Professional Learning Brochure FALL 2016
Professional Learning Brochure FALL 2016
Professional Learning Brochure FALL 2016 September 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 Our Professional Learning sessions are available to anyone working in the Early Learning and Child Care sector. This may include: Registered Early Childhood Educators, Home Child Care Providers, Kindergarten Teachers, OEYC Staff, PFLC Staff, other Early Learning and Child Care Professionals, Supervisors, Managers, Executive Directors, Owners and Boards of Directors of Early Learning and Child Care Services. Please note, costs will vary depending on the cost of presenters, venues, materials, and meals if applicable. TABLE OF CONTENTS A Word from the PL Team……………………………………………..Page 3 Guiding Documents……………………………………………………...Page 4 Professional Learning Focus…………………………………………..Page 4 New PL Card Information……………………………………………..Page 4 Approaches to Professional Learning…………………………….Page 5 Professional Learning………………………………………………..Page 6-11 Professional Requirements…………………………………………..Page 12 Infant Mental Health Training……………………………………….Page 13 ASCY’s Website Information...……………………………………...Page 14 ASCY Webinars & Professional Resource Library Info.…..Page 15 Registration Form………...………………………………………………Page 16 Your Fall 2016 PL Plan Template………………………..………...Page 17 Page 2 A Word from the PL Team…. The ASCY Professional Learning team continues to reflect on and explore the critical documents and emerging trends in Early Learning and Child Care. The team is enjoying our time co-learning with our many partners and colleagues in our community through professional learning sessions, community meetings, and consultations on site with supervisors and staff. ASCY continues to provide a variety of Professional Learning opportunities to those working and studying within the City of Hamilton Early Learning and Child Care Community. These may be through planned professional learning events, on-line webinars, conferences, such as February Flurry, and side by side consultation with supervisors and staff. More and more of our professional learning opportunities are happening side by side with supervisors, staff, and their ASCY Professional Learning consultant. These relationships lend themselves to more reflective practice and an opportunity to study children together. If you are not engaged in a mentor relationship with an ASCY Professional Learning Consultant, please contact Liz Soyka at [email protected] to start the conversation. Our professional learning opportunities are selected based on emerging trends in the early learning and child care sector as well as member and community feedback. Thank you for taking the time to respond to our annual survey as well as your ongoing feedback shared with our consultants and library staff. The Professional Learning team continue to be guided by: The College of ECE -Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and the Continuous Professional Learning Plan (CPL) , How Does Learning Happen? and The Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA). The alignment of this work and our practice is critical to our ongoing shared journey of lifelong learning and ensuring all children and families have the highest quality of care in the City of Hamilton. Page 3 GUIDING DOCUMENTS How Does Learning Happen? (HDLH?) How Does Learning Happen? CECE Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice CECE - College of Early Childhood Educators CCEYA Child Care and Early Years Act - CCEYA Ministry of Education Licensing Standards PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FOCUS: (These represent the current Professional Learning Focuses that will be offered during the Fall of 2016) • Engagement, Reflective Practice, & Collaborative Inquiry • Professional Knowledge • Responsive Relationships • Nurturing Children’s Healthy Development and Well-Being • Fostering Communication and Expression in All Forms New Professional Learning Card Information: You will see some changes in the format of our ASCY Professional Learning Brochure and our Professional Learning Card that better aligns with the documents listed above. Your new ASCY Professional Learning card has been formatted to support the CECE –Professional Learning Plan (CPL). Page 4 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FALL 2016 APPROACHES TO PROFESSIONAL LEARNING: CECE – Professional Learning Plan ( CPL) To support RECEs in their ongoing learning, the College has designed a self-reflective and self-directed framework for continuous professional learning. As of September 1, 2016, participation in the College's CPL program is mandatory for all members as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 359/15: Continuous Professional Learning. The CPL program is designed to help RECEs reflect, plan for, and document their professional learning in a meaningful way. Expectations for Practice Module 2016 will be available September 1st. Members will be notified by email when it is available. Page 5 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FALL 2016 Supervisors’ Learning Community Professional Learning Focus: Engagement, Reflective Practice, & Collaborative Inquiry The Supervisors’ Professional Learning Community DATES: is an opportunity for program leaders to come together to exchange ideas, contribute perspectives, ask questions, and make meaning of new ideas, information, and