November 2012 Church Mouse Newsletter
November 2012 Church Mouse Newsletter
The Church Mouse The Lake of the Woods Church Volume No. 25 November 2012 From the Senior Pastor… Your church is engaged in the largest community outreach in its history. It has a simple title: “Fall Festival.” It will be held at Locust Grove Middle School on Saturday, October 27 from noon to 4:00 p.m. We have held various fall attractional events at LOWC in the past with great success. However, the response has outgrown the location. __ Actually, a church should be more than attractional. A church, by the very nature of its founder Jesus Christ, must be missional. That is, a church is sent out into its community. That is true of its individual members and of the church as a whole. The Fall Festival is a church-wide event. By that I mean the whole church (all ages, groups, and ministries) is being called to participate on a mission to the community. A great many are participating. I am asking every able-bodied member or friend of the church to come. Enjoy the fun, the food, and the atmosphere which will be buzzing with song, children’s laughter and a spirit of friendship. We are convening the community in Jesus’ name. Your ministry of presence, neighborliness with old friends (and, hopefully, some new ones), Making Christ Known through acts of kindness, graciousness, a smile and words of encouragement to everyone you meet will all help shape the community’s understanding of what it means to belong to Christ and His Church. Can I count on you? This mission outreach to the community begins with your ministry of presence and friendship. I strongly encourage you to also put your hands to work. We need people to run simple games, greet people, serve food, hand out packets, direct parking, and help with setup and cleanup. Call/contact the church office or any staff person. The school is glad to be chosen as the site where we engage the community. Salt is only useful if it gets out of the saltshaker and into something it can influence. You are the salt of the earth! Pastor Tom October 27 FALL FESTIVAL Noon – 4:00 p.m. Locust Grove Middle School (pages 8) Sunday, October 28 NEW SERMON SERIES What are the Chances of That? (page 2) November 2-4 WOMEN’S FALL RETREAT (page 3) Sunday, November 4 SET CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR! Saturday, November 10 CRAFTERS BAZAAR 9:00 a.m. Friendship Hall (page 9) November 11 SHOEBOX COLLECTION DAY! (page 7) November 12 VETERANS DAY (Church offices closed.) Friday, November 16 SUNBEAM CLUB GET-TOGETHER 6:00 p.m. Friendship Hall (page 6) November 17 ♫ MAKING JOYFUL NOISE CONCERT ♫ The West Point Alumni Glee Club 7:30 p.m. Worship Center (page 4) November 22 HAPPY THANKSGIVING (Church offices closed November 22 and 23.) November 30 5TH FRIDAY LUNCHEON 11:30 a.m. Friendship Hall (page 4) A SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE On Sunday, December 16, at 7:00 p.m., we will hold our tenth “A Night of Remembrance” in the sanctuary to honor and celebrate the lives of our departed loved ones. We pray this worship service of joy and hope ministers to those experiencing the pain of grief (no matter how long ago the loss) which can become more acute during the holidays. It will be a time for us to pay tribute with prayer, hymns, scripture, and special use of the Advent wreath to the memory of those people who have meant so much to us. As a celebration of their lives, we are going to have a Tree of Tribute Lights. Anyone who desires a light on this tree in memory of a loved one, please call the church office at 972-9060 by November 12. Their names will be listed in the program. We would also like to honor these special people with their photographs presented on screen. Those wishing to participate in this part of the service should bring a photograph to the church office no later than November 12. Please indicate the name of your loved one and your name and phone number on the back of the picture. The photos will be available in the narthex after the service. You may have a light on the tree and/or a photograph on the screen. NOTE: If you participated last year and desire to do the same this year, you won’t have to do anything. Should you want to make a change, add someone, or not participate at all, please call the church office by November 12. NEW SERMON SERIES Pastor Tom Schafer WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT? Faith and Hope…or Chance Oct. 28 “I Had Faith…But Things Didn’t Work Out” Hebrews 4:14 Nov. 4 “Don’t Confuse Faith with Hope” Hebrews 11:1-7 Nov. 11 “Standing On God’s Promises” Hebrews 4:16 Nov. 18 Sunday of Thanksgiving Nov. 25 “The Faith of Jesus” John 14:12, 