prez`s message
prez`s message
IHIDP;6U',t U,t,, tDlElDltle\lQlt RING 76, SAN DIEGO, CA VOL.IV, NO.5 NOVEMBER 199I PREZ'S MESSAGE As an item of interest: Stan Allen's new magazine MAGIC has an extrcdinary artide detailing the work and philosophy of the Argentinian magician Rene Levand. \A/hen you discover that Mr. Levand has only oNE hand, his left, and is considered by folks that I respect to be one of the finest sleight-of-hand artists in the world todiy, a little shiver may flm up your spine. All that I read about Mr. Levand is wonderful. The basic thrust of his work is remarkably- similar to ideas that have gradually evolved in my own. Like slydini, Ir4r. Levand, came to many of his conclusions in a virtual creative vacumn. i heartily recommend reading about this extrodinary performer and thinker. Holiday shows and events are coming up. Now, is the perfect time to promote magic to greatest degree possible. If you have some good solid general use Promo Ideas that you would like to share with others...Lef me know and I'u pub]is! them in this spot for the club as a whole to use. A powerful, but little used idea: Take a quality executed flyer and your business cards around to a1l the party shops and stores specializing in Kids! MeeI....REALLY MEET AND TALK TO the owner or rranager and let them know that YOU are available to perform at Kids parties, etc. Ask if you might leave some flyers, etc. Ask them to itamp their name and # on the back as you give a referral fee. Be sure to pERSoNALLy deliver 1 or more fees to cement the relationship and periodically go around and drop in on all thg locations that you left information it. Utilizinglhis process over a long period can produce an abundance of quality shows and re"peat business. Mdl a small one page "Performers .that .Anothergem: has ever hired you at least twice, Newsletter" to everyone but better four times a year. you wiil be amazed at the returns that this simple, fast and effective promotional device can produce. ANY OTFIERS???? Drop off any suggestions in WRITTEN FORM ONLy to me at Brad Burt's Magic Shop and we'Il get the word out.....! A1l the very best, Brad Burt Pasc L not receive them last time. Reported by Sherrie Luft First Vice President Jeff Marcus conducted the business meeting standing in for absent President Brad Burt. Our Exchange Banquet with Ring 96 will be held no It was a jam-packed meetingl eariier than March, 1992. The membership approved of the Christmas banquet as potluck with show talent provided by local entertainers. Thanks to our volunteers for the potluck Bettey and Roy Armstiong, Rick Gorccki. "Skippcr Frank",Joc McGreivy, "Marco the Magnificent". Mike Hoener. Ed Raymond, and Don Halbach. Also. we approved two selling event! as two .rirtibilr;1I ioi) s.1'a ir rneet/auctions. .3iad Burt. ai his own expense. will buy a L V/Video player and bring video tape(s) to the event every month. lf you like the video, there will be a l07o discount on the reviewed tape. Total four-show attendance of onlv about 720 people for the Public Show was farbelow projections. Many factors were discussed: performances should be only on a Saturday, it wasn't promoted properly, Ring 76 membership ticket sales were exiremely low. and it wasn't close enough to Halloween. The membership discussed some ideas to help defray Don Halbacb's costs, even though the show was not a ciub function. Some memb€rs did sell tickets. perform close-up and help backstage. The club also received a nice thank you note from Bone Marrow Poster Child. Kyle Yaronfakie. Next, Dick Dalc announced volunteer gigs: October 23 from 11:00-12:00 at Southwestern College (Thank you Eddie Raymond! for the walkaround). November 9 at ThE Omni for Bone Marrow. November 2l American Cancer Smokeout school assemblies. Don Halbaeh has name tags for those that did Marco the Magnificent opened the program with magic for children. He and Sunny performed a Do-as-Ido" with paper napkins and a mouth coil ending up in his mouth. (Hence