taos county events
taos county events
Nationally Recognized, Locally Owned Serving our neighbors is what we do best. Our Ace Coop recognizes it too, and has ranked us a Platinum Performance Retailer. We’re honored to be acknowledged at the National level, but our greatest satisfaction is serving our community with success. Our local product assortment, neighborly advice, and expert customer service, combine to make Rio Grande Ace Hardware a Do-It-Yourself destination. Whether you’re harvesting rainwater, growing your own produce, lighting your home more efficiently, fixing a water leak, or adding color with a low VOC paint, we can help you help our environment. Visit either of our two locations to experience the service standard that we set for Northern New Mexico, and that earned awards from the Cooperative that is undefeated in customer service according to JD Powers (7 years in a row). We like the notoriety, but we love serving our community, and it shows. Let us help you with your next green project and experience the “Helpful Place” for yourself. the helpful place Two Taos Locations: 1BTFPEFM1VFCMP4VSt1BTFPEFM1VFCMP4VS www.riograndeacehardware.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 About NMGCC 7 NMGCC Membership Information 16 Why Think Local 18 9 Reasons to Think Local First 20 Directory 33 PRB 34 West is Best Partnership for Responsible Business How Public Lands in the West Create a Competitive Economic Advantage HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE Each of our member businesses is committed to the Triple Bottom Line. This philosophy requests that a business recognizes that their responsibility lies with stakeholders rather than shareholders. Focusing on the “People,” “Planet,” and “Profit” aspect of running a business emphasizes the importance of social responsibility rather than strictly seeing a profit. Our member businesses each have different challenges and opportunities because of their specific services or specialties. Through this Think Local First guide, we hope to highlight the efforts made by our locally owned businesses to not only think of the Triple Bottom Line, but to inspire you through their commitment to our community. In addition to their contact information, each company also has a section to highlight their “green” practices. For the purpose of this guide, we have defined locally owned as having the ability to make decisions locally and having 80 percent of ownership in New Mexico (or within 200 miles from Taos). By supporting the locally owned businesses you find in this guide, you too are recognizing the social responsibility as a consumer and making the Taos area a better, more sustainable community. 4 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE “the best things in life are free” unlimited options for home or business License 33662 Mechanical, electrical and general construction [email protected] (575) 770-7042 www.sollunasolar.com ABOUT NMGCC ABOUT US The New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce (NMGCC) is a 501 (c)(6) non-profit. Founded in 2010, the NMGCC now has regional chapters in Taos Santa Fe, Albuquerque/Rio Rancho, Las Cruces, and Southwest New Mexico. The NMGCC creates new opportunities for business by advocating on behalf of renewable energy, strengthening local economies, and seizing the green business advantage. Our members believe in investing in people, protecting our air, land and water, and creating long-term profits. We are where profits and values meet. OUR VISION The New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce and its local chapters are a coalition of businesses and organizations dedicated to building healthy Building Strong Local Economies: Through programs such as Think Local First, the NMGCC promotes locally owned, independent businesses that contribute to strong local economies. Locally owned businesses recycle a higher percentage of profits back intothe local economy. Local businesses keep taxes in our community to support schools, parks, police, fire departments, etc. Supporting Green Business Practices: contribute to a sustainable future by greening the way that business is done. This will ultimately improve the quality of life in our communities. Our Annual Recycling Recognition program is designed to recognize both large and small businesses who have excelled at reducing waste. Promoting Green Businesses to Consumers: The NMGCC offers extensive advertising and promotional opportunities to businesses that participate in the Green Business Practices and Think Local First Programs. In addition, our online business directory serves as a clearinghouse of information for consumers. Attracting consumers to local and green businesses will encourage sustainable economic development by keeping money in the community as opposed to money leaking to out of state shareholders. Creating Economic Development with Clean Energy: The NMGCC seeks to economy with clean, renewable energy. New Mexico is ranked 2nd in the nation for solar potential, 12th for wind potential, and has vast untapped geothermal and biomass resources. The NMGCC is working to promote policies and practices that energy development. Growing Small Businesses: In 2006, small employers in New Mexico accounted (Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce: Bureau of the Census.) Recognizing the importance of small business development, the NMGCC is a strong advocate for the interests, development, and growth of small businesses in NM. 6 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE “The history of every Nation is eventually written in the way in which it cares for its soil.” ~President Franklin Roosevelt P.O. Box 2787, Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557 Physical Location: 202 Chamisa Road, Taos, NM 87571 575.751.0584 . tswcd.org [email protected] Fall, 2013 Dear Taos Business