Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Report 1ST OF JULY 2005 – 30TH OF JUNE 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ Dean’s Medal Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Contents Table of Contents Background to Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Introduction Obituaries Board Committee Members - Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board Committee Meetings –Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board Task force Committee Members - Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board Task force Committee Meetings –Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Education Committee Members - Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Education Committee Meetings - Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Finance and Development Committee Members Finance and Development Committee Meetings Annual Research Conference Committee Members Annual Research Conference Meetings 25th Annual Nursing and Research Conference Sponsors/ Exhibitors 25th Annual Nursing and Research Conference Speakers Guest, Keynote and Plenary Speakers 25th Annual Nursing and Research Conference Awards Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship Conferring Board Members Activities –including 2005 AGM report Academic Achievements – Board Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Academic Programmes Available Academic Staff - Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Administrative Staff - Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Academic Staff Activities - Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Research Projects and Grants Current Research Conclusion 2 2 3 4 7 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 20 20 28 28 28 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Nursing – About the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Background: The inauguration of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery took place at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on 30th October 1974 under the fellowship of Ms. Mary Frances Crowley. The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery consists of a Dean and twelve members who constitute the Board of the Faculty and it is bound by the constitutions of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the Council of the College. There is also a full time academic and administration staff in the Faculty. As one of the earliest and longest serving providers of nurse education in Ireland, the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery has ensured wide ranging and relevant programmes of education for nurses from a variety of clinical nursing specialities. The philosophy of the Faculty has an inherent aim through its programmes to develop a caring, reflective practitioner who has the ability to seek out and use research-based knowledge for the purposes of improving patient care. The Faculty provides full time and part time nursing programmes including degrees and higher diplomas, approved through the National University of Ireland. There are also a number of independent modules mainly on subjects related to clinical practice. Post-graduate nursing research supervision at Masters and PhD level is provided. In addition, a Fellowship in Nursing and Midwifery is available, which has an emphasis on excellence in clinical practice and is one of the most prestigious academic and professional qualifications awarded by the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Dean’s Medal (viewable on the front cover) is mounted on a black background with eight stars symbolising the essential qualities of leadership. “Knowledge, Wisdom, Responsibility , Co-Ordination, Conciliation, Co-Operation, Availablility Prudence”. 3 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn INTRODUCTION: This report outlines the activites of the the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) from the 1st of July 2005 to the 30th of June 2006. The Faculty of Nursing is one of the longest serving providers of nurse education in Ireland and this year celebrates over 30 years of service. The Faculty has a core philosophy, through its programmes; to develop a caring and reflective practitioner who has the ability to seek out and use research based knowledge for the purposes of improving patient care. ACADEMIC YEAR 2005/2006 ACTIVITIES: During the academic year 2005/2006 a total of 453 students undertook studies. The Faculty continues to offer a wide range of nursing/midwifery education programmes, full time and part time primary degrees, masters degrees and postgraduate diplomas approved through the National University of Ireland and An Bord Altranais. There is also a trend of increased numbers of nurses registering for post graduate research studies at Masters and PhD level. In addition, academic staff of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery were appointed as External Examiners in both Ireland and United Kingdom academic institutions. Such appointments related to Bachelors and Masters Degree programmes, PhD vivas and membership of accreditation panels for new programmes. Staff publication in national and international journals increased during the year and staff presented papers at national and international conferences. EDUCATION PROGRAMMES: All nursing and midwifery education programmes were well subscribed to and student examination results were good. Specialist post graduate nursing and midwifery education programmes continue to be provided in partnership with a large number or hospitals (complete list of available programmes refer to page 19). Two new postgraduate education programmes in medicine for the Older Persons (Gerontological) nursing and Oncology nursing were developed in partnership with Beaumont Hospital and will be offered in the next academic year. Work is also ongoing with Beaumont Hospital on the development of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner programme, which will add another dimension to the education suite of programmes offered through the Faculty. A review of the Fellowship guidelines procedures was also undertaken during the year. The review of the Fellowship over the past two years has now ensured that the Fellowship has been established in accordance with best practice educational approaches. At the National University of Ireland November 2005 conferring ceremony, over four hundred nurses received academic nursing awards at BSc., Higher Diploma, and MSc. levels. It is notable that over 24 nurses/midwives were awarded with an MSc in Nursing. The Mary Frances Crowley medal was awarded to Ms Edna Woolhead, Rotunda Hospital, who was the top MSc. student and achieved 1st Class Honours. 