guildvfiodJVews Mews - Guildwood Village Community Association
guildvfiodJVews Mews - Guildwood Village Community Association
I guildvfiodJVews Mews Official Publication of the Guildwood Village Communify Association Summer1998 GUILDWOOD DAY 98 IT'S ALL IN THE TEAM Once again,the Guildwood communitycame togetherfor a dayfilled with fun andentertainmentfor everyone.This yearmarkedthe fortyfirst Guildwood Day. The rain held of| and neighbourscameout to sharea laughor two. CananyonedisputethatthebestBBQ in town is on GuildwoodDay? Promotionthis yearwasmadedifficult by the stormyweatherthatwouldnot let up duringthe weekbeforeGuildwoodDay.Thanksto Susan Rightmeyerof SUS,4I{DID IT for the professionallooking signsshemadeto promotethe day as well as the GarageSaleat the end of May. Thanksgoesout to Mary Ellen Berwick and Justin for helping Susanput up the signs.A personalnote of thanksto thoseof you who took time to straightena bent sign frameor to take in a blown awayposter. If anyonein the neighbourhoodis a welder by trade, and is willing to fix our signspleasecall the GVCA hotline. The program flyer was published later then plannedand had to be deliveredduring the membershipdrive. Thanksto Fred Bate for creatingthe flyer andKurt Christensenandthe canvassers for deliveringthe flyer. This year'sParadehadmorekidson bikesthen we haveseenin years. Specialthanks goes out to Steveand Cathy Kevins for, once again,organizingthe parade which startedat Jack Miner Sr. P. S. and AnthonyKevinsat crowdcontrol. This extension of the route was made easy with the assistanceof the 42 Division Officers and conlinued page 9 It seemsthat everyonegivesout my nameas the BBQ'er of the Decade,but really"it's a greatteamthat makesit happen. Bob JohnstonChev-Olds:Not onlv do thev provideuswith a truckto pick up supplies,but theythemselves pick up the food.and bring a teamof 5-6 down to flip burgers;ValueMart for onceagainprovidingthe foodto usat cost; J-P Seguin,my robustassistant,workedtirelessly and his back proved it the next duy; Nick Urech provided such great entertainment and he's circledGuildwoodDay 1999 alreadyto return;the Guild Inn and Toronto Parksmakesurethatall ofthe housekeeping is in order.Manythanksto Johnfrom Parksstaff for his help. Then,theteam:theAshtons,theStandens. the Continued on page 9 T h a n kY o u M r . A r n o l d . . . . .P a g e 2 G u i l d w o o dD a y - P a r a d e .........3 G u i l d w o o dD a y - V e n d o r ' sT a b l eR e p o r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 G u i l d w o o dD a y - G . V . C . A H . e a dQ u a r t e r s. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 G u i l d w o o dD a y - T h a n k st o o u r S p o n s o r s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 G u i l d w o o dD a y - C h i l d r e n ' E s n t e r t a i n m e n t . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . F a l lE v e n t ...........6 G a r a g eS a l e . .........7 S c o u t i n gR e g i s t r a t i o n . . . . . . ...........7 G u i l d w o o dL i b r a r y ..........8 1998 MembershipDrive . 10 w w w . g u i l d w o o d . o n .(coan t h e w e b ). . . . . . . . . . .i.1 S i r W i l f r i dL a u r i e C r .l.News ......12 G u i d i n gR e g i s t r a t i o n . . . . . . . . .14 '1 G u i l d I n n - K u r t G u n z e l. .. . .... . . 5 G tti I dtt,tnd i\'ay,,s'<( I 7c,rr',r A JOB WELL DONE!! GRAHAM, WE'RE GONNA MISS YOU GRAHAM ARNOLD Ex "MR. GROCER" Ex "ARNOLD'S VALU MART" Dear Graham, All ofus owe Terry Doyle a lot ofthanks for his tremendousefforts in organizing a truly wonderful Guildwood Day, and also to the dedicatedvolunteerswho workedwith him to make it a success. We appreciateall of you, and everythingyou'vedone! As we all know, GuildwoodDay is considered themaineventofthe yearin ourneighbourhood to meetotherresidents.It andis agreatchance representsplenty of work and planning, so anyonewho takesthis on is a very courageous individual. THANKS TERRY! trlarv Ellen Renvick. GV(-A Presidenl I got the word mid-May that you were going to begin a new chapterin your businesscareerat the end of May. The rumour mill suggeststhat you wanted to take a few trips abroad but couldn't bring yourselfto payfull pop for thetickets."I'll just becomea travelagencyandall the airlinesand hotelswill throw freebiesat me!!" Ahhhhh. Now there'sa goodidea. Too bad I don't have the name of the new company,otherwiseI'd givea little plug in this News and Views note (neverbeenone to pass on theopportunitytodo a little brownnosingto a friendly travel agent). continued on page I I DATES TO REMEMBER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE G V CA W ebs ite G V CA Hot Lin e Mary E,llenBerwick, President Fred Bate, Past President Steve Kevins, Vice-President Donna Milovanovic, Treasurer Pat Sands,Secretary Members at Large Paula Bate, Computer Layout Fred Bate, l,{ews & Views Editor Fred Cowin, Membership List . AnnualGeneralMeeting Drive Membership GarageSale GuildwoodDay Celebration Christmas GUILDWOOD NEWS & VIEWS 410-2755 265-1326 287-2497 1 283-870 267-8387 287-2497 287-2497 283-6043 Kurt & PatriciaChristensen,Membership. 269-2682 267-88t6 Floyd Domier, Community Safety. 269-5247 Terry Doyle, Guildwood Day 269-0003 Gord Evans,Photographer... Toni Hogarth, Distribution C o-(hdinator . 266-2754 283-8701 Cathy Kevins, Parade 284-6949 Kit.....'. Home Welcome Krievins. Debra 269-5610 Celebration Sherry Ng, Cftristmas Guildv,ood lrlews & Views March,1999 May, 1999 May, 1999 June 1999 6. 1998 December The Guildwoodl{ews & Viewsis publishedfour specialeditions.Subtimesa yearwith occasional arewelcomeandmustbe receivedby the rnissions followingdates: January3l Winteredition March15 Springedition May 3l Summeredition....... l5 September Falledition.............. envelopewith any self-addressed Includea stamped, itemyou wish returned. submission Mail to: GuildwoodNews& Views, Box I 1001,97 GuildwoodPkwy, WestHill. ON, M 1E 5G5 The Guildwood News & Views Compiled and Editedby Fred Bate Computer Layout by Paula Bate Distribution Co-ordinator, Toni Hogarth GUILDWOOD DAY PARADE It wasa greatday for a parade.Not a too hot for the L w onder f u marching band | , andnottoochilly z forthe little ones on their bikes. It looksasifeveryone in the parade enjoyed themselves,especiallythe residents of the Guildwood Extendicare and of coursethe childrenwith their parents.