Community, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce's 2nd Annual Taos Think Local First Guide. This guide is an opportunity for local businesses who are members of the NMGCC to highlight their company's products or services in an effort to encourage more local spending. The New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce was founded in 2010 with chapters in Las Cruces and Silver City. The Taos Green Chamber of Commerce, a Chapter of the NM Green Chamber of Commerce, began in September, 2011. Through the work of an interim Steering Committee, the Taos Green Chamber is developing its mission, vision and strategic direction. In 2012, the Taos Steering Committee identified these potential areas of focus: To date, the Green Chamber has been involved in several successful efforts in Taos and throughout New Mexico in supporting the areas above and harnessing the green business advantage. One of the biggest successes of the Taos area designation by President Obama in March of this year. This designation will bring more commerce to the region and increase much needed revenue from visitors. The Green Chamber looks forward to continuing to support efforts to encourage local consumer spending. We would like to thank Chris Wood, Ad Manager at the Taos News, for his advice and support in producing this guide. This guide would also not exist without the hard work of Melissa Chavira, this year's amazing graphic designer, who worked diligently within a short timeframe to deliver a superior product. We are grateful for your work! Sincerely, President, Board of Directors NM Green Chamber of Commerce 8 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Remodeling New Construction Super Efficient Adobe Houses Jose Romero 575.741.6040 [email protected] AffordableAdobe.com Arroyo Hondo, NM Granite Concepts 505-751-1998 Cabinets by Connie 505-816-8848 FREE ESTIMATES Fall 2013 Dear Taoseños, Congratulations on the second publication of the Taos Think Local First guide! This project by the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce helps strengthen Taos by encouraging more local buying right here in the community. Every dollar spent at local stores and businesses has broader economic benefits than a dollar spent at a national retailer. Thank you for your continued support of our local businesses. Taos has a tremendous opportunity to attract more business to the area because of the recent designation of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. With increased local interest will come increased tourism revenue, and I applaud your efforts to make Taos a welcoming destination for more visitors this year. In Washington, D.C., I will continue to work on efforts that protect the beautiful lands that we are proud to call home. As New Mexicans, we have a deep connection to the land that has sustained generations, and as Taoseños, you know first-hand how important preserving and protecting our land is to our way of life. In order to be good stewards of the land, we must also protect our precious natural resources and care for our environment. An important part of this effort is promoting a clean energy economy that takes advantage of our abundant solar and wind resources and reduces our dependence on fossil fuels. I look forward to continued work with the Taos community to grow the use of renewable energy that is good for economy, good for our environment, and good for our community. It is an honor to represent you in Washington, and I encourage you to share information about community activities and new initiatives with me and my staff. You are always welcome to call us at 505-984-8950. I look forward to meeting with many of you over the coming months, and as always, I look forward to enjoying all that the Taos community has to offer! Best regards, Rep. Ben Ray Luján U.S. House of Representatives NM-03 10 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Best Selection of Organic and Local Foods in Taos 1 st Award Winner Every Year Best of Taos GREEN Business We are producing more TEMPTING TAKE-OUT FOODS than ever before with our NEW KITCHEN! 1BTFPEFM1VFCMP/PSUFtXXXDJETGPPENBSLFUDPN t4VQFSJPS4FSWJDF t'BDUPSZ5SBJOFE4QFDJBMJTUT t/FX&DP'SJFOEMZ"VUPNPCJMFT 20 Years Serving Taos County and the Moreno Valley Cottam-Walker Ford (575) 751-3200 1320 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos XXXGPSEEFUBPTDPNtXXXDPUUBNXBMLFSGPSEDPN NMGCC Membership Information MEMBER BENEFITS Learn From and Connect with Other Local Business Owners Monthly networking and educational meetings Monthly committee meetings wherein your business has an opportunity to influence and develop the direction of our organization Semi-monthly email announcements from members and the opportunity to send your own announcements Discounts on events, forums, workshops, and more Newsletters Sustainability Practices Program Access to local and national BALLE networks. Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) is an organization that is focused on creating real prosperity by connecting leaders, spreading solutions that work, and driving investment toward local economies. Statewide lobbying network that supports local business and the renewable energy industry in our state. Marketing and Promotion Free listing in our Member Directory Use of the Green Chamber logo and name for your business cards, shelf tags, advertisements, website and fleet vehicles Think Local First and Green Chamber business member window decals An opportunity to showcase your business through our semi-monthly gatherings Many member-to-member discounts between businesses Opportunities to Strengthen our Community Participate in educating our community about the importance of supporting locally owned businesses that are stewards of our region Teach, learn and find support from a community of like-minded local business owners who share your challenges and vision