Elysium Region, Mars: Tests of Lithospheric Loading Models for the
Elysium Region, Mars: Tests of Lithospheric Loading Models for the
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 91, NO. Bll, PAGES 11,377-11,392, OCTOBER 10, 1986 Elysium Region, Mars' Tests of Lithospheric Loading Models for the Formation of Tectonic Features J. LYNN HALL AND SEAN C. SOLOMON Departmentof Earth, Atmospheric, and PlanetarySciences, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, Cambridge JAMES W. HEAD Departmentof GeologicalSciences, BrownUniversity,Providence, RhodeIsland The.ce.c.c•ncl largestvolcanicprovince on Mar• liesin the E!?ium regionI•ike the largerTharsis province, Elysiumis markedby a topographic riseanda broadfreeair gravityanomalyandalsoexhibits a complexassortment of tectonicand volcanicfeatures.We testthe hypothesis that the tectonicfeatures in the Elysiumregionare the productof stresses producedby loading of the Martian lithosphere.We considerloadingat threedifferentscales:local loadingby individualvolcanoes,regionalloadingof the lithospherefrom aboveor below,and quasi-globalloadingby Tharsis.A comparisonof flexuralstresses with lithosphericstrengthand with the inferred maximum depth of faulting confirmsthat concentric grabenaroundElysiumMons can be explainedas resultingfrom local flexureof an elasticlithosphere about 50 km thick in responseto the volcanoload. Volcanicloadingon a regionalscale,however,leads to predictedstresses inconsistentwith all observedtectonicfeatures,suggesting that loadingby widespreademplacement of thick plainsdepositswasnot an importantfactorin the tectonicevolutionof the Elysiumregion.A numberof linearextensional featuresorientedgenerallyNW-SE may havebeenthe result of flexural uplift of the lithosphereon the scale of the Elysium rise. The global stressfield associatedwith the supportof the Tharsisrise appearsto have influencedthe developmentof many of thetectonicfeatures in the Elysiumregion,includingCerberusRupesandthe systems of ridges,ineastern and westernElysium.The comparisons of stressmodelsfor Elysiumwith the preservedtectonicfeatures supporta succession of stressfieldsoperatingat differenttimesin the region.While the orderin which those stressfields operated cannot be determinedfrom presentgeologicalobservations,thermal and mechanical arguments favorthe hypothesis that any flexuraluplift of the lithosphereby a mantlethermal anomalypreceded or occurredcontemporaneously with emplacement of thelargestvolcanicloads. INTRODUCTION The tectonichistory of the planet Mars has beendominated by the formation and evolution of several major volcanic provinces,notably those in the regions of Tharsis and Elysium. The Tharsis province, becauseit is the largest, has received the most attention. Two general categoriesof models have been proposedto explain the topography, gravity, and tectonic features of the Tharsis region. According to the first type of model, uplift of ancientlithosphereby a chemicalor thermal anomaly in the crust or mantle createda broad topographic dome and led to widespreadfracturing and to the emplacementof relatively thin volcanicplains units and isolated volcanic shields[Hartmann, 1973; Cart, 1974; Sleepand Phillips, 1979; Wise et al., 1979a, b; Plescia and Saunders, 1980]. This uplift may have occurred isostatically or by a flexural uplift of the lithosphere[Banerdt et al., 1982]. In the secondtype of modelthe Tharsisrisewascreatedprimarily by volcanicconstruction, and the tectonicfeaturesof the province are a signatureof the responseof the lithosphereto loading by these volcanicunits [Solomonand Head, 1982; Willemann and Turcotte, 1982; Banerdt et al., 1982]. The distribution of preserved tectonic features in the Tharsis region appearsto rule out flexural uplift as a significantsourceof lithosphericstressand insteadfavorsdistinctepisodesof local isostaticsupport of the Tharsis rise and partial support of the downward load by the finite strengthof the Martian lithosphere[Banerdt et al., 1982]. The temporal ordering of these episodesis not presentlyresolvablefrom geologicalobservations ['Banerdtet al., 1982; Sleepand Phillips, 1985]. Like the Tharsis region, the Elysium volcanic province is marked by both a topographicriseand a broad free air gravity anomaly[Sjogren,1979;danleandRopers,1983]. The Elysium region also exhibits a complex assortmentof tectonic and volcanic features.In this paper we test whether the competingmodelsfor the originof tectonicfeaturesin Tharsiscan be distinguishedon the basisof how well they accountfor the tectonic evolution of Elysium. Specifically,we compare the characteristicsof tectonic featuresin the Elysium region with the stressfields predicted both by volcanic loading and by uplift of the Martian lithosphere. We begin with a brief descriptionof the physiographicfeatures in the Elysium region which are of probable tectonic origin.We then test the hypothesisthat thesefeaturesare the productof loadingof the lithosphere.We considerloadingat three different scales: local volcanic loading (individual shields),regionalloading(at the scaleof ElysiumPlanitia) of the lithospherefrom above(volcanicplains)or below(flexural uplift),and quasi-globalloadingby Tharsis.By comparingthe predictedstressfieldsfrom suchmodelswith the distribution and orientaticn of tectonic features, we evaluate the relative importanceof' loading at thesedifferentscales,we constrain the mechanicalpropertiesof the Martian lithosphere,and we offer a further step toward a general understandingof the evolutionof major volcanicprovinceson Mars. GEOLOGIC SETTING Copyright 1986by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 5B5794. 0148-0227/86/005B- 5794$05.00 The Elysiumregion(Figure 1) is the secondlargestvolcanic provinceon Mars [Cart, 1973; Malin, 1977]. It consistsof a broad topographichigh, 2400 by 1700 km in extent and centered at about 25øN, 212øW, rising about 4 km above the 11,377 11,378 HALL ET AL.' TECTONICSOF THE ELYSIUMREGION,Mars 240øW I 230 ø I I 220 ø I 210 ø I I I 200 ø I I 190ø I I 180,•0o N !i Hecates Tholus Phlegra Montes '"• Hephaestus '•"k.