2012 Annual Report YMCA of GReAteR oklAhoMA CitY


2012 Annual Report YMCA of GReAteR oklAhoMA CitY
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GiftS thAt
2012 Annual Report
YMCA of GReAteR oklAhoMA CitY
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2012 Annual Report
YMCA of GReAteR oklAhoMA CitY
tABle of CoNteNtS
2 ............President & Chairman’s Letter
10..........Financial Activity
3 ............Ward Family Gift
11..........Board of Directors
6 ............LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA
12..........Association Staff/
Branch Leadership
8 ............Numbers to Live By
9 ............Giving Back
13..........Donor Recognition
to put Christian priciples into practice through programs
that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
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| PReSideNt ANd ChAiRMAN’S letteR |
Dear Friends,
William Arthur Ward said, “Our feeling gratitude and
not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not
giving it.” As you unwrap the Annual Report, you will
understand the gratitude that the YMCA OF
GREATER OKLAHOMA CITY has for the many gifts it
has received and given back in 2012.
The year kicked off with one of the largest gifts ever
CITY when the Dan Ward Family donated a 45,000
square-foot facility that now houses our 12th
location—ROCKWELL PLAZA YMCA. The new
location allowed the Y to extend its reach to the
Northwest Oklahoma City area, previously underserved by the Y.
The Y also expanded its services in 2012 to include
a new program for cancer survivors with
LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA. While many of the
participants see the free program as a gift, Y staff
members find themselves blessed for getting to
serve such an important role in helping people
reclaim their health in spirit, mind and body.
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
Finally, the gift of a healthy lifestyle can come at any
age with the right guidance. Our new 5210
initiative aims to educate people of all ages and all
walks of life about daily guidelines for nutrition and
physical activity: 5 servings of fruits and vegetables,
2 hours or less of screen time, 1 hour of physical
activity and 0 sugary drinks. It’s our hope that
through giving people 5210—numbers to live by—
we will improve the lives of many Oklahomans.
As we move forward with our work at the Y, we
remember the following quote from Ruth Ann
Schabacker. “Each day brings its own gifts. Untie
the ribbons.”
David Thompson
Chairman of the Board
Mike Grady
President & CEO
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| WARd fAMilY Gift |
t the Y, we turn the public’s goodwill toward us into action. Strengthening community is our cause. Everyday, we work side-by-side with
our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or
background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.
RoCkWell PlAZA
q the
YMCA, which opened in
When it came time for the Ward Family to decide what to do with a vacant
building in their Rockwell Plaza shopping center, they thought of the Y first. Their
gift of a 45,000 square-foot facility allowed the Y to have a facility on the
northwest side of Oklahoma City for the first time in its history.
45,000 sq/ft facility
q Afeaturing
a state-of-
“We know that this is a gift
that will keep on giving,
because the Y is a causedriven organization that
gives back to its community
in many different ways,”
said Dan Ward, owner of
Medallion Management real
estate firm.
January 2012, already
serves over 5000
members and nearly
1000 families.
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
the-art fitness center,
gym, swimming pool,
group exercise studios,
child care services and a
family center.
Thanks to the Ward’s
Sue Duea
generous gift, the ROCKWELL
PLAZA YMCA is bringing people together and bridging the gaps in community
needs. The new location already serves 5,000 members and nearly 1,000
“When I drove by and saw the YMCA logo on the front I was overjoyed,” said Sue
Duea, a Yukon resident. “Having a YMCA in northwest Oklahoma City is much
better for me and I hope I can get back on track. The Ward family's generosity will
lead to a positive change in my life.”
The Ward Family is now listed in the YMCA Honor Roll, which pays tribute to an
exclusive and dedicated group of individuals and families who have helped
advance the mission of the Y through cumulative, lifetime contributions of
$100,000 or more.
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the RoCkWell PlAZA
YMCA opened its doors
in January 2012.
L to R: Y Board Chairman David Thompson, ROCKWELL PLAZA Executive Director Ryan
Ellis, Gayla Ward, Whitney Ward, Tyler Ward and Y Board Secretary Tricia Everest.
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“for it is in giving, that we receive.”
–Saint francis of Assisi
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| LIVEStRoNG At the YMCA |
ith a mission centered on balance, the Y brings families closer, encourages
good health and fosters connections through fitness, sports and shared
interests. That’s why cancer survivors and their families are now turning to
us when they need support, guidance and resources to reclaim their health and well-being
following cancer treatment.
