supporting the goals of HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES T H E 201 5 YE A R BRAINPOWER REIGNS AT THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITMENT. HARD WORK. FRIENDS FOR LIFE. 2015 WELCOME TO THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Congratulations to the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge Class of 2015. This year, 76 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) competed for a spot at The National Championship Tournament. They studied, practiced, and competed at National Qualifying Tournaments to earn their place at the championship. Honda is honored to have hosted you at our headquarters in Torrance, California. We are proud to have the opportunity to reinforce our support of the HBCUs and embrace the opportunity to build enduring bonds with all of you. “The Power of Dreams” is Honda’s guiding philosophy. It was inspired by the vision of our founder, Soichiro Honda. It drives our innovation, creativity and desire to bring value to society. The power of your dreams brought you to our Torrance campus for the HCASC Nationals. It is a rare honor shared by a chosen few. Let this success serve as an example of what each of you can accomplish with your unique and extraordinary talents. We hope that the memories and friendships you make and inspiration you gather during your HCASC playing days will last a lifetime. Thank you for your participation in Honda Campus All-Star Challenge. We offer our highest hopes and best wishes for your continued success. Steve Morikawa Vice President, Corporate Community Relations American Honda Motor Co., Inc. THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CL ASS OF 201 5 1 OUR DREAMS. OUR FUTURE. The possibilities in our world are infinite. At Honda, The Power of Dreams is the bright future that we envision, inspiring us to focus our effort to be the best and achieve our goals. We invite you to share your dreams and join us to create a better future for us all. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS NATIONALS QUALIFIERS Albany State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Benedict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Bennett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Bethune-Cookman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Central State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Chicago State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Dillard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Fayetteville State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Hampton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Huston-Tillotson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Jarvis Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Kentucky State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Livingstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Morgan State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 North Carolina A&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Oakwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Paine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Philander Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 St. Augustine’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Shaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Southern-New Orleans . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Spelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Stillman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Talladega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Tuskegee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 U. of the District of Columbia . . . . . . . . 64 U. of Maryland Eastern Shore . . . . . . . . 65 West Virginia State . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Winston-Salem State . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Xavier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 HCASC All-Stars and Hall of Fame . . . 70-71 Program Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Honda Associates for HCASC . . . . . . . . 76 College Bowl Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP The HCASC Story: Committed to Excellence . . . . . 5 Memories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Great 48 Teams for 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Sweet 16 Playoff Bracket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 NATIONAL CHAMPION Prairie View A&M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2015 RUNNER-UP Cheyney University - Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . 18 SEMI-FINALISTS Alabama State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Norfolk State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 QUARTER-FINALISTS Claflin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Atlanta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Carolina Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tennessee State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23 24 25 PLAYOFF QUALIFIERS Alabama A&M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowie State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concordia-Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Florida A&M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grambling State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harris-Stowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sportsperson and Coach of the Year . . . . . . . . 