SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL - Fredericktown First Baptist Church


SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL - Fredericktown First Baptist Church
The Lamplighter
Newsletter of Fredericktown First Baptist Church
~ September 2015 ~
From the Desk of
Pastor Tim…
Dear Church Family,
Even though it has been a year since we moved to be with you all (17 September will be our anniversary), I am still going through
containers and finding things. This past week I opened a box and I was quite excited at the treasures I discovered. In this rich cache I uncovered
a folder full of notes that reached back to my high school days that pertained to prayer.
One item that especially caught my eye was this account:
A new hospital had just been built in a certain city. A nurse’s aide was showing a group of people through the building. When she came to
the prayer chapel, she said, “I hope you will never have to use this room.” Here remark showed that she totally misunderstood the meaning
of prayer. She thought prayer was to be used only in the extremities of life, when someone was critically ill or dying. She thought that was
the time to come knocking frantically at God’s door. This is wrong. SOURCE: W. Herschel Ford, Simple Sermons on Life and Living
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971), p. 23.
Unfortunately many still approach prayer in such a manner—sadly including Christians—as recourse of last reserve. But we know
different! As the Apostle Paul wrote we are to be anxious about nothing instead we are to take everything to God in prayer, holding nothing
back whatsoever (Philippians 4:6).
We are called to carry everything to our Father in prayer both the serious and the ordinary. As the hymnist penned, “What a privilege it
is to carry everything to God in prayer.”
I am excited as we are coming to a culmination of our Constitutional Revision process. This has been a laborious time yet one of
excitement of contemplating where the Lord is leading us as a Church.
Here is the timeline of what is yet to come:
Sunday, 13 September
Sunday, 27 September
Sunday, 11 October
Presentation of Proposal/Fellowship Meal
Discussion of Proposal
Special-called Business Meeting to vote on the Proposal
As part of our preparation for this time we have spent three weeks of sermons looking at the principals that have undergirded this
proposal. I have really appreciated the kind words from everyone who have expressed their appreciation for this preparatory series. Thank you!
Exciting as this time has been I don’t want our preparations to end there. We must take nothing for granted and truly bathe this in
For this reason we are calling for a month of focused prayer for our Church during September. Not because we are in crisis like the
nurse’s aide but for the reason that we need God’s power in everything we do in our lives.
We are distributing a prayer guide written by Carolyn Fergus (who did have excellent job composing it!) for all of us to use this month.
We have also included a copy in this issue of The Lamplighter.
When we go to the Lord in prayer you never know what power He will pour down on us. May we be faithful to carry everything to
God in prayer!
As we are approaching this first anniversary in our “life together” let me echo the words of the Apostle who wrote: “We always thank
God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers (I Thessalonians 1:2).” And I really do! Thank you everyone for being God’s gift to both
Pam and myself!
With God’s Love for You All,
Pastor Tim.
In this Issue…
Note from Pastor Tim…
Tomato Show Activities…
Operation Christmas Child…
And Much More!
Welcome New Members
Earl Ferguson
Joan Kemmer
Nellie Cramer
Mary Rule
Dortha Zolman
Lacey Wilson
Earl Ferguson
Jarrod Dowalter
Lois Welch
Don Spearman
Trey Carter
Barb Smith
Joan Burch
Joshua Alverson
Jagger Crothers
Jim & Sally Fox
Bob & Marlene Collins
By Profession of Faith and Baptism
Gordon & Jenny Sargent
By Promise of Letter
Gene Biggs
By Profession of Faith and Baptism
September Ministry Team
Andy Fox: 740-694-1586
Dave Hatton: 740-397-7058
Jim Ronk: 740-504-2507
Dean Shira: 740-694-3696
Mark Stricker: 740-398-6035
Kathy Williams: 740-694-1203
Catherine Klever: 740-694-6282
Mike Follin: 614-562-7211
Serving in September
Worship Leaders
Pastor Tim
Pastor Tim
Pastor Tim
Pastor Tim
Phyllis Shira
Kathy Williams
Don & Barb Spearman
Dean & Linda Shira
If you are unable to attend on your scheduled date,
contact the church office. Thanks!
September Dates to Remember
Pastor Tim Vacation – Aug 31- Sept 8
Tomato Show – Sept 9 – Sept 12
Leadership Board Meeting – Sept 14 @ 6:30 PM
Nicki Vacation – Sept 11- Sept 22
Please keep in mind; I will be on vacation starting
September 11-22. All information for the Sept. 13th
and 20th PowerPoint and Bulletin will need to be in
to me by Sunday September 6th. Thank you,
Monthly Mission
Ketley & Vital Pierre
Sharing LIFE & LOVE…
Please join us and share our joy as
a beautiful new life begins for
Kelly & Mark Stricker
September 27th at 4:00 PM
57 Gifford St. Fredericktown
Gifts Omitted
Relocation due to weather will be
FBC 22 E Sandusky St.
