Recent lndig"nous Art of lndia
Recent lndig"nous Art of lndia
Recent lndig"nous Art of lndia Umesh Caur and Aurogeeta Das BINDU Modern Callery presents rotating curated exhibitions originating fronr tlre Caur collection of modern and contemporary lndian art. The gallery focuses on the artistic expression that has enrerged from lndia since the 1940s. BINDU Modern is also the nucleus through which the Gaurs continue their decade-long activities of promoting modern lndian art through collaboration with museums in the US. ln Autumn 2013, BINDU Modern presents an exhibition of contemporary indigenous art from lndia, the first exhibition of its kind in the United States. IN l9B.l, tLrc Nluscunr of\loclcrn Art in Neu \brk c4reled "Plin.ritivism in 20th (lcntun' '\rt: r\lfinity of the Tribal and thc \Iodcur". -I-hc rnuscum clclincd "prin.ritivism" as the u,esLelrr rcsponsc Lo triltal culturcs as r-cvcalcd in thc work and thoue-ht o[' mode]'n artists. I31.juxtaposing rnodcrn art ancl tribal objccls. thc cxhibition sought to shorv that rhe tribal arts ol .\Ii'iczr, ()ccania arrcl \ortLr ,{rncric;r significantlv influclccd thc l'ork ol nrodernists such as ()auguir.r. \LLtissc and Picasso altcr- thc1. studiecl nasks. sculptures and ritualistic objects liom these rcgions. \\ilrih "Primitivism" opcncd to sonrc favourable revieu,s, it u'as vehementlv pzrnne d by Thomas NlcEvillcl ol Rice Urriversitv in :lrlF-orLnt.t NlclJvillel. nr,:rhodic-ally challenced thc shor"s basic prcmiscr that tribal art shorrld be vieued primarilv ils soLlrce mzrtcrial lbr rcstcrn nrodcrnists. Responses and rebuttals authorecl by the musettn.r ancl \{cEr.illc) lbllotc<'1, horvcvcr, in tl.rc cnd, N'IcE,,'illcv pro'ailcd and corrvinced the art \\'orlcl that dre time hacl cone to no nrarginalise ircligenous art hon around the uorlcl. bul to sLudv it lbr its o\\'lr Valucs. '-['he debate on multiculturalism in t]re aitennath of tht: "Prjrnitivisnr" cxhibition inspilcd Ccntrc Polnpidou in Paris to organisc "l00 N,Iacicicns clc la -lirrrc (100 Nlagicians of thc F,arth)". a c-round-brcaking cxhibition inclucling indigenous arts fion all of thc rvorld's fir'c contincnts. It rvas curated byJean-Hubert Nlartin and opcncd in 1989. \{hilc "Prinritivisnr" had lcft tribal rvorks anonvnrous and undatr:d, "\.Iagicicns" attcmptcd to rcdrcss hicrarchics by accordingthem the same merit as weslerll pieces. It introduct:d manl. indigcnous artists to global audicnccs, inciudine fir,c lldian artistsJ among them Jangarh Singh Shvam Ii-om thi: Goncl tribe in central lndia. Jir',va Soma llashe lronr rhe \\arli tribc in N'Iaharzrshtra and Baua Duvi. a \'[ithila paintcr.z This international t'xposure rcsultt'd in several othcr tribal t8 ancl fblk art crhibitions in lndia zrrrcl clsolhcrc, settilg thc stage lbl Jartgarh Sinc-ir Shvarn alcl Jir'1:r Soma \LLshc to crncrsc as thc pillars ol lnclia's colLcmporarv incligcnoLrs art scenc, thus crrconr-asine othcr indigenous rrrtists arcross Tn,li,r to l,.conr- 1,rolis.i,,rr.rl .rr ti.ts. -fhc BI\DU -\lodcln cxhibition lbcr.rscs on fbur-of thc most plolilic li:gions in Lrclia rvhcrc indig-enous art has bccn cnjoving r.rnprecedenterl succerss in thc past decaclc. lL includes u'ork lrom trvo tribal colnmrLnitics thc (;onds and thc \\rarlis: pailtings liorn tix: N{ithila rcs-ion in Bihar' aud art br.thc lar-rativc paintels o{ \\iest Bt'rrgal. Apploxi nratclv filtt paintings ltrotLrccd lronr the l9t]0s to th('pr'osclt arc clisplavccl. Gond art Thc tcrm Gond art leli:rs to paintings bv a subgloup o1'Lhc: (ioncl tribc callcd thc Pardhans. lJascd in \Iarlhr.a Pradcsh. the Pradhans rvcrt: minstrcls and ucncalogists to the par-cnt Gond tribc. Traditionallv, thev pairrtcd on lalls ancl llools clurirrg r,r'cdclings and lestir.als. Ihesc rvall paintings llclc mostly geomctric ald '"vcrc symbolic of thc occasion. Il thc 