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 FRIENDS for LIFE 4 THE HCASC STORY COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE Twenty-six years ago Honda and the College Bowl Company teamed up to create Honda Campus All-Star Challenge. The birth of HCASC marked the creation of varsity scholars teams and official academic competition at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The goal is to support the unique mission of America’s HBCUs and to emphasize the belief that “knowledge is our most valuable resource.” Knowledge enriches us personally and opens our eyes, minds and hearts to the possibilities the world presents. It reinforces the ideal behind Honda’s motto, The Power of Dreams. Honda’s commitment to HCASC expresses its philosophy that: “Success isn’t measured solely by the vehicles we make, but also by the lives we enhance.” HCASC is an entertaining game of outstanding intellect and quick recall. In addition, it reinforces critical life skills: sportsmanship, teamwork, passion, preparedness, community service, striving for success, accepting defeat with dignity and at all times presenting oneself with style and grace. Our alumni travel the world applying their skill and compassion to every imaginable career and human endeavor. They give back to their alma maters and HCASC by supporting campus activities, mentoring students and becoming global ambassadors for our Friends for Life philosophy. Honda Campus All-Star Challenge is a shining example of how Honda associates, College Bowl staff members and the friends we’ve made in the HBCU community strive to empower people and make a difference where we live and work. As with the competitors from the twenty-five years before, we are proud to welcome the Class of 2015 to our HCASC Friends for Life family. 5 BY THE NUMBERS 100,000 Students have competed in HCASC 10,000 Questions are asked each year $7,676,000 In grants from Honda have been awarded to our HBCUs 28 HBCUs have won at least $100,000 in institutional grants from Honda 75,000 Hours of study and preparation by teams for the National Championship 27 Players have been inducted into the HCASC Hall of Fame 76 CAMPUS PROGRAM Seventy-six schools competed on campus this year. Every year, the HCASC season begins when students arrive on campus. It continues for the entire school year. HCASC team hopefuls are recruited at orientation, in class, through honors programs, fraternities, sororities and at campus-wide activities. Tryouts take place through campus tournaments and club sessions. HCASC teams are named in December. NEW YORK PENNSYLVANIA MISSOURI ILLINOIS OHIO WEST VA. KENTUCKY OKLAHOMA VIRGINIA TENNESSEE ARKANSAS DELAWARE MARYLAND NORTH CAROLINA MISS. GEORGIA SOUTH CAROLINA ALABAMA TEXAS LOUISIANA FLORIDA Every state on the HBCU map was represented by at least one of the 76 HBCUs in this year’s campus program. 6 Thank You TO EVERY 2014-15 COMPETING HBCU Alabama A&M Alabama State Albany State Alcorn State Allen Arkansas Baptist Arkansas-Pine Bluff Benedict Bennett Bethune-Cookman Bowie State Central State Cheyney-Pennsylvania Chicago State Claflin Clark Atlanta Concordia-Alabama Coppin State Delaware State Dillard District of Columbia Elizabeth City State Fayetteville State Fisk Florida A&M Grambling State Hampton Harris-Stowe State Howard Huston-Tillotson Jackson State Jarvis Christian Kentucky State Lane College Langston Lincoln-Missouri Lincoln-Pennsylvania Livingstone Maryland Eastern Shore Miles Mississippi Valley State Morehouse Morgan State Morris Norfolk State North Carolina A&T State North Carolina Central Oakwood Paine Paul Quinn Philander Smith Prairie View A&M Rust Saint Augustine’s Savannah State Shaw Sojourner-Douglass South Carolina State Southern-Baton Rouge Southern-New Orleans Spelman Stillman Talladega Tennessee State Texas Tougaloo Tuskegee Virginia State Virginia Union Voorhees West Virginia State Wilberforce Wiley College Winston-Salem State Xavier York College 7 n at i o n a l 64 QUALIFYING t o u r n a m e n t s This year, sixty-four HBCUs took the next step and took part in National Qualifying Tournaments (NQTs). The teams that perform the best at the qualifying tournaments earn a spot at the National Championship. Additionally, some schools earn at-large invitations to The Nationals. 8 QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT HBCUs This year’s participating HBCUs competed at one of seven tournaments hosted by Alabama State, Fayetteville State, Hampton, Harris-Stowe, Maryland Eastern Shore, Prairie View A&M, and Spelman. Our hats off to this year’s host schools and all the competing teams. ALABAMA STATE FAYETTEVILLE STATE HAMPTON Alabama State, Winner Livingstone College, Winner Hampton, Winner Stillman, Runner-Up Claflin, Runner-Up Norfolk State, Runner-Up Alabama A&M Benedict College Chicago State Albany State Bennett College Lincoln-Missouri Concordia-Alabama Fayetteville State Langston Florida A&M North Carolina A&T Morris Lane College Saint Augustine’s Savannah State Miles College Shaw Virginia Union Talladega College South Carolina State York College Tuskegee Winston-Salem State MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE PRAIRIE VIEW A&M SPELMAN District of Columbia, Winner Grambling State, Winner North Carolina Central, Winner Cheyney University, Runner-Up Prairie View, Runner-Up Bethune-Cookman, Runner-Up Bowie State Alcorn State Clark Atlanta Central State Fisk Jackson State Howard Huston-Tillotson Mississippi Valley State Lincoln-Pennsylvania Jarvis Christian Morehouse Morgan State Southern Baton-Rouge Paine Maryland Eastern Shore Southern-New Orleans Spelman Sojourner-Douglass Texas College Tennessee State West Virginia State Xavier Tougaloo HARRIS-STOWE Kentucky State, Winner Harris-Stowe, Runner-Up Dillard Oakwood Philander Smith 9 48 From inspiring HBCU presidents and senior officials to dedicated campus coordinators, coaches, players and clubs, it takes the whole school year for teams to hone their skills to compete at the HCASC Nationals. Making it to the Great 48 shows that dedication pays off. Now it’s “May the best team win!” 10 48 THE GREAT The National Championship is the arena for the very best: The Great 48. The HBCUs at the Nationals are split into eight divisions. On the first day of competition, the schools compete in a round-robin tournament against the other schools in their division. The schools with the two best records advance out of the round-robin to represent their division in the single-elimination Sweet 16. The Sweet 16 culminates in a best 2-out-of-3 finals for the championship. Divisions are named for historic African American figures. The next two pages feature the 2015 HBCU teams by division and the historical person who is their namesake. 