March 15, 2015 - St. Timothy Parish
March 15, 2015 - St. Timothy Parish
CLERGY: Pastor : Rev. Gerald Weymes Parochial Vicars: Rev. Phillip Cozzi Rev. Stefan Starzynski Deacons: Dr. David Conroy Mr. Jim Hepler St. Timothy Catholic Church 13807 Poplar Tree Road Chantilly, VA 20151 MASS SCHEDULE: Rosary 30 min. before each Mass Saturday Vigil Sunday 5:30 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm Weekday Masses Rosary after 9:00 & Noon Masses Monday—Friday 6:15 am, 9:00 am & Noon Saturday 9:00 am Holy Day Vigil 7:30 pm Holy Day Masses 6:15 am, 9:00 am, Noon, 6:00 pm & 7:30 pm National Holidays 9:00 am EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Our Mission: Living Our Faith through the Sacraments, Apostolic Service, Education and Community Life. First Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 The people of Judah practiced many abominations, even polluting God’s temple in Jerusalem. They mocked the messengers he sent among them, until he grew so angry he delivered them to the King of the Chaldeans. Those who weren’t killed were exiled and became servants for seventy years. Cyrus, King of Persia, was ordered to build a temple to God in Jerusalem, and he freed the servants as God had inspired him to do. Second Reading: Ephesians 2:4-10 Paul declares that God brought us to life in Jesus, though we had been dead from our sins. He reminds us that it was not a reward for our good service so no one should take credit. Instead, we must remember that it was not our doing, but a sign of God’s mercy and love for us. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Wednesday 11:00 -11:45 am Wednesday 8:00 pm Saturday 3:30 – 5:00 pm PARISH INFORMATION: Automated Phone 703-378-7461 Reception: 703-378-7646 Fax: 703-378-7552 Website: Office Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm M-F 9:00 am - 1:00 pm S-Sun. School Office 703-378-9408 EUCHARISTIC CHAPEL of DIVINE MERCY Weekday Winter Hours 7:00 am to 8:30 pm Saturday 9:30 am—12:30 pm 1st Friday Adoration Fri 8:30 pm—Sat 12:30 pm MARCH 2, 2014 MARCH 15, 2015 Gospel: John 3:14-21 God so loved the world, he sent us his only Son so that all who believed would have eternal life in him. The light came into the world, but those who were wicked avoided it, for fear that their evil deeds would be exposed. But those who believed were unafraid of the light, where it would be clear that their deeds were done in God. © 1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc. Stations of the Cross Fridays 7:30 p.m. Confessions following Stations of the Cross. Confessions: Wednesday 11:00 –11:45 a.m. and 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Light is on For You) Friday following the Stations of the Cross Saturday after 9:00 a.m. Mass and 3:30-5:00 p.m. Lenten meal for Friday, March 20 PIZZA Meals to be served each Friday during Lent. 6:00 p.m.—7:30 p.m. School Cafeteria Priest on Call – Mass Intentions 703– 814-7990 Fr. Stefan March 16, 2015—March 22, 2015 6:15 am 9:00 am Noon Joan Fisher Jack Conable Joe Rogala TUESDAY 6:15 am 9:00 am Noon Catherine Korn Patti Glowicki Patricia Nugent WEDNESDAY 6:15 am 9:00 am Noon Kenneth Henry Sophie Burkey Stuart Craig THURSDAY 6:15 am 9:00 am Noon Gwen Conley Lillian Nacchio Vivirito Family * Bereavement Group Colleen Dundon Boy Scout Troop 7369 Mike Warsocki [email protected] Business Manager CCD Director CCD Asst. Director Kara Rider Maria Ho Sister Emelita 703-814-7996 703-814-7988 703-378-9143 [email protected] Challenge Girls Club [email protected] Conquest Boys Club Len & Barbara Rice [email protected] Crafters Eileen Chambers 703-378-7054 Cub Scouts Pack 146 Mike Carita 703-405-9877 Eucharistic Adoration Sister Jubelyn [email protected] Ex. Min of Communion Deacon Jim Hepler [email protected] FRIDAY 6:15 am 9:00 am [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MONDAY Glorious St. Joseph, model of all who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my natural inclinations; to work with gratitude and joy, considering it an honor to employ and develop, by means of labor, the gifts received from God, disregarding difficulties and weariness; to work, above all, with purity of intention and with detachment from self, having always before my eyes death, and the account which I must render of time lost, of talents wasted, of good omitted, of vain complacency in success, so fatal to the work of God. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all after your example, patriarch Joseph. This will be my watchword in life and in death. Amen. Staff & Volunteer Directory American Heritage Girls [email protected] Altar Servers Janet & Peter Reyda and Jessica Kurtis- Noon Joan & Joseph Schmank * Deogracias dela Paz, Jr. & Virginia Samonte Mary Connor * SATURDAY 9:00 am 5:30 pm Chinkee Santiago Jennie & John Abbott Sr. SUNDAY All the Parishioners of St. Timothy’s Dominico Phung & Maria Cay Vu Kim O’Brien, Catania Nguyen & Peter Tran Eli Sachar Eugene Verbano * Masses given in special intention March is the Month of St. Joseph Facilities Manager Tom Gadell Knights of Columbus Phil Bayer 703-378-4023 703-851-7648 [email protected] Landscape Lectors Legion of Mary Mary Peters Greg Luczyk Denise Lorenz 703-222-8606 571-432-8381 [email protected] Cyndy Filan Kim 703-587-0204 Marriage Encounter Cathy & Mark Stangler 703-378-4150 Mom’s Group [email protected] Music Bryan Jackson: [email protected] NFP Barbara & Len 703-222-5121 Nursing Home Kathy DePrenger 703 405-6151 Office Manager Jan Clark 703-814-7980 Parish Ministry Coordinator Terri Miller 703-266-8972 RCIA Sister Jubelyn [email protected] Receptionist Anne Marie Vivirito 703-378-7646 Seniors Group Janice Hassan 703-830-0301 St. Timothy School Office 703-378-9408 Website— St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 1-800-873-0613 That Man is You Bruce Jacobeen 703-378-2660 Ushers George Stalcup 703-830-4798 Walking with Purpose Marsha Jacobeen 703-378-2660 Webmaster Megan Gannon [email protected] Youth Ministry 2 Christina Jacobeen 703-814-7995 Patrick Jacobeen 703-814-7994 Have you Considered Using Faith Direct ? It is quick and Easy! Faith Direct 601 S. Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314-4109 1-866-507-8757 (toll free) For online enrollment use church code: VA13 St. Timothy Church 13807 Poplar Tree Rd. Chantilly, VA 20151-2514 St. Timothy Catholic Church Second Collection: March 22: Youth Ministry Work Camp April 3: Good Friday/ Holy Land Shrines April 5: Easter St. Timothy Catholic Church 2015 Lenten Schedule CONFESSIONS Wednesday :11:00-11:45 AM and 6:30 -8:00PM (The Light is on For You) Saturday :after the 9: 00 AM Mass and 3:30 -5:00 PM PARISH MISSION March 14-15 STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays :7:30 PM Confessions following Stations of the Cross Mark Forrest: April 1st – Evening of Reflection and Prayer Confessions following Stations of the Cross Priest of the Arlington Diocese Fr. Bjorn Lundberg March 21-22 Priest of the Arlington Diocese Fr. Joel Jaffe Confessions will be heard continuously during all Masses! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION- DIVINE MERCY CHAPEL Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM- 8:30 PM Friday 7:00 AM -7:30 PM (during Stations the Chapel will be closed) OTHER ACTIVITIES Saturday 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM Lenten Meals :Every Friday 6:00 PM in the school Cafeteria Holy Week Schedule 2015 March 29th Palm Sunday Adoration Chapel will be closed all week. Confessions Mon, March 30th, Tues, March 31st and Wed, April 1st of Holy Week Confessions will be heard after 9:00 am, Noon Masses and again 7:30pm April 2nd, Holy Thursday Mass of the Holy Chrism 10:30 am St. Thomas More Cathedral Mass of the Lords Supper 7:30 pm With Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until Midnight April 3rd, Good Friday Stations of the Cross 3:00 pm Followed by Confessions 7:30 pm Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ April 4th, Holy Saturday NO CONFESSIONS 3:00 pm Blessing of Easter Baskets in church 8:30 pm Easter Vigil April 5th, Easter Sunday Masses at 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 and 12:30 pm NO MASS at 5:30 pm Who to Contact at the Parish Office Anne Marie Vivirito- Announcements, Baptismal Scheduling, Sponsor Certificates 703-378-7646 or [email protected] Jan Clark- Marriage Prep and Wedding Date Scheduling, Room Reservations, Diocese Child Protection 703-814-7980 or [email protected] Terri Miller- Parish Ministry Coordinator, Bulletin, Ministry Events, 703-266-8972 