“Being physically fit is a very important part of recovering and keeping your spirits up and
it makes you feel better," said Becca DeBee, a LIVEStRoNG® at the YMCA participant.
When cancer survivors like Becca enroll in our LIVEStRoNG®at the YMCA program at no
cost, they do so knowing that our caring staff members will provide just the kind of
encouragement they need to rebuild their strength in spirit, mind and body. Health and
Wellness Director Ashley Grubb discovered that helping cancer survivors change their lives
is also changing her life.
When Ashley and Becca met through the LIVEStRoNG® program, their relationship
literally took off with a running start. Becca, a melanoma survivor with a new lease on life,
wanted to run a half marathon and Ashley never missed a step in helping her do it. The
two trained for months. The longer they ran the closer they got to achieving Becca’s goal
and to establishing a stronger bond.
"Training wise, we kind of pushed each other, because I'm not a runner,” Ashley said.
“Becca was my inspiration. She put a lot of things in perspective for me and the take
away was not just friendship, but an outlook on life. That's a huge gift that maybe she
didn't know she gave me.”
Becca DeBee and Ashley Grubb
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
When Becca and Ashley crossed the finish line in their first race together, they both felt
like winners—not only because they had completed a half marathon, but because they
had each gained a new friend in the process. Their experience through LIVEStRoNG® at
the YMCA set them up for a long-running relationship that’s still going strong today.
"If it wasn't for the LIVEStRoNG® program this wouldn't be my lifestyle now,” Becca said.
I feel like being fit and being as healthy as I can be, for as long as I can be, that is part of
my life now. I don't feel like I would've gotten that anywhere else. I don’t think I would
have received the support, the love and the friendship if I had gone to a gym and tried to
work out by myself."
Just like Becca, 68 other cancer survivors fostered connections with Y staff and other
survivors while they regained their healthy lifestyles through LIVEStRoNG® at the YMCA
in 2012. Becca was so inspired by her experience that she is now training to be a
LIVEStRoNG® instructor to help get more survivors up and running after cancer.
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“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us
to give ourselves the gift of living well.”
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| NuMBeRS to liVe BY |
he Y has always been a place where families can play and be
active together, and that’s more important than ever with
obesity statistics on the rise. Oklahoma ranked 45th in the
nation for sedentary lifestyles and obesity in 2012, according to
America’s Health Rankings.
Beyond fitness facilities, the Y promotes healthier decision making
through new initiatives, like 5-2-1-0. The numbers represent daily
guidelines for nutrition and physical activity: 5 fruits and vegetables, 2
hours or less of screen time, 1 hour or more of physical activity and 0
sugary drinks.
"It's really important to us to find champions in our community who will
invest extra time and energy with kids to help us promote the 5210
message," said Angela Jones, Director of Health and Wellness Initiatives
Since the 5-2-1-0 launch at the Myriad Gardens in October 2012, a
group of kids at Martin Luther King Elementary in Oklahoma City are
literally on the run to a healthier lifestyle. Thanks to physical education
teacher Lydia Dowdell, who started an afterschool running club, more
than 30 kids from first grade through sixth grade are learning how to
incorporate 5-2-1-0 into their daily lives.
“What you learn as a child becomes ingrained in you and even if they
move away from health, they will come back to health, because they will
remember how good they felt after running,” Dowdell said.
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
In addition, OK5210.org was launched as a community resource, where
families can learn more about these important numbers to live by.
Lydia Dowdell
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| GiViNG BACk |
“to give anything less than your
best is to sacrifice the gift.”
–Steve Prefontaine
VoluNteeRS of the YeAR
The generosity of others is at the core of our existence. Volunteers of the Year at the Y,
provide leadership and talent that are vital to empowering people and communities to
learn, grow and thrive. We salute those who have taken an active role in strengthening
our community.
Chad Moore
Regina Pyle
Joyce Mauldin
Bruce Chadick
Jarett Metheny
Ginger Maxted
david Bennett
tricia everest
Ben hardcastle
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| GiViNG ANd ReCeiViNG |
Total Revenue:
Community Support Campaign: $1,004,756
United Way: $159,000
Special Events: $42,358
Miscellaneous Contributions: $484,936
Government Grants & Contracts: $32,940
Membership Dues: $12,554,833
Program Fees: $5,242,608
Merchandise Sales: $236,532
Facility Rental: $148,596
Investment Earnings: $289,338
Miscellaneous Income: $134,238
Total Expense:
Employee Compensation: $10,343,715
Contracted Services: $362,981
Operating Net Revenue
Over Expense: $1,211,971
Telephone & Postage: $242,769
Change in Operating
Net Assets: ($14,011)
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
Debt Service &
Capital Expenditures: $1,225,982
Supplies & Equipment: $2,902,389
Occupancy & Insurance: $4,054,249
Marketing & Public Relations: $350,394
Staff Development: $509,543
YMCA of the USA Support: $193,740
Miscellaneous Expense: $281,320
“We should certainly count our blessings, but we should
make our blessings count.”
