December 2015/January 2016 Tower Chimes


December 2015/January 2016 Tower Chimes
December 2015/January 2016
Advent, the four weeks preceding Christmas, is a time set aside during the Church
Year to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child and for His glorious
Second Coming. In Advent, we reflect on Christ’s coming at Bethlehem and the
meaning of His life, death, and resurrection. This naturally leads us to focus upon
our desire for His coming daily into our lives, and it flows very nicely, also, that our
eyes of faith are lifted to look to the future in anticipation of His coming again.
Preparation, celebration, and anticipation are made possible through our Lord Jesus
Christ Who is the hope of the world. The Advent message of hope blesses us with
the sure hope that is ours in Jesus Christ. May all of our Advent activities, in
focusing upon Christ, build hope among us. May we be so strengthened that we witness that hope within
us to a world who hungers for it, whether they are aware of it or not.
The sharing of this hope finds expression in caring for one another. We are reminded of the truth of
Galatians 6:9-10 and are encouraged to “…not grow weary of doing good…as we have opportunity, let do
good to everyone, and especially to those are of the household of faith.” As we seek to serve others by
building hope in their lives, we are mutually strengthened as the family of believers. Together we can
extend that hope to those who do not yet celebrate Christmas in spirit and truth.
Midweek Advent Services
December 2nd, 9th & 16th
Traditional - 7pm
Christmas Eve Services
Thursday, December 24th
Traditional - 5pm, 7pm & 11pm
Contemporary - 5pm & 7pm
Christmas Day Service
Friday, December 25th
Traditional - 10am
New Year’s Eve Service
Thursday, December 31st
Traditional - 7pm
** There will be no services on Monday, December 21st;
Saturday, December 26th; Monday, December 28th **
St. Paul Lutheran Church and School
27993 Detroit Road, Westlake, Ohio 44145
(440) 835-3050 Church
(440) 835-3051 School
A FEW NOTES FROM THE “BUGLER” (….Pastor Buegler)
Luke 2:11 A Christmas Story
It was Christmas time…cold….snowy…and a homeless young boy was out on the street trying to sell some
papers to earn a little money. He was only about 11 years old….deserted by wayward parents….and a run
-away from the people the county tried to place him with….trying to make it on the street all on his own.
But this particular Christmas Eve it was cold….and nobody was buying any papers…and he was ready to
give up when he saw a policeman. He went up to him and said, “Mister, you wouldn’t happen to know
where a poor boy could find a warm place to sleep tonight would you? Sure would be nice to have a warm
place to stay.” The policeman looked down at the boy and said, “You go down the street to that big white
house and you knock on the door. When they come out the door you just say LUKE 2:11 and they will let
you in.” So the boy did what the policeman told him. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door
and a lady answered. He looked up and said, “Luke 2:11”
The lady said, “Come on in son, She took him in and she sat him down in a split bottom rocker in front of a
great big old fireplace, and she went off to another room. The boy sat there and thought to himself, “LUKE
2:11…..I don’t understand it, but it sure makes a cold boy warm.”
Later she came back and asked him, “Are you hungry?” He said, “Well, just a little Ma’am. I haven’t eaten
in a couple days and I guess I could stand a little bit of food.” The lady took him in the kitchen and sat him
down to a table full of wonderful food. He ate and ate until he couldn’t eat any more. Then he thought to
himself: “Luke 2:11….I don’t understand it but it sure makes a hungry boy full.”
The lady took him upstairs to a bathroom to a huge bathtub filled with warm water and he sat there and
soaked for a while. As he soaked, he thought, “Luke 2:11…..I don’t understand what it means….but it sure
does make a dirty boy clean.”
The lady came in and got him and took him to a room with a big old feather bed…..tucked him in, kissed
him goodnight and turned out the lights. As he lay in the darkness and looked out the window at the snow
coming down on that cold Christmas Eve, he thought to himself, ”Luke 2:11…..I don’t understand it but it
sure makes a tired boy rested.
The next morning the lady came back up and took him down again to that same table full of food. After he
ate, she took him to that big old split bottom rocker in front of the fireplace and picked up a big old Bible.