resources. Participants will engage in a facilitated dialogue model in small groups TIME: thinking through the lens of the Supervisor as a pedagogical leader for their team. LOCATION: Agenda will be emailed out a week prior. Facilitated by: Tracey Webster COST: Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday September 15, 2016 #6037 October 13, 2016 #6038 November 10, 2016 #6039 December 8, 2016 #6040 TBA Peoples Church Hamilton 510 Mohawk Rd. West, Hamilton No cost but registration required Mentors’ Learning Community Professional Learning Focus: Reflective Practice, & Collaborative Inquiry This opportunity is suited to anyone in a leadership capacity who is mentoring others in the implementation of play based learning (emergent curriculum), and building on the four foundations and principles of Ontario’s pedagogy frameworks. This professional learning community provides a safe environment of critical inquiry where mentors can share their successes and challenges, co-construct knowledge, reflect on assumptions and beliefs about their role as a pedagogical leader. The dialogue will be guided by the experiences and interests of the group. DATES: Tuesday September 27, 2016 #6041 Wednesday October 26, 2016 #6042 Wednesday November 23, 2016 #6043 TIME: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: No cost but registration required Facilitated by: Tracey Webster Practical Strategies for Supervisors-The Art of Giving the Gift of Time Professional Learning Focus: Reflection In this session supervisors will build strategies and tools that will provide more opportunities to give the gift of their time to their staff team. We will explore how to spend more time doing the things we want to do and take less time to do the things we need to do. We will also consider what this can mean for staff and anticipate how to best support them. Join us as we tackle this ‘big idea’ together. DATES: Friday October 28, 2016 TIME: 9:30 am to 11:30 am LOCATION: ASCY COST: $20.00 Members $25.00 Non-members Facilitated by: Tracey Webster WORKSHOP#: 6056 Page 6 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FALL 2016 Program Tours Professional Learning Focus: Reflective Practice Join us as we explore and celebrate the diversity of early learning programs in our community. Program tours will bring educators together to visit various programs, investigate different early learning environments and meet the educators that facilitate programs in these environments. “The environment is the context in which learning takes place. From the aesthetics of the space, to the type of furnishings and materials available, to the organization of time, the environment communicates a powerful message and contributes to shaping the actions that can be taken within it.” (HDLH, 2014) DATE: Thursday September 22, 2016 St. Martin’s Manor is comprised of both infant and toddler programs working primarily to support young parent families who are accessing St. Martin’s Manor school and programs. Participants will meet at St. Martin’s Manor, parking is available on site. TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: 500 Mohawk Rd. West Participants will have opportunities to learn more about COST: $10.00 Members $15.00 Non-members the different programs and educators, the philosophies and strategies used in their daily practice, and the WORKSHOP#: 6055 teaching journeys that other educators have experienced. Facilitated by: Andrea Topic & Chrissy DiBussolo Succession Planning for Child Care Administrators Professional Learning Focus: Professional Knowledge An organization that is prepared for the departure of an Executive Director, whether planned or unplanned, is better positioned for future success, including the ability to provide ongoing programs to its families. Organizations, including Child Cares, must have an active and effective succession planning process in place to ensure success for the future. Can your child care, including the Board/operator and staff, cope with either a planned or an unplanned vacancy in the Executive Director’s role? Does the center have an Emergency Leadership plan that details the steps your organization will take in the event of an unplanned absence of the Executive Director? DATE: TBA TIME: TBA LOCATION: ASCY COST: $65.00 Members $75.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6057 Presented by: Joy Lerman & Terri Carr from TJ Solutions Page 7 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FALL 2016 Continuous Professional Learning Plan (CPLP) 3 Part Study Group Professional Learning Focus: Professional Knowledge A working group that is focused around the Continuous Professional Learning Plan put forth by the College of Early Childhood Educators. This group will give the participants the time, space, and resources needed to work on their Continuous Professional Learning portfolios. DATE: Starts September 14, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Dates: Sept 14, Oct 13 & Nov 10, 2016 Presented by: Chrissy DiBussolo WORKSHOP#: 6044 LOCATION: ASCY COST: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non-members How Does Learning Happen? 