters in the tsel, ssel, and psel selectors. The % is an escape character followed by two hexadecimal digits: ■ / is expressed as %2F ■ % is expressed as %25 If you do not provide values for the binddn and password, the DXtools bind anonymously. You can combine the daphost and daport arguments into the daphost argument only and express them as a dotted IP address or hostname. For example: -h -p 19389 can be expressed as: -h hostname:1900 The examples in the following command descriptions are directed to the sample DemoCorp directory supplied with DXserver. You can repeat the examples as a training exercise. 10–36 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DAP Tools Searching a Directory: DXsearch The DXsearch tool searches a specified directory using defined filters. You can specify search output as LDIF or text, or you can have each returned attribute written to a file. The format is: dxsearch [options] filter [attributes] The following are the available options for dxsearch: Option Meaning -t dir Writes values to files in the given directory. -e Sorts entries by depth (shallowest first). -E Sorts entries by depth (deepest first). -A Retrieves attribute names only (no values). -N Retrieves distinguished names only (no attributes). -M Does not multicast; limits search to a single directory. -O Retrieves all operational attributes. -B Does not suppress printing of non-ASCII values. -T Times the search (no search results printed). -L Prints entries in LDIF format (-B is implied). -F sep Prints sep instead of = between attribute names and values. -b basedn Base DN for search. -s scope Either base, one, or sub (search scope). -a deref Alias dereferencing; one of the keywords never, always, search, or find. -z sizelim Size limit (in entries) for search. The following are additional arguments for dxsearch: Argument Value filter RFC2254-compliant LDAP search filter. attributes Space-separated list of attributes you retrieve (when no attribute list is given, you retrieve all). Using DXtools 10–37 DAP Tools DXtools Example 6 DXsearch %dxsearch -L -h "(sn=horsfall)" dn: cn=Murray HORSFALL,ou=Repair,ou=Operations,o=DemoCorp,c=AU oc: organizationalPerson oc: newPilotPerson oc: quipuObject cn: Murray HORSFALL sn: HORSFALL title: Information Technology Manager telephone: 797 8877 description: Replacements mail: [email protected] postalAddress: 173 Toorak Pde $ Berkeley NSW postalCode: 2506 If, in the previous example, you send the output to an LDIF file, you can edit the file contents and use the DXmodify tool to implement the changes. dxsearch -L -h yourhost:19389 "(sn=horsfall)" > h-modify.ldi Reporting on Certificate and CRL Indexes: DXcert The DXcert utility searches a directory for certificates and/or crls using defined filters. You can specify search output as LDIF or text, or you can have the results written to a file. DXcert lists the results, with the specified certificate/crl components returned as attributes. Note: You must run DXindexdb before generating each report or batch of reports to update the certificate/crl components indexes. The format is: dxcert options report -cert [component1 component2 ...] -crl [component1 component2 ...] filter attributes] 10–38 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DAP Tools Modifying a Directory: DXmodify You can populate an empty directory, add complete new entries, add new attributes to existing entries, modify, rename, or delete attributes of an entry using the DXmodify tool. The key to DXmodify is the structure of the LDIF entry. The tool DXmodify supports entry from standard input or an LDIF file. We recommend using an LDIF file. The format is: dxmodify [options] The following are the options for dxmodify: Option Meaning -a Add mode. The default is to add entries to the directory. -r Replace mode. The default is to replace entries in the directory rather than add values. -F Forces use of all change records. -q Quiet mode, does not report successfully added or modified DNs -s period Sleeps for period (ms) after each operation -O Includes operational attributes. The structure of the LDIF file specifies the modify action to take for each listed attribute. When you do not specify a modify action, the system applies a default action as specified in the command line. The available options are adding (-a) or replacing (-r). This function is especially useful for importing large amounts of data. Note: When you do not specify a file name, the system waits for input. DXtools Example 7 DXmodify You can make multiple changes, such as changing the title and postal address, adding a second telephone number, and deleting the description of an entry. First, edit the contents of the output file h-modify.ldi from DXtools Example 6: dn: cn=Murray HORSFALL, ou=Repair,ou=Operations,o=DemoCorp,c=AU changetype: modify replace: title title: Chief Information Officer add: telephone telephone: 797 8888 delete: description Using DXtools 10–39 DAP Tools replace: postalAddress postalAddress: 173 Toorak Rd $ South Yarra postalCode: 3066 This example shows that you can replace the values of multiple attributes using one replace statement as long as the replace statement specifies the first attribute name in the series. Then we use DXmodify to apply the edited file as follows: dxmodify -h localhost:19389 -f h-modify.ldi modifying entry cn=Murray HORSFALL,ou=Repair,ou=Operations,o=DemoCorp,c=AU Loading Binary Files: DXmodify You can also use the DXmodify tool to load binary files. To add a binary file, first decide on the directory schema object class and attribute to use to hold the binary data—for example, the cosineJpegPhoto attribute within the cosinePilotObject object class. Next, create entries in an LDIF file with the following syntax: attributeName:< FILE://path Dxtools Example 8 DXmodify with Binary Files In this example, we will add a JPEG file with a personnel record from staff.ldif. For JPEG files, the object class is cosinePilotObject, the X.500 attribute name is cosineJpegPhoto, and the LDAP attribute name is JpegPhoto. Create an LDIF file (staff.ldif) with the following form: dn: cn=Peter Bell,ou=Infrastructure,ou=Support,o=DemoCorp,c=AU oc: organizationalPerson oc: newPilotPerson oc: cosinePilotObject cn: Peter Bell sn: BELL cosineJpegPhoto:< FILE://d:\temp\PHOTO\BELPE01.jpg title: Design Supervisor telephone: 881 9256 description: Computing mail: [email protected] postalAddress: 7-11 Fine Street$Penville CA postalCode: 32750 Run the following dxmodify command: dxmodify -a -c -h hostname:19389 -f staff.ldif 10–40 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DAP Tools Renaming a Directory Entry: DXrename You can change the common name of a directory entry using the DXrename tool. You can source the rename data for a single entry from the keyboard or source multiple entries by using input from a file. The format is: dxrename [options] [dn newdn] where: ■ -r removes the old RDN ■ dn is the distinguished name of the entry that is to be renamed ■ newrdn is the new RDN Note: When a file name is not specified, the system will wait for input. The content format for standard input and the file consists of multiple lines, and each line is a unique distinguished name. The first line is the old distinguished name, the second line is the new distinguished name, the third line is the old distinguished name, and so on. DXtools Example 9 DXrename Consider an example entry Murray Horsfall and change the rdn to insert a middle initial J. The example uses the input file option. The example file name is filename.txt, shown below: cn=Murray HORSFALL,ou=Repair,ou=Operations,o=DemoCorp,c=AU cn=Murray J HORSFALL You can apply the dxrename command as follows: dxrename -r -h hostname:1900 -f filename.txt. and you can check the results of the rename with a DXsearch as shown below: dxsearch -L -h hostname:19389 "(sn=horsfall)" dn: cn=Murray J HORSFALL,ou=Repair,ou=Operations,o=DemoCorp,c=AU oc: organizationalPerson oc: newPilotPerson oc: 0.9.2342.19200300.99.3.2 cn: Murray J HORSFALL sn: HORSFALL title: Chief Information Officer telephone: 797 8877 telephone: 797 8888 mail: [email protected] postalAddress: 173 Toorak Rd $ South Yarra postalCode: 3066 Using DXtools 10–41 DAP Tools Deleting a Directory Entry: DXdelete The DXdelete tool deletes one or more directory entries. You can supply the target DN identification by a direct command-line entry, or you can delete multiple entries by using input from a file. The format is: dxdelete [options] [dn] The following is an additional argument for dxdelete: Argument Value dn Distinguished name of entry to delete. Note: When a file name is not specified, the system waits for input. The content format for standard input and the file consists of multiple lines, and each line is a unique distinguished name. DXtools Example 10 DXdelete To delete the entry Murray J Horsfall, enter the command as follows: dxdelete -v -h hostname:19389 "cn=Murray J HORSFALL,ou=Repair, ou=Operations,o=DemoCorp,c=AU" and test the execution with DXsearch. Bulk Loading Options Traditionally, data is imported and exported from directories using the import and export tools described earlier (see DAP Tools in this chapter for more information) or using openly available LDAP utilities (ldapmodify and ldapsearch). These utilities read and write LDIF files, encode or decode the data into DAP or LDAP, and communicate with DXserver, which then decodes the protocol and updates the underlying RDBMS database. Importing and exporting can be made more efficient by bypassing the encoding and decoding processes and loading or unloading LDIF directly to the database. The bulk tools accomplish this by converting the LDIF file into a number of data files that represent the internal database tables. The following bulk tools are provided: The DXloaddb tool Creates and loads a database from a prepared LDIF file The DXdumpdb tool Extracts data from the database to an LDIF file 10–42 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Schema Tools Schema Tools The DXtools manage directory schema by making it easy to access and be converted into proprietary formats. The schema of the eTrust Directory server is in its schema directory (for example, $DXHOME/config/schema), and consists up of individual schema configuration files (.dxc) and group files (.dxg). The schema of a running directory is available to LDAP clients through the LDAP Version 3 mechanism of schema publishing. A convenient format in which to extract the schema is LDIF. After extracting the schema, you can use the schema tools to convert it into the required format. LDAP dxschemaldif Directory Schema LDIF ldif2dxc eTrust dxschematxt Directory Schema schema.txt Schema management is required whenever the schema pertaining to a directory is changed (for example, the addition of a new object class and its associated attributes). Another common case is integration with other LDAP directories. There may be additional or different schema to incorporate in the existing directory system. To make use of new schema, it must be made available to the directory and the DXtools. This means a new or updated .dxc file, possibly an updated .dxg file, and an updated schema.txt file. The schema tools are: DXschemaldif Extracts published LDAP schema from LDAP directories in LDIF format ldif2dxc Converts LDAP schema in LDIF format into eTrust Directory server-side format (.dxc) and optionally DXtools format (schema.txt) DXschematxt Converts eTrust Directory server-side schema into a schema.txt file that DXtools uses Using DXtools 10–43 Schema Tools Extracting Schema in LDIF Format: DXschemaldif Use the DXschemaldif tool to extract schema from external LDAP directories. The tool extracts the LDAP schema in the LDIF format. The syntax is: dxschemaldif [-v] hostaddr:port To get help on the tool, enter dxschemaldif with neither option nor parameter. Typically, when using this tool, you will redirect the output from the screen to a file. DXtools Example 11 DXschemaldif You want to extract the schema from a Version 3 LDAP directory and redirect the output to the new_schema.ldif file. Enter the following command: dxschemaldif -v ldapserver:389 > new_schema.ldif You can use the ldif2dxc tool to convert the LDIF schema into the eTrust Directory schema format. 10–44 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Schema Tools Converting Schema from LDIF to DXserver Format: ldif2dxc Use the ldif2dxc tool to convert LDAP schema in LDIF format into eTrust Directory DXserver schema configuration format (.dxc). Optionally, the tool can also update an existing schema.txt file. The syntax is: ldif2dxc [options] [outfile] To get help on the tool, enter ldif2dxc with neither options nor parameter. The options of the ldif2dxc command are: Option Meaning -b badfile Write bad schema records to the specified file. -f file Read input from the specified file. -m map Get OIDs from the specified map file. For information about the file, see DXtools Example 14. -M oid_arc Generate missing OIDs from 'oid_arc' For example: ■ x.y.z. generates x.y.z.0, x.y.z.1, etc ■ x.y.z.34 generates x.y.z.34, x.y.z.35, etc For more information, see Example 16. -s Skip reserved DXserver attributes (for example, objectClass, userPassword, …) -x dxcFile Exclude schema that is defined in the specified eTrust Directory schema file. -Z schema Append new schema definitions in DXtools schema file format to the specified file. Using DXtools 10–45 Schema Tools DXtools Example 12 ldif2dxc You want to convert the schema in the new_schema.ldif file from DXtools Example 11. In this case, you are not interested in the entire external schema, but rather schema unique to the external source. The local directory also typically sources a single DXserver schema group file (for example, default.dxg). To convert only the schema unique to the external source, you want to instruct the tool to exclude an existing schema file. In addition, you want to instruct the tool not to redefine any internal DXserver schema definitions. Enter the following command: ldif2dxc -f new_schema.ldif -s -x default.dxg new_schema.dxc DXtools Example 13 ldif2dxc with Errors While converting the schema in the new_schema.ldif file, the tool stops with an error because of schema incompatibility with eTrust Directory and does not produce any output. The problem may be caused by an unsupported syntax or matching rule, or an error in the published schema. In these cases, you can instruct the tool to write any bad schema to a bad file but continue writing the good schema to your output file. You can inspect the bad file and decide whether it is worthwhile to correct any of the errors (for example, remove an obscure matching rule for substrings), and then rerun the tool until you have what you need. To run the tool with a bad file, enter the following command: ldif2dxc -b bad.txt -f new_schema.ldif -s -x default.dxg new_schema.dxc 10–46 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Schema Tools DXtools Example 14 ldif2dxc with Map File Some LDAP directories publish OIDs as labels rather than dotted decimal strings (for example, xyConfig-oid). These object classes and attributes do not load into the directory. Instead, the tool assigns them temporary OIDs off the eTrust Directory arc to enable you to load the new schema, but this solution may not be suitable for all directory implementations. If the dotted decimal form of these object class and attribute OIDs are available, you can create a map file, and instruct the tool to look up these label OIDs in the file and substitute the labels by the dotted decimal OIDs. The map file is a three-column comma-separated value (CSV) file with the following format, for example: ------------------------------------# # format: objectClass, attributeType, oid # # objectClasses xyConfig-oid,, xyAdmin-oid,, # attributeTypes ,abstract-oid, ,aci-oid, ------------------------------------- You map a dotted decimal OID to either an object class or an attribute type, but not both. To run the tool with a map file, enter the following command: ldif2dxc -b bad.txt -f new_schema.ldif -m map.txt -s -x default.dxg new_schema.dxc DXtools Example 15 ldif2dxc and the schema.txt File If the new schema has attributes that should be searchable, or object classes and attributes that exist as data in the directory, and you plan to use the DXtools to search, load, or dump the directory, then you must update the schema.txt DXtools file. While converting the schema in the new_schema.ldif file, you want to instruct the tool to append any new schema to the existing schema.txt file. For example, on a UNIX system, you can enter the following command: ldif2dxc -b bad.txt -f new_schema.ldif -m map.txt -s -x default.dxg -Z $DXHOME/bin/schema.txt new_schema.dxc Using DXtools 10–47 Schema Tools DXtools Example 16 ldif2dxc and label OIDs If there are a large number of “label” OIDs (e.g. xyConfig-oid) in the LDIF schema file it may take a long time to add an entry for everyone in a map file. An alternative is to specify an OID arc that the tool will use in place of any label OID, incrementing it for each label OID it finds. If your arc is new, you can specify it with a trailing ‘.’, and the tool will start incrementing it from 0. If some OIDs have already been assigned against this OID arc, you can specify the next available OID, and the tool will start incrementing from that one. To replace the map file in Example 15 with a new OID arc of “1.22.333.444.”, on a UNIX system, enter: ldif2dxc -b bad.txt -f new_schema.ldif -M 1.22.333.444. -s -x default.dxg -Z $DXHOME/bin/schema.txt new_schema.dxc If the tool encountered the OID label xyConfig-oid in new_schema.ldif, it will assign it an OID of 1.22.333.444.0. If it then encountered the OID label abConfigoid, it will assign it an OID of 1.22.333.444.1, etc. If twenty OIDs from this arc were assigned, the next available OID would be 1.22.333.444.20. If you were to perform another integration with schema from new_schema2.ldif, to avoid clashing with existing OIDs in the directory, on a UNIX system, enter: ldif2dxc -b bad.txt -f new_schema2.ldif -M 1.22.333.444.20 -s -x default.dxg -Z $DXHOME/bin/schema.txt new_schema2.dxc If the tool encountered the OID label cdConfig-oid in new_schema2.ldif, it will assign it an OID of 1.22.333.444.20. If it then encountered the OID label efConfigoid, it will assign it an OID of 1.22.333.444.21, etc. 10–48 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Schema Tools Converting Schema from DXserver Format to DXtools Format: DXschematxt Use the DXschematxt tool to convert DXserver schema configuration files into a DXtools schema file. This is required when the existing DXtools schema file is badly out of date, or is lost or corrupted. The syntax is: dxschematxt [options] files To get help on the tool, enter dxschematxt with neither options nor parameters. The options of the dxschematxt command are: Option Meaning -f path Read schema from the specified path rather than the default schema configuration path (for example, $DXHOME/config/schema). -Z file Write to the specified file rather than the default scheme.txt file (for example, $DXHOME/bin/schema.txt). files is a list of space-separated DXserver schema configuration files that you want to convert. The list of files can include .dxc and .dxg files. The tool will read the schema configuration files listed in the group files. DXtools Example 17 dxschematxt You want to rebuild the DXtools schema.txt file in $DXHOME/bin from the default schema group file. The tool backs up the current file automatically. Enter the following command to instruct the tool to read from that particular file: dxschematxt default.dxg DXtools Example 18 dxschematxt to New DXtools Schema File You want to build a new DXtools schema file. For example, on a UNIX system, you can enter the following command: dxschematxt -Z $DXHOME/bin/new_schema.txt default.dxg DXtools Example 19 dxschematxt from Other Path You want to build a new DXtools schema file from files in another location. For example, on a UNIX system, you can enter the following command: dxschematxt -Z $DXHOME/bin/new_schema.txt -f $DXHOME/config/new_schema default.dxg experimental.dxc Using DXtools 10–49 Directory Administration Tools Directory Administration Tools Checking DSA configuration: DXsyntax DXsyntax is a tool for checking the configuration of one or more DSAs. It is most easily run on the server hosting those DSAs, but it can be run remotely, provided the machine running it has access to the configuration directory of the server hosting the DSAs. DXsyntax has only one parameter: the DSA file name. Running DXsyntax without a parameter causes it to check the configuration of every DSA. To check a single DSA, run DXsyntax with the name of the DSA as its parameter. The name can be a filename pattern. For example, to check all DSAs whose names start with rk, run DXsyntax with a parameter of rk*. DXsyntax runs through the configuration files of each DSA in turn, reporting a detailed error message if it finds a problem. The error message specifies the line and file where the error was detected (the actual error may be earlier), and provides details on the error condition. Only one error is reported for each DSA checked, because a single error can cause a cascade of problems that is overwhelming. If no errors are found, DXsyntax exits without a message, and with a return code of 0. This is handy for use in routine test scripts. If one or more errors are found, DXsyntax exits with an error message and a non-zero return code. DXsyntax relies on the DXHOME environment variable. DXHOME must be set to the home path of DXserver. This is done automatically when eTrust Directory is installed. DXsyntax expects the DSA configuration files to be located in the config folder under the path in DXHOME. 10–50 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 11 Using JXplorer JXplorer is a general purpose LDAP-compliant directory browser. It has a simple user interface, yet supports a wide range of powerful, configurable functions. With the JXplorer browser, you can: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Connect to any directory that supports LDAP and navigate, search, and modify the directory. Read the directory’s schema directly, rather than relying on schema configuration files. Visually cut, paste, and edit subtrees in the directory, including drag and drop on Windows platforms. Import and export LDIF files from a directory and even manipulate them offline. Configure the browser in many ways, including its appearance and logging information. For example, you can configure the look of the browser to a company standard by using company-specific icons for the directory and company graphics within the HTML templates. Display directory data within configurable HTML templates using a simple extension to the HTML language. Run in debug mode, permitting full tracing of the LDAP BER protocol. Run on a wide variety of operating system platforms, since JXplorer is written in the Java programming language. Optionally use SSL to communicate securely, and SASL for secure certificatebased authentication. eTrust Directory is a fully functional LDAP-compliant directory that lets you use all the features of JXplorer. Using JXplorer 11–1 The JXplorer Browser The JXplorer Browser To start JXplorer, click Start, Programs, Computer Associates, eTrust, eTrust Directory, JXplorer. When you start JXplorer and connect to a directory, the main browser window appears: The menu bar at the top of the browser provides access to a full range of browser functions through pull-down menus. Two toolbars below the menu bar give shortcuts to commonly used functions. The first is a button bar, with shortcuts to commonly used menu functions. The second, the quick search toolbar, lets you quickly execute simple searches (such as searching a directory for an employee’s name). The status bar at the very bottom of the browser displays the status of the browser. For example, it shows whether the browser is connected or not. The main body of the browser is divided into two panes. The left pane is the directory tree, which you can navigate by using the mouse to click the entries. The right pane shows the selected entry from the directory, shown either as an HTML page or as a table of attributes and values. 11–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The JXplorer Browser Menu Bar The menu bar provides the following functions: Menu Item Function File Connect Connects to an LDAP-compliant directory. Disconnect Breaks the current LDAP connection. Print Prints the current viewed entry. Refresh Tree Resets the directory tree and starts reloading entries. Exit Closes the browser. Edit New Adds a new entry under the selected position. Copy DN Sends the DN of the current entry to the clipboard. Cut Branch Cuts the currently selected entry or subtree. Copy Branch Copies the currently selected entry or subtree. Paste Branch Pastes the previously cut or copied subtree under the selected position. Paste Alias Pastes the previously copied Distinguished Name (DN) of an entry as an alias under the selected position. Delete Deletes the currently selected entry or subtree. Rename Lets you rename the currently selected entry. View Show Button Bar Displays or hides the shortcut button bar. Show Search Bar Displays or hides the quick search toolbar. Refresh Reloads the currently selected entry from the directory. Bookmark Add Bookmark Lets you add a bookmark. Delete Bookmark Lets you delete a bookmark. Edit Bookmark Lets you edit a bookmark. Using JXplorer 11–3 The JXplorer Browser Menu Item Function Search Search Performs an advanced search. Delete Filter Deletes a saved filter. Return Attribute Lists Manages the attributes that you want returned in a search. Filter Lists all saved filters. Ldif Export Full Tree Writes the entire directory tree to an LDIF file. Export Subtree Writes the currently selected subtree to an LDIF file. Import File Imports an existing LDIF file into the directory. View Offline Lets you view and edit an LDIF file in the browser. Options Confirm Tree Operations Enables a safety mode, which prompts you to confirm modifications before they are made. Confirm Table Editor Updates Enables a confirmation dialog, which appears after you make a change to the directory. Ignore Schema Checking Stops the browser checking that the user’s input conforms to the directory schema. Resolve Aliases While Displays the alias details such as where the alias Browsing entry points. This affects both browsing and searching. Advanced Options Displays the Advance Options dialog, which enables you to choose the look and feel of the browser, logging options, and LDAP levels. Tools Stop Action Cancels the current browser operation. Security 11–4 Trusted Servers and CAs Displays the options for server-only authentication. Client Certificates Displays the options for client and server authentication. Advanced Keystore Options Displays the options for setting up keystores. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The JXplorer Browser Menu Item Function Help Contents Lists the titles of help topics. Search Lets you search for help on a particular keyword. About Lists information about the JXplorer browser, including its current version number. Button Bar The button bar provides shortcuts for normal menu functions. Button Function Connect Connects to an LDAP-compliant directory. Disconnect Breaks the current LDAP connection. Print Prints the currently selected entry. Cut Branch Cuts the currently selected entry or subtree. Copy DN Sends the DN of the current entry to the clipboard. Copy Branch Copies the currently selected entry or subtree. Paste Branch Pastes the previously cut or copied subtree under the selected position. Paste Alias Pastes the previously copied DN of an entry as an alias under the selected position. Delete Deletes the currently selected entry or subtree. New Adds a new entry under the selected position. Rename Lets you rename the selected entry. Refresh Entry Reloads the currently selected entry from the directory. Cancel Stops the current operation (such as a search or a directory update). Using JXplorer 11–5 The JXplorer Browser Quick Search Bar The quick search bar lets you execute simple searches. 1. Choose or type an attribute 2. Choose an operator 3. Type a value to search on 4. Start the search The operators are: ■ Equal to = ■ Not equal to !(=) ■ Less than or equal to <= ■ Greater than or equal to >= ■ Approximately equal to ~= For more information about searching, look in Chapter 13 in the User Guide. Displaying the Directory Tree The tree display pane (the left pane) displays the directory tree, and allows you to graphically browse the directory. There are usually three tree views available: Explore Displays the data in the current directory Results Shows the results of the most recent search Schema Displays the schema currently in use by the directory 11–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Browsing a Directory Browsing a Directory With JXplorer, you can browse any LDAP-compliant directory. This section describes the browsing functions available. Starting JXplorer You can run JXplorer on either a Windows or UNIX computer. On Windows To start JXplorer on a Windows computer, click Start on the taskbar, and then choose Programs, Computer Associates, eTrust, eTrust Directory, JXplorer. On UNIX To start JXplorer on a UNIX computer, issue the following command from the JXplorer directory: ./ Connecting to a Directory When you choose File, Connect (or click the Connect button), the browser displays the following connection dialog, requesting the information that JXplorer needs to connect to a directory. The browser requires the following information to make a connection: ■ The name of the computer that hosts the directory. ■ The port number of the server on that computer. ■ The base distinguished name of the directory. If none is given, the browser is still able to connect, providing that the directory is one (like eTrust Directory) that makes this information available. Using JXplorer 11–7 Browsing a Directory ■ ■ ■ The protocol that is in use, which can be Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Directory Services Markup Language (DSML). For LDAP, this is usually Version 3, but can be Version 2 to support older directories. If the DSML protocol is selected, the path to the DSML service. The security level with which you want to connect (not applicable to DSML). You can connect to the directory anonymously, or with your user name and password. If you require higher security, you can establish a link to the server using SSL with either of these methods. When a client keystore is available, you can use full client-authenticated SSL, combined with SASL authentication at the directory. The browser lets you save connection details for commonly used directories as connection templates. To save the information, supply a name (or select an existing name from the drop-down list), and then click Save. You can save any number of connection templates, and you can edit or delete them at any time. You can also choose to make one of the connection templates a default template. After you specify a default template, the connection dialog opens with the details from that template already filled in. Note: For security reasons, the password field is not saved in any template. Reading Schema After the connection details are obtained, the browser attempts to contact the directory. When the directory is contacted, the browser obtains the directory’s current schema (provided that an LDAP Version 3 connection has been made). Directories that support LDAP Version 3 (such as eTrust Directory) download the schema to the browser. This lets the browser correctly create, display, and edit entries without requiring any independent browser configuration. Since the browser gets the schema from the directory, it is always up-to-date, and there is no possibility of inconsistency. Navigating the Directory Tree You can navigate the directory tree by mouse or keyboard. By Mouse To expand or collapse a subtree, click on the expansion icon (which usually appears as a small box containing either a + or -) to the left of the entry. Doubleclick on the text portion of a tree entry to display that entry in the viewing pane. By Keyboard Use the arrow keys to select entries. Press Enter to expand and collapse a subtree, or display an entry in the viewing pane. 11–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Browsing a Directory Displaying an Entry The entry display pane (the right pane) displays the currently selected directory entry, either in an HTML template, or in an editable table of attributes and values. When you select an entry, whether from the Explore view, the Results view, or even the Schema view, the browser queries the directory for the attribute values of the entry and displays the results in the entry display pane. The results can be displayed either in the HTML template view or in the attribute/value table view. The HTML Viewer The following is an employee record displayed in an HTML template. The template contains three tabs (Main, Address, and Other) that display the attribute information for the selected entry. Using Different HTML Templates When the browser initially reads an entry, it attempts to find an appropriate HTML template in which to display the entry, as follows: ■ ■ ■ ■ The HTML templates key on the object classes of the entry, with each HTML template specializing in displaying one object class. Each object class can have multiple HTML templates capable of displaying it. HTML templates for a given object class can also display entries whose object classes are inherited from that object class. When you select an HTML template for a particular entry, the browser remembers that template and uses it for other entries of the same object class. Using JXplorer 11–9 Browsing a Directory The number of attributes and how they are displayed depend on the HTML template. When the HTML template does not have a tag for a particular attribute, that attribute is not displayed. A tag is available for displaying all attributes that have values. The tag is used to simplify the display of large numbers of attributes. This use of HTML templates enables: ■ Different types of entries to be displayed in ways appropriate to their type ■ Site-specific help information to be included in the HTML ■ HTML hyperlinks to be used to link to existing company resources ■ Straightforward customer configuration of data display ■ ■ Special purpose templates for different types of users (administrator, help desk, office staff, and so forth) Use of corporate branding and logos The Table Editor The same employee record can be edited and displayed in the table editor. You can also use it to view the attributes an entry can contain, because it uses schema to show all the possible attributes that the entry might have. Attributes in bold represent mandatory attributes – these must be present for the entry to be valid. Click the Properties button to display operational attributes such as the date of the last modification. You can configure the table viewer to include custom binary editors, which may be the only way to view complex or application-specific binary data. 11–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Browsing a Directory Refreshing Entries For efficiency, the browser caches entries, unless you specifically request to reload them from the directory. You can force a single entry to be reloaded by selecting the Refresh option. You can refresh the DIT by selecting the Refresh Tree option. Searching In JXplorer, you can search for an entry in two ways. You can run a quick search using simple criteria, or you can run a complex search that you can save to search_filters.txt as filters. Complex searches display search results as complete directory trees, letting you browse large numbers of search results or save them as LDIF files. Running a Quick Search You can quickly execute simple, single-attribute-value searches using the quick search bar, which contains a pull down list of common attribute types. You can add attributes to this list; the browser saves changes to the list when you exit the browser. The quick search bar makes it possible to do common searches, for example, specific employee names, part numbers, and so on, without having to access the menu bar or enter a complete LDAP-format search request. Running a Complex Search You can perform more complex searches using the Search dialog. Using JXplorer 11–11 Browsing a Directory The Search dialog lets you search one of the following: ■ The selected entry ■ The next level from the selected entry, but not including the selected entry ■ The full subtree You can use the filter constructor to create complex searches, and then save the details in a property file for use later. You can use the Information to retrieve drop-down list to select the definition that contains the list of attributes you want returned. To create these definitions, choose Return Attribute Lists from the Search menu. For more information about how to create the lists, see the online help. Aliases are similar to shortcuts and are used in some directories to link different parts of the tree. When you search aliases, JXplorer returns the real entry to which the alias points. When you do not search aliases, JXplorer does not resolve alias references and returns all alias entries as regular entries. You can choose to resolve aliases while: ■ ■ Searching, that is, to resolve aliases for subordinate entries of the base object Finding the base object, that is, to resolve aliases when locating the base object of the search Consequently, when you check both options, all aliases are resolved, and when you do not check an option, no aliases are resolved. Saving Complex Searches Since constructing complex searches can be time-consuming, JXplorer lets you save complex searches as filters for later use. With saved searches, you can: 11–12 ■ Save any number of searches as filters ■ Edit or delete them at any time ■ Copy searches for modification, and save them under a different name eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Browsing a Directory Search Results Tree Regardless of whether the search is run using the quick search bar or a search menu option, once it is run the matching entries are displayed as a results tree in the Results view of the directory tree pane. Parents of search results appear as empty entries in the tree. You can browse and save the search result tree (including LDIF format) just like the directory tree. You can edit the results. You can set the number of entries returned from a search, and the timeout. See Search Limits in this chapter for more information. Creating Bookmarks A bookmark is an entry in the directory that you identify and name for future reference. You can use a bookmark to quickly jump to an entry. To add a bookmark, simply select the entry that you want to mark, and choose Add Bookmark from the Bookmark menu. Using JXplorer 11–13 Browsing a Directory Exploring Schema In addition to viewing the data entries held in a directory, you can directly view the schema that is read from the directory. Use the Schema view of the directory tree pane. Note: Some of the following options may not be available with servers other than DXserver, because not all servers implement full schema publishing. The Schema pane lets you examine attribute definitions, class definitions, and syntax definitions. Attribute definitions include: ■ Names ■ X.500 OIDs ■ Attribute syntaxes ■ Syntax descriptions ■ A flag showing whether the attribute is single valued ■ General descriptions (if available) Class definitions include: ■ Names ■ Parents ■ Kind (structural, auxiliary or abstract) ■ A list of must-contain OIDs ■ A translation of OIDs that must be contained in attribute names Syntax definitions include: 11–14 ■ The numeric OID ■ The text description of the OID eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Browsing a Directory As with the other tree displays, you can display schema entries either in the table view or in custom HTML template pages. Unlike the other tree displays, however, you cannot edit the schema directly through the browser. For security and administration reasons, many servers do not permit their schema to be edited online and require an administrator to perform schema maintenance at the server. You can export schema to an LDIF file, but this is not the usual way to store schema information and most directories cannot use it without further processing. Using JXplorer 11–15 Editing the Directory Editing the Directory You can modify entries in the directory using the browser in a large number of ways, ranging from slight modification of a single attribute value to large-scale tree operations affecting many thousands of entries. JXplorer lets you use graphical cut-and-paste techniques to manipulate entire directory subtrees; you can manipulate individual entries using the table editor. You can rename entries from either the directory tree pane or the table editor, depending on what is most convenient at the time. Directory Tree Operations As you browse the directory tree, you can modify the directory using the menus, the button bar shortcuts, or the Context menu (accessed by right-clicking on the entry) for the entry in the tree itself. WARNING! This is a very powerful tool, and you can affect large areas of the directory with a single operation. To avoid accidents, you should turn on the Confirm Tree Operations flag on the Options menu. Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete You can manipulate the directory tree using the cut, copy, paste, and delete operations. On Windows platforms, you can copy and move entries by dragging them with the mouse (“drag and drop”). These operations can be carried out on individual entries within the directory tree or on whole subtrees. Since most directories do not natively support operations on entire subtrees, the client reads and writes all subtree entries recursively, enabling operation on all types of LDAP-compliant directories. When you select (and therefore display) an entry, all cut, copy, paste, and delete operations occur relative to this selected entry. Specifically: Delete Removes the selected entry and any subentries Copy Branch Copies the selected entry and any subentries Cut Branch Prepares the selected entry and any subentries to be moved to a new location Paste Branch Either moves or copies a previously cut or copied entry (and any subentries) under the selected entry as child entries 11–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Editing the Directory Since some subtree operations involving large numbers of entries can take a significant time to complete, the browser displays a progress bar if it estimates that the operation is extensive: The progress bar displays the number of entries processed and estimates the proportion of the operation completed. When you want to stop the operation, you can either click Cancel in the Progress, or click the Stop button on the quick search toolbar. When you do this, any changes already made will be kept. Renaming Entries in the Directory Tree You can rename an entry within the directory tree by selecting the Rename option. When an entry is renamed, the appropriate changes to the naming attributes are also made. Naturally, when a parent is renamed, the DNs of the entries in the entire subtree under the parent also change. Copying Distinguished Names and Pasting Aliases Aliases are similar to shortcuts and are used in some directories to link different parts of the tree. To create an alias, copy the DN of an entry, and then paste it to another part of the tree using the Paste Alias option. When you copy an entry, you can choose to copy the full distinguished name of the entry. You can also use the Copy Branch and Copy DN functions to copy the name of an entry for pasting into any of JXplorer's text entry fields, or into your own documents. Using JXplorer 11–17 Editing the Directory Modifying Attributes in an Entry You can modify entries in the table editor, which is a simple tabulated list of attribute names and corresponding attribute values. From the table editor, you can: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Edit existing values Add new attribute/value pairs Delete attributes and values Copy and paste attribute values Manipulate binary attributes Submit the results to the directory Add or remove naming attributes These user modifications do not affect the directory until the entry is submitted. When you have finished modifying the entry and checked your work, click the Submit button to send the changed entry to the directory. Only at this point is the data in the directory changed. Changing Attribute Values You can edit existing values where they are by selecting the appropriate cell in the table and retyping the value. Note: Binary values, attributes that contain an address, and user passwords are handled differently. See Using Binary Values, Using the Postal Address Editor, and Entering a User Password in this chapter for more information. Deleting Values and Attributes You can delete values (including binary values) using one of the following methods: ■ ■ Select the text in the cell, and then press the Delete key to leave an empty cell. Right-click on the table row, and then choose Delete Value Attribute from the Context menu. When you delete the last value of a given attribute, the attribute is also deleted; however, it is not possible to delete the last value of a mandatory attribute, and the browser does not let you submit an entry that does not include mandatory attributes, unless the Ignore Schema Checking option is active. See Mandatory Attributes in this chapter for more information about mandatory attributes. 11–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Editing the Directory Adding Values and Attributes When an attribute does not already have a value, but is available to a particular entry type, you can create it by finding the attribute in the list of blank-valued attributes at the bottom of the table and filling in the missing value. When an attribute already exists and has values, you can create a new value by rightclicking on the attribute name and choosing Add Another Value from the Context menu. You can add new binary values and addresses this way, but you must fill them in using the Binary Editor, and the Postal Address Editor, respectively. See Using Binary Values and Using the Postal Address Editor in this chapter for more information. Mandatory Attributes Some attribute names are represented in bold type. These are mandatory attributes, which must have at least one value for the entry. The browser does not submit an entry if it has any mandatory attributes without at least one value. Naming Attributes Some attributes are used to name an entry, by forming its Relative Distinguished Name (RDN). Each entry must have at least one naming attribute. Although attributes can have more than one attribute value, only one of these can be chosen as the naming attribute. For example, common name may have two values, Fred and Freddie, but only one can be used as the naming attribute. Important! You can set naming attributes for mandatory attributes only. To make an entry a naming attribute, select the entry in the table editor, rightclick the mouse button, and choose Make Naming Value from the Context Menu. Naming attributes are displayed in the table editor in blue. Multiple naming attributes appear in the tree display with a + symbol joining them. For example, you may want to name a person by the commonName, or cn attribute, and the surname, or sn attribute. In the case of Craig Link, Craig LINK is the value of the cn naming attribute, and LINK is the value of the sn naming attribute. Both entries appear in the table editor in blue, and in the tree display as Craig LINK + LINK. The order in which the naming attributes appear in the tree display depends on the order in which they are originally entered into the directory. Using JXplorer 11–19 Editing the Directory Changing Classes The object class attribute of an entry determines the attributes that are available for an entry; therefore, you must modify them separately using the Change Classes button, located at the bottom of the table editor. This displays the same list of available object classes as is available in the New Entry panel. WARNING! You must be careful when deleting object class values because you also remove all related attributes. Using the Postal Address Editor All attributes that have an address value, for example, homePostalAddress, are entered through the Postal Address Editor dialog, which appears when you select an address field in the Table Editor. The dialog lets you enter the details, as they appear in a template with the relevant line breaks and spacing. Entering a User Password User passwords are entered via the User Password Data dialog, which appears when you select the userPassword attribute type in the table editor. The same procedure applies whether you are entering a new password, or changing an existing password. Because access to a record is controlled via the access control settings in the directory’s configuration file (.dxc), you do not have to enter the existing password before changing it. Using Binary Values LDAP is primarily a string handling protocol and many attribute values are simple text strings. However, it is often necessary to load other types of data, for example, certificates and images. JXplorer allows you to load binary files to some attributes, such as Photo and userPKCS12. The browser also supports custom binary editors (written in Java using a provided minimal API) that dynamically loads at run time. You key such binary editor extensions to a particular object class. This would allow you to write, for example, an editor for a custom certificate object class. Standard editors are provided for X.509 certificates, and a number of standard image and audio formats. 11–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Editing the Directory Importing Binary Files With the Binary Data dialog shown below, you can: ■ Import binary files ■ Export binary files See the online help for instructions for importing, exporting, and launching binary files. Adding a Photo JXplorer lets you import a photo into the directory, and display it in an HTML template. In table editor view, the photo is displayed using the photo editor. JXplorer lets you import photos through the jpegPhoto dialog, which appears when you select the jpegPhoto attribute type in the table editor. The display area expands to display the photo you selected; however, it does exceed the size of the window. When the photo is larger than the window, you can view the photo by using the scroll bars. All photos must be in .jpeg format. After loading, JXplorer gives you the option of saving the photo to another location, using your system’s file browser. Using JXplorer 11–21 Editing the Directory Adding an Audio File JXplorer lets you import an audio file into the directory, and export it using your system’s file browser. You can also play the audio file from in JXplorer. You can import all audio formats; however, the Audio dialog plays only the following formats: ■ .mid ■ .au ■ .wav ■ .aiff Audio files are imported through the Audio dialog, which appears when you select the audio attribute type in the table editor. Adding Files that Can Be Launched JXplorer provides the odMultimedia class that contains attribute types that let you launch files of the following formats: Format Attribute Type .avi odMovieAVI .doc odDocumentDOC .mid odMusicMID .wav odSoundWAV .xls odSpreadSheetXLS A dialog appears when you click the value field of one of these attribute types in the table editor. For more information about how to add these files, see the online help. 11–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Editing the Directory Adding a New Entry You can add an entry by selecting the New option. The new entry is created as a child of the currently selected entry in the tree. When a new entry is created, you must specify the entry’s RDN and list its object classes. Choosing Object Classes When there are other children of the selected entry, the browser suggests object classes based on those children; otherwise, you must select them. (To turn this behavior off, clear the Suggest Classes checkbox). Since the browser is schema aware, it can fill in any required parent classes. The choice of object classes must conform to the restrictions laid down by the schema. The server may also have additional schema rules restricting where entries of a particular type are created. For example, it may not be possible to create a country entry underneath an organizationalUnit entry. Setting Initial Attribute Values When all information is entered in the new entry dialog, the entry is set up in the browser, and you can fill in the entry’s attributes in the table editor. Before the entry is actually created in the directory, you must enter the information for the attributes and submit them—especially mandatory attributes. Using JXplorer 11–23 Editing the Directory Submitting an Entry to the Directory Once a new entry has been filled in, or an existing entry has been modified, you must submit the result to the directory. The browser checks for consistency using schema information, and the directory checks the entry again when it is submitted. If the entry is invalid, the browser reports the directory error to you, but leaves your changes unaltered in the edit table. To discard your changes, click the Reset button. Submitted entries are: 11–24 ■ Checked for gross errors by the browser. ■ Submitted to the directory through LDAP. ■ Checked for errors by the directory, after which either: – The user is informed if an error has occurred. – If no error has occurred, the browser display tree is updated. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Using LDIF Files Using LDIF Files LDIF files are a widely used format for saving directory information, similar to the use of comma-separated value files for storing a table from a relational database. LDIF is an Internet standard (RFC 2849) for storing directory entries in a text file as a distinguished name followed by a list of attribute and value pairs. More information about LDIF is available from the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) at their web site JXplorer lets you use LDIF files to save, enter, and edit directory information, both with and without an LDAP connection to a directory. Importing and Exporting an LDIF File You can import an LDIF file into or exported it from the browser. When the browser is connected to a directory, it reads the values from the selected file and added them to the directory, or reads the values from the directory and writes them to an LDIF file. JXplorer: ■ Lets the prefix of the DNs in the LDIF file be replaced when reading or writing an entry to assist in data migration between directories ■ Automatically handles base-64-encoded binary LDIF data ■ Flags (with the help of the directory) when LDIF data entries are invalid In addition, JXplorer provides a status display when it estimates that a large import or export operation is taking place. The status display shows the number of entries processed and the estimated proportion processed. Click Cancel when you want to quit a long operation. Using an LDIF File Without a Directory An added feature of JXplorer is that it lets you use an LDIF file directly as a miniature directory without any LDAP connection to a directory server. Using an LDIF file offline in this way can be useful for: ■ Editing during data migration ■ Caching data over a slow communication link ■ Stand-alone demonstrations (on laptops, for example) ■ Reviewing data before committing it to a production environment Using JXplorer 11–25 Using LDIF Files Viewing and Saving Offline To start offline operation, choose Ldif from the menu bar, and then select View Offline. Select an LDIF file in the same way any LDIF file is imported into the directory. Once selected, the browser loads the LDIF file, which is displayed as a directory tree. You can save the entire tree, or any subtree, at any time to any existing, or new, LDIF file. To do this, choose Ldif from the menu bar, and then select Export Full Tree or Export Subtree. Navigating and Editing Offline Because there is no communication lag, you may navigate the offline LDIF file faster than using a directory. You can also edit the LDIF file, and add and manipulate binary values. The only restriction in the use of offline LDIF files is that they cannot be searched. To search an LDIF file, you must load the file in a directory (or the raw LDIF file viewed using a text editor). Binary Values in LDIF Files Binary values in LDIF files are stored in base 64 format. This means that you can copy and paste binary values between JXplorer and LDIF files with the same ease as other string values. For more information about base 64 encoding, see IETF in RFC1521, available at: 11–26 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Using SSL and SASL Using SSL and SASL It is possible to specify that SSL should be used to communicate securely with a directory server using two variants: ■ SSL with server authentication only (simple) ■ SSL with both client and server authentication (authenticated) When client authentication is used for the SSL connection, it is possible for the server to use SASL to authenticate the client, using the client’s certificate to verify the client’s identity. Server Authenticated SSL For server authenticated SSL to work, you must initialize the client with the trusted public certificate of the directory server, or the server’s certificate authority. The default keystore for trusted certificates is the security/cacerts file, which comes initialized with the certificate authority certificate used to create the demonstration DXserver certificates. While you can change this, the default setup lets the demonstration directories be contacted immediately using SSL. You can connect to the directory using server authenticated SSL, as either an anonymous user, or with your user name and password. To do this, from the connection dialog, select either SSL + Anonymous, or SSL + User + Password. Client Authenticated SSL and SASL Client authenticated SSL requires the registration of the server’s certificate with the browser, and in addition, the registration of the browser’s certificate (or certificate authority) with the server. A demonstration client certificate marjorie.pem is provided in the security directory. Client authenticated SSL requires the use of the browser’s private key, which is held in the …//security/clientcerts file. This file is password protected, and requires the password to be entered in the connection dialog for client authenticated SSL to work. The DXserver directory is able to use SASL authentication to authenticate a user, rather than a user name and password. This implementation of SASL uses the certificates previously exchanged by SSL, and will only work when client authenticated SSL is used. This differs from server authenticated SSL where no client certificate is produced, so the directory is not able to use it to establish identity. Using JXplorer 11–27 Online Help To connect to the directory using client authenticated SSL, from the connection dialog, select SSL + SASL + Keystore Password, and enter the client certificate keystore password. The secure use of client authenticated SSL requires creating a new private key for the browser rather than using the default private key. This requires using a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) tool, such as eTrust™ PKI or Open SSL, to produce a PKCS8 private key. Managing Certificates and Keystores To use SSL in either form, you must manage a variety of certificates and private keys. These are kept in two Java keystores, which are password protected data stores. The first keystore, …//security/cacerts, with the password changeit, is used for storing the public certificates of trusted certificate authorities and servers. The second keystore, …//security/clientcerts, is used for storing the certificates and private keys of the JXplorer browser, and it has the password passphrase. Manage these keystores from the Security menu in JXplorer, where you can change the default keystore passwords. To manage the certificates of trusted certificate authorities and servers, from the Security menu, choose Trusted Servers and CAs. From the dialog, you can view, add and delete certificates, and set the keystore password. To manage the certificates and private keys of the JXplorer browser, from the Security menu, choose Client Certificates. From the dialog, you can view, add, and delete certificates, and apply private keys to corresponding certificates. You can also export private keys and set the keystore password. The JXplorer browser uses the standard Java cryptography tools for its SSL support. These two files are standard Java keystores, which you can maintain using the Java keytool utility. This is a command line utility produced by Sun Microsystems. For more information, see Online Help The online help system provides a number of immediately available aids to the user, including: 11–28 ■ An index of help topics that explain browser usage ■ A table of contents ■ Links to external web resources eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring JXplorer Configuring JXplorer You can customize the following JXplorer features: ■ HTML templates ■ Browser panels ■ Logging and tracing ■ Directory tree icons You can also create plugin editors for binary files. View Menu The View menu lets you access the toolbar configuration and refresh options. The button bar and quick search bar are not required for the operation of the browser and if you are short of window space you can hide either or both of these bars. To do this, from the View menu, choose Show Button Bar and/or Show Search Bar. Options Menu A number of behavioral options are available via the Options menu. These are described in the following sections. Look-and-Feel Options Java supports a number of look-and-feel options for graphical interfaces. These let the browser adopt the same appearance as other native applications on a particular operating system. You can also switch between appearances on the same operating system if you are more familiar with one particular look than another. For example, a UNIX user may be more familiar with the Motif/X Windows appearance and may prefer to use that on a Microsoft Windows platform. The possible look-and-feel options are: ■ Microsoft Windows ■ Motif/X Windows ■ Java Using JXplorer 11–29 Configuring JXplorer You can set these options from the Advanced Options dialog, which can be accessed via the Options menu. To select an interface, click on the L & F tab, select the look-and-feel interface you want, and then click the Apply button. For copyright reasons, the Microsoft Windows option is not available on non-Microsoft platforms. Safety Mode A single JXplorer operation can affect thousands of directory entries. To prevent accidental changes, you can choose to be reminded before you make changes to the directory. To do this, from the Options menu, choose Confirm Tree Operations. The following dialog appears prior to modifying the directory by a tree operation: To remove this behavior, deselect Confirm Tree Operations from the Options menu. Confirming Changes to the Directory Some users like to receive a confirmation message when making a change to the directory. To enable the confirmation dialog, from the Options menu, choose Confirm Table Editor Updates. The following dialog box appears: To remove this behavior, from the Options menu, deselect Confirm Table Editor Updates. 11–30 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring JXplorer Logging Level There are a number of logging options available, ranging from no logging at all to complete tracing of all the LDAP communications with the directory. The client can log data to a log file, to the console window, to both, or not at all. The following levels of logging information are currently available: Level Description Meaning 0 Errors Only Reports errors only. 1 Basic Reports errors and additional warning information. 4 Tree Operations Logs internal tree operations, and other high-level process information. 6 Extensive Extensively logs internal browser operations. 8 All Traces all internal operations, including the translation system, and the resource loading system. 9 All + BER Trace Reports all of the previous information, plus has an LDAP Basic Encoding Rules (BER) communications trace. Useful for de-bugging directory-client communications problems. Usually, clients run at level 0 or level 1. However, level 4 can be useful for auditing all transactions, and level 9 can be useful for debugging directory-client communication problems. Note: Level 9 may cause JXplorer to run slower. You can set these options from the Advanced Options dialog, which can be accessed via the Options menu. To select a logging level, click on the Log Level tab, select the logging level you want, and then click the Apply button. Using JXplorer 11–31 Configuring JXplorer Logging Method JXplorer lets you choose the method by which you view logging details. The methods available are as follows: Method Meaning None No logging is performed. Console Logging details can be viewed via a console. File Logging details are copied to a file in .../jxplorer/jxplorer.log. Console and File Logging details can be viewed via a management console; they are also copied to a file in …/jxplorer/jxplorer.log. You can set these options from the Advanced Options dialog, which can be accessed via the Options menu. To select a logging method, simply click on the Log Method tab, select the logging method you want, and then click the Apply button. Ignore Schema Checking DXserver automatically checks all entries submitted to the directory to ensure that they conform to the directory schema. However, when the network is slow, it may be wise to check the entry on JXplorer, before you send it to the server. To do this, from the Options menu, deselect Ignore Schema Checking. If you do not want JXplorer to check that an entry conforms to the directory schema when you submit it, select Ignore Schema Checking from the Options menu. Resolve Aliases While Browsing When you select an alias entry in the directory, you can choose whether to view all of the entry details or the details of the alias entry, that is, where the alias entry points. When you want to view all of the entry details, from the Options menu, choose Resolve Aliases While Browsing. To display only the details of the alias entry, deselect Resolve Aliases While Browsing from the Options menu. 11–32 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring JXplorer Alias Example If you create an alias entry under Human Resources for Paul Smith in Marketing and you select Resolve Aliases While Browsing, when you select Paul’s alias entry under Human Resources you will see all of his details, just as if you had selected his entry under Marketing. However, if you deselect Resolve Aliases While Browsing, when you select Paul’s alias entry under Human Resources you will see the details of the aliased object name. Search Limits JXplorer lets you define the maximum number of entries returned from a search, and the time (in seconds) allowed to perform the search. You can set these options from the Advanced Options dialog, which can be accessed via the Options menu. To select the search limits, click on the Search Limits tab, select the LDAP limit and LDAP timeout that you want, and then click the Apply button. To revert the search limits back to the last saved version click the Reset button. Values can also be set in the server configuration (.dxc) files. When values are set in JXplorer and the server configuration files, the lower of the two values is accepted. URL Page Browser By default, linked URL pages are launched in JXplorer. However, on a Windows system, you can choose to launch them in an external web browser. To customize this behavior, choose Advanced Options from the Options menu and click the URL tab. Using JXplorer 11–33 Configuring JXplorer Creating HTML Viewing Templates You can create HTML templates and place them in a file directory hierarchy under the /templates subdirectory of the JXplorer root directory. When a shared template directory exists on the file system, you can configure JXplorer to use that directory instead by editing the dxconfig.txt configuration file in the JXplorer directory. Place templates in file directories corresponding to object class names. Within these file directories, the templates can have any name (although names that include spaces are not recommended). Templates placed directly in the /templates directory are common to all object classes. For example, the following file directory structure provides a general template, two templates for person, and a default template for organizationalUnit: Directory Template Files /templates/ general.html /templates/person employee.html contractor.html /templates/organizationalUnit default.html You can add any number of new HTML templates, including templates for newly defined object classes by creating (if necessary) the appropriate subdirectory under the /templates directory and placing the new HTML files in that subdirectory. After you add new files, you may need to restart the browser to recognize them. HTML Tag Extensions The HTML language is extended using a modification to the HTML <comment> tag to set placeholders where attribute values can be filled in. These extension tags: ■ Position individual attribute names and values in the page ■ List of all attribute names and values to be set with a single tag ■ Provide a variety of tabulated formatting options, such as HTML tables and lists See the JXplorer online help for more information. 11–34 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Configuring JXplorer HTML Forms You can also use standard HTML forms; however, you must give each form element a name value that corresponds to an attribute, for example, title. JXplorer will display existing values and make updates to the directory when you click Submit. Important! JXplorer submits the changes to the directory, not to a Web server. A number of example HTML forms are in the templates sub-directory. For more information, see the JXplorer online help. Configuring Tree Icons The browser reads the icons used in the directory display tree from the /icons subdirectory of the JXplorer home directory. The icons are 16-pixel-square images in the form: object_class_name.gif You can easily replace the icons. To make sure the browser recognizes the new icons, you must restart it. For more information, see the JXplorer online help. Extending the Java Binary Editor JXplorer can be extended with user-defined binary editors inherited from the Java class com.cai.od.editor, AbstractBinaryEditor. Such an editor class must be named objectclassEditor (for example, certificateEditor) and placed in the subdirectory com/cai/od/editor. When the browser is asked to edit a binary object, it first searches in this directory for any editors that have the name of the entry’s object class and dynamically loads them if they exist. For more information, see the eTrust Directory SDK Developer Guide. Plug-in Entry Editors JXplorer can be extended to load small Java programs, similar to Web applets, based on an entry’s object class. For more information, see the eTrust Directory SDK Developer Guide. Internationalization You can localize JXplorer by using the language resource files in the languages directory. For more information, see the eTrust Directory SDK Developer Guide. Using JXplorer 11–35 Configuring JXplorer Troubleshooting If you experience trouble while using JXplorer, you can run the console.bat utility provided in the JXplorer home directory, which displays any problems. Other LDAP and Directory Resources A number of online resources are available on the web: ■ ■ ■ 11–36—Computer Associates Technical Support.—Information about the LDAP protocol is available in a number of Internet RFC documents, especially (for LDAP V3) RFC2251 through RFC2256.—Details of the Java naming and directory interface (JNDI) are available from Sun Microsystems. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 12 Using DXmanager DXmanager is a graphical web-based management portal. It lets you view and monitor all of the namespaces and DSAs within a distributed eTrust Directory environment. DXmanager is a web tool that lets you monitor all of the namespaces and DSAs in a distributed eTrust Directory environment. Using DXmanager, you can monitor the following: ■ The status of each DSA ■ Configuration information about each DSA ■ Statistics about each DSA ■ Namespace diagrams for each DSA, server, or group of servers Using DXmanager 12–1 How DXmanager Works How DXmanager Works DXmanager uses the DXadmind tool to work with DXserver. The DXadmind tool is installed on each server that contains eTrust Directory DSAs. This tool is a background process that enables monitoring of all DXservers that are configured on the machine that runs DXadmind. DXmanager works uses the data that each DXadmind tool extracts from the DSAs on its server. This diagram shows how DXmanager uses DXadmind to monitor DSAs within the eTrust Directory system: Computer 1 Internet Browser DXmanager DXadmind Democorp DSA UNSPSC DSA DXadmind UDDI DSA Democorp DSA Computer 2 DXmanager presents data collected by DXadmind 12–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide UNSPSC DSA Computer 3 UDDI DSA How You Can Use DXmanager How You Can Use DXmanager You can use the information presented by DXmanager to diagnose problems earlier and more accurately. Monitor DSA Status Monitor the status of each DSA—The status can be started, stopped, can't connect to server Check DSA Configuration Check on the configuration information about each DSA—Including the DSA name and prefix, and port numbers. See the ZZZ section for a full list of configuration items that DXmanager can let you monitor. Track DSA Statistics Track statistics about each DSA—Including the time the DSA has been running, the number of incoming and outgoing operations, and the number of anonymous binds. See the ZZZ section for a full list of statistics that DXmanager can let you monitor. Check Namespace Design DXmanager can display the namespace design for each host. It shows a tree in which all of the DSAs on that computer are connected. The following DXmanager page shows the namespace on a computer with the sample DSAs Router, Democorp, and UNSPSC installed: Using DXmanager 12–3 How DXmanager Presents Information How DXmanager Presents Information Using DXmanager, you can easily monitor the DSAs on a group of servers. This is useful for systems where a single directory information tree (DIT) is spread across many servers. To work with server groups, you need to define the server groups first. You can then use DXmanager to monitor the DSAs in those server groups. When you install eTrust Directory, a single server group named Default is created. This server group contains only the DSAs running on the local computer. Starting DXmanager To start DXmanager on a Windows computer: 1. Click Start, All Programs, Computer Associates, eTrust, eTrust Directory, Management and Samples. 2. Click the DXmanager link. To start DXmanager on a UNIX or Linux computer: 12–4 1. Open a web browser.. 2. Go to this page: http://hostname:8080/dxmanager where hostname is the name of the computer on which DXmanager is running. Use localhost for the local computer. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Troubleshooting Troubleshooting This section describes how to deal with some problems that may occur while you use Dxmananger. Connectivity The main area to investigate is usually connectivity. If DXmanager cannot connect to the eTrust Directory Administration Daemon (dxadmind) on the server being scanned then no information can be returned. If this is the case, use the following steps: Use the ping command to ping the target server from the system running DXmanager's eTrust Directory WebServer. If this succeeds logon to the target server and ensure that the eTrust Directory Administration Daemon (dxadmind) is running. On windows it appears in the Service Manager. On UNIX it appears as a process named dxadmind start. On either system the command dxadmind status should return: master is running DXadmind uses a configuration file in the dxserver\config folder called dxadmind.ldif. Ensure this contains the line: dxadminURL: ldap://hostname:2123/ where hostname is the hostname of the target server. DXwebserver Port Numbers DXwebserver uses a set of ports. These default ports may conflict with existing ports on the machine on which DXwebserver is being installed. See the section Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory in Chapter 2 for a list of the default ports used by DXwebserver and other components. If DXwebserver Does Not Start Check the logs under the DXwebserver installation directory for port conflicts. Look for this file in: ■ Windows: %DXHOME%\..\DXwebserver\logs ■ UNIX: $DXHOME/../dxwebserver/logs Using DXmanager 12–5 Troubleshooting If there is a port number conflict, modify the DXwebserver configuration file. By default, DXwebserver is set to use the port 8080. To change the port number, you will need to modify the DXwebserver configuration file server.xml: 1. Install DXwebserver as usual. 2. Look for this file in the following locations: 3. - Windows: %DXHOME%\..\DXwebserver\conf - UNIX: $DXHOME/../dxwebserver/conf In the server.xml file, look for the Connector section: <!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --> <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector" port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" useURIValidationHack="false" /> 4. Change the port number from 8080 to another port number. 