The influence of squeeze casting parameters on the mechanical
The influence of squeeze casting parameters on the mechanical
OUN Pvbrishsd quartw as the organ dthe Foundry Com-n of the Palish Academy of Sciences The influence of squeeze casting parameters on the mechanical properties of AIZnSMg alloy A. Zyska "'*, 2. Konopka ', M. t q g i c ~ v k a qM. Nadolski" %cpafl!ncnt of Foundry, Tcchnical Univcrsily of Czqstochowa, uI. Armii Krajowcj 19,42-200 Czqstochown, Polska * Corresponding author's c-mail: zyska Rcccivcd 26.02.2008; accepted in revised form 12.03.208 Abstract Mcchnnicnl propcrtics of castings prodl~ccdby thc dircct squcczc caning mczhod havc hccn cxainincd and thc rcsulis hnvc hccn prcscntcd in ihc work. Thc K,, and A5 distribulions have bccn analysed Tor cxtcrnal and intcrnal parts of thc slah tcst caning ror various dic tcmpcrarilrc and prcssurc OF squcczing valucs. Sqi~cczinghas bccn performed at rhc dic rcrnpcmlurc cqi~nllo 150°C or 250°C changing ihc RcsuIrs of rnctnllngrapliic cxamiiia~ioiilisvc hccn prcscn~ctland prcssurc o l squcczing from thc atmospheric onc to thc valuc or 90 Mk. 1he stntc~uralchnngcs in castings solidifying under prcssurc have bccn nsscsscd in comparison 10 dic cast itlgs. Oplimum paramcrcrs or producing thc high-srrcnglh canings ma& of'AIZn5Mg nlloy havc hecn dctcr~nincd. Kcywarcls: At alloys. squcczc casting technology. mcchanical propcflics, s~mcturc. 1. Introduction Squcczc casting also cailcd liquid mclal forging is applicabEc for production of high quality casting. mainly or att~rninium alloys. This mcthod aIIows for achieving castings with Finc grain structurc and withoui ~nicmal:dcfccts chnractcristic For gsavily dic casling and prcssurc dic casting tcchnologics. Mcchanicnl propcflics of alloys squcczcd in ~ h cEiyuid statc oftcn cxcccd thc valucs rcnchcd by ~ h cpIaslic worked matcrbal. Sqr~cczccastings cxhihit also grcat dimcnsionnl accuracy and g o d surracc srnoorhncss I 3 -91. Thc high dcgrcc or structurc rcfincrncnt rcs~iltsfmm an intcnsivc hcat cxchangc in thc plungcr dic - casting - dic block system. Thc continuous prcssurc cxcrtcd on rhc sol~difyingalloy incrcascs thc hcat rnnsrcr cocClicicnt and clirnina~cstbc cooling gap. thus d u c i n g rhcrmal rcsinancc. what results in an incrcascd supercooling and gcncrazion of a Sargc n u m k r nC crystallisat ion nucici I. 11). I11. Thc dcgrcc of supercooling o l ~ h cliquid mctal i s corrclatnl with thc icmpcsarurc o f squcczing. Applying of prcssurc at thc tnnpcratzirc closc to llic solidirying point is rhc most crfcctivc [ 10, 121. Thcn thc inaximurn supcrcoolinc OF rhc alloy and thc grcatcst incrcnsc of ~iirclcnlionraic occt~r,whcreas ton large ovcrllcating or t hc alloy can allnost coinplctcly nulliry t hc hcncficial crfcct of ihc applicd prcssurc, lligll prcssurc also clirninafcs arising oF gas buhhlcs in ihc casting and rcinnvcs shrinkagc macm- and microporosity. rhus disiinc~lyilrrcasiiig thc dcnsiry o f stampings [ 10. 