school profile - Assumption Catholic Primary School
school profile - Assumption Catholic Primary School
ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL Address: 22-34 Gordon Road MANDURAH WA 6210 Postal Address: P.O. Box 3130 MANDURAH EAST WA 6210 Telephone: (08) 9583 8500 Fax: (08) 9581 7889 Email: [email protected] Parish Served Our Lady’s Assumption Mandurah in the Diocese of Bunbury The Parish is Administered by: Fr Xavier TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME & SCHOOL PROFILE 3-4 SCHOOL HOURS & CURRICULUM 5-7 KINDERGARTEN & PRE-PRIMARY INFORMATION 8–9 EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS & PARENTS 10 PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNICATION 11 GENERAL INFORMATION 12 - 14 EXCLUSION PERIODS FOR DISEASES AND INFECTIONS 15 SCHOOL NURSE & DENTAL CLINIC 16 PASTORAL CARE/BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT 17 POLICIES COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION 18 ENROLMENT 19 - 21 FEE COLLECTION 22 - 23 GROOMING 24 UNIFORM 25 - 26 APPENDIX CONCERNS PROCEDURE 27 - 28 __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 2 WELCOME The staff of Assumption Catholic Primary School welcome each family and student to our school. A special welcome is extended to our new students - we are very happy to be working with you. SCHOOL PROFILE HISTORY OF ASSUMPTION Prior to the foundation of Assumption Catholic Primary School there had been two attempts made by the Presentation Sisters to establish a Catholic School in Mandurah. In 1955 two sisters started a school in the Parish Church. This continued until 1959 when, due to the drowning of three Presentation Sisters in a boating accident, the sisters were forced to close the school. In 1962, just three years later, the Presentation Sisters again opened a Catholic School in Mandurah - this time in a small cottage on land adjoining the present site of the Presentation Convent. Due to declining numbers of students and extreme financial hardship without Government assistance, the sisters were again forced to close the school. Assumption Catholic Primary School is the third and most successful establishment of a Catholic School in Mandurah. It was planned by the Catholic Education Commission that a new Catholic systemic school would be developed in stages. It was to be under the Principalship of a Presentation Sister. In 1982, the school opened with 91 children from Years 1 to 6. The following year, the enrolments increased to 150 with the addition of a Year 7 class. An on-going building programme over the next 9 years saw the school develop to a two streamed Years 1 - 7 school, with further facilities in the form of Library, Administration, Multi-Purpose Area and Pre-Primary classes. The Primary School is situated on a 4 hectare site in Gordon Road, Mandurah. Students are mainly drawn from the Mandurah area. FACILITIES Assumption Catholic Primary School is a modern, well equipped school set in expansive grounds with a wide range of play equipment catering for all ages. Facilities include the Nano Nagle Library, large Undercover Area, Multi Purpose Room, Art Area and a fully equipped Computer Centre. All airconditioned classrooms have computers that are networked. A Canteen provides a wide range of nutritious food and drinks, and is open every day of the week. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 3 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Responsibility for the overall Financial Management of Assumption Catholic Primary School is entrusted by the Catholic Education Office to a School Board. The School Board includes parents and other community members and is responsible for the financial running of the school. All matters relating to the curriculum, discipline and the running of Assumption is the responsibility of the Principal. The school has a shared Leadership Model with two Assistant Principals working with the Principal in organising the internal operations of the school. In the absence of the Principal, the Assistant Principals assume the role of Acting Principal. • Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month. • An Annual General Meeting is held in November. Nominations are accepted for committee positions. PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION (P & F) The P & F plays a very important role in the life of the school. It promotes the Catholic ethos of the school through all in which it is involved. The Association raises funds for school resources, provides a forum for general educational issues, arranges guest speakers related to family and educational issues, organises social events for the School Community and organises busy bees. All parents are encouraged to become members of the Association and are expected to support its many activities. P & F MEETINGS • P & F meetings are held each month alternating between a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm and a Friday afternoon at 2.00pm in the School Library. Please check term planner for notification when the meetings are held. • An Annual General Meeting is held in November. Nominations are accepted for committee positions. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 4 SCHOOL HOURS KINDERGARTEN 8.45 am - 2.55 pm PRE-PRIMARY 8.45 am - 2.55 pm PRIMARY 8.45 am - EARLY CLOSE 2.30 pm (On the last Tuesday of each month) 3.05 pm CURRICULUM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education is central to the whole Curriculum. The school’s R.E. Programme is a systematic and sequenced programme of helping children relate the Catholic Faith to their daily lives. School and Class Liturgies are celebrated regularly. Students engage in various creative activities in Religious Education, based on the Western Australian Religious Education Units of Work, for a minimum of half an hour each day. Retreat and Reflection opportunities are provided for all students. The Catholic school is seen to be part of the parish and the broader church. Our Parish Priest actively participates in the faith life of our school. Sacraments - The Sacraments are organised: Reconciliation in Year 3, the Eucharist in Year 4 and Confirmation in Year 7. Parents are the prime educators of their children and the school’s Religion