Advocate for policies that support independent local businesses and farms, promote economic equity, and protect our clean air and water Participate in our current initiatives, including: Think Local First Cash Mobs Featured Business Column in our statewide newsletter (Circulation over 2,500) Statewide Conferences: Sustainable Business Summit Renewable Energy and Clean Technology Conference Recycling Recognition Program Green Ribbon cuttings to welcome new members 12 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Shop Local, Stay Local When you rent from us you are GUARANTEED the following: * Watch movies without purchasing lots of packaging that will end up in a landfill * We will leave no carbon footprint from mailing discs back and forth * We support many local causes and we stock lots of documentaries about green issues, from food consumption and mountaintop removal, to natural cures for cancer * We offer honest and caring employment to local people * We support many local causes and recycle whenever possible while providing a low cost way for members of the community to entertain their families. Video Casa 814 Paseo del Pueblo Norte 1353 Paseo del Pueblo Sur 575.758.2388 575.751.3995 Special Thanks to our Statewide Visionary Sponsors 14 TAOS GREEN GREEN CHAMBER CHAMBER OF OF COMMERCE COMMERCE TAOS Why Think Local In a 2011 Economic Development Quarterly study of 2,953 counties nationally in rural and urban centers alike, researchers found that the key to reversing long-term trends of stagnating incomes in the U.S. lies in further expansion and market consolidation by larger corporations. In a 2004 Andersonville (IL) Chamber of Commerce economic study, for every $100 in consumer spending with a local firm, $68 remain in the Chicago economy; every $100 spent with a chain, only $43 remained in the Chicago economy. For every square foot occupied by a local firm, local economic impact is $179; for every square foot occupied by a chain firm, local economic impact is $105. Based on the 2011 analysis from the Maine Center for Economic Policy, for every $100 spent at a local business in Portland, Maine, an additional $58.03 is generated in local impact. By comparison, $100 spent at a representative national chain store generates $33.43 in local impact. TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THINK LOCAL FIRST 16 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Community services are here for you to navigate your health and increase wellness. First Steps Home Visiting – Support for first time parents. Kids First – Strengthen the connections between children, parents, and community to create vitality and long term health. Medicaid Enrollment – If you’d like to get on Medicaid there are numerous categories with specific eligibility requirements and benefits packages. Our navigators can help. Taos Loves Kids Play Groups – For a detailed list of dates and times visit our website. Nutrition Counseling – Registered dietitian Diane Johnson, RD, LD, MNT provides DMBTTFTBOEPOFPOPOFFEVDBUJPOBOETVQQPSU Weight Loss Support –5IF8FJHIU-PTT4VQQPSU(SPVQJTIFMEPO8FEOFTEBZTBUQN For more information on any of these programs or services visit our website XXX5BPT)FBMUIDPNPSDBMM 8FJNFS3PBE5BPT/.t 3JWFST#JSETQSPWJEFTFYQFSJNFOUBMFEVDBUJPOUPJOTQJSF JOEJWJEVBMTBTMFBEFSTGPS&BSUITUFXBSETIJQBOEQFBDF H I FMQJOHUPQSPUFDUMPDBMQVCMJDMBOET JODMVEJOHUIF3JP(SBOEFEFM/PSUFBOEUIF $PMVNCJOF)POEPXJMEFSOFTT OTQJSJOHMPDBMZPVUIBTMFBEFSTGPS&BSUI TUFXBSETIJQUISPVHIBOFYQFSJFOUJBMGPDVTPO XBUFSDPOTFSWBUJPO 8FJOWJUFZPVUP 4VQQPSUPVSBXBSEXJOOJOHOBUVSFJNNFSTJPO QSPHSBNTGPSQVCMJDTDIPPMTUVEFOUT +PJOPVSQSPBDUJWFDPNNVOJUZDPMMBCPSBUJPOTUP QSPUFDUPVSQVCMJDMBOET 4UBUF)JHIXBZt"SSPZP4FDP/. tXXXSJWFSTBOECJSETPSH 5)&&"35)*4063$-"44300. 9 Reasons to Think Local First Money Spent Local, Stays Local. Several studies have shown that money spent in a local business stays in the community. For every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $45 goes back into the community – and our tax base. For every $100 spent at a chain store, only $14 comes back.* 1 2 Local Owners are Local Contributors. Local businesses give a greater amount of money to local causes. Nonprofits receive an average of 350% more support from local business owners than they do from non-locally owned businesses. They also directly inject money into the local economy through payments of wages and benefits to local residents. 3 Local Businesses Offer Stable Employment. Small local businesses are one of the largest employers nationally, and local businesses offer greater loyalty to their employees. 4 Lower Environmental Impact. Independent businesses make purchases requiring less transportation, and usually open and operate in commercial corridors and in-town instead of developing on the fringe. This means less sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution. Higher densities and greater access for pedestrians and public transit mean significantly less land devoted to roads and parking lots. 5 Promote Competition and Diversity. More local businesses equal more competition and better prices. When certain businesses monopolize the market, competition is gone. Put Your Taxes to Good Use. Local businesses in neighborhoods need comparatively less infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the 6 generate a net annual surplus (tax revenue minus costs) of $326 per 1,000 square feet. Big-box stores, strip shopping centers, and fast-food outlets, however, require more in services than they produce in revenue. A big-box store creates an annual tax deficit of $468 per 1,000 square feet.* Vote With Your Dollars. What you buy matters. Every time you choose a local 7 When you buy local, the ripple effect spreads from cash registers right to your street. 