13, John 12:49, 50 Often our faith in God rests upon what we interpret as His activity – or lack of it – in our daily lives. If our prayers are answered, faith rises. But when God is silent or circumstances crash, our confidence in God may plummet too. Is there a faith that works? Doesn’t chance or luck explain our circumstances better than faith in God? What is faith based on? Are faith and hope the same thing? This series will challenge your thinking about faith and present a biblical definition of faith and how to trust in God. Many Christians struggle with circumstance-based faith. Invite your friends and missing church members! Biblical faith – changes your Life! If you have any questions or need further information, please call Lynn Shutts at 972-7714. May God’s blessings of peace, love, comfort and joy be yours during this holiday season and in the year to come. November 4! Dick Rankin . . . MORE THAN DEBT ELIMINATION! “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your curtains wide, do not hold back. . .” Isaiah 54:2 As a church family, we surely can celebrate our amazing journey as we approach its second anniversary. We have now contributed more than $1,000,000 toward Expanding Our Vision, and our nearly $1.5 million debt in 2010 has been reduced to under $400,000 by year’s end. We are working hard to totally eliminate that debt by December 2013! BUT Expanding Our Vision is about so much more than just eliminating our debt, although debt reduction is what supports the other exciting programs that have been driven by the journey. One of those areas where the church has truly “enlarge(d) the place of (our) tent” has been the dynamic development of our Young Families Ministry. By reducing our debt during Year One we were able to bring on board Pastor Tom Savage, and what a difference he has made to our growing number of young families. Pastor Tom’s goal has been to engage families in doing LIFE together. What is LIFE? Living in vital connection with Jesus Christ and each other Influencing families in their spiritual journey Fostering small groups to meet the needs of our families Empowering young families to be all God desires them to be Part of “doing LIFE together” is that they meet every Sunday at 9:45 for Bible study and discussion. Pastor Savage is also introducing a Family Value of the Month. For example, the family value for November will be “Gratitude” and for December, “Giving.” One of the really exciting new programs has been the “Family Fun Nights” where the goal is to have fun as families. It sounds simple and it is, but it can really have an impact on the mental, emotional, and spiritual growth of our families. No one will ever forget the first Family Fun Night which turned our building into a putt-putt golf course. What fun! And they continue generally on the second Sunday of each month. In November there will be a “Smores and More Bonfire” (see page 10) and, of course, December will find young families enjoying Christmas caroling. Also flourishing, the MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers Support – group meets on a weekly basis. We are Making Christ Known to a whole new group of believers, and none of this would have been possible without your EOV contributions! Under the leadership of all our pastors and staff, including Pastor Savage, the church will be holding the first annual Family Fall Festival ( on October 27. This event is highlighted on page 8 in this issue of THE MOUSE, but it is happening because of the newfound energy that we have across all our ministries to focus on the family unit. Christ constantly talked in terms of the family, and now we are Making Christ Known to that group as well. Just think what more we can do in Expanding Our Vision as we get closer and closer to eliminating our debt, and then when we finally achieve that goal we will truly be able to enlarge the size of our tent by funding programs for needs that God has not even revealed yet. If you have been supporting the journey, we need your continued support, and, if you have not yet made that commitment, there is still time and plenty of need to join the journey as we head into our third and final year. For Making Christ Known we cannot fail. WOMEN’S FALL RETREAT November 2-4 Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center “Solving the Puzzles of Our Life” Guest speaker: Grace Fabian Contact: Donna Blackistone – 972-3555 ♫ MAKING JOYFUL NOISE ♫ CONCERT November 17 – 7:30 p.m. Marthellen Hoffman THE WEST POINT ALUMNI GLEE CLUB Signallers and Engineers Balls, Army Homecoming, and many more. Favorites among their repertoire include: Battle Hymn of the Republic; Blue and Gray Civil War Medley; Eat, Drink