Newsletter 4 March 2016


Newsletter 4 March 2016
Friday 04 March 2016 - Issue 21
GPFS Attendance Figures
Week of 22.02.16 — 26.02.16
3M 93.3%
5CC 95.5%
4H 99.3%
4M 96.7%
Sponsored Read 29 February 2016 – 06 March 2016
Whole School Attendance: 96.2%
Class Attendance Winners!
To encourage a lifelong love of reading at home and school, we are running a school
sponsored read between Monday 29 February 2016 and Sunday 06 March 2016.
KS1 Winner of the Attendance Dumbo:
KS2 Winners of the Attendance Cup:
The project is being organised in conjunction with our Usborne representative, Nikki
Crabb and all the money raised will go towards brand new books for our school.
Letters, sponsorship forms and reading logs were sent home, if you require another
copy please ask at the main reception or print from the website.
A big well done to our winners!
Dates For Your Diary
Class Photos
Tuesday 08 March 2016
Football Match: GPFS vs Stifford Clays Primary
Wednesday 09 March 2016
Sunflower Room Trip to the Sea Life Centre
Wednesday 09 March 2016
Please help us to develop the Foundation Stage
‘Home Corner’ and ‘Kitchen Area’
Foundation Stage would be grateful for donations of general household
items that will be suitable for developing the ‘home corner’ and ‘kitchen area’
in Foundation Stage. If you have any pots and pans, buckets, a landline
telephone, old material e.g. blankets or table cloths, logs, wooden spoons,
tarpaulin or similar items that you would like to donate please hand the
items to the Foundation Stage teachers.
We thank you for your support.
Year 4 Violins
Wednesday 09 March 2016
Year 2 Captain Grammaticus Workshop
Wednesday 09 March 2016
Year 4 Swimming
Friday 11 March 2016
Year 5 & 6—E-Safety Roadshow (Civic Hall)
Thursday 10 March 2016
Foundation Stage Trip to Marsh Farm
Thursday 17 March 2016
Sponsored Walk a Wacky Mile & Non Uniform
Day in Aid of Sport Relief
Friday 18 March 2016
Year 2 Trip to Kidzania (Full School Uniform)
Friday 18 March 2016
PTA Ladies Pamper Evening (Adults Only)
Friday 18 March 2016
Wear a Hat Day in aid of Brain Tumour Research
Thursday 24 March 2016
Year 6 Residential Trip to Stubbers Activity &
Adventure Centre
Friday 13 May 2016—Sunday 15 May 2016
Going for Gold Winners this week...
At the Gateway Primary Free School we have a reputation for outstanding behaviour. Lots
of children demonstrate this behaviour at all times and in all types of different
situations. After talking to the children we have decided that those consistently making
great behaviour choices should be rewarded for all their efforts. Every Friday a pupil from
each class will be chosen to have lunch with a member of the Senior Leadership Team for
reaching Gold consistently. The following students have been selected this week:
Foundation Stage: William Savage, Poppy Baker
Year 1:
Riley Cottis
Year 2:
Evelyn Elvidge
Year 3:
Owen Dawson
Year 4:
Cerys Judd
Year 5:
Rhys Gregson
Year 6:
Bobby Wright, Ivy Needham, Arthur Simmons
Sunflower Room: Blake Horsler
Well Done! Keep up the fantastic work and keep making the right choices.
This Week’s Post
02.02.16: Football Match: GPFS vs Stifford Clays Primary (09.03.16)
03.02.16: Sunflower Room Trip to the Sea Life Centre (09.03.16)
01.02.16: Captain Grammaticus Workshop (09.03.16)
Sport Relief 2016 — Sponsored Wacky Mile Walk
On Friday 18 March 2016 all of the children will be walking a wacky mile around the school playground to raise
money for Sport Relief. We invite the children to do this walk in fancy dress or think of other wacky ways e.g. three
legged, backwards or just simply walk it! This is also a non-uniform day, we encourage the children to wear
comfortable clothes for the walk. The children will be sent home with a sponsor form, if possible please support the
children by asking friends and family to help them raise money for this worthy cause.
Due to the Year 2 school trip, Year 2 will have the opportunity to do the Wacky mile walk on Monday 21 March
From all of the money raised by the public through Sport Relief, 50% is used to make a difference in the UK. The
other 50% goes towards transforming lives across the world’s poorest communities.
We thank you for your continued support
As you are no doubt aware the KS1 and KS2 SATs exams are nearly upon us, only a few months to go!
It is imperative that all children attend these tests as there will not be an opportunity to take the tests at any
other time. The timetable will be sent out closer to the time.
It is recognised that children perform much better academically if they have had a good breakfast. Please
encourage your child to eat breakfast before school or why not attend breakfast club at £1.20 per day?
We thank you for your continued support
IMPORTANT NOTE: Car Park Exit Route Update
From Monday 22 February 2016, we will be closing the Marshfoot Gate on a daily basis from 9.15am to 2.15pm.
During this time there will be a one way system in place around the smaller car park and the main gate will be the only
access point.
Please be reminded to keep speed to a minimum when driving on site and take care when parking.
Head Lice
Unfortunately there has been an outbreak of head lice in the Free School. Since this condition spreads easily, we
urge you to check your child's hair regularly.
If you suspect that your child may have head lice, it is important that treatment be given immediately. Ask your
pharmacist to suggest an effective treatment product.
Thank you for your support with this matter.
Stars of the Week
(Week of 22.02.16 — 26.02.16)
These pupils were chosen as star of the week for showing our core values;
courage, wisdom, responsibility, empathy, respect and integrity
RB Carter Hicks(Wisdom)
RE Tommy Aldwinckle (Respect)
Harvey Scott (Responsibility)
Billy Zajko (Responsibility, Courage)
Ruby Earland (Wisdom), Nicholas Constantinescu (Integrity)
Alex Soper (Responsibility)
1M Joe Ryan (Wisdom), Lily-May Openshaw (Integrity)
5CC Charlie Mansbridge (Wisdom, Responsibility)
Rhys Gregson (Courage)
Uzoma Udeh (Responsibility)
Katie Judd (Integrity)
Hayden Rowlinson (Responsibility), David Odubanjo (Empathy)
Daniel Hristov (Wisdom), Maddie Russell (Integrity)
2LP Grayson Smith (Integrity), Archie Scammell (Integrity)
Libby McAllister (Integrity)
3M Holly Collins, Poppie Pease, Pebbles Pease (Integrity)
4H Samuel Okwounu (Responsibility)