or [email protected] 3 High School Youth Ministry 2015 Sunday Youth Nights 6:30-8:30 –School cafeteria 3/15 Service Day 10:30am-2:30pm 3/22 3/29 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 5/3 Gathered to be Sent The Way of the Cross No Youth Night, Easter Sunday! Divine Mercy & Adoration What are my spiritual gifts? What is freedom? How can I serve now? Attention Parishioners! Work Camp Work camp is a week-long service project designed to teach our youth to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Many teens come to know Jesus and commit themselves to their faith after experiencing work camp. We make numerous home repairs, decks, wheelchair ramps, for the mentally, physically of financially challenged. Would you please consider contributing to this worthy cause? Most funds raised go directly toward materials for the projects. Please make checks payable to “St. Timothy’s” and either drop off at the office in an envelope marked Work Camp – Christina Jacobeen Or mail in to the address below: Work Camp 2015 13807 Poplar Tree Road Chantilly, VA 20151 Work camp would not happen without generous people like you. We trust God will bless you abundantly! See the website for more dates!!! Contact Patrick with any questions: 703-814-7994 Junior High Youth Ministry Junior High 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Come to BASH on Saturday, April 25th! $10 per person Includes inflatable games, pizza, mass with Bishop and more! Permission slips will be on parish website and are due April 23rd. Adult chaperones are needed! Contact Christina: 703-814-7995 or [email protected] Food Ministry Steubenville 2015 Love to cook? We are in need of more volunteers to help supply Sunday night suppers and an opportunity for fellowship for our teens. Contact Karen Karl our food ministry coordinator if you’re interested! July 10-12 Registration information on the parish website. Call Patrick with questions! [email protected] 4 K of C Lenten Meal Schedule Legion of Mary Would you like to deepen your faith, grow in holiness, and serve Our Blessed Mother, “The Star of the New Evangelization?” Come visit a meeting of the Legion of Mary on Monday or Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. For more information contact Cyndy Filan Kim 703-587-0204 or Denise Lorenz at [email protected] “Go Forth With Hearts on Fire.” Meals to be served each Friday during Lent 6:00 p.m.—7:30 p.m. School Cafeteria March 20: Pizza March 27: Fish Fry with Fr. Stefan giving his final Lenten series Stations of the Cross at 7:30 p.m. follows in the Church Each Friday Evening We have looked at the way man’s achievements in science and the arts reflect God’s greatness in the culture. This week we will discuss how to unleash the goodness that God has placed within us. This exercise will make us aware of the tools freely given to us- the Mass, Sacraments, and quiet contemplation-to discover our “inner” God. This surely is not easy for men as it makes us vulnerable. An uncomfortable experience! But this is the path that will allow God to work through you, your family, and your community. On Saturday, March 21 come to hear about how to “Find God in Yourself” and experience reality in a new way. Other topics will include: You are God’s Adopted Son The Freedom to be Holy God’s Dwelling within You The Mystery of the Eucharist The Revelation of the Father through You Christ’s Mercy through You “Come join us Saturday mornings, 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM in the St. Timothy’s Father McGivney Room. “ For more information contact Bruce Jacobeen 703-378-2660 or [email protected] or visit Bereavement Support Group "At a time of sorrow and loss, try to perceive with your spiritual eyes the presence of God around you...then you will be most able to grow toward God." (Fr. Benedict Groeschel) The next scheduled meeting for the St. Timothy Bereavement Group is on Sunday, March 22nd from 3-5 pm in the Fr. McGivney Room. All adult parishioners who are experiencing the sadness of death are gently encouraged to attend these prayer-filled support sessions. We are here to show you that you do not need to walk this path alone. Our Group is dedicated to Our Blessed Mother Mary who is Our Mother of Sorrows and Our Lady of Hope. Holy Mother Mary knows the deep pain of loss, but is there to offer us the redeeming gift of Hope in our Faith. Fr. Stefan Starzynski is the spiritual advisor for the group and Colleen Dundon, R.N. is the facilitator. Any questions please call Colleen at 703-263-1069. St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry SDVP Helpline:1-800-873-0613 Food Pantry Needs: Diapers (all sizes), Boxes of low sugar Cereal, Cooking Oil, Baby Food, Canned Fruit, Peanut Butter Food pantry is open on the 3rd Saturday of every month from: 10:30 am - Noon. Next Pantry Date is March 21, 2015. 