afa conference
afa conference
AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE GOLD COAST OCTOBER 28-30 RACV ROYAL PINES RESORT Pathways to excellence 12 TWENTY Finn Kelly Olivia Maragna Jeremy Cooper Jessica Watson education + insight + consumers WELCOME FROM THE Chairman Marc Bineham Conference Chair The AFA National Conference is the largest and most anticipated event for the AFA, attracting significant interest among advisers, licensees, product manufactures and industry professionals alike. I’d like to share with you my reasons for attending the conference for the past 5 years: s )T MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO MY BOTTOM LINE ) VALUE the tips and ideas I get at the ‘Meet the Pros’ section, I ALWAYS TAKE BACK PLENTY OF IDEAS TO IMPLEMENT INTO MY practice that help with new marketing campaigns to my CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS )TS ALL ABOUT THE S s )TS GREAT TO COMMUNICATE WITH INDUSTRY LEADERS AND keep up-to-date with what is happening in Government, my industry and the world around us, especially in such BOOMING AREAS AS 3OCIAL -EDIA .ETWORKING "UILDING ON THE HUGE SUCCESS OF THE .ATIONAL #ONFERENCE THE !&! IS PLANNING AN EVEN BETTER CONFERENCE FOR !S ALWAYS THE CONFERENCE IS BEING PLANNED BY PRACTISING ADVISERS SO WILL FOCUS ON MEETING the current needs of those working in the industry. Of course the AFA National Conference is renowned for its high quality speakers, engaging plenary sessions filled WITH INDEPTH CONTENT INVALUABLE NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES and fantastic social program. ) INVITE YOU TO JOIN ME FOR WHAT IS SHAPING UP TO BE THE BEST ever AFA National Conference. I look forward to seeing you on the Gold Coast. s 4HERES A GREAT COMMUNITY @VIBE AT THE CONFERENCE 9OULL BE SURPRISED BY WHAT IDEAS AND STRATEGIES OTHERS ARE WILLING TO SHARE WITH YOU MAIN PLATFORM 2012 Keynotes Industry Leaders Panel Pathways to Excellence A panel of industry leaders. will address a range of key issues facing the advisory profession. These issues will include: s 4HE FUTURE OF &O&! s 4HE ROLE OF ADVISERS s 4HE FUTURE OF SUPERANNUATION Senator Mathias Cormann 3HADOW !SSISTANT Treasurer 02 Craig Meller !-0 &3 Managing Director s )NSURANCE AND SAVINGS ADEQUACY IN !USTRALIA s 4HE NEEDS OF CONSUMERS s /PEN FORUM Jeremy Cooper Challenger Limited Chairman, Retirement Income AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Tim Browne CommInsure General Manager Marc Bineham AFA Conference Chairman Senator Mathias Cormann -ATHIAS IS THE 3HADOW !SSISTANT 4REASURER AND 3HADOW -INISTER FOR &INANCIAL 3ERVICES AND 3UPERANNUATION (E IS ALSO THE #HAIR OF THE 3ENATE 3ELECT #OMMITTEE ON THE 3CRUTINY OF .EW 4AXES (E WAS APPOINTED TO THE 3ENATE TO REPRESENT THE 3TATE OF 7ESTERN !USTRALIA IN *UNE -ATHIAS WAS BORN IN "ELGIUM AND DECIDED TO MIGRATE TO !USTRALIA PERMANENTLY AFTER lRST VISITING 0ERTH IN ATTRACTED BY THE GREAT LIFESTYLE AND OPPORTUNITIES ON OFFER IN 7ESTERN !USTRALIA "EFORE MIGRATING TO 0ERTH -ATHIAS had graduated in law at the Flemish university of Louvain ,EUVEN (E HAS WORKED AS A -INISTERIAL #HIEF OF 3TAFF TO 7! 3TATE GOVERNMENT -INISTERS AS 3ENIOR !DVISER TO THEN 7ESTERN !USTRALIAN 0REMIER 2ICHARD #OURT AND AS AN !DVISER TO THEN *USTICE AND #USTOMS -INISTER #HRIS %LLISON "ETWEEN AND -ATHIAS WORKED FOR MAJOR 7ESTERN !USTRALIAN HEALTH INSURER ("& IN A RANGE OF senior management roles, including as General Manager WHAT: 4HE &UTURE OF &INANCIAL 3ERVICES WHEN: Keynote 1 3UNDAY /CTOBER PM (EALTH'UARD AND AS 'ENERAL -ANAGER OF ("& (EALTH Insurance. (AVING JOINED THE ,IBERAL PARTY IN 7ESTERN !USTRALIA IN -ATHIAS WAS ELECTED 3ENIOR 6ICE 0RESIDENT OF THE 0ERTH $IVISION IN 3TATE 6ICE 0RESIDENT IN AND 3TATE 3ENIOR 6ICE 0RESIDENT IN A RESPONSIBILITY HE FULlLLED UNTIL -ARCH Be sure to catch Mathias on the Industry Panel on Sunday 28 October at 1.20pm 'Pathways to Excellence' connect with speaker @ Layne Beachley ,AYNE "EACHLEY HAS NEVER HAD IT EASY BUT YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW IT BASED OFF OF BOTH THE PERSONAL AND professional accomplishments she has earned over the years. Through personal hardship, heath issues and POLITICAL AND PROFESSIONAL BATTLES SHE ROSE TO THE TOP ONCE AGAIN IN AND CLAIMED HER SEVENTH 7ORLD 4ITLE 4HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT ALONG WITH SEVERAL HISTORICAL BIG wave drops, multiple video segments and numerous PROFESSIONAL AWARDS SUCH AS BEING INDUCTED TO 3URlNGS (ALL OF &AME IN MAKES ,AYNE "EACHLEY ARGUABLY THE BEST FEMALE SURFER TO EVER EXIST Sponsored by: Layne’s style of surfing is similar to her personality— STRONG AGGRESSIVE AND STEADY 3HES LOOKING AHEAD TO BREAK MORE RECORDS AND START NEW PROJECTS LIKE THE upcoming Layne Beachley Classic which takes place /CTOBER AT .ORTHERN "EACHES .37 !USTRALIA 3HE WILL ALSO BE SERVING AS THE !USTRAILIAN WOMENS COACH AT THE 3UMMER 8 'AMES lRST WOMENS SURF COMPETITION 7HEN SHES NOT SURlNG SHES STAYING BUSY WITH HER FOUNDED CHARITY !IM FOR THE 