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HEALTH EXPERTS THE VEGETARIAN THE 90-SECOND WORKOUT (really!) DISH ON THEIR DIETS OMEGA-3 AMAZING wellness women & men ™ healthy for life! plus HOLISTIC help for your pets EARLY SUMMER 2010 AW COVER MAY-JUN BMCK.indd 1 3/29/10 1:56 PM ® Is Your Multivitamin RAW? There’s a reason you don’t see many multivitamins that are raw, and it’s because creating one that is truly raw is a vexing proposition. In essence, what you’re trying to do is create living nutrients that contain all of the cofactors normally associated with those nutrients— such as probiotics and enzymes—without the use of high heat, binders or fillers, as well as excess processing. It takes vision and intense dedication to deliver on such a goal. It takes a man like Endre “Andy” Szalay. Szalay, a Hungarian-born pharmacist and researcher, devoted an astonishing 20 years of his life to perfecting a process that would become known as the Vitamin Code and lead to the creation of what is now known as RAW Food-Created Nutrients™. The story of how raw vitamins came to be is inspiring, but ultimately, it is the story of one man putting his career and future on the line because he believed that science—inspired by nature—would lead to a breakthrough that would change the way we think of vitamins and minerals. Inspiration with a View Andy Szalay was inspired by the view from his office. He needed only to look out his window to nearby farmland to marvel at the efficiency of nature. A degreed pharmacist with a strong background in biology, Andy BN_Apr10_batch print.indd 2 knew that when a plant takes root, it reaches into the soil and pulls out inorganic mineral salts. When that same plant was exposed to sunlight, the leaves and fruit of that plant produced vitamins and minerals through its metabolic process. Andy’s breakthrough idea was simple. He wanted to mimic the same process in a laboratory setting, using inorganic vitamins and minerals and growing them within a simple plant, like food. Although simple in theory, the application took Andy more than 20 years to perfect. Once that happened, he quit his old job, opened a new company called Grow Company, Inc., and went to work unraveling the mysteries of RAW Food-Created Nutrients. The Perfect Plant Andy first started with what he considered to be the perfect single-cell plant, known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or brewer’s yeast. Yes, we’re talking about the same yeast that can be found in your local grocery store. As a simple, single-celled plant that was relatively easy to grow, Andy had found the perfect medium to start. The next part was tricky and would become the first hurdle in realizing his dream of RAW food-created nutrients. He needed to find a way to add an elemental vitamin or 2/24/10 12:32 PM @/E5:CB3<4@332/7@G4@33:WdS>`]PW]bWQa3\hg[Sa 0W]/QbWdS7\U`SRWS\ba<]0W\RS`a]`4WZZS`a mineral to the brewer’s yeast and actually cultivate it. His first attempts, however, ended in failure. He found that whenever he added an inorganic vitamin or mineral to the yeast mixture, it failed to pass through the cell wall of the yeast, or worse, killed the yeast altogether. It was the equivalent of spreading compost around a tomato plant and none of the nutrients making it into the plant. VITrMIN CODE® WOMEN BENEFITS† Breaking the Protein Code Andy’s first “ah-ha” moment came after leaning on his science background. He knew that certain proteins easily passed through the cell walls of yeast. He hit upon the idea of attaching peptides, which are simply chains of amino acids, to the inorganic vitamins and minerals before introducing them to the yeast. The idea paid off. Working with a single vitamin, he repeatedly tried different peptides until he hit pay dirt. He found that when the right peptide was brought into the process, it escorted the vitamin through the cell wall of the yeast. Once there, the vitamin embedded into the yeast, and as the yeast grew, unique cofactors were created. These bioactive co-factors—such as enzymes, probiotics, glycoproteins and antioxidants—were inherent beneficial byproducts of the yeast’s life cycle. As with many such breakthroughs, this discovery was soon followed by an ominous realization. The peptide Andy used only worked with a specific vitamin. There was no “one size fits all” peptide. That meant that for each vitamin and mineral, Andy had to go through years of trial and error to find the exact peptide that worked for each vitamin or mineral. Andy repeated the whole process he had used with yeast, only this time he used the probiotic Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Andy knew that by using a different growth medium, he could create a wider array of co-factors. In other words, the mineral selenium grown in yeast has different co-factors than selenium grown in L. bulgaricus. By growing each batch separately and then combining them after the growing process was complete, the widest possible array of co-factors was achieved, resulting in extreme nutrient synergy. After several years, Andy had perfected the process. He had succeeded in growing RAW Food-Created Nutrients™, vitamins and minerals that contained various co-factors. It was only after he reviewed the process that he realized he had created something else. In nature, the process of growing a plant happens without the input of outside chemicals or excessive heat and manipulation. Since the entire process occurred without the use of high heat, chemical additives, or binders or fillers, it meant that the vitamins and minerals were raw. The upshot is that 20 years in the making, Vitamin Code® RAW vitamins and minerals were finally a reality. Beyond Organic Often times, the best ideas are defined by what they aren’t. In the case of the Vitamin Code multivitamins, this couldn’t be truer. Vitamin Code multivitamins are uncooked, untreated and unadulterated. They contain no binders or fillers, and they are gluten and dairy-free with no soy allergens. Simply put, they are RAW. But it was worth the effort. After several years of research, Andy was able to match each vitamin and mineral with the specific peptide that would allow it to grow within the yeast. They also contain a lot of what you do want: bioactive probiotics, enzymes, antioxidants and other “Code Factors™” that are missing from the majority of multivitamins available today. Most people would have stopped right there, but Andy also knew something else about nature that intrigued him. Simply stated, if you put two different plants into the same soil—say a tomato plant and a pepper plant—they would have different nutritional values, which is another way of saying they would have different levels of various vitamins and minerals. Andy Szalay’s ultimate goal was to create a way to “renature” nutrients and provide them for human nutrition in a form that was highly recognizable and usable by the body. Vitamin Code is Garden of Life’s best effort to help see Andy’s vision come to life and represents the next breakthrough in nutritional supplementation with RAW nutrient synergy you won’t find in any other product. For more information and store locator visit www.RawVitamins.com Available at premium health retailers nationwide 4]`SdS`gDWbO[W\1]RSP]bbZSa]ZROR]\ObW]\eWZZPS[ORSb]DWbO[W\/\USZaO\RbVSW` =^S`ObW]\ ^`]U`O[b]SZW[W\ObSdWbO[W\/RS¿QWS\QgW\bVSe]`ZRPgbVSgSO` † EMPOWERING EXTRAORDINARY HEALTH® These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. BN_Apr10_batch print.indd 3 2/24/10 12:32 PM Advertisement Can you imagine developing a complex which actually addresses the core reason why we gain weight? Leading scientists have made what we believe may be one of the greatest discoveries of our time. They discovered a unique complex of natural fibers that can have a positive impact on something that affects most people – blood sugar levels. These researchers learned that many overweight individuals suffer from blood sugar levels that rapidly rise and fall throughout the day. When blood sugar drops rapidly, your brain sends out powerful messages to eat resulting in food cravings that are almost impossible to ignore. Why? The brain regulates two primary functions every minute; oxygen and blood sugar. When levels of either drop too quickly, your brain senses danger and reacts. With blood sugar – the brain tells your body that you need to eat. Why PGX Works Unlike many “diet” products that try to suppress appetite – PGX corrects appetite by addressing one of the core reasons behind unhealthy food cravings; blood sugar levels. PGX is taken with each meal and slows the digestion of food which supports healthy blood sugar levels already in normal range.* This slowed digestion further helps reduce food cravings by keeping you full for a AW_batch print.indd 2 longer period of time. For more information visit www.pgx.com. Aside from slowing digestion, PGX expands quickly and gently in your stomach when taken with water. This expansion creates more volume in your stomach, which allows you to eat smaller meal portions. Will change your life TM How?... • Supports healthy weight loss* • Reduces food cravings* • Supports healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels already within the normal range* • Lowers the glycemic index of meals* • Safe and stimulant free 3/18/10 9:34 AM Advertisement The key to effective weight loss is calorie reduction – 500 calories less a day will help you lose 1 pound every week. PGX can help you accomplish your goals by allowing you to eat smaller portions, keeping you full for longer and by reducing unhealthy food cravings. Unlike many “diet” products that try to suppress appetite – PGX corrects appetite PGX is Safe While many people are looking to lose weight, they do not want to risk their health. PGX is comprised of naturally occurring fibers and has been scientifically shown to be completely safe and stimulant free. pgx.com For more information contact the PGX support center at 1-800-895-1470 or email [email protected] * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The beneficial effects of PGX will be greatly enhanced by a healthy diet and exercise. , PGX Daily® , PolyGlycopleX® , and the unique two-toned PGX Daily Ultra Matrix Softgel CapsuleTM are trademarks of InovoBiologic Inc. AW_batch print.indd 3 patent pending. 3/18/10 9:34 AM contents E A R LY S U M M E R 2 0 1 0 FEATURE ARTICLES women’s health FIGHT HORMONAL IMBALANCE AND STAY STRONG AT ANY AGE SOLVING THE FOOD-STRESS SYNDROME In day-to-day life, we continually influence our insulin and cortisol levels by what we eat, and our choices drive hormones into or out of balance. “Our hormones are like an orchestra,” says Alicia Stanton, MD, an ob/gyn and specialist in hormone balance and wellness in Glastonbury, CT. “They don’t work in isolation.” Most often, explains Stanton, imbalance begins this way: In the normal course of life, carbohydrates in our food are converted to fuel in the form of glucose, or blood sugar. Insulin is then secreted to deliver the glucose to cells. When we eat too many refined carbohydrates, blood-sugar levels spike. Insulin then works overtime to deliver the fuel to our cells, and blood-sugar levels crash to below-normal levels. The result is a sudden drop in energy after a “high” from a sugary or starchy treat. The crash portion of the cycle produces physical stress. In response, our bodies produce excess cortisol, the stress hormone. Life stress also increases cortisol production, but its effects are magnified by dietary stress. Elevated cortisol levels can cause sleep and energy problems, but they also disrupt other hormones. Cortisol, progesterone, and testosterone share the same building blocks. When too many of these building blocks are diverted to produce the stress hormone, it can deplete progesterone, creating an imbalance with estrogen, and this leads to or aggravates PMS and menopausal symptoms. 10 easŋ things ŋou can do: BY VERA TWEED You can virtually eliminate the dietary trigger of physical stress and hormonal disruption by using food to keep blood-sugar levels stable. Traditionally, hormone imbalance has been associated with PMS or menopause, but times have changed. Hormones are being disrupted by factors such as refined foods and environmental toxins, in addition to natural fluctuations, and symptoms can manifest in subtle to debilitating degrees. Among women (and even men!), signs of hormonal imbalance often include one or more of these experiences: “I don’t feel like myself.” “I can’t get a good night’s sleep.” “I’m eating less and still gaining weight.” “I’ve lost my get up and go; I guess I’m getting old.” And while estrogen and testosterone levels naturally change with age, lifestyle plays a strong role. 1 Start the day with a breakfast that includes lean protein. 2 3 Eat small meals every 3 hours or so. Throughout the day, avoid starchy and sugary foods and beverages sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners. 4 Eat lean protein and vegetables at every meal. 5 amazing wellness sugar, or water. Take a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement plus antioxidants to support healthy metabolism. 8 9 60 DEPARTMENTS If you drink regular or diet soda, switch to herbal tea, organic sodas that are naturally low in calories and 6 7 For snacks, choose vegetables or high-fiber fruits (apples, pears and berries work well) and a small handful of nuts in place of starchy foods. AMAZING NEWS: 10 Exercise regularly and pick activities that reduce your stress levels. Get enough sleep and establish a regular bedtime routine. 10 Control stress in life. Give yourself a break to relax, if just for a few minutes, each day. amazing wellness early summer 2010 early summer 2010 61 INSIDE SCOOP: 14 60 WOMEN’S HEALTH A well-stocked first-aid kit should include arnica. Keys to hormone balance, plus 7 natural health secrets. NATURAL RX: 20 4 ways to detox. men’s health GIVE YOURSELF A FIGHTING CHANCE AGAINST COMMON HEALTH THREATS. BY MARK STENGLER, ND Men have their own health challenges as they age. Fortunately, there are natural approaches, including supplements, that can prevent or treat the most common ailments. Read on to discover what men should be using for these frequently experienced health conditions. HEART ATTACK AND STROKE For many of my male patients, I recommend following the general dietary guidelines of a Mediterranean diet for heart attack and stroke prevention. This includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins such as fish, olive oil, moderate intake of whole grains, and red wine or grape juice. In addition, the following supplements are recommended to naturally thin the blood and reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system (check with your doctor before using if you are on blood-thinning medications): fish oil (1,000– 2,000 mg of EPA and DHA combined); mixed tocopherol vitamin E (200–400 IU); nattokinase (2,000 fibrinolytic units daily on an empty stomach); and B complex (100 mg). Also, maintaining healthy blood pressure is critical to preventing cardiovascular disease. A diet rich in fruits and 1 REMEDY 3 WAYS: 24 vegetables is a must for good potassium levels. Regular exercise and stress reduction must also be part of the program to reduce weight and pressure inside blood vessel walls. Supplements are effective for this condition. CoQ10, at a dose of 300 mg daily, is recommended. In one study, 109 patients with essential hypertension were given an average of 225 mg of CoQ10 in addition to their existing drug regimen. Participants had significantly improved systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and 51 percent of patients were able to discontinue up to three antihypertensive drugs an average of 4.4 months after starting CoQ10. I also recommend hawthorn extract (600 mg) for strengthening heart muscle tissue and vessels, and magnesium glycinate or taurate (200–300 mg) twice a day to relax blood vessels. Enzymes can work for you in more ways than one. easŋ things ŋou can do... GUEST SPOT: 28 Lifestyle habits have an enormous impact on overall health. These basic strategies can help you face down future health problems. 1 Supplement essentials for pets. Include lean protein in your diet such as wild salmon. 2 3 Get regular exercise. Aim for four days a week. INSIDE OUT: 32 Supplements not only protect against diet deficiencies, but research shows certain supplements work to prevent disease and alleviate existing conditions. Protection from UV rays, plus mineral make-up for a sun-kissed glow. aspirin: not always the answer Millions of men in the United States take aspirin with the belief that this drug will help prevent a heart attack or stroke by acting as a blood thinner. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reports that up to 60 percent of users are aspirin-resistant. This means that aspirin does not have a blood-thinning effect for these individuals. Instead, they are prone to side effects, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, dyspepsia (pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen), and ulcers from long-term aspirin use. One study in Ophthalmology found prolonged aspirin use could NATURAL GLOW: 38 increase risk of eye cataracts by 55 percent. 68 amazing wellness 69 early summer 2010 68 MEN’S HEALTH FIT & HEALTHY: 44 Tackling the most common conditions men face head-on. plus Spa-inspired treats for hands and feet. Fitness trainer Pete Cerqua tells how to tone up in just 90 seconds a day. HEALING KITCHEN: 50 74 A HISTORY OF HOMEOPATHY (Part 3 of our 3-part series) The evolution of homeopathic medicine, and today’s most popular remedies. Cookbook authors and celebrity dietitians reveal what they eat every day. FOOD + FUNCTION: 56 Get the facts about flax. CHECK IT OUT: 76 See what’s hot at The Vitamin Shoppe right now. 4 amazing wellness AW TOCBMCK.indd 4 early summer 2010 3/30/10 5:04 PM ADVERTISEMENT resveratrol AS SEEN ON 60 MINUTES ANTI-AGING ESSENTIALS 250 Prostate Menopause Resveratroll 250 25 2 50 mg 5 Prostate Advantage Menopause nopausee A Advantage Advantag Perfect for individuals in their 30s and early 40s, Resveratrol 250 provides the antioxidant protection of 1,000 glasses of red wine per serving. This optimized potency activates the SIRT1 ‘longevity gene’ and improves cardiovascular function. The clinically recommended dosage as seen on 60 Minutes, this formula serves as the ultimate defense against the environmental and age-related factors that contribute to premature aging.* Scientifically formulated for men, Prostate Advantage supplies a powerful combination of ingredients specially selected for their effects on prostate health. Essential ingredients, such as saw palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol, promote optimal male vitality and healthy prostate function. This bioavailable formula also contains Resveratol to build cellular strength. Menopause Advantage offers a specialized formula that combines two powerful ingredients, dong-quai and Resveratrol, to support a more youthful structure while calming your body as it copes with changes. Infused with GeniVIDA genistein, Menopause Advantage provides relief for menopausal symptoms and aids in the reduction of hot flashes. DR. LAFFORGUE SPEAKS ABOUT RESVERATROL Dr. Eric Lafforgue is a leading French MD, as well as co-founder and developer of the Reserveage Organics formulations and product line. We have asked him to answer commonly asked questions abou about the Reserveage brand. is Resveratrol and Q What Why Should I Take it? A Resveratrol, a polyphenol found in the seeds, skins and stems of red wine grapes, has been clinically proven in university studies to be the element in red wine that increases cellular productivity and longevity by activating the SIRT1 ‘longevity gene,’ a gene that deactivates in your early 20s. Resveratrol is a safe, natural way to add healthy years to your life, allowing you to enjoy all of the health benefits of red wine without the adverse effects of alcohol.