Issue 6 - New Prairie High School


Issue 6 - New Prairie High School
Volume 43, Issue 6
Freshman Sensation goes to State
The Cougar Chronicle
Matt Smith
Sports Reporter
On February 18,
2011 freshman Alex
Rinehart headed down
to Canseco Fieldhouse
in Indianapolis, Indiana
to compete in the state
wrestling tournament in
the 130 pound weight
“When I qualified for
state I felt so excited,”
Stated Rinehart, “but I
mostly felt relieved.”
Sadly though, Rinehart
was knocked out the first
round of state by first
ranked Brian Harvey.
“Harvey was tough...
Strong... he was good.”
Rinehart added.
Rinehart’s season
didn’t end in vain though,
he has accomplished
many things for a
freshman. Rinehart won
sectionals, placed third
at regionals, and fourth
at semi-state. Which in
the ticket round of semi-state Rinehart
beat South Bend Riley’s Josh Juarez
Photo by Samantha Bellis.
March 22, 2011
Cougar Chronicle
Photo by Courtney Barnard
who he had lost to 2-1 earlier in the
season. Rinehart didn’t just beat Juarez,
he embarassed him 11-2. “I was pretty
proud about beating
Juarez.” beamed
freshman season
is something he
won’t forget. He
many things for a
freshman. “It was
fun, but I know I
have to work harder
for next year so I
can win state down
the road.” Explained
Rinehart. Rinehart
has three more
years to fulfill his
goal of winning
state, and at the
rate he’s currently
going, there should
be no doubt he will
achieve his goal.
With hard work
and perseverance
anything is possible.’s power rankings
for the 2011 MLB season
Philadelphia Phillies
Boston Red Sox
San Francisco Giants
Texas Rangers
New York yankees
Art by, Alex Nekvasil.
Art by Alysia Palm
The Cougar Chronicle
Volume 43, Issue 6
“This bill should not be
called the Immigration
Matters Bill. It should
be called the Indiana
Security and Taxpayer Act.”
“It is sad when people
feel the need to dress
scandalous in 20
degree weather just
to get attention or acceptance.”
Photo by Courtney Barnard
Student Life...13
Some of the products this year
include endeavors to publish
a children’s book, create an
original work of art, and even
rebuild entire engines.
Cursed sports teams often go
a long time without a winning
season, being able to win a
championship, or even making it
to the playoffs.
“People should come see the show
because it’s just like sports, we
work really hard every day and
everyone should support us.”
“I got to actually watch this harsh
word no longer carry the stigma. I
knew I had to do something,”
The Chronicle is....
Kiersten Witkamp
Opinion Editor
Danielle Webb
A&E Editor
Chelsea Purkal
Features Editor
Danielle Faczan
Student Life Editor
Laura Schulte
Sports Editor
Tony Koch
Photo Editor
Courtney Barnard
Art Editor
Alysia Palm
Chrystal Wilkeson
Sammy Bellis
Alicia Blint
Elsa Kern-Lovick
Deanna Menke
Alex Nekvasil
Andy Schoff
Caitlin Smith
Matt Smith
Zak Zahrn
Alex Reinhardt, internet groups, and capstone projects. What do all these things
have in common? They’re making changes
and challenging the norm, that’s what.
They’re breaking the barriers and stereotypes that attempt to hold them back. The
Chronicle was so inspired by these things,
and others, shattering the mold, that we
have dedicated our entire issue to breaking barriers.
We celebrate our freshman
wrestler who made it to state, and we
investigate some of the most innovative
capstone projects to ever grace our halls.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Even
the Chronicle is breaking some barriers this
issue. We’re featuring two spirit awards
this month because it was to hard to decide
on just one recipient!
We hope you’re just as inspired
as we were when you read this issue.
Stereotypes are a thing of the past and
it’s time for some change. We may not be
pilots, but sound isn’t the only barrier to be
The Cougar Chronicle’s Editorial/Opinion
The Cougar Chronicle is an official publication of New Prairie
High School. The Chronicle is dedicated to providing the staff
and student body with a medium that delivers the news surrounding New Prairie High School in a timely manner. The opinions
expressed on the Chronicle’s Editorial/Opinion page are not
necessarily the opinions of the Chronicle, of New Prairie High
School, or of the New Prairie United School Corporation.
The Cougar Chronicle
Questions surround MLB 2011
Carpenter and slugger Albert Pujols. writer Matthew
Leach still has an optimistic view on St.
Louis’ chances this season.
“With Pujols, (Matt) Holliday,
(Colby) Rasmus, and still an above
average pitching rotation, look for the
Cards to compete until the final day of the
The Philadelphia Phillies are the
favorites to win the National League East
Rays traded many of their star players
away. This has possibly opened the door
Tony Koch
for either the Boston Red Sox or New
Sports Editor
York Yankees to take the division crown.
Boston signed all star outfielder Carl
Major League Baseball spring training
Crawford and traded for all star first
has already begun and many questions are
baseman Adrian Gonzalez. This along
buzzing around MLB this season. Last
with a decent pitching staff may give
season the National League champion
Boston the advantage in the AL East.
San Francisco Giants shocked the world
In the AL Central and West, the
and triumphed over the American League
divisions could come down to the wire.
champion Texas Rangers in five games to
The longtime rivals
win the WorldSeries.