–Neal A. Maxwell
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| leAdeRShiP |
“leadership is a gift given by
those who follow.”
– General Mark Welsh
BoARd of diReCtoRS
david thompson
ChAiR eleCt
ford C. Price, Jr.
Managing Partner
Price Edwards & Company
ViCe ChAiR
Jack talley
Vice President/General
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Rick McCune
Grant Thornton LLP
tricia everest
Of Counsel
Gable Gotwals
elby Beal,
Managing Partner
Golf Club Operating Partners
Walt duncan iV
Duncan Oil Properties Inc.
Joe M. hodges
St. Anthony Hospital
Mark McCubbin
McCubbin Hosiery, LLC
Caple A. Spence, M.d. P.C.
Mark Beffort
Grubb & Ellis / Levy Beffort
James h. everest +
General Partner
Everest Brothers
Rhonda hooper
Jordan Associates
P. Mark Moore
President & CEO
Bob Moore Auto Group
Alfred C. Branch
Moriah Real Estate
Company LLC
James farris
James Farris Associates
david houston
Houston Financial
Richard Nix
Managing Director
McAfee & Taft
Mark W. funke
Bank of Oklahoma
david Jackson
President/Market Manager
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Jim Gebhart,fAChe
Mercy Health Center
Christopher t. kenney
V. P./Deputy General
American Fidelity Assurance Co.
Cathy o'Connor
The Alliance for Economic
Development of Oklahoma
City, Inc.
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
keith Bryant#
Fire Chief
City of Oklahoma City
Bill Citty#
Police Chief
City of Oklahoma City
10 |
Richard l. Clements
Jennifer Grigsby
Sr. V.P./Treasurer
Chesapeake Energy Corporation
Mick Cornett#
City of Oklahoma City
J. Patrick hare^
Executive Vice President
W & W Steel, LLC
James d. Couch#
City Manager
City of Oklahoma City
david harlow^
Sean Cummings^
Cummings Oil
ed heinen
Vice President
dr. tom kupiec
President & CEO
ARL Bio Pharma
Margaret freede owens
Executive Director
Oklahoma Foundation for
Digestive Research
frank W. Rudolph
Executive Vice President /
Carl Martincich
Human Resources
Director of Risk & Corporate HR Devon Energy Corp.
Love’s Travel Stops and
Country Stores
ed Sanchez
Chairman & CEO
kelli Masters
Lopez Foods, Inc.
Fellers Snider Blankenship
Bill Snipes
Bailey & Tippens, P.C.
Sterling Management Group
lee Symcox
President & CEO
First Fidelity Bank
Randy thurman
Retirement Investment Advisors
Gena timberman, esq.
Executive Director
Native American Cultural
Education Authority
Sean trauschke
Vice President & CFO
OGE Energy Corp.