* Q Why Organic? A Resveratrol is naturally produced by grapes in response to harsher environments that pose threats such as pathogens and pests. Non-organic grapes are protected from these through the use of chemical pesticides, ticides, hich have synthetic fertilizers and herbicides, all of which harmful long-term effects on the crops and the environment. Due to the natural methods used for growing and harvesting organic grapes, they have much higher levels bility of the of Resveratrol while promoting the sustainability environment. Reserveage serves as the onlyy ResveratrolResveratro olngredients.* based product line to use certified organic ingredients.* * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/10/10 3:41 PM What’s Not To Love? AMAZING wellness ™ We asked our staff: What is your favorite women’s/ men’s health supplement? Here’s what they said: Editorial Director Nicole Brechka Indole-3-carbinol really helps with my PMS symptoms. Design Director Bill McKenney I take Country Life Omega-3 Fish Body Oils for overall health. Editor and Copy Chief Ayn Nix Omega-3-,-6, and -9s—I like Barlean’s Omega Swirl. Contributing Editor Vera Tweed Magnesium. Production Director Cynthia Lyons You can never go wrong with a good multivitamin. Production Assistant Mark Stokes 100% Whole Food For Life sMegaFood One Daily 0ROVIDES0URE7HOLE&OOD .UTRIENTS!S.ATURE)NTENDED sFarm Fresh AND2AW7HOLE &OODS$ELIVER,IFE%NHANCING 0HYTONUTRIENTS%NZYMES sTested FreeOF0ESTICIDES (ERBICIDES'LUTEN$AIRY3OY sEasy-to-DigestANDFULL OFVITALNOURISHMENTYOUWILL LOVETHEMegaFoodDIFFERENCE s100% Money Back Guarantee! Hero Nutritionals Slice Of Life Adult Multi—it tastes like candy. HEALTHY LIVING GROUP BUSINESS & EDITORIAL OFFICES 300 N. Continental Blvd., Ste. 650 El Segundo, CA 90245 Group Publisher Joanna Shirk 303-995-9383 East Coast Advertising Manager Bernadette Higgins 561-362-3955 West Coast & Mountain Advertising Manager Cindy Schofield 310-456-5997 National Retail Director Lisa Kurdziolek 812-278-9648 My favorite women’s supplement is silicon (I use BioSil) for hair, skin, and nails. Retail Development and Custom marketing John Potter I like Solgar Male Multiple. It is specifically formulated to have the right combination of vitamins, herbs, and minerals. West Coast Sales Manager Brett Picholo Vice President Custom Publishing Susan McNamee 303-641-2244 My favorite supplement is a liquid calcium-magnesium blend. It supports my bones (I do a lot of running) and the liquid is more absorbable. And it tastes really good! Advertising Coordinator Cynthia Smith 310-356-2272 [email protected] lovemegafood.com 800-848-2542 Chairman & CEO Efrem Zimbalist III Group Publisher & COO Andrew W. Clurman Senior VP & CFO Brian Sellstrom General Manager Patricia B. Fox Research Director Kristy Kaus printed on recycled paper. 6 amazing wellness AW MAST BMCK.indd 6 early summer 2010 3/30/10 2:54 PM The Beauty of ® Authentic BioSil Advanced Collagen Generator tReduces fine lines and wrinkles tThickens and strengthens hair tFortifies nails tPromotes healthy bones tClinically proven and patented †* † † † The Only Choline-Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid Complex ©2009 Bio Minerals NV. Manufactured by Bio Minerals NV, Belgium. Packaged and distributed by : Natural Factors. ch-OSA and BioSil are registered trademarks of Bio Minerals NV and THECH/3!LOGOISATRADEMARKOF"IO-INERALS.6sWWW"IO3IL53!COM † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. *Based upon clinical testing on the forearm and forehead AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 11/20/09 11:32 AM The Best Seat In The House One Size Does Not Fit All I recently ran across a statement that struck me: “Women are not small men,” as we’ve sometimes been regarded in the traditional health care system. For example, much drug testing has included only male subjects, cts, but the results have been applied to women as well. ll Things Thi are changing, h i as we discover women have special needs due to biological and hormonal differences, including propensities toward different diseases that mandate different approaches to care. It follows that more attention is being focused on men’s unique health needs as well. Much of the differences, it seems, are related to hormones. For example, men are more prone to belly fat, a risk factor for heart disease, largely because of changes in testosterone and estrogen balance in middle age, while in women, estrogen provides some protection for the heart until menopause. An eye-opening statistic I was reminded of in this month’s feature on women’s health is that half of women in this country die of heart disease and stroke. After menopause, their risk is the same as that of men. Bones also become more brittle with age in women as protective hormones decrease. Low levels of testosterone in men can cause ED and other problems, while excess testosterone in women can lead to polycystic ovary syndrome and problems with fertility. It’s no surprise, then, that one size does not fit all when it comes to supplement plans. In this issue, you’ll find specific recommendations for common conditions experienced by men and women. There has been much research in alternative health in recent years that takes our differences into account, with very promising results. You’ll find that no matter what your age or stage in life, or whatever unique challenges you face, it’s possible to enjoy amazing wellness. Colon Cleanse & Super Colon Cleanse Get the relief that you’ve been waiting for with Colon Cleanse! Fiber and herbs provide safe and effective cleansing to promote Ayn Ayn Nix Editor Please email me directly at [email protected]. regularity and prevent constipation. ® Find out why our toilets are golden at: www.facebook.com/pages/Health-Plus-Incs-Colon-Cleanse/59324027029 8 amazing wellness AW ED NOTE BMCK.indd 8 AMAZING WELLNESS. Vol. 2, No. 3. Published periodically by Active Interest Media, Inc. 300 N. Continental Blvd., Ste. 650, El Segundo, CA 90245; 310-356-4100; fax 310-356-4110. ©2010 Active Interest Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to AMAZING WELLNESS are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all advertising content and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in AMAZING WELLNESS may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. The information in this magazine is provided to you for educational purposes under Section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and is not intended as medical advice. To obtain more in-depth information, contact your health care professional or other reliable resources. early summer 2010 3/29/10 12:12 PM AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 11/16/09 4:26 PM amazing news H E A LT H R E S E A R C H U P D AT E S Happiness Is Heart Medicine Being happy significantly reduces the chances of developing heart disease, according to the first study of its kind, published in the European Heart Journal. Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center in New York tracked more than 1,700 men and women for ten years and found that those who were generally enthusiastic, contented, or frequently experienced joy developed significantly fewer heart problems, and risk decreased in proportion to greater happiness. Temporary bad moods or periods of anxiety didn’t increase risk. Lead researcher Karina Davidson, PhD, recommends enjoying some pleasurable activities daily, like listening to music, even if only for 15 minutes. Açai Power In a study presented at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, the antioxidant-rich açai berry from the Amazon reduced cholesterol and fasting blood sugar levels, lowering risk for heart problems, diabetes, and stroke. Researchers gave ten overweight, healthy men and women 100 g of Sambazon frozen açai pulp twice daily for 30 days. The pulp is available in a variety of ready-to-eat flavors and can also be incorporated into different dishes. • Use açai pulp as a base for sauces. • Add it to salad dressings. • Combine with other fruit in smoothies. • Mix with carob powder or non-fat yogurt and honey for dessert. Flex Time Is Good for You If you’d like your employer to offer flexible working hours, here’s a good reason: Flexible schedules improve employees’ blood pressure, sleep patterns, and mental well-being, according to a scientific review by The Cochrane Collaboration, a Britishbased non-profit organization. Researchers based their conclusion on ten studies that involved more than 16,000 people. 10 amazing wellness AMAZING NEWS BMCK.indd 10 For recipes, visit sambazon.com/recipes. Açai is also available in sorbets, juices, and capsules, and as freezedried powder. Did You Know? The United States could save $5 billion per year on health-care costs by tightening regulation of toxins in our food and environment. Source: SaferChemicals.org early summer 2010 3/30/10 3:20 PM A FRESH IDEA Looking for a fresh idea? Take a look at our new Omega-3 Cardio Krill Oil™. To help maximize freshness and minimize impact on the krill population and surrounding ecosystem the Superba brand Pure Krill Oil we use is manufactured using a sustainable method of fishing called Eco-Harvesting™. Working only with fisheries that employ sustainable harvesting practices, this method utilizes a specially designed system that brings live, fresh krill directly onboard the specially equipped boat, where processing begins — not weeks later when the ship returns to port. This is important because krill have very powerful digestive enzymes that can degrade the quality of the oil. • 625 mg Krill Oil per softgel, more than other products on the market • Heart-healthy B-vitamins* • Phospholipid form of EPA and DHA is more bioavailable than traditional fish oil • Superior quality Eco-Harvesting™ methods used Eco-Harvesting helps prevent degradation by these enzymes and helps preserve the important nutrients. The unique Eco-Harvesting system also contains a special mechanism that picks out any unwanted marine catch and releases it back into the water unharmed, helping to maintain the ecosystem. Learn more: search for “Krill” on Twinlab.com © 2010 ISI Brands Inc. All Rights Reserved. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/23/10 2:54 PM amazing news Bilberry Fights Type 2 Diabetes Remedies at your Fingertips You have a scratchy throat. Should you take zinc or Echinacea, or is it mega doses of C? Just grab your iPhone and access your Natural Cures app, where you can pull up natural treatments for health conditions from A to Z. Developed by world-renowned integrative physician, researcher, and bestselling author Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, with his wife, nutritionist Laurie Teitelbaum, Natural Cures gives you a wealth of information, anytime, anywhere. And it’s free. Go to www.vitality101.com for more information. REPORT: AdvaCAL Tops Among 32 Calcium Studies. A December 2009 report in the journal Osteoporosis International revealed that women taking AdvaCAL calcium had the highest bone density increase among 32 different calcium clinical studies conducted between 1977 and 2008. The 32 studies involved 3,169 postmenopausal women, 79 skeletal measures and 7 different types of calcium. The average bone density increase among AdvaCAL users was +1.5% per year, +3.3% per year compared to a placebo. Bilberry has traditionally been taken for healthy sight, but it may also help type 2 diabetics and people at risk for the disease. In an animal study published in The Journal of Nutrition, bilberry extract reduced levels of blood sugar and improved insulin sensitivity, a mechanism that malfunctions during development of type 2 diabetes. Researchers concluded that the herbal extract can help to both prevent and treat the condition. FREE APP Now the #1 Bone NEW AdvaCAL® 1000 NEW AdvaCAL® Ultra 1000 with 1000 mg of AdvaCAL Calcium and 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily. Source: Nordin B.E.C. “The Effect of Calcium Supplementation on Bone Loss in 32 Controlled Trials in Postmenopausal Women” Osteoporosis International (2009) 20:2135-2143 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. VS-AD110 AMAZING NEWS BMCK.indd 12 3/30/10 3:21 PM H E A LT H R E S E A R C H U P D AT E S Supplements for a Healthy Smile In addition to flossing and brushing for 2 to 3 minutes at least twice daily, and eating plenty of raw, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, Kevin Boehm, DDS, from ChicagoHealers.com, recommends these supplements for good dental health: vitamin C, vitamin E, and CoQ10. All contain antioxidants that keep your gums (and heart) in shape. Fish oil can also help. A Japanese study of 55 people found that those with low levels of DHA, one of the key omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, were 50 percent more likely to have gum disease than those with higher levels. Participants in the study, published in Nutrition, were, on average, 74 years old. Probiotics for Pregnancy Taking probiotic supplements from the first trimester of pregnancy onward proved safe and reduced risk of gestational diabetes by 20 percent, in a study of more than 250 pregnant women published in the British Journal of Nutrition. Gestational diabetes increases risk for diabetes in both mother and child, and increases the odds that the child will become obese. -Building Calcium Is Even Stronger. www.StopOsteo.com MANUFACTURER’S COUPON EXPIRES 06/30/10 2 $ 00 Off Any 1 Bottle of AdvaCAL Consumer: Redeemable only at Vitamin Shoppe Retail Store Locations. Consumers are limited to one coupon per purchase. May not be combined with any other coupon offer. Retailer: LaneLabs - USA, Inc. will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon for coupons redeemed in accordance with this offer. Send all coupons to: LaneLabs - USA, Inc., ISC Dept, 3 North Street, Waldwick, NJ 07463. EXPIRES: 06/30/10 Limit one coupon per customer. Adequate calcium with vitamin D as part of a healthful diet throughout life, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life. AMAZING NEWS BMCK.indd 13 © 2010 LANELABS - USA 3/29/10 11:06 AM inside scoop HOMEOPATHIC HEALER No first-aid kit should be without it. Arnica is a tried-and-true stand-by for bumps, bruises, sprains and strains 14 BY VERA TWEED ILLUSTRATION BY YUNMEE KYONG amazing wellness early summer 2010 AW SCOOP BMCK.indd 14 Consider it nature’s emergency room medicine. For more than 500 years, Native Americans and Europeans have used arnica to treat trauma and injury, and to reduce bruising, swelling, inflammation and pain. Today, arnica is a popular remedy for people of all ages to aid in recovery from sprains, broken bones, minor accidents, surgery, sports-related injuries, rheumatic pain, soreness from physical exertion, insect bites, and other trauma. 3/29/10 4:18 PM What makes Medizym ® one of the best overall systemic enzyme formulas? 7ITHOVERYEARSEXPERIENCE .ATURALLY6ITAMINSUSESINGREDIENTS FROMTHEPURESTSOURCES-EDIZYM TABLETSAREPUREANDPOTENTMADE .ATURALLY6ITAMINSA-ARLYN.UTRACEUTICALS)NCCOMPANY-EDIZYMISAREGISTEREDTRADEMARKOF-ARLYN.UTRACEUTICALS)NC WITHOUTSOLVENTSORADDEDSTARCH -EDIZYMHELPS PROMOTE (EALTHY*OINTS .ORMALIZED )N¾AMMATION )MMUNE WELLNESS (EARTAND CIRCULATORY HEALTH !LSOAVAILABLE-EDIZYM6VEGETARIANFORMULA 4OLEARNMOREABOUT.ATURALLY6ITAMINS´C[Z_poc"® VISITmmm$C[Z_poc$Yec ® 4HESESTATEMENTSHAVENOTBEENEVALUATEDBYTHE&OODAND$RUG!DMINISTRATION 4HISPRODUCTISNOTINTENDEDTODIAGNOSETREATCUREORPREVENTANYDISEASE AW_batch print.indd 6 .ATURALLY6ITAMINS 2/5/10 1:27 PM inside scoop Scientific studies have tested some specific uses, with results published in British and French homeopathic journals and in scientific publications such as Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. For example: • A study of 190 people who had their tonsils removed found that homeopathic pellets of arnica (Arnica 30c), taken for 8 days after surgery, improved recovery. • A study of 59 people whose teeth were surgically extracted found that the same dosage of arnica reduced pain. • Among people who underwent surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, a combination of oral and topical arnica for two weeks resulted in less pain. • People with osteoarthritis in the knee experienced symptom improvement after applying arnica gel twice daily. Prescribed by Homeopaths Arnica is a first-line treatment for bruising, or if the affected area is aggravated by heat, touch, or motion. It may also be also used to relieve H O M E O PAT H I C H E A L E R arthritis or fibromyalgia. Athletes use arnica gels or massage oils, and sometimes homeopathic oral forms, before and after sports events or demanding workouts. Medically trained homeopaths also treat patients with arnica immediately after a concussion, a more minor head injury, or a stroke. And they include it in post-stroke treatment. (Arnica is not a substitute for medical treatment.) Arnica in Formulas A review of six studies with a total of more than 700 participants, published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, examined recovery from surgeries that impair bowel function, such as abdominal surgeries. A combination homeopathic formula that included arnica speeded recovery of bowel function, on average, by more than 7 hours. Other studies have found that formulas containing arnica speeded recovery from a dry cough, improved recovery from sprained ankles among athletes, and shortened duration of labor and reduced difficulties during childbirth. aw GOOD BUYS Just a thin layer of Boiron Arnicare Gel relieves pain from bruises, stiffness, muscle soreness, and trauma. Heel (BHI) Traumeel Ointment has been proven safe and effective for sports injuries, sprains, strains, and bruises. HOW TO USE ARNICA Orally, take homeopathic arnica as soon as possible after any injury to relieve emotional and physical symptoms. Topically, apply arnica on bruised, swollen or inflamed areas (not directly to open wounds). In addition, British homeopath Linda Lloyd recommends taking arnica in these situations: • The night before minor surgery and for a few days afterward, or for three days before and after major surgery (orally), to speed recovery Boericke & Tafel Arniflora delivers pain from muscle soreness and joint pain without staining clothes. • After gardening or other physical activity (orally and topically) to relieve stiffness or backache • To soothe chapped lips, irritated nostrils, or acne (topically) • Before and after any stressful dental work (orally) • After childbirth to relieve soreness and hemorrhoids (orally) Homeopathic arnica is available in pellets, tablets, and strips that dissolve in the mouth. Topical arnica is available in gels, lotions, massage oils, ointments, creams, and sprays. Look for individual arnica products or formulas designed for individual needs, for adults or children. 16 amazing wellness AW SCOOP BMCK.indd 16 Hyland’s Arnica Montana 30x offers 100% natural pain relief in tablets that dissolve quickly in the mouth. early summer 2010 3/30/10 3:54 PM STRENGTH STAMINA RECOVERY 42% more endurance† †The RobertUniverse 36-week Elite Strength Athlete Study After 20 years of research and multiple studies measuring the effect of Udo’s Oil™ on athletic performance, we know the human body, like most machines, needs oil to run its best. Athletes around the world are experiencing greater strength, improved stamina, and faster recovery using Udo’s Oil.* Now it’s your turn. oilthemachine.com | 888-436-6697 ORGANIC SUSTAINABLE VEGETARIAN * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/16/10 2:54 PM 29 Million People Know this Secret Healthy Inflammation and Joint Support† It’s a brand new, 40-year-old answer for temporary relief from aches, pains and muscle soreness caused by life’s little everyday activities† No matter what your age is, your body likes to argue with you. A 37-year old mother of two young children feels it at the end of a long day. A 22-year-old workout warrior feels it after a sweat-inducing body-pump class. A 68-year-old retired teacher taking a daily stroll along the beach feels it. We tend to think of the muscle soreness and bodily fatigue as commonplace events that are somehow normal. Since the pain is minor, we begin to accept it. Little thought is given to what our bodies are actually telling us. When life’s daily routine prompts us to say, “I’m sore” or “That hurts,” the most common response is to do nothing, to suck it up and just deal with the everyday aches, pains and muscle soreness. What is needed—and what many people are asking for—is a natural-based alternative for the temporary relief of the common aches, pains and muscle soreness that are a daily part of life.