4 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS: The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery enjoyed considerable success in research and a number of Research Board (HRB) 2006 Fellowship grants were obtained by staff. The review of the HRB grants resulted in a total of seven applicants being short listed and three were from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. Two were PhD research grants and one a MSc. research grant. Two staff members Ms. Zena Moore and Ms Geralyn Hynes are funded to undertake full time PhD studies and Mr. Gerard White to undertake MSc. studies. The HRB awards represent considerableachievement and progress with the RCSI nursing research agenda. Three doctoral nursing students continue with their studies and have presented work at national and international venues. Similarly, a very successful 25th Annual Nursing and Research Conference was held in February 2005. Irish and overseas delegates presented a wide range of papers relevant to clinical nursing, nursing education and nursing management. This conference is now recognised as the oldest of its type in Europe. A highlight of the conference was the award of Honorary Fellowships to Ms. Mary McCarthy, Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health and Children and Mrs Anne Carrigy, President of An Bord Altranais, Director of Nursing and Corporate Affairs in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital. FACULTY ACTIVITIES: The 9th overseas conference was held in Bahrain from the 12th to the 17th of March 2006. The Nursing parallel session was held on the 13th of March 2006 and Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean, delivered the opening address on the Development and the Role of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Professor Seamus Cowman, Head of Department, presented a research paper on Nursing Research, developing the evidence for wound cleansing. Ms. Kay Leonard, Board Member, highlighted the Health Promotion Strategies for Early Detection of Breast Cancer and Ms. Noreen Keane, identified in a research study Clinicians’/Managers’ Experiences and Views on Devolved Service Planning in an Acute Academic Teaching Hospital. At the same session five Bahraini Nursing speakers presented papers on clinical, management and education topics (details are outlined on page 18). In addition, the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board members visited the temporary RCSI Medical University of Bahrain (MUB building), the College of Health Sciences and the Salmaniya Medical Complex in Bahrain. Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean, attended various formal functions relating to the conference, for example, the presentation of his majesty King Hamad with an Honorary Fellowship of the RCSI and the laying of the foundation stone for the RCSI MUB new campus. CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE: The re-organisation of health services and new policy directions will continue to provide major challenges to the academic activities of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. Therefore, the Faculty must continue to provide nursing/midwifery education programmes that are relevant to nurses and midwives in the delivery of health services. The ultimate challenge is to ensure innovative education programmes that are practice sensitive and contribute to the improvement of patient and client care. 5 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Another challenge is to strengthen the programmes of research provided through the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery and to contribute significantly through research to the essential requirement for evidence based practice in nursing and midwifery. The process of strengthening the nursing/midwifery research agenda requires strategy, resources and collaboration, such activities will form a major element of the Faculty’s agenda for the years ahead. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The Board of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery commend Professor Séamus Cowman and fellow lecturers, internal and external examiners, the examination office staff in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), who continue to encourage the students to achieve very high standards (during the academic year 2005-2006). Also the Board is indebted to Professor Niall O’Higgins, President, (RCSI). Mr. Michael Horgan, CEO/Registrar, (RCSI), Professor Tom Gorey, Council Representative (RCSI) and all departments for their on going support and contribution at all levels to the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery during the year in question. Similarly, appreciation is extended to the finance department under the directorship of Ms. Mary Alexander with the financial management of activities relating to the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. Most importantly, we thank all our Fellows and Founder Fellows whose enormous efforts add so much to the ongoing developments and working together in seeking to achieve the vision of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. To the Board of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery during the academic year 2005-2006 which was under the stewardship of Ms. Eileen Maher, (Dean) Mrs. Colette Dennehy (Vice Dean, RIP to 15th of October 2005), Ms. Meave Dwyer, (Vice Dean) from the 23rd of November 2005, Ms. Noreen Keane (Honorary Secretary), Dr. Aine Colgan (Honorary Treasurer), and all Board members who are central to the achievements of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery as well as continuing to make invaluable contribution to the national health services. To conclude, we hope you enjoy reading this report which relates to the academic year 20052006. With every good wish, ________________ Noreen Keane Ms., Honorary Secretary, On behalf of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. 6 Date: 22/11/2006. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Obituaries: Mrs Colette V. Dennehy (McCormack), RIP, Vice Dean Sadly on the 15th of October 2005 Mrs Colette V. Dennehy (McCormack), RIP, Vice Dean died in Saint Vincent’s private hospital, Dublin. Colette a native of Co. Meath, qualified as a general nurse in 1977 in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Drogheda and continued her distinguished career as a midwife in the Rotunda hospital before deciding to travel to Saudi Arabia in 1981. In Riyadh, Colette worked in the Military hospital in both the occupational health department and in clinics set up to help kidney transplant patients and the families of the Saudi Royal Guard. On her return to Ireland in 1991 Colette resumed nursing as a district nurse in Arklow and a staff nurse in St. Coleman’s hospital from 1994 to 1997. Subsequently, Colette continued to work as a Clinical Nurse Specialist while managing the Health Services Executive (HSE) continence promotion unit in Dr. Steeven’s hospital in Dublin. She was also a founder member of the National Nurse Advisory Forum and did much to promote evidence based practice in the primary care setting. Simultaneously, Colette lectured extensively on the topic. One of Colette’s proudest moments was graduating with her Fellowship in Nursing and Midwifery in 1999 from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Colette later became a member of Board of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery and held the position of Honorary Treasurer from 2001 to 2004 and Vice Dean from March 2004 to her untimely death in October 2005. Colette Dennehy, RIP is dearly missed by her husband Frank, and children Phillipa, Cormac, Stephen and Alastair, her father Noel and late mother Jean, brothers Morgan and Damien, sisters Christine, Elizabeth, Yvonne and Jean Marie, her extended family, colleagues and friends. ====================================== Justice Mella Carroll, RIP. It was with great regret and sadness on the 15th of January 2006 that we learned of the death of Justice Mella Carroll, RIP., who in addition to her exemplary service as a Judge or the High Court, also chaired and gave direction to the Commission on Nursing – a blue print for the future - which reported in 1998. Since Judge Carroll’s untimely death, many friends. colleagues and the media spoke warmly of her outstanding legal career and in so many way how she broke new ground for women in the legal profession. She was the first woman appointed to the High Court in Ireland and was a High Court judge for more than twenty five years. Justice Carroll also chaired the second Commission on the Status of Women but it is for her role in the Commission on Nursing report 1998 that she will be best remembered by nurses and midwives. The passage of time has and will confirm that the Commission on Nursing report proved to be the most significant milestone in the history of nursing and midwifery. It is this farsighted report that has moved and revolutionised nursing and midwifery education to third level education at degree level, clinical career pathways were formally acknowledged and standardised, the role of nurse/midwife managers were significantly reviewed and a number of other areas recommended for significant change. 