4 Part Series Professional Learning Focus: Engagement, Reflective Practice, & Collaborative Inquiry “How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years”, released in April 2014 by the Ministry of Education, offers an invitation to think more deeply about the foundations for learning in the early years. This study group offers participants an opportunity to think together about the key intentions of the pedagogy and the foundations: belonging, well-being, expression, and engagement. Together participants will explore a variety of resources, build from previous learning and experience, and co-construct knowledge about thinking and ways of being with children, families, and colleagues in early learning. There will be significant focus on relationship building as central to practice, and a belief that children, families, and educators are competent, capable, and curious learners that contribute to early learning programs. Dates: Sept 20, 27, Oct 4 & 11, 2016 Presented by: Andrea Topic & Lisa Bellardini DATE: Starts Tuesday September 20, 2016 TIME: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $10.00 Members $15.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6047 DATE: Starts Tuesday September 20, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $10.00 Members $15.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6051 Page 8 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FALL 2016 Pedagogical Documentation Sharing Professional Learning Focus: Reflective Practice & Collaborative Inquiry This session is for educators or educator teams who are interested in participating in collaborative inquiry with other educators about the process of documentation and the approach to curriculum planning. Participants will use a protocol to explore each other’s documentation and reflect with a small group of peers to consider: What do you see? What do you think about that? And what does it make you wonder? DATE: Tuesday November 22, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $10.00 Members $15.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6058 Presented by: Tracey Webster Weaving Ecological Literacy & Outdoor Play in Early Childhood Education-2 Parts Professional Learning Focus: Reflective Practice & Collaborative Inquiry As the world is shifting, so must our approach to our relations with the natural world. For this two-part series, we will explore issues affecting the planet and how this relates to ecological literacy and children’s relationship with nature. Early childhood policy frameworks are further integrating education for sustainability and outdoor play, yet these concepts and practice are typically missing from our training. Through these workshops, we aim to deepen our knowledge in early childhood environmental education and outdoor play, while using hands-on and reflective experiences to enrich our practice into meaningful experiences with children and ourselves. DATE: Starts Wednesday October 26, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $50.00 Members $60.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6060 Dates: Oct 26 & Nov 9, 2016 Presented By: Sinéad Rafferty, RECE, MES, Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Sustainability Education & Forest School Practitioner Page 9 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FALL 2016 30 Million Words-Building A Child’s Brain Book Study - 4 Parts Professional Learning Focus: Responsive Relationships This book study will provide an opportunity for participants to engage in conversations which explore the critical importance of early language exposure on the developing child. Discover how to create the best “language environments” for children, using the Three T strategy, and read how the author Dr. Dana Suskind unlocks the secret of building a child’s brain informed by compelling social science research. Dates: Sept 14, Oct 13, Nov 10 & Dec 8, 2016 DATE: Starts Wednesday September 14, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $40.00 (Includes book) WORKSHOP#: 6062 Presented by: Kim Burns Introductory Signed English—6 weeks Professional Learning Focus: Fostering Communication and Expression in All Forms ASCY is offering a 6-week Introductory Sign Language course in Hamilton this fall. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come / first-served basis. This six-week introductory course introduces a basic 250word sign-vocabulary geared to the preschool population. The course is open to parents, professionals, and interested community members. Dates: Sept 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2016 DATE: Starts Thursday September 22, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Presented by: Nanc Haveman WORKSHOP#: 6063 LOCATION: ASCY COST: $70.00 (includes book) $45.00 (have your own book) Loose Parts Playshop Professional Learning Focus: Learning Through Exploration, Play, and Inquiry This playshop is designed to encourage educators to interact and explore loose parts. This opportunity for exploration will deepen the participants understanding and connection to the materials and will provoke thought as to how they can be incorporated, with all age groups, into their own learning environments. DATE: Thursday October 6, 2016 TIME: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $15.00 Members $20.00 Non-members Presented by: Chrissy DiBussolo & Lisa Bellardini DATE: Thursday November 17, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $15.00 Members $20.00 Non-members Same workshop will be repeated WORKSHOP#: 6064 WORKSHOP#: 6065 Page 10 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FALL 2016 The Maker Movement—School Age Professional