May 3_ 2015 - St. Juliana Falconieri Parish
May 3_ 2015 - St. Juliana Falconieri Parish
CHURCH ADDRESS : 1316 N. Acacia Ave, Fullerton, CA 92831-1202 PARISH OFFICE : 1318 N. Acacia Ave, Fullerton, CA 92831-1202 Phone: 714-879-1965 Fax: 714-526-6673 Website: w Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm Friday, 9:00am to 12:00 Noon SCHOOL 1320 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-871-2829 FAX: 714-871-8465 PASTOR Rev. Michael Pontarelli, O.S.M. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. VISITING PRIESTS Rev. John Moneypenny Rev. Mark Cruz, AM Rev. Ian Bustonera, AM Rev. Randy Sampinto, AM DEACON Bill Schlater - (Semi-Retired) PHONE: 714-992-1388 DEACON Gerhard P. Stadel PHONE: 714-870-5714 DEACON Chuck Doidge PHONE: 714-879-1965 VISION & MISSION STATEMENTS The vision of St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Community is to live as a people of God with Christ at the center of our lives through liturgy, faith formation and community. Our mission is to be a welcoming family dedicated to proclaiming the gospel, celebrating the Sacraments, educating, serving, and providing opportunity for all to enrich their faith. MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00am & 5:00pm Saturday: 8:00am & 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) Weekdays: 6:30am and 8:00am Adoration: First Tuesday of the Month Holy Days of Obligation: 6:30am, 8:00am and 7:00pm ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION ~ First Saturday of the Month after 8am Mass RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS ~ Saturday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm BAPTISM ~ Celebrated the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00pm. Please phone the Parish Office, either before or shortly after the birth of the child, to schedule a baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Catechesis. MARRIAGE ~ Couples planning to be married should contact a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before scheduling a date for their wedding. Page Two THE PARISH AS ONE BODY “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’ Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary . Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. “ (1 Cor. 12:17-25) The Seven Essen al Elements of Parish Life constantly interrelate, each nurturing and suppor ng the other with the communal celebra on of Sunday Eucharist at the center. EVANGELIZATION LEADERSHIP Pastor Rev. Michael Pontarelli, O.S.M. 714-853-1190 Parochial Vicar Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Deacon Deacon Deacon Bill Schlater - Semi-Re red Gerhard Stadel Chuck Doidge 714-992-1388 714-870-5714 714-879-1965 Pastoral Council David Hoferer 714-961-2845 School Principal Manuel Gonzales, Jr. 714-871-2829 Director of Faith Forma on Facility Manager Michael McHenry 714-879-1965 [email protected] Mark Augus n Suzanne Wulff Susan Lazuka Vicki Delaney Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 Jan Young [email protected] 714-879-1965 Voca ons Welcoming & Belonging/Outreach Dave Bigley 714-873-5800 Jenni Minardi 714-996-0992 WORD (Faith Forma on) Adult Educa on 714-261-5167 714-853-1192 714-853-1189 714-853-1194 Judy Allen Michael McHenry Kerry & Maura Condon [email protected] 714-773-0812 714-853-1193 Sco Kambak 714-870-5908 RCIA Team 714-879-1965 Michael McHenry 714-853-1193 Advancement Rick Price 714-871-4514 Stewardship David Hoferer 714-961-2845 Parish Office 714-879-1965 Altar Servers Bob Cardinali Michael Ritchey 714-525-8958 Liturgical Environment Altar Care Celia Gerish & Alisa Hurst Mariana Meurer 714-871-5801 714-870-7524 BSA Religious Emblems Cursillo Eucharis c Ministers Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 Lector Training Vern Meurer 714-870-7524 Todd Helm 714-528-4690 LITURGY Music Director [email protected] Organist & Cantors Sunday 11am Mass YouthBand (Sun., 5pm) Claudia Kellogg Joan Wismer Phi Tran 909-595-4220 714-336-5522 657-206-7640 [email protected] Special Needs Ministry Andrea West 714-920-4214 Usher Kirk Heide 714-553-0762 SERVICE 714-853-1193 Bap sm Children’s Liturgy Confirma on/HSYM MiddleSchoolYouthMinistry Grades 6-7-8 RCIA (Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults) School of Religious Educa on Grades 1-8 St. Juliana School School Parent Club Sunday School 9 a.m. STEWARDSHIP Michael McHenry [email protected] mark.augus [email protected] Business Manager Parish Secretary Safe Environment Catholics Come Home Communica ons Constant Contact Website Bereavement Linda Kelley 714-871-8661 Knights of Columbus Lane Paulsen 714-658-6063 Respect Life 714-870-4214 Spiritual Partners InCare Barbara Legas Barbara Die erle St. Vincent DePaul