7 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn In 2002, Justice Mella Carroll, was awarded an Honorary Fellowship from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland for her commitment and dedication to the report and recommending such significant change in nursing. Justice Mella Carroll was undoubtedly a brilliant legal scholar and an ultimate lady who gave a great service and did this country proud. So many people are enriched by having the privilege of meeting and working with her over the years. May she rest in peace. ====================================== Ms. Annie (Nan) Frances McGuiness, RIP. It was on the 24th of May 2006 that we heard of the death of Ms. Annie F. McGuiness, RIP., more commonly know as Nan in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery where she lectured from 1983 to 1993 primarily on the management programmes. She embarked on her nursing career in 1943 in the Royal Hospital, in Kent, pursued midwifery training and held numerous nursing positions before opting to specialise in mental health. Nan later became Chief Nursing Officer to the North Hampshire Group of Hospitals (nineteen General hospitals and two psychiatric hospitals) and in 1973 was the first person to hold the post of Chief Administrative Nursing Officer, Eastern Health and Social Services Board in Northern Ireland. Nan was a holder of an OBE since 1969 for her service to health and education within the nursing profession, the community in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. This award was presented to her by Her Majesty the Queen of England. Similarly, in 1995, Anne Frances McGuiness, was conferred with an Honorary Fellowship from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland for her outstanding contribution to nursing and nurse education not alone for her work as a lecturer in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, over many years, but also for her valuable contributions to improved quality of care for patients, in particular psychiatric patients and their carers. Nan brought a whole new professional therapeutic perspective to healthcare and set a pathway for radical change. Requiescat – Nan Rest in Peace. ====================================== Finally, on behalf of the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Mrs Eileen Maher, Vice Dean, Ms. Meave Dwyer, Board members, staff through out the college, colleagues and friends we continue to acknowledge Mrs Colette V. Dennehy, Justice Mella Carroll and Ms. Annie F. McGuiness’s exceptional commitment to the execution of the ethos of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery and the development of nursing. We also extend our deepest sympathy to all three families in their great bereavement. ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 8 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn BOARD MEMBERS: From 1st July 2005– 30th of June 2006 Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean Mrs Colette Dennehy, Vice Dean RIP to October 15th , 2005 Ms. Meave Dwyer, elected Vice Dean November 23rd , 2005 Ms. Noreen Keane, Honorary Secretary Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Treasurer Mrs. Nora J.Cummins Ms. Augusta Fitzsimons Professor Séamus Cowman Professor Tom Gorey (RCSI Medical Council Representative to June 30th , 2006) Ms Kay Leonard Ms. Nicola Clarke Ms. Fiona Timmins Ms. Anne Marie Ryan (An Bord Altranais Representative returned from leave on the 30th March, 2006. BOARD MEETINGS ATTENDANCE: September 22nd 2005 to June 23rd 2006 Attendees September November March June 22nd 2005 23rd 2005 30th 2006 23rd 2006 Ms.Eileen Maher, Dean Yes Yes Yes Yes Mrs. Colette Dennehy, Apologies RIP _______ ______ Vice Dean to the 15th of Rest in October, 2005 Peace Ms. Meave Dwyer, Vice Apologies Yes Yes Yes rd Dean from the 23 of November, 2005 Ms. Noreen Keane Yes Yes Yes Yes Honorary Secretary Dr. Aine Colgan Yes Yes Yes Yes Honorary Treasurer Mrs. Nora J. Cummins Yes Yes Apologies Yes Ms. Augusta Fitzsimons Apologies Yes Yes Yes Professor Séamus Cowman Yes Yes Yes Yes Professor Tom Gorey, Yes Apologies Apologies Apologies RCSI, Medical Council New Council Representative member being elected Ms. Kay Leonard Yes Yes Yes Yes Ms Nicola Clarke Yes Yes Yes Yes Ms Fiona Timmins Yes Yes Yes Apologies Ms. Anne Marie Ryan On leave On leave Apologies. Apologies Returned from leave on the 30th of March 2006. ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 9 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn BOARD SUB COMMMITTEE - TASK FORCE COMMITTEE: From 20th October 2005 to 30th of June 2006 Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean Ms. Meave Dwyer, Vice Dean Ms. Noreen Keane, Honorary Secretary Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Treasurer Mrs. Nora J. Cummins Professor Séamus Cowman Professor Tom Gorey (RCSI Medical Council Representative to June 30th, 2006) Ms. Kay Leonard. TASK FORCE MEETINGS ATTENDANCE: On September 22nd 2005 at a Board meeting of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board it was agreed to set up a task force committee to support the development and implementation of strategic objectives. Attendees Ms.Eileen Maher, Dean Ms. Meave Dwyer, Vice Dean from the 23rd of November 2005 Ms. Noreen Keane, Honorary Secretary Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Treasurer Mrs. Nora J. Cummins Professor Séamus Cowman Professor Tom Gorey, RCSI, Medical Council Representative Ms. Kay Leonard Mr. Michael Horgan October 20th 2005 Yes _____ February 20th 2006 Yes Yes June 22nd 2006 Yes Apologies Yes Yes Yes Apologies No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Apologies Yes Yes Apologies No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS: From 1st July 2005– 30th of June 2006 Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean Mrs Colette Dennehy, RIP, Vice Dean to the 15th of October, 2005 Ms. Meave Dwyer, Vice Dean from the 23rd of November, 2005 Ms. Noreen Keane, Honorary Secretary (Chairperson) Professor Séamus Cowman Ms. Nicola Clarke Ms. Anne Marie Ryan (An Bord Altranais Representative – Returned from leave on the 30th of March 2006). ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 10 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDANCE: From September 22nd 2005 to June 23rd 2006 Attendees September 22nd 2005 Ms. Eileen Maher, Yes Dean Mrs Colette Dennehy, Vice Dean Apologies to the 15th of October 2005 RIP. Ms. Meave Dwyer –Vice Dean Apologies from the 23rd of November 2005 Ms. Noreen Keane Yes Honorary Secretary Professor Séamus Cowman Yes Ms. Nicola Clarke Yes Ms. Anne Marie Ryan Apologies on Leave March November rd 23 2005 30th 2006 Yes Yes ______ ______ ______ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Apologies on Leave Yes (Part of) Yes (Part of) Yes Yes Yes Apologies ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: 1st July 2005– 30th of June 2006 Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean Mrs Colette Dennehy, RIP, Vice Dean to the 15th of October, 2005 Ms. Meave Dwyer, Vice Dean from the 23rd of November, 2005 Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Treasurer, (Chairperson) Mrs. Nora J. Cummins Ms. Augusta Fitzsimons Professor Séamus Cowman Ms. Kay Leonard Ms. Fiona Timmins. ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 11 June 23rd 2006 Yes Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDANCE: September 22nd 2005 to June 23rd 2006 Attendees September 22nd 2005 Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean Yes Mrs Colette V. Dennehy, Vice Apologies Dean. RIP Rest in Peace 15/10/2005 Ms. Meave Dwyer –Vice Dean ______ from the 23rd of November 2005 Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Yes Treasurer Chairperson Mrs. Nora J. Cummins Yes Ms. Augusta Fitzsimons Apologies Professor Séamus Cowman Yes Ms. Kay Leonard Yes Ms Fiona Timmins Yes November 23rd 2005 Yes RIP March 30th 2006 Yes ______ June 23rd 2006 Yes _____ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Apologies Yes Yes Yes Yes Apologies ______ ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ ANNUAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: 1st July 2005– 30th of June 2006 Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean Mrs Colette Dennehy, RIP, Vice Dean to the 15th of October 2005 Ms. Meave Dwyer, Vice Dean from the 23rd of November 2005 Ms. Noreen Keane, Honorary Secretary Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Treasurer Mrs. Nora J. Cummins Ms. Augusta Fitzsimons Ms. Josephine Bartley. Professor Séamus Cowman Ms. Zena Moore (Key Academic Conference Organiser to April 2006) Ms. Geralyn Hynes Mr. Steve Pitman (Key Academic Conference Organiser from April 2006) Ms. Margaret McCann to August 2005 Ms. Anita Duffy Delaney Ms. Mary O’Neill Ms. Catherine Clune Mulvaney Mr. Toney Thomas 12 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Conference Administrative Support Staff: Ms. Kay Kinirons Ms. Lynn Pagi - Part time - from September to November, 2005 Ms. Fiona Dalton - Part time from November 2005 to February, 2006 Ms. Christina Ward - Commenced November 2005 to June, 2006. ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ Meetings were held on the following dates: May 19th 2005 with BUPA Representative July 6th, 2005 July 12th, 2005 with BUPA Representative August 30th 2005 with BUPA Representative October 18th 2005 with BUPA Representative December 15th 2005 with BUPA Representative January 12th 2006 with BUPA Representative January 15th 2006 with BUPA Representative February 20th, 2006 including meeting with BUPA Representative May 22nd 2006 June 22nd, 2006. ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 25th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY RESEARCH CONFERENCE: The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery successfully hosted the 25th Annual Nursing and Research Conference from Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th of February, 2006. “The conference theme: “Beyond rhetoric: nursing and midwifery knowledge and research for a new healthcare system”. Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors: • An Bord Altranais • BUPA Ireland • B Braun –Sharing Expertise • Forest Tosara Limited • Fresenius Kabi • Health Service Executive • Institute of Public Administration • Irish Cancer Society • Johnson and Johnson – Wound Management • KCI Medical Ltd. • MEDI • National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, HSE NE.. • National Florence Nightingale Committee of Ireland • Pampers • Pfizer • Royal Distribution Agency • Smith and Nephew • St. Luke’s Institute for Cancer Research ************** 13 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn The Irish and overseas delegates presented a wide range of papers relevant to the theme. Attendance at the conference had increased from the previous year and the main speakers and topics are outlined as follows: Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th of February, 2006. Speaker Name Title Ms. Alice Leahy Director and Co-founder of Guest TRUST, Ireland. Speaker Head of Oncology Nursing and Keynote Ms. Margaret I. Fitch Supportive Care, TorontoSpeaker Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre and Director of Psychosocial and Behavioural Research Cancer Care Unit, Ontario. Professor Head of Department, Faculty of Plenary Speakers Séamus Cowman Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI. Nancy-Jane Lee Programme Leader for the Professional Doctorate. Professor of Health and Social Care, University of Salford. Sue Cross National Project Manager in Partnership Programme for General Practice Nursing Project in the UK. and Paul Vaughan Topic “Wasting Time with People”. “Making it Real; Making it Work; Research Based Nursing Practice”. “1980-2005: learning from 25 years of Faculty Conference Proceedings”. “Evaluation the Professional Doctorate: Implications for Nursing Research and Practice”. “General Practice Nursing: Getting it right for patients and public health”. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) United Kingdom. Dates: Wednesday 22nd of February, 2006 Thursday 23rd of February, 2006 Friday 24th of February, 2006 Attendance Numbers 35 61 60 These figures include the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board Members and Staff. The Annual conference dinner was held on Thursday 23rd of February, 2006, and a very memorable evening was reported by those who attended. Date: Thursday 23rd of February, 2006 Attendance Numbers 86 ************** 14 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn 25th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY RESEARCH CONFERENCE AWARDS: Sponsored by BUPA Ireland The following awards were presented by: Ms. Ann Broekhoven, Director of Provider Affairs, BUPA, Ireland: Category Award Fund €1000 Lilian Bradley 2. Greatest contribution for Nursing & Midwifery Practice A Grounded Theory of nurses detect and report physiological deterioration. €500 Ulster, Community & Hospitals Trust Primary Care Office, Comber Health Centre, United. Kingdom. Tom Andrews 3. Innovation in Health Care Measuring staff attitudes-Selection and adaptation of measurement tool. €500 Raphaela Kane 4. Pushing Boundaries in Nursing & Midwifery Methodology Rethorically speaking: Where are we now? And where do we need to be? €500 School of Nursing, Dublin City University, Dublin. Maureen Duff 5. Greatest Contribution to the Body of Nursing & Midwifery Knowledge Voices from the Past: oral history and the history of nursing €500 6. Best Poster (Day1) Enhancing Wound Healing through a Community Based Empowering Nurse Led Approach €500 7. Best Poster (Day 2) A Change Management Project to Improve Breastfeeding €500 1. Best Overall Presentation The lived experience of young adults with chronic pilonidal disease-a phenomenological approach Recipient School of Nursing & Midwifery, University College, Cork. University of Stirling, Scotland. Mr. John Adams Homerton School of Health Studies, United Kinigdom.. Linda McDermott Scales Cherry Orchard Wound Clinic, Cherry Orchard Hospital, Dublin. Ger Thompson Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children’s, Crumlin, Dublin. *************** 15 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn FELLOWSHIP