3TARS A FOUNDATION THAT supports the cultural, academic and sporting dreams of young women. WHAT: 4HE ,AYNE "EACHLEY 3TORY WHEN: Keynote 2 3UNDAY /CTOBER Be sure to catch Layne's Breakfast Session on Monday 29 October at 7.15am 'Aim for the Stars' Sponsored by IOOF connect with speaker @ PM AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 03 MAIN PLATFORM 2012 Keynotes Jeremy Cooper *EREMY #OOPER IS #HAIRMAN 2ETIREMENT )NCOME AT Challenger Limited. *EREMY IS A LAWYER BY TRAINING WITH EXPERIENCE ACROSS A BROAD RANGE OF lNANCIAL SERVICES DISCIPLINES 0RIOR TO JOINING #HALLENGER *EREMY WAS APPOINTED BY THE Federal Government to chair a wide-ranging review of Australia’s superannuation system, now known as the ‘Cooper Review’. "EFORE HIS REVIEW ROLE *EREMY WAS DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF !3)# FOR lVE YEARS FROM MID *EREMY IS ALSO A MEMBER OF THE &INSIA 0OLICY !DVISORY Council and the Industry Advisory Committee of the !USTRALIAN #ENTRE FOR &INANCIAL 3TUDIES Sponsored by: WHAT: 7HATS 2IGHT AND 7RONG WITH OUR 3UPER 3YSTEM WHEN: Keynote 3 3UNDAY /CTOBER PM Be sure to catch Jeremy on the Industry Panel on Sunday 28 October at 1.20pm 'Pathways to Excellence' connect with speaker @ Max Walker )N HIS LIFE -AX 7ALKER HAS EXPERIENCED MOST SPEAKING scenarios in a diverse range of locations – from magnificently APPOINTED HIGHTECH THEATERS AND GLAMOROUS BALLROOMS TO THE OUTDOOR ARENAS OF THE !USTRALIAN DESERT )T IS HIS EXPERIENCE CONlDENCE AND ABILITY TO DELIVER THAT TAKES THE RISK OR @UNKNOWN quantity’ from the speaker equation. -AX HAS HOSTED PLUS HOURS OF @LIVE TELEVISION BRINGING ANOTHER STRONG POSITIVE TO THE PRESENTER ROLE (E IS WELL educated, well traveled, a wonderful story teller and a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN Sponsored by: (IS SPEAKING ROLES HAVE INCLUDED FORMAL -ASTER OF #EREMONIES TO HOSTING COMPLEX AWARD EVENTSx KEYNOTES WORKSHOPS AFTER DINNER AND GALA BALL EXTRAVAGANZAS 4HESE INVITATIONS HAVE ENABLED -AX TO TRAVEL TO MOST PARTS OF !USTRALIA AND THE WORLD AND HAVE INCLUDED DESTINATIONS SUCH AS .EW 9ORK (ONG +ONG 4OKYO $UBAI 2IO DE *ANEIRO "ANGKOK 6ANCOUVER #APE 4OWN (AWAII *OHANNESBURG 3INGAPORE (ARARE ,ONDON !UCKLAND ETC WHAT: Life is a Pitch 4HE 0OWER OF 3TORY 4ELLING WHEN: Keynote 4 3UNDAY /CTOBER PM Don't miss Max's Breakfast Session on Monday 29 October at 7.15am 'Wickets, Words and Widgets The Max Walker Story' Sponsored by Zurich connect with speaker @ AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Craig James /N LEAVING SCHOOL #RAIG *AMES JOINED THE THEN 2URAL "ANK WHILST UNDERTAKING UNIVERSITY STUDIES (E RECEIVED HIS "ACHELOR OF #OMMERCE %CONOMICS AT 5NIVERSITY OF .37 IN AND THEN A -ASTER OF #OMMERCE %CONOMICS AT THE SAME UNIVERSITY IN (E REMAINED AT THE 2URAL "ANK WHICH BECAME THE 3TATE "ANK OVER TIME AND THEN #OLONIAL WORKING IN BRANCHES #ORPORATE 0LANNING AND %CONOMIC 2ESEARCH On taking the reigns of chief economist at Colonial, Craig endeavoured to style their research in a “userfriendly” way – something that set their research apart AND STILL DOES TODAY 4HE APPROACH HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL in their media work and in promoting Colonial, and then #OMM3EC TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC #OMM3EC IS THE MOST quoted economic group in the mainstream media. (E BECAME CHIEF ECONOMIST OF #OLONIAL 'ROUP IN 3EPTEMBER BEFORE BECOMING CHIEF ECONOMIST AT #OMM3EC IN !UGUST WITH THE #OMMONWEALTH takeover of Colonial. Sponsored by: In 2002 Craig had a sea-change, joining the Australian &INANCIAL 2EVIEW (E HAD ALWAYS WANTED TO PURSUE A role in journalism and enjoyed the role as an economic commentator and analysts, finding that he could pursue a journalistic-type role as well as doing more electronic MEDIA WORK AT #OMM3EC AND REJOINED THE GROUP IN WHAT: WHEN: Keynote 5 -ONDAY /CTOBER Glenn Cooper connect with speaker @ 4HE 'LOBAL %CONOMY IN &OCUS AM 'LENN #OOPER IS A lFTH GENERATION #OOPER AND THE %XECUTIVE #HAIRMAN AT #OOPERS "REWERY WHO ALSO HOLDS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE -ARKETING (E HAS OVERSEEN THE LAUNCH OF NUMEROUS PRODUCTS TO THE #OOPERS BEER RANGE INCLUDING #OOPERS -ILD !LE #OOPERS $ARK !LE #OOPERS %XTRA 3TRONG 6INTAGE !LE AND 3PECIAL /LD 3TOUT Sponsored by: Completing his school education at Adelaide’s Prince Alfred #OLLEGE IN 'LENN WENT ON TO STUDY ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING )T WAS DURING THIS TIME THAT HE WORKED AT 3! "REWING ON PLANT EQUIPMENT n SUCH WAS THE AMICABLE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO BREWERIES THAT 3! "REWING DIDNT MIND HAVING A #OOPER IN THEIR MIDST !FTER COMPLETING HIS ENGINEERING STUDIES Glenn then studied for an Associate Diploma in Business -ANAGEMENT AND EVENTUALLY LEFT 3! "REWING At Coopers, Glenn’s talent and instinct for marketing saw him take up the position of Marketing Director. Today he is also the COMPANYS %XECUTIVE #HAIRMAN !IDED BY 'LENNS MARKETING ingenuity, Coopers has cemented a reputation as