• Fossae Cerberus Rupes Fig. 1. Sketchmap of the Elysiumregion,showingmajor volcanicconstructsand tectonicfeatures.Light linesindicate graben and narrow linear features;darker areas denote wide depressionsand volcaniccalderas;notchedlines indicate ridges;and dashedlinesoutline the edgesof the volcanoes.Identificationof eachfeaturewas madeusingU.S. Geological Surveycontrolledphotomosaics(Elysiumquadrangleand portionsof Amenthesand Cebreniaquadrangles)and selected Viking orbiter photographs.The approximateboundariesof ElysiumPlanitia, which generallycoincideswith the Elysium topographic rise,are 0ø-40øN, 180ø-260øW. 6.1-mbar referenceequipotential surface [Batson et al., 1979]. On top of this rise sit the three volcanoesElysium Mons, cipally thermal mechanismfor the origin of the present broad topographic rise of Elysium is unlikely [Solomon and Head, Hecates Tholus, and Albor Tholus. The volcanic and tectonic 19823. A number of physiographic features in the Elysium region characteristicsof the region have been discussedby Scott and Allincham [1976], Malin [1977], and Mou•linis-Mark et al. [1984]. On the basis of crater density, volcanic activity in the Ely- sium region ceasedprior to the time of most recent activity in the Tharsis region. The plains of Elysium are more densely cratered than their Tharsis counterparts [Neukum and Wise, 1976; Malin, 1977]. Plescia and Saunders[1979] found that the surface of Elysium Mons has fewer craters greater than 1-1.5 km in diameter per unit area than the surfacesof Hecates Tholus and Albor Tholus. Elysium Mons is also the source of the youngest major lava flows in the region [Mou•linis-Mark et al., 1984]. The time of last major volcanic activity in the Elysium region is poorly constrained;the surfaces of the three volcanoes are estimated to have average ages of at least 1 b.y. according to diverse models of the Martian cratering flux [Plescia and Saunders, 1979], but isolated younger eruptionshave also been postulated[Mouginis-Mark et al., 1982]. A broad positive free air gravity anomaly is associatedwith the Elysium region. The anomaly is nearly centeredover Elysium Mons but is much broader than the volcano itself [Sjo•lren, 1979]. Gravity models suggestthat the topography of Elysium is isostaticallycompensatedat wavelengthsof 10002000 km Idarile and Ropers, 1983]. The fact that the topographic rise and gravity anomaly have persistedfor so long after the cessation of volcanic activity suggeststhat a prin- either are of tectonic origin or have likely been influenced by tectonicstress duringtheir•ormation(Figure1).An extensive set of concentric fractures and graben encircle Elysium Mons at distancesof approximately 150-350 km from the volcano center. Some of these faults, particularly those to the west of the volcano (Figure 2), are quite fresh and sharply defined and apparently postdate the most recent volcanic units that they cut. Others appear to have been partially buried by subsequent volcanic deposits(Figure 2, lower center). On the basis of photogeologicmapping, Mou•linis-Mark et al. [1984] conclude that most of the circumferentialfracturing occurredafter formation of the intermediate stage volcanic unit (the compound plains) but before the end of late stage effusive flank activity on Elysium Mons. No comparable graben surround the other two volcanoes, but these constructs have been partially buried by extensivelava flows from the vicinity of Elysium Mons [Mou•linis-Mark et al., 1984], so that any evidence for early episodes of fracturing around Hecates Tholus and Albor Tholus could have been obscured. A number of linear depressionsof probable extensional origin display a predominantly northwest-southeast trend. Some of these features are sufficiently narrow so that they show no discernible floor in Viking orbiter photographs (Figure 3), while others have flat floors and widths up to 15 km (Figure 4). In the first category are the Elysium Fossae (Figure 1) and a number of fault systems, including He- HALL ET AL.' TECTONICSOF THE ELYSIUM REGION, Mars 11,379 Fig. 2. Viking orbiter view of concentric fractures and graben west of Elysium Mons. Graben both cut and are embayed by flows of the youngestmajor volcanic plains unit [Mouginis-Mark et al., 1984]. Frame V0541A42' width of image is 170 km. phaestus Fossae [Schumm, 1974; Hiller, 1979], Cerberus Rupes [Scott and Ailingham, 1976; Scott and Carr, 1978], and the polygonal fracture set west-southwest of Elysium Mons. The associationof the linear depressionsof Elysium Fossae with sinuous rilles, braided channels, and other erosional features of northwest Elysium indicates that they have at least been modified by volcanic or fluvial processes,a conclusion that also applies to the wider, flat-floored depressions.The consistent orientations of these features, however, are likely indicative of, and may have been controlled by, the direction of the regional stressfield at the time of their formation [Carr, 1980, 1981]. A system of ridges (Figure 5), similar to lunar mare ridges [Maxwell, 1982; Chicarro et al., 1985], is found at the eastern edge of Elysium Planitia (Figure 1), where the volcanic plains material merges with the older terrain of the Phlegra Montes [Gifford, 1981; De Hon, 1982]. The ridges are oriented approximately north-south, and the majority are located between latitudes 15ø-40øN and longitudes 180ø-205øW [G/fford, 1981; Chicarro et al., 1985]. There are also several maretype ridge segmentsextending approximately 600 km across southwest Elysium Planitia and trending northeast-southwest (Figure 1). In general, ridges are taken to be evidence of horizontal compression of near-surface material [Howard and Muehlberger, 1973; Muehlberger, 1974; Lucchitta, 1976, 1977; Sharpton and Head, 1982]. Also found in the Elysium region, primarily to the northwest of Elysium Mons, are a number of sinuous depressions. Some of these features strongly resemble lunar sinuous rilles [Carr, 1981], while others are wide and channellike, presum- 11,380 HALLETAL.' TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUMREGION,Mars Fig. 3. Viking orbiter view of narrow linear depressionssouth of Elysium Mons. Frame V0844A21' width of image is 320 km. ably erosional or fluvial in origin [Sharp, 1980; Carr, 1981; Baker, 1982; Mouqinis-Mark et al., 1984]. Becausethesesinuous featuresdo not likely have a significanttectonic component to their origin, they are not consideredfurther here. STRESS MODELS Our working hypothesisis that the tectonic featuresof the Elysium region are the result of stressescausedby loading of the lithosphere from above or below. The hypothesis that large-scaletectonic