CONFERRINGS: The following five candidates were conferred as Fellows of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, (FFNMRCSI) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on the 5-12-2006. Name Bernadette Carpenter Gabrielle Dunne Wendy Patricia Fair Mary Louise Johnston Edna Woolhead Qualifications RGN, RM, A&E, RNT, MSc (Hons), ANP (Emergency). RGN, PG Dip, MSc. RGN, BSc (Hons), MSc. RGN, Dip HE, MSc. RGN, SCM, BSc (Hons) Neonatal, MSc. Present Position Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Minor Injuries - Emergency Nursing Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Emergency Nursing Assistant Director of Nursing in Research and Development Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Nurse Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Neonatology Employment Area Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin. St. James’s Hospital, Dublin. St. Luke’s Hospital, Dublin. Health Service Executive – Midland Area. Rotunda Hospital, Dublin. ************** HONORARY FELLOWSHIP CONFERRING 23rd of February 2006: • Ms. Mary McCarthy • Mrs Anne Carrigy Ms. Mary McCarthy and Mrs Anne Carrigy were awarded the highest honour that the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery can bestow – An Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, for their generous contribution to the evolution of nursing and have given signal service to the profession of nursing and midwifery at national and international level. Ms. Mary McCarthy is the Chief Nurse at the Department of Health and Children and her current role is the provision of professional advice in nursing and midwifery related issues to the Minister of Health and Children at the Department. Ms. McCarthy also provides sound and effective leadership to the profession at national level on nursing and midwifery policy related matters, which involved her establishing effective networks with the profession at national and international level and taking the lead on the European Working Time Act as well as working on extending and expanding the roles of nursing and midwifery and related skill mix. Ms. McCarthy is an active participant member and chair of may key committees, some of which include, the International Council of Nurses Chief Nurses’ Group, the World Health Organisation European Chief Nurses’ Group and the Nursing and Midwifery Steering Group. 16 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Mrs Anne Carrigy is President of An Bord Altranais and Director of Nursing and Corporate Affairs at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in Dublin and Honorary Lecturer in Nursing Leadership at University College Dublin. Mrs Carrigy is committed to the provision of a high quality healthcare system. As President of an An Bord Altranais she was instrumental in setting up and chairing many projects such as the Nurse prescribing project and overseeing the introduction of the direct entry midwifery degree programme. In addition, to numerous roles and responsibilities Mrs Carrigy played a significant and unique role in the reorganisation of the Irish health Services when she was seconded from her post to the Interim Health Services Executive as a member of the Change Management Team while continuing to provide considerable support to her senior nursing colleagues to facilitate the integration of nursing into the new reorganised Health Service. ************** FACULTY OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY BOARD ACTIVITIES: AGM 2005: The annual general meeting was held on the 23rd of November 2005 at 14.00 hours in the Albert Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. At this meeting the AGM report for the academic year 1st July 2004 to 30th June 2005 was presented by Ms. Noreen Keane, Honorary Secretary. Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Treasurer presented the financial report with Mr. Patrick Morrissey (represented the Finance Department) who presented the financial statement on behalf of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI. Attendance: Present: Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean, Ms. Meave Dwyer, Vice Dean, Ms. Noreen Keane, Honorary Secretary, Dr. Aine Colgan, Honorary Treasurer, Mrs. J. Nora Cummins, Ms. Augusta Fitzsimons, Ms. Josephine Bartley, Prof Seamus Cowman, Ms. Nicola Clarke, Ms. Anne Doyle, Ms. Clára Ní Ghiolla, Ms. Ursula Sheridan Grace, Ms. Geralyn Hynes, Ms. Kay Kinirons, Ms. Kay Leonard, Ms. Petronilla Martin, Ms. Zena Moore, Mr. Patrick Morrissey, Ms. Margaret O’Cinnéide, Ms. Lesley Stanley, Ms. Fiona Timmins. Apologies: Ms. Ann Marie Boylan, Ms. Joe Casey, Ms. Mary Casey, Ms. Mary Davis, Prof. Tom Gorey, Ms. Mary Moore, Sr. Catherine Mulligan, Ms. Mary Purcell, Ms. Gretta Redmond, Ms. Ann Marie Ryan, Ms. Eva Wall. Total Present at the meeting was 21 attendees which included Fellows, Academic and Administrative Staff.) The total number of apologies received = 11. ************** 17 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn The 9th Overseas Conference: This conference was held in Bahrain from the 12th to 16th March 2006. The Conference Theme was: “Building on our heritage in surgery, we will enhance human health through endeavour, innovation and collaboration in education, research and service”. The nursing parallel session was held on the 13th of March 2006 and the following list outlines the concurrent speakers and topics: • Ms Eileen Maher, Dean, delivered the opening address on the Development and the Role of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. • Subsequently, Mrs Fatema A. Wahed, Nursing Development Consultant, Ministry of Health, Bahrain outlined the Nursing Services in Bahrain. • Professor Seamus Cowman, Head of Department, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, presented a research paper on Nursing Research, developing the evidence for wound cleansing. • Mrs Miriam Ali, College of Health Sciences, Bahrain, provided an overview of Nursing Education in Bahrain – Present and Future. • Ms Kay Leonard, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board Member, highlighted the Health Promotion Strategies for Early Detection of Breast Cancer. • Mrs Hakeema Guloom, Directorate of Training Ministry of Health, Bahrain, delivered a research paper on the Impact of Prepared Self Learning Package on Staff Development. • Ms Noreen Keane, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board Member, identified in a research study Clinicians’/Managers’ Experiences and Views on Devolved Service Planning in an Acute Academic Teaching Hospital. • Mrs Fatima Ebrahim Al. Ansari, Deputy Chief Nurse, Ministry of Health, Salmaniya Medical Complex Midwifery Services, focused attention on the background to Midwifery, the Present and Advancing Role of the Midwife as well as Neonatology Developments in Bahrain. • Mrs Fatima Abdul–Rason Abdulla, Co-ordinator Secondary Care – Nursing Continuing Education, presented a research paper on Mentees and Mentors – Effective Mentoring Experience. A large number of nurses from the Middle Eastern region attended the informative nursing parallel session. In addition, Board members visited the visited the temporary RCSI MUB building- Medical University of Bahrain, the College of Health Sciences, Bahrain and the Salmaniya Medical Complex – (1,000 bedded public hospital), viewed a number of clinical divisions and specialties. Within the public healthcare system in Bahrain (including the above hospital) similar health services issues to Ireland were evident such as: • • • Delays with access due to inadequate bed capacity, delayed discharge issues and long trolley waits in the emergency department; Ageing population; Recruitment and retention of nursing and midwifery staff. Also Ms. Eileen Maher, Dean, attended various formal functions relating to the 9th overseas conference, for example, the presentation of his majesty King Hamad with an Honorary Fellowship of the RCSI and the laying of the foundation stone for the RCSI MUB new campus. 