She sat down in front of him and looked into his rested eyes. “Do you understand Luke 2:11?” She asked
him gently.
“No Ma’am,” he replied, “I don’t. The first time I ever heard it was last night when the policeman told me to
say it when I knocked on your door.”
She opened the Bible to Luke 2 and started reading and telling him the beautiful Christmas story of Jesus’
birth. And when she got to verse 11 she said…..”This is verse 11: UNTO YOU THIS NIGHT IS BORN IN
UNTO YOU…….A SAVIOR. Make it personal friends. Take the message of that story
and realize that while mortals slept…….a Savior was born to YOU. And though you and
I might never fully understand the miracle of Christmas it sure makes a poor soul like you
and me warm in the midst of a cold tough world…..
It sure makes an empty life full
It sure makes a sinful soul clean
It sure makes a tired restless life rested
It sure makes a lost man, woman or child safe.
“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”
Psalm 122:1
Join us this Advent season for a celebration of Our Coming Savior. In
anticipation of Christ’s Second Coming, our Sunday services will focus
worshippers on the Advent and Christmas characters of the Bible. These well
known Biblical Characters will come to life and tell the story that leads to a
never-ending life with Christ.
Sunday’s in Advent and Christmas Eve:
November 29
December 6
December 13
December 20
December 24
Our Coming Savior: Elizabeth and Zechariah
Our Coming Savior: Herod
Our Coming Savior: Shepherds
Our Coming Savior: Mary and Joseph
Our Coming Savior: The Innkeeper
Wednesday, Midweek Advent Services:
Don’t miss our 3 special Midweek Advent Services especially for children and
families. This year’s Advent service theme is: “Hark the Glad Sound”, the
songs of Advent. Services begin at 7pm.
December 2
December 9
December 16
Hark the Glad Sound: Mary
Hark the Glad Sound: Angels
Hark the Glad Sound: Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church & School
Advent Schedule
Sunday, November 29th
Our Coming Savior: Elizabeth and Zechariah - Luke 1:13-15
When Zechariah comes back from the temple unable to speak, his wife, Elizabeth, doesn’t
understand why. But she learns that her husband’s inability to speak isn’t the only supernatural
thing happening in their life.
Wednesday, December 2nd
The Song of Mary - Luke 1:46-55
Mary’s Song declares that the Lord has remembered his covenant with us through his Son.
Families will engage in activities revolving around this song that serves as a melody of
remembrance for us.
Sunday, December 6th
Our Coming Savior: Herod - Matthew 2:1-9
After hearing rumors about the birth of a Messiah, a ruthless Herod tries to use some new
acquaintances to get him information about the newborn Christ.
Wednesday, December 9th
The Song of the Angels - Luke 2:8-14
The Song of the Angels announced with great joy the Good News of Christ’s birth. Families will
engage in activities revolving around this song that serves as a melody of rejoicing for us.
Sunday, December 13th
Our Coming Savior: Shepherds – Luke 2:8-20
Sam, Jake, and Frank are three average shepherds whose lives are changed when they are
visited by angels who bring news of Christ’s birth. While they are all eager to get going to visit
the Christ child, they wrestle with the small matter of who is going to be on sheep duty.
Wednesday, December 16th
The Song of the Church - Isaiah 52:7-10
The Song of the Church carries the angels’ message of peace, good will to all to all the world.
Families will engage in activities revolving around this song that serves as a melody of rejoicing
for us.
Sunday, December 20th
Our Coming Savior: Mary and Joseph – Matthew 1:18-25
Mary and Joseph are a young couple with lots of plans for their future together, but those plans
change after God steps in. Though Mary has faith, she struggles with how to tell her fiancée of
what the Angel has told her. Both because of how unbelievable it is and how it will change both
of their lives forever.
Thursday, December 24th
Our Coming Savior: The Innkeeper - Luke 2:4-7
An innkeeper meets a young couple looking for a place to rest as they travel. Though weary, the
innkeeper is in conflict about wanting to help vs. the reality of his booked up inn.
Join Us Saturday
December 19th for our
Saturday Contemporary
Service at 5:00 PM with
Special Music from Ginny
Owens in the Activity Center.