(seepagel5 for a pictureof the parade.) We must extendour gratitudeto the volunteer Police Auxiliary Membersof M.T.P.F.who, like all us volunteers,spenta goodpart oftheir Saturdayhelpingthe Guildwoodresidentshave a better day. You may have noticed we had a new band this year. They are called The Allt GaidhealachHighlandeis (pipes and drums) and played terrifically. Hopefully we can get them again for next year. I must also thank those people who brought out their antique vehiclestotheparade(theVintagevehiclesare always difficult to get as they are always in demand). The paradeparticipantsalsoincludedsomeof the localpoliticians.MP JohnMcKayjoined in the parude and our provincial MPP Steve Gilchristapparentlylike chattingwith theresidentssomuchhe stayedfor mostofthe day.Of course we also had the ever present Brian Ashton who alsovolunteersduring the barbecueeachyear.Our Mayor Mel andCouncillor Altobello were unableto attend. Last but certainlynot leastI mustthank all our GVCA volunteerswho put many,manyhours of time and effort into our paradeand Guildwood Day as a whole. VENDOROS TABLE REPORT'98 From beginning to end everyhing fell into place and went smoothly. Well, with such conscientiousworkers what else would you expect? Our first vivacious,diligent volunteerat her post was Aileen Folk, alias Traffic Director. Thanks for doing a greatjob screeningthe vehiclesthat camein. Garrettwasa superhelp getting signs up and helping in any possible wdy, eventhough he had to resortto duct tape whenevernecessary.Thank you. Thejob of cartingout heavytableswas calmly andcapablyhandled bythe ScoutsandScouters. Thanksfor doing this toughjob. We did have backup helpfrom MeghanandMia Solakisand BruceBrown andhis son. Thanksfor your "onthe-spot"volunteering,muchappreciated. After 101phonecallsoverthe past2 monthsit all seemsworth it whenI sawthevendorssetup, chatting up and buying from their covendors beforethe crowd bustledin. We had vendors returning from previous years and new vendors: NormaRiley GuildwoodTravelCo. KlassenCrafts For The Love of Wood GrahamAmes KiwaniwoodTennis Jewellery& T-Shirts NaturalOil Products Norma Beaujard Lynn Connelly QuiltRaffle Freezies& Balloons D Campbell& T Castell Bob Tessier Edith Woodside GerdaRowlands Doris Whiddett JoyceWoronchuk Beryl Appelbawm PeterMars JohnMacaulay BruceBrown AubreyRhaney Kid's ClothesandJewellery Day Trips Wood Novelty Crafts Harold & Patti Walke Mold Castings TennisClub- SylvanAve. AdrianDennis JoannHawthorn (Ceramics) Dynamic Creations CustomCrafts(Placemats, etc) KarenPrice(HolyTrinityChurch) HepcoeCreditUnion Girl Guidesof Canada OilPaintings & GolfEquipment AfghansandQuilts LindenHouse Gardening Books Avon Products VictorianCrafu& TeddyBears Mary Kay Products Grapefully Yours(winemaking) Lawyer- Wills and Estates PerennialPlants Big Doe Lake Boys Camp It is on this note I must saythat we do NEED volunteersfrom our community to help our causeofmaking both adultsandchildrenenjoy Thanksto all thevendorsfor giving Guildwood Day this dimensionof interestingand creative itemsand servicesfor sale. If anyonewho has a small business,themeitems or craftsto sell rememberto call us next yearin April or May. continued page I5 continued page4 Guildwood lVews& Views L'endor'l-ables, cont inued./iom page 3 'fhe Day Caresarealwaysa hit with fun filled activitiesfor the children: SunshineDayCarehadlaughingchildrenblowingbubblesandsculptingwith Plasticine.NYAD had Caribbeandancersin costumeand live music performing,teachingand video-taping the "shake, shake,shake" kids and dancers. Guildwood Childcarehad an affangementof paintingeasels,waterplayandtoddlertablesto keepthechildrensmilingandbusy.Guildwood Montessorihad someinterestineactivitiesfor thosecreativechildren. Thanksto all, for makingthis anothersuccessful year. Cindv Similas, Ir'endor Tables (loordinator GVCA HEAD QUARTERS As usualthe communitytableswerea beehive ofactivity. Theballotsforthe raffle,asalways, kept the areabuzzing,while many peoplethat missedtheir local canvasserstoppedby to renew their 1998membership. gym was the work of Mary Ellen Berwick and FredBate. Thanksto Marc Graveland Cathy Cowin for helpingto supervisethe display. We againhad the opportunityto meetyou on your way into the BBQ. It was anotherbeautiful night for the party. Thanksto Floyd Domier andFredandPaulaBatefor meetingandgreeting throughoutthe evening. And finally, thanksto all ofyou that stoppedby throughoutthe day,gettingtogetherand meeting our neighboursis what makesour community very, very special. Fred Cowin, GVCA Table SPONSORSOF PRIZES As PrizeCo-ordinatorfor Guildwood Day and on behalf of the Guildwood Association,I would like to takethis opportunityto thank all of the following merchantsand residentswho very kindly donatedprizes. You helped to make June 6th, 1998 a very successfuland specialday. All-in-allanexcitingandfun-filledday.A very specialthank-youto JulianneCowinandScott Maclean fbr manningthe community table. Floyd Domier for meetingandgreeting,Karen Magill for supervisingthe raffle. The QuiltingPatch Lady Guild BeautyCentre Dr. Carol WaldmanDentist GuildwoodCleaners BeckersGuildwoodMilk AnthonyBeautyBoutique SilverMile Hardware GuildwoodProduce NationalJewellers- Guildwood PetPlus GuildwoodVillageDentalOffice GuildwoodPizza& Burger R.. G. HendersonCompany GuildwoodDrug Mart Florists- GuildwoodPlaza Scarborough Intra Travel DuckworthsFish& Chips Via Rail The ShoppingSpotGuildwoodPlaza Philharmonic Scarborough SimilasGraphics SuttonGroup- Carol& JohnCollins HomeGrooming-GuldwoodVillage Pooches Bankof Montreal- Guildwood C .l .B .C B . ank- Gui l dw ood VillageBarberShop- Cuildwood Video99 RoadRunnerGuldwoodPlaza Miller ThomsonBarristers- PeterChauvin GrapefullyYours Wine Company Mall HepoeCreditUnion- Morningside WesthillCycle& Sports- KingstonRoad - Guildwood Hat Frenzy-DianneTaylor GuildwoodDay Trips- Alma DraPer & Air Conditioning GuildwoodFurnace The organizationanddisplayofthe tablein the Floyd Domier,GuildtvoodDay 98 - Committee Thevolunteerswerealsokeptbusypatchingup theoddscrapedkneeorelbowandoccasionally trying to connecta child or two with their lost parents. Againthis yearwe weresellingthe Guildwood Village T-shirts, golf shirts, hats and travel mugs. Looking aroundthe crowd it waseasyto spotlastyearsbuyers. We areputtingtogether aspecialorderfor the golf shirtsandcapsso if you areinterested,pleaselet us know. Thedisplayin thegymwasa fascinatingcollection of plans and photosof the Guild Inn and Guildwood Village from daysgoneby. The historicalplansdocumentedproposalsfor the Guild Inn groundsand buildings. The aerial photosprovidedindividualsthe opportunityto searchout amongthe farm fieldsandforeststo find the current location of one's streetand home. & Views Guildtuootl JVew.s CHILDREN'S ENTERNTAINMENT A beautiful, sunny daywith clearskiesgraced our GuildwoodDay 1998.My thanksgoout to all the volunteerswho helpedmake the day a special one for the children. Thanks also to Claire Wilson for helping round up volunteersfrom local schools and church groups. As always, Dave Sandercottand the Scouts, Venturers. and Leaders from Scarborough 3rd East Scout Group set up and took down over 60 tablesusedduringtheday. Thanks. The student volunteers: Our thanks to Jacquella CarA,FloraChu,ReisaSlade, Jenny Higgins, Jackie-Bunting Graden, Devon Turpin, Jamie Marshall, Perrin Baker, Tyler Humbey, Adam Jackman,Kristina Schippel, Kevin Sadler,Michelle Shariff,andAlexandra Duncanwho volunteeredtheir time at the children'sgames,bouncycastle,ponyride andmini circuit. Without your tireless efforts, we wouldn't have beenable to carry it ofll The Adult Volunteers: Our appreciationand thanks go to Elizabeth Shariff, Eva Schippel, Dave Van Boxmeer, Bob Fahy, and Craig Duncan,who setup the pony ride, took careof the prize table, and helpedout where needed. We couldn'thavedone it without you! Children's Games: A fish pond andfive toss gamesprovidedlots of opportunitiesfor young and old alike to test their skill. Tickets were awardedto everyonewho tried. Theprizetable was busyall daywith a steadystreamofparticipantstradingtheir tickets for superballs,mini squirt guns,rings, tattoosand othertoys. Genevieve'sDance Academy: Once again this year,Genevievedazzledris with jazzitap and acro dance numbers by her competition students.Thetalent andenergyofthe performancewas a greathit with the audience. Caribbean Dancers: A lively showpresented severaltimes during the day by NYAD. ShotokanKarate Seiku-kai: Zen Takahashi andhis classofkaratestudentsshowedstrensth andagility in their martialartsdemonstration. A black belt performance! Bouncy Castle: Thanksto Bob Asquith and the folks at New Heights Entertainmentfor providing the inflatable bouncer. Our young jumpers kept coming back for more fun. Volunteers Jacquella Carty andFloraChucapablysupervised this attraction for over three hours. Puck's Farm: Always a favourite with the kids, Puck's Farmprovidedover400pony rides which kept the ponies busyright until closingtime. Mad Science:Our thanksgo outto the staffofMad Science for delightingtheir young audiences. Children over 8 were amazedby the wacky experiments of the indoor scienceshow and the under8 yearold crowd had an opportunityto make"slime"inthe outdoorsciencelab. Mini-Circuit: Volunteer Tyler Humbey kept the mini vehiclesmoving in the right direction for over threehours as the tots practisedtheir JacquesVilleneuvemanoeuvres. Clowns: Carol Shermanand her colleasue entertainedchildrenwith their puppetsthrou"ghout the day. RemoteControl Cars: John'sPhotoandHobby onceagainprovidedninebatteryoperatedcari. Thecircuit which theybuilt andranthroughout the day was indeeda popularevent. FacePainting: A specialthankyou to the folks at theRoyalBankwho paintedcheerfuldesigns on many smiling faces. Popcorn and Balloons:Peopleat the Toronto Dominion bank servedover 400 bagsof popcorn and gaveout balloons. Free Freezies: Thanks to staff at Hepcoe Credit Union for giving out freezies,they had quite thejob keepingthem frozen. It wasa wonderfulday,full offun andlaughter. Seeyou next yearat Guildwood Day 1999! Pauline Tetley C hildren's Entertainment Coordinator Guildwood /llews& GUILDWOOD FALL EVENT An Octoberfesthasbeensuggestedby a couple of peopleon the GVCA ExecutiveCommittee as an attractive alternativeto the Hallowe'en dance.However, in order for this or any other eventto be successful,we needto have some ideaof its likely attendance,andwhetherthere will be enoughpeopleto organizeit. PLEASElet usknow ifyou like theOctoberfest idea,preferanothertype of event,andwlrgtlr-e1 you c^anhelp out in any way. CALL 410-2755 L4aryEllen Benrick, GVC'4President ADOPT A REEF DearEditor: I would like to tell you the story of how my GuildwoodCommunitytretpedmeto raisefunds for the "Adopt an Acre and rescuethe reef Thisis anEarthFoundationProject. campaigns". I am anElizabethSimcoeJuniorPublicSchooi studentand on Friday, April 17th,my French teachershowedus a documentarymovie about the rain forest. The more I saw, the more I realizedhow our environment needs everyone'shelp. As soonasI got homeon Friday,I ?ry..d myself with the fund-raisingforms and the big poster that displayedthe niie T-shirts and backpacks that could'be had by people who wanted to supportus with this Project. On Friday, Saturdayand Sungqyl$qf"go.l, I wentdoortodoorandcollected$450.00dollars from my immediateneighbourhood. I had many different feelings,I was happythat peoplearoundme thought the samew?y,lqty kno* how importantour environmentis' I felt there are so malY.