an ale, stout AND HOME BREW PRODUCER OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND ENJOYS EXCELLENT SALES BOTH WITHIN !USTRALIA AND ON THE EXPORT MARKET WHAT: connect with speaker @ Building a Unique Brand in a Crowded Market WHEN: Keynote 6 -ONDAY /CTOBER AM AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 05 MAIN PLATFORM 2012 Keynotes Tristan Miller For some this is internally motived, for others this is inspired through circumstance, mentorship and learning. To inspire you and your conference attendees, TAL is sponsoring famous key note speaker Tristan Miller. Tristan is “that guy” who ran 52 international marathons in 52 weeks. )N THE 'LOBAL %CONOMIC #RISIS 4RISTAN LOST HIS JOB )NSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB HE SOLD EVERYTHING AND LAID OUT AN EXTRAORDINARY STRATEGY (E LEFT !USTRALIAN SHORES TO ATTEMPT TO RUN MARATHONS IN WEEKS n COUNTRIES CONTINENTS n RAISING MONEY FOR THE CHARITIES 5.)#%& AND &ACING !FRICA 4RISTANS EPIC JOURNEY SAW HIM TRAIPSE THE WORLD MOSTLY ALONE (E RAN IN ALL THE major international marathons, including New York, London, Berlin and Tokyo, BUT ALSO FOUND HIMSELF IN 2WANDA -ONGOLIA AND ON %ASTER )SLAND IN #HILE TO NAME A FEW (E EVEN RAN ACROSS THE FROZEN lELDS OF !NTARCTICA Sponsored by: Tristan made national headlines around the world, creating thousands of avid INTERNATIONAL FOLLOWERS (IS WEBSITE 2UN,IKE#RAZYCOM AND &ACEBOOK PAGE HAVE HUGE NUMBERS OF REGULAR VISITORS WHAT: Be sure to join Tristan for a Jogging Training Session on Monday & Tuesday mornings from 6.00am - 6.45am 2UN ,IKE #RAZY WHEN: Keynote 7 4UESDAY /CTOBER AM connect with speaker @ David Baccinelli %VERY NOW AND THEN YOU RECEIVE A PHONE CALL FROM A CLIENT THAT REMINDS YOU WHY YOU BECAME A RISK ADVISER &OR $AVID "ACCINELLI THESE PHONE CALLS ALSO BRING BACK VIVID MEMORIES OF A DRAMATIC TURNING point in his own life. !T THE AGE OF $AVID LEFT HIS CAREER IN HAIRDRESSING TO EXPAND HIS LIFE EXPERIENCE AND WORK ON a prawn trawler in Northern Australia. Before shipping out, he sent a cheque to his life insurance COMPANY TO MAKE SURE HIS COVER WAS UPTODATE 7HEN HE SUFFERED A HORRIlC HEAD INJURY IN A STORM $AVIDS INCOME PROTECTION POLICY TURNED OUT TO BE A LIFESAVER n GIVING HIM THE lNANCIAL SUPPORT HE NEEDED TO REGAIN HIS HEALTH AND REBUILD HIS LIFE ,IVING THROUGH THIS TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE $AVID LEARNT HOW VALUABLE LIFE INSURANCE IS AND IGNITED A PASSION TO HELP OTHERS PROTECT THEMSELVES IN THE SAME WAY .OW A ,IFE 2ISK 3PECIALIST $AVIDS PRESentation will demonstrate how life insurance can turn lives around – providing a powerful reminder OF THE AMAZING IMPACT YOU CAN HAVE IN YOUR CLIENTS LIVES Sponsored by: WHAT: ! 4ALE OF THE (EART WITH $AVID "ACCINELLI WHEN: Keynote 8 4UESDAY /CTOBER AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 AM Jessica Watson *ESSICA 7ATSON SET OUT TO BECOME THE YOUNGEST PERSON TO SAIL SOLO NONSTOP AND UNASSISTED AROUND THE 7ORLD 3INCE *OSHUA 3LOCUM lRST SAILED SINGLEHANDED AROUND THE WORLD IN THE LATE S SAILORS OF ALL NATIONALITIES AND AGES HAVE BEEN DRAWN TO THIS ULTIMATE CHALLENGE 4HE %VEREST OF SAILING 3LOCUMS EPIC TALE OF HIS VOYAGE h3AILING !LONE 2OUND THE 7ORLDv HAS CAPTIVATED A GLOBAL AUDIENCE OF READERS for over a hundred years. &OLLOWING ON RECORDBREAKING SOLO CIRCUMNAVIGATIONS BY HEROES LIKE &RANCIS #HICHESTER AND 2OBIN +NOX*OHNSTON have captured the attention and the hearts of people all over the world. Sponsored by: )NSPIRED IN HER TURN BY +AY #OTTEE THE lRST WOMAN TO SAIL SOLO NONSTOP UNASSISTED AROUND THE WORLD AND BY *ESSE -ARTIN THE YOUNGEST PERSON TO DO SO *ESSICA 7ATSON SET HER SIGHTS ON BEATING *ESSES ACHIEVEMENT AND STOPPED THE NATION WHEN SHE SAILED BACK INTO 3YDNEY (ARBOUR ON -AY *ESSICA HOPES TO CONTINUE TO INSPIRE OUR YOUTH OTHER adventurers and everyone with a dream in their heart. /N *ANUARY SHE WAS AWARDED THE PRESTIGIOUS Young Australian of the Year title. )N *ANUARY *ESSICA WAS ANNOUNCED IN THE !USTRALIA $AY (ONOURS LIST RECEIVING AN /!- /RDER OF !USTRALIA -EDAL FOR SERVICES TO SAILING AND BEING A ROLE MODEL FOR the youth of Australia. connect with speaker @ WHAT: !ROUND THE 7ORLD IN $AYS WHEN: Keynote 9 4UESDAY /CTOBER AM Damien Thomlinson It was while serving in Afghanistan with the 2nd Commando Regiment that Pte Thomlinson's life was CHANGED FOREVER /N !PRIL WHILST ON NIGHT PATROL IN THE 4ARIN +OWT $ISTRICT 3OUTH !FGHANISTAN $AMIENgS UNIT DROVE OVER AN IMPROVISED 4ALIBAN BOMB $AMIEN SUFFERED HORRENDOUS INJURIES IN THE EXPLOSION WHICH RESULTED IN BOTH OF HIS LEGS BEING AMPUTATED The damage to his body was so severe, it is a miracle he wasn't killed. Sponsored by: Most people could not imagine recovering and moving ON FROM SOMETHING AS DEBILITATING AS THE LOSS OF TWO LIMBS BUT $AMIEN ISNgT MOST PEOPLE AND GIVING UP IS NOT IN HIS NATURE 4ESTAMENT TO HIS INCREDIBLE DRIVE and determination, instead of sinking into depression or retreating from the world, Pte Thomlinson saw the amputation of his legs as just another