19B0s..fagadish Srl'aminalhan, the .iirector- of Bhopal-based cultural centre J3harat Bliavan, organised malv rlips o1'artists ancl scholars to collect ancl stu<lv Nladhv:r Praclesh's lblk and triltal arts. During orc such trip, thcv camc across astounding murals bv .Jaluzrrh Singh Sht am. lmplcsst:c1. Srvamin:rthan invited him to mo\.c to Bhopal to funher' dcvclop his artistrv. As Jangarh bccanc succcssfi,rl. hc invitcd his clan members Lo Bhopal to hc[ hinr in his uork and to belefit lrom his prosperity. He took Lhr:m oD as apprentices, tatLght therr to mix acrviic ltaints, uith rvhich Lhc1.r'crc unlirmiliar, ancl askccl them to fill in outlitcs and pJacc dots or.r his larscr r,vorks. Hc also insisLed that curr 1 Jangarh Singh Shyam Untitled (Tree, Deer and Panthel, 19BB Gouache on paper, 60" x 84" \\'lrile appropr-irtlitrg- elcmcnts oJ'his i<liom. thel' should dc tlop thcir oln stylislic sig-naturc. Graduallr', his apprcnticcs lrt:carre prolissional arLists attd tocl:11'lbrty to lbrt1' fi\1'Gond errlisLs comprisc uhat sonrc rto$'call the'Jangzrr-h K.alam Scltool" olart. a tribal tr-adition that las paradoriclrllv bcgun jn zr citr'.i .\ unilr' ing'. tlrt:nrc in Gorrd art is tl.rir pcrr asivc pre sencc ol llatln-c. evidcrrt in their stor,vti:iling, portr:r1'als o[ lintastical aniuals irucl trees arrcl thcir patrthcon of dcitics. l heir r-ic h traditions o1' mvthical aud gcnt:alogical tirlcs seeminglv translcr- to thcil art. \Vhilc Jzrngarh's intriciltelv tcxturecl nnd sophisticatccl techniquc rtl'Pattcr-ning is sccn in the lolk of all (,lond artists. irs :lrc sotlLt o1'his lavoured subjccts. bl doclopilg ar spccific stylc rvithil a tecognisablv (lond icliorr, each artist has contrilluted to dcvelopin,u,- a broacl (ioncl aesthctic. .Jangarh cxplorcd a \:aricty ol subjct:ts, including but not linritecl to. (]ond dcitir:s hc visualiscd rvith grcat po\\'el ancl imaginatiou, Boter atrd lhutra rtnd even urban objccts like acroplancs. Pcrhaps his tnosL endcaritrg uorks rcn-raitr thostr uhcrc hc exptcssr:cl his visjon o1'llattlt'c, itr its mvstcr-iclus bcaulr. oltcn im'esting sut:h scetres tith anthropomorphic Iigtrlcs o1'zinimals zrnd lrirds. In his paintiug of a junult: scenc.21 tfr-c. a clt'cr aucl a panLller rvitll a ctLt'iously hun]an liri:t: rt-st on thc grass lith a pattcrn that closcil' rcsemblcs November December 2013 thc pal-prints of a big cat (1).r \\hile thcrc are severarl birds in thc tree's foliage, one is itr black and rvhite on tht: trcc-trunk. As sonrc ol'his earlv r'vorks indic;itc, .Jangarh sometimes expcrimenled rvitl.r le ar. ine parts of an other\'visc richly coloured rvork bl;rck ancl r'vhitc. His highlv delelopccl sensc of coloLlr is seen itt .juxtaposcd planes of background colours, first applied Ilat, thcn ittnovativelv patterned witlr multicolour arcs, w!\/cs and Iincs, cach plane of barckground 'lhonras \lcl-r'illcl. "l)oclor l,artrcr lrrdian Chicl: 'Prirnitivisnr' irr 20th (lcntull Arr lall thr: Allscum o1 \loclcrn ArL" iIr .lrltorrlr. \irl 'r, \,, I \u.. h,r "trl. p], ' c. rBcnjamin H.l). Buthloh, "'l hc \\ Lrolc Latlh Shou: r\n lttcniew lilh .Jcan Hul;crt Nlartin bv l3t:njamil H.l). Buch[rh" il:1rl h.lnaira. \Iar l9{19. Pal)lo Lalircntc. "Introduction: Frorn lhe C)Lrtsidc tn \lagicicns (llut clc La 'I'elle' and Two Histolies ol Exhibitions" ft '\Inking '|tt Glahal 21 )lagtrint tu la T:rn:' 1r8r. rcl. Luc\ Slcccls ct a]., Ilierall Books. Lonclon, 2013. r\lso v:r: llashcccl r\r'accn icd.), 7/ril 7al. l,onclol, \\'in- tcr l9BB/l9B{). '11:rditiorral: An Lsploration of ",\urogccra Das. "i\{etlopolilan and Sernarrtics in Contcnporirrr. Incli?rn Arts Discourse" i EtnQllor: htila' tirrr cds Birgit r\Icycr ancl ltol; var llinkel.,\mstcrclam, \:o1 22. No l, 2i-)10. pp. llll 135 i()uesr r:cls Drs ADdre\ \\:hitchousc and I'elra liitske Kalslxl cr). rThis pirintirrg las one ol