the term) He then did a Ninja Turtle card trick that had the April card disappearing from the center of the board 'with an "Out to Lunch" card replacing it. Fluffy the Rabbit finally ended up with the April card.Clever effectl Rick Gorecki foll.owed with a sucker card trick assisted by Sherrie Luft. She spelled out numbers with cards and ended up with a cartoon figure sticking his tongue out. Then Cal Mayers did a nice prediction card trick with Dick Dale using a Lotto deck and a Bucks deck Joc Florian performed an hilarious prediction trick with Dick Dale, Tcrry Love, and Marco. Of course, Rocky Raccoon helped by announcing(?) each of the spectators' chosen card. Fred Rohr did a paddle trick by moving the stick in the paddle with this working only for him. The spectator was unabie to place the stick in the paddla Next we had helpful hints from Charlie Norris. At Kobey's Swap Meet one can buy nice leather bags starting at $10 to put your magio in. Good ideal Roy Armetrong made a timely announcement that Long's Drugs have quartz wtches avalable for $1.49. He shared 10 true facts about birthday party magicians. For example. the pizza always arrives in the middle of the show. Joe McGrcivy did a beautiful presentation using Christian patter. A red and a black silk were placed in a glass. Joe grabbed the glass and the red silk only came out from the glass. lt was magicall Jcff Marcug "accepted the challenge to demo the trick for Brad Burt." He performed "Timely Departure" from John Bannon's book. "Smoke and Mirron". Cards vanished and re-appeared face up in the deck. Nice effect using double undercuts, And, of course, Skipper Frank did a small dealer demo-a nice rising wand. Wiz Whistle through the wand, ring on the wand and cord and a great variation of the die box using a jumbo coin instead of the dow.(Never say die) VINCENT THE MAGICIAN by Jim Whiting THE GUY NEXT TO ME. TALKED ABOUT HIS GRANDCHILDREN 2.W Pazc 2 I NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO Sl'{oW Hl/Y\ I\4V "rcuR eUEEN" ,to4J , $bt '\1' . n7?" , rtvr l-. CLASSIFIED SECTIOI\ MAGICRUISE-SIacey MacKenzie is offering a $600 discount to Ring 76 members through her travel agency. Phone 689-0712 their annual Christmas Party on December 20. They would appreciate a volunteer, half-hour magic show for American Legion kids and their families. This is Ring 76 s way of saying "Thanks" for the Legion's hospitality during the year. Interestgd performsrE , t shoirld cohtact Biad at'57t-4749. (o:'t'9' Gr,{ .-Our December meeting will be a Pot Luck Dinner on Monday, December 9 and will begin with a social hour at 6: 00pm with dinner at 7;00 Please call Jeff Marcus at 562-3434 to RSVP and to receive a food assignment. After an hour-long hearing in Los Angeles Federal Court on Octob€r 15, it was decided to "allow" David Copperfield to buy the John Mulholland Library of Conjuring anil thc Allied Arts for $22 million dollars. This is about $300,000 over the asking price. Copperfield went over to insure other bidders (which. by the way, included a member of Ring 761) from Europe. Japan and the U.S. would not a) break it up. or b) remove it from the United GIANT SALE-Friday, November 29, 9am-9pmClown costumes, tux shirts, material, petticoats, magic puppets, props, toys, books, bri-a-brac, misc. house.hold goods Jan Eastman, 4706 Mt St- Helen's Way, San Diego 92117. Phone 4679596. BED of SPIKES ILLUSION-FhsI $100 takes itl Marionette racks, best offer. Call Dick Dale nowl Phone 5627379. USED MAGIC-Brad Burt Pbone 57L-4749. for this column in writing to: Dick Dale 2447 Nielsen Sr El Cajon, 92020 Send items States. The Library was seized from the manager of a failed Savings and Loan whose manager was the infamous "mystery buyer" in 1985 at a price of ' {850,000. Since that time. fucky Jay has been .