*ott|tsurprisedbec^ause while causesthat needs support. I thought peoplearetired of alwayshaving!o gRentheir waliet evenwhen the reasonfor doing so is a goodone. However thank goodnessI was wrong and my reasonof writing now is to expressto these peoplehow gratefulI am for their support' Manv thanks,andI'll seeyou in Junewith new T-shirts,tote bags,andbackPacks' Kristina Schippel. Grade I student Guildwood l'{ews& Views WASHINGTON CHURCH PLAY GROUP The Tuesday Morning WashingtonPlaygrouPi s looking for new members.T'hisco-op$oup for childrenfrom newborn to kindergarten and theirmomsruns f r o m 9 : 1 5- 1 1 : 0 0 , with crafts, free play, snacksand music circle time. A small fee, based on number of children is charged.The group is run at WashinglonUnited Church,cornerofKingstonandScarboroughGolf ClubRoad,andis limitedto20 childrenbasedon room size. For informationpleasecontactRuth at 6911407 Loura Cowan DearEditor I am a relativenewcomerto the area.The green were,andremain,for me oneofthe main sDaces attractionsofthe neighbourhood.I feel we are tremendouslyfortunateto have suchreadyaccessto beautifulnaturalspacesand would like to ensurethey remain well caredfor. I am thereforehoping to organizea group of io ensurej ustthat through communitymemb-ers a variety of communitYProjects. WANTED Ideas, enthusiasmand community spirit Q,t cleanandgreenl!! keepingour neighbourhood Fruitraled, disheanened,concernedby GARBAGE in the woods, the schoolyards,by the lake? Joinus for a brainstormingsessionaboutkeeping our neighbourhoodclean alq green-Tuesda:y,Augusi5 at7 pm at 419 GuildwoodPkwy' Enthusiastic,interestedbut unable to attend? Pleasecall 232-7628for more information' Judy lilacLeod Dear Editor: GARAGE SALE Now that the snow is finally sone its time to thank our neighboursfor their help. Specifically,in my case,ChrisDeWold. Every time it snowed enoughto bother he was out with his snowblower,removingthe snowfrom my sidewalk and driveway and that of other neighboursdown the streetwho areunableto do it themselves. By all indications,the garagesalethis yearwas a hugesuccess.Therewere salestakingplace on everystreet- in manycasesseveralsaleson a block. This gave garagesale aficionados. bothresidentsandvisitors,atremendous selection acrosstheentireneighbourhood. No doubt manypeoplenow havea lot moreroomin their - to storethingsfor next garages andbasements year'ssale. A heartyvote ofthanksto him andmanyothers in the communitywho havedonethe samefor their neighbours.This is what beinga part of Guildwood is all about, helping your neighbours. I think this year's sale was the best so far becauseof the incrediblenumber of people who choseto participate- enoughto cause trafficjams on somestreets! Arnold Cleveland, Toynbee Trail A hugeTHANKS! to all who madethis a fun andprofitableevent. GVCA MUGS AND T.SHIRTS Theymakea greatgiftsogive usa callat410-2755 andleave yourname,phonenumberand the numberof eachitem you wish to purchaseand we'll arrangeto get them to you. Travel Mugs T-Shirt Both s 6.00 $ 10.00 $ 15.00 Due to populardemand,we will be placinga specialorderfor Capsand Golf Shirts. Caps $ 10.00 Golf Shirt s 27.00 Both $ 3s.00 Pleasecall the Hotline, 410-2755,by Augustl4 to placeyour order. SCOUTING REGISTRATION lv'[ary Ellen Berwick, GVC.,I President EXTENDICARE DearEditor: On behalfof the residents,families& statf of Extendicare GuildwoodNursingHome.I would like to expressour heartfeltthanksfbr including us in this year'sGuildwoodDay parade. Our residents,along with their family members,reallyenjoybeingpart of the parade.For thosewho remainedbehind to watch the parade,they wereabsolutelythrilled. As always,the seniorsadoreseeingthe young childrenontheirdecorated bikes.thefancvcars (old & new);but I cansafelysay,the higilight was listeningto the Highland bagpipeband. You will neverknow how much I appreciated this gesture. Thank you for arrangingto have this band performfor us in sucha convenientplace.The hugesmiles,the tears,the goosebumped arrns expressed the emotionthat arosein eachof us. Quite frankly, the residentshaven't stopped speakingof the day. ANNUALREGISTRATION 3RDWESTHILL SCOUTS WHEN: Wednesday. September 9, 1998 LOCATION: JackMinor School TIME: 7 : 0 0p . m . AGE GROUPS: B e a v e r 5s - 7 C u b s 8 -l 0 S c o u t1 s1-14 For information,contactKarenMagill, 281-2984 From our end of "The Parkway",Guildwood Day wasa hugesuccess.Thankyou to everyone of the GVCA who includedus in this communityevent. K. Magill Penny Koziuka. Recreation Director We look forwardto GuildwoodDav-1999. Guildwxtd l{cy's & At the Library GUILDWOOD LIBRARY 396-8872 SUMMER 1998 EffectiveJanuaryI 998all Librariesin Toronto becameTorontoPublicLibrary. The Toronto PublicLibraryis closertoachievingour goalof providing consistentand equitableserviceto AsofJune 15, fines,feesand librarycustomers. circulationpolicies will be changedso that City ofToronto, acrossthenewlyamalgamated thesepolicieswill be the same. Until a computersystemhasbeeninstalledthat will serveall ofthe publiclibrariesin Toronto, to registerfor a librarycard it will be necessary in eachofthe former andplaceholdsseparately library systems. The cataloguewill also remain separateuntil then. other Dailyfineratesonvideoswill bereduced, maximum but not change, will rates fine daily fineswill increase" Informationon NEW FINE RATES in availableat your local branch. 12:30p.m.- 8:30P.m. Mon.& Thurs. 9:00a.m.- 5:00P.m. Tues,Fri.& Sat. Sunday& Wednesday closed NEW BESTSELLERS (PleasePlaceRequests) Archer. Jeffrev ELEVENTHCOMMANDMENT Clancy, Tom RAINBOWSIX Clark,Mary HigginsYOU BELONGTO ME TOXIN Cook,Robin Cookson,CatherineBONDAGEOF LOVE Cornwell,Patricia POINTOF ORIGIN N IS FORNOOSE Grafton,Sue WIDOW FORONE,YEAR lrving,John BRUNSWICKGARDENS Perry,Anne LEGACY OF SILE,NCE Plain,Belva PREDATORS Robbins,Harold AnneRiverLOWCOUNTRY Siddons, SWIMMINGTO Woods,Stuart CATALINA THE LIBRARY HAS OTHER BOOKS BY THESE AUTHORS YOU MIGHT ENJOY OUTDOOR CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT AT THE GUILD INN CliffhangerProductionspresentsOnceUpon a Time, a rollicking French Canadianfolktale suitablefor all ages5 and up. Live theatrehascometo the Guild, a greatway to vary your children'ssummerholidayexperience Perfbrmancesare from July 7th - August 2, 1998at the Guild Inn onTuesday,Wednesday andThursdayat 11:00a.m.and2:00p.m. Also availableon-Fridayand Sundayat 7 p.m. and S a t u r d a y s a1t1 a . m . Bring a lunch