EU-Projekt 2004–2007


EU-Projekt 2004–2007
EU-Projekt 2004–2007
Barbara, Anna, Silvia, Mate,
Michał, Pedro
Kaiserschmarrn (Emperor´s Omelett) ___________________________________________ 3
Grießnockerlsuppe (Semolina Dumplings soup) __________________________________ 3
Schweinsbraten (Roast Pork)__________________________________________________ 5
Semmelknödel (Bread Dumplings) _____________________________________________ 6
Apfelstrudel (Viennese Apple Strudel) __________________________________________ 7
Warmes Sauerkraut (Hot Cabbage Salad) _______________________________________ 8
Sachertorte (Sacher Gateau) __________________________________________________ 9
Crni rižoto (Black Risotto) ___________________________________________________ 10
Kremšnite (Dreamy Cream in Puff Pastry) ______________________________________ 12
Fritule (Fried dough) _______________________________________________________ 14
Čevapčići (Spicy Minced Meat Rolls) __________________________________________ 15
Brodet (Fish broth)_________________________________________________________ 16
Pasta alla Carbonara _______________________________________________________ 17
Polenta __________________________________________________________________ 18
Pizza Margarita ___________________________________________________________ 19
Risotto ai funghi (Mushroom risotto) __________________________________________ 20
Tiramisu _________________________________________________________________ 22
Barszcz (Beet Soup) ________________________________________________________ 23
Uszka____________________________________________________________________ 24
Kopytka (Little Hoofs) ______________________________________________________ 25
Zrazy Zawijane (polskie rolady wieprzowe w sosie śmietanowym) ___________________ 26
Ćwikła ___________________________________________________________________ 28
Faworki (Chrusty) _________________________________________________________ 29
Napoje / gorące & zimne (Beverages / Hot & Cold) _______________________________ 30
Tortilla de patata (Omelette with potatoes) ______________________________________ 31
Cocido de garbanzos (Chicken peas)___________________________________________ 32
Tarta de chocolate (Chocolate cake) ___________________________________________ 33
Sopa de ajo (Garlic soup)____________________________________________________ 34
Paella ___________________________________________________________________ 35
Torrijas __________________________________________________________________ 36
Austrian dishes
Grießnockerlsuppe (Semolina Dumplings soup)
30 g Butter
1 Ei
Brise Salz
Die Butter schaumig rühren und die anderen Zutaten der Reihe nach hinzufügen.
Man lässt die Masse 20 Minuten rasten; wird sie zu fest, kommt noch etwas Wasser
dazu, ist sie zu weich, kommt noch etwas Grieß dazu. Nun werden mit dem Esslöffel
Nocken ausgestochen und geformt und in kochendem Salzwasser langsam gekocht.
Steigen die Nocken an die Oberfläche, sind sie fertig. Vor dem Servieren in die heiße
Rindssuppe einlegen.
30 g butter
1 egg
a little piece of salt
Beat up the butter and stir in other ingredients one at a time. Let the mass rest for
twenty minutes, if it is too stiff, add a little water, if it is not stiff enough, add some
semolina. Then scoop out the dumplings with a spoon, and give them into boiling salt
water, to cook them. The dumplings are done, when they rise to the top. Before you
serve, puthe dumplings in a hot beef broth.
Kaiserschmarrn (Emperor´s Omelett)
3 Eidotter
30 g Staubzucker
1 Prise Salz
100 ml Schlagobers
8 g Mehl
20 g Stärke
4 Eiweiß
1 Teelöffel Vanillezucker
Zuerst mixt man die Eidotter, den Staubzucker und das Salz bis alles steif ist. Nach
und nach muss man Schlagobers, Mehl und Stärke hinzugeben. Parallel muss man
Eiweiß und Vanillezucker steif schlagen. Dann muss man es gleichmäßig und langsam umrühren um beides miteinander zu vermischen. Jetzt gibt man eine Pfanne
auf den Ofen mit einem Stück Butter darin und wartet bis die Butter geschmolzen ist.
Anschließend gibt man den Teig in die Pfanne und wartet bis er goldbraun gebraten
ist, wenn das so weit ist, wendet man den Teig auf die andere Seite und wartet ebenfalls bis diese Seite goldbraun gebraten ist. Schneide jetzt den Teig in kleine Stücke
und lege ihn auf einen Teller. Wenn man will kann man den Kaiserschmarrn mit
Staubzucker verfeinern. Je nach Bedarf kann man auch Apfelmuss oder Apfelkompott dazu essen.
3 eggs yolks
30 g refined sugar
1 pinch salt
100 ml whipped cream
8 g flour
20 g thickening agent
4 eggs white
table spoon vanillin sugar
First you have to mix egg yolks, refined sugar and salt until it is frothy. Alternately stir
in whipped cream and flour and thickening agent. Besides beat the egg white and
vanillin sugar until it is stiff. Now you have to stir it loose and regular. Then fold it into
the other pastry. Put the pan on the stove and heat it up until a small piece of butter
is melted. Then pour the pastry into the pan and wait until it is golden brown then turn
it over to the other side and wait again until it is golden brown. Then cut it with the
knife into pieces put it on a plate and sprinkle it with ice sugar and then it is ready to
be served. You can eat it with apple mouse or only with sugar.
Schweinsbraten (Roast Pork)
1 kg Schweinefleisch
Gewürze (Salz, Pfeffer, Knoblauch..)
Bearbeiten Sie das Fleisch (Putzen, Schneiden), und reiben Sie es gut mit Gewürzen
ein. Erhitzen Sie ein wenig Fett, und braten sie darin das Fleisch auf allen Seiten an.
Geben Sie das Fleisch in einen Topf, und füllen Wasser dazu, und kochen Sie den
Braten im Backrohr fertig. Nun können Sie ihn herausnehmen, und machen Sie aus
dem Fett, das sie abgießen können, eine Sauce. Nun können Sie den Braten mit Beilagen wie z. B. Semmelknödel oder Kraut servieren.
1 kg pork-meat
cooking fat
spices (salt, caraway seeds, pepper, garlic)
Prepare the pork and rub it well with the spices. Heat some fat, and brown it on all
sides. Finish cooking in the oven and bast frequently with stock or water. Take it out,
and pour off the fat. Make gravy of the liquid, with butter, some water and flour. Now
you can serve the meal: bread dumplings go very well with roast pork.