Chicago White Sox
Though the Giants are
and Minnesota Twins
the defending champions,
will try to win the AL
many experts are not
Central. The Twins
picking them to make the
won the division last
playoffs this year.
season, but many
According to writers are, the Colorado
favoring the White
Rockies are marginally
Sox this season
favored over the Giants.
because “of the new
ESPN writer Buster
addition of power
Olney stated “the Rockies
hitter Adam Dunn”.
middle lineup with Carlos
The Rangers are
Gonzalez and Troy
defending AL West
Tulowitzski should help
winners and went to
them win the NL West.”
the World Series last
Sophomore Dustin
season, but according
Allen still thinks that his
to, the
team, the Giants will win
young Oakland
the NL West however.
Athletics led by
“San Fran still has
pitcher Trevor Cahill
terrific pitching and now
The Giants will have to defend their title this season
could jump Texas in the standings and
has the experience to win big time
and hope to beat the odds stacked against them.
make the playoffs for the first time
games, that should help them get back Photo courtesy of Creative
since 2006.
to the playoffs,” Allen said.
“When the playoffs started last
A big story in the off season
and possibly the World Series according
season, I picked Philly to win it all. They
was St. Louis Cardinals’ ace starting
to The Phillies acquired star
didn’t, but this year I’m picking them to
pitcher Adam Wainwright’s elbow injury.
pitcher Cliff Lee to compliment the
win it all because of their great pitching,”
Wainwright underwent Tommy John
2010 NL Cy Young Award winner Roy
freshman Troy Ericson commented.
surgery, the worst type of surgery a pitcher
Halladay, Roy Oswalt, and 2008 World
MLB will definitely have many
can undergo, and will therefore miss
Series MVP Cole Hamels. And with
questions at the start of the season. But as
the entire season. The current National
terrific hitters such as first baseman Ryan
the season progresses, many questions will
League Central champion Cincinnati Reds
Howard and second baseman Chase Utley, be answered and baseball will crown a
are now the favorite to win the division
the Phillies have a two pronged attack.
according to, but the Cardinals
In the American League East,
can still contend with star pitcher Chris
the defending champion Tampa Bay
The Cougar Chronicle
Do you believe in sports curses?
Matt Smith
Sports Reporter
Is it bad luck, or is there something supernatural being cast upon some seemingly cursed sports
teams? Cursed sports teams often go a long time without a winning season, being able to win a
championship, or even making it to the playoffs. These “curses” aren’t just cast upon sports teams,
but also individual players who have been traded and cursed the teams that have traded them, like
Babe Ruth for instance. Here are some of these curses and the stories behind them.
Billy Goat Curse
This curse allegedly started in 1945 when Billy Goat
Tavern owner Billy Sianis was ejected out of a Chicago
Cubs game due to how terrible his pet goat’s odor was.
While being thrown out he became enraged and yelled, “
Them Cubs ain’t gonna win no more!” With those seven
words a “curse” was placed on the Chicago Cubs because
they insulted his goat.
Curse of
Billy Pen
In March of 1987 a gentleman’s agreement was
broken that no building shall be taller than the statue
of Philadelphia founder William Penn with the
opening of One Liberty Place. After One Liberty Place
opened, Philadelphia’s sports teams failed to produce
a championship winning season. In 2008 the Comcast
Center was built and they placed a statue of William
Penn on top of their building. Ironically after the statue
was placed atop the Comcast Center, the Philadelphia
Phillies won the World Series.
Madden Curse
Being on the cover of the football video game Madden is a
dream for almost all professional football players. Except for the
ones who have been on it and suffered setbacks in their career.
Take Eddie George for instance, he was featured on the cover of
Madden 2001, after being on the cover he never averaged more
than 3.3 yards per carry. Daunte Culpepper led the Minnesota
Vikings to the playoffs in 2000, but after appearing on the
Madden 2002 cover, he threw 23 interceptions as the Vikings
slumped to a 5–11 record. He also broke the record for most
fumbles in a single season. While his career looked to be back
on track in 2004 with a career season, he blew out both knees
in 2005 and 2006 and never resembled the player he was at the
start of the decade. Michael Vick who appeared on the cover of
Madden 2004. Vick broke his leg in preseason and was placed
on injured reserve. Most superstitious players refuse to be on the
cover because of this “curse”.
In 1918 the Boston Red Sox Manager, Harry Frazee, sold
the legendary Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees to pay
for his Broadway play he was directing. Before 1918 the
Red Sox were the elite team but after 1918 the Yankees
were the ones to be reckoned with. Since 1918 the Red
Sox had not won a championship, their worst luck was the
infamous “Buckner Play” in the 1986 World Series. But
their championship drought came to an end in 2004 when
they defeated the St. Louis Cardinals, and the Curse of the
Photos courtesy of
The Cougar Chronicle
Wisconsin bill sparks
Elsa Kern-Lovick
News Reporter
Across the country, there have
been a series of monumental
and historic events occurring
due to recent legislation proposed concerning the rights of
public sector worker.