18 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS: • The Mary Frances Crowley medal was awarded to Ms. Edna Woolhead, Rotunda Hospital and achieved 1st Class Honours in her MSc. in Nursing. The award was presented by Ms Eileen Maher, Dean, of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland at the National University of Ireland conferring ceremony held in November 2006. • The post of Senior Lecturer was advertised both on the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery website and in the national newspapers in December 4th 2005. ************** ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES AVAILABLE: • PhD • MSc (Research) • MSc in Nursing/Midwifery • Higher Diploma in Nursing/MSc (Wound Management and Tissue Viability) • Higher Diploma in Nursing/MSc (Infection Control Nursing) • Higher Diploma in Nursing/MSc (Respiratory Care in Nursing Practice) • Higher Diploma in Nursing/MSc (Practice Nursing) • BSc Nursing • BSc Nursing Management • BSc Nursing Practice Development: (in association with the Eastern Regional Health Authority) • Access to BSc Nursing programmes • Stand Alone modules: Nursing Research Appreciation, Teaching and Assessing in Clinical Practice, Communications and Interpersonal Skills, Personal and Professional Development, Management and Care of patients with Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Infection control Nursing (Microbiology), Physiology and Assessment of Wounds. Higher Diplomas in Nursing: In association with the following Hospitals: Beaumont Hospital: • Intensive Therapy Nursing • Coronary Care Nursing • Accident & Emergency Nursing • Neuroscience Nursing • Operating Department Nursing Connolly Hospital: • Gerontological Nursing The Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital: • Ear Nose and Throat Nursing • Ophthalmic Nursing Cappagh Orthopaedic Hospital: • Orthopaedic Nursing National Maternity Hospital, Coombe Women’s Hospital and the Rotunda Hospital: • Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing. 19 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn The opportunity exists to progress to MSc following hospital based Higher Diplomas. A pathway programme to Higher Diploma is available for non-graduate students. The Faculty uses a modular approach with credit incorporating access, progression and transfer, and provides flexibility in study patterns. Prior learning of applicants is assessed on an individual basis. ************** FACULTY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT AND ACADEMIC STAFF: Head of Department: • Professor Séamus Cowman, RGN, RPN, RNT, PGCEA, Dip N. (London), MSc, PhD, FFNMRCSI. Academic Staff: • Ms. Pauline Joyce, RGN, RM, RNT, BNS, MSc, FFNMRCSI. Resigned in March 2006. • Ms. Catherine S. O’Neill, RGN, BA, DipSSR, M.SocSc. (on sponsored study leave). • Ms. Geralyn Hynes, RGN, RM, BSc, MSc, FFNMRCSI. • Ms. Zena Moore, RGN, PG Dip, MSc. (Wound Healing and Tissue Repair), FFNMRCSI. • Ms. Margaret McCann, RGN, RNT, BNS, MSc. Resigned in August 2005. • Mr. Steve Pitman, RGN, ENB 934 (HIV and AIDS), BSc. (Hons) Social Psychology, MSc Psychology of Health and Mental Performance. • Ms. Anita Delaney Duffy, RGN, A 75, ENB 998, 199, 371, BSc Nursing Management, MSc Nursing. • Mary O’ Neill RGN, RM, PHN, BSc Nursing, MSc Primary Health Care. Appointed October 2005. • Ms. Catherine Clune Mulvaney, RGN, Certificate in Pharmacology and Physiology, Higher Diploma (ICU) Distinction, BSc Nursing, MSc., Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Health Sciences Education. Appointed in January 2006. ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ Administrative Staff: • Ms. Lesley Stanley – Resigned in May, 2006. • Ms. Mary Carton - Resigned in October, 2005. • Ms. Ciara Grimes - Resigned in September, 2006. • Ms Lynn Donovan - Commenced in September, 2005 at Grade 3 and appointed to Grade 4 in May, 2006. • Ms. Lynn Pagi - Part time, supported the organisation of the Annual Research Conference - commenced September to November, 2005). • Ms. Fiona Dalton -Part time, supported the organisation of the Annual Research Conference - commenced November, to 2005 to February, 2006). • Ms. Christina Ward - Commenced November to 2005 to June, 2006. • Ms. Stephani Lue-Quee – commenced in June 2006. • Ms. Kay (Kathleen) Kinirons, RGN, RFN, FFNMRCSI. ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 20 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn ACADEMIC STAFF ACTIVITIES: Professor Séamus Cowman: Publications: • Gethin G. Cowman S. Case series of use of Manuka honey in leg ulceration. International Wound Journal 2005; 2, 10 – 15. • Moore Z. & Cowman S. The need for EU standards in wound care. Journal Wound UK 2005; 1(1), 20 -28. • Cowman S. Commentary on Glacken M. & Chaney D. 2004 Perceived barriers to the implementation of research findings in the Irish practice setting. Journal Clinical Nursing 13, 731-740. In Journal Clinical Nursing 2006; 15, 242-243. • Cowman S. The Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners. Irish Medical Times, 2005; November 4th. • Cowman S. Advanced Nurse Practitioners are not, and will never be, medical practitioners. (Feature Article) Irish Medical Times, 2006; February 3rd. • Murphy A, Cowman S. (2006) Research Priorities of Oncology nurses in the Republic of Ireland. Cancer Nursing 29(4), 283 – 290. National and International Conference Presentations: • Safety and Security in Psychiatric Environments: The requirement for an EU agenda. Key note paper 4th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry. Vienna, 2005; October. • Wound Cleansing in Wound care: Systematic Review. 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Trinity College, Dublin 2005; November. • Refocusing Acute Psychiatry Institute of Technology, Tralee. 2005; November. • Finding and Using Evidence; The Healthcare experience. Irish Evaluation Network. Trinity College, Dublin. 2005; December. • Nursing Education: Annual Neonatal Nurses Conference. Croke Park Conference Centre, 2006; February. • (Joint authorship Z Moore) Wound Cleansing for Pressure Ulcers Annual Research Conference of the Royal College of Nursing, York, United Kingdom, 2006; March. • Research: Developing the evidence for wound cleansing. 9th RCSI Overseas Nursing Meeting Bahrain, 2006; March. • Learning from 25 years of conference proceedings. 25th Annual Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery International Conference RCSI., 2006; February. Referee -Peer Reviewer: • Journal of Advanced Nursing • Journal Clinical Nursing • Editorial Board Member Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Commissioned Joint Research Activities: • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2005). An exploration of the opportunities for role development of practice nurses. A study commissioned by the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Health Services Executive Eastern region and Irish College of General Practitioners. Completed March 2006. 