Brochure PE IMT - La Fime - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


Brochure PE IMT - La Fime - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica
Materials Engineering
President / M.E.C. Rogelio G. Garza Rivera
Vicepresident of Administration / M.A. Carmen del Rosario de la Fuente García
Vicepresident of Academic Affairs / Dr. Juan Manuel Alcocer González
Dean / Dr. Jaime A. Castillo Elizondo
Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs / Dr. Arnulfo Treviño Cubero
[email protected]
Vice-Dean Graduate Affairs / Dr. Simón Martínez Martínez
[email protected]
Vice-Dean Innovation Affairs / Dr. Moises Hinojosa Rivera
[email protected]
General Academic Coordinator / M.C María de Jesús Nañez Rodríguez
[email protected]
Head of Program / Dra. Dora Irma Martínez Delgado
[email protected]
Av. Pedro de Alba S/N, Ciudad Universitaria,
San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L.
Tel. 8329-4020 ext. 5733
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica / The Bachelor in Materials Engineering Program
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica / Educative Program in Materials Engineering
8. Uses the new and traditional methods and research techniques for the development of their academic work, practice of his profession and the generation of
In the year 2020 the materials engineering undergraduate program will be internationally
recognized due to its quality and its important contribution to human, scientific, technological,
sustainable and innovative development, focusing on learning and development of
competencies within the different areas of science and materials engineering.
To train engineers and teach them the attitudes and values promoted by UANL, and ensure that
they acquire the knowledge and competencies necessary to understand and use the different
processes of synthesis, characterization and processing of materials. Likewise, this program
encourages a reflexive, critical, innovative, humanist, entrepreneurial and leadership attitude in
graduates, enabling them to work with multi- and interdisciplinary groups on the synthesis and
application of innovative materials that contribute to the solution of problems, create competitive
advantages in the industrial and service sector, and favor the acquisition of high quality
materials, according to needs, devoting great attention to social, environmental, economic, and
technological impact.
Personal and
Social Interaction
Objective of the Educative Program in Materials Engineering
The aim of this program is that graduates acquire the knowledge, competencies, attitudes, and
values that will enable them to display a high level of adaptability and employability in the
national and international work market in the different areas of materials science and
11. Practice the promoted values of the UANL: truth, equality, honesty, freedom,
solidarity, respect for life and others, respect for nature, integrity, professional
ethic, justice and responsibility in its personal and professional field to contribute
to build a sustainable society.
The objective of the program will be achieved through the development of 22 competencies:
General Competencies
1. Apply autonomous learning strategies in the different levels and fields of
knowledge that allow timely and appropriate decision making in the personal,
academic and professional context.
2. Use the logical, formal, mathematical, iconic, verbal and non-verbal languages,
in accordance to his/her stage of life, to understand, interpret and express ideas,
feelings, theories and trends of thoughts with an ecumenical focus.
3. Handle the information and communication technologies as a tool for
information access and its transformation into knowledge, as well as for
collaborative work and learning using new techniques that will allow him/her to
have a constructive participation in society.
4. Master his/her native language in an oral and written form, with accuracy,
relevance, consistency and ethics, adapting his/her message to the situation or
context for the transmission of ideas and scientific findings.
5. Use the logical, critical, creative and proactive thinking to analyze natural and
social phenomena, allowing him/her to make the appropriate decisions in his/her
field with social responsibility.
6. Use a second language; preferably English, with clarity and accuracy to communicate on daily, academic, professional and scientific contexts.
7. Develop academic and professional inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary
proposals in accordance with the best global practices to encourage and
strengthen collaborative work.
9. The student maintains an attitude of compromise and respect towards the
diversity of the social and cultural practices that reassure the principle of
integration on the local, national and international context, with the aim of
promoting environments of peaceful coexistence.
10. Takes part on the problems of the contemporary society on the local and global
level with a critical attitude and human compromise with the academic and
professional areas to contribute to help consolidate the general welfare and
sustainable development.
