A sequence to Vrksasana (Tree Pose)


A sequence to Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
A sequence to Vrksasana (Tree Pose) A tree roots down, drawing nourishment from the earth, and aspires joyfully up to the sky. This downward/upward dynamic pervades the simple sequence below, which is at once restorative and uplifting. Asymmetric postures should be practised on both sides. Begin by lying in semi-­‐supine and connecting to your breath. Apanasana Jathara parivritti Practise dynamically with breath. Sucirandhrasana Supta padangusthasana Use belt if necessary. Lower extended leg out to side. Supta baddhakonasana Place blocks or folded blankets under knees if necessary. Knees to chest. One leg at a time, then both legs. Eye-­‐of the needle. Rotate ankle. Anahatasana Adho mukha svanasana Downward dog. Anjaneyasana Tadasana /Utthita tadasana Inhale when raising arms, exhale as you lower. Tiryaki tadasana Melting heart pose. Lunge. Utkatasana Chair pose Trikonasana Traingle pose Swaying palm tree pose. Tadasana Mountain pose Uttanasana Bend knees if preferred. Vrksasana Tree pose. Use wall for balance if necessary. Finish your practice with some gentle backbends (such as dwi pada pitham, dynamic bridge), semi-­‐supine twist and knees to chest before resting in savasana. Marian van Oorschot 

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