Recipes for success


Recipes for success
“Recipes for success”
List of participants
Fabiana Cicolella, Giuseppe Misso, Letizia Testa, Assuntina Cacciuottolo
Giuseppe Miso, Letizia Testa, Assuntina Cacciuottolo Vittoria D’Aquila
Vittoria D’Aquila
Students: Raffaella Catuogno, Mariarosaria Sorge
Vittoria D’Aquila
750gr zucchero
6 limoni freschi
1litro di alcol puro
1,2 di acqua
Il liquore nacque proprio agli inizi del 1900, in una piccola pensione dell’Isola Azzurra,Capri,dove la
signora Maria Antonia Farace curava un rigoglioso giardino di limoni e arance. Il nipote, nel dopoguerra,
aprì un’attività di ristorazione proprio nelle vicinanze della villa di Axel Munte. La specialità di quel bar era
proprio il liquore di limoni realizzato con l’antica ricetta della nonna. Nel 1988, il figlio Massimo Canale
avviò a sua volta una piccola produzione artigianale di limoncello, registrandone il marchio. Ma in realtà,
anche a Sorrento ed a Amalfi, fioccano leggende e racconti sulla produzione del tradizionale liquore giallo.
In costiera, ad esempio, la storia narra che le grandi famiglie sorrentine, agli inizi del 1900, non facevano
mai mancare agli ospiti illustri un assaggio di limoncello, realizzato secondo la tradizionale ricetta. Ad
Amalfi, c’è chi sostiene addirittura che il liquore abbia origini molto antiche, quasi legate alla coltivazione
del limone. Tuttavia, come spesso accade in queste circostanze, la verità è nebulosa e le ipotesi sono tante e
suggestive. Qualcuno sostiene che il limoncello veniva utilizzato dai pescatori e dai contadini al mattino per
combattere il freddo, già ai tempi dell’invasione dei saraceni. Altri, invece, ritengono che la ricetta sia nata
all’interno di un convento monastico per deliziare i frati tra una preghiera ed un'altra.
PREPARAZIONE: come si fa il Limoncello
Lavare i limoni con una spazzola vegetale ed acqua calda per rimuovere eventuali residui di cera o
insetticidi. Deporre in un vaso di vetro di 3 litri la parte sbucciata dei limoni e l' alcol. Coprire il contenitore
e lasciarlo a temperatura ambiente per circa una settimana. Ogni giorno, smuovere il contenitore per sette
Prendere una grande casseruola e sciogliervi lo zucchero con acqua e cuocerlo a fuoco lento per 5/7 minuti
fino ad addensarlo,ma senza farlo surriscaldare altrimenti assume un sapore di bruciato.
Aggiungere lo sciroppo alla mistura di Limoncello e prima di imbottigliarlo filtrarlo
adeguatamente,scartando I residui di limone limone. Deporre nel congelatore.
750 gr sugar
6 Fresh lemons
1 litre pure grain alcohol
1,2 litre of pure water
The liqueur was born really to the beginnings of 1900, in a small
pension of the Blue island, Capri,where Mrs Maria Antonia Farace
took care of a luxuriant garden of lemons and oranges. His nephew,
in the postwar period, opened an activity in selling liqueurin the
proximities of the villa of Axel Munte. The specialty of that cafes
was really the liqueur of lemons realized with the ancient recipe of
his grandmother. In 1988, his child Massimo Canale started in turn a small handicraft production of
limoncello recording the mark of it. But in reality, also Sorrento and Amalfi, legends and stories contend on
the production of the traditional yellow liqueur. In coastline, the history for instance, narrates that the great
families sorrentine,at the beginnings of 1900, they never made to miss to the illustrious guests a taste of
limoncello, realized according to the traditional recipe. To Amalfi, there is who sustains straight that liqueur
has very ancient origins, almost tied up to the cultivation of the lemon. Nevertheless, as it often happens in
these circumstances, truth is nebulous and the hypotheses are so many and suggestive. Someone thinks that
the limoncello was used from the fishermen and from the farmers to the morning to fight the cold, already to
the times of the invasion of the Saracens. Others, believe instead, that the recipe was born inside a monastic
convent to delight the monks between a prayer and another.
PREPARATION: how to make Limoncello
Wash the lemons with a vegetable brush and hot water to remove any residue of wax or pesticides.
Zest the lemons with a vegetable peeler so that there is no white pith on the peel.
In a 3 litre glass jar put lemon zest, and add alcohol.
Cover the jar and leave it at room temperature for about a week. Every day, swirl the container for
seven seconds.
Take a big saucepan and combine sugar with water and cook for 5 to 7 minutes till slightly
thickened. Do not let this boil or overheat or you will get a burnt taste.
Add the syrup to the Limoncello mixture, when cool.
Strain and bottle, discarding the lemon zest.
Set into freezer
La pastiera è uno dei simboli della Pasqua, almeno a Napoli e dintorni. E' uno dei dolci pasquali più
conosciuti e apprezzati e si dice che i sette ingredienti della pastiera fossero offerti da sette fanciulle alla
sirena Partenope: la farina ed il grano come i frutti più significativi della terra, le uova per rappresentare la
cellula che si rinnova, la ricotta come omaggio dei pastori, l'acqua di arancio, i canditi e lo zucchero come
simbolo dei profumi e la dolcezza della primavera.
Per la pasta frolla:
- 300 g di farina
- 120 g di zucchero
- 150 g di burro
- 3 tuorli
- scorza grattugiata di un limone
- 1 presa di sale
Per la farcitura:
- 500 g di ricotta freschissima
- 1 barattolo di grano cotto per pastiera da 420 g
- 150 g di zucchero
- 150 g di zucca
- cedro
- buccia di arancia candita
- la scorza di mezzo limone grattugiata
- 1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere
- 50 ml d'acqua di fiori di arancio
- 6 tuorli
- 4 albumi montati a neve
- zucchero a velo
Per realizzare la pasta frolla, impastare velocemente e a mano gli ingredienti. Quando risulteranno ben
amalgamati, creare un panetto, coprirlo con la pellicola e lasciarlo riposare in frigorifero per almeno 30
Per quel che riguarda la farcitura, passare la ricotta al setaccio, facendola ricadere in una ciotola, unendo la
frutta candita a pezzetti piccoli, lo zucchero, il limone grattugiato, la cannella e l'acqua di arancio.
Incorporare poi i tuorli, uno per volta, mescolando bene, poi il grano preparato seguendo le istruzioni della
confezione e per ultimi gli albumi montati a neve ferma.
Amalgamare il tutto e riversarlo in una teglia ad anello estraibile di 26 cm di diametro precedentemente
imburrata e rivestita con 2/3 dell'impasto di pasta frolla. Con il resto della pasta preparare delle strisce e
posizionarle sulla torta a mo' di griglia.
Infornare a 150 gradi circa per circa un ora e mezza fino a quando la pastiera avrà preso un bel colore
ambrato; una volta cotta lasciarla raffreddare e cospargerla con abbondante zucchero al velo.
For the short pastry:
- 300gr flour - 120gr of sugar – 150gr of butter - 3 yolks - bark grated of a lemon - 1 taking of salt
For the farcitura:
 500gr of fresh ricotta - 1 jar of cooked wheat for pastiera from 420gr – 150gr of sugar - 150gr of
pumpkin - cedar - peel of candied orange - the bark middle lemon grated - 1 cinnamon teaspoon in
dust - 50 mls of water of flowers of orange tree - 6 yolks - 4 egg whites climbed on to snow - sugar
to veil
To realize the short pastry, mix quickly and hand the ingredients. When they will result well amalgamate,
create a panetto, cover it with a film and leave it in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
 Pass the ricotta to the sieve, making it revert in a bowl, unite the candied fruit to small bits, the
sugar, the grated lemon, the cinnamon and the water of orange tree. Incorporate then the yolks, one
for time, mixing well, then the wheat and at last the whites of the eggs climbed on firm snow.
 Amalgamate all and pour again it in a ring baking-pan estraibile of 26cm of diameter previously
buttered and dressed again with 2/3 of the short pastry. With the rest of the pasta prepare some strips
and position them on the cake like in the picture above. Bake around to 150 degrees for around one
hour and half up, when the pastiera will have taken a beautiful colour ambrato; take it off the oven
The pastiera is one of the symbols of the Easter, at least to Naples and outskirts. It is one of the more known
and appreciated Easter sweets and it is said that the seven ingredients of the pastiera were offered by seven
young girls to the siren Partenope: the flour and the wheat as the most meaningful fruits of the earth, the eggs
to represent the cell that renews him the ricotta as the shepherds' homage, the water of orange tree, the
candied ones and the sugar as symbol of the perfumes and the sweetness of spring.
500gr di farina
lievito di birra
olio extra vergine di olivo
1889 - La più classica delle pizze, la pizza Margherita, venne “inventata” in onore della moglie di re
Umberto I, la regina Margherita, che nel 1889 andò in visita alla reggia di Capodimonte. Il più bravo
pizzaiolo di Napoli, Raffaele Esposito, le dedicò la più classica delle pizze, la pizza Margherita,legata ai
colori della bandiera verde del basilico,il rosso del pomodoro,il bianco della mozzarella.La regina
ne rimase incantata e la pizza Margherita entrò nella storia.