12. Builds innovative proposals based on the holistic understanding of the reality to
contribute to overcome the struggles of the independent global environment.
13. Assume the leadership committed to social and professional needs to promote
a pertinent social change.
14. Solve personal and social conflicts in accordance to specific techniques in the
academic and professional field to the adequate decision making.
15. Achieves the adaptability required by the social and professional environment of
uncertainty of our time to create better living conditions.
Competencies specific engineering
ABET Outcomes
Competencies of
graduates of the
competencies of
16. Analyses the parts of a device, equipment, system or process, establishing the
relations between them, that allows the documentation and information got on a
structured, organized,plan
including their own conclusion.
17. Generates models in the mathematical language that describes the behavior of
a system, phenomenon or process, through the hypothesis planning that allows
the validation through analytical methods or computational tools.
18. Solve engineering problems selecting the accurate methodology, applying
established models, based on the basic sciences, checking the obtained results
with an analytic model or with the support of a technological tool, so that the
solution can be pertinent and feasible meeting the quality standards and security
Específicas de Ingeniería
19. Apply methods and techniques of scientific and technological research to the
development of engineering projects.
20. The Materials Engineering Program student applies the appropriate experimental techniques for the characterization of materials, generating a technical
21. The Materials Engineering Program student establishes the relationship
between materials structure and properties, with the purpose of designing
statements and reports related to the many applications of materials.
22. The Materials Engineering Program student optimizes processes for obtaining
and transforming metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials that will lead to
problem solution and that will favor the obtaining of quality materials, according
to the requirements established and taking special care of the social, economic
and technological impact.
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica / Educative Program in Materials Engineering
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica / Educative Program in Materials Engineering
The relationship between competencies of the bachelor in materials engineering program and
the ABET-Outcomes:
ABET-Outcomes for PE IMT
(a) An ability to apply
their knowledge of
mathematics, science,
and engineering.
Competencies PE IMT (401 version)
1) Apply autonomous learning strategies on the different levels and knowledge
fields that allow appropriate decision making on the personal, academic and
personal fields.
2) Uses the logical, formal, mathematical, iconic, verbal and no-verbal languages,
in accordance to his stage of life, to understand, interpret and express ideas,
feelings, theories and trends of thoughts with an ecumenical focus.
8) Uses the new and traditional methods and research techniques for the development of their academic work, practice of his profession and the generation of
17) Generates models in the mathematical language that describes the behavior of
a system, phenomenon or process, through the hypothesis planning that allows
the validation through analytical methods or computational tools.
(b) An ability to
design and conduct
experiments, as well
as to analyze and
interpret data.
16) Analyses the parts of a device, equipment, system or process, establishing the
relations between them that allows the documentation and information got on a
structured, organized, coherent manner, including their own conclusion.
17) Generates models in the mathematical language that describes the behavior of
a system, phenomenon or process, through the hypothesis planning that allows
the validation through analytical methods or computational tools.
(c) An ability to design a
system, component, or
process to meet desired
needs within realistic
constraints such as
economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical,
health and safety,
manufacturability, and
16) Analyses the parts of a device, equipment, system or process, establishing the
relations between them, that allows the documentation and information got on a
17) Generates models in the mathematical language that describes the behavior of
a system, phenomenon or process, through the hypothesis planning that allows
the validation through analytical methods or computational tools.
(d) An ability to
function on
7) Make academic and professional inter, multi and transdisciplinary proposals in
accordance with the best global practices to foment and consolidate the
collaborative work.
13) Assume the leadership committed to social and professional needs to promote
a pertinent social change.
(e) An ability to identify,
formulates, and solves
engineering problems.
18) Solve engineering problems selecting the accurate methodology, applying
established models, based on the basic sciences, checking the obtained results
with an analytic model or with the support of a technological tool, so that the
solution can be pertinent and feasible meeting the quality standards and security
19) Apply methods and techniques of scientific and technological research to the
development of engineering projects.