A three-time Dove Award winner, Ginny Owens became a household name when she was named Gospel
Music Association’s New Artist of the Year in 2000. In a career that has spanned fifteen years, Ginny’s
seven studio recordings have amassed nearly one million records in sales and spawned career-defining
number ones like “If You Want Me To” and “Free.” Her songwriting prowess has earned her song cuts by
artist peers like Rachael Lampa and Christian music legend Michael W. Smith, and awarded Ginny a
mantle of ASCAP and BMG Music Publishing Awards.
Since completing her successful run with Rocketown Records in 2006, Ginny has released a Christmas
collection, 2006’s Bring Us Peace, a hymns project, 2009’s Say Amen, and an R&B-pop influenced set list
with 2011’s Get In, I’m Drivin’, appeasing her massively loyal fanbase and generating hundreds of solo tour
dates nationwide, as well as placing her songs in various movies and network television shows.
Born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, Owens discovered melodies on the piano before she could
complete a sentence. As her vision began to leave her eyes–a degenerative eye condition left Ginny
completely blind by age three–songs began to emerge from her fingertips, providing a window into the
world for Owens. Despite her physical challenge, the illustrious songstress pursued a career in music. Her
unique musical style and inspirational lyrics have transcended genre definition, endearing her to Christian
and mainstream listeners alike to afford her audiences at the White House, the Sundance Film Festival,
Lilith Fair and a rare performance at the 60th Annual National Day of Prayer in Washington, D.C.
In 2005, Owens launched The Fingerprint Initiative, a hands-on non-profit organization designed to “bring
hope to the world, one project and one touch at a time,” a motto that echoes her desire as a singersongwriter. “I’ve spent enough time listening to people’s stories to know that they’re desperately seeking
hope,” Ginny explains. “Perhaps I can encourage with a song that says, ‘I know something about what
you’re feeling. And I believe with all my heart that there is indeed hope.’” Ginny has been featured on
NBC’s Today Show and CNN in recognition of her initiative’s relief contributions domestically.
When not on the road, Owens serves as an adjunct professor of songwriting at her alma mater, Belmont
University, and is on staff as a worship leader at The People’s Church in Franklin, Tennessee.
The Altar Guild thanks everyone
who purchased poinsettias to
adorn the worship areas for the
Christmas holidays. We appreciate
everyone's participation in this
Could you pass Pastor Buegler’s
8th Grade religion class test????
Occasionally in the Tower chimes we will put some of
the actual test questions from our 8th grade religion
class to see how you would do…….answers in next
month’s issue. Here we go:
1. If the sun was not created until the 4th day….then
what did God create on the first day when He said “let
there be light” and there was evening and there was
morning, the first day?
2. In order for us to OBEY and therefore to honor our
Creator God, there must also be the possibility to
3. Look it up in Exodus 20……the preamble to the
Ten Commandments contains two important truths.
What are they?
4. How many days did it take the Children of Israel
under Moses’ leadership to travel from Passover night
to the foot of Mt. Sinai?
5. When the people of the Old Testament really
wanted to avoid sinning by taking God’s name in vain,
they quit even using the name Jahweh and
substituted it with the name ______________.
6. True or False
son “Jesus”.
It was Mary’s own idea to call her
7. True or False
The name Christ is a title like
As you contemplate donations this holiday season,
please keep St. Paul Lutheran Church & School in
mind. Your contributions are
needed for everything from
special programs to basic
operating expenses—both are
deserving of your support.
Please be as generous as you can this holiday
season and in the year ahead. For the convenience
of church members, we offer online giving. To
donate, visit our website
and select Simply Giving.
On Sunday, December 27, have another cup of
coffee. We are extending the "Coffee Hour” in the
Cafeteria for the entire Bible
Class Hour. Enjoy the fellowship
after 8:30 services or come
early for the 11am services and
catch up with friends and family.
What a great opportunity for
College Students, family and
Christmas visitors to enjoy saying hello. Watch for
future extended “Coffee Hour” opportunities!
Let’s Get Social!
Connect with the church and school on your favorite
social networks!