clt'v:rr lorkg that Jangarh Singlt Slttam crhil;itr:tl ir ''\Iirgicicns ck la Tcllc" al (it:rrtrc Ponpiclou in I'aris 2 Bhajju Shyam Tribal Dance,199f Acry lc on canvas, 53 3 'x 85" Ram Singh Urveti Waodpecker and the lronsmith, 2411 Acrylic on canvas, 60" x 85" colour sports a distinct pattcr-ll. Amorgst Jangarh's sLrccessors, Bbajju Shyam and Ram Singh Urvcti arc quitc pronrincnt. A paintilg by Bhajju (2) porLr-at s dancilg, an actir-itv lhich thc (londs are verl' lbnd of, ancl u'hich thel bclicvc rvas learncd llom pcacocks. Bhajju l'nr ouls svmrnctric compositions; here the tre e is llankccl b_,- musiciatrs and niLlcJlrnalc dance partncrs orr cithcr sicle. I'he trcc is smearecl rl'ith a rcd porvdcr (ianAalz or .rindool as il rvorshipped as a goddcss, thc lcd colout' bc -lhc concentric, Ltndulating- r-ecl inc- associzltecl $ith s:urctity. \\:aves iu thc foliagc cn.tphasisc thc cncrgl'c:rt'zrtcd bv tlrc d:rnccr-s' rhl thnr. l'hc borcler- consists ol a ligrrr dcsign, a pattcnr that Gond wornen conrtnoull'crellle oll warlls arld floors in tlieir homcs. 'l'he Goncl tlibc has sur^prisirglv closc tics Lo Hindu culturc! as intcr-marrizrge atrcl assimilzrtiotr occurrcd duritrg thcr pcr-io<1 l'hcn thcr' lblmccl a kirtgclont in ccntrzrl Irrdia. It is tursurpr-isirrg. thclt'Ibt c, that thi:ir- zir-t olictt pot trat's Hinclu thcrnc's. I{arn Sing..h Url'Li incorporntcs Hindu dcities in a zrbout a u'oodpccl<ct' atrd atr irousnith (botlr considcrcci lo be craftsmcn) (3). Thc t'ooclpct:ker and thc ir-onsnrith quiilrcl alicl gctting drunk on a homc-brcu,cil lic[rol caliecl naluut. s() trlrnecl alter the flowcrs lronr rr'hich it is prcpar-cc'l ((ioncls arc vcry' lorrd oI'naluta, l,hiclr is usccl as ar libaition in some rituarls). 'l-hc rl'ooclpcckcl Jroasls of thc craliiucss u'ith wlrich hc captttred (God ol' -)'anadool.; (Hi:ll's lnesst-ngcrs) scut b1' \hmacleva Dcath) to takc hirr a\{a\,: lrc thus cludcs his prc-dcstincd death. Hc claims that thcsc /001.t scycn o1'thetn sent cotr scclrlivclv Jry \hnra arc rtor, captilc in a trcc. Hcaring this. Shiva ancl his colsolt I'atra1i clcsccucl ol earth, in clisguist:. to ascct'tain \vhv n()lro o1'lhc mcsscrtgcrs havt: rc- lork dqricting n tribal tirlc Su bhash Vyam (Krishnd, 2a1A nk on paper, 15" x 1 1 " U ntitled tlu'necl. i\1 oncc asscssing thc situation, thcv punish the lvooclpcckcr-zrrrrl Iiberatc all thc ;1'anttulool.;. Shiva ald Pan'zrti carr bc scen orr lhc bottorn right comcr in black and ted. Similarlr', in tlibal l11'lheloq cs. otre occasiouallv r-ccoglises not manilirsLations, bu1 r'ct-sious ol Hindu clt'ities. as it truld be hard to clctcrminc u'hen Hiuduisnr alllc.rpliatcd {blk ancl tribal clcitics and vicc vt:r-s:r. r\ clrarving- lrv Subhasir \r\ant Irrtt' bc ii crsc in point (4). It is an appar-cnt clepiction ol I(rishrra as :i corvherd, plaving his llutc, \\,ith his hcaclgcrLr tnolphinu into a 1r'o(:. ln lact it rnav bc a ''condt'r'isccl" allusion to a (iorrrl tale, Th.e Cou:'s C?irr, irr ltich t\\:o co\vs :urhi ancl nudlria contc to lilislrna's aid rvhilc hc is being attackcd l)-v a tigct, r'rheu he pJay's his llute ()1' sadncss. Rajcndra Singh Shlan's painting (5) lrarrating a talc of scrcn lrrothcts and thcir sistirr, rvho is hatcd by hct- sistcrsinJau, adhercs to the tlibal storvtclling traclitiotr. As per thc talc. thc sc\rll sistcrs illau' throlr' her into a pond l'here a lish sl'allorvs lrt:r. r\ bircl splits thc fish's bellv and takcs thc sistcr to hc| Dcst. \vhcrc sltc kccps hcr with lrcr i:hicks. As the brothcrs set out irl scarch of'tht:ir lost sister, thcy hirppt:rr to Pzrss ulclcr thc trcc tith thc bitd's ncst ancl thcv serrse dlops of watcr lion above. Upon tasting the \\ater drops, thev realise this is a shor'vr:r ol tears. 