† Now for the shocking part. What if we told you that there’s a way to get temporary relief from your everyday aches and pains?† Furthermore, what if we told you that this resource has been around for 40 years, has been clinically studied on thousands of people, and that millions have used it safely with great results?† Intrigued? Then read further to learn the story behind an exciting supplement known as Wobenzym® N. SURPRISE! Some Inflammation Is Normal Whenever the muscles are overworked—or the joints ache from excessive activity— the body mounts an energetic defense, sending cells and natural chemicals to support the body tissues. Without inflammation, exercise-related muscle aches would never feel better, which explains why inflammation is a normal—even healthy—process. It is just what your body does . . . naturally. So where do the everyday activity-related aches and pains, the lack of flexibility and mobility, and the exercise-related muscle soreness come from? † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AW_batch print.indd 2 3/16/10 1:36 PM One answer is that our bodies can do only so much on their own. We know that normal inflammation response is one of the millions of metabolic processes that go on every second of every day. We also know that the more strain we put on muscles and joints, the harder our bodies have to work to bounce back. The result can be minor The process by which they support the body’s natural inflammation aches and pains, along with less-than-optimal mobility or flexibility response is more complex, however.† What is important to remember common to many of us. is that when it comes to inflammation, you want a balanced In order to fully comprehend healthy inflammation, it helps to response.† There are certain proteins in the body that stimulate and understand the relationship between enzymes and human health. To others that repress inflammation. Under normal circumstances, state things in a nutshell, enzymes are life. Almost every metabolic your body balances the two. The systemic enzymes in Wobenzym process in the body is governed by enzymes. They are the catalyst for N support that balancing process, assisting normal inflammation every chemical reaction in the body. Where inflammation is concerned, response.† That, in turn, leads to temporary relief from everyday enzymes are the starting point of the body’s normal inflammation activity-related aches and pains, a benefit that is sought after by response. millions of people every day.† As we age, or due to diet and lifestyle, our bodies’ ability to produce Of course, making sure that the enzymes get where they need the enzymes necessary for everyday function decreases. Logically, as to go is just as important. Enzymes are notoriously fragile, and if enzyme production decreases, our bodies find it harder to adequately you can’t protect them before they can be used by the body, they perform all of the metabolic processes necessary. lose their value quickly. That is why Wobenzym N tablets are enteric An easy way to think of it is like this. Your body has a finite ability to coated to ensure that the enzymes are protected and are not broken produce the enzymes necessary to perform all its functions—a pool down in the stomach. This allows the enzymes to reach the small of enzymes, if you will. If, for any reason, your body slows down the intestine, where absorption occurs and the enzymes start to be production of those enzymes—if your enzyme pool is decreased— accessed by the body. then some processes in the body will suffer. Research Backs Up One of those processes is, of course, the Wobenzym® N While many normal inflammation response. Wobenzym N has been validated by clinical automatically think The Far-Reaching Benefits of studies and use by millions upon millions of of inflammation as a ecstatic consumers worldwide over the last Wobenzym® N† Wobenzym® N is a unique blend of systemic four decades.† bad thing, that’s not enzymes that provides temporary relief from The exact formulation found in Wobenzym necessarily true. aches, pain and muscle soreness due to N has been featured in six human clinical everyday activity, supports the body’s natural studies with 2,489 patients studied. That is a inflammation response, and leads to increased flexibility and mobility staggering number for a product in the Natural Products Industry, and supports overall joint and tendon health as well.† especially for an enzyme formula. When you read that Wobenzym Enzymes are fascinating essential biological catalysts that are N provides temporary relief from everyday aches, pains and muscle involved in almost every single process in the body. It’s difficult to soreness due to everyday activity, increased flexibility and mobility, fathom how important they are, but consider this: thousands of and promotes a normal inflammation response and supports joint enzymes initiate millions of chemical reactions and tendon health, you know that these results have been clinically every second in the human body. It is easy studied.† While the science that led to the creation of Wobenzym N to see why supplementing with systemic was sound theory, the theory has been backed up by the scope and enzymes can have far-reaching benefits to breadth of the clinical studies done on the Wobenzym N formulation. the human body.† As if that isn’t enough, consider this. Ever since Wobenzym N The systemic enzymes used in Wobenzym became available in Germany—and throughout Europe—back in the N were not chosen by accident. Instead, 1960s, over 29 million people have taken the product. Wobenzym N they were selected based upon years is among the most successful natural supplements ever released on of successful use, clinical studies and the European continent. scientific validation. The enzyme blend Millions of ordinary people seeking temporary relief from everyday in Wobenzym N contains the following aches, pains and muscle soreness due to everyday activity, enzymes: pancreatin, papain, bromelain, increased flexibility and mobility, and support for normal inflammation trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Each one of these response as well as joint and tendon health have found an answer in is a protease, which simply means that they Wobenzym N.† † break down proteins. AW_batch print.indd 3 3/16/10 1:37 PM natural Rx DEEP-TISSUE DETOX Four ways to power up your detox plan BY GAETANO MORELLO, ND We are bombarded by so many chemical toxins in the no. 1 FIBER environment, from pesticides, pollution, plastics, synthetic fragrances, and other sources, that our bodies simply can’t get rid of all of them efficiently. A portion of these chemicals end up being incorporated into bodily tissue, where they can stay for years—even decades. The National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (NHATS) study, conducted by the EPA to analyze the amount of toxic chemicals found in human adipose tissues, analyzed tissue samples over an 11-year period. The results were shocking. One hundred percent of all samples contained chemical toxins. They found pesticides, PCBs, furans, OCDD (dioxins found in dairy and meat products), volatile organic compounds, styrene, and xylene, among others. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to assist your body in eliminating toxins. Just by adding more fiber to your diet, you will greatly improve your body’s ability to get rid of toxins. Fiber binds to toxins and carries them out of the body. Unfortunately, most Americans consume only one-quarter to one-half of the 2002 Institute of Medicine’s recommended fiber levels of 38 grams per day for men and 25 grams per day for women. Supplementing ensures adequate intake. Fiber supplements come in capsules, tablets, powders, and mixed in protein shakes. Some to look for: psyllium husk (a soluble fiber), inulin (a prebiotic fermentable fiber), beta-glucans (an oat-soluble fiber found in the cell walls of grains). no. 2 EXERCISE Getting your blood pumping improves the movement of lymph through the lymphatic system. Exercise can stimulate the smooth muscle lining of lymph vessels and improve overall lymphatic movement, an important aspect of helping to move toxins out of cells. Exercise also helps lymph fluids circulate throughout the body, which removes toxins and other harmful materials. Additionally, exercise helps reduce overall body fat, which helps the body release stored toxins. no. 3 SAUNAS Mix 4 gm psyllium seeds fiber powder with 8 oz of water. Drink twice a day. 20 amazing wellness It is thought that saunas assist the body’s adipose tissue in releasing toxins through a process called heat depuration. Infrared saunas are often recommended for two reasons: the temperature doesn’t get as high as air saunas, and the infrared rays penetrate deeper into the skin to better target fat tissues. Try starting with 15-minute sessions, early summer 2010 NAT RX-deeptissueBMCKV2.indd 20 3/30/10 4:09 PM TOP MULTI is Natural Why your familyCalm needs something youevery should Natural Calm day Organic Life Vitamins (OLV)—the liquid that be taking daily? Organic organic aloe vera 24 organic veggies and fruits organic flavors, stevia and agave introduced is thevital multinutrient ● Magnesium to your category health. This key mineral is part of over 300 biochemical processes that take place ■ Magnesium is vital to daily health. your bodyaloe regularly—muscular ●in Organic This key mineral isvera part of over 300 contraction, monitoring of heart ratethan 200 This functional food contains more biochemical processes that take place and blood pressure, and many others. active amino acids, vitamins, inbiologically your body regularly—muscular contraction, monitoring heart rate antioxidants, minerals, of enzymes and sterols. ● and Magnesium supports heart health, It isblood an integral part and of traditional Ayurvedic pressure, many others. stress management, bone health, medicine and traditional Chinese energy medicine. OLV production and storage, women’s health, includes active organic ACTIValoe ■ Four outbiologically of five people don’t get their ®. children’s health and athletic performance. You get 4.5 g requirement of aloe vera in serving. minimum daily ofeach magnesium. ●●Four out of fiveggies ve people don’t get their 24 organic ■ minimum Calcium intake needsand to magnesium— befruits balanced daily requirement of Includes superfruits açaí, goji and with magnesium sochildren it noni, can be assimilated that includes your too. pomegranate, along with organic antioxidant and properly utilized. veggies, sprouts and fruits. ● Calcium intake needs to be balanced ■ with Toomagnesium much calcium enough sominerals that itand cannot be assimilated ●magnesium Vitaminsmay and cause calcium buildup and properly to utilized. In addition key vitamins, each serving of and result in increased and sustained stress ® mineral OLV contains 450 mg of ConcenTrace other unhealthful conditions. ● and Too much calcium and not enough complex. magnesium may cause calcium buildup ■ and Magnesium supports health, result in increased and heart sustained stress ●stress Multinutrient management, bone health, healthy asOLV wellincorporates as other unhealthful conditions. ® amino acids, MSM (OptiMSM sleep and rest, mood, energy production and ), ® chromium picolinate) and chromium (Chromax women’s men’s health and ® health, ● storage, Natural Calm is the best-selling ®). selenium (Selenium SeLECT athletic performance.* magnesium supplement for the third year in a It’s ionic,flwhich means it gets used by the ●row. Organic avors ® is the best-selling ■ body. Natural Calm It is the award-winning anti-stress drink OLV is flavored with organic raspberry and magnesium supplement fordrink over three yearsor in that your whole can hot, warm cranberry and family sweetened with organic stevia simply addionic, to agave. a water a and row.organic It’s whichbottle. means it gets used by the body. It is the award-winning anti-stress drink that you can enjoy hot, warm or cold. A new level of health! These statements have not been evaluated by thevisit Food and Drug Administration. For *more product information, www.petergillham.com This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read the latest at www.organicconnectmag.com © 2010 Peter Gillham’s Natural Vitality. All rights reserved. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AW_batch print.indd 6 GLUTEN FREE VEGETARIAN NON-GMO FUNCTIONAL FOOD FAST ABSORPTION ORGANIC FLAVORS © 2010 Peter Gillham’s Natural Vitality. All rights reserved. 3/8/10 3:48 PM natural Rx Shhhh. D E E P - T I S S U E D E T OX DID YOU KNOW? Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (found in flax and fish oil) have the ability to be incorporated into cellular membranes, improving cell function and thus assisting in detox. and be sure to stay properly hydrated. Make sure you check with your doctor before using a sauna, especially if you have high blood pressure. no. 4 CHELATION Chelation is a process in which certain agents are used to rid the body of toxic chemicals and heavy metals. The chelation molecule has the ability to make these toxins soluble in blood, allowing them to be eliminated. Most chelating agents should be used under the supervision of a physician. Some, for example, EDTA, can only be administered intravenously. DMSA, which is used for lead poisoning, and removing metals including mercury and arsenic from the body, is available as a supplement. Sulfur-containing compounds have the ability to chelate heavy metals. There are a number of naturally-occurring sulfur-containing compounds, including N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) which is important in regenerating glutathione, the body’s natural toxic metal chelator; alphalipoic acid; S-adenysyl methionine (SAMe); and glutathione (GSH). Note: When using chelating substances, consider taking a multi-mineral. Chelating not only removes toxic metals, but good minerals like zinc and magnesium. Gaetano Morello, ND, is the author of Whole Body Cleansing. aw GOOD BUYS www.historicalremedies.com 800-676-6654 Available at Vitamin Shoppes nationally or at vitaminshoppe.com Homeopathic medicines are non-habit forming and have no known side effects. 22 amazing wellness Enzymatic Therapy Whole Body Cleanse is a two-week program that includes a fiber infusion to eliminate toxins. The Vitamin Shoppe Psyllium Husks Powder mixes easily in water or juice to maintain regularity and colon health. ReNew Life Diet Start Cleanse: This 14-day program helps the body utilize fat for energy by naturally supporting blood sugar health and triggering the release of stored fat and toxins. early summer 2010 NAT RX-deeptissueBMCKV2.indd 22 3/31/10 2:14 PM THE POWER OF Science Life THE POWER OF Best Sellers! Item #01482 Item #01292 Fight Fat Four Ways with ... Integra-Lean® Irvingia Shown to promote over 20 lbs of weight loss on average in 10 weeks!1* All natural plant extract that’s been part of the West African diet for years. Supports sensitivity to leptin, the hormone that tells your brain you’ve eaten enough and promotes the breakdown of stored fat. Moderates glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity to reduce the amount of ingested starches stored as fat. Moderates alpha-amylase enzyme activity to reduce carbohydrate absorption into the bloodstream. Supports youthful levels of adiponectin to help maintain healthy insulin sensitivity. Integra-Lean® Irvingia is protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,537,790. Other patents pending. Formulated with a pure, stable, easy-to-tolerate fish oil extract. Pure+™ fish oil is purified to reduce pollutants to virtually undetectable levels and exceed standards set by international ratings agencies. Sesame lignans enhance fish oil’s in vivo effects by helping extend the stability of DHA in the body and direct fatty acids toward pathways that help with inflammatory reactions. Olive fruit extract enhances the fish oil’s effectiveness in helping with inflammation. This higher potency olive fruit extract provides the equivalent polyphenol content of 6 ounces of extra virgin olive oil to deliver hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and oleuropein polyphenols. Hydroxytyrosol is a powerful antioxidant that protects normal LDL (low-density lipoprotein) from oxidation and counters dangerous free radicals. Supportive but not conclusive evidence shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. IFOS™ certification mark is a registered trademark of Nutrasource Diagnostics, Inc. These products have been tested to the quality and purity standards of the IFOS™ program conducted at Nutrasource Diagnostics, Inc. *This supplement should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Results may vary. Reference: 1. Lipids Health Dis. 2009 Mar 2;8:7. Caution: If you are taking anti-coagulant or anti-platelet medications, or have a bleeding disorder, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product. 423.68E 0510 Life Extension® offers these and other innovative nutraceuticals: Promote Heart Health with ... Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA with Sesame Lignans & Olive Fruit Extract These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Buy these breakthrough products at Vitamin Shoppe stores nationwide. For more information call 1-800-544-4440 or visit www.LifeExtension.com Mention Code: AVE005A AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/16/10 8:56 AM 1 remedy 3 ways ENZYMES: 3 BIG BENEFITS BY VERA TWEED From easing indigestion to post-workout muscle repair, enzymes have wide-reaching effects on overall health “They changed my life.” That’s what patients often tell Ellen Cutler, DC, after taking enzyme supplements. Why such dramatic results? “Enzymes are essential to life,” says Cutler, author of Micromiracles: Discover the Healing Power of Enzymes.“Even if you eat good food,” she says, “if you don’t digest it properly, it can seep from the small intestine into the bloodstream, and the immune system reacts.” Fatigue, digestive discomfort, weight gain, joint pain, depression, and migraines are just some of the possible results. 1. Digestion Enzymes are, by definition, catalysts which enable molecules to be changed from one form into another. Digestive enzymes enable food to be broken down into nutrients in our bodies, to produce energy, and repair and maintain our physical structure and function. In nature, raw fruits and vegetables contain enzymes necessary for their digestion. For example, a raw apple theoretically contains the enzymes our bodies need to utilize its nutrients, but if the apple is grown in nutrient-depleted soil, its enzyme content will be below par. And, if the fruit becomes apple pie or pasteurized juice, its enzymes are destroyed by heat. Our bodies also produce digestive enzymes. However, says Cutler, “If we don’t eat a predominantly raw food diet and don’t chew well, we don’t get enzymes from food and our bodies can’t produce enough.” Signs of enzyme deficiency include heartburn, gas, bloating, thyroid problems, and constipation or diarrhea. Each type of food, such as proteins, sugars, starches and fats, requires a specific type of enzyme, so it’s best to get a formula that covers all the bases. DOSAGES: ADULTS For optimum digestion of food and nutritional supplements: Take plant-based digestive enzymes no more than 10 minutes before each meal or with your first bite. Choose a high-quality formula that contains a wide range of enzymes. For pain, inflammation or any autoimmune condition: In addition to digestive enzymes with meals, take a protease supplement between meals. Anyone with ulcers should consult a physician before taking between-meal protease supplements. CHILDREN For health maintenance: Take a digestive enzyme formula with two meals each day. 24 amazing wellness 1remedy BMCK2.indd 24 early summer 2010 3/31/10 2:41 PM *THIS STATEMENT HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. *THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASES. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 Consumer: Coupon good only in USA. Not valid on trial sizes. Void if copied, transferred, prohibited or regulated. Retailer: We will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 8 cents handling provided you and the consumer have complied with the terms of this offer. Invoices proving purchase of sufficient stock to cover presented coupons must be shown on request. Any other application may constitute fraud. Coupon void where prohibited, taxed or restricted. Consumer must pay any sales tax. Cash value 1/20 cent. Reproduction of this coupon is expressly prohibited. Mail to: Enzymatic Therapy, CMS Dept. #20065, One Fawcett Drive, Del Rio, TX 78840 10ETR0142 * Proven Relief! 70% reduction in menopause and perimenopause symptoms * Hot Flashes* Night Sweats* Lack of Energy* Irritability* Mood Swings* Occasional Sleeplessness* Hormone-Free OB/GYN recommended remifemin.com Manufacturer’s Coupon Exp. Date 10/31/10 $ 00 2Remifemin Off ® Remifemin Good Night® (120ct) or (21ct) COUPON VALID IN RETAIL STORES ONLY 3/29/10 12:30 PM 1 remedy 3 ways ENZYMES: 3 BIG BENEFITS TYPES OF ENZYMES 2. Inflammation and Pain A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 30 people with chronic neck pain found that use of a proteolytic enzyme mixture reduced pain symptoms. Studies comparing proteolytic enzymes to the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac for osteoarthritis pain of the shoulder, back, or knee found equivalent benefits. In studies of lactating women, they reduced the pain of breast engorgement. Protease, which enables efficient protein digestion, can be used as a separate supplement to alleviate autoimmune and inflammatory conditions and pain. Customized enzyme therapy is used to treat many pain-related conditons, even cancer. 3. Muscle Repair The bromelain enzyme speeds muscle repair by actually “digesting” damaged tissue. When you overwork a muscle enough to cause pain, strands of muscle fiber detach from the muscle. These “waste products” cause muscle aches. Bromelain eliminates these bits of muscle, speeding recovery from soreness, stiffness, and bruising. In a study of 146 boxers, half of the athletes took bromelain four times a day, while half took a placebo. In 58 of the boxers who took bromelain, all bruising disappeared in four days. In the placebo group, only 10 healed completely in four days. ENZYME HELPS YOU DIGEST AND UTILIZE Alpha-galactosidase Carbohydrates (in legumes that cause flatulence) Amylase Starches Bromelain Protein Cellulase Cellulose (fiber) in fruits, vegetables, grains and seeds Glucoamylase Maltose (the sugar in grains) Invertase Sucrose (sugar) Lactase Lactose (milk sugar) Lipase Fats Malt diastase Carbohydrates Protease Proteins (ideally a blend of alkaline, neutral and acid proteases) Peptidase Casein (in milk) and gluten (in grains) Note: Peptidase is not designed to cure celiac disease. Look for a formula that also contains one or more of the following: Xylanase Plant fibers Pectinase Pectin, a carbohydrate in fruits Hemicellulase Plant fibers Phytase Minerals bound to phytic acid in plants Beta-glucanase Beta-glucan, a special type of fiber in yeast, grains and medicinal mushrooms aw GOOD BUYS The Vitamin Shoppe Multi-Enzyme provides three main types of digestive enzymes, proteases, amylases, and lipases. 26 amazing wellness 1remedy BMCK2.indd 26 Garden of Life Wobenzym-N contains plant-based enzymes and pancreatic enzymes to help reduce inflammation. Naturally Vitamins Histame is clinically shown to regulate histamine levels to help with discomfort of food intolerance. Enzymedica ViraStop’s highpotency proteases help break down toxins and undigested protein to enhance immunity. early summer 2010 3/31/10 2:13 PM A Whole New Way to Cleanse & Energize Just for Women! ) FLUSH Toxins from Stored Fat* ) SUPERCHARGE Energy Levels* ) REDUCE Belly Bloat* ) BALANCE with Probiotics* ) RELIEVE Irritability* Are you overtired, overstressed and completely overwhelmed? Then take back control of your health! Brenda Watson’s Vital Woman Flush & Be Fit™ was developed for women like you to address fatigue, irritability, poor digestion, belly bloat, vaginal yeast and more — all in one synergistic formula.* That’s because toxins that build up in your liver and lymphatic system can cause conditions that over time may wreak havoc on your health and your livelihood. Get back your groove with this simple 2-week, 3-part detox program that combines energy-sustaining and stress-relieving herbs with digestive enzymes, probiotics and a gentle colon cleanse — everything today’s woman needs for vibrant health and energy.* Manufacturer’s Coupon – Expires September 30, 2010 Available at The Vitamin Shoppe nationwide. For more information visit www.renewlife.com Follow ReNew Life and Brenda Watson $3.00 Off Flush & Be Fit Customer Email Address: ™ Consumer: Offer valid at participating stores in the U.S. only. Limit one coupon per item purchased. May not be combined with any other offer or redeemed for cash. May not be reproduced or copied. Consumer pays sales tax. Retailer: ReNew Life will reimburse retailer the face value plus $.08 handling per coupon in accordance with our redemption policy. Copies available upon request. Other uses may constitute fraud. Failure to send in upon request that sufficient stock was purchased in the previous 90 days to cover the coupons will void coupons. Coupons submitted become the property of ReNew Life, Inc. Refunds will be made only to the retailer who redeemed the coupons. NO REDEMPTION CO. REFUNDS! No online retailer refunds. Redeem coupons for store credit at the end of each month. Mail coupons to: ReNew Life, 198 Palm Harbor Blvd. (Alt. 19) South, Palm Harbor, FL 34683 80068 *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/19/10 11:13 AM guest spot PET HEALTH BY MARIE MONEYSMITH PHOTOGRAPHY BY KIP DAWKINS Q Should I give my dog a multi to supplement her diet? A Yes. Pet lovers spend billions every year on medications, and while these pharmaceuticals may ease symptoms, they are not free of side effects. Alternative remedies are increasingly popular for non-emergency conditions. Fish Oil: Every Pet’s Friend Fish provides animals with the same heart-friendly benefits it bestows on humans. But when it comes to pets, hold the halibut. Nearly all fish now contains the heavy metal mercury and other toxins, making molecularly distilled fish oil the first choice for pets. Recent studies have shown that fish oil’s omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of both heart and kidney disease in dogs, and the same is believed to be MODELING BY MILES, MABEL AND BLANCHE Multivitamins for Dogs and Cats Preventing pets from becoming ill is the first step, and that’s why multivitamins are so important. Even the best pet food may not supply optimal amounts of important nutrients. The solution: antioxidant-rich vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent deficiencies and to combat free-radical damage to cells. Dogs: In general, a good multivitamin/ mineral formula for dogs should contain at least three important antioxidants, vitamins A, C, D, and E, plus vitamin B complex and the minerals zinc, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Cats: Felines need a multi designed specifically for cats. These generally contain vitamins A, C, and E, vitamin B complex, selenium, and the vitally important amino acid taurine. 28 GUESTSPOT SPREAD BMCKv2.indd 28 3/31/10 10:46 AM E X P E R T S A N S W E R YO U R H E A LT H Q U E S T I O N S true for cats. Supplementing a pet’s diet with fish oil provides other benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved immune system function, and healthy skin and coat. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Arthritis becomes more likely as pets age. Glucosamine and chondroitin, supplements taken by millions of humans with arthritis, often work wonders for dogs and cats with aching joints. Glucosamine provides the building blocks required to create new cartilage, while chondroitin neutralizes enzymes that erode cartilage. Give ’Em Some Greens Nearly all dogs and cats love to eat grass. But green food supplements are a better choice than today’s chemically treated lawns. Spiruina, chlorella, barley grass, and other “green” foods are loaded with nutrients and compounds not found in processed fare. Studies have shown that green foods give the immune system a lift, reduce allergies, and increase energy. Pets being treated for cancer may also benefit. A recent study from China found that spirulina protected dogs from damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation. Herbs and Homeopathy Long before modern medicine, herbs healed humans and animals. Now plenty of pet owners are rediscovering these remedies. Individual herbs and blends can treat digestive difficulties, joint problems, allergies, and even emotional troubles. Glucosamine and chondroitin products, for example, are often combined with joint-supportive herbs like feverfew, garlic, alfalfa, devil’s claw, and turmeric. While small amounts of garlic are fine for dogs, it can cause anemia in cats, so it should be avoided. Behavior difficulties and acute problems—occasional upset tummies or insect bites, for instance—often respond well to homeopathy. Homeopathy consists of substances that are so highly diluted that side effects are not a concern, so they are ideal for very young, old, or debilitated pets. Products and Dosages Choose pet products using the same cardinal rule that applies to human supplements—you get what you pay for, so don’t just grab the least expensive bottle on the shelf. Follow product directions (usually based on weight) or your veterinarian’s recommendations. aw GOOD BUYS Optimal Pet Hip & Joint Plus provides glucosamine from shellfish, plus a mix of proven vitamins and minerals for joint health. Rainbow Light Green Dog Naturals Whole Dog Daily Chewable contains omegas, enzymes, and probiotics. Ascenta Health Canine Omega + Feline Omega 3 is a quality omega-3 fish oil with a balanced EPA and DHA ratio. Garden of Life Better Breath for Pets offers a synergistic blend of powerful oral probiotics that freshen breath. MEET OUR EXPERT Marie Moneysmith is the e aut author hor off several books, including Save Your Hearing Now, with Michael D. Seidman, M.D (Warner Wellness; 2006). Her work has also appeared in People magazine, Let’s Live, GreatLife and other publications. She lives in Los Angeles with three of the funniest dogs ever and a couple of cats who are not at all amused. amazing wellness GUESTSPOT SPREAD BMCKv2.indd 29 early summer 2010 29 3/31/10 10:46 AM A New Chapter in Men’s Nutritional Health The Daily “Multi”–Food Supplement or Supplemental Food? Most people would agree that taking a daily multivitamin is a good idea–it’s often referred to as an “insurance policy” for covering nutritional gaps left by a less than optimal diet. New Chapter® believes a daily multi can be much more than a nutrient backstop. In fact, we believe our Organic, WholeFood Multi’s can serve as the foundation of your complete nutrition program–with multiple benefits in support of your overall health and wellness. New Chapter’s Multi’s–Nature’s Wisdom Delivered to You… as FOOD As with each of our individual nutrients, the level and priority of each tonic herb-blend is formulated with the specific needs of each individual in mind. All of New Chapter’s multi’s are organic, probiotic, and whole. The organic herbs and cultured whole-food vitamins & minerals in each formulation work together to promote optimal health and deliver condition-specific benefits–not just address nutrient deficiencies.* We invite you to explore each of our formulas further–because each has been carefully crafted to deliver Nature’s nutritional wisdom in the infinite complexity of WHOLE FOOD. Herbs–the Original “Multivitamin” Humans have been enhancing health and well-being with tonic herbs for thousands of years–long before modern multivitamins were ever available. New Chapter honors this tradition by strengthening each formula with a combination of revered organic herbs that help support important targeted areas of health: ÆÅ Stress/Energy Support–Organic Schizandra, Organic Maca, Organic Chamomile ÆÅ Immune Support–Elderberry, Organic Eleuthero, Organic Astragalus ÆÅ Digestive Support–Organic Aloe, Organic Peppermint, Organic Coriander, Organic Cardamom, Organic Artichoke ÆÅ Cardio Support–Organic Fenugreek, Organic Oregano, Grapeseed, Organic Hawthorn ÆÅ Prostate Support–Supercritical Saw Palmetto, Nettle, Pumpkin Seed Formulated For Every Man The nutrient needs of men can be different–especially for people under forty versus over forty. New Chapter’s formulation team takes exacting care with each nutrient in all of our targeted daily Multi’s to benefit the specific needs of the individual. ORGANIC Formulated with Organic Ingredients PROBIOTIC Cultured with Beneficial Live Probiotics NEW ENHA N FORM CEDULAS WHOLE Bioavailable, Easy-to-Digest Food Delivering the Wisdom of Nature AW_batch print.indd 2 3/16/10 1:28 PM From Stress and Energy to Prostate and Heart Health… Whole-Body Health as Nature Intended New Chapter’s Prostate 5LX® Total Prostate Protection* All of the essentials for supporting and maintaining prostate health can be found in one innovative dietary supplement made by New Chapter® (newchapter.com) called Prostate 5LX. Expertly formulated by Master Herbalist, Paul Schulick, the product delivers supercritical extracts of saw palmetto, ginger, and rosemary along with whole-food complexed selenium and solvent-free extracts of green tea and pumpkin seed oil. The result: safe, effective relief from urinary complaints and the assurance that while a man may forget to remember the importance of a healthy prostate, it is not forgotten. ÆÅHECEJ;IÅ>;7BJ>OÅFHEIJ7J;Å <KD9J?EDÅ7D:ÅDEHC7BÅ urine flow* Understanding Prostate Health ÆÅE:KB7J;IÅvÄB?FENO=;D7I;Å 7D:ÅFHECEJ;IÅDEHC7BÅ FHEIJ7J;Å9;BBÅ=HEMJ>Å in vitro* SPECIA LIMITED T L IM OFFER E ÆÅHECEJ;IÅ>;7BJ>OÅ I;NK7BÅ<KD9J?ED?D=Å = 9; 7D:ÅF;H<EHC7D9; H87B ÆÅEDJ7?DIÅ>;H87BÅ 7DJ?Ä7=?D=Å = ts constituents J>7JÅ?D79J?L7J;Å free radicals* Men may not talk openly about prostate health. But it’s something they need to pay attention to, especially if they’re over 40. After the age of 40, physiologic factors such as hormone imbalance, inflammation, and oxidative stress can begin to affect the size of the prostate, as well as the integrity of its cellular DNA. Fortunately, scientific evidence suggests that herbal therapeutics and supplemental nutrients—especially those that support hormone balance, promote a healthy inflammation response, and modulate oxidative stress—are incredibly valuable for supporting and maintaining prostate health.* A Natural Approach to Prostate Health The Inflammation Connection A Most Impressive Prostate-Protective Nutrient Emerging scientific evidence suggests the inflammatory response can affect the growth of prostate cells. Inflammation, particularly the kind generated by activation of an inflammatory enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase (5LX), is thought to affect cellular DNA, disrupting the mechanisms responsible for maintaining normal cell growth and replication.* Consequently, modulating 5LX is a key strategy for maintaining prostate health.* No prostate health program is complete without selenium. A sevenyear double-blind, placebo-controlled study funded by the NIH and American Cancer Institute found that subjects taking a whole-food selenium supplement maintained normal prostate cell growth more effectively than those not taking the supplement. The body uses selenium to make glutathione, one of its strongest antioxidant defenses against oxidative free radicals—atoms that are missing an electron and will do anything to find one, including stealing them from healthy cell membranes and cellular DNA. When electrons are stolen from healthy cells, the cells start to malfunction. Antioxidants can donate electrons freely without becoming damaged. So as long there are antioxidants around, electron stealing does not need to occur and cells remain healthy. © 2010 New Chapter, Inc. ‡ According to 2010 SPINS Data * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AW_batch print.indd 3 Saw palmetto has been used for more than a century to support the health of the urinary tract.* A review of clinical trials showed that a daily dose of 320 mg of saw palmetto extract can improve urinary flow in men, and can reduce urinary frequency in 90% of patients within four–six weeks. One way that saw palmetto supports prostate health is by inhibiting of the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a powerful growth stimulant for prostate cells. Saw palmetto also inhibits the binding of DHT to prostate tissue, and relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder so that urine can flow more freely. 3/16/10 1:29 PM inside out HERE COMES THE SUN HERE COMES THE SUN Protect against damaging rays without harmful chemicals. BY SHERRIE STRAUSFOGEL Protecting your skin from exposure to the sun’s harmful rays is one of the smartest things you can ever do. Not only do you have to worry about UVB rays, which cause sunburn, but you also need to be concerned about UVA rays, which cause wrinkles, dryness, sagging skin, hyperpigmentation, and premature aging. CONTINUED ON PAGE 36 tip Wear sunscreen when you fly. Airplane windows don’t filter out UVA rays. At high altitudes, the UV rays are three times stronger than on the ground. 32 amazing wellness InsideOutBMCK.indd 32 early summer 2010 3/29/10 11:43 AM AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/16/10 9:42 AM inside out HERE COMES THE SUN DID YOU KNOW? Nearly 64 percent of Americans don’t know that sunscreen inhibits our natural production of vitamin D. Source: Survey by WELLESSE. aw EDITORS’ PICK MyChelle Sun Shield: This sunscreen is a must for your beach bag this summer. It provides broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection from aging rays, and does not clog pores or irritate eyes. Plus, it’s non-toxic and reef safe. GOOD BUYS John Masters Organics SPF 30 Natural Mineral Sunscreen: This natural sunscreen combines titanium dioxide and zinc oxide to provide protection from UVA and UVB rays. Extracts of green tea, shea butter, and jojoba oil hydrate, moisturize and nourish skin. Provides SPF 30 protection. Kiss My Face Instant Sunless Tanner: Get a light tan in seconds and a deeper color in four hours. This tanner, including natural tea extract, allows you to see where and how it’s been applied—no more streaks! Aubrey Organics Pure Aloe Vera: Hydrate and heal sun-exposed skin with this pure aloe vera, extracted from the leaf of certified organic plants and free of artificial thickeners. PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN KELLY Kiss My Face Peach Lip Balm with SPF 15: This yummy balm smells like freshly sliced summer peaches, plus protects lips from sunburn and nourishes with healing emollients. 34 amazing wellness InsideOutBMCK.indd 34 early summer 2010 3/29/10 11:42 AM LEAP TO A HIGHER LEVEL of All Natural & Clinically Effective Joint Relief! * from Patented Danish Rosehips Gives Rapid Joint Relief & Comfort to 4 out of Every 5 People!* ® Danish Rosehips – Europe’s Best Kept Secret on Joint Relief has Finally Arrived. For years Europeans have been enjoying the joint relief power of Danish rosehips, the highly specialized and patented form of rosehips proven in 3 published clinical studies to dramatically improve joint health and daily mobility. In fact, the i-flex® story began over 10 years ago, when a Danish farmer found that eating the fruits of the special rose plants on his farm helped to ease his aching joints. Since then, the specialized powder made from these rosehips has helped tens of thousands of Europeans live ache-free, allowing them to reclaim the activities they once enjoyed. i-flex® is the only product in the U.S. to feature these specialized Danish rosehips.