These workers, employees
of Wisconsin government offices and departments such as
teachers or firefighters, have
had their rights as employees
jeopardized by certain provisions of the recently proposed
legislation authored by Wisconsin Republican Governor
Scott Walker. The legislation
was proposed in order to address a projected $3.6 billion
budget shortfall. This has
sparked tens of thousands of
protestors, including union
members, students, and other
citizens, to demonstrate across
Wisconsin, largely at the state
capitol in Madison.
The protests began
on February 15th when Senator
Walker first proposed his new
legislation. The provisions of
this legislation that protestors
have so adamantly protested
would require state employees
to contribute 5.8% of their
salaries to pension costs, and
contribute 12.6% to cover their
health care premiums. Most
controversially, the legislation
would weaken the valuable
collective bargaining rights of
most public employee union
members. The police and firemen unions of Wisconsin have
been excluded from the current legislation and some have
speculated that the exclusion
stems from possible support
statement denying any interest
in purchasing any state owned
power plants in Wisconsin.
At one in the morning
Senator Walker may have reon
25th, the Wisconceived from police and firemen
sin State Assembly held an exunions in the recent mid-term
tremely sudden and quick vote
to pass the legislation. The
Though the
vote was passed
stated reason for the
with 17
legislation is to address
a large state budget
and 51 in
shortfall, Democrats and
union leaders have pub28
reprelically offered to accept
the increased costs of
benefits if collective
bargaining rights can
remain and Walker
warnrejected this idea. Furing,
thermore, in January,
the state legislature
for voting was
passed a series of
short (lastbills which cut taxes
Protests erup
on 5-15
d the state o
and gave deductions to when a
f Wisconsin o
bill was prop
osed that wo
businesses at a “twoPhoto courte
uld target un
sy of On Task
year cost of $67 milvia creativeco more than half of
lion”, as Scott Bauer of
the democratic repconditions.”
The Associated Press reports.
were not
Other proposals on
On February 18 , the third
the budget repair bill have
day of the continuing protests,
As of March 8th,
also proved to be very controABC quotes President Barak
the issue and protests are
versial. One such passage is
Obama saying that the provistill ongoing, although there
one that would allow the state
sions of the Wisconsin legishave been breaking reports of
to sell up to 37 heating and
lation which would weaken
Senator Walker negotiating via
cooling plants across the state
collective bargaining rights,
e-mail with the Democratic
without requiring competitive
“is more like an assault on
“Wisconsin 14” that have left
bids. This means that the state
has the ability to sell the plants the state in protest of the bill.
Collective bargaining
It seems Walker may gave to
at any price to anyone at their
is the process of negotiations
make negotiations in order to
discretion. With this, many
between representatives of
began speculating and express- convince the Democratic senaunions or organized groups of
employees and employers. The ing concerns that this provision tors to return, and to improve
his plummeting approval ratcould be an attempt to sell
negotiations cover things like
ings. No one can report in cerstate assets at bargain prices to
regulation of working conditainty exactly what will happen
big businesses controlled by
tions, wages, working hours,
Charles G. Koch and David H. next, but what is certain is the
health and safety regulations
monumental effect that these
Koch, billionaires who backed
and grievance mechanisms.
events have on the country
Walker’s campaign for goverWithout it, employees would
nor. According to The Milwau- and proof of the effect that the
have little influence on the
voice of the people holds.
kee Wisconsin Journal Senticonditions of their employnel, Koch Industries issues a
ment. reports
that the legislation “would
allow most state workers to
keep their bargaining rights on
salaries – but would end collective bargaining on all other
issues, including health care
costs, pensions, and workplace
Immigration law migrates to Indiana
The Cougar Chronicle
law suits waiting to happen.” The biggest
questioning, and sometimes arresting,
concern of those against the bill is the
those individuals who they had probable
possibility of racial profiling it could lead
cause to suspect
to and the reputation it could create for
as an illegal
The controversial
Indiana among the other states.
immigrant. The
immigration law
“I think it’s ridiculous. It’s
Evansville Courier
that was passed
said senior Bianca
Press reported
in Arizona last
that Delph told
year is now in the
Neither supporting nor slighting
the Senate Labor
process of being
bill was Indiana Attorney
Committee that
passed in Indiana.
Zoeller, Republican, who
the “inability to
According to CBS
debate over illegal
speak the English
Chicago News,
in Congress, not the
language” would
the bill passed
be one such cause
the Senate Labor
Junior Tiara DeGroote was also
for suspicion.
Committee eight to
of her opinion of the law saying
Just as it
one on Wednesday
with some parts of it, but
caused controversy
February 9th. From
she did agree that
in Arizona, this
there, the bill
to be in the
proposed law is
went to the Senate
legally.” The
stirring up debate
in Indiana as well.
Senator Mike
for financial
Young, a
from the
movement to
protests around the state. Photo courtesy of state’s
introduce the law
Fibonacci Blue via capital, is
in Indiana started
in favor
all the way back in
of the law both in Arizona and
May of 2010 when Senator Mike Delph,
Indiana. He told the Evansville
a Republican from Carmel, Indiana, told
Courier Press that legislators have that if congress and the
an obligation to uphold the laws
Obama administration do not act on illegal
that are in place and protect the
immigration soon, he would introduce the
state’s residents. Proponents of the
legislation this January when the General
bill claim that were it passed, the
Assembly convened.
law would protect Indiana residents
He held true to his word and
from terrorists, competitive illegal
when the Indiana General Assembly
workers who would drive down
met in January 2011, Senate Bill 590
wages, and unfair tax burdens.
was introduced. As of February 22, the
“This bill should not be
measure had passed the Indiana Senate
called the Immigration Matters
31-18, reported the Indianapolis Star. The
Bill. It should be called the Indiana
bill is now in the Republican-held Indiana
Security and Taxpayer Act,” said
house for consideration and voting.