Semmelknödel (Bread Dumplings)
6 Semmel
1 kleine Zwiebel
60 g Fett
etwas Milch
1 Ei
50 g Mehl
kochendes Salzwasser
Schneiden Sie die Semmeln in würfelförmige Stücke, zerhacken Sie den Zwiebel und
etwas Petersilie, und braten Sie diese kurz an. In der Zwischenzeit vermischen Sie
das Ei mit dem Salz, und gießen diese über die Semmelstücke. Nun sollte die Masse
etwas rasten. Geben Sie zu der Masse soviel Milch, dass der Teig eine gute Konstanz aufweist (nicht zu weich oder zu fest). Nun formen Sie Knödel aus der Masse,
und kochen diese im Salzwasser, bis sie oben schwimmen. Semmelknödel sind eine
gute Beilage für Schweinsbraten.
stale rolls
1 small onion
60 g fat
some milk
1 egg
50 g flour
salted water
Cut the rolls into small cubes, chop the onion and parsley and fry them with the rolls
in some fat. Meanwhile whisk the egg and salt, then pair it on the rolls, and let them
rest. Add milk as much as you need, (the mass shouldn’t be too dry or it shouldn’t be
too soft) mix it well and shape the mass into dumplings. Cook them gently in boiling
salt water. The dumplings can be served, as soon as they rise to the top of the water.
Apfelstrudel (Viennese Apple Strudel)
Für den Teig:
250 g Mehl, 1 Prise Salz, 1 Eidotter, 2 El Öl, Knapp 1/8 l lauwarmes Wasser
Für die Fülle:
1,5 kg Strudeläpfel, Saft von 1 Zitrone, 60 g Rosinen
60 g gehackte Walnüsse
80 g flüssige Butter
2 El Kristallzucker
1 El Vanillezucker
2-3 El Biskuitbrösel
1 Tl gemahlener Zimt
Mixe alle Zutaten zu einem Teig zusammen und gib den Teig in eine Schüssel. Anschließend muss man die Schüssel an einen warmen Platz stellen und den Teig rasten lassen. Gib
eine weiche Unterlage auf den Tisch, gib etwas Mehl darauf und rolle anschließend den
Teig so lange aus bis er so dünn ist wie Papier. Nun gib alle Zutaten für die Füllung in eine
andere Schüssel, mixe sie und gib sie anschließend auf den ausgerollten Teig und verteile
die Füllung gleichmäßig. Wenn man das gemacht hat rollt man ihn zu einem Strudel zusammen und gibt ihn bei 180 Grad für 70 Minuten in den Ofen.
Preparation time: 1 hour 40 minutes
For the pastry:
250 g fine flour
1 pinch salt
1 egg yolk
2 dessert spoons oil
1/8 litre lukewarm water
For the filling:
1,5 kilos pealed and thinly sliced apples
Juice of 1 lemon
60 g raisins
60 g chopped walnuts
80 g liquid butter
2 dessert spoons sugar
1 dessert spoon vanilla sugar
2-3 dessert spoons breadcrumps
Mix the ingredients for the pastry into a smooth dough and give it on a warm place for half an
hour. Put a soft cloth on a table, give flour on it and roll out the pastry. Now you press it with
your hands until it is thin like paper. Put all the filling ingredients into a bowl, mix them and
put it on the pastry and roll it. Put it into the oven (180°) for about 70 minutes.
Warmes Sauerkraut (Hot Cabbage Salad)
500 g geriebenes, weißes Sauerkraut
1/8 Liter milder, Weißweinessig (gewässert wenn notwendig)
Prise Salz, Kümmel und Zucker
1 fein gehackte Zwiebel
1 Teelöffel geriebener Meerrettich
Das Sauerkraut mit den anderen Zutaten zum Sieden bringen bis es gar ist. Den
Speck in Würfel schneiden, eventuell anbraten und anschließend dazugeben. Den
Meerrettich dazugeben und heiß servieren.Traditionell mit Schweinefleisch und geräuchertem Fleisch servieren.
500 g shredded white cabbage
1/8 litre mild wine vinegar (watered if necessary)
pinches of salt, caraway seeds and sugar
1 small very finely chopped onion
60 g of bacon
1 teaspoon of grated horseradish
Boil the cabbage and the other ingredients in water and cook until soft but crisp. Dice
the bacon, add it onto the cabbage. Mix in the horseradish and serve hot. Traditionally served with pork and smoked meat.
Sachertorte (Sacher Gateau)
150 g Kochschokolade
180 g Butter, 150 g Kristallzucker, 150 g Mehl
6 Eidotter, 6 Eiweiß
150 g Staubzucker
350 g Marillenmarmelade
1/4 l Schlagobers
220 g Schokolade
250 g Zucker
1/8 l Wasser
Schlage die Butter, Schokolade und Zucker bis es flaumig ist und gib nach einiger
Zeit die Eidotter in die Mischung. Zum Schluss noch den geschmolzenen Schokolade
in die Mischung geben. Nun muss man das Eiweiß und den Zucker steif schlagen
und gibt es ebenfalls in die Buttermischung. Anschließend das Mehl unterheben.
Fette die Kuchenbackform mit Butter ein und streue anschließend noch ein wenig
Zucker darauf. Nun gib die Kuchenbackform mit dem Teig in den Ofen und backe es
etwa 1,5 Stunden. Nach 1,5 Stunden stellt man den Teig auf ein Blech und lässt ihn
abkühlen. Nun bestreiche den fertigen Kuchen mit Marillenmarmelade und gib die
flüssigen Schokolade darüber. Die typische Sachertorte ist nicht in der Mitte gefüllt,
sonder nur ganz oben.
180 g cooking chocolate slightly melted
180 g butter, 150 g icing sugar, 180 g flour
150 g refines sugar, 6 egg yolks, 6 eggs whites
350 g apricot jam, 1/4 l whipped cream
220 g chocolate, 250 g sugar, 1/8 l water
Beat the butter, chocolate and sugar until fluffy, stir in egg yolks a little at a time into
the mixture and at last fold melt chocolate in. Beat the white eggs with refines sugar
stiff and fold into the butter mixture adding the flour as you go along. Butter a cake
tin, sprinkle with flour, put in the cake the mixture and bake slowly for 1 ½ hours.