or snackand a beverageand a blanketto sit on. Call264-4087 or264-3854for moredetails.A donationof $5.00per personis resuggested queiteaand groupratesareavailable. (iuilrlv,ood lVew,s& Viev's ''--- '|.l,a' EDITOR NEEDED! TheNewsandViewsis lookingfor anEditor. It you havean interestin desktoppublishinglnd would like to help the Associationwith this newsletter,pleasecall the GVCA Hot Line at 410-27s5. The News and Views is publishedfour times per year. Fred Bale, Past President Guildvood Day, Continuedfrom page I membersof the Auxiliary Police.Our COpS areTops. Floyd Domier outdidhimselfthisyear"rounding up over sixtyprizesto berafflecioff. Thanks to the local businesses for onceagainshowing their supportto the Guildwood communitv. IT yoy wgn aprize andwerenot ableto pick it up at the time of the raffle,Floyd will be in touch with you; and rememberto ShopGuildwood. Thanksto Karen Magill - aka: our own Vanna White, for announcingthe raffle winners.Fred Cowin and his daughter,Julie. kept things running smoothlyat the GVCA table. Man_yhoursof organizationwent into organizing the vendortablesanda big thanksgoesout to Cindy Similasfor her work,,not to mention tle earlymorningsetup thatshetook chargeof. Thanksto themanyvendorswho cameouiwith sucha wide varietyof goods. JanShepherdonceagainled up a teamof your neighbourswho organizedthe field races.put aboutfifty or so hyperkids on the freld,addin someambitiousparents,andyou havea situation thatonly Jancouldhandle.Youreffortsare appreciatedJan.Thanksto thosewho showed goodsportsmanship. PaulineTetley,recruitedin mid-March,managedto organizethe entertainment,children's gamesand activities.This is no smalltaskand it was complicatedby a lack of volunteers. Pauline'shusbandCraigDuncanandtheirkids, Alexandra and James,all gave time before, duringand afterthe day.If you seethemin the community,let themknow you're gratefulfor their work. I know I am. PS.Sorryyour mom anddadmissedyourmartialartsdisplayJames. Thanksalso to DebraKrevins and PaulaBate forjumpingin andhelpingto fill in spotswhere volunteersweremissing. The day ended with the evening BBQ at the Guild Inn. The newly landscapedgrounds made for a wonderful settine. Thanksto Bob Taylor-Vaisey for coordiniting this annual event. Nick Urick was back with tunesthat seemedto setjust the right mood for a neighbourhoodevening.Thetug ofwar rope,which snappedin two lastyear,wasreplacedandput to gooduse.At lastcounttheEast(ofGalloway Rd.) took two roundsand the West took two rounds.It's nice when community competitivenessworksout so noncompetitively. A final note of thanksto GarrettMagill, for doingall thegruntwork thatI passedoffto him. andto ClaireWilson,for keepingmesane...OK my sanitymight be questionable,but she did keepme going. By wayofclosing,we do nothavea coordinator for GuildwoodDay 1999.Planningfor this eventstartsnext January,so we needto find a coordinatorthis fall. I would be glad to assist someonenext year but my personalsituation will not allow me to becoordinator.Ifyou have any questionsor if you may be interested. pleasecall me at 269-5247. A telephonecall doesnot commit you to doing thejob. Enjoy your summer! Terry Doyle, Guildtood Day Coordinator BBQ,, Continuedfrom page I Taylor-Vaiseys,the Milovanovics. Tyler Humbey,Jan Shepherd.Fred Drewry. Steve Tovee,FredCowinontheresistration desk. So,asyoucansee,it takesa lot ofpeople.Wordhasit that somewantto retire.It's common knowledge that being ; barbequerismore funthanyoucan imagine,let's line them up for 'gg. See you then. And thanks, team!!! SW-Z tJob TaylorL'aisey, BBQ Coordinator (iuildv,ood Ney,,s& L'iey,y communityhasbeenoverlookedfor membership this yearpleasecontactone of the MembershipCoordinatorsmentionedin this article or myselfand we will ensurethat you receive your 1998membership. 1998MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The I 998membership driveis over.TheGVCA extends a warrn THANK YOU to the many residentsof the Guildwood community who havejoined the GVCA this year. The strengthof our associationis basedon our volunteerswho eachyearcanvassthe residents of Guildwood. Onceagainthis yearsteamof over 120 volunteersdonatedtheir time and energyto carryout the 1998membershipdrive with tremendousresults. Our 1998membershipof over 1600families hasmadethe GVCA oneofthe largestcommunity associations in Torontoand,in my opinion, oneof the best. Whenwe takeinto accountthe residentswho were away during this years membershipdriveandall thenew familieswho have recentlymoved into the communitywe shouldhavea final membershipof over 2,000 familiesheadinginto 1999! TheGVCA greatlyappreciates the effortsofall the canvassers,atea coordinators and other volunteerswho helpedin this year'ssuccessful drive and I would like to extendmy personal thanksto the followins individuals: If you or a fbmily you know in the Guildwood lfest oJ'Livingston: Mary Ellen Berwick Rhonda Bingham Mary Brilliant Patrick Bulley Janet Campbell (-arol & John Collins Jim ('ollins Sandra Cox Isabel Dickson Cierry Domier Alma Draper Cruig Duncan Gord Evans Debra Feeney Marlene Gaynes May Germain Ken Gilbert Ann Howes Palty Martens Terri Mclntosh Rod McNair Sylvia Meijers ,Iudy & Doug Mev,ett Verral Milne John Mitchell Frieda Morgan .lohn Mouck Jackie & Dave O'Brien I-erry O'(lallaghan Paul 0stapeic L1,nneOyagi Anne Petite Susan Raczek Patricia Ra1,rng, Robbie Rhodes Ntichelle Rudd1, F-ionaShutsa Steve & Carol Similas Guildwood Ncv,s& l/iew,s PatQ,Sinclqir Gail Slocum Irene & Peter Somerville Cathy Spurrel I'aul Steverink Heather Talbot Adele Tessier Herb Trew, Debbie & .lffiey Warren .lean Witherspoon Carol ttylie Dana Zamhonelli Kurstie & Michael Zold Livingston to Galloway: Shelly Bowden Andre Cote Cecile Eberts Adrienne Forrin Wanda Gregory Ann Jackman Kiki Lau Laurie Lockhart Susan Mazzato Barry Morgan Marion Morrish Aubrey Rhamey Josephine Rodgers Bill & Denise Rushworthy Anne Silliker Betty Snowdon Kathleen Tatham Lauren & Robert Tait Lorraine & John Walker Galloway to Morningside: Vida Burker ('arolyn Beard Cathy & Fred Cowin l0 Fred Drewry Marc Gravel Malt