KCTD-0909-R3/2 - New York University


KCTD-0909-R3/2 - New York University
Copyright and Trademark Notice
© Copyright 2006-2011 Kubotek Corporation. All rights reserved
This documentation may not be reproduced in any form, for any purpose.
Kubotek Corporation and the program authors have no liability or responsibility to the purchaser or any other person or entity with respect to liability,
loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by this software, including but not limited to, any interruption of service,
loss of business or anticipatory profits or consequential damages resulting from the use or operation of this software.
KeyCreator is a registered trademark of Kubotek Corporation.
KeyCreator is based upon ACIS® software. The following products are incorporated into this software, and are registered trademarks of Spatial
Corporation: ACIS® Kernel, ACIS® 3D Toolkit, ACIS® Local Operations, ACIS® Healing, ACIS® Advanced Blending.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Kubotek USA Inc.
2 Mount Royal Avenue Suite 500
Marlborough, MA 01752
PHONE: (508) 229-2020
FAX: (508) 229-2121
WEB: kubotekusa.com
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 - Getting Started
Introduction..............................................................Page 4
Installation...............................................................Pages 5-8
Running KeyCreator for the first time...........................Page 9
Navigating KeyCreator................................................Pages 10-14
CHAPTER 2 - Part Design
Designing parts in KeyCreator3D.................................Page 15
Setting up part parameters.........................................Page 16
Basic primitive solid creation.......................................Pages 17-222
Adding draft and protrusions.......................................Pages 23-25
Adding fillet blends....................................................Pages 26-27
Adding some Through Holes........................................Pages 28-29
Adding some intelligent features..................................Page 30
Shelling the part for plastics manufacturing...................Page 31
Sketching simple circles to create cut-outs....................Page 32
A simple way of trimming Solids..................................Page 33
Changing a model to a transparent material..................Page 34
CHAPTER 3 - 2D drawing
Creating a simple Layout Drawing................................Pages 35-36
CHAPTER 4 - Design Modifications
Editing holes.............................................................Page 37
Modifying fillet blends.................................................Pages 38-39
Removing faces.........................................................Pages 40-41
Modifying with Dimension Driven Edit (DDE).................Pages 41-42
Adding chamfers.......................................................Page 43
Updating the drawing.................................................Page 44
Creating projected instance views................................Page 45
Creating section views................................................Pages 46-47
Editing a crosshatch...................................................Page 48
Creating notes..........................................................Page 49
Getting Started
Introduction - The Kubotek KeyCreator Advantage
In this guide you will learn why KeyCreator is the ultimate choice for manufacturing your engineering and design needs. With history free design
creativity - the road is open, not mandated…
In this test drive you will learn how KeyCreator offers:
Product Consolidation – you do not need to own multiple products to handle today’s popular CAD formats.
Modeling tools specifically designed with the design & manufacturing engineer in mind – not just software gurus.
Simple, history-free methods – to create designs using a more natural and effective workflow.
Furthermore, you will see how parametric, history based tools have become an ingrained behavior – not only are they unnecessary for most
occasions, you will soon realize how much of a burden they can be. KeyCreator offers the easiest-to-use transition from 2D-to-3D; and you can
become productive very quickly with this new design modeling approach!
The KeyCreator approach will help you become more effective at what you do best – design and manufacture products.
Kubotek Corp. is a dynamic and agile international technology company. In the last 5 years Kubotek’s innovations have driven many of the most
important new trends in the 3D engineering software industry.
Our software is used by thousands of expert suppliers and major corporations like Boeing, General Electric, and UPS Aircraft.
Welcome to KeyCreator’s Test Drive Guide. This guide is intended to introduce you to the exciting and productive world of design freedom and
creativity using KeyCreator’s ground-breaking history-free modeling tools.
We hope you find this guide, both informative and useful while starting to use KeyCreator’s unique productivity tools!
In this guide you will learn:
How to install and configure KeyCreator
How to navigate KeyCreator’s interface
How to use KeyCreator’s ‘help’ and ‘tutorial’ options
KeyCreator’s powerful visualization tools [dynamic sections, transparencies, environment maps, backgrounds, etc.]
How to create powerful 3D designs using simple building block methods in 3D model space
How to easily insert ‘intelligent’ mechanical features – fasteners, holes, gears, etc.