Aggiungere alla farina l'acqua,il lievito,un pizzico di sale e lavorare energicamente fino a formare un
composto morbido ma solido. Lasciarlo crescere per più di un'ora e dopo spianarlo,e condirlo a piacere. La
classica Pizza Margherita prevede come condimento la mozzarella ,ma la vera pizza Napoletana è simile alla
marinara, poichè non prevede l'utilizzo della mozzarella ma solo origano,aglio,pomodoro ed olio extra
vergine d'oliva. Preparata la pizza,metterla nel forno per 15 minuti a 200 gradi.
500gr flour
Extra virgin olive oil
Tomato puree
1889 – The most classical of the pizzas, the pizza Margherita, was “invented” in honour of the wife of king
Umberto I, Queen Margherita, that went visiting to the palace of Capodimonte in 1889. The best pizzaiolo in
Naples, Raffaele Esposito, devoted a pizza to her. He used the three ingredients: basil, mozzarella and tomato
that reminded the colours of the Italian flag: green, red, and white. The queen spellbound of it and the pizza
Margherita entered in the history.
Add to the flour the water, the yeast, a pinch of salt and work hard to form a soft but solid mixture. Leave
it to grow for more than an hour and later flatten it, and tpo as you like. The classical Pizza Margherita uses
the mozzarella, but the true Neapolitan pizza is similar to the marinara, since it doesn't use of the mozzarella
but only oregano, garlic, tomato and virgin extra olive. Prepared the pizza and to put it in the oven for 15
minutes to 200 degrees
½ kg dil spaghetti
½ kg di pomodori spellati e tagliati o pomodori interi ed in scatola
¼ olio d'oliva
2-3 spicchi di aglio spellati e tagliati
7-8 acciughe, sciacquate e schiacciate con una forchetta
2oogr di capperi ,
10-15 olive nere, snocciolate
½-1 peperoncino rosso
pepe fresco nero e macinato
Riempire una grande pentola con acqua fredda ed
aggiungere una manciata di sale. Mescolare ed
assaggiare, giusta salatura. Coprire la pentola e
scaldare l'acqua finché bolle.
Tagliare i pomodori.
Scaldare l'olio a calore moderato.
Quando comincia a riscaldarsi aggiungere l'aglio, il prezzemolo ed il peperoncino rosso e saltarli in
padella per un altro minuto, evitando che si bruci.
Aggiungere i pomodori, capperi, ed olive e lasciarli cuocere finchè la salsa venga ad ebollizione.
Aggiungere l'acciuga tagliata a filetti e continuare a saltare in padella per i secondi necessari affinchè la
salsa si aromatizzi.
Unire il prezzemolo al composto ottenuto. Condire con sale e fresco pepe nero e macinato. Coprire e tenere
a caldo mentre la pasta si cuoce.
Calare gli spaghetti nell'acqua salata e bollente e cuocerei secondo le istruzioni indicate sul pacco,
approssimativamente 6/9 minuti o comunque al dente.Colare bene la pasta unirla al sugo ottenuto e servire.
Il termine puttanesca è stato oggetto degli sforzi di immaginazione di molti studiosi, che hanno tentato in
ogni modo di trovare la soluzione all’enigma. Alcuni dicono che il nome di questa ricetta derivò, all’inizio
del secolo, dal proprietario di una casa di appuntamenti nei Quartieri Spagnoli, che era solito rifocillare i
propri ospiti con questo piatto, sfruttandone la rapidità e facilità di preparazione. Altri fanno riferimento agli
indumenti intimi delle ragazze della casa che, per attirare e allettare l’occhio del cliente, indossavano
probabilmente biancheria di ogni tipo, di colori vistosi e ricca di promettenti trasparenze. I tanti colori di
questo abbigliamento si ritroverebbero nell’omonima salsa: il verde del prezzemolo, il rosso dei pomodori,il
viola scuro delle olive, il grigio-verde dei capperi, la tinta granato dei peperoncini.
½ kg spaghetti
½ kg tomatoes (peeled and chopped) or canned whole tomoatoes
¼ cup olive oil
2-3 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
7-8 anchovy fillets, rinsed and mashed with a fork
200gr capres, drained
10-15 black olives, pitted and sliced or roughly chopped
½-1 small red chilli, chopped
Chopped parsley
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Fill a large soup pot with cold water and add a handful of salt. Stir and taste, it should taste like seawater.
Cover the pot and heat the water until it boils. Drain and coarsely chop the tomatoes. Heat about half the
olive oil in a heavy – bottomed sauté pan over moderate heat. When the oil starts to heat up, add the garlic,
some parsley and the chilli and sauté them for another minute, being careful not to let them burn. Add the
tomatoes, capers, and olives and let the sauce come to boil. Add the anchovy fillets and continue sautéing for
several seconds. Cooking the anchovies for too long can give the sauce a fishy flavour. Sprinkle in parsley
along with the remaining olive oil. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cover and keep
warm while the pasta cooks. Drop the spaghetti into the boiling salted water and cook according to package
instructions, about 6 – 9 minutes or until al dente, or tender but still firm to the bite. Drain fully, toss with the
sauce, and serve right away.
The origins of this preparation find different
interpretations.Regardings the etymological
origin,the term puttanesca has been object of
the efforts of imagination of many
researchers, that have tried in every way to
find the solution to the enigma. Some say that
the name of this recipe derived, to the
beginning of the century, from the owner of a house of appointments in the Spanish Districts, that it was
usual to refresh her own guests with this dish, exploiting the rapidity and facility of preparation of it. Others
make reference to the intimate garments of the girls of the house that, to attract and to allure the eye of the
client, probably wore laundry of every type, of colors showy and rich of promising transparencies. The so
many colors of these dress es would find again in the homonym sauce: the green of the parsley, the red of the
tomatoes, the violet dark color of the olives
List of participants
Teacher: Barbara Mincewicz
Students: Elżbieta Gmurczyk, Teresa Kępioska
Teacher: Barbara Mincewicz,
Students: Jakub Mincewicz, Jolanta Czarnota, Hanna Olencka, Mirosław Mincewicz
Teacher: Barbara Mincewicz
Students: Jakub Mincewicz, Alina Pietrzyk – Kowalska
Teacher: Barbara Mincewicz
Participants: Jakub Mincewicz, Elżbieta Gmurczyk, Longina Nowak, Mirosław Mincewicz, Rafał Tynor
to tradycyjna polska potrawa goszcząca na naszych stołach od wieków. Jest wprost wspaniała na
zimowe dni, spotkania w gronie przyjaciół lub zakooczenie polowania. Każda gospodyni domowa robi
go z tych samych składników, ale każdej smak jest nieco inny. Samo pochodzenie słowa „bigos” jest
niejasne. Może pochodzi z niemieckiego „ begossen”, może włoskiego ”bigutta”, a może z łaciny,
gdzie „Bi” oznacza podwójny, a ”Gos” to” smak”
kojarząc z dodawaniem nieraz do kapusty kwaszonej kapusty świeżej. Nawet jeśli pochodzenie nazwy
jest niejasne to smak wspaniały. Smacznego!
Czas przygotowania --około 1 godzina przygotowanie i 3 gotowanie.
Liczba porcji – około 15 – 20 porcji
 2kg kapusty kiszonej
 0,5 kg boczku świeżego
 0,5 kg karkówki lub łopatki
 0,5 kg kiełbasy naturalnej średnio-rozdrobnionej dobrej jakości
 5 dag grzybów suszonych
 Ziele angielskie, liście laurowe, pieprz, sól do smaku
 2 cebule
 1 słoiczek koncentratu pomidorowego
Kapustę zalad zimną wodą, dodad ziele angielskie, liście laurowe i gotowad na wolnym
ogniu około 0,5 godziny. Mięso pokroid w kostkę, podsmażyd na tłuszczu, dodad do
kapusty. Dodad grzybki wcześnie namoczone i obgotowane w wodzie, w ktorej się
moczyły. Gotowad bigos jeszcze około 1,5 godziny na wolnym ogniu – pod koniec
gotowania dodad do bigosu koncentrat pomidorowy, dobrze wymieszad i doprawid do
smaku solą i pieprzem. Jest pyszny.
It is a very well-known and one of the most famous dishes in the Polish cuisine. It is
usually consumed during the winter days, meetings with friends as well as at the end of
hunting. In every house it is prepared in the same way using the same ingredients but it
always tastes different.
The origins of the word „Bigos” are not really known. It is said that this could be a
borrowing from a German form ‘begossen’, it can also derive from an Italian word
‘bigutta’ or even Latin “Bi” meaning “double” and “gos” meaning “taste”. The latter
explanation is based on the fact that sometimes chefs add some fresh cabbage to the
sauerkraut. Although the origins of the name of this dish are not really known, it tastes
fantastic and we recommend it to everyone. Enjoy!!!!
Preparation time: 1hour
Cooking time: 3 hours
Number of servings: 15-20
 2kg sauerkraut, rinsed well and drained
 0.5kg fresh bacon
 0.5kg pork
 0.5kg smoked Polish sausage
 0.05kg dried Polish or porcini mushrooms
 Bay leaf, salt, pepper
 2 onions
 Bacon drippings or oil for frying
 1 jar of tomato concentrate
Put sauerkraut and bay leaves together in one pot with cold water and bring to boil.
Simmer for around 30 minutes. In the meantime, fry 0.5kg of pork, cut into small pieces
and add to the sauerkraut. Similarly, chop onions and sausages and fry them adding the
in the end to the sauerkraut. Mushrooms should be put into a bowl with water and left
for a period of 2 hours. Next, boil them, cut into pieces and add to the sauerkraut.