Turn out on to a cake rack and allow to cool. Glaze the top of the cake with jam and
cover with chocolate icing. A typical Sacher cake is not cut through and filled in the
middle, which is what many recipes tell you to do.
Croatian dishes
Crni rižoto (Black Risotto)
Za 4 osobe
To je visoko cijenjeno i neobično jelo. Ako tražite jelo za obožavatelje morskih
plodova to sigurno trebate isprobati.
1 kg svježe sipe (oko 3 srednje veličine)
500 g svježih lignji (oko 2 srednje veličine)
1/3 šalice maslinovog ulja
1 veliki luk, nasjeckan
5 režanja češnjaka, nasjeckanog
3 žlice fino isjeckanog peršina
sol i velika zrna papra
¼ šalice suhog crnog vina
¼ šalice vinskog octa
1 šalica arborio riže
1 žlica maslinovog ulja (za rižu)
šnite limuna za ukrašavanje
peršin za ukrašavanje
Da bi očistili sipe: operete ih u vodi; osušite ih, te ih narežite koristeći kuhinjske škare
ili oštar nož. Izvadite iznutrice pažljivo pomičući vrećice s crnilom. Odstranite ostatak
i bijelu kost na stražnjem dijelu. Zatim očistite krakove i stavite ih sa strane. Da bi
očistili lignju: pažljivo odvojite tijelo i glavu. Očistite trbuh od svih iznutrica. Operite
unutrašnjost ispod mlaza hladne vode. Ne zaboravite stisnuti kost i baciti je. Otkinite i
stavite sa strane sve krakove. Zatim, razrežite sipu i lignju na trake i 2 kocke stavite
sa strane. Razrežite krakove i stavite u zdjelu s ostatkom morskih plodova. U
malenoj zdjeli razbite vrećice s crnilom i ulite ga. Dodajte nekoliko kapi vode te
napravite smjesu vilicom. Zagrijte na srednjoj temperaturi
maslinovo ulje.
Prodinstajte luk i kada omekša dodajte sipu i lignju (uključujući i krakove). Kuhajte
dok ne omekšaju i porumene, oko 10 do 15 minuta. Dodajte češnjak i peršin. Ulijte
vina, octa i zatim umiješajte crnu smjesu. Kuhajte još 5 minuta. Začinite solju i
paprom. Operite rižu te dodajte u gore dobiven umak zajedno s jednom žlicom
maslinovog ulja. Rižu mješajte još 1-2- minute a onda dodajte dovoljno tople vode i
kuhajte dok riža ne bude ''al dente'' oko 25 minuta. Povremeno pomiješajte i ako je
potrebno dodajte još pola šalice tople vode. Ne zaboravite miješati rižu da se ne
Serves 4
2 pounds fresh cuttlefish (also known as sepia, about 3 medium sized)
1 pound fresh squid (about 2 medium sized)
1/3 cup olive oil
1 large onion, minced
5 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
1/4 cup dry red wine
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 cups arborio rice (short grained Italian rice)
1 tablespoon olive oil (for rice)
To clean the cuttlefish: wash the cuttlefish under running water. Pat dry and then cut
through the back of the cuttlefish using kitchen scissors or a sharp knife. Remove the
insides, carefully separating the small ink sac and setting it aside. Discard the rest of
the innards, also removing the hard white bone from the back. Next, cut the tentacles
from the body and set aside. Squeeze out the chickpea sized, round, beak which will
be protruding from the body and discard. To clean the squid: gently pull the body and
head apart. Clean the stomach of all of the entrails, and carefully remove the small
ink sac and set it aside for later use. Remove and discard the transparent quill from
the body sac. Wash the inside of the squid throughly under cold running water. Remember to squeeze out the beak and discard. Cut off the tentacles and set aside.
Next, slice the cuttlefish and squid into 1" strips, and then 2" cubes and then set
aside. Chop tentacles and place in a bowl with the rest of seafood. In a small bowl
break the ink sacs and scrape out the ink. Add a few drops of water, and using a fork
stir into a thick paste. Heat a large, deep skillet with the olive oil over medium heat.
Sauté the onion and when soft, add all of the cuttlefish and squid (including tentacles). Cook until soft and golden, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add garlic and parsley, stirring to combine. Pour in the wine, vinegar and then stir in the ink paste. Cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Rinse the rice, and then add it
to the skillet along with the 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Stir to coat the rice in oil and skillet juices and sauté for about 1 to 2 minutes. Then add enough hot water to cover the
rice completely and cook uncovered until the rice is al dente, about 20 to 25 minutes.
Stir occasionally. If the rice dries out, add another 1/2 cup of hot water (reduce the
additions of water to 1/4 cup after 20 minutes) and then stir-cook. Remember to stir
well and always loosen the rice from the bottom of the pot so that it doesn't stick.
Remove from heat when done and place on a serving platter. Garnish by surrounding
with sliced lemons and sprinkling additional parsley if so desired. Black risotto may
be served on its own with salad and crusty bread or it may accompany grilled fish or
squid including calamari.
Kremšnite (Dreamy Cream in Puff Pastry)
12 do 16 serviranja
Ovaj se desert može natjecati s najboljim Bečkim slasticama! Vrlo je popularan na u
Jugoistočnoj Europi. Za izradu je potrebno uložiti nešto truda, no isplati se.
2 šalice prokuhanog mlijeka (2%)
2 šalice mlijeka
8 žumanajka
1 šalica šećera
4 čajne žličice vanili-šećera (ili jednaku količnu vanilije i šećera)
1 šalica brašna
2 čajne žličice prozirne želatine
½ šalice hladne vode
½ šalice kipuće vode
2 šalice tučenih bjelanjaka
1 pakovanje kora za kremšnite
šećer u prahu za ukrašavanje
mogućnost: jagode za ukrašavanje
Ulijte prokuhano mlijeko običnom
mlijeka te kuhajte lagano u posudi s
dvostrukim dnom. dok čekate da
mlijeko uzavrije, u posebnu zdjelu
pomiješajte žutanjke, šećer, i vanilij
šećer srednjom brzinom na mikseru.
Dodajte brašno u smjesu žutanjaka
dok se ne spoje. Odvojite 2 šalice
mlijeka iz posude s dvostrukim dnom.