Young, according to the Indianapolis
The Arizona bill that was passed
into law last year made it a crime under
However, the bill also has
state law to be in the U.S illegally. It
a large number of opponents, including Similar to Indiana, Minnesota also proposed
requires immigrants to carry their alien
Democratic senator Karen Tallian from an Arizona-like immigration bill. This bill
registration papers with them at all times
was also highly challenged. Photo courtesy
Portage who claimed to the Courier
and gave police the responsibility of
of Fibonacci Blue via
Press that the bill was “a bazillion
Kiersten Witkamp
Student Life
The Cougar Chronicle
Students’ unique Capstone
products break the mold
Caitlin Smith
Student LIfe Reporter
Though New Prairie’s Capstone Project has undergone some recent alterations,
the main concept has remained the same.
As in previous years, students continue to
branch out and create products completely
unique of any project done before.
Some of the products this year include endeavors to publish a children’s
book, create an original work of art, and
even rebuild entire engines. New Prairie
Capstone students continue to challenge
themselves and go above and beyond
while completing the project. More importantly, many of the students are genuinely
excited about their projects, eager to learn
something new.
Some students have elected to work
with the technical field. Senior Adam
Duda is working to install a full sound
system in his car. He said he has wired
everything himself, saying, “ It probably
took two hours to install the main dash
system. Then another three hours to install
door speakers, and about ten hours overall
to install the entire system throughout the
car.” Duda went on to say that the inspiration to choose this project came from a
Duda said, “My friend’s car had spinners and an awesome sound system, pretty
much everything. I wanted my car to be
like my friend’s, so that’s why I chose this
Senior Brian Jaybar is learning, stepby-step, how to build a tractor. He started
the project looking to learn about something in the mechanical area, as he plans
to study that field upon graduating high
“My mentor is the one who came
up with the real product idea. He found
the parts to a tractor lying in a field. We
loaded them into his truck and took the
parts back to his shop. Since then, “Jaybar
explained, “I have been learning, in steps,
how to put the tractor parts back together.”
There are also students who are working equally hard in fields other than the
technical areas. Senior Leann Henry is
working with IUSB professor Ms. Sally
Hanson to create a costume for the upcoming musical. Henry said the outfit is for
the character Potiphar in “Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”.
“I liked sewing and I wanted to make
something of my own. After choosing that
topic, I really looked forward to working with Ms. Hanson as a mentor,” Henry
stated. She went on to say, “My product is
almost finished. It’s been difficult, but I’ve
learned a lot and I think the costume looks
Many other students chose to learn
about the musical field. Senior Patrick
Andrews is designing a drill chart for a
marching band half-time show song. He
said, “I chose this project because marching band is my favorite thing to do and I
am obsessed with drum and bugle corps. I
feel like it’s a unique project because I’ve
heard plenty of people talk about working
with their own music, but no one has ever
tried to design the movements of an entire
band in a half-time show.” Andrews plans
to study musical education in college,
which he said was a reason for his choice.
These are only a few of the amazing projects that New Prairie seniors and
juniors are completing. Many more are
working with similarly innovational ideas,
a trend which will most likely continue
into the coming years.
Pictures by Sammy Bellis
The Cougar Chronicle
Student Life
takes center stage
sports, like basketball and
softball,” said senior Matt
Senior Shawn Fleming also
has a unique way of expressing
himself. “I express myself
with my singing, and dancing,
and my acting,” he said. “I can
skills for the future; such as
cooperation, compromise,
self-confidence, and working
together just to name a few.
Students also had ideas about
why self-expression is so
“It gives teen a way to show
expression is a big part of
being a teen. It’s vital for teens
as they become adults, because
they identify who they are, and
what they want to become.
Everybody has their own way
to express themselves, so teens
shouldn’t be afraid to break
Laura Schulte
The Cougar Chronicle
Students weigh in on debate
Senior Edgar Bibian
“I was born in
California but
my parents are
I’m against it
because all
my friends
and family are
immigrants. I
don’t think its
p l d giv .”
“I’ d hel
o s
wou latio cans j
Sophomore Zach Potts
Student LIfe Editor
“I’m for it. I feel like
people shouldn’t come here
and expect to be handed
things. And [Illegal immigrants] take away jobs
from people.”
Sophomore Jacob Buttermore
“I thinks its a good idea . We’ll
know if people are legal or not so
illegal aliens aren’t taking jobs
away from U.S. citizens.”
Junior Josh Wyller
Self-expression is a
very important part of a
teen’s life. Whether it’s
through sports, art, or
other means, teens find
different ways to express
themselves, no matter
what they do. From
hair colors to volunteer
work, everybody has a
different way to express
themselves. Students
from New Prairie are
no different, and they
weighed in with their
opinions too.