5 Around the Diocese . Finding Hope after Divorce Men’s Discernment Retreat Join us at St. Veronica’s on March 17, and 24 from 7-9 p.m. to hear a series of practical talks about finding hope after divorce. Topics will include “Dealing with Emotions and Suffering,” “Divorce and Family,” “Forgiveness and Letting Go,” and “Hope and Going Forward.” All are welcome to attend. There is no registration required. To learn more about the event and the speakers, visit Could Christ be calling you to the priesthood? Take a step to find out. A vocation discernment retreat for men (ages 17-55) will be held March 27-29 at the San Damino Reatreat Center. Registration is $60. (Assistance is available.) For more information or to register, contact Fr. J.D. Jaffe at 703-841-2514 or [email protected] John Paul Open House / New Financial Aid Source John Paul invites all families to attend their Spring Open House on Thursday, March 19, from 4 – 6pm. Pre-registrations welcome! And, there is a NEW source of tuition assistance available to students transferring from public school. This will Are invited to attend Paul VI Catholic High School's annual help many more families who qualify for aid to afford a Spring College Night on Thursday, March 19 at 7:15 p.m. The speaker is Robert Franek, one of the nation's leading Catholic education. Visit for more info, or call Jennifer Cole, Admissions Director: 703-445-0217. experts on colleges and college admission. Mr. Franek, Sr. Vice President at the Princeton Review, is the author of The Seton School presents Best 379 Colleges and the newly released Colleges That Pay S“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” You Back. Paul VI is located at 10675 Fairfax Boulevard, 120 Students will be performing. Fairfax, Virginia, 22309. Quetions? Contact Mrs. Battle at April 10, 11 & 17 at 7pm Matinees, April 12 & 18 at 2pm [email protected]. Tickets: $8/person & $48/family. Questions: 703.368.3220 .All families with high school age students Give the Gift of English! PVI PTO will present Catholic Charities-Hogar Immigrant Services is seeking volunteer ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teachers for our Spring semester, in Manassas. Volunteer teachers are needed to teach one class period per week. Classes are held Monday through Thursday at 9 a.m., 6 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. All training and materials are provided. No previous experience or second language required. Call (571) 208-1572 x102 or email [email protected] to get involved! The PVI PTO will present "Your Child's Mind: Promoting Motivation, Grit, and Engaged Learning," a talk by Drs. Varia and Guadagnoli, psychologists from Mind Well Psychology Group of Fairfax, VA on Tuesday, March 24th at 7:00 pm in the PVI library. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about and have your questions answered on a topic of great interest to today's parents. Summer Discernment Camps Quo Vadis Days and FIAT Days are camps for Catholic high school students (rising freshmen – rising seniors) to deepen their faith, learn more about all vocations, and better discern God’s call in their lives. FIAT (for girls) runs July 12-16; Quo Vadis (for boys) runs July 26-30. Both are held at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. Spots are filling quickly! For more info and to register, visit Donate your car to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The car will be picked up within 24 hours, the tax paperwork will be sent to you, and the donation stays in the community:, or call (800) 322-8284. Race for Seminarians Run the Marine Corps Marathon/10K on October 25 to support the future priests of the Arlington