The Pierres work on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua to strengthen
local churches and encourage existing churches to plant new ones.
One way they do this is by leading and coordinating seminars and
workshops. Through these sessions, pastors and leaders of local
congregations learn how to strengthen the ministries of their
churches.The Pierres' ministry is a holistic, "hands on" endeavor in
which they walk and work alongside local people, building
relationships. They also work with people in local churches to
educate against drug abuse and drug trafficking.The Pierres also
serve as a link with American Baptist churches in the U.S. for
volunteer groups. The groups are matched with local ministries
according to where they would be the most effective.The Pierres
invite leaders and short-term missionaries, pastors, businessmen,
teachers, and professors to present seminars and workshops.
You’re invited!
Please join us at Dean & Linda Shira’s
House for the Tomato Show Parade
September 12 @ 12:30.
Stick around after and enjoy a chicken
Barbeque! Bring a chair and a covered
Dish to share!! Hope to see you there!!
Fredericktown Tomato Show
Stop on out and visit the Sweets Booth
September 9-12th!!
Watch for the FBC float in the
Parade on Saturday September 12!
Pastor Tim will be in the Bathtub race
Saturday September 12. Come out and cheer
Him on!!
To the Happy Couple!!
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Rule
First Baptist will be sending shoeboxes to children
through Operation Christmas Child again this year.
We are alerting you early as many of the items that
you may want to put in the boxes are on sale right
now during the back-to-school sales. You may pack
your box (or boxes) at home and bring them into the
church or purchase items to be combined with others
to be packed here at the church. There will be a
basket at the back of the church to collect boxes and
loose items.
If you pack your own boxes, please use one of the
labels provided at the back of the sanctuary to tell if
it is for a boy or girl and the age range. The box and
lid should be wrapped separately and a rubber band
placed around the closed box.
We also need empty shoe boxes. All completed boxes
need to be turned into the church by Sunday,
November 22, 2015. You will find instructions for
how to pack your shoebox and suggestions for filling
the boxes. This same info, along with labels, are
available at the back of the sanctuary. Call the
church office if you have any questions. 740-6942856
World Missions Month
Sunday October 4
Vital & Ketley Pierre guest speakers
during church service. FBC will be hosting
the Mohican Baptist Association fall rally
later that even at 4 PM where the Pierre’s
will be speaking.
Coming up in …
190th Annual Gathering
October 20-21
All events will take place once again, at
Leadership Board Meeting 6:30 PM
6500 Doubletree Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43229
The Gathering will highlight and celebrate the Region's
2015 Ministry Theme, "A cord of three strands is not
easily broken," from Ecclessiastes 4:12. Our Keynote
Speaker is the Rev. James H. Willis, Pastor of St. Paul
Missionary Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio. Rev. Willis
also serves as the Vice-President of ABC/Ohio. He will
preach at the Tuesday evening worship service. There
will be two Bible Studies – one on Tuesday afternoon
(led by Rev. Dr. Gordon Penfold) and the other on
Wednesday morning (led by Rev. James Willis). Dr.
Penfold is president of Fresh Start Ministries in
Colorado. This year’s worship leader again is the Rev.
Bob Beals, Minister of Worship & Youth at First Baptist
Church of Canton. Our missionaries are Ann & Bill
Clemmer, ABC/USA Missionaries currently serving in
South Sudan.
NET: ($864.00)
Church Financial Activity
Vote on Constitution
Monday October 12
Crowne Plaza, Columbus North
Church Financial
Week of: 8/1–
Sunday October 11
General Checking Account Balance as of 8/26/15 =
Monday October 19
FBC – Hot Meals
Sunday October 25
Quarterly Business Meeting
FBC Hosting Singspiration 6:30 PM
Thursday October 29
Mohican American Baptist Women’s
Missionary Fall Rally – 10:00 AM
22 East Sandusky Street
P.O. Box 125
Fredericktown, OH 43019
Pastor Timothy Mohon
Sunday School ~ 9:15 AM
Worship Service ~ 10:15 AM
Parsonage: 567-231-7714
Church Office: 740-694-2856
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
email us:
Nicki - [email protected]
Pastor – [email protected]
Visit us on the web….