* A Simple Formula with a Powerful, Clinically Proven Joint-Soothing Effect.* With i-flex®, there’s no need to decipher a complicated joint product label to determine if the ‘laundry list’ of ingredients will actually work to alleviate your joint discomfort. Nor will you have to rely on synthetic formulas or shellfish-derived ingredients like glucosamine or chondroitin. i-flex® is made up of 100% Danish rosehips—no complicated, synthetic or unproven ingredients—just pure, 100% natural rosehips from the earth clinically proven in the latest placebo-controlled, double-blind study to provide rapid joint relief and comfort to 82% of participants.* Helps Balance Your Body’s Natural Immune Defenses to Provide Relief.* In addition to the clinical studies, in vitro studies have shown that i-flex® diminishes the damaging oxidative stress and negative immune responses that can speed the deterioration of your joints. And a new in vitro study also shows that i-flex® may promote a protective effect in joint cartilage cells.* If you’ve been suffering with joint discomfort, leap to a higher level of relief—i-flex® for younger feeling joints!* s&REEOF3HELLlSHAND!LL/THERh3UPERv!LLERGENS s&ASTERTHAN'LUCOSAMINE#HONDROITIN* s'REEN3USTAINABLE)NGREDIENT ©2009 DSM Nutritional Products * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 For more information visit www.i-flextoday.com 1/14/10 1:19 PM inside out HERE COMES THE SUN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 32 DID YOU KNOW? A little color, however, makes you look and feel healthy, and sunlight is necessary as a source of vitamin D and as a catalyst for your body’s absorption of calcium. Research shows that 10–15 minutes of daily sun exposure suffices. But we must protect ourselves from harmful UV rays. Overexposure to the sun causes photo damage, not only by generating those cell-damaging free radicals that cause premature aging, but also by depressing antioxidant levels. However, several studies prove that vitamins C and E and green tea have antioxidant effects that neutralize free radicals as well as play a role in collagen stimulation so they can actually reverse sun damage. Keep in mind that a product’s sun protection factor (SPF) indicates protection against UVB rays only. To protect against UVA rays, select a If you stand in the summer sun (in a T-shirt and walking shorts and without sunscreen) for about 10 minutes, your body will produce about 10,000 IU of vitamin D. Alternatively, take 1,000 IU daily, doubling that amount over the winter or if you have a dark complexion. sunscreen with micronized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that absorb and reflect rays away from the surface of the skin. The label should read, “UVA/ UVB protection.” Be sure to make sun protection a part of your daily routine. Apply product to your face, ears, hands, lips, and scalp, if your hair is thin. Don’t be afraid to get close to the hairline in order to avoid a circle of red around your face. For best results, apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before sun exposure. The effect of sunscreen is diluted over time, so the golden rule of sun protection is reapplication. If you are perspiring, reapply every two hours. You will have greater protection if you apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 twice in four hours than if you apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 only once. A SAFE, SUN-KISSED GLOW Mineral makeup won’t melt in hot weather, and offers natural sun protection. Mineral makeup makes it easy to incorporate sun protection in your daily routine. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are the keys to the sun protection in mineral makeup. These inorganic, insoluble minerals are considered “physical sunscreens.” They form a shield on the skin’s surface and diffuse the sun’s ultraviolet radiation before it can penetrate and damage your skin. For more than incidental exposure, be sure your mineral makeup packs a double digit SPF of at least 15, and layer it over sunscreen to enhance its broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection. Why bother with SPF makeup? Sunscreen lotions and creams alone let some UV light sneak through, especially if you skimp on application. The best way to stay protected is to double up. Because the natural minerals in the makeup are water resistant and bond to the skin, they won’t wash away or melt when you sweat, making mineral makeup ideal as a sunscreen supplement. Natural high-pigment minerals provide sheer to opaque coverage that helps correct and protect your skin. Mineral makeup, basically, is all natural and its main ingredients are colored minerals and pigments that exist in nature, such as titanium dioxide, zinc 36 amazing wellness InsideOutBMCK.indd 36 and iron oxides, mica, and ultramarine pigments. Mineral makeup is made up of microscopic flat crystals that overlap each other on the skin to create a filtering layer that allows the skin to breathe, while protecting from environmental pollutants. Oil-free, so it will not clog pores, mineral makeup is ideal for sensitive skin. Composed of inert minerals, it does not support bacteria and needs no preservatives. And its natural anti-inflammatory properties soothe and reduce skin redness. Some mineral makeup brands may use the ingredient bismuth oxychloride, which is a skin irritant and can cause itching, rashes and cystic acne. Stay away from products containing this mineral component if you suffer from allergic skin conditions. Mineral makeup is becoming so popular that it is the base for liquid foundation, loose and pressed powders, concealers, blush, bronzers, eye shadow and lipsticks. It is long-lasting and rarely requires a touch-up during the day. The powders are silky-feeling and water-resistant, allowing for all-day coverage and they do not fade, crease or smear, even with exercise. Be careful when shopping for your mineral makeup. Find one that is a pure mineral formulation and not just mineral based with other toxic chemicals added. early summer 2010 3/30/10 3:37 PM SWEET SWEE SW EETT. SEXY EE EXY. S SCI CIIEN NCE CE. C E * GE ET STARTED TODA AY! Get all the plan details FREE at ATKINS.COM Simple Healthy Flexible Science Based Long-term Atkins is a lifestyle for * Most rapid weight loss typically occurs during Phase 1. Results will vary as actual weight loss varies by individual. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/17/10 2:02 PM natural glow HAPPY FEET (and hands) Say goodbye to dry, cracking skin and brittle nails. Be poolside ready with these tips. BY SHERRIE STRAUSFOGEL Your hands and feet are the most overworked and overlooked parts of your body. Because you expose your hands to the elements and you constantly use them, they show wear and age sooner than other parts of your body. Your feet are your foundation, providing stability and balance. But, if you’re like most people, you forget about caring for these extremities until they hurt. 38 amazing wellness tip For yellowing fingernails or toenails: Soak nails in lemon essential oil (add to a carrier oil) about 10 minutes. This will lighten nails and moisurize cuticles at the same time. early summer 2010 NATURAL GLOW BMCK V2.indd 38 3/30/10 3:46 PM HAPPY FEET (AND HANDS) The nerves in your hands and feet are closer to the skin than in many other parts of your body. When your feet ache, your entire body feels fatigued. When your hands hurt, it inhibits your dexterity. Scruffy-looking cuticles and peeling, splitting, cracking, and breaking nails may betray your dietary choices since these conditions can indicate certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A balanced diet is recommended that is high in lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Seeds, nuts, and grains rich in B vitamins, as well as calcium and antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, are exceptionally good for strong nails. aw GOOD BUYS Kiss My Face Peppermint Foot Scrub: Refreshing organic peppermint, plus natural pumice and walnut shell, exfoliates and polishes dry, rough feet and scrubs away dead skin cells. Aubrey Organics Collagen & Almond Enriching Moisturizing Lotion: With sweet almond oil to moisturize and nourish, and collagen to attract and retain moisture, skin drinks it in, and it smells terrific. The Crystal Body Deodorant Spray: Spray on the bottoms of your feet and the insides of your shoes to stop odor in its tracks. Natural mineral salts prevent bacteria from causing odor in the first place. PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN KELLY ShiKai Borage Dry Skin Therapy Hand Cream: With borage oil and vitamin C, this hand cream soothes and repairs, especially beneficial if you wash hands frequently. Slather it on elbows, knees, and feet, too. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, the human foot contains 26 bones (the two feet contain a quarter of all the bones in the body), 33 joints, 107 ligaments and a network of more than 100 muscles and tendons to allow for movement and agility. And the average pair of feet take 10,000 steps a day. No wonder that they evidence the strain with calluses, swelling, dryness, and even infections like athlete’s foot. Hands and feet need special care. Look for products that feature the same nurturing ingredients as your skin care products to pamper those appendages. amazing wellness NATURAL GLOW BMCK V2.indd 39 early summer 2010 39 3/30/10 3:46 PM natural glow HAPPY FEET (AND HANDS) TIPS FOR HEALTHY HANDS AND FEET HANDS 1. Wear rubber gloves whenever you come in contact with harsh detergents and cleaning chemicals or while gardening to prevent injury and moisture loss. 2. Apply hand cream or sunscreen with SPF15 or higher before leaving the house to prevent sun damage to your hands. EDITORS’ PICK Himalaya USA Intensive Moisturizing FootCare Cream. This über-moisturizing cream contains no parabens or petroleum. Our office tester reports that it smoothed her heels overnight. 3. Keep your nails in good shape by maintaining an appropriate length and style according to the natural shape of your cuticle and the length of your fingers. Oval-shaped nails look best with cuticles that are ovalshaped, while nails squared off at the tip look best with square-shaped cuticles. 4. File nails in one direction, not back-and-forth, which causes nails to break and split. 5. Moisturize your hands before going to bed. Benfotiamine (Benfo), a synthetic derivative of thiamine, belongs to the family of compounds known as “allithiamines.” Fat-soluble and more bioavilable and physiologically active than thiamine, Benfo raises the blood level of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), the biologically active co-enzyme of thiamine, and stimulates transketolase, a cellular enzyme that is essential for maintenance of normal glucose metabolic pathways. FEET 1. Wash feet daily with warm water and mild soap. Dry feet well, especially between toes. 2. Inspect your feet daily for blisters, scrapes, cuts or infections and treat with tea tree oil to prevent infection. 3. Moisturize feet after every shower or bath. 4. Wear protective footwear indoors and outdoors. 5. Improve flexibility and stimulate blood flow by walking and, when seated, spelling out the alphabet in the air with your foot. © 2010 Doctor’s Best, Inc. 40 amazing wellness early summer 2010 NATURAL GLOW BMCK V2.indd 40 3/30/10 3:46 PM Doing good feels great. We’re all trying to do a little good. For our family. For our community. And for our planet. What makes a product good? At Tom’s, it includes how we make it. tomsofmaine.com facebook.com/TomsofMaine AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 @TomsofMaine youtube.com/officialtomsofmaine 3/17/10 12:55 PM YOUR HEALTH IS TOO IMPORTANT TO TRUST TO ANYONE ELSE ® Answers For Every Body ® HEALTHY awards club AW_batch print.indd 2 Join our Healthy Awards Club It’s the healthiest way to save even more at The Vitamin Shoppe FREE TO JOIN 3/15/10 9:47 AM When it comes to the supplements you take every day, one of the most important ingredients is something you won’t find on any label. It’s peace of mind, and it’s something you get every time you choose Vitamin Shoppe brand. Vitamin Shoppe brand products are rigorously tested for quality, purity and potency. That way you can be sure that what’s on the label is what goes into your body. Period. You and your family deserve the very best daily health support you can get. You deserve The Vitamin Shoppe brand. Ratings based on results of the 2010 ConsumerLab.com survey of supplement users. More information at www.consumerlab.com STORES NATIONWIDE OR AT VITAMINSHOPPE.COM Log on to vitaminshoppe.com/stores to find a location near you AW_batch print.indd 3 Join the discussion at vsconnect.com 3/15/10 9:47 AM fit & healthy THE 90-SECOND FITNESS SOLUTION No time to work out? Here’s a plan designed to deliver real results in only 15 minutes a week. Women today are pushed to the brink. For working mothers there are the constant demands of their jobs and families. Single women have work, active social lives, school, or other demands. What they don’t have time for is driving to the gym and spending hours doing cardio. Fitness trainer Pete Cerqua, coauthor with Alisa Bowman of The 90-Second Fitness Solution: The Most Time-Efficient Workout Ever for a Healthier, Stronger, Younger You, has designed a plan specifically for busy women who want to firm up, lose fat, strengthen their bones, and boost energy. The exercises can be done at home in minutes, with no special equipment. “You can do the home routines anywhere,” says Cerqua. “All you need is a wall, a floor, and your body. You can do it barefoot or in your slippers. Your goal is to make sure that you do it, you do it correctly, and you keep doing it.” The plan includes four fitness levels you can work up to as you get stronger. None take more than 27 minutes per week. 44 amazing wellness FIT&HEALTH BMCK.indd 44 tip Reserve some time for yourself every day—even if it’s only a few minutes. And be realistic about what you can accomplish every day. Time-pressure can lead to weight gain and fatigue. early summer 2010 3/30/10 3:26 PM AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/18/10 9:10 AM fit & healthy THE 90-SECOND FITNESS SOLUTION These two 90-second sets should be done 5 days a week, for a total of 15 minutes a week. SET SET 1 2 THE PLANK THE WALL SIT Kneel on your hands and knees. Move into the Plank position by extending your legs backward and reaching forward through the crown of your head, similar to if you were doing push-ups. Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears, and keep your hips up. Don’t allow your back to cave downward. Hold yourself up, palms flat on the floor, arms extended, up to 90 seconds. Remember to breathe. Yes, the Wall Sit works your legs, as you’ll soon find out, but it also firms your abs and back as you press your back into the wall. Press your back against a wall. Walk your feet away from the wall and then slide your back down the wall until your knees form ninety-degree angles. Hold up to 90 seconds. Again, remember to breathe. That’s it. You’re done. Go shopping. Meet a friend. Get back to work. Get on with your life. LOOK FORWARD TO GETTING FIT PAINT YOUR ROOM Paint is cheap, but it can go a heck of a long way to making you happier and healthier. White walls tend to cause people to speed up their workouts, whereas calming colors such as blue or green tend to help people relax and slow down. 46 amazing wellness FIT&HEALTH BMCK.indd 46 You can do the home routines anywhere, but Cerqua believes you’re more likely to continue with the exercises if you do them in a pleasant environment. He recommends the following to make your routine less of a chore and something you look forward to. Excerpted from The 90-Second Fitness Solution, Atria Books. KEEP BREATHING Many people hold their breath when holding a strength training posture, as if the breath holding will somehow make the effort seem easier. It doesn’t. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. LISTEN TO CLASSICAL MUSIC Music improves the exercise experience. When study participants listen to music, they tend to work out longer and more intensely and feel less fatigued or less stressed during their workouts. I’ve found that classical music serves as the best backdrop for strength training. A ROOM WITH A VIEW It may be true that most people exercise in their basements, but that doesn’t make it right. While you only need a wall and a floor, and every room in your home probably features these two essentials, choose the most beautiful room in your home. Experiment with locations. Try a brightly lit room or one in which you can look out a large window. early summer 2010 3/30/10 3:26 PM quench your thirsty skin… Innovative natural formulas that recapture lost moisture and deeply hydrate to help: • Restore skin's moisture levels • Soften and smooth skin • Diminish visible lines and wrinkles • Promote a healthier, younger looking complexion Formulated for Results Free of parabens, phthalates and petrolatum No mineral oil, lanolin, or artificial colors Non-comedogenic • pH Balanced • GMO-free 100% Vegetarian • Cruelty-free Manufactured with 100% wind energy Model used for illustrative purposes. www.dermae.com • 800.933.9344 AW_batch print.indd 6 3/8/10 3:46 PM fit & healthy THE 90-SECOND FITNESS SOLUTION RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS ON THE 90-SECOND WORKOUT PLAN MULTIVITAMIN/MINERAL Include B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamins A,C, E, and K (look for a multi that provides at least 100 percent of the daily value) B-COMPLEX If you work too much, play too much, sleep too little, or are going through stress, add B-complex. Look for a supplement containing 50 mg each of B1, B2, B6, niacin, and pantothenic acid; look for 50 mcg each of B12 and biotin, and 400 mcg of folic acid. These vitamins work together to support metabolic and muscular function, healthy skin, immunity, and nerve function. VITAMIN C Look for a separate supplement with about 400 mg per day if you are in good health. If you are under a lot of stress, take 1,000 mg. If you’re fighting a cold, take 2,000 mg until your symptoms resolve. Divide the dose for best results. FISH OIL If you are healthy, take a supplement that contains up to (or slightly more than) 1,000 mg a day of combined EPA and DHA, the two main fatty acids in fish. Today, we eat 20 times as much omega-6 than we do omega-3, compared to early humans who ate roughly the same amounts. This can contribute to inflammation in the body. Taking a fish oil supplement helps the body shift back into the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6. 5-HTP Look for a supplement that contains 50 mg. Increase to 100 mg if needed. This supplement interacts with some prescription medications, so consult your physician before taking 5-HTP if you are on any prescription medication. 5-HTP benefits sleep, depression, binge eating, chronic headaches, and pain and stiffness. Protect the Earth… Promote the well-being of people… Nourish the Spirit (YHU\$XEUH\2UJDQLFVSURGXFWLVSHUVRQDOO\IRUPXODWHGE\$XEUH\KLPVHOI³ FUHDWLYHO\GHVLJQHGZLWKDQDWXUDOV\QHUJ\RILQJUHGLHQWVDEDODQFHWKDWLVWUXO\DQ DUWDVZHOODVDVFLHQFH 1H[WFRPHVWKHVRXUFLQJRILQJUHGLHQWV:HDFFHSWRQO\WKHSXUHVWKLJKHVWTXDOLW\ PRVWHIIHFWLYHLQJUHGLHQWVIURPDURXQGWKHZRUOG :HPL[RXUSURGXFWVWKHROGIDVKLRQHGZD\E\KDQGDV\RXPLJKWLQ\RXU NLWFKHQ+DQGFUDIWHGVPDOOEDWFKHVRIJDOORQVRUOHVVHQVXUHVJUHDWHUTXDOLW\ FRQWURO ,ILW·VQRWIRXQGLQQDWXUH«WKHQLW·VQRWLQDQ$XEUH\2UJDQLFVSURGXFW $: ZZZ$XEUH\2UJDQLFVFRP FIT&HEALTH BMCK.indd 48 ,QGXOJHQWSURWHFWLYHDOORYHUVNLQFDUH +RQH\VXFNOH&R40RLVWXUL]LQJ/RWLRQ 3/30/10 3:26 PM The Amazon Rainforest is the world’s largest tropical rainforest and river basin. Scientists have found a clear link between the health of the Amazon and the integrity of the global environment. This biologically rich place is the home of the little super-packed super berry...the Açai. The Açai berry grows in the canopy of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest—where nature thrives in its full glory! Competition for survival, even in plant species is fierce and the Açai Palms trap sunlight and turn it into energy for themselves which it then imparts to its fruit. Açai Blend combines Açai berry with nature’s most potent fruits in one delicious ounce! The Açai berry, a complex fruit, supports the balance of energy in the body.