features associatedwith volcanic regions of the terrestrial planets are products of the flexural response to loading of the lithosphere has proven to be a fruitful approach for constraining the tectonic history of lunar mare basins [Melosh, 1978; Solomonand Head, 1979, 1980; Comer et al., 1979] and the regions surrounding individual Martian volcanoes [Thurber and Toksoz, 1978; Comer et al., 1985]. As noted earlier, this hypothesiscan also account for the distribution and origin of many of the tectonic features in the Tharsis province [Willemann and Turcotte, 1982; Banerdt et al., 1982; Sleep and Phillips, 1985]. We consider as specific models the load imposed by Elysium Mons, regional loading on the scale of Elysium Planitia and the other volcanoes, and the quasi-global loading of the Tharsis rise. For the loads of individual volcanoeswe employ the theory of Brotchie and Silvester [1969] and Brotchie [1971] for flexure of a thin elastic shell overlying an inviscid fluid interior in responseto an axisymmetricload. Becausethe flexureequation is linear,thestresses dueto anydistributed load can be representedby the superimposedstressesdue to an equivalent distribution of circular loads. We use this ap- HALL ET AL..'TECTONICS OF THE ELYSIUMREGION,Mars 11,381 '•:!/.:?"i "k•-•:-":•L • .......... •.i:•,•:.i..:•...: ..... i%•.,,.." --•.... ;-.•. •-:'•-, .... ** •:•, -•--': ...... ,.'::; ..... :C. , ,"'..• l i [ "•' j7ll:•:•j• • *'l;k•7l fw:" "•'••} •;<:*'""' -.f•l:ll ll:•, .... •ll l,.lll•l. • *;.• ll} ;l'l:• • ::a I'[•l I .:l.- '• ll , 71• II• • ;:l •ll ß ll ll• ......l;-':'t. X:..;•*-R ...... ';.(:-(}-*% :*{;. i;:. ?S•(}{....':--':-:: :-:'*: ..... . . .. ." . ' .".....J....... '..':....'.'.'..-...' .... 'L'....L.'Z. "... '.-j. 2.'......fJ'-'.'. '....... ..'..'...... . .'-. '..-..'....". ..... '.1'.....'....2 ........ Fig. 4. Viking orbiter view of a wide depressionwest-southwestof Elysium Mons. Its associationwith the s•stem of concentric kactures around the volcano suggeststhat it is at least partl• tectonic in origin. Frame V0844A20; width of image is 260 km. proach to determine the stressdistribution predicted by regional loading models, including the models proposed by danle and Ropers [1983] to fit line of sight gravity data. For the Tharsis load we use the spherical harmonic solutions of Banerdt et al. [1982] for displacement and stressin a thick elasticsphericalshellgiven the topography and gravity. taken to have a uniform thickness or flexural rigidity. Such time-dependent effects as viscoelasticityand load growth are ignored. Finally, loads estimatedfrom presenttopography and gravity need not be correct representations of loads at the time of formation of ancient tectonic features. The thin shell approximation is not a serioussourceof error The elastic theories used in these stress calculations are for local loading problems [Melosh, 1978; Pullan and Lainclearly idealizations of actual mechanical behavior, and it is beck, 1981; Comer, 1983], even for lithosphereseveralhundred important to recognizethe limitations of these simplified de- kilometers in thicknesssuch as that in the vicinity of Olympus scriptions of the stress field. The local and regional stress Mons [Thurber and Toksoz, 1978; Comer et al., 1985]. The models are based on thin shell theory and are valid only for approximation of horizontally limited loads in the Brotchie loads of horizontal dimension small compared with the plane- formulation of flexure presentsno problem for individual voltary radius.For all models,perfectelasticityis assumedfor the canoesbut may introduce a small error for loads on the scale lithosphere.Further, for each type of model the lithosphereis of Elysium Planitia. The lithosphere, of course,is not perfectly 11,382 HALL ET AL.' TECTONICSOF THE ELYSIUMREGION,Mars Fig. 5. Viking orbiter view of ridgesin the PhlegraMontes regionof easternElysium.Frame V0580A09; width of image is 200 km. elastic. For the more plausible rheological models in which strength varies with depth [e.g., Goetze and Evans, 1979; Brace and Kohlstedt, 1980], however, the stress differences induced by flexure are supported by an elastic "core" of the plate even after near-surfacefailure, and the effective flexural rigidity is similar to that of the elasticcore. If there are important variations in the thicknessof the elasticlithosphere,then estimates of lithosphericthicknessderived from a comparisonof model predictions with observed tectonic features will be intermediate between the extremes in actual values [Pullan and Lainbeck, 1981]. Several time-dependenteffectsin loading problems have been consideredby Comer et al. [1985]; they found that neglect of load growth probably introduces the most serioussourceof error for the estimation of lithosphericthickness but that this problem can be minimized by considering only tectonic featurescomparable in age to the youngestcon- tribution to the load. The somewhat related problem that present topography and gravity must be used to constrain models for stressfields that gave rise to ancient tectonic features, while of seriousconcern for the complex Tharsis province, is lessenedfor Elysium by the simpler volcanic and tectonic history of the region. Elysium Mons Loading We consider first the hypothesis that the circumferential fractures surrounding Elysium Mons are the product of flexure of the lithospherein responseto that load. In a successful test of that hypothesis,Comer et al. [1985] found that a thicknessof about 50 km for the elastic lithosphereyields a distribution of deviatoric stresses that best matches the observed distribution of concentricgraben. For this type of calculation the magnitude of the load is not critical, but a reliable model HALL ET AL.' TECTONICS OF THEELYSIUMREGION,Mars of the areal distribution of the load is essential. The load 216øW 11,383 212 ø 208 ø model of Comeret al. [1985] consistedof a stack of concentric cylindersapproximatinga conicalvolcano.We haverepeated the calculation with an alternative model with the same excess massbut with a load distribution conforming more closelyto the shape of the volcano,as given by the elevation contours of Batsonet al. [1979], which indicatea pronouncednorth-south elongation to the topographicrelief. We found that this load model predictsstressesnot significantlydifferent from thoseof the axially symmetricmodel for