lori tyler
Stella Restaurant
G. Rainey Williams, Jr.^
Managing Partner
Marco Capital Group
Roy Williams #
President & CEO
Greater Oklahoma City
# ex officio
+ emeritus
^ past chair
* deceased
2012 YMCA Annual Report_Layout 1 5/28/13 12:59 PM Page 011
| leAdeRShiP |
A.J. McMahan*
Charles W. Gunter*
herbert M. Peck*
Claude Monnet*
lowe Runkle*
Boston W. Smith*
C.f. “tag” kimberling*
M. Stanley lee*
Ray t. Anthony*
ASSoCiAtioN StAff
Sam J. Cerny*
James h. everest
Mark W. funke
J. Patrick hare
G. Rainey Williams, Jr.
Sean Cummings
david harlow
# ex officio
+ emeritus
^ past chair
* deceased
dewitt i. Smith*
W.M. Brown*
edwin G. Glass
B.d. edwards*
Michael S. Grady
J.B. White*
# ex officio
+ emeritus
^ past chair
* deceased
Norman R. Macleod*
lonnie Courtright
Vice President – Property
dena drabek
Director of Communications
Amanda Genzer
Director of Human Resources
laine Gordon
Mike Grady
President & CEO
don harris
Vice President & CFO
Candice hillenbrand
Associate Director of Financial
terri Johnson
Director of Aquatics &
Angela Jones
Director of Health & Wellness
kelly kay
Vice President & COO
damon king
Director of Financial
Macy Peterson
Benefits Administrator
Shannon Presti
Director of Teen Leadership
tammy Simkins
Senior Accountant
Marla Sneed
Payroll Specialist
Miranda Wilson
Associate Director of
Paul Wright
Information Technology
JoAnn Zeldenthuis
Staff Accountant
Melissa Richardson
Sara kersey
Council Chair
don Strain
Executive Director
Joyce Mauldin
Council Chair
Paul urquhart
Executive Director
NoRth Side YMCA
Ginger Maxted
Council Chair
Johnathan teal
Executive Director
Pat Brooks
Council Chair
Nathan donald
Executive Director
ted Clay
Council Chair
Mike Roark
Executive Director
hugh killblane
Council Chair
Scott hall
Executive Director
edWARd l. GAYloRd
Andrea Martin
Council Chair
Michele taylor
Executive Director
Jennifer hasel
Council Chair
Sandy Smith
Executive Director
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
R.B. Wedding*
debbie Carter
Executive Assistant
| 11
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| doNoR ReCoGNitioN |
We extend our deepest thanks to our
donors, whose generosity made possible
our accomplishments in 2012.
YMCA honor Roll
the heritage Club
The YMCA Honor Roll pays
tribute to an exclusive and
dedicated group of individuals
and families who have helped
advance the mission of the YMCA
through cumulative, lifetime
contributions of $100,000 or
more. Contributions may have
been made to annual campaigns,
capital development projects,
and/or endowment funds, and
may have been made to more
than one YMCA.
The Heritage Club recognizes
those who have made an outright
or planned gift to the Y’s
endowment fund.
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
Ray T. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton I. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Cerny
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Clements
The Eberly Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Everest
Jean I. Everest Foundation
Freede Family
Mr. & Mrs. E. K. Gaylord
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L Gaylord
Joullian Foundation, Inc.
Kirkpatrick Family Fund
J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation
Aubrey & Katie McClendon
K.T. & Marilyn Meade, Jr.
The Meinders Foundation
Samuel Roberts Noble
Norick Investment Company
Marjorie Norick
Mr. & Mrs. Ray H. Potts
Al Snipes Family
Randy & Pati Thurman
Thomas Utterback
Jill & Todd Utz
Bill & Joan Yinger
R. A. Young
12 |
Melvin Adler*
Thomas C. Aldridge*
Bob & Nancy Anthony
Ray T. Anthony*
Mr. & Mrs. Stan A. Barton
John M. Beard*
George P. Benson*
Ms. Eloise Bentley
Mrs. Betty Blasdel
Betty Brantley
Len & Donna Cason
Mr.* & Mrs. Samuel J. Cerny
Children's Charity Ball Fund
Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Clements*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Clements
Community Action Agency
William & Susan Cooks
Vern Lee Crossman*
Sean & Terri Cummings
Sylvia Denebeim*
Dillon Foundation
M. A. Dixon*
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Durland
Eberly Family Trust
Mike Ellis
Col. James A. Embry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Everest
Mrs. Jean I. Everest
Mr. & Mrs. James Farris
Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Ford*
Helen A. Galloway*
E. K. Gaylord*
Edward L. Gaylord*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Godfrey
Robert D. Gordon Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Grady
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Hare
Donald & Pamela Harris
Donna & Stan Harrison
John A. Henry
Thomas Hill
Al Hines*
Dick & Willena Horton
Francis E. Hutchinson*
Jones Youth Group
Joullian Foundation
Hugh & Casey Killblane
Kirkpatrick Family Fund
Kirkpatrick Foundation
Mrs. Joan Kirkpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kirkpatrick*
Cara Langer*
Mr. & Mrs.* M. Stanley Lee
Dutch & Lucile Lindsay*
Lippert Bros., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Livermon
Dave Lopez
Major Barrett Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Maule
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. McWhorter
Mr. & Mrs. G.E. McWhorter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Meade
Mr. & Mrs. K.T. Meade
Mrs. Donalene Moody*
Mr. & Mrs. David Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Morse*
Samuel R. Noble Foundation
Ronald Norick
Rev. Thomas B. Norman, Jr.