8 Keep New Mexico One-of-a-Kind. The unique shops, restaurants and businesses who call our city home are a huge part of what makes New Mexico inimitable. A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based not on a national sales plan but on their own interests and the needs of their local customers, guarantees a much broader range of product choices. 9 Invest in the Community. Locally owned businesses are run by people who live here, work here, and are invested in the community with much more than just their dollars. In an increasingly homogenized world, people are more likely to invest in or move to communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and unique attitude. *Sources: The Economic Impact of Locally Owned Businesses vs. Chains: A Case Study in Mid Coast Maine, The Institute for Local Self-Reliance and Friends of MidCoast Maine, September 2003; and Economic Impact Analysis: A Case Study, Civic Economics, December 2002. *New Rules Project, Home Town Advantage Bullet in September 2003. *Tischler & Associates, Barnstable, MA. 18 TAOS GREEN GREEN CHAMBER CHAMBER OF OF COMMERCE COMMERCE TAOS Town of Taos Recycling Center The Town of Taos recycling Center has operated for the past 16 years providing a drop-off recycling center for their 5,500 town residents, as well as residents from the entire region of 32,000. Processing: mixed paper corrugated cardboard, plastic 1 & 2, glass, steal and tin cans, along with electronic scraps, aluminum and phone books. Taos processes on average 1,200 tons of recyclable materials each year. 201 Bertha Street, Taos (575)758-9679 Hours of Operation Tues - Fri 7:00am - 4:45pm Sat & Mon 7:00am - 3:45pm Directory PO Box 1661 El Prado, NM 87529 [email protected] www.baileyschimney.com (575) 770-7769 Bailey's Chimney Cleaning and Repair installs, services and consults on wood stoves. Our mission is help people gain energy independence. We consult/inspect all wood burning appliances. Bonded, insured, CSIA certified and 16 years experience. Taos Field Office 226 Cruz Alta Road Taos, NM 87571 (575) 758-8851 (575) 758-1620 FAX As land managers, we balance competing uses of our public lands to meet needs of current and future generations, including development of energy resources that conserves other public lands resources – natural, cultural and historic. www.blm.gov/nm/st/en/fo/Taos_Field_Office.html 623 Paseo del Pueblo Norte Taos, NM 87571 (575) 758-1148 www.cidsfoodmarket.com A green grocery store with the best selection of local, organic and gourmet foods in Taos. We recycle and buy produce from local farmers during season and provide an outlet for products from local manufacturers. Francina Trujillo 5542 NDCBU Taos, NM 87571 Physical Address: 125 Camino de la Merced, Taos (575) 758-4491 [email protected] www.radiointaos.com 20 Locally owned and operated radio broadcasting system, serving Northern NM including: Adult Contemporary (KKIT 95.9FM), True Country KKTC 99.9FM Angel Fire/100.7FM Taos, Spanish Language (KXMT 99.1FM) and Talk Radio (1340AM KVOT The Voice of Taos). TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE best price and service in the industry. 10% DISCOUN T FOR LOC ALS SKI SHOPS With over 35 years experience and four locations to service you SHOP LOCAL, SHOP WITH COTTAM’S! COTTAMSSKISHOPS.COM A KiD’S PLACE Learning through play, languages, signing, music, dance, emotional intelligence, Love and Logic, yoga and MORE! Nurturing Childcare for children 1 year to 5 years. 481A State Road 150, Arroyo, Seco, NM 87514 575-776-8995 ∙ [email protected] Taos County is here to serve you... t1SPWJEFGPSUIFPWFSBMMJNQSPWFNFOUPGUIFDPNNVOJUZ t1SPWJEFGPSUIFTPDJBMBOEFDPOPNJDEFWFMPQNFOUPGUIF5BPT$PVOUZ t&TUBCMJTIQBSUOFSTIJQTXJUIQSJWBUFPSHBOJ[BUJPOTOPOQSPĕUPSHBOJ[BUJPOTBOEPUIFSHPWFSONFOUBHFODJFTUPIFMQ BDIJFWFUIFJSHPBMT t'PDVTPOBOJODSFBTJOHDPNNVOJUZJOWPMWFNFOUJOUIFEFWFMPQNFOUQSPDFTTCZUBSHFUJOHGPSEFWFMPQNFOUMPXJODPNF BOEQPWFSUZMFWFMOFJHICPSIPPETBOEBSFBTUSBEJUJPOBMMZNBSHJOBMJ[FEPSVOEFSTFSWFE t"OFDPOPNJDEFWFMPQNFOUQMBOJOUFOEFEUPCVJMEVQPOUIFTUSFOHUITPGUIFDPVOUZBOEJUTDPNNVOJUJFTXIJMF QSPWJEJOHDMFBSTUSBUFHJFTUIBUXJMMIFMQUIFDPVOUZNFFUFDPOPNJDEFWFMPQNFOUDIBMMFOHFT t(SPXUIFDPVOUJFTFYJTUJOHCVTJOFTTFTCFBVUJGZUIFDPVOUZBOEDSFBUJOHBXBSFOFTTPGUIFHPPETBOETFSWJDFT BMSFBEZQSFTFOUXJUIJOUIFDPNNVOJUZ t$BQJUBMJ[FPO5BPT$PVOUZTCFBVUJGVMTDFOFSZUPVSJTUBUUSBDUJPOTBOEUIFPVUEPPSSFDSFBUJPOBMBNFOJUJFT MPDBUFEUISPVHIPVUUIF$PVOUZ "MCSJHIU4USFFUt5BPTt DJ Heckes, CEO 6207 Pan American Freeway, NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 828-0574 Toll Free: 1-877-964-1965 [email protected] www.exhib-it.com EXHIB-IT! is a woman-owned business with 50+ years of team experience. Over 70% of our products are considered Green. We have graphic design services to keep your branding consistent, while offering printing at affordable prices. Green Fire Times c/o The Sun Companies PO Box 5588 Santa Fe, NM 87502-5588 [email protected] www.greenfiretimes.com A monthly publication widely distributed throughout north-central NM. GFT provides useful information for anyone interested in discovering the wealth of opportunities and resources available in our region: community members, business people, students, and visitors. Habitat for Humanity of Taos PO Box 1888 114 #E Alexander Taos, NM 87571 ph. (575) 758-7827 fax (575) 758-0715 www.taoshabitat.org HFHT operates The ReStore; a building materials recycling center and home improvement store, whose missions is to RECYCLE donations, RESELL them to the public, and REINVEST into HFHT to help REBUILD lives through building homes. John Dunn Shops 120 Bent Street, Taos, NM 87571 575.758.8110 http://www.johndunnshops.com The John Dunn Shops line a beautiful pedestrian walkway in the heart of the Historic District. All independent and locally owned, the shops offer something for everyone and all price ranges. Taos merchants welcome you. 24 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Kimosabé Gallery 108 Teresina Lane Taos, NM 87571 (575) 758-8826 [email protected] www.kimosabetaos.com