11 JAMES WELDON JOHNSON Chicago State Clark Atlanta District of Columbia Fisk Talladega College Lawyer, Author, Educator, Diplomat, Civil Rights Activist. Composer of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” West Virginia State ROBERT ABBOTT Bethune-Cookman Bowie State Claflin Kentucky State Oakwood Newspaper publisher of the Chicago Defender. Chronicled “The Great Migration” and tackled social justice issues Spelman WILLIAM STILL Albany State Benedict College Bennett College Prairie View A&M Tennessee State Father if the Underground Railroad who collected and published the stories of former slaves Tuskegee MARY MAHONEY Alabama A&M Dillard Howard Livingstone First professionally trained African American nurse. American Nursing Association award in her name Maryland Eastern Shore North Carolina Central 12 MARCUS GARVEY Morehouse Norfolk State Philander Smith Stillman Winston-Salem State Political leader, publisher, journalist, renowned supporter of Black Nationalism and Pan Africanism Xavier EFFA MANLEY Cheyney - Pennsylvania Fayetteville State Florida A&M Huston-Tillotson Jarvis Christian Co-owned New Eagles in the Negro Leagues. First Woman in the Baseball Hall of Fame Paine BESSIE COLEMAN Central State Concordia - Alabama Harris-Stowe State Morgan State St. Augustine’s First African American female pilot and first African American with an international pilot’s license York College LOUIS ARMSTRONG Alabama State Grambling State Hampton North Carolina A&T State Shaw Southern – New Orleans 13 “Satchmo” was a legendary trumpet player, singer and influential jazz figure THE SWEET 16 vying for a spot on the big stage The Sweet 16 is comprised of the top two teams from each division. They compete in a single-elimination tournament, highlighted by a best 2-out-of-3 game final. In the Sweet 16, there are eight first round games. The winners of these games are called The Elite 8. The Elite 8 compete on the Big Stage in Studio 540 at Honda headquarters. This is the pressure-packed climax of the National Championship – the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. It is played in front of a standing-room-only live audience and streamed for everyone to enjoy. 14 MOREHOUSE 445 CLARK ATLANTA 490 CLARK ATLANTA 370 ALABAMA STATE 200 BOWIE ST. 405 470 530 ALABAMA STATE ALABAMA STATE CHEYNEY ALABAMA A&M 365 TENNESSEE STATE 405 225 TENNESSEE STATE 405 CHEYNEY CONCORDIA 410 415 245 THE FINALS GAME 1 CHEYNEY CHEYNEY CHEYNEY275 PRAIRIE VIEW 525 FLORIDA A&M GAME 2 CHEYNEY350 PRAIRIE VIEW 470 405 CLAFLIN 450 190 CLAFLIN NORFOLK STATE GRAMBLING STATE 310 380 490 460 NORFOLK STATE PRAIRIE VIEW A&M NORFOLK STATE FISK CHAMPION! 445 N.C. CENTRAL 495 270 N.C. CENTRAL PRAIRIE VIEW A&M 435 390 505 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M 445 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M HARRIS-STOWE 15 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M NATIONAL CHAMPION $50,000 INSTITUTIONAL GRANT “Honda Campus All-Star Challenge is a singular competition that shines the light on education and the extraordinary talent at our HBCUs.” Dr. George Wright President, Prairie View A&M University 16 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M U NIVERS IT Y JOSEPH M. DOWELL Senior Electrical Engineering Killeen, TX HERBERT R. THOMAS St. Thomas, USVI Coach BRANNON A. BILLINGS Senior History Austin, TX ERIC C. JOHNSTON Sophomore Chemical Engineering Boerne, TX “The use of social media and the livestream of the finals was a great hit on Prairie View’s campus. This allowed the entire university community, including parents, to see our students perform.” WILLIAM STILL D IVISION 17 CHAYSE LAVALLAIS Freshman Chemical Engineering Houston, TX SHAHRYAR M. SYED Houston, TX Institutional Rep. “Cheyney is proud of its record of accomplishment in Honda Campus All-Star Challenge. This is our highest placement in the competition, and we look forward to continued success in the tournament.” Dr. Frank G. Pogue President, Cheyney University CHEYNEY RUNNER-UP $25,000 INSTITUTIONAL GRANT 18 CHEYNEY UNIVERSITY JOSHUA A. HUGHES Senior Biology Salisbury, MD RICHARD COLEMAN, III Senior General Science Woodbridge, VA HOLLAND S. CULBREATH Senior Computer Science Philadelphia, PA MEREDITH MORRISON Junior English Seekonk, MA “We are able to travel, have practice parties and meet other smart students. It is an exciting school activity available only at HBCUs.” EFFA MANLEY D IVISION 19 DR. HAZEL SPEARS Mt. Holly, NJ Coach ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY Semi-Finalist DJON-IVA D. SANTOS Senior Psychology Las Pinas City, Philippines MARCUS D. DAVIS Senior Biology & Pre-Dental Atlanta, GA AMRAM F. GAINER Junior Communications Harlem, NY BRYAN K. WOMACK, II Junior Accounting Alpharetta, GA “I enjoyed my experience at the NCT. I hope I will be able to give back one day like all of the other volunteers, faculty, and staff.” DR. DAVID A. IYEGHA Ukpe-Arogbo, Nigeria Coach ALEXANDRIA S. BROOKS Flint, MI Institutional Rep. LOUIS ARMSTRONG D IVISION 20 NORFOLK STATE UNIVERSITY Semi-Finalist DEREK J. SMITH Senior History Western Branch, VA DR. BELINDA ANDERSON Roanoke, VA Institutional Rep. ALVIN McCLOUD, JR. Senior History New York, NY JESSICA A. ROBINSON Freshman Biology Rock Hill, SC DERRICK A. THOMPSON Junior Biology Buffalo, NY “HCASC has meant a great deal to our university. The program enjoys a great reputation on our campus and in the local community. It has aided the university in fostering a very positive academic image in Norfolk.” MARCUS GARVEY D IVISION 21 DR. EDDIE MODLIN, JR. Jamesville, NC Coach GWENDOLYN EPPS PHARR Norfolk, VA Institutional Rep. CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY Quarter-Finalist JACOB COGMAN Junior Politics & Justice Studies Accokeek, MD MALCOLM T. BROWN Sophomore English Tacoma, WA JASMINE N. JAMES Senior Biology Santa Rosa, CA GYASI JULIEN Junior Accounting Point Fortin, SC “To Claflin, HCASC allows teammates to bond with other intellectual African American students from other HBCUs. Honda’s sponsorship allows me to acknowledge and congratulate the outstanding minds of young African Americans.” ROBERT ABBOTT D IVISION 22 DR. DENNIS F. BORMANN Suffern, NY Coach CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY Quarter-Finalist MARCUS D. JONES Sophomore Mass Media Sacramento, CA BRYSON HUDGINS-OWENS Sophomore Business Administration Detroit, MI AYANNA N. SMITH Senior History Fremont, CA EPIPHANY STOREY Sophomore Psychology Rome, NY “As a student I now look at everything as a potential HCASC question and I consciously try to retain more information that could be useful for next year’s competition.” JAMES WELDON JOHNSON D IVISION 23 GWENDOLYN D. MORGAN Raleigh, NC Coach NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY Quarter-Finalist JELAINA R. SHIPMAN Junior Criminal Justice & Psychology White Oak, NC DR. JANICE S. DARGAN Nashville, TN Institutional Rep. ZURI M. GURGANIOUS Junior History Castle Hayne, NC EMANI J. MILLS Junior Psychology Charlotte, NC CHRISTIAN A. WORTHAM Sophomore Biology & Pre-Med Keller, TX “The longstanding support of HCASC by the American Honda Company convinces me that Honda carries a genuine interest in our students in their developing into responsible, articulate, and profession-bound persons.” MARY MAHONEY D IVISION 24 CHRISTOPHER A. GRAVES Durham, NC Coach CLAYTON C. MACK, JR. Fayetteville, NC Institutional Rep. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Quarter-Finalist ADRIANN N. WILSON Senior Mechanical Engineering Albany, GA AURORA GARVIN Sophomore Art Yuba City, CA CORY A. HALE Senior Electrical Engineering Huntsville, AL JOSEPH E. PATRICK, II Senior Electrical Engineering Nashville, TN “HCASC means that Honda shows a deep appreciation for the caliber of students coming out of our HBCUs. I am glad to know that Honda supports our students.” WILLIAM STILL D IVISION 25 DR. JOHN P. MIGLIETTA New York, NY Coach ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY Sweet 16 DONALD HOLLIS, III Senior Biology Charlotte, NC MONIQUE M. JEFFERSON Senior Secondary Biology Education Sacramento, CA JAJUAN D. JUZANG Junior Elementary Education Mobile, AL EMMALEE D. TIGNER Senior Food Science Center Point, AL “Honda’s sponsorship gives our students a chance to participate in something other than a sport on campus. It challenges our students to be competitive and organically expands our knowlege base.” MARY MAHONEY D IVISION 26 DR. BARBARA A.P. JONES Oklahoma City, OK Coach BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY Sweet 16 CHYNNA M. KEYS Senior Computer Science Bryans Road, MD JAHLIL BENNETT Sophomore Government Paterson, NJ KAYLA J. RAYFORD Sophomore Biology Inglewood, CA CARROLL REED, III Sophomore Computer Science Springdale, MD “HCASC means that I, along with my teammates, compete in something that is greater than us. At our HBCU, it’s a privilege to be able to participate.” ROBERT ABBOTT D IVISION 27 ROBERT E. BATTEN Jamaica, NY Coach CONCORDIA COLLEGE Sweet 16 KENDRICK WRIGHT Junior Sociology Selma, AL DAKOTA BRAGG Freshman General Studies McIntosh, AL LEZERICK BRAGG Freshman General Studies Chicago, IL PAXTON T. CHATORA Senior Business Administration Congers, NY “HCASC means a great deal to my team and my institution deeply appreciates the support that HCASC has given us. It helps us to connect with other HBCUs and promotes academic success.” DR. CHINWE O. OKEKE Selma, AL Coach AKEEM T. RANKINE Spanish Town, JA Institutional Rep. BESSIE COLEMAN D IVISION 28 FISK UNIVERSITY Sweet 16 ANNA WILKINS Senior Pol. Sci. & Int’l. Relations Lutz, FL MATTHEW G. BARTHWELL Senior Psychology River Forest, IL JARRETT C. HARPER Junior Biology Lakewood, CA TAYLOR G. PRESCOTT Sophomore History Cleveland, MS “HCASC has impacted my everyday experience as a student. I have learned a lot more and can connect people, places, and things more easily.” JAMES WELDON JOHNSON D IVISION 29 DR. STAFFORD W. CARGILL Nashville, TN Coach FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY Sweet 16 KIMBERLYN M. ELLIOTT Senior History Gainesville, FL TRAVIAN D. ALBERT Freshman Electrical Engineering Milton, FL DOMINIQUE BERRY Junior Physics Spartanburg, SC KHALEEL S. MUHAMMED Junior Civil Engineering Jacksonville, FL “Honda’s sponsorship of HCASC provides a unique opportunity for students at my institution to meet and connect with elite students at other HBCUs. This leads to lifelong friendships that couldn’t have been formed otherwise.” EFFA MANLEY D IVISION 30 DR. VIVIAN L. HOBBS Tallahassee, FL Coach GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY Sweet 16 DAVE FIELDS, JR. Junior Nursing Mililani, HI BELLO AHMADOU-AHIDJO Cameroon Institutional Rep. JOHN CARTER Freshman History Washington, NC WHITNEY GASTON-LOYD Senior Mass Communications Shreveport, LA JHARRAYNE I. MCKNIGHT Junior Biology & Chemistry Anacoco, LA “HCASC demonstrates to students that academic involvement has its rewards just like athletic involvement. Honda has a first class operation from the supportive staff and volunteers to the Honda officials who support the events.” LOUIS ARMSTRONG D IVISION 31 CHARLETTE FAVORS Franklin, TX Coach JASMINE AYATEY Natchitoches, LA Institutional Rep. HARRIS-STOWE STATE UNIVERSITY Sweet 16 TYLER SADDLER Junior Business Marketing St. Louis, MO VINCENT HAGINS Senior Education St. Louis, MO CYNTHIA M. HILL Junior Biology St. Louis, MO ERIK S. SHELQUIST Senior Urban Planning Peoria, IL DR. EILEEN A. O’BRIEN Fort Wayne, IN Coach “I have seen students with poor self concepts gain confidence, learn leadership skills and mature. I especially enjoy seeing the camaraderie among the students. Interracial friendships are especially heartwarming. I have a great HCASC family here.” BESSIE COLEMAN D IVISION 32 MOREHOUSE COLLEGE Sweet 16 D’ONDRE J. SWAILS Junior Philosophy Vallejo, CA GEORGE NWANZE, JR. Junior History & Political Sci. Washington, DC AQUIA A. RICHBURG Senior Mathematics Greenville, SC DAVID J. WILSON Freshman Chemistry Greenville, SC ROBERT R. MYRICK, JR. Washington, DC Coach “HCASC gives us an opportunity to showcase our school’s talent. HCASC enabled my team to make a wonderful trip to California and compete against intelligent students from various HBCUs.” DR. MICHAEL A. TURNER Akron, OH Institutional Rep. CULLEN WATKINS East St. Louis, MO Institutional Rep. MARCUS GARVEY D IVISION 33 ERNEST C. JONES SPORTSPERSON OF THE YEAR This year’s recipient has a voice that was heard all around the HCASC NCT. His spirit before, during and after matches and his interaction with other teams and players epitomized sincerity and cordiality. Even in the midst of some of the toughest matches in his division, he managed to ease the tension in games and maintain a positive atmosphere in the room. JUSTIN WALKER Livingstone College His keen understanding of team building coupled with his infectious personality, marked him as a leader among his peers. congratulations HCASC COACH OF THE YEAR Those who know her best describe her as the greatest multi-tasker they have ever known. She is said to be as dedicated to HCASC as she is to her position in the Education Talent Search Office. She often works far beyond the normal hours of operation, using her lunch hour for planning sessions and her weekends for practices. Her team is her family. She is a natural competitor, refusing to lose at anything, and this passion for winning permeates the work ethic of each of her players. She has inspired other students to get involved with HCASC, and she has single-handedly made Honda Campus All-Star Challenge an integral part of her institution’s culture. 