“I express myself
through art, the way I
dress, my appearance, and
what I say,” said junior
Lee Anne Opfer. “I pretty
much express myself all the
time, through whatever I do.”
On the other hand, senior
Justin Dutcher had another
way of expressing himself. “I
express myself through music,
writing music, songs, and
“I express myself through
“I don’
A lot o think it shou
f jobs
they d be passed
don’t w
ant to
do any Americans
Senior Ashton Sieczko
“If theyre legal then
they should be here.”
Sophomore Haley
Sheedy. (Not Pictured)
And the spirit award goes to...
Kiersten Witkamp
use the dance moves to express
any emotion. And then [when]
acting, you can be anyone you
Self-expression can come
in many forms. According
to an article at, selfexpression is what builds a
teen’s life. It’s a great way for
young people to learn valuable
who they are and gives them
a sort of freedom,” said junior
Ashley Tucker.
“It’s good to stand out in the
crowd and not follow everyone
else,” said sophomore Melanie
Toledo. “Oh, and it’s good to
be your own person.”
So whether one acts,
plays sports, or draws, self-
Art by Alex Nekvasil
down the barrier and show
their true colors.
New Prairie is home to many
great administrators, teachers,
and programs. But even New
Prairie could not function without
hardworking dedicated students
to support it. This month, the
Chronicle would like to recognize
one of those students by awarding
the individual spirit award to
junior Kala Erickson. She is avidly
involved in numerous school
activities and is always willing to
help out to make our school a better
place. The Cougar Chronicle was
able to talk to Kala and find out
what drives her and her outstanding
school spirit.
What kinds of things
are you involved in for
the school?
I’m in student senate, Spanish club,
National Honor Society, theater,
and broadcast.
Continued on page 7
Don’t ever feel like you’re
less than perfect
Danielle Webb
Opinion Editor
“This one’s for the
girls. Who have ever had
a broken heart, who have
wished upon a shooting
star. This one’s for you.”
Martina McBride sends
a message to girls every
where with her song “This
ones for the girls.” Girls
are born with a natural
beauty, spark, and charisma. As they grow up
they form their style based
on what they like. They
dress and act according to
how they feel. Each girl
has a glow about herself.
However, this shining glow
has disappeared in many.
Insecurities have consumed
their thoughts.
It’s sad to see people
fall into this category. Why
do some girls allow their
sexuality to define who
they are to their peers?
When will girls be secure
enough with themselves
not to taint who they are
and to just feel accepted?
It’s a hard world, and
adding negative variables, only makes it
So many people judge others on their
looks, and if they do not meet the society’s
standards the person may be bullied. We
need to stop caring so muchabout how
others feel about our physical traits. We
must muster up all the confidence we
have and look at ourselves in the mirror
and sing Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful”
lyrics. “I am beautiful no matter what they
say; words won’t bring me down today.”
Television and the media influence
girls to be something they are not. They
feels that this is becoming an issue.
“It is sad when people feel the need
to dress scandalous in 20 degree weather,
just to get attention or acceptance,” said
Lestinsky. She believes people should use
their personalities to further themselves in
pretty please,
don’t you
ever feel like
your less then
perfect.” Singer
and songerwriter Pink brings
an anthem to
young girls on
self acceptance,
her lyrics from
“Less then perfect” grab ask
us to change.
You are perfect
inside and out.
As girls we
need to bring
our glow back,
and stop focusingabout what
people think
and our outer
Once we do, we
may find inner
peace, and the
confidence we
have been longing for.
Art by: Alysia Palm
tell the girls that outer beauty will get your
farther in life than inner. Girls pack on
pounds of make-up, ignore severe weather
conditions and wear summer attire, and allow themselves to receive negative attention from others. Senior Sammie Lestinsky
The Cougar Chronicle
Don’t forget to be awesome
Deanna Menke
Features Reporter
Time and time again,
teenagers are told that the
Internet is dangerous. How
many times have students been
warned that what they post on
Facebook will come back to
haunt them in their thirties?
It’s true that the Internet can
be a potentially harmful place,
but what many people don’t
know is that it is also home to
many charitable groups that are
often started or fueled by teens
More than 470,000 people
have subscribed to the
Vlogbrothers on YouTube.
John and Hank Green, brothers
(and self-proclaimed nerds) in
their early thirties, started the
channel on January 1, 2007,
in an effort to reconnect with
one another. What started out
as just a vlog, or video blog,
channel for the brothers grew
into an entire community
affectionately named
Nerdfighteria. Nerdfighters
are people who fight for nerds.
They are all about increasing
awesome and decreasing
“world suck.”
In their efforts to increase
awesome around the world,
nerdfighters have created
Continued from page 10
Kuczmanski, a recent member
of the organization. The radio
show mentioned is Choose
To Change. Teens and tweens
become guest DJs on the
show and play songs they find
inspirational or that simply
promote positive self-esteem,
love, peace, and a healthy
an event on YouTube called
Project for Awesome, a day
on which the homepage of
YouTube is filled with videos
for charities rather than
the usual videos of cats on
skateboards. According to a
Vlogbrothers video, the Project
for Awesome generated more
than 3,000 videos and over
$135,000 in a raffle in this
year alone. Nerdfighters also
sent a plane of medicine and
water to Haiti in 2010 after
the disastrous earthquake.