* Also Contains these Potent Fruits: • Mangosteen Puree and Peel Extract • Pomegranate • Goji berries • Cherry • Blueberries • Grape Skin Now with Added Glucosamine, Calcium and Vitamin D-3 to help support bone and joint health!* Delivering the science and freshness of nature’s most potent fruits. www.fruitology4life.com * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/19/10 11:11 AM healing kitchen EXPERTS DISH What our favorite physicians, nutritionists, and cookbook authors eat BY LISA TURNER PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN KELLY Their beaming faces grace the covers of cookbooks, and we’re riveted by their advice in magazines and bestselling books. These celebrity physicians, nutritionists, and personalities know what they’re talking about. But do they practice what they preach? And what secret flaws do they have that make them human after all? Meet the Experts Christine Avanti, CN Oz Garcia, PhD Mark Hyman, MD Ellie Krieger Cynthia Pasquella, CCN Walter Willett, MD, DrPH Christine Avanti, CN, Nutritionist Oz Garcia, Author of UltraMetab- Registered dietitian A nutritionist and Walter Willett, MD, is the author of Skinny PhD, is the author of olism, Mark Hyman, and author, Ellie life coach, Cynthia DrPH, is department Chicks Don’t Eat Look and Feel Fabu- MD, is a practicing Krieger is the host of Pasquella’s clients of nutrition chair for Salads and founder of lous Forever and The physician and leader the Food Network’s include celebrites and the Harvard School of Avanti Nutritonals. Balance. in functional medicine. Healthy Appetite. professional athletes. Public Health. One thing’s for sure: they don’t starve themselves. They eat full-sized, flavorful meals, and real breakfasts (no breakfast skippers in the bunch). They don’t cut out carbs, oils, fats, or chocolate, and most of them drink wine. Some of them—with disarmingly refreshing honesty—even admit to occasional forays into the “dark side.” And they share some of their favorite meals, snacks, recipes, and human imperfections here. What the Experts Eat for Breakfast The answers range from smoothies to egg whites, and no one runs away from carbs. 50 amazing wellness HEAL KITCHENBMCK.indd 50 Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, chair of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, and author of Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating (Free Press, 2005), enjoys a hearty bowl of cooked whole grains, usually kashi pilaf, with nuts, blueberries, and dates. Mark Hyman, MD, author of UltraMetabolism (Scribner, 2006), has a whole omega-3 egg lightly fried in olive oil, on whole-kernel rye bread (toasted) with a tomato, or a shake made with rice protein powder, frozen cherries, ground flax, and hemp milk. “My favorite breakfast is an herbed egg white scramble, with avocado, one grapefruit and a third of a cup of steel- early summer 2010 3/30/10 3:57 PM EXPERTS DISH Christine’s Haute Herbal Scramble Recipe page 54 (176 Calories and 2 grams of Saturated Fat) amazing wellness HEAL KITCHENBMCK.indd 51 early summer 2010 51 3/29/10 11:49 AM healing kitchen cut oats with a splash of soy milk and a drizzle of agave nectar,” says Christine Avanti, CN, author of Skinny Chicks Don’t Eat Salads (Rodale, 2009). “I use one whole egg plus extra whites to add more protein to my meal without adding too much fat. I’d rather consume my morning fats from the delightful flavors of good fats in extra virgin olive oil and avocado, rather than egg yolks.” What the Experts Eat for Lunch It may be as homey as a nut butter and jam sandwich, or leftovers. But no one skips lunch, and most of them eat something substantial. For Hyman, it’s almond butter with whole fruit spread on a piece of whole-kernel toasted rye bread; sardines and canned artichoke hearts; vegetables and “I never snack before bed. That’s why I’m skinny.” quinoa; or salad and grilled salmon. For Willett, it’s vegetables with grilled tofu, and one of Mollie Katzen’s recipes for whole grains, like wild rice, oat groats, or quinoa. “My lunches are similar every day,” says Oz Garcia, PhD, author of Look and Feel Fabulous Forever (Collins, 2003). “I usually have lots of vegetables like broccoli, asparagus and carrots, and some fish—usually wild Alaskan salmon, but sometimes halibut, codfish, mahi mahi, or sardines. Most of my animal protein comes from fish; I don’t fear it, but I make safe seafood choices and stay away from fish that has high levels of mercury, like bluefin. The benefits of eating seafood outweigh the potential downsides.” What the Experts Make at Home for Dinner Grilled fish, salad and “tons and tons of vegetables” was the overwhelming response. In the winter, Willett favors fish coated with whole-grain breadcrumbs and olive oil, then broiled in the oven. In the summer, he and his family marinate the fish in olive oil and a bit of vinegar and grill it over charcoal. 52 amazing wellness HEAL KITCHENBMCK.indd 52 “Last night, we had organic Cornish hen with Brussels sprouts, broccolini, brown basmati rice, and an arugula salad with tomato and olive oil,” says Garcia. “The night before, dinner was grilled shrimp, roasted endive, and a medley of stir-fried vegetables including bean sprouts. We flavor everything with a lot of spices like rosemary, turmeric, cayenne, basil, and garlic. Our starches are typically rice, yams, squash, or beans; we don’t usually eat wheat or gluten. And we eat tons and tons of vegetables.” What the Experts Eat When They Eat Out Apparently, it’s okay to eat out. Our experts do, and more often than you might think. The trick is in eating foods that you’d normally eat at home. “I eat out 3 or 4 times a week,” says Hyman. “And I usually order salads, grilled fish, and extra vegetables.” Willett enjoys bluefish with mustard sauce. Avanti has grilled fish, chicken tacos, or turkey or veggie burgers. Garcia enjoys some flexibility when dining out. “There was a time when I was very inflexible,” he says. “I ate only brown rice, steamed vegetables, and tempeh. There was a time when I was a strict vegan. Now I’m much more flexible. I leave room for some recreational eating.” How the Experts Indulge Everyone reported snacking. Snacks enjoyed by our experts include almonds, cashews, walnuts, grapes, low-fat cheese and “a crisp apple.” They also indulge. Willet admits to an occasional glass or red wine or square of dark chocolate. “The best chocolate contains 80 percent cocoa,” he says. “You only need a bit.” Hyman indulges in an occasional multigrain high-fiber/protein cookie from Cookiehead— but not before bed. “I never snack before bed,” says Hyman. “That’s why I am skinny.” “On occasion, I indulge in movie theater popcorn and nachos with plastic cheese and jalapenos,” says Avanti. “Every now and then you have to give in to the dark side.” Ellie Krieger, host of the Food Networks’s Healthy Appetite and author of The Food You Crave (Taunton Press, 2008), believes in mindful indulgence. Her book features receipes that “cover every craving” without derailing a healthful diet. Habits the Experts Want to Change Not so many, at least none that anyone confessed to. Willett is paying more attention to hidden salt, and Hyman says he’s trying to change his habit of eating fast. “It’s a holdover from my days as resident on call,” he says. Garcia admits to “years of horrible eating.” He says, “I lived on cigarettes, coffee, and fast food. But once I came to understand how food affects us, I started to change my diet. Now, I don’t crave foods that are going to make me feel bad. It’s completely natural.” early summer 2010 3/29/10 11:49 AM EXPERTS DISH Power-up Quinoa Salad Recipe page 54 (205 Calories and 4.5 grams of Fiber) amazing wellness HEAL KITCHENBMCK.indd 53 early summer 2010 53 3/29/10 11:50 AM healing kitchen Power-up Quinoa Salad Courtesy of Cynthia Pasquella Makes 3 to 4 servings This nutrient-dense salad will quickly become a favorite—make extra and bring for the next day’s lunch. 1 cup uncooked quinoa 1 clove garlic (diced) ½ cup chopped bell peppers ½ cup cherry or grape tomatoes (sliced) ¼ cup red onions (diced) ¼ cup mushrooms ¼ cup cucumber (diced) ¼ cup almonds Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste EXPERTS DISH 2. Combine quinoa and 1½ cups cold water in a pot and bring to a rapid boil. Cover with a tight-fitting lid, reduce to a simmer, and cook until the water is fully absorbed, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to sit for 5 minutes with the lid on. 3. After 5 minutes, remove lid and fluff gently with a fork. Add remaining ingredients. Serve warm or cold. per serving: 205 cal; 8 g prot; 5.5 g total fat (.5 g sat fat); 32 g carb; 0 mg chol; 4.7 mg sod; 4.5 g fiber; 2 g sugars Christine’s Hauté Herbal Scramble Courtesy of Christine Avanti Makes 1 serving 1. Soak the quinoa in cold water for 15 minutes to loosen the outer coating of saponin and remove any bitter taste. Drain well and rinse again. This elegant egg dish is great for brunch. 4 whole eggs 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 2 fresh basil leaves, finely chopped 1 teaspoon finely chopped chives 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley Salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon avocado 1. Break 1 egg into bowl. Separate whites and yolks in remaining three eggs. Add egg whites to the 1 whole egg in a bowl, and beat mixture well. 2. Heat olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Add eggs, stirring with spatula until almost done. Add basil, chives and parsley, and continue cooking to desired consistency. 3. Transfer to serving plate, season with salt and pepper, and garnish with avocado. per serving: 176 cal; 17 g prot; 11 g total fat (2 g sat fat); 3 g carb; 215 mg chol; 231 mg sod; 1 g fiber; 1 g sugars † Smart Weight Loss. Serious Results. * The trademarks Phase 2 Starch Neutralizer® and Foodbound™ are being used under license. *This product is to be used in conjunction with a healthy calorie reduction and exercise program. ©2009 Natrol, Inc. Lose up to 20lbs. In 10 weeks with Natrol AcaiBerry Diet!* This targeted formula helps support calorie burning, fat metabolism and energy production.† Control carbs by sprinkling one packet of Natrol® Carb Intercept® Sprinkles to Go! on your favorite starchcontaining meal. Each serving provides 1000mg of clinically tested, Phase 2 Carb Controller to help support your weight loss.† Lose weight with Natrol!† † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. HEAL KITCHENBMCK.indd 54 3/30/10 3:58 PM You Can Achieve Your Target Weight LeanGard Can Help ® Give diet and exercise a better chance for success with LeanGard Attacks Fat 2 Ways LeanGard is different from other weight management supplements because it works through two mechanisms to help you achieve your goals: • Promotes satiety: By helping you feel full, LeanGard makes it easier for you to eat less and stick to your diet without succumbing to cravings • Burns fat: LeanGard’s blend of ingredients includes a thermogenic fat burner that supports lean mass and a healthy body composition Plus, LeanGard also provides antioxidant support, helping your body fight off free radicals and assisting your efforts to age more healthfully. Head to your local Vitamin Shoppe and get a bottle of LeanGard today Available EXCLUSIVELY at The Vitamin Shoppe® STORES NATIONWIDE OR AT VITAMINSHOPPE.COM Earn more savings with our Healthy Awards Club...it’s FREE to join! AW_batch print.indd 6 Log on to vitaminshoppe.com/stores to find a location near you Join the discussion at vsconnect.com 3/15/10 9:48 AM food + function FLAX OF LIFE In any form—whole, ground, or an oil blend—this tiny seed should loom large in your diet. It’s a cinch to add 1-2 tablespoons per day of this sensational seed, milled or ground, into your diet. Try these ideas: BY TINA RUBIN 1. Grown in Mesopotamia at the dawn of civilization, Sprinkle ground flaxseed on your morning cereal or into pancake mix. flaxseed carries a venerable reputation—it energized the ancient Greeks, sustained the legions of the Roman Empire, and inspired Charlemagne to decree its cultivation and consumption throughout Europe. But just because it was good for the ancients, does that mean it’s good for us? Absolutely, according to health experts. The seed of this blue-flowering plant that flourishes on Canada’s western prairies is packed with disease-fighting nutrients and fiber. Flaxseed is particularly rich in two essential fatty acids that our body can’t make: omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA) and lignans, which are natural antioxidants. The omega-3 in flax helps remove toxins from the body and prevents heart disease and inflammation. The lignans, known for their aid in preventing certain cancers, provide up 56 FLAX APPEAL amazing wellness FoodFunctionBMCKv2.indd 56 to 700 times the amount found in legumes or whole grains. The fiber fights “bad” cholesterol and type-2 diabetes. Omega-3 and lignans are critical components for every single membrane in the body—a fact that deserves our attention. Herb Joiner-Bey, N.D., author of The Healing Power of Flax, cites two important flax studies involving cancers. In a recent four-year study at Duke University, men scheduled for prostate cancer surgery began a 30-day low-fat diet that included 2 heaping 2. Add to yogurt or smoothies; you’ll love the nutty flavor. 3. Drizzled on fruit and cottage cheese, flaxseed is tops. 4. Put flaxseed in your muffin mix or cookie dough for extra health benefits. 5. Cooked vegetables become irresistible when peppered with flaxseed. early summer 2010 3/30/10 2:07 PM 993 93. 3 S © 2010 0110 0 Su S nsw n we ns eet et Gr G owe ow we ers rs, s In IIncc. Yu Yub Y ba C City ityy, CA ity CA 959 Su unsw n eet ns eet,,®Na Nat aatu ura ur rraals ls, s,™ Supr upraFi aF Fibe ber err,™ D’N D’Noir o r,™ Fib oir Fiber err tthe e h Balan Baalanced ced d Su S per pe Fr Fruit ui Wa uit Way™ y and y™ d Growin Growin Gro win ng the he B Bet ettte tter er Wa Way™ W y™ y™ aare re trade trade a mar ma kss or re reg giist s ered ere ed trad radema dema e rks rkks of o S Su un nsw sweet sw e G ee Growe o rs, ow r In Inc. nc Because We Believe The Best Fiber Comes From Fruit... Bob B Bo ob & Jo JJohn hn A hn Amarel mare ma re rel el 2nd nd & 3rd r G Generation en ner erat atio at ion io n Su S Sunsweet nswe ns weet we ett F e Farmers a me ar mers rs Yu Y Yuba uba ba C City, ity, it yC y, CA A r™ Fiber the Balanced Super Fruit Way. ™ No other fiber supplement benefits from our exclusive blend of high performance, whole food, Super Fruits. Includes D’Noir™ Prunes & other top Super Fruits 5 grams of fiber per serving Balance of soluble and insoluble fiber No harsh psyllium Neutral taste Gluten and preservative free Real Farmers. Real Natural Products. Sunsweet ® Growers is a family of co-operative farmers founded on the principle of growing “pure foods from the earth.” In creating Sunsweet Naturals we are committed to applying our beliefs to products that are natural to higher standards. Learn more at SunsweetNaturals.com or 888.749. 50 38. K NON GMO *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/17/10 2:11 PM food + function The right ratio teaspoons of flaxseed. The regimen halted the tumor growth; cancer cells self-destructed. In a study of flaxseed’s effect on estrogen in postmenopausal women, completed in 2004 at the University of Toronto, the women ate a daily muffin containing either soy protein, ground flaxseed, or a placebo for 16 weeks. At the end of the study, the estrogen of only those eating the flaxseed muffin had been altered in a variety of important ways that protected against breast cancer. Deficiency danger Flax flowers can be pale blue, lavender, yellow, or white, and bloom May through September. 58 amazing wellness FoodFunctionBMCKv2.indd 58 Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., author of several books including Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill and the first person to develop a healthy method of processing flaxseed oil, says that health is hard to come by because we don’t get enough essential nutrients in our diet and we get too much food that’s damaged by processing. He notes that 99 percent of the population, for example, doesn’t get enough omega-3. “Maintain the deficiency long enough and you die,” Erasmus says. When we increase the amount of omega-3 through flaxseed or a flaxseed oil blend, every major degenerative condition improves, from cardiac and autoimmune functions to allergies and digestion. And there are side benefits including healthy skin, hair, and nails; a 40-60 percent improvement in athletic performance; more effective learning ability; and more rapid healing. For all its benefits, the flax seed— slightly bigger than a sesame seed, with a mild, nutty flavor—is equally versatile. Whole, the seed has a hard protective covering that makes it crunchy and tasty, but the nutrients are not as easily absorbed as when the seed is ground or milled. Flaxseed oil, though devoid of fiber and lignans, satisfies the need for omega-3 fat in our daily diet; we couldn’t eat enough ground flaxseed daily to achieve the 125 grams or so that our bodies require. Whether adding the seed or the oil, or both, to our diets, Erasmus cautions that it’s important to balance the powerful omega-3 fatty acid in flax with omega-6, to guard against dry eyes and an erratic heartbeat. He suggests a ratio of 2:1, using 2 tablespoons of flaxseed to 1 each of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. With a high-quality oil such as Udo’s 3-6-9 Blend, 3 to 6 tablespoons of oil can be safely ingested over the course of a day. Generally, 1 to 2 tablespoons of the ground seed are recommended, building up gradually from 1 teaspoon a day. If you’re just starting with ground or whole flaxseed, be sure to drink enough water to absorb the fiber. Many companies now roast flaxseed, but Erasmus cautions that roasting burns the seed throughout, increasing the possibility of inflammation. While the label may claim that roasting removes moisture in the seed, thus retaining more fiber, there’s no advantage; it just means that more of the package weight is provided by fiber and the company can charge more. Whole seeds often come in prepackaged containers, but if they’re stored in bins, check that the bins are covered and contain no moisture. The whole seeds can be stored for months in an airtight container in a cool, dark place; grind them in a coffee grinder as needed. Ground or milled seed can be found in vacuum-sealed packages on the shelf or in the refrigerated section of your grocery store. Once you’ve opened the package, keep it tightly sealed in the refrigerator or freezer. Flaxseed oil, which is five times more sensitive to heat, light, and oxygen than cooking oils, requires extra care. A bottle (preferably glass, not plastic, as plastic leeches into the oil) with protective packaging, such as a box, is safest. The oil must not be used for cooking, as it will become rancid—but it can be mixed into heated foods with no ill effects. Refrigerate or freeze the oil after opening. early summer 2010 3/30/10 2:07 PM FLAX OF LIFE Melissa’s Gluten-Free, High-Fiber Muesli— Quick & Easy! Serves 1 This recipe is versatile, easy to make, and chock-full of fiber from many different sources. Reprinted from The Going Against the Grain Group, by Melissa Diane Smith, author of Going Against the Grain and the soon-to-bereleased Gluten Free Throughout the Year. Visit againstthegrainnutrition.com for more information. ½ medium organic apple with the skin on, chopped 2 Tbsp. chopped pecans or walnuts 1 Tbsp. raisins ½ tsp. ground cinnamon 3 Tbsp. Perky’s Nutty Flax Cereal, or 3 Tbsp. cooked red quinoa, or 1 Tbsp. almond flour (all optional) ¼ cup coconut milk 1 Tbsp. dried shredded coconut 1½ tsp. ground flaxseed 1. In a bowl, mix together the chopped apple, nuts, raisins, cinnamon, and optional cereal, quinoa, or almond flour, if using. 