34 AMELIA SELLERS Southern University New Orleans 32 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIERS After year-long preparation, these teams had what it takes to make the select field at The Nationals. Congratulations to all! 35 ALBANY STATE UNIVERSITY DAVID A. LAWRENCE, II Senior Marketing Albany, GA MARISSA C. MOORE Junior Biology Riverdale, GA KAMERON M. STEVENS Senior Biology & Pre-Med Jacksonville, FL CASEY B. WILLIAMS Senior Biology Covington, GA “I think HCASC really promotes scholarship, helps our students to engage in academic success, and helps them to extend their national and world view.” WILLIAM STILL D IVISION 36 DR. JOHN L. WILLIAMS Albany, GA Coach BENEDICT COLLEGE GARY E. KNIGHT Junior Physics Columbia, SC SARAH I. DORNIK Freshman Undeclared Columbia, SC CHANDANI SHRESTHA Senior Computer Science Pokhara, Nepal SAMMARRA E. WIGFALL Junior Biology Cayce, SC “HCASC has made learning more fun. I now watch the news and keep up with the New York Times best seller list. HCASC has really shown me how any piece of information can have value.” DR. RONNIE HOPKINS Bath, NC Coach KAREN M. MCKENZIE Columbia, SC Institutional Rep. WILLIAM STILL D IVISION 37 BENNETT COLLEGE COURTNEY M. MANGUM Senior History Durham, NC KIARA BATTLE Senior Theatre Arts Atlanta, GA GABRIELLE COOK-FRAZIER Sophomore Political Sci. & English Philadelphia, PA VIMBAI M. MARTIN Freshman Public Relations & Speech Pittsburgh, PA “Honda’s sponsorship of HCASC has been a tremendous asset to our HBCU. It highlights academic achievement and student engagement.” DR. ANDRE E. KEY Louisville, KY Coach YAMURANAI I. KUREWA Mutare, Zimbabwe Institutional Rep. WILLIAM STILL D IVISION 38 BETHUNE-COOKMAN UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN N. CRUZ Senior Criminal Justice Boston, MA FATIN COOPER Sophomore Business Administration Venice, CA KHADIJAH S. JONES Junior English Education Riverdale, GA DIAMOND A. WATTS Junior International Business Chesapeake, VA “Honda’s support is significant because the majority of our funding comes from generous donations and grants. Honda is making a major investment in the future of our HBCUs.” ROBERT ABBOTT D IVISION 39 CYNTHIA B. GRAY Daytona Beach, FL Coach CENTRAL STATE UNIVERSITY JAMES R. WHITE, JR. Freshman History & Pre-Law Cincinnati, OH ALEXIS D. HENRY Senior Psychology Cincinnati, OH COURTLAND T. LOVE Senior International Business Cincinnati, OH AMIRA R. MITCHELL Senior Music Education Camden, NJ “HCASC offers added opportunities to our students to take active part in the social life of the university. HCASC provides the only chance for some of my students to visit and interact with HBCU students from other campuses.” BESSIE COLEMAN D IVISION 40 DR. OBIWU IWUANYANWU Ehime-Mbano, Nigeria Coach CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY SHANICE M. BROWN Sophomore Engineering/Mathematics St. Louis, MO ABINA G. REDMOND Sophomore Nutritional Science Chicago, IL ELIJAH J. ROBERTSON Freshman Marketing Bolingbrook, IL NICOLETTE C. SANDERS Sophomore Chemistry Chicago, IL “HCASC was a fun experience and a great learning opportunity. It opened up internship opportunities that we might not have known about at my institution.” DR. TIFFANY DAVIS Chicago, IL Coach BRANDON V. MORGAN Chicago, IL Institutional Rep. JAMES WELDON JOHNSON D IVISION 41 DILLARD UNIVERSITY AYANNA O. WOOLFORK Junior Public Health Sugar Land, TX AARON J. BROWN Freshman Political Science Atlanta, GA JAMIA K. COLLINS Freshman Mass Communications Bakersfield, CA AZIZ A. MUHAMMAD Freshman Aerospace Engineering Carson, CA “Honda’s sponsorship ensures that our student population has a new outlet for academic success. The grants we win enable more students to go to college.” MARY MAHONEY D IVISION 42 AMELIE J. WAX New Orleans, LA Coach FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY JOEL A. COOK Sophomore History Raeford, NC GAVIN A. MYRICK Fayetteville, NC Coach TAYLOR GETER Freshman Biology & Chemistry Birmingham, AL GEORGIA A. N. PRIEST Freshman Chemistry & Music Education Fayetteville, NC “Honda’s sponsorship gives my peers and me an opportunity to be a part of something bigger. It gives us the chance to network and meet new people that we will continue to communicate with later in life.” EFFA MANLEY D IVISION 43 QUENTIN D. REEVES Senior Biology Fayetteville, NC ANDREW J. BRASSARD Coco Beach, FL Institutional Rep. HAMPTON UNIVERSITY QUINTON W. BURNETT Freshman Finance Shawnee, KS JARED BOURKE Freshman Biology Clinton, MD JADA HAUGHTON Freshman Political Sci. & Pre-Law Upper Marlboro, MD TIANA WHITELY Freshman Biology & Pre-Med Detroit, MI “Honda’s sponsorship means that Hampton is able to earn thousands of dollars every year while giving students and staff an outlet to demonstrate knowledge, network and have fun.” LOUIS ARMSTRONG D IVISION 44 SARAH-ANNE LEVERETTE Newport News, VA Coach HOWARD UNIVERSITY CALEB KIM Freshman Pol. Sci. & Int’l. Relations Aventura, FL KIMI FARRINGTON Sophomore Political Sci. & Pre-Law Deerfield Beach, FL SEAN C. GRANT, JR. Freshman Computer Engineering Poughkeepsie, NY KARMEN MAY Junior Chemistry & Pre-Med Detroit, MI “Honda has done an amazing job with HCASC. It means a lot to my HBCU that Honda goes above and beyond to provide a platform for students like me to be able to show how talented and smart we are.” MARY MAHONEY D IVISION 45 TOBIAS R. MORGAN Brooklyn, NY Coach HUSTON-TILLOTSON UNIVERSITY LUCYLL E. FREEMAN Junior English Houston, TX ARSENIO P. BROWN Sophomore Sociology Newark, CA ANDRANIQUE L. GREEN Freshman Biology & Pre-Med San Antonio, TX LYNN G. NANJALA Junior Biology Kampala, Uganda “HCASC is important because we are a small institution. This program provides an outlet for students to travel and interact with other likeminded students.” DR. ALAINE S. HUTSON League City, TX Coach BRITTANY R. WHITE Austin, TX Institutional Rep. EFFA MANLEY D IVISION 46 JARVIS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY CHRISTOPHER D. MAYS Sophomore Education Grand Prarie, TX JENE’A JENNINGS Sophomore Social Work Dayton, OH