Simmer everything in one pot for another 1 hour 30 minutes adding in the end the
whole jar of tomato concentrate as well as salt and pepper to taste.
Simmering it longer makes it taste even better. The taste is also better when served the
following day. You can freeze it easily for the future parties. It tastes great and this is
what it looks like.
Jedna z najbardziej tradycyjnych zup. Smakuje niemal każdemu, a propozycji dodatków do niej jest
bardzo wiele: krokiety, paszteciki uszka z grzybami.
Czas przygotowania 30 minut + 2godziny gotowanie
Liczba porcji - 4-6
 4 średnie buraki
 Kośd wołowa lub od schabu - ale niekoniecznie, może byd wersja wegetariaoska,
albo zamiast kości - bulion wołowy lub drobiowy z kostki
 Pęczek włoszczyzny – 2 marchewki, kawałek selera, 1/3 pory, 1 pietruszka
 3 liście laurowe, ziarna ziela angielskiego i pieprzu czarnego
 3 ząbki czosnku, 3 grzybki suszone
 1 łyżka majeranku ( niekoniecznie –ja nie daję)
 2-3 łyżki soku z cytryny ( do smaku)
 Sól ,pieprz
Sposób przyrządzania
Umyd warzywa i obrad. Umyd kośd. Wszystko to wrzucid do garnka wraz z liśdmi
laurowymi, ziarnami ziela i pieprzu oraz ząbkami czosnku. Gotowad około 1 godziny.
Dodad grzybki i obrane i pokrojone na połówki buraki i gotowad na małym ogniu około
1 godziny. Wyjąd buraki , lekko przestudzid , zetrzed na tarce i dodad z powrotem do
wywaru. Tylko moment zagotowad i zdjąd z ognia. Doprawid do smaku solą,
pieprzem, sokiem z cytryny lub octem (około 3 łyżki) i pokrojonym w plasterki
czosnkiem. Barszczyk musi postad około 0,5-1 godziny i należ go w tym czasie kilka
razy spróbowad i ewentualnie doprawid – powinien byd lekko kwaśny z wyczuwalną
nutą czosnku i pieprzu. Przed podaniem należy go podgrzad ale nie gotowad. Nalewad
przez sitko. Podawad na głębokich talerzach z uszkami ( maleokie pierogi z grzybkami)
lub w bulionówkach z krokietem lub pasztecikiem.
One of the most famous Polish soups that tastes almost everyone. There are many
different types of small snacks that it goes well with e.g. krokiety, paszteciki, uszka etc.
Preparation time:30min + 2hrs cooking
Servings: 4 - 6
 4 medium beetroots
 Beef or pork bone to prepare the bouillon (we can also have a vegetarian version
where instead of bones we can use vegetable bouillon cubes).
 2 carrots
 Medium celery
 1/3 leek
 1 parsnip
 3 leaves of bay leaf,
 Allspice
 Pepper
 3 cloves of garlic
 1 tablespoon of dried marjoram
 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (to taste)
 Salt and freshly ground pepper
In the beginning we need to make a stock. Rinse the bone and place it in the pot. Add
bay leaves, allspice, pepper, garlic cloves and marjoram. Boil for around 60 minutes.
Next, add peeled and cut into halves beetroots and simmer covered for next 60 minutes.
Remove beetroots, cool them down and grate them finally adding to the bouillon. Bring
it back to boil and remove from fire. Add salt and freshly ground pepper as well as
lemon juice (we could also use vinegar instead of lemon juice) and sliced garlic to taste.
Our beetroot soup must be left like that for around 30 – 60 minutes. In the meantime,
we need to taste it several times and add spices to taste. It should be a bit sour with a
hint of garlic and pepper. Before serving, it needs to be heated up but not boiled. Use
sieve to separate the bouillon from the vegetables. Serve in a deep plates with uszka
(small dumplings with mushroom filling) or in a small bowls together with krokiety or
paszteciki. Here is the picture of this tasty soup.
Żur jest specjalnością regionalnej kuchni Polskiej, Czeskiej oraz Słowackiej. Jego nazwa pochodzi od
dawnego niemieckiego słowa sūr, dzisiejszego sauer czyli kwaśny lub sfermentowany.
Jest to typowe staropolskie danie i dlatego właśnie bardzo często nazywa się do żurem
staropolskim. W Polsce jest on tradycyjnie serwowany w czasie Świąt Wielkanocnych.
 Kiełbasa biała – 700 g
 Żeberka wieprzowe wędzone -100g
 Żeberka wieprzowe -200g
 Boczek wędzony – 400g
 Majeranek
 Czosnek
 Włoszczyzna- 1szt. (warzywa na bulion)
 Żurek – zakwas lub z torebki
 Grzybki suszone- 4 sztuki
 Ziele angielskie, liśd laurowy, sól pieprz,
 Chrzan do smaku
 Śmietana
 Ewentualnie ziemniaki (1 kg) – ja nie daję
 Jajka gotowane na twardo
1. Żeberka wędzone , kiełbasę białą surowa, żeberka surowe myjemy i wrzucamy do
dużego garnka – zalewamy wodą
2. Wstawiamy na gaz na średni ogieo
3. Myjemy i obieramy włoszczyznę i dodajemy do garnka
4. Dorzucamy liście laurowe - około 3-4, ziele angielskie, pieprz w ziarnkach, grzybki
5. Dodajemy 2 łyżeczki wegety
6. Gotujemy na wolnym ogniu do uzyskania pachnącego wywaru( około 1 godziny)
7. Odcedzamy, aby pozostał czysty wywar
8. Kroimy kiełbasę i mięso z żeberek i wkładamy z powrotem do wywaru
9. Kroimy w kostkę marchewkę i dodajemy do zupy
10. Przeciskamy przez praskę czosnek i dodajemy do zupy.
11. Teraz gotujemy w zupie ziemniaki pokrojone w kostkę
12. Kiedy są miękkie dodajemy zakwas z butelki lub torebek – według przepisu na opakowaniu
13. Gotujemy około 0,5 godziny – smakujemy – dodajemy pieprz, sól, tarty chrzan i ewentualnie
14. Podajemy na głębokich talerzach z ugotowanym na twardo i pokrojonym jajkiem.
Uwaga! Można nie dodawad ziemniaków – zupa i tak jest pożywna. Zamiast zakwasu w butelce
(trudno dostad za granica można dodad z torebki – żurek instant lub zrobid zakwas samemu:
Przepis na zakwas na żurek :
 2 szklanki mąki żytniej razowej
 500ml wody
 4 ząbki czosnku
 Skorka chleba razowego
Sposób wykonania:
Mąkę zalewamy, najlepiej w glinianym garnku lub w szklanym słoju, ciepłą, przegotowaną wodą.
Wrzucamy rozgniecione ząbki czosnku, skórkę od chleba – całośd mieszamy, zakrywamy czystą lnianą
ściereczką i odstawiamy w cieple miejsce, np. koło kaloryfera na 3-4 dni. Gdy mieszanina ma
wyczuwalny kwaśny zapach zakwas jest gotowy i przelewamy go do butelki lub zamykanego słoika i
przechowujemy w lodowce do 2 tygodni.
Rye soup is a speciality of a regional cuisine in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Its name derives
from an old German word sūr, today sauer –sour, fermented. It is a typical old Polish dish and
therefore, quite often it is referred to as Old Polish Rye Soup. In Poland, it is usually served and
associated with Easter holidays.
 Polish fresh (white) sausage 700g
 Pork ribs smoked 100g
 Pork ribs 200g
 Smoked bacon 400g
 Garlic
 Bay leaf
 Allspice
 Dried mushrooms
 Ryemeal Sour (Żur or Zakwas) can be used the instant one
 Vegetables for the bouillon
 Spices (vegeta)
 Potatoes 1kg – I don’t use them
 Hard boiled eggs
 Cream
 Horseradish
1. Put smoked pork ribs, fresh pork ribs and fresh sausages into a big pot and add water.
2. Put it on fire.
3. Peel all the vegetables and add to the water with meet.
4. Add beay leaf (3 – 4), allspice, black pepper and dried mushrooms.
5. Add two spoons of spices (vegeta).
6. Boil it for around an hour until a very aromatic bouillon is obtained.
7. Separate the bouillon from the vegetables and meat using a sieve.
8. Cut the boiled sausages into pieces and put back in the pot with the bouillon.
9. Cut carrots into squares and add to the pot.
10. Chop around 5 garlic cloves and onions into small pieces and add to the bouillon.
11. Similarly, chop bacon into squares and add to the soup.
12. Finally, cut potatoes into pieces and add to the soup and let it boil.
13. When the potatoes are ready, shake the bottles of ryemeal sour and add them to the soup.
14. Boil for another 25 minutes and check if it does not need adding spices to taste; normally we
would add here pepper, salt and horseradish. You can also add a little bit of cream in the end but it is
not compulsory.
15. Serve in a deep plate or a bowl together with a chopped hard-boiled egg. It is not absolutely
necessary to add potatoes. The soup is filling anyway. It is quite hard to get the ryemeal sour outside
Poland but we can prepare it ourselves.
Ingredients and preparation of ryemeal sour.
 2 glasses of rye flour
 500ml water
 4 cloves of garlic
 Rye bread crust
Preparation of ryemeal sour
Pour warm water into a bowl with the rye flour. Add crushed garlic cloves and the rye bread crust.