challenge to BE OVERCOME WHAT: Insights from the Front Line in 4ARIN +OWT WHEN: Keynote 10 4UESDAY /CTOBER PM connect with speaker @ AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Overview PRE CONFERENCE MASTERCLASS PROGRAM GenXt Super Saturday Masterclass 8.30am - 1.30pm Day Event / Session Super Saturday 7ORKSHOP (Morning) Title What it is about Building Foundations of a 3UCCESSFUL "USINESS WITH $AVID +ING Managing Director, 6UE Consulting /NE OF THE CRITICAL SKILLS OF ANY SUCCESSFUL 0ROFESSIONAL IS THEIR ABILITY TO lND NEW #LIENT AND NEW BUSINESS 4O hRAINMAKEv FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR lRM 9ET BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND LEAD GENERATE SKILLS ARE OFTEN LEARNT BY ANECDOTE AND TRIAL AND ERROR )N THIS 7ORKSHOP $AVID +ING FROM 6UE #ONSULTING WILL EXPLORE THREE PRIMARY PROSPECTING SKILLS FOR ANY 0ROFESSIONAL n #LIENT 2EFERRALS "USINESS 2EFERRALS AND TRADITIONAL 0ROSPECTING 3KILLS 4HIS WILL BE A HIGHLY INTERACTIVE 7ORKSHOP WITH PLENTY OF AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION GROUP ACTIVITIES AND TAKEALWAYS $AVID +ING IS A WELLKNOWN EXPERT ON BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING FOR !USTRALIAN 0ROFESSIONALS %XPECT A LIVELY SESSION WITH PLENTY OF PRACTICAL APPLICATION FOR YOUR BUSINESS For more information please visit GenXt Amazing Race 2.00pm - 6.00pm Charity Challenge *OIN US FOR AN !-!:).' RACE AROUND THE 'OLD #OAST GenXt Amazing Race Social Networking - dinner, drinks & awards 6.00pm - 8.30pm Dinner and drinks whilst awards from the day are handed out. Also gives everyone a chance to kick the conference off with a fanastic networking opportunity. AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Sponsored by Overview PRE CONFERENCE MASTERCLASS PROGRAM SATURDAY /CTOBER AM Registration Desk Opens AM PM GenXt SUPER SATURDAY Pre Conference Masterclass with David King PM PM GenXt SUPER SATURDAY SPORTS PROGRAM 1. GenXt AMAZING RACE 2. AFA Golf Tournament 3. AFA Tennis Open PM PM Social Networking Dinner, Drinks & Awards Hosted by the National GenXt Team AFA Golf Tournament Discover new ways to play with the Gold #OASTS ONLY HOLE COMPOSITE GOLF COURSE AT 2OYAL 0INES 2ESORT 7ITH UNDULATING TERRAIN MAGNIlCENT GREENS AND tight fairways that demand respect, this is the GOLF ENCOUNTER YOUVE BEEN WAITING FOR Three distinct course layouts offer three UNIQUE GOLF COURSE EXPERIENCES AND PROMISE TO challenge a golfers every stroke. Cost Early Bird From July 1 PER PERSON Includes HOLES GOLF GOLF CART TROPHY PRESENTATION ""1 DINNER Hire clubs are $45.00 per set. -ENS ,ADIES RIGHT LEFT HANDED CLUBS AVAILABLE Acceptable Dress Code s #OLLARED SHIRT s ,ONG3HORT SOCKS s 4AILORED SHORTS s 'OLF3PORTS 3HOES AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 CONFERENCE MASTERCLASS PROGRAM Overview Sunday Masterclass Masterclass 1 - The Best Practice Insurance Masterclass This Masterclass will give you insights, tools and tips into the following key areas: s "ECOMING A HIGH PERFORMANCE RISK ADVISER s -ASTERING PRODUCT SELECTION AND UNDERWRITER RELATIONSHIPS s "UILDING USING AND RElNING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MESSAGE s 5SING SOCIAL MEDIA TO lND CLIENTS Sponsored by: Aaron Zelman Baz Gardner Masterclass 2 - Creating the ideal culture in your business To help Advisers understand what they need to do IN ORDER TO BUILD A HIGH PERFORMING TEAM THAT WORK TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE BETTER BUSINESS RESULTS FOR ALL This session will cover the following: s #REATING THE IDEAL CULTURE IN YOUR BUSINESS 6ALUES BEHAVIOR AND employee value proposition s -ANAGING STAFF PERFORMANCE performance management framework, INDIVIDUAL TEAM AND BUSINESS OBJECTIVES INCENTIVE PROGRAM s 2EWARDING YOUR STAFF REMUNERATION financial and non financial reward and recognition s 4RAINING AND DEVELOPMENT )NDIVIDUAL training and development plans s !TTRACTING RETAINING RECRUITING AND inducting new staff s 2IGHT ROLES IN THE BUSINESS organisational structure and role descriptions s (UMAN 2ESOURCE LEGISLATION YOUR LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY AND OPTIONS FOR compliance s %FFECTIVE PEOPLE MANAGEMENT SKILLS TO BE A BETTER PEOPLE MANAGER AND leader Kim Payne Rachael Trihey Sponsored by: Masterclass 3 - Can Corporate Super Advice survive post July 2013? This session will cover the following major topics: s What is MySuper? s How does FoFA affect Corporate Super? s What to say to your employer clients. s What changes do you need to make to your business model? Douglas Latto Gareth Hall AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Sponsored by: SUNDAY /CTOBER AM 2EGISTRATION $ESK AND 0ARTNER %XPO /PENS AM AM MASTERCLASS 1. The Best Practice Insurance Masterclass WITH !ARON :ELMAN AND "AZ 'ARDENER Sponsored by TAL & AIA 2. Creating the ideal culture in your business WITH +IM 0AYNE 2ACHAEL 4RIHEY Sponsored by Experience Wealth Consulting & Avant Garde 3. Can Corporate Super Advice survive post July 2013? WITH $OUGLAS ,ATTO AND 'ARETH (ALL Sponsored by Colonial First State, MLC & OnePath AM PM Lunch PM PM OPENING CEREMONY PM PM Keynote 1 Senator Mathias Cormann 0ATHWAYS TO %XCELLENCE PM PM Industry Leaders Panel 0ATHWAYS TO %XCELLENCE 2.20 pm - 2.50 pm Rising Star Award 2.50 pm - 3.20 pm Afternoon Tea PM PM Keynote 2 Sponsored by OnePath Layne Beachley 4HE ,AYNE "EACHLEY 3TORY Sponsored by IOOF PM PM Keynote 3 Jeremy Cooper 7HATS 2IGHT AND 7RONG WITH OUR 3UPER 3YSTEM Sponsored by Challenger PM PM Keynote 4 Max Walker ,IFE IS A 0ITCH 4HE 0OWER OF 3TORY 4ELLING Sponsored by Zurich PM PM AFA Welcome Party PM ONWARDS !