2013 Pants On Fire Press Winter Garden, Florida A PA N T S O N FIR E P R E SS C ATA L OG 1 Table of Contents Picture Books Ein Schmetterling Ohne Flügel A Butterfly Without Wings Una Mariposa Sin Alas Un papillon sans ailes Uma Borboleta Sem Asas Middle Grade Books The Kringle Chronicles: Catching Santa Tales From Farlandia: Ozette’s Destiny Paranormal Properties Teen Books How I Became A Teenage Survivalist Resilient I Am Currency Outbreak: The Zombie Apocalypse The Starburtst Juju My Water Path To Mississippi Moses Coming 2014 Tales of an Alien Invader Vamp Town Outbreak 2: Breakout Zodiak Teenage Survivalist 2: Time Lost The Capture Of Rafael Ortega Eyes Of An Angel Second Life Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Picture Books Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 1 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Ein rling e t t e Schm hne O l e g u Fl Ein Bilderbuch DAVID M. F. POWERS Wenn eine Raupe ein grünes Blatt vom Baum winken sieht, denkt sie nicht darüber nach, welche Gefahren lauern könnten. Stattdessen heckt sie einen Plan aus und macht sich entschlossen auf den Weg zum Blatt. A BUTTERFLY WITHOUT WINGS US EDITION OCTOBER 28, 2013 32 PAGES 7” x 10” US ISBN 978-0-9827271-6-4 SOFT US ISBN 978-0-9827271-2-6 HARD SOFTCOVER $10.99 \ £6.99 HARDCOVER $19.99 Ein Bilderbuch Frühe Leser schmetterlings E in Schmetterling Ohne Flügel ist die charmante Geschichte einer hungrigen, selbstsicheren und entschlossenen Raupe, die sich durch keine Hindernisse von ihrem Ziel abhalten lässt. Die Raupe ist der Beweis dafür, dass du, wenn du an dich glaubst und fest entschlossen bist, alles erreichen kannst. Mit flottem Dialog, Humor und wunderbarem Tempo fängt der preisgekrönte Autor David M. F. Powers den Geist der Entschlossenheit und des Selbstvertrauens ein. Powers schwungvoller Text passt perfekt zu den bunten und sehr lebendigen Illustrationen der Künstlerin Natalia. Eltern wie Kinder werden diese Geschichte über Selbstvertrauen immer wieder gerne lesen. David M. F. Powers lebt in der Nähe des Parks von Walt Disney World in Florida Zentrale mit seiner Frau und seinen Kindern. Aufgewachsen in Rota und Madrid, Spanien angebaut, Powers ist tief in den Traditionen verwurzelt und andalusische Kultur als seine Mutter stammt aus Jerez de la Frontera. Hausgemachte Churros sind ihre Spezialität. Powers spricht fließend astilischen und sieht immer uns auf Ihren nächsten Besuch in seiner zweiten Heimat, Spanien. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 2 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 A B u t te r f l y s g n i W t u W it h o A Picture Book DAVID M. F. POWERS The innocence of Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar with a humorous dash of attitude. “Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? I’m not a caterpillar. I’m a butterfly without wings.” October 28, 2013 44 p. 7x10 Softcover 978-0-9827271-6-4 8.5 x 11 Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-9827271-2-6 Picture Book $11.99/$16.99 early readers Juvenile Fiction Animals Butterflies Caterpillars W hen a caterpillar spots a green leaf waving from the top of a tree, he doesn’t think twice about the dangers lurking about. Instead, he comes up with a plan and doggedly inches his way towards the leaf. A Butterfly Without Wings is the charming story of a hungry, selfconfident, and determined caterpillar that refuses to let obstacles stop him from reaching for his goal. The caterpillar proves that if you believe in yourself and set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. With snappy dialogue, humor, and perfect pacing, award-winning author David M. F. Powers captures the spirit of determination and self-confidence. Parents and their children will love reading and re-reading this celebration of self confidence. A Butterfly Without Wings would not exist without Powers’ children. It began as their bedtime story and quickly became part of their nighttime routine. It has been years since those nights, but he can still hear their small voices speaking the caterpillar’s lines – “Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?” David M. F. Powers lives near the Walt Disney World parks in Central Florida with his wife and children. Having grown up in Rota and Madrid, Spain, Powers is deeply rooted in the traditions of Andalusian culture as his mother is from Jerez de la Frontera. Homemade Churros are his specialty. Powers speaks fluent castilian and always looks forward to his next visit to his second home, Spain. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 3 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Una a s o p i r a M Sin Alas Un Libro Ilustrado DAVID M. F. POWERS Cuando una oruga ve una hoja verde balanceando desde lo alto de un árbol, no piensa dos veces acerca de los peligros que acechan alrededor. En vez, se le ocurrió un plan y obstinadamente se encamino hacia la hoja. A BUTTERFLY WITHOUT WINGS US EDITION OCTOBER 28 32 PAGES 7” x 10” US ISBN 978-0-9827271-6-4 TAPA BLANDA $10.99 US ISBN 978-0-9827271-2-6 TAPA DURA $19.99 LIBRO ILUSTRADO Primeros aprendizajes Infantil y juvenil Animales mariposas U na Mariposa Sin Alas es la encantadora historia de una oruguita hambrienta, segura de sí misma y determinada que se niega a permitir que los obstáculos le impidan alcanzar sus objetivos. La oruguita demuestra que si crees en ti mismo, y si te decides, podrás alcanzar lo que te propongas. Con diálogos animados, humor y un ritmo maravilloso, el autor premiado David M. F. Powers capta a la perfección el espíritu de determinación y de autoconfianza. La vivacidad del texto de Powers se combina perfectamente con la ilustración, animación y colorido del artista Nesterova. Los padres y los hijos les van a gustar leer y releer esta celebración de confianza propia. David M. F. Powers vive cerca del parque de Walt Disney World en la Florida Central con su esposa e tres hijos. Habiendo crecido en Rota y en Madrid, España, Powers está profundamente arraigado en las tradiciones y la cultura andaluza ya que su madre es de Jerez de la Frontera. Churros caseros son su especialidad. Powers habla el Castellano con fluidez y siempre espera con interés su próxima visita a su segunda patria, España. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 4 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Un papillon sans ailes Un Livre Illustré DAVID M. F. POWERS Quand une chenille repère une feuille verte ondulant à la cime d’un arbre, elle fonce bille en tête sans se soucier des embûches qui jalonnent le parcours. Au lieu de cela, elle élabore un stratagème et chemine avec une volonté de fer jusqu’à la feuille. A BUTTERFLY WITHOUT WINGS US EDITION OCTOBER 28 32 PAGES 7” x 10” US ISBN 978-0-9827271-6-4 Broché $10.99 US ISBN 978-0-9827271-2-6 Relié $19.99 Livre Illustré première apprentissage Livres pour enfants papillons V oici la belle histoire d’une chenille qui a un petit creux, de la confiance à revendre et qui est résolue à atteindre son objetcif coûte que coûte en dépit des obstacles qui entravent sa route. La chenille est la preuve vivante que lorsqu’on croit en soi et qu’on se donne les moyens de réussir, on peut tout accomplir. À travers des dialogues vivants truffés de pointes d’humour et délivrés à un rythme bien cadencé, David M. F. Powers, auteur déjà primé, retranscrit parfaitement les notions de détermination et de confiance en soi. La prose inspirée de Powers se marie à merveille avec l’univers chatoyant de Natasha, l’illustratrice. Les parents et leurs enfants ne se lasseront pas de cette ode à la confiance en soi. David M. F. Powers vit près de la Walt parcs Disney World en Floride centrale, avec sa femme et ses enfants. Ayant grandi à Rota et à Madrid, en Espagne, Powers est profondément enracinée dans les traditions de la culture andalouse comme sa mère est originaire de Jerez de la Frontera. Churros maison sont sa spécialité. Pouvoirs parle couramment le castillan et attend toujours avec impatience sa prochaine visite à sa deuxième maison, Espagne. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 5 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Uma a t e l o b r o B Sem Asas Um Livro Ilustrado DAVID M. F. POWERS Uma lagarta avista uma folha verde a acenar no cimo de uma árvore e não fica a pensar nos perigos que espreitam pelo caminho. Trata de arranjar um plano e avança com afinco em direção à folha. A BUTTERFLY WITHOUT WINGS US EDITION OCTOBER 28 32 PAGES 7” x 10” US ISBN 978-0-9827271-6-4 capa mole $10.99 US ISBN 978-0-9827271-2-6 TAPA DURA $19.99 LIVRO ILUSTRADO primeiro aprendizagem Livros para crianças Animais borboletas U ma Borboleta Sem Asas é a história encantadora de uma lagarta esfomeada, autoconfiante e determinada que se recusa a deixar que os obstáculos a impeçam de atingir o seu objetivo. A lagarta prova-nos que conseguimos ter êxito no que quer que seja, se acreditarmos em nós e nos dedicarmos a fundo. Com diálogos animados, humor e um ritmo maravilhoso, o autor premiado David M. F. Powers capta na perfeição o espírito da determinação e da autoconfiança. A vivacidade do texto de Powers conjuga-se perfeitamente com a ilustração colorida e exuberante da artista plástica Nesterova. Tanto os pais como os filhos vão gostar muito de ler e reler esta celebração da confiança. David M. F. Powers mora perto do parque da Walt Disney World, na Flórida Central, com sua esposa e três filhos. Tendo crescido em Rota e Madrid, Espanha, Powers está profundamente enraizado nas tradições e cultura da Andaluzia desde que sua mãe é de Jerez de la Frontera. Churros caseiros são a sua especialidade. Powers fala fluentemente o castelhano e olha sempre para a frente a sua próxima visita a sua segunda pátria, na Espanha. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 6 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Middle Grade Books Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 7 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 The Kringle Chronicles: Catching Santa A Middle Grade Book MARC FRANCO Catching Santa is a unique fun read, not to be missed for young fiction collections. --Midwest Book Review October 2011 304 p. 5.5 x 8.5 ISBN 978-0-982-72715-7 Reading Grade 3 - 6 Hardcover $19.99 Middle grade fantasy holidays Accelerated reader H Santa’s rogue assistant is on the loose searching for the fabled Pole, the one person who can see Santa because if you can see him, you can catch him. With action, adventure and fantastical sci-fi elements that conjure images of a Spielberg tale, you are invited to enter the untold world of The Kringle Chronicles. igh-tech gadgetry and ancient magic has done little to aid in the centuries-old search for Santa’s rogue assistant, Servant Rupert. But Servant Rupert has been searching for someone too --the fabled Pole, the one person who can see Santa. However, the search hasn’t fared well for Servant Rupert. To make matters worse, his agents have contacted Santa’s forces, wishing to defect. A risky plan is quickly set in motion by Santa’s Special Forces to divulge the location of Jakob Jablonski, the Pole, in hopes it will lead to the capture of Santa’s forever-naughty helper. Wasting little time, Servant Rupert recklessly contacts Jakob. In the ensuing mayhem, live snowmen deliver curse letters, a neighborhood boy is turned to smoke, and Jakob is drawn into the mystery of Santa and his dastardly rogue assistant when proclaimed a Pole by the attacking smoke form of Servant Rupert. He quickly demands that Jakob catch Santa...or he will turn everyone Jakob cares for into coal! Jakob and his band of friends, partnering with elf spies and rogue agents of Servant Rupert, begin to uncover hints of a sinister plot involving more than just catching Santa. Now it is up to Jakob and his friends to set a trap to lure Rupert out into the open using Santa as the bait. Marc Franco is a pseudonym for David M. F. Powers. David lives near the Walt Disney World parks in Central Florida with his wife and children. Having grown up in Rota and Madrid, Spain, Powers is deeply rooted in the traditions of Andalusian culture as his mother is from Jerez de la Frontera. Homemade Churros are his specialty. Powers speaks fluent castilian and always looks forward to his next visit to his second home, Spain. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 8 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Tales From Farlandia Ozette’s Destiny A Middle Grade Book JUDY PIERCE Like Alice in her journey to Wonderland, Ozette, a white squirrel, is thrust into the world of Farlandia, clutching a golden acorn that will lead her to her destiny. With characters as innocent as Winnie the Pooh and as in depth as the rabbits of Watership Down, Ozette discovers that fulfilling her destiny is a journey, not a destination. O February 2013 162 p. 5 x 8 Softcover Middle Grade Book ISBN: 978-0982727195 $9.99 Reading Age 8-12 Juvenile Fiction Animals / Squirrels Lexile Measure 890L Judy Pierce’s writing is influenced by her love of nature and work with Bichon Frise rescue and wildlife rehabilitation. When she’s not writing, she loves to raise and use herbs, bicycle, hike, camp and visit family on the West Coast. Judy is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. zette, a rare and beautiful white squirrel, must flee Earth World when she is wrongly blamed for the destruction of their sacred forest simply because she is different. Clutching only a golden acorn, which was gifted to her by her beloved grandmother, Ozette escapes to Farlandia, a magical kingdom where her grandmother has said the young squirrel will find her destiny. With innate innocence and sweetness, Ozette quickly forms close friendships with the residents of Farlandia including zany elves, fairies and animals, and soon finds herself tapped to be the caretaker of this old-growth forest. Forging strong alliances through the challenges of life, Ozette and her magical friends will have you laughing and crying as you follow them through adventures that will warm your heart with gentle lessons of kindness, loyalty and self acceptance. And, as a charming goodbye gift at the end of the book to delight all ages, the author sends off her readers with real recipes for many of the fantastical treats that the Farlandia residents enjoy. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 9 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Paranormal Properties A Middle Grade Book TRACY LANE Jake Weir is not like the other kids in Dusk, North Carolina. Then again, Dusk, North Carolina is not like other cities. Known as one of the most haunted cities in America behind Salem, Massachusetts and New Orleans, Louisiana, Dusk is ground zero for Jake’s ghost hunting parents. T February 2013 192 p. 5 x 8 Softcover Lexile Measure 940L ISBN: 978-0982727171 $9.99 Reading AGE 9 & up Juvenile Fiction Paranormal HORROR Tracy Lane has always wanted to write about the paranormal and make it fun for young readers. She has accomplished that with Paranormal Properties. Coming from Topeka, Kansas she now resides in Kissimmee, Florida with her two children. Visit her website at www.tossysbooks. he Weir family has just arrived in Dusk eager to scope out some of the town’s 127 reported “paranormal properties,” which just happens to be the name of their own ghost hunting show: Paranormal Properties. What Jake doesn’t know, and what his parents could never imagine, is that Jake can see ghosts! And hear them. And talk back to them! This talent comes in handy when he runs into Dusk’s oldest, most famous ghost: Frank Barrone, a one-time lounge singer made famous by his booze-soaked ballad, “Barroom Eyes.” Frank was gunned down by a local mobster in 1951 and has been searching for his killer ever since. When he learns that Jake can see and hear him, Frank makes young Jake a deal: if Jake will help Frank find his killer, Frank will help his parents find a ghost to film for their upcoming Halloween Special on Public Access TV. Jake enlists the only friend he’s made in Dusk, an overweight tomboy nicknamed “Tank,” to help him track down Frank’s killer. As clues emerge and old leads heat up, Frank and Jake learn they make quite a team. But will Jake find Frank’s killer? And will Frank find a real haunted house in time for the Halloween special? Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 10 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Young Adult Books Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 11 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 How I Became A Teenage Survivalist Julie L. Casey A post-apocalyptic tale in which the Midwest is hit with a solar superstorm, and 15-year-old Bracken and his family must figure out how to survive without electricity. B June 2013 208 p. 5 x 8 Softcover ISBN: 978-0-982-72718-8 $10.99 Young Adult Post-Apocalyptic Survival Romance Julie L. Casey is a 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award quarterfinalist. She lives in a rural area near St. Joseph, Missouri, with her husband and their three youngest sons. Julie enjoys historical reenacting, wildlife rehabilitation, teaching her children, and writing books that capture the imaginations of young people. How I Became A Teenage Survivalist is her fourth book. racken is a typical teenage boy, more interested in the angles of the girl’s exposed back teasing him from the seat ahead of him than in anything the geometry teacher could present. His life is filled with school, video games, and thoughts of girls, not necessarily in that order. Life just flows along uneventfully and unacknowledged, like the electricity that courses through the power lines — untiil PF (Power Failure) Day. On PF Day, the sun strikes Bracken’s world with an unseen surge of electromagnetic fury, which cripples power stations and burns transformers to crispy nuggets of regret. No one in Bracken’s world had ever thought about how much they depended on electrical power, but now, without it, they are plunged into survival mode. Without electricity there is no communication, no modern conveniences, and soon, no modern means of transportation, as the reserves of refined gasoline run dry. Worse still is the failure of the water and sewer systems, the impossibility of getting food and supplies to people living in cities, and the deaths of millions of people from starvation, disease, and lack of medical care. Bracken soon realizes how lucky he is to live on a farm in the Midwest. What seemed like a dull and backwards life before is now the greatest chance for survival in what seems like a powerless world. Food, water, and heat are readily available, although hard work is required to make use of them. Bracken and his family must learn to survive like their ancestors, who settled their land. Told in the first person, Bracken tells the story of how they not only survive, but how PF Day actually makes their lives better and more satisfying. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 12 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Two teens with unusual powers find each other, but so does the military mastermind who created them. L SEPTEMBER 2013 336 p. 5.5” x 8.5” ISBN 978-0-9860373-2-0 Softcover $13.99 HARDCOVER $20.99 YOUNG ADULT AGES 13+ GENETIC ENGINEERING ROMANCE SCIENCE FICTION Paranormal Patricia Vanasse was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Now she lives on Whidbey Island in the Pacific Northwest with her family. She found her passion for creative writing after Law school. Resilient is her first novel. ivia has never felt like she fits in. As normal as it sounds, Livia is anything but ordinary. She can feel every emotion of every single person around her, and it’s maddening. In pursuit of some psychic quiet, she moves with her family from New York City to Whidbey Island in the lush and sleepy Pacific Northwest. But when a horseback riding accident in her new home gives her a broken leg that heals in a day, she finds that another unexplainable ability has manifested, and her life isn’t about to get any easier. Adam has no problem fitting in and making friends. In fact, he’s the top of the school, the boy everyone knows and loves. However, people only see what he allows them to. No one knows what Adam is truly capable of. After witnessing Livia’s accident, Adam sees something intriguing in her quick recovery, something that gives him hope that he’s not alone. Adam is the only one whose emotions Livia can’t read. Afraid of not knowing what goes on behind his dark eyes, Livia decides to keep him at a distance. Yet the more she tries to ignore him, the more alluring he becomes, and while their personal quests for identity will inevitably bring them closer together, it is the confirmation of what they really are that threatens to tear them apart. Resilient, told in alternating point of views, is a gripping story of survival and romance, in which two teenagers face the consequences of being anything but normal. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 13 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 When a meteor slams into the earth causing a shift in the planet’s magnetic core, the age of technology ends and economies across the globe crash. Years later, knowledge is not only power…it is currency. Bookkeepers are invaluable in this post-apocalyptic world. N evel can never tell anyone he is a bookkeeper. His photographic memory is his secret. With a dystopian government that keeps all known books under lock and key looming as a constant threat and with parents involved as agents in the U.B.M. (Underground Book Movement) to protect the books that still secretly exist, Nevel is in a dangerous position. Never does this cause an issue until the day a fellow classmate, Quinn, appears at his door and proves to know more than she should. OCTOBER 21, 2013 256 p. 5” x 8” ISBN-13: 978-0-9860373-8-2 Softcover $11.99 HARDCOVER $18.99 YOUNG ADULT AGES 13+ DYSTOPian survival SCIENCE FICTION Whitney L. Grady is a graduate of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she received a B.A. in English and East Carolina University where she received her Master’s Degree in Education. This is her debut novel. First her hostage, then her friend, Nevel and Quinn find they are more alike than they realized. Fleeing to tunnels beneath Australia’s red dust, Nevel and Quinn take on a new role together as agents of the U.B.M. (Underground Book Movement). What they carry towards the Gold Coast is a mystery to even them. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 14 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 OUTBREAK: The Zombie Apocalypse CRAIG JONES Without warning, a zombie epidemic sweeps across modern day Great Britain causing the victims to attack and feed on their neighbors. In a small village in South Wales, two brothers, protected because of privilege and wealth, are driven to offer help and assistance until they make a choice that will change their lives forever. OCTOBER 7, 2013 256 PAGES 5” x 8” ISBN 978-0-6158898-9-4 UK ISBN 978-0-9860373-9-9 US SOFTCOVER $10.99 \ £6.99 HARDCOVER $19.99 Young Adult - ages 13+ HORROR Post-Apocalyptic I t begins with a flight into Heathrow Airport. It ends up at Matt Hawkins’ front gate, in a crowd of savage, lumbering bodies. An epidemic is sweeping Great Britain, transforming countless victims into mindless predators and forcing Matt and his little brother, Danny, out of the safety of their late parents’ privileged legacy and into a rapidly changing world. Craig Jones is from Wales, the home of great rugby, great singing and many great writers and artists. Craig lives in Cardiff with his wife Claire, baby son Shane and a rather insane ginger cat called Wookie. He works for Public Health Wales and is the Wales lead on alcohol harm reduction. As much as he loves this job, his dream is to be a full time writer. Every day is vital. Every action counts. As the brothers make alliances and learn to defend themselves and their home against an unthinkable enemy, choices are made, some with devastating consequences. In the midst of this nightmarish fight to survive, Matt begins to learn what is truly important to him, and exactly what it means to be human. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 15 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Every year, on Peppers birthday, aliens come to earth for a few horrific minutes to abduct an unfortunate human and leave. Tomorrow is February 20th...who will be taken this time? There’s no way Pepper would have guessed that it would be her parents. NOVEMBER 2013 264 p. 5x8 ISBN-13: 978-0-9860373-6-8 Softcover $12.99 HARDCOVER $19.99 Young Adult ages 13+ science fiction Post-Apocalyptic Monica Strang is a talented and skillful web developer. Her creativity has spilled from crafting websites into writing Young Adult novels. She resides in San Diego, California with her husband and two children. F or fourteen-year-old Pepper, finding out that your parents are not who they’ve always claimed to be is disturbing – especially if you saw them kidnapped by aliens a few months ago. After witnessing her parent’s abduction, Pepper learns that they are not the humble human schoolteachers she thought she knew, but two of the most powerful inventors throughout many worlds. Desperate to find them, Pepper will do anything to get them back, even if it means traveling off-world to her parent’s home planet. On this new planet, Pepper learns of her parents’ past and the Starburst Juju, a stone that can free her parents from alien confinement. With her friends and a multifunctional weapon that her mother invented, Pepper goes in search of the Starburst Juju to free her parents. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 16 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 My Water Path To Mississippi Moses A Young Adult Book timothy joseph Jory, an 11-year-old orphan, runs away from foster care and is taken in by a welcoming family of a different race. T November 2013 336 p. 5.5 x 8.5 Softcover ISBN: 978-0-9827271-8-8 $11.99 Reading AGE 13 & up Juvenile Fiction friendship family social issues survival Timothy Joseph began his career as a high school science teacher. He earned a PhD, was a college professor, senior scientist, and weekly newspaper columnist. He is currently a freelance technical writer, and volunteers his time giving Creative Writing talks for local schools and other organizations. he late 1950s. After the death of his father, Jory Sheppard runs away from home and away from an unwanted life in foster care. His journey doesn’t last long before he is caught, alone and afraid, in a storm on the Mississippi River, but when he is rescued from the raging waters by an old black man named Moses, it becomes the event that will change his life. Taken into Moses’ family as one of their own, Jory is introduced to a world so familiar and yet so very different from the one he once knew. As he learns and grows under the benevolent care of his new family, he struggles to make sense of the society in which he lives—a society that would spit on a man such as Moses, simply because his skin is black, and never hesitate to rip Jory from the people he holds dear. Quickly entrenched in a struggle that is much bigger than himself, Jory must learn the difference between what feels necessary and what is right, what is pity and what is hate. If he wants to fight the injustice and uncertainty that surrounds him, he must learn what it really means to stand up for what he believes in. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 17 Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 Coming 2014 Tales of an Alien Invader by Michelle Brown - Ages 9 And Up - Middle Grade Science Fiction To invade, or not to invade…that is the question. At least it is for Felix Winters, an 11-year-old Bopton sent on his first scouting mission to Earth. His mission is simple-blend in, observe his surroundings, and ultimately decide the fate of humanity. Vamp Town by Craig Jones - Ages 13 And Up - Young Adult Horror The coastal town of Skerries is the perfect place to live. No crime, no trouble and almost no reason to lock the door at night. The tranquility, however, comes at a cost. Every member of the community must hold onto a centuries old secret that if exposed would tear the heart out of the town. Outbreak 2: Breakout by Craig Jones - Ages 13 And Up - Young Adult Horror It has been a month since Matt and the survivors found refuge in the Stadium. Matt begins to see a change in the zombie threat. They are dying. Again. And a group of scientists have discovered a cure. The survivors within the stadium, led by the last of the military, are given a mission. Rescue the scientists and escape from Britain. Except the zombies aren’t dying... they are waiting. And they are hungry! Zodiak by Craig Jones - Ages 12 And Up - Young Adult Action Adventure - Science Fiction It is 2025 and crime in Britain has been all but eradicated by the highly trained combat outfit ‘Zodiak’. However, when one of the team is overcome with fear while halting a bank raid, it looks like the future of Zodiak is in jeopardy. When all looks bleak, in steps media mogul