Competencies PE IMT (401 version)
(f) An understanding
of professional and
ethical responsibilities.
(g) An ability to
communicate effectively.
(h) To understand the impact
of engineering solutions in a
global, economic,
environmental, and societal
9) The student maintains an attitude of compromise and respect towards the
diversity of the social and cultural practices that reassure the principle of
integration on the local, national and international context, with the aim of
promoting environments of peaceful coexistence.
10) Takes part on the problems of the contemporary society on the local and global
level with a critical attitude and human compromise with the academic and
professional areas to contribute to help consolidate the general welfare and
sustainable development.
14) Solve personal and social conflicts in accordance to specific techniques in the
academic and professional field to the adequate decision making.
2) Uses the logical, formal, mathematical, iconic, verbal and no-verbal languages,
in accordance to his stage of life, to understand, interpret and express ideas,
feelings, theories and trends of thoughts with an ecumenical focus.
4) Masters his native language in oral and written form with correction, relevancy,
opportunity and ethics, adapting his message to the situation or context for the
transmission of ideas and scientific findings.
6) Uses a second language, preferably English, with clarity and correction to
communicate on daily, academic, professional and scientific contexts.
11) Practice the promoted values of the UANL: truth, equality, honesty, freedom,
solidarity, respect for life and others, respect for nature, integrity, professional
ethic, justice and responsibility in its personal and professional field to contribute
to build a sustainable society.
12) Builds innovative proposals based on the holistic understanding of the reality to
contribute to overcome the struggles of the independent global environment.
13) Assume the leadership committed to social and professional needs to promote
a pertinent social change.
15) Achieves the adaptability required by the social and professional environment of
uncertainty of our time to create better living conditions.
(i) A recognition of the
need for, and an ability
to engage in life-long
5) Use the logic, critical, creative and proactive thinking to analyze natural and
social phenomena that allow maning appropriate decisions in its influence field
with responsibility.
9) The student maintains an attitude of compromise and respect towards the
diversity of the social and cultural practices that reassure the principle of
integration on the local, national and international context, with the aim of
promoting environments of peaceful coexistence.
10) Takes part on the problems of the contemporary society on the local and global
level with a critical attitude and human compromise with the academic and
professional areas to contribute to help consolidate the general welfare and
sustainable development.
(j) A knowledge of
contemporary issues.
3) Handle the information and communication technologies as a tool to the
information access and its transformation on the knowledge, such as for the
collaborative work and learning with the new techniques that allow its constructive participation on the society.
6) Uses a second language, preferably English, with clarity and correction to
communicate on daily, academic, professional and scientific contexts.
8) Uses the new and traditional methods and research techniques for the development of their academic work, practice of his profession and the generation of
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica / Educative Program in Materials Engineering
(k)An ability to use the
techniques, skills, and
modern engineering
tools necessary for
engineering practice.
17) Generates models in the mathematical language that describes the behavior of
a system, a phenomenon or a process, through the hypothesis planning that
allows the validation through analytical methods or computational tools.
18) Solve engineering problems selecting the accurate methodology, applying
established models, based on the basic sciences, checking the obtained results
with an analytic model or with the support of a technological tool, so that the
solution can be pertinent and feasible meeting the quality standards and security
19) Apply methods and techniques of scientific and technological research to the
development of engineering projects.
(l)An ability to properly
use of the experimental
techniques of synthesis,
characterization and
processing of materials.
20) The Materials Engineering Program student applies the appropriate experimental techniques for the characterization of materials, generating a technical
(m) An ability to diagnose
the potential applications
of materials.
21) The Materials Engineering Program student establishes the relationship
between materials structure and properties, with the purpose of designing
statements and reports related to the many applications of materials.
(n) An ability to the
22) The Materials Engineering Program student optimizes processes for obtaining
development and
and transforming metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials that will lead to
innovation of technologies
problem solution and that will favor the obtaining of quality materials, according
and their adaptation to the
to the requirements established and taking special care of the social, economic
development of new
and technological impact.