Optimists Club of Donwntown
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Portman
Mr. & Mrs. Ray H. Potts
Dr. Jesse Newby Ray*
G. Jeffrey Records, Jr.
Al Reddick*
Warren Rice Memorial Fund
George M. Richardson
Alta Merle Ricks*
Ricks Exploration
Karen L. Robinette*
Kimber & Cesar Rogers
Rotary Foundation
Charles Scott
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Shdeed
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Shook
Joe L. Singer*
Boston W. Smith*
Joan Sneed*
Lee Sneed
Al M. Snipes
Rebecca Davis Snipes*
Jean & Frank Stockham
Michael & Julia Tharp
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Thurman
W.G. Townsend
Thomas W. Utterback*
Sara Jane Vermillion*
Justin & Marguerite Voght
J.P. "Preach" Wagnon*
Charles Waldrop
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Watts
Caleb & Suzanne West
Florence O. Wilson*
R.A. & Verna Young*
* deceased
George Williams Circle
Anschutz Foundation
E. K. Gaylord Estate
Hatton W. Sumners Foundation
United Way of Central Oklahoma
thomas Sullivan Circle
Armed Services YMCA of the USA
Chesapeake Energy Corporation
William langdon Circle
FNB Community Bank
Freede Family
Harris Foundation, Inc.
Independent Insurance Agents of
Oklahoma City
JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Aubrey & Katie McClendon
Merrick Foundation
Precor, Inc.
Sarkeys Foundation
United Way of Logan County
Wynnewood Refining Company
Richard Morse Circle
Jim & Teresa Allen
Employees Community Fund
of Boeing
First National Bank & Trust
Howard Family Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Kimray, Inc.
W & W Steel, LLC
luther Gulick Circle
American Fidelity Foundation
Analytical Research Laboratories
/ARL Bio Pharma
Joseph Atkinson
Baron Healey 1988 Trust
Devon Energy Corporation
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Jim & Christy Everest
Friends of NW 10th Street
Jennifer & Steve Grigsby
Inasmuch Foundation
Love's Travel Stops & Country
Stores, Inc.
Matrix Fitness Systems
Margaret Freede Owens
Jack & Jill Talley
Randy & Pati Thurman
The Walton Family Foundation
G. Rainey Williams, Jr.
Tracy B. Williams
James Naismith Circle
7 Eleven Stores
Tom S. Aldridge Trust
Bank of Oklahoma
The Chickasaw Nation
Cox Connects Foundation Fund
Peter Crawford
Sean & Terri Cummings
Davis Farms
Duncan Oil Properties, Inc.
Nicholas V. and Margaret G.
Duncan Fund
Walt & Ann-Clore Duncan
Tricia L. Everest
Frac Tech Services
Fred Jones Family Foundation
Mark & Beverly Funke
Russell Gholson
Mike & Gail Grady
Gulfport Energy Corporation
Don & Pam Harris
Houston Financial
Leadership Midwest City
Kenneth & Shirley McClain
Rick & Barbara McCune
Moto Photo
Mustang Fuel Corporation
Richard & Cynthia Nix
OGE Energy Corp.
Oklahoma Auto Exchange LLC
OPUBCO Communications Group
2012 YMCA Annual Report_Layout 1 5/28/13 12:59 PM Page 013
| doNoR ReCoGNitioN |
Pelco Products, Inc.
Records-Johnston Family
Foundation Inc.
Ross Health Care Services
Ed & Jodi Sanchez
State of Oklahoma - Dept of
W.N. Thams, LLC Petroleum
David & Jane Thompson
William Morgan Circle
John R. Mott Circle
AG Solutions, LLC
Albert Pike Lodge #162 AF & AM
Stanley W. Alexander
American Tank Gauge
Architectural Design Group
David Atkinson
Bags, Inc.
Stan & Jan Barton
BancFirst - Guthrie
BancFirst - Del City
Bank of Verden
Basey's Roofing
Elby & Tina Beal
Matt Bearrow
John-Mark Beaver
Tyler & Heather Beaver
Bryan Beavers
Bentley Flooring, Inc.
Blake Production Company, Inc.
Henry Bockus, III
Jim Bowers, Jr.
Robert E. Braver
Travis E. Brown
Steve Buchanan
Burton Controls
Steve Burton
Robert Calvert
Central Liquor Company
Brian Ceresa
Bruce Chadick
Bobby Christensen
Citizens Bank of Edmond
The Ted Clay Family
Merv Clements
Joe & Charlene Cole
George L. Cockrum Society of
St. Andrew
George & Karla Cohlmia
Comanche Resources Company
Community Hospital
Construction Unlimited, Inc.