-^trator and the collection has grown to over 80,000 items John Mulholland was editor of the Sphinx magazine from 1930 untit it was last issued in 1953. He was considered to the leading magical authority of his time. Copperfield has moved the collection from Los Angeles to secured storage. His plans are lo bulid a separate buildirg, probably in Las Vegas, to house the collection. There has been no word if curator Ricky Jay will move with collection. A few items from the wire: The San Jose Gimmick reports their flea market and Auction will be held on November 21. They will also be sponsoring a Dick Oslund lecture on - December 21. Sunday, November 24 I00pm, CBS will air The Very Best of The Ed Sullivan Show. Part II. Featured in a six-minute slot will be edited versions of Carl Ballantinc. Al Flqsso, Phoa, and Channing Pollack. Nice guy Christopher Hart, sales type at Hollywood Magic, third-place finisher in the last Desert Seminar, stars as Thing, the disembodied right hand, in the soon-to-be-released (November 22) film, "The Addama Family". Contact Jeff Marcus at 562-3434 for: 1) A table for the Swap Meet on Novemtrer 18, $10 for members, $15 for non-members. 2) Reservation and food assignment for the December Pot Luck Dinner. HOI{EST SID GEN,IIAT.T IJI{G 7'. SAIT DIEGO. CA ttaatttattattatalatattta BOARD OF DIRXCTORS Vi.r-tr6-r.tlttcla Yt -!r..-DG r.r.Lrr-gluttt ltt t[t?r-ho, ft.t#l' Sal-.1-4l0! Dr.croc-Dict Dlr. tG-h! l.t 2na EdLll Lln Xrtllt Lt hL l D.r. MAGICURRENTS ,Editor & tuui.i!, Emcritus--------lrul clr.drndEditor Please send informatioq and contributions for MAGICURRENTS -Dirl to: Dick Dale 2447 Nielsen Street El Cajcn CA 92020-0123 Pagc3 DrL 3frq l,.!l lrr 3 (Well. not really) , Reported by Shcrry Luft The Board mel at the Dale's-house on Nov.4. ln attendance *'ere Brad Burt. Dana LawJeff and Feg Marcue, J,P, Jackgon. Shcrry Luft, and the Dales. Items discussed were Swap Meet/Auction, Exchange Banquet and the new Classified Section in tnls lssue. T'he Ring received a nice letter and donation from Helen Hieghetter (Sid Gerhart's widow). It was determined rhat the November me€ting will be a combination swap meet and auction. The table fee will be $ 10 for members in good standing and $15 for non-members. Oue half 6f the procee?s will be donated to Don Halbach to defrayiome of the i:osti frc,rn thr Duhlic show. A five minute limit wi l.r i rir iirrlril iol r;r;h seller to auction their items. l'ire nexi sucl selling event is tentatively scheduled for April, i 992. J.P. Jackeon will call Gcnc Gloyc to confirm our March Exchange Banquet. Next is a new item thar will be inctuded in and start with this MAGICURRENTS. the Classified Section. To be included in an issue. piease send per-tinent inforrnation (be sure to inilude your name and phone number) in 25 words or less oir a postcard to: Dick Dale 2447 Nieisen St. EI Cajon. CA 9202U0123 This service is free to members. Nonmembers please enclose a $5.00 check with the 'a,ritten copy. The next Board meeting wiil be at Don Halbach's on December 2. 1991. place. those sellers that want to conduct their own mini-auction. There is a five minute time limit on these auctions. The table charge is $ 10 for members in good standing and $15 for-non-members. This will make a good night to clear off the shelves. make a profit on the treasures you bought aI the l_a_st seltin! event. and to procure'somethfig that will "look good on rhe sheli". A strong turnout is expected, so make your table reservation with Jeff Marcus (562-3434) and get there early to insure a choice s€lling location. May there be brisk sales and brisE weather! See you at the meeting. CALENDAR OF COMING BVENTS Nov. 18 Ring 76 Meeting & Swap Meet American Legion Nov. 28 HAPPY THANKSGIVING Dec. 2 Board Meeting fl4\adOfa tl.J.Llll,v U 2447 Nielsen Street Dec. 3 Dec. 3 O"c $i John Mendoza 7:00 $ 15 Don Halbach's Magic Guild Swap Meet Lutheran Health Facility, Carlsbad 7: 30 $ l0/table non-mbr., member free (Get there early to insure a tablel) Ring 76 El Cajon, CA 92020-1023 Lecture Magic Works American Legion Meeting American Legion will F;c'y .tr Fet t y Arrrrsti.,:nq :548 Li tt l Et,rn El Ft,:,ad [::rj':,n l:A '3:0:i-]