2. Pour coconut milk over the mixture, stir to distribute the coconut milk, and let sit for 5 minutes. Add a teaspoon or two of water if you prefer a wetter consistency. Sprinkle shredded coconut and optional ground flaxseed on top. Variations: Add ½ medium chopped pear, 1 chopped nectarine or ¾ cup blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries in place of the apple. Add slivered almonds or hazelnut pieces in place of the walnuts or pecans. per serving: 336 cal; 3 g prot; 27 g total fat (15 g sat fat); 27 g carb; 0 mg chol; 11 mg sod; 6 g fiber; 17 g sugars Fantastic Flax Salad Dressing Serves 8 Flaxseed oil gives this flavorful dressing a healthy dose of omega-3s. Olive oil adds monounsaturated omega-9. Recipe by Herb Joiner-Bey, ND. 7 Tbsp. high-quality, fresh flaxseed oil or flaxseed/olive oil blend 2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 Tbsp. soy or tamale sauce 2 tsp. prepared mustard ¼ tsp. dried or fresh thyme leaves 1-3 peeled cloves of garlic Cracked pepper to taste Blend at high speed and serve. per serving (2 tbsp): 163 cal; 0 g prot; 17 g total fat (1.5 g sat fat); 1.5 g carb; 0 mg chol; 205 mg sod; 0 g fiber; 1 g sugars aw GOOD BUYS Solgar, Flaxseed Oil, 1250 mg is a certified organic, cold-pressed source of flax, the most concentrated vegetarian source of omega-3s. Garden of Life Super Seed is a whole-food blend of seeds, sprouted grains, and legumes, including flax to support heart health and more. Barlean’s Forti-Flax is cold milled, high in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, and provides all 10 essential amino acids. Udo’s Oil 3*6*9 Blend is a carefully blended mix of omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. It’s easily mixed into drinks and shakes. The Vitamin Shoppe Certified Organic Flax Oil High Lignan provides healthy omega3s, organically grown and cold pressed. amazing wellness FoodFunctionBMCKv2.indd 59 early summer 2010 59 3/31/10 11:48 AM women’s health FIGHT HORMONAL IMBALANCE AND STAY STRONG AT ANY AGE BY VERA TWEED Traditionally, hormone imbalance has been associated with PMS or menopause, but times have changed. Hormones are being disrupted by factors such as refined foods and environmental toxins, in addition to natural fluctuations, and symptoms can manifest in subtle to debilitating degrees. Among women (and even men!), signs of hormonal imbalance often include one or more of these experiences: “I don’t feel like myself.” “I can’t get a good night’s sleep.” “I’m eating less and still gaining weight.” “I’ve lost my get up and go; I guess I’m getting old.” And while estrogen and testosterone levels naturally change with age, lifestyle plays a strong role. 60 amazing wellness early summer 2010 WOMENS_FEATURE BMCK.indd 60 3/30/10 4:45 PM SOLVING THE FOOD-STRESS SYNDROME In day-to-day life, we continually influence our insulin and cortisol levels by what we eat, and our choices drive hormones into or out of balance. “Our hormones are like an orchestra,” says Alicia Stanton, MD, an ob/gyn and specialist in hormone balance and wellness in Glastonbury, CT. “They don’t work in isolation.” Most often, explains Stanton, imbalance begins this way: In the normal course of life, carbohydrates in our food are converted to fuel in the form of glucose, or blood sugar. Insulin is then secreted to deliver the glucose to cells. When we eat too many refined carbohydrates, blood-sugar levels spike. Insulin then works overtime to deliver the fuel to our cells, and blood-sugar levels crash to below-normal levels. The result is a sudden drop in energy after a “high” from a sugary or starchy treat. The crash portion of the cycle produces physical stress. In response, our bodies produce excess cortisol, the stress hormone. Life stress also increases cortisol production, but its effects are magnified by dietary stress. Elevated cortisol levels can cause sleep and energy problems, but they also disrupt other hormones. Cortisol, progesterone, and testosterone share the same building blocks. When too many of these building blocks are diverted to produce the stress hormone, it can deplete progesterone, creating an imbalance with estrogen, and this leads to or aggravates PMS and menopausal symptoms. 10 easŋ things ŋou can do ... You can virtually eliminate the dietary trigger of physical stress and hormonal disruption by using food to keep blood-sugar levels stable. 1 Start the day with a breakfast that includes lean protein. 2 3 Eat small meals every 3 hours or so. Throughout the day, avoid starchy and sugary foods and beverages sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners. 4 Eat lean protein and vegetables at every meal. 5 6 7 For snacks, choose vegetables or high-fiber fruits (apples, pears and berries work well) and a small handful of nuts in place of starchy foods. If you drink regular or diet soda, switch to herbal tea, organic sodas that are naturally low in calories and sugar, or water. Take a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement plus antioxidants to support healthy metabolism. 8 9 Exercise regularly and pick activities that reduce your stress levels. Get enough sleep and establish a regular bedtime routine. 10 Control stress in life. Give yourself a break to relax, if just for a few minutes, each day. amazing wellness WOMENS_FEATURE BMCK.indd 61 early summer 2010 61 3/30/10 4:45 PM women’s health AVOIDING TOXINS In 1996, Congress passed a law requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to screen pesticides and other contaminants for their potential effects on hormones. However, such a program to test pesticides just began to be implemented in October 2009, and it will take some time for changes to occur. In the meantime, we can minimize our exposure to these types of chemicals by choosing food grown without chemical pesticides and drinking non-toxic water. And, we can avoid two specific hormone-disrupting toxins in food and beverage containers and in synthetic fragrances found in many beauty, grooming, and household products: BPA (Bisphenol A): Found in plastic containers and the linings of cans, BPA mimics estrogen, and has been linked to obesity, hormone-related cancers, and hyperactivity. BPA-free reusable plastic water bottles, food storage containers, and canned foods are available and are labeled as such. Plastic containers marked on the bottom with a 3, 6 or 7 (the number is inside a triangle) are the worst sources of leached BPA. In cans, acidic foods and beverages leach the most BPA. Phthalates: Pronounced “tha-laytes,” these chemicals also mimic and disrupt hormones. For example, phthalates can lead to artificially depressed levels of thyroid hormone, contributing to fatigue and weight gain. These toxins are most often found within synthetic fragrance. 8 waŋs to reduce toxins in ŋour life: These are some ways to reduce your exposure to toxins that disrupt hormones: 1 Choose organic foods and beverages whenever possible. 2 4 When choosing any products you put on your skin or use in your home, avoid those containing synthetic fragrance. Instead, select ones scented with essential oils or other natural ingredients. 3 Use refillable water bottles made without BPA. 5 6 7 Avoid buying acidic foods, such as sodas, tomato sauces and soups, in cans that are not BPA-free, as acidity promotes leaching of the toxin. When buying canned food, look for BPA-free cans. For food storage, use BPA-free plastic containers or glass, ceramic, or metal ones. 8 62 amazing wellness Drink water that doesn’t contain toxins. Keep in mind that “microwave-safe” indicates a food container won’t disintegrate in the microwave; there is no guarantee that toxins in the plastic won’t leach into food. early summer 2010 WOMENS_FEATURE BMCK.indd 62 3/30/10 12:29 PM Bone Strength Take Care ® The #1-Selling and Fastest Growing Natural Bone Health Formula‡ The Whole Truth About Calcium Supplements Many people think that all calcium supplements are created equal. The truth is that the most common form of calcium supplement today is derived from limestone. You don’t eat rocks as part of your balanced diet, why would you choose to supplement your bone health nutritional needs with limestone? Evidence suggests that calcium Easy to Swallow from whole-food sources may produce more favorable effects in bone health than isolated calcium (ACTUAL SIZE) supplements.* Similar to most nutrients, the body can utilize calcium much more effectively when it is paired with its natural cofactors such as magnesium and other trace minerals. New Chapter® is proud to deliver a calcium complex derived from whole food that delivers these key essential nutrients in their safest, most active form within the infinite complexity of whole food. Synergistic Bone-Strengthening Nutrients In addition to the whole-food source of calcium and magnesium, we have also added other bone-nourishing nutrients to complete the food complex. Vitamin K is an essential Lack of calcium in the bones makes them porous and brittle. co-factor in calcium absorption and retention.* Human cell proteins that don’t get enough vitamin K can’t hold onto calcium, causing this critical nutrient to drift away from the bone. The “calcium paradox” holds that without adequate vitamin K, calcium will not be deposited in the bones where it is required for maintaining bone strength, but rather in the arteries and soft tissues where it can cause stiffening. Exccess calcium in Excess blood blo ood vessel walls iimpede d bl bloodd flow. fl The form of vitamin K most active in the bones and arteries is natural vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 (MK-7), sourced from fermented whole food, gently redirects “lost” calcium back into the bone bank. MenaQ7™: The Only Clinically Supported Natural Vitamin K2 Bone Strength Take Care® contains MenaQ7™, the most bioavailable, bioactive, and longest-lasting form of vitamin K available. MenaQ7™ is a patentpending form of vitamin K2 extracted from natto and has been clinically shown to promote bone health. A single daily dose of 45 mcg of MenaQ7™ can ensure delivery of vitamin K2 to all of the body’s tissues 24 hours a day. The complex is completed by vitamin D3, which has been found to aid in bone support and function in several studies.* New Chapter® creates whole-food complexed vitamin D3 by culturing the nutrient with probiotics and organic whole foods. Magnesium and trace minerals such as silica, vanadium, and strontium have also been shown to promote bone health.* It is helpful to think of a “bricks and mortar” analogy. Calcium serves as the bricks, while nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin D and trace minerals serve as the mortar. Without both bricks and mortar, a strong physical structure, i.e., healthy bone, cannot be achieved. © 2010 201100 NNew 20 ew w CChapter, hapt apt pptter, err Inc. c ‡ Accord Ac According c ding cord d ing n g to 2009 2009 099 SPINS SPIN PINNS Data D taa Da AW_batch print.indd 6 * The Thes h e st t atem tem m ents ent nts t have ha e not hav n t been no b en be e eevaluated valu a These statements by the Food and Drug Administration. The Thes hes he e e ppr r oduc odu od d tss are duc a re r e not n ot o intended i ntended nte nten te ded too diagnose, ddii These products treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 3/15/10 10:14 AM women’s health 7 natural health secrets for her: 1 5 2 6 3 7 HORMONE BALANCE Stress wreaks havoc on hormones. Eat small meals throughout the day to keep blood sugar stable. Exercise regularly, including aerobically, most days of the week for 30 minutes to an hour. Adequate sleep is essential. Key Supplements: Multivitamin: Look for one with chromium, which helps stabilize blood sugar and cortisol production (the “stress hormone”). Fish Oil: 1–3 g per day to support healthy hormone function. Magnesium glycinate or citrate: 400–600 mg at bedtime to improve sleep and combat stress. Pomegranate concentrate: Follow product directions. HEART SMARTS Here’s a heart-stopping statistic: 50 percent of women die from a heart attack or stroke. Get regular checkups and lead a healthy lifestyle. Pay attention to your cholesterol (and take supplements like CoQ10 and fish oil that help manage cholesterol). Key Supplements: CoQ10: 50 to 100 mg daily for healthy women, 200 to 300 mg daily if you have heart disease. Fish Oil: 3 g per day. Multivitamin: Look for a specialized formula designed to raise HDL cholesterol (the good kind). SEXUAL HEALTH In a study published in the Journal of Sexual & Marital Therapy, a combination of multivitamins, minerals, the amino acid arginine, ginkgo, ginseng, and damiana improved desire, satisfaction, and vaginal lubrication. Black cohosh has an estrogenic effect on vaginal cells, which can relieve dryness and other symptoms of menopause. Key Supplements: Black cohosh: 20 to 40 mg, twice a day. 4 YEAST INFECTIONS Boosting friendly bacteria restores a natural balance of vaginal organisms, keeping unfriendly bacterial at bay. Key Supplements: Probiotics: Take probiotics as a dietary supplement per product directions; eat yogurt with live cultures. 64 amazing wellness PMS Limit sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, and get regular aerobic exercise. Krill oil was shown to reduce PMS symptoms in a study published in Alternative Medicine Review. Others studies show calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and chasteberry to be effective. Key Supplements: Krill Oil: 2 g daily. Calcium: 1,000 to 1,200 mg daily from food and supplements. Magnesium: 200 to 500 mg daily. B6: 50 to 200 mg daily. Chasteberry: Follow product directions. VARICOSE VEINS Pregnancy, obesity, and occupations that demand standing for long periods of time increase the risk of these twisted and enlarged veins close to the surface of the legs. Horse chestnut has been found to be effective in numerous studies. Other research has shown that bioflavonoids from citrus, grapeseed, or pine bark, are beneficial. Topically, witch hazel ointment can help. Key Supplements: Horse chestnut: 300 mg three times daily. Citrus bioflavonoids: 500 mg per day. Grape seed or pine bark extract: 100 to 200 mg per day. Witch hazel ointment: Follow product directions. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS Cranberry helps to prevent and relieve urinary tract infections (UTIs) and is believed to reduce the ability of harmful bacteria to adhere to the walls of the bladder, so that those bacteria can be washed away. When taking antibiotics for UTIs, the enzymes bromelain and trypsin may enhance the effectiveness of the medication. Key Supplements: Cranberry: Take capsules according to package instructions; drink eight ounces of unsweetend juice, 3 times daily. Bromelain and trypsin: Take 500 mg of a combination when taking antibiotics. early summer 2010 WOMENS_FEATURE BMCK.indd 64 3/30/10 4:46 PM AW_batch print.indd 6 2/5/10 1:22 PM women’s health A GOOD FOUNDATION Sound nutrition gives your body a foundation to withstand assaults from an imperfect diet and environmental toxins. Women’s health specialist Alicia Stanton, MD, recommends the following as an everyday preventive regimen for women. the basics ... Multivitamin: A product that includes 50 to 100 mg of B1, 2, 3, 5 and 6; 1,000 mg of B12; 800 mcg of folic acid; 200 to 400 IU of a vitamin Emixed tocopherol combination; and at least 200 mcg of chromium. up to Vitamin D: 1,000 to 2,000 IU. Fish Oil: 1,000–3,000 mg of combined EPA and DHA. Flaxseed Oil: As an alternative to fish oil, 1 to 2 Tbsp or the equivalent in capsules. Probiotics: From fighting yeast infections to boosting immunity and easing symptoms of irritable bowel disease, probiotics are a must for women of all ages. Follow manufacturer’s directions for dosage. Calcium: A total (from food and supplements) of 1,000 mg up to age 50 and 1,200 mg after that. Magnesium: 400–600 mg (glycinate or citrate) twice daily, with the second dose taken before bedtime for more restful sleep. If you experience diarrhea, cut back. Vitamin C: 1,000 to 2,000 mg, and up to 5,000 mg during times of stress. CoQ10: 50 mg, 100 200 mg if you are overweight, have high blood After age 35, and to pressure, or suffer from fatigue, diabetes, or heart disease. product picks Ascenta Health Nutrasea+D Omega-3 combines ultra-pure omega-3 fish oil supplement with 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 in a delicious apple flavored liquid. 66 amazing wellness The Vitamin Shoppe Ultimate Woman 50+ Multi targets specific nutritional needs in a high-potency formula that includes calcium, folic acid, iron, lutein, and other essentials. Mega Food Women’s One Daily with wholefood vitamins, minerals and herbs is formulated to enhance overall female vitality throughout the cycles of a woman’s life. Natural Factors PGX Daily supports healthy weight loss, helps lower the glycemic index of meals to maintain healthly blood sugar levels, promotes satiety and curbs cravings. The Vitamin Shoppe Pomegranate Concentrate (Unsweetened): Mix this tasty concentrated juice with water for the power of pomegranate with no added sugar. early summer 2010 WOMENS_FEATURE BMCK.indd 66 3/31/10 3:09 PM Natural steps to blood sugar balance No Magnesium Stearate • No Additives • Vegetarian • Gluten Free u GlucoCare® effectively supports normal blood sugar levels* Bitter Melon effectively supports efficient sugar metabolism* How does GlucoCare® work? How does Bitter Melon M work? wor • Contains Bitter Melon which has the nutrient polypeptide-p that exhibits insulin-like activity.* • Contains momordin (plant glycoside) that promotes AMP – activated protein kinase for normal glucose metabolism and optimal metabolic rate.* • Contains Gymnema that supports pancreatic cell function and normal insulin production.* • Contains Indian Kino Tree which has flavonoids that inhibit glucose absorption in the intestines.* • Contains momordicosides and charantin (active constituents) which support healthy glucose levels and beta cell function for normal insulin production.* u Himalaya identifies Gluten Free products with a green Gluten Free sticker. "CPVU)JNBMBZB)FSCBM)FBMUIDBSF • Family owned since 1930 • Published human clinical trials on the final proprietary formula • Seed-to-Shelf – From 700 acres of clean farmland and our GMP production facility to you • Enriching Lives & Giving Back through buyback agreements supporting over 2,500 farmers 800.869.4640 himalayausa.com *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/10/10 9:59 AM men’s health GIVE YOURSELF A FIGHTING CHANCE AGAINST COMMON HEALTH THREATS. BY MARK STENGLER, ND Men have their own health challenges as they age. Fortunately, there are natural approaches, including supplements, that can prevent or treat the most common ailments. Read on to discover what men should be using for these frequently experienced health conditions. 68 amazing wellness MEN'S FEATURE BMCK.indd 68 early summer 2010 3/30/10 9:34 AM HEART ATTACK AND STROKE For many of my male patients, I recommend following the general dietary guidelines of a Mediterranean diet for heart attack and stroke prevention. This includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins such as fish, olive oil, moderate intake of whole grains, and red wine or grape juice. In addition, the following supplements are recommended to naturally thin the blood and reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system (check with your doctor before using if you are on blood-thinning medications): fish oil (1,000– 2,000 mg of EPA and DHA combined); mixed tocopherol vitamin E (200–400 IU); nattokinase (2,000 fibrinolytic units daily on an empty stomach); and B complex (100 mg). Also, maintaining healthy blood pressure is critical to preventing cardiovascular disease. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is a must for good potassium levels. Regular exercise and stress reduction must also be part of the program to reduce weight and pressure inside blood vessel walls. Supplements are effective for this condition. CoQ10, at a dose of 300 mg daily, is recommended. In one study, 109 patients with essential hypertension were given an average of 225 mg of CoQ10 in addition to their existing drug regimen. Participants had significantly improved systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and 51 percent of patients were able to discontinue up to three antihypertensive drugs an average of 4.4 months after starting CoQ10. I also recommend hawthorn extract (600 mg) for strengthening heart muscle tissue and vessels, and magnesium glycinate or taurate (200–300 mg) twice a day to relax blood vessels. easŋ things ŋou can do ... Lifestyle habits have an enormous impact on overall health. These basic strategies can help you face down future health problems. 1 Include lean protein in your diet such as wild salmon. 2 3 Get regular exercise. Aim for four days a week. Supplements not only protect against diet deficiencies, but research shows certain supplements work to prevent disease and alleviate existing conditions. aspirin: not always the answer Millions of men in the United States take aspirin with the belief that this drug will help prevent a heart attack or stroke by acting as a blood thinner. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reports that up to 60 percent of users are aspirin-resistant. This means that aspirin does not have a blood-thinning effect for these individuals. Instead, they are prone to side effects, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, dyspepsia (pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen), and ulcers from long-term aspirin use. One study in Ophthalmology found prolonged aspirin use could increase risk of eye cataracts by 55 percent. 69 MEN'S FEATURE BMCK.indd 69 3/30/10 4:28 PM men’s health PROSTATE HEALTH Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is commonly referred to as prostate enlargement. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that lies below the urinary bladder and surrounds the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder). The main role of the prostate is to make fluid that becomes part of semen. BPH affects more than half of men in their 60s, and as many as 90 percent of men in their 70s and 80s. Symptoms are rare in men in their 40s or younger. As the prostate gland enlarges, it presses against the urethra and interferes with urine flow. This irritates the bladder, causing it to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine. Common symptoms of BPH include frequent urination, urgency, leaking or dribbling, and weak stream. Beta-sitosterol is naturally occurring in plant foods, including rice bran, wheat germ, soybeans, and peanuts. The supplemental extract form significantly relieves BPH urinary symptoms. Research shows that beta-sitosterol may inhibit 5-alpha-reductase activity responsible for producing dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that is implicated in the development of BPH, and shrink the prostate. Take 60 to 130 mg divided into two to three doses daily on an empty stomach. Rye grass pollen extract (Cernilton) extract appers to relax the muscles that control the bladder. A study published in the British Journal of Urology found a significant improvement of symptoms of BPH with Cernilton (69 percent of the patients) compared to placebo (30 percent).Take 126 mg three times daily. A multitude of published clinical studies have demonstrated that saw palmetto provides improvement for mild to moderate symptoms of BPH. This includes benefit for frequent urination, hesitancy, painful urination, and generally weak urinary flow. A review of saw palmetto studies involved 3,139 men from 21 randomized trials lasting four to 48 weeks. The researchers concluded the evidence suggests that saw palmetto provides mild to moderate improvement in urinary symptoms and flow measures. Saw palmetto also produced similar improvement in urinary symptoms and flow compared to the drug finasteride. Take 320 mg of a product standardized between 80 to 85 percent fatty acids one to two times daily. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse at least 25 percent of the time, affects men age 20 and older, including more than 80 percent of men over age 75. Drugs such as Viagra and Cialis are commonly prescribed by doctors and touted in TV ads, yet they can cause serious side effects, including digestive disturbances, headaches, and vision loss. These natural ED remedies are effective without the serious side effects: • Korean red ginseng: 900 mg taken three times daily. • Ginkgo biloba: 120 mg twice daily. Do not combine ginkgo with blood-thinners, such as Coumadin. • L-arginine: 5 g daily or 1.7 g along with 120 mg of Pycnogenol daily. Men with a history of heart disease should check with their doctor first before using L-arginine, which can also lower blood pressure. ANDROPAUSE The concept of “male menopause” is controversial; however, I have found that many men in their mid-40s to late 50s experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, and lethargy. This can be the result of rapidly dropping levels of hormones, such as DHEA and testosterone. Have your doctor test your levels to see if you are deficient; hormone replacement may be beneficial. Also, supplements, such as a sublingual B12 (1,000 mcg daily), fish oil—1,500 mg of EPA and DHA combined—as well as 900 mg daily of the mushroom extract Cordyceps sinensis can all help with vitality and symptom relief. St. John’s wort can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Take 900 mg daily. Another good mood balancer is SAM-e. Take 400–800 mg two to three times daily on an empty stomach. relationship harmony through hormone balance If you’ve ever felt that your spouse/partner was so hard to figure out that she might m as well have come from fr another planet, John Gray G (left) understands your yo plight. His 1992 number one bestselling book, Men Me Are from Mars, Women Are From Venus which has sold more than 50 mil- 70 amazing wellness MEN'S FEATURE BMCK.indd 70 lion copies in more than 45 languages addressed the psychological differences between the sexes. Gray’s latest offering, Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice, follows up with more in-depth advice based on recent scientific discoveries about how hormones and biochemical balance affect gender differences and how to traverse the often times rocky road of romantic relationships. Gray himself used the nutritional supplement PGX by Natural Factors (see p. 66 for more information) to help stabilize blood sugar and thus promote hormone balance. It also works for women, he says. “By using PGX before meals to minimize blood sugar fluctuations, I experienced sustained energy, much as I did as a young man,” he says. To learn more about Gray, visit http://home.marsvenus.com. early summer 2010 3/30/10 4:29 PM AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/19/10 12:57 PM men’s health product picks RESEARCH UPDATES men’s health standouts in nutrition and supplements VITAMIN D Vitamin D is the nutrition breakthrough of the century. This ultra-important hormone—it’s not a true vitamin—is used by every cell in the body, and the vast majority of Americans is deficient. One scientific paper per day is being published on this supplement, and all this research confirms benefit for everything from inflammation, cancer and heart health to flu, nerve health and cognitive function. Cutting edge authorities suggest 4,000 IU per day for the average person. POMEGRANATE Pomegranate is a top antioxidant. The juice measures in at three times greater antioxidant activity than other antioxidant-rich foods, such as red wine or green tea. Research finds that this property helps improve prostatitis. Recent research shows that it inhibits the growth of prostate, colon and lung cancer cells. MACA Maca root, a turnip-like plant found growing high in the Andes, is used for impotence and as an aphrodisiac, and scientists say it does the same for lab rats. Two groups of constituents, the fatty acids macamides and macaenes, seem to be the active ingredients. Use either 3,000 mg or 750 mg of the 4:1 concentrate daily. BETA-SITOSTEROL Beta-sitosterol is one of several phytosterols with a molecular shape similar to that of cholesterol. Although found in many plants, it is abundant in saw palmetto berry, sea-buckthorn and goji berry. It reduces cholesterol levels by inhibiting its absorption in the intestine. European practitioners use it to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer. For BPH, use 130 mg daily, in divided doses. For cholesterol, use 800-6,000 mg per day in divided doses before meals. LYCOPENE This bright red carotene phytochemical occurs in red fruits and vegetables, particularly tomatoes, red carrots, watermelons and papayas. Lycopene is 100 times more efficient as an anioxidant than vitamin E. Use 30 mg per day. — Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa Science has shown that lycopene-rich tomatoes prevent some types of cancers, particularly prostate cancer. 72 amazing wellness MEN'S FEATURE BMCK.indd 72 New Chapter LycoPom delivers lycopene from a blend of herbs and a proprietary tomato extract free of ethyl acetate, and a full complement of synergistic compounds. The Vitamin Shoppe Ultimate Man 50+ Multi targets the specific needs of men with vitamins, minerals, herbals, and amino acids in a sustained release formula. Garden of Life Vitamin Code for Men is a comprehensive multi-nutrient formula featuring RAW Food-Created Nutrients. The Vitamin Shoppe Beta Sitosterol provides 300 mg of phytosterol concentrate per serving, plus campesterol and stigmasterol to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. early summer 2010 3/31/10 2:42 PM Super-healthy…Super-good Superfruits are rich in antioxidants, packed with phytonutrients, low in calories and high in nutritive value. Plus, they’ve been linked to a wide range of health benefits, including the potential to promote healthy aging. Support your body’s health with these high-potency superfruit supplements— available exclusively at The Vitamin Shoppe®. • Pomegranate Extract – Helps defend the body against damage caused by free radicals • Cherry Fruit Extract – Natural support for joint and immune system health • Cranberry Plus – Helps maintain the health of your urinary tract and immune system • Açaí Extract – Provides 1000mg of açaí per serving, to support total-body wellness Discover the benefits of superfruits today. STORES NATIONWIDE OR AT VITAMINSHOPPE.COM Earn more savings with our Healthy Awards Club...it’s FREE to join! AW_batch print.indd 6 Log on to vitaminshoppe.com/stores to find a location near you Join the discussion at vsconnect.com 3/15/10 9:50 AM a history of HOMEOPATHY ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 200 YEARS AGO, THIS NATURAL HEALING PRACTICE HAS A LONG AND SUCCESSFUL TRADITION BY AYN NIX Samuel Hahnemann, an 18th-century German physician and scholar, is considered the founder of homeopathy. During the time he practiced in the late 1700s, medical treatments such as bloodletting were still common. Hahnemann was critical of many of the practices used in medicine at this time, and he would soon undertake some innovative research that would offer a welcome alternative. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann 74 amazing wellness early summer 2010 homeo Pt 3 BMCK v2 sidebar.indd 74 3/30/10 4:42 PM AMAZING wellness ™ HOMEOPATHY SERIES THREE of THREE His investigations into what would become homeopathy began with an accidental discovery. While researching the mechanisms behind cinchona bark, then used to treat malaria, he used himself as a “guinea pig” and ingested some of the bark. To his surprise, he developed low-grade symptoms similar to malaria. He puzzled over how a substance that alleviated symptoms of malaria in someone with the disease created similar symptoms in a healthy person. It was then that the theory of “similar suffering,” or “like cures like” took shape. This is the principle idea behind homeopathy. Hahnemann and his colleagues tested a wide variety of natural substances and compiled a vast library of research. Students of Hahnemann founded the first homeopathic medical school in the United Sates in the 1800s, and homeopathic schools were also established throughout Europe. Epidemics of the time, including scarlet fever, yellow fever, cholera, and typhoid fever, were treated successfully with homeopathy. As a result, the practice flourished into the early 20th century. At that time, there were more than 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies nationwide, and several homeopathic hospitals and schools. Eventually, however, popularity declined as modern drugs took a foothold. Since the 1970s, the benefits of homeopathy have been rediscovered, and it is now more popular than ever as people look to natural alternatives to care for their health. Today, homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world, according to the World Health Organization. “It is going strong in England, Ireland, France, Italy, India among other countries,” says homeopath Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom, president of The National Center for Homeopathy. “In the United States, there is strong consumer demand for and use of homeopathy and visits to homeopathic practitioners. Last year, $11 billion was spent on CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) including homeopathy.” Gahles believes homeopathy’s holistic aspect has much to do with its success. Many homeopathic formulas address emotional concerns such as anxiety and stress. “It is a whole system, and that means it takes into to account the body, mind, emotions, and spirit,” she says. “Educated consumers are increasingly aware of the role emotions and stress play in HOW TO READ THE LABELS On the labels of homeopathic medicines, you’ll find both a letter and number, which indicate the dilution of the solution. “Different dilutions, i.e., 6c, 12c, 30c and 200c, refer to the amount of times the dilution and succussion process has been done,” explains Gahles. “For example, the 200c potency is more dilute than the 6c and is therefore, paradoxically, more powerful.” POPULAR PRODUCTS Popular remedies today often combine homeopathic ingredients to target common problems and address a wide range of symptoms. Here are a few top-selling formulas to try. INSOMNIA Look for combination formulas including Passiflora, Avena sativa, Chamomilla, and Humulus lupulus to promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality. Try: Hyland’s Calms Forte SINUS PRESSURE Remedies formulated to relieve sinus pressure are available in pellets and sprays, and have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Try: Heel BHI Sinusin nasal spray LEG CRAMPS Quinine from the bark of the cinchona tree can help relieve leg cramps and lower back pain. Try: Hyland’s Leg Cramps with Quinine CANDIDA Symptoms of yeast overgrowth (candida) include depression, bladder infections, and digestive problems. Look for ingredients including Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida torresil, and Candida tropicalis. Try: King Bio Advanced Candida Foundational ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (ADD) Products combining remedies such as Kali phosphoricum and Naturum muriaticum are formulated to balance neural growth and neurotransmitter production and improve focus. Try: VAXA Attend RINGING IN EARS Homeopathic formulas including ginkgo, Chinese herbs, and key vitamins and minerals can relieve symptoms of ringing and buzzing in the ears and sensitivity to sound. Try: Natural Care Ring Stop WEIGHT CONTROL/THYROID Low functioning thyroid and “stress eating” can cause weight gain. Homeopathic ingredients that target physical, mental, and emotional factors behind excessive appetite or weight gain include Arsenicum album, Badiaga, Pituitarum posterium, and Thyroidinum to support the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, both necessary for proper thyroid function. Try: King Bio Appetite & Weight Conrol; VAXA Thyroid Formula disease, and they want a system of healing that addresses that. They also want safe, non-toxic medicines that are cost effective.” HOW IT’S MADE Hahnemann advocated reducing doses of the natural substances used to treat various conditions to minute levels— enough to promote healing, but not enough to aggravate existing symptoms. Substances were diluted, often multiple times, becoming more effective the further they were diluted. This is the same method used today to create homeopathic medicines. “Remedies are made by grinding the substance and then dissolving it in alcohol to produce the mother tincture,” explains Gahles. “The remedies are made from this mother tincture by a process of dilution (i.e., 100:1) in alcohol or water, in a method called succussion. Succussion is a the repetitive, vigorous shaking (by hand or machine) that energizes the medicine and adds to its potency.” amazing wellness homeo Pt 3 BMCK v2 sidebar.indd 75 early summer 2010 75 3/31/10 2:16 PM check it out SWEET DEALS FOR YOUR HEALTH Five fantastic products to try—from a new dreamy superfruit snack bar to a super fiber blend PROTECT YOUR HEART NOW Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of men and women. Adding a daily dose of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract, Cardiovascular Formula 100, from Wakunaga, helps support optimal circulatory function and overall cardiovascular health. This classic formula contains odorless organic aged garlic, clinically shown to promote heart health. FOUND! THE ULTIMATE MULTIVITAMIN Packed with nearly four dozen important ingredients to support immunity, digestion, eye health and more, The Vitamin Shoppe Ultimate Gold Multivitamins provide the highest level of nutrient support of any Vitamin Shoppe brand multi. The women’s formula, Ultimate Women Gold Multivitamin, contains ingredients to support healthy hair, skin and nails, while the men’s formula, Ultimate Man Gold Multivitamin, supports a healthy prostate and promotes libido. SKIN SAVER, ANTI-AGING MIRACLE Collagen makes your skin plump, soft, and wrinkle free. Unfortunately, this protein diminishes as we age. ReserveAge Organics Collagen Booster contains a patented complex, including resveratrol (from organic French red grapes) to boost collagen production and help restore elasticity and a youthful appearance. FILL UP ON FIBER—AND ANTIOXIDANTS Made from whole-food prune fiber and mixed with other top antioxidantrich superfruits, Sunsweet Naturals SupraFiber has 5 grams of combined soluble and insoluble fiber per serving. It’s gluten-free, kosher-certified, vegan, nonGMO, psyllium-free, and easily blends into beverages, smoothies, or yogurt. BLISS OUT! Bliss is only a bite away with the new Bora Bora Organic Bars from Atkins. The Tropical Sesame Cranberry helps you “Live Long,” while the Tiki Blueberry Flaxseed helps you “Feel Great.” The Island Brazil Nut Almond and the Triber Cinnamon Oatmeal each help you “Get Going.” All are free of refined sugar and trans fats. 76 amazing wellness AW CHECKBMCK.indd 76 early summer 2010 3/30/10 5:07 PM BN_Dec09_batch print.indd 6 10/27/09 2:35 PM © 2010 Solgar Vitamin and Herb HOT FL ASH : PM PhytoGen Complex™ can change your life. Solgar’s PM PhytoGen Complex™ features the unique botanical Thai Kudzu (Pueraria mirifica), which helps to relieve menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood instability, nervousness, and occasional trouble sleeping.* This formula also provides important B vitamins to help supply energy, enhance mood, and combat fatigue.* Pick up a bottle of Solgar’s PM PhytoGen Complex™ today — it will change your life! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AdSizeCheckTemplate.indd 1 3/10/10 11:08 AM