sermon notes - Christian Faith Assembly
sermon notes - Christian Faith Assembly
Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Pastor Reverend Dr. Kathleen Harris, Assistant Pastor Christian Faith Assembly SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK 9:30 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL NEW MEMBERS CLASS Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14 NLT PRAYER TIME IN THE SANCTUARY 1st Sunday Leadership Prayer Time 9:00 AM – 9:25 AM Noon Day Prayer, Wednesdays 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Mid-Week Prayer, Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM “And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22 SICK & SHUT IN: Deac. Verna Lasure AUDIO CD’S AVAILABLE- Anyone in need of a CD of this or any service, please see Dea. Jerry Watson or Bro. Dexter Stevenson. CD’s are available of every service for a $5.00 donation. Thank you WORSHIP LEADER PLEASE SUPERVISE CHILDREN - Please do not allow your children to go into the bathrooms or other areas of the building and grounds unsupervised. This is of the utmost PROCESSIONAL importance. ATTENTION LEADERS - All Officers and Leaders are expected to be in prayer every SCRIPTURE Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Youth Leaders from 6:00 – 6:30 pm. If you are in a leadership READING position such as Elder, Evang, Minister, Trustee, Deacon, Deaconess and Dept. Leaders you OPENING PRAYER are expected to be in prayer. BLINDS IN THE SANCTUARY - For security purposes, please leave the blinds in the ANNOUNCEMENTS sanctuary open slightly for light. PRAISE & WORSHIP NURSERY HOURS - The nursery will be open after offering each Sunday except 5th Sunday and special events. When you bring your child, please allow for time to sign your child in. OFFERING & Only approved persons can pick the child up after service. Please pick your child up OFFERTORY PRAYER immediately after service as the staff may need to leave. The nursery is also in need of some donations, please see Sis. Vivyan Saloka for any questions or concerns. INTRODUCTION OF MOVEMENT – Please refrain from moving during prayer and scripture reading. You will be SPEAKER asked by the Ushers to remain in the back of the sanctuary and wait to be seated. Please limit use of the center aisle during the church service and while the Word is being brought forth. SELECTION Directly before the Pastor begins to preach, the aisle will be roped off and you will be SERMON redirected to utilize the side aisles. LET US REVERENCE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD BY TURNING OFF OUR ALTAR CALL CELL PHONES TO MUTE, VIBRATE OR OFF. REMARKS PLEASE DO NOT BRING GUM OR CANDY INTO THE SANCTUARY. 11:00 AM BENEDICTION 810 MARNE HIGHWAY, HAINESPORT, NJ 08036 TELEPHONE: 609-267-4436 FAX: 609-267-0377 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.CHRISTIANFAITHASSEMBLY.COM June Bible Study Instructor: Elder Damian Threadgill Topic: God’s Big Idea Concerning Divine Design “Maximizing Your Effectiveness” Inspired by Author Aubrey Malphurs Our Week At A Glance TUESDAY, JUNE 11TH WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12TH THURSDAY, JUNE 13TH SATURDAY, JUNE 15TH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Men’s Fellowship Meeting – 730 PM Noon Day Prayer – 1200 PM – 100 PM Mid-Week Prayer – 600 PM – 700 PM Youth Summer Session – 630 PM – 800 PM Presbytery Meeting – 630 PM Adult Bible Study – 700 PM CRUSH/LEAP Rehearsal – 630 PM – 800 PM Praise & Worship Rehearsal – 800 PM – 930 PM Security Team Meeting – 900 AM For His Glory Rehearsal – 900 AM Ministerial Alliance Meeting – 1030 PM – 1200 PM Missionary Meeting – 1000 AM – 1200 PM Voices of Faith Rehearsal – 1100 AM – 1200 PM Genesis Rehearsal – 1200 PM – 130 PM CRUSH/LEAP Rehearsal – 130 PM – 300 PM • Total Women Meeting – NEW TIME – 1200 PM CFA News CFA Summer Hours - Based on our Sunday Morning Hours Survey, we will proceed with changing our Sunday morning service hours from July 7th – Aug 25th. During this time, our Sunday morning schedule will be: First Sundays only Leadership Prayer 830 – 850am Sunday School 9– 945am Sunday Service 10am Vacation Bible School - VBS is coming and we need YOU!! Please see Min. Naomi Threadgill or Sis. Ingrid Demby if you are interested in making VBS a success!! Attention High School Graduates for 2013---Applications are now available for C.F.A. members who will be graduating from high school in June and plan to attend college or a vocational training school in September. Please contact Sister Debi Williams for scholarship information and an application. Completed scholarship applications are to be returned to Sister Debi no later than June 30th. CFA Scholarship/Academic Achievement - Parents, it’s that time of the year to begin collecting Scholastic and Academic Achievements for the students of C.F.A. The Dyreon T. Gregory Scholarship Program will be recognizing our students on Sunday, July 12th and it’s up to you to provide information to us. We will recognize also recognize graduates of various grade levels, Bible School, and College. Forms are available from members of the Scholarship Committee: Sis. Debi Williams, Sis. Wendy Thomas, Sis. Jeanne Burrell. You may also contact Sis. JoAnn Gales @ (609) 877-8326 or [email protected]. From the Desk of Apostle Randolph/Pastor Harris Apostle Conference/Vacation – Pastor Randolph will be attending the Hamptons Ministers Conference June 3rd – 7th and will be on vacation from June 8th – 15th. He will return to the pulpit on June 16th and back in the office on June 18th. Please allow Pastor time to relax and be refreshed during this time. Thank you Job Opportunity • • • • • Do you enjoy working with people with developmental disabilities? position starts at $10.00hr/potential overtime. College Scholarship Opportunity’s are now listed on the Job Bulletin Board. Independent Contractor Drivers! Call 484-768-1483 Green Energy Firm has Openings Now. Training provide. $800 wkly avg. Students 18+ welcome for summer work Please contact Minister Esther Turner at [email protected] for more information. Be sure to check the Job Posting bulletin board for more listings and detailed information about each listing. SERMON NOTES SPEAKER: SCRIPTURE: TEXT: NOTES: INFORMATION FOR THE PASTOR (Please fill in, detach and place in the offering bucket) Today’s Date: Ill and should be visited Name of Person In Need: Prospective member Address: Moved to new address Phone: Desires Pastor to call Your Name: Death in family and should be contacted Additional Information:
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sermon notes - Christian Faith Assembly
asked by the Ushers to remain in the back of the sanctuary and wait to be seated. Please limit
use of the center aisle during the church service and while the Word is being brought forth.
scripture of the week - Christian Faith Assembly
Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Prelate/ Senior Pastor
Christian Faith Assembly
time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 NKJV