&! n (YDRATE "AR Sponsored by OnePath AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 AFA CONFERENCE Partners Big events like these don’t happen without support from partners. The AFA would like to thank and recognise the following companies FOR THEIR SUPPORT CURRENT AS AT -AY Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Licensee Partners Diamond Family of brands Exhibitors Home of Financial Planning Ruby Changing Lives Financial Planning Sapphire Media Partners AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 CONFERENCE MASTERCLASS PROGRAM Overview Testimonials 93% of attendees rated the content of the 2011 conference as very high. Session Streams GenXt Nina Forbes “Thanks again for the great conference – well done and you should be very happy with the outcome.” Steve Salvia “Well done ‘team AFA!’ That means each and every delegate who attended! What a great vibe and our mantra ‘advisers for advisers’ really hit the mark.” These sessions are designed for younger advisers or those looking for A REFRESHER 4HERE WILL BE MANY GOOD STORIES TIPS OPPORTUNITIES ON OFFER Licensee These sessions are designed for ,ICENSEE EXECUTIVES AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION TEAMS THE SESSIONS include the major issues concerning FoFA, and the challenges facing Licensees moving forward. Investment These sessions are designed for all advisers looking to increase their knowledge with a range of technical AND INVESTMENT ISSUES SUPPORTED BY case studies. Troy Beutel “The Conference was outstanding. The level of effort, innovation and energy that is clearly present in the AFA is very refreshing.” Mark Rattigan “The AFA is really going somewhere, and there is such a positive feeling amongst the members and very positive leadership in such a turbulent time. Keep making it happen for the next 65 years.” Insurance These sessions are designed for all advisers looking for technical insurance information together with practice management tips and ideas. Corporate Super These sessions are designed for all advisers looking for corporate super information together with practice management tips and ideas. Business Mentors Anne Graham “I’d like to congratulate the organisers of the Conference – it was well-run, great agenda and the delegates were engaged, enthusiastic and open.” Don Trapnell “I would regard this year’s AFA Conference to be the BEST I have attended both in organisation and content.” These sessions are designed for EXPERIENCED !DVISERS WHO HAVE BEEN running successful practices for a NUMBER OF YEARS AND ARE STILL KEEN TO enhance their risk insurance selling skills as well as advanced areas of ESTATE PLANNING AND BUSINESS INSURANCE AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 CONFERENCE MASTERCLASS PROGRAM Overview MONDAY /CTOBER AM AM Jogging Training Session with Tristan Miller AM BBQ Breakky Bar AM AM BREAKFASTS 1. Layne Beachley '!IM FOR THE 3TARSg Sponsored by IOOF 2. Max Walker g7ICKETS 7ORDS AND 7IDGETS 4HE -AX 7ALKER 3TORYg Sponsored by AMP Sponsored by Zurich 3. Glenn Cooper '(OW TO DISTILL THE ESSENCE OF YOUR BUSINESSg Sponsored by Asteron AM AM Keynote 5 Craig James g4HE 'LOBAL %CONOMY IN &OCUSg Sponsored by CommInsure AM AM Meet the Professionals 8 SESSIONS AM AM Morning Tea AM PM Keynote 6 Glenn Cooper 'Building a Unique Brand in a Crowded Market' Sponsored by Asteron PM TO PM AFA Excellence in Education Award AFA Graduation Ceremony PM PM Lunch PM PM SESSION STREAM 1 GenXt Investment PM PM Insurance Corporate Super Business Mentors SESSION STREAM 2 GenXt Investment Licensee Insurance Corporate Super Business Mentors PM PM !FTERNOON 4EA /CTOBERFEST Sponsored by Asteron PM PM AFA AGM (Members only) PM PM Evening at leisure PM ONWARDS The AFA Voice + GenXt Idol (YDRATE "AR Licensee Sponsored by Asteron AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Sponsored by PIS TUESDAY /CTOBER AM AM Jogging Training Session with Tristan Miller AM BBQ Breakky Bar AM AM BREAKFASTS 1. SMSF Strategies that work Sponsored by MLC Risk Specialist Network 2. Glenn Singleman & Heather Swann Sponsored by AMP 'Never let fear stop you from living your dreams' Sponsored by BT 3. An Investment Masterclass The Panel Discussion with Industry Leaders Sponsored by LONSEC AM AM Keynote 7 Tristin Miller '2UN ,IKE #RAZYg Sponsored by TAL AM AM Keynote 8 David Baccinelli '! 