Halabi Lynda Hurding Wendy Kearns SteveKevins Sue Mackie Linda MacMillan lr{ancyManuel Beth Markle Darryl Moore Carl Ratsap Pat Samblurne Aldean Scott Chris Short Barb Stames East of Morningside: Petra Atfo* Clyde Chamberlain Joyce DeSouza Roy Grozelle Doug Herridge Kim Guerra Roswitha Haddrath Carl Huebner Elizabeth Marshall Andrea McGilvray Apartment Building Coordinators: Reg Dance Gord Evans Rose Lovett Sheila Wilson Carolyn Wylie Town ho u se Coor dinato r : Carll Content SpecialThanksTo: Graham conlinued - page 2 Roy Grozelle,May Halabi, Lynda Harding, Dorle Ramanu.jam,Judy Hardy, Mary Ellen Berwick, JeanWitherspoon,Fiank Munkley, andJohnMitchell who areour Area Coordinators and organizing the teamsof canvassers. It seemslike only yesterday thatI somehowgot roped into organizing Guildwood Day. In thoseday's (pre-Guildwoodboundaryexpansion), there was a chronic low bank balance positionand, as I didn't want my nameto be with a "GuildwoodDayon a budget" associated program,I searchedfor corporatesponsors. FredCowin who did anotheroutstandingjobof updatingthemembershiplist in time for Guildwood Day andwho updatesthe list yearround. Knowing that we were going to be needinga few thousanddollar's worth of burgers,dogs and pop, yours was one of the first doors I knockedon. While I like to think I had a good salespitch,in theendI haveto admitthatit was yournaturalgenerous naturethatcausedyouto itemsthat donateall ofthe food andassociated gloriousevening. SteveandCathyKevinswho helpedmeassemble the membershipkits for the canvassers. Fred and PaulaBate who provided the name tags,envelopesand labelsand fliers. Donna Milovanovic for devotinsso much of her time to handlethe membershTp deposits. My wonderfulwife Patriciafor beingsounderstdndingandfor answeringthetelepEonewhen membershipquestionsarose. You came through big time Graham when I neededyou. My budgetfor Guildwood Day wasabouttwoorthreetimesthepreviousyears and the day simply could not have happened that yearwithout the hugedonationsfrom both yourselfand anotherhandfulof key players. And Thanksto Everyonefor helping out and again making the membershipdrive a great successthis year. I am to this day, totally blown away by the happyyoung facesI saw that day. Facesthat will grow up to be fair,,giving,caring,community mindedadultsI hope. Kurt Christensen, Membership Coordinator GuildwoodVillage is now on the World Wide Web in a big way. Our official sitewent live at the beginningofMarch and,evenwithoutpromotingthe site,we havehadover 500visitors. In the first threeweeksof May we hadvisitors from Japan,Singapore,the United Kingdom. Italy, France,Australia,Germany,the Unitcd Statesas well as acrossCanada. of the G.V.C.A. I wenton to becomePresident andwasinvolvedin the runningof Guildwood Day for a numberof years. I fielded quite a numberof complimentsovertheyearsrelating to GuildwoodDay andalwaystriedto go out of my way to let them know that without the givingfrom localmerchants. perpetualgenerous the day simply would not happen. Our web-sitecurrentlycontainscontactinformation for your communityassociation,local churches, politicians,schools,neighbourhood shopsand businesseswithin the Guildwood area. A specialsectionis dedicatedto local upcomingeventsincludingGVCA activitiesas well as registrationinformationand contacts for local or ganizations. We managedfinally to getourselvesin a fiscal positionthatwe reallydid not requirequitethe subsidyof that first yearandpassedthat informationon to you. Thatyou continuedto giveus food at cost speaksvolume of your feelings towardthis wonderfulcommunity. The Guild Inn is featuredwith information" links anda beautifulphotogalleryofthe buildings and grounds(courtesyof Marc Gravel). We'll keepyou postedasthe sitecontinuesto or commettts grow. If you have suggestions pleasedrop us a notefrom the web-siteor call Fred Cowin at 283-6043. On behalfoftheresidentsof Guildwood.manv of whom missedthe chanceas I did to say'a I saya heartfeltthank-you.May all of farewell', your dreamscometrue. Thesmilingfaceswereasmuchfbr you asthey were for me Graham. Comebackfor the eveningBBQ next year! Fred Drev,r\t, Pasl President (; ,'C.A f;red C ov,in. LI/ebmaster tl (] u i I dvttrtrl -\tor'.sct I'7r'tr't SIR WILFRID LAURIER C.I. NEWS LAURIER CONGRATULATES AN AWARD WINNING EDUCATOR! The past year has been a tumultuousone for public educationin Ontario.Amid the controversy and challenges,we at Laurierhavea specialreasonto celebrate andto remindourselvesand othersofthe excellentwork thatis goingon in ourschool. We are proud to congratuHead lateMr. Bob Sanders, of Chemistry,who has receivedthe PrimeMinister's Award for TeachingExcellence.At apublicceremony in Ottawaon May 28,Prime MinisterJeanChretienpresentedMr. Sanderswith a Certificate of Excellence, one of only 15 awarded acrossCanada. his family and Mr. Sanders, the other award recipients enjoyed Ottawa's hospitaliry at a number of events and tours organized for them during their four-day stay in the Capital. While their families were treatedto a V.I.P. tours of the capitalregionandthe MuseumofCivilization, Mr. Sandersand the other recipients made presentationsoftheir teachingpracticesto one another, representativesof Industry Canada and the publishersof the booklet entitled "Exemplary Teaching Practices" which will be publishedby Septemberfor distributionacross the country and on the Intemet. the needto be a goodneighbourandthe importanceofcommunicatingasfully aswe canwith our parentsand community neighbours. We recognizethat the daily comingsand goingsof in a quietneighbourhoodcan 1,300 adolescents sometimescauseconcernfor residentsand we aregoingourbesttolistenandrespondto issues that are drawn to our attention. Recently, the property managerfor the Guildwood PlazacontactedMs. Gollert to requesta meetingto discussstudentuseand presenceat the plaza. They agreedto arrangea follow-up meeting with Mr. McNeil, plaza security personnel and students.This sessionwas most productive and has alreadyhad somepositive spin-offs,including: Appropriately for our honoree,the celebration dinnerwasheld