Paul Durning 714-853-1203 714-525-2208 [email protected] Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Principal Chuck Pesci Julianna Tapia [email protected] 714-871-2829 714-345-4901 COMMUNITY Tomas Franceschi Carri Morones [email protected] 714-287-2926 661-717-6201 714-680-5439 Exercise Class Fall Fes val Bernade e Gilwee John & Maureen Kohaut 714-713-5295 Mary’s Journey Nina Viscon 714-624-4799 Nina.Viscon [email protected] Men’s Retreat Women’s Retreat NAIM Support Group (Widows / Widowers) Newman Club (Chaplain) (College Students) George Santoro Catherine Haydon Mary Joyce Mary Gin Chaille Fr. Mark Aaron Riomalos (President) [email protected] Ian Vergara Prayer Chain Amber Matas 562-237-2943 714-931-6224 714-526-1627 714-526-4926 714-353-5001 [email protected] 626-622-1087 [email protected] 714-553-1188 [email protected] Order of Secular Servants of Mary (O.S.S.M.) Small Chris an Communi es Y.L.I. Catholic Women Dave Lazaro, OSSM - (Prior) 714-784-6279 [email protected] Barbara Die erle Debbie Shimaoka 714-525-2208 714-441-0446 Page Three May 3, 2015 A M ESSAGE FROM F R . M I K E P O N TA R E L L I , O . S . M . For the last two weeks with you I have established a definition of Christian faith as an encounter with God as He has revealed Himself in Christ. By our faith in Jesus God allows us in on the secret of who He is and what He is all about. That faith experience necessitates reflection and explanation; faith is always interpreted. The interpretation, called theology, must be guided by a process which is more or less “scientific”, meaning that it is structured. Theology has been defined as “faith seeking understanding.” We should desire to grow in understanding of the faith. It might happen that you realize that your understanding of numbers and their relationships grew from simple arithmetic to complex mathematics, reading progressed from simple stories to post-modern literature, and art from stick figures to complicated anatomically correct human figures, BUT your understanding of God is still at an immature level and you might well think “God is an immature concept.” Consider this: “My concept of God, my experience of God, my language to express God might be immature. Since I was young all realities have changed – the one reality which has changed the most is me.” I encourage you to grow the understanding you have of your faith. In my youth (!) I found a small book: Your God Is Too Small; J. B. Phillips, 1952 to be helpful. Phillips reviews some very inadequate models of God before he develops an understanding of the God of Jesus Christ. I like what this author means, establish me first as a theist, one who believes and understands at least something of God, then convert me to Christianity. Not all theology is good theology! Phillips examines images of God that are too small to be God. For example, God as policeman, that motor cycle cop who hides behind bushes and nabs you when you’ve done something wrong. Got-‘cha, off to hell forever! The stage director who has you programmed to play only one role on the giant stage of life – His role. The Santa Claus you go to when you want something. Pray correctly and it’s yours. These are three inadequate images of God. Each one is an obstacle to the God of love who is big and related to His people as a good father is to his family. Reflect on the prodigal son lesson, Luke 15:11-32. The Father is waiting to encounter you – as you come home to Him. Upon your return there will be a party. The younger son was a sinner, he was dead – but he returned home to his father’s love. And he was accepted! That’s a pretty big God! The elder son refuses his father’s love. He has reduced himself – not his Father. God is complete, we are lacking without Him. Don’t make God too small. Encounter the living God this week and live. I’m sending a huge thank you and shout out to Mr. Mike McHenry for engaging Sr. Nadine and a wonderful series on Pope Francis. And a huge shout –out to Mr. Curtis Wesseln for engaging the health screening event last Sunday. There will be more health related education — on Monday, May 11th we have a speaker on “Normal and Not-Normal Aging” and in the near future, a panel of medical doctors speaking on “Visiting the Doctor - What questions should you ask and what to do when visiting the doctor including your questions related to surgery.” We are happy to host these professional medical providers – come, be informed. It’s all done for you! (See page 6 of this bulletin for more details.) First Communion was celebrated Saturday, April 25 – thank you to all who prepared the First Communion class for the Table of the Lord. First Communicants – welcome to the Lord’s Table. 