Programme is only as effective as parental examples and support in the home environment. Family prayer and attendance at Sunday Mass do much to help the child integrate the faith into their daily lives. Pastoral Care - The school recognises and respects the individuality of each child, and each staff member is charged with a Pastoral Role. Religious Education lessons, a caring environment, school assemblies, and rewards to encourage students to be considerate and thoughtful of others help promote and maintain a positive self-esteem among children. Discipline Policy - A Developmental Discipline Programme operates in every classroom. This programme minimizes discipline problems by using positive reenforcement and systematic consequences. This positive programme operates on a daily basis and each day marks a new start for the pupil. ACADEMIC SUBJECTS An emphasis is placed on communication skills, literacy and numeracy skills, physical education, science, social studies, health, computers and cultural development. • Aboriginal Multicultural studies are integrated throughout all subject areas. • The School's curriculum is based on "The Curriculum Framework Document of Western Australia." __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 5 • School based testing is carried out annually in Maths and Language to determine the needs of the child and the school. ENGLISH The Language Programme involves Reading, Speaking, Viewing, Listening and Writing. Each of these is integrated into other subject areas. MATHEMATICS Our Mathematics Programme focuses on the use of developmental activities in all grades. The strands of Number, Space, Chance and Data, Thinking Mathematically and Measurement are an integral part of the programme and are integrated into other subject areas. SOCIETY & ENVIRONMENT/TECHNOLOGY & ENTERPRISE/ SCIENCE These subjects focus on people's well being, their interaction with each other, the environment and technology. The children are encouraged to develop a respect for cultural heritage and a commitment to social justice. PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH Our Physical Education Programme gives the children the opportunity to develop enthusiasm for physical activities and skills, confidence and co-ordination in the use of various equipment. Students take part in Interschool Sports Competitions, and Interm Swimming is arranged each year. COMPUTERS The computer programme is integrated with other subject areas. supervised access to the Internet to enhance learning. The students have L.O.T.E. (Language other than English) Italian studies from Year 1 to Year 7 focus on the spoken language and cultural aspects. THE ARTS (MUSIC and ART) The school has a specialist art teacher. The children learn art skills and techniques in an environment focussed on creativity. The school has a Choir. Students have regular choir practice for School Liturgies and Family Masses. Opportunities are available for students to perform in festivals, school assemblies and productions. LIBRARY The school has a well-stocked, fully automated Library and all year levels are timetabled each week to learn the skills required to use it effectively. All children are to use a Library Bag to protect the books borrowed. If books are damaged, parents are expected to pay for the repair or replacement of the book. The library fosters a love of literature within the children through activities such as Book Week and Book Fairs. CHALLENGE PROGRAMME __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 6 An opportunity is provided for students to extend their talents in a variety of learning areas. Selection for this programme is based on school based testing and academic excellence. The programme operates from years 4-7 during school time. CAMPS/EXCURSIONS Camps and Excursions are part of the curriculum and are designed to enhance the child’s learning and social development. Each class organises excursions relating to a study topic. Year 7 students take part in an annual camp. Permission notes are required for camps and all excursions from school. HOMEWORK Regular and meaningful homework is an essential part of the school curriculum. At Assumption the focus of homework is: - Reading and being read to - A variety of afterschool activities including home tasks, recreation and relaxation - Reflection, journaling and reviewing class work The amount of homework set and the expected time allocation will progress from year to year. Guidelines are discussed at the Parent/Teacher evening at the beginning of the school year. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 7 KINDERGARTEN & PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION Pre-Primary Education is an informal learning programme which encourages: 1. The development of positive attitudes towards learning. 2. Promotes socialisation skills. 3. Develops the child’s self-confidence and independence, and gives them a sense of achievement in everything they do. 4. Encourages creativity and self-expression. 5. Provides opportunities for children to help each other, share with others and respects others’ rights and property. The Pre-Primary learning environment in a Catholic School offers opportunities which encourage and facilitate the growth of the whole child, spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually and cognitively. The Assumption School Community recognises parents as the prime educators of their children and sees its efforts as a complement to the Catholic home in endeavouring to develop the faith of the children. The programme is planned around Self, My Family, Community and the Environment. Maths, Language, Music, Science, Physical Movement and Co-ordination Programmes. In Religious Education, we try to help the child grow spiritually and develop a loving relationship with God, Our Father. Spontaneous prayers are encouraged, as formal prayer is part of the Primary School Programme. ATTENDANCE TIMES: Kindergarten Day/Timetable: Sessions: 8.45 am to 2.55 pm • Kindergarten students attend one session only for the first week of the school year. This will involve half-class groups to facilitate a smooth transition into the school environment. A letter is forwarded to parents prior to the commencement of the