in the restaurant"Wildfrid's" at the ChateauLaurier Hotel. Mr. Sandersreturned energizedby his encounterwith such a powerful groupofeducators,not to mentionthe V.I.P. treatment he and his family received. Ever modest,Mr. Sanderscommentedon receiving the honour:"It mademe soproudto be a teacher." o an offer by the property manager, Mr. Mark Robinson,to provide picnic tablesto be placed on the school grounds, so that studentswho buy lunch and snacks at the plazamaybring them back and have a place to sit outsidein nice weather. LAURIER IN THE COMMUNITY o a student survey and newspaperarticle preparedby the studentswho participatedin the discussionandwho haveagreedto form Situatedaswe arein the centreofthis beautiful community we at Laurier are keenly aware of GuildwoodNews& Views t2 a standingstudentcommitteewhich will work toward building a positive imageof Laurier studentsat the plaza As theydid at ourJanuarymeeting,thestudents andstaffofMaplewoodHigh Schoolhostedthe evening.Food Schoolstudents,underthe direction of Mr. John Alari, showedoff their considerableculinary and serviceskills. The beautifulmealtheypreparedandservedgotour evening off to a terrific start. Maplewood's cateringservicesare availableto the community andareoneof our best-keptsecrets.If you would like to know more aboutthem,contact JohnAlari at 396-4650. o an agreementamongall partiesto keep theseimportantIinesof-communication open. The plaza merchantshave always been very supportiveof our school,providingdonations andmerchandise for schoolinitiativesandfundraiserson a regular basis. Roger McEwan, owner of Pet Plus,is a memberof the Laurier School Advisory Council,as is active communitymember and school neiehbour, Ann Petite. We arecommitted to workins with our neighbours and welcome positive,practical suggestions about how we can do this better.Please call Ms. Gollert (396-6820) any time. DON'T BE SHY! SHARE YOUR TALENTS Occasionally,members ofour community contact the school to offer to speak to students abouttheirareasofexpertise.Recently,a local authorandan adoptivemotherhavebeenguest speakersto classesat Laurier.Authenticexperiences,recountedfirst-handarepowerfulreinforcementsto learningand are invariably well receivedby students.We know that thereis a wealth of talent and expertisein this community andareeagerto drawupon iffurther. Ifyou would be willing to share a special talent, interestor experiencewith us, pleasecontact Mr. Woodsat 396-6820. ll THE GUILDWOOD SCHOOL COMMUNITY NETWORK TENNIS CLUB UPDATE On May 26, fofi-five membersof the Guildwood School-CommunityNetwork,representing ten schoolsin our community,participated in an enjoyable,thought-provokingsessionon communityinvolvementin schools. The keynote speakerand program facilitator was PennyMilton. ExecutiveDirector of the CanadianEducationalAssociationand former trusteeand chair of the TorontoBoard of Education. With her long-standingcommitment and personalexampleof communityinvolvement in the schools, Penny was the perfect personto leadthe brain-stormingsessionand synthesizethe discussiongroups' ideas and actionplans.Thethemesfor the eveningwere: TacklingCurrentissues,Building Community Relationships,Becoming Effective Parent Councils,Influencingthe School Board and Supportingour Schools.Ifyou areinterestedin participating in future meetingsof the Network,pleasecontactHeidiGollertat396-682A. t3 The Kiwaniwood Tennis Club locatedin the park besideElizabeth Simcoe Public School will offerlessons, competitiveplay,casualplay, socialeventsand plentyof freshair and exerciseagainthis year.Theseactivitiesareavailablefor all ages. In fact Kiwaniwood provides one of the very best Junior Programsof any of the ScarboroughCommunity TennisClubs. If you would like additional information or would like to join the Kiwaniwood Tennis Club pleasecontactPhil Yeomanat267-4450or Bill Schachowat 269- 5312. j R. M. Yungblut Guildu,ootl Ncv,,y& Vicv,s THE TREE TIME The big, old oak tree, in the middle of the meadowisbeckoning measI watchthrough my rose coloured window. Its large branches accommodatesthenewlywed birds. The song the wind sings makes the leaves quiver with delight, spring has come, now its brought birth of everykind. Here I am, underneatha willow birch tree, watching the sun go down on my thoughtsanddreams. As I slumber,I dreamabouttime goneby. Thememorieswe make, the dreamswe shared,wishing time stood still but alas,it never will. Each star in the skv. eachraven birdthat flies by, makesmerememberthetimes long goneby. Memoriesoflaughter,memories of tears,makesus think about what we hear. Flowers stand upright to guard the grandold oak tree. Couplesgatherjust to see,the beautifuloak treethat flourisheseverv summer,now startingto shedits seed. Time comesso fast, it goesin a blast, it takes awayour memoriesand dreams.But time will nevertakewhatwe havelockeddeepwithin our hearts.That'smemoriesof times goneby. The tree starts to sheds its leaves,crying in mourn at the loss of all its grandeur,all the leaveshavefallen,all the birds havegone,now look, all the flowers are dead. Theresa Heaney GUIDING REGISTRATION Sparks 5 - 6 yrs Pathfinders 12- 15yrs Brownies7 - 8 vrs Sr.Branches 15- 18vrs Guides 9 - li yrs Leaders 18yrsf On Tuesday,September15, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. therewill beregistrationfortheabovegroupsat Washington United Church, Kingston Road and ScarboroughGolf Club Road. Anyone who livesinthe areaeast ofBrimleyRoad south of the CN tracks and west of Galloway Road, should attendthis registration. Units meet at various schoolsand churcheswithin this area. The wind blows harder,the snow startsto fall, now the tree is crying it feels so alone. Satan sendshis betallight anddown crashesthe tree, nowthe treemoans- nowthe wind singsalone. The snowmelts awayand what is thereto see? Justa rotting old oak treethat nobodywantsto see.Behold!Beforemyvery eyes,it seedshave madea frail little sapling,growing proudly for all the world to see,that its going to be a great big oak tree. Theresa Heaney Note: Theresa comesfrom Galway, Irelond and is l6 