How to modify 3D designs and 2D drawings using ground-braking Face Logic, Feature & Pattern recognition and Direct Dimension Edits
How to create simple layout drawings with dimensions and annotations
How to use KeyCreator for effective tooling, CNC and FEA preparation
*Please Note: To take full advantage of KeyCreator’s many powerful capabilities, we highly recommend you attend standard training offered by our
resellers or directly through Kubotek.
There are many options for training, including custom on-site, internet-based, or traditional classroom classes at Kubotek headquarters in
Marlborough, MA.
System Requirements:
The following system requirements are recommended for the KeyCreator Test Drive:
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Windows XP Pro SP3 (32-bit)
Windows Vista Pro (32 or 64-bit)
Windows 7 Pro (32 or 64-bit)
Intel, Core i7 (quad-core) or
dual quad-core Xeons
As required by
operating system
8 to 12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
ECC RAM or better
As required by operating system plus
256 MB per 20 MB of largest file set
NVIDIA, 1 GB GDDR3 memory or
better, 50 GB/sec bandwidth or better
No Minimum
Operating System:
Graphics Card:
Additional Hardware:
Wheel mouse and
3Dconnexion 3D mouse
Installation Steps:
Run the KeyCreator downloaded ‘.exe’ file and follow the prompts
to install KeyCreator. You will be prompted to ‘unpack’ the
software. Click ‘Next’ and follow the remaining prompts below:
Fill in the user information.
Review the license agreement.
Select the installation directory.
Setup Options [Complete is recommended].
Select ‘install’ to begin.
Select initial units [these can be changed later].
During installation you will see various ‘product’ banners.
Completion of installation. You can also start KeyCreator by checking the box shown below
License File:
If you are starting KeyCreator for the first time and do not
have a license select the ‘YES’ button to get a license.
Select one of the licensing options to activate your KeyCreator
Running KeyCreator for the first time:
Now you are ready to run KeyCreator. After launching the software,
the system will prompt you select ‘Graphics Driver Type.’ Select the
one best for you system (if you do not wish to see this box each
time you start KeyCreator select ‘Don’t show this on startup).
Next the system will prompt you for ‘file type associations.’ Check only
those file types you want to associate with KeyCreator then uncheck the
‘Display this dialogue on startup’ on the bottom left (if you do not wish to
see this box each time you start KeyCreator).
If you are unsure about which files to associate with KeyCreator, we
recommend that you select ‘Check None’ button on the right, then select
only the top two for KeyCreator Design Files (.ckd) and Design Templates
And finally you will see the ‘Tip of the Day’.
Note: We highly recommend that you run through the
tutorials to help you gain a better overall experience
working with KeyCreator!
Tip of the Day dialogue
Help menu located at the end of the drop down menus
Navigating KeyCreator:
KeyCreator Default Interface:
KeyCreator has the unique ability to be highly customized for any user’s specific needs – from background colors in either model or layout space
[which can be saved as a Part Template (.ckt)], to the menu layouts [Workspace file (.wsp)], to the keyboard settings [Keyboard file (.kbd)].
Each of these three types of setting files (Part Template, Workspace, and Keyboard) can be edited and saved as individually (.ckt, .wsp, and .kbd,
respectively). Basically you can make KeyCreator look and perform with an unparalleled degree of flexibility – similar to Word and Excel documents
– but with more tools!
These three settings can be saved as a joint single user interface file (.ksa) that can be imported and exported at any time from KeyCreator. This can
be very useful for setting up a particular ‘look and feel’ for different applications or to maintain company standards on different computers, or groups
of users.
User interface and tips on how to navigate:
The Workspace consists of all the menu icons and their locations. In this particular interface the top row contains various options for model
displays. A menu icon description can be viewed by hovering the cursor over the icon. You can also select Shift>F1 then select an icon to open the
help file for that item.
Dropdown menus
Function shortcut icons
Conversation Bar
(System & function prompts)
Workspace Menus
Primary View Icons
Modeling Palette
Advanced Modeling
CPlane Icons
Construction Plane (CPlane)
Rotate, Pan, Zoom
World Coordinate Display
Status Bar
A quick note on the Tool Palettes:
The Tool Palettes are located
on the left hand side of the
The Modeling Palette is a shortcut method for creating & modifying the
Lines, Arcs and other Curves
Detailing entities
Transforms [move/copy]
Layout settings
Tools – general options for verification, assemblies, fasteners, etc.