The plane was named the SS
DFTBA, which are the letters
that stand for the motto of
nerdfighters: Don’t Forget To
Be Awesome.
A different Internet group
Art by Alex Nekvasil
The Cougar Chronicle
Felhauer thinks Choose
To Change is a great idea.
“If they are good songs and
teach a lesson, it’s a win-win
[situation]. Teens can listen
to good music but also learn
something about themselves
and think, ‘that song relates to
“I feel like it is a great
opportunity for me to share
called the Chartjackers also
left their generous mark on the
web in 2009. Four YouTubers
named Alex Day, Charlie
McDonnell, Jimmy Hill, and
Johnny Haggart, all from the
U.K. and with over 17 million
hits between them, decided
to join forces. They wanted
to mobilize their audiences
to create a song that would
be No. 1 in the U.K., with
all of the proceeds going to
Children in Need, a very large
charitable organization in the
country. Instead of taking
the reigns on the project,
however, the four young men
decided to only manage it.
They wanted their subscribers
to send in lyrics and melodies
and audition to actually sing
the song and perform in the
music video. The month the
Chartjackers YouTube channel
launched, it was the number
one channel in the world,
according to BBC Switch.
Once the song and music video
were released on a Monday,
the song had only six days
to get as high on the charts
as possible to hear it on the
Top 40 on Sunday. According
the song reached number 36
in the U.K. Singles Charts
and number 1 in the U.K.
Independent Charts. The
Chartjackers project raised
£10,000 for Children in Need,
and it was all started by four
boys in their late teens and
early twenties.
Another charitable
organization started on the
Internet is the HP Alliance.
According to their website,
the HP Alliance “fights the
Dark Arts in the real world
by using parallels from Harry
Potter.” The HP Alliance has
had many success stories since
its founding in 2005. They sent
five cargo planes to Haiti, one
of which was the SS DFTBA
of the nerdfighters. They
donated more than 55,000
books around the world, raffled
an autographed set of Harry
Potter books that raised more
than $16,000, and produced
a podcast about the horrible
conditions in Darfur that was
downloaded over 120,000
These are just examples of
many wonderful communities
that exist primarily on the
Internet to help decrease the
hurt and hardship throughout
the world. To learn more and
to get involved, go to www.,
chartjackers, and www.
my opinions with other young
teens and adults,” Kuczmanski
“Teens need a vehicle for
having their voices heard,
and if they relate to anything
it’s music,” began Hoeffner.
“Through music we can all be
motivated to change our lives
and change the world.”
With the help of teens and
tweens, Hey U.G.L.Y. can
spread the word, which is why
Hoeffner encourages anyone
interested to become a member
by going to and
clicking on JOIN US.
Danielle Faczan
The Cougar Chronicle
NP swim teams splash spirit
Features Editor
This issue the Cougar
Chronicle staff is awarding a
spirit award to the New Prairie
boys and girls swim teams.
Spirit can be described as
showing pride in one’s school
and spreading the excitement
for a game or match something the swim team is
well known for.
“I think that the swim
team is considered spirited
because of their team attitude
throughout the season,” stated
swim coach Ashley Wojtysiak.
“The seniors coordinate most
of the spirit activities and
encourage the rest of their
teammates to participate.”
“We dress up before meets
and have pasta parties,” said
senior Erin Suttor.
“For at least one meet we
dress like Nova. It’s called
Nova Day,” added senior
Jessica McFarland. “And this
year we just recently started
dancing in the locker room.”
“The guys shave their entire
body,” began senior Sebastian
Heyn. “And we sing the school
song before every meet.”
Senior Amy Yanok also has
a great appreciation for the
swim coaches, who cooperate
with other school departments
NP’s Boys and Girls swim teams. Photo by Courtney Barnard
to allow swimmers to
participate in more than one
friendships and New Prairie
crazy haircut?” Senior Keith
students’ spirit.
Fischer joked.
“For example, they support
“It makes the team closer
Congratulations to the
the band [by letting swimmers] when we make time to get
girls and boys swim teams for
leave early for pep band and
together,” stated Suttor.
receiving one of this issue’s
things like that. They even
“It has a positive effect
spirit awards. Hopefully the
let me play the star spangled
on the team’s spirit and gets
team’s spirit will roll off onto
banner at meets!” Yanok said.
younger kids involved,” added
the rest of New Prairie because
These displays of school
after all, as Yanok pointed out,
spirit do more than make for
“And who doesn’t want
“having school spirit is always
good fun. They also have
to see Subby [Heyn] with his
positive effects on team
Hey U.G.L.Y. raises kids’ self esteem
Danielle Faczan
Features Editor
Around the world, selfesteem is constantly lowered
due to bullying, causing an
increase in teen suicide, gun
violence in schools, drug
abuse, eating disorders, and
more. It’s hard to say exactly
what brings forth bullying, and
it’s even harder to discover
ways to stop it. A nonprofit
organization founded in 2002
called Hey U.G.L.Y. has the
mission of just that - giving
youth the self-esteem and
solutions they need to live in
respect of not only others, but
also themselves.