year advising them of the session in week 1 and what the child is required to bring. • From week 2 onwards, children attend two full day sessions from Monday to Thursday (either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday). An optional Friday session is available and should be arranged through the Principal. PRE-PRIMARY Pre-Primary Day: The Pre-Primary operates for half days in the first two weeks of Term 1 (8.45 am to 12.00 noon), and full days from then on (8.45 am to 2.55 pm). Pre-Primary Timetable: During the first three days of the term, children are admitted in small groups. This enables the teachers to get to know each child individually and to overcome any settling in problems which may be experienced by children. During the first two weeks of term 1, the Pre-Primary teachers and assistants __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 8 spend the afternoons with the year 1 classes assisting children in their transition to year 1. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES Pre-Primary and Kindergarten children need to be supervised by parents until these centres open and collected promptly at the end of each day. Children become distressed if parents are late. Should you be unavoidably detained a phone call to school is necessary. If another person is collecting your child, a written note or prior written consent on the enrolment card or update sheet is required. Please do not allow your children to play on the playground equipment before or after school. PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL UNIFORM Uniform requirements are listed in the Uniform Policy. KINDERGARTEN CLOTHING Kindergarten clothing information is listed in the Uniform Policy. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 9 EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS AND PARENTS SCHOOL LIFE There is an expectation that parents will support the following areas: • • • • The faith education of their children (practice) All formal school activities and incursions The school’s regulations, procedures and codes of conduct The fostering of a spirit of co-operation and community between parents, staff and students. PARENT/TEACHER INVOLVEMENT - PRIMARY The close co-operation of Assumption parents and teachers is of vital importance in the life of the school. If we at school are to attempt to fulfil our aims of working towards the total development of the child, then there is a need for us to pool our resources. The parent and teacher involvement should be seen as supporting each other and working in partnership towards the best interests of the child. Parents can play a very valuable role in the classroom - helping with reading, art and craft, physical education skills programme, library work, computer, making educational aides and games, canteen, uniform shop, busy bees, excursions and sporting carnivals. Here at Assumption, we are very fortunate to have a Class Parent Co-ordinator to assist each class teacher. Teachers are encouraged to use their services. PARENT/TEACHER INVOLVEMENT - PRE-PRIMARY/KINDERGARTEN Parent involvement is essential in a child’s education. We would like to invite parents to visit the Pre-Primary and Kindy throughout the year, so that they can be a part of their child’s learning experiences, through a Parent Roster System. This roster will be posted on the Parents’ Notice Board at the beginning of each term. We would ideally like every parent to come once or twice a term, and would really love to have some dads on the roster too. Help is required each morning for roster. Parental duties on roster include: • Preparing fruit and drinks, washing dishes and helping tidy up the classroom. • Assisting children with puzzles, sport activities, reading or supervising the use of scissors in small groups. SPECIAL TALENTS Parents, if you have any skills, talents and interests, please mention them. If possible, they will be included in the programme. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 10 PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNICATION Listed below are the avenues of communication available: TERM 1 There is a meeting for each year level early in Term 1, at which class teachers will outline the curriculum, explain the class timetable, class policies and answer any queries. Teacher/parent interviews are conducted at the end of Term 1. These interviews are a crucial time for forward planning in relation to your child and the rest of the year. TERM 2 Mid-year reports go home at the end of Term 2. Prior to receiving your child/children’s report, parents are invited to participate in a Learning Journey evening, where the child will lead his/her parents through their learning during the semester. TERM 3 Parent/teacher interviews are held to discuss your child’s report. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment with the class teacher to further discuss any concerns over the report. TERM 4 At the end of the year a detailed report is presented to parents. NEWSLETTER A newsletter goes home with your child on the first Friday of the month and the Assumption Happenings on the other weeks; this is the main line of communication between school and home. The newsletter and Assumption Happenings informs parents of approaching events and any recent decisions regarding you and the school. Please ask your child for these notices each Friday. A term planner of school events is included on the first newsletter of each term. ASSEMBLIES Assemblies are held on Monday mornings at 8.50am and Thursday afternoon at 2.00pm in the undercover area. Parents are given advance notice of class assembly items. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 11 GENERAL INFORMATION Assumption is a Smoke Free Zone, therefore, no one is permitted to smoke in the school grounds ABSENCES A written explanation is required by the Class Teacher when your child returns to school. BANKING School banking operates through the Catholic Development Fund, the Chancery Office in Bunbury (CDF). This banking is conducted at school every Wednesday morning at 9.00 am. Volunteer ladies organise this facility for our school, and banking takes place in the Administration Wing. Bank books are sent to the office, in a plastic bag, via our communication trays by 9.00 am. BUS CHILDREN Strict supervision is given regarding buses. Pre-Primary Teacher Assistants organise the collection of students travelling by bus - morning and afternoon. Pre-Primary and students are given a Bus Badge to wear each day they are to catch the bus home - this system works well. Pupils are not permitted to leave the school grounds without prior written notification. CANTEEN ORDERING Our school canteen operates on a daily basis and is organised by a Canteen Co-ordinator who is assisted by volunteer parents. Menus and prices are sent home regularly. Lunch orders should be written on a paper lunch bag, which is clearly marked with child’s name, grade and order, and correct money should be enclosed. The order is placed in the class basket before school commences. At lunch time, orders are sent to each classroom in lunch baskets. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 12 CAR PARKING Staff Car Park The staff car park, located at the front of the school on Gordon Road, is strictly for the use of staff and visitors only. Parents' Car Park Children are to be dropped off and picked up from the Oakmont Avenue carpark. This is located at the rear of the school, with the entrance via Seminole Avenue and two exit points on Oakmont Avenue. Do not park vehicles in the area designated for dropping off and picking up students as marked on the diagram below. Please observe the signs and watch for children. EXIT CAR PARK NO PARKING – DROPPING OFF ONLY ENTRY ONLY TENNIS COURT NB: Please reverse park in the parent’s carpark in the afternoons for the children’s safety. Bus Parking – Seminole Ave PRE-PRIMARY AND KINDERGARTEN PARENTS PLEASE NOTE NO PARKING IN THE BUS BAYS BAYS MUST BE KEPT CLEAR AT ALL TIMES CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please inform the School Office immediately of any change of details, i.e. address, telephone number and the Principal of any change in family circumstances. CLASS REQUIREMENTS At the end of November, a book list for the following year is given out to each grade. Arrangements have been made with a local educational supplier to supply the items. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 13 INSURANCE All students enrolled at Assumption Catholic Primary School are automatically covered by child insurance with Catholic Church Insurances. This coverage is 24 hours per day and 7 days per week for the entire year. Should your child be injured during or outside of school time, the school office can assist parents with the process of making a claim. LATE BOOK Children who arrive late for school must sign the Late Book at the school office. PRINCIPAL'S APPROVAL PASS Parents wishing to take their child from class during school hours must obtain a Principal's Approval Pass from the school office and also sign the Pass Out Book. SICKNESS If your child/children have been ill overnight, please DO NOT SEND them to school the next day. Sick children should be kept at home and given time to recuperate. If a child becomes ill during the day, parents will be notified and asked to care for the child. STUDENT BICYCLES Students are permitted to bring their bicycles to school as a means of transport. The school cannot take responsibility for bicycles and they are not covered under school insurance. It is strongly recommended that students lock their bicycles to the “bike racks” provided. Bicycles are not to be ridden anywhere in the school grounds. SUPERVISION Primary children are supervised from 8.15 am - 3.30 pm. SCHOOL FEES School accounts will be sent home each semester. There are two terms per semester or four terms per school year. Fees can be paid in a variety of ways – * Cash * Cheque * Money Order * Direct Debit * EFTPOS Fees can be paid at the school office any day of the week, with one exception - we ask that no cash payments be paid after 12 noon Friday. Parents may also send fees to the office in a sealed envelope, which is clearly marked with family name, amount enclosed and particulars of payment. UNIFORM SHOP School uniform items can be purchased from the Uniform Shop, which is located behind the library. Opening hours are: Monday Tuesday Thursday 8.30am – 12.30pm 12.30pm – 3.30pm 8.30am – 11.00am __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 14 EXCLUSION PERIODS FOR A NUMBER OF DISEASES AND INFECTIONS Taken from "Communicable Disease Guidelines" by the Department of Health, Government of Western Australia – 2005 Edition Please inform the School Office should your child contract one of the following or any infectious diseases. CHICKEN POX Exclude until well and for at least 5 days after the rash appears and until vesicles have formed crusts. Note that crusts alone do not warrant exclusion. CONJUNCTIVITIS Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased or until 3 days after beginning antibiotic treatment HEAD LICE Exclude until the day after treatment has commenced. IMPETIGO (School Sores) Exclude for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment commences. Lesions on exposed skin surfaces should be covered with a waterproof dressing. HEPATITIS A B or C Exclude for 14 days after onset of illness or 7 days after jaundice appears. Do not exclude. HERPES SIMPLEX (Cold Sores) Young children unable to comply with good oral hygiene practices should be excluded while lesions are uncovered and weeping. MEASLES Exclude for 4 days after the onset of the rash MUMPS Exclude for 9 days after onset of symptoms RINGWORM Exclude until 24 hours after treatment has commenced. RUBELLA (German Measles) Exclude for 4 days after onset of rash SCABIES Exclude until the day after treatment has commenced WHOOPING COUGH Exclude for 21 days from the onset of cough or for 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 15 SCHOOL HEALTH NURSE The school nurse visits Assumption regularly and makes the following examinations: (If you wish to be present at these examinations, please notify us). Pre-Primary Children in Pre-Primary have vision and hearing screened after parental consent is obtained. A copy of this appraisal is sent home to the parents to keep with the child’s records. Assessments at other year levels are done on request by parent or teacher, with parental consent. DENTAL THERAPY CLINIC The Dental Therapy Clinic is situated at Greenfields Primary School, Zambesi Drive, Greenfields, and caters for all Primary School children. Dentists visit our school annually to carry out ‘jaw growth and development’ checks of children in PrePrimary, Year 4 and Year 7. Forms will be distributed to all parents of Pre-Primary students and children new to the school. The Dental Therapy Clinic is open between the hours of 8.15am and 4.30pm. Any out of hours and Christmas holiday emergencies are referred to the Oral Health Centre of WA – 9346 4400. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 16 PASTORAL CARE/BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT School Rules 1. Always follow directions from Staff 2. Show respect for self, others, property and the environment 3. Be kind and courteous at all times 4. Walk on all paved areas 5. Wear the school uniform correctly Consequences of Breaking School Rules • Behaviour slip completed and processed = warning • 2 Behaviour slips = grounds duty • 3 Behaviour slips = grounds duty, reflection sheet to be completed • 4 Behaviour slips = an after-school detention and a parent interview with an Administration Team Member and class teacher. • 5 Behaviour slips – Parents notified; withdrawn in-school suspension with alternative recesses and lunches. Severe Clause Immediate parent interview, in-school suspension for a period of time set by the Administration Team but not longer than 5 days. Students will also be removed from class for this period (as per the consequences for 4 behaviour slips). Rewards for Good Behaviour • Champ Cards are given to students behaving well at recess times. • Champ Cards are collected by class teachers and tallied - by class and faction. • ‘Class of the Week’ award given to class with most tokens • Award (certificate) presented at assembly • Points are given towards faction for tokens • Tokens are tallied at the end of term and a shield presented to the winning faction. Classroom Discipline Management The Assertive Discipline Strategy is followed in dealing with issues of discipline at Assumption Catholic Primary School. Consequences must be logical, restorative, fair and promote reflective practice. Disciplinary action should take place as close to the point of infringement as possible. Teachers should create their own classroom management plan. However, to ensure a common standard and approach throughout the school, the following points are to be followed – • Children who do not follow instructions or misbehave should first be spoken to and set back to task immediately. • Teachers should always aim to use the language of the Virtues when disciplining students • Restorative Justice Principles should be followed • Should removal be necessary, teachers are encouraged to remove student to another classroom. In the interest of the child’s self esteem, this should be to a class which is the same age or older. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 17 COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. The School collects personal information, including sensitive information about pupils and parents or guardians before and during the course of a pupil's enrolment at the School. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable the School to provide schooling for your son/daughter. 2. Some of the information we collect is to satisfy the School's legal obligations, particularly to enable the School to discharge its duty of care. 3. Certain laws governing or relating to the operation of schools require that certain information is collected. These include Public Health and if appropriate, Child Protection laws. 4. Health information about pupils is sensitive information within the terms of the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act. We ask you to provide medical reports about pupils from time to time. 5. The School from time to time discloses personal and sensitive information to others for administrative and educational purposes. This includes to other schools, government departments, Catholic Education Office, the Catholic Education Commission, your local diocese and the parish if appropriate, medical practitioners, and people providing services to the School, including specialist visiting teachers, [sports] coaches and volunteers. 6. If we do not obtain the information referred to above we may not be able to enrol or continue the enrolment of your son/daughter. 7. Personal information collected from pupils is regularly disclosed to their parents or guardians. On occasions information such as academic and sporting achievements, pupil activities and other news is published in School newsletters, magazines [and on our website]. 8. Parents may seek access to personal information collected about them and their son/daughter by contacting the School. Pupils may also seek access to personal information about them. However, there will be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, where access may result in a breach of the School's duty of care to the pupil, or where pupils have provided information in confidence. 9. We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for their own marketing purposes without your consent. 10. If you provide the School with the personal information of others, such as doctors or emergency contacts, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the School and why, that they can access that information if they wish and that the School does not usually disclose the information to third parties. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 18 ENROLMENT POLICY PHILOSOPHY 1. All children should have the opportunity for a Catholic Education regardless of disabilities, race, sex or financial circumstances, following in the tradition of Nano Nagle and the Order of the Presentation Sisters. 2. Parents must have a genuine desire for the religious values of Assumption Catholic Primary School, its Catholic ethos, goals, aims and objectives. 3. Enrolment into our school, therefore, expresses a commitment by parents to fully support school policies, practices and activities. This commitment extends to the School Board and the Parents and Friends Association. 