4ALE OF THE (EART g Sponsored by OnePath AM AM AFA Circle of Excellence The best ideas for your business by the AFA's award winning members AM AM Morning Tea AM PM Keynote 9 Jessica Watson '!ROUND THE 7ORLD IN $AYSg Sponsored by Macquarie PM PM AFA Female Excellence in Advice Award PM PM Lunch PM PM SESSION STREAM 3 GenXt Investment PM PM Licensee Sponsored by TAL Insurance Corporate Super Business Mentors SESSION STREAM 4 GenXt Investment 3.05 pm - 3.30 pm Afternoon Tea PM PM Keynote 10 Licensee Insurance Corporate Super Business Mentors Damien Thomlinson g)NSIGHTS FROM THE &RONT LINE IN 4ARIN +OWTg Sponsored by AIA PM PM Closing Ceremony PM -IDNIGHT AFA Gala Awards Dinner Theme: James Bond 007 Incorporating: AFA Adviser of the Year Award Sponsored by Zurich AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 AFA CONFERENCE Social Programs For Delegates & Partners Sunday, 28 October 7.30pm - 10.30pm Party like a rockstar at the AFA Welcome Party 4HE #ONFERENCE 7ELCOME 0ARTY IS A GREAT opportunity to make new friends, catch-up with old friends and soak up the resort atmosphere. 2UB SHOULDERS WITH THE !&! 2ISING 3TAR OF THE 9EAR !WARD lNALISTS 7ERE SET FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE NIGHT n DONT MISS OUT Where -OONLIGHT AND 3TARGAZING AT 2OYAL 0INES Resort Sponsored by: Monday, 29 October 3.45pm-4.45pm Afternoon Tea - Octoberfest Tuesday, 30 October 7.00pm-12.00am AFA Gala Awards Dinner A fun filled night with glamour and awards, this PARTY IS NOT TO BE MISSED Sponsored by: Celebrating the AFA Adviser of the Year Award AND !&!S CONTRIBUTION TO HELPING Australians secure their financial future. The AFA Foundation will hold their silent auction for charity. 9.30pm-12.30am The AFA Voice & GenXt Idol Night 7HO WILL BE THE NEXT !&! IDOL *OIN YOUR conference colleagues and get down with your FAVOURITE SONGS 3ING SOLO SING IN A GROUP SING IN and out of tune, it doesn't really matter. It doesn’t really matter. Come and have a sing along with THE !&! "IG "AND ITS SURE TO BE A ",!34 !LL DELEGATES WELCOME Theme Venue (YDRATE "AR Sponsored by: James Bond 007 Dress Code "LACK 4IE $RESS TO IMPRESS Sponsored by: AFA Breakfast Workshop AFA Breakfasts are included in the registration price. You have a choice of 3 breakfasts on Monday and Tuesday. Monday 29 October, 7.15am Max Walker Layne Beachley g!IM FOR THE 3TARSg g7ICKETS 7ORDS AND 7IDGETS 4HE -AX 7ALKER STORYg Sponsored by Sponsored by Glenn Cooper '(OW TO DISTILL THE essence of your BUSINESSg Sponsored by Tuesday 30 October, 7.15am Panel Discussion with Industry Leaders SMSF Strategies that work WITH *ON $E &RIES Sponsored by &ACILITATED BY 7AYNE (ANDLEY Glenn Singleman & Heather Swann 'Never let fear stop you from living your dreams' AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Sponsored by Sponsored by AFA CONFERENCE Special Events AFA Awards !N INTEGRAL PART OF STRENGTHENING ANY INDUSTRY IS CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE The AFA awards program recognises the achievements of current and future leaders. AFA Adviser of the Year AFA Rising Star AFA Excellence in Education Female Excellence in Advice &IND OUT WHO WILL BE CROWNED THE !&! !DVISER OF THE 9EAR AT the Gala Dinner. This award is now IN ITS TH YEAR AND HIGHLIGHTS THE achievements and commitment TO EXCELLENCE IN BOTH THE INDUSTRY and the community. Meet future industry leaders at the PRESENTATION OF THE !&! 2ISING 3TAR OF THE 9EAR !WARDS 3PONSORED BY /NE0ATH FOR THE TH YEAR IN A ROW these awards recognise young practitioners who have achieved a great deal in a short time. 7ITH THE LAUNCH OF THE !&!S POST nominal, FChFP, the AFA is very PROUD TO PRESENT THE 3TUDENT OF the Year Awards. These awards ARE NOW IN THEIR TH YEAR AND WILL RECOGNISE THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST students entering the industry. The latest award to join the award PROGRAM IS THE &EMALE %XCELLENCE in Advice Award. The Female %XCELLENCE IN !DVICE !WARD IS A JOINT INITIATIVE OF THE !&! 4/7%2 Australia and the Macquarie 'RADUATE 3CHOOL OF -ANAGEMENT When: 'ALA $INNER 4UESDAY /CTOBER When: PM 3UNDAY /CTOBER When: PM -ONDAY /CTOBER When: PM 4UESDAY /CTOBER 3PONSORED BY 3PONSORED BY 3PONSORED BY 3PONSORED BY Showcasing Excellence - 2012 AFA Award Winners Troy MacMillan AFA Adviser of the Year Award Winner 2011 Olivia Maragna AFA Female Excellence in Advice Award Winner 2011 Finn Kelly AFA Excellence in Education Award Winner 2011 Mark Rattigan AFA Rising Star of the Year Award Winner 2011 AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 AFA CONFERENCE All Star Team 3TATE $IRECTORS !