Dodajte to mlijeko u smjesu s
brašnom dok neprestano miješate
mikserom na najmanjoj brzini. Kada
je smjesa gotova, vratite je u posudu
s mlijekom i nastavite kuhati i miješati dok smjesa ne postane glatka.Pomiješajte
zajedno želatinu s hladnom vodom te pustite da stoji oko 1 minutu i tek tada dodajte
kipuću vodu dobro miješajući vilicom. Dodajte smjesi koja se nalazi u posudi s
dvostrukim dnom i nastavite kuhati oko 5 minuta stalno miješajući da postane glatka.
Kada je smjesa gotova ohladite je u hladnoj vodi. U posebnoj zdjeli, istucite bjelanjke,
umutite. U ohlađenu kremu (pobrinite se da je smjesa ohlađena na sobnoj
temperaturi prije nego sto dodate šlag). Stavite u frižider na 20 minuta da se malo
stisne i na taj način lakše nanosi. Poravnajte rubove kora da lijepo legnu na dno.
Nanesite smjesu i nižite kore tako da zadnja kora bude na vrhu. Stavite kolač 4 sata
u frižider da miruje, te ga izvadite i pospite šećerom u prahu. Kolač možete ukrasiti i
jagodama sa šlagom.
Serves 12 to 16
2 cups evaporated 2 % milk
2 cups milk
8 egg yolks
1 cup granulated sugar
4 teaspoons vanilla sugar (or substitute equal parts vanilla and sugar)
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons clear gelatin (Knox)
½ cup cold water
½ cup boiled water
2 cups whipping cream
1 package (16 ounces) puff pastry
powdered sugar for garnish
strawberries for garnish (optional)
Boil the evaporated and non-evaporated milk very gentl in a double boiler. While
waiting for the milk to boil, in a separate bowl mix together the yolks, granulated
sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer at medium speed. Add flour to the yolk mixture
until blended. Remove 2 cups of milk from the double boiler. Add it to the flour
mixture while continuously beating it at low speed. When blended, return this mixture
to the milk which is still in the double boiler and continue to cook until thick while
stirring very frequently. Mix together gelatin with cold water, let it stand for 1 minute
and then add boiling water, mixing well with a fork or small whisk. Add the gelatin to
your custard mixture in the double boiler and continue to cook for about 5 minutes,
continually stirring as it thickens. Cool custard in ice water when removed from heat.
In a separate bowl, beat the whipping cream until peaks form. Fold the whipped
cream into the cooled custard (make sure the custard has cooled to room
temperature before adding the whipped cream). Refrigerate this mixture for about 20
minutes so that it stiffens a bit and is easier to spread. Trim the edges of the puff
pastry sheets to fit a deep tray or baking dish. Place one layer of puff pastry at the
bottom. Evenly spread the custard and then place a second layer of puff pastry on
top, pressing down slightly. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Sprinkle with powdered
sugar on top prior to serving and cut into oblong pieces. Garnish with strawberry fans
or chocolate dipped.
Fritule (Fried dough)
12 žlica brašna
2 jaja
prstohvat soli
4 žlice šećera
naribana kora limuna
naribana kora naranče
1 čajna žlica ruma
1 vrećica vanilin šećera
1 vrećica praška za pecivo
Sve promiješati i pržiti u posudi punoj ulja
12 spoons of flour
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
4 spoons of sugar
lemon crumbs
orange crumbs
1 tea spoon of rum
1 bag of vanilla sugar
1 bag of baking powder
You should mix it all together and fry in a pan full of boiling oil!
Čevapčići (Spicy Minced Meat Rolls)
Za 8 do 10 osoba
1,5 kg govedine
1 žlica crnog papra
3 žlice nasjeckanog peršina
300 g janjetine
1 žlica soli
1 žlica nasjeckanog češnjaka ili češnjaka u prahu.
Stavite sve sastojke u zdjelu za miješanje i dobro umiješajte meso i sve začine.
Stavite u frižider oko 2 sata i onda ponovno dobro umijesite. Oblikujte meso u obliku
prsta (kao male kobasice) i stavite na grill ili roštilj na umjerenu temperature tako da
ostanu u svom soku. Okrenite ih samo jednom i nemojte ih gnječiti. Poslužite ih tople
ili u lepinji s narezanim lukom. Dobri su uz dodatak kajmaka ili ajvara.
Serves 8 to 10
1 ½ kg ground beef
1 spoon freshly ground black pepper
3 spoons chopped parsley
1/2 kg ground lamb
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon minced garlic or garlic powder
Put all of the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and knead well to bind the meat
and spices together. Refrigerate for about 2 hours and then take out and knead well
again.Shape into finger-length shapes (ike small sausages) and cook on a grill or in a
broiler over a moderate temperature so that they stay juicy. Turn only once and do
not pierce. Serve in warmed or grilled Greek-style pita bread on a bed of onions. It is
tasty if sour cream, fresh peppers, ajvar and tomatoes are added.
Brodet (Fish broth)
Za 4 osobe
različite vrste ribe
crveni luk
umak od rajčice
žlica octa
čajna žlica šećera
Stavite različite vrste ribe u brašno i brzo ih prepržite u maslinovom ulju i osušite u
papirnatom ručniku promiješajte komadiće luka i češnjaka u maslinovom ulju dok ne
postanu prozirni poput kristala stavite poprženu ribu u zdjelu s lukom i češnjakom
dodajte sol, papar, origano, bosiljak, umak od rajčice, vino, i žlicu vinskog octa.
Pustite da se sve kuha dok riba ne omekša i dok se umak ne zgusne. Na kraju
dodajte žlicu šećera.
Serves 4
different kinds of fish
tomato pure
spoon of vinegar
tea spoon of sugar
Put pieces of different kinds of fish into flour and quickly fry them in olive oil. Dry
them on a paper towel, stir little pieces of onion and garlic in olive oil till they don't get
crystal clear. Put the fried fish into the pan with onion and garlic and add: salt,
pepper, oregano, basil, tomato pure, wine and a spoon of vinegar let it boil till the
fish doesn't soften and the sauce doesn't get thick add a tea spoon of sugar.
Italian dishes
Pasta alla Carbonara
Per 2 persone
4 fette di Prosciutto ben tagliate
4 strisce di pancetta affumicata ben tagliate
2 tuorli d’uovo
1/2 tazza di fresco Parmigiano-Reggiano grattugiato
1/2 kg di pasta italiana
Scaldi pancetta affumicata e prosciutto a fuoco medio. Aggiunga i tuorli d’uovo. Aggiunga pasta cucinata e formaggio che mescola vigorosamente su calore alto. Trasferisca in piatti individuali e serva.
