September 9_ 2012 - St. Juliana Falconieri Parish
September 9_ 2012 - St. Juliana Falconieri Parish
1316 N. A CACIA A VE F ULLERTON , CA 92831-1202 SEPTEMBER 9, 2012 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DID NOT GOD CHOOSE THOSE WHO ARE POOR IN THE WORLD TO BE RICH IN FAITH AND HEIRS TO THE KINGDOM? ~ JAMES 2:5 Order of Friar Servants of Mary United States of America Province MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Community is a welcoming family dedicated to proclaiming the gospel, celebrating the Sacraments, educating, serving, and providing opportunity for all to enrich their faith. Our vision is “ live as a people of God with Christ at the center of our lives through liturgy, faith formation and community.” MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm 12:45pm Deaf Community Mass Saturday: 8:00am 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) Weekdays: 6:30am and 8:00am Holy Days of Obligation: 6:30am, 8:00am and 7:00pm ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION First Saturday of the Month - Immediately following 8am Mass. RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30pm to 4:30pm BAPTISM ~ celebrated the 2nd Sunday at 2:30pm. Please phone the Parish Office either before or shortly after the birth of the child to schedule a baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Catechesis. MARRIAGE Couples planning to be married should contact a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before setting a date for the wedding.. PARISH OFFICE 1318 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-879-1965 FAX: 714-526-6673 WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Thurs., 9:00am to 5:00pm Fri. 9:00am to 12:00 Noon SCHOOL 1320 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-871-2829 FAX: 714-871-8465 PASTOR Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. DEACON Bill Schlater - (retired) PHONE: 714-992-1388 DEACON Gerhard P. Stadel PHONE: 714-870-5714 DEACON Chuck Doidge PHONE: 714-879-1965 Page Two THE PARISH AS ONE BODY “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’ Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary . Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. “ (1 Cor. 12:17-25) The Seven Essen!al Elements of Parish Life constantly interrelate, each nurturing and suppor!ng the other with the communal celebra!on of Sunday Eucharist at the center. LEADERSHIP EVANGELIZATION Pastor Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Parochial Vicar Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Deacon Deacon Deacon Bill Schlater - re!red Gerhard Stadel Chuck Doidge 714-992-1388 714-870-5714 714-879-1965 Pastoral Council School Principal Director of Faith! Forma!on Facility Manager! Bob Die"erle! [email protected] Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Michael McHenry! 714-525-2208 714-871-2829 714-879-1965! [email protected] Mark Augus!n! 714-261-5167! [email protected] Business Manager Parish Secretary Safe Environment STEWARDSHIP Advancement &! Karen Powell Susan Lazuka Vicki Delaney 714-879-1965 714-879-1965 714-879-1965 Rick Price 714-871-4514 David Hoferer 714-961-2845 Parish O#ce 714-879-1965 714-879-1965 Deaf Community Environment! Altar Care Eucharis!c Ministers Nancy Lopez Catherine Haydon ! Mariana Meurer Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-547-0824 714-879-1965! 714-870-7524 714-870-5714 Lector Training Vern Meurer 714-870-7524 Music Director! Organist! Spirit Group Ushers Todd Helm! Claudia Kellogg! Donna Fairrington Alberta Saran 714-528-4690! 714-349-3774! 714-998-0853 714-992-6566 Stewardship Stewardship LITURGY Altar Servers SERVICE Bereavement Italian Catholic Fed. Knights of Columbus Michele Tanaka Joyce French Brian Burley 714-992-1630 714-992-6628 714-738-8036 Respect Life Barbara Legas Claire McKellogg Doris Chiare"a 714-870-4214! 714-526-4096 714-526-6856 Spiritual Partners In Care St. Vincent DePaul Paul Durning 714-879-8721 Shawn Graham! Deacon Gerhard Stadel Catholics Come Home Communica!ons! Constant Contact! Website ! Voca!ons Glenn Casterline! Jan Young [email protected] John McElligo" Welcoming &! Belonging/Outreach Kathy Gleeson WORD (Faith Forma!on) Adult Educa!on Michael McHenry! 