'I'hc,v look up artcl lind their poor- sister in tears, pcrchcd hiult Lrl)o1l thc trcc. Thc kctrt settse ol colour aucl the compositional pllLcement of thc talc's varit.tLs characters ancl clcments adcl acsthctic al)i)eal ancl also succcsslulll olercome tlrc challcngc o1' conllating muitiple lrarnes of timc in a siugle spatiarl fi'anrc. Vcnk:rt ltaman Singh Shvanr is an irt'tist r.r'ho oltcn cxNovember-December 201 3 5 Rajend ra Singh Shyam Rai Ka Dhaniya,2410 Acrylic on canvas, 47" x 33" plorcs contcnlporar,v thelncs. 1n this undcrstatcd r'r.ork, \tnkat presents the rvheel of tinrc (6). Accorcliltg kr Lhe artist, thc phvsical rvhccl inclicatcs the juggernaut ol timc ol \Iumbai's local trains hurtling torvards thcir clcstinations; u,hilc thc mctaphorical rvhccl alludcs to thc pass;rgc of timc. 'l'he ligures ol either siclc of the whcel lel)reseut conmLltcrsJ suggcsting thc rush alcl bustk: o1'their jotLrucys ancl allucling Lo lascpaced lifcstvlcs. \tnkirt imagincs thcrm uilling rheir lir"cs to urovc as quickly as the trairls. B) coalcscing- thc rvhccl ol'a Bombav traiu attd a clock, \'cnk:rt citl's sociologii:al lanclsczrpe turrrs his keen obscrlations of'a into ar philosophical insight. Jangarh Singh Sh,vam's childrcn, .J:Lpani Siryarr alcl llavnnk Kunrarr Shvam are secotrd generation Gond altists. Both seeln to have couragcously dcvclopccl thcir or,r'rr corr temporaly artistic voiccs. \{hcn.Japali ancl ,\1a,l,ank dip inlo thc (lontl rvorlcivierv. thev ollbr tbeir olvn visual intcr- 6 Venkat Raman Singh Shyam Wheel of llme.2012 Acry ic on paper, 20" x 30" 7 Japani Shyam Jungle Scene.2011 Acryl c on canvas, 48" x 12" 8 Maya n k Kumar Shyam Untitled,2o1l Acry ic on canvas, 43" x 6-7 " 9 Jivya Soma l\4ashe Untitled (Harves .2411 Natura pigment on paper, 37.5" x 37.5" i,'n\ (,orrd rrrr tlr,'loq1. "l Irr an unusual composition. .Japiuri simLrltarrouslt' pr-csents an aeriarl. tcr-rcstr-ial zurd lquatic lieu ol hel nattLral crl'irorrncrt (7). Tlic trct: ploliclcrs Ibtus. u,hilc thc tigcr ar the {rerrlle listtalh anclrors tcllcstr-ial arrcl aqualic lilir artd, -l-hc'tlcc's l)r'anchcs scrvc to solrlc c\tcnt. acr-ial lill lLs lr,irll. to diliclc the terlitolial rcalnr, lith thc sp:rcc il bctl.eel l,r1 r.r inhabitccl bv monkcvs. l al('cr', a snakc :urcl bircls. Spidcrs in thcir- lclts occull) the lbur corncrs. Notc thr: charming manncr il rvhich tl'o lizar-cls crrcirtlc tht spidcr's l'cb iu thc lolcr-right i:orncr'. \hlious oLhcl cfeatures ilcluding a pi::rcock, lizirlds and a larsc bircl litLr a fish in its t:rkns, :rppear in thc spzrcc zrrouncl the centlal, polyg..onal, arnor phous sliapc, uhich appcars rnarkcdlv orgarrir:. Japani clokcs n junglc sccrrc r'r'ilh vilaciLy, spilit zrncl :rn iltimacv that Liighliglrts thc Goncls' closcncss rvith n;rturc. 'Ihe Goncls harc scvcr:rl rrvths aboul the origin of life rvitlr mlriacl characLtls. lhc nrost irrportant ouc. titlcd Hatt llu Ilbrkl lirgarr. inclicatcs thcir lrirlit:l'ol tltc pcrvasiv: prcscncc of tatcr irr thi: "bcgitrniltg.'" ancl thc lifc-givine ancl lilb-stLstainiug clualitics of trccs. r\ scgmcnt cf the storv locLrscs on hor'r' Bat'la Do ((iod), u ith thc hclp of thc cartl]\\'olnr ancl othcrs. c-athcrcd cnough cirrth to ap1;l,v it as a shcct or \!.!tcr. to for-m "hlcl". \{a\,alk illlrstratcs lhis November.December 201 3 nlvth Lrsillg a predonrinantlv aquatic scerre. rvhert'vou bcgi to scc a scpalation o1'lih in thc sca and on land. rl'ith lish lcpr'(:s()rtirlg rnarirtc lili: (8). Notc tltc rcclllikc br-anclrcs irr the \\'ater that ale Ineallt to li)1 nr a l|ee lePr^eseDtint lili' orr carth. 