“My friend Sporty King
created a speech called I Am
Ugly U.G.L.Y. In the speech,
he talks about growing up in
Harlem, New York, and feeling
ugly. He felt so bad sometimes
[that] he didn’t think he could
face another day. Then he
decided to look on the positive
side and turned ugly into
Unique Gifted Lovable You.
I got to actually watch this
harsh word no longer carry
the stigma. I knew I had to
do something,” explained
Hey U.G.L.Y. co-founder and
president Betty Hoeffner.
According to,
the name “ugly” was chosen
because it is considered “one
of the most negative words in
our vocabulary.” Converting
the term to
Unique Gifted
Lovable You
allows teens to
view it with a
new, positive
This is why
Hey U.G.L.Y. logo courtesy of Betty Hoeffner.
Hey U.G.L.Y.
developed an annual acronym
how they took a hurtful word
contest, asking teens to take
and made it into four nice,
words like “dork”, “hate”,
thoughtful words,” commented
“racism”, “stupid”, or “loser”
junior Lindsy Felhauer.
and turn them into something
“I’m pretty involved
positive. More information on
[with Hey U.G.L.Y.]. I did a
this contest can be found at
retreat with fifth graders about
bullying and [I was on] the
“I think it’s great that there
radio show as a guest DJ,” said
are people out there wanting
freshman Olivia
to help teens get over bullying
Continued on Page 11
and other problems. I also like
Strength-it’s mind,
body, and heart
The Cougar Chronicle
Zak Zahrn
Opinion Writer
Strength. Most hear the word and
think of physical attributes: built arms,
ripped abs, and legs that can carry you for
miles. However, is that true strength? Is
muscle really the only way strength can be
defined? Does strength even have a clean
cut definition at all?
In the dictionary, strength is defined
as the ability to do or endure, meaning
physical capability is not the only way to
show strength. Having a strong spirit, or
willpower, can help one get through some
of life’s hardest trials.
“Strength is being mentally strong and
having heart,” said sophomore Amanda
Hager. For instance, the soldiers in Iraq
are going through the hardest trial of all,
and no amount of physical strength will
help. This is the torture of being away
from all those they love. Something like
that takes a different kind of strength. This
takes strength of the heart.
Having strength is very important
to many people, whether it is physical,
emotional, or mental. Junior Jesse
Continued from page 5
Out of those,
which is your
What motivates
you to be
involved in so
many different
Schweizer commented
that the strength one has
is important “depending
on what you want in
life.” This is very true.
Some people may find
that mental strength is
important because they
would like to be a chemist
or mathematician. Whereas,
a person pursuing a life in
sports may find physical
strength more appealing.
No matter what career
one pursues, there is always
one strength everyone
will need. This is strength
of the heart - the ability
to persevere no matter
what goes wrong. Life
is unpredictable, and
sometimes things happen to
people who do not deserve it, but if people
focus on what they want, and what it takes
to reach their goal, nothing can stop them.
If a person does not believe in themselves,
then failure is
It cannot be
where true
strength really
comes from.
Senior Brian
Hager believes
that strength
exists in “the
mind, body,
and heart.”
Maybe true
strength is only
revealed when
a person gains
strength in all
three areas.
Though people
may not be
able to pin
Art by: Alysia Palm
point the origin
of strength,
most can agree that all types of strength
are important.
I like to help out with school
and be a part of things. I do
my best to help with all the
change anything
about NP, what
would you
change and why?
away from your
dedication to the
school and your
What is your
favorite part
about New
I would change all the different
classes and make them all
block classes. Its easier. Now,
students are having trouble
with the schedule.
I hope they get involved. A
lot [of students] don’t like to
but it’s a lot of fun and you
feel good about helping out at
All the different activities they
offer us.
If you could
What do you
hope people
learn or take
“The Cave” and “Little Lion
Man” are great songs for first
time listeners to fall in love. If
you’re looking for a music group
to define yourself with this band
is sure to grab listeners.
live with the “beast” and locked
away from the outside world,
but it appears out of place in the
modern day re-telling. Overall
the movie was very entertaining.
value. By the time Kathy gets
back the house that is rightfully
hers, the Behrani family is dead.
Overall, the book had a great storyline. I recommend it to anyone
that likes stories about tragedy.
Alicia Blint
A&E Reporter
This year the women’s choir has stepped
out of their boundaries to show what they’ve
really got. And to do so, their music teacher,
Mr. Strasser, has entered them into huge singing competitions.
Day and night the girls have practiced
to work up to their true potential to earn a
spot at the top and show the school what
they can do. From walking down the halls in
high heels,
to decorating a spirit
box for one
to keep a
fresh vibe
in the air,
they show
no mercy
to the other
12, Sing
competed at
Photo provided
Lafayette Jefferson High
School to go up against
other women’s choirs. Wearing their bright
pink T-shirts and jeans to show their individuality, they walk in to show all that they
meant business. As they stood on stage in
their blue dresses, beige character shoes,
and sparkling earrings, they sang their hearts
out to show their inner beauty of music. In
the end, New Prairie High School’s Sing
Sensation finished fifth out of five. But with a
baffling surprise, they didn’t show a wink of
On February 19, they competed at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis,
Indiana and again gave it their all. When the
judges turned to each other to discuss their final decisions, the girls squeezed each other’s
hands in attempt to hide their nervousness.