50 WEEKS OF P R AY E R DURING OUR 5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A RY Y E A R Know you are being prayed for this week, the 17th week of our 50 Weeks of Prayer! Mr. Christian Gerola Mr. & Mrs. Steve Giano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Blake Giesler Mrs. Dolores Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Gillen Mr. & Mrs. Jon Gilwee Mr. & Mrs. John Gimpl Mr. Sam D. Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Giovanni Mrs. Oneyda Giusto Ms. Wendy Gladd Mr. & Mrs. Lee Glass Mr. & Mrs. David Glaudini Ms. Kathryn Gleeson Mr. Jovan Go & Ms. Katherine Uy Mr.& Mrs. David Godinez Ms. Shavon Godoy Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Golan Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Goldthrope Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Marlon Gomez Mr. Manuel Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gomez Mrs. Patty Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Edward N Gonzales Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gonzalez Ms. Genoveva Gonzalez Page Four PARISH CALENDAR Sun., May 3 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Kof C Pancake Breakfast (PC) Sunday School Happy Anniversary Deacon Gerhard! 8am Special Needs (SHF) 2pm Youth Band (Church) 6:15pm HSYM—Yr 1 7pm Choir Concert (Church) Mon., May 4 6:15pm Zumba (PC) 7pm Sr. Nadine ~ Pope Francis’ “The Joy of the Gospel” (SHF) 7:30pm RCIA (St.J) Tues., May 5 Adoration in Church (Starts after 8am Mass until 9pm) 7pm Rosary & Benediction 7pm “B” Team Sports Awards (PC) 7pm Baptism Class (St.A) 7:30pm Kof C Fellowship (SHF) 7:30pm SCC (St.J) Wed., May 6 8:30am Stretchersize Class (SHF) 6pm Faith Night End-of-Year BBQ (PC) 6pm JHYM (SHF) 7pm Spirit Group (Church) Thurs., May 7 Happy Birthday Deacon Gerhard! 6pm Newman Club (SHF) 6:30pm Adult Confirmation Class (Office) 7pm Kof C ODM Mtg. (St.J) 7:30pm Youth Band (Church) 7:30pm Choir (St.A) Fri., May 8 8am Mass & School May Crowning 3pm Stations of the Cross / DM 6:15pm Zumba Class (SHF) Sat., May 9 7:30am Men’s Bastketball (PC) 6pm Parent’s Night Out (PC) Sun., May 10 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Happy Mother’s Day Coffee & Donuts Respect Life Mother’s Day Sale Sunday School 8am Special Needs (SHF) 2pm Youth Band (Church) SECOND COLLECTION INFO May 9 / 10 St. Juliana Parish School READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK Mon. May 4 6:30am 8:00am Mary Beyer † Al Esser † Tue., May 5 6:30am 8:00am Frank Legas † Jim Greene Sr. Wed., May 6 6:30pm 8:00am Eugene Kuziemkowski † Ivan Prebeg † Thurs., May 7 6:30am 8:00pm Mary Beyer † Vic Steinbergs † Fri., May 8 6:30am 8:00pm Al Esser † Lauri Chiaretta † Sat., May 9 8:00am 5:00pm Greg Marchak Jody Haller Sun., May 10 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm Parishioners of St. Juliana Novena for Mothers Ann Marie Savant † Craig Joseph Taylor † PRAYER REQUESTS PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO ARE ILL AND IN NEED OF OUR LOVING SUPPORT IN THIS COMMUNITY especially Cara DiCrasto (granddaughter of Pat & Dominic Ferrante), Mario Ferrante, (brother of Dominic), Charlene Walsh, Barbara Goodban, Bishop Dominic Luong, ….and all the names listed in our Book of Healing. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED, especially all those listed in our Book of Remembrance ...May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! The community of St. Juliana wish Tom and Winnie Stokes best wishes as they celebrate the 40th year of their marriage this Sunday, May 3rd. Happy Anniversary!! ALTAR CARE MAY 8, 2015 Paula Boyles Anne Cerasuolo Victoria Muffie Susan Powers Page Five MINISTRY NEWS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - NEWS May 3 May 5 7:30-1 p.m. 9 am-9 pm 7 – 7:45 pm 7:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. May 12 May 12-17 May 16 6:00 p.m. May 19 May 23 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 7 am May 26 6:30 p.m. Gourmet Pancake Breakfast Day of Adoration Rosary Officers & Directors Mtg. KC Fellowship (Room 1-2) MSJC Assembly ODM KC State Convention Four-Act Magic Show Contact Brian Burley Pre-meeting Dinner Rosary KC General Business Mtg. Plant flags/crosses on vet graves Loma Vista - Memorial Day MSJC Assembly GBM Sunday, May 3rd 7:00 pm In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Parish Community of St. Juliana Falconieri the St. Juliana Adult Choir presents a special concert in the church PANCAKE BREAKFAST This Sunday, May 3rd from 8:00 - 11:00am GOURMET BREAKFAST in the Parish Center. Back by popular demand, once again our Knights will be cooking- all proceeds support the Cal State University Fullerton Newman Club. Menu: Pancakes, Belgium Waffles, Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Juice, Milk