11 is rvorlh obscn ing tbc Llsc olthe gre,vs ancl brorvls. u'hich nal bc cn4rltrsisirtg. Lhc sr1>aration ol iartd arrcl watcr, bclorc Bacla Dcr, applicd a shcct of carth on \\'i1tcr'. Warli art Thc \\hrlis livc il ihc Thzrnc' rlistrict ol \Iaharashtra, situatecl north ol Nlumbai and stretching- Lrp to the liorck'r o1' ()njarat. Bast:d Lrpon sirnilaritics bctt'ccri \\:arli art ancl calc paintilgs of ccnlral Inclia. somc u,r'itcrs halc postt latccl that it datcs back to traclitions fi'om thc Ncolithic pcriocl. \{lll paintings in \\ralli huts ropr-cscnl rcli--ioLrs bclicls. harvcsts, hunran actir,itics ard rclatiorships. Ihe paintings arc a miurifcstir.tion of thcir rclationship u'ith na tulc 2lllcl r.vith their deiti:s. '-t'hc ar^t-mzrking was olicr accompanicd by lcstilitics and thc lituiLls rtprcscntccl in thc paintings coltailrecl symbolic refi:rences to their- rnagicorcligious bclicls and practiccs. '-[ raclitiolalh'. the \\arlis uscd mucl-plastirrccl ullls as thcir-r:artvas artd ust:cl onlv ttcr colours lccl ochrc soulced locallr. (ol brorvn h^om corl- 11 Amit Dombre Untitled,201O Natura pigment on canvas, 34" x 55" 10 Amit Dombre '12 Sita Untitled (Tarpa and Palghat), 2010 Natural p gment on canvas, 53" x 24" dung) lbr thc basc, and rhitc liom ricc flour or chalk to dralv r'r.hitc lincs. Thc paintings are composed of triiurgular or hourglass-sluLpccl human aucl animal Iigures, flora, Iauna and geomctric symbols. By altcring thc alignntcnt and anslcs o1'shapcs, thc \Varli fipurcs and motili gain movcment and lili:. In thc carly 1970s, \{arli artists wele suppliccl p;Lpcr ancl paint b,v thc Nlaharashtra Handicraft and Handloom Board. Jivya Soma \Iashe, rvho enrerged as zrn intcrnationally rccogniscd :rltist during this period, besan to cthnograpiricallv clepict tht: \{arlis' dayto-day 1ilc. A typical rvork byJivya dcpicts thc jovs of the harr.est (9), r,vith various figurcs clrzr\\'ints- w:rter lrom the r,vell, carrlirra r'vatcr to and [ro, loadine bu]lock carts, Llrrcshing and gathcring thc han'r:st. Thc minutia portra)ed in this rl'ork is astonishing. Note the axe, the rvilcllilc and circular elenents in the l: I Devi Untitled (Krishna and Female Attendantsl. c rca 1970s Mud and oxide co ours on particle board, 72" x 96" composition storagc structures and so forth. A painting iry Amit Dombrc portravs the 'larpa (10), thc most common \{arli dance which is pcrlornred at multiplc rituals, inch-rding thc harvest, Dirvali ancl marriages. lhe Tarpa's open-ended spiral lormation s,vmbolises thc cyclc of lifc. Ilelou' thc dancc is a Palghat mata thltwk, suggcsting rhat this Tarpa is beine danccd at a rvedding. Palshat is the \\rarli's marriagc deity, otherr.ise knorvn as their srcat mothcr soddess of fcrtility. Chowk is a squarc formalion. Flanking the central cleily arc thc sun and the nroon and in the r/ioa* li top half is a knla.r, z:.n auspicious pot u'hich is csscntial for marriase rituals. Insread of a lincar perspectivc, \,\rarli paiutings commonlv li-'arture a spatial .juxtaposition of simultaneously and sequcntiaily occurring er-ents (11). Thus the sun and thc moon, the trecs, intcrrclated events likc prcparation for the wcdding. thc actual lvcddillg, celcbratorv clarrcins and har vcsting clur fcature r,ith no enrphasis on a single phcnomcnotr. Ear:h t:krnr:ut is placi:cl sdflrclir-cntia lly, r;rthcr than in rclation to othcls dcpictecl. Ihis lack of lbresrounclins r-csults in a coalesccncc of'mr.rltiplc tcn-rporal cvcnls in a single spatial framc, nraking it hard to "read" a \Narli artu'ork u iLhout susLurilcd cnfragcmcnt. Mithila paintings Scvcral distr-icts in Bihar and part of thc lcrai rcgion irr Ncpal make up the \'lithila resion. N{ost N{ithila artists livc in ancl around Nlaclhubani torvn, hcncc Nlithila art is also known as \{aclhubani painting. Nlithila art o'olvcd lronr donrcstic practiccs, including murals in tlrc ktbltar gluu |marriagc charnber), gtsawti glnr (family dcit;' r-oonr) aud arfaz.i (flool clrat'ines). 