Kimosabé is a mecca for Indian art and antique collectors and decorators from around the world. Located in an 1860's adobe near the northwest corner of Taos' main plaza, Kimosabé exudes the charm of old Taos. The KTAO Solar Radio PO Box 1844 Taos, NM 87571 Physical location: 9 State Road 150, Taos (575) 758-KTAO K [email protected] www.KTAO.com KTAO Solar Radio is the community radio station for Taos, Los Alamos, and Española. A resource in northern NM, KTAOS has broadcasted a 100% solarpowered radio signal from atop Picuris Peak for over 20 years. Kit Carson Electric Coop 118 Cruz Alta Road Taos, NM 87571 (575) 758-2258 [email protected] www.kitcarson.com Kit Carson Electric Cooperative serves Taos, Colfax and Rio Arriba counties. KCEC is ranked #4 nationally in solar production by the Solar Electric Power Association. We demonstrate commitment to community and environment through our actions. Mattress Mary's Taos Lifestyle. 710 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos, NM 87571 575.758. 5885 or 575.613.1570 [email protected] www.sleepsanctuary.com Sleep Sanctuary carries the largest selection of quality, name brand mattresses in the County. We have organic mattresses, wool topper pads and sheets. Delivery service and free removal of old mattress (donated to C.A.V. Thrift Store). TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 25 Move Into Balance Feldenkrais® Studio PO Box 2714 Taos, NM 87571 Physical location: 1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite J (575) 779-7169 [email protected] www.MoveintoBalance.com The object of this learning is to remove outside authority from your inner life." ~Moshe Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® & Individual Functional Integration®. A deeply profound wayof learning to move with ease and grace. New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos, 87571 North of La Posta Road 575-776-2703 www.nmefcu.org With over 135,000 member-owners, we are the largest not-for profit-credit union in New Mexico. We serve our members as the financial institution of yesterday with all the convenience, technology and accessibility of today and tomorrow. New Mexico River Outfitters Association 802 Early Street Santa Fe, NM 87505 raftnewmexico.org [email protected] NMROA is a collection of New Mexico's finest Outfitters seeking to promote enjoyment of the river environment with the highest possible degree of river safety for our employees and the outfitted public, whom we serve. Positive Energy 211 Cruz Alta Rd. Taos, NM 87571 (575) 737-9553 Toll Free: (855) 344-8931 [email protected] positiveenergysolar.com Customers trust us to provide maximum value from their investment in solar photovoltaic technology. Our local Solar Advisors can help you with all your needs. 26 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WOOD HEAT IS GREEN! t$4*"$FSUJýFE t:FBST&YQFSJFODF t$POUFNQPSBSZ8PPE4UPWFT t$IJNOFZ$MFBOJOH3FQBJS t%SZFS7FOU$MFBOJOH3FQBJS "U#BJMFZTDIJNOFZDMFBOJOHBOE SFQBJSPVSDPSFWBMVFTTUBSUXJUI 4BGFUZ3FTQFDUBOE7BMVF Chimney Cleaning & Repair P.O. Box 1661, El Prado, NM 87529 575-770-7769 or 505-988-2771 [email protected] baileyschimney.com DOING OUR PART TO PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT t8FVTFFOHJOFFSFEXPPEUIBUJTSFDZDMFE t&OHJOFFSFEXPPEVTFTPGBUSFFXIJMFTPMJEMVNCFS VTFTPOMZPGBUSFF t8FVTFBEVSBCMFOENBUFSJBMUPFOTVSFXFTUBZBT FOWJSPONFOUBMMZGSJFOEMZBTQPTTJCMF t8FSFDZDMFSFVTFBOESFQMFOJTIFWFSZEBZ SHOP LOCAL, SHOP AT WOODY’S FURNITURE IN TAOS 1BTFPEFM$B×POt PPC Solar 1036 Reed Ln., Unit 1 Taos, NM 87571 toll free 877-736-5896 local (575) 737-5896 www.ppcsolar.com [email protected] PPC Solar is one of the longest operating solar installation companies in New Mexico. A family owned company for over 31 years, we strive to make an honest profit in harmony with people and planet. Peter Rommel, Realtor, Associate Broker Prudential Taos Real Estate 314A Paseo del Pueblo Norte Taos NM 87571 575-758-1924 www.adobesoftaos.com [email protected] Fine homes, condos, cabins-in-the-woods, investment properties---let Peter be your docent. An accomplished builder and entrepreneur, Peter has renovated homes, built and operated a bed and breakfast, and owns raw land---he can help. Recycle Taos Collection PO Box 548 Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 (575) 776-4000 [email protected] premier private recycling service. We specialize in easy, on-site pickup of recycling from your business or home. Call today to create a successful program to suite your recycling needs. Sol Luna Solar 56 C County Road 65 Dixon, NM 87571 (575) 770-7042 sollunasolar.com [email protected] We offer PV, Solar Thermal Radiant and Solar Hot Water Installations. Licensed Mechanical, Electrical and General Construction. SLS has the skills and reputation to succeed. Ask about financing. 28 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Sage West Consultants PO Box 1271 Taos, NM 87571 (575) 776-1479 William M. Brown [email protected] www.sagewestconsultants.com SWC was formed to create the High Performance Building Ordinance for the Town of Taos. Our team lives in the community and represents years of attention to the region and its beauty, history, amenities and needs. Studio Karina, LLC Ana Karina Armijo 208 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, #407 Taos, NM 87571 (575) 770-1638 www.studiokarina.com [email protected] Studio Karina offers a wide range of graphic design services for small businesses and special events in and around Taos, New Mexico. We focus on helping small businesses improve their web presence and marketing focus. Taos County 105 Albright Street, Suite G Taos, NM 87571 Ph: (575) 737-6300 Fax: (575) 737-6314 www.taoscounty.org Open County Government protecting the health, safety, welfare and environment of its citizens. Visit our website for agendas and minutes of meetings, job openings, hours