714-572-8232! 714-870-5714 ! 714-792-0972! 714-879-1965 714-871-7182 714-680-0683 714-879-1965! [email protected] Bap!sm Judy Allen 714-773-0812 Children’s Liturgy Donna Reinbold 714-772-6234 Conrma!on/HSYM Kerry & Maura Condon! [email protected] 714-680-7736 Sco" Kambak 714-870-5908 RCIA Team 714-879-1965 Michael McHenry! 714-879-1965! Jr. High Youth Ministry! Grades 7-8 RCIA (Rite of Chris!an! Ini!a!on of Adults) School of Religious! Educa!on Grades 1-8 St. Juliana School! School Parent Club Sunday School 9 a.m. [email protected] Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Principal! Megan Shank [email protected] Julianna Tapia [email protected] 714-871-2829! 714-330-9182 714-345-4901 COMMUNITY BSA Religious Emblems Exercise Class Fall Fes!val Mary’s Journey Men’s Retreat Mom’s Group NAIM Support Group (Widows / Widowers) Newman Club! (College Students) Prayer Chain Tomas Franceschi Bernade"e Gilwee John & Maureen Kohaut Nina Viscon! Terry Reinbold Debbie Cusack Eileen Shannon! Mary Gin Chaille Fr. Mark Aaron Riomalos 714-287-2926 714-680-5439 714-713-5295 714-572-4152 714-772-6234 714-529-5341 714-871-0456! 714-526-4926 714-353-5001 Chaplain [email protected] [email protected] Rita Semple! Maggie Armstrong 714-879-1492! 714-871-8055 [email protected] Small Chris!an Communi!es Y.L.I. Catholic Women Barbara Die"erle Debbie Shimaoka 714-525-2208 714-441-0446 Page Three September 9, 2012 ~ FROM THE PASTOR ~ In a conversation recently with Paul Durning, director of St. Vincent de Paul, I found out that our St. Vincent de Paul Society has many more volunteers than I first realized. I see a handful of workers every Thursday morning sorting food items and preparing for needy patrons to arrive. What I learned was amazing. Here with is just a sample of those who volunteer as computer operators, language interpreters, support team and pantry organizers: Pete Rudyk, Larry Duarte, Jim Kinnane, Enedina Clements, Mike Clements, Marion Purdy, Paloma Mansfield, Al Esser, Patricia Silverstri, Neida Herrera, Joe Herrera, Tom Stokes, George Fontes, Alice Gresto, Dorothy Carr, Pat Carter and Clara Kelly. In the name of the entire parish I extend our gratitude to all these volunteers who make possible this outreach to needy folks who are becoming more needy all the time. It is through the generosity of St. Juliana parishioners who donate food items (we need more, please) in the church pantry box and in financial donations that make this ministry possible. Another group of volunteers who have been busy for the past three months in anticipation of our parish festival the weekend of September 28, 29, and 30 is the Fall Festival Committee under the leadership of Chair persons: John and Maureen Kohaut. The committee is broken into smaller committees, namely, treasurer, rides, food, sponsorship, games, publicity, set-up/clean-up, capital campaign, volunteers, used books, entertainment, and security. The names of these committee members are the following: Louisa Pesci, Shawn Shadburn, Megan Shank, Cyndee Shank, Harry Harrison, Kathleen Thiemann, Amber Matas, Phil Stump, Andrew Valbuena, Dean and Kathy Hough, Mark Augustin, Deno Vaccher, Ray Silva, Jack Galliher, Alisa Hurst, Bill and Cindy Jason, Jim Steinbergs, James Tanaka, John Martin, and Scott Moore. While these are the principal members, there is a host of other volunteers who will be working behind the scenes every day of the festival : booth captains, runners, booth workers, etc. Again our gratitude extends to all these faithful draftees for their dedicated service. This weekend we honor another group of leaders and workers in the vineyard of the Lord: St. Juliana Pastoral Council. During the 11am Mass the council will be officially installed for 2012-2013 year. The following members include new and returning members: Chair-Bob Dietterle, Vice-Chair-Paul Irving, Father Luke Stano, O.S.M., Deacon Gerhard Stadel, Deacon Chuck Doidge, Ken Boucher, Jan Fontes, Shawn Graham, Manuel Gonzales, Jr., Jennifer Powell, Alberta Saran, David Hoferer, Bill Jason, and Louisa Pesci. Congratulations to these committed leaders. We have had the first early-bird drawing