4. Where the interests of a child or parent cannot be met within the school, an alternative education facility will be suggested to help meet the family’s needs. 5. Once enrolled, all children should feel secure in the knowledge that they are part of a Catholic community. PROCEDURES Application 1. Assumption will advertise for expressions of interest in student enrolments during a. Term 3 of each year for Kindergarten positions in the following year b. Various terms for other year levels as appropriate. Interested parents will be required to complete the Assumption School Application for Enrolment Form and Parish Reference. 2. Parents on their part may apply for enrolment at any time. Interview Process 1. Parents and prospective students will be required to attend an interview with the Principal or delegated representative prior to enrolments being confirmed. 2. The interview time is an important occasion for parents to understand what it means to be part of Assumption Catholic Primary School’s parent community. Material discussed at the interview needs to be carefully considered as part of the acceptance of enrolment into our school. Parents will be presented with, and talk through, material relating to the School’s Grooming Policy, Uniform Policy, Fee Schedule and Fee Collection Policy, Concerns brochure, Religious Education program, school commitments and on-going education at Mandurah Catholic College. 3. Parents are required to bring copies of the child’s birth certificate, immunisation records, sacramental certificates, passport/residency details and “Residence, Contact or Specific Orders” information relating to the parentage of their child. 4. The Parish Priest will be consulted by the Principal regarding prospective children either through the Parish Reference or by personal contact. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 19 5. Parents will be notified of the outcome of the enrolment application during Term 4 of the year prior to entry into school (for Pre-Primary and Kindergarten children) and for all other children as soon as possible. 6. Parents will receive notification through a letter and are required to complete and return an “Acceptance of Offer” by the return date. Failure to do so indicates parental intention to seek enrolment at another school. A breach of enrolment will have occurred if it is demonstrated that parents withheld information relevant to the application/enrolment process, especially in relation to the student’s individual needs, medical conditions, health care requirements and/or parenting orders. In this situation enrolment may be refused or terminated. Selection Criteria 1. Class Sizes - Classes shall not exceed Kindergarten Pre-Primary Years 1 & 2 Years 3 to 7 30 students per class 30 students per class 30 students per class 32 students per class 2. The school Principal determines the size of the classes, mindful of the educational and other needs of the students, Catholic Education Policy on Enrolments and the Catholic climate of the school. 3. Enrolment priorities are as follows – • • • • • Baptised Catholic children within the Assumption School designated Parish boundaries Baptised Catholic children from outside the Parish Siblings of non-Catholic children enrolled in the school Non-Catholic children from other Christian dominations Other non-Catholic children NB: The Catholic/non-Catholic parameters set by the Bishops of Western Australia shall be followed for enrolments. The enrolment priorities are a guideline only. The actual enrolment is at the discretion of the Principal. As a family school, every endeavour will be made to accommodate siblings. OTHER POINTS RELEVANT TO THE LOCAL SITUATION 1. The Principal shall contact the child’s previous place of education to determine the child’s needs. 2. All children with special needs will be reviewed prior to enrolment to determine the school’s capacity (in terms of programs, staff expertise, appropriate resources and existing student conditions) to meet that child’s needs by referral to the Special Education Section at Catholic Education Office. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 20 3. Enrolment in Kindergarten and Pre-Primary classes is not compulsory. Parents wishing to exclude their children from these classes will need to undergo the enrolment process for year 1, provided vacancies exist. 4. Once enrolled in a Catholic school in the Mandurah/Pinjarra area, children are expected to continue within that school through to the end of year 7 (if staying within the Catholic system in the Mandurah/Pinjarra area). 5. Enrolment in a Catholic primary school does not ensure entry in a Catholic secondary school. Parents will need to make applications to the secondary school of their choice. 6. Enrolment within Catholic schools in the Mandurah/Pinjarra area is prioritised through a boundary system. Families living – • North of Pinjarra Road – need first apply to Assumption Catholic Primary School. • South of Pinjarra Road – need first apply to Mandurah Catholic College. • South of Casuarina Blv - need first to apply to Dawesville Catholic Primary School • Southeast of the Ravenswood Hotel - need first apply to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Pinjarra. • North of Golden Bay - need first to apply to St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, Port Kennedy Should any school be unable to accommodate an enrolment or should special factors affect the family, then each school will collaboratively endeavour to assist in meeting the family’s enrolment needs. 