CHARLES R. LAUDER Junior Education Houston, TX AHMAN TRAYLOR Freshman Criminal Justice Dallas, TX “Through their sponsorship of HCASC, Honda has shown that it truly cares about the future of America and our HBCUs. This competition is a great, new challenge for Jarvis Christian!” EFFA MANLEY D IVISION 47 RODNEY ATKINS Tyler, TX Coach KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY EMILY LANCASTER Senior Chemistry & Biology Versailles, KY TISA M. CUNNINGHAM Senior Journalism & Business Frankfort, KY ALIYAH B. DATCHER Sophomore Chemistry Ashland, KY REBECCA WADDLE Senior Liberal Studies Frankfort, KY “HCASC means everything to us. Where college is usually all about the sports teams, HCASC brings attention to the academic side of campus. It’s gratifying to know that Honda supports HBCUs and appreciates our students.” ROBERT ABBOTT D IVISION 48 DANIEL D. COLLUM Greenwood, MS Coach LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE SHARMAURIAH N. BOYD Senior History Cartersville, GA KENYA M. GLOVER Freshman Poli. Science & Pre-Law Fayetteville, NC A’KIRA R. THOMAS Freshman History Chesapeake, VA JUSTIN A. WALKER Senior Political Science Saginaw, MI “HCASC really means a lot. It demonstrates the lengths to which Honda goes to support education. Knowing that Honda is doing so much to try and bolster our desire to pursue excellence is amazing.” MARY MAHONEY D IVISION 49 DELEAH S. DORSEY Morganton, NC Coach MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY JAIME A. ARRIBAS Junior Physics & Engineering Baltimore, MD RIYO A. PERRY Sophomore Political Science New York, NY TURAYO TIJANI Junior Actuarial Science Lagos, Nigeria ISAIAH C. WEAVER Sophomore Electrical Engineering Upper Marlboro, MD “Morgan State is very committed to HCASC. Honda’s largesse demonstrates that Honda is committed to supporting academic excellence; that it is rewarding to be smart and love knowledge.” DR. BRETT BERLINER Santa Monica, CA Coach DENNIS NICHOLSON Montclair, NJ Institutional Rep. BESSIE COLEMAN D IVISION 50 NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIVERSITY CALEB L. PRINCE Junior Economics Charlotte, NC DUNAMIS BACCHUS Sophomore Computer Engineering Greensboro, NC SHAKAYLA J. GRATE Freshman Marketing Columbia, SC AKEEBA WRIGHT Junior Mass Media Winston-Salem, NC “The Aggies have had a long and frutiful participation in HCASC. Through the years, HCASC has come to represent the pinnacle of corporate engagement with HBCUs. Thanks to Honda for their wonderful support!” BRYON D. TURMAN Statesville, NC Coach EBONY R. JOHNSON Fayetteville, NC Institutional Rep. LOUIS ARMSTRONG D IVISION 51 see yourself in a Honda 52 53 OAKWOOD UNIVERSITY GREG F. EDOUARD Senior Nursing & Pre-Med Brooklyn, NY PARRIS L. BOLES Senior Psychology Meridian, MS SESLY D. HUERFANO Junior Political Sci. & Pre-Law Orlando, FL JENNIFER C. MILLER Senior Comm. & Graphic Design Huntsville, AL “Honda has done so much for Oakwood. Honda gives the opportunity to unique students to find a niche, be successful, and represent our institution in ways that used to not be possible.” ROBERT ABBOTT D IVISION 54 DR. R. RENNAE ELLIOTT Glen Allen, AL Coach PAINE COLLEGE JAMES R. ARMSTRONG Junior Psychology Cairo, GA TRAVIONE HARRIS Junior History Lincolnton, GA JORDAN M. RUTLAND Senior Biology Manassas, VA SHARIFAH A. WILLIAMS Senior Media Studies Hampton, GA DR. ERIC B. DARRINGTON Birmingham, AL Coach “HCASC demonstrates that Honda values the wealth of knowledge hidden in our HBCUs. Paine appreciates every ounce of support it gets. Thank you!” UZETTA C. GRESHAM Waynesboro, GA Institutional Rep. GERALD A. WALLER Atlanta, GA Institutional Rep. EFFA MANLEY D IVISION 55 PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE JEFFREY BOAKYE Junior Chemistry & Biology Little Rock, AR JUMARCUS R. LACY Freshman Education Mineral Springs, AR OLAMIDE OLAWOYIN Junior Biochemistry Nigeria JASMINE L. RUCKER Senior English Forrest City, AR “Honda provides our students with a phenomenal networking and academic opportunity. Competing at the National Qualifying and National Championship Tournaments allows students to visit places they may not have otherwise had the opportunity to explore.” MARCUS GARVEY D IVISION 56 SHANNON M. JOHNSON Milwaukee, WI Coach ST. AUGUSTINE’S UNIVERSITY ANTWOINE COLEMAN, JR. Senior History Richmond, VA JAQUAN D. CARLISLE Junior Computer Info. Systems Richmond, VA CIANNA C. FISHER Sophomore Visual Art Raleigh, NC ZECHARIAH L. JACKSON Senior Music Lawrenceville, VA “I always knew that Honda was a great company. HCASC gives St. Augustine’s another platform to feature scholars demonstrating their incredible academic abilities.” BESSIE COLEMAN D IVISION 57 BRANDI R. GEARY San Diego, CA Coach SHAW UNIVERSITY NA’EEM S. WILKINS Junior Education Berkley, VA JORDAN D. GALLOWAY Junior Chemistry Los Angeles, CA SEAN T. KINLAW Freshman Vocal Performance Savannah, GA LIONEL J. MORGAN Junior Computer Science Franklinton, NC “Honda exposing our students to the big business environment and personnel is very important. Our students rarely see the workings of corporate America -- neither do many of our faculty! We’re academics!” DR. KIM Q.B. LEATHERS Washington, DC Coach DR. SHELBY M. PALMER San Diego, CA Institutional Rep. LOUIS ARMSTRONG D IVISION 58 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY NEW ORLEANS KEVIS Q. KING, SR. Senior Elementary Education Marrero, LA CHANTE N. GALMAN Senior Elementary Education New Orleans, LA JONAH E. LEAVELL Senior Psychology New Orleans, LA JOSHUA E. LEAVELL Senior Social Work New Orleans, LA “At SUNO, HCASC was always important but this year our Chancellor had the opportunity to attend the NCT and he was amazed! He was able to see first hand how important and needed HCASC scholarships are for our university.” LOUIS ARMSTRONG D IVISION 59 AMELIA B. SELLERS New Orleans, LA Coach SPELMAN COLLEGE COURTNEY WILLS Junior Spanish Atlanta, GA JANAE A. BRYANT Senior Music Overland Park, KS BREAHNA GILLESPIE Senior Environmental Studies Oceanside, CA ALEXANDRIA SUTTON Junior Chemistry Elizabeth City, NC “HCASC has been a significant part of my undergraduate experience. It allows me to make friends with other intellectually motivated students at my school who are a part of the program and to meet amazing people at other schools.” ROBERT ABBOTT D IVISION 60 DANIEL BASCELLI Ottawa, Ontario, CN Coach STILLMAN COLLEGE