and Coffee. Tickets:$7.00 / Under 12yrs. $3.00 “ The Song Everlasting” a sacred cantata based on early American songs and hymns performed with professional chamber orchestra. Everyone is welcome and invited! EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Please help support the Cal State University Fullerton campus Newman Club. The Newman Club provides opportunities for Dear St. Juliana Family, Our parish is of urgent need of additional Extraordinary service, faith formation, and fellowship on the CSUF Campus. Eucharistic Ministers at all the masses, ESPECIALLY AT THE SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. MASS. ADORATION Tuesday, May 5th is our Parish Day of Adoration. Adoration will begin following the 8:00am Mass on Tuesday, and continue until 9:00pm. All parishioners are invited to spend time in adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Knights are at the adoration clock in the vestibule to help you schedule a time to ensure that our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is not left unattended. Adoration is now in the Church, not the Children’s Chapel. MAGIC SHOW Saturday, May 16th 7:00pm in the Parish Center. Adults $20 / Children 12 and under $15 Groups 10 or more $15 each Tickets can be purchased at the door or by calling Brian Burley at 714-624-6348. Proceeds benefit Catholic charities & intellectually disabled. This spiritual ministry witnesses the Real Presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice by assisting the priest in bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the people of God at Mass. We are also in need for additional Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers for the Sick and Homebound. If you are interested to join this ministry, please call the church office at 1-714-879-1965 or Deacon Gerhard Stadel at 1-714-870-5714. FAITH FORMATION THIS WEEK AT FAITH NIGHT Page Six ADULT FAITH FORMATION (Children’s Faith Formation - Grades 1-5) May 6th It has been an great Faith Formation year! Join in for an end-of–year BBQ in the Parish Center ~ 6pm. Students and families invited. Don’t forget to register for Faith Formation classes for 2015-16. Please see Mike McHenry at the BBQ for details. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Grades 6th, 7th and 8th May 6th Presented by: Sr. Nadine McGuinness, CSJ, examines Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, “The Joy of the Gospel” 1 more Monday evening Join in on the end-of-year BBQ in the Parish Center. Final MSYM will be Wed., May 13th. May 4th 7:00pm HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY in the Parish Center. For more information call the Parish Office, 714-879-1965. May 3rd - 6:15pm to 8pm 1st Year; 5pm Youth Mass May 17th - 6:15pm to 8om 2nd Year; 5pm Youth Mass May 21st - Confirmation Rehearsal with Sponsors (Mandatory) May 23rd - 10am Sacrament of Confirmation w/Bishop Vann Presented by: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Dr. Jacqueline Dupont Parents, mark your calendars now!! Monday, May 11th Topic s: Watch future bulletins for registration information. Volunteers needed now! We’ve started set-up for our base camp! Summer VBS is underway. We need adults and teens (incoming 2015-16 class 7th graders and older) to make our expedition a success! For more info about VBS in general, please call the Parish Office ….714-879-1965. Registration begins in May. Watch future bulletins for more info. 7:00pm – in the church. Normal aging verses disease. Normal Aging & the three D's: depression, dementia and delirium. The normal and abnormal signs of aging . Dr. Jacqueline Dupont is a Gerontologist. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of San Diego with a B.S in Behavior Sciences and a minor in Religious Studies. She did her graduate work at USC in Gerontology (MSG) and an internship at the Geriatric Education Center at the Keck School of Medicine. She also has an additional Master’s in Public Administration. She did her post-doctoral/doctorate studies on Psychology of Aging at Ashbourne in Oxford (Ph.D.). Prior to founding the Cottages, Dr. Dupont was a director of Manor Care Health Care, Arcadia Special Care Unit, and also was the Alzheimer’s Consultant/Director for Country Villa Health Services. Page Seven SERVITE CRUCIFIX RESPECT LIFE NEWS The parish Respect Life Group and the La Habra Life Center want to thank the St. Juliana parishioners for their support of the Baby Shower on April 18 & 19. Barbara and John delivered all of the items in two cars to the Life Center on April 21. We also had a large cash donation to give them. They really appreciated the donations as they are in the process of signing a lease