Serves 2
4 slices of prosciutto chopped fine
4 strips of bacon chopped fine
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmiggiano-Reggiano cheese
1/2 kg of italian pasta
Heat bacon and prosciutto over medium heat. Add egg yolk. Add cooked pasta and
cheese stirring vigorously over high heat. Transfer to individual plates and serve.
Per 8 persone
2 litri d’acqua
1 cucchiaio di sale
1 kg di farina
Mettere a bollire acqua abbondante. Salare l’acqua e quando bolle togliere dal fuoco.
Versare lentamente la farina e girare evitando la formazione di grumi nettere la pentola sul fuoco e far cuocere per alcuni minuti continuando a mescolare. Servire a tavola calda con ogni tipo di formaggio, burro oppure con salsicce al sugo preparate a
parte precedentemente.
Serves 8
2 litres water
1 full spoon salt
1 kg flour
Boil some salted water in a pot. Remove from fire. Pour flour slowly into the pot. Mix
it avoiding the formation of clots. Put it back on fire. Boil the mixture for a few minutes
and continue to mix. Serve it with butter, any kind of cheese or with stewed sausages.
Pizza Margarita
Per una persona
Prepari la pasta di pizza di base secondo la ricetta
250 g pomodori, ridotti in purée in un frullatore
3-4 cucchiai da tavola d’olio d’oliva extravergine
sale e pepe
4-5 foglie di basilico fresche
60 g di mozzarella fresca affettata
Riscalda il forno a 500 F (260 C). Metta i pomodori in una ciotola. Mescoli 1 cucchiaio da tavola d’olio d’oliva extravergine, sale, e pepe. Diffonda uniformemente il
pomodoro sulla pizza. Rompa con le mani le foglie di basilico in piccoli pezzi. Distribuisca uniformemente il basilico sulla pizza. Diffonda il resto dell’olio d’oliva extravergine sulla pizza e aggiunga sale. Cucini in forno la pizza per circa 10 minuti; rimuova dal forno ed aggiunga la mozzarella. Cucini per più di 10 minuti; alzi un lato
per controllarne la prontezza. La pizza è pronta quando la superficie inferiore è leggermente marrone.
Pizza for 1 person
Prepare the basic pizza dough according to the
250 g tomatoes, puréed in a blender
3-4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
4-5 fresh basil leaves
60 g of fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced
Preheat oven to 500 F (260 C). Place the tomatoes in a bowl. Stir in 1 tablespoon of
olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread the tomato over the pizza. Break the basil leaves
into small pieces with your hands. Spread the basil uniformly over the pizza. Sprinkle
the rest of the olive oil over the pizza. Add salt. Bake the pizza for approximately 10
minutes. Remove from the oven and add the mozzarella cheese. Cook for 10 more
minutes approximately. Lift one side to check for readiness. Pizza is ready when the
bottom surface is light brown. Top with few more fresh basil leaves if desired and
serve immediately.
Risotto ai funghi (Mushroom risotto)
Per 4 persone – tempo di preparazione 20°–25°
150 g di burro
4 fette di pancetta tagliata a pezzettini
350 g di funghi tagliata a fettine sottili
sale e pepe
200 g di cipolla tagliata fine
300 g di riso italiano (carnaroli preferibilimente)
2 spicchi d´aglio tagliato fine
almeno 1 litro di brood di pollo
5-6 cucchiai di parmigiano grattuggiato
(facoltativo: 1 bicchiere di vino bianco da aggiungere all’inizio della cottura)
Sciogliere 75 g di burro in una pentola e far rosolar lentamente la pancetta quindi
togliere dal fuoco e posare in un piatto a parte. Mettere i funghi tagliati nella pentola,
mescolare con il burro, aggiungere sale e pepe e far cuocere lentamente a bassa
temperatura. Girare e quando sono dorati, aggiungere la cipolla continuando a rosolare adagio finché totalmente dorati e tutto il liquido sia completamente assorbito.
Introdurre la pancetta e il riso mescolando tutto bene e quando cipolla e riso hanno
assorbito. Introdurre la pancetta e il riso mescolando tutto bene e quando cipolla e
riso hanno assorbito il burro, versare un mestolo di brodo caldo nella pentola. Alzare
la fiamma finché il brodo sia completamente assorbito e poi continuare cosi´ a temperatura regolare e girando sempre fino a cottura. Il risotto è pronto quando il chicco
è ancora un pó duro al centro. Togliere dal fuoco e mettere nella pentola il rimanente
burro mescolando con 2 cucchiai di parmigiano. Coprire la pentola e lasciar riposare
per alcuni minuti. Scoperchiare e servire caldo con parmigiano in tavola.
Serves 4 – cooking time 20-25’
150 g butter
4 rashers bacon cut into slivers
350 g white mushrooms thinly sliced
salt & pepper
200 g finely chopped onion
300 g rice (Italian Carnaroli, for
2 cloves finely chopped garlic
1 litre, minimum, or chiken stock
5-6 tbsp freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano
(optional: 1 glass of white wine to be introduced at the beginning of the process)
Melt 75 g of the butter in a large pot and fry the bacon in it slowly until slightly frazzled. Remove the bacon to a plate. Tip the sliced mushrooms into the pot and stir
around till covered with fat, season with salt and pepper. Cook over a low heat, stirring occasionally, until beginning to colour. Add the onions and continue to fry gently
until thoroughly gilded and any trace of the moisture has been completely add driven
off. Bacon and rice, stirring it with the mushrooms and onions until shiny and glistening with fat. Have the stock ready alongside good and hot. Once the rice is nicely
coated, add the first ladle of stock to the pan. Stir it in quickly over a high heat until
fully absorbed (this initial absorption is always the quickest). Continue to add ladles
of stockas as soon as each absorption is complete, keeping the heat regular all along
the way. Stir as the stock is added and when the consistency becomes evident within
the risotto, stat to test the texture of the rice by biting it. Risotto is ready when the rice
is still a bit chalky in the middle. Put the pan from the heat and quicklystir in the remaining 75 g of butter with 2 tbsps Parmigiano. Cover the pot and leave the risotto
alone for a few minutes Remove the lid, give a vigorous stir and spoon out on hot
plates. Add the Parmigiano on the table.