The Advanced Modeling Palette is a shortcut method for the following:
Create - Solids, Faces and Surfaces
Modify - Solids, Faces and Surfaces
Tools – other options for solids and surfaces
The ‘Primary View’ and ‘CPlane’
toolbars are convenient ways
of selecting model views and
construction planes
(zooms out to see all)
CPlane toolbars
Select one of the icons shown
on the right then hold & drag
the left mouse button (LMB)
Primary View toolbars
To Rotate, Pan, or Zoom your model, you can choose any of the following:
Mouse View Controls - Another option is to use the mouse buttons for viewing your model as follows:
Left Mouse Button (LMB)
To Select Menus and Geometry
Middle Mouse Button/Wheel (MMB)
Wheel = Zoom in/out
Hold & drag = Rotate
Hold + Shift + Drag = Zoom
Hold + CNTL + Drag = Pan
Right Mouse Button (RMB)
Pressing once will ‘Accept’ a recent action or
change that the Conversation Bar is requesting
you to ‘Accept’, or will open context menus
Hold & drag a window = zoom window
Hold drag straight down = auto-scale
Quick Eye: Another unique and powerful tool used in KeyCreator is the ‘Quick-Eye’ mouse function
Simply hold and drag a window using the right mouse button [RMB] to zoom into an area or
Hold the RMB and drag straight down to Auto-scale the view or
Hold the RMB and drag diagonally from bottom right to top left to split the screen into 4 different views of your model (does not work in Layout
mode). Do the same action again within one of the views to zoom back into it.
Hint: To use RMB to ‘Accept’ actions or recent changes:
Go to Tools > Customize > Viewport, and uncheck “Enable Right Mouse Button
Viewport Menus…”
Part Design
We shall look at some of the easy, powerful and unique aspects of designing parts in KeyCreator:
Using ‘building block’ methods [simple primitives vs. constrained sketches] to create 3D designs
Designing without complex part/history structures (parts, assemblies & layouts all in one file vs. separate data files…)
2D design – simple line, arc, curve construction tools
Generic modification
We will begin by building a base block part for the Rapid Release(R) Charter Series Rod Holder by AMO assembly pictured below (Courtesy of
Xcentric Mold & Engineering)
Setting up part parameters:
Let’s start by building the base mounting block. Please be sure your part template is set to inches - the status bar on the bottom right of the screen
should indicate this as shown. If you imported the Test_Drive_American.ksa file settings file, you should be all set…
If not, you can set the units as follows:
Go to File>Properties>Units/Tolerances and set as shown:
Keep in mind as you proceed that you can utilize the Modeling and
Advanced Modeling Palettes to create and modify geometry.
Let’s begin!
Let’s begin!
Basic primitive solid creation:
Set the view to Isometric (View 7) by selecting Alt+7 on your keyboard
or by selecting the double arrow beside the Disp View icon
choosing ‘7: Isometric View’ as shown:
Now set the construction plane (CPlane) to 1 by selecting Ctrl+1 on your
keyboard or double arrows
of CPlane icon and choosing ‘1: Top
CPlane’ as shown.
Select Create>Primitive Solid>Block.
Use the following values:
Locate your block close to the current
CPLane as shown on the right.
Hit ‘Esc’ on your keyboard to complete the action and Auto-scale by holding RMB and dragging straight down or picking the
now have a simple block as shown above.
Hint: Remember, you can Auto-scale, Zoom, Pan or Rotate your model at any time using these icons on your screen.
icon. You should
Next let’s set the CPlane on a face by selecting the
icon and picking the face as shown. Be sure to select the icon this time and not the double
down arrows. Selecting the icon itself allows the user to set a CPlane wherever you want, whereas the double-arrow drop-down menu offers preset
CPlane options.
CPlane, then face as shown in yellow.
Now let’s change the color by selecting
the color palette at top of screen and
choose color 38:
Select Create>Primitive Solid>Cylinder.
CPlane now placed on face.
Choose the sketch option as shown:
Hover the mouse near the mid top edge until you see the
‘MID’ tooltip, select using the left mouse button (LMB).
Drag the mouse out to sketch a circle approx. as shown,
Click the LMB again.
Now drag and snap to back corner of box as shown:
KeyCreator is automatically set to find various snap points such
as end, mid, center, etc..
You should now have a part similar to the one below.
Next we’ll use one of KeyCreator’s revolutionary direct modification tools, Dimension Driven Edit [DDE].
Under ‘Modify’ select the Dimension
Driven Edit
Now simply move the cursor over the dimension value,
until the face highlights as shown, then select using the
Now select the edge of the cylinder as shown, then move the cursor away
from the part so you see the automatic dimension.