TAMBA L. MONDEH Junior History & Pre-Law Raleigh, NC TIARRA M. BLACKMON Sophomore Psychology Coy, AL BRIAN C. JOHNSON Sophomore English Azle, TX CHRISTOPHER A. WEEKES Junior Mathematics Stone Mountain, GA DR. THOMAS S. JENNINGS Rochester, MN Coach “Honda’s involvement with HCASC brings massive publicity to some of the best things that our students accomplish on campus. It helps promote our HBCU at a time when many are having financial crises. The grants help encourage the best on our campus to stay and aid in retention by showcasing that the wider community cares about our school.” MARCUS GARVEY D IVISION 61 TALLADEGA COLLEGE ALEXANDRIA B. CAUSEY Junior Computer Science Atlanta, GA JERANTHONY K. COLVIN Sophomore Social Work Brooklyn, NY DEVIN G. SONIA Sophomore Music Education Gretna, LA MONICA S. WHEAT Junior Biology & Pre-Med Mobile, AL “HCASC has taught me how to improve my study and retention skills and apply them in the classroom. I now know what I need to do as a leader to guide others up the ladder of success with me.” ANTHONY S. MORRIS Talladega, AL Coach DEREK K. BRUMFIELD, JR. New Orleans, LA Institutional Rep. JAMES WELDON JOHNSON D IVISION 62 TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY DEMETRIUS A. FINLEY Junior Chemical Engineering Detroit, MI APRIL N. BALDWIN Senior History Birmingham, AL BOBBY L. DANIELS, JR. Junior Political Science Atlanta, GA TONY B. KIRK, II Junior Mechanical Engineering Cedar Hill, TX PETER J. SPEARS, SR. Mobile, AL Coach “I love learning new things anyway, but now the wealth of information that I have retained from being involved in HCASC makes me look really smart in class! LOL” JOE N. BROWN Demopolis, AL Institutional Rep. DR. WORTH K. HAYES St. Louis, MO Institutional Rep. WILLIAM STILL D IVISION 63 UNIVERSITY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ANDREAS L. SMITH Junior Business Management Washington, DC ROBIN GILBRECHT Senior Political Science Cupertino, CA NEQUIL TABORN Freshman Computer Engineering Washington, DC OLLIE J. WALDON Sophomore Mass Media Washington, DC “UDC really enjoys the benefits of having Honda sponsor HCASC. It brings credibility and recognition to the intellectual achievements of our HBCUs.” EVERETT E. BURWELL, JR. Washington, DC Coach DR. ELGLORIA A. HARRISON Washington, DC Institutional Rep. JAMES WELDON JOHNSON D IVISION 64 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MARIAH K. DENNIS Junior Biology Pittsgrove, NJ ALEAYA R. BOWIE Junior Biology Fredrick, MD EVAN S. BRYANT Senior Accounting Indianapolis, IN JONATHAN D. WHEELER Junior Computer Science Salisbury, MD “Over the years, I’ve come to treasure my HCASC relationships more and more. Thanks to Honda for bringing the HCASC family together every year.” DR. JAMES M. WHITE, JR. Salisbury, MD Coach JAMES G. LUNNERMON, II Princess Anne, MD Institutional Rep. MARY MAHONEY D IVISION 65 WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY SCOTTY O. WHITE Senior Communications Bay Minette, AL CANDICE S. HOLLIDAY Senior Communications Poca, WV JESUS RIVERA Freshman Computer Science Puebla, Mexico RAYNALLE A. ROUSE Senior Theatre Arts Washington, DC SHANTEL A. HUDGINS Dunbar, WV Coach “Honda has helped West Virginia State shine and be recognized. HCASC showcases some of our brightest students. Honda has helped many of our students come out of their shells, make many new friends, and develop lifelong relationships.” JAMES WELDON JOHNSON D IVISION 66 WINSTON-SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY KENYA A. RAYNOR Junior Exercise Physiology Fayetteville, NC KATEEMA D. JONES Senior Exercise Physiology Grifton, NC TYRUS M. POWELL Freshman Art Winston Salem, NC DARIEN ROBINSON Senior Justice Studies Trenton, NJ “HCASC is a unique platform that allows our students with diverse majors and academic standing to come together, build relationships on campus and at other schools.” MARCUS GARVEY D IVISION 67 CYNTHIA J. GRANT Winston Salem, NC Coach Institutional Rep. XAVIER UNIVERSITY ALAYNA J. ROBINSON Sophomore Chemistry & Pre-Med Atlanta, GA JACQUELINE BAIDOO Sophomore Chemistry & Chem. Eng. Takoradi, Ghana JORDAN D. BATES Sophomore Chem. & Pre-Pharmacy New Orleans, LA DELANY A. BRADFORD Sophomore Biology & Pre-Med Birmingham, AL “I pay more attention to the background information of whatever I’m learning because it might come up in HCASC later. This means I focus more in class and remember things more easily.” MARCUS GARVEY D IVISION 68 DARRYL KELLER, JR. New Orleans, LA Coach YORK COLLEGE TERESA MERCER Senior Psychology Bayside, NY KIMBERLY C. BARNES Senior Medical Technology Maspeth, NY DANIEL LASHLEY-SMITH Senior Journalism Saint Albans, NY JOCELYN M. SCHANTZ Freshman Nursing New York, NY “I have a better understanding of different people and places. Being part of HCASC has motivated me to always challenge myself. Never before have I had such a drive to learn new things in an academic setting.” BESSIE COLEMAN D IVISION 69 DR. FARLEY J. MAWYER Brooklyn, NY Coach SCOTTY O. WHITE EMILY LANCASTER BRANNON A. BILLINGS DONALD HOLLIS West Virginia State 68 ppg James Weldon Johnson Division Kentucky State 48 ppg Absalom Jones Division Prairie View A&M 60 ppg Sojourner Truth Division Alabama A&M 52 ppg Mary Mahoney Division These are the top players in each division by average points scored per game (ppg) in the round-robin. ALL-STARS Honda awards their HBCUs a $1,000 grant. D’ONDRÉ SWAILS KIMBERLYN M. ELLIOTT ERIK S. SHELQUIST JONAH E. LEAVELL Morehouse 58 ppg Marcus Garvey Division Florida A&M 52 ppg Effa manley Division Harris-Stowe 46 ppg Bessie Coleman Division Southern-New Orleans 60 ppg Louis Armstrong Division 70 HALL OF FAME Hall of Famers were outstanding competitors who after their college years continue to demonstrate the core values of Honda Campus All-Star Challenge, always striving to be the best in their chosen careers, giving back to their communities, their schools and their families. MONITA BELL Monita Bell has taught composition and literature courses at several universities and authored “Getting Hair ‘Fixed’: Black Power, Transvaluation, and Hair Politics.” She currently serves as an editorial team member for Teaching Tolerance, a project established by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 1991, where she helps to craft and publicize anti-bias education resources. She serves as a moderator at the qualifying