Per 6 persone
1 pacco di biscotti savoiard
200 g di mascarpone
3 uova piú tuorlo, rhum
4 cucchiaini di zucchero
¼ di litro di caffé e polvere di cacao
Sbattere 4 torli d’uovo con zucchero, aggiungere mascarpone e rhum. Montare a
panna il bianco delle uova finché non sono duri e lentamente aggiungere i tuorli giá
montati. Bagnare bene i savoiardi nel caffe´e riporli uno accanto all’altro in un contenitore piatto e versare sopra metá della crema; aggiungere un altro strato di savoiardi
e ripetere l’operazione. Spruzzare il tutto con polvere di cacao e tenere in frigo per
alcune ore. Servire freddo.
Serves 6
1 pack of Savoy sponge fingers
200 g of Mascarpone (Italian cream cheese)
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of rum
1/4 litre of coffee
cocoa powder
Beat the 4 egg yolks with sugar, then add the mascarpone and rum. Beat the egg
white until stiff and fold into the mixture carefully. Soak the sponge fingers well in coffee; they should not be too hard in the middle. Place them, one next to the other, in a
flat glass or ceramic dish. Cover them with half of the cream mixture, then add another layer of sponge fingers and cover this, too, with a layer of the cream. Sprinkle a
thick layer of cocoa powder over it and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.
Polish dishes
Barszcz (Beet Soup)
Ilość porcji: 4
3/4 litra wody
kilogram szynki z kością
1 liść laurowy
łyżeczka soli
2 puszki odcedzonych buraków
filiżanka kwaśnej śmietany
2 łyżki cukru i mąki
3 łyżki octu
gotowane ziemniaki.
Sposób przygotowania
Szynkę z kością i fasolą, jedną łyżeczkę soli i liść laurowy umieść w garnku razem z
¾ litra wody. Gotuj przez godzinę. Pozostaw do ostudzenia. Zmiksuj buraki, kwaśną
śmietanę, cukier, mąkę i ocet. Dodaj całość do ostudzonego wywaru. Zagotuj i zagęść mąką. Podawaj z gotowanymi ziemniakami, jajkami ugotowanymi na tardo i
kawałkami świeżej kiełbasy.
Serves 4
3 quarts water
2 lbs. leftover ham with bone
2 tb flour and sugar
1 bay leaf
1 tsp. salt
2 cans beets, drained
1 cup sour cream
3 tb. vinegar
boiled potatoes
Place ham and bone and 1 tsp. salt, bay leaf in a pot with 3 quarts of water and cook
it for one hour. Wail until it is cool. Blend blender beets, sour cream, sugar, flour and
vinegar well together. Add to cooled liquid. Bring to boil and thicken with flour. Serve
with boiled potatoes, hard boiled eggs and slices of cooked fresh kielbasa.
Stara polska tradycja (Old Polish Traditions)
Ilość porcji: 4
6 uncji mąki
1 jajko
szczypta soli
Ciasto zagnieść. Powinno być bardzej sztywne niż na kluski.
mała cebula
1 łyżeczka bułki tartej
1 jajko
Sposób przygotowania
Grzyby i cebulkę drobno pokroić i podsmażyć, dodać jajko, wymieszać i doprawić.
Ciasto cienko rozwałkować, pokroić na kwadraty o bokach 4 cm. Im większa zręczność kucharza, tym mniejsze uszka. Nałożyć trochę farszu, złożyć na ukos i ścisnąć mocno, aby brzegi się skleiły. Uszka włożyć do gotujacej posolonej wody. Kiedy
uszka wypłyną na powierzchnię, są gotowe.
Serves 4
6oz flour
1 egg
pinch salt
Knead. Should be stiffer than for noodles
small onion (chop finely; fry)
1 tablespoon breadcrumbs (blend in, season)
1 egg
Roll dough out thinly, cut into 4 cm squares. The better the skill of the cook the
smaller the uszka. Place some stuffing on, fold over diagonally, press firmly together.
Throw into boiling salted water. They are ready when they come to the surface.
Kopytka (Little Hoofs)
Ilość porcji: 6
5 ziemniaków ugotować i utrzeć na puree
1 jajko
Sposób przygotowania
Wymieszać masę ziemniaczaną z jajkiem i mąką do otrzymania luźnego ciasta, które
nie przykleja się do rąk. Ciasto rozwałkować na posypanej mąką desce i pokroić na
cienkie paski. Zagotować wodę z solą i wrzucić kluski. Kiedy kluski wypłyną na
powierzchnię, to są już gotowe.
Serves 6
5 potatoes, cooked and mashed
1 egg
Mix the potatoes with the egg and add flour until you have a loose dough that does
not stick to your fingers. Roll out the dough on a floured board and cut into thin noodle strips. Bring some salted water to boil and drop the noodles into it. They are
ready when they float to the surface.
Zrazy Zawijane (polskie rolady wieprzowe w sosie śmietanowym)
Ilość porcji: 4
5 łyżek masła
3 łyżki oleju
3 filiżanki drobno pokrojonej cebulki
1 1/2 funta (1 funt = 0,5 kg) drobno pokrojonych grzybów
1/4 filżanki drobnej bułki tartej, najlepiej ze zmielonego domowego pieczywa
1 łyżeczka soli
1/2 łyżeczki pieprzu
2 funty ładnej wołowiny, odkroić tłuszcz i pokroić mięso na plastry grubości ok. 1 cm
2 łyżeczki musztardy Dijon
3 łyżki mąki
1 filiżanka bulionu wołowego
2/3 filiżanki kwaśnej śmietany
Sposób przygotowania
Jest to ulubione danie starej polskiej szlachty i do dnia dzisiejszego zostało popularne w całej Europie Wschodniej. Podobne jest do roladek podawanych wzdłuż
granicy polsko-niemieckiej. “Zrazy” to zrolowane mięso wypełnione różnego rodzaju
farszem, obsmażone i duszone do miękkości. W tym przepisie proponujemy cienkie
kawałki steku, posmarowane musztardą i faszerowane chlebem, cebulą i grzybami.
Tradycyjnie podaje się je z ryżem lub kaszą, polane sosem, ale także z kluskami
ziemniaczanymi i gotowanymi na parze szparagami.