5. Restart DXwebserver to pick up the new port number. If the Main HTTP Connection Port Number Is Modified The main HTTP connection port number is set to 8080 by default. If this port number is modified, then some of the web applications may not work correctly, and on Windows computers, the Start menu shortcuts to Management and Samples will be affected. Note the new port number for future HTTP connections. 12–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 13 Using JXweb JXweb is a general purpose LDAP-compliant directory browser and editor, which provides access to a directory through the Web. It provides similar functions as those provided by JXplorer. JXweb lets you: ■ Connect remotely to any directory that supports LDAP ■ Browse the directory ■ Update directory entries ■ Manipulate the directory tree Using JXweb 13–1 Connecting to JXweb Connecting to JXweb To access JXweb, all you need is a web browser and a network connection to a computer on which JXweb is installed. If JXweb is installed on your Windows computer, you can start JXweb from the Start menu: 1. Click Start on the taskbar, and then choose Programs, Computer Associates, eTrust, eTrust Directory, Management and Samples. 2. On the displayed page, click JXweb. If you want to open JXweb on another computer: 1. Start your web browser. 2. Enter the URL http://server:port number/jxweb/index.html, where: - server is the name of the server on which JXweb is installed - port number is the number of the JXweb port. The default is 8080. For example: http://computer32:8080/jxweb/index.html The browser displays the JXweb Connect dialog: 13–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Connecting to a Directory Connecting to a Directory From the JXweb Connect dialog, you can connect to a directory. The browser requires the following information for you to log in to a directory: ■ The name of the computer that hosts the directory ■ The port number of the directory server ■ ■ ■ (Optional) The base distinguished name of the directory, for example, o=DEMOCORP,c=AU (Optional) The distinguished name of your user account, if the directory to which you want to connect has access controls enabled (Optional) A user password that you must provide if you use your user account When you are connected to a directory and want to connect to another, click Connect on the menu bar to display the JXweb Connect dialog. When you exit your browser, you disconnect from the directory. Using JXweb 13–3 The JXweb Environment The JXweb Environment When you connect to the directory, the left pane displays the Directory Information Tree (DIT) of the directory to which you are connected. Click an entry to display its details in the right pane. The DN of the displayed details appears at the top of the pane. You can update the entry details (for example, Edit) and manipulate the selected branch of the DIT (for example, Copy or Move). For more information about JXweb, click Help from the JXweb menu bar. Customizing JXweb JXweb was created using Velocity tags, which render the HTML pages in JXweb. To create your own look and feel for the packaged version of JXweb, you can manipulate the HTML code and the Velocity tags. For a description of the Velocity tags used in JXweb, see the JXweb online help. For an example of how you can adjust JXweb to suit your organization, see the Democorp sample in the dxwebserver\samples directory. This is a version of JXweb that has been customized to work well for the fictional company Democorp. 13–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Using JXweb in Languages Other Than English Using JXweb in Languages Other Than English eTrust Directory is language certified for the following nine languages: ■ Brazilian Portuguese ■ French ■ German ■ Italian ■ Japanese ■ Korean ■ Simplified Chinese ■ Spanish ■ Traditional Chinese This means that all eTrust Directory components run on operating systems in those languages. Displaying Non-English Characters in Internet Explorer By default Internet Explorer detects the language encoding automatically. However, if there are problems with displaying non-English characters: ■ In Internet Explorer, select View, Encoding, Auto-Select has a check mark. Displaying Non-English Characters in Mozilla Browsers Web browsers based on the Mozilla engine (including Netscape) do not autodetect the character encoding correctly. If there are problems with the characters displayed: 1. In the Mozilla browser, select View, Character Coding, Auto-Detect, Off. 2. Select View, Character Coding, Unicode (UTF-8). Online Help Use the online help to learn about how to use the JXweb interface, and how to customize JXweb. Using JXweb 13–5 Chapter 14 Using The UDDI Server Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is an evolving standard interface to information about services. A UDDI registry is a directory of businesses and the services they offer. In a UDDI registry, all the information is presented in a well-defined manner so that it can be used by automated components and by humans. This lets the repository be used, for example, as a means for an application to locate a replacement service, should the service it is using become unavailable. The full details of the UDDI specification can be found at the UDDI web site Using The UDDI Server 14–1 About UDDI Registries About UDDI Registries A UDDI registry is a directory of all the Web services in an organization, be it a single business enterprise or a globe-spanning multinational conglomerate. The UDDI registry provides a central point for recording all the details about each Web service, enabling the developers in the organization to locate other Web services to use as building blocks to construct an application, thus saving time and effort. What a UDDI Registry Can Do Because the UDDI registry contains all the details about the interfaces, developers can more easily combine or present services developed by disparate groups, possibly in different locations. Moreover, the UDDI protocol provides for recovery—if a needed service fails and is replaced by another at a different location, all those services that depend on it can recover automatically by reloading the location and connection parameters from the UDDI registry. About the eTrust Directory UDDI Server The eTrust Directory UDDI Server provides repository services. It functions as a business directory, permitting searches based upon categorizations and relationships between businesses. It provides authentication and authorization of users for inquiry and publishing. A server provides UDDI services to requests from clients. A web-based UDDI Client enables you to publish to or search the repository. 14–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide eTrust Directory UDDI Server eTrust Directory UDDI Server The eTrust Directory UDDI Server provides repository services. It can function as a business directory, enabling searches based upon categorizations and relationships between businesses. It provides authentication and authorization of users, for inquiry and publishing. It acts as a repository for UDDI information and as an engine for processing UDDI requests. The UDDI server is installed under the Tomcat servlet container. It provides UDDI services to client applications that make requests by using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The UDDI Server is a multi-version server, responding to requests in UDDI Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 formats. For more information about the UDDI APIs, see the eTrust Directory SDK Developer Guide. The web-based UDDI Client enables users to: ■ Publish services to the repository. ■ Search for specific entries in the repository. Using The UDDI Server 14–3 Connecting to the UDDI Client Connecting to the UDDI Client On Windows Only On UNIX Or Windows 1. Open the Management and Samples page. To do this, from the start button, select Programs, Computer Associates, eTrust, eTrust Directory, Management and Samples. 2. Click on the UDDI Client link. You can also access the UDDI Client directly from your web browser. Start your web browser and enter the following URL, where server is the name of the host on which the client is installed: http://server:8080/uddiv3-client/index.html The eTrust Directory UDDI Client Connect page appears. 14–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Connecting to a UDDI Registry Connecting to a UDDI Registry The UDDI Client Connect page enables you to connect to a UDDI registry. By default, the client uses the following URLs to connect to the UDDI Server on the same computer as the UDDI Client: Inquiry URL: http://localhost:8080/uddi/services/Inquiry Publish URL: http://localhost:8080/uddi/services/Publishing When you want to connect to a server on a different host, change localhost in both of these URLs to the name of the UDDI Server computer, then click Connect. When you want to change servers at any time after you have connected, click Connect on the menu bar to return to this page. Using tModels A tModel is a data structure representing a service type (a generic representation of a registered service) in the UDDI Server. Each tModel consists of a name, an explanatory description, and a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID). It can also provide a URL that enables users to get further information. A tModel may represent a technical specification. Services that are compliant with the specification may reference the tModel. This facilitates the searching of services that are compliant with a particular specification. You can also use a tModel to provide meaning to data. For example, a tModel can give structure to the following address line: 12 Montgomery Street, where 12 has the meaning of street number and Montgomery Street has the meaning of street name. Using The UDDI Server 14–5 Using the UDDI Client in Languages Other Than English Using the UDDI Client in Languages Other Than English eTrust Directory is language certified for the following nine languages: ■ Brazilian Portuguese ■ French ■ German ■ Italian ■ Japanese ■ Korean ■ Simplified Chinese ■ Spanish ■ Traditional Chinese This means that all eTrust Directory components run on operating systems in those languages. Displaying Non-English Characters in Internet Explorer By default Internet Explorer detects the language encoding automatically. However, if there are problems with displaying non-English characters: ■ In Internet Explorer, select View, Encoding, Auto-Select has a check mark. Displaying Non-English Characters in Mozilla Browsers Web browsers based on the Mozilla engine (including Netscape) do not autodetect the character encoding correctly. If there are problems with the characters displayed: 14–6 1. In the Mozilla browser, select View, Character Coding, Auto-Detect, Off. 2. Select View, Character Coding, Unicode (UTF-8). eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 15 Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools eTrust Directory comes with a number of samples for testing and demonstration purposes: ■ Sample directories ■ Sample web applications ■ Sample configuration files ■ Sample tools These technology previews are not covered by your usual CA Support. However, your feedback is very welcome. Please see the Readme files in each sample directory for how to let us know about your comments or questions. Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–1 Implementing the Samples Implementing the Samples In a default installation, these samples are installed but not set up. You need to install each sample you want to work with. By default, the sample directories and sample tools are installed under the following directory: ■ Windows: %DXHOME%\samples ■ UNIX: $DXHOME/samples By default, the web applications are installed under the following directory: ■ Windows: %DXHOME%\..\dxwebserver\samples ■ UNIX: $DXHOME/../dxwebserver/samples The sample configuration files are installed into the main configuration file directories. The default location is: ■ Windows: %DXHOME%\..\config ■ UNIX: $DXHOME/../config For more information about setting up these samples, see the appendixes Installing eTrust Directory for Windows and Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX, and also the Readme files in each of the sample directories. 15–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The Sample DSAs The Sample DSAs This section describes the sample directories, and explains how to install them manually. What the Sample DSAs Are Useful For eTrust Directory provides a number of sample directories, which contain different DSA configurations and show different methods of populating a directory. You can also use these samples to explore the eTrust Directory features before setting up your own directory. When the Sample DSAs Are Installed When you run a default installation of eTrust Directory, the three sample directories are automatically installed, configured, and started. If you run a customer installation, you can choose whether to install the sample directories. How the Sample DSAs Work Together Together, the Democorp, Router, and UNSPSC sample directories form a single logical view of all of the directory information. It does not matter which directory you connect to. You see the same data because the DSAs cooperate to resolve a query or update through X.500 distribution. Router DSA DSP Democorp DSA DSP UNSPSC DSA Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–3 The Sample DSAs The Democorp DSAs Democorp is an example of a corporate staff directory. The Democorp sample models a fictitious company called DemoCorp. There are about 100 organizational units in the data, with approximately 1200 employees in total. The Democorp sample demonstrates a front-end load of the directory using the dxmodify tool. The Democorp Directory Setup Script The setup script creates a DXserver called democorp using an Advantage Ingres database called democorp. The directory is loaded using the dxmodify tool with the prefix O=DEMOCORP, C=AU. This is a demonstration of a front-end load in a directory. Front-end loads are useful for loading fewer than a few thousand entries and for loading data in already populated directories. The data is converted from comma-separated value (CSV) format to LDAP lightweight directory interchange format(LDIF) by using the csv2ldif tool. The resulting LDIF file is loaded in the directory by using the dxmodify tool. After loading, the democorp Advantage Ingres database is tuned. The setup script performs the following steps: 15–4 1. Creates the Democorp Advantage Ingres database called democorp. 2. Configures the Democorp initialization file, database file, knowledge file, and knowledge group file, and start the Democorp DXserver DSA. 3. Converts the Democorp CSV data to LDIF. 4. Loads the LDIF data in the Democorp directory. 5. Tunes the democorp Advantage Ingres database. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide The Sample DSAs The UNSPSC DSAs The United Nations Development Program and Dun & Bradstreet merged their separate commodity classification coding schemes in 1999 to form the Universal Standard Products and Services Classification (UNSPSC). The levels let you search products more precisely because you confine the searches to logical categories, thus eliminating irrelevant hits. The levels also let managers perform expenditure analysis on categories relevant to the company’s situation. The UNSPSC directory contains more than 10,000 entries. The UNSPSC Directory Setup Script The UNSPSC sample demonstrates a back-end load of the directory using the DXloaddb tool. The setup script creates a DXserver called unspsc using Advantage Ingres. This is an example of a back-end or bulk load by using the DXloaddb tool. Bulk loads are very fast because they bypass the DSA and load the data directly in the database. They are used for initial data loads or updating the entire contents of a directory. The data is converted from CSV format to LDIF by using the csv2ldif tool. The resulting LDIF file is loaded in the directory by using the DXloaddb tool. The UNSPSC setup script performs the following steps: 1. The script creates the UNSPSC Advantage Ingres database named unspsc. 2. The script configures the UNSPSC initialization file, database file, knowledge file, and the knowledge group file. 3. The script converts the UNSPSC CSV data to LDIF. 4. The script loads more than 10,000 LDIF entries in the UNSPSC directory. 5. The script starts the UNSPSC DXserver DSA. Tip: Use the bulk load tools ldifsort and DXloaddb to achieve a highperformance load of the UNSPSC data by directly loading the Advantage Ingres UNSPSC database. Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–5 The Sample DSAs The Router DSAs The Router sample demonstrates a router DSA configuration, where the DSA has no database, but has knowledge of two subordinate DSAs. This sample demonstrates how a router DSA does not require a database of its own. It also acts as a single point of entry into multiple directories as demonstrated with Democorp and UNSPSC. The Router Directory Setup Script The setup script creates a DXserver called Router with no database and starts it. The setup script performs the following steps: 15–6 1. Configures the Router initialization file, knowledge file, and knowledge group file. 2. Starts the Router DXserver DSA. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Web Applications Sample Web Applications eTrust Directory comes with some sample web applications. You can open the democorp and uddi applications from the Management and Samples page. For information about the sample web applications, see the Readme files in each of the sample tools directories. For a list of all ports in a default installation of eTrust Directory, see the section Port Numbers Used by eTrust Directory in the chapter DXserver Overview. Customized Version of JXweb: democorp To demonstrate how easily JXweb can be customized, the Democorp version of JXweb has been included with eTrust Directory. What the UDDI Demonstration Shows This technology preview is an example of how you can adjust JXweb to suit your organization. This is a version of JXweb that has been customized to work well for the fictional company Democorp. It displays entry details in a “business card” format. Running the Democorp version of JXweb To run the Democorp version of JXweb: 1. Open your web browser. 2. Enter the following URL into the Address field: http://machinename:8080/democorp where machinename is the name of the computer on which you installed the Democorp preview. This is the computer on which DXwebserver resides. Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–7 Sample Web Applications Sample DSML Server: dsml This is a sample DSML server that converts DSML to LDAP and vice versa. This allows client applications that use DSML (including web services) to communicate with eTrust Directory without using LDAP directly. How the DSML Server Works The following happens when JXplorer uses DSML to communicate with dxserver through the DSML server: 1. JXplorer sends DSML requests to the DSML server. 2. The DSML server translates these requests into LDAP requests and passes them onto the directory. 3. The directory responds using the LDAP protocol. 4. The DSML server translates the LDAP directory response into a DSML response and sends it back to JXplorer. Running the DSML Server Using JXplorer JXplorer can use DSML in order to let it connect to DSML web services. This means that you can use JXplorer to test the DSML server. To access the DSML server technology preview using JXplorer: 15–8 1. The file points to Democorp on the current machine 2. Connect using a DSML enabled LDAP client (such as JXplorer) to the web servers, using the following connection settings: Setting Value Host The name of the computer running the DSML server Port 8080 Protocol DSML v2 DSML Service dsml-sample/services/DSML eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Web Applications Changing the DSML Sample Properties 1. Open the following file in a text editor: - Windows: %DXHOME%\..\dxwebserver\webapps\dsmlsample\WEB-INF\dsml.poperties - UNIX: $DXHOME/../dxwebserver/webapps/dsmlsample/WEB-INF/ Sample SAML Server: saml-sample This is a sample SAML server that converts SAML to LDAP and vice versa. This allows client applications that use SAML (including web services) to communicate with eTrust Directory without using LDAP directly. Installing the SAML Sample 1. Navigate to the where you have installed eTrust Directory (Hint: echo your DXHOME environment variable if you are unsure where this is). Then navigate to dxwebserver > samples > saml. 2. If you are on a Windows machine run the 'setup.bat', if on a Solaris machine run the ''. This setup file performs the following steps: a. Stops Tomcat b. Copies the Tomcat server files and SAML files to "%DXHOME%\..\dxwebserver\webapps\saml-sample". c. Restarts Tomcat. The install should be complete in a few moments. To Test the SAML Server For testing you can use the example 'samlping' command line program that allows for arbitrary SAML attribute requests to be sent to the server. Run 'samlping -?' for more details. To Access the SAML Server 1. The file points to Democorp on the current machine 2. Connect using a SAML client to the web servers port. Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–9 Sample Web Applications Sample SPML Server: spml-sample To Install the SPML Sample 1. Navigate to the where you have installed eTrust Directory (Hint: echo your DXHOME environment variable if you are unsure where this is). Then navigate to dxwebserver > samples > spml. 2. If you are on a Windows machine run the 'setup.bat', if on a Solaris machine run the ''. This setup file performs the following steps: a. Stops Tomcat b. Copies the Tomcat server files and SAML files to "%DXHOME%\..\dxwebserver\webapps\spml-sample". c. Restarts Tomcat. The install should be complete in a few moments. Note: the above setup files perform the following steps: To Access The SPML Sample 15–10 1. The file points to Democorp on the current machine 2. Connect using a SPML client to the web servers port. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Web Applications Sample Use of UDDI: uddiv3-demo This is a demonstration of a typical application of a UDDI server. It shows a web site that compares prices on airline flights by looking up the prices on different web servers, which are registered with a UDDI server. What the UDDI Demonstration Shows The UDDI demo web site that searches for the cheapest flights between destinations. The web site queries a UDDI registry for a list which web services it should connect to. Using the UDDI Demonstration The following instructions show how to use this demonstration web site to show how you can immediately remove information from a dynamic web site by removing the name of a web services from a UDDI server. 1. Open your a web browser, and go to the following page: http://localhost:8080/uddiv3-demo 2. Choose an origin and destination from the dropdown lists, and click Go. If this is first time you have used the site since the last reboot, there will be a pause while all the code is loaded into the servers . 3. Click the Back button to reset the appearance of the demo before the demo starts. 4. Open another copy of your web browser and go to the following page: http://localhost:8080/uddiv3-client 5. Click on Connect, because the defaults are correct You should now have two browser windows: one page shows the flight price search demonstration site, and the other shows the UDDI Client. 6. Click Login from the column of commands on the left. The Login page opens. 7. Enter the name of the airline you want to delete. To delete the Dirt Cheap Airline: a. Log in using the following details: Login name: Dirt Cheap Discount Airlines Password: secret b. Leave the info selection alone. c. Click Login. This brings you to the Registered Information display for the chosen airline. Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–11 Sample Web Applications 8. Click the Delete button under Business in the column of commands on the left. The Delete Business page opens. 9. Click the Add button to add the business to the Selected Business Keys. These are the business to be deleted. 10. Click the Delete button to delete this business from the registry. 11. Return to the Demo window, and press Go again. The panel refreshes, and the Dirt Cheap airline details no longer appear. To reset the demonstration: 15–12 1. Click the Refresh Demo link at the bottom of the page. 2. Click Open to run the reset program - it reloads the entire demo directory back to the original state. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Configuration Files Sample Configuration Files The sample DSAs use sample configuration files. You can use these configuration files as templates for your own files. For information about the sample configuration files, see the Readme files in each of the sample DSA directories. Sample Tools The sample tools are some extra tools for managing eTrust Directory. A number of sample configurations and utilities are provided for testing and demonstration purposes. These reside in the ../dxserver/samples subdirectories: The DXcmip Tool An executable to request CMIP counters from the directory. The dxcmip program is a management client which retrieves management information from an Computer Associates DXserver using the CMIP protocol. The management information retrieved is defined in ISO 9594-10 (Committee Draft April 1995). Usage The dxcmip tool has the following command line format: dxcmip [-r[n]] host[:port] [psel] where: ■ -r[n] refresh every n seconds. Default: 5 seconds ■ host the hostname or IP address to contact ■ port the CMIP port. Default: 19389 ■ psel the OSI P-SELECTOR. Default: CMIP Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–13 Sample Tools The dua Tool Sample text-based Directory User Agent (DUA) that runs over DAP This directory contains the DAP directory client scripting DUA. This can be used to execute scripts to add, modify or remove entries from the directory. This can also be used to perform searches. Example test scripts reside in the samples/test directory. These can be executed either by running the setup script from that directory. See the eTrust Directory SDK Developer Guide for more details. Usage The general syntax for the dua client is: dua <script> The script 'init' is executed if a script name is not specified. The init script in this directory performs an anonymous bind. The DemoCorp DSA should be started for this to work. If an authenticated bind is required, then the username and password lines should be uncommented and a password set on the bind username in the directory as specified in the script. The DXtoolsgui Tool Java GUI interface to the DXtools—run dxtoolsgui.bat on Windows or on UNIX. The dxtoolsgui tool requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE). 15–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Tools The ldua Tool This directory contains the LDAP directory client scripting DUA. This can be used to execute scripts to add, modify or remove entries from the directory. This can also be used to perform searches. Example test scripts reside in the samples/test directory. These can be executed either by running the setup script from that directory. See the eTrust Directory SDK Developer Guide for more details. Usage The general syntax for the ldua client is: ldua <script> The script 'init' is executed if a script name is not specified. The init script in this directory performs an anonymous bind. The DemoCorp DSA should be started for this to work. If an authenticated bind is required, then the username and password lines should be uncommented and a password set on the bind username in the directory as specified in the script. The schema Tool A Perl schema translation tool to update schema.txt for the DXtools This directory contains a perl script ( which translates a custom schema file (.dxc) producing updated versions of schema.txt for the DXtools. It also creates dxtype.txt and dxobject.txt for the DXplorer client that is no longer supported but may still be the preferred client for some customers. The script cannot handle schemas that contain attributes with varying OID prefixes. Currently such schema would need to be translated manually. Inputs <schema-filename> schema.bck dxtype.bck dxobject.bck Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–15 Sample Tools Outputs schema.txt in the current directory. dxtype.txt dxobject.txt Usage <schema-filename> <attr-prefix-name> <class-prefix-name> where: ■ schema-filename is the name of a custom schema file e.g. custom.dxc ■ attr-prefix-name is the name of the attribute prefix used in the schema ■ class-prefix-name is the name of the object class prefix used in schema Typically the custom schema file would contain the lines: schema set oid-prefix customAttributeType = (2.16.840.1.113730.3.1); schema set oid-prefix customObjectclass = (2.16.840.1.113730.3.2); For example: custom.dxc customAttributeType customObjectClass This script requires Perl to run. The input files need to be copied from their home directories. On UNIX On UNIX, use the following commands to copy the input files from their home directories: cp /opt/dxserver/bin/schema.txt . cp /opt/dxserver/for_dxplorer/DXtype.txt dxtype.txt cp /opt/dxserver/for_dxplorer/DXobject.txt dxobject.txt On Windows On Windows, use the following commands to copy the input files from their home directories: copy \opt\dxserver\bin\schema.txt . copy \opt\dxserver\for_dxplorer\DXtype.txt dxtype.txt copy \opt\dxserver\for_dxplorer\DXobject.txt dxobject.txt 15–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Tools The snmp Tool An executable to request SNMP information from the directory. The dxsnmp program is a management client which retrieves management information from an Computer Associates DXserver using the SNMP protocol. The management information retrieved is defined in RFC 1567 Directory Monitoring MIB. An eTrust Directory specific information is defined in dxmib.asn1. This can be found in the current directory and provides the following: ■ Multiwrite queue monitoring ■ DSA statistics monitoring Some statistic elements require stats logging/tracing to be enabled, as these items impact performance) ■ DXcache Monitoring Usage The dxsnmp tool has the following command-line format: Usage: dxsnmp -r[n] host[/port] [community] where: ■ -r[n] refresh every n seconds. Default: 5 seconds ■ host the hostname or IP address to contact ■ port the SNMP port. Default: 19389 ■ community the SNMP community of interest. Default: 'public' Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–17 Sample Tools The soak Tool Soak is a testing tool used to run searches against an LDAP or DAP directory. The soak program can be used to run one search or even millions. Soak is designed to keep a directory busy with searches to give an accurate time in how long it takes to the directory to compete a search. Searches can range from complex to exact matches. Soak also has a queuing system where you can set a queue of searches. This to eliminate the overhead of soak setting up the search, because if you keep a number of searches in a queue then whenever the directory has finished a search there is another one waiting. It is for this reason the soak worked better running from another box or have it’s own processor. If you run soak from another computer, then it must be a fast network and the traffic must be minimal. This program uses either LDAP or DAP to measure throughput (as searches/sec). It attempts to keep the Directory Server saturated with search requests. This is done by using asynchronous search requests. Usage The soak tool has the following command-line format: soak [options] hostaddr:port namefile searches queuesize attributes Where the options are: 15–18 ■ -d use the X.500 DAP protocol. Defaults to LDAP. ■ -m modify mode (generates random data) - interpret names as DNs - interpret attributes as: rndAttr len rndAttr len ■ -M modify mode (LDIF modify records) ■ -n do not ask for any attributes to be returned. ■ -s step through searches sequentially (default is rnd). ■ -F interpret names as filters. ■ -A retrieve attribute names only (no values) ■ -r count make the first count chars of rnd value the same ■ -D base_dn bind dn ■ -w bind_password bind password (for simple authentication) ■ -b base_dn search base eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Tools ■ -S msecs sleep in milli-secs before each search (default=0) ■ -Z schema file containing schema definitions (DAP only) And where the variables are: ■ hostaddr:port Address and port of LDAP/DAP Directory Server. ■ namefile File containing names to be searched. ■ searches The number of searches to perform. ■ queuesize The number of outstanding searches to maintain. And where the attributes are a whitespace-separated list of attributes to retrieve (if no attribute list is given, all are retrieved) Example For example, here is a typical soak command for exact match searches used with the DemoCorp data: soak /local/travis/Performance/names/ 50000 3 where ■ ■ ■ is the port number of the machine that the directory is installed on. 5544 is the port number the directory is listening on. Note: The port number and IP-ADDRESS are separated with a ‘:’ /local/travis/Performance/names/ is the name file the soak will use to search the directory. ■ 5000 is the number of searches to run ■ 3 is the queue size to use for the searches. The DemoCorp data has three different name file to used for each database for exact matches. ■ ■ ■ Example: soak myhost:1001 names.dat 100 5 read 5 names Connecting to myhost:1001 ... 1000: (cn=ann bradley) 999: (cn=ann bradley) 998: (cn=adrian gardner) 997: (cn=adrian gardner) Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–19 Sample Tools 996: (cn=adrian gardner) 995: (cn=ann bradley) 994: (cn=adam fischer) 993: (cn=adam fischer) 992: (cn=adrian gardner) 991: (cn=adam fischer) ... 7: (cn=adrian gardner) 6: (cn=craig link) 5: (cn=adrian gardner) 4: (cn=ann bradley) 3: (cn=adam fischer) 2: (cn=craig link) 1: (cn=craig link) Searches: 800 Start time: 978082934.854 Stop time: 978082940.194 Elapsed time: 5.339 Searches/Sec: 149.83 Content of names.dat (taken from democorp example) craig link adam fischer adrian gardner ann bradley joh martinez 15–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Tools The ssl Tool The samples/ssl directory contains tests using the DAP and LDAP script DUA. This sample includes examples of using DUA-DSA and DSA-DSA SSL authentication and encryption, using SSL encryption and SSL authentication between client and DXserver The DAP and LDAP script DUAs connect to the DemoCorp DXserver using SSL encryption or SSL authentication. This directory contains the following files: test1.dxs This script demonstrates a client-server connection using an SSL-encrypted link between the DUA and DemoCorp directory. test2.dxs This script demonstrates a mutually authenticated client–server SSL connection between the DUA and DemoCorp directory. test3.dxs This script demonstrates a mutually authenticated client–server SSL connection to the DemoCorp directory but searching the UNSPSC directory using chaining. test4.dxs This script demonstrates distributed authentication. This time the DUA connect to the UNSPSC DSA but is authenticated by the DemoCorp DSA and searches the DemoCorp directory. In tests 2-4 the DUA (via SSLD) requires use of client certificates stored in the samples/ssl/certs directory. They require the certificate of a user that exists in the DemoCorp directory, Marco Drew, in the file marco_drew.pem. These scripts can be configured and run using the setup script. Note: The DemoCorp and UNSPSC DSAs are assumed to be running. These can be configured using their sample setup scripts. The SSL Setup Script To set up the ssl tool, run the setup script. This is on UNIX, and setup.bat on Windows NT. The script performs the following steps: 1. Starts the SSLD for Directory Server requests. 2. Starts the SSLD for Directory Client requests. Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–21 Sample Tools 3. Starts the DemoCorp DSA. 4. Starts the UNSPSC DSA. 5. Runs the DUA SSL encryption test (test1.dxs). 6. Runs the DUA SSL authentication test (test2.dxs). 7. Runs the DUA SSL authentication test (test3.dxs). 8. Runs the DUA SSL distributed authentication test (test4.dxs). 9. Runs the LDUA SSL encryption test (test1.dxs). 10. Runs the LDUA SSL authentication test (test2.dxs). 11. Runs the LDUA SSL authentication test (test3.dxs). 12. Runs the LDUA SSL distributed authentication test (test4.dxs). The -q switch can be used to suppress user prompting. About the Testing DUA and SSLD The DAP and LDAP script DUAs makes use of a Client SSLD process to handle the SSL encryption and authentication. This should be started using the command: ssld start client -certfiles samples/ssl/certs -ca config/ssld/trusted.pem -port 1113 The command ssld stop client can be used to stop the server SSLD. This is in addition to the SSLD process used by the DSAs, this process listens for SSL requests on port 1112 and is started by the command: ssld start server -certfiles config/ssld/personalities -ca config/ssld/trusted.pem The command ssld stop server can be used to stop the server SSLD. SSL encryption is enabled in the DUA by adding 'ssl-encryption' to the bind request. The scripts explicitly use port 1113. When using SSL encryption, the DSA will use normal access controls. To enable SSL authentication as well as encryption, add 'ssl-auth' to the DUA bind request. The DSA will check its list of trusted CAs to confirm that the client's certificate is valid, then by default, the DSA will check for an entry in the directory matching the subject name of the certificate. This check can be disabled by setting 'ssl-auth-bypass-entry-check = true' in the DSA settings. When binding with ssl-auth, note that the DUA bind syntax does not allow the 'user' and 'password' fields that are normally present. 15–22 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Tools The test Tool A selection of Directory scripts to modify the directory using the supplied DUA or LDUA clients. Run the setup script to automatically configure the Test DSA and execute the DUA and LDUA client scripts. This directory contains sample directory client scripts. These can be executed by running the LDAP DUA (LDUA) and DAP DUA. These reside in the directories samples/ldua and samples/dua. The setup script creates a DXserver called 'test' using the Ingres database 'test'. The test DSA is loaded by the test scripts using the master script basic.tests in this directory. These scripts are executed using first the DAP DUA and then the LDAP DUA directory client. Usage (Solaris) setup.bat (Windows NT) The -q switch can be used to suppress user prompting. The script performs the following steps: 1. Create the Test Ingres database 'test'. 