for the parish Fall Festival raffle. (See page 5 for Fall Festival information.) There will be other drawings. Over 600 families did not take their raffle book from the back of church which means those books will need to be mailed at a cost of $390. Hopefully, these families will participate in the raffle. The raffle is an important part of the financial success of the festival. In the bulletin this week there is a copy of the publication, Servites Today. I hope you will read it and perhaps pass it on to another. Also, I would like to alert you to a program sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Church taking place at Temple Beth Tikvah (1600 N. Acacia) on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 from 7-9pm. A movie narrated by Kiefer Sutherland called “The Healthcare Movie” will be shown and a discussion led by Dr. Bill Honigman, an ER physician and Co-coordinator Campaign for a Healthy California Orange County Region. The movie is free of cost and for more information you may call (714)-871-7150. St. Juliana parishioners are so generous. In the past month you have donated almost $23,000 to various outreach programs. The collection for the Servite Missions in Kwa-Zulu South Africa netted $8,734.72. The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales received $9,115.00 for their missionary work in Africa and the “Pennies From Heaven” baby bottles preliminary income is $5,032.10. Over 26,000 pennies were cashed in to help fund our Respect Life ministry and outreach. There seems to be a fondness for baby bottles as there are about 100 bottles that have not been returned full or empty. Baskets are in church for bottles. I am always inspired by stories of unexpected generosity. Not only the parish as beneficiary but also in my personal life. I have been the recipient of unconditional generosity at special moments in my priestly ministry. A story I read tells about a poor family of five boys and three girls with little wealth but much love and great faith. As poor as they were, the mother consistently gave each week to St. Peter’s Church. She couldn’t give much, but it was sacrificial. The oldest boy was an intelligent young man hoping to be a doctor, but he knew his career was far beyond reach of his family. One day the family doctor came to the house to treat two of the children. The mother told the doctor about her son’s ambition and he asked her to send the young man to his office. There, he told the young man, “I will pay your way through medical school on one condition, that when you become a physician, you do the same for another dedicated and needy person. Let him promise to do the same, but always remind him that this has to be a secret between him and his beneficiary. That story is certainly a tall order and perhaps not many will attain it. Nevertheless, generosity begets generosity. We are all capable of reaching beyond our boundaries and do unexpected kindnesses to others. Many of you have done so and may you be blessed for it. Pope Benedict the XVI has proclaimed a Year of Faith beginning October 11, 2012, and concluding on November 24, 2013, the feast of Christ the King. In this special year, believers around the world are called to renew their commitment to the faith that is “always the same, yet the source of ever new light.” The start of this Year of Faith coincides with the anniversaries of two great events that have marked the life of the Church: the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Closer to the date I will insert in the bulletin a brochure outlining the celebration. On Tuesday I received 300 copies of the Catholic Worker newspaper which will be placed in the church bulletin racks for you to take home with you. The Catholic Worker has been an important animator of Catholic Social Teaching in the public forum since the late 1930’s. Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin founded the Movement in response to the Great Depression and the lack of adequate social programs to help the unemployed, homeless, and those who lost both their wealth and property. The treasure of social teachings of the Church through the papal encyclicals was disseminated not only through the writings of Dorothy and Peter but though other social theorists of the time. A parting thought: “Where’d the days go, when all we did was play? And the stress that we were under wasn’t stress at all, just a run and a jump into a harmless fall….” In the Joy of Our Faith, Fr. Frank Falco, O.S.M., Pastor Page Four PARISH CALENDAR Sun., Sept. 9 Mon., Sept. 10 Tues., Sept. 11 Wed., Sept. 12 Thurs., Sept. 13 Fri., Sept. 14 Sat., Sept. 15 Sun., Sept. 16 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Coffee & Donuts (ICF Hosts) Welcoming & Belonging Social 10am 10:30am Deaf Community (Rm 1-2) 11am Installation of PPC 1pm PPC Retreat (RM 1-2) 6:15pm New HSYM Parent Info (PC) Noon Kof C Golf Tournament 6:15pm Zumba Class (PC) 6:30pm PSA Meeting (P.Office) 7pm “All Hearts Afire” (Rm 4) 7:30pm RCIA (Rm 3) 7pm Rosary & Benediction 7pm Festival Meeting (P.Office) 7pm All Sport Parent Mtg (PC) 7:30pm Lector Training (Church) 7:30pm SCC (Rm 3) 8:30am Stretchersize Class (Rm 1) 7pm Spirit Group (Church) 7pm SCC (Rm 4) 7:30pm Liturgy Meeting (P.Office) 7:30pm JHYM (Rm 1-2) 6pm Newman Club (NC) 6pm Choir Set-up (Rm 4) 7pm Youth Band (Church) 7pm Spirit Group (Chapel) 7pm St. Vincent De Paul (Rm 3) 7pm Parent Club Meeting (PC) 7:30pm Choir (Rm 4) At morning drop-off / School New Family Coffee 3pm Divine Mercy/ Stations 6:15pm Zumba Class (Rm 1-2) Feast Day of Our Lady Of Sorrows Celebration of Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows Coffee & Donuts (Faith Formation Hosts) Noon Girl Scouts (Rm 4) 2:30pm Baptisms 4:30pm HSYM Kick-Off MASSES FOR THE WEEK Mon., Sept. 10 Tue., Sept. 11 Wed., Sept. 12 Thu., Sept. 13 Fri., Sept. 14 Sat., Sept. 15 Sun., Sept. 16 6:30am 8:00am 6:30am 8:00am 6:30am 8:00am 6:30am 8:00am 6:30am 8:00am 8:00am 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm Mary Anne Mattei † Carolyn Throndsen † Robert Huberty † Louise Visconti † Joyce Fitzgerald † Randy & Dayle Kanemaki Fr. Pat Donovan, O.S.M. Karen Lee Fr. Paul Gins, O.S.M. (Birthday) Lance Johannes Rosary Group’s Guardian Angels Eileen Leavy † Parishioners Bob Downey † Fr. Justin Pisciotta, O.S.M. † Pompeyo Rosales † PRAYER INTENTIONS PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO ARE ILL AND IN NEED OF OUR LOVING SUPPORT IN THIS COMMUNITY, Jerry Stauber, Catherine Taylor, Jeffrey White ... and all the names listed in our Book of Healing. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR BELOVED DEAD: Burma Salzameda,…may her soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace. Amen PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Let us join in congratulations and prayer for our new 2012-13 Parish Pastoral Council ~ who are officially installed as members of our Council at the 11am Mass this Sunday. We extend our congratulations to Fr. Frank Falco, O.S.M. and his Council: Fr. Luke Stano, O.S.M., Deacon Gerhard Stadel, Deacon Chuck Doidge, Bob Dietterle (Chairman), Paul Irving (Vice Chairman), Jennifer Powell, Shawn Graham, Ken Boucher, Jan Fontes, Alberta Saran, Manuel Gonzales, Jr., Louisa Pesci, Bill Jason and David Hoferer. Your dedication and devotion to the community of St. Juliana Falconieri is greatly appreciated. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS LECTOR TRAINING Join the Welcoming & Belonging/Outreach Commission after the 9am Mass in welcoming these new parishioners and their families: Our next lector training session will be Tuesday, Sept. 11th at 7:30pm in the church. For more information, or to register, contact Vern Meurer at (714) 8707524 or send an email to Vern at [email protected]. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Betance Mr. Ivan Molina Mr. Oswaldo Vargas & Ms. Vanessa Barajas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lipovac Ms. Ann Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mandry Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Kim Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mandry Ms. Megan Jessome Mr. & Mrs. Orv Mohler Mr. & Mrs. Michel Riviere Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Fullerton Mr. & Mrs. Sang Jeong Ms. Kathleen Wehner Mrs. Enedelia Mason Ms. Maria Robles Mr. & Mrs. David Pendergrast Mr. Bernard Reyes Ms. Kathy Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Brad Long Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cox Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Covarrubias Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mejias Mr. & Mrs. Tom Helmer Mr. & Mrs. Rob Nicol Mr. & Mrs. Sriyan Goonawardana Mr. & Mrs. Lowynn Herrera Mr. & Mrs. Archie Arias Mr. & Mrs. William Case Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gonzalez Mr. Patrick Neher & Dr. Elizabeth Reyes PENNIES FROM HEAVEN As of Aug. 31, the total of donations for Pennies From Heaven is $5,032.10. Thank you all so very much. There are still around 100 bottles that have not been returned. Some people have indicated that they are holding on to them for next years collection. That is fine. We just want to make sure that we have enough bottles to hand out for next year, without having to purchase a lot more. Please return any other bottles filled or empty by next weekend. ALTAR CARE - Sept 14, 2012 Barbara Frobenius Mary Morgan Claudia Kieffer Betty Weinstein Page Five KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS Sept 10 Sept 18 Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 4 Oct 13 Golf Tournament (see details below) 6:00pm Pre-meeting dinner 7pm - Rosary / 7:45 General Meeting Day of Adoration KC Fellowship ****after Rosary 7pm ODM 6pm “Gourmet Knights” Dinner GOLF TOURNAMENTS- INFORMATION K NIGHTS 2012 G OLF T OURNAMENT LOS COYOTES COUNTRY CLUB Monday, September 10, 2012 ~ $95/per golfer Registration Opens at 12 noon. BBQ Dinner at 6pm Contact Brian Burley for info: (714) 738-8036 8 TH A NNUAL ICF G OLF T OURNAMENT ROYAL VISTA GOLF COURSE Sunday, October 28, 2012 Relax with us Sunday afternoon for some fun, food and prizes. Tee Off at 12:30pm Shotgun Start ~ Dinner after golf at St. Juliana Parish Center Contact Co-Chair Mike Maglione (714) 525-7221 or Co-Chair Jack Duffin (714) 529-3857 for details Proceeds to St. Juliana Parish Education. “GOURMET KNIGHTS” DINNER Join our Knights of Columbus, who will be displaying their culinary delights in the Parish Center, Sunday, Oct. 13th at 6pm. Cost $20 ~ all you can eat/drink...and dancing too! Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities. Pay at the door, or contact Brian Burley for info at 714-624-6348 DAVE RAMSEY’S “FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY” Monday evenings September 17 to November 12, 2012 7:00pm - 8:30pm Meeting Rooms 1-2 FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY by DAVE RAMSEY is an impressive, nationally recognized, proven financial planning fitness program. Our Stewardship Committee is pleased to provide these distinguished financial planning sessions ~ over a 9 week period of time ~ here at St. Juliana Church . Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people have become debtfree using Ramsey’s bold, no nonsense approach to money matters. Ramsey’s program provides not only the “how to”, but also a grounded, uplifting plan for getting out of debt and achieving total financial peace. Regardless of your financial position, please consider joining us! Register online at Cost is $89 per couple for books and class materials. For more info, please contact David Hoferer at 714-961-2845 or email him at [email protected]. A biblically based curriculum that teaches people how to handle money God’s way. BELATED ANNIVERSARY NEWS Can you imagine 67 years of marriage! Alice and Michael Chuck celebrated their 67th Wedding Anniversary on July 28th! Many congratulations from the community of St. Juliana...may God continue to bless you and keep you safe. EARLY-BIRD RAFFLE WINNER Congratulations…to our 1st Fall Festival Early-Bird raffle drawing winner ($100 prize)….Robert Cardinali! 2012 FALL FESTIVAL ~ S EPTEMBER 28 TH -30 TH ~ It’s not too late to get your raffle tickets in! The Fall Festival Raffle Book contains 25 tickets. The donation for each book of tickets is $100 or $5.00 per ticket for incomplete books. Raffle prize winners announced on Sunday night at the Festival. 1st Prize $4,000 Don’t miss out on the Early-Bird drawings! Next drawings: 2nd Prize $2,000 September 10…..