Stir it and leave it covered with a cloth in a warm place for 3-4 days. When the sour taste is easily
noticeable this means that the ryemeal sour is ready and we can pour it into a bottle which in the
fridge can be kept up until 2 weeks.
Pierogi są znane w Polsce prawdopodobnie już od XIII wieku. Przywędrowały do na prawdopodobnie
z Dalekiego Wschodu i zadomowiły się na dobre. Uwielbiamy je na słono i słodko z twarogiem,
owocami, mięsem, kapustą, ziemniakami itp. Osobnym rozdziałem są pierogi przygotowywane na
uroczystą wigilijną kolację spożywaną przez Polaków w gronie rodzinnym 24 grudnia. Są to pierogi z
farszem z kapusty kiszonej i grzybów suszonych z cebulką. Pyszne!!!!
Czas przygotowania – 1godzina
Czas gotowania – 0,5 godziny
Ilośd porcji – 6-8
 Poł kilo mąki pszennej
 Szklanka ciepłej wody
 Żółtko – (nie musi byd)
 Sól
 Poł kilo kapusty kiszonej
 10 dag grzybów suszonych
 Cebula
 Olej
 Sól, pieprz do smaku
Sposób wykonania:
Farsz: Kwaśną kapustę ugotowad do miękkości. Ugotowad namoczone grzybki suszone w posolonej
wodzie. Drobno pokroid i grzybki i kapustę. Podsmażyd na oleju drobno posiekaną cebulkę dodad
posiekaną kapustę i grzybki. Doprawid do smaku solą i pieprzem( musi byd dosyd ostre w smaku).
Wymieszad i podsmażyd. Kiedy wystygnie nakładad na krążki ciasta.
Ciasto: Do miski wsypad mąkę, sól, wbid żółtko i jedną ręką powoli wlewad ciepłą wodę , a drugą ręką
zarabiad ciasto. Gdy będzie gładkie cienko rozwałkowad na blacie kuchennym i szklanką wykrawad
krążki ciasta – nakładad łyżeczką farsz i sklejad boki w formie półksiężyców. Do większego garnka wlad
wodę , posolid ją i zagotowad . Kiedy woda zawrze wrzucad do niej pierożki po kilka sztuk ( aby się nie
skleiły) i gotowad około 2 minut od wypłynięcia na powierzchnię. Podawad z masełkiem lub
podsmażoną cebulką z boczkiem. Smacznego !
Mamy nadzieję, że nasza wspólna praca w ramach projektu partnerskiego „Recipes for success”
finansowana z Programu „ Uczenie się przez cale życie „ Grundtvig przyniosła wszystkim partnerom
tyle satysfakcji i zadowolenia, wniosła w ich życie wiele ciekawych doświadczeo i nowych
umiejętności jak polskim partnerom projektu. Dziękujemy!!!
Dumplings are very well known in Poland and have been prepared probably since XIII century. Most
probably they were brought to Poland from the Far East through Russia. We like them with different
types of fillings that can be either sweet ( white cheese, fruit) or salty (meet, cabbage, potatoes) etc.
The most famous dumplings in Poland are the ones prepared for the special dinner during the
Christmas Eve that we normally consume together with the whole family. Those dumplings are filled
with sauerkraut, dried mushrooms and onions. Incredibly tasty!!!!
Preparation time: 1hour
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 – 8
 Plain flour 0.5k
 A glass of warm water
 Yolk (not necessary)
 Salt
 0.5 kg sauerkraut
 0.1 kg dried mushrooms
 Onion
 Oil
 Salt and pepper
Put flour, salt, yolk and butter into the same bowl and mix thoroughly. When properly mixed start
adding water with one hand while continuously kneading the dough with the other to make sure that
all the ingredients are well mixed. Knead the dough well and roll out on the floured surface with a
rolling pin so the dough is very thin. Cut out circles with a glass rim, fill them in with the filling and
glue the ends of the dough so it forms sort of a half moon. Place prepared and raw dumplings in the
boiling salty water.
If the sauerkraut is very sour, drain it and boil it in a meat or vegetable stock. Previously soaked
mushrooms, boil separately in a salty water. Drain and cut the sauerkraut and mushrooms into small
pieces, mix them together, add a few tablespoons of oil and salt and pepper (it should be quite spicy
in taste). It is also a good idea to add finely chopped and lightly fried onion to our filling. Fry
everything together. Forming dumplings.
Into a big pot, pour water, add salt and bring to boil. When the water starts boiling, add a few
dumplings (not too many so they don’t stick to each other) and boil for around 2 minutes from the
moment they start floating on the surface. Best served with melted butter and fried onions on top.
They also taste great when re-heated or fried. Enjoy!!!
We hope that our Grundtvig partnership project “Recipes for success” within the
Lifelong learning programme was very fruitful and brought as much satisfaction for
each of our partners as for us - Polish group. We have gained many experiences and
skills that without this project we would not know about. Thank you!!!
List of participants
Teacher: Miguel Reus
Students: Concepción Gelabert, Silvia Gamboa
Teacher: Miguel Reus
Students: Maria Solana, Ana Pascual, Josefa Puig, Elena Clari
Teacher: Miguel Reus
Students: Mayte Merino, Joana Mª Pol, Maria Solana, Pepa Torres
Teacher: Miguel Reus
Students: Montserrat Company, David Vives, Yolanda Villalonga, Xisca Tomás
½ kg Harina
1 kg Patatas dulces
1 kg Patatas
La víspera de la celebración, los jóvenes cantan canciones típicas ante las casas de las
jovencitas (vírgenes). Ellas les invitan a entrar en casa. Todo el mundo come buñuelos y bebe
vino dulce. Los jóvenes hacen la ronda cantando y visitando a sus amigas vírgenes, aceptando
sus invitaciones a comer y beber en presencia de los padres de las jovencitas.
1/2 kg Farina
1 kg Patates dolces
1 kg Patates
La revetlla de la celebració, els joves canten cançons típiques davant les cases de les jovenetes
(verges). Elles els conviden a entrar a la casa. Tothom menja bunyols i beu vi dolç. Els joves volten
pel poble cantant i visitant les seves amigues verges acceptant les seves invitacions a menjar i beure en
presència dels pares de les jovenetes.
½ kg Flour
1 kg Sweet potatoes
1 hg potatos
On the eve of the celebration, young boys sing songs outside the houses of young girls
(virgins) who later on invite the singers to enter their homes. Everyone starts eating “bunyols”
and drinks sweet wine. Young singers walk around and enter houses of their friends (young
girls) eating and drinking with them and their parents.
La ensaimada de Mallorca" está hecha con harina de fuerza, agua, azúcar, huevos y masa y
manteca de cerdo (en mallorquín, saïm). La naturaleza manual del producto hace difícil dar
con la fórmula exacta. Sin embargo, se han establecido proporciones orientativas entre los
ingredientes. Son las siguientes:
Harina de fuerza: entre 45 y 55 % m/m
Agua: entre 18 y 20 % m/m
Azúcar: entre 16 y 20 % m/m
Huevos: entre 6 y 10 % m/m
Masa madre: entre 4 y 6 % m/m
1. Se amasan los ingredientes en las
proporciones indicadas anteriormente.
2. Se lamina la masa hasta obtener una masa
se cubre totalmente con manteca de cerdo
y se
estira hasta obtener una fina película.
3. Se enrolla la lámina de masa sobre si
misma y a continuación se forma una
espiral de dos vueltas, como mínimo, en
sentido de las agujas del reloj.
4. Se cubre la masa enteramente de manteca.
5. Se deja fermentar en armarios o cámaras de fermentación, durante un tiempo mínimo
de 12 horas.
6. Hornear
La Ensaimada es un producto de repostería de gran tradición en Mallorca, seguramente el
más emblemático, que ha sido producido y consumido en la isla desde antiguo. La primera
referencia escrita de la ensaimada mallorquina data del siglo XVII. Aunque entonces la harina
se usaba principalmente para hacer pan, hay evidencia de que se utilizaba también para hacer
ensaimadas para las celebraciones y fiestas más importantes.
Se come durante todo el año pero cuando la ensaimada adquiere su valor como elemento
cultural en la tradición mallorquina es durante la Nochebuena. Ese día, después de asistir a
misa, las familias la consumen junto con el tradicional chocolate a la taza.
La ensaïmada de Mallorca" està feta amb farina de força, aigua, sucre, ous, massa y saïm. La
naturalesa manual del producte fa difícil donar una fórmula exacta. S’han establit però certes
proporcions. Son les següents:
Farina de força: entre 45 y 55 % m/m
Aigua: entre 18 y 20 % m/m
Sucre: entre 16 y 20 % m/m
Ous: entre 6 y 10 % m/m
Massa mare: entre 4 y 6 % m/m
Se pasten els ingredients en les
proporcions indicades anteriorment.
S’estira la massa fins a obtenir-ne
massa fina que es cobreix totalment
S’enrotlla la làmina de massa i es
disposa en forma d’espiral de dues
mínim en el sentit de les agulles del
Se deixa fermentar en armaris o
càmeres de fermentació, durant un temps mínim de 12 hores.