21 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn External Committee Membership: • Committee member: National Qualifications Framework in Nursing. • Executive Board Member European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group. • Convenor of a multidisciplinary group on Liaison Psychiatry to develop Advanced Nurse Practitioner. • An Bord Altranais Nurse Prescribing Committee. External Examiner: • Post Graduate Nursing Programme School of Nursing & Midwifery, University Limerick. • Undergraduate Nursing Programme, Institute of Technology, Tralee. • University of Maastricht, Dublin City University: PhD External Examiner. ************** Ms. Pauline Joyce: Publications: • Joyce, P. & Cowman, S. (2006) Continuing Professional Development: investment, expectation or interest? Accepted for publication with Journal of Nursing Management 2006. • Joyce, P. (2005) A framework for portfolio development in postgraduate nursing practice, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14 (4), 456-463. • Joyce, P. (2005) Developing a nursing management degree programme to meet the needs of Irish nurse managers, Journal of Nursing Management, 13 (1), 74-82. Awaiting Publication: A chapter on Focus Groups for a Research Book to be published by Elsevier Science. Referee -Peer Reviewer: • Journal of Clinical Nursing, • Journal of Advanced Nursing • Journal of Nursing Management. Board and Committee Member: • Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Nursing Management. • Member of Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing. External Examiner: • BSc (Hons) Professional Practice, at the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom. • Advanced Nursing Practice and Chronic Disease Management programmes, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom. Commissioned Joint Research Activities: • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2005). An exploration of the opportunities for role development of practice nurses. A study commissioned by the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Health Services Executive Eastern region and Irish College of General Practitioners. Completed March 2006. Resigned in March 2006. ************** 22 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Ms. Catherine S. O’Neill: On sponsored study leave from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery during the academic year 2005-2006. ************** Ms. Geralyn Hynes: Publication: • Hynes G. Return of a philosophy of nursing conference. Nursing Philosophy 2004 Vol 5 No 1: 84-8. Presentations: Invited Speaker: • Hynes G. Practice Development: making sense of the reality in the Irish context. Irish Practice Development Association Conference. Galway, 2006: March. • Hynes G. Practice Development: Supporting Service Integration. Enhancing the Patient Journey, Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Health Services Executive (HSE) South Eastern Area. 2005: November. • Hynes G. Respiratory Nursing: What now for developing practice? Irish Thoracic Society Meeting (ANAIL Meeting) 2005: November. • Hynes G. Bildung and Nurse Education: Revisiting the idea of a critical practitioner. Nursing, Discourse and Society, the Dundee-Stirling Seminar Series, University of Dundee. 2005: June. Paper: Conference Presentations: • Hynes G. Practice Development: advancing debate on a nebulous concept. Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference. Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI. Dublin, 2006: February. • Hynes G. Practice Development. Poster Presentation. National Council for Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery 2005: November. External Committee Membership: • Member of Review Panel for BSc., PGDip and MSc. Nursing Programme, Waterford Institute of Technology. • Member of Practice Development Sub-committee, All-Ireland Public Health Nursing Group. • Member of Practice Development Strategy Development Group, Health Services Executive South Eastern Region. • Honorary and Founder member of ANAIL (Respiratory Nurses Group). • Practice development strategy development, South Region, Health Services Executive. • Honorary and Founder member of ANAIL (Respiratory Nurses Group). Ongoing Research and Award: • Developing respiratory nursing practice to address palliative care needs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Needs of informal carers of people with COPD., Developing Clinical Practice (PhD student). Commissioned Joint Research Activities: • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2005). An exploration of the opportunities for role development of practice nurses. A study commissioned by the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Health Services Executive Eastern region and Irish College of General Practitioners. Completed March 2006. 23 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Research Award: • HRB Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Fellowship: PhD project title: Developing respiratory nursing practice to address palliative care needs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ************** Ms. Zena Moore: Publications: • Moore Z. Pressure Ulcer Grading. Nursing Standard. 2005; 19(52):56-64. • Collier M, Moore Z. Aetiology and Risk Factors In: Romanelli M Ed: Science and Practice of Pressure Ulcer Management. • Stratton R.J., Ek AC. Engfer M., Moore Z., Rigby P., Wolfe R., Elia M. Enteral nutritional support in prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ageing Research Reviews. 2005; 4:422-450. • Moore Z. Current Issues in Wound Management. Irish Pharmacy Journal. 2006; January: 25-29. • Moore Z. Topical management of infected grade 3 and 4 pressure ulcer. In: EWMA Position Document. Management of Wound Infection. London MEP Ltd. 2006. • Moore Z. Wound treatment takes team effort. Diabetes Professional. 2006; summer: 811. Poster Presentation: • Irish Heart Foundation Council on Stroke 9th Annual Stroke Study Day, 2006, Title: Pressure Ulcers, Don’t Let Them Hide Beneath The Sheets. Invited Lectures: International: • Annual Research Conference of the Royal College of Nursing, York, UK, 2006. “ Wound Cleansing for Pressure Ulcers”. • The Annual Conference of the European Wound Management Association: Prague 2006 “Topical Management of Infected Grade 3 and 4 Pressure Ulcers”. National: • Wound Management Education Day: Killashee House Hotel September 2005. “Pressure Ulcers – Aetiology, Assessment & Management”. • Bi Annual meeting of the Wound Management Association of Ireland: Belfast, September 2006. “Pressure Ulcers, the Irish Experience.” • Education Seminar, Westbury Hotel, November 2005. Wound assessment and management: two peas in a pod”. • Orthopaedic Nurses Meeting, Limerick, October 2005. The management of traumatic wounds”. • Launch of Pressure Ulcer Guidelines, February, 2006, Dublin. “Pressure Ulcers Aetiology & Prevention”. • Education Day, St James Hospital, March, 2006. “Pressure Ulcers”. • Primary Care Dermatology meeting, Limerick, 2006. “Managing Varicose Ulcers”. • Diabetes Federation of Ireland meeting, Dublin, 2006. “Promoting Wound healing and Limb Integrity. 