Now enter a value of 1.4 in the conversation field as shown. Then select
And you see the result as shown below.
You should still be in Dimension Driven Edit mode. If not, reselect
DDE. Now you will move the cylinder by selecting the bottom edge
of the box, then edge of the cylinder as shown. Move the cursor
away until you see the dimension.
Again, select the new dimension so the cylinder face highlights (not the
box) and change the value to ‘1’ – then select ‘Accept’ when done.
The new result – the cylinder has shifted up in the X direction.
Now unite the two bodies by selecting Modify>Boolean>Unite. First select
the box then the cylinder. Then select ‘Accept’.
Hint: The first body selected determines the color of the united body.
Hint: If you want to reposition any dimensions, select the Generic Move
, up top, and select the dimension you wish to move and drag to
desired position.
Adding draft and protrusions:
Now let’s delete the dimensions by selecting the ‘Delete Multiple’ icon
at the top of the screen, [or ‘Delete’ on keyboard] and selecting each
dimension, then hit ‘Accept’ or ‘Enter’ key on keyboard or RMB. Remember to enter ‘Esc’ when done…
Hint: Hitting ‘Accept’ does not exit the function. You must ‘Esc’ to exit the function completely to move onto another task.
Now we’ll add a special type of tapered walls to
the cylinder called Shadow Taper Faces using
Modify>Solid Face>Shadow Taper command.
Select the bottom edge of the box (as shown) for a ‘taper direction’.
Be sure to select the bottom of the edge, as this determines the
direction of taper.
Select the cylinder face to taper, then pick ‘Accept’ or
‘Enter’ on the keyboard, or the RMB.
Enter 20 for the angle and you should have the following result below.
Then select ‘Accept’.
Hint: You do not need to select any of the ‘Conversation Bar’
options, i.e. 2 Points, Line, etc. - just the edge.
Hint: The position along
the edge that you select
determines the direction
of taper. If top of the
edge is selected,
that will build a
different taper.
Now you will add a Boss Cylinder to the top of the model. Be sure
to have CPlane 1 active (CP=1) You can check the status bar for
current settings. You can double-click on the CPlane setting on the
status bar to change it to another plane.
Now create a circle using Create>Circle>Center/Diameter.
Enter a value of 1.4, then select ‘Accept’.
Change the color to black, No. 63.
Now place the circle using ‘Offset’ and selecting the mid point as shown.
Now enter 0,-1, .25 to get the result below.
Now let’s create an extruded boss from the circle using Create>Solid
Feature>Boss, and the following parameters:
Hint: Remember to always ‘Accept’ then ‘Esc’ to complete
the function.
Select the solid.
Select the circle/arc. Then select
Select the downward arrow direction of extrusion
as shown.
Your part should now look as follows.
Adding fillet blends:
We’ll start by adding a Constant Radius Blends using Create>Solid
Feature>Blend>Constant Blend.
Hint: You can select edges by hovering mouse over the model or
change the display to shaded with wireframe to select ‘through’ the
Enter .25 for the radius.
Wireframe off
Wireframe on
Select the edges shown below in red and enter ‘Accept’ in the
conversation bar or RMB.
Set shading back to HLR
Edges (turn wireframe off).
The result of the .25” blends should look like this.
Now select ‘Backup’ on the Conversation Bar.
Select the edges shown below in red and enter ‘Accept’ in the conversation
bar or RMB.
Enter .1 for the radius.
Hint: When Blend Along Smooth Edges is selected KeyCreator
will blend connected edges that continue smoothly (no abrupt
change in tangent) from the selected edges.
If the previously created circle for the boss
still hangs above the solid model, simply
select the circle then
to delete.
Result should look like this.
Hint: You can use Tools>Options>Solids> and
select ‘Delete original profile’ to automatically
remove the profiles when creating solids.
Adding some Through Holes:
Select top face as shown below.
Select Create>Solid Feature>Hole.
Enter .5 for the hole size.
Snap to the center of the existing arcs (just move the cursor until
the ‘center’ tooltip appears).
The part should now look like the one below.
Hint: If the cursor does not find ‘Center’, go to
Select ‘Backup to select the front face.
Tools>Options>Positioning/Selection>Position, and make sure
‘Center’ is checked under Position Snap Type.
Select front face as shown below.
Snap to the center of the existing arcs (just move the cursor until the
‘center’ tooltip appears).
The part should now look like the one below with 2 holes.