L’Ensaïmada és un producte de rebosteria de gran tradició a Mallorca – segurament el més
emblemàtic – i que s’ha anat produint i consumint des de fa molt de temps. La primera
referència data del segle XVII. Encara que, aleshores la farina se utilitzava per a fer pa, hi ha
evidències que s’utilitzava també per a fer ensaïmades per a les festes i celebracions més
Es menja durant tot l’any però quan l’ensaïmada adquireix el seu valor com a element cultural
de la tradició mallorquina és a la revetlla de Nadal, quan, després d’assistir a Missa de
Matines, les famílies va a prendre una “xocolate amb una ensaïmada”.
The "ensaïmada de Mallorca" is made with strong flour, water, sugar, eggs, mother dough and
a kind of reduced pork lard named saïm. The handmade character of the product makes
difficult to give an exact formula, so scales have been established defining the proportion of
each ingredient, giving rise to an excellent quality traditional product. Here are the
approximate proportions:
Flour 45 to 55% m/m
Water: 18 to 20% m/m
Sugar: 16 to 20% m/m
Eggs: 6 to 10% m/m
Mother dough: 4 to 6% m/m
Knead all ingredients in the proportions
suggested above.
Spread the dough to a thin layer and
cover it completely with pork lard
Roll it and shape the roll into a
clockwise spiral.
Let the dough ferment for at least 12h.
The Ensaïmada is a pastry product with great tradition in Mallorca - to be sure, the most
emblematic one, which has been continuously made and eaten on the island for a very long
time. The first written references to the Majorcan ensaïmada date back to the 17th century. At
that time, although wheat flour was mainly used for making bread, there is evidence that this
typical pastry product was made for festivals and celebrations.
It’s eaten all through the year but the time of the year when the ensaïmada gets its value as a
traditional element in Majorcan culture is on Christmas Eve, when after attending Midnight
Mass, families would go for a hot chocolate with an ensaïmada.
Ingredientes pera la masa
 harina de repostería
2 yemas de huevo
2 huevos enteros
250grs. de manteca fundida
1 vaso pequeño de aceite
1 vaso pequeño de zumos de
1 vaso grande de agua
Relleno de las empanadas
1kg de carne de cordero
Sal y pimienta
Batiremos las yemas y los huevos enteros. Añadiremos la manteca, el aceite y el zumo de
naranja i lo amasaremos hasta conseguir una pasta manejable.
Adobaremos la carne y los guisantes con sal y pimienta.
Con un poco de masa formaremos una especie de cazoleta y la rellenaremos con la carne y los
guisantes. Echaremos por encima unos pedacitos de manteca y de sobrasada.
Pondremos las empanadas sobre una palangana de horno, untada con aceite i la meteremos en
el horno durante 45 min a 180º, cuidando de que no se quemen.
La empanada mallorquina, emparentada con las empanadas judías, desciende de un antiguo
plato hebreo descrito en el Talmud llamada paitxida. El hecho es que esta masa sin levadura y
rellena de carne de cordero es actualmente uno de los platos más característicos de la Pascual
El uso de la manteca y de la sobrasada se ha interpretado como una forma de cristianizar la
receta original judía, como sucedió con otros productos durante la conversión de los judíos al
cristianismo en el siglo XV. Una costumbre iniciada probablemente por los propios conversos
obligados a demostrar públicamente su renuncia al judaísmo.
Ingredients per la pasta
 farina de reposteria
2 vermells d’ou
2 ous sensers
250grs. de saïm fus
1 tassó petit d’oli
1 tassó petit de suc de taronja
1 tassó gros d’ aigua
Farcit de les panades
1kgr. de carn de xot sense ós i a bossinets
Xulla a bossinets
Sobrassada per possar un parel de bossinets
Sal i pebre bó
Batrem els vermells d’ou i els ous sencers, el saïm fus, l’oli, i el suc de taronja. Després
barrejarem la farina i ho pastarem fins a formar una massa ben manejadissa.
Adobarem la carn amb la sal i pebre bo. Farem el mateix amb la verdura.
Amb una porció de pasta formarem una cassoleta, la farcirem amb la carn i verdura. Damunt
la carn i la verdura hi posarem uns bocinets de xulla i un parell de bocinets de sobrassada.
Amb un poc de pasta farem una cobertura per la panada, la taparem i la ajuntarem mitjançant
Posarem les panades damunt una llauna untada d’oli o amb paper de rebosteria i les
enfornarem a 180º uns quaranta-cinc minuts aproximadament. Hem de vetllar-les perquè són
bones de cremar.
La panada mallorquina, emparentada amb les panades jueves, descendeix d’un antic plat
hebreu descrit al Talmud anomenat paixtida. El fet és que aquesta massa sense llevat i farcida
de carn de xot és actualment un dels plats més característics de la Pasqua cristiana a Mallorca.
L’ús de saïm i sobrassada de porc s’ha interpretat com una forma de cristianitzar la recepta
original jueva, com va succeir amb altres productes durant la conversió dels jueus al
cristianisme en el segle XV. Un costum iniciat probablement pels conversos mateixos,
obligats a demostrar públicament que renunciaven al judaisme.
The dough
1kg of flour
2 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
250grs of lard
1 small cup of oil
1 small glass of orange juice
1 large glass of water
The filling
1kgr of lamb meat cut in dices
Lard cut in dices
Salt and pepper
Beat the yolks and the whole
eggs and mix them with the lard, the oil and the orange juice. Add the flour and knead it to a
handy paste.
Add salt and pepper to the meat and the peas
Shape the dough into a sort of container and fill it with the meat and the peas. Add some lard
and sobrassada. Make a lead with the dough and cover it. Pinch the edges to hold both parts
Place the panades on an oven tray spread with oil and leave them in the oven 45 min at 180º.
Watch them so they don’t get burned.
After taking them out of the oven let them cool for a few hours before you eat them.
The Majorcan panada, a relative of the Jewish ones, comes from a dish described in the
Talmud, called Patxida. This dough with no yeast stuffed with meat has become one the most
traditional dishes in Majorcan Easter.
The use of lard I sobrassada (a spreadable sausage) has been interpreted as a way of
Christianizing the original recipe, as it happened with many other products during the Jewish
conversion to Chistianism in the 15 th Century. That habit was started by the Jew Community
to prove the true refusal of their faith.
1 kg. Harina
300g. Mantequilla batida
250g. Azucar en polvo
5 yemas de huevo
1 taza de zumo de naranja
1 taza de aceite de girasol
Confitura, cabello de
ángel o requesón.
Mezclar los ingredientes.
Hacer bolas de unos 8 centímetros.
Estirar las pasta i extender la confitura o el requesón.
Ponerlo al horno durante unos 25 minutes a 180 grados
Dejarlo enfriar y espolvorear con azúcar.
Parece que son de origen judío. Había una comunidad judía muy importante en Mallorca
desde la época medieval. Ahora es uno de los platos mas típicos. Todas las madres
mallorquinas los hacían en Pascua. Los amasaban y horneaban el Jueves Santo o Viernes
Santo y se comían – junto con las panades y los crespells –el día de Pascua. Aún hoy en día,
muchas familias se reúnen en la cocina por la tarde para hacerlos.
1 kg. Farina
300g. Mantega
250g. Sucre en pols
5 vermells d’ous
1 tassa de suc de
1 tassa d’oli de
Confitura, cabell
d’àngel o brossat
Mesclar els ingredients
Fer bolles d’uns 8 centímetres
Estirar las pasta i estendre la confitura o el brossat.
Posar-lo al forn uns 25 minutes a 180 graus
Deixar-lo refredar i empolvorar amb sucre.
Sembla que son d’origen jueu. Hi havia una comunitat jueva molt important a Mallorca des de
l’època medieval. Ara és un dels plats més típics. Totes les mares mallorquines els feien per
Pasqua. Els pastaven i enfornaven el Dijous Sant o Divendres Sant i es menjaven – juntament
amb les panades i els crespells –el dia de Pasqua. Encara avui moltes famílies es reuneixen a
la cuina tot l’horabaixa per fer-los.
1 kg. Weak flour
300g. melted butter
250g. icing sugar
5 egg yolks
1 cup of orange juice
1 cup of sunflower oil
Jam, marmalade or curd.
Mix all the pastry
Make little balls of about
eight centimetres
Stretch with the roller and
spread the jam or curd.
Put it in the oven for 25
minutes at 180 degrees
Leave it to cool off and
sprinkle the icing sugar on top.
They are supposed to have a Jewish origin-There was an important Jewish community in
Mallorca since medieval times. It’s now one of our most traditional dishes. All Majorcan
mothers would cook that at Easter. They were made on Good Thursday or Good Friday and
they were eaten along with panades and crespells – two other typical Easter sweets – on
Easter day. Today, many families still gather at the kitchen and spend the whole afternoon
making and baking them.
List of participants
Johanna Gabrisch, Gero Wangerin
Ulrike Reinecke, Ingrid Hildebrandt, Heidemarie Brodthuhn
Johanna Gabrisch, Ulrike Reinecke, Bettina Boettger
Johanna Gabrisch, Gero Wangerin, Brundhild Maxa, Anita & Elimar Kaschel, Herbert Hahn
Ulrike Reinecke, Rita Schneider
DIE HOCHZEITSSUPPE ist ein Klassiker der deutschen Küche und ihre Wurzeln liegen bereits
im Mittelalter. Die Suppe ist somit die älteste und variantenreichste Mahlzeit. Je wohlhabender die
Hochzeitsgesellschaft, um so vielfältiger und großzügiger waren die Einlagen der Hochzeitssuppe.