'l'hese practices u'ere rnairrlv mcant to plonrote lirtilitv, zibLrnclancc, rnarital lirlicit)' :urcl the gcncr-irJ lrll bcing ol the farnilv. Cior'v-clung ancl mudlrlzrstcr-ccl ualls ancl lloors rvoul<'l ltc paintccl rvith organic nratelials sourccd locallr,. Using^. r'ivid colours applicd rvith simplc brushirs naclc o1'bamboo and raw cotton. \lithila lvourcn produced an astonishing. r'igorous and distiuctivc art. In thc latc l9tiOs, in thc nridst ola scverc droucht. Pultul tomcn could .fuakar initiated a goverllmellt scheme so-I-cchniqucs pirirtt on papcr. 2LS a ncw sourcc of inconrc. and rratcrials graduall,v changed I'rom aripatl ancl kritlrur gmrs to '"vorks orr papcrj thc rcpcrtoirc ol thcmes r-'xpandcd to irr clude pictorial biouraphies urncl sociol:olitical issues, but thi: visual idiom lctainccl distinctivc charactcristics. Tircr threc groups $'ho paint in thc \,Iithila tr;rdition l3rahmins (sr:holarly castd, K.ry.isthas (r.,'arrior caste) and Dusadhs (hors caste, also callecl (lhamar-s. Harijans or Dalits) had clistinct stylcs and varving subjects, but such clistilctions are incr,:asingl,v becoming blurrcd. A Brahmirr artist, Sita Devi is considered a pionccr in \Iithilzr pzrirrting. Hcr largc uudcrstatcd painting in nutcd colours depicts the Hinclu God Krislrn:r flankcd by fcnralt: attcndallts lanning him as hc pliws his flutc (12). This instmmellt identifies him as Krishnii, along I'ith his dark skin, his ycllott dhof.i (clrapccl lorvcr sarmclrt) and his lroltlrt a ])eacock \\.ith a snakc in its bcak. J itrvalptLr'-based l3aua Devi tcrrcls to paint dcitics; whilc her subjects arc farmiliar, hcl treatlnent o1'them leaves its oun signattLrc. Acsthctically, hcr u'ork is r:haractcriscd by brilliantll' colourccl, Lrold compositions rvith strong, clear outlincs. Hcr paintings olien spor-t rvavy borclcrs in two or morc contrzlsting colours. :\ rvork u'hich pulsates with palpablc cncrgy dcpicts Shiva, instantlv rccosnisablc duc to his aslr-colourcd skin, long harr ancljada (top-knot) (13). His hair firmousll' stcrns thc forcc of thc river Ganges. 'I'he attributc ilr his lelt hand rs Lbc: danuoo, a hurnd-hclcl drunr l'iLh rvhich Shiva is said to havc crc;rtccl thc primordial sound. Thc attributc in his right hancl is tl.ri: lrliitrl (tridcnt). Others thurt idcntifi him includc the srake arould his neck. l'br urarliagc rituals, Nlithila artisLs liccll()lLlv pairrt laccs l-cllrcscnting malc and ftrnralc clcments. stLch as lhe su shaped lice at the \\'zrist zrud thc fcrn:rlc hcad bctrvccn the 13 Baua Devi Untitled (Shiva),2A0B Acrvl c on canvas, 57" x 42" Yamuna L)evi bt'camc tlrt: lirst "untou<:hablt:" artist of thc l)usadh communitl'to rcceive a Nalional Arvarcl. She is crediLed rviLh havir.rg pionecrcd in thc l980s thc use o1' a lidtt ,qobar (cou'dung) lvash, \\'hich shc usecl to prcpar-(l November December 2013 14 Yamuna Devi Untitled (Kali), crrca T gg0s Gouache on papet 31 " x 21 " it r'vould rcscmlrlc a nrud background.' A fburarmed, bejervellcd Kali is di:picted rl'ith a protruclirlg tonguc ancl attributcs (14). l'he scythelike weapon in hcr: hand is probablv mcant to bc a su'orcl. onc o1'Kali's attributcs. Kali is frcqr,rentll' associated rl'ith florvers, as is cvipaperJ so dt-'nt here on her bod,v, accessories arnd backgrouncl. Yanrunzr Devi appcals to hiu'c tumctl thc nccklacc ol skulls th:rt Kali ofter.r sports into one r'r,ith lenrale heads instead, pcrh:rl>s to underlinc the lbmilility of this goddcss. Shanti Do.i's folfuzr p:rinting typifies a n.rarriage n.rural transfbrred to paper (15). Rcplctc rvith traditional marriagcr sr mbols. it iuciudcs thc ccntrzrl rccl lindut clot around $hich thc paintir.rg develops (here seen as a face); the /twah (lotns plant s,vnrbolising lenrale lcrtilit,v) ;rround thc ccntr-c; barnboo grovcs (s,vmbolisirre male virilitv); {lora attd launa cspcciallv fish signilying abuldancc; laccs rcprcscntiug malc and lcmalc cncrgics (top lclt corncr); snakcs svmbols of rcgenerzrtion (leli): a ,4ala.r (bottom); and the bride per'lbrn.ring Gauri Puja, rl'ith a clal' clcph;rnt in fi-ont ancl thc groom bchind hcr (bottom right corner). 