&! %XECUTIVE AFA Board of Directors 2010-2012 Brad Fox National President Adam Smith National Vice President Marc Bineham NSW/ACT Director Esther Althaus VIC Director Dennis Bateman National Treasurer David Sutherland SA/NT Director Richard Klipin Chief Executive Officer Kenn Williams WA Director Phil Anderson Chief Operating Officer Kevin Richardson TAS Director Michael Nowak QLD Director National GenXt Team Sarah Riegelhuth National Michael Nowak National Chris Browne National David Pettit National Chris Jones National SOS Steve Crawford VIC Jo Brassett N.S.W. Dave Slovinec S.A. Fraser Jack QLD Matthew Hawkins TAS AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 David Pettit W.A. Sarah Riegelhuth National GenXt Chair Registe rb June 30 efore , 2012 for you ACCOMMODATION r chance 1 FREE Information 4HIS YEAR ACCOMMODATION BOOKINGS WILL BE MADE DIRECTLY WITH 2!#6 AND THE 2ADISSON SO #"% WILL NOT BE CONTROLLING ROOMING BLOCKS to win night accomm odation a t 2!#6 2O YAL 0INES SEE WEB SITE FOR M ORE INFO C ONDITIONS APPLY 5 Star Resort Ross Street, Ashmore, Gold Coast, 4214 Australia To guarantee your room, a deposit of one rooming NIGHT MUST ACCOMPANY ALL BOOKINGS 4HIS DEPOSIT WILL BE CREDITED TO YOUR ACCOMMODATION ACCOUNT WITH THE BALANCE PAYABLE UPON DEPARTURE ! 4AX )NVOICE WILL BE ISSUED BY YOUR HOTEL ON CHECKING OUT FOR ALL accommodation payments. Accommodation prepaid in FULL IS ALSO AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION 2!#6 2OYAL 0INES 2ESORT ON 1UEENSLANDS 'OLD #OAST IS ONE OF !USTRALIAS LARGEST FULLY INTEGRATED BUSINESS LIFESTYLE AND SPORTING RESORTS ,OCATED MINUTES FROM THE CENTRE OF 3URFERS 0ARADISE THIS LUXURY HOTEL IS NESTLED BETWEEN THE FAMOUS 'OLD #OAST SURF BEACHES AND THE SUBTROPICAL RAINFORESTS OF THE (INTERLAND )N ADDITION TO GUEST ROOMS A MULTI AWARD WINNING CONVENTION CENTRE AND individual restaurants, the resort is also home to a full compliment of health and lTNESS FACILITIES PROVIDING A VISITOR EXPERIENCE UNLIKE ANY OTHER Room type Per-room per night rate 3TANDARD HOTEL CHECK IN AND OUT TIMES APPLY #HECKIN PM AND CHECK OUT AM -OUNTAIN 6IEW 2OOMS 3INGLE$OUBLE4WIN -OUNTAIN 6IEW 3PA 3UITE 3INGLE$OUBLE 0ARK0OOL 6IEW 2OOMS 3INGLE$OUBLE4WIN #OASTAL 6IEW 2OOMS 3INGLE$OUBLE4WIN RATES %ACH !DDITIONAL 0ERSON How to get to the conference General information TRAVEL INSURANCE HEALTH CLUB REGISTRATION DESK !CCESS TO THE 2OYAL 0INES (EALTH #LUB is free to all delegates, their partners and families staying at the resort. !EROBICS AND 0ILATES CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL GUESTS INCLUDING USE OF THE 0OOL 3PA 3TEAM AND 3AUNA FOR ALL GUESTS !.'3!.! 30! $ESIGNED TO BE A SANCTUARY FOR THE INNER SELF TO refresh and rejuvenate your spirit as WELL AS YOUR PHYSICAL BEING 4RY THEIR SPECIAL HR MASSAGE AND HR FACIAL "OOK DIRECT ON 4HE REGISTRATION DESK WILL BE LOCATED ON THE UPPER EXPO LEVEL OF THE 2!#6 Royal Pines Resort at the entrance to THE 4RADE %XHIBITION FROM AM ON 3UNDAY /CTOBER AND FROM AM – 5.00pm daily for the duration of the conference. Travel insurance is highly recommended and covers your conference registration fees and travel costs in the case of unforeseen CIRCUMSTANCES *UST GENERAL INSURANCE or a domestic premium is also AVAILABLE TRANSFERS Conference transfers from Coolangatta Airport A schedule of complementary airport TRANSFERS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE !LL REGISTERED ATTENDEES WILL BE CONTACTED to make their selected transfer time. GETTING AROUND THE GOLD COAST Shuttle Bus - Royal Pines offer a complimentary shuttle service for all AFA guests and partners departing 5 TIMES A DAY TO AND FROM BOTH THE 'OLD Coast and Pacific Fair shopping centre. Book your seat with hotel reception. Taxis n #ALL FOR THE 'OLD #OAST 2EGENT 4AXIS 3ERVICE !PPROXIMATE COST OF TAXI FROM THE AIRPORT IS BETWEEN Limousines – All Limousine Transfers OFFER A ST CLASS SERVICE WHETHER IT BE A TRANSFER TOFROM AIRPORT OR FOR THAT special occasion. Contact David on OR VISIT HIS WEBSITE WWW CAR PARKING 4HE RESORT HAS AVAILABLE complimentary undercover parking for all guests attending the conference. 6ALET ASSISTED PARKING IS ALSO AVAILABLE on arrival at a cost for guests attending the conference. BREAKFAST Your room rates do NOT include A BREAKFAST &OR THOSE OF YOU NOT ATTENDING ANY OF THE BREAKFAST WORKSHOPS BREAKFAST IS AVAILABLE FOR all AFA delegates and their families at a special negotiated AFA Conference PRICE OF FOR A &ULL "UFFET BREAKFAST IN +ALINDA RESTAURANT BUSINESS CENTRE Royal Pines Resort reception are ABLE TO PROVIDE A PHOTOCOPYING AND FAXING SERVICE AT A COST AND YOUR !&! Conference registration desk will PROVIDE A NOTICE BOARD FOR ALL INCOMING messages. DRESS CODES Conference Attire: Business casual AFA Welcome Party: Casual Gala Dinner: "LACK 4IE THEME *AMES "OND GROUP BOOKINGS 5% discount eligibility s ! MINIMUM OF REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED AT ONE TIME FROM THE same company s 0AYMENT MUST BE MADE BY A SINGLE Cheque or credit card s &ULL PAYMENT OF THE 2EGISTRATION &EES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE Registration Form AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE GOLD COAST OCTOBER 28-30 RACV ROYAL PINES RESORT 12 TWENTY 7HERE TO GET MORE )NFORMATION AND +EY $ATES REGISTER EARLY & SAVE EARLY BIRD OFFER 6ALID /.,9 BETWEEN *UNE *UNE REGISTRATION For Conference Enquiries Conference Organiser 0HONE Form & Tax Invoice !". For