informal worship service traditional worship
informal worship service traditional worship
*INFORMAL WORSHIP SERVICE August 9, 2015 BAPTISM SUNDAY Worship Songs Prayer Time Message “The Powerful Aroma of Prayer” Closing Song August 23rd Breakfast Leader ~ Julie Spochart Today’s Greeters: 8:00 a.m. ~ Nancy Brant, Rita Shaulis 10:30 a.m. ~ Jeanne Sprowls, Becky & Donna Williams Today’s Ushers: 8:00 a.m. ~ Darin Janidlo, Keith Hoover, Ben Short August 23rd Greeters: 8:00 a.m. ~ Joy Schrock and Tammy Saylor 10:30 a.m. ~ Denver & Ginger Philip rd August 23 Ushers: 8:00 a.m. ~ Brian Black, Jason & Keegan Huston TRADITIONAL WORSHIP Prelude……………………………………............................. Opening Prayer…………………………………..Pastor Luke *Hymn # 31……………………………... “Great Is the Lord” Children’s Story……………………………... Carol Bowman Praise & Prayer…………………………………...Pastor Tom Offering……………………………………………………… Offertory Prayer………………………………….Pastor Tom Message… “The Powerful Aroma of Prayer” …Pastor Tom *Hymn # 349……………………………... “Trust and Obey” Benediction……………………………………….Pastor Tom Postlude………………………………………………………. *Please stand if able *Please sign attendance sheet at end of pew. Thanks! LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERING Reg. $8,258.58 Spec. $1,433.51 Total $9,692.00 • PRAYER Tuesday mornings 6:15 – 7:15 in the Brick Coffee House. • HEALTH TEAM MEETING TODAY at 5:30 p.m. in the Brick Coffee House. • OFFICIAL BOARD will meet this evening at 7:00 in the Brick Coffee House. • F.I.T. ~with busy schedules at this time, we will NOT be meeting for F.I.T. Club. • Christian Board of Education Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Brick Coffee House. WMS is looking for EMPTY 16 oz. plastic peanut butter jars or mayo jars for their “Thank Offering”. Please put jars in the box under the Information Table. Questions, contact Mary Margaret Werner at 267-4625. It’s not too early to be thinking about filling your Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Many places are holding “Back to School Sales”! “LOVE FOR LARAMEE” bracelets are available to benefit Laramee Ickes and family. Laramee Ickes is a 6 year old who was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Bracelets are $5.00 each and are available on the Information Table or through Ryan & Tammy Saylor at 701-1727 or Randy & Afton Burkholder at 233-6332 or 233-9025. Pastor Tom Sprowls, Jr. Youth Pastor Luke Dowdy August 9, 2015 Church Office: 267-3863 ~ email [email protected] Website ~ Please Remember: The Sunday morning Messages can be found and listened to online. Informal Worship 8:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:30 a.m. Would you like to Host an Exchange Student? Becca Brinkmann (cell 814/279-2206) is a local coordinator for Exchange Students for the upcoming school year. If you want to learn more about hosting and Exchange Student, contact Becca as soon as possible. “1” CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY!! We will meet at HILLSIDE LODGE @ 10:30 AM (Rain or Shine) *Nursery is on the second floor. Nursery attendant for our 8:00 a.m. service is Erin Boburchock. **Volunteers needed for Nursery ~ please contact Erin Boburchock at 602-571-3613 or the church office at 267-3863. BAPTISMS We welcome for baptism: Ella & Hannah Beam, Madison Nemeth, Tammy & Ryan Saylor, Jadon, Kaitlyn and Marissa Vance. Today’s WMS BOOK & DVD SALE August 22, 2015 9 a.m. ~ 1 p.m. Church Parking Lot *If you would like to donate books or CD’s, please place them in the ramp coatroom. Thanks!! ************************************** altar flowers are given to the “Glory of God” and in loving memory of Mary Ann Deem Walker by Doyle and Donna Paul and family. CONGRATULATIONS!! We extend our congratulations to Josh and Erin Riley on the birth of their daughter Lydia Grace born August 4th weighing 6 lbs. 13 ozs. and 19 inches long. Congratulations to proud grandparents Tim & Diane Landis and great-grandma Jean Dively!! ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: Fall is the perfect time to fall in love with your spouse all over again! That is what couples overwhelmingly report is the result of attending a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend. Now is the time to sign up for one of the fall Weekends to be sure you get the one of your choice. The fall Weekends are: • September 18-20, 2015 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center, Canadensis, PA, a new, hotel-style facility on Spruce Lake in the heart of the Pocono Mountains – an hour north of Allentown. • October 16-18, 2015 in Lancaster, PA, at the all newly-renovated Heritage Hotel Lancaster, home of the unique Treehouse-inspired restaurant, “Loxley’s.” Weekends run from Friday at 8 PM to Sunday around 4 PM and are designed to help you make your marriage a more intimate, loving, Christian union. Currently, the registration fee is $45 per couple; however, starting September 1, the registration fee will be going up to $100 per couple, so register now to qualify for the lower registration fee. Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all supplies are included with your registration fee, plus toward the end of the weekend you will be given an opportunity to make a confidential contribution of whatever amount you wish toward the continuation of the program. Registrations are limited, so sign up today by going to the website: and paying the $45 registration with your credit card, or mark the option to mail check. For questions, or if you would like a brochure with registration form mailed to you, contact Pennsylvania Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, at [email protected] or 724-325-3166. REMINDER!! REMINDER!! REMINDER!! “1” CHURCH WILL BE HELD AT HILLSIDE LODGE NEXT SUNDAY ~ AUGUST 16TH ~ AT 10:30 A.M. ~ RAIN OR SHINE! THERE WILL BE NO SUNDAY SCHOOL. GET INVOLVED IN OUR CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY It is time to reorganize and get ready for another year of ringing!! Please see the Information Bulletin Board for sign-up sheets for our Handbell Choirs (Youth & Adult) and Handchime choirs. **Handchimes are for ages Kindergarten through 2nd grade and we practice Sunday mornings from 8:45 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. Prayer Concern List Name Request/Concern Progress/Answer Neal Adolphson ~ friend of Dorie Lambert *Gertrude Baker ~ Donna William’s mother *John Baker Jenny Bartlett ~ grandma of Hailey (Faidley) Janice Beardmore Ed Biddle Mike Blake ~ friend of Petro family, Vickie Blake *“Bunny” Bockes Zona Coleman Wayne Deeter *Donald Deist ~ Audrey Sechler’s dad *Emmy Fairman ~ Brad Fairman’s mom Faith Custer ~ 9 yrs. old Zayne Fornwalt ~ 6 yrs. old Kathy Gallo ~ sister of Susan Yoder Justin Gendron ~ 5 yrs. old Leg surgery/kidney issues Heart problems Pittsburgh Hospital Stroke Aneurysm and possible stroke Cervical Cancer Dementia Esophagus Cancer~ stage 4 Fever & nausea Infection in arm Knee replacement 7/30/15 Fell (8/6/15) UPMC Conemaugh Hospital Dennis Griffith ~ brother of Terry Griffith *Mike Griffith *Terry Griffith Rita Hardesty *Ellen Hay Mary Lou Hay ~ Bill Hay’s aunt *Bernie Henaghan ~ friend of Bob Brant *Hazel Hillegas & family Bruce Hostetler *Dave Hoyman ~ Desiree Petro’s uncle Dave Hutzell *Laramee Ickes ~ 6 yr. old daughter of Zac & Brittany Jerry Johnson Joann Kimmel *Juna Krupper ~ Judy Krupper’s nephew *Cameron Landis Harvey Largent ~ friend of Lung cancer Brain Cancer Lung Cancer Pre-‐heart transplant procedures 7/20 Esophagus was banded Back surgery 8/15/15 Back surgery 9/6/15 Cancer Lung cancer Kidney problems & blood infection Cystic Fibrosis Passing of Jim Stroke ~ much better Heart problems –had stent inserted Cancer issues Cancerous brain stem tumor Lung surgery Knee replacement Mitro & Aortic Valve Surgery~Vent removed Foot surgery 8/5/15 Kidney & bladder Began radiation Treatment Home ~ prayer needed Back at Rest Assured Somerset Hospital Taken by ambulance to the hospital Treatment Treatment Presbyterian Hospital Will have banding done again 8/20/15 Beginning treatment Allegheny General Sewickley Hospital ICU Somerset Hosp. Presbyterian Hospital In need of a lung transplant Home ~ therapy Conemaugh Hospital Radiation began 7/29/15 Children’s Home ~ oxygen Surgery went well Continued prayer for strength and healing Surgery went well Very weak-‐-‐had a Doyle & Donna Paul Linda (Stoddard) Long Kevin McGuire ~ relative of Judy Krupper Tricia Mayak *Haley McClucas Charlie McCurdy Mary Meyers ~ friend of Stan & Bonnie Landis *Charlotte Mix Gabriel Ohler Allen Rhoads *Janet Scott ~ aunt of Nancy Brant Fred Shepler Ronald Sleasman Jeff Smiley Carla Smith Clara Smith Joyce Taylor Donald Will *Lois Williams ~ Jeanette Landis’ mother Roy Wright ~ friend of Jane Maust family Susan Yoder Joe Zeigler Dan Armstong Jeremy Scott Baker Cruz Boyer Mike Bowers Kyle Cooney Shawn Cochran Joshua Crissy Max Dull Ben Hay Ron Helm Aaron Engleka cancer Cancer Found mass on kidney Cancer treatment Skin moles Lung Cancer Health issues biopsy of bladder Chemo ~ prayers Chicago Cancer Institute for biopsy Pray for strength Dr. appt. for evaluation Biopsy Double mastectomy Spina Bifida Farm accident Testing this week Surgery 7/30/15 Home ICU ~ Conemaugh Cancer Lung Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Cancer Vasculitus Leukemia Cancer Procedure to treat an aneurysm in sinus cavity Brain cancer ~ surgery in Pittsburgh Heart transplant at Hershey Medical Center Leukemia Cancer in remission Chemo Prayer for comfort Home doing much better OUR MILITARY Jared Harshbarger Bobby Hoffman Mike Hutchinson Alex Kuh Jana Glotfelty Kuh Louis Orris John Paxton Joel Sprowls Mark Stewart Matt Spear Steve Spear Now in Boston Cancer Center for 2 months Prayer for healing Gavin Stockwell Justin Streng Carrie Thomas Jeremy Thomas Dan VonSchimpf Josh Walters Mike Warren Paul Will Bethanie Wilson
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