and Beat Navy; Long Gray Line; Stars and Stripes Forever; and West Point At Thy Call (West Point Official March). The next Making Joyful Noise Concert will be on Saturday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m. when the Salvation Army’s National Capital Band performs its Christmas concert. THANKSGIVING FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Louisa Rucker For our Veterans Day 2012, the Making Joyful Noise series welcomes back The West Point Alumni Glee Club for the third time on Saturday, November 17, at 7:30 p.m. Back by popular demand, the Glee Club honors us with their presence and tributes to America. Our own LOW Vets Club will be assisting in the program. All veterans, far and wide, are invited as we salute all of you and give you heartfelt thanks for your service to America. The Glee Club members are all West Point graduates, who enjoy singing. Members average over 19 years of active duty service, with over 75% being combat veterans. The club’s motto continues to be “No Fun Without Music; No Music Without Fun.” The members share the goal of spreading the love of music among warriors, singing for veterans, servicemen, and their families, and generating funds to provide additional support to the Cadet Glee Club, enabling them to travel farther and perform more as ambassadors for West Point and the Army. With the members’ belief in the importance of traditional music in their service to the nation, they volunteer and enjoy presenting selections from patriotic to humorous to World War One and Two medleys. All members are non-paid volunteers who provide their own transportation, clothing and other necessary items to perform. Performances have enhanced many events, such as West Point Founders Day, French Embassy D Day Celebration, West Point Oral History Gala, Can we help make your Thanksgiving 2012 table more festive and your celebration a little bit less taxing? The Flower Guild is offering fresh floral centerpieces for Thanksgiving! These will be ready to go home with you on Tuesday afternoon, November 20, or Wednesday a.m., November 21. The cost for this beautiful collection of fall blossoms - created just for you - is $30, and all profits will go to the EOV retire-the-mortgage. Enjoy this holiday bouquet as we offer together time, talent and treasure to make The Lake of the Woods Church debt free! Call Louisa (8539) for more information, or reserve your arrangement with Sparkle at the church (9060). 5th FRIDAY LUNCHEON November 30 11:30 a.m. in Friendship Hall Ham will be provided! Please bring a side dish or a dessert to share! Questions? Call Shirley (972-3812) or Gloria (972-7545) WOMEN’S GUILD Women United in Loving Discipleship Judy Minzes The LOW Church Women’s Guild meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, 10:00 a.m. – noon. Women’s Guild is multidenominational and is open to all women. We invite you to join us. Our study guide this season is entitled “When Women Say Yes to God” by Lisa TerKeurst. We still have a few study guides left. The cost is $10.00 each. We look forward to a wonderful year of spiritual enrichment and fellowship with other women. Our first meeting of the season kicked off very successfully on September 6 with approximately 70 women in attendance. Pastor Lemay was our speaker for this meeting. He discussed the various LOW Church ministries that he leads: Shepherds, Visitation and Outreach. He said that volunteers are needed in all these important ministries and welcomes all who might want to serve in our church community. He also talked about the Health Fair which was held at LOW Church on Saturday, October 20. You can also learn more about the ministries and church activities online at and click on newsletters link. The speaker for the September 20 meeting was Rose Tuminaro. She discussed Chapter 1 from our study guide “A Soul That Longs for More.” Rose’s very inspiring talk reminded us all that there are many in our lives who “long for more,” and that as Christians “the best ability is availability,” to reach out to others to share what God has done for us and use every opportunity to witness to others who have not yet come to know God. If we wonder how we might reach out, we just need to ask God to make a way for us, to show us how to share with others what He has done for us -- to “plant the seed in others, water it, and let it grow.” Women’s Guild has many great programs planned for this year, and we support several LOW Church ministries. A very worthwhile event coming up in November is the Angel Tree Project. This program is sponsored by the Prison Fellowship, started by Chuck Colson, and has been a tradition for our Guild each Christmas. Through