7. The admission of students from overseas is dependant upon the guidelines as prescribed by the Catholic Education Office from time to time. 8. Students are no longer considered enrolled at Assumption if – Written notification is received from the parents indicating a change of schooling • A transfer note is received from the child’s new school • After parental, student, staff and Catholic Education Office consultation, an alternative educational facility is determined to better meet the needs of the child, family and school community. In the absence of the above three, enrolment of a pupil will cease if no contact can be made with the family for one term. • NB: __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 21 FEE COLLECTION POLICY Preamble The Fee structure has been set in accordance with CECWA advice and the demographics within our community. The School Board shall actively pursue the collection of school fees where the parent/guardian has the capacity to pay. The collection of school fees shall be approached in the spirit of Christian charity and justice. The practice of charity requires that requests for Fee Variations be treated with dignity, compassion and confidentiality. For example, recipients of social welfare benefits would have an entitlement to claim some form of variation. The inability to pay school fees shall never be the reason for the non-enrolment or exclusion of any child from a Catholic school. The withholding of services to students shall not be used as a fee collection strategy. The confidentiality of variation requests must be assured at all times. Foster harmony and interaction within our community through supporting the role of parent/guardian and responding to the needs of all members. To acknowledge and respect the dignity and uniqueness of each individual. Procedure 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Annual fees and charges, including maximum increases, shall be set by the School Board in accordance with CECWA advice provided each year during the budget process. Advice of annual fees will be communicated to parent/guardian at the Annual Community Meeting and via the school newsletter. On application for enrolment, parent/guardian will be provided with the School’s Fee Collection Policy. This includes details of any additional charges and information relating to fee variation policy. A documented timeline for the payment of fees must be ratified by the School Board and communicated to parent/guardian annually. A process for negotiating the method of payment and the provision of Variations must be incorporated into the Fee Collection Policy. A properly documented course of action must be included in the Fee Collection Policy where parent/guardian has ignored all reasonable attempts to negotiate a fee repayment strategy. Any changes to the Fee Collection Policy must be ratified by the School Board. Fee Collection Policy 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Initial fee invoices, stating the annual fees payable, are to be sent to parent/guardian during Semester One. A breakdown of component amounts and their due dates is to be incorporated into this annual statement. The second fee invoices, stating the balance of annual fees owing and the due date, are to be sent to parent/guardian during Semester Two. Fees must be paid within 21 days of their due dates. Parents/Guardians who have not paid their fees within 21 days of the due date will be issued with an "Overdue Notice". This notice must show the amounts overdue together __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 22 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) with a reminder that Variations are available and that an appointment can be arranged to discuss them. If fees are still not paid within 21 days of the "Overdue Notice" and no agreement regarding Variations has been made, then a "Final Demand" will be sent. The "Final Demand" notice must again detail the amounts overdue, the fact that Variations are available and the involvement of a collection agency if fees are not paid within a further 21 days. If fees are still not paid and no attempt has been made by the parent/guardian to discuss the situation, then the debt is to be handed over to a Collection Agency. The final decision to involve a Collection Agency is at the sole discretion of the Principal. Once the debt is handed over to a collection agency, the school will have no further involvement in the collection process. During all stages of the process, proper and accurate documentation shall be kept on each attempt to resolve the problems of outstanding fees by the School Administration Staff. The Principal can, at any time, request the services of the School Board Treasurer or Chairperson to assist in the collection process. A summons can be issued by the appropriate school authority and judgement entered against the parent/guardian; however, before proceedings are taken, such as a Warrant of Execution, Order of Commitment, Garnishee Order, Judgement Summons etc., approval must be obtained from the Director of Catholic Education. Any fees not paid in one year will accumulate onto the next year’s fee account. This can only be waived at the discretion of the School Principal. Variations to the Fee Collection Policy A recognition exists of the Church’s preferential option for the poor and disadvantaged, it is also a belief that every family can contribute to fee payments. With this in mind, variations to the Fee Collection Policy are made by mutual agreement between the parent/guardian and the Principal. Any variation must be documented in writing and be signed by both the parent/guardian and the Principal. It is the School’s responsibility to monitor and follow up on all variations. Any variations given are applicable only for the current school year, they do not automatically carry forward to the next school year. Failure to adhere to the terms of the variation will result in the variation becoming Null and Void. The result is that all outstanding fees will become immediately payable and that the normal fee collection policy will apply. Payment Methods EFTPOS Cheque Cash Direct Debit Lump sum yearly or per Semester payments __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 23 GROOMING POLICY Assumption Catholic Primary School is a community seeking to grow together in love. The development of each individual is nurtured through the integration of faith, life and culture. Assumption Catholic Primary School is a community which has a concern for the safety, health and holistic development of each child. The Grooming Policy reflects the high standards expected of our students in all that they undertake. As such, students are expected to wear the school uniform with respect and a high standard of neatness, cleanliness and pride. The following rules apply to the wearing of the Assumption Catholic Primary School Uniform: • • • • • • • • • • • • All items of the school uniform should be