8. If Jesus were not true God against which
commandment would we be sinning when we give
Him divine honor and glory?
9. What does the word “Redeem” mean?
10. Who said to Jesus, “My Lord and my God”?
OK…..There’s a 10 point quiz from confirmation class.
Are you smarter than an 8th grader?
2) Love 3) Actual 4) Ommission 5) False 6) True
7) Eve’s 8) Adam’s 9) Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian
10) Angels
Become our friend on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter:
Mission Statement
“Go, therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I will be with you
always, to the very end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20)
Registration for Lutheran West’s Mini & Shorthorn
Indoor Soccer teams is open. Practices begin in
January at Lutheran West. We will play games at the
Force Sports in Rocky River starting in January. This
opportunity is available to all male and female 1st –
8th grade players. Please contact Josh Hubeler,
[email protected], or for more details.
Join us on December 6th after late service in the
Luther Room at 12:00PM as we pray for the
persecuted church. Christians around the world
need our prayers!
Church and School Calendars fill up fast,
spaces are reserved, and we need ALL those
planning to schedule dates and use rooms to
contact the Church Secretary to insure your
date and resources are reserved in advance.
Thanks for planning ahead!
[email protected]
Or [email protected]
St. Paul members will have the
opportunity to publicly stand
for life with the 2016 Lorain
County Right-to-Life Signature
Ad Campaign. A beautiful prolife ad will appear in major Lorain
County newspapers on or close
to January 22, 2016, the 43rd anniversary of the
Supreme Court decisions which legalized abortionon-demand for all 9 months of pregnancy. Samethemed billboards will appear throughout Lorain
County as well. Sign-up tables will be outside of
worship services and at coffee hour the first two
Sundays in December. The cost per name line for
the ad is $5. Contact Jill Cesaratto (440-934-6883)
with any questions.
Altar Flowers
Join Women’s Ministry Book Club at
the Meeting Place on our new date,
January 6th 2016 between 6:30 PM and
7 PM (formally starts at 7) to discuss Dr. Ben Carson's
story The Gifted Hands. Please let me know if you are
interested in reading the book, as I have copies
available for you to borrow. Look forward to seeing
you all, and as always if you have any questions
please contact Christine Huebler at
[email protected] or 216-338-5194.
PROJECT CONNECT: Outside each worship
center is a rack that holds PROJECT
CONNECT booklets on many modern day life
application topics. These are not available
primarily for our members themselves……but
for our members to use to give to friends, family,
neighbors, and work acquaintances. They are
witnessing tools. Grab as many as you like.
We have funded this ministry with a special gift
and will replenish the supply each week.
Spread the Word of God applied to dozens of
modern life issues in a gentle, loving and nonthreatening way. These are the products of
out !!!
If you wish to request flowers for a
church service, please call the
Church Office (440-835-3050) and
speak with the church secretary,
Trish Schneider.
The cost of flowers is $25 for each
Payment is requested at the time you reserve your
flowers. Please make checks payable to:
St. Paul Altar Guild
Payments may be:
Placed in the offering plate on Sunday,
Dropped off at the Church Office,
Or send your checks by mail to:
St. Paul Lutheran Church
ATTN: Altar Guild
27993 Detroit Rd.
Westlake, OH 44145
Please note:
On weeks when no one signs up to sponsor a vase,
the Altar Guild’s Flower Fund pays for the
arrangements. This fund is minimal. Please
consider giving a gift throughout the year of any
amount to the Altar Guild, or remember the flower
fund when you give a memorial gift. Your gift to this
fund is much appreciated.
Faithful Friends Ministry will be
presenting a Christmas program
Dec. 10th at 6:30 PM for the
residence at Rae Ann Suburban
Nursing Home, 29505 Detroit,
Westlake. This is across from Bob
Evans near Crocker/Basset.
Our Christmas program consists of many traditional
songs. The residence enjoy having your presence
and participation. Please come to sing along, turn
pages for residence, talk with them and smile with
them. If you would like to participate in the program by
playing an instrument or solo singing you are most
welcome. Please contact Shirley McCowan at
440-371-0116 or e-mail [email protected] or for
any questions you may have. Our program ends by
7:30 PM. If you need to leave earlier that is not a
problem. Bring your family or anyone else.