Sing Sensation finished sixth out of six.
Even though Sing Sensation finished
last in both competitions, there is more to
the game than winning. The girls spoke
out to show there was no disappointment.
Sophomore Sami Wagner said, “It
was a lot of fun to sing in Sing Sensation
because the girls were always nice. The
music was a little difficult at first but we
soon got the
hang of it.”
“We all
had a blast
going to the
schools and
The entire
choir class
put our
time and
effort into
preparing and I
think that
we did a
good job,”
by Mr. Chad Strasser added junior
CieAna Marsh.
“It was a privilege to sing in Sing Sensation. I was really nervous and excited
when we were competing, even though I
was the only freshman. When we didn’t
win, it didn’t matter, we were all there
together,” explained freshman Veronica
The girls didn’t do this all by themselves, though. Mr. Strasser made it all
happen for the girls by giving them the
opportunity of a lifetime.
Senior Jessica McFarland added, “Mr.
Strasser has a great personality, kind and
caring, but strict at times. He really lets
loose to make us feel more comfortable.”
Sing Sensation
competes to the top
Arts &
Spring time brings the beginning of
baseball season, a senior’s last nine weeks
of school, and also the annual musical
performance put on by the New Prairie
Theatre Company. English teacher Ms.
Cortney Kramer will be directing another
remarkable show while members of the
NPTC present Joseph & the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat. The musical is
a retelling of the Biblical story of Joseph
and his coat of many colors. Joseph is a
handsome young man and is also son of
Jacob, who adores Joseph more than his
eleven other sons. His siblings become
extremely jealous, thus giving them the
idea to sell Joseph into slavery. After
refusing orders from his owner’s wife, Joseph is sent away to jail where he quickly
becomes popular due to his interpretation
of dreams. The Pharaoh soon hears of
Joseph’s ability which leads him to be one
of the most powerful men Egypt. Years
later, Joseph’s brothers arrive in Egypt
asking Joseph, who they don’t recognize,
for assistance in looking for their brother.
The story and songs of this musical is
great for all ages!
NPTC has always been known for the
Chelsea Purkal
A&E Editor
incredible shows they put on for the community, but it takes more preparation than
people think it to be. Kramer explained
all of the hard work that’s done before
opening night.
“We put in
about fifty hours
before auditions getting the
set ready, the
costumes, the choreographing, and
purchasing things
we need,” began
Kramer. “Then
after auditions we
put in about one
hundred hours
of rehearsal and
forty to fifty hours
of set construction.”
Kramer and
NPTC members
enjoy many aspects of being in the theatre and putting on
musicals every year.
“I love seeing the end result of each
musical and this year I’ve loved seeing
the costumes Elisa Berger has made from
scratch,” Kramer stated.
Senior Justin Dutcher, who plays
seniors that have been involved with
NPTC for years, it is almost surreal that
this will be their last performance at New
“It’s a bittersweet feeling because I
will be moving on to college plays, but
Photo by Courtney Barnard
Joseph, explained that he loves the inside
jokes he has with NPTC members as well
as the rehearsals each day and opening
I’m going to miss performing in high
school and for Kramer,” said Dutcher.
“It’s really upsetting because I know
I’m probably not going to act anymore,”
commented senior Shawn Fleming. Fleming plays Reuben, one of the brothers of
With opening night approaching junior
Kala Erickson, who plays Jacob, the father, told me she is very excited for people
to be amazed by how good of a production NPTC will put on and that it’s not an
ordinary high school production.
“Everybody should come see it because it’s going to be an amazing show
and it showcases a lot of talent that people
may not know the actors have!” exclaimed
Kramer. “This year we have pre-recorded
music which will make the show twenty
times better!”
Freshman Trevor Moore, who plays
Naphtali and Potiphar quoted, “People
should come see the show because it’s just
like sports, we work really hard every day
and everyone should support us.”
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor
Dreamcoat opens on March 24 and 25 at
7 P.M. and on March 26 at 4 P.M. with the
Gala following the March 26 production.
Joseph hits the spotlight
The book House of Sand and Fog is
based on a novel of the same title by Andre Dubus III. Published in 2004, the story
is about a recovering drug addict named
Kathy who is evicted from the house she
inherited from her father due to unpaid
taxes. While Kathy struggles to find a
new place to live, a former Iranian named
Behrani buys her former house, intending
to renovate it and sell it for 4x the original
Andy Schoff
A&E Reporter
House of Sand and Fog
Book Review
Alicia Blint
A&E Reporter
Beastly is the modern day re-telling of
the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast.
A rich, handsome, self-centered teen is
cursed by a teen witch and left to find him
a woman to fall in love with in one year.
It sounds all too good to be true. Watching the movie, it didn’t make sense in the
present day setting. Sure she was sent to
Movie Review
Inspired by folk, rock, country and
bluegrass, Mumford & Sons uses their
rootsy rhythmic tune to inspire listeners.
The band uses raspy vocals, banjos, and
acoustics to make their sound. Their songs
Danielle Webb
Opinion Editor
Mumford and Sons
Music Review
The Cougar Chronicle