on larger office space where they hope to have a complete health clinic for pregnant women with ultrasound machines, etc. (Enjoy the ‘thank you’ note below from Mecki Grothues from the La Habra Life Center.) Dear Friends of St. Juliana, We are overwhelmed!!! What a wonderful and generous result from your recent baby shower for our La Habra Life Center! It took us days to sort everything out and to place it in its proper place…the most darling outfits with matching hats, shoes, bibs, both brand new or only lovingly worn, diapers, wipes, bath items and lotions. Baby furniture all in such a good condition so much more. Thank you also John Hranek and Barbara for the additional $ 600.00 in Legas display the donations. They were most needed. When you are being overwhelming gifts that our asked to help out….you community provided to the La Habra Life Center. jump!!! It was especially touching that on the occasion of celebrating your Jubilee you did not turn in on your own needs but reached outside your parish! Every week a family or individual will be invited to take the Crucifix home and pray for vocations to the priesthood and Religious Life, especially in our Servite Family. To schedule, please call Pat Riehl at 714-992-4036 or the Parish Office (714) 879-1965. May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 - Rick and Nancy Celio - Donna Dostalik - Rochelle and Roland Paquin - Jacqueline Mahrley and James Maaske MARY’S JOURNEY May 3 Vincent and Michele Cortes family, 9am Mass May 10 Yolanda Gonzales family, 9am Mass Families take Mary’s statue for a week and pray the rosary together each night. If you are interested in signing up for a week, please contact Nina Visconti, 714-624-4799 or [email protected]. We give thanks for your kindness and love that you extended and we know you will continue to do so for the ‘Least of His Brothers/Sisters’. Mary’s Journey has joined the Knights of Columbus to a Holy Hour from 6pm to 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Be a part of a growing devotion to spend one hour with Our Lord. Take this time to grow closer in a deeper relationship. A special heart to heart session, our Lord is never outdone in generosity. For more information and registration, call Nina Visconti, (714) 624-4799 or email: [email protected]. Congratulations on your 50th Parish Anniversary and may God bless your exemplary ‘Faith Community! From all our volunteers at the Life Center, M ARY ’ S J OURNEY M ISSION G OAL : · To pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life · To strengthen the family in love, faith and charity · To pray for our church and our families to grow in holiness service · Your own personal intentions Mecki Grothues La Habra Life Center Plan to buy your flowers and orchid corsages from us after all the Masses on Mother’s Day...treat Mom to flowers! First Tuesday of month, May 5th—6-7pm. We will have arrangements priced from $3.00 - $30.00. Proceeds benefit the La Habra Life Center. We deeply appreciate your support to help the Life Center reach out to mothers in need. If anyone can help with flower preparations and sales please call Barbara at 714-8704214. May 19th, (after K of C Rosary in the church) Consecration to Jesus through His Mother. SCHOOL NEWS Page Eight ENROLLMENT/TOUR INFORMATION FOR ST. JULIANA FALCONIERI SCHOOL IN FULLERTON WE BELIEVE THE BEST WAY TO REALLY GET TO KNOW ST. JULIANA FALCONIERI IS TO VISIT OUR SCHOOL! Tours are designed to give you answers to your specific questions about education at St. Juliana Falconieri. While doing a walk-through of the campus you will be able visit our science lab, art lab, technology lab, library and so much more. Our school administrators are available during your visit to meet with you, as well. School tours will take place at 9:00am each Tuesday morning. TOUR Appointments are not required…just come to the office by 9:00am any Tuesday to join in. the SCHOOL If you are interested or have questions, please contact the School Office at (714) 871-2829 or the school website for additional information. VOCATION ESSAY CONTEST St. Juliana Vocation Committee sponsored an essay contest, the subject of which was Pope Francis. Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students were asked to read about the 10 things (sounding remarkably like “New Year’s resolutions”) Pope Francis asked Vatican employees to do in 2015. Each student was then asked to write a letter to Pope Francis, addressing 3 of the 10 ‘resolutions’ and how he/she could apply each to his/her own life. Today, the Committee is pleased to highlight the 1st Place essay for 7th grade, written by Jacob Gonzalez. Congratulations Jacob! Dear Pope Francis, My name is Jacob Gonzalez and I am in the 7th grade at St. Juliana Falconieri located in Fullerton, California. In your article written before Christmas in 2014, you asked Vatican employees to do things that sounded similar to New Year’s resolutions. I chose three of your quotes that I thought were very important to me in my life. These three quotes are things I should learn from and continue to be better at in my life. The first quote I chose is, “Take care of your spiritual life, your relationship with God, because this is the backbone of everything we do and everything we are.” This quote hit me as I read your list to be a very valuable lesson. In my Religion classes, I have found this to be true. My relationship with God affects everything in my life in a positive way. I am lucky to have learned how to strengthen my spiritual life through prayer. When you asked the Vatican employees to “Heal wounds of the heart with the oil of forgiveness, forgiving those who have hurt us and medicating the wounds we have caused others”, I was touched by your words. To forgive others is important to me because it is doing God’s will. Forgiveness is something that we learn to do more as we get older. We should love and forgive others just as God has loved and has forgiven us. The last quote that I really liked on your list is to “Take care of your family life, giving your children and loved ones not just money, but most of all your time, attention and love.” Family is always important to me and family comes before all things. I like being a unique part of my family and experiencing things together. Spending time together and having fun is what matters most. All your messages were not just for the Vatican employees, but for everyone. The three quotes I liked the most are lessons that I should follow and continue to be better at in my life. I will try to follow these quotes every day because I believe that they will help me to be a better person. Thank you for your wonderful words of wisdom and keep up the good work. Sincerely, Jacob Gonzalez SCHOOL MAY CROWNING Immediately following 8am Mass. Everyone is invited! SCHOOL JOG-A-THON Students will be running with all their heart! Thursday, May 7, 2015 For more info, or how to donate to the jog-a-thon, contact Yolanda Moreno at [email protected] or Mayte Ornelas at [email protected] Page Nine SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Sunday, May 3rd, in the School Library. Book Fair open after morning Masses! Monday, May 4th, Regular Day Teacher Appreciation Week! Book Fair Cantor practice after school Hot Lunch: Subway Tuesday, May 5th, Regular Day Book Fair Fifth Grade at the Nixon Library Choir practice after school Hot Lunch: Quesadillas Wednesday, May 6th, Regular Day Book Fair Art Volunteers , 3:15-4:15 p.m. Seventh Grade Parent Fundraising meeting, 6:30 p.m. Fourth and Sixth Grade Parent Hot Lunch meeting, 7:15 p.m. Hot Lunch: Pick-up-Stix Thursday, May 7th, Regular Day Happy Birthday Deacon Gerhard! Book Fair Final day of RHS after school tutors Jog-a-Thon on the field Sixth Grade Mother's Day program Hot Lunch: Big Slice Friday, May 8th, Regular Day Book Fair May Crowning at 9:00 a.m. Hot Lunch: Pizza Saturday, May 9th, Parents' Night Out 50TH ANNIVERSARY VISION, HEALTH & WELLNESS SCREENING LAST SUNDAY Thank you to all who participated in this wellness screening last weekend! 5 TH A NNUAL “ WINES OF S UMMER ” M ARK YOUR C ALENDARS Saturday, May 30, 2015 - 6pm Executive Chef Dawn Parks of Wild Thyme Catering and Wine Importer Greg Koslosky from Envoyer Fine Wines, work in tandem to produce an elegant 5-course food and wine pairing that will educate even the most seasoned palate. This event offers an incredible value and opportunity to purchase wines that drink well above their price point. At this event, you sit comfortably with your friends and each course is served to you with a specific wine pairing. You will also enjoy fresh baked bread from the OC Baking Co. which will be paired with the lavish Olive Oils and Balsamic Vinegars from Taste It! in Fullerton. Wines will be available for purchase at the event, with future delivery. Special Event Only pricing will be offered and Envoyer Fine Wines Donates 10% of the proceeds from all wine purchases to the St. Juliana Falconieri community. Please Note That Advanced Ticket Purchase is Required as Seating is Limited. To buy tickets go to A special ‘thank you’ to all the interns and doctors who generously gave their time and talents to provide health screenings! LOCAL AND PARISH EVENTS 50 TH ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOK WE NEED YOUR RECIPES… SHARE YOUR FAVORITES! We BELIEVE you'd like to CELEBRATE by REMEMBERING your favorite recipes in our St. Juliana 50th Anniversary Cookbook. It would be wonderful if everyone would participate - and it is easy. You may submit recipes one of three ways: 1. Go to: Click on: typensave Click on: Login Input user name: stjcookbook Input password: pepper620 Then follow the instructions on how to submit your recipe. Once you’ve submitted your recipe, please email your contact information to [email protected]. 