24 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn National contd/…. • First Vacuum Assisted Closure National Meeting, Dublin, 2006. “The Impact of Wounds”. • Annual Study day of the Southern Branch of The Wound Management Association of Ireland, Cork, 2006. “Pressure Ulcer Guidelines”. • Primary Care Partnership meeting Killashee Hotel, 2006; May. “Holistic assessment and documentation in wound care”. Grants and Research Activities: • HRB Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Fellowship grants 2006. PhD. project title “Repositioning for the prevention of pressure ulcers”. • Systematic Review: Risk assessment for the prevention of pressure ulcers. • Systematic Review: Activity and mobility for the treatment of pressure ulcers. Commissioned Joint Research Activities: • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2005). An exploration of the opportunities for role development of practice nurses. A study commissioned by the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Health Services Executive Eastern region and Irish College of General Practitioners. Completed March 2006. External Committee Membership: • Council member of the Wound Management Association of Ireland • Council member of the European Wound Management Association • Chairperson of the Education group, European Wound Management Association • Trustee of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel • Chairperson of the Repositioning group, European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel • Faculty member of the European Wound Institute. External Examiner: • External examiner for physiology, leg and pressure ulcer modules, Queens University, Belfast. Referee -Peer Reviewer: • Journal of Advanced Nursing • Journal of Clinical Nursing • Cochrane Wounds Group. ************** Ms. Margaret McCann: Resigned in the August 2005. ************** Mr. Steve Pitman: • • • • Programme Co-ordination: BSc. Nursing Management (Semester I, 2005-2006) Access to degree Programme (Semester I, 2005 – 2006) MSc. Nursing (Semester II, 2005-2006). 25 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Module Co-ordinator: • Quality and Practice Development – Joint (BSc. programmes) • Health Promotion and Behavioral Science - Joint (BSc. Nursing) • Health Promotion and Primary Healthcare – Joint (BSc. Nursing Management) • Human Resource Management (BSc. Nursing Management) • Advance Research Methods 1 (MSc. Year I) • Dissertation (MSc. Year II) • Personal and Professional Module (Access). Committees: • Research Committee • Module Development – Advanced Nurse Practitioner in the Emergency Department – Beaumont Hospital • Module Development – MSc. Practice Development. Commissioned Joint Research Activities: • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2005). An exploration of the opportunities for role development of practice nurses. A study commissioned by the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Health Services Executive Eastern region and Irish College of General Practitioners. Completed March 2006. ************** Ms. Anita Delaney Duffy: Articles under review: • Duffy, A. Reflective practice- A Concept Analysis, Nursing Forum. • Duffy, A. Where angels fear to thread. Nursing Standard. • McEvoy E. , Duffy A., Holism. – Concept Analysis –Journal of Clinical Nursing. Poster Presentation: • Duffy, A. Guiding students through reflective practice, the preceptor’s experiences. A Qualitative descriptive study. Presented at The University of Trinity College Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery 6th Annual Interdisciplinary research Conference, November 2005. Referee -Peer Reviewer: • Journal of Clinical Nursing. Commissioned Joint Research Activities: • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2005). An exploration of the opportunities for role development of practice nurses. A study commissioned by the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Health Services Executive Eastern region and Irish College of General Practitioners. Completed March 2006. ************** 26 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn Mary O’ Neill: Academic Activities • Member of the Steering Group convened by the Health Services Executive to review Practice Nurse Education. • Attended a Cochrane workshop with a view to training for Cochrane collaboration and presented paper to a peer review group on Promoting Clinical Effectiveness. Publications: • Prepared and submitted a manuscript on MSc thesis to a peer review journal. • At present, working with colleagues in the Department on a manuscript for submission to a peer review journal. Poster Presentation: • Prepared and submitted a conference poster – Teamwork in Primary Care based on MSc thesis to research conference proceedings RCSI. • Preparing and submitting poster abstract on Teamwork in Primary Care based on MSc thesis to the NCNM Conference – November 2006. Invited Lectures • Cochrane workshop in Belfast 30th August 2006 as a Cochrane trainer and to present a paper on Promoting Clinical Effectiveness. • Invited to validate a number of MSc nursing programmes in Sunderland University, United Kingdom. Research: • Research interests – community nursing, primary care, interdisciplinary teamwork • Member of team which undertook the research project on Practice Nursing. • Currently reviewing the literature with a view to drafting a proposal for a research project. Referee -Peer Reviewer: • Journal of Clinical Nursing • Journal of Nursing Management. ************** Ms. Catherine Clune Mulvaney: Academic Activities: • Completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Health Sciences Education. Referee -Peer Reviewer: • Journal of Nursing Management. ************** 27 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Coláiste Ríogana Máinila in Eirinn RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS: A research team (academic staff of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland), completed a research project on The Role of the Practice Nurse in Ireland. Submitted to the Health Services Executive March 2006. Title: ‘Explore the Potential Role of the Practice Nurse and the Educational Supports required for the Role from the perspective of the Practice Nurse and the General Practitioner’. The team members include: • Professor Séamus Cowman • Ms. Pauline Joyce • Ms. Geraldine Hynes • Ms. Zena Moore • Ms. Margaret McCann (until August 2005) • Ms. Steve Pitman • Ms. Anita Duffy. CURRENT RESEARCH: Current Nurse Researchers undertaking research activities in 2006: Name Award Ms. Georgina Gethin Mr. David Leydon Mr. Kevin McKenna Mr. Gerard White PhD PhD PhD MSc Ms. Ailbhe Murray Ms. Zena Moore Ms. Geralyn Hynes MSc PhD PhD Subject Area Honey and Wounds Intellectual Disability Violence and Aggression Accident and Emergency Nursing Cancer of the Colon Pressure Ulcers Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Disease Supervisor Professor S. Cowman Professor S. Cowman Professor S. Cowman Professor S. Cowman Professor S. Cowman Professor S. Cowman Supervisor from University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin. ************** CONCLUSION: Finally, as the professions of Nursing and Midwifery are central to the delivery of an effective health service, their fundamental aim is to promote people’s health and wellbeing as well as to provide an excellent standard of care to individuals and families. With that in mind and taking into account the unprecedented challenges facing healthcare systems worldwide it is vital that all healthcare related institutions can respond to rising expectations, life style changes, increasing healthcare needs and demands in a comprehensive, equitable and cost effective manner. In order to accomplish excellence in healthcare, it is essential that the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery endeavour to continue to facilitate a new and empowering phase in Irish nursing. Such developments cannot be achieved without the ongoing support of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Board, the Academic and Administrative staff. ====================================== 28