of operation, and information about all departments and their employees. Taos Community Foundation PO Box 1925 Taos, NM 87571 Physical: 114 Des Georges Lane, Taos Phone: (575) 737-9300 Fax: (575) 751-7130 www.taoscf.org Taos Community Foundation is dedicated to serving the communities of Taos and western Colfax Counties. Our philanthropic efforts support and enrich the lives and opportunities of citizens and protect the environment which sustains us. TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 29 Birdman Discs and Recognize A Miracle Disc Golf Outreach Chamisa at Salazar Rd. (2 blocks west of Guadalajara South) 575-224-1546 David Smith 207 Morgan Rd, #2 Taos, NM 87571 [email protected] www.skitaos.org/content/disc Birdman Discs and Recognize A Miracle Disc Golf Outreach are proud to be part of the growth of disc golf as it emerges mainstream. Help us implement school disc golf leagues nationwide. Visit RAMDGO.com Taos Inn 125 Paseo del Pueblo Norte Taos, New Mexico 87571 575.758.2233 [email protected] www.taosinn.com The Historic Taos Inn is a proud leader in local sustainability. We buy from local farmers, leading to better food, while helping the local economy. Visit our famed Doc Martin's Restaurant and The Adobe Bar! The Taos News P.O. Box 3737 226 Albright Street Taos, NM 87571 (575) 758-2241 www.taosnews.com For 50+ years, we have reported on Northern New Mexico environmental issues such as water/land preservation, recycling, and alternative energy. We reach 85% of County residents weekly in print and have 160,000 monthly online users. Tayco Screen Printing & Embroidery Kerrie Pattison PO Box 133 Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525 (575) 776-8785 [email protected] www.taycoscreenprinting.com industry for over 30 years backed by a wealth of expertise, quality and a commitment to your project. Call me for a competitive quote. 30 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Escape the Everyday Beautiful Views Spacious Rustic Rooms Fresh Mountain Air Pet Friendly Shopping and Dining within Walking Distance GREAT ESCAPES MOTEL 416 E. Therma Dr. Eagle Nest, NM 87718 (575)377-0586 View all listings at www.c21success.com Serving Northern New Mexico Since 1979 Members of Taos, Santa Fe, and Albuquerque MLS EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED 575-758-0080 t 800-336-4826 829 Paseo del Pueblo Sur t 5528NDCBU Paul Romero Managing Broker Century 21 Success LLC 829 Paseo del Pueblo Sur Taos, NM 87571 Office: 575-758-0080 Cell: 575-770-7581 Realtor of the Year - Taos County Assoc. of Realtors - 2012 Total Health and Wellness Center of Taos 622A&B Paseo del Pueblo Sur Taos, NM 87571 (575) 737-5810 (575) 737-5811 (fax) [email protected] taoshealthandwellness.com We offer clinical services that help differentiate us. We believe healing involvesthe patient, and strive to provide you information to participate in health care decisions. We also provide products and services about disease prevention. Twirl Toy Store and Play Space 225 Camino de la Placita Taos, NM 87571 Physical location: Teresina Lane, off NW corner of Taos Plaza—look for the yellow duck! 575.751.1402, [email protected] www.twirlhouse.com An independent toy store offering inspirational toys, games, and a magical play space providing free classes, activities and an outdoor playground. Voted “Best Place to Have Fun” and “Best Place to Shop for Kids.” Vapour Organic Beauty PO Box 99 Taos, NM 87571 888-751-3662 www.vapourbeauty.com [email protected] Vapour Organic Beauty revolutionizes luxury and performance cosmetics with pure organic formulation, unique light-as-air textures and sophisticated color artistry. Made from natural mineral pigments suspended in Certified Organic botanicals, Vapour delivers the look of flawless, glowing skin without compromise. Robin Cunningham, CH, RRMT, SF, TH, LMT What Would Freedom Feel Like? Wholistic Alternatives PO Box 1881 Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557 (575) 779-6802 http://wholisticalternatives.com [email protected] Providing Integrative approaches to healing the Whole Being. Over 35 years experience in holistic therapies. Integrating Classical Homeopathy, Shamanic Healing, Advanced Reiki Therapies, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Soul Work and much more. 32 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Partnership for Responsible Business (PRB) is a New Mexico non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, that was founded in 2010. The PRB educates the public about local sustainable economies, promotes economic and community development through environmentally and socially responsible entrepreneurship, and partners with allied organizations to advance socially responsible economic and community development policies and practices. mission. We strive to create public awareness for businesses and consumers interested in investing in people, protecting our air, land, and water, and creating long-term sustainable profits. One way we accomplish this is through programs educating communities on the benefits of buying local. Buying local provides a positive multiplier benefit to the community and avoids negative health and environmental impacts of supplychain transportation. The PRB also works to educate business owners on practices that enable them to conserve resources. Better practices include reducing energy use, conserving water, mitigating carbon, increasing recycling, and supplying locally. We believe responsible business owners can in turn provide broader leadership to the community to make these conservation practices more commonplace. OUR MISSION EDUCATE PROMOTE To educate the public about local sustainable economies. To promote economic and community development through environmentally and socially responsible entrepreneurship PARTNER To partner with allied organizations to advance socially responsible