2. Email or phone in your recipe to Betsy Bigley: [email protected] or call Betsy at 714-447-1756, and she will submit it for you. 3. You can drop your recipe off at the Parish Office. All recipes are subject to edit. Send in as many as you'd like. One recipe is guaranteed. Page Ten CORAZON SCHOLARSHIP NEWS Last Fall, parishioners at St. Juliana donated to the Corazon scholarship fund. Money from the scholarships is divided among the 240+ children who receive them. Doug and Jean Knudson went to the community centers in the colonias surrounding Tijuana, Mexico to meet some of the scholarship recipients. In order to receive a scholarship, students must be present after school at the tutoring center for a minimum of 10 hours per month. They also must show their dedication to their studies by attending at the center for 6 months in a row with continuous presence thereafter. Tutors themselves are trained by Corazon staff. Rules and expectations are established in a loving and supportive environment. I interviewed each child and each tutor. I will share a few stories with you in the coming bulletins: Yessica,third from left, front row, age 11, is in sixth grade. She has been receiving a Corazon scholarship for 6 1/2 years throughout her entire schooling. She says the scholarship money really helps her parents with their expenses. She appreciates the tutoring because it would be harder to do her homework if she didn't have the help. She says that the tutors explain everything to her. Next year Yessica will be attending a technical junior high school. She said her parents decided she would go there because it's closest to where they live. She will have all the regular academic classes as well as vocational classes to choose from. Yessica wants to become a tutor for Corazon when she turns 15 so she can help the little ones. THIRD WORLD GIFTS & HANDARTS Spring Open House Saturday, May 9, 2015, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tustin Square, 1944 N. Tustin Street, Suite 102, Orange Third World Gifts and Handarts invites you and your family and friends to its annual Spring Open House with complimentary admission and refreshments, plus a discount on all craft and food products, including those from Homeboy and Homegirl Industries of Los Angeles – Father Greg Boyle’s great ministries. The event will be held on Saturday, May 9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a silent auction that will end at 3 p.m. The address is 1944 N. Tustin Street, Suite 102 in Orange in the Tustin Square between Meats and Taft Avenues. Please call their shop at 714/464-0556. Thank you! ROSARY FESTIVAL OF ARTS THURSDAY MAY 21ST Rosary HS proudly presents its annual art show open house in the Karcher Center at Rosary H.S. from 6 to 9pm on Thursday, May 21st. RHS, a leader in high school art, will be showcasing student art in ceramics, photography, drawing, painting, computer graphics and more! There will also be performances by the schools various vocal and dance groups. Sound and lighting by Servite H.S. ...AND IT'S ALL FREE!!! Please come and enjoy the work of our students many of whom are St. Juliana grads! ALL ARE WELCOME! See you there! Page Eleven LOCAL / DIOCESAN NEWS AND EVENTS PSA Goals and Progress Report Number of Registered Families 1540 2015 Parish Goal $225,000 500 Pledges as of April 28 Total Pledges 2014 $6,911 214 6 $130,387 $158,205.05 292 CONGRATULATIONS!!! Recently the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce announced the winners of their “Businesses of the Year” awards. We are happy to announce that our very own Patty’s Cakes was one of the recipients who won the 2015 Small Business of the Year Award! PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY & MILITARY FAMILIES The award will be officially presented at the Annual Presidents’ Business Achievement Award in mid-June. Thank you to all the parishioners who support Patty’s Cakes! (above: Philip of Patty’s Cakes, pictured with the Chamber of Commerce members and other award winners.) Patty’s Cakes is located at 104 N. Raymond (A-4) in Fullerton. 