These 22 competencies will be developed by the student, through a certain number of activities,
which are defined in each of the courses of the Educational Program.
Graduate Profile
The graduate in this major are professionals with a solid education in basic sciences, and also is
competent to make activities related to the obtaining and process of metals and alloys, ceramics,
polymers and compound materials, characterizations, and its technological applications, that
lead them to the solution of the industrial and service sector problems, that favor the obtaining of
materials of quality, according to the required needs, taking care of the social , economic, and
technological impact. This graduate profile is described in more detail by the 22 competencies
that constitute the Bachelor in Material Engineering Program:
1. Apply autonomous learning strategies on the different levels and knowledge fields that allow appropriate decision
making on the personal, academic and personal fields.
2. Uses the logical, formal, mathematical, iconic, verbal and no-verbal languages, in accordance to his stage of life, to
understand, interpret and express ideas, feelings, theories and trends of thoughts with an ecumenical focus.
transforma3. Handle the information and communication technologies as a tool to the information access and its
tion on the knowledge, such as for the collaborative work and learning with the new techniques that allow its constructive participation on the society.
4. Masters his native language in oral and written form with correction, relevancy, opportunity and ethics, adapting his
message to the situation or context for the transmission of ideas and scientific findings.
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica / Educative Program in Materials Engineering
5. Use the logical, critical, creative and proactive thinking to analyze natural and social phenomena, allowing him/her
to make the appropriate decisions in his/her field with social responsibility.
6. Use a second language; preferably English, with clarity and accuracy to communicate on daily, academic,
professional and scientific contexts.
7. Develop academic and professional inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary proposals in accordance with the best
global practices to encourage and strengthen collaborative work.
8. Use cutting-edge and traditional research methods techniques for the development of his/her academic work, the
practice of his/her profession and the generation of knowledge.
9. Maintain an attitude of commitment and respect towards the diversity of social and cultural practices reassuring the
principle of integration at the local, national and international context, as a way to promote peaceful coexistence.
10. Take part on the local and global challenges facing the contemporary society with critical attitude and human,
academic and professional commitment to help consolidate the general welfare and sustainable development.
11. Practice the values promoted by UANL: truth, equality, honesty, freedom, solidarity, respect for life and others,
respect for nature, integrity, professional ethics, justice and responsibility in its personal and professional field to
contribute to build a sustainable society.
12. Build innovative proposals based on the holistic understanding of reality to help overcome the struggles of the
interdependent global environment.
13. Take the lead, committed to social and professional needs to promote relevant social change.
14. Solve personal and social conflicts using specific techniques in the academic and professional field for appropriate
15. Achieve the adaptability required that our social and professional environment requires in uncertain times, in order
to create better living conditions.
Engineering competencies
16. Analyze the parts of a device, equipment, system or process, establishing the relation between them, allowing
him/her to document the information gathered, in a structured, organized, and coherent way, including his/her own
17. Generate models in mathematical language to describe the behavior of a system, phenomenon or process, through
the hypothesis planning, allowing their validation through analytical methods or computational tools.
18. Solve engineering problems by selecting the appropriate methodology, applying established models, based on the
basic sciences, verifying the results obtained using an analytic model or with the support of a technological tool, so
that the solution can be pertinent and feasible meeting the quality standards and security policies.
19. Apply methods and techniques of scientific and technological research to the development of engineering projects.
20. The Materials Engineering Program graduate will apply the appropriate experimental techniques for the
characterization of materials, generating a technical report.
21. The Materials Engineering Program graduate will establish the relation between the materials structure and its
properties, with the purpose of designing statements and reports related to the many applications of materials.
22. The Materials Engineering Program graduate will optimize processes for obtaining and transforming metallic,
ceramic and polymeric materials that will lead to problem solution and will favor the obtaining of quality materials,
according to the requirements established and devoting special attention to the social, economic and technological