Czas przygotowania: 1 godzina 30 minut
Serves 4
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 cups onions, finely chopped
1 1/2 lbs mushrooms, finely chopped
1/4 cup soft breadcrumbs, from home-style
bread, shredded
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 lbs top round steak, trimmed of fat & pounded to 1/4 thick
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons flour
1 cup beef stock
2/3 cup sour cream
Pronounced ZRAH-zih zah-vee-YAH-neh. Also called bitki (BEET-kee). A favourite
dish of the Old Polish nobility that has remained popular to this day throughout Eastern Europe; quite similar to rouladen served just across the border in Germany.
Zrazy is a generic name for meat rolled around any of a variety of fillings, browned
and braised until tender. This recipe is for thin slices of steak spread with mustard
and filled with a bread, onion, and mushroom stuffing. Traditionally served with boiled
rice or buckwheat topped with extra sauce, but also great with potato dumplings and
steamed asparagus.
1 hour 30 minutes
Ilość porcji: 4-6
4 porcje:
3 filiżanki buraków gotowanych lub pasteryzowanych i pokrojonych na plasterki
1 łyżka chrzanu
8 całych goździków
2 filiżanki octu
1 łyżka brązowego cukru
2 łyżeczki soli
Sposób przygotowania
Buraki posypane chrzanem ułóż w miseczce. Zagotuj ocet z cukrem i solą, gotuj
przez 2 minuty. Zalej buraki. Przykryj i odstaw do lodówki na 24 godziny.
Marynowane buraki - ten przepis może być używany jako część dwunastodaniowej
kolacji znanej w Polsce jako Wigilia. Kolacja ta spożywana jest po zachodzie slońca
w Wigilię Bożego Narodzenia.
Serves 4-6
3 cups beets, cooked or canned, sliced
1 T fresh horseradish, grated (or use about 4 t
prepared horseradish)
8 whole cloves (or use about 1/2 t caraway
2 cups vinegar
1 T brown sugar
2 T salt
Layer beets in a glass or earthenware bowl, sprinkling layers with horseradish and
cloves. Boil vinegar with sugar and salt 2 minutes. Pour over the beets. Cover and
refrigerate for 24 hours.
Pickled beets. This recipe could be used as part of a 12-course meal known in Polish
as Wigilia or on its own. Wigilia is eaten after sundown on Christmas Eve.
Faworki (Chrusty)
Ilość porcji: 4
2 filiżanki mąki
2-3 żółtka
2 łyżki miękkiego masła i 2 łyżeczki cukru pudru
1/3 filiżanki kwaśnej śmietany
1 łyżeczka 6 % octu lub spirytusu
2 łyżeczki rumu
smalec lub olej do smażenia
Sposób przygotowania
Ubij masło, żółtka, cukier i spirytus lub ocet. Podczas ubijania powoli dodawaj mąkę.
Dalej ugniataj ciasto 15 minut. Gotowe ciasto włóż do miski i wstaw do chłodnego
miejsca na godzinę. Ciasto rozwałkuj bardzo cienko na desce, pokrój na paski o
wymiarach 2x7 cm, zrób w środku nacięcie i przełóż jeden koniec paska przez
środek. Przygotuj głęboki garnek do smażenia, podgrzej tłuszcz. Aby sprawdzić, czy
tłuszcz jest odpowiednio podgrzany, wrzuć kawałek ciasta. Jeśli natychmiast wyjdzie
na powierzchnię, to znaczy, że tłuszcz jest już rozgrzany. Wkładaj 4-5 pasków na raz
i piec po obu stronach. Wyjmij i ułóż na papierze kuchennym. Posyp cukrem pudrem.
Potrawa ta przeznaczona jest na Ostatki przed Środą Popielcową.
Serves 4
2 cups flour
2-3 eggs yolks
2 tablespoons soft butter
2 tablespoons confectioners sugar
1/3 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon 6 % white vinegar or alcohol
2 tablespoons rum
lard or oil for frying
Mix butter, egg yolks, sugar and alcohol or vinegar
together. While mixing, slowly add flour. Knead the
dough. Keep beating and kneading the dough for 15
minutes. When ready, put it in a bowl, cover, and let it lest in a cool place for an hour.
Roll dough on the board till it is very thin. Cut 2x7 inch stripes, make a slit in the middle and pull one end through it. In a deep frying pan, heat the lard (oil). To test readiness of oil, put a small piece of dough in it, if it immediately comes to the surface the
temperature is right. Put 4-5 strips at a time and deep fry on both sides. Take out and
place on a paper towel. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar. Note: Made for the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
Napoje / gorące & zimne (Beverages / Hot & Cold)
Ilość porcji: 4
Kompot (Compote)
1 filiżanka suszonych owoców
2 filiżanki wody
3/4 filiżanki cukru
1 laska cynamonu
3 całe goździki
2 łyżeczki startej skórki z cytryny
1 łyżeczka soku z cytryny
Sposób przygotowania
Wszystkie owoce namoczyć na noc w wodzie, dodać pozostałe składniki i podgrzać,
aż cukier się rozpuści. Schłodzić na kilka godzin, wyjąć cynamon i goździki i serwować.
Serves 4
1 cup dried fruit
2 cups water
3/4 cup sugar
1 stick cinnamon
3 whole cloves
2 tablespoons grated lemon rind
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Allow the fruit to plump up by soaking it overnight in the water. Add the remaining
ingredients and heat until the sugar is dissolved. Chill for several hours, remove the
cinnamon and cloves, and enjoy.
Spanish dishes
Tortilla de patata (Omelette with potatoes)
Para una persona
400 g de patatas
2 huevos
Un poco de cebolla
Aceite de oliva
Poner el aceite sobre un sartén caliente y
despues remover. Cortar las patatas y la
cebolla en pequeños cachos y después
ponerlos en el sartén y remover. Mientras
tanto romper ambos huevos y batirlos en un plato. Agregar sal a la mezcla resultante
y vertirla en el sartén con las patatas y la cebolla. Después esperar alrededor de 3
minutos y luego dar la vuelta a la tortilla en el sartén. Despues esperar otros 3
minutos y ya esta lista.