Thank You ahead of time.
The St. Paul Adult Social Club will be celebrating
with a Christmas Party on Sunday
December 13th at 5:00 PM. This event
will be held at Legacy Restaurant, 750
Jaycox Road in Avon Lake. The cost is
$35 per person with a cash bar. For
reservations and more information contact
the Wohlever’s at 440-988-9264 or the
Langdon’s 440-933-9254 by December 2nd.
Cruise & Tour
Enchanting Rhine River
& Reformation Tour
November 4-13, 2016
It’s all set! In preparation for the 500th anniversary of
the Reformation Pastor and Susan Buegler and
Pastor and Melissa Smith will be leading a very
special tour of the significant sites in the life of Martin
Luther. Educational Opportunities Tours in
cooperation with AmaWaterways River Cruises has
chartered a Rhine River LongBoat cruiseship holding
only 150 passengers for this trip from Amsterdam to
Berlin (last 3 days on land). Pastor Buegler will be
the guest lecturer on this trip. It is being advertised
around the country (through the Lutheran Witness and
several other tour hosts) and the first 150 to sign up
will fill the tour.
You can find the trip highlighted on this web site:
Featured Ministry:
Cleveland West Lutherans For Life
Our Mission and Purpose:
Equipping Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated
voices For Life to witness the sanctity of human
life through education based on the Word of God.
“You alone created my inner being. You knitted
me together inside my mother.” Ps. 139:13 “Even
when you’re old, I’ll take care of you. Even when
your hair turns gray, I’ll support you. I made you
and will continue to care for you. I’ll support you
and save you.” Is. 46:4 The Cleveland West
Chapter is associated with National Lutherans
For Life. Our ministry can make a difference For
Life in the lives of many through the Holy Spirit
working through us or free educational resources
we provide.
Who Can Join or Volunteer: Adults and teens
can join and/or volunteer in our events and
meetings. We have St. Paul members and others
from area Lutheran Churches who share within
their churches and give us opportunity to meet
other For Life Lutherans.
Activities and Events: They include Baby Bottle
Blessings, Cross Display, Trash ‘n Treasures,
guest speakers, witness tables, Bible Studies,
free Life Sunday bulletin inserts and Life
Thoughts to 38 Lutheran churches, sponsor baby
showers or collect baby/maternity items, maintain
a resource library, and have speakers, free
resources, or programs with Lutheran High
School or Elementary youth.
Meeting Times: We meet bi-annually usually in
March and Sept. on a Sunday afternoon. Our
Executive Board and other Chairpersons are
elected for two year terms. Contact: Beverly
Hirsimaki, President of CWLFL at 440-779-6044,
email [email protected] or mail to Cleveland
West Lutherans For Life at St. Paul Ev. Lutheran
Church 27993 Detroit Rd. Westlake OH 44145.
What you can do:
“Whatever you do to the least of these you do
to Me.” Matthew 25:40
Hunger Ministry Update
A Living Witness of Jesus' Love
December 5 Card/Craft Event Open to ALL
Please note our third Card/Craft Event for Veterans,
Hunger Centers, and Shut-ins is Saturday,
December 5, from 10 am to 1 pm. in the St. Paul
Lutheran Cafeteria. Please feel free to come for the
whole time or to simply drop in for an hour or so. This
event is both kid friendly and adult doable. There
are even snacks. We give thanks to the Promenade
Giant Eagle for their wonderful support of these caring
events. We are also using extra supplies from our two
Thrivent Action Team Card/Craft events. We will even
be making S’mores for our Hunger Center clients. It is
a wonderful Christ Sharing and Witnessing time for
each of us to share God's Love, Peace, and Joy with
real people that are sometimes forgotten by our busy
lives. Call Mary Levtzow 440-871-7067 with
January Epiphany Three Kings Celebration at
Hunger Ministry starts the New Year 2016 with a
special Three Kings Celebration Epiphany Party
between 10 am and 1 pm at Redeemer Hunger and
Crisis Center on Monday, January 4. This event is like
a mini-Angel Tree party. In order to have a dynamite
party for roughly 50 to 60 children of Redeemer, we
could use monetary donations or the following items
for our dental kits: toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouth
wash, and dental floss. We also give a child a new
bath towel and wash cloth along with gently used toys
and gently used books. If you have any of these
items, drop them off at church marked Epiphany Party
or at Mary Levtzow’s garage, 2454 Dover Center
Road, driveway on southwest corner of Dover Center
and Bassett Roads. Hunger Ministry will need drivers
on the Saturday or Sunday before that January 4
Monday to take all our boxes from the attic to
Redeemer. If you are able to assist Mary Levtzow and
Hunger Ministry in doing this wonderful Jesus Love
sharing event, call her at 440-871-7067 or email at
[email protected]. May the Lord Bless
and keep each of you as your share His love with
Home Helper Needed
A kind, gregarious 95-year young veteran and St.