Angel Tree we receive gift ideas from prisonerparents for their children, and we become their hands and feet to help them reach out to their children. Then, ladies in the Guild purchase, wrap, and tag the gifts with the name of the parent, and men from our church deliver them to the children’s homes. Prisoners’ children are often forgotten because of the difficult situation their family is in. Angel Tree helps keep those families connected. By supporting this wonderful project, parents in prison are grateful to know their children are cared for in this special way, and the children can know that their parent who is in prison loves them and cares about them. For more information or to make a donation, contact Joyce Hetrick at 972-8085. “Being a woman who says yes to God means making the choice to trust Him even when you can’t understand why He requires some of the things He does.” (Lisa TerKeurst) November 12 (Church offices closed.) Cub Scout Pack 19 will be at Food Lion collecting food for the Wilderness Food Pantry. Please come out the following three Saturdays to help the Cub Scouts serve the community. October 20 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. October 27 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. November 3 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. -Janet Tracy, Scout Leader THE SUNBEAM CLUB At the Lake Bev Zabka Fall has fell, and the Sunbeam Club for those who have lost a spouse is up and running. Our October gathering enjoyed an always delicious and varied potluck repast. Following dinner, our Senior Pastor Tom Schafer gave a most uplifting talk, inviting questions and discussion. Thank you, Pastor Tom, for providing us with much about which to think and pray. For our November 16 get-together, at 6:00 p.m. in the Friendship Hall as usual, let's share dinner again. Roasted turkey breast and gravy will be provided, so please bring a vegetable, salad, bread, or dessert. We'll have a fine early Thanksgiving meal and maybe still have room for another elsewhere the following week. For our "after dinner pleasure," much-traveled Jerry Moser will be taking us away, with his collections of pictures, to beautiful European Christmas Festivals! "The season" is indeed upon us. Come! If you have any questions, and suggestions are always welcome, call Prez Dick at 3225 or Ruth at 6686. Karen L. Hutchind MOPS at the Lake is having an exciting year so far. We recently had our second annual Clothing Swap which was a big hit with all of the moms. Everyone brought in a few gently used clothing/accessory items and received one ticket per item. Then the clothing / accessories were auctioned off and we used our tickets to “pay.” This is a very popular event with the moms, and we will be doing another swap in the spring, but with children’s clothes. This year our theme is “Plunge: Love As If Your Life Depended On It.” We are learning how to build lasting friendships and how to be generous with the things God has given us, not just material things but also abilities, talents, etc. We are happy to have had several new members join us this year. We welcome new members at any time. MOPS is open to moms of children from conception through Kindergarten. We meet the first and third Wednesday of every month at 9:15 a.m. in the Founders Room. (Free childcare provided.) For more information, contact Julia Sütter at 540-841-8366. MISSIONS SUPPORT FOR JAARS HELPS SPREAD GOD’S WORD Barbara Miller September 9-16 our church sent a mission team to JAARS in Waxhaw, North Carolina for the fourth year. Six of us worked at a variety of tasks to help the people of JAARS, who provide a broad range of logistical services for Bible translators all over the world. We worked in housekeeping, the hangar, the boutique, in construction and maintenance, and in a retired missionary’s home. The campus was beautiful, the people prayerful and warm, and the work rewarding. In this picture, Paul and Beth Riviere present a $5,000 check to the incoming president of JAARS, Woody McLendon. Pictured to the left of Mr. McLendon are team members Vera and Bud Moody. To his right are team members Paul and Beth Riviere, Jean Stutz, and Barbara Miller. This second of three $5,000 installments from our Expanding Our Vision Fund tithe to missions will complete the audio Bibles for Ethiopia project ($2,663). The balance will help fund aviation services at an airport in Tanzania that will allow the facility to accommodate a Cessna 206 aircraft. To God be the glory that we are able to help send His Word all over the world. EVERY BOX, A GOSPEL OPPORTUNITY!!! November 11, the Shoebox Collection Day for LOW Church, is approaching fast! If you