the same thickness(i.e., flexural rigidity) of the elasticlithosphere.The lithospheric thickness estimate of Comer et al. [1985] is therefore robust with respectto uncertaintiesin the areal distribution of the Elysium Mons 28øN load. 24 ø A further test of the hypothesisthat the graben concentric to Elysium Mons are the result of flexure may be made by comparing the predicted stress magnitudes with the lithospheric strength. In the upper lithosphere of the terrestrial planets,strength is likely to be limited by friction on preexisting faults [Goetze and Evans, 1979; Brace and Kohlstedt, 1980]. Byeflee [1968] demonstratedthat frictional strengthis well approximated by piecewise linear functions of depth under both horizontal extension and horizontal compression, 20* relations that are largely independentof temperature and rock type. The strength dependson the effective confining pressure Fig. 6. Sketch map of Elysium Mons and vicinity showing loand thus on the presenceof pore fluids. Fluidized crater ejecta, cations at which graben widths were measured, and the inferred chaotic terrain, and fluvial channels have been cited as evi- dencefor extensivevolcano-ground ice interactions within the Elysium region [Mouginis-Mark et al., 1984]. Because there may have been extensivemelting of permafrostand ground ice during the time of volcanic activity in Elysium, the strengthin both "wet" and "dry" situationsshould be considered. depths (in kilometers) at which the normal faults bounding each graben would intersect [Golombek, 1979]. Graben widths and wall widths were measuredfrom Viking orbiter photographs(V0541A30, V0844A19, V0846A16). ter while varying Young'smodulusE and the load q by factors If a flexuraloriginfor theconcentric grabenis •orrect,then of 2 and 1.5, respectively,greater than and lessthan the values normal faulting should occur at radial positions and over depth intervals for which the flexural extensional stressexceeds the frictional strength [Solomon, 1985]. Golombek [1979] has proposeda simple rule to estimate the maximum depth of extensionalfaulting from the widths of graben and of their bounding walls. This method is based on the assumptions that the graben are the product of simple extension,that the faults bounding the graben dip at approximately 60ø, and that faulting does not extend below the projected intersection at depth of the two faults.We measuredgraben widths at nine locations on six different graben (Figure 6). The measurement points are located 150-215 km from the load center; they are distributed around Elysium Mons from the northeast(N30øE) to the southwest(S30øW).Graben widths range from 1.0 + 0.5 km to 3.0 +_0.5 km. Wall widths in all cases(both measured directly and determined by subtracting the floor width from the total graben width) are approximately 0.50 + 0.25 km. The inferred maximum depth of faulting ranges from 0.3 to 2.1 km for the various graben considered. These estimates have large uncertainties,however, particularly associatedwith uncertainties in the dip angles of the bounding faults. For assumeduncertaintiesof 10ø in the fault dip and 5ø in the slope of the graben walls the range of possiblefault intersection depths varies from 0.1-1.6 km for the narrowest graben measuredto 0.6-5.1 km for the widest graben. For each graben the maximum depth of faulting may be compared with the depth at which flexural stressesfall below the extensional strength. The flexural stresses,including both bending and membrane stresscontributions, are taken from the loading model for Elysium Mons of Comer et al. [1985]. As a measure of the uncertaintiesin the predicted stresses,we repeated the flexure calculationswith a fixed flexural parame- assumedby Comer et al. [1985]. These values represent our best estimateof the uncertaintiesin each of thesequantities. One such comparisonfor one of the widest graben is shown in Figure 7. While the inferred maximum depth of normal faulting is somewhatshallower than that predicted from the intersectionof the flexural stressdistributionand Byerlee'slaw for extensionalstrength under "dry" conditions,the two predicted depths agree to within the estimated uncertainties in both the maximum fault depth and the flexural stressmagnitudes.If the differencein thesedepthsis real, it may be due to partial release of stressby the formation of neighboring graben, finite extensional strength of relatively unfractured surficial volcanic material, or a superpositionof stressesfrom other sources.In all casesthe faulting depth predicted from the intersection of the flexural stress curve with the exten- sional strength distribution under "wet" conditions is greater than that inferred from graben geometry. This comparison suggeststhat the depth of faulting inferred for the formation of concentricgraben is consistentwith a flexural origin as long as there was no significant reduction of maximum effective pressure by near-surface pore fluids during the period of graben formation. However, becauseof the large uncertainties in the predicted flexural stresses,the presenceof pore fluids cannot be completelyexcluded. Regional Scale Loading The stressesdue to any arbitrary surfaceload q(r) on a thin shell may be obtained by convolving the load with the stress tensor ao resulting from a point load of unit magnitude: •(r) =ffq(r')•o(rr')dA' (1) 11,384 HALLETAL.' TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUM REGION, Mars o'N--or v , kbar o i I --- I0 -- / Maximum graben // --/ / // - ' Elysium Mons conc,n,r,c ro,n - I 20 30 gth / . • . . I .. I . _ I . , Fig. 7. Comparisonof th• maximumd•pth of faultingduringth• formationof on• of th• wider grabcncircumferential to Elysium Mons, inferredfrom the grab•n width by the m•thod of Golombek[1979], with that predictedfrom the intersection of th• predictedfl•xural stressdistributionand th• frictionalstrength•nvdop•. Th• quantitiesar and •n ar• th• verticalprincipalstressand th• most extensionalhorizontalprincipalstress,r•sp•ctivdy; both are positiv• in extension.The •xtcnsionalstrengthv•rsusd•pth z is shownunderboth dry and w•t (• = 0.3)conditions,wh•rc • is th• ratio of flnid pressureto lithostaticstress[BraceandKohlstedt,19B0].Th• fl•xural stresses ar• from th• ElysiumMons modalof Comeret al. [1985] at the appropriat•radial distanc•(r = 220 km); the rang• indicatedby arrowsincludesth• •ff•cts of uncertaintiesin