William Walsh with the idea for a reality television show to replace the fallen hero with a member of the public. A Teenage Survivalist 2: Time Lost by Julie L. Casey - Young Adult Apocalyptic - Survival Ben, a teenage boy, chronicles his escape frrom the tragedy and choas ensuing in Kansas City as people struggle to survive without electricity after the sun delivers an unseen surge of electromagnetic fury. Eyes Of An Angel by Tom Brazeau - Ages 12 And Up - Young Adult Fantasy & Magic 17-year-old Jessica heals the village folk with the help of her parent’s spirits. She is soon imprisoned for being a dark child but is consoled when visited by the most beautiful creature she has ever laid eyes upon. He calls himself Gabriel and comes with a mission for Jessica. The Capture of Rafael Ortega by Joel Stein - Ages 12 And Up - Judaica Historical Fiction The streets of Rafael Ortega’s Spanish town have become treacherous for the young Jew. Rumors of an Inquisition are proving true. But never did he imagine that on his way home from the stables, he would be kidnapped by sailors and thrown aboard a Spanish Galleon, El Albatros. Luckily for Rafa, Gustavo Morales, the Ortega’s loyal servant witnesses Rafa’s capture and stows aboard the ship to accompany Rafa on a treacherous journey to St Augustine, Florida. Right s Inquir ie s: 18 [email protected] Pants On Fire Press [email protected] Phone: 863-546-0760 I n the near future, countries become provincial zones in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. They are ruled by an ever changing dystopian government of youths. What was once the great state of New Jersey is now Central City aka Combat City due to its proximity to Zombie Arena – the former island of Manhattan New York. T h e e n t i r e 2 2 . 9 6 s q u a r e m i l e s o f M a n h a t t a n h a s b e e n contained, transformed and domed to serve as a zombie penitentiary of sorts. A Young Adult Book David M. F. Powers & Craig Jones 2014 320 p. 5.5 x 8.5 Softcover/Hardc0ver ISBN: 978-0982727171 $9.99 Reading AGE 13& up Juvenile Fiction hORROR science fiction Dystopean survival The Zombie virus continues to threaten humanity. The virus, in the blood of every living person, guarantees them a zombie transformation near their 30th birthday. At 29, you are marked for transition, and for those whose families can afford it; you begin 6 months of zombie survival training – then you are delivered to the arena to survive the last 6 months of your life. It is viewed as the most humane way to deal with the zombie “transition problem”. Every 4 years, to replace the 1 Supreme and 7 Provincial Witnesses (leaders), 3 candidates from each province along with 3 supreme candidates from Central City (all children/teens) are sent to the Zombie Arena for 7 days. During the 7 days the candidates will fight for survival against transitionals, zombies, criminals and possibly each other while completing daily missions. The goal is to complete the missions, move on, and survive the 7 days. The top surviving Candidates and Supreme Candidate from each province and Central City will be confirmed as their new Provincial Witness with the possibility of becoming the Supreme Witness if all Supreme Candidates die. The Zombie Arena serves to remind the world population of the zombie threat among them, control the zombie population, and keep all provinces inline. It is all televised and provinces naturally cheer for their candidate. The story surrounds Blas Vega, the 17 year old father of three, from Province 7. In order for humanity to continue, marriage and child birth occur at an earlier age. Geographically, 7 encompasses present day Europe. Capital city, present day Barcelona. Spain was one of the first countries to contain the epidemic and isolate itself from the rest of Europe thanks to the Pyrenees. The majority of Province 7’s descendants hail from the UK, Portugal, and Spain. Most of Europe’s population died. Blas has been nominated as one of 7’s candidates by his Witness elder relative. His family, mostly scientists and doctors, hails from a long line of Candidates and Witnesses. Blas is haunted by his secret collection of family journals and their mention of a cure for the zombie virus. Dismissed by his family for believing in fairy tales, Blas stumbles upon a reoccurring conspiratorial journal entry from several relatives. “This evening did not go well. I told elder Leyva about the cure. He was indignant at the idea of valuing rumors above truth, calling the whole notion of a cure utter nonsense. I fear, as my predecessors have written before me, that I have become a liability to the Vega name. I have been nominated first Province 7 Candidate.” The story arc is the suspected and eventual existence of the cure and the pursuit to expose and overthrow of the dystopian government. Right s Inquir ie s: [email protected] 19