tournaments and at the National Championship. Alabama State University Class of 2006, English MARK-ANTHONY MIDDLETON North Carolina A&T State University Class of 1991, Business DANIEL MOSS Claflin University Class of 2001, Fine Arts Mark-Anthony Middleton was the captain of North Carolina A&T State University’s 1991 HCASC team and received the Unsung Hero of the Civil Rights Movement awarded by his alma mater. He is a leader in Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations, and Neighborhoods) Organization which is one of the most prominent community organizations in the Triangle. He is the Founder, Pastor and CEO of Abundant Hope Christian Church in Durham, NC and received the Master of Divinity degree from the Duke University School of Divinity. Daniel Moss is a 4-year HCASC player from Claflin University. He partnered with his brother, a Hampton University alum, to launch the first social network targeting African Americans. With millions of online subscribers, is the first and largest online HBCU-related destination. The network has expanded to more than a dozen sites that provide content to a variety of media channels including the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner and Steve Harvey morning radio programs. Additionally, he has worked with Toys for Tots for the past 12 years and served as an advisor to The HBCU Foundation, Inc., the fundraising/scholarship arm of his landmark web empire. 71 Prairie View A&M - 2015 Fisk - 2014 Morgan State - 2013 26 Morgan State - 2012 Florida A&M - 2011 Prairie View A&M - 2010 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS Pictured are the 26 HCASC National Championship Tournament winning teams. They represent 13 different HBCUs Oakwood - 2009 Oakwood - 2008 Tennessee State - 2007 Morehouse - 2006 Florida A&M - 2005 Morehouse - 2004 72 Florida A&M - 2003 Morehouse - 2002 Morehouse - 2001 Clark Atlanta - 2000 Florida A&M - 1999 Florida A&M - 1998 Alabama State - 1997 Florida A&M - 1996 Jackson State - 1995 Tuskegee - 1994 Tuskegee - 1993 Norfolk State - 1992 Florida A&M - 1991 West Virginia State - 1990 73 VOLUNTEERS the behind the scenes CHAMPIONS 74 75 Alonzo Alexander Raleigh, NC Pat Coleman-Boatwright Bronx, NY Jada Boykin St. Louis, MO Willie Bradshaw Roseboro, NC Myles Caggins, III Houston, TX VOLUNTEERS “Honda Campus All-Star Challenge volunteers are the heart and soul behind the scenes, in the games rooms, at the banquets and everywhere in between. We give freely of our time because we love the students, we love to give back to our communities and we love Honda Campus All-Star Challenge. From my days as a player, to my years of participation as a volunteer, HCASC has been one of my most memorable experiences.” —Matthew Barnhill 15 Year Volunteer, North Carolina A&T HCASC Alumnus for HCASC Laurie Fluker Houston, TX Alice Headley Bronx, NY Rod Fluker Detroit, MI Charles Hobbs Tallahassee, FL Keith Green Philadelphia, PA Demicia Inman Columbus, OH 76 Pridgen Green Winston-Salem, NC Thomas Harris Albany, GA Courtne Jones Carson, CA Rosalyn Jones Philadelphia, PA volunteers for hcasc Khalifa Jordan Chicago, IL Jason Lacey Montgomery, AL Ladonne Lankster Moreno Valley, CA Cheryl LeGras San Rafael, CA Ryan Maltese Atlanta, GA Joey Oden Institute, WV Ashley Pugh Providence, RI Dr. Joyce Rhoden Spanish Town, Jamaica Kasei Robinson-Austin White Plains, NY Jeff Rodgers Pensacola, FL Brian Ross Lithonia, GA Sharon Silverstein Milwaukee, WI Joyce Stafford Tuskegee, AL Mark Stepney St. Louis, MO Pat St. Germain Pawtucket, RI Floyd Taliaferro III Philadelphia, PA Lisa Townes Richmond, VA Clarence Tucker Norfolk, VA DeMario Valentine Fayetteville, NC Cedric Wilson Temple, TX 77 INSTAGRAM IMPACT trending at #HCASC 78 Honda ASSOCIATES IN ACTION! Shining examples of Honda’s support for HCASC and our HBCUs. 79 Kristell Adams Karin Baker Ruth Baldwin Cathy Black-Lee Djoanna Cancio Steve Center Scott Conner Jeff Conrad Brigid Dupree Marcos Frommer Honda ASSOCIATES “Honda Campus All-Star Challenge embodies many of the core values that we at Honda cherish: dreams, passion, joy, challenging spirit and respect. We are grateful to all our fellow Honda associates who give their time and energy to make sure our proud HCASC tradition grows stronger every year.” —Steve Morikawa Vice President, Corporate Community Relations for HCASC Jayshree Gorripat Donna Hammond-Cotton Charles Harmon Paul Honda Oretha Horton Catherine Hutchinson Shawntea Jackson Maria Locke Shirah Miller Paul Meija 80 Quenay Mills Oraetta Minor Mary Morikawa Steve Morikawa Lauretta Nieves Charla Nuñez DeWayne Odom David Paul Tom Peyton Vicki Poponi Mike Ryan John Savage Andrea Seman Rick Schostek Kim Smalley Kacey Takashima Phil Tsuji Ruth Tsuji Sonya Vicerra JoAnn Vincent Alexandria Warnier Erik Wedin Nicole Whitley Greg Williams And these other Honda Associates Erika Chevez Chanda Delifus Grace Jean Kim Ryan April Craig Anil Dubey Clarrie Johnson Matt Sloustcher Barbara Ford-Goertner Shalina Khanna 81 Tom Cunningham Beaumont, TX Mark Dawson Macon, GA Mike Decker Louisville, KY Raj Dhuwalia Los Angeles, CA Andy Friedman Newark, NJ COLLEGE BOWL TEAM Since HCASC began, Honda has believed that among the best ways it can demonstrate its commitment to the African American community is by supporting education and our HBCUs. After all, education is our nation’s number one aspiration and the key to a successful life. Thanks to Honda, our HCASC volunteers and all our friends at our HBCUs for allowing us to become your Friends for Life.” —Richard Reid, Co-Founder, Honda Campus All-Star Challenge for HCASC Frank Gencur Columbus, OH Charles Henderson Los Angeles, CA Tisha Lynton Rose St. Thomas, VI Tom Michael Montgomery, AL Mary Oberembt Milwaukee, WI Lillian Parker Millville, NJ Sara Reid Calabasas, CA Amy Seastone Fillmore, CA Randy Shore Ventura, CA Dave Tuttle Humboldt, CA 82 THE HCASC VISION Honda Campus All-Star Challenge spotlights Honda’s commitment to the unique mission of HBCUs, encourages a love of learning, enhances students lives, and builds stronger bonds with HBCU communities. 83 SAVE THE DATE THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP APRIL 2-6, 2016 March 22 - 26, 2016 FRIENDS for LIFE © Copyright 2015, College Bowl Company The name Campus All-Star Challenge is the registered service mark of the College Bowl Company and American Honda Motor Co., Inc.