Young's modulusfor th• alasticlithosph•r• and in th• magnitudeof the load. The uncertaintiesin th• maximumdepthof extensional faultinginferredfrom grab•n g•om•try ar• du• principallyto th• uncertaintyin fault dip. Th• shadedr•gion indicatesth• overlapin th• predictedmaximumfault d•pthsd•t•rmin•d by th• two methods. wherer and r' are positionvectorson the planetarysurface the ith disk. Obviously,the stresstensorsgd must be cast in and dA' is a unit of surfacearea.As an approximationto (1), terms of a global coordinatesystembeforesummation;stanwe replaceg0 with the stressdistributiongdresultingfrom a dardspherical coordinates (r, 0, •p)withthepolaraxisat the finite disk load of unit magnitude [Brotchie, 1971; Solomon geographicpole are usedthroughout.The principal horizontal and Head, 1979], and we replacethe integralin (1) with a sum stressesare found by meansof standard relations. over the number of disks: A number of different combinationsof loads for Elysium Planitia volcanicunits and constructswere examined(Table N 1). Each of these individual loads correspondsto a surface excessmassin the gravity modelsof Janle and Ropers[1983] i=1 for the Elysium region. The Elysium Mons and Hecates whereqi and ri are the load and the positionof the centerfor Tholus loads correspondto the disc loads TD5 and TD4 of TABLE 1. Contributionsto Elysium RegionalLoad Models Load Geometry ElysiumMonsa cone HecatesTholusb truncatedcone Radius,km Latitude, øN Longitude, øW Excess Mass, 102•g 100(base) 25.2 213.5 30 (top), 32.0 209.6 0.54 0.22 26.9 210.4 3.6 26.5 208.0 8.6 25.5 204.8 8.8 16.5 176.5 1.4 33.8 176.5 1.0 92 (base) Elysium Planitiab JR1 JR2 beveleddisc beveleddisc 450 (top), 500 (base) 630 (top), 700 (base) JR3 beveleddisc 900 (top), 1000 (base) JR6 beveleddisc 510 (top), 570 (base) JR7 beveleddisc 430 (top), 480 (base) aFrom Comeret al. [1985]. bFromJanleandRopers[1983]. H^LL ETAL.:TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUM REGION, Mars 11,385 \ \ - 40ON -- 30 ø - 20 ø -I0 o -- 0 • 240øW 230 ø 220 ø 210ø 200 ø 190ø 180ø Fig.8. Principal horizontal stress orientations andmaximum stress differences at thesurface ofthelithosphere fora loadmodelconsisting of Elysium Mons,Hecates Tholus, anda regional loadof Elysium Planitiabasalts approximately 900 km in horizontal extent(loadJR1 in Table 1). Crosses indicatedirections of horizontalprincipalstresses, with arrowheads denoting extension; where bothhorizontal principal stresses areofthesamesign,theoneoflargermagnitude is indicated. Dashedcontours of themaximumstress difference Aa = a• - •3 (in kilobars)arealsoshown.Themagnitudes of theloadsarebasedonthegravitymodels ofJanleandRopers 1-1983]. Thethickness oftheelastic lithosphere istakento be 100km.Young's modulus andPoisson's ratioareassumed to be 10•2dyn/cm 2 and0.25,respectively. Circles represent diskloads, withonlythelargest diskshown fortheindividual volcanoes andwiththelargest andsmallest disksshown for the regionalload. JanleandRopers[1983],exceptthat the excess massfor ElysiumMons is the slightlylargervalueassumed by Comeret al. [1985].A separate loadmightalsohavebeenconsidered for Albor Tholus, but we did not do so becauseof its small size; its volumeis lessthan that of ElysiumMons by nearlya factor three-disc gravitymodelsof JanleandRopers[1983].For this as well as other load models(Table 1), stressfieldswerecalcu- lated for a rangeof assumed valuesfor the thickness of the elastic lithosphere. All models with the thicknessof the elastic lithosphere less of 20 [Blasiusand Cutts,1981].The ElysiumPlanitialoads thanabout150km predictstressfieldswith largestressdifferare basedon topographicreliefand correspond to the disc ences(Aa = a•- cr3, wherea• and cr3 are the greatestand principalstresses, respectively) andwith the loads TD1-3 and TD6-7 of Janle and Ropers [1983]. Cylin- leastcompressive extensional andcompressive principalstresses orientdrical discs,however,are poor approximationsto the areal greatest ed horizontallyandapproximately radialandcircumferential, load distribution for loads of horizontal dimension at least to the centerof massof the totalload(a point comparableto the local flexurallength.We thereforerepre- respectively, ElysiumMonsandHecates Tholus).Suchstress fields sentedeachload by a stackof cylindersapproximatinga cone between to strike-slip faulting,though for individual volcanoesand a truncatedcone (or beveleddisc) wouldgiverisepredominantly of an additionalstress field,grabencircumferfor largervolcanicunits.In all of theserepresentations the in thepresence ential to the Elysiumrise or compressive featuresapproxitotal excessmassis preserved. The simple The stressfieldfor onesuchregionalload modelis shownin matelyradialto therisemightalsobe produced. grabenaround Figure8. The modelincludes loadsfor ElysiumMons and modelof Figure8 failsto predictconcentric ElysiumM ons at the distances observed because the stress Hecates Tholus and a load (JR1 in Table 1) equivalentto fieldin the vicinityof the shieldis dominatedby the compresabout a 1.5-km-thick basalt unit over central Elysium Planitia. This modelcorresponds to the leastcompensated of the sivestressfieldof theregionalElysiumPlanitiaload. 11,386 H^LL ET AL.: TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUMREGION,Mars For an upward lithosphericload equal in magnitude,distriJanle et al. [1984] reported stress calculations similar to that shown in Figure 8. They argued that suchstressfields can bution, and location to the volcanic load JR1 in Table 1, the account for the formation of the tectonic featuresin Figure 1, resulting stressfield (Figure 9) is generally consistentwith the and on the basisof this argument they made further inferences positions of radial extensional features. We have taken the as to the thicknessof the lithosphere and its lateral variation. thickness of the elastic lithosphere to be 100 km for this In their comparison of predicted stresseswith tectonic fea- model; a thicker lithospherewould require greater excessprestures, however, Janle et al. [1984] examined only the second sures in order to produce surface stressesof a given maginvariant of the deviatoric stress tensor, which is a measure nitude. As shown in Figure 9, the greatestextensionalstresses only of the magnitudes and not the directions of the principal are approximately circumferentialto the center of the Elysium deviatoric