Learning Focus: Reflective Practice & Collaborative Inquiry Learn about this exciting and growing curriculum which is being embraced and incorporated into schools here in Ontario. Making and creating things has diminished over the last couple of decades, but there is starting to be a return to making, tinkering, and creating things that are useful and fun. This funshop will give you an overview of Making and Tinkering and how it can enhance your program. Fun activities will also be shared, that you can introduce to the children in your program. It will help to support the Engagement foundation of How Does Learning Happen?, by helping the children to develop and enhance innovating, creating, and problem solving skills. DATE: Thursday October 13, 2016 TIME: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm LOCATION: St Helen Community Centre COST: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6059 Presented by: Alan Thomson Creative School Age Program Professional Learning Focus: Reflective Practice & Collaborative Inquiry This very hands-on funshop is presented in a fun and informative style. You will learn lots of ideas to enhance your program. All of the ideas shared will be simple, inexpensive, and easy to introduce to the children in your program. Reflections and discussion will also be share about how the activities relate to How Does Learning Happen? Presented by: Alan Thomson DATE: Thursday November 17, 2016 TIME: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6066 Look! Listen! Smell! Touch! Taste! Sensory Play for Children with Visual Impairments Professional Learning Focus: Fostering Communication and Expression in All Forms In this workshop, participants will learn about sensory play and its importance for children with visual impairments. Participants will have the opportunity to look, listen, smell, touch, taste, and participate in sensory play while being given ideas and resources to facilitate activities using materials that can be found easily and frugally. Ideas for adapting sensory activities to support a child with visual impairments and multiple exceptionalities will be shared. Presented By: Rachel Brown & Melissa Dalby, Early Childhood Vision Consultants—Early Words DATE: Tuesday November 29, 2016 TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: Early Words 1160 Upper Paradise Rd, Unit 6 (Upper Paradise & Rymal Road) COST: $10.00 Members $15.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6067 Page 11 Professional Requirements: Professional Learning Focus: Nurturing Children’s Healthy Development & Well-Being Supporting a Healthy Eating Environment DATES: At this interactive workshop for ECEs, supervisors ,and cooks, participants will: Find out how to avoid mealtime battles Discover how the classroom setting can promote healthy eating • Learn about NutriSTEP®, a tool to help parents determine their child’s nutrition risk • Discuss ways to support picky eaters • Pick up helpful resources • • TIME: Tuesday October 18, 2016 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: ASCY COST: $10.00 Members $15.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6068 This workshop will be facilitated by Hamilton Public Health Dietitians. Duty to Report DATES: Thursday November 24, 2016 Enrico Di Giandomenico from the Children's Aid SociTIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm ety of Hamilton will be "walking" us through the protocols of reporting abuse. LOCATION: ASCY Presented by: Enrico Di Giandomenico, Hamilton Children’s Aid Society COST: $10.00 Members $15.00 Non-members WORKSHOP#: 6069 Standard First Aid/CPR Training—Please go to our website for more information. Visit Food Handler Training— City of Hamilton -and-training WHMIS Training-is available online for a minimal cost. AODA Training-The Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (IASR) which falls under AODA requires all employees to be trained on Human Rights as it pertains to individuals with disabilities as if January 1, 2016. Here is the link to the free online videos Working Together the Code and AODA from the Ontario Human Rights Commission. As this legislation is province wide all workplaces including Child Care Organizations have to comply. Page 12 Description: This 15 part training program aims to raise awareness and understanding of the unique needs of infants and toddlers in order to promote healthy social emotional development in the early years and reduce the likelihood of poor mental and physical health outcomes in the later years. When there are identified risks and disorders in young children or in family functioning, well planned and evidence-informed intervention can promote optimal outcomes. The science is clear – early experiences in the first three years impact the architecture of the brain – this impact can be life-long and profoundly positive or negative depending on the quality and consistency of the experiences. Objectives: This training program aims to increase knowledge about infant mental health among all staff within community-based agencies in order to affect a cultural shift among agency staff, to empower individuals to be agents of change in their roles and to ensure that every child served by their organization has access to the best mental health outcomes possible. To participate in this on-line series please contact [email protected] for further information. **Available to ASCY members