clean and in a good state of repair. Wearing of full school uniform is compulsory from Years 1 – 7. The school sport uniform is to be worn by students in Pre-‐Primary. School shoes are to be polished and sports shoes kept clean and in good repair. A watch; a chain with a small religious symbol which is tucked into the shirt/dress; and one sleeper or stud in each ear lobe are the only items of jewellery permitted. No make-‐ up, nail varnish or tattoos are permitted. Longer than collar length hair is to be tied back using mid blue ribbons, elastics, blue or school uniform scrunchies. School uniform scarves may be worn in the winter months. Extra jackets (preferably be navy ) worn in the winter months should be removed upon entering the class room. Unacceptable hairstyles include: undercuts, dreadlocks, flat tops, Mohawks, rat’s tails , hair cut shorter than a number 2 razor or hair which has been coloured. The school hat is to be worn for all outdoor activities. The Leadership team reserves the right to determine the suitability of an individual’s grooming. A student’s parents will be notified via a uniform slip should the students not be wearing the school uniform appropriately. The procedure established in the Assumption Catholic Primary School Discipline Policy will be followed for students who do not wear the uniform appropriately. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 24 UNIFORM POLICY KINDERGARTEN Older clothes, suitable for indoor and outdoor play, are suggested, sandals or shoes are preferred footwear. Pre-Primary Uniform is optional. PRIMARY: BOYS GIRLS Summer Mid blue short sleeved shirt with school emblem Grey school shorts Black leather lace up school shoes or Navy-blue sandals (toe-in/heel-in) Short grey socks with two blue stripes Winter Mid blue short or long sleeved shirt Long grey college trousers School tie School jumper Black leather lace up school shoes Short grey socks with two blue stripes Sports Mid blue polo T-shirt with school crest Navy blue knit shorts with school initials School tracksuit (top and bottom) School hat Short white socks (must cover ankles) Joggers (no fluro colours) Summer Blue striped summer dress Black leather lace up school shoes or Navy-blue sandals (toe-in/heel-in) Short white socks (must cover ankles) Mid blue and/or white hair ribbons or scrunchies Winter Tartan winter pinafore Mid blue long sleeved shirt School tie School jumper Black leather lace up school shoes Grey tights or Short white socks (must cover ankles) Mid blue and/or white hair ribbons or scrunchies Sports Mid blue polo T-shirt with school crest Navy blue knit shorts with school initials School tracksuit (top and bottom) School hat Short white socks (must cover ankles) Joggers (no fluro colours) PRE-PRIMARY – BOYS AND GIRLS __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 25 Summer Mid blue T-shirt Navy blue shorts School hat Winter Navy blue track suit Mid blue T-shirt or skivvy SCHOOL HAT The school hat must be worn all year round during playtime and sporting activities. The school follows the Cancer Foundation's recommendations. - No hat, no play! NAMING OF SCHOOL ITEMS All items of clothing must be clearly labelled with student's full name. CORRECT UNIFORM IS TO BE WORN AT ALL TIMES (all items of school uniform, except shoes, can be purchased through the school) __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 26 CONCERNS What do I do if I have a concern ? 1. If the matter involves the classroom programme or a teacher, write a note or telephone the teacher concerned with a view to making a time to discuss the concern. The staff member concerned may not be able to talk to you when you approach them so it is best to make a time when you are both free. 2. Indicate before the discussion what the concern is about, if possible. 3. Talk with the relevant staff member about the issue and be prepared to listen to their point of view. 4. Provide feedback to the teacher as to whether you were satisfied or not, to ensure the problem is settled. What if I do this but the problem is not solved, or if the concern does not involve a particular teacher ? 1. Approach the Assistant Principal responsible for that area of the school. 2. If you do not know any of these people or feel they may not be able to help, make a time to see the Principal. Write down the details of your complaint and the steps you have taken to remedy the situation. 3. The concern will usually be dealt with by the Principal, but in some instances may be referred back to teachers or Assistant Principals. 4. If your complaint relates to the Principal or the Board, you should write to the Director of Catholic Education outlining your concerns in details, including your name and contact number. "How to Deal with a Dispute or Complaint in a Catholic School" is available from the school office. Concerns will be treated in confidence; however, in the interests of natural justice, the person about whom the complaint is made must have the opportunity to hear all details about the complaint and reply to it. HANDY HINTS • Approach a teacher with your concern, when they are not teaching, to make a time for an appointment. • Problems should not be discussed in front of children — either at school or at home. • We ask that staff show respect for you and that you show respect for them. • The first person you should see regarding your concern is the person closest to the problem. • There are usually two sides to a story. • If you have concerns regarding another child you must approach the school not the __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 27 child. • We will only know of your concern if you tell us. ADVICE TO PARENTS This sheet is designed to help parents and guardians understand what to do if they are concerned about some aspect of the school. The school encourages open communication and prefers that you come to talk through a problem rather than discuss it in the community. It is our job to be fair and to listen to your concerns, but this involves your support as well. We hope that these guidelines have been of some use so you feel confident to approach us. __________________________________________________________________ Assumption Catholic Primary School Brochure Page 28