years old. She started writing poetry in the summer of '97. She wants to be an English Teacher or a Journalist and loves Canada! She has been encouraged to write by her teachers and has been inspired by afew people from Guildtuood. Registrationwillbeon a first-come-firstserved basis,however,if your daughterwas in a unit this year, her place will be secured. For the 1998-99year,the registrationfee will be $30. Pleaserememberthat we are always looking for leaders.If you or anyone you know are interestedin becominga leader,or ifyou would like more information, pleasecall Jacqueline Macleanat267-4063. GVCA MUGS AND T.SHIRTS TravelMugs S 6.00 T-Shin $ 10.00 Both S 15.00 SpecialOrder We know that your daughter will enjoy her Guiding experienceas one of the more than eight million members of our Organization world-wide. We look forwardto seeingyou on the l5th of September. Caps s 10.00 Golf Shirt $ 27.00 Both s 35.00 Pleasecall the Hotline, 410-2755,by Augustl4 to placeyour order. Guildwood l,{ews & Views NOTE: acceptanceis subject to space and leaderavailability Jacqueline Maclean 14 I Parade Continued.from Page 3 GuildwoodDay andotherevents.A fewvolunteers WILL be required for next years PARADE as I will havenewjob and family commitments. So ifyou like to participatein the paradewith/ for your childrennow is a goodtime to become involved. It takes some planning and effort ahead of the event date, so please consider helpiqg out now. Have a safeand happy summer. Stephen Kevins, V.P. and Parade Organizer/Marshal KURT GUNZEL The former gardenerat the Guild Inn gardens passedaway on June 18th after a short illNCSS. Born in Germany on July 1lth, 1907,during ' the secondworld war, he cameto Alberta as a prisoner of war and stayeduntil 1946. . '''F rnilI Returning to GermanY, he met and married his wife Adele in 1951. In 1952 the Gunzelsimmigratedto Toronto and Kurt began to work for the Guild Inn wherehe workeduntil 1990.An oaktreenear the bottom of the Guild Inn gardenswas dedicatedto Kurt with a plaque"in appreciationof 37 yearsof maintainingthe Guild Inn Estate Grounds1953- 1990." Mr. Gunzelis survivedby his wife Adeleand theirsonsClausandConradandtheirfamilies. who'sgreatHe wasanunassumingpersonality esthobbyanddevotionwasnatureandbeautifrcationof the greenspacesin his care.With delightand inthat he broughtimmeasurable restin peace he May spirationtomanypeople. and beauty. lv[rs. Gupta DearEditor Like manyresidentsI reallyenjoy awalk around the neighbourhoodin spring. Y9t evgrY.Y!?ra\ this tirne,my pleasureis somewhatdiminished as I catchthe scentof Pesticides. I know that I seem to have more breathing afte1thesewalks, and problemsin the spring -anyone elsehas noticedini'm wonderingif creasedhealthproblemsin the spring. Is therea dangerrelatedto the quantity?Who is monitoringhow manylawnsin the samevicinity are sprayedat one time? What aboutchildien who ian't read the warning signs, who might play on a lawn? What about birds and animals? I readan articlerecentlyon the peoplerespon- sible for our public parksin Toronto. Due to publicpressuie,theyhaverefrainedfrom using bny peiticidesfor years. Oncethey accepteq th6 challengeof creatingbeautifulgardensand lawnswithout pesticides,they havefound alternativesthat,,in fact, producebetter results thanthey had with Pesticides. Why don'twedeclareTheGuild apesticidefree toie and encouragehome owners to refrain from sprayingwith chemicalsas a courtesylo Perhapswe couldcontactthe their neighUours? City and ask them for tips on how to create beautifullawnswithoutchemicals.It'sa rather bold step,but maybeit's time we demonstrated said "no" to a potential somele^adership-and children. our hazardto health Don Davies, Sornerdale Square Guildwood l'lev':; & Viev'.s Eachyearwe alsosponsora teamin the GuildwoodSoftballAssociationanddonatetheGuildwoodVillage CommunityAssociationAward. This awardis given to the Laurier studentwho has demonstratedoutstandingachievementin that school'sdrug information program. We areinvolved. Throughthe effortsofvolunteers,we aretaking a leadingrole in preserving the Guild Inn',the focal point of Guildwood's heritage.We respondto concerns,andwe take action to ensure Guildwood remains a great placeto live. We encourage yourparticipation, suggestions, criticismsand comments. REMINDER If you haven'talreadyrenewedyour membership for 1998,pleasetake a momentto support your communityby joining the G.V.C.A. 1998MEMBERSHIP DRIVE PER FAMILY $IO.OO WHATIS THEGUILDWOOD VILLAGE COMMU NITYASSOCIATION? We areyour communityassociation, madeup of you, and your neighbours,and 2600 other families in Guildwood. Led by a group of dedicatedvolunteers,andwith hundredsmore who contribtrte throughout the year, we are committedto organizingand promoting community activities,to encouragingandenabling involvementofresidentsin issueswhich affect our community,and to representingthe interestsof the community in dealingwith governmentsand other organizations. YourAssociationhasearnedrespect.TheGVCA wasformedin I 958. Overthe past40 years,we have maintaineda reputationfor caring about our community,for providingproactiveleadership and promoting community spirit. These attributesare evenmore necessarynow! PLEASE JOIN US! Clip this form, attacha chequefor $ 10 payableto the GuildwoodVillageCommunityAssociation,andmail it to the Guildwood Village Community Association, Box I 1001,97GuildwoodParkway,WestHill, ON M1 E 5G5. Yourcardwill bemailedbackto you. Yes,I support the Guildw ood Vil lage Comm un ity As sociotio n ! T{AME: ADDRESS.. WHAT DO I GET FOR MY $10? We keep you informed through the News & Views, specialflyers,public meetings,andthe Association'sbulletin boardin the Valu Mart store.We believethatan informedassociation is a strongassociation. TELEPHONE.. participationin communityfuncWe encourage tions: our GarageSale,Guildwood Day, and the ChristmasCelebrationhelp us discover what it meansto be a community. We're always looking for volunteers,can you help us out for a few hoursthis year? SupportJ)oar Association Phonethe GVCAHotline: 410-2755 Gttildv,ood |Vews& Views