only** Page 13 Re-visit our Website Take a few minutes to explore our ASCY website We have made some changes to offer more resources and current information under the Professional Learning tab. You will find: Supervisors’ Professional Learning Community—a new area to support supervisors/leaders Standard First Aid and Baby CPR—current dates for training and application forms to register You will also see a new tab on the home page for Career Opportunities which now offers information on the new Supply Absence Management system (SAM) that will be supporting centres in filling vacancies for RECEs, Educator Assistants, and Cooks. We are excited to have 11 agencies, 26 sites participating in the pilot phase of this project. We are currently very actively recruiting supply staff. If you are interested in being placed on the waiting list or learning more about SAM – Supply Absence Management System for Hamilton, email Lisa Bellardini , Project Leader [email protected] or call at 905 574 6876 ext 239. Thanks to all of our Twitter and Facebook followers! Daily, we share current information, photos, videos, and articles that are current, provoke thinking and inspire. We hope these posts are supportive of your day-to-day work with children and families. If you haven’t checked us out, please do! Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. Please contact Liz Soyka to share your thoughts. Liz can be reached at [email protected] or 905 574 6876 ext 224. Page 14 ASCY Members Only—Webinars: #OL5886 Diversity in Childcare This online early learning opportunity can be used to explore, acknowledge, and celebrate our differences. It’s goal is to support educators through reflection, and develop strategies that will ensure each child and their family has a sense of belonging in the classroom. #OL5690 Infant Toddler Early Literacy Checklist The Infant Toddler Literacy Checklist is a reflective self-assessment tool for early years professionals, working with young children, to evaluate to what extent they are supporting literacy in infants and toddlers, and their families. This 3module online series examines the emergent lit#OL6070 Dump, Fill, Throw: Supporting eracy environment as well as language and communication-building practices. Participants Schemas Using Loose Parts will complete an action plan to build current What is a schema? This webinar will introduce the practices, and to develop those areas that reparticipants to the repetitive actions that young quire additional supports. children use every day in order to make connections in their brains. We will also explore what ma- Note: Participants need to take photographs of their early learning rooms, as well as download terials can be used to support this type of play. and complete Part 1 A of the Infant Toddler (Will be available October 2016) Checklist, before starting the webinar. The Infant Toddler Checklist is available at https:// To sign-up for one of these on-line courses, please email [email protected]. Indicate course code and provide your current ASCY membership number. You will then receive a confirmation email and further steps to sign-on. PL to Go—ASCY Members Only Consider exploring one of our many “PL to Go” packages to meet your professional learning needs. These may include current articles, books, dvds, links to relevant websites, and videos. ASCY PL Locations—Fall 2016 ASCY—526 Upper Paradise Rd. Early Words-1160 Upper Paradise Rd. (Corner of Upper Paradise & Rymal Rd.) Peoples Church Hamilton– 510 Mohawk Rd. W Here’s some examples: • Supporting Children in Resolving Conflicts • Occupational Standards for Early Childhood Educators • Caregiver Interaction Scale • Stressed Out • Moving Past Praise These are independent learning opportunities available to ASCY Professional Resource Library Members only. For a full listing of current packages, visit uploads/2014/04/PE-TO-GO-List1.pdf St. Helen Community Ctr-785 Britannia Ave. Professional Resource Library Closures Labour Day Closure– Saturday September 3, 2016 Thanksgiving Closure Saturday October 8, 2016 PRL Christmas/New Year Closure— December 24 to December 31 (inclusive) Library will re-open on Tuesday January 3, 2017 Page 15 REGISTRATION FORM Name: ASCY Membership # Email: Phone #: (H) (Cell) Organization (Site): Work #: Please check method of payment: Cash ( ) Debit ( ) Organizational Charge ( ) Cheque ( ) Organization Membership # Please remember our Policy states: There are no refunds or credit notes issued for workshops you do not attend. Organizational members will be charged if a registered participant does not attend. If you call to cancel and we cannot fill your spot, you will be charged. Workshop ID# Workshop Title Cost $ Total Make cheques payable to: ASCY CHEQUE TOTAL: Mailing Address: ASCY - PL Registration, 526 Upper Paradise Road Unit A, Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 5E3. Call: 905-574-6876 ext 229 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: 905-574-8843 Page 16 Use this calendar to plan your Fall 2016 PL. September 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 November 2016 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 December 2016 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Page 17 526 Upper Paradise Road Unit A, Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 5E3 Call: 905-574-6876 ext 229 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: 905-574-8843