Srx Pot PoURRIS - Donald Sauter`s web home
Srx Pot PoURRIS - Donald Sauter`s web home
folf pn/gtr Pot Pourri I }|01 18 (Simrock) Srx Pot PoURRIS tirds d differentes Operas et Ba (. COMPOSI{:S gre a\. Lr, ). w'o L F n \ I PAR E & soN € P \\ t, OU S E Prix I Franc .tO CT."* A \:163f BoN!t Cahier I cHEz N, S r . 63,5. 655.657. S o h o S q. t e. s, t"c Z o-ry n oY o olmlibrters 2Ic,,j $i!";lrgpl MR o c K. Guitarre Por PouRRr I. Marc he, aus d,..r La I w (rold) 1. . FF. g"Position FF.f Andantino, s,.l[i',o. Presto, ".'" Paul u.Rosette. hlo1 18 . anderElbe. 2. Graziosor,n den Abenceragen Guitarre. . 72 \...- A ndagrtg, u.G d.* * ,- -grrlri. gtos smilt hig.en I(a I i f fen ?ol' Cantabile, w0118 ",, d87. I I . Guitarre. sernpre.&'f. Srx Por pn/gtr !r0118 PoURRIS lfolf Pot Pourri ( Si I res ef d d iffereut es Operas et Rerl I et c oMPOS g t1 / tr: e t ) ). wo LF PAR & soN \:1631 635. BoN!t C cHEzN,SrMRocK. 655. 657. -lafw Squ.arcZoNDott ** *'i'Tt "rters --uor^Q rl {$ii;io{# \ EPou Prix I Franc .tO C'rr* A s ahier I 1 mrock ) 2. Por L:rrgo. PorrRRr I. Marsc h, aus (tr'.r Ope r.. Dieltstrrrr antlt'rEIl \ F E.' I J. .Jtl Andant inoj aus Sargino. aternpo. Lrs P.urlu.Rosette. Prefi-o. t.lo118 6.31. 4. Gtazioso, aus den Abenceri nuAndant€, ams dern grossmiithigenKaliffen . y.s. 6. Cantabile,l auc Alarnar. L44 t.|0118 Cosi fantutti. }il'SIC POR.GUITAR AND From PIANO the collection of the Library of Congress , Louie: Pot Panrci tir6e de differeates Ognras et 8g,lTets, Cahier 1 of 6. Publ: Sirnrock. 9 pages (3 gtr, 6 pn). ID=llolf.Potpl(Sin). Utilizes uusic by Mozart and others. Piano part is long fornat. Same as lfolf.Potpl(Cz) WO118 nOLf (bt=beati cr=notated middle C.) Gtr58-59: Bar line added. This was originally one measure. Gtr62 bt2i fernata added. Pn19 bt3 bassi 32nd rest added. Pn44 btl treble: turn added. Original has turn handwritten in pencil. Pa135 bt2 (lst beaned group): lf added to f2. Natural added to e2. Pn135 bt3 (2nd beaned group)l natural added to fl , f2. {t on d2 was natural. @RRBCIIOMI: @ilnrTs: Gtr72-871 are the intended rhyttms aotated? Por instance, note that in Wolf.Potpl(Cz), gtr78 has dotted rhyttrns. Should gtr73, gtr77 and gtr85 be identical? If so, which is correct? Pn7: Perhaps this reasure wes meant to be 2 meesurec, as suggested by its rhyttm valuee and the extra meaaure in the grritar part, gtr8. Pn38 bass: half rest should be whole. Or maybe Sinrock added a re6t where there was none while copying from Czerny edition. Piano has extra meaaure 128 that guitar doesn't. Fernatas make this possible. Sources of the music incorporated in this Potpourri. (Reference: Opernlexikon, Stieger,1975.) Source of mrsic Die Festung an der Elbe Sargino PauI wtd Rosette Die grossmflthige I(aliffen Abencetagen und Zegtes Alawr, der Maure Cosi fan tutti Couooser PremiEre Anton Fischer Ferdinando Paer Michael thlauf tlien Eranz Tvpe 03!{,ay1806 opera Dresden Wien 26![ay1803 opera 05!{ar1806 ballet Michael thtauf Ignaz von Seyfried Wien Wien W. tlien 24Nov1806 ballet 01Jan1807 opera 26Janl790 opera ? A. Mozart DBtrINITIOITS: Centabile = singing style. Dol=dolce=sweetly. Grazioso = gracefully. Maestoso = najestically. Potpourri = t'rotten pottt = nedley of unrelated popular tunes, operatic airs, patriotic songs, etc. Sempre = always. V.S. = volti subito = turn (page) quickly. (in box tabeted "V1277 V-"). The publisher is indebted to pianist Elmer Booze for his proofreading help" LIBRIRY OP @IIGRESS C,ALL Nln{BBR: tq277.W IIIAI{KS: This “performance facsimile”, facsimile with restoration, corrections, measure numbers, and other aids @SIRfGHE: This perfo::nance containing original (c) material Copyright 1997 to performance, was created Donald Sauter and isinformation. offered freely to the world. byready Donald Sauter. Search for nyby nzlme on the web (1997) for contact Thanks.