Man verbindet mit ihr auch heute noch Heimatgefühl, regionale Verwurzelung und
Traditionsverbundenheit. Bei Hochzeiten wird sie gerne nach der Trauung serviert, denn sie hat einen
großen Symbolwert: die Brautleute teilen sich einen Teller Suppe und Paaren, die das Mahl
gemeinsam beginnen, wird eine lange und gluckliche Ehe beschieden
Eine gute Hochzeitssuppe macht viel Arbeit, aber eine gute Ehe auch.
Fast jedes Dorf hatte sein spezifisches Rezept fur die Hochzeitssuppe und auch in einem kleinen
Südheidedorf bei Gifhorn gab es ein traditionelles Familienrezept, das seit 2008 als „Neubokeler
Hochzeitssuppe“ vermarktet wird.
Wedding soup is a classical German dish with its origins in the
middle ages. Thus the
soup is the oldest dish with most varieties. The wealthier the
bride‘s parents were, the „richer“ were the ingredients for the
soup. It is still connected with the feeling of home, the local
roots and tradition today. At weddings it is often served after the
marriage ceremony. Bride and bridegroom share a bowl of soup
and for them and for all the other couples who start eating at the
same time this is a symbol for a long and happy marriage.
There is a lot of work in both making a good wedding soup and
having a good marriage. Every region has a local recipe for
wedding soup which is passed on from generation to
generation. In our region it is the „Neubokeler Hochzeitssuppe“
which since 2008 has been traded worldwide
Die Landesflagge von Niedersachsen ist Schwarz – Rot – Gold mit einem weitspringenden, weißen
Pferd auf rotem Grund. Das war nicht immer so, denn Niedersachsen gibt es erst seit 1946. Den
flachenmasig grosten Anteil am heutigen Bundesland hatte das ehemalige Land Hannover. Bevor es
von Preusen annektiert wurden, führte es die Farben der Welfen als Landesflagge: Gelb und Weiß.
Auch das weitspringende weiße Pferd auf rotem Grund war darin enthalten. Die kulinarische
Spezialitat aus Niedersachsen wurde von einem hannoverschen Koch erfunden und erstmals zum 200
– jährigen Thronjubiläum des Herrscherhauses der Werfen serviert. Das köstliche Dessert verewigt
nicht nur die Farben Gelb und Weiß, sondern auch den Namen des hannoverschen Fürstenhauses, es
wird heute noch zu besonders festlichen Anlässen serviert. Auch Gifhorn kann sich eines Welfen
rühmen: hier residierte von 1539 bis 1549 Herzog Franz von Braunschweig – Lüneburg. Er machte
seine Residenz Gifhorn nicht nur zum frühen Zentrum der Reformation, sondern auch zum Ort
höfischer Renaissancekultur.
WELFENSPEISE (Guelph‘s Flummery)
The colours of the local flag of „Lower Saxony“ are black, red and gold with a coat of arms showing a
jumping white horse with a red background in the middle. But it has not always been like that, because
„Lower Saxony“ was founded not long ago, in 1946. Most of the territory had belonged to the Dukes
of Hanover. And the Hanoverians had the Guelph‘s flag, white and yellow, before they were annected
by the Prussians. They also had the white horse. The delicious speciality, „Guelph‘s Flummery“ was
invented by a cook from Hanover for the 200th Crown Anniversary of the Guelphs. The delicious
dessert represents the Guelph‘s colours, white and yellow as well as the name of the Hanoverian
dynasty. Gifhorn, too, was the residence of a famous Guelph. Franz, Duke of Brunswick and
Luneburg, lived here from 1539 to 1549 and made the region a centre of Reformation and the culture
of Renaissance.
11GRUNKOHList ein typisches Wintergemüse und in manchen Regionen wird es auch als
Braunkohl, Winterkohl oder Krauskohl bezeichnet. Grünkohl wird nach dem ersten Herbsfrost den
ganzen Winter über geerntet Das Grünkohlessen ist ein alter Brauch in Norddeutschland. In der kalten
Jahreszeit unternimmt man gerne s.g. „Kohlfahrten“. Es sind Ausflüge mit lustigen Spielen durch die
Natur und führen zu einem Gasthof, wo dann eine deftige Mahlzeit eingenommen wird. Grünkohl
wird mit Kartoffeln und Kassler, Bregenwurst , Pinkel – oder Kohlwurst serviert.
Auch die Gifhorner Bauern verkaufen auf dem Markt ihren Grünkohl und einige Marktbeschicker
haben sehr viel Humor das Gemüse zu präsentieren:
Kale is a typical winter vegetable. In some regions the local names refer to that fact
adding „brown“ or „winter“ to the word „kale“. After the first frost of the season in autumn the kale is
ready to be harvested. In our region the kale dishes have a long tradition. In the cold season people
like to make sort of „kale-tours“. That are trips through the countryside with lots of funny games for a
great mood and for a good digestion. The final destination of the tour is a country inn, where kale is
served to everybody. It is traditionally served with potatoes, salted or smoked pork and spicy sausages,
some of them containing pigs‘ brain.
The local farmers sell their kale on the markets and some of them have funny ways of
HEIDSCHNUCKEN sind eine sehr genügsame
Schafsrasse, deren Hauptzuchtgebiete in der
norddeutschen Heide – und Moorlandschaft der
Lüneburger Heide liegen. Die Heidschnucken fressen
das Heidekraut und halten die Heide kurz. Das Fleisch
hat einen leicht wildartigen Geschmack. Die Haltung
der Heidschnucken wird innerhalb der EU
subventioniert. In Gifhorn wird eine alte, bedrohte
Heidschnuckenrasse gezüchtet, allerdings nicht für den
Kochtopf, sie sind „Landschaftspfleger“! Zwei Stunden
am Tag fressen die Tiere die Heide kurz und helfen ihr
so sich zu verjüngen. Danach werden sie in den Stall
zurückgetrieben, um ihren Kot nicht auf der Heideflache
zu verbreiten, den Heide braucht einen mageren Boden.
HEIDSCHNUCKE (Sheep of the Heathland) „Heidschnucken“ are a special breed of sheep
which are very conted with little or poor food. You can find them in Northern Germany in the region
of heath- and moorland. They eat the heather and thus help the heathland to remain as it has always
been. Their meat has a slight vension flavour. The number of „Heidschnucken“ you are allowed to
have is limited by the EU. In Gifhorn a special sort of „Heidschnucken“ are bred. They are an
endangered species and they are not bred for their meat but for their ability to help conserve heathland.
For two hours every day the animals are allowed to leave their sheds for eating. After that they are
taken back to their sheds, because their excrements are not wanted on the typically poor heathland soil.
SPARGEL besteht zu ca. 95% Wasser und ist mit 13 kcal pro 100 Gramm sehr
kalorienarm. Trotzdem ist er eine „Vitaminspritze“: B1, B2 und Folsäure, die für Nervenfunktion,
Leistungsfähigheit , Zell – und Blutbildung wichtig sind. Spargel wirkt entschlackend, da er reichlich
Kalium, aber wenig Natrium enthalt. Er beugt auch Krebs und Herz- Kreislauf- Erkrankungen vor.
Der Spargel wird von Ende April bis zum 24. Juni gestochen. Durch Folien versucht man den Boden
warm zu halten und somit den Beginn der Erntezeit zu beschleunigen, um dieses kostbare Gemüse
länger anzubieten. Die Ernte ist Handarbeit und da der Spargel an einem warmen Tag bis zu 7 cm
wachsen kann, wird nicht nur am frühen Morgen gestochen, sondern auch noch am Nachmittag.
Es gibt neben dem weißen auch den grünen Spargel, der auch roh verzehrt werden kann. Es gibt
allerdings nicht nur die gerade gewachsenen Spargelstangen, sondern auch viele bizzare Auswüchse,
die viel zu schön fur den Kochtopf sind und als Anschauungsmaterial konserviert wurden.
11Der Landkreis Gifhorn liegt an der Niedersachsischen Spargelstrase, die auf einer Länge von 750
km die touristischen Regionen Luneburger Heide, Hannover und Umland, Braunschweiger Land,
Mittelweser und das Oldenburger Munsterland verbindet. Es gibt ein Spargelmuseum in Nienburg an
der Weser, ein Spargeltheather in Walle und eine Plastik der Spargelfrauen in Groß Schwülper.
Asparagus contains 95% of water and has only 13
cal per gramm. Still it is full of vitamins (B1 and
B2) and folic acid which is good for the function of
the nerves, the fitness the cells and the blood. It‘s
good for purification of the whole body because it
contains lots of potassium but only little sodium. It
prevents illnesse such as cancer and cardiovascular
desease. Asparagus is harvested from the end of
April to June 24th. Today foil is used on the beds to
keep the soil warm during the cold nights. This way
the farmers can start the season a lot earlier and thus
can sell the precious vegetable for a longer period.
The harvest is done manually. The asparagus may grow 7cm on a worm day, and so they are harvested
in the mornings and in the afternoons again. There is white and green asparagus and you can eat the
green sort raw. Some of the plants are very bizarre, too good to be eaten but good to be preserved for
showing and demonstrating. Our region, Gifhorn, is at the „Asparagus-Route“, which is 750km long
and goes through Luneburger Heide, Hanover County, Brunswick County, Mittelweser and
Oldenburger Munsterland. There is even an asparagus museum in Nienburg on Weser, an asparagus
theatre in the village „Walle“ and a sculpture in Gros Schwulper showing the female asparagus
harvesters of old times.