haven’t started your box or boxes yet, NOW is the time! You don’t have to spend a lot of money filling the box because small things will mean a lot to the child who receives it. Just to receive a gift--which many of these children have never had--and to know that someone who doesn’t even know them is thinking about them, praying for them, and has sent such a WONDERFUL BOXFUL of things for them--well, it can bring such joy. And they have a chance to learn about Jesus--which can lead to their whole family’s salvation! Wow! In the Welcome Center area by the Worship Center, you can find a table with the pamphlets (what to pack, what not to pack, etc). There may also be some small beanbags--take two so the children can play a game with them. Toothbrushes and paste will be there (for a short while, anyway). See, your box is partially filled already! Pray for the child who will receive it, and be sure to add your $7 for shipping (either cash or check, or do it on the internet) and bring it to church on Sunday, November 11. Any questions? Call Susan or Ray Godfrey, 9724296. God bless you! 33 The Series: A Man and His Design began Saturday, Oct. 13 and runs through Nov. 17 at 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. in the Founders/Charter Rooms. We'll dig into God's design for men and the foundations of authentic manhood. Breakfast and and a promise ― out the door by 8:30 a.m. This new Saturday morning format and theme is for men...senior, middle, and young, married and unmarried. It especially fits our guys who have not been part of a men's group before. Confused about what true manhood is? Wanting to journey with other men? Knowing God has more for us as men? FOUNDERS CHARTER ROOMS 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. Saturdays through November 17 Let's make the sacrifice and do this! Check the link Find more details with Pastor Jim ([email protected]) or Pastor Tom ([email protected]). LOW CHURCH CRAFTERS BAZAAR Judy Minzes This year the LOW Church Annual Arts and Crafts Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, November 10 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and continues on Sunday, November 11 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Saturday there will be a blueberry pancake breakfast when the doors open and then a hot dog and chili lunch. As in the past, we have many beautiful handmade items for sale -- quilts, crocheted and knitted items, jewelry, aprons, Christmas items, I-pad covers, American Girl doll items and furniture, the always popular scrubbies and much more. Plan to do your Christmas shopping at the Bazaar. Proceeds go to support the LOW Church Youth Missions. If you have craft items that you have made at home to be sold at the Bazaar, please bring the items to the workshop in Friendship Hall on Tuesday, October 30 between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and noon, or call Rochelle Kincaid at 972-3438 or Jeannie Dietz at 972-4459 to arrange for pickup. We also would like to request baked goods for the bake sale that will be conducted at the Bazaar. If you are able to make a cake, pie, cookies, brownies or baked goods of your choice, we would very much appreciate it. They can be dropped off at Friendship Hall the evening before the Bazaar (Friday, November 9) up until 6:00 p.m., or you may bring them the morning of the Bazaar at 9:00 a.m. Or we can arrange to have someone pick them up at your home. Please call Rochelle or Jeannie at the numbers listed above to offer to bring baked goods and/or arrange for pickup of the item(s). We look forward to another successful Bazaar and providing support to LOW Church Youth Missions. Pastor Tom Savage (Pastor of Young Families and Outreach) Young Families Ministry Our Vision Acknowledging that God created the family to reflect His image in society, we desire to multiply Christfollowing families* who reflect that image. We will make Christ known in our Young Families ministries, focused on families with kids “under their roof,” by doing L∙I∙F∙E together: Living in vital connection with Jesus Christ and each other Influencing families in their spiritual journey towards Jesus Fostering small groups to meet the needs of our families Empowering young families to thrive to be all that God desires us to be *Families include single, married, single parent, blended, and people “parenting again.” L∙I∙F∙E GROUP FOR YOUNG FAMILIES Sundays—9:45—Founders Room ***November Series: Finishing our Parenting Next Series: Let’s Simplify Christmas! Come be a part of us Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the Founders Room. Our desire is to strengthen our families by doing L∙I∙F∙E together— figuring out