stresses.Although the regional stressmodelsfor a rise and are significant in magnitude (tr _• 0.2-0.6 kbar) over the area in which those features are found. Also, because the thicknessof the elastic lithosphere lessthan about 200 km do predict stressdifferencessufficient to induce faulting at shal- extensional stressfield produced over the regional uplift adds low depths [Brace, 1964; Brace and Kohlstedt, 1980], the cal- constructively to the local extension produced by flexure in responseto the Elysium Mons shield,the regionaluplift model culated stresstrajectories are not consistentwith the orientaof Figure 9 is also consistent with the formation of graben tions and types of tectonicfeaturesobserved. We recognizethe possibilitythat our loading models,based concentric to Elysium Mons. The predicted maximum upward on the approximation of Brotchie [1971] in which the dimen- deflectionof the lithospherefor the assumedvaluesof upward sion of the load is small compared with the planetary radius, load and lithospherethicknessis approximately1 km. Suchan may tend to underestimate the magnitude of membrane uplift could be the result of mantle thermal expansion for a stressesfor loads of large lateral extent. Membrane stresses temperature contrast of about 300øC extending to a depth of supporttopographyof long wavelength[Turcotte et al., 1981; 100 km, values not unreasonablein comparison to thermal Willemann and Turcotte, 1981, 1982], while bending stresses anomaliesassociated with mid-oceanridgeson the earth [Parare dominant in the support of short-wavelengthtopography. sonsand $clater, 1977]. Because this model is offered as a mechanism of formation For Mars the transition between bending-dominated and membrane-dominated stress fields occurs for loads with horiof tectonic features rather than as an explanation of the rezontal dimensionsgreater than about 2000 km [Willemann gional topography and gravity, any causativemantle thermal and Turcotte, 1981]. While the Elysium rise has approxi- anomaly is not required to persist to the present. An uplift mately this dimension,the portion of the risethat may exert a model in which the deformation matched the presenttopograload on the lithosphereis substantiallysmallerin extent,per- phy (44 km over the center of the rise) would predict very haps900 km across[Janle and Ropers,1983]. The analysisof large (several kilobars) extensional stressesover most of the Willemann and Turcotte [1981] indicatesthat for a load of surfaceof the rise. With suchhigh stressesit would be difficult this dimension the membrane stressesare not likely to be the to account for the relatively small numbers of radial extensional tectonicfeatures.It is thus likely that much of the presdominant support of the load. On the basisof a comparisonof the stressmodelsin Table 1 ent regional topography is due to some combination of volcanic constructionand isostaticsupport. with the distribution of tectonic features in Elysium there apIf significantvolcanicconstructionof Elysium Planitia postpears to be no evidencefor downward loading of the lithosphereby volcanicunits at a regionalscale.This implieseither dated regional uplift and the formation of radial extensional that the regional volcanic units are largely isostaticallycom- fractures, an important question concernsthe extent to which pensated[Janle and Ropers,1983] or that the uncompensated the evidence of such fracturing would have been preserved. portion of the load is supportedby the strengthof a very thick One mechanism for preserving the tectonic signature of an elasticlithosphere.The locally thinner lithospherein the vicin- early uplift phase would be if the radial extensionalfractures ity of Elysium Mons at the time of formation of concentric later served as preferred sites for lava tube collapse or for grabenmay have beenthe resultof heatingassociatedwith the fluvial channel formation. formation servation [Cart, 1981; Mouginis-Mark et al., 1984] that the wide grabenlike depressionsof central Elysium Fossae grade downslopeinto sinuouschannelsof volcanicor fluvial origin. The uplift model of Figure 9 does not reproduce the azimuthal asymmetry in the distribution of extensionalfeatures, which are preferentiallyoriented NW-SE (Figure 1). The observed distribution of faulting could be due to corresponding asymmetries in the distribution of uplift (which need not match the present topography) or in lithospheric thickness, but there is no means to test these possibilitiesat present. Since Elysium lies near the boundary between the ancient southern uplands and the northern lowland plains of Mars, one potential sourceof heterogeneityin lithosphericthickness of the volcano. Similar lateral variations in litho- sphericthicknesshave been inferred for the Tharsis region [Solomonand Head, 1982; Comeret al., 1985]. Regional Uplift As an alternative to volcanic loading models, we next consider the possibility of flexural uplift on a regional scale.The primary constraints are the positions and orientations of the extensional tectonic features in Elysium Planitia. These features are found to a radial distance of approximately 500 km from the center of the rise. This suggeststhat the area of uplift was also of the order of 500 km in radius because extensional stressis predicted only over the uplifted area. The pattern and magnitudeof uplift, or of equivalentupward load on the lithosphere, are otherwise poorly constrained. Presumably, this upward load representsan excesspressureexerted on the base of the lithosphere by a mechanismsuch as thermal expansion of a volume of underlying mantle material. Flexural uplift of the lithospherecreatesstresseswhich balance the excesspressure; if the uplift is due to differential thermal expansion,the volume of thermally anomalous material and the percent volume changeare not separatelyresolvable. This idea is consistent with the ob- or of preferredzonesof weaknesswas the processthat gave rise to the Martian hemisphericalasymmetry. Wilhelms and Squyres [1984] have recently suggested that the uplandlowland boundary marks the rim of a 7700-km-diameter impact basin centeredabout 50øN, 190øW. While the formation of such a huge impact basin might be expectedto have left a strong signatureon the distribution of later formed tectonic features, neither the Elysium Fossae nor the Cerberus Rupes are concentricto the