Paul Lutheran Church member is in immediate need
of a Home Helper who can do light housekeeping,
wash/dry laundry, accompany to doctor appointments,
run errands, prepare meals, converse, and assist with
home exercises. Please call David at 440-225-3060
for details. Thank you.
Thank You
Hunger Ministry thanks each member of St. Paul for
all the support through time, treasures, and talents
given throughout the year. Each and every item,
can, dollar, quarter, card, prayer, and smile is
deeply appreciated. God has provided us wonderful
opportunities to assist 19 Hunger Programs from
Painesville to Lorain. He smiles and blesses each
effort we make in serving God’s people across
Northeast Ohio. Thank you so very much for
helping those in need.
St. Paul Youth Group is selling Christmas
Cookie Platters on Sunday, December 20th in
between church services in the cafeteria and in
the south corridor outside the activity center. The
cookie platters will sell for $15.00 and will include
a delicious assortment of homemade cookies and
pastry. Proceeds from the bake sale will help
defray the costs of the youth group’s trip to the
2016 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in
July 2016. Homemade bakery donations for this
fundraiser are welcomed - contact Deb Klusak
at: [email protected]. Thank you for your
Thanks to everyone for helping us keep our
narthex, hallways, shelves, corners, and
facilities uncluttered. We ask that you do
not “store” items in our public places so
that visitors to St. Paul come and go with
a good impression of how we care of our
facilities. Thank you!
Vision Statement
Through faith in Christ’s unconditional love
for us, we see St Paul Lutheran as a growing
church and school, compelled to reach out,
teach the Word of God and care for all
people. (“For Christ’s love compels us,
because we are convinced that One died for
all, and therefore all died. And He died for
all, that those who live should no longer live
for themselves but for Him who died for
them and was raised again.”
2 Corinthians 5:14-15 NIV)
Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)
2015-2017 Mission Goal: $2,000,000
2015-2017 Mission Grants
Clean Water and Evangelism Ministry $50,000
Disaster Response Trailers
Cancer Care Packages-Phil's Friends $50,000
Renovation of JEM Seminary Buildings
Give the gift of
Redeeming Life Maternity Home
Hope and Healing to the Navajo People
Listed here are the approved mission grants
for 2015-2019. These grants are funded with
donations, called mites by men, women and
children all across the United States. Please
read about them on
Outreach in Refugee Camps-Lebanon $72,000
Healthy Families
LCMS Global Seminary Initiative
Every first Sunday of the month, the Mite Box
is placed in the narthex for you to help bring
someone to Christ with your donations. Take
a small mite box home, fill it and return it next
month. How easy is that? Also available for
you is a card with all the grants listed here and
a prayer for mite donations. Please take one.
Training Teachers and Leaders
Opportunities in Uganda
LWML offers so much more and to find out
about devotions, Bible Studies, activities etc.,
visit the web site and also pick up the
Lutheran Woman's Quarterly magazine also
located in the narthex.
Bringing the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of Israel
May we, through the Holy Spirit, return to You
part of the gifts you have given us, so that
your kingdom on earth, as well as in heaven,
may continue to grow.