how the Bible applies to life by getting into the Word, praying for each other, supporting one another and having some fun doing it! And we’ve got food! There is childcare for all ages during this time too in our nursery and children’s ministry! Our goal is to grow in our walk with Jesus and each other, which will impact our families and our world. For more info, go to our church website Family Fun Night Smores N’ More! Sunday, November 11, 5:00-7:00 p.m. We will hang out around the campfire, make smores, and enjoy some hot chocolate, music and a couple of games! We will also talk about our Family Value of the Month: An attitude of gratitude! Come hang out with other families, having fun as families. Look for more details on the website ( and bulletin! Check out our 2nd graders getting their Bibles! Let’s help them get the Word into their lives! Be the MODEL! Pastor Adam Colson The new school year has begun and is well underway! Teenagers will have many opportunities to explore and develop their talents. One often overlooked talent is leadership. I can tell you how desperately this trait is needed—and not just in church settings. In fact, in a Group magazine survey about youth ministers’ “dying needs,” the top response was “developing leaders.” Leadership means more than just good citizenship, discipleship, or community service. It’s the process of helping people accomplish together what they couldn’t do as individuals. Contrary to popular belief, leaders aren’t born. They can come in a variety of forms, from charismatic pied-pipers to troublemakers to reserved kids on the verge of blossoming. Indicators for high leadership aptitude include boldness, curiosity, a wealth of opinions and ideas, the fact that peers listen to those ideas, and dissatisfaction with the status quo. After identifying young leaders, it’s important to group them together, give them opportunities to truly lead, provide them with feedback and mentoring, and disciple them so they’re spiritually grounded. Partnering with the youth ministry department at The Lake of the Woods Church is a great way to provide teenagers with meaningful leadership and growth opportunities. As one youth leader says, “It’s one thing to quote scripture to kids; it’s quite another thing to actually entrust them with greater responsibilities—that’s what truly enables them to reach their full potential.” Here are some upcoming opportunities in which your young person can participate and grow their leadership skills… FAMILY FALL FESTIVAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, FROM 12-4 AT LOCUST GROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL… Encourage your teen to show leadership potential as they invite friends and family to join them at this event. JR. HIGH OUTREACH HALLOWEEN GAME NIGHT OCTOBER 31 FROM 6:30-8:30…Encourage your middle schooler to attend this event and to bring an unchurched friend with them. SLUGFest All Nighter NOVEMBER 16 from 6:00 p.m. through NOVEMBER 17, 5:00 a.m. This evangelistic event includes Fun Land, Paragon Gymnastics Training Center, Fredericksburg Field House, and Liberty Lanes Bowling Alley. The cost includes food, transportation, all the events, prizes and a challenging sermon geared toward outreach. Cost is $65… THIS IS A WONDERFUL EVENT FOR YOUR YOUNG PERSON TO INVITE UNSAVED FRIENDS TO. THIS IS FOR TEENS IN GRADES 6-12. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! TICKETS ARE ON SALE AT THE CHURCH!!! Till Every Student Knows CHRIST, Pastor Adam Colson The Lake of the Woods Church THE CHILD CARE CENTER All Day Child Care, Preschool Program and Before and After School Child Care (972-2349) Belinda Divelbiss, Director We are enjoying the cooler weather, school is back in session and we continue to be very busy in our preschool program. The Preschool and All Day Child Care for children ages three and four are going great and we still have room for more. We are full in our School-age Program, and we are maintaining a waiting list for those who wish to be part of our program when a space becomes available. Homework Volunteers Are Needed We are in need of homework volunteers for our school-age program on Mondays and Thursdays. If you have a love for children and would like to become a homework volunteer, please contact Belinda at 972-2349 or email [email protected]. Volunteers help enrich our program and aid our growing ministry. We always have room for more volunteers. If you would like to share your talent or time, we would love to have you. The preschoolers will go on their first field trip of the year to Riverside Theater on Thursday, November 8. The preschool and school-age children will celebrate fall with a Fall