Diocese! Runners and walkers of all experience levels are welcome. The marathon’s registration lottery closes March 23, so be sure to enter if you want to run the marathon rather than the 10K. For more info on joining the Race for Seminarians team, visit Wednesday evening, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. from February 24 March 31. More information at 6 Holy Week Evening of Reflection Wednesday, April 1, 2015 7:30 P.M. St. Timothy Catholic Church Featuring International Irish Tenor Mark Forrest SAVE THE DATE Confessions to follow this evenings event. Why do I have to go out to the abortion facility to pray for an end to abortion? Can’t I pray at home? The Lord hears us wherever we pray. That’s true! We do need to pray as much as possible – wherever we are – for an end to abortion. But there are specific reasons why your prayers ... and the visible sign of your witness when you pray at the place where the love of God is so desperately needed ... are vitally important. St. Timothy Seniors Group will be hosting Mary of Nazareth Wednesday, March 25th 9:00 A.M in Fr. McGivney Room ALL SENIORS WELCOME! Will be shown in closed captions. Showing up matters! That’s why feeding the poor and conducting medical missions cannot be done from home. Where we take our prayers makes a difference ... especially for the unborn, who have no voice but yours. Top 3 Reasons: #1 Your Presence is a powerful reminder #2 Your Presence could be a sign of HOPE #3 Your Presence is import for the Abortion Workers -reasons/ FALLS CHURCH 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Join with St. Timothy Parish every Tuesday! Vigil Location: Outside Falls Church Healthcare Center, 900 S. Washington St., Falls Church, VA Vigil Hours: 7:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. 7 Saint Timothy Catholic School News Weekly tours Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. and Noon The Saint Timothy Catholic School Drama Club proudly present The Songs & Parables of Godspell (703) 378-9408 Saturday, March 28th 7:00 p.m. - STS Gym Free Admission Entertainment for the entire family! Refreshments will be served during the Intermission Mr. Joseph McLaughlin, Principal Currently enrolling students in Preschool through 8th grade for the 2015-16 school year. ervice radition cholarship Save the date! STS Spring Golf Tournament South Riding Golf Club Saturday, April 25th 1:00 p.m. Shot Gun Tired of Old Man Winter? Why not grab some friends and join STS for the Spring Golf Tournament? Amazing Raffle Prizes, contests throughout the day. Want to be one of our sponsors? Or want to register to golf ? Log onto: Or contact Kelly Schmank at [email protected] STS Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night Expo Center location March17th 4:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Bring flyer located at the back of church and support STS! STS SKATE NIGHT - March 21 Ashburn Ice House 6:00 p.m. 8 Saint Timothy Catholic School serves God by providing each child with an individualized approach, academic excellence, rich Catholic traditions, a solid foundation in the Catholic faith, and opportunities to serve the community. Catholic School STSTigers St. Timothy’s Blood Donors – did you know? Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. A single pint of blood can save three lives. If only 1% more of the population would donate blood, the blood shortage would disappear. 17% of non-donors cite "never thought about it" for the reason they don't give blood. 15% say they are "too busy" Only 37% of the population is eligible to donate blood. Curious about eligibility requirements? Our next blood drive is scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2015, from 7-12:30pm in the music room. We are constantly challenged to keep our blood supplies above critical levels. If you want to make an appointment go online to: and search for St Timothy using the zip code and March 21 date or you may email [email protected] with your time preference. THANK YOU to all donors but especially for those who make it a point to try and schedule to donate on a regular basis. You make a huge difference! 