June 2014
June 2014
Volume 1, Issue 1—June 2014 RIW HOBBIES SUMMONER NO JOBS FOR SPACE MARINES AFTER RETIREMENT. Tome of Knowledge CALANDAR How Will The New 7th Edition Warhammer 40k Rule Book Affect You? NEW RELEASES FORUMS For the Emperor! EBAY STORE So, we have on our hands a shiny new edition of the game. It came fast on the heels of 6th ed, which was unexpected, but it incorporates all of the craziness of December with Escalation, Stronghold, Dataslates and Formations into the 6th ed core rules with some FAQs thrown in for good measure. The game played on the tabletop is essentially the same as it was. Rules mechanics wise, the Psychic Phase is the only really big change to how the game plays. The really significant changes come in the the pre-game of building your army and deciding what mission to play. Here, the game changes dramatically, however, these are also the rules most often changed by FACEBOOK US BUY LISTS CONTACT US Citizens on patrol players so I look at these with mixed feelings as they will likely not be used that frequently. In all, 7th edition Warhammr 40K is extremely close to 6th edition 40K. If you liked 6th, you will like 7th as it essentially doubled down on the elements of 6th. You now have even more freedom to make whatever army you like with the benefit COME SEE OUR NEW WEBSITE. As some of you might have noticed the RIW website is looking a little more modern these days. We are adding new features, such as forums, and sprucing up old links, like the calendar. If you get a chance I recommend you stop by to check it out and be sure to visit the forums. of many rules tightened up that were previously ambiguous, and a lot of changes to balance different unit types out. If you didn’t like the freewheeling nature of 6th, you will hate 7th as it completely takes the lid off and allows you to literally do whatever you want. There is no structure to list building anymore which throws the door wide for both thematic armies and abusive armies. It is left to the players to regulate themselves, for better or worse. Inside this issue: WARHAMMER 40K 7TH EDITION / RIW WEBSITE REVAMP 1 MAGIC THE GATHERING PAUPER STYLE / UPCOMING EVENTS 2 NEW RELEASES / BGG HOTNESS 3 NEW RELEASES 4 NEW RELEASES 5 SPECIAL EVENT NEWS 6 PAST AND PRESENT EVENTS 7 ABOUT US / NEWSLETTER 8 “PLEASE SIR, CAN I HAVE SOME MORE?” Magic The Gathering Pauper Style Come out and play, tell a buddy, bring a friend. RIW is pleased to announce Pauper Magic Thursdays from 6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. in the Blue Room. Pauper is a Magic Online format in which all cards used must have been printed at the common rarity in a Magic Online set or product. Common promo cards are only legal if the card has been printed at the common rarity in a set or product. Other than that, the usual rules for Constructed decks apply (a minimum deck size of 60 cards in the main deck, an optional 15-card sideboard, and so on). If a common version of a particular card was ever released on Magic Online, any versions of that card printed at other rarities are also legal in this format. Your friendly neighborhood Gobo. WHAT… ALL DRESSED UP AND NOWHERE TO GO? Here Are Upcoming Events Happening At RIW This Month. June 2014 Sun 1Pathfinder Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7TCG Platinum Tournament 8Flames of War 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21Free RPG Tournament 15 16 Day 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Warmachine Hordes Tournament 29 Page 2 30 OH LOOK... SHINY This Month’s New Releases. BGG Hotness Splendor Camel Up Marvel Dice Concept Thebes Lieutenant Allison Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages Blue Moon Legends Kovnik Andrei Malakov Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius Istanbul Android: Netrunner Planes Concordia Rococo Maharani Star Wars: X-Wing Star Realms Potato Man Myth Bile Thralls Eldritch Horror Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber Dozer & Smigg Blood Bound Caverna Lewis & Clark Terra Mystica Samurai Spirit Descent Robinson Crusoe Star Trek: Attack Wing Sanssouci Geister, Geister Mage Knight Board Game Battle Sheep HORDES High Command: Gargantuan Might Expansion Through the Ages LOTR: Card Game Hero Clix: Guardians of the Galaxy Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Yardmaster Flizz &Miez Richard Ritterschlag Unconditional Surrender Love Letter Praetor Marvel: Legendary Machio Koro Eclipse Twilight Struggle Heroes of Normandie Cosmic Encounter Russian Railroads 7 Wonders Dead of Winter PFPC: Blood of the Elements PFCS: Numeria, Land of Fallen SOS Titanic PF Map Pack: Cave Chambers Sentinels of the Multiverse Page 3 Yugioh: Primal Origin Deluxe Edition ROTL: Spires of Xin-Shalast Android Netrunner: The Spaces Between GoT: The Prize of the North 13th Age of Beastiary: Hatchling Edition Page 4 Firefly: Artful Dodger Munchkin: Board of Health SW W-Wing: Z95 Headhunter LotR: Trouble in Tharbad SW X-Wing: Tie Defender