Festival Party on October 30. Thank you for your continued prayers for and support of our ministry and programs. We are truly blessed with a loving and dedicated staff. PRAYER & CARE Please keep the following soldiers and their families in your prayers: William Gordon, Jr., Army, stationed in Afghanistan, son of Bill and Carolyn Gordon (LOWC). John Grimesey, serving in Okinawa, Japan, son of Carol & Bob Grimesey Jeff Pfeil, Navy Lt. Commander, serving in Africa, son of Michael and Gayle Pfeil (LOWC) Fran Black Nila Bock Cheryl Boyle Kevin Chubb Dorothea Clark Ashley Critzer Shelia Derryberry Jim Divelbiss Rose Finn Diane Fox Leslie Gage Richard Griggs Deloris Hedgepath Carlene Hill Ruth Inman Bob Jones Doug Jones Betty Larson Suzanne Lentine Helen Markart Mark Mastrofrancesco Maynard Matthies John Norton Lyn Nowakoski Jim Parker Sandi Plummer Doug Rogers John Rueckert Danielle Schneider George Schneider Dee Sitnik James Taylor Doris Velona Annie Wald Bill Ward Betty Wilson We extend our sincere condolences to the family of Edie Gessford. Anthony C. Schienschang, Army, safely home from Kuwait, son-in-law of Barbara Bounds (LOWC) Tom Taylor, stationed in Afghanistan, son of Chuck Taylor (LOWC) Edy Whitehead, safely home from Iraq. We offer special prayers for God’s healing touch for every serviceman who returned from the Middle East with the mental and physical scars of war. We pray that their healing be in God’s loving hands. They Need You – Looking for Outreach Visitation Persons We have a need for outreach visitation people to join me as we visit those who are new to our church. It takes 2 hours per week, times very flexible. Contact Mary Ann Giddings and her daughters Kim Miller and Terri Duenas and their families are so grateful for all the prayers and acts of support expressed in cards, calls and other kindnesses during these past weeks following Glenn's unexpected death June 23. We sincerely thank many of you for your fellowshipping with us at his memorial service and at the reception following at our wonderful LOW Church June 29. Glenn would have been, and his family was, so touched by the many who also attended the Thanksgiving Service with full military honors at the Old Post Chapel on Ft. Myer Monday, October 15 and the reception following. LOW Church is a shining example of a true family of God. [email protected]. Average Sunday Attendance Reports Church (Worship) Avg. in August 562 Avg. Year-to-date 627 Children (SS) 104 105 Youth Min (SS) Grief Share meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the LOWC library. Contact Lynn Shutts (7714) for more info. BUDGET REPORT – SEPTEMBER Actual $ 98,622 $758,192 Budget Difference % $ 86,465 $12,157 14% Year-to-Date $778,181 ($19,989) (8%) Congregational Care Ministries 2012 BOARD OF ELDERS Chairman Wayne Thompson (5375) [email protected] Admin, Budget & Stewardship Jerry Davis (0596) [email protected] Adult Education Barbara Larson (1928) [email protected] Buildings and Grounds Art Griggs (4592) [email protected] Congregational Care & Fellowship Nancy Moore (0395) [email protected] Missions and Benevolence Larry Ingels (6112) [email protected] Outreach Dick Rankin (2862) [email protected] Worship Newt Wilson (3274) [email protected] Young Families & Children John Moore (841-4930) [email protected] Youth Linda Wight (9020) [email protected] Pastoral Visits Counseling Ministry (by appointment) Stephen Ministry (Providing Care for the Challenges of Life) Contact: Diana Duffy (972-8109) or Ann Schuneman (972-1978) Shepherd’s Staff (Caring Contacts to Members) Lay Visitation Ministry (Hospital, Sick, Homebound, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Lay Home Communion) GriefShare Ministry (Grief Recovery Support Group) Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Library First Place 4 Health (Christ Centered Nutrition and Weight Loss) Saturdays at 7:00 a.m. in the Library Chronic Illness Support Meets 2 and 4th Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Library Contact: Pat Ericksen (972-4033) The Church Mouse – Bev Zabka, Proofreader nd Sunbeam Club (for those who have lost a spouse) Contact: Dick Berra (972-3225) or Ruth Fraser (972-6686) AA Mondays & Fridays at 7:00 p.m. Downstairs Room 505 AA “Big Book” Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in Cabins AL-ANON Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Founders Room. Contact: Gary C (379 0311) or Betty C (661 2174) or Angie P. ( 972 7744) Alzheimer’s & Dementia – Support Group 3rd Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in Room 210/211 Annie Peterson 434-973-6122 or [email protected] at The Alzheimer’s Association, CWVA For More Information Call the Church Office