Membership Information Melissa Favaloro AFA 0HONE s &AX MELISSAFAVALORO AFAASNAU Privacy and Delegate Policy: In registering for this conference I agree TO RELEVANT DETAILS TO BE INCORPORATED INTO A DELEGATE LIST FOR THE BENElT OF ALL DELEGATES NAME AND INSTITUTION ONLY AND MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE to parties directly related to the conference including the AFA, Targeted Program Management, venue and accommodation providers (for the PURPOSE OF ROOM BOOKINGS AND CONFERENCE OPTIONS AND KEY SPONSORS SUBJECT TO STRICT CONDITIONS Member Freecall Office Address 0/ "OX 1 1UEEN 6ICTORIA "UILDING .37 I do not wish to have my name placed on the delegate list – Please indicate No REGISTER ONLINE by visiting the conference website at s CLICK ON THE g#OMMUNITY %VENTSg TAB AND FOLLOW THE PROMPTS TO THE /NLINE 2EGISTRATION FORM Section A: Registration Fees Full Registration Fee includes: *Conference workbook, satchel, admission to all conference sessions, choice of breakfast Monday and Tuesday, all morning/afternoon teas and all lunches, Welcome Party, Octoberfest and Gala Dinner. Day registration fee includes: Conference proceedings and satchel, admission to conference sessions, CHOICE OF BREAKFAST SESSION -ONDAY AND 4UESDAY MORNINGAFTERNOON TEA LUNCH ON THE DAY OF ATTENDANCE Partners registration fee includes: ,UNCH ON 3UNDAY ATTENDANCE TO OPENINGCLOSING CEREMONIES AND THEIR IMMEDIATE MORNINGAFTERNOON TEAS 7ELCOME 0ARTY /CTOBERFEST AND Gala Dinner. Group Registrations: MEMBERS FROM THE SAME COMPANY EARN A DISCOUNT OFF FULL registration fees. s ! MINIMUM OF REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED AT ONE TIME FROM THE same company s 0AYMENT MUST BE MADE BY A SINGLE #OMPANY #HEQUE OR CREDIT CARD s &ULL PAYMENT OF THE 2EGISTRATION &EES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE Registration Form Early Bird Registration before 30 June 2012 Registration after 30 June 2012 -EMBERS &ULL 2EGISTRATION 2EAD CAREFULLY FULL LIST OF INCLUSIONS ABOVE .ON -EMBERS &ULL 2EGISTRATION !&! -EMBERSHIP 0,53 2EGISTRATION 0ACKAGE 3UNDAY NIGHT -ONDAY 4UESDAY !WARDS $INNER PER DAY PER DAY PER DAY PER DAY Partners Program Registration 'ROUP 2EGISTRATIONS MEMBERS DISCOUNT Day Registration (Please tick your selection) 20 AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Section B: Masterclass Registration Fees 3UNDAY -ASTERCLASS BELOW INCLUDES MORNING TEA AND LUNCH 3UPER 3ATURDAY INCLUDES MASTERCLASS MORNING TEA LUNCH AMAZING RACE AND NETWORKING DINNER SATURDAY 'EN8T 3UPER 3ATURDAY Early Bird Registration before 30 June 2012 Registration after 30 June 2012 $350.00 SUNDAY MASTERCLASSES SUNDAY !ARON :ELMAN AND "AZ 'ARDENER SUNDAY +IM 0AYNE SUNDAY 3.$OUGLAS ,ATTO AND 'ARETH (ALL Section C: Social Functions & Activities 4HE /FlCIAL 7ELCOME FUNCTION AND 'ALA $INNER ARE INCLUDED IN THE $ELEGATE AND 0ARTNERS 0ROGRAM 2EGISTRATION FEE !DDITIONAL TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED HERE !,, /4(%2 3/#)!, &5.#4)/.3 !.$ 7/2+3(/03 !2% /04)/.!, Early Bird Registration before 30 June 2012 Registration after 30 June 2012 'EN8T 3UPER 3ATURDAY RACE DINNER ONLY $250.00 AFA Tennis Open !&! #HARITY 'OLF 4OURNAMENT #LUB (IRE SEE BELOW /FlCIAL 7ELCOME &UNCTION Official Gala Dinner GOLF CLUB HIRE AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 AFA CONFERENCE SUPPORT Organising Team Marc Bineham Pina Sciarrone Danny Maher Annick Donat Richard Klipin Anne Fuchs Mark Stubbings Esther Althaus Steve Crawford Richard Dunkerley Leah Waldie Mark Vilo Rachel Trihey Fraser Jack Niall McConville Tony Virtue Laura Halbert Russell Collins Cancellation Policy: ! REFUND OF REGISTRATION FEES LESS AN ADMINISTRATION CHARGE OF INCLUDING '34 will ONLY BE AVAILABLE PROVIDING WRITTEN NOTIlCATION IF YOUR CANCELLATION IS RECEIVED PRIOR TO 3EPTEMBER .O REFUNDS AFTER THIS DATE 3UBSTITUTIONS MAY BE MADE AT ANY TIME Liability Disclaimer: 4HE EVENT ORGANISERS ITS AGENTS AND SERVANTS DO NOT ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY FOR ERRORS or omiSSIONS WHICH MAY APPEAR IN THIS BROCHURE 4O THE BEST OF ITS KNOWLEDGE THE COMMENTS WERE CORRECT AT THE TIME OF PRINTING 4HE EVENT ORGANIZER OR THEIR PRINCIPLE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AMEND ANY PART OF THE PROGRAM WITHOUT NOTICE 3UCH AMENDMENTS MAY INCLUDE SUBSTITUTION OR CANCELLATION OF SPEAKERS SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OR TOURS 4HE EVENT ORGANIZER ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OR CONTENT OF ANY STATEMENT whether written OR ORALLY MADE BY SPEAKERS IN CONNECTION WITH THE EVENT 22 AFA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 Meet your PCO Targeted Program Management are pleased to once again partner with the Association of Financial Advisers for their annual conference. 7ORKING WITH THE !&! ON ALL LEVELS covering registration, accommodation, EXHIBITION PROGRAM SOCIAL AND ONSITE MANAGEMENT *ANETTE "EEDELL Dee Foster and team look forward to CELEBRATING A SUCCESSFUL .ATIONAL Conference with you.