Firefly: Big Hero Promo Munchkin: Legends Legendary Villians: Marvel DBG Yugiho: realm of Light Starter Deck SW X-Wing: TIE Phantom Pathfinder: Secrets of the Sphinx Pathfinder Cards: The emerald Spire Superdungeon Pathfinder Pawns: Base Assortment MTG: Conspiracy BD SW X-Wing: E-Wing Page 5 ANNUAL BOARD GAME MONTH SCHEDULE OF EVENTS We are pleased to announce that July is our annual board game month. In the month of July we are featuring a new board game every day. Everyone is invited to come up and enjoy the fun. Have you ever wanted to play Netrunner but did not have anyone to play against; play Star Wars Miniatures game but didn’t have the models; or, play Battlestar Galactica but thought it was too complex? Have no worries, there will be someone on-site to instruct / run the game, so no experience is necessary. Come alone or with your friends, either way you are guaranteed a good time. Below is the July schedule, look it over and plan your month of awesome games. Hope to see you there. ~ July 2014 ~ ◄ Jun 2014 Sun Mon Tue 1 6 7 Wed 2 Aug 2014 ► Thu 3 Fri Sat 4 5 ARE YOU A WEREWOLF? TERRA MYSTI- ALIEN FRONCA TIERS RACE FOR THE GALAXY CARCASSONNE 12 8 9 10 11 WARHAMMER DOMINION DISKWARS ROBINSON CRUSOE ADVENTURE ON THE CURSED ISLAND GAME OF THRONES: THE CARD GAME CASTLES OF BURGUNDY TZOLKIN: THE TICKET TO MYAN CALAN- RIDE DAR 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA ANDROID: NETRUNNER LORD OF THE AGRICOLA RINGS: THE CARD GAME MUNCHKIN DESCENT: JOURNEYS IN HE DARK SETTLERS OF CATAN 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 KING OF TOKYO MAGE WARS BETRAYL AT HOUSE ON THE HILL THE RESISTANCE STAR WARS X WARHAMMER 7 WONDERS -WING: THE INVASION MINIATURES GAME 27 28 29 30 31 DC COMICS DECK BUILDING GAME LORDS OF WATERDEEP STAR WARS: THE CARD GAME PUERTO RICO LEGENDARY: A MARVEL DECK BUILDING GAME Page 6 Notes: Week night events will start between 5and 6pm. Weekend events will be announced CONFUSIOUS SAY “TO DO WELL IN FUTURE COMPETITIONS, YOU MUST BRING TO MIND THE PAST” Last Month’s Winners And Upcoming Events ANTHONY ENOKIAN WINS FRIDAY NIGHT MAGIC CHAMPIONSHIP Congratulations to Anthony Enokian! Anthony won the first RIW Hobbies Monthly FNM Championship, and for his trouble he took home a custom, oneof-a-kind RIW / MTG Hoodie! The FNM Monthly Championship is an additional bonus prize that we have added to our already amped up MTG tournament prize payout structure. Here’s how it works: over the course of the entire month we track how each player finishes every week and then at the end of the month we tally up all the scores and the top four point gainers are awarded additional prizes! The monthly bonus prizes for June will be as follows: 1 st, Custom Hoodie. 2nd, Custom Playmat. 3rd-4th, Free entry to FNM. Remember, that points restart fresh the first of every month, so be sure to come out early in the month to get a head start on the rest of the pack! Good luck! MAGIC TOURNAMENT: TCG Player Platinum 1K, 6-7-14 RIW Hobbies is proud to be hosting a TCG Player Platinum 1k Tournament on Saturday June 7 th. The tournament format is Standard. Registration opens at 11:00am and the tournament will begin promptly at noon. The entry fee for this tournament will be $25. Check out this serious prize payout: 1st: $400, Playmat + 50 2nd: $200, Playmat + 30 Points 3rd-4th: $100, Playmat + 20 Points 5th-8th: $50, Playmat + 10 Points 9th-16th: Playmat + 5 Points Additional prizes to the pool if attendance dictates! For more information of the TCG Player series: http://maxpoint.tcgplayer.com/magic and for any other information contact us at [email protected] or call us at: 734-261-7233. See you there! Page 7 Michigan’s Leading Game and Hobby Store RIW HOBBIES Primary Business Address 29116 Five Mile Road Livonia Michigan, 48154 Phone: 734-261-7233 Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail: riwhobbies@gmail THE NEW AND IMPROVED RIW NEWS LETTER I am pleased to announce that starting this June RIW Hobbies will be producing a newsletter, dubbed the “Summoner”. The “Summoner” will be released the first week of every month plus supplemental publishing's for special events. What you can expect to see with every release are: We’re on the web New Releases Calendar Of Events Articles Written By The Staff Previous Month’s Tournament Winners Special Featurette’s With In-Depth Game Reviews Or Tips ABOUT US We’re here in part because we love games as much as our customers do. To this end, we order from a variety of suppliers, are open to alternate sources of supply, and strive to stay informed of trends and new developments in any areas our customers are interested in. Our customers are the most important of the many Communities we belong to. We strive to go to extraordinary lengths to make them feel welcome, valued, and satisfied. We cultivate our gamer community by providing a clean safe environment for our customers to play games. We want to meet and exceed their expectations every time they set foot in our store. Page 8