at 972-9060 (Most Congregational Care Ministries open to the LOW Community) THE LAKE OF THE WOODS CHURCH STAFF OFFICE HOURS: M-TH 8-5:00, FRIDAY 8-3:00 Pastoral Staff (972-9060) Senior Pastor – Tom Schafer Senior Associate Pastor – Jim Smith Pastor for Young Families and Outreach – Tom Savage Youth Pastor – Adam Colson Visitation Minister – Mike Lemay Children’s Ministry Director – Sherri Gaskill Youth Ministry Coordinator – Shannon Ford Music Traditional Music – Paul Workman Blended & Contemporary Music – Dave Goodrich Organist – Kathy Pellegreen Handbells – Lois Frohnert Financial Treasurer-George Schneider; Fin. Secretary-Shirley Bunch Administrative Staff Susan Weiford, Patti Wheeler, Sparkle Capitano Custodial Staff David Bailey, Barbara Doman, John and Susan Lee, Mario Marino, Joe Wright Child Care Center (972-2349) Director – Belinda Divelbiss 21 4 4 4 1 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 11 15 17 18 19 20 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 25 28 29 29 30 30 Samantha & Lee Finger Linnea & Randy Ross Shirley & Carl Cornwell Betty & Dick Lingo Barb & Jerry Hoehn Cheryl & Mark Nowacki Meighan & Tony Perez Betty & Tom Collins Ben & Lisa Blankinship Debbie & Eric Jockin Milbrey & Robert Bartholow Carol & Gary Twedt Anna & Russell DuBoise Lizzie & Brian Barnes Bernadette & Darrell Williams Martha & Vinnie Sukites Carolyn & William Gordon Joy & Skip Poole Laurel & Jim Buongiovanni Rita & Rick Millman Betty & Phil Herron Kathy & Mark Strickler Susan & Mike Brennan Carolyn & Paul Zachies Erin & Dave Shafferman Lee & Matt Donahue Tracey & Tony DeMarco 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 1 1 2 2 3 3 Michelle Flecker Barbara Norton Rick Maciorowski Rick Millman Ruth Fraser Edith Smoot 18 18 19 19 19 20 Susie Carter Edith K. Fulton Patricia Jeffries Robbie Royce Marilyn Bloss George Bock Kenneth Hargreaves Richard Martin Rita Millman Christina Minchin Stephen Schuneman Lois Northam Danny Thompson Margaret Climer Steve Roberts Vicki Greenan D.J. Mallmann Anne Parker Janet Skidmore Jim Naples Jenny Taylor Laurel Buongiovanni John Henry Jean Priest Jason Richard Vanessa Ryan Teresa Bibbs Betty Sherba Janine Wilson Eleanor A. Baughman Frank Brauch Mary Hudak Jim Divelbiss Jan Engels Helen Markart John Bell Chelsea Hoehn Agnes Strayer Don Cope Lee Donahue Morgan Gerber Michael Mishkin Robert Ryan Carrie Bernd Carolyn Cernea Dawn Heinbach Vikki Hansen 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 29 30 30 Charlotte Banas Bobbi Bradley Meighan Perez Donald Larsen Paul Bernd Krista L. Hawkins Richard Kurz Noel Horn Betty J. Soedler Marvin Snoddy Bob Brinson Rita Giannico Susan Gill Melvin Hall Brenda Rugless Kendra Widor Cheryl Nowacki Darrow Strain Susan Brennan Tammy Clontz Ruth L. Taylor Belinda Toews Coral Yienger MINISTERS (Schedule subject to change.) 8:30 9:45 Traditional Traditional 11/04 ----------Pastor Schafer------11/11 Pastor Smith TBA 11/18 ----------Pastor Schafer------11/25 ----------Pastor Schafer------- 9:45 11:00 Blended Contemporary Pastor Smith Pastor Schafer ----------Pastor Smith---------Pastor Smith Pastor Schafer ----------Pastor Colson-------- USHERS SANCTUARY 8:30 Please check with Usher Coordinator Ken Frohnert (8824). 9:45 Captain Boyce Wray, Lee Frame, Pat Watterworth and Barbara Hernan; Communion: Jan Davis, Jill Johnson, Larry Eiben, Linc Landis WORSHIP CENTER 9:45 Captain Larry & Norma Ervin, Toni Ruther, Judy Schofield, Jean Stutz, Ken Olson 11:00 – Roy & Susan Cottoms, Meighan Perez, Lynn Shutts LAY READERS - TRADITIONAL SERVICES 8:30 11/04 11/11 11/18 11/25 9:45 Dan Banks Lois Frohnert Louisa Ruckert Eldon Rucker Hank Altman Margaret Brockman Madeline Salustri Wayne Thompson ALTAR DUTY Newt Wilson (3274) SECURITY DUTY 11/04 11/11 11/18 11/25 Boyce Wray Bob Shope Don Larsen Kerry Sipe SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 Traditional – Sanctuary 9:45 Traditional – Sanctuary 9:45 Blended – Worship Center 11:00 Contemporary – Worship Center SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE Adult – 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 Youth Higher Grounds Coffee House – 9:30 Children and Nursery – 9:45 and 11:00 EUCHARIST Wednesdays, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. FLOWER CONTRIBUTORS Sanctuary 11/04 11/11 George & Diana Duffy 11/18 Doris Velona & Barbara Groff 11/25 Flower Guild Worship Center at “The Lake of the Woods Church” Flower Guild To unsubscribe, please email [email protected]. The Church Mouse is published by The Lake of the Woods Church One Church Lane Locust Grove, VA 22508 (540) 972-9060 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Spotsylvania, VA 22553 PERMIT #21