'l'he figures ol' Shiva ancl Parvati (bottom lcft). r'ho symbolisc thc idcal couple, arc a dcp.rrturc lronr rnuratl trzrditiol; lhis corlrcr nornrally dcpicts a bridal couple in a palanquin. \{hile arlraas are supposed to rvard oll er,il fi'om thc hontt,. godanas (tattoos) are meallt to rvarcl ofl'evil lrom rhc boclv. In 1972, the Gernran anthropologist Erika \Ioscr srartcd living rvith thc Dusaclh conmunity :rnd rl'as rcsponsilrlc fbr cucouraging scrr:ral Dr-rsaclh artists to clrarv uporr the traclition oL gadana lbr paintines on p.rpcr. Urmila Dcvi uses traclitional godana rnotils hcrc (16), shoring a trcc o1 lifc cncirclccl I)_v corrccrtric circular bands sporting bird rnotili arld ldl.rale figurcs. r\ r'cccnt do'clopmcnt in NliLhila is men takittg up art that Lrscd 15 Sha nti Devi Untitled (Kobha ,2A11 Gouache on paper, to bc mostl)' practiscd b1'r,omcn. Shivan Pasrvan is one such Dusadh artist. influcrcc ol'.qodarrn is lisilrlc in his dcnsc composition ol'a lushjungle scene (17), as rvcll zrs in the manner in r'vhich the tree's branclres spread out. 'l'hese servc to dividc thc pair.rting, fbrming pockcts o1' man) ol r'vhich are occupied by various crcntLlrcs paintcd in cxquisitc clctail. Dcspitc thc channing f]orzr arrcl l-rurna. this r'r'ork has a laintlv mcnacing quality, partly duc to the malrv staring e,ves, rcinlorcccl bv thc lizarcls, snakcs and tigers at the loot of trcc. Pushpzr Ilumari provides zr Iine example ol hor'v N{ithila alLists are tackling socio-politiciLl issucs. In a paintine (18) portravine thc disparit.v bctr'veen the rich and the poor ill India, the econon.ric divide is ernphasised conrpositioralll spacc. lia myriad s,vnrbols ancl rcprcsortatious o1'u'calth and At thc top cenLre, on the left, rvc sec a ftrll l/zall (1:llatLcr o1' delicacies) on an expensive nretal platc, sidc dishes, dccorativc crockcrv and an ornatc scat; on thc right is :rn cmptv inexpensive plate, an ttnadorned earthcn jug, a plain glass and a nrodcst scat. Thc ccntra.l circular conpositional structurc, rvhich acts as a visual anchor, inclucles imbalanced scales. Of thc six branchcs sprcading out lronr this circular form, thc t$'o on the leli are llor.erilrg: the t\\,o on thc rishL arc r'r'ither,:d and bare. Sinrilarlv, the highlise buildings rvith a dancing pcacock on thc lcft contr-ast sharplv l.ith thc couple in tor'1r, $orn and mended garand povcrt,v. 16 Urmila Devi U ntitled 'l)avid SzalLorr ald \laliri Bakshi. -lliilla Pa Ltitq Ttu llulutiou P..13. 1.11, u/ Dtlrrric r\r'ts |ou nclation / Pinkf I aneo. Los r\neclcs, 2007, 1 thcir-talkins stick unclcrlining thc disabilitr. of porertv. 'l hc l'alcr bodv at thc boltom is sinrilarlv clilftrcntiatcd, thc lclt side rvith bloornilg lotuses. the rigit uith po\icrt)-strickcn pcol)lc l)altling llatural calamitics. mcnts, u !! (Godana). 2a1 Gouache on paper, 30" x 22" 17 Shivan Paswan U ntitled (J u ng le Sce n e ), 201 O Acryl c and ink on canvas, 62" x 34" Dirihi-basird N{anisha.Jha, rvho traincd irs an architcctj is pclhaps thc first N,Iithila artist u'ho mav also bc colsiclcrccl a mainstrcanr colternporary arrist. She incorporates ekrments ol so-callcd 'irutsidc" iuflucrit:t:s. but idcntifics hcrsclf NovemberDecember ?013 as a N,lithila artist who stradcllcs both rvorlds. A painLing (19) liom rhc artist's popular fzr o/ Ly'i st'rics clcpicting an abundant .jackliuit tree :r synonym ol sacredncss, appropri:Ltclv sports a str:iking red backsrouncl. Bengali patua scrolls 'l hc paintt'r'-s ing-i'r' t ottttttunitics itt tttstcrtt Ittdia alc callccl (ihitlirkar. nrianitrg "ont: ulto nrakcs itnages". I hcir-tnxlitiou ol siriging- anrl paiuting storics ott /a/a.r (lorrg. r'crtical sclollsl gocs lntk serct-al ccntLu'ics. liot-gt rttrt^aLiotrs, Itct-ctlitaf\ pairrtcf-singcrs lrart ltcetr 1tr-actisirte thcir cr-lrli irt Lhe \lcdirriptLl cLisrr-i< t ol' \\'cst 13r'rigal. Clurrcrrtll. nrost of thcr (lhitrnl<rrls lilt in Nava. l lillagc trcat KolkaLa. .'