"In Their Hands and Upon Their Hearts"
"We Are God's Workmanship"
Helping Hands Initiative
Deaconess Training
Lutheran Youth Corps
Providing Hope for Detroit
Rosa Young Academies (Partial)
St. Paul Lutheran School has many exciting musical performances coming up.
Our Christmas Program will be on Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 7:00 PM with music
beginning at 6:30 PM in the Activity Center. Grades 1-4 will present the play,
“Our Annual Christmas Pageant”, which shares the familiar Luke 2 story
through drama and song. Performances will also be given by the band, guitar
club, and handbell choir. If you wish to avoid the crowds and ensure a good
seat, please come to our afternoon dress rehearsal on Tuesday, Dec. 15, at
1:30 PM in the Activity Center. We are also continuing our “Christmas Music in
the Atrium” tradition. Student music groups will perform in the school atrium
from 8:45 to 9:00 AM on weekday mornings from Dec. 11 through Dec. 17.
We would love to have you stop by and enjoy as the students share the songs
of the season. Praise God for the talents He has given the students of St. Paul
From the Principal’s Paw
by Mr. Lehrke
Future News – Mark your calendars
December 6 – Upper Grade Choir 8:30 Contemporary
December 11 – Advanced Band plays in Atrium 8:30 a.m.
December 12 – Power of the Pen District Compe//on 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
December 13 – K and 1st grade sing 11 a.m. Tradi/onal
December 14 – Guitars play in Atrium 8:30 a.m.
December 15 – 3rd through 5th grade Choir in Atrium 8:30 a.m.
December 15 – 1st through 4th grade Christmas Program 7 p.m.
December 16 – 4th grade Recorders in Atrium 8:30 a.m.
December 16 – K Christmas Program Dress Rehearsal 9:10 a.m.
December 17 – Middle School Choir in Atrium 8:30 a.m.
December 18 – K Christmas Program 11 a.m.
December 19-January 3 Christmas Break – No School
In the New Year:
January 4 – School Resumes
January 15 – End of the 2nd Quarter
January 15 – Winter Sports Pictures
January 18 – No School
January 24-31 Na/onal Lutheran Schools’ Week
January 24 – All Grades sing All Services
January 31 – St. Paul School Open House 1-4 p.m.
Red T.I.E.(Together In Educaon)Gala – Saturday, March 12, 2016
Inclement Weather: The snow will be flying before you know it. Please like us on
Twi@er and Facebook as this is one of many ways that we inform parents about
inclement weather (Snow Days). Also, Fox 8 news seems to provide closings quicker
than others, so you may what to sign up for alerts, as well. All school cancella/ons will
be posted on all major local television sta/ons.
Incenve Program – Tell your friends and neighbors about St. Paul Lutheran School!
The School Board has established a special incenve program for St. Paul Lutheran
School. For every family that a current family recruits to our school an incenve of
$250/member family and $500/nonmember family will be awarded to both the new
and referral family (as long as the new family stays 1 semester).
How can I support St. Paul School or my child’s tuion without doing much at all?
• Box Tops for Educaon – please con/nue to turn those Box Tops in. We received
$150 recently that we are going to use to purchase apps for our IPads.
•A3enon Giant Eagle Shoppers – please stop at your local store and register our
school. Our school benefits for every $$$ you spend at Giant Eagle!!! Help Support St.
Paul Lutheran School.
• Our school receives fund raising rebates from Heinen’s and GFS. If you shop there, a
por/on of what you spend is given back to our school. If you don’t shop there, please
consider doing so. Check with their customer service as to how you can
• TRIP (Tui/on Reduc/on Incen/ve Program) is available and ongoing for our school.
Anyone and everyone may par/cipate. By par/cipa/ng you receive products or giJ
cards that you would typically use anyway and the school benefits. You also would
help to reduce your tui/on.
• Support St. Paul Lutheran School through through all of your online
2015-2016 SCHOOL THEME: "LIFE TOGETHER" based on 1 John 1:7
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin."
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cut along the line and make copies and distribute to your neighbors, family, and friends
St. Paul Lutheran School
Open House
For Preschool through 8th grade
Sunday, January 31st
1 – 4 p.m.
Let others know by inviting them to see what
St. Paul Lutheran School has to offer families.