Zutaten fur 4 Pers.
 l fettarme Milch
 2 EL Zucker
 1 Prise Salz
 1/2 Vanilleschote
 30 g Speisestarke
 3 - 4 Eiweis
 3 - 4 Eigelb
 80 g Zucker
 l Weiswein
 abgeriebene Zitronenschale
 1 EL Zitronensaft
 1 EL Speisestarke
Eier trennen – Eiweis zu steifem Schnee schlagen. Eigelb in einen hohen Kochtopf fur die
Weinschaumsose geben und mit den ubrigen Zutaten verruhren. Fur die Herstellung des Puddings
einen ausreichend grosen Topf mit kaltem Wasser ausspulen. Vanilleschote langs halbieren und mit
Hilfe des Zuckers das Mark ausschaben. Etwas Milch zum Anruhren der Speisestarke zurucklassen,
ubrige Milch, Vanilleschote/Mark und Salz zum Kochen bringen. Von der Kochstelle nehmen und mit
der angeruhrten Speisestarke binden. Speise aufkochen. Den Eischnee sofort unter die heise Masse
heben und nochmals aufwallen lassen. Vanilleschote entfernen, in Glasschalen abfullen und erkalten
lassen. Fur die Weinschaumsose alle Zutaten mit dem Handruhrgerat verquirlen und bei mittlerer
Herdschaltung schaumig abschlagen, bis die Masse hochsteigt. Von der Herdplatte nehmen und kurz
weiterschlagen. Loffel/kellenweise auf die kalte Speise fullen.
Ingredients for 4 people
White flummery:
 0,5 l low fat milk
 2 tbl spoons sugar
 pinch of salt
 1/2 vanilla pod
 30 g cornstarch
Yellow wine-froth:
 3 - 4 eggyolks
 80 g sugar
 1/4 l white wine
 1 tblsp lemon
 1 tblsp
How to prepare:
Separate the eggwhites from the yolks, beat the eggwhites until they are stiff. Put the yolks into a
high pot for the wine-froth and mix it with all the other wine-froth ingredients.
Before you start making the flummery, rinse a rather big pot with cold water. Cut the vanilla pod
lenghwise and with the help of the sugar scrape out the vanilla core. Leave a little milk behind for
stirring in the cornstarch. Heat the rest of the milk, add vanilla pod and core, sugar, salt and bring to
boil. Take the pot off the cooker and stir in the cornstarch-milk-mixture. Bring to boil. While it is still
hot, fold in the beaten egg whites and let it boil once more. Take out vanilla pod and fill the mixture in
4 galssbowls. For the wine-froth mix all the ingredients with a handmixer while the pot is on the
cooker at a moderate heat. Stop, when the mixture rises. Take the pot off the cooker,
but keep on stirring for a while. With a spoon put the yellow mixture on top of the cold
white flummery.
Zutaten fur 8 Personen
 1 Suppenhuhn
 250 g Rindfleisch zum Kochen
 1 Suppenknochen
 Suppengrun (Lauch, Sellerie, Mohren
 1 Zwiebel, 1 Petersilienwurzel)
 4 Nelken
 1 Lorbeerblatt
 Blumenkohl
 100 g Mohren in Scheiben
 100 g Erbsen (auch Tiefkuhl)
 Etwas Lauch in Scheiben
 300 g Spargel, gestuckelt
Kleine Mettklose
 250 g Thuringer Mett
 1 Ei
 etwas Paniermehl
 Liter Milch
 4 Eier
 Muskat
 1 Bund frisch gehackte Petersilie
 Beutel Suppennudeln
 2,5 Liter Wasser
1. Aus Huhn, Rindfleisch, Knochen, Lauch-, Sellerie- und Mohrenstucken, der
Petersilienwurzel, der Zwiebel, sowie Lorbeerblatt, Nelken und Pfeffer am Vorabend eine
Bruhe mit ca. 2,5 l Wasser kochen.
Dazu das Fleisch mit kaltem Wasser ansetzen (sonst wird sie trube). Sobald alles kocht,
die Hitze klein stellen und erst jetzt das Salz zugeben. Die Bruhe ca. 3 bis 4 Stunden
langsam bei mittlerer Hitze kochen, evt. Schaum abschopfen.
Das Fleisch nach dem Kochen herausnehmen und fur Frikassee oder Ragout verwenden.
Das Gemuse entsorgen.
Die Bruhe erkalten lassen und dann mit einer Kelle das Fett abschopfen.
2. Fur die Einlage das Thuringer Mett, Pfeffer, Salz, 1 Ei und Paniermehl verkneten und
aus dem Fleischteig sehr kleine Fleischkloschen formen. In einem extra Topf Wasser
kochen. Die Hitze herunterstellen und die Fleischballchen darin ziehen lassen, bis sie an
der Oberflache schwimmen – dann sind se gar. Aus dem Wasser nehmen und beiseite
3. 4 Eier, Milch, Salz und Muskat verquirlen. In einen Gefrierbeutel oder eine gebutterte
Form geben und in einem Wasserbad gar ziehen lassen. Dies dauert ca. 30 bis 40
Minuten. Dann ist der Eierstich fertig.
In kleine Wurfel stellen und beiseite stellen.
4. Das geschnittene Gemuse bissfest in kleinen extra Topfen kochen Die Mohren
konnten sonst den Rest verfarben. Lauch kurz blanchieren.
5. Die Nudeln in einem extra Topf garen und abgiesen.
6. Jetzt die einzelnen Zutaten zusammen in die heise Bruhe geben. Nicht mehr
kochen. Frisch gehackte Petersilie dazu geben und sofort servieren.
Ingredients for 8 people
1 chicken, 250 g beef, 1 leek, 1/4 celeriac, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 1
parsley root, 4 cloves, 1
bay leaf, salt and pepper
Vegetables for the soup:
100 g carrots in slices, 100 g peas (frozen), leek in slices, 300 g
asparagus in 3 cm pieces
250 g minced meat seasoned with salt and pepper, 1 egg, some breadcrumbs
„Eierstich“: 1/4 l milk, 4 eggs, nutmeg powder, salt
1 bunch of fresh parsley, 200 g tiny little noodles, 2.5 l salted water
How to prepare:
Make a broth from the above mentioned ingredients (Broth:)except the salt, the night
before. Put everything into cold water (to get a clear broth) and as soon as it boils, turn
down the heat and add the salt. Let it cook for 3 - 4 hours at a moderate heat. Remove
the foam now and again. Take out the meat and use it for something else, throw away
the vegetables. When the broth is cold you can remove the fat from the top.
For the meatballs mix the minced meat with the egg and the breadcrumbs and then roll
very small meatballs. (2cm) Boil some salted water, put in the meatballs and let the
water simmer. When the meatballs float on the top, they are cooked. Take them out, put
them aside
For the „Eierstich“ mix the 4 eggs with the milk, salt and nutmeg powder. Put the
mixture into a heatproof buttered dish and place it into a pot with simmering water.
Leave it there for 30 to 40 minutes. Then you can take it out and cut it into little cubes.
Cook the vegetables in a separate pot, blanch the leek slices.
Cook the noodles in salted water in another separate pot, rinse them and put them
Now put the meatballs, „Eierstich“, vegetables and noodles into the hot broth, no more
boiling, add freshly chopped parsley and serve hot.
Zutaten fur 4 Portionen:
2 kg. Heidschnucken- Keule, je 8 kleine Zweige Rosmarin und Thymian,
8 Wacholderbeeren, 2 Hande voll Heu, Salz, Pfeffer
1 kg Heidschnucken – Knochen, 80 g Bratfett, 50 g Zwiebeln, 25 g Sellerie- Knolle, 25 g
Mohre, 2 Knoblauchzehen, 1 g Thymian, 2 G Rosmarin, 2 Lorbeerblatter, 1,5 g
Wacholderbeeren, 1,5 g Pimentkorner, 30 g Tomantenmark, . l Weiswein
60 g Butter, 380 g Kartoffeln, 260 g Zwiebeln, 4 Knoblauchzehen, je 4 Zweige Rosmarin
und Thymian
2 kg Spargel, Salz, Butter
Bei der Keule alle Knochen, bis auf die unteren, auslosen. Brater einfetten,
Heu mit Krautern vermengen und hineinlegen. Keule mit Salz und Pfeffer wurzen und
auf das Heu betten. 40-45 Minuten bei 130° leicht rosa garen, danach 15 Minuten ruhen
Zwiebeln, Sellerie und Wurzeln in Stucke schneiden. Knoblauch grob schneiden.
Knochen zerkleinern und auf einen gefettetem Backblech bei 200 ° rosten. Das Gemuse
mit dem restlichen Fett in einem anderen Topf anrosten. Tomatenmark, Krauter und
Gewurze dazugeben. Mit Weiswein abloschen. Gerostete Knochen zugeben und mit
Wasser auffullen. Ca. 4 . Stunden kocheln, Fett abschopfen und zum Schluss durch ein
Tuch passieren.
Kartoffeln und Knoblauch schalen und vierteln. Zwiebeln in Streifen schneiden.
Kartoffeln in Butter anschwitzen, dann Zwiebeln und Knoblauch hinzufugen.
Mit Heidschnucken – Jus auffullen und ca. 20 Minuten garen. Zum Schluss Krauter zugeben, mit Salz
und Pfeffer abschmecken.
