Shamanism - E.P.I.C. Empowering People, Inspiring Community


Shamanism - E.P.I.C. Empowering People, Inspiring Community
for the
New Earth
By Teresa Arney
Hear My Plea mixed media
by Christy “Goldenwolf” Grandjean
Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices known
to mankind, yet very few people seem to know about it or
understand it. For some, it conjures up the image of a crazylooking, bone-in-the-nose person jumping around with a
rattle. For others it may bring up fears, such as “this might be
something from the dark side”. Well, these are all old pictures
in an old paradigm. I would like to shed new light on this ageold spiritual practice and relate it to today’s need for strength,
wisdom and healing.
Evidence of shamanism dates back more than 40,000 years and
is found in most indigenous cultures today. And ponder this:
at one point or another in time, we were likely all considered
“indigenous”. If your belief system includes reincarnation, which
mine does, and we believe that the soul has no beginning and no
end, then why would it be far-fetched to assume that we could all
have shamanic energy within our soul?
A Shaman is defined as “a healer who sees in the dark”. What
does that mean, in the dark? That means the Shaman can go
inside to her own inner landscape and find meaning and healing
for her client. The healing happens for the client’s soul inside the
Shaman’s landscape. “As within, so without”! Going within is
where we connect to God/Source and our Higher Selves.
A Shaman is a person of great wisdom, personal power, keen
intuition, and knows that we are All One, connected by the
Greater Web of Light. The Shaman has the power to focus energy
so strongly, that she can create a healing on the inside that will
affect the client in a very profound way on the outside. Some call
this “dream healing” or “dreaming into being”.
The Shaman sees God/Creator in all things. “All things”, you ask?
Yes, God is in all things, including nature, plants and animals.
God is not out there, God is within each and every person,
whether they are walking a path of light or a path of seeming
darkness. Shamans see God in each and every being. Shamans
also have the ability to incorporate benevolent Spirit helpers to
assist in healing and transmuting dense, negative energies.
Just as there are priests and ministers who convolute religion
and medical professionals who convolute healing, there are those
who practice shamanism that walk the dark path, utilizing the
shamanic path of power to manipulate others for their own
benefit. I always caution to use as much spiritual discernment
choosing a shamanic practitioner as you would a priest or doctor.
The unwritten code of the Shaman is to do no harm and see God
in all things. As a Shaman I am in service to God, Gaia (the Spirit
of Mother Earth) myself, and my earthly brothers and sisters. My
purpose is to help illuminate and transmute energies that do not
support Love, Light and Wholeness.
I hope to illuminate the path of shamanism for many others
because it is a beautiful path of wholeness, self-awareness, healing
and personal power. It is a path of direct revelation and total
freedom, honoring God/Source/Creator in all things and tapping
into fields of higher consciousness.
Why “Shamanism for the New Earth”? Because the Earth has
gone through a huge transformational shift and the New Earth
is about lighter vibrations, integrity, awakening, and a paradigm
of empowered people rather than a paradigm of people having
perceived power over others.
The New Earth is about humanity shifting back to Original
Source. Original Source is God/Divine/Creator/The One,
whatever you wish to call that creative energy. Anything outside of
this New Energy will begin to fail. True shamanism is about Love,
healing and reconnecting with Original Source, not mysterious,
flamboyant practitioners. Our Blessed Mother Earth is coming
back into balance in all our relations. And for those who are either
skeptics or old school, I do have my share of rattles!
Teresa Arney is a Shaman, Spiritual Healer & Teacher, Intuitive Life Coach,
Reiki Master and Official John of God Guide. She helps others transform their
lives and Live Life Luminously, from a place of joy, passion and purpose! Visit 970.759.1805.
Christy Grandjean, aka Goldenwolf, is a self-taught professional artist well
known for her anthropomorphic animal characters and unique whimsical style.
She works mainly with a mixed media technique of watercolors and colored
pencils, but also creates vivid and detailed acrylic paintings. Reach her at
505.281.2695 or
Empowering People, Inspiring Community