I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost
them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that
I still possess.
~ Martin Luther
November 2015 Financial Report
In honor of Midgie Schmidt’s birthday
Endowment Fund: Bob Krone, Steve Krone
In memory of Rita Schneider
Memorial Fund: Pastor Ronald L. and Jeri Young
In memory of Charles Schmidt
Church Repairs: Patricia Schmidt
In memory of Clyde Wimer
Building Fund: Louise Osgood
In memory of Hildegard Klimek
Memorial Fund: Bill & Janet Bremke
Gift to St. Paul in honor of Art Copeland’s 80th birthday from Louise Osgood
Gift to St. Paul in appreciation of Pastor Young, Pastor Smith, Pastor Buegler, Pastor Pierson from Louise
October 2015 Statistical Report
Paige Madelyn Parris, daughter of Mike & Amy Parris
Sophia Lynne Rodriguez, daughter of Raymond Rodriguez and Rebecca Bartles
Laura Biel to Alex Glenn
Removed by Request
Jeff & Laura McComb; Children: Jessica and Jordan
Kevin & Joanne Kilbane; Children McKensie and Mara
Grant & Wendy Lawson
Tim & Jacquelyn Niemiec
Dan & Sandy Vesely
Baptized – 2,674
Confirmed – 2,071
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who
will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
The Church Office would like to thank the many volunteers that have helped
with various workloads and projects. We appreciate your giving of time and
talents and your eagerness and patience in learning new skills (like making
Palm Crosses). Church office volunteers are called on from time to time to
help with phone coverage, covering during vacations/absences, mailings,
collating directories, stuffing inserts into bulletins, editing special services, and
much more. We wish to send a special “Thank You so much for your help!!!” to the following:
Carol Pomfrett
Janet Knaggs
Eunice Snyder
Dave Snyder
Laurie Krauss
Ken Krauss
Elaine Cunningham
Bonnie Broz
Joe Broz
Jane Daberkow
Marilyn Priebe
Anneliese Hausmann
Judy Marinko
Jennifer Panaccione
Marge Spaeth
Lori Dersi
(My apologies if someone has been overlooked – there were many volunteer opportunities to cover this year. )
Thank you once again for helping us in serving Our Lord.
We could not have been able to accomplish what we did without you!
God’s blessings and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
The Church Office
Bible Studies December 2015
Dec 6
Dec 13
Dec 20
Pastor’s Bible
Luther Room
Women’s Bible
Bible Study
with John
Stump the
Dec 27
Activity Center Room 203
Lead Your
Family Like
Extended Coffee Hour—Come enjoy Fellowship
Please take the time to wish our shut-ins a
Happy Birthday by sending them a card or letter…
December Birthdays
Our shut-ins range in age from 57 to 98 and would greatly appreciate a kind word of encouragement. Another way
we as a church family can reach, teach and care. Questions may be directed to the Church office at (440) 835-3050.
Thank You!
Louis Wulf
Lutheran Home
Pinetree 32C
[email protected]
We Pray for our Military…
Justin Beamer, Peter Ruggiero, Mark Pullar, James Bannan Brian Jackson, Dale Koch, Mark Linden, Ben
Cooper, Brian Evans, Robert Luecke, Daniel Uptmor, Larry Oldenburg, Shawn McCowan, Mark Helderman,
James Jenkins, Tyler Rosmarin
The deadline for the February 2016 edition is January 20th. Please submit your article or
announcement by email if possible because it saves typing ([email protected]).
A written submission for the weekly bulletin should be in to the church office by 5:00 PM the
Tuesday before the Sunday you would like it published.
Submissions may be made to [email protected]
If you submit an article for the bulletin or newsletter, Please Note Which Publication You Wish It To Be
In And Include a NAME, EMAIL/PHONE NUMBER To Contact If There Are Any Questions. To avoid
any confusion, only one person from a group should be assigned to handle notices and publicity.
If you would like something posted on the general bulletin boards, please FIRST SUBMIT IT TO THE
CHURCH OFFICE. It will then be posted by a
member of the staff. Thanks for your cooperation!
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Reach, Teach, Care...