proposed location of the basin center. HALLETAL.;TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUM REGION, Mars 11,387 40øN ,0,2 \\ ,4 30 ø I aI 20 ø I0 ø o 240ow 2;.'50 ø 220 ø 210ø 200 ø 190ø 180ø Fig.9. Principal horizontal stress orientations andmaximum stress differences atthesurface ofthelithosphere fora model consisting ofloading byElysium MonsandHecates Tholus superposed ona regional flexural upliftofElysium Planitia; theupward loadisapproximately 900kminextent andequal inmagnitude toloadJR1used forthemodel in Figure8.Thethickness oftheelastic lithosphere istakento be100km. Tharsis Loading R23 =- - n(n + 1) r • (/t+ 2y) Finally,we consider the effecton stressin the Elysium regionof the long-wavelength loadingof the Martianlithosphere bytheTharsis rise.Weemploy thesolutions ofBanerdt r • + 2n(n + 1)(/t+ 2y) et al. [1982] for displacement andstressin a self-gravitating elasticspherical shelloverlying an inviscidfluidinterior.Banerdtet al. [1982] usethe formulationof Altermanet al. R63 --r sin0 •0•½ --cotan 0 [1959] and Arkani-Hamed [1973],in whicha spherical harmonicexpansion of the gravityand topography, combined and wherethe two componentsof Y,m are the harmoniccoef- R3 3_ 2Z[ a2 with a model for material propertiesand density of the ficientsof radial and tangentialdisplacement, respectively,S,• medium,yield a representation of the internaldeformation is the unnormalized surfacesphericalharmonic of degree n field,subjectto the assumed sphericalharmonicboundary and order m, and • and y are the Lam• constants. conditionsand the isostaticresponse function.The elementsof The stressmodels for Tharsis loading of Banerdt et al. the stresstensor are derived from the deformation via a gener- [1982] are basedon sphericalharmonicexpansions of gravity andtopographyto fourthdegreeandorderfromSjogrenet al. [1975] and Bills and Ferrari [1978], respectively. At these long wavelengths there doesnot appearto be a significant contributionto either the gravity or the topographyfrom the Elysium region.While Banerdtet al. [1982] did not show predictedstresstrajectoriesin the Elysiumregion,W. B. Banerdt(personalcommunication, 1983)kindlyprovideduswith the valuesof Y,mfor two of theirmodels:theirisostaticmodel alized Hooke'slaw operatormatrix [Arkani-Hamed,1973]. For the calculation of stressesat the planetary surface,the operatorequationreduces to therelation(W. B. Banerdt,personal communication, 1983) 3 •GO,/n m 0 R63/n nm where the elementsof the operator matrix R are R2•: R3• - 2• (3i + 2•) r (2 + 2•) and their flexural loading model. With these coefficients,we evaluated(3) by analyticdifferentiationof the surfacespherical harmonicsS,m.(This procedurediffersslightlyfrom the one employedby Banerdtand colleagues.) 11,388 HALLETAL.:TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUM REGION, Mars 240øW I 220" I I 200 ø I I 180" I 40øN 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 20 ø o Fig. 10. Principalhorizontalstressorientationsand maximumstressdifferences at the surfaceof the lithosphere in the Elysiumregionpredictedby the isostaticmodelfor Tharsisof Banerdtet al. [1982]. SeeFigure8 for furtherexplanation. Surface stressesin the Elysium region for the isostatic model for compensationof Tharsistopography[Banerdtet al., 1982] are shown in Figure 10. This isostatic model, taken from Sleepand Phillips [1979], has a mean crustal thicknessof 150 km and a (thermal or compositional)lithosphere400 km thick. The stressdistribution predicted for this model in the Tharsis region was shown by Banerdt et al. [1982] in their Figure 3b; these workers argued that the predicted stresses provide a good match to the observeddistribution of tectonic featuresin the central Tharsisregion. In the Elysium region this model yieldssurfacestresses that are compressive over the entire area shown in Figure 10 except for the portion west of about 230øW. The magnitudeof the predictedstressdifference Elysium region this model predicts large extensional surface stressesin the eastern portion of Figure 11, with maximum extensional stressesoriented approximately N-S to NE-SW. Although these stressesare not consistent with the ridge systemin eastern Elysium, they are of an orientation and a magnitude to have contributed to the formation of linear extensionalfeaturesin southeasternElysium, including Cerberus Rupes (Figure 1), a possibility first suggestedby Cart [1974]. In western Elysium the flexural loading model predicts compressivehorizontal stresses,with the direction of greatestcompressivestressoriented NW-SE. Such a stressfield would not yield the NW-SE trending extensional features observed in this region, but it might have contributed to the formation of Aa decreases from 200-250 bars between 180 ø and 195øW to the ridgesin southwesternElysium (Figure 1). less than 100 bars for the region west of about 210øW. In In principle, the attribution of tectonic features in Elysium easternElysium the direction of maximum compressivestress to lithospheric stressesgenerated by Tharsis might help to is nearly E-W; sucha stressfield might be a contributorto the resolve the temporal sequenceof compensationmechanisms formation of the N-S trendingridgesin the area (Figure 1). In for the Tharsis province. The relative ages of the generally western Elysium the stressdifferencesare too small to have a isolatedtectonicfeaturesin the Elysium area (Figure 1), howsignificant effect on the formation of tectonic features. ever, cannot readily be determined. Surfacestressesin the Elysium region for the Tharsis flexCombined Models ural loading model of Banerdt et al. [1982] are shown in Figure 11. This model is based on an assumed 150-km thickIt is, of course, unlikely that only one stressfield (local, ness for the crust and a 200-km thickness for the elastic lithoregional,or global) would be operatingin the Elysium region sphere;the predictedstressdistributionin the Tharsisregion during the time interval in which the tectonic features now was shownby Banerdtet al. [1982] in their Figure 3c. In the visible were formed. Despite the greater surface age of the HALL ET AL.: TECTONICS OF THE ELYSIUMREGION,Mars 240oW I 220 ø I I 11,389 180 ø 200 ø I I 40øN 7 0.4 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2:.2 20 <, Fig. 11. Principal horizontal stress orientations andmaximum stress differences at thesurface ofthelithosphere in the