2. Configure the Test initialization file: config/servers/test.dxi. 3. Configure the Test database file: config/database/test.dxc. 4. Configure the Test knowledge file: config/knowledge/test.dxc. 5. Start the Test DXserver DSA. This DSA contains a null prefix. 6. Execute the basic directory tests using the DAP DUA Client. 7. Execute the basic directory tests using the LDAP DUA Client. The test scripts include tests of all X.500 services. The tests are performed on a single DSA with an existing database with no context prefix. The test scripts return the database to its original condition when they run successfully. All tests add a small subtree, conduct tests on this subtree and then remove the subtree. If the script executes successfully then the database will be returned to its original state. Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–23 Sample Tools The response to each request is checked using the "if-reply" line, so the number of entries or attributes returned, or the returned error code can be checked. A test will fail if the wrong response is returned, such as and add-entry-refuse when an add-entry-confirm was expected, or if the wrong number of entries was returned on a list or read result. If a test fails the script will display an error message and exit. This may leave entries in the database. The scripts do not test authentication or security, so the user can bind to the DSA as an anonymous user. Test 1 This script tests all the basic services apart from search. Test 2 This script tests the search service. Test 3 This script tests various errors. Test 4 This script tests schema (MUST and MAY contains and distinguished values). Test 5 This script tests the handling of large attribute values and attributes containing large numbers of values. Test 6 This script tests the operation of aliases. 15–24 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sample Tools The DXtrap Tool Information and an example program that can receive triggers from the directory. The dxtrap program is a management application which receives SNMP Traps from a Computer Associates DXserver. Four trap types may be sent by DXserver. To enable the sending of traps in DXserver, the following command should appear in the settings: set snmp-log = udp <address> port <port> where <address>:<port> is the trap address of the management application. The traps are: generic=6, specific=0 These are DXserver alarms. The trap contains three variables: sysName, sysDescr and sysLocation. sysName contains the name of the DXserver and sysLocation contains the actual alarm text. DXserver always sends this trap when an alarm condition is detected if the snmp-log has been configured. generic=6, specific=1 This trap is sent, depending on configuration, when the DXserver has performed an update operation. The trap contains three variables: sysName, sysDescr and sysLocation. sysName contains the name of the DXserver sending the trap plus some addressing information. sysLocation contains information relating to the actual update operation. DXserver sends this trap if the snmp-log has been configured and the following command has been executed: set trap-on-update = true; generic=6, specific=2 This trap is sent, depending on configuration, when the DXserver detects an authentication failure (invalid Bind credentials). The trap contains three variables: sysName, sysDescr and sysLocation. sysName contains the name of the DXserver and sysLocation contains the reason text. DXserver sends this trap if the snmp-log has been configured and the following command has been executed: set auth-trap = true; generic=6, specific=3 This trap is sent, depending on configuration, when the DXserver refuses to perform an operation. The trap contains three variables: sysName, sysDescr and sysLocation. sysName contains the name of the DXserver and sysLocation contains the reason text. DXserver sends this trap if the snmp-log has been configured and the following command has been executed: set op-error-trap = true; Using the Sample DSAs, Applications, and Tools 15–25 Sample Tools Usage The dxtrap tool has the following command line-format: dxtrap [ port ] where port is the SNMP trap port (default: 162). 15–26 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Chapter 16 Deploying a Directory This chapter provides some general guidelines regarding the deployment of a directory. It is broken into three major sections: ■ Directory Design ■ Operations and Practices ■ Troubleshooting This chapter is only intended to be an introduction to good directory design, planning, and maintenance. Good directory design and proper attention to operational details is critical to a successful directory service. Many of the areas listed are common sense but they are included so that you can use this chapter as a general checklist of items to consider when deploying a directory system. For companies with large-scale systems, or a critical need to provide continuous service, many more factors need to be considered. When you are designing a large-scale system, we recommend that you contact Computer Associates Services at for assistance. Deploying a Directory 16–1 Directory Design Directory Design Good directory design starts with understanding the information that the directory contains and the way it is used. Requirements Analysis Generally, a requirements study will determine most of the important aspects of the directory system such as: ■ Characteristics of the data, its size, initial load, and expected growth rate ■ The different directory applications and types of queries they use ■ The performance targets such as average response times and peak loads ■ ■ The dimensioning of the hardware, network, and other supporting IT infrastructure How the directory is integrated with other services Service Definition A separate detailed service study should establish a service profile for each directory application. This would include: ■ ■ ■ Type, frequency, and expected performance of searches and updates (including adds, modifies, renames, and deletes) Type of attributes specified in the search filter or returned from a search Any unusual, but potentially computationally expensive, operations such as substring and complex searches Schema Design After the sources and consumers of information are identified, you can determine the set of all possible attributes. Generally, the schema designer should try to use existing standard schema attributes where possible. Where no standard schema exists, you should create a custom attribute. You need to collect attributes into object classes. Generally, you combine related attributes to form object classes. Objects should have real world meanings (such as person, device, product), and be sensible units for directory-enabled applications to use. See the chapter “Schema Definition” for more information. 16–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Directory Design Directory Enabled Applications The schema design should take into account the way that the information will be used by directory applications. Some applications require read-only access, while others require both read and update. Some applications have very high demand for particular attributes, while other attributes are rarely used. Some attributes are shared by many applications, while other attributes are particular to only one application. It is essential to organize information so that the directory can cope with the maximum loading. You can group frequently used attributes together. It can also result in a design where objects are deliberately split or combined because some higher-level operation (for example, setting up a role) requires updates to many attributes across many objects. Namespace Design A well-designed Directory Information Tree (DIT) is a key to scalability and manageability. The namespace design needs to consider: ■ ■ ■ Geographic partitioning—when the directory is distributed in regions Security and management policies—when parts of the directory are accessed or managed in subtrees Common objects—to avoid duplicating information required by different DIT branches It is important that the naming structure is stable. This means choosing naming attributes that do not change often and a DIT structure that is as fixed as possible. Security Security policies must cover all aspects of security. This includes: ■ ■ ■ ■ Physical security—who has access to a site, a machine, or the directory software itself Authentication—who is permitted to access and manage information in the directory Access controls—which information is protected from unauthorized changes Sensitivity—some information may be confidential or have business value to third parties Deploying a Directory 16–3 Directory Design Dimensioning A system can run many databases and many directory servers across multiple sites. It is important that machines have enough disk memory and processors, and that the configuration of DSAs makes best use of this hardware. Even though the cost of hardware can be significant, an appropriate investment here can offset large operational costs. Performance Performance relies upon the power of the hardware and network in use and the configuration and tuning of the directory and database software. Often additional indexes or additional servers can make a big difference to performance. Items to consider include: ■ ■ ■ ■ Security—affects performance if the access control scheme is too complex or if every link employs SSL authentication. See the chapter “Security” for more information about SSL authentication. Logging—degrades performance if too much logging is enabled, particularly diagnostic logging. See the chapter “General Administration” for more information about logging. Query streaming—reserves particular DSAs for high-speed lookups and diverts known slower queries, for example substring searches to other dedicated DSAs. It can also divert slower updates to dedicated DSAs. See the chapter “Distribution and DSP” for more information about query streaming. Load sharing—lets servers share load across CPUs or across machines. See the chapter “Distribution and DSP” for more information about load sharing. Availability Availability can be improved by providing a number of strategies. This may include: ■ ■ 16–4 Hardware—backup power supplies, RAID disks, or backup machines Network—providing multiple network interfaces and links between machines ■ Directory servers—configuring alternative DSAs ■ Databases—using replication to provide alternative data stores eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Directory Design Synchronization Often, you must synchronize data with external systems. It is important therefore to establish a list of sources and targets, and the timing and types of data that must be exchanged. Often, you must perform normalization to filter out duplicate entries, rude words, or map fields from one form to another. Planning the timing of the synchronization is important because synchronization is usually performed using a batch mode process. Scalability and Distribution Many DSAs can run on one machine for the purpose of: ■ Coping with large number of users ■ Splitting a large DIT into smaller, more manageable pieces ■ Achieving load balancing or query streaming In addition, directory servers can run at multiple sites over regions, countries or across the world. In this case, it is important that the separation of DSAs take advantage of geography so that servers are concentrated in areas of highest demand. Complexity Keep it simple. eTrust Directory is very flexible in terms of its features. However, complex designs can be hard to understand and maintain. Always justify why a configuration needs to be more complex. Deploying a Directory 16–5 Operations and Practices Operations and Practices Directories provide a service. Often, service level agreements gives contractual commitments on outage, response times, and escalation plans. It is critical to define and adhere to formal practices and procedures. Management All aspects of the system including personnel, applications, services, infrastructure, and day-to-day operations must be managed. There are many factors often not considered early in a directory project lifecycle including: ■ Training—especially for operations staff ■ Support—such as hardware and software contracts ■ Upgrades—how systems will transition with minimum down time Monitoring Monitoring determines the health of a system. Generally, it will cover the following areas: ■ Polling—using a protocol such as SNMP ■ Probing—involving periodical queries to test performance ■ ■ ■ Alarms—relying on systems to generate alerts when unexpected situations arise Log file analysis—scanning errors and linking into other alarm software Indirect—inferring that something is wrong because other applications are not functioning properly Capacity Planning Over time it is necessary to monitor existing platforms to show trends in growth. When additional hardware, network capacity, or licenses are required, the upgrades need to occur in a planned, orderly manner. 16–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Operations and Practices Backup and Restore This is probably the most important procedure in the system. It is very important that you accurately document the backup procedure and ensure that it takes place at specified times. Backups should occur daily. You can perform database backups using the utility dxbackupdb. The dxbackupdb utility can perform on-line backups of the database even when there are DSAs updating the database. Following standard industry practices, you should regularly test your backup procedures by attempting to restore your backups onto a test system. You should also perform a restore before any system configuration changes or tuning. The restore time needs to be calculated, as it is crucial in meeting outage service level agreements. You can perform database restores using the Dxrestoredb tool. See the chapter Using JXplorer for more information about backup and restore tools. Journaling In addition to database backups, known as checkpoints, Advantage Ingres can maintain a journal of all committed transactions since the last checkpoint. To enable journaling, use the command: dxbackupdb +journal dbname Journaling should be enabled in operational environments. If journaling is enabled, backups (dxbackupdb) should be run more frequently, preferably every night. This prevents the journal logs from becoming too large and reduces recovery time if you have to roll forward the changes (dxrestoredb). Note: If dxindexdb is used, the journals must be re-enabled to let the journals track the new indexes. Perform the following sequence of commands: dxbackupdb dbname dxindexdb dbname –reverse attrName dxbackupdb +journal dbname See DB Tools in the chapter “Using DXtools” for more information. Deploying a Directory 16–7 Operations and Practices Database Tuning You should tune the directory database periodically to maintain optimum performance. You can use the dxtunedb utility in simple or full mode. In simple mode the dxtunedb utility can be run while the DSA is online as it just builds table statistics. This improves performance of the Advantage Ingres Query Optimizer. To tune while the DSA is online, use the following command: dxtunedb demo In full mode the dxtunedb utility rebalances tables to optimize storage layouts, rebuilds indexes to remove overflow pages, builds table statistics to help the query optimizer, and tunes the system tables. We recommend that you execute this utility after bulk loading or other large-scale modifications, and after a period of gradual modification. The dxtunedb utility requires at least 25 percent free disk space (for temporary tables) and takes approximately one minute per 1,000 entries to complete a full tune. To perform a full tune, shut down any DSAs connected to the database and use the following commands: dxbackupdb demo dxtunedb –full demo dxbackupdb demo Change Control There are some basic principles of change management required to ensure the ongoing consistency of the directory: ■ ■ ■ ■ 16–8 Subdirectories of the config directory contain the directory configuration files. The configuration files contain the operational controls and schema definitions for one or more DSAs. You should back up this config directory in synchronization with copies of the matching Advantage Ingres database set. You should manually track modifications to the configuration files while maintaining appropriate backup copies. You may want to consider a source control system. You should test configuration changes against test and development copies of the directory database rather than the live database. You can switch test databases into production, in a live environment, using the hot swap facility. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Operations and Practices Upgrades Over time, you need to install new versions of software for the directory, database, or operating system to fix problems, add new functionality, or provide performance features. You should build prototype systems first on separate machines to validate the new system before going live. Important! Always check the latest release notes for details of software changes, particularly in the area of schema. The product schema files can evolve to follow changing standards. Using these latest standards can break existing applications when they have not been modified to keep pace with these changes. When it is not desirable or practical to change existing applications, then these should use the existing schema on the upgraded software. Maintenance Periodically, systems should be scheduled for maintenance to perform various housekeeping tasks, such as disk defragmentation, hardware upgrades, or software patches. The first maintenance step should be a backup sequence as follows: dxbackupdb demo dxtunedb –full demo dxbackupdb demo This ensures that the database tables and indexes are optimally laid out. Deploying a Directory 16–9 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting This section covers various areas that may cause problems in operational systems. See DB Tools in the chapter “Using DXtools” for more information about alarms, warnings, and logs. Optimizing Performance Performance problems generally arise because of unexpected demands on the system. The following is a list of possible areas to investigate: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Resources—When a system is under peak loads, there may not be enough CPU or disk to process all the required requests. Ensure that you have done sufficient capacity planning and traffic analysis to determine the amount of hardware required to achieve the given service levels. Load-sharing DSAs—On a multi-CPU box it may be necessary to run a router DSA and multiple load-sharing DSAs to make use of all the CPUs on a given machine. Query-streaming DSAs—When there is a large variation in the types of queries, then different DSAs can be dedicated for different tasks, for example, lookup queries, updates, and complex queries. If the lookup queries are additionally handled by a load-sharing group of DSAs then the system effectively can reserve DSAs to handle small, fast lookup queries regardless of what else is going on in the system. Database tuning—This optimizes the data layout in the database tables. You should tune the database after large-scale modifications. The dxtunedb utility can perform an on-line tune or full tune (“-full”) if all the DSAs are taken off-line. Advantage Ingres tuning—You can tune the cache and a number of other Advantage Ingres parameters in mission-critical sites. Contact Computer Associates at for advice. File system tuning—On UNIX, the tunefs utility can optimize disk partitions to minimize access times. We recommend that you run tunefs when you add new hard drives, before you add data to the new device. Managing Large Numbers of Users The UNIX operating system limits the number of file descriptors per process (for example, 1024). This limits the number of users who can bind to a DSA at any one time. When the number of users is large, you can run multiple DSAs, all connecting to the same database (DIB). 16–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Troubleshooting Managing Large Numbers of Entries When the DIT contains very large numbers of entries, you can split it into a number of subtrees (each having, for example, 100,000 entries). You can run a DSA for each subtree with a master top-level DSA. You can then link the DSAs with local DSP configurations. When a database needs to have a large number of entries, then the database can be split over multiple locations. Use the dxextenddb utility to create such locations. (See DB Tools in the chapter “Using DXtools” for more information.) All database tools make use of multiple locations and can handle large (> 2 GB) files. When you need to load a large number of entries initially, use the bulk load tool DXloaddb. When there are a large number of changes to be made, or a large number of entries added to an existing database, consider extracting the existing data into an LDIF file using the DXdumpdb tool. Manipulate the LDIF file (merge it with new data), and reload the data using the bulk load tool DXloaddb. Limiting Users There are many ways to control users, including the following: ■ ■ ■ Security—Limit access to a directory through authentication and access to particular data through access controls. Service controls—Set service controls such as time limits and size limits on operations. Flow control—Use DXserver’s “credit” facility to prevent a client flooding a DSA with requests. This works by simply not reading bytes on that client’s socket so that TCP/IP back pressures then restricts that client’s ability to send data on that connection. Deploying a Directory 16–11 Appendix A Tailoring the RDBMS This appendix describes how to change some Advantage Ingres database parameters. This is usually not necessary but is desirable in certain cases as recommended by Computer Associates Technical Support. The customizations covered in this appendix are: ■ The default page size ■ The number of cache pages You can configure each of these using the Advantage Ingres utility cbf (configuration by forms). You can run cbf in an OpenWindows or CDE (Common Desktop Environment) shell window. Keep the following navigational tips in mind: ■ ■ ■ When using OpenWindows, you can move the cursor up or down using ↵, Ctrl+J, or Ctrl+K. When using CDE you can move the cursor up or down using ↵, ↑ (up arrow), or ↓ (down arrow). You can advance between fields using the Tab key. On Windows, you can configure these using cbf from the command prompt. Navigation instructions for cbf appear on the window. Note: Throughout this guide, references to Advantage Ingres include both Ingres II and OpenIngres, unless one or the other is explicitly specified. Tailoring the RDBMS A–1 Changing the Default Page Size Changing the Default Page Size Under most circumstances, the best performance is obtained with a database page size of 2 KB. However, there may be circumstances in which you want to change this. To change the default page size, run cbf (configuration by forms) and enter the following: A–2 OpenWindow Keystrokes CDE Keystrokes Purpose ↵ ↵ Moves to DBMS server line. ESC+conf ↵ F10 Displays the DBMS Server Parameters window. dd dd Moves to default-page-size. ESC+edit ↵ F10 Displays popup for new value. 8192 ↵ 8192 ↵ Enters new value. ESC+cache ↵ Insert Displays the DBMS Caches window. ↵↵ ↵↵ Moves to DMF cache 8K. ESC+edit ↵ F11 Sets cache status to ON. ESC+end ↵ F3 Exits DBMS Caches window. ESC+end ↵ F3 Exits DBMS Server Parameters window. ↵ ↵ Yes, saves changes and end. ESC+quit F4 Exits cbf. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Increasing the Number of Cache Pages Increasing the Number of Cache Pages For systems that have a large amount of RAM, it can help to increase the number of cache pages used. On a large production database, optimum performance is obtained with a cache size of 60,000 pages of 2 KB per page, requiring 128 MB of memory for the cache. To increase the number of cache pages, run cbf , and enter the following: OpenWindow Keystrokes CDE Keystrokes Purpose ↵ ↵ Moves to DBMS server line. ESC+conf ↵ F10 Displays the DBMS Server Parameters window. ESC+cache ↵ Insert Displays the DBMS Caches window. ↵ ↵ Moves to the largest activated cache line. ESC+conf ↵ F10 Displays the DBMS Cache Parameters window. ESC+derived ↵ F11 Displays the Derived DBMS Cache Parameters window. ESC+edit ↵ F10 Displays popup requesting new value. 60000 ↵ 60000 ↵ Enters new value. ESC+end ↵ F3 Exits Derived DBMS Cache Parameters for xk window. ESC+end ↵ F3 Exits DBMS Cache Parameters for xk Buffers window. ESC+end ↵ F3 Exits DBMS Caches window. ESC+end ↵ F3 Exits DBMS Server Parameters window. ↵ ↵ Yes, saves changes and end. ESC+quit F4 Exits cbf. Tailoring the RDBMS A–3 Increasing the Number of Database Connections Increasing the Number of Database Connections eTrust Directory ships with a default configuration of 64 database connections. However, if you are upgrading from a previous version of eTrust Directory, the previous limit of 32 connections applies. If you have many data DSAs running on the same machine and you then run the DXloaddb tool, which uses many Ingres connections, you may get the following error in II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/errlog.log: E_US0001 Number of users has exceeded limit. If you see this error, then the Ingres connection limit needs to be increased. Step 1. Increase the Shared Memory Maximum (Optional) To successfully increase the Ingres connection limit, you may need to increase the shared memory maximum. You can skip this step if the shared memory maximum is already higher than the following list: Number of Database Connections RAM required 32 16 MB 64 100 MB 128 200 MB If you need to do this step, use the following table: A–4 Platform Action Solaris Edit the value of "set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax" to the new value in /etc/system, then restart the machine. Linux Run sysctl -w kernel.shmmax="new value" and sysctl w kernel.shmall="new value", then restart the machine. HP-UX Use the sam command to update the shmmax kernel parameter to the new value, rebuild the kernel, then restart the machine. AIX No change is required because kernel parameters are dynamic. Windows No change is required. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Other Customizations Step 2. Increase the Database Connection Limit If enough shared memory has been allocated, then you can increase the connection limit. 1. As the ingres user, run Configuration-By-Forms (CBF): % su - ingres % setenv TERM_INGRES wxterm (csh assumed) % cbf 2. In CBF: a. Press D to highlight the DBMS Server row . b. Press Esc and type Configure. c. Press c until the row connect_limit is highlighted. d. Press Esc and type Edit. e. Enter the new maximum value. f. Press Esc and type End. g. Press Enter to save the value. h. Press Esc and type Quit to end CBF. 3. Restart Ingres: % ingstop; ingstart Other Customizations Several other customizations are possible, and Computer Associates Technical Support may recommend them depending on the particular site and hardware in use. These include: ■ Enabling the backup transaction log file ■ Configuring a separate disk area for backups ■ Configuring a separate disk area for tuning You may want to set the Advantage Ingres log folder to a different disk drive for improved performance. For more information, contact Computer Associates Technical Support at Tailoring the RDBMS A–5 Appendix B DXserver Command Language This appendix lists the configuration commands used by DXserver. There are six command categories. Each command category includes a number of valid commands. Some commands also have additional parameters. For example, the following command is made up of the set category, the admin-user command, and the ownentry parameter: set admin-user = own-entry Command Categories Command Description add Creates an additional wide index. clear Clears a portion of the configuration information. This command is commonly used to ensure that you load configuration details into a clear setup, rather than laying them on top of an (possibly contradictory) existing configuration. close Closes a log. set Defines an aspect of. There are over ninety set commands. source Specifies a file to be loaded. This is used to make configurations using multiple files. trace Enables tracing, and defines what type of tracing is enabled. DXserver Command Language B–1 Add Command Add Command Command Description add index-wide Create additional wide indexes for some attributes without changing any wide indexes that have already been set up. For more information, see the section Creating Additional Wide Indexes in the chapter “General Administration.” Clear Commands Command Description clear access Clears all of the static access controls. Typically, this is done before loading access controls to ensure that conflicting controls are not loaded. clear dsas Clears the knowledge of all DSAs. This may be done immediately before loading knowledge. clear indexes Clears all indexing options on attributes. clear schema Clears all of the schema information. This is done before re-loading the schema, to ensure there are no conflicting definitions for attributes or object classes. Close Commands Command Description close summary-log Closes the summary log. close stats-log Closes the statistics log. close trace-log Closes the trace log. close query-log Closes the query log. close update-log Closes the update log. close alert-log Closes the alert log. close cert-log Closes the certificate log. close connect-log Closes the connection log. Note: The alarm log cannot be closed. B–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Set Commands Set Commands Command Description set access-controls Specifies whether access controls are enabled or not set add-oc-parents Adds superior object classes even if the client did not specify these while adding an entry. set admin-user Defines access controls that apply to users who are considered administrators of the directory. set agreement Specifies the details of an agreement between two DSAs for replication purposes. set alarm-log Specifies the name of the file to which the alarm-log is written. set alert-log Specifies the name of the file to which the alert-log is written. set alias-integrity Specifies whether the DSA manages the integrity of alias entries, for example, deleting aliases that point to deleted entries. set allow-binds Specifies whether the DSA is accepting new binds. set always-chain-down Specifies whether requests are chained down, overriding X.500 controls. set attribute Specifies all of the information relating to an attribute. set attr-cache-reload The default is true. When set to false, a filter with an attribute type that is not in the attribute cache will not cause the cache to automatically reload from the database and is considered as not present in the directory. To see the current value, use get dip all;. set attr-set Specifies a name for a list of attributes. set auth-trap A mechanism that can be used to hook into the authentication processing on the DSA using SNMP traps. set cache-attr Defines the attributes returned in a fast lookup (DXcache). The value all-attributes can be used to ensure that all attributes are cached; however, when a large number of attributes are used, this will require a large amount of memory. set cache-index Sets the attributes to index in DXcache. The cache will respond to a search filter that uses one of these attributes. You can define as many as you like, separated by commas. Memory requirements are affected. set cert-log Specifies the name of the file to which the cert-log is written. set connect-log Specifies the name of the file to which the connect-log is written. DXserver Command Language B–3 Set Commands Command Description set credits A control used to regulate the DSA—new requests are accepted until the number of credits is exhausted. set database-name Specifies the name of the Advantage Ingres database used by the directory. set dbconnection Specifies the elements of a database connection. set dsa Specifies the knowledge of a DSA. set dynamic-access-control When TRUE, enables dynamic access controls; when FALSE, disables dynamic access controls. set eis-count-attr Specifies the name of the attribute that is used when you want a count of matches, instead of a list of matching entries. set group Defines a group of users. Groups are used when defining access controls. set hold-ldap-connections When TRUE, prevents a DSA from clearing the underlying TCP/IP connection after a bind refusal. The default value is FALSE. set index-reverse Lists the attributes to which to apply reverse index. set index-wide Lists the attributes to which to apply wide index. set ignore-name-bindings Lets the DXserver operate without name bindings. This is useful when the schema is imported from a directory that does not support name bindings. set limit-list Specifies whether the DSA should reject all list requests. This is useful when there are thousands of entries under one node. set limit-search Specifies whether to limit the types of searches processed by the DSA. This causes searches with no filter or with a filter containing an attribute present; substring any; or a range of values to be rejected. set lookup-cache Specifies whether DXcache is enabled or not. set max-bind-time Specifies the maximum time a bind is held before being disconnected. set max-cache-size Sets the maximum amount of memory (in MB) that DXcache uses. This value depends on how much memory your computer has. You should set this to around 50% to 70% of your machine’s total memory, depending on other programs’ memory requirements on the same computer. set max-dsp-ops Specifies the maximum number of DSP operations that are accepted simultaneously. set max-local-ops Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous local operations that this DSA will accept. B–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Set Commands Command Description set max-op-time Specifies the maximum amount of time a single operation takes before it is aborted. set max-op-size Specifies the maximum size of an operation that is accepted by this DSA. set max-users Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous users on a DSA. set min-auth Specifies the minimum level of authentication that is accepted. set modify-on-add Adds modifyTimestamp to a newly created entry. Used for SAP compatibility. set multi-casting See set multi-chaining. set multi-chaining Specifies whether requests are chained to other DSAs. set multi-write-disp-recovery Enables or disables multiwrite DISP. The default value is FALSE. set multi-write-queue Specifies the maximum size of the queue of requests to be written to other DSAs. set multi-write-retry-time This defines the time (in seconds) at which DXserver will attempt to bind to a Multiwrite peer which cannot be contacted. The default value is 60 seconds. set name-binding Specifies all of the information relating to a name binding, which specifies an acceptable parent-child relationship between two object classes. set not-searchable Lists attributes that are not to be searched. set object-class Specifies all of the information relating to an object class. set oid-prefix Specifies a name for an OID, which is used as a prefix when specifying the OIDs for attributes, attr-sets, and object classes. set op-error-trap A mechanism that can be used to hook into the handling of errors using SNMP traps. set op-attrs Specifies whether operational attributes are enabled. set password-age Sets the number of days a password is valid. set password-force-change Forces users to change their passwords after their passwords have been reset. set password-history Sets the maximum number of entries to retain in the history. set password-last-use Sets the number of days a password remains valid. When the value is exceeded, the password expires. set password-length Sets the minimum length of a password. set password-allow-locking Allows user accounts to be suspended by locking the password. This DXserver Command Language B–5 Set Commands Command Description does not delete the password. set password-max-suspension Sets the number of seconds after which a suspended password reactivates. set password-min-age Sets the number of days since a password was changed last before it can be changed again (lockout period). set password-non-alpha-num Sets the minimum number of nonalphanumeric characters a password contains. set password-numeric Sets the minimum number of numeric characters a password contains. set password-policy Specifies whether password management is enabled. set password-retries Sets the number of consecutive failed logon attempts before a password is suspended. set password-storage Specifies a password storage method. set precedence Specifies a precedence rule, ordering DSA knowledge. set protected-items Defines static access controls, which apply to an item or items within the directory. set prune-oc-parents Removes redundant superior object classes when new entries are created. set public-user Defines static access controls that apply to users who are public users of the directory. A public user is an unidentified user (anonymous user). set query-log Specifies the name of the file to which the query-log is written. set reg-user Defines static access controls that apply to users who are registered users of the directory. A registered user is an identified user (as opposed to an anonymous user). set relaxed-not-search Interprets NOT in the non-standard manner supported by some other directories. For example, a search for "description not equal M*" returns entries that have nothing in the description and all entries that do not start with M. When the flag is false (or not set), a search returns only entries that have the attribute populated and do not start with M. set return-oc-parents Replaces the superior object classes of entries retrieved when searching. set role-subtree Specifies the DN where the roles are defined. set snmp-log Specifies the port address and server to which SNMP traps is written. set ssl-auth-bypass-entry-check Allows a bind to skip the server authentication step if it has already B–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Set Commands Command Description authenticated itself to the SSLD. set stats-log Specifies the name of the file to which the stats-log is written. set summary-log Specifies the name of the file to which the summary-log should be written. set syntax-alias Creates a syntax alias for use when an attribute syntax is not supported by eTrust Directory. set super-user Defines static access controls that apply to users who are considered super-users of the directory. set trace Specifies tracing options. set trace-level Specifies the level of detail when tracing. set trace-log Specifies the name of the file to which the trace-log is written. set transparent-routing When set to true, enables a router DSA