\ctirig as ilincrarrt pictulc slrrxrnicrt, Clhitr-akals t'ccourlt slol'ics alld lcgcnrls in sorrg. unlolling n sttoll a fr-irmc:lt a tintc. poirtting- to thc ti'lcllnl lticturc arrrulg lllaltv clcpicting succcs sirt cvcnls.'l'lir iutists no\\' tLS(' corrrrll(rrt ial ltaltet ltnt still ttse org-arric pig-rrcn1s. ,1)a1aa scr-olls lravt' historicltlh' titrtclecl li) (o\cf a rar-iitr ol thcrrcs unthological aticl lcligiotts. socit.,-politit rl. Lrcal ancl trltiortal clc:trls. l{cccntlr', (llritlalials hart inclcasinglv rlcpictccl torlcl crctrts sttclt as Lhe !)./ I I artack irr \crr \br-k. (,ompctition liorn oLhcl urcclia lras cloclccl thcir itinctattt lili'. sc.r Clhitr-aka|s no\\' trv to nclapt to chrurgitrg.' conclitiorrs ll ploclLrcirtg lltgc nrrnatilc paitrtittgs ott cantas. stttlt as Clhitlukl-'s dt'piction o1' thir'\siarr tsurrarni ol' 200{ i20i. ulrich pr-cscrtts it not orth its a n:rlulal tlisirstcr. lltt rli\thol.lgiscs it 1l por-tlarirtg thc rlr-atli ol'Cloclck'ss lirLli rurlt asliccl on tln occlurs. St'lral clorrctrTs rlcal uith thc: "r'cal '. lhil olhcrs ar( 'rtivthical''. -\t the Lrltpcr- r-ight. tlrosc uhr-r alc slli ol lancl Irc\r tilhcts rtlro nt-c clt^ol trittg. Strtlal tsuuuni riclitrs. sornt cclfpscs all(l lxtliltittg- hcttcls can lrc sctn. ,\ tt-ccr. l r^adio ancl a lrtLiJciing at-tt itr thc pr-ott'ss c.rl bcing sLrlrtnclgccl. \\Ihilc []hitrakar- st lolls clcltict siglilicant natiolal ancl itttcurtrtiotral c\'(illts LhroLtir-h a lttccliatcd lcns. thcl olicn lrltholog-isc sLrch clt:pictions. Hcrc, Srrar-rra q@9" 18 Push pa Kumari Mahangaii lnflation, 201 2 Gouache on papet,22" /' 3a" Knli's clar-k-lrrrccl sliin, thc suggcstion ol a tlrir-d crr'. tltc protrLrding- tccth anc'l tltc sniikcs {illing- thc lrolcli't ltolLrav Ircl in her nrost clenrotric lornr. :\ s<rrrll lx -\lontu Cllritrakar^ apl)oars t(r ilcpi<t a lbocl (21).'l'hc prcst:ntt ol thc ascetic in tltt sccotrcl Iiatlc (llrtr \\'arns tli(: centfal llgur-cs ol lltt itrttnitrt-ttt (Lisastcl-J sLlg..gcsts thirt il rralratcs thc gr-r'aL nr\ thicll floorl. rrlrir'lt is sittrilal to that ol.lirriili -1rr. l'he scroll (lo( s rtot tlcccssarill acllrcrl trr thc storr''s chlonologicltl scqLrcn.c ot thc sltccific graitrs rttrcl arrirrals nrenlionccl. Siucc its \\atcr \1'sscl tcst rtllllcs a lloatrlnl's hnnrlrlc,?a1&, fathcr thatt zL lalg-cr'-than lilt'alk. it tuil bc dcpictine a lirlk variation ol'thc stot-r. Conclusion ln<1iau iudigi:nous ar-ts lialc habitualh- lxttr turu'gitralisccl dLlc to a nliriconcclltioD thllt t)rtr ar^t' I'cltctiti|c iLttcl itllita tivc. (.le1ltre Ponrpiclorr's "\lagiciens" cxlrilrition \\as a Inri.jol strp in tlrir lccognition oftlr(s( iirtists. Sitrcc tltttr. ratious i'rhibitious in Inclia artcl abloacl havc rulcht ssi'cl thcsc rnisc onceptiorrs. krarling to inc rcliscd lqrpt t c iatiotr atrcl sTtttil ol' inclig-crrorrs ltrcliar alts. \[ost tcccnth. tlrc "Sakahrin" crlrilrition ln thc Nrtional (iallclr of (lzrttLcla has shorv casccl incligcnotts arts ltlrn thc uorlcl o\cr and ltas plortcl pathJrrr:lking in its nrt tsi'ogt :iph ical itorroglapltr. Ihc iuclusion irr ''Sakahan" ol .frrngar-h Singh Shram. \irrkat Ramart Siugh Shvanr. SLu-t'sh Silgh DhLrr-r't iLrtcl Nlar atrk Krrrual Shranr ir(lds Lo th('9t'orling lot-lrLuiclc ttcogtritiotr ol'Inclian iruligctroLrs artists. \\'t' hopc that thc Ill-\l)L t\[ockrr-u cxhibition rlill lirlthet propaglLtc iutctcst itr this clncreing fiirlcl o1 alt. 19 Manisha Jha The Jackf ruit Tree. 2012 Acrylic and ink on canvas, 68" x 58" 20 Swa rna Chitrakar Tsunami,2AA5 Fabric pa nt on canvas, 49" x 93" Nov-"mheFDecember 201 3 21 N4ontu Chitrakar Great F/oo.l, 2010 Natlra dyes oi paper glLretl to lall c, 137 ! 22