Core Physical Therapy
Corey Couch
Crafton Tull Sparks
Crawford Roofing
John & Heather Croak
Crocodile Smiles Children's
DCW Investments, Inc
Eric Dahlgren
Jim Daniel
Daniel's Drug Compounding
Del City Firefighters Association
Dolese Bros. Company
Eaton-Quade Plastics Co., Inc.
Ersnt & Young, LLP
Excel Food Mart
Express Personnel Services
Tim & Richelle Fahler
Federal Corporation
Rodney Fergason
First Bethany Bank & Trust
Fitness Maintenance Solutions
Five Star Rig and Supply
Flintco, LLC
Carla Flournoy
Rodman Frates
Allen Gann
Richard L. & Nina Gaugler
Lance & Amanda Genzer
Gideon Steel Panel Company LLC
Charles S. Givens
Richard Godfrey, Jr.
Kelly Gray
Christopher Haggard
Haliburton Food Solutions, Inc.
Leigh Ann Hardin
Maury Hardy
Cullen & Samantha Harrod
HealthSource Chiropractic and
Progressive Rehab.
Stephanie Henson
Richard Hollander
Larry & Kari Hofer
Hood Family Charitable Foundation
HSI Sensing
InterBank - Guthrie
James Farris Associates
James H. & Madalynne Norick
Jay's Jewelry
John Holt Auto Group
Krista Jones
Patsy R. Jones
E. Carey Joullian, IV & Carol
Keller Williams Realty
Chris & Marcy Kenney
Hugh Killblane
Taylor King
Pat Kluthe
Clifford Knight Foundation
Todd & Adriana Krehbiel
Alex & Lindsay Lancaster
Ledbetter Insurance
Lester Family Foundation
Lifeline Home Health/Hospice
Healther & Lars Lunsford
Don, Linda, Lauren, & Jacob Maisch
James E. Marshall
Massco, Inc.
Jeffrey & Michele Matthews
McClain's RV SuperStore
Mike McCoy
McDonald's - Chickasha
Katie McIntire
Meinders Foundation
MidFirst Bank
Midwest City Junior Service League
Midwest Towers
Marie Miller
David D. Morgan
Moriah Real Estate Company, LLC
Mosley Agency, Inc.
Motivational Counseling
Need to Fix Small Engine Repair
Ashlee Neimann
Nicola Banking Systems
Oakley's, Inc.
Ochs Real Estate
Cathy O'Connor
Lisa O'Keefe
Oklahoma Automatic Door Co, Inc.
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for
Children, Inc.
Oklahoma State Bank
David Ooley
Osborne Electric Company
Oscar J. Boldt Construction Co.
Jeff & Monica Parduhn
Phil Parduhn
Richard M. Parker
Perfection Truck Parts and
Petra Roofing Co., LLC
Phillips Murrah PC
Jonathan Pillow
Pioneer Trucking LLC
Pollution Control Corporation
Myron Pope
Lee and Mimi Powell
PR Fitness
Equipment, Inc.
Shane & Felicia Pratt
Quail Creek Bank, N.A.
Quest Holdings LLC
Gene Rainbolt
Red River Roofing
Frank Rudolph
The Risch-Opie Family
Robert G. Carroll & Associates
Robert & Blanche Gordon Family
Affiliated Fund
Janet Robinson
Dayton & Abby Rose
Dr. Renee Roy, MD
Rotary Club of South Oklahoma City
SAIC Energy, Environment &
Infrastructure, LLC
Charles & Holly Schiavo
Scott Haas Construction
Mike Sefcovic
Service Tech
Richard & Jeanette Sias
Janice Singer - Jankowsky
Steve Slawson
Smile Zone Dentistry
K. E. Smith
Wayne & Sandy Smith
Al & Shirley Snipes
Mike Sohn
Spencer Family Dentistry
Don Strain
Doug & Susie Stussi
Dennis & Bobbie Teal
Marilyn Thies
R. Sean Trauschke
Tinker Federal Credit Union
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Trice
Turf Team Lawn Management
Jack Turner
Lewis & Angela Turney
Ty & Lori Tyler
John Vance Auto Group
James R. Waldo
Acea Warn
Wheels Express
Charles E. Wiggin
WR Starkey Mortgage
Jamey Wright
Bill & Joan Yinger
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
Ancel & Linda Airington
Mark & Dianne Beffort
Beryl Hudspeth Cothran Trust
Blue Haven Pools
Bob Moore