2015 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal Stewards of Christ Sharing Gospel of Joy! The Diocese of Arlington is a vibrant diocese and we have been truly blessed. Yet, with this blessing comes increased spiritual and pastoral needs and even grater obligation to help the many people in our midst who require our assistance and support. We are asking all families in our parish to support the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA) to the fullest extent that they are able. Thank you for helping us share the Joy of the Gospel through your support of the BLA! THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS: Those Catholic who are high school age or adults wishing to be confirmed, please contact the CCD Office at 703-378-9143 as soon as possible. There will be four mandatory confirmation classes in May to prepare for the sacrament. Dates of those classes are Tuesdays, April 21st, 28th, May 5th and 12th 2015 at 7:00p.m. at St. Timothy Church in the McGivney Room. The adult confirmation ceremonies will be on Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 7:30p.m. and on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015 at 2:30p.m. Forms and attachments are required to be turned in to the Parish Office no later than Thursday, April 23, 2015, to be eligible to receive the sacrament at the Cathedral. Our Family asks that you pray for our loved ones! Let us Pray for: Viggo Gunio, Alan Chin, Daniel John Begley, Cheri Lynn, Mary Gillis, Michael Mecimore, Catherine Morretta, Paul Plumb, Catherine Salcewicz, Catherine Perry, James Stucke, Paul Lambert, Anthony Cacace, Teodoro Gonzalez, Alva Rodriguez-Calvelo, Antionio Zanistanavicius, Denny Ward, Madeline Jackson, Sr. Marie Iannarelli, Rosario Gallardo Verdugo, Erin McGee-Hailler, Carolyn Thompson, Rita Hartranft, Annetta Coffelt, Mina Gaudette, Jeanne Rowan, Gerry Broyles, Vince McDougall, Christian Knight, Frank Mason, Marge Cuddihy, Eddie Henderson, Carrie Todd, Catherine Hickman, Charlie Sanders, Andree Baylin, Rudy Lim, Dickson Dunsworth, Shawn Whalen, Billy Camut , Dennis Hillen, Ed Garcia, J.J. Grissett.(Infant), Jean Bertoni and Mary Connor. “rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ” 1Pt 4:13 9 Money & King G REENBRIAR V ISION C ENTER I NC. Sandra K. Marotta, O.D., Optometrist Dr. Nicholas Marotta Cremation Services OUTDOOR NICHES SCATTERING TRADITIONAL BURIAL 703-322-2020 FULL SATURDAY & EVENING SERVICE 13029 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy., Fairfax, VA 22033 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE EYE CARE ~ PARISHIONERS ~ 703-938-7440 Pre-Arrangement Plans Available 703-385-1110 "Saving Babies, one Mom at a Time, 365 DAYS A YEAR!" 1-866-908-MOMS Serving Families Since 1946 To Help/Donate Visit: T.L. WALKER CONTRACTING & ELECTRIC, LLC. GRADING, CUTTING, ELECTRIC SERVICE CALLS, ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS FREE ESTIMATES 703-327-5314 CHANTILLY, VA 20152 10565 Main Street in Fairfax Gary Maxwell Funeral Director & Parishioner TAE KWON DO • JUDO • SELF DEFENSE Andrew Kim Master Instructor / Owner 5669 Stone Road Centreville, VA 20120 703-802-0020 703.222.5511 Raynor van der Merwe, Artistic Dir./Choreographer St. Timothy Parishioner Fairfax Electric 703-273-5040 “We Fix All Brands” 703-330-8833 Sales Associate REALTOR® ~ Life-long Diosean Member ~ Ballet · Jazz · Tap · Hip Hop And More! ~ Ages 3 & Up SUMMER CAMPS The Art of Real Estate Team 571-251-1698 [email protected] Each Office Independently Owned and Operated CLOVER SERVICES TRAIN DEPOT All Scales Sales & Service PLUMBING · HEATING · AC ~Used Trains Bought & Sold~ IN YOUR HOME OR AT YOUR BUSINESS ... CALL US 13944 WILLARD RD., CHANTILLY 703-352-2701 703-953-3767 5% DISCOUNT TO PARISHIONERS St.Joseph’s Roofing, Inc. Appliances Pro, Inc. WASHER • DRYER • OVEN REFRIGERATOR • A/C OVEN & GARBAGE DISPOSAL NEW MILLENNIUM MOLLY CRAIG Join Us for Sunday Brunch 4299 HENNINGER CT., CHANTILLY Ceiling Fans Recess Lights Trouble Shooting APPLIANCE REPAIR 703-901-0242 703-716-7663 · Roofing · Windows · Gutters · Siding MURPHY FUNERAL HOMES 703-533-0341 ROBERT J. MURPHY, Founder BARRY M. MURPHY, Senior Advisor 1102 W. BROAD ST., FALLS CHURCH 703-920-4800 4510 WILSON BLVD., ARLINGTON St. Timothy Parishioner Water Heaters Full Service Plumbing James F McIntyre, III, CPA, P.C. Certified Public Accountant · Member of The Diocese