economic and community development policies and practices To learn more about the PRB, visit: www.prbnewmexico.org TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 33 West is Best How Public Lands in the West Create a Competitive Economic Advantage From 1970 to 2010, western non-metro counties with more than 30% of the county s land base in federal protected status increased jobs by 345%. As the share of federal lands in protected status goes down, the rate of job growth declines as well. Non-metro counties with no protected federal land increased jobs by 8%. The effect protected federal lands have on per capita income can be most easily described in this way: on average, western non-metro counties have a per capita income that is $436 higher for every 10,000 acres of protected federal lands within their boundaries. The chart above shows four scenarios, ranging from 0 to 150,000 acres of protected public lands in non-metro western counties. The increase in per capita income explained by protected public lands ranges from $2,180 to $6,540. 34 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE For example, a non-metro western county with 100,000 acres of protected public lands will have on average a per capita income that is $4,360 higher than a county with no protected public lands. To put this premium in perspective, the average per capita income for all non-metro western counties was $34,870 in 2010. Headwaters Economics research and that of others clearly show that protected public lands are a competitive economic advantage in the West, supporting faster rates of job growth and higher levels of per capita income. These benefits should increase as the region, including non-metro counties, continues to shift toward a knowledge-based econom y. This raises the important question of what federal, state, and private policies and investments will maximize the value of protected public lands for western businesses and communities. Source of Information: " West is Best: How Public Lands in the West Create a Competitive Economic Advantage," A Research Paper by Headwaters Economics, November 2012, published online: http://headwaterseconomics.org/land/west-is-best-value-of-public-lands [email protected] The RGDN effort has provided an economic boost to Taos businesses and keeps on giving statewide! On March 25, 2013, President Obama officially designated the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument1. This was the culmination of a multi-year effort to officially preserve the area through national monument status, and reap the rewards that come with that designation in economic impact to the Taos area. As soon as the designation occurred, the Green Chamber worked with local businesses to organize a celebration that had immediate impacts to local businesses. The Green Chamber organized an event on March 30, 2013, by bringing then-Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Senator Martin Heinrich, former Senator Jeff Bingaman, Congressman Ben Ray Lujan, Mayor Cordova and hundreds of supporters to celebrate the new monument. The celebration was the largest day-time money-making event that had ever been held at Taos Mesa Brewing Company to that point, an important milestone for a new local business. Taos Mesa Brewing Company even created a new special brew for the celebration and sent the President a case to enjoy! The Rio Grande del Norte National Monument story will continue to be an important economic draw for the Taos area, and the Green Chamber is committed to helping promote local businesses in Taos to our state and national partners. TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 35 The Green Chamber has continued to be involved in similar local efforts around the state, including the current effort to make the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks in Dona Ana County a national monument. The Taos business community has continued to be an amazing partner, helping to share the advantage that comes with increased tourism to an area from a new national monument. Last month, several members of the Taos community joined business leaders in Las Cruces for an economic forum to share their stories on taking advantage of increased tourism and marketing the new monument to visitors who spend money locally when they come for the natural wonder. The Green Chamber would like to extend our deepest thanks to Taos County Commissioner Larry Sanchez, Dan Irions of Taos Mesa Brewing Company and Stuart Wilde of Wild Earth Llama Adventures for their participation in the "Land and Culture: Economic Opportunities from Conservation" forum in Mesilla, New Mexico on August 23, 2013. They represented the Taos community very well, and encouraged business leaders in Dona Ana County to continue the effort to seek monument status in their own backyard for economic gain. The Green Chamber looks forward to making more partnerships that will help promote our local businesses around the state. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts! 1 See the official proclamation at http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/ 03/25/presidential-proclamation-r-o-grande-del-norte-national-monument 36 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Escape Your Stressful Day 40"14t-05*0/4t#"-.4 Feel good about the skin care products you use. Blue Feather Soaps & Body Care products provide a tactile and aromatic skin care experience with the most naturally sourced ingredients possible. Available at Earth & Spirit Gallery, Taos Country Furnishings or our production center 1.8 miles west of the Old Blinking Light. BLUE FEATHER – 1 CIELO DULCE RD, EL PRADO NM 87529 575-770-2806 bluefeathersoap.com premium hand-made natural · soaps and body care since 2000 UPCOMING EVENTS The Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce Presents “Commerce, Climate & Community: An