to route LDAP queries without knowing the related schema. set trap-on-update A mechanism that can be used to hook into the processing of updates on the DSA using SNMP traps. set trust-sasl-proxy Specifies the distinguished name of the trusted proxy. set unique-attrs Specifies attributes which are to have a unique value. set update-log Specifies the name of the file to which the update-log is written. set use-roles Set to true to enable role-based access controls; set to false to disable role-based access controls. set user-idle-time Specifies the maximum time a user is idle before being disconnected. set warn-log Specifies the name of a separate file for error and warning messages. Ensure that at least warn or error tracing is turned on. set write-precedence Specifies which DSAs are chosen to perform updates. DXserver Command Language B–7 Set Commands The set admin-user Command Use the set admin-user command to specify static access controls. See the chapter “Security” for more information. Parameter Description attrs Lists attributes to which this access control applies. auth-level Specifies the level of authentication required. May be simple, ssl-auth. entry Specifies an entry to which access is granted. group Specifies a group of users for admin-user access. own-entry Specifies a user as admin-user for their own entry. perms Lists the permissions granted. May include read, add, remove, modify, rename, all. subtree Specifies a subtree of the directory to which access is granted. user Specifies a named user to be treated as an admin-user. user-subtree Specifies a subtree within the user tree; users in this subtree are affected by this access control. validity Specifies the period during which this is valid. May include start, end, on. The set agreement Command Use the set agreement command to define a DISP connection between two DSAs. See the chapter “Replication” for more information. Parameter Description area Specifies the portion of the DIT covered by this agreement. initiator Specifies the name of the initiating DSA, and whether that DSA is the supplier or consumer in the DISP connection. relay Specifies the name of the intermediate relay DSA. These parameters may include anonymous, clear-password, ssl-auth. responder Specifies the name of the responding DSA, and the parameters of the connection. These parameters may include anonymous, clear-password, ssl-auth. strategy Specifies when the interchange of data takes place. May include on-change, minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, incremental, full. B–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Set Commands The set attribute Command Use the set attribute command to define an attribute, which is a basic building block in the schema. See the chapter “Schema Definition” for more information. Parameter Description description A description of the attribute. equality Indicates the type of matching to apply to the attribute. ldap-names Alternative names for the attribute. Think of these as nicknames— they can be used anywhere the name can be used. Often these are shorter, and used in DNs, for example, c for country. name The name of the attribute. This is its formal name, and is often descriptive. no-user-modification Indicates whether the user can modify the value of the attribute ordering Indicates the ordering rules to apply to the attribute. single-valued / multi-valued Indicates whether the attribute has multiple values (for example, lines of an address), or is limited to a single value (for example, salary). substr Indicates the substring-matching rule to apply to the attribute. syntax Indicates the type of data that may be stored in the attribute. The set dsa Command Use the set dsa command to define the knowledge of a DSA. See the chapter “General Information” for more information. Important! You must declare the parameters in a set order. Parameter Description prefix Specifies a partial DN, which specifies the portion of the DIT served by this DSA. native-prefix Specifies a partial DN, which the DSA recognizes as applicable to its entries— generally only used with LDAP servers. dsa-name Specifies the name of the DSA as a DN; not to be confused with the name of the server dsa-password Specifies the password other DSAs must supply to communicate with this DSA. ldap-dsa-name Specifies the name of the LDAP DSA. ldap-dsa-password Specifies the password of the LDAP DSA. DXserver Command Language B–9 Set Commands Parameter Description address Specifies one or more addresses (TCP/IP address + port number) the DSA. tsap Specifies Transport SAP. ssap Specifies Session SAP. osi-psap Specifies Presentation SAP. disp-psap Specifies DISP Presentation SAP; if absent, DISP is disabled. cmip-psap Specifies CMIP Presentation SAP; if absent, CMIP is disabled. snmp-port Specifies the SNMP port. console-port Allows DXconsole to accept connections from the local computer. When this is not specified, the DSA does not have a local console. remote-console-port Allows DXconsole to accept a connection from a remote computer on this port. When this is not specified, there is no remote console for the DSA. remote-console-ssl Forces DXconsole encryptDXconsole sessions when it runs remotely. console-password The password required for connections from a remote computer. This password is transmitted in clear text. ssld-port Specifies the port number that should be used for SSLD. auth-levels Specifies the levels of authentication that will be accepted by this DSA. May include anonymous, clear-password, and ssl-auth. dsp-idle-time Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) that a DSP connection can be idle before it is disconnected. dsa-flags Specifies the flags that control the operation of the DSA. The flags include multiwrite, shadow, read-only, relay, load-share, no-routing-ac, limit-search, limit-list, and multi-write-notify. trust-flags Specifies flags relating to trust that control the operation of the DSA. The flags include allow-check-password, trust-conveyed-originator, allow-upgrading, allowdowngrading, and no-server-credentials. link-flags Specifies flags that control connecting to the DSA. The flags include dsp-ldap, dsp-ldapv2, ms-exchange, ms-ad, ssl-encryption, and unavailable. For a complete list, see Link Flags in the chapter “General Administration.” B–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Set Commands The set name-binding Command Use the set name-binding command to define a name binding. This defines the hierarchy of the directory. See the chapter “Schema Definition” for more information. Parameter Description allowable-parent Specifies the parent and child object classes. name The name of the name binding. This is often descriptive; it can be constructed by concatenating the names of the object classes being connected. named-by Lists the attributes that name an object of the child object class. Often only one attribute is listed. optional Lists attributes that may optionally be appended to the list specified in namedby. The set object-class Command Use the set object-class command to define an object class, which is a fundamental part of the schema, and essential to the directory. See the chapter “Schema Definition” for more information. Parameter Description description A description of the object class. kind Specifies the kind of object class—may be structural, auxiliary, or abstract. ldap-names Alternative names for the object class. Think of these as nicknames—they can be used anywhere the name can be used. Often these are shorter. may-contain Lists the attributes that may be supplied in an instance of this object class. must-contain Lists the attributes that must be supplied for every instance of this object class. name The name of the object class. This is its formal name, and is often descriptive. subclass-of Specifies the object class, or object classes, from which this object class inherits. DXserver Command Language B–11 Set Commands The set protected-items Command Use the set protected-items command to specify static access controls. Generally, you use protected-items controls to protect specified attributes in a specified portion of the DIT. See the chapter “Security” for more information. Parameter Description attrs Lists attributes to which this access control applies. entry Specifies an entry to which this access control applies. group Specifies that this control applies to a particular group of users. own-entry Specifies that this control applies to a user accessing their own entry. perms Gives registered users access to modify 'role' attribute in their own entries. subtree Specifies a subtree of the directory to which this access control applies. user Specifies that this control applies to a particular user. user-subtree Specifies a subtree within the user tree; users in this subtree are affected by this access control. validity Specifies the period during which this is valid. May include start, end, on. The set public-user Command Use the set public-user command to specify static access controls. See the chapter “Security” for more information. Parameter Description attrs Lists attributes to which this access control applies. entry Specifies an entry to which access is granted. perms Lists the permissions granted. May include read, add, remove, modify, rename, all. subtree Specifies a subtree of the directory to which access is granted. validity Specifies the period during which this is valid. May include start, end, on. B–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Set Commands The set reg-user Command Use the set reg-user command to specify static access controls. See the chapter “Security” for more information. Parameter Description attrs Lists attributes to which this access control applies. entry Specifies an entry to which access is granted. group Specifies a group of users to be treated as a reg-user. own-entry Specifies that a user may be treated as a reg-user for their own entry. perms Lists the permissions granted. May include read, add, remove, modify, rename, all. subtree Specifies a subtree of the directory to which access is granted. user Specifies a user to be treated as a reg-user. user-subtree Specifies a subtree within the user tree; users in this subtree are affected by this access control. validity Specifies the period during which this is valid. May include start, end, on. The set super-user Command Use the set super-user command to specify static access controls. See the chapter “Security” for more information. Parameter Description auth-level Specifies the level of authentication required. May be simple, ssl-auth. group Specifies a group of users to be treated as a super-user. own-entry Specifies that a user may be treated as a super-user for their own entry. user Specifies a user to be treated as a super-user. user-subtree Specifies a subtree within the user tree; users in this subtree are affected by this access control. validity Specifies the period during which this is valid. May include start, end, on. DXserver Command Language B–13 Source Commands Source Commands A source command is a means of including shared commands. It says, “Include the contents of this file here.” You can nest source commands, and source a file that contains further source commands. An example is shown below: source “file2.dxg” set access-controls = true; source “file3.dxc” set group = source “file4.dxc” set super-user = set reg-user = B–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Trace Commands Trace Commands You can specify trace commands in two ways: ■ You can enter them as arguments to a trace command. For example: trace all; ■ You can enter them as parameters to a set trace command. For example: set trace = all; Command Description trace alert Displays authentication errors. trace all Traces everything. trace dsa Similar to the x500 trace, but also includes tracing of the module flow inside the DSA. trace cert Displays certificate operations. trace connect Displays connections. trace error Displays error messages of very high severity. Compare with TRACE WARN. trace ldap Traces detailed LDAP operations. trace limit Traces any violation of size or time limits. trace none Traces nothing. trace query Displays a one-line summary containing the server request and result. trace stack Displays detailed protocol tracing. trace stats Displays statistical information for each minute the DSA is not idle. trace summary Displays summary information. trace time Displays the start time, end time, and elapsed time of an operation with a brief summary of the operation. trace update Displays update operations—add, delete, modify, and rename. trace warn Displays error messages of moderately high severity. Compare with TRACE ERROR. trace x500 Displays the full details of the service request, confirmation, or error. This traces DAP, DSP, and LDAP operations. DXserver Command Language B–15 Appendix C Messages and Logs This appendix describes the error and diagnostic logs that eTrust Directory provides to assist you in diagnosing problems. It also explains some common alarms and warning messages. For further information, contact Computer Associates at UNIX System Error Log Both UNIX and DXserver log errors to the system error log. By default, the system also displays all errors in the console window. The system error log file is located in …/var/adm/messages. A useful command for showing the most recent messages is: %$ dmesg Windows Event Log Both Windows and DXserver log errors in the Windows event log. You can view the event logs in the Windows Event Viewer. To display the Event Viewer, click Start on the taskbar, and then choose Programs, Administrative Tools (Common), Event Viewer. DXserver logs errors in the Application Log. You can view the Application Log by selecting Event Viewer Log, Application. Messages and Logs C–1 DXserver Logs DXserver Logs DXserver logs all errors, alarms, and warnings to server-specific log files. Each server has both an alarm log and is usually configured with a trace log. The server alarm log provides more detail than the system error log, while the trace log provides additional diagnostic information. Note: If an error is encountered while starting DXserver, the server cannot start, and diagnostics are logged to these server-specific logs rather than to the system error log. When a DXserver fails to start or is not behaving as expected, consult the server logs. On UNIX, the server log files are: $DXHOME/logs/servername_alarm.log $DXHOME/logs/servername_trace.log On Windows, the server log files are: %DXHOME%\logs\servername_alarm.log %DXHOME%\logs\servername_trace.log In all cases, substitute the name of your server for servername. C–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Advantage Ingres Logs Advantage Ingres Logs The Advantage Ingres RDBMS server reports all database-related errors to a single log file. This file may contain more detailed diagnostics about databaserelated problems than the DXserver alarm log. Note: Throughout this guide, references to Advantage Ingres include both Ingres II and OpenIngres, unless one or the other is explicitly specified. On UNIX, the Advantage Ingres error log file is: $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/errlog.log On Windows, the Advantage Ingres error log file is: %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files\errlog.log DSA Does Not Start and Alarm Log Reports "Database is inconsistent" The alarm log reports something like this: 20040305.084328 DIB001: Unable to connect to database 'democorp' as ' ' SQL error (-39100): E_US0026 Database is inconsistent. Please contact the system manager. Reason: A database "goes inconsistent" when Ingres does not know what state the database is in. This is often caused by a hardware failure or hard shutdown. The recommended method of recovery is to restore from backup. The Ingres error log may give some indication as to why the database is inconsistent. Things to look for include an absence of shutdown messages, references to hardware problems (could not write to disk, etc), or anything OS related. Action: For non-critical databases, the following ingres command can be used: verifydb -mrun -sdbname "democorp" -oforce_consistent This will give you several warnings. The force_consistent command is used to permit entry into a database that is inconsistent. This does not fix the problem with the database; it merely allows you to force the database to act as if it were in a consistent state. This can be very dangerous if used against a production database. Hidden data damage may render one or more tables in the database unrecoverable at some time in the future. Messages and Logs C–3 Advantage Ingres Logs I get "failed to connect" errors E_LQ0001 Failed to connect to DBMS session. E_LC0001 CGA protocol service (GCA_REQUEST) failure. Internal service status E)GC0139 -- No DBMS servers (for the specified database) are running in the target installation. Reason: This usually means that Ingres is not started. Action: The easiest way to resolve this is to stop and restart Ingres. The process differs slightly for Windows and UNIX/Linux platforms. To stop and restart Ingres on a Windows computer: 1. From the Services menu, look for the status of Ingres Intelligent Database. 2. If it is "starting" then either be patient, or manually kill the processes (see below). Stop the Service. 3. After Ingres had stopped, check Task Manager for the following processes: 4. - iigcc (comms server, optional) - iigcn (name server) - iidbms (one or more DBMS servers) - dmfrcp (recovery server) - dmfacp (archiver) Try one or more of the following: - Manually kill any processes remaining. - Reboot the computer. - Stop Ingres again. 5. Start Ingres again. 6. Check that all the processes listed above are running. If one or more processes failed to start, then send the ingres errlog.log to CA Technical Services. To stop and restart Ingres on a UNIX or Linux computer: 1. Enter the following command to stop Ingres: ingstop 2. After the ingstop command completes, check ps -ef' for the following processes: - C–4 iigcc (comms server, optional) eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Advantage Ingres Logs 3. 4. - iigcn (name server) - iidbms (one or more DBMS servers) - dmfrcp (recovery server) - dmfacp (archiver) Try one or more of the following: - Manually kill any processes remaining. - Reboot the computer. - Stop Ingres again. Enter the following command to start Ingres: ingstart 5. Check that all the processes listed above are running. If one or more processes failed to start, then send the ingres errlog.log to CA Technical Services. 6. To test a connection, type 'sql iidbdb' at the command prompt. If you get an asterisk prompt, then the connection succeeded. Type '\q' to quit. If the connection failed, then screendump the output, and pass it to your favourite Ingres whiz, along with the errlog.log. DSA Does Not Start and Alarm Log Reports “No DBMS Servers” If your alarm log has the following text, your IngresDBMS server is not setup correctly. Unable to connect to database 'democorp' as \'\' SQL error (-38100): E_LQ0001 Failed to connect to DBMS session. E_LC0001 GCA protocol service (GCA_REQUEST) failure. Internal service status E_GC0139 -- No DBMS servers (for the specified database) are running in the target installation.. Reason: One of the causes of the above error is that the IngresDBMS server startup count it set to 0 instead of 1. Action: If this error message has occurred on a production computer, you will need to contact eTrust Directory support for help. If this error message has occurred on a test computer and you previously had enterprise eTrust Directory, and you just installed embedded eTrust Directory, run the test again with a valid eTrust Directory license before you run the embedded install. For more help, please contact CA Technical Services. Messages and Logs C–5 Advantage Ingres Logs Ingres Error Log Reports “Unknown ipcclean” (Windows Only) Reason: If you have the cygwin toolkit installed, an option inside this package includes a file called ipcclean. If cygwin\bin is in your path, then when you install, Ingres will try to use this ipcclean tool instead of the one installed by Ingres. This will cause the post-installation setup to fail. Action: C–6 1. Uninstall eTrust Directory. 2. Check your computer is clean by using CleanReg.exe. 3. Rename cygwin ipcclean to ipcclean.old and re-run the install. 4. Do one of the following steps: - Move Ingres\bin to the beginning of the %PATH% environment variable. - Rename the cygwin tool to ipccleanCygwin and leave the path as is. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Alarm Messages DXserver Alarm Messages Database dbname has more entries (n) than license allows (m) Reason: The number of entries in the DXserver database has been exceeded. (This is only relevant to legacy licenses, not those issued by Computer Associates.) Action: Either reduce the number of entries in the database or purchase a larger license. Database attribute attribute-name has different syntax than schema Reason: The syntax of the attribute-name definition in the DSA schema has been changed; however, directory entries have been created with the old syntax. Action: You must roll back the syntax in the schema. When you need a new syntax, dump the database using DXtools, and then create a new one with the new syntax. Database attribute attribute-name not defined in schema Reason: The attribute attribute-name presented in the LDAP (or DAP) call has not been defined in the schema. Action: Check the attribute-name definition. It is possible that the LDAP client has misspelled the attribute. Alternatively, the LDAP client may be using an attribute name not defined in the schema. If the latter is true, define the attribute appropriately. Messages and Logs C–7 DXserver Alarm Messages Error in initialization files Reason: One or more of the DXserver initialization files (.dxi) in the servers subdirectory are not configured correctly. Action: Check the configuration of the initialization files. Out of memory Reason: The DSA has run out of memory when processing the result of a large search. Action: Reduce the number of results returned by single searches by breaking them into a number of separate, smaller searches, each returning part of the result. Also, consider increasing the amount of virtual memory. Prefix too large Reason: The DSA prefix is greater than 255 characters. Action: Shorten the DSA prefix. Rejected console request Reason: More than one telnet session has attempted to connect to the DXserver console. Action: Remember that eTrust Directory supports only one console connection at a time. C–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Alarm Messages DIB001: Unable to connect to database 'production' Reason: This message may be because the ingres user has a password, which means that eTrust Directory cannot connect to the database. Action: There are two things that can be done about this: ■ Use accessdb to remove the user’s password ■ If the user must have a password, then follow these steps: a. Remove the following command: set database-name = "production"; b. Replace it with this command: set dbconnection = {db-name=production, db-user=dba, dbpassword=mypassword}; DIB001: Unable to attr load cache Reason: This can happen when the user that the dxserver is trying to connect to the database as is not the owner of the database. Action: To resolve the problem you must give the user grants on the database. This can be done with the DXgrantdb tool, which is provided with eTrust Directory. To do this, run the following command: dxgrantdb database [user] where: ■ ■ database is the name of the database where access is granted. user is the name of the user whose access is granted. If user is omitted, all database users will be granted access. After running this you will be able to operate a directory on the database. Or, you can configure the dxserver to connect as a specific user by editing the server configuration. To edit the server configuration: 1. Remove the following command: set database-name = "production"; 2. Replace it with this command: set dbconnection = {db-name=production, db-user=dba, db-password=mypassword}; Messages and Logs C–9 DXserver Alarm Messages DIB003 This error code refers to a problem with allocating a new internal entry identifier. Reason: If this is seen, then you probably have added the maximum number of possible entries to the directory. Action: You may have to use distribution. DIB004: attr aid not in cache The DIB004 error code refers to a problem with the attribute cache. Reason: During a read, search, or update operation, an attribute ID was found internally that does not exist in the attribute cache. This may be the case if the attribute was added for the first time by another DSA using the same database. Depending on where this was encountered and current configuration setting the attribute cache is usually reloaded and the operation redone. DIB004: attr aid too big for cache - unable to resize DIB004: subattr aid too big for cache - unable to resize DIB004: too many attributes (number of attrs) to register The DIB004 error code refers to a problem with the attribute cache. Reason: These messages are indicative of a problem resizing the attribtue cache. This is usually due to running out of memory. These errors are usually found in conjunction with out-of-memory errors. C–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Alarm Messages DIB008 This error code refers to a problem with normalising an attribute value. Reason: This may be the case if the attribute value is not valid for the defined attribute syntax. The associated error message gives futher information about the type of attribute being processed. DIB009 This error code refers to a problem with buffer or storage sizes. Reason: This may be the case if the RDN (either normalised or raw) of an entry is too big. MW-DISP: Invalid update strategy Reason: Standard MW-DISP (NOT cache-only) can only receive an incremental-refresh DISP update. This message indicates it has received something other than an incremental-refresh. This could happen if you have a mix of cache-only and standard DSAs configured to replicate to each other. This is not supported. MW-DISP: Invalid update strategy for cache-only Reason: Cache-only MW-DISP can only receive a total-refresh DISP update because it has no database to apply an incremental update to. This message indicates it has received something other than a total-refresh. This could happen if you have a mix of cache-only and standard DSAs configured to replicate to each other. This is not supported. Messages and Logs C–11 DXserver Alarm Messages Unable to connect to database - Shutting down Reason: This alarm is shown if during recovery from a database error, or switching databases the DSA is unable to connect to the configured database. Action: If this alarm is raised, the DSA will automatically shut down. For more information about thi, see the section Manage Connections to the Database. Shutting down due to SQL error Reason: This alarm is shown if shutdown-on-sql-error is set to TRUE in the configuration of a DSA and an SQL error is encountered. Action: If this alarm is raised, the DSA will automatically shutdown. For more information about thi, see the section Manage Connections to the Database. Error in initialization file Action: To find out which command caused this error, look in the trace log. For example, see the following section of a router_trace.log: 20040902.123320 ERROR : Syntax Error: Line 14 in C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxserver\config\settings\default.dxc near 'set' Expected a ';' > Setting max-users to (255) * 20040902.123320 Error in initialization files C–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Warning Messages DXserver Warning Messages To prevent excessive tracing and logging of repetitive warning message, configure the affected DSA with "set trace = error". This will prevent warnings from being logged, but will still capture real errors. Cannot register address Reason: The DSA has been configured with incorrect protocol stack information. Action: Check the set DSA command within the appropriate knowledge file. Check the details in the address setting. DIP not connected to a database Reason: The DSA has been requested to add or update an entry within its naming context and found that it has not been configured with a database. Action: Check the set database-name command in the appropriate configuration file (.dxc) in the database subdirectory. Database dbname entries (n) is close to license maximum (m) Reason: The directory exceeds 90 percent of the licensed maximum. (This is only relevant to legacy licenses, not those issued by Computer Associates.) Action: Consider reducing the number of directory entries or purchasing a larger license. Messages and Logs C–13 DXserver Warning Messages Licence expires in n days Reason: These warnings begin 20 days before the license is due to expire. (This is only relevant to legacy licenses, not those issued by Computer Associates.) Action: Consider purchasing a new license. No stack nor console Reason: The DSA has been configured without any protocol stack information. Action: Check the set dsa command within the appropriate knowledge file. Typically, this message occurs when there is a mismatch between the name of the DSA (from the initialization file (.dxi) in the servers subdirectory) and the name of the DSA used in the set dsa command in the DXserver knowledge file. Undefined syntax not ASN.1 The DXserver syntax binary refers only to datatypes that have an ASN.1 representation. To represent arbitrary binary data, octetString is a more suitable choice. Attribute (attrName) exceeds searchable size limit (106) - Refer to Managing Indexes in the Admin Guide Reason: This message means that an attribute value has been added that is too big to search reliably. Some search requests may produce incorrect results. The length of an attribute value that will generate this message can vary, but the normalised value can only by 106 bytes long before this message is reported. Note that due to the different normalisation techniques that can be applied it may be possible to add data that is much bigger than 106 bytes without causing a problem. For example a 1MB jpeg photo will not cause this problem despite it's size, while a 110 character sentence probably will. The search overflow message points out that some values are greater than the 106 byte normalised limit and their normalised form has been truncated. C–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXserver Warning Messages Searches that have the same first 106 normalised values will match all entries even if they varied past this point. Searches for values ending with a particular value will give curious results on this data as it will be matching on the truncated value. Note This is a limitation for searching only, data this is returned will not be truncated. Action: To overcome this problem, examine the use of the data. This could fall into one of many categories: ■ ■ ■ ■ Never searched or compared. In this case the warning could be ignored, or even better to save space and speed up operations mark the attribute as not searchable Searched only by a begins with filter item. If the filter items are less than the 106 byte searchable limit then the warning can be ignored. Searched only by an ends in filter item. Consider adding a reverse index for the item. Other searches. Consider adding a wide index for this attribute. This does decrease performance, but it also increases the searchable limit to 1900 bytes. If this is still too small then a subsearch overflow message will be reported. rs_rsp: Credit limit reached Reason: This message means that a DAP or DSP client has exceeded the number of credits configured for that connection, and flow-control has been invoked. This is not an error, merely and informative message. In the case where all clients are using LDAP, then this message means that a DSP backbone link from another DSA has exceeded the value of "max-dsp-credits". DIP: time limit exceeded This message only applies to search operations and means that the search has taken longer than the configured op time limit, or the requested time limit in the search controls. Messages and Logs C–15 Alias Errors WARNING: ssld_ssl_request failed – certificate error? Reason: This message means that there was an error with a certificate. This error will appear with “-debug 0” is set. Setting debug level to 5 or 9 should help to find the actual problem. This could be due to: ■ Invalid or expired DSA personality ■ Invalid or expired root certificate ■ Invalid client certificate ■ An error with the client application This warning may also occur when an LDAP client disconnects an SSL connection. When an SSL connection is set up between a client and server the two ssl daemons perform a handshake process to determine the encryption cypher that will be used. When a server receives an unbind request then the SSLD daemons perform another handshake operation to close the ssl session. However, some LDAP clients perform a "close connection" rather than an unbind. If this occurs then the server SSLD cannot send its close SSL session request to the client as the connection between the client and the server has already been closed. In this case the above warning will be produced. This warning can occur even if the connection is only using SSL encryption (no certificates involved). The certificate error is only an indication of the possible error. Alias Errors Aliases are a powerful mechanism for alternate naming. However, when you do not use them properly, the result can be inconsistent DITs and degraded performance. Managing aliases properly is an application design issue. When you disable alias integrity, the DSA does not prevent the creation of aliases to nonexistent objects. It detects and reports invalid aliases only when it encounters them. You should enable alias integrity. This prevents the creation of dangling aliases— that is, aliases that point to no object entry. See The Directory Information Base in the chapter “General Administration” for more information about DIB commands. C–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Service Errors Service Errors In rare circumstances, the DSA may find an inconsistency that is outside the X.500 standard (for example, corrupt database tables). In this case, an X.500 error is returned with a message sent to the console, as shown below: Service Error: Directory unwilling to perform If such a situation arises, contact Computer Associates Technical Support at Advantage Ingres Errors DXserver relies heavily on Advantage Ingres for database integrity and processing. Usually, appropriate Advantage Ingres error codes will accompany any database problems. An example of the syntax of the Advantage Ingres errors reported by DXserver is as follows: DSA: DIB-001: Can't logon to database 'temp' E_US0010 Database does not exist The first line is a general error message produced by DXserver. The second line is the Advantage Ingres error. (See the appropriate Advantage Ingres documentation for details.) If an Advantage Ingres error occurs, then more detail can be obtained from the Advantage Ingres error log. In an extreme case, a database can be corrupted. You can usually correct this by restoring a backup and, if journaling was enabled, rolling forward all changes that occurred after the backup. If this is not possible or the situation still exists, you can use a number of other Advantage Ingres tools with the help of CA Technical Support. Some possible errors with their solutions are: E_LQ0001 Failed to connect to DBMS session Action: Determine whether Advantage Ingres is running (for example, use the UNIX command ps). Messages and Logs C–17 Advantage Ingres Errors E_US000C You are not a valid Ingres user Action: As the UNIX user ingres (the Advantage Ingres superuser account) run accessdb, and authorize UNIX user dsa to use the database. E_US0DAE SELECT on table dit: no GRANT permission Action: Run the DSA from the UNIX user account dsa. E_US0028 Could not open the iidbdb database Action: Check that you installed Advantage Ingres by running the Advantage Ingres command ingbuild. C–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Appendix D Installing eTrust Directory for Windows This appendix explains how to install eTrust Directory for Windows systems. Note: Throughout this guide, references to Advantage Ingres include both Ingres II and OpenIngres, unless one or the other is explicitly specified. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–1 Installation Overview Installation Overview The eTrust Directory setup programs automate the installation processes. These programs check which eTrust Directory components are installed and up-todate, and either install or upgrade those components that are missing or old. To install eTrust Directory, perform the following activities: 1. Check the system and disk requirements. 2. Install or upgrade the directory components of eTrust Directory. 3. (Optional) Install or upgrade the web components of eTrust Directory. 4. (Optional) Run the sample scripts to install the three sample directories, the technology previews, and the sample tools. eTrust Directory Components The eTrust Directory installation is split into the following two sections, which you can install separately or on the same computer: ■ ■ D–2 Directory—The main eTrust Directory installation, which includes the following modules: - DXserver—The eTrust Directory server, DXtools, and DXconsole - Ingres—A CA open-source database, which is required by DXserver if the data repository is used - JXplorer—An LDAP client that lets you browse and update a directory - Documentation—PDF product manuals - Samples—Sample DSAs and sample tools for working with DXserver Web Components—Optional web-based modules, including the following modules: - DXmanager—A web-based tool for monitoring and administration - JXweb—A web-based LDAP client that lets you browse a directory - UDDI Server—A UDDI repository that functions as a business directory. The UDDI Server requires DXserver. - UDDI Client—A web-based browser for the UDDI Server - Samples—Sample web applications, including a DSML server, a SAML server, and a UDDI demonstration. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Installation Overview Default Installation Locations By default, the eTrust Directory components are installed into the directories listed in the following table. You can change these locations in a custom installation. Component Default Directory DXserver C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxserver Advantage Ingres C:\Program Files\CA\Advantage Ingres [ET]\ingres JXplorer C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\jxplorer DXwebserver C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxwebserver Documentation C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\documentation DXconsole C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\ttermpro Sample Directories and Sample Tools C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\samples Sample Web Applications C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxwebserver\samples The %DXHOME% Location Throughout this guide, %DXHOME% refers to the location in which DXserver is installed on your computer. This location is set in the DXHOME environment variable. For example, in a default installation, %DXHOME% is C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxserver. Installation Logging All installations are logged. If the DXHOME environment variable is defined, the installation log file is created in %DXHOME%. If DXHOME is not defined, the installation log is created in %TEMP%. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–3 Installation Overview Upgrade eTrust Directory If you have the enterprise version of eTrust Directory, you can upgrade this by following the installation instructions in this chapter. If you are using a version of eTrust Directory that is embedded in another product, you must use the upgrade package from the embedding product. Each embedding product that installs eTrust Directory has a specific process for upgrading eTrust Directory and if this is not followed, the products will not work as intended. For example, if you use eTrust SSO and the embedded version of eTrust Directory that comes with it, you must use an eTrust SSO package to upgrade both products. Upgrade Advantage Ingres For a new installation, eTrust Directory embeds the single-byte version of Advantage Ingres II 2.6 SP2, with the installation code ET. The installation performs a standard tuning of the database parameters. You can customize these parameters. For an upgrade to an existing configuration, check the Readme to find out how eTrust Directory works with the various versions of Advantage Ingres. If you currently use Advantage Ingres 2.0 or 2.5, check with Computer Associates’ Technical Support to find out whether the applications that use your existing version of Advantage Ingres also support Advantage Ingres 2.6. eTrust Directory ships with a default configuration of 64 database connections. However, if you are upgrading from a previous version of eTrust Directory, the previous limit of 32 connections applies. If you plan to have many data DSAs running on the same machine, read the section Increasing the Number of Database Connections in the appendix “Tailoring the RDBMS”. D–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Installation Overview Embedded eTrust Identity and Access Management The eTrust Directory Web Components installation includes an embedded version of eTrust Identity and Access Management. This is a security module that DXmanager uses to make sure that your directory system is protected. If you install DXmanager, you will have to enter details about how the embedded eTrust Identity and Access Management module will work. The installation gives you four options for installing the module: ■ ■ ■ ■ Install new local eIAM Server—Installs a new eIAM Server on the same computer as DXmanager. You will have to supply a password for the user EiamAdmin. Install new local eIAM Server with an external user store—You will be prompted to close the installation program, and go back to the Product Explorer, where you should install eIAM from the Supporting Products section. You might choose this option if you want to reference another user store, or if you want to install the eIAM server on another computer. Reference existing local eIAM Server—Lets you reference an existing installed eIAM Server on the local computer. You will have to supply a password for the user EiamAdmin. Reference existing remote eIAM Server—Lets you reference an existing eIAM server on a remote computer. You will have to supply a password for the user EiamAdmin. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–5 Install eTrust Directory Using the Product Explorer Install eTrust Directory Using the Product Explorer This section describes how to install eTrust Directory and the eTrust Directory Web Components using the Product Explorer. Step 1. Check System and Disk Requirements This section lists the checks you should make before you install eTrust Directory. Check the System Requirements Check the Readme for system requirements. The disk space required for directory information is approximately 20 times the raw data size. This provides space for backups, journals, indexing, tuning, import, and preprocessing. Back Up Data If you are upgrading from an earlier version, back up your schema files. Design the Disk Configuration To improve recovery and performance, you should store the database information on a separate physical disk from the product files. Be sure that the drives you choose are actually on separate physical disks. Do not use a single physical disk partitioned into multiple drives. In the following example of the layout of a typical installation, the C and D drives are on separate physical disks: The C drive eTrust Directory product files Advantage Ingres product files Advantage Ingres transaction log The D drive Directory information (database files) Advantage Ingres checkpoints (database backups) Advantage Ingres journals Advantage Ingres work area In Windows Explorer, partitions local to the computer have Local Disk in the Type column. You can configure and view logical and physical drives using the Windows Disk Administrator. For more information about disk configurations such as mirrored disks and RAID, contact Computer Associates Technical Support at D–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Product Explorer Step 2. Install eTrust Directory To install eTrust Directory: 1. Stop all applications that may have current open connections to an Advantage Ingres database. 2. Log in as a user with administrator privileges. 3. Insert the eTrust Directory CD. The Product Explorer starts automatically. If the Product Explorer does not start automatically, double-click on PE_i386.exe in the top-level directory of the CD. 4. If you plan to use JXplorer, install JRE from the Supporting Products list. 5. Navigate to Directory for Windows and click Install. 6. To install eTrust Directory now, select the option Install eTrust Directory. To create a response file that can be used to install eTrust Directory silently on many computers, select the option Build response file for unattended installation. For information about response files, see the section Install Silently Using Response File. 7. Follow the instructions on the installation screens until you come to the Setup Type screen. To install DXserver, Ingres, JXplorer and the documentation in their default locations, select Complete and click Next, then skip to step 9. To choose which components to install, choose Custom Setup and click Next. 8. Select options for the components you are installing. If you are an advanced user, you can click the Options button to configure some aspects of Advantage Ingres. For more information, see the section Upgrade Advantage Ingres. 9. When you have selected the components and selected the appropriate options, the Setup wizard displays a message telling you that it is ready to install the selected files. Use the Back button to review your selections before finalizing the installation. 10. When the installation is complete, the Advantage Ingres Intelligent Database service starts automatically, and the sample scripts run if you selected this option. The samples are run in a default installation, but not in a default upgrade from a previous eTrust Directory version. You do not have to reboot the computer after installation. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–7 Install eTrust Directory Using the Product Explorer Step 3. (Optional) Install eTrust Directory Web Components You can install the web components of eTrust Directory on a different computer from the main directory components. To install eTrust Directory Web Components: 1. Log in as a user with administrator privileges. 2. Insert the eTrust Directory CD. The Product Explorer starts automatically. If the Product Explorer does not start automatically, double-click on PE_i386.exe in the top-level directory of the CD. 3. If Java Runtime Environment is not already installed, install it from the Supporting Products list. 4. If you plan to use the UDDI Server, make sure that the directory component is already installed. 5. Navigate to the section eTrust Directory Web Components, and click on the Windows option. 6. To install the web components now, click the select the option Install eTrust Directory Web Components Now. To create a response file that can be used to install eTrust Directory Web Components silently on many computers, select the option Build response file for unattended installation. For information about creating and using response files, see the section Install Silently Using Response File. 7. Continue to follow the instructions on the installation screens. 8. Select options for the components you are installing. 9. When you have selected the components and selected the appropriate options, the Setup wizard displays a message telling you that it is ready to install the selected files. Use the Back button to review your selections before finalizing the installation. D–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Product Explorer Step 4. (Optional) Install the Samples and Technology Previews eTrust Directory comes with sample directories, technology previews, and tools. Install the Sample Directories You can only set up the sample directories if you have installed the directory components of eTrust Directory. In a default installation of the directory components, these samples are installed but not set up. You need to install each sample you want to work with. The schema used by the Democorp sample has changed since eTrust Directory 3.6 SP2. You should reinstall the samples by running the setup script in the Router, Democorp, and UNSPSC directories. Important! If you run these scripts, any existing data in the Democorp and UNSPSC databases will be lost. To set up the sample directories: 1. Log in as the DXserver administrator. 2. Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to the %DXHOME%\samples\democorp directory. 3. Run setup.bat. 4. Navigate to the %DXHOME%\samples\unspsc directory. 5. Run setup.bat. 6. Navigate to the %DXHOME%\samples\router directory. 7. Run setup.bat. Install the Sample Tools eTrust Directory includes ten sample tools that you can use to work with your DSAs. You can only set up the sample tools if you have installed the directory components of eTrust Directory. In a default installation of the directory components, these samples are installed but not set up. You need to install each sample you want to work with. ■ To install each of these sample tools, run the scripts in the directories under the directory %DXHOME%\samples. For more information, see the chapter “Samples”, and the Readme in each of the samples sub-directories. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–9 Install eTrust Directory Using the Product Explorer Install the Technology Previews You can only set up the technology previews if you have installed the web components of eTrust Directory. In a default installation of the web components, these previews are installed but not set up. You need to install each preview you want to work with. These technology previews are not covered by your usual CA Support. However, your feedback is very welcome. Please see the Readme files in each sample directory for how to let us know about your comments or questions. For more information, see the chapter “Samples”. To install the Democorp version of JXweb: 1. Navigate to \dxwebserver\samples\democorp. 2. Run setup.bat. To install the UDDI demonstration: 1. Navigate to \dxwebserver\samples\uddi\uddiv3-demo . 2. Run setup.bat. To install the DSML server technology preview: D–10 1. Navigate to \dxwebserver\samples\dsml. 2. Run setup.bat. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using Commands Install eTrust Directory Using Commands You can install eTrust Directory and eTrust Directory Web Components using the commands dxsetup and dxwebsetup. The dxsetup Command You can use the dxsetup command to install the main directory components. dxsetup [-write_responses filepath/filename] [ADDLOCAL=value] [option-value] where: ■ -write_responses creates a response file ■ the values and arguments are any of the following: ADDLOCAL Value Description ALL Installs all components CA_LICENSE Installs the CA license. Must be added with DXserver and Advantage Ingres DXServer Installs DXserver, must also use CA_LICENSE ETRDocumentation Installs the eTrust Directory documentation IngresDBMS,IngresNet Installs Ingres 2.6 with the installation code ET JXplorer Installs JXplorer (requires JRE 1.4.2) TeraTerm Installs DXconsole, which traces DXserver Option Value Description ETRDIR_DXSERVER_SAMPLES 1 DXserver samples will be set up during installation. ETRDIR_SHORTCUTS 1 All start menu shortcut are installed (default). ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL 1 No prompts are displayed, and an installation log is created in ..\%DXHOME%. ETRDIRBASEPATH path The location for the whole installation. ETRDIR_DOCO_DESTINATION path The eTrust Directory documentation location. ETRDIR_DXSERVER_DESTINATION path The DXserver location. ETRDIR_JXPLORER_DESTINATION path The JXplorer location. ETRDIR_TERATERM_DESTINATION path The DXconsole location. ETRDIR_BASIC_UI_INSTALL 1 A small progress bar appears during installation. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–11 Install eTrust Directory Using Commands Option Value Description INGRES_DESTINATION path The location for the whole Ingres installation. INGRES_CKPDIR path The Ingres check point location. INGRES_DATADIR path The Ingres data location. INGRES_DMPDIR path The Ingres dump location. INGRES_JNLDIR path The Ingres journal location. INGRES_PRIMLOGDIR path The Ingres primary log file location. INGRES_WORKDIR path The Ingres work location. INGRES_LOGFILESIZE size (MB) The size of the Ingres log file. Default: 64 MB. The dxwebsetup Command You can use the dxwebsetup command to install the web components of eTrust Directory. dxwebsetup [-write_responses filepath/filename] [ADDLOCAL=value] [option-value] where: ■ -write_responses creates a response file ■ the values and arguments are any of the following: ADDLOCAL Value Description ALL Installs all components DXmanager Installs DXmanager, a DXserver management tool (requires DXwebserver) DXwebservers Installs the Tomcat web server (requires JRE 1.4.2). JXweb Installs JXweb (requires DXwebserver) Uddi Installs the UDDI Server (requires DXServer, IngresDBMS and DXwebserver) UddiClient Installs the UDDI Client (requires DXwebserver) Option Value Description ETRDIR_DXWEBSERVER_DESTINATION path The DXwebserver location. ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL 1 No prompts are displayed, and an installation log is created in ..\%DXHOME%. ETRDIR_BASIC_UI_INSTALL 1 A small progress bar appears during installation. D–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using Commands Limit on Number of Characters in the Commands The Windows command line may limit the number of characters in a single command. This could be a problem if you want to set the installation destinations for many eTrust Directory components. To avoid using a very long command, use the ETRDIRBASEPATH argument to set the location for the entire installation, instead of setting the location of each component separately. Example Commands The following sections show some example commands. Install All Components Except Samples To install eTrust Directory with all components except the samples, run the following command: Install DXmanager only To install only DXmanager, you must also install DXwebserver. To install them to to the default location, run the following command: dxsetup ADDLOCAL=ALL ETRDIR_DXSERVER_SAMPLES=0 dxwebsetup ADDLOCAL=DXwebServers,DXmanager Install DXserver, Ingres, and CA Licensing only Install JXplorer only To install DXserver, Advantage Ingres 2.6 [ET] and CA licensing to the default location, run the following command: dxsetup ADDLOCAL=DXServer,IngresDBMS,IngresNet,CA_LICENSE ETRDIR_DXSERVER_SAMPLES=1 To install only JXplorer to the specified installation directory, run the following command: dxsetup ADDLOCAL=JXplorer ETRDIR_JXPLORER_DESTINATION=f:\Mynewdirectory\jxplorer File Path that Includes Spaces If a file path includes spaces, surround the path with quotes. For example: dxsetup ADDLOCAL=JXplorer ETRDIR_JXPLORER_DESTINATION=”f:\My directory\jxplorer” Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–13 Install eTrust Directory Silently Install eTrust Directory Silently You can install eTrust Directory silently (or unattended). This means that no user input is required during the installation process, and no feedback from the installation process appears on the screen. To install eTrust Directory silently, you need to provide the information that would normally be supplied by the user during installation in one of the following two ways: ■ As options with the dxsetup command ■ In a response file If you plan to silently install JXplorer or any of the web components, Make sure that the correct version of the Java Runtime Environment has been installed. Install Silently Using Commands To silently install the main directory components of eTrust Directory, use the following command: dxsetup ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL=1 [ADDLOCAL=values] To silently install the web components of eTrust Directory, use the following command: dxwebsetup ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL=1 [ADDLOCAL=values] See the section Install eTrust Directory Using Commands for descriptions of the command options. Example: Silently Install Using the dxsetup Command To silently install eTrust Directory with all components except the samples, run the following command from …\CD ROM drive\dxserver\windows: Example: Silently Install UDDI Server Only To silently install UDDI Server only, run the following command from …\CD ROM drive\dxserver\windows: D–14 dxsetup ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL ETRDIR_DXSERVER_SAMPLES=0 dxwebsetup ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL=1 ADDLOCAL=Uddi,DXwebservers eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Silently Install Silently Using Response Files The response file is a text file that supplies the arguments to be used during the installation process. This input would usually be supplied by the user as they install eTrust Directory or eTrust Directory Web Components. A response file must contain data that you cannot create using a text editor. To create a new response file, you must use the Product Explorer on the CD Create a Response File To create a response file, follow these steps: 1. On a computer that does not have eTrust Directory installed on it, log in as a user with administrator privileges. 2. Insert the eTrust Directory CD. The Product Explorer starts automatically. If the Product Explorer does not start automatically, double-click on PE_i386.exe in the top-level directory of the CD. 3. To create a response file for the directory components, navigate to Directory for Windows and click Install. To create a response file for the web components, navigate to Web Components for Windows and click Install. 4. Select the option Build response file for unattended installation, then click Next. 5. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, scroll to the bottom of the license agreement, then click I Agree. 6. In the Response File Installation Options page, set the following options: - The location of the response file. - The name of the response file. This file can have any extension. - The level of feedback to be given during installation. The option Small progress bar makes a bar appear during installations that are controlled by this response file. The option No dialogs makes the installation truly silent. 6. Continue the installation as you would for a direct installation. 7. When you have selected the components and selected the appropriate options, the Setup wizard displays a message that it is ready to create the response file. Use the Back button to review your selections before creating the response file. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–15 Install eTrust Directory Silently Install Using Response Files To use a response file to install the main directory components, use the following command: dxsetup -responsefile filepath\filename To use a response file to install web components, use the following command: dxwebsetup -responsefile filepath\filename where: D–16 ■ -responsefile sets the installation to use a response file ■ filepath/filename is the path to the response file you created eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product eTrust Directory can be installed as an embedded product so that other CA products can use its features in their product. The information that the user would usually supply during the installation process are supplied as options with the dxsetup command. How Installation Codes Work Only one product can use a particular installation code. They must also never change this installation code. Each installation code is recorded, so as not to affect any other instances of eTrust Directory. They must also use this installation code to uninstall eTrust Directory. This means that other CA products can install eTrust Directory using their own unique installation code. Then, if eTrust Directory needs to be removed, the customer can remove it without removing anything that the embedding product requires. As with silent installation, you can put the embedded and installation code commands on the one command line. To find out which installation codes are supported, contact CA Support. Install eTrust Directory as an Embedded Module To install the main directory components as an embedded module, use the following command: dxsetup ETRDIR_DXSERVER_EMBEDDED=1 CALLER_ID=callerID [ADDLOCAL=values [arguments] ] where: ■ ■ ETRDIR_DXSERVER_EMBEDDED=1 specifies that this is an embedded installation CALLER_ID callerID uniquely identifies the embedding customer. To install the web components as an embedded module, use the following command: dxwebsetup ETRDIR_DXWEBSERVER_EMBEDDED=1 CALLER_ID=callerID [ADDLOCAL=values [arguments] ] where: ■ ■ ETRDIR_DXSERVER_EMBEDDED=1 specifies that this is an embedded installation CALLER_ID callerID uniquely identifies the embedding customer. Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–17 Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product Uninstall eTrust Directory After an Embedded Installation The installation code must be used to uninstall eTrust Directory. The uninstallation process determines if no more products require eTrust Directory and remove the product accordingly. If other products are using eTrust Directory then the uninstall will remove only the reference counter for that caller, and not the eTrust Directory components used by the other callers. Example: Install and Uninstall the Directory Components within eTrust Web Access Control The following command installs embedded eTrust Directory silently as part of the product eTrust Web Access Control: dxsetup ADDLOCAL=ALL ETRDIR_DXSERVER_EMBEDDED=1 ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL=1 CALLER_ID=ETWAC To silently uninstall embedded eTrust Directory as ETWAC: dxsetup REMOVE=ALL ETRDIR_DXSERVER_EMBEDDED=1 ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL=1 CALLER_ID=ETWAC D–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Error 267 or Error 1606 Reason: These errors occur when there are some inconsistencies with the Windows Installer DLL. This usually occurs because a reboot was not performed when Windows Installer was upgraded. This problem can also occur when you are upgrading from eTrust Directory 3.6. Action: To prevent this problem from occurring or to fix this error if it has already happened, use the eTrust Directory Cleanup tool, which is located under Unsupported on the eTrust Directory installation CD. To run this tool, use the following command: CleanReg.exe -fixup267 Error 1605 Could not retrieve Version String Reason: This error appears when the registry has rogue entries under the Windows Installer areas. These are usually from an aborted uninstall, or a failed uninstall. Action: Use the eTrust Directory Cleanup tool, which is located under Unsupported on the eTrust Directory installation CD. To run this tool, use this command: CleanReg.exe -all Error 1639 Invalid Command Line Argument Reason: This error can occur when you install eTrust Directory using commands. Action: If you receive this error, check the following: ■ All arguments must be in the form of =. i.e ETRDIR_SILENT_INSTALL=1 ■ All characters A-Z from the PROPERTY must be uppercase. ■ All paths specified in the VALUE must have quotes if they contain spaces. For example, FOLDER="c:\Program Files\CA" Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–19 Troubleshooting Can’t Connect to eTrust Directory from Remote Computer (Windows XP SP2) After you install Windows XP SP2, you may not be able to connect to eTrust Directory from another computer. Reason: This is because the firewall is on by default. If you disable the firewall then you do not need to configure anything (all ports are open). Action: If the Windows XP firewall is on, follow these steps to enable a program by using this firewall: 1. Open Control Panel. 2. Click Windows Firewall. 3. In the Windows Firewall dialog box, click the Exceptions tab, and then click Add Program. 4. In the Add a Program dialog box, click Browse to locate dxserver.exe. (This will open all the ports that eTrust Directory uses) 5. After you select the program, click OK. 6. On the Exceptions tab, make sure that the checkbox next to dxserver.exe is selected, and then click OK. If you later decide that you do not want the program to be an exception, clear this check box. If you cannot identify the ports that are used by the program, you can open a port manually. To manually open a port, follow these steps: 1. Open Control Panel 2. Click Windows Firewall. 3. On the Exceptions tab, click Add Port. 4. In the Add a Port dialog box, type the number of the port that you want to open in the Port Number box. For example, type 2123 for DXadmind, and then click TCP. 5. Type a name for the port, and then click OK. For example, type DXadmind. 6. On the Exceptions tab, notice that the new service is listed. To enable the port, click to select the check box next to the service, and then click OK To only allow connections to a specific DSA and block all the DSAs on the computer: D–20 1. Do not add dxserver.exe to the exception list. 2. Add the port number for that specific DSA. For example, add port number 19389 for access to the Democorp DSA only. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Troubleshooting Installing eTrust Directory for Windows D–21 Appendix E Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX This appendix explains how to install eTrust Directory for UNIX and Linux systems. Note: Throughout this guide, references to Advantage Ingres include both Ingres II and OpenIngres, unless one or the other is explicitly specified. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–1 Installation Overview Installation Overview The eTrust Directory setup programs automate the installation processes. These programs check which eTrust Directory components are installed and up-todate, and either install or upgrade those components that are missing or old. To install eTrust Directory, perform the following activities: 1. Check the system and disk requirements. 2. Install or upgrade the directory components of eTrust Directory. 3. (Optional) Install or upgrade the web components of eTrust Directory. 4. (Optional) Run the sample scripts to install the three sample directories, the technology previews, and the sample tools. eTrust Directory Components The eTrust Directory installation is split into the following two sections, which you can install separately or on the same computer: ■ ■ E–2 The dxsetup program—The main eTrust Directory installation, which includes the following modules: - DXserver—The eTrust Directory server, DXtools, and DXconsole - Ingres—A CA open-source database, which is required by DXserver if the data repository is used - JXplorer—An LDAP client that lets you browse and update a directory - Documentation—PDF product manuals - Samples—Sample DSAs and sample tools for working with DXserver The dxwebsetup program—Web-based modules, which can be installed on a different computer to the main directory installation. This includes the following modules: - DXmanager—A web-based tool for monitoring and administration - JXweb—A web-based LDAP client that lets you browse a directory - UDDI Server—A UDDI repository that functions as a business directory. - UDDI Client—A web-based browser for the UDDI Server - Samples—Sample web applications, including a DSML server, a SAML server, and a UDDI demonstration. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Installation Overview Default Installation Locations This table lists the locations into which the eTrust Directory components are installed in a default installation. Component Default Directory DXserver /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxserver Advantage Ingres /opt/CA/AdvantageIngresET/ingres JXplorer /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jxplorer DXwebserver /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxwebserver JRE /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jre Documentation /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/documentation Sample Directories and /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxserver/samples Sample Tools Sample Web Applications /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxwebserver/samples The $DXHOME Location Throughout this guide, $DXHOME refers to the location in which DXserver is installed on your computer. This location is set in the $DXHOME environment variable. For example, in a default installation, $DXHOME is /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxserver. Installation Logging All installations are logged. If DXHOME is defined, the installation log file is created in $DXHOME/.. . If DXHOME is not defined, the installation log is created in /tmp. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–3 Installation Overview Upgrade eTrust Directory If you have the enterprise version of eTrust Directory, you can upgrade this by following the installation instructions in this chapter. If you are using a version of eTrust Directory that is embedded in another product, you must use the upgrade package from the embedding product. Each embedding product that installs eTrust Directory has a specific process for upgrading eTrust Directory and if this is not followed, the products will not work as intended. For example, if you use eTrust SSO and the embedded version of eTrust Directory that comes with it, you must use an eTrust SSO package to upgrade both products. Upgrade Advantage Ingres For a new installation, eTrust Directory embeds the single-byte version of Advantage Ingres II 2.6 SP2, with the installation code ET. The Advantage Ingres RDBMS installation performs a standard tuning of the database parameters. You can customize these parameters. For an upgrade to an existing configuration, check the Readme to find out how eTrust Directory works with the various versions of Advantage Ingres. If you are currently running Advantage Ingres 2.0 or 2.5, check with Computer Associates’ Technical Support to find out whether the applications that use your existing version of Advantage Ingres also support Advantage Ingres 2.6. You may want to set the Advantage Ingres log folder to a different disk drive for improved performance. eTrust Directory ships with a default configuration of 64 database connections. However, if you are upgrading from a previous version of eTrust Directory, the previous limit of 32 connections applies. If you plan to have many data DSAs running on the same computer, read the section Increasing the Number of Database Connections in the appendix “Tailoring the RDBMS”. E–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Installation Overview User Accounts eTrust Directory requires two user accounts to be set up: ■ dsa—An eTrust Directory administrator ■ ingres—An Ingres administrator You can create these accounts manually before you install eTrust Directory, or you can let the installation program create them. If these accounts do not exist, the installation program will create them. ■ ■ During a normal interactive installation, you will be prompted to create passwords for these accounts. After a silent installation, the accounts will be created without passwords. You must manually assign passwords after the installation is complete. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–5 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program This section describes how to install eTrust Directory using the installation programs dxsetup and dxwebsetup. Step 1. Check System and Disk Requirements This section lists the checks you should make before you start installing eTrust Directory. Check System Requirements Check the Readme for system requirements. The disk space required for directory information is approximately 20 times the raw data size. This provides space for backups, journals, indexing, tuning, import, and preprocessing. Back Up Data If you are upgrading from an earlier version of eTrust Directory, make sure you have adequate backups, including any changes to your schema files. Verify CD-ROM Accessibility Check that the CD-ROM is available. You can install eTrust Directory and Advantage Ingres from either a local CDROM drive, or a remote CD-ROM drive on the same network. Set Up User Permissions If you are installing eTrust Directory from a local disk, you must ensure that the parent directories have read and execute permissions for all users. This gives newly added users (including dsa and ingres, which are created during the eTrust Directory installation) permissions to access the tar files. Note: You should never run DXserver as root. E–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Check the Kernel Settings (Solaris and HP only) Check the kernel settings and, if required, modify them. This is not required on computers running Linux or AIX. Check the Kernel Settings on Solaris eTrust Directory on Solaris requires the following kernel settings: Kernel Setting Value Description seminfo_semmap 1 Max number of semaphore map entries seminfo_semmni 100 Number of semaphore identifiers seminfo_semmns 1000 Max number of semaphores seminfo_semmnu 30 Number of semaphore undo structures seminfo_semms1 50 seminfo_semopm 10 Max number of operations seminfo_semume 10 Semaphore undo entries per process seminfo_semusz 96 Size of undo structures seminfo_semvmx 32767 Semaphore maximum value seminfo_semaem 16384 Max value adjust on exit shminfo_shmmax 100000000 Max shared mem segment shminfo_shmmin 1 Min shared memory segment shminfo_shmmni 100 Number of shared memory identifiers shminfo_shmseg 10 Shared memory segments per process To check that the …/etc/system file has the required settings, use the following command: ./ –check_kernel This command returns the value 1 if kernel changes are required, and 0 if no changes are required. To update the kernel settings, use the following command: ./ -reboot_kernel y|n where: ■ y reboots the computer after the kernel parameters are modified ■ n leaves the computer running after the kernel parameters are modified Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–7 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Check the Kernel Settings on HP eTrust Directory on HP requires the following kernel settings: Kernel Setting Value Description sema 1 Enable sys V semaphores semmap 1 Max number of semaphore map entries semmni 100 Number of semaphore identifiers semmns 1000 Max number of semaphores semmmnu 30 Number of semaphore undo structures semume 10 Semaphore undo entries per process semvmx 32767 Semaphore maximum value semaem 16384 Max value adjust on exit shmem 1 Enable sys V shared memory shmmax 100000000 Max shared mem segment schmmni 100 Number of shared memory identifiers schmseg 10 Shared memory segments per process To update the kernel, use SAM: E–8 1. Run SAM as root. 2. Set each parameter to the larger of the current or suggested values. 3. Rebuild the kernel. 4. Restart the computer. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Design the Disk Configuration To improve recovery and performance, you should store the database information on a separate physical disk from the Advantage Ingres installation. In the following example of the layout of a typical installation, the /local partition is on a separate physical disk: /opt/CA DXserver product files Advantage Ingres product files Advantage Ingres transaction log /local/CA Directory information (database files) Advantage Ingres checkpoints (database backups) Advantage Ingres journals Advantage Ingres work area For information about disk configurations such as mirrored disks and RAID, contact Computer Associates Technical Support at Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–9 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Step 2. Install eTrust Directory The two eTrust Directory installation programs, dxsetup and dxwebsetup, are located on the eTrust Directory CD-ROM. These programs will ask a series of questions as the installation proceeds. In general, you should use the defaults. Step 2a. Run dxsetup 1. Log in as root. 2. If there is an existing Advantage Ingres installation on the system, stop Advantage Ingres. 3. Run the dxsetup installation program in one of the following ways: - Run dxsetup from the CD or from the location to which you copied the CD contents. For example: cd /dxserver/unix/install ./ - Run dxsetup and include a parameter that specifies the location of the installation files. For example: ./ –r /dxserver/unix/install 4. The Welcome dialog appears. It asks if you want to perform an express or custom setup. If you choose express setup, dxsetup installs eTrust Directory automatically, with the default values shown in the table in the section Default Installation Locations. If you choose custom setup, dxsetup asks you for information during the installation process. E–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Step 2b. Configure the System Kernel The dxsetup program checks the kernel configuration. This check ensures that the settings in the …/etc/system file are at least as good as the settings listed in the section Check the Kernel Settings. This is done differently for the different platforms. Solaris The kernel is updated as part of the installation process:L ■ If the settings in the …/etc/system file are already correct, no action is taken. ■ If any of the settings do not exist, they are created. ■ If any of the settings already exist, their values are increased if necessary. ■ If any of these values are changed, the dxsetup program asks if you want to restart the system. If you select n, dxsetup will exit. See the section Check the Kernel Settings (Solaris and HP only) for how to check the kernel settings manually. HP-UX Make sure that the kernel is already updated. See the section Check the Kernel Settings (Solaris and HP only) for instructions. Linux Not applicable. AIX The kernel is updated automatically. No action is required. Step 2c. Accept the License Agreement Before the installation begins, you must view and agree to the license agreements. 