$ 80 3rd Prize $1,000 (You do not have to be present to win.) September 17…..$ 60 Get your raffle tickets in now to enter Early-Bird drawing! September 24…..$ 40 SPONSOR INFORMATION We are still looking for sponsors and underwriters for our 2012 Fall Festival ~ for further details please contact Phil Stump at 714-525-3093, or [email protected]. BOOTH CAPTAINS NEEDED Calling men and women in our community—we need booth captains and booth shift workers. If you would like to help, please contact either Cindy and Bill Jason at 714-579-7949 or [email protected]. USED BOOK BOOTH Books, CD’s and videos are needed for the Used Book Booth and can be dropped off in the church vestibule. For larger quantities please contact James Tanaka for pick-up at 714-3885984 or [email protected]. ENTERTAINMENT LINE-UP The Fall Festival has a great entertainment line-up! Friday night, HSO will be making its first appearance at the St. Juliana Fall Festival. Saturday will highlight parishioner Katie Stump, Pasquale Talarico, and The Noble Ones. Sunday’s line-up includes The Servite Jazz Band, Spade (St. Juliana alumni) and Two Fifths (a crowd-pleasing band with contemporary favorites and classic tunes.) For more info on Fall Festival entertainment contact the Parish Office (for itinerary times) or John Martin at 714-396-3212 or [email protected]. FESTIVAL SILENT AUCTION We are still looking for items for our silent auction during the Festival. If you would like to donate an item and/or a gift certificate please contact Curtis Wesseln at 714-747-1378 or [email protected]. PRIZES FOR THE BOOTHS Our booths need prizes too! Stuffed animals (unused), new glassware, gift certificates (Slurpees, McDonald’s, Baskin Robbins, Golden Spoon, etc.) please contact John Kohaut at 714-715-2347 or [email protected]. Page Six YOUTH FAITH FORMATION NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL You can find forms in the Parish Office, on the parish website or the Faith Formation Website, For even more info, please call Faith Formation Director Mike McHenry at the Parish Office, 714-879-1965, or email [email protected]. Dear St. Juliana Catholic Community, “Knowledge is not to be considered as a means of material prosperity and success, but as a call to serve and to be responsible for others.” (The Catholic School, 1977) We welcome the opening days of the 2012-13 St. Juliana Falconieri School year. For those families who are able to participate in Catholic education at St. Juliana Falconieri School, you demonstrate a commitment to the values and philosophy of a Catholic education. SRE Faith Formation Classes begin Wed., Sept 12th ~ 6pm HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Confirmation / HSYM / “UNIFY” For those that missed the HSYM Mandatory Parent Meeting, there is a make-up meeting on this Sunday, Sept. 9th - 6:15pm. High School Youth Ministry begins next Sunday, Sept. 16th - 4:30pm. This ‘Kick-off’ night includes Teen Mass & Welcome Social. Registration information is in the Parish Office. High School Youth Ministry JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY Introductory meeting this Wed., Sept. 12th, 7:30pm~Rm 1-2 September Activity - Fri., Sept 21st, 4-6pm~“Sports Fest” in Acacia Park Registration info in the Parish Office for this too… 7th & 8th Graders All 7th and 8th graders in the parish, those who attend St. Juliana School and those who attend local public schools are all welcome to join us! The introductory meeting on Sept 12th will include a speaker representing Homeboy Industries—an amazing program for high risk youth, former gang members, and people in trouble with the law. Homeboy provides mental health counseling, legal services, education and job training to people who would have otherwise have no where to turn for help. Inspirational! Informative! Important! won’t want to miss this! M IDDLE S CHOOL Y OUTH M INISTRY It’s way more than effective catechesis! It's Catholic Middle School Youth Ministry that helps young people with life's most challenging years. EDGE is built for all young people in grades 6-8 of the parish. Because it uses a comprehensive youth ministry model, your middle school teen will receive the most well rounded catholic catechesis that