714-525-8350 Please pray for the following members of our community presently serving in the military and for their families: Ryan T. Cunningham Patrick Gilwee Kasey Condon Phillip P. Sanchez Jason Romeo Peter Chavez Edward Gonzales Christopher Simonds Anthony Garcia Brian Krause Frankie J. Flores Johnny Kohaut Tyler Ricardo Tucker Mazon Luke McArthur Larry Guillen Zach Galeener Eric Davis Steven Bonello DESIGNER FLOORS. DISCOUNT PRICES. BREA 900 E. Imperial Hwy. (Between 99 Cents Only Store and Lamps Plus) (714) 529-1034 (714) 529-PATS (7287) YORBA LINDA 19669 Yorba Linda Blvd. (Between Trader Joe’s & Rite-Aid @ Fairmont) (714) 777-PATS (7287) Saint Margaret Sunday Missal A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 513906 St Juliana Church (B) • Water Heaters • Copper Repiping • Sewer Pipe Lining • Tankless Heater An ideal companion • Slab Leak Experts for personal prayer. • Sewer Camera In Stock & Ready to Order Today. • Water Gas Sewer CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 • Hydro Jetting 800-566-6150 • TOM’S PLUMBING SERVICE PLUMBING “For All Your Plumbing Needs” FREE ESTIMATES 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 714-448-7190 C - 36 Lic. # 888555 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Jeffrey J. Stehly, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY Family Dental Care Jane Skuben, DDS (714) 528-0600 Exciting New Location! Same Great Care and Staff 1400 N. Harbor Blvd. Ste. 104 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 526-5001 (562) 691-3616 Crowns • Bridges • Dentures Root Canals • Oral Surgery 1690 N. Placentia Ave. @ Topaz Ln. Parishioner Member: American Dental Assoc. • Calif. Dental Assoc. • O. C. Dental Society Attorney John T. Hranek, Esq. (626) 923-9269 [email protected] 949 E. Yorba Linda Bl. Placentia 92870 Parishioner Knights of Columbus PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS PERSONALIZING YOUR LIFE Walk-in Doctor Visit Compare Prices Insured & Cash-Patients Catholic Gift Shop Catholic Supplies • Books • Gifts (714) 526-7773 Elizabeth Weinstein EMAIL: [email protected] Open Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 537 W. Commonwealth Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 526-1245 Parishioner MIKE’S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Sales • Service • Installations 519 Vicky Lane • Placentia Mike Kramer • Lic. #652524 Parishioner 871-1847 ESTATE PLANNING STARTING AT (714) 577-5794 1907 N. Placentia Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 (NW corner Placentia & Bastanchury) FREE CONSULTATION Timothy J. O’Connor, ESQ * Low Radiation Digital X-rays * Michael H. Macalalad, DDS UCLA Magna Cum Laude Director, General Practice Residency - Rancho Los Amigos (Downey, CA) Attorney at Law Call (714) 264-1556 HOURLY OR LIVE IN CARE S K HOUSE CLEANING 22 Years Experience 10% Disount on 1st Service Over 30 Yrs. HOMES • CONDOS • MOBILE HOMES RENTALS/VACANT HOMES • OFFICES FREE ESTIMATES ificates Gift Certilable Ava $849 Includes Living Trust, Will, Advance Health Care Directive & Finance Power of Attorney Handyman Chores Office (714) 572-2971• Cell (714) 292-0055 [email protected] Mrs. Ramos “The Most Reliable, Honest Plumber!!” Big Jobs Small Jobs BEST RATES • Drains • Repipe • Water Htrs. • Residential • Commercial Lic.#513806 Parishioner Discount 10% OFF CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS OK Free Estimates 714-521-8884 Leslie Wulff, RN GRAND OPENING! Amy’s Amor Bridal and Dress Boutique Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA OFF The Rack Prices Designer Brands For Less Bridal • Quinceañeras • Prom First Communion Baptism • Party Dresses We Offer Quality Senior Care With Compassion and Integrity! Bringing home & care together FREE In-Home 714.501.9801 Consultation SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact BERT AVELLANA today at (800) 231-0805 • [email protected] 1624 W. Katella, Orange (714) 288-9527 Jeffrey D. Cavin Compassionate Senior Care Attorney At law (562) 863-5600 • (657) 378-9697 • Wills • Trusts • Probate • Business Law • Real Estate Law Initial Consultation FREE 251 E. Imperial Highway, Ste. 471 Fullerton, California 92835 Parishioner of St. Joseph, Placentia Katherine Fütterer Scott • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Laundry • Meal Preparation • Transportation • Medication Reminders • Bathing/Dressing • Transferring • No Minimum to 24-Hour Care • Personal Emergency Response System 714-815-7894 LIFE CENTER Private Voice Instruction CLAIM YOUR VOICE TODAY! Free Pregnancy Testing and Counseling [email protected] Confidential 714.624.6102 24 Hour Hotline Call 835-LIFE McAulay & Wallace Mortuaries Family Owned & Operated since 1911 Fullerton #FD190 (714) 525-4721 Complete Funeral & Cremation Services Yorba Linda #FD1304 (714) 777-2692 FUNERAL PRE-PLANNING AVAILABLE 513906 St Juliana Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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