Interactive Evening with Paul Hawken” Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 7:00pm Lensic Theatre, 211 W San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM Purchase tickets at Lensic Box office: 505-988-1234 or www.lensic.org The purpose of the 3rd Annual Renewable Energy & Clean Technology conference is to set a business-supported common renewable and clean tech energy policy. NMGCC business leaders will be identifying key state and national policies that will help them create jobs and expand their renewable or clean tech businesses. Friday, October 4th 2013 from 8am-5pm For more information, please visit www.nmgreenchamber.com Join us for Green Drinks, a monthly networking event hosting a variety of speakers presenting on green, sustainable, and buy local initiatives around the state. Find out more about our Albuquerque and Santa Fe Green Drinks at www.nmgreenchamber.com. Taos Green Drinks coming soon! Choose Local and Independent this Holiday Season! Join the New Mexico Green Chamber in a national campaign building a tradition that strengthens local economies, expands employment, nurtures a sense of community, and provides a more relaxed, fun, and rewarding shopping experience. Spend your holiday dollars at locally owned, independent businesses! For more information, visit www.shiftyourshopping.org. 38 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE UPCOMING EVENTS Be Part of our 2103 Recycling Business Recognition Program! Hosted in partnership with the New Mexico Recycling Coalition and the Partnership for Responsible Business. Does your business recycle? Want to be recognized for your recycling and waste reduction efforts? Submit an online application by October 15, 2013 at http://nmgreenchamber.com/recycling-businessrecognition-program-2013/. Recognition will take place on November 15th in celebration of America Recycles Day with a local event and media coverage aimed at spotlighting selectedbusinesses. TAOS COUNTY EVENTS Taos Grand Fall Arts Late September through October "Taos Fall Arts Festival" is the oldest arts festival in Taos, founded in 1973 by a group of artists and gallerists. Over the years, other art events have set their dates to coincide with Fall Arts. The season has come to be known as "Grand Fall Arts". Contact Taos Fall Arts for more information, 575-758-0505 Taos Wool Festival Kit Carson Park October 5-6, 2013 Immerse yourself in the more than 400 years of wool tradition as New Mexico, Colorado and Texas breeders and fiber artists celebrate at the Wool Festival of Taos. Join in at Kit Carson Park for two days of family fun. As always, admission is free! For more information, call Taos Wool Festival at 800-684-0340 Taos Mountain Balloon Rally Balloon Rally Field Behind County Courthouse October 25–27, 2013 For over 30 years, the Taos Mountain Balloon Rally has truly been a Taos community event. Every year on the last full weekend in October, as the trees in the high country erupt into a painter's canvas of oranges, reds, ambers and yellows, even more color is added to the vista as the Taos skies are filled with dozens of brightly colored hot air balloons lifting into the clear, cold dawn of a Taos Mountain sunrise.For more information, call Taos Mountain Balloon Rally at (575)758-9210 Yuletide in Taos Thanksgiving through New Years “Yuletide in Taos” is the name we give to all the unique New Mexican celebrations that happen throughout the holiday season. Celebrations include Yuletide Arts & Crafts Fair, Lighting the Christmas Tree on Taos Plaza, Lighting Ledoux, Bonfires on Bent Street, Christmas Eve Procession and Deer Dances at Taos Pueblo. For more information, visit Taos.org. TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 39 Why Join? The New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce represents over 1100 member businesses dedicated to a Triple Bo om Line that invests in our people, conserves our air, water and land, and creates long-term pr s. We are unleashing the crea ve force of business to restore local n an evolving communi es and take advantage of new opportuni economy. In coopera n with the Partnership for Responsible Business, we for Business as a road map to have developed New Opportuni prosperity for New Mexico enterprises and our local communi s. Thinking loca rst Leveling the playing d for small business The green business advantage Building an entrepreneurial economy Protec ng natural resources as business assets Capitalizing on the clean energy economy For more informa on, visit our website at: www.nmgreenchamber.com Or call us at (505) 244-3700 40 TAOS GREEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Valle Escondido, Spanish for Hidden Valley, is the perfect place for golf. The sky meets the earth for a surreal experience in the beautiful high country of Northern New Mexico. Valle Escondido Golf Course is environmentally aware, one of the few in the United States, using no pesticides and leaving it up to mother nature to water the fairways. Nevertheless, the ability for the course to play well is our number one concern, focusing in a traditional manner to greens and tee boxes. This type of maintenance gives respect not only to the environment but to the history of the sport. Valle Escondido Golf Course and Home Owners Association 28 Lodge Rd. Taos, NM 87571 575-758-3475 [email protected] R A F T I N G 30$,3"'5t1&%"-1"%%-&t1"%%-&4"%%-& ROCK CLIMBING MOUNTAIN BIKING HORSEBACK RIDING &DP5BPT Adventure Center (Across from Smith’s) -PT3JPT3JWFS3VOOFST New Mexico’s Oldest, Largest, Most Experienced Rafting Company losriosriverrunners.com [email protected] t This could be you. 10#PYr5BPT/.ŞŞŞŞŞŞŞ rXXXUBPTIBCJUBUPSH Proud to be green for over 50 years We only use recycled newsprint. We proudly use only environmentally friendly soy inks. Unsold newspapers and special editions are recycled weekly. THE TAOS NEWS taosnews.com