Adding some intelligent features – unique to KeyCreator!:
Select Tools>Feature>Counterbored Hole.
Select the solid to remove the feature.
Select the values as shown. If the values shown
here are not what you see, select the Setup tab
and choose English.
Place the CBore holes by snapping to the centers of the 4 fillet
edges as shown below.
Result of Counter Bored holes.
Top View
Shelling the part for plastics manufacturing:
First rotate the part over using the
MMB and drag).
icon (or press and hold the
Enter the Inward shell value of .175 as shown below.
Select Create>Solid Feature>Shell.
Select the bottom face to be removed, then ‘Accept’ to finish
Select ‘Esc’ to exit the function.
Shelled part result should look like the on below.
Sketching simple circles to create cut-outs:
Return the part to upright and select the CPlane
select the face as shown.
icon and
Select Create>Circle>Center/Diameter.
Enter a value of 1. Then select ‘Accept’.
Choose the Offset option as shown.
Hint: Use the Space bar to toggle through different faces and
Make sure at this point that the Cursor button is selected in the
conversation box, which allows your cursor to snap to position options
(like Midpoint).
Select ‘Backup’.
Pick the mid point of
the lower edge.
Reselect the CPlane
and now select the side face.
Use the same process to create
the circle on the side face.
Enter a value of -.25, 0, 0.
A simple way of trimming Solids:
Select Modify>Trim>First option.
Select the portion of the solid you want to ‘keep’ (above circle), then
select the circle to trim.
Hint: Pay attention to the orientation of CPlane when performing
these trim operations. You will need to move the CPlane to the face
on which the circle lies, in order to trim with that circle. Simply follow
the previous steps for how to change the active CPlane.
The solid should now look like the one below.
Change the CPlane
back to the front face and repeat the trimming
operation for the front trim.
Delete the 2 circles using the
icon, or vice versa.
icon. Either select both circles then the
Changing a model to a transparent material:
Try viewing the part with transparency or a texture.
Drag the ‘505 Transparency’ sphere onto the part using the LMB.
Open the ‘Splitter’ by selecting
icon or from the dropdown
menus View>Control Bars>Open
Part Splitter.
Select ‘Materials’ tab on bottom right.
The solid will highlight as you mouse over it.
The solid should now look like the
one to the right.
Undo the transparency by selecting
Icon [or Ctrl-Z]
Creating a simple Layout Drawing
Now that we have the initial version of our mounting block,
let’s create a layout.
Go to the Layout>Layout Dialogue function.
Set the values as follows: To get the A-sized border file select the
browse icon
(highlighted in yellow below). Select ‘OK’ and
the layout drawing is created.
Hint: To change hidden lines settings, select ‘HLR Settings’ button
beside ‘Instance Pattern’. Under ‘Rendering Mode’ select which option
you’d like. All model instances will adopt these settings.
The layout is created with 4 views, Top, Front, Right and an
Isometric view.
Hint: To change hidden lines settings on different model instances
once in layout mode, select the instance then go to Layout>Instance
Display>Render. Select an option then Accept.
From here you can add dimensions using ‘Quick Dim’, section views,
callouts, notes, etc.
Under the ‘Detail’ function you find
tools for creating:
•detail lines
•section views
and many more drafting
Try creating a few dimensions using Detail>Quick Dimension then
selecting an edge [or edges], circles, arcs, etc. – drag the cursor out to
place the dimensions.
Design Modifications
Editing holes:
We shall look at some of the many direct edit & modification tools available
using KeyCreator’s unique and breakthrough ‘Face Logic’ technology.
First toggle back to model mode
using Layout>Layout Toggle.
Now hover the cursor over one of the holes until they all highlight. You will
also see a tooltip with the pattern information. Select the hole when the
pattern highlights.
Let’s look at editing the hole pattern on our
part – go to Modify>Solid Feature>Hole.
Select the ‘Pattern’ option from the Conversation Bar.
Press ‘Accept’ twice in the conversation bar until you see the Hole
dialogue menu.
Now you see the modified hole pattern as shown below. Now enter ‘Esc’ or
F10 on your keyboard.
When the dialogue opens
CBore is selected.
Select ‘Drill’ option as shown,
then ‘OK’.
Modifying fillet blends:
Select edge as shown.
Next will look at several ways to modify
the fillet blends, including removing them!
Go to Modify>Dimension Driven Edit.
Move the cursor out to place the dimension.
Now hover cursor over dimension value until the fillet blend highlights and
select using left mouse button (LMB).