Serves 1
400 g of potatoes
2 eggs
a piece of onion
olive oil
Put oil in a deep frying pan. Cut the potatoes and fry it with the onions. In the meantime, beat the eggs in a bowl. When the potatoes are fried, pour them with a skimming ladle in the bowl where the beaten eggs are. Salt the mixture. After that, take
out the left oil and keep it in a jar. Then put a spoon of oil on the frying-pan and heat
it. When the oil is very hot, pour the mixture and cook it on one side, then turn it over
with a plate and cook the other side. Put it on to a large plate and serve it hot.
Cocido de garbanzos (Chicken peas)
Para 4 personas
Medio kilo de garbanzos
1 Chorizo
1 Morcilla
1 Trozo de manteca
1 Pata de cerdo
5 Costillas de cerdo
Aceite de oliva
Para poder preparar este plato necesitamos poner los garbanzos en un plato con
agua la noche antes de cocinarlo. Despues de eso hay que poner los ingredientes
mencionados antes en la olla a presión con tres cucharadas de aceite de oliva, un
plato de pimiento y dos cucharadas de sal. Finalmente esperamos a que se cocine
durante quince minutos.
Serves 4
½ kg chicken peas
1 chorizo
1 blood sausage
1 piece of fatback
1 pig foot
5 pork ribs
To cook this dish we have to put chicken peas in a bowl with water the night before
cooking it. After that we put all the ingredients in the pressure cooker with three
spoons of olive oil, a boil of paprika and two pinches of salt. Finally we boil it for
about 15 minutes. In Spain, we usually eat chicken peas with their broth like first
course and for second course we eat chorizo, blood sausage, fatback, pork ribs or
pig foot.
Tarta de chocolate (Chocolate cake)
Para 6 personas
300 g de harina
300 g de mantequilla
6 huevos grandes
300 g de azúcar
Tres cucharaditas de levadura
Nata de montar
Un vaso de leche
Separar las yemas de las claras. Batir el azúcar con la mantequilla y añadir el
chocolate derretido y las yemas. Aparte, batir las claras a punto de nieve con una
cucharada de azúcar y unas gotas de limón. Añadirlo a la primera mezcla. Finalmente, añadir la harina con la levadura y el vaso de leche. Volcar la mezcla sobre un
molde previamente untado de mantequilla y ponerlo al horno durante 20 minutos.
Cortar el pastel en tres capas y llenarlo de nata.
Serves 6
300 g of flour
300 g of butter
6 large eggs
300 g of sugar
yeast (3 teaspoon)
whipped cream
a glass of milk
For starting, separate the yolks of the eggs from the white. Beat the sugar with the
butter (you should get a mixed cream). Add the chocolate (which has to be melted).
Then, add the yolks. Apart from that, beat the white egg with a spoon of sugar and a
few drops of lemon until they are stiff. Add it to the first mixture. Finally, add the flour
with the yeast and a glass of milk. Pour all the mixture in a cake tin (which previously
has to be fatted with butter). Put in the oven for 20 minutes. Cut the cake in three layers and fill it with whipped cream.
Sopa de ajo (Garlic soup)
Para 5 personas
5 dientes de ajo
Un pimiento verde
8 cucharadas de aceite
Poner 1 litro y medio de agua a calentar. Poner los ajos en el agua, cortar el pan en
rebanadas finitas, poner aceite de oliva y un poco de sal. Dejarlo en el fuego hasta
que hierva. Después añadir el pan (pan de los días anteriores, mejor). La cantidad
de pan dependerá del gusto de cada uno más o menos espesa. Dejarlo cocer durante 10 minutos para que se haga bien el pan.
Serves 5
5 garlics
a green pepper
8 spoons olive oil
Put one and a half of water on the fire. You put the garlics cut in thin slices, into the
water, add olive oil and a little bit salt. You leave it on the fire until it boils. Then you
add the bread (the best is bread from the previous days) cut in thin slices. The
amount of bread depends on your taste. Everything boils for ten minutes so that the
bread is well done. It is served very hot.
Para 6 personas
600 g de arroz, 2 dientes de ajo
1/2 pollo, Perejil
2 alcachofas, Azafrán
2 pimientos rojos, Aceite
2 tomates, 1/2 limón
Pimiento, Sal
Primero, freir el medio pollo troceado en aceite.
Después, cocer en 6 tazas de agua y guarde el agua. Segundo, freir las alcachofas y
los pimientos rojos. Freír los tomates y los ajos en la sartén. Tercero, poner el arroz
sobre la fritura de tomate y ajos y sofreír un poco, removiendo. Cuarto, poner en la
paellera todos los ingredientes con el caldo. Aderezar con un poco de perejil, azafrán
y sal. Quinto, con todo en la paellera, empezar a fuego fuerte durante cinco minutos
y a fuego suave quince minutos más. Finalmente, la paella estará lista.
Serves 6
600 g of rice. garlic
1/2 of chicken, parsley
2 artichokes, saffron (yellow colouring)
2 red peppers, oil
2 tomatoes, 1/2 of lemon
pepper. salt
Fry the chicken in some olive-oil. Put the chicken pieces into a pan with 8 glasses of
water, and bring it to boil. Leave it simmering for half an hour. Cut the artichokes and
red pepper and fry them. Fry the tomato and garlic in olive-oil in the large paellera,
then add the rice, stir for a minute and then, add the chicken stock (there should be 6
glasses), add artichokes, red peppers, the juice of half a lemon, black pepper, parsley, thyme, rosemary, the saffron strands (grind them first) and salt. Once all the ingredients are in the paella pan, turn the heat up to max. and boil for about 10 minutes. Then lower the heat and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes.
Para 4 personas
8 rebanadas de pan
2 huevos
Aceite de oliva
Poner la leche y el azúcar en un cuenco y mezclar. Moje las rebanadas de pan en
leche azucarada. Después de media hora saque las rebanadas de la leche y déjelas
escurrir. Bata los huevos. Reboce las rebanadas en huevo. Fríalas en aceite
caliente. Sáquelas de la sartén y escurra el aceite y espolvoree sobre ellas azúcar y
canela, al gusto. Si quiere, puede untarlas en miel.
Serves 4
bread (8 slices)
2 eggs
olive oil
Put milk with sugar in a bowl and mix it. Dip the slices of bread in the sugared milk.
After one hour put the bread out of the sugared milk and squeeze it. Mix the eggs in
a plate. Coat the bread with the eggs. Fry the slices in a fry pan with olive oil. Put the
slices out of the fry pan and put sugar and cinnamon on it if you want you can spread
honey on the slices.