BASEMENT, KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING FREE FULL HOUSE INSPECTION FREE ESTIMATE & DESIGN 703-802-2858 HOME IMPROVEMENT 703.996.1730 15% OFF FOR CHURCH MEMBERS 703-391-1099 Russell School of Ballet With A Paid Service “Let Us Spruce Up Your Home for the Holidays” Jim McIntyre 14004-J WILLARD ROAD [email protected] Cell 703-929-7116 HOME TO FAIRFAX BALLET COMPANY - A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION · Children’s Classes Start At 3 Years Old · Beginners/Advanced Students Welcome · Adult Beginners Classes Also Available · Intensive Program For Older Students · Professional Staff With Specialized Focus BALLET · POINTE · STRETCH TAP · JAZZ · MODERN · LYRICAL 703-803-1055 3 LARGE, BRIGHT, AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIOS WITH SPECIALIZED DANCE FLOORS 4 1/2% Full Service Listings Professional Realtors Giving You More For Less Jaime Guerra Realtor Samson Properties cell 703-727-0918 14526 Lee Rd., Ste. 100 Chantilly, VA 20151 email [email protected] web POLISH FOOD MARKET ki lab Go 703.281.6385 Diocesan Member B74719 (CK) • St. Timothy Parish • Chantilly, VA After Hour Emergency Care Available s og ie Pie r Kie lba sa Red Mango Building 431 W. Maple Ave. Danny Truvan, D.D.S. Parishioner of St. Timothy’s 4501 Daly Drive Suite # 105 Chantilly 703-657-2966 [email protected] FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: (800) 883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Left 703-435-3480 A-1 GLASS COMPANY (All Saints Parishioner) Glass · Mirrors · Plastics Windshields Family Owned for Over 48 Years 703-368-4627 7278 Centreville Road • Manassas CUSTOM FLOOR Carpet • Hardwood • Laminate Tile • VCT • Kitchen • Bath MAIN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 14101 SULLYFIELD CIR. #310, CHANTILLY, VA 20151 703-550-1200 [email protected] Fax 703-550-2016 703-968-7878 · Fax 703-968-7975 MENTION THIS AD FOR 10% OFF ALL REPAIRS STERLING CARPET SHOPS, INC. 22207 Shaw Rd., Unit A-11 · Sterling · 703-430-6229 38 E. Catoctin Circle SE · Leesburg · 703-777-5566 Maria Barreda Home 703-378-4059 Cell 703-856-2512 [email protected] Chantilly Shell MENTION THIS AD FOR 5% OFF REPAIRS VINSON HALL RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 6251 OLD DOMINION DRIVE · MCLEAN, VA 22101 Greenbriar · 703-631-1189 Chantilly · 703-378-5400 McLearen · 703-318-7744 Saint Timothy’s Parishioner ADAMS-GREEN FUNERAL HOME Family Owned & Operated Since 1885 · Serving Northern Virginia · Crematory on Premises Christopher J. Adams 721 ELDEN STREET · HERNDON, VA 20170 · WWW.ADAMSGREEN.COM Owner/Director (703) 437-1764 • (703) 471-4090 • FAX (703) 471-4580 Under New Management! Phil-Asian Food Mart HIGHLY CONSUMER RATED PHILIPPINE & ORIENTAL GROCERY 14511-Q Lee Jackson Mem. Hwy. 703-263-2769 571-269-3974 CLIFTON Foot & Ankle CENTER 6101 REDWOOD SQUARE CENTER · SUITE 303 · CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 · 703-996-3000 DR. KENNETH R. WILHELM, DPM - MEDICAL AND SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE FOOT AND ANKLE Fantasy Floral [email protected] Auto Body t. 703-591-6090 f. 703-591-5674 [email protected] Building on a Sure Foundation RUSS SILIPIGNI ~ Lessons From Age 3 ~ 703-282-8837 [email protected] 10% Off Any Purchase With This Ad 703-956-6172 703.300.5239 ERIC B. DAVENPORT, M.M. ED. [email protected] (703) 830-7611 14240-P Sullyfield Circle Chantilly, VA 20151 Suzuki Violin School Formerly At Fair Lakes Sunoco “We make flowers for all occasions” For 25 years, our business has been built on repeat and referred business from loyal customers like you. Assist Elderly · Disabled · Special Needs · New Moms State Inspection VA Emission CALL 703-536-4344 FOR MORE INFORMATION AUTO · HOME · COMMERCIAL · LIFE E������ I�: W������, D����, S����� � R���� 703-541-8231 703-541-8360 “Life’s too short– let us do the cleaning!” VINSON HALL: Continuing care community offering independent residential living for military officers and select government employees of equal rank. ARLEIGH BURKE PAVILION: Nursing and assisted living residences with long-term care in a private-pay setting. No military affiliation required. THE SYLVESTRY: Award-winning assisted living community for people with memory loss. No military affiliation required. SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 703-385-5100 14000 LEE JACKSON MEM. HWY., CHANTILLY, VA McLean's Premier FRANK D. SPICER, JR. Home Care Services VA & Emissions Inspection · Towing TERRY & MARTY COOK ASE Certified Mechanics · Complete Auto Repair PARISHIONERS Continuing Care Retirement Community ERIE INSURANCE Fair Oaks Mall (Next to the Marriott) DULLES AUTOMOTIVE Address 3174-B Draper Drive Fairfax, VA 22031 Kitchens Bathrooms Additions Interior Exterior Handyman Services Auto Repair t. 703-278-0122 f. 703-273-0187 Advanced Automotive, Inc. Professional Auto Repair Foreign & Domestic 703-802-0688 4007-A West Fax Dr., Chantilly We will save you time & money and get you running in no time! Est. 1881 MONEY & KING • Board Certified • Children & Adults 703.440.0100 • Invisalign Teen • Affordable Payment Options 3903 FAIR RIDGE DR., STE. 215, FAIRFAX, VA (NEXT TO HARRIS TEETER ON RT. 50) B74719 (CK) • St. Timothy Parish • Chantilly, VA VIENNA FUNERAL HOME CREMATION SERVICES “A Life Celebration® Home” AND (703) 938-7440 171 West Maple Avenue Vienna, VA 22180 Call before 12 Noon, Monday-Friday and we will be there TODAY, or our labor is FREE*. Our technicians will give you a PRICE UPFRONT before starting any work, so there will be NO SURPRISES. All of our work is 100% GUARANTEED. We aren’t satisfied until YOU are! *For priority customers only or ask for details Diocesan Member MEMBER METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, D.C. 703-667-4308 7 DAYS A WEEK: UNTIL 10PM MON.-FRI. • 6PM SAT.-SUN. FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: (800) 883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Right M.H. LAWRENCE, P.C. Estate Planning · Certified Elder Law · Special Needs · Guardianships Probate / Trust Administration & Veterans Benefits MARY HAYES LAWRENCE SAMANTHA M. MUSSO Arlington Diocese Member Associate · 703-267-9666 4000 LEGATO ROAD · SUITE 400 · FAIRFAX, VA 22033 Chantilly Wall & Paint, LLC Drywall Repair & Install • Paint & Repair Interior/Exterior Carpentry • Remodeling • Finished Basements • Bathrooms Window & Door Replacement • Handyman Services • Prepare Homes For Sale Patrick Meere, Parishioner LICENSED INSURED 703-909-2992 A CATHOLIC BOOKSTORE Quality Gifts & Art 11214 Lee Highway, Fairfax Rt. 29 & Jermantown Road 703-273-5956 RANDALL J. BORDEN, P.C. 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Legal Services At A Reasonable Rate Straighten Your Teeth With Braces 6138 REDWOOD SQUARE CENTER, SUITE 103 · CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 Kids 1-10 (703) 273-4010 PARISHIONER St. Timothy Family MIA SAUNDERS BALLET Little Rocky Run Centreville Nefr Israil CHANTILLY - (703) 378-3804 13940 Lee-Jackson Memorial Hwy. SUNDAY $1.49 TACO P: 703 935 4070 F: 703 935 4070 [email protected] The Joan Izzo Academy of Dance E YE S TREET O PTICAL Christian Dancing School Ballet · Pointe · Modern · Tap · Jazz · Hip Hop Beginner Through Pre-Professional We dance for the glory of God. Come and experience the beautiful difference! Licensed Opticians Since 1986 3910 Centreville Road, Chantilly St. Timothy’s Parishioner ~ 703-327-8402 14231 WILLARD ROAD · SUITE 1000 · CHANTILLY, VA 20151 (703) 830-6377 Elizabeth Sullivan, CFP Cetera Advisors, LLC Member FINRA/SIPC · Over 20 Years Experience WE OFFER: Personal Attention • Mutual Funds • Rollovers Stocks & Bonds • Retirement Accounts • Life Insurance 703-818-3318 3600 CHAIN BRIDGE ROAD · FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA B74719 (CK) • St. Timothy Parish • Chantilly, VA RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CLEANING CARPET CLEANING 703-444-8516 45577 Shepard Drive · Ste. 101 Sterling, VA 20164 [email protected] PD & PLUMBING No job too small or too big, we do it all! 703-939-4473 Licensed & Insured Wanna do it right? Gotta get a Pro! Family Dentistry WILLIAM A. O’DONNELL, D.D.S. 5675 Stone Rd., Ste. 205 Centreville (703) 818-1553 Top Producers Club REALTOR®, GRI, ABR Relocation Specialist “Put your home in the hands of a fellow parishioner” ELIZABETH MCGUINESS 703-626-1952 emcg · FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: (800) 883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, N.J. 07836 outside
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