Now change value to .05 as shown – select ‘Accept’ (or ‘Enter’
on keyboard).
You should see the fillet blend changed as follows:
Change the value again to .05 - observe the results.
Select ‘Esc’ then the Undo
icon (or Ctrl-Z).
This time press & hold the ‘Shift’ key before hovering cursor over
dimension value during the dimension edit modification – you should see
the ‘pattern’ (or all blends with same value) highlight as shown below.
Now change the value to ‘0’ – This will remove the fillet blends as shown
You can delete the grayed out dimension with the
Removing faces:
Now rotate your part over as shown.
Select Modify>Solid Face>Remove.
Now select the following 4 faces using the LMB.
Before you Accept lets add a pattern to remove.
Select ‘Feature’ in the conversation bar.
Next select ‘Pattern’ in the conversation bar.
Next select ‘Faces’ in the conversation bar. This will allow you to select
pattern of faces.
Select one of the faces so all selected faces are highlighted
as shown below – note how KeyCreator automatically
recognizes the pattern of faces.
Now select ‘Accept’ 3 times (or use ‘RMB’ or ‘Enter’) until all selected faces
are removed. Your new result should look like this:
Modifying the part with Dimension Driven Edit (DDE):
Set the view back to ‘View 7 - Isometric’ (use Alt-7 on
keyboard or select the icon as shown below [from right side
of screen).
Select Modify>Dimension Driven Edit.
Select the two edges as shown (if you need to rotate the part
around do so) – otherwise KeyCreator can ‘see through’ the
Drag the cursor out to place the dimension as shown – use the [~] key to
orient the dimension text as necessary.
While in the Dimension Driven Edit mode, hover the cursor
over the left side of the dimension to highlight the faces as
shown. Select using LMB.
Enter a value of 3. Then select ‘Accept’.
You should get the following result:
Select the ‘Add’ option in the conversation bar to select the
two hole faces as well. Then select ‘Accept’.
Adding chamfers:
Select the top edges shown below. Then ‘Accept’.
Delete the dimension.
Select Create>Solid Feature>Chamfer>Chamfer Edges.
Use a 0.1 x45 deg value as shown.
Result should look
like this:
Updating the drawing:
You can see our drawing automatically updates based on any changes we
made to the model.
Now we’ll update the drawing simply by ‘toggling’ back.
Select Layout>Layout Toggle.
Dimensions can be re-associated automatically or manually
under the Detail options as shown below – or you can
simply delete and recreate dimensions as needed.
Hint: You can toggle between your
part model and its layout.
If the view instances overlap you can use the
icon to move the
Creating projected instance views:
Select Layout>Projected Instance.
Hover the cursor over the instance from which you wish to project a new
instance, and the options for projection angles will appear in blue.
Hint: You can delete instances by using
icon (or delete key).
Once the angle you prefer is bolded, select. The new projected
instance will appear and you can drag and place where you
wish. Once placed, the new instance will also offer projection
angle options!
You can create as many projected instances as you like, each based off
any existing instance view. Below are some examples.
Creating section views:
A dialogue window will appear. This is where you can customize cutting
plane lines, text format, arrow, etc. Select OK.
Select Detail>Section View.
Select an instance you wish to create
a section view from. In this example,
we’ll use the Front View instance.
Select on the instance where you wish the cut to be made. In
this example, we will cut right down the center.
Select the location of the first arrow. Moving the mouse left or right
changes the direction of the cut view.
Select the location of the second arrow.
Select the solid to be sectioned. If you have an assembly you can chose
more than one solid to section.
Select ‘Accept’’.
The section view will appear, and you can move your mouse to place it where you wish.
Editing a crosshatch:
Select the existing crosshatch.
From this dialogue window you can change the pattern, angle,
and scale of the hatch. Select ‘OK’ when done.
Select Detail>Crosshatch>Edit.
A dialogue window will appear with the
current crosshatch and it’s properties.
The crosshatch has been updated as shown below.
Creating notes:
Select Detail>Notes>Key-In.
In this dialogue window you can change the text, font, size,
color, etc. Select ‘OK’ when done.
A dialogue window will appear where you enter the text for the note.
The note will appear and you can place it where you wish.
Hint: To place notes without position snapping, hold (Ctrl)
while you place the note. You can move notes around on the
layout using Generic Move
Please watch for future updates on our website as we continue to add
more functions and subjects for you to try.
More KeyCreator Training:
Kubotek University
Training Schedule
15 Minute Microslices