Elysium region predicted by theflexural loading modelfor Tharsis of Banerdt et al. [1982].SeeFigure8 for further explanation. featuresof Elysiumvolcanoes comparedwith their Tharsiscounterparts, centricto ElysiumMons,andthe linearextensional it is likely that the periodsof major volcanicactivityin the Elysium Fossae. two provinces overlapped I-Plescia andSaunders, 1979,1982]. CONCLUDING DISCUSSION It is thusappropriateto consider the superposition of regional In this paper we have testedthree scalesof lithospheric and local stressfieldswith the global scalestressfield due to loadingmodelsfor the formationof tectonicfeaturesof the loading by the Tharsisrise. In constructing a varietyof combinedstressmodelswe have Elysiumregion:local modelsof loadingby ElysiumMons, also allowed for the addition of a horizontally isotropic stress regionalmodelsof loadingon the scaleof ElysiumPlanitia, modelsof loadingby the Tharsisrise. A field, suchas would be introducedby planetarythermal ex- and quasi-global of flexuralstresses with lithospheric strengthand pansionor contraction [Solomon, 1978].A superposed hori- comparison zontal extensionalstressof globalextent,for instance,would the inferred maximum depth of faulting confirm the conlead to the formation of extensionalfeatures in regions where clusion of Comer et al. [1985] that the concentric graben simpleloadingmodels(e.g.,Figure8) wouldpredicttheformation of strike-slipfaults [e.g.,Solomonand Head, 1980; Comer aroundElysiumMons can be explainedas the resultof local flexureof an elasticlithosphereabout 50 km thick in response et al., 1985]. to the volcano load. In no case does the stressfield predicted by a singlecombined stressmodel achievea simultaneouslysatisfactoryfit to stressfields inconsistent with all of the observed tectonic fea- all of the observed tectonic features. There is no reason, of course,to expectthat all tectonicfeaturesin the regionformed contemporaneously. One of the bettermodelsconsists of the Banerdtet al. [1982] isostaticmodelfor Tharsistogetherwith the regionalupliftmodeland the individualvolcanicloadsof ElysiumMons and HecatesTholus (Figure 12). The stress field from sucha modelmight have contributedto the formation of the ridge systemin easternElysium,the grabencon- The volcanicloadingmodelson a regionalscalepredict tures,suggesting that loadingby widespread emplacement of thick plainsdeposits wasnot an importantfactorin the tectonic evolution of the Elysium region. This may have been eitherbecauseregionalvolcanicunitswereisostaticallycom- pensated withoutlithospheric loadingor because the elastic lithospherewas sufficientlythick that it could supportthe regionalload withoutsurfacestresses reachinglevelswhich would cause fracture. 11,390 HALL ETAL..'TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUMREGION,Mars 40øN 30* 20* 10* o 240øW 230' 220* 210 ø 200* 190' 180' Fig. •2. Principal horizontal stressorientationsand maximum stressdi•½renc½s at the surfaceof the lithospherefor a superpositionof the volcanoloading and regionaluplift model of Figure 9 and the B•nerdt et •L •1982-1isostaticmodel for Tharsisfrom Figure !0. SeeFigure 8 for furtherexplanation. The global stressfield associatedwith the support of the Tharsis rise appears to have influencedthe developmentof a number of tectonic features in the Elysium region. The stress field predicted by the isostaticmodel for Tharsis of Banerdt et al. [1982] is generally consistent with the formation of the ridge system of eastern Elysium; the flexural loading model for Tharsis [Banerdt et al., 1982] predicts extensionalstresses generallyconsistentwith the formation of the CerberusRupes system of linear extensional fault scarps and compressional stressesin western Elysium consistent with the formation of generalbasedon an analogy with the Tharsis region, which is much larger but displayssimilar typesof tectonicfeatures.It is now recognizedthat at the long wavelengthsof the Tharsis rise, radially orientedextensionalfeaturesare the product of a stress field dominated by membrane stress and inconsistent with an origin by flexural uplift [Willemann and Turcotte, 1982; Banerdtet al., 1982]. For the smaller Elysium province, in contrast,radial extensionalfeaturescan resultfrom bending stressesproduced by regional flexural uplift. It thus appears that while early argumentsabout the nature of Elysium tectonics were based on a faulty analogy, their ultimate conclusionsconcerningthe origin of many of the tectonicfeatures the ridges in that area. The linear extensional features of Elysium Fossae can best be explained as the result of modest flexural uplift of the litho- may yet be valid. sphereon the scaleof the Elysium rise, possiblyin responseto a mantle thermal anomaly beneath the volcanic province.The simple,circularly symmetricuplift model doesnot explain the preferred NW-SE trends of the features; such an asymmetry could be the result of heterogeneitiesin the lithosphericthickness over the region (with local thinning in the areas where fracturing occurs)or of unmodeled asymmetriesin the extent of uplift. It should be noted that other workers have previously argued [e.g., Cart, 1973; Scott and Ailingham,1976] that many of the tectonic featuresof the Elysium province were the result of regional uplift. These earlier arguments, however, were in Overall, the comparisonof stressmodelsfor Elysium with the distributionof preservedtectonicfeaturessuggestsa succession of stress fields operating at different times in the region. The order in which those stressfields were present, however, cannot be specifiedwith confidence.Becauseof the apparentlylimited extentof lithosphericextensionin Elysium it is reasonableto expect that a mantle thermal anomaly would have beenpresentat the outsetof any major episodeof volcanicconstruction.By this argument,flexural uplift of the lithosphereby suchan anomalywould have precededor occurred contemporaneouslywith volcanic loading. The fact that someof the linear depressions in Elysiumappearto have H^LLET^L.:TECTONICS OFTHEELYSIUM REGION, Mars beenmodifiedby volcanicor fluvialflow processes alsoindicatesthat the fracturingthat createdthe originalfeaturesoccurredat leastbeforethe final stageof volcanicactivityin the 11,391 Hartmann,W. 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(ReceivedSeptember4, •1985; revisedApril 18, 1986; acceptedJuly 7, 1986.)