131. Squcczc castings arc partb~tsrly dcsircd Tor hydraulic constructions. IIydraulic clcincnts working l~ndcrhigh prcssurc valucs havc to cxhibit high prcssurclightncss. Squcczc castings significantly surpass commonEy used graviiy die casiings in this rcspccl [ 141. Thc prcscnt work has hccn airncd to dctcr~nincthc infli~encc of two basic paramctcrs or squcc7c casting. i.c. the pressure of sqircczinp and thc dic tcmpcraturc, on rncchanical propcnics of AIZnSMg nlloy. A R C H I V E S of F O U N D R Y E N G l N E E R l N G V o l u m e 8 . S p e c i a l I s s u e llZ008, 347-351) 367 2. The material and methodies of its examination The cxarnination has hccn performed Tor thc standard ENAB-71000 (CNAR-AtZnSMg) alloy o f thc following chemical cornpsilion: 92.50%AI. 0.3%Cu, 0,32%Mn, 0.57%Mg, 0.48%Cr. 0.30%Ni, 5.25%2n. 0.I8%Ti, total contcnt OF impuritics (Ph,Sn) 0.10%. Thc rnclting proccss havc procccdcd in thc induction cruciblc Furnace PIT 50SI4QQ. Slab-shapcd spccimcn castings o f dimcnsions 200x 1 00x20 rnm havc been p d u c c d in khc die block rnounrcd on thc PI lM-250C hydraulic prcss. Pressing in a liquid state has bccn rcalised at constant alloy rcmpcmlurc cquaI to about 650°C and variahle pressurc and dic tcmpcrazurc valucs. Thc cxamination has hccn plannod for the prcssurc range From the atmospheric onc to thc valuc o f 90 MPa hy incrcmems o f 30 MPa, and for two valucs of dic tcrnperaturc. • external specimens Iinternal specimens 26~ - namely 3 50°C and 250°C. McchanicaE properties have bccn cxamined according to thc PN-9 1111-04310 standard. using tensilc specimens with gauge Icngth-to-diamctcr ralio o f 5: 1, which have bccn rcstcd by mcnns o f zhc ZWICK- 1488 scrvo-hydraulic testing machine. Thcsc propcflics havc hccn dctcrmincd both for thc "internal'" spccimcns (cut out o f thc ccntral part of cach casting) and for !hc *'cx!crnal" oncs (takcn from thc corncrs of cach casting). Microslmctum~ohscrvations have bccn pcrformcd by mcnns of thc Nikon Epiphor optical microscope Tor samplcs takcn both from corncrs o f castings and Tmm thcir ccnznl pads. I00 atm. 30 60 90 Pressure of squeezing, MPa Pig. 2. Tensile strcngth OF rhc AIZnSMg nlloy dctcrmincd for "cxtcmal" and "intcmal" spccirncns vcrsus rhc pressuse or squcczing; dic tcmpcraturc cqual ta 250°C W external specimens internal specimens 16 3, Examination results Thc significant shrinkage and thcrmal strcss arisc during thc squccr.c casting proccss. The continuous prcssitrc cxcrtcd on thc sotidifid cxtcrnai parts of the slah hindcrs frcc shrinkage o f its matcrinl and gcncratcs tcnsilc strcss in thc ccntrnl part o f a casting. H external specimens W internal specimens 0 atm. 30 60 90 Pressure of squeezing, HPa Fig. 3. Elongation As or the AtZn5Mg alloy dercrmincd Tor "cxtcmal" and "imcrnal" spccimcns vcrsus thc prcssurc of squccting; dic tcmpcrazurc cqual 10 150°C Suvrimpowd on thc strcss field resulting from ~ h ccxrcrnal pressurc i s additional strcss ficld arising duc ro thc large -atm. 30 60 90 Pressure of squeezing, MPa Fig. 1. Tcnsilc strcngth or thc AIZnSMg alloy determined for "external" and "inlcrnal" s p c i mens versus the pressure of squeezing; dic tcmpcraturc cqual 10 150°C dlffcrcnccs in ~ h lcmpcrarurc c gradient over thc slah cross-section. Thc conscqucnce of thcse phenomena is thc non-uniform dislribu~iono f mechanical propcnics. The prcscntcd rcsults (Figs 1-4) indicatc that the uniformity of thc cxamined provflies in the slab-likc: casrings pmduccd of thc AIZnSMg d c ~ n d sboth On lhc tcm~ralurcand On lhc casting tcchniquc. Gravity castings produccd al thc tempcratare of 150°C have cxhibitcd thc tcnsilc strcngth difFcrcnce bctween the A R C H l V E S of F O U N D R Y E N G I N E E R I N G V o l u m e 8 . Spectar I s s u e 1 1 2 0 0 8 . 