Den Spargel sorgfaltig schalen und die Enden wegschneiden. In einen breiten Topf etwa
2 l Salzwasser aufkochen und den den Spargel zugedeckt bei milder Hitze ca.
20-30 Minuten garen. Die Butter fur den Spargel zerlassen und dazu servieren.
(Heidschnucke is a special sheep from northern
Germany, famous for its tasty meat)
Ingredients for 4 people
2 kg „Heidschnucke“-loin, 8 little twigs rosemary
and thyme, 8 juniper berries, 2 handful
of hay, salt pepper
1 kg „Heidschnucke-bones“, 80 g frying-fat, 50 g
onions, 25 g celeriac, 25 g carrots, 2
cloves of garlic, 1 g thyme, 2 g rosemary, 2 bay leafs, 1,5 g juniper berries, 1,5 g
allspice, 30 g tomato paste, 0,5 l white wine
60 g butter, 380 g potatoes, 260 g onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 4 twigs each of rosemary
and thyme
2 kg asparagus, salt, butter
How to prepare:
Cut the meat off the bone, grease the frying pot, mix the hay with the herbs und put it
in the pot. Season the meat with salt and pepper and put it on top of the hay. Put the
pot into the oven for 40 to 45 minutes at 130°C until the meat is pink. Then turn off the
heat but leave the meat in the oven for another 15 minutes.
Cut onions, celeriac, carrots and the garlic into pieces, crush the bones and roast them
on a baking tray in the oven at 200°C. Then roast the vegetables in another pot with the
remaining fat. Add tomato paste, herbs and spices. Pour in the white wine and add the
roasted bones. Let it simmer for 4,5 hours. Take off the grease and strain through a
Peel potatoes and garlic and cut them into quarters. Cut the onions. Fry the potatoes in
butter and then add the onions and the garlic. Add „Heidschnucken“-jus and cook for
about 20 minutes. Add the herbs and season with salt and pepper.
Peel the asparagus carefully, cut off the hard bits at the end. Bring 2l saltwater to boil in
a wide pot, add the asparagus and cook it at a moderate heat for 20 to 30 minutes.
Serve with melted butter.
Zutaten fur vier Personen
 ca.4 kg Grunkohl (auch gefroren)
 4 Bregenwurste (auch nach Bedarf
 150 g Schweineschmalz
 ca. 400 g Kasslernacken
 4 Zwiebeln
 etwas Zucker nach Bedarf
 ca. 2 Liter Gemusebruhe
 Salz und Pfeffer
 ca. 4 Essloffel Senf
Grunkohl putzen, Stiele entfernen und grundlich waschen (gefrorener Grunkohl kann
gleich aus der Packung verarbeitet werden) .
Das Schmalz in einem Topf zerlassen, Zwiebeln hinzufugen bis sie glasig werden. Dann
den Grunkohl beigeben und die Bruhe hinzu giesen. Senf unterruhren und den
Kasslernacken beifugen.
Alles jetzt ca. 180 Minuten kochen.
Ungefahr 15 Minuten vor dem Anrichten die Bregenwurste dem fertigen Grunkohl
Guten Appetit!
„Bregenwurst“ is a speciality of Northern Germany.
It contains pig‘s brain and is very
spicy. If you can‘t get any you can use smoked
sausages or cabanossi instead)
Ingredients for 4 people:
 about 4 kg of fresh kale or. frozen for 4
 150 g lard
 4 onions
 about 2 l vegetable broth
 salt and pepper
 4 tblsp mustard
 4 „Bregenwurste“ (or more if you like)
 about 400 g smoked or salted pork
 little sugar
How to prepare:
Clean the kale, remove the stalks and wash thoroughly. No need to do that with the
frozen kale. It is ready to use.
Melt the lard in a big pot, add the chopped onions and fry until they are glassy. Then
add the kale and the broth. Stir in the mustard and add the meat. Not the sausages!
Cook everything for about 3 hours.
About 15 minutes before serving add the sausages.
Enjoy your meal!
List of participants
Jenny Hayes
Andrew Grenfell
Kay Wynter
Sue Rawlinson
Ciaran Hannon
Zoya White
Christine Nicholson
Kathy Mc Gowan
Rosie Robson
Shepherd's Pie
This a traditional British meal which is often called Cottage pie; the only difference is that Cottage pie
is made with beef and Shepherd’s pie is made with lamb. It’s believed that the term Cottage pie comes
from when poor people (who lived in cottages) made it because potatoes were a cheap food source and
to use leftover food.
25g butter, 1 large onion, chopped, 2 carrots,chopped, 15ml flour, 300ml beef stock,15ml tomato
puree, 2.5ml dried mixed herbs, salt, ground black pepper, half kg lean minced lamb or beef, half kg
potatoes (boiled) 25g butter, half cup milk, cup of mushrooms chopped, cheese for the topping
How to prepare
Melt the butter in a pan and fry onions and carrots until golden brown. Add the minced beef/lamb and
stir. Continue stirring until the mince is brown. Add the mushrooms and cook for 5 mins. Gradually
stir in the stock and bring to the boil. stirring constantly. Add the tomato puree, herbs and seasoning.
Cook on a simmer for 30 mins.Taste and adjust the seasoning. Pour into an ovenproof dish and allow
to cool a little.
Prepare the boiled potatoes by mashing with the butter and milk until smooth.
Cover the mince with the warm mashed potatoes. Sprinkle over the grated cheese to cover the mashed
potatoes. Place under a hot grill for 5 minutes to brown the cheese and warm up the potatoes. The dish
is ready to serve when the cheese is golden and sizzling.
Shepherd's pie is usually served with vegetables ( broccoli, carrots, peas)
Enjoy your traditional English meal!
Reference: An A to Z of Food and Drink by John Ayto, published by Oxford University Press, 2002
Yorkshire puddings
These are the classic accompaniment to a traditional English lunch. A recent study in 2008 by the
Royal Society of Chemistry reported that "A Yorkshire pudding isn't a Yorkshire pudding if it is less
than four inches tall”. But they can often go wrong and stay flat. Everyone has their ‘secret’ way of
ensuring they rise – an extra egg white seems to do the trick!
(To make about 12 individual puddings)
1/2 litre milk
100grams plain flour
1 egg plus 1 egg white
pinch of salt and pepper
How to prepare
Turn on the oven to full. Put the flour and the salt
in a large bowl, make a well in the centre and add
the egg and a little milk.
Mix it together to a thick paste then gradually add
the rest of the milk until it’s all mixed together and you have a smooth batter, then leave it to rest for
about half an hour.
Using a bun tray, put about 1 teaspoon of oil into each section of the tray, put the tray in the very hot
oven and heat it until it is smoking - when you open the oven door, it should set off your smoke alarm!
Take the tray out of the oven and half fill each section with batter - you need to do this quickly while
the oil is still very hot - the batter should sizzle when it hits the oil - use all the batter and then quickly
put it back into the oven.
After about 5 minutes, turn the oven down to about 220 degrees centigrade and cook the Yorkshires
for about 15 minutes. They should rise very quickly and then cook inside and go a bit crispy. They
should be eaten immediately with roast meat, roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy.
"Secret of a perfect Yorkshire pud". BBC News. 14 November 2008. Retrieved 14 November 2008.
Recipes for Burns Night
Burns night is celebrated on or around January 25th mainly in Scotland, Northern Ireland and the
border areas of England (Northumberland). Everyone eats Haggis, neeps and tatties. Haggis is a large
sausage made with offal and barley and it’s unlikely that you can buy it outside our area, but you
might have something similar in your country. Neeps are turnip, boiled and mashed and tatties are
mashed, creamed potaoes. Everyone raises a glass of whisky to the poet, Robbie Burns, to the Haggis
and to the "lassies" or the women who made the supper. There’s usually a Ceilidh – Scottish dancing.
If you want to learn some dances, here’s a link to the some instructions
Haggis accessed on 27.08.2011 from
Haggis accessed on 27.08.2011 from
Neeps and Tatties
8 large baking potatoes , washed, peel left on and cut into 2cm x 4cm chunks
6 tbsp light olive oil or sunflower
1 turnip or swede weighing about 675g, peeled and roughly chopped
50g butter, plus extra for serving
How to prepare
1. Preheat the oven to fan oven 200C. Boil the potatoes in lightly salted water for 5 minutes.
Drain them, put them back into the pan and place it back on the heat for a couple of minutes to
dry out.
2. Pour the oil into a large roasting tin and heat it in the oven until smoking hot. Now stir the
potatoes into the hot oil and return to the oven to roast, turning occasionally, for 55 minutes.
3. Cook the swede in boiling salted water for 50-55 minutes, or until very soft. Drain and add to
the roasted potatoes. Roughly mash everything together, keeping quite chunky, then cool,
cover and keep in a cool place.
4. To serve, heat the oven to fan 180C. Uncover the potatoes and swede, dot with the butter and
put in the oven to reheat for 25-30 minutes, stirring now and again until piping hot. Serve with
lots of butter.
Whiskey sauce
30ml Scottish Whisky (Blended or Malt)
150ml Double Cream
How to prepare
1. Add 30ml of whisky to a hot saucepan and set it alight. The purpose of lighting the whisky is
to burn off the alcohol, otherwise the sauce will be too bitter.
2. Add 150ml of double cream, season with salt and pepper, reduce the heat and allow the liquid
to reduce to a nice thick consistency.
3. Once the liquid has reduced (usually by half), take it off the heat and pour over the haggis.