1. The license agreement appears. 2. When you have finished viewing the license, the dxsetup program asks: Do you agree to the above license? (y/n) [ ] - If you select n, the installation process stops. - If you select y, the installation process continues. - If you select the default (blank), the question is repeated until you select either y or n. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–11 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Step 2d. Set Up DXserver 1. The dxsetup program asks if you want to install the DXserver software: Do you want to install the DXserver software? (y/n/i/q) [y] 2. If you select n, dxsetup quits. If you select y, and dxsetup finds an existing DXserver installation, it asks if you want to perform an upgrade. If you select y, the existing eTrust Directory installation is backed up. If you select y, and you are installing eTrust Directory for the first time, you are prompted for the shell and password for the dsa user. Enter the login shell for the dsa account [/bin/csh] The dsa account requires a password New password: 4. The dxsetup program requests an installation directory for DXserver: Please specify the DXserver installation directory [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxserver] Press Enter to accept the default directory, or enter the full pathname for a different directory. 6. The following confirmation message appears: The directory /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxserver will be created. Do you wish to change the directory? (y/n) [n] 7. Enter n to accept the directory. Step 2e. Set Up the Documentation 1. The dxsetup program asks if you want to install the documentation: Do you want to install the eTrust Directory documentation? (y/n/i/q) [y] 2. The dxsetup program then requests an installation directory for the documentation: Please specify the Documentation installation directory [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/documentation] Press Enter to accept the default directory, or enter the full pathname for a different directory. 3. The following confirmation message appears: The directory /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/documentation will be created. Do you wish to change the directory? (y/n) [n] 4. E–12 Enter n to accept the directory. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Step 2f. Set Up Advantage Ingres 1. The dxsetup program asks if you want to install the Advantage Ingres software: Do you want to install the Advantage Ingres software (y/n/i/q) [y] 2. If you select y, and you are installing Advantage Ingres for the first time, you are prompted for the shell and password for the Advantage Ingres user. Enter the login shell for the ingres account [/bin/csh] The ingres account requires a password New password: If you select n, dxsetup bypasses the Advantage Ingres installation section. Ensure that you have adequate backups before performing an upgrade. 3. The dxsetup program requests an installation directory for the Advantage Ingres software: Please specify the Advantage Ingres installation directory [/opt/CA/AdvantageIngresET/ingres] 4. Press Enter to specify the default directory (/opt/CA/AdvantageIngresET/ingres), or provide the full pathname for an alternate directory. 5. When you press Enter, the confirmation message will appear. The directory /opt/CA/AdvantageIngresET/ingres will be created. Do you wish to change the directory? (y/n) [n] 6. The installation program asks you if you want to specify separate locations for data, work, checkpoint, dumps, and journals. If you select Yes, you are asked to specify a separate location for each component. If you select No, the installation program asks you to specify the location of the Advantage Ingres database directory: Please specify the Advantage Ingres database directory [/local/CA/AdvantageIngresET] 7. Press Enter to accept the default directory (/local/CA/AdvantageIngresET), or provide the full pathname for an alternate directory. The directory /local/CA/AdvantageIngresET will be created. Do you wish to change the directory? (y/n) [n] 8. Enter n to accept the directory. An ingres directory is added automatically to the path of the database directory you select. For example, if you select /local2/IngresET, the Advantage Ingres database directory is /local2/IngresET/ingres. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–13 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program 9. You will then be prompted with a list of the time zones in that region. This setting must be assigned one of the following values: AFRICA ASIA AUSTRALIA MIDDLE-EAST NORTH-AMERICA NORTH-ATLANTIC SOUTH-AMERICA SOUTH-PACIFIC SOUTH-ASIA GMT-OFFSET Please enter one of the named regions: 10. You will then be asked to select from one of the time zones in the region. 11. When you enter one of the values, a confirmation message will appear. The Time Zone you have selected is: timezone Is this Time Zone correct? (y/n) [y] Enter y to confirm your choice. If dxsetup cannot upgrade a database, you will need to do this manually, using the DXupgradedb tool. To check for problems upgrading a database, look in the Ingres installation log files. By default, these files are in the folder /opt/CA/AdvantageIngresET/ingres/files. Step 2g. Set up DXadmind 1. The dxsetup program asks for the details of DXadmind trusted hosts. Please enter the Hostnames/IP Addresses of DXadmind Trusted Hosts. Step 2h. Set Up JXplorer 1. The dxsetup program asks if you want to install JXplorer: Do you want to install the JXplorer browser software? (y/n/i/q) [y] 2. The dxsetup program requests an installation directory for JXplorer: Please specify the JXplorer installation directory [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jxplorer] 3. Press Enter to choose the default directory, or provide the full pathname for an alternate directory. The directory /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jxplorer will be created. Do you want to change the directory ? (y/n) [n] 4. Enter n to accept the directory. The dxsetup program installs the JXplorer files into the selected directory. E–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Step 2i. Set Up Java Runtime Environment (JRE) If you chose to install JXplorer, dxsetup checks to see if the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is already installed. If JRE is installed: ■ If the installed version is up-to-date, dxsetup skips to the next section: The existing java version 1.4.2_04 is newer/identical to the version supplied with this package. JRE will not be upgraded. ■ If the installed version is not up-to-date, dxsetup upgrades JRE. If JRE is not installed, the dxsetup program installs it: 1. The dxsetup program requests an installation directory for the JRE: Please specify the JRE installation directory. [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jre] 2. Press Enter to choose the default directory, or enter a different directory. The directory [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jre will be created. Do you want to change the directory? (y/n) [n] 3. Enter n to accept the directory. Step 2j. Set Up the Sample Directories 1. If you have installed Advantage Ingres, the dxsetup program asks if you want to install the sample directories Democorp, UNSPSC, and Router: Do you wish to start the sample directories (y/n) [y] 2. If you select y, the samples will be installed and set up. If you select n, the sample files will be installed, but they will not be set up. Note: If you do not install Advantage Ingres, you cannot run the sample scripts, and the system displays an error message. The installation program installs eTrust Directory, using the settings you entered. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–15 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Step 3: (Optional) Install the Web Components Step 3a. Run dxwebsetup 1. The dxwebsetup program asks if you want to install DXwebserver: Do you want to install the DXwebserver software? (y/n/i/q) [y] 2. The dxwebsetup program requests an installation directory for DXwebserver: Please specify the DXwebserver installation directory [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxwebserver] 3. Press Enter to choose the default directory, or enter a different directory. The directory /opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxwebserver will be created. Do you want to change the directory ? (y/n) [n] 4. Enter n to accept the directory. Step 3b. Accept the License Agreement Before the installation begins, you must view and agree to the license agreement. 1. 2. The license agreement appears. When you have finished viewing the license, the dxsetup program asks: Do you agree to the above license? (y/n) [ ] - If you select n, the installation process stops. - If you select y, the installation process continues. - If you select the default (blank), the question is repeated until you select either y or n. Step 3c. Set Up Java Runtime Environment (JRE) If the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is already installed, the dxwebsetup program checks the version: ■ If the installed version is up-to-date, dxwebsetup skips to the next section: The existing java version 1.4.2_04 is newer/identical to the version supplied with this package. JRE will not be upgraded. ■ If the installed version is not up-to-date, dxwebsetup upgrades JRE. If JRE is not installed, the dxwebsetup program installs it: 1. The dxwebsetup program requests an installation directory for the JRE: Please specify the JRE installation directory. [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jre] 2. Press Enter to choose the default directory, or enter a different directory. The directory [/opt/CA/eTrustDirectory/jre will be created. Do you want to change the directory? (y/n) [n] 3. Enter n to accept the directory. The installation program installs the web components using the settings you entered. E–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Step 4: (Optional) Install the Technology Previews and Sample Tools This section describes how to set up the extras that come with eTrust Directory. Install the Sample Directories If you installed the samples but did not set them up, you can do this manually. You need to install each sample you want to work with. The schema used by the Democorp sample has changed since eTrust Directory 3.6 SP2. You should reinstall the samples by running the setup script in the Router, Democorp, and UNSPSC directories. Important! If you run these scripts, any existing data in the Democorp and UNSPSC databases will be lost. To set up the sample directories: 1. Navigate to $DXHOME/samples/democorp. 2. Run 3. Navigate to $DXHOME/samples/unspsc. 4. Run setup.bat. 5. Navigate to $DXHOME/samples/router. 6. Run setup.bat. Install the Sample Tools eTrust Directory includes sample tools that you can use to work with your DSAs. In an express installation, these samples are installed but not set up. You need to install each sample you want to work with. ■ To install each of these sample tools, run the scripts in the directories under the directory $DXHOME/samples. For more information, see the chapter “Samples”. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–17 Install eTrust Directory Using the Installation Program Install the Technology Previews eTrust Directory comes with three technology previews that are examples of how you can extend eTrust Directory, or are previews of upcoming features. For more information, see the chapter “Samples”. To install the Democorp version of JXweb: 1. Navigate to dxwebserver/samples/democorp. 2. Run To install the UDDI demonstration: 1. Navigate to dxwebserver/samples/uddi/uddiv3-demo. 2. Run To install the DSML server technology preview: E–18 1. Navigate to dxwebserver/samples/dsml. 2. Run eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Using Commands Install eTrust Directory Using Commands You can install eTrust Directory and the eTrust Directory web components using the commands dxsetup and dxwebsetup. The dxsetup Command You can use the dxsetup command to install the main directory components: ./ [options] where the options are any of the following, in any order: Option Action -nojxplorer Install eTrust Directory without installing JXplorer -nodocs Install eTrust Directory without installing the user documentation -noingres Install eTrust Directory without installing Advantage Ingres. Only use this option if DXserver will act as a router or a relay DSA. The DXserver directory samples will not run, as these require a database. -nosamples Install eTrust Directory without installing the sample DSAs -r source_directory Run dxsetup from a remote location -dxuser username Allows a username other than the 'dsa' default -silent Installs eTrust Directory silently. This is ideantical to the -default option, which is still valid. -embedded Installs eTrust Directory as a component embedded in another product -caller_id caller_id The installation code of the embedding product. -list_callers List all embedded installations of eTrust Directory. This does not install eTrust Directory. -write_responses /filepath/filename Create a response file that can be used to install eTrust Directory silently. This does not install eTrust Directory. -responsefile /filepath/filename Install eTrust Directory using the options listed in the response file. This does not install eTrust Directory. -check_kernel (Solaris only) Checks if the kernel needs to be updated: returns 1 if kernel changes are required, and returns 0 if no changes are required. This does not install eTrust Directory. -reboot_kernel y|n (Solaris only) Modifies kernel parameters to allow installation, and then either reboots the computer or leaves it running. If you enter y, the computer reboots after the kernel parameters are modified. If you enter n, the computer is left running. This does not install eTrust Directory. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–19 Install eTrust Directory Using Commands The dxwebsetup Command Use the dxwebsetup command to install the web components of eTrust Directory: ./ [options] where the options are any of the following, in any order: Option Action -r source_directory Run dxwebsetup from a remote location -silent Installs the web components silently (no prompts are given to the user). -embedded Install eTrust Directory as a component embedded in another product -caller_id caller_id The installation code of the embedding product. E–20 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Silently Install eTrust Directory Silently You can install eTrust Directory silently (or unattended). This means that you need to provide the information that would normally be supplied by the user during installation in one of the following two ways: ■ In the command used to launch the installation ■ In a response file Install Using Commands During a silent installation, feedback is still printed to the screen. To suppress this feedback, send the output to /dev/null: ./ -silent >/dev/null Install the Main eTrust Directory Components 1. Change to the /dxserver/unix/install directory. 2. Run the following command: ./ -silent [options] where options are the options listed in the table in the section The dxsetup Command 3. If the users dsa and ingres did not exist before, this installation created them without passwords. Run the passwd utility to assign passwords to the dsa and ingres users. Example: Silently Install DXserver Using a COmmand The following command installs only DXserver and DXtools, in the default locations (the samples are not installed because Ingres is not installed): ./ –silent –nojxplorer –nodxwebserver –nodocs –noingres Install the eTrust Directory Web Components 1. Change to the /dxserver/unix/install directory. 2. Run the following command: ./> -silent [options] where options are the options listed in the table in the section The dxsetup Command 3. If the user dsa did not exist before, this installation created it without a password. Run the passwd utility to assign a password to the dsa user. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–21 Install eTrust Directory Silently Install Using Response Files A response file is a text file that supplies the arguments to be used during the installation process. This input would usually be supplied by the user as they install eTrust Directory. When you create a response file, the license agreement appears, and if you agree to the terms, a response file is created, using the options that you specify. The eTrust Directory installation CD includes response filea that install the components to the default locations shown in the table in the section Default Installation Locations. You can edit these response files, or you can generate new ones. If you run an installation from a response file that has errors or omissions, error messages are written to the screen, and the installation quits. Install the Main eTrust Directory Components To use a response file to install the main directory components, use the following command: ./ -responsefile /filepath/filename where filepath/filename is the path to the response file Install the eTrust Directory Web Components To use a response file to install web components, use the following command: ./dxwebsetup -responsefile /filepath\filename where filepath/filename is the path to the response file Edit a Response File The installation CD includes one response file for each of the two installation modules: ■ The dxsetup response file: /dxserver/responsefile.txt ■ The dxwebsetup response file: /dxwebserver/responsefile.txt To edit a response file: E–22 1. Copy the response file from the CD onto a computer. 2. Edit the response file using a text editor. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Install eTrust Directory Silently Create a New Response File for the Main eTrust Directory Components The default location for the response file is /tmp/etrdir8.rsp. 1. To create a response file for the main directory components: ./ -write_responses [/filepath/filename] [options] where: 2. - /filepath/filename is the path to the new response file - options are the installation options listed in the section The dxsetup Command The installation program asks you for information as in a normal installation. Create a New Response File for the Main eTrust Directory Components The default location for the response file is /tmp/etrdir8.rsp. 1. To create a response file for the web components: ./ -write_responses [/filepath/filename] [options] where: 2. - /filepath/filename is the path to the new response file - options are the installation options listed in the section The dxsetup Command The installation program asks you for information as in a normal installation. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–23 Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product eTrust Directory can be installed as an embedded product so that other CA products can use its features in their product. The information that the user would usually supply during the installation process is supplied as options with the installation commands. How Installation Codes Work Only one product can use a particular installation code. Each product will always use the same installation code. Each installation code is recorded, so as not to affect any other instances of eTrust Directory. They must also use this installation code to uninstall eTrust Directory. This means that other CA products can install eTrust Directory using their own unique installation code. Then, if eTrust Directory needs to be removed, the customer can remove it without removing anything that the embedding CA product requires. All install commands can be used with the embedded and installation code commands on the one command line. To find out which installation codes are supported, contact CA Support. Install the Main eTrust Directory Components as an Embedded Module To install the main directory components as an embedded module, use the following command: ./ –embedded -caller_id unique_id where -caller_id unique_id uniquely identifies the embedding customer. Install the Web Components as an Embedded Module To install the web components as an embedded module, use the following command: ./ –embedded -caller_id unique_id where -caller_id unique_id uniquely identifies the embedding customer. E–24 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Embed eTrust Directory in Another CA Product Uninstall eTrust Directory after an Embedded Installation The installation code must be used to uninstall an embedded version of eTrust Directory. The uninstallation process determines if no more products require eTrust Directory and remove the product accordingly. If other products are using eTrust Directory then the uninstall will remove only the reference counter for that caller, and not the eTrust Directory components used by the other callers. Example: Installing and Uninstalling eTrust Directory within eTrust Web Access Control The following command installs eTrust Directory silently with the installation code ETWAC, which signifies that it is embedded within eTrust Web Access Control: ./ -default -embedded –caller_id ETWAC To uninstall eTrust Directory that was installed with the installation code ETWAC: ./ -embedded –caller_id ETWAC Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–25 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting This section describes how to deal with problems that might occur during or after installing or upgrading eTrust Directory. Diagnosing Startup Problems with eTrust Directory or Ingres On Solaris, eTrust Directory is started and stopped at system boot and shutdown via the /etc/init.d/dxserver script. This starts and stops Ingres, SSL daemons, the DXadmin daemon, and any DXserver processes marked for autostart. This file writes a log called dxserver-rc.log usually in the DXserver logs directory, $DXHOME/logs (if DXHOME is not defined for some reason then look for this file in the /tmp directory). This log shows each of the processes being started or stopped. Prior to eTrust Directory 3.6, this file was called rc.log in the DXserver logs directory. There should always be a dxserver-rc.log file in /tmp. DXadmind Times Out after Upgrading Reason: This problem occurs because DXadmind is already started. In a standard upgrade for DXserver, DXadmind is stopped and restarted once the upgrade is complete. However if the installation for DXserver is cancelled part-way, DXadmind may not have stopped and then when it tries to re-start, it times out. Action: To check the status of DXadmind, type the following command: dxadmind status To fix the problem, run the following commands: 1. Log in a the user DXserver Administrator (the default user is DSA). 2. Stop DXadmind: dxadmind stop all 3. Re-start DXadmind: dxadmind start all E–26 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Troubleshooting If DXadmind times out again, do the following steps: 1. Type the following command: ps -ef | grep dxadmind The response includes a line similar to the following: dsa 6204 1 0 21:23:34 ? 0:00 dxadmind start 2. In the sample above, the number 6204 is the process number. You have to kill that process by typing kill process number Important! Ensure this number is typed correctly! 3. Re-start DXadmind by typing the following command: dxadmind start all Note: To run the kill command, you can be logged in as root or dsa. However, you need to be logged in as dsa to run the command dxadmind start. Installing eTrust Directory for UNIX E–27 Appendix F Licenses for Third-Party Products eTrust Directory uses some third-party code. This appendix includes the license agreements for that code. See the Release Notes for a list of the components and version numbers. Apache This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( The Apache software is distributed in accordance with the following license agreement. The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Apache Ant 1.5.3 Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Axis 1.1 Copyright (c) 2002 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Cactus 1.5 Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Jakarta-Oro 2.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2002 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Log4j 1.2.8 Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Tomcat 4.1.29 Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Xalan C++ 1.6 Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Xalan Java 2.5.2 Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Licenses for Third-Party Products F–1 Apache Apache Xerces C++ 2.3 Copyright (c) 1999-2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Apache Xerces Java 2.6 Copyright (C) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (" Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4. The names "Ant", "Axis", "Cactus", "The Jakarta Project", "Jakarta-Oro", "log4j", "Tomcat", "Xalan", "Xerces", "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact [email protected]. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache" or "JakartaOro", nor may "Apache" or "Jakarta-Oro" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. F–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Morten’s JavaScript Tree Menu v2.3.2 Apache Ant, Axis, Cactus, Jakarta-Oro, Log4J and Tomcat consist of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see <>. Portions of Apache Jakarta-Oro are based upon software originally written by Daniel F. Savarese. We appreciate his contributions. Apache Xalan C++ and Xalan Java consist of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and were originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, Lotus Development Corporation, For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see <>. Apache Xerces C++ and Xerces Java consist of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and were originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International Business Machines, Inc., For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see <>. Morten’s JavaScript Tree Menu v2.3.2 This product includes software developed by Morten Wang & contributors. The software is distributed in accordance with the following copyright and permission notices. Copyright (c) 2001-2002, Morten Wang & contributors All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Morten's JavaScript Tree Menu" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. Licenses for Third-Party Products F–3 OpenLDAP THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. OpenLDAP Portions of this product include software developed by the OpenLDAP Foundation. The OpenLDAP software is distributed in accordance with the following license agreement. The OpenLDAP Public License Version 2.8, 17 August 2003 Redistribution and use of this software and associated documentation ("Software"), with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions in source form must retain copyright statements and notices, 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce applicable copyright statements and notices, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution, and 3. Redistributions must contain a verbatim copy of this document. The OpenLDAP Foundation may revise this license from time to time. Each revision is distinguished by a version number. You may use this Software under terms of this license revision or under the terms of any subsequent revision of the license. F–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide OpenLDAP THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OPENLDAP FOUNDATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPENLDAP FOUNDATION, ITS CONTRIBUTORS, OR THE AUTHOR(S) OR OWNER(S) OF THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The names of the authors and copyright holders must not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealing in this Software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this Software shall at all times remain with copyright holders. OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document is granted. The OpenLDAP Copyright Notice Copyright 1998-2004 The OpenLDAP Foundation All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public License. A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at <>. OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation. Individual files and/or contributed packages may be copyright by other parties and subject to additional restrictions. Licenses for Third-Party Products F–5 OpenSSL This work is derived from the University of Michigan LDAP v3.3 distribution. Information concerning this software is available at <>. This work also contains materials derived from public sources. Additional information about OpenLDAP can be obtained at <>. Portions Copyright 1998-2004 Kurt D. Zeilenga. Portions Copyright 1998-2004 Net Boolean Incorporated. Portions Copyright 2001-2004 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public License. Portions Copyright 1999-2003 Howard Y.H. Chu. Portions Copyright 1999-2003 Symas Corporation. Portions Copyright 1998-2003 Hallvard B. Furuseth. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that this notice is preserved. The names of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without their specific prior written permission. This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. Portions Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Regents of the University of Michigan. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. OpenSSL Terms and Conditions for the Use of The OpenSSL Toolkit F–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide OpenSSL Licensee agrees that the following terms (in addition to the applicable provisions above) shall apply with respect to any open source provided by The OpenSSL Project and Eric Young contained within the Product. Notwithstanding anything contained in the CA End User License Agreement, solely with respect to such open source, these terms are not superseded by any written agreement between CA and Licensee: Copyright (c) 1998-2000 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ( THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ”AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ([email protected]). This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ([email protected]). Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ([email protected]). All rights reserved. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson ([email protected]). This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ([email protected]). Licenses for Third-Party Products F–7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web Services Developer Pack THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ”AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web Services Developer Pack READ THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY PROVIDED SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS (COLLECTIVELY "AGREEMENT") CAREFULLY BEFORE OPENING THE SOFTWARE MEDIA PACKAGE. BY OPENING THE SOFTWARE MEDIA PACKAGE, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE ACCESSING THE SOFTWARE ELECTRONICALLY, INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS BY SELECTING THE "ACCEPT" BUTTON AT THE END OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL THESE TERMS, PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED SOFTWARE TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A REFUND OR, IF THE SOFTWARE IS ACCESSED ELECTRONICALLY, SELECT THE "DECLINE" BUTTON AT THE END OF THIS AGREEMENT. F–8 1. LICENSE TO USE. Sun grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable license for the internal use only of the accompanying software and documentation and any error corrections provided by Sun (collectively "Software"), by the number of users and the class of computer hardware for which the corresponding fee has been paid. 2. RESTRICTIONS. Software is confidential and copyrighted. Title to Software and all associated intellectual property rights is retained by Sun and/or its licensors. Except as specifically authorized in any Supplemental License Terms, you may not make copies of Software, other than a single copy of Software for archival purposes. Unless enforcement is prohibited by applicable law, you may not modify, decompile, or reverse engineer Software. Licensee acknowledges that Licensed Software is not designed or intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. Sun Microsystems, Inc. disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses. No right, title or interest in or to any trademark, service mark, logo or trade name of Sun or its licensors is granted under this Agreement. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web Services Developer Pack 3. LIMITED WARRANTY. Sun warrants to you that for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt, the media on which Software is furnished (if any) will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. Except for the foregoing, Software is provided "AS IS". Your exclusive remedy and Sun's entire liability under this limited warranty will be at Sun's option to replace Software media or refund the fee paid for Software. 4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. UNLESS SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT, ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT THESE DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In no event will Sun's liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed the amount paid by you for Software under this Agreement. The foregoing limitations will apply even if the above stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. 6. Termination. This Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by destroying all copies of Software. This Agreement will terminate immediately without notice from Sun if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon Termination, you must destroy all copies of Software. 7. Export Regulations. All Software and technical data delivered under this Agreement are subject to US export control laws and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. You agree to comply strictly with all such laws and regulations and acknowledge that you have the responsibility to obtain such licenses to export, re-export, or import as may be required after delivery to you. 8. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If Software is being acquired by or on behalf of the U.S. Government or by a U.S. Government prime contractor or subcontractor (at any tier), then the Government's rights in Software and accompanying documentation will be only as set forth in this Agreement; this is in accordance with 48 CFR 227.7201 through 227.7202-4 (for Department of Defense (DOD) acquisitions) and with 48 CFR 2.101 and 12.212 (for non-DOD acquisitions). Licenses for Third-Party Products F–9 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web Services Developer Pack 9. Governing Law. Any action related to this Agreement will be governed by California law and controlling U.S. federal law. No choice of law rules of any jurisdiction will apply. 10. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, this Agreement will remain in effect with the provision omitted, unless omission would frustrate the intent of the parties, in which case this Agreement will immediately terminate. 11. Integration. This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and Sun relating to its subject matter. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, representations and warranties and prevails over any conflicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknowledgment, or other communication between the parties relating to its subject matter during the term of this Agreement. No modification of this Agreement will be binding, unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. JAVATM WEB SERVICES DEVELOPER PACK, VERSION 1.1 SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS These supplemental license terms ("Supplemental Terms") add to or modify the terms of the Binary Code License Agreement (collectively, the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms not defined in these Supplemental Terms shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. These Supplemental Terms shall supersede any inconsistent or conflicting terms in the Agreement, or in any license contained within the Software. 1. F–10 Software Internal Use and Development License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to Section 4 (Java Technology Restrictions) of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to reproduce internally and use internally the binary form of the Software complete and unmodified for the purposes of designing, developing, testing, and running your Java applets and applications intended to run on the Java platform ("Programs"), except for certain files identified in the Software "Release Notes" file which may only be used for the purposes of designing, developing, and testing Programs. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web Services Developer Pack 2. License to Distribute Software. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to Section 4 (Java Technology Restrictions) of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute the Software in binary code form only, provided that you (i) distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of your Programs, (ii) do not distribute additional software intended to replace any portion of the Software, (iii) do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in the Software, (iv) only distribute the Software subject to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in this Agreement, (v) agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software, and (vi) include the following statement as part of product documentation (whether hard copy or electronic), as a part of a copyright page or proprietary rights notice page, in an "About" box or in any other form reasonably designed to make the statement visible to users of the Software: "This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security". 3. License to Distribute Redistributables. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to Section 4 (Java Technology Restrictions) of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute those components specifically identified as redistributable in the Software "Release Notes" file ("Redistributables") provided that: (i) you distribute the Redistributables complete and unmodified (unless otherwise specified in the applicable Release Notes file), and only bundled as part of your Programs, (ii) you do not distribute additional software intended to supersede any portion of the Redistributables, (iii) you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in or on the Redistributables, (iv) you only distribute the Redistributables pursuant to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in the Agreement, (v) you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software, and (vi) if you distribute the Java Secure Socket Extension package, include the following statement as part of product documentation (whether hard copy or electronic), as a part of a copyright page or proprietary rights notice page, in an "About" box or in any other form reasonably designed to make the statement visible to users of the Software: "This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security". Licenses for Third-Party Products F–11 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web Services Developer Pack F–12 4. Java Technology Restrictions. You may not modify the Java Platform Interface ("JPI", identified as classes contained within the "java" package or any subpackages of the "java" package), by creating additional classes within the JPI or otherwise causing the addition to or modification of the classes in the JPI. In the event that you create an additional class and associated API(s) which (i) extends the functionality of the Java platform, and (ii) is exposed to third party software developers for the purpose of developing additional software which invokes such additional API, you must promptly publish broadly an accurate specification for such API for free use by all developers. You may not create, or authorize your licensees to create, additional classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any way identified as "java", "javax", "sun" or similar convention as specified by Sun in any naming convention designation. 5. Java Runtime Availability. Refer to the appropriate version of the Java Runtime Environment binary code license (currently located at for the availability of runtime code which may be distributed with Java applets and applications. 6. Trademarks and Logos. You acknowledge and agree as between you and Sun that Sun owns the SUN, SOLARIS, JAVA, JINI, FORTE, and iPLANET trademarks and all SUN, SOLARIS, JAVA, JINI, FORTE, and iPLANETrelated trademarks, service marks, logos and other brand designations ("Sun Marks"), and you agree to comply with the Sun Trademark and Logo Usage Requirements currently located at Any use you make of the Sun Marks inures to Sun's benefit. 7. Source Code. Software may contain source code that is provided solely for reference purposes pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Source code may not be redistributed unless expressly provided for in this Agreement. 8. Third Party Licenses. Additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of the software are set forth in the THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME file. 9. Termination for Infringement. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately should any Software become, or in either party's opinion be likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of any intellectual property right. eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. For inquiries please contact: Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054. Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR Tom Sawyer Software's Layout Assistant® SOFTWARE IMPORTANT—READ CAREFULLY. This Layout Assistant End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal AGREEMENT between You, the Licensee (either as a registered individual user or as the registered user/representative on behalf of a single entity), and Tom Sawyer Software Corporation for the Layout Assistant software product identified above, which product includes computer software and the associated documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). Unless You have a different license agreement signed by Tom Sawyer Software Corporation, your installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT indicates You agree to be bound by all the terms of this EULA. If You do not agree to the terms of this EULA, then You MUST NOT copy, install, or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. 1) Grant of License This EULA grants You (the Licensee) the following rights: Applications Software Licenses for Third-Party Products F–13 Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant Tom Sawyer Software grants You the non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, limited license to use one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a single computer, subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA. Any individual license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be shared or used concurrently or otherwise on different computers or by different users in a given organization. In return for our license grant, You hereby irrevocably grant to Tom Sawyer Software the non-exclusive, worldwide, fully-paid right to publicly disclose the fact that You are using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, including but not limited to the reproduction and distribution of the software 'screen shots' and/or 'box shots' from your applications for Tom Sawyer Software's advertising and other promotional purposes. Storage/Network Use You may also store or install a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your other computers over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a distinct license for each developer using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from the storage device. Any given license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be shared or used concurrently or otherwise on different computers or by different developers in a given organization. License Pack If You have acquired this EULA in a Tom Sawyer Software Layout Assistant License Pack, You may install the number of additional copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT identified above on this EULA, and You may use each copy in the manner specified above. 2) Description of Other Rights and Limitations F–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in source code form remains a confidential trade secret of Tom Sawyer Software, and therefore You agree not to reverse-engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or make any attempt to discover the source code to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. Except as expressly permitted in this EULA, the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be used, copied, translated, redistributed, retransmitted, published, sold, rented, leased, marketed, sublicensed, pledged, assigned, disposed of, encumbered, transferred, altered, modified, or enhanced, whether in whole or in part, nor may You create derivative works from or based on the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You may not remove any proprietary notices, marks, or labels from the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as a single product and its components may not be separated for use on more than one computer. Termination Without prejudice to any of Tom Sawyer Software’s other rights, Tom Sawyer Software may terminate this EULA if You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, You must destroy any and all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and all of its component parts; to this end You grant to Tom Sawyer Software the right to, with or without notice, monitor your Internet accessible activities for the purpose of verifying SOFTWARE PRODUCT performance and/or your compliance with the terms hereof, including, but not limited to the remote monitoring and verification of your implementation, use and duplication of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. 3) Upgrades You must currently be properly licensed to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in order to be eligible to purchase an upgrade. A SOFTWARE PRODUCT identified by Tom Sawyer Software as an upgrade replaces and/or supplements the product that formed the basis for your eligibility for such upgrade. You may use the resulting upgraded product only in accordance with the terms of this EULA. 4) Copyright and Trademarks Licenses for Third-Party Products F–15 Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant All title, trademarks, and copyrights in and pertaining to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animation, video, audio, music, text, and applets incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT) are owned by Tom Sawyer Software Corporation. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright and trademark laws and international treaty provisions. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. There is no transfer to You of any title or ownership of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and the license granted under this EULA should not be construed as a sale of any right in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You must treat the SOFTWARE PRODUCT like any other copyrighted materials for archival purposes. You may not remove, modify or alter any Tom Sawyer Software copyright or trademark notice from any part of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, including but not limited to any such notices contained in the electronic media or documentation, in the Layout Assistant Setup Wizard dialogue or 'about' boxes, in any of the runtime resources, and/or in any web-presence or web-enabled notices, code, or other embodiments originally contained in or dynamically or otherwise created by the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. 5) Dual-Media Software You may receive the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in more than one medium. Regardless of the type or size of the medium You receive, You may use only that one medium that is appropriate for your single computer. You may not use or install the other medium on another computer, including but not limited to portable computers under the exclusive control of the registered developer. You may not loan, rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the other medium to another user. 6) U.S. Government Restricted Rights The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph C(1)(ii) of the subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is: Tom Sawyer Software Corporation, 1625 Clay Street, Sixth Floor, Oakland, CA 94612, USA (or by FAX +1 510 208 4371, e-mail to [email protected]). 7) Miscellaneous F–16 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant If You acquired or use this SOFTWARE PRODUCT in the United States, this EULA is governed by the laws of the State of California. If this SOFTWARE PRODUCT was acquired and is used exclusively outside of the United States, the local law may also apply. Should You have any questions concerning this EULA, or if You desire to contact Tom Sawyer Software for any reason, please write: Tom Sawyer Software Corporation, 1625 Clay Street, Sixth Floor, Oakland, CA 94612, USA (or by FAX +1 510 208 4371, e-mail to [email protected]). 8) Limited Warranty Limited Warranty Tom Sawyer Software warrants that for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of your original purchase ("warranty period") as evidenced by your receipt or other proof of purchase, the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, unless modified or otherwise altered by You, will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials. Tom Sawyer Software does not warrant that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT will meet your requirements or use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT will be uninterrupted or error-free. Tom Sawyer Software is not responsible for problems caused by changes in the operating characteristics of computer hardware or computer operating systems which are made after the release of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, nor for problems in the interactions of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT with non-Tom Sawyer Software products. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to You. To the extent implied warranties may not be entirely disclaimed but implied warranty limitations are allowed by applicable law, implied warranties on the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, if any, are limited to thirty (30) days. THE ABOVE WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, TOM SAWYER SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND THOSE ARISING OUT OF USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING, CONCERNING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY TOM SAWYER SOFTWARE OR ITS EMPLOYEES SHALL INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THE ABOVE WARRANTIES OR CREATE ANY OTHER WARRANTIES. Customer Remedies Licenses for Third-Party Products F–17 Tom Sawyer Layout Assistant Tom Sawyer Software's entire liability, and your exclusive remedy, shall be, at Tom Sawyer Software's option, either (a) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT that does not meet Tom Sawyer Software's Limited Warranty, or (b) return of the price paid, if any, and termination of this EULA. This remedy is subject to delivery to Tom Sawyer Software of a Tom Sawyer Software-approved "Affidavit of Destruction" together with proof of purchase within the Warranty Period. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT has resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication. Any replacement SOFTWARE PRODUCT will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or fifteen (15) days, whichever is longer. 9) Limitation of liability for damages REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN FAILS IN ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY THE APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL TOM SAWYER SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, ECONOMIC, PUNITIVE, OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, LOSS OF GOODWILL, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL OR PECUNIARY DAMAGES OR LOSSES) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY LEGAL THEORY OF LIABILITY (WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE), EVEN IF TOM SAWYER SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LICENSE FEE REFLECTS THIS ALLOCATION OF RISK. In any event, if any statute implies warranties or conditions not stated in this EULA, Tom Sawyer Software's entire liability under any provision of this EULA shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by You to license the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or Five United States Dollars (US$5.00). Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to You. F–18 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide Index defining, 6-42 privileges, 6-47 . administrator, 6-12 defining, 6-42 .dxc file type, 2-4, 2-6, 3-1, 4-6, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14, 6-33 Advantage Ingres errors, C-17 .dxg file type, 2-4, 2-6, 4-2, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14, 6-33 .dxi file type, 2-4, 2-5, 4-2, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14 agreement, 7-20 get, 7-20 set, 7-20 .dxs file type, 2-4 alarm-log file, 3-8 alarms, 3-5 multiwrite queues, 7-12 A alert-log file, 3-8 abandon all operations, 3-24 operation, 3-24 abort associations, 3-18 abstract object classes, 4-14 access control permissions, 6-49 alias access controls, 6-56 dangling aliases, C-16 entry, 4-19 errors, C-16 integrity, 3-27, C-16 invalid, 3-27 name binding, 4-19 access controls, 3-23 aliases, 6-56 dynamic, 6-50 policy, 6-33, 6-34 role-based, 6-53 roles, 6-53 routing, 6-57 rule hierarchies, 6-37 rules, 6-37 secure proxy, 6-55 static, 6-37 allow-check-password trust flag, 3-53 access subdirectory, 2-2 application program interface. See API accounts suspending, 6-30 arguments DXtools, 10-36 add assoc commands, 3-13 configuration, 3-15 database user, 10-14 administrative user allow-downgrading trust flag, 3-53 allow-upgrading trust flag, 3-53 alt-name, 8-3 anonymous bind, 6-11 Apache Tomcat license agreement, F-1 API (application program interface) UDDI, 14-3 Index–1 associations aborting, 3-18 configuration, 5-7 limiting, 3-18 maximum times, 3-17 queues, 3-19 rejection, 3-18 tracing, 3-16 users, 3-16 viewing, 3-16 asynchronous multiwrite, 7-6 attributes changing schema, 4-12 checking, 4-7 indexing, 3-30 inherited rules, 4-7 invalid, 4-7 locally customized, 8-3 multiple, 4-18 read-only, 4-5, B-9 sets, 4-8 single-valued, 4-5 syntax, 4-2, 4-6 auditing monitoring, 9-2 authentication conveying, 6-19, 6-20 DISP, 6-16, 6-18 distributed user, 6-15 DSP, 5-6, 6-16, 6-18 DSP link, 6-21 setting levels, 6-11 SSL, 6-13 strong, 6-21 user, 6-13 auxiliary object classes, 4-15 anonymous, 6-11 control, 3-17 DSP requests, 6-16 maximum time, 3-17 names, 4-18 with credentials, 5-6 bookmarks, 11-13 bulk loading, 16-8 C cache-only mode, 3-38 configuring, 3-38 example, 3-39 caches, 3-32 cache-only mode, 3-38 configuring, 3-33 enabling, 3-33 example configuration, 3-36 indexing, 3-34, 3-35 load all attributes, 3-36 maximum size, 3-35 reverse-indexing, 3-36 settings, 3-34 synchronizing with database, 3-37 viewing configuration, 3-37 caching subordinate entries, 5-16 certificates, 6-5 generating, 10-21 generation, 6-5 reporting, 10-21 certification language, 13-5, 14-6 cert-log file, 3-9 change control, 16-8 B changes in LDIF files, 10-33 changing schema, 4-12 backup a database, 10-7 base-object searches, 3-33 billing monitoring, 9-2 bin directory, 2-2 bind Index–2 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide characters non-English, 13-5, 14-6 ciphers, 6-9 clear dsas, 5-5 indexes, 3-30 CLI, 2-14 client encryption, 6-10 close logtype, 3-11 closing the management console, 2-15 CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol), 1-2, 3-22, 9-1 agent, 9-8 monitoring utility, 9-9 X.700 management, 9-8 cmip-psap, 9-8 collective attributes, 3-40 command-line interface, 2-14 options, 2-9 commands assoc, 3-13 controlling output, 3-8 DSP, 5-2 DXserver, 2-11 grouping by function, 2-11 help, 2-20 logs, 3-11 oper, 3-20 shortcuts, 2-21 syntax, 2-12 trace, 3-5, 3-6 commands, access control set access-controls, 3-23 set protected-items, 6-36 set super-user, 6-41 ssld, 6-6 commands, associations abort, 3-18 get assoc, 3-15 get users, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, 3-24, 9-2 set allow-binds, 3-17 set authentication, 3-17 set credits, 3-19 set max-bind-time, 3-17 set max-users, 3-18 set min-auth, 6-11 set user-idle time, 3-18 commands, CMIP cmip-psap, 9-8 dxcmip, 9-9 commands, DAP tools common argument, 10-36 DXdelete, 10-42 DXmodify, 10-39 DXrename, 10-41 DXsearch, 10-37 commands, DB tools DXadduser, 10-14 DXbackupdb, 10-7 DXdeluser, 10-15 DXdestroydb, 10-6 DXdumpdb, 10-18 DXemptydb, 10-6 DXextenddb, 10-5 DXgrantdb, 10-19 DXindexdb, 10-10 DXlistdb, 10-14 DXloaddb, 10-16 DXnewdb, 10-5 DXnewdsa, 10-4 DXrestoredb, 10-8 DXstatdb, 10-13 DXtunedb, 10-9 DXupgradedb, 10-20 commands, DIB clear indexes, 3-30 get dib, 3-26 set alias-integrity, 3-27 set database-name, 2-23, 3-26 set eis-count-attr, 3-28 set index wide, 3-30 set index-reverse, 3-30 set not-searchable, 3-30 commands, DISP disp update, 7-23 get agreement, 7-20 set agreement, 7-20, 7-21 commands, DSAs set always-chain-down, 5-9 set dsa, 3-1, 5-8, 5-10, 5-11, 5-12, 6-6, 7-23, 8-9 set precedence, 5-19 shutdown, 3-16 commands, DSP clear dsas, 5-3, 5-5 get dsp, 5-7 get online dsas, 5-7 get online-dsas, 5-5, 9-2 set multi-casting, 5-6 unbind, 5-3 commands, LDIF tools csv2ldif, 10-30 ldifdelta, 10-33 Index–3 commands, local operations get oper, 3-22 get stats, 3-22, 9-2 reset stats, 3-22 set max op-size, 3-23 set max-local-ops, 3-23 set max-op-size, 3-24 set max-op-time, 3-24, 3-27 commands, logs close logtype, 3-11 echo, 3-12 echo-off, 3-12 echo-on, 3-12 flush logtype, 3-11 get log, 3-11 set logtype, 3-11 set summary-log, 3-12 commands, multiwrite set multi-write-queue, 7-11 commands, schema, 4-3 get schema, 4-4 set attribute, 4-4, 4-5, 4-8 set attr-set, 4-8 set name-binding, 4-18 set object-class, 4-14 set oid-prefix, 4-4 commands, SCHEMA tools DXschemaldif, 10-44 DXschematxt, 10-49 ldif2dxc, 10-45 commands, SNMP snmp-port, 9-5 operations, 3-22 server, 2-2 configuration files, 1-3 grouping, 2-6 grouping commands, 2-11 configuring another DXserver, 5-8 DSP relay, 5-15 first level DSA, 5-14 management console, 2-16 multiple local DSAs, 5-12, 5-14 third-party DSAs, 5-4, 5-6, 5-10, 5-11 connect times, 3-16 connection address, 3-17 information, 3-16 remote, 5-4, 5-5, 5-16 time, 3-17 UDDI server, to, 14-5 connect-log file, 3-9 control binds, 3-17 operations, 3-23, 3-24 controlling operations, 3-23 output, 3-8 CPUs, multiple, 5-12 creating a database, 10-5 credentials, definition, 6-11 commands, traces set trace, 3-6, 3-16 trace disable assoc, 3-16 trace enable assoc, 3-16 credits, 3-19 comments in script files, 2-13 csv2ldif, 10-27, 10-30 Common Management Information Protocol. See CMIP communication settings, view, 3-4 crypt password format, 3-29 CSV data, 10-27 D complex queries, 5-24 dangling alias, C-16 config directory, 2-2 DAP (Directory Access Protocol), 1-2 configuration DIB, 3-26 DSP, 5-2 file errors, 2-13 file type, 2-4, 2-6, 3-1, 4-6, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14, 6-33 database add user, 10-14 backup, 10-7 backups, 16-7 Index–4 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide creation, 10-5 data removal, 10-6 delete user, 10-15 destruction, 10-6 hot swap, 2-23 initializing, 2-22 integrity, 4-2, C-17 listing, 10-14 massive, 5-12 monitoring, 9-3 multiple directory, 2-23 name, 3-26 restore, 10-8 statistics, 10-13 tailoring, A-1 tuning, 10-9 database subdirectory, 2-3 debugging, 2-13 default port numbers, 2-24 defining local data types, 4-20, 8-4 local schema, 4-20, 8-4 users, 6-12 delete database user, 10-15 directory entries, 10-42 Democorp sample DSA port number, 2-25 destroying a database, 10-6 DIB (Directory Information Base), 1-3, 3-25 manage, 3-25 directory delete entries, 10-42 Information Shadowing Protocol (DISP), 7-20 knowledge, 3-1 modify, 10-39 rename, 10-41 samples, 1-4, 1-5, 15-13 search, 10-37 Directory Access Protocol. See DAP Directory System Protocol. See DSP Directory User Agent (DUA), 1-4 disk space monitoring, 9-3 DISP (Directory Information Shadowing Protocol), 1-2 authentication, 6-16 responder, 7-20 update, 7-23 display database statistics, 10-13 distinguished name, 5-8 relative, 5-14 DIT (Directory Information Tree), 5-4 definition, 5-8 prefix, 5-4 relay DSA, 5-16 DSA caching entries, 5-16 defining, 3-1 first level, 5-14 load-sharing, 5-20, 5-24 local, 5-8, 5-10 multiple local, 5-12, 5-14 proxy, 5-9 relay, 5-16 shadow, 7-23 stopping, 3-16 third-party, 5-4, 5-6, 5-10, 5-11 trust flags, 3-48 DSA flags, 3-25, 3-52, 5-16, 7-23 limit-list, 3-28 limit-search, 3-29 DSA processes, multiple, 2-22 dsa, ssld-port, 6-6 dsaEntriesTable, 9-4 dsaIntTable, 9-4 dsaOpsTable, 9-4 dsp clear dsas, 5-2, 5-3 get, 5-2 set, 5-2 unbind, 5-2 unbind, 5-3 directory browser JXplorer, 11-1 JXweb, 13-1 directory entries, counting, 3-28 Directory Information Base. See DIB Directory Information Shadowing Protocol. See DISP DSP authentication, 6-18 DSP (Directory System Protocol), 1-2 Index–5 authentication, 5-6, 6-16, 6-18 bind request, 6-16 commands, 5-2 configuration, 5-2, 5-7 credentials, 5-6 incoming credentials, 5-6 monitoring connections, 5-7 multiprocessing, 5-12 outgoing connections, 5-5 outgoing credentials, 5-6 relay, 5-15 dsp-ldap link flag, 3-54 dsp-ldap-proxy link flag, 3-54 dsp-ldapv2 link flag, 3-54 DUA, 1-4 dump, 10-1 DXadduser, 10-14 DXadmind port number, 2-24 DXbackup, 16-7 DXbackupdb, 10-7 DXcache, 3-32 cache-only mode, 3-38 configuring, 3-33 enabling, 3-33 example configuration, 3-36 indexing, 3-34, 3-35 load all attributes, 3-36 maximum size, 3-35 reverse-indexing, 3-36 settings, 3-34 synchronizing, 3-37 viewing configuration, 3-37 DXcertgen, 10-21 dxcmip, 9-9 DXconsole, 2-14, 9-2 DXdelete, 10-42 DXdeluser, 10-15 DXdestroydb, 10-6 DXdisp, 10-20 DXdumpdb, 10-18 DXemptydb, 10-6 Index–6 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide DXextenddb, 10-5 DXgrantdb, 10-19 DXI configuration file, 3-32 DXindexdb, 10-10 DXlistdb, 10-14 DXloaddb, 10-16 DXmodify, 10-39 DXnewdb, 10-5 DXnewdsa, 10-4 DXrename, 10-41 DXrestoredb, 10-8 DXschemaldif tool, 10-44 DXschematxt tool, 10-49 DXsearch, 10-37 DXserver, 1-2 alarms, C-7 commands, 2-11 configuring SSL, 6-6 logs, C-2 version, 2-10 warning messages, C-13 dxsnmp, 9-6 DXstatdb, 9-3, 10-13 DXsyntax tool, 10-50 DXtools, 1-3, 7-26 csv2ldif, 10-30 DXadduser, 10-14 DXbackupdb, 10-7 DXcertgen, 10-21 DXdelete, 10-42 DXdeluser, 10-15 DXdestroydb, 10-6 DXdisp, 10-20 DXdumpdb, 10-18 DXemptydb, 10-6 DXextenddb, 10-5 DXgrantdb, 10-19 DXindexdb, 10-10 DXlistdb, 10-14 DXloaddb, 10-16 DXmodify, 10-39 DXnewdb, 10-5 DXnewdsa, 10-4 DXrename, 10-41 DXrestoredb, 10-8 DXschemaldif, 10-44 DXschematxt, 10-49 DXsearch, 10-37 DXstatdb, 10-13 DXtunedb, 10-9 DXupgradedb, 10-20 ldif2dxc, 10-45 ldifdelta, 10-33 DXtunedb, 10-9, 16-8 DXupgradedb, 10-20 DXweb server, 1-5 F failover multiwrite, 7-9 file descriptors, 3-18, 16-10 file extensions dxc, 2-4, 2-6, 3-1, 4-6, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14, 6-33 dxg, 2-4, 2-6, 4-2, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14, 6-33 dxi, 2-4, 2-5, 4-2, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14 dxs, 2-4 files configuration, 1-3 launch, 11-22 types, 2-4 DXwebserver port number, 2-24 dynamic access controls, 6-50 dynamic groups, 3-40 firewall, 5-9 alternative network addresses, 5-10 flush logtype, 3-11 forward requests, 5-15 E echo command, 3-12 embedded installation on Windows, D-17 emptying a database, 10-6 encryption client, 6-10 DSA to DSA, 6-10 error logs, C-1 error messages search overflow, 3-31 G generating certificates, 10-21 get assoc, 3-15 dib, 3-25, 3-26 dsp, 5-3, 5-7 log, 3-11 online-dsas, 5-5, 5-7, 9-2 oper, 3-22 operations, 3-21 schema, 4-3, 4-4 stats, 3-22, 9-2 users, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, 3-24, 9-2 errors configuration file, 2-13 ldif2dxc tool, 10-46 script file, 2-13 statistics, 3-22 group configuration files, 2-6 file type, 2-4, 2-6, 4-2, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14, 6-33 event logs, C-1 group membership, 3-40 events, 3-22 groups dynamic, 3-40 hybrid, 3-41 static, 3-40 export, 10-1 guard, 5-9, 7-23 Index–7 H invalid aliases, 3-27 attribute, 4-7 help command, 2-20 ISO 9594-10, 9-8 history files, 3-12 hot swap, 2-23 hybrid groups, 3-41 I IA5 string, 4-7 idle times, 3-16 maximum, 3-18 IETF, 4-1 impersonation protection, 6-22 import, 10-1 import data, 3-23 increased user counts, 2-22 indexing commands, 3-30 for caches, 3-35 options, 3-30 reverse, 3-36 wide indexes, 3-31 initialization file, 2-5 file type, 2-4, 2-5, 4-2, 5-8, 5-13, 5-14 server, 2-9 initializing multiwrite–DISP recovery, 10-20 J JXplorer, 11-1 add audio file, 11-22 add entry, 11-23 add photo, 11-21 binary values, 11-20 browse, 11-7 button bar, 11-5 connect, 11-7 display enries, 11-9 edit the directory, 11-16 file launch, 11-22 LDIF files, 11-25 managing certificates, 11-28 menu bar, 11-3 modify attributes, 11-18 navigate, 11-8 quick search bar, 11-6 refresh entries, 11-11 search, 11-11 SSL and SASL, 11-27 submit entry, 11-24 templates, 11-9 JXweb connect to a directory, 13-3 display directory information, 13-4 K initiator, 7-21 install directory, 2-3 Installation logging on Windows, D-3, E-3 installation code, D-17, E-24 knowledge, 3-1, 6-5 directory, 2-3, 3-1 references, 5-3 knowledge flags, 3-48 installing eTrust Directory for Windows, D-1, E-1 L installing silently on Windows, D-14 language certification, 13-5, 14-6 installing the sample tools on Windows, D-9, E-17 Index–8 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 1-2 managing, 8-3 names, 4-5, 4-8 servers, 8-9 LDAP attributes changing, 4-12 LDAP port number, 8-2 ldap-dsa-name, 8-7 ldap-dsa-password, 8-7 LDIF format, 10-29 tools, 10-27 LDIF file calculating changes, 10-33 sort, 10-31 template file, 10-28 ldif2dxc tool, 10-45 error handling, 10-46 OID maps, 10-47 schema.txt file update, 10-47 ldifdelta, 10-33 ldifsort, 10-31 LDT file, 10-28 LDUA, 1-4 license agreement Apache Tomcat, F-1 OpenLDAP, F-4 OpenSSL, F-6 SUN Java Web Services, F-8 load sharing, 2-22, 5-12 DSA, 5-20, 5-24 load-share DSA flag, 3-52 local attributes, 4-20, 8-4 data type definition, 4-20, 8-4 DSAs, 5-8, 5-10 schema, 4-20, 8-4 local operations, 3-20 locking a password, 6-30 log files alarm-log, 3-8 alert-log, 3-8 cert-log, 3-9 closing, 3-11 commands, 3-11 connect-log, 3-9 flush, 3-11 monitoring, 9-2 opening, 3-11 query-log, 3-9 stats-log, 3-9 summary, 3-12 summary-log, 3-10 trace-log, 3-10 types, 3-8 update-log, 3-10 viewing, 3-11 Logging installation on Windows, D-3, E-3 logging subdirectory, 2-3 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. See LDAP login entries, 6-48 limiting associations, 3-18 logs directory, 2-3 limiting searches to simple only, 3-29 limit-list DSA flag, 3-52 limits subdirectory, 2-3 limit-search DSA flag, 3-52 link flags, 3-54 list existing databases, 10-14 listen address for LDAP requests, 8-2 listen address for SNMP requests, 9-5 listening address, 2-22, 3-4, 7-20, 8-2 M management console, 2-14, 2-16 closing, 2-15 configuration, 2-16 opening, 2-14 Management Information Base. See MIB managing large numbers of entries, 16-11 large numbers of users, 16-10 LDAP, 8-3 Index–9 telnet configuration, 2-16 multiwrite status, 7-12 mapping, prefixes, 8-9 multi-write-async DSA flag, 3-52 matching rules, 4-6 multiwrite–DISP recovery, 10-20 may-contain, 4-14 multi-write-disp-queue DSA flag, 3-52 md5 password format, 3-29 multi-write-notify DSA flag, 3-52 members of groups, 3-40 must-contain, 4-14 memory maximum size of cache, 3-35 merge, 10-1 MIB (Management Information Base), 3-22, 9-4 MIB walker, 9-6 migration path, 10-1 modify directory, 10-39 monitoring active users, 3-17 CMIP, 9-9 databases, 9-3 disk space, 9-3 DSP, 5-7 dxconsole, 9-2 log files, 9-2 ms-ad DSA flag, 3-52 ms-ad link-flag, 3-54 ms-exchange link-flag, 3-54 multicasting, 5-6, 5-13 multiple DSA processes, 2-22 multiwrite asynchronous, 7-6 enabling, 7-9 retry interval, 7-10 multi-write DSA flag, 3-52 multiwrite failover, 7-9 multiwrite groups, 7-7 setting up, 5-23, 7-9 multiwrite queues alarms, 7-12 size, 7-11 multiwrite replication, 7-5 Index–10 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide N name, 8-3 name binding, 4-18 aliases, 4-19 checks, 4-18 considerations, 4-19 rules, 4-18 structural object classes, 4-19 native-prefix, 8-9 no compatible link type, 6-21 non-English characters, 13-5, 14-6 no-routing-ac DSA flag, 3-52 North American Directory Forum, 4-1 no-server-credentials trust flag, 3-53 nsap, 3-3 O object class, 4-14 checking, 4-15, 4-16 kinds, 4-14 abstract, 4-14 auxiliary, 4-15 structural, 4-15 pruning, 4-17 replacing, 4-17 object identifier (OID), 4-4 oem-encrypt password format, 3-29 oem-hash password format, 3-29 OID prefix, 4-4 one-level searches, 5-16 opening the managment console, 2-14 pid directory, 2-3 OpenLDAP license agreement, F-4 port numbers, 2-24 LDAP, 8-2 setting with set dsa command, 3-4 OpenSSL license agreement, F-6 oper commands, 3-20 operations, 3-22 abandon, 3-24 configuration, 3-22 control, 3-23, 3-24 controlling, 3-23 remote, 5-17 statistics, 3-22 output, controlling, 3-8 preferredDelivery, 4-6 prefix mapping, 8-9 schema, 4-4, 4-5 presentationAddress, 4-6 printable character, 4-7 privileges, 6-47 protected item, 6-42, 6-44 defining, 6-47 P protocol tracing, 3-7 prototyping, 10-1 parallel processing, 5-12 parameters get assoc command, 3-15 get dib command, 3-25 get dsp command, 5-3 get operations command, 3-21 get schema command, 4-3 oper command, 3-21 resetting SSLD, 6-8 set assoc command, 3-13, 7-21 set dib command, 3-25 set dsa command, 3-3 set dsp command, 5-2 set operations command, 3-20 set schema command, 4-3 password, 3-23 attribute, 6-12 expiry, 6-28 protection, 6-24, 6-48 reset, 6-24 passwords locking, 6-30 storage formats, 3-29 performance, 5-12, 10-9 degradation, 6-35 tuning, 16-8 permissions, 6-37, 6-49 personality, 6-5 certificate generation, 6-5 proxy DSAs, 5-9 secure, 6-55 public users, defining, 6-46 Q query streaming, 5-24 query-log file, 3-9 R RAM maximum size of cache, 3-35 RDBMS tools, 1-5 read privileges, 6-44 unrestricted, 6-41 read-only access, 6-46 read-only attributes, 4-5, B-9 read-only DSA flag, 3-52 recovery multiwrite–DISP, 10-20 Index–11 references, 5-3 referrals, 5-9 registered users, 6-44 relative distinguished name, 5-14 relay, 7-21 DSA, 5-16 DSP, 5-15 relay DSA flag, 3-52 reload, 10-1 remote connections, 5-4, 5-5, 5-16 remote operations, 5-17 rename a directory, 10-41 replication clock synchronization, 7-4 directory, 2-3 multiwrite, 7-5 using DXtools, 7-26 defining local, 4-20 definition, 4-1 directory, 2-3 local, 4-20, 8-4 management, 4-3 prefixes, 4-4, 4-5 published, 4-20 validation, 4-2 viewing, 4-4 SCHEMA tools, 10-43 DXschemaldif, 10-44 DXschematxt, 10-49 ldif2dxc, 10-45 script file description, 2-13 errors, 2-13 type, 2-4 reset stats, 3-22 search a directory, 10-37 complex, 11-11 indexes, 3-30 quick, 11-11 return attribute lists, 11-12 templates, 11-12 resetting SSLD parameters, 6-8 search overflow error message, 3-31 resetting statistics, 3-22 searches limiting to simple only, 3-29 simple, 5-25 repository, UDDI, 14-1 responder, 7-21 restore a database, 10-8 retry interval for multiwrite, 7-10 searching base-object, 3-33 return attribute lists, 11-12 secure proxy, 6-55 reverse-indexing, 3-36 Secure Socket Layer, 6-2 RFC1567, 9-4 security, 5-12 roles, access controls, 6-53 security level, 3-23, 3-24, 3-28 Router sample DSA port number, 2-25 server configuration, 2-2 DXweb, 1-5 initialization, 2-9 UDDI, 14-3 rules, 6-34 components, 6-37 servers subdirectory, 2-3 S service errors, C-17 samples directory, 1-4, 1-5, 2-3, 15-13 schema commands, 4-3 Index–12 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide service error administration limit exceeded, 3-24 operation abandoned, 3-24 set name-binding, 4-18 object-class, 4-14 oid-prefix, 4-4 schema, 4-3 set commands assoc, 3-13, 7-21 dib, 3-25 dsp, 5-2 operations, 3-20 set commands, access control access-controls, 3-23 protected-items, 6-36 super-user, 6-41 set commands, traces trace, 3-6 settings subdirectory, 2-3 sha-1 password format, 3-29 shadow DSA flag, 3-52 shadow DSAs, 7-23 set commands, associations allow-binds, 3-17 authentication, 3-17 credits, 3-19 max-bind-time, 3-17 max-users, 3-18 min-auth, 6-11 user-idle-time, 3-18 shortcuts for commands, 2-21 set commands, DIB alias-integrity, 3-27 database-name, 2-22, 2-23, 3-26 eis-count-attr, 3-28 index-reverse, 3-30 index-wide, 3-30 not-searchable, 3-30 simple searches, 5-25 set commands, DISP agreement, 7-21 set commands, DSAs always-chain-down, 5-9 dsa, 3-1, 5-8, 5-10, 5-11, 5-12, 6-6, 7-23, 8-9 precedence, 5-19 set commands, DSP multi-casting, 5-6 set commands, local operations max-local-ops, 3-23 max-op-size, 3-23, 3-24 max-op-time, 3-24, 3-27 set commands, logs logtype, 3-11 summary-log, 3-12 set commands, mutliwrite multi-write-queue, 7-11 set commands, schema attribute, 4-5 attribute, 4-4, 4-8 attr-set, 4-8 shutdown command, 3-16 silent installation on Windows, D-14 Simple Network Management Protocol. See SNMP simple queries, 5-24 single-valued attributes, 4-5 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 1-2, 3-22, 9-1 MIB walker, 9-6 SNMP monitoring port number, 2-25 SNMP port number, 9-5 snmp-port, 9-5 sort an LDIF file, 10-31 ssha-1 password format, 3-29 SSL authentication, 6-13 configuring DXserver, 6-6 connections, 6-4 daemon, 6-3 enabling, 6-2 SSL/TLS connections ciphers, 6-9 SSLD, 6-3 configuring, 6-6 port number, 2-24 SSLD example ciphers for SSL/TLS connections, 6-9 four threads, 6-9 SSLD parameters Index–13 resetting, 6-8 tModels, 14-5 ssl-encryption link-flag, 3-54 Tomcat port number, 2-24 ssl-encryption-remote link-flag, 3-54 tools csv2ldif, 10-30 DXadduser, 10-14 DXbackupdb, 10-7 DXcertgen, 10-21 DXdelete, 10-42 DXdeluser, 10-15 DXdestroydb, 10-6 DXdisp, 10-20 DXdumpdb, 10-18 DXemptydb, 10-6 DXextenddb, 10-5 DXgrantdb, 10-19 DXindexdb, 10-10 DXlistdb, 10-14 DXloaddb, 10-16 DXmodify, 10-39 DXnewdb, 10-5 DXnewdsa, 10-4 DXrename, 10-41 DXrestoredb, 10-8 DXschemaldif, 10-44 DXschematxt, 10-49 DXsearch, 10-37 DXstatdb, 10-13 DXtunedb, 10-9 DXupgradedb, 10-20 ldif2dxc, 10-45 ldifdelta, 10-33 RDBMS, 1-5 static access controls, 6-37 static groups, 3-40 statistics monitoring, 9-2 resetting, 3-22 traced, 3-7 viewing, 3-22 stats-log file, 3-9 statuses multiwrite, 7-12 stopping DSAs, 3-16 strategy, 7-21, 7-22 string labels, 8-3 strong authentication, 6-21 structural object classes, 4-15 summary-log file, 3-10 SUN Java Web Services license agreement, F-8 superuser password, 6-12 privileges, 6-47 suspend a user’s account, 6-30 synchronization, replication, 7-4 syntax attribute, 4-2, 4-6 commands, 2-12 undefined, 4-6 trace command, 3-5, 3-6 protocol, 3-7 statistics, 3-7 trace-log file, 3-10 tracing, 3-5 associations, 3-16 T transparent routing, 5-15 telephoneNumber, 4-6 trust flags, 3-53 teletexTerminalId, 4-6 trust subdirectory, 2-3 telexNumber, 4-6 trust-conveyed-originator trust flag, 3-53 telnet, 9-1 tuning a database, 10-9 template file, 10-28 timeouts, 3-22 Index–14 eTrust Directory Administrator Guide U monitoring, 3-17 name, 3-17 number of, 3-17 public, 6-46 registered, 6-44 superusers, 6-12, 6-41 UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration), 14-1 API, 14-3 UDDI Client, 14-4 UDDI registries, 14-1 tModels, 14-5 UDDI Server, 14-3 UDDI servers, 14-3 connecting to, 14-5 V version, 2-10 Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. See UDDI viewing assoc configuration, 3-15 associations, 3-16 communication settings, 3-4 DIB configuration, 3-26 DSP configuration, 5-7 operation configuration, 3-22 operation statistics, 3-22 schema, 4-4 unrestricted read, 6-41 virtual attributes, 3-40 unavailable link-flag, 3-54 unbind, outgoing connections, 5-5 undefined syntax, 4-6 UNSPSC sample DSA port number, 2-25 update access, 6-41 W update error, naming violation, 4-18 update requests, 5-24 wide indexes, 3-31 update-log file, 3-10 upgrading Advantage Ingres, D-4, E-4 X URL pages, launching of, 11-33 user accounts suspending, 6-30 users administrative, 6-12, 6-42 associations, 3-16 authentication, 6-13 conveying authentication, 6-19, 6-20 current, 3-24 defining, 6-12 defining superusers, 6-41 distributed, 6-15 limit in associations, 3-18 managing large numbers, 16-10 maximum number to bind, 3-18 X.435, 4-1 X.500 guard, 5-9, 7-23 information types, 4-2 object class kinds, 4-14 schema, 4-2 tracing, 3-16 X.509 certificates, 6-2 X.520 attribute syntax, 4-6 attributes, 4-5 X.521, object classes, 4-14 Index–15