3 4 7 - 3 5 0 crtcrnal and thc internal slab pan exceeding 80 MPs (Fig. I). Aficr increasing the dic tcm,raturc (his diflcrcnrr h u bccn seduccd. hut still rcachcd thc Icvcl of about 40MPa (Fig. 3). P l ~ i c i l y(W in g r a d ~ castings changes vmnling lo similar relationships ((Figs 2 and 4). Sqt~cczccaslings produccd at the dic I~rnperaIttrcof I5D.C also show significanl diffcrcnc~srcgrrding strcngth and plasticity of thc sclcctcd slab pwts (Figs Iand 23, but thcy acquirc ~ h noticeably c lowcr lcvcl than lor gravity castings. Rising lhc icrn~raturcto 250°C dong with thc influcncc of cx~crnalprcssurc 30-90 MPa results in lhc unihm distribution of rncchanical provnics, over the siah casting (Fig. 4) This provcs that thc dic tcmpcnturc i s dccisivc ior thc distribdon o f mcchnnical pmpcrtics of squcczc castines. IIexternal specimens 16 . . . internal specimens Fig. 5. The AIZnSMg nlloy strtlculrc, gmvily rlic css~ing.dic tcmp. 250°C. slah comcr, mogn. IOOx, ctchcd with 4% IIF 14 0 . atm. 30 60 Pressure of squeezing, MPa 90 Fig. 4. Elongatinn As of thc AIZnSMg alloy dacrmincd for "cxtcmal" and "intcrnol'* s p i m c n s vcrsus thc prcssurc o l squcczinp: dic tcrnpcmtilrc cqual to 250°C Fig. 6. Thc AIZnSMg alloy siructirrc. gravity dic casting, dic fcrnp. 2 5 0 T . slah ccnzrc. Inagn. tOnx. ctchcrl with 4% Fir 'She mcasurcmcnt rcsults concerning rncchanical propcrtics or castings prcscntcd in Pigs 2 and 4 show distinctly that the squmrc casting rncthod prcvails ovcr thc gravity dic casting. Squccrc castlngs cxhihit twicc as Inrgc elongation as thc castinps p d u c c d by ,he gravity dic carting rnclbod. Mormver. thc rquecrc t~chna~o~ypmvidcsfo~~h~~ni~~rmdistr~hution~fstrenglhand plastic propertic%.which umin the optimum vsluer M the presaurc of squccf~ngor 30 MPa and rhc dic rcmpcmturc of250°C. 'I.hc rhnractcriaic lcslurc o l the carting solidifying under t l ~ c cx~crnnlprcssurc i s grain refining and rcsulring strenghtcning of thc nlloy. The shrinkage gap arires much lecr ilndcr tllc prcssurc ennditions of qnlidirying rhan it doer lor gravity dic casting solidifying. l lent cxchrngc pmcecds 1 n prenlcr rrtc in ihc prcssurc dic+casiing sygcm andthc sirpcrcuoling or lhc alloy incrcascs. Thc result of crystallisation pmccss intcnsificalion is the refining o i n stn~crurc. Figs 5 and 6 show lhc slruclun: of gravity dic caqling in thc sl;th corncr and in i ~ sccnlnl part. resprivcly. This casting cxhih~rsthc singlc phasc grain struclun?. 1:ig. 7. Thc AlXnSMvig nlloy structure. rquce/c crsling, prcsrurc OF but rhc casring parts diflcr with rcspcct trr tbc grain sizc. Numbcr squeezing 30 MPa. dic Icmp. 250"C, slah cnrncr. of grains per LI~II a m IS significantly grcatcr In rhc slab comcr magn. 10Dx. crchcd with 4 8 ISt: than in its ccntrc. A R C H I V E S o f F O U N D R Y ENGINEERING V o l u m e 8 , S p e c i a l I s s u e Tl2OOB. 3 4 7 - 3 5 0 4, An intcnsivc hcat cxchnngc in thc prcssurc dL - squcczc casting systcm rcsults in an incrcasc o f thc nlloy supcrcooling and dccrcnscd changcs in tcinpcraturc gradient across thc slab-likc casting. An unirorm sttuctl~rco f high rcfincmcnt dcgrcc is achicvcd, as wclt as thc l ~ n i f o r ~distrihtrtion n ol rncchanical propcrtics. Refcrcnces [ l ] J. Batyscv, Crystallisation of mctnls and ollnys undcr prcssurc* Metallurgy, Moscow ( 1 977) (in Russian). [21 M. Pcrzyk. S. \Vastkicwicz. M. Kaczorowski, A. Jopkicwicz. Casting. WNT, \Varsnw (2000)(in Polish). [31 S.W. Kim, D.Y. Kim. W.G. 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