a parish can provide! We are seeking new leaders who would like to become part of our team, especially parents, high school and college age students. If you would like more information on our program please call Mike @ 714-879-1965 or look up EDGE on the web at SUNDAY SCHOOL We start Sept. 23rd If you are interested in enrolling your 3-5 year olds for Sunday School please stop by the Parish Office for a registration form or contact Mrs. Tapia at [email protected]. Sunday School begins Sunday, September 23rd. (date changed…) The faculty and staff look forward to working with the school families to promote academic excellence and spiritual development in the context of the teachings of the Catholic Church. I wish to thank all St. Juliana parishioners who have participated in the Angels in Education Program. Your generosity and spirit of giving will help fulfill the “wish lists” of our dedicated faculty at St. Juliana School. We also welcome our thirty-one NEW FAMILIES to St. Juliana School, some of which are coming from Annunciation School (which recently closed). I am grateful for the New Family Mentoring Program which will help make their transition so much easier. Together let us pray that God, who has begun this good work in us, continue to guide our efforts. God Bless, Manuel Gonzales, Jr. M.A. Principal ”God Lights Our Way!” GLOW brightly in God’s love! SHARING OUR TREASURES AUGUST 2012 PARISH COLLECTION REPORT Envelopes $ 43,188.45 8,600.00 Loose Collection Parish Pay (Electronic) 28,792.33 TOTAL AUGUST COLLECTIONS $ 80,580.78 July 2012 - Aug 2012 Budget $ 182,250 July 2012 - Aug 2012 Actual $ 180,800 This month 51% of the 1200 active registered families used their envelopes or Parish Pay. !!!!!!!!!! In addition to our regular collection, we thank all of you for your donations to the special collections: Diocesan Mission Appeal $9,115 Building Fund $4,954 School Support $2,373 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 1 Cor 5:1-8; Lk 6:6-11 1 Cor 6:1-11; Lk 6:12-19 1 Cor 7:25-31; Lk 6:20-26 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13; Lk 6:27-38 Nm 21:4b-9; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 1 Cor 10:14-22; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Is 50:5-9a; Ps 116; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35 Page Seven MARY’S JOURNEY PRAYER BREAKFAST Families take Mary’s statue for a week and pray the rosary together each night. Saying the rosary and meditating on the mysteries allows us to become aware of the life of Jesus, as witnessed in the eyes of his Mother. Sept 9 Sept 16 Joe and Char Henderson Family, 11am Mass Drew and Breda Martin family, 9am Mass If you are interested in signing-up for a week please contact Nina Visconti, 714-572-4152 or [email protected] TELEVISED & AUDIO LITURGIES Do you know someone who cannot attend Mass? Here are some links to weekly televised Catholic Masses available on the internet: Here’s another link that is audio (listening only): Televised Mass is also available through your local cable television station EWTN 7 days a week. Sat., Sept 15th ~ 9:30am-12:30pm at the Radisson Newport Beach. Join in praise, prayer, fellowship and inspiration. Cost $25 / pre-registration - $30 / at the door Price includes full breakfast and presentation by Dorinda Bordlee, Esq., Vice President, Senior Counsel of the Bioethics Defense Fund. Fliers are available in the back of the church or contact Denise at 949-583-7380 or email [email protected] for more info. Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Call 1-800-231-0805 today for a FREE ad design. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Because of your generosity we provided food to over 110 families that visited the pantry in August. We have a continuing need of food for our St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. The following item are in short supply: "!Cereal !Peanut Butter !Canned Tuna These items are nutritious and are in high demand! Canned fruits and vegetables are always in demand. Please leave items in the box in the vestibule of the Church. HOSPITAL BED Parishioner, Jim Kinnane has a home hospital to whomever might need it. Please contact Jim at 714-525-3000 if you are interested. MAGNIFICAT PRAYER BREAKFAST Business Slow? Register at / Fee $35 per person. Register now for this first Prayer Breakfast at the Cathedral. PRAYER FOR MILITARY FAMILIES Please pray for the following members of St. Juliana’s presently serving in the military and for their families: Patrick Gilwee, Kasey Condon, Phillip P. Sanchez, Tai Le, Jason Romeo, Peter Chavez, Stephen Gapinski, Edward Gonzales, Robby Longpre, Christopher Simonds, Anthony Garcia, Brian Krause, Raul “Tito” Velazquez. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. (714) 400-7163 WHY IS IT? Ave Maria Gregorian Chants conducted by Lucien Diess, CSSp Available on CD ($17) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 513906 St Juliana Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 LIFE CENTER Free Pregnancy Testing and Counseling 24 Hour Hotline Call 835-LIFE Confidential PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS PERSONALIZING YOUR LIFE (714) 526-7773 Elizabeth Weinstein Parishioner FAMILY DENTISTRY Jane Skuben, DDS (714) 528-0600 Crowns • Bridges • Dentures Root Canals • Oral Surgery 1690 N. Placentia Ave. @ Topaz Ln. Parishioner Shower/Bath Enclosures 310 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Mirrors & Wardrobe Doors Window Glass Repairs Placentia, CA 92870 Screens (714) 528-1403 Tabletop & Cabinet Glass CL#861398 Parishioner ● ● ● ● ● S.K. HOUSE CLEANING 19 Years Experience Houses Condos Mobile Homes Empty Places Wash Windows Law Offices of Kevin J. Hizon (Parishioner) We Do Handyman Work like Windows & Carpets Special: 10% OFF First Service Compassionate Senior Care • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Meal Preparation • Transportation Call Mrs. Ramos for Home 714.572.2971 FREE ESTIMATES Cell 714.292.0055 Email: [email protected] LICENSE # 902465530 • Medication Reminders • Bathing/Dressing • No Minimum to 24-Hour Care • Personal Emergency Response System • Business Disputes • Consumer Disputes • Contract Matters • Car/Motorcycle/ Bicycle Accidents • Slip/Fall Accidents • Landlord – Tenant • Defamation TAMMY’S CRUISES Cruise and Land Vacations $25 DONATED TO ST. JULIANA FOR EACH BOOKING* (714) 582-2837 Professional Services with Alacrity [email protected] (714 ) 372-2258 Seller of Travel #2034468-50 *Restrictions may apply 20 Years Experience Huntington Beach Bob Halpin, Kristen Halpin RN 714-815-7894 MIKE’S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Sales • Service • Installations 519 Vicky Lane • Placentia Mike Kramer • Lic. #652524 Parishioner 871-1847 (714) 577-5794 1907 N. Placentia Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 (NW corner Placentia & Bastanchury) * Low Radiation Digital X-rays * Michael H. Macalalad, DDS UCLA Magna Cum Laude Director, General Practice Residency - Rancho Los Amigos (Downey, CA) Jeffrey J. Stehly, D.D.S. Family Dental Care ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” CERTIFIED TAX PRACTITIONER and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Exciting New Location! Same Great Care and Staff 1400 N. Harbor Blvd. Ste. 104 Thank you for advertising in Fullerton, CA 92835 our church bulletin. (714) 526-5001 I am patronizing your business (562) 691-3616 because of it! PERSONAL ✸ BUSINESS ✸ RENTAL • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Cancellation of Debt • Corporate Compliance • Business Formations • Audits • Much More! MBR TAX SERVICES, INC., Myrnah B. Ramos, CTEC A118865 (714) 529-1034 — I SPEAK TAGALOG — Member National Association of Tax Professionals 405 S. State College Blvd., #204 Brea, CA 92821 Member: American Dental Assoc. • Calif. Dental Assoc. • O. C. Dental Society T. 714-577-9400 C. 714-267-9677 McAulay & Wallace Mortuaries Advanced Funeral Planning 525-4721 777-2692 Fullerton #FD190 Yorba Linda #FD1304 Family Owned & Operated Since 1911 Complete Funeral & Cremation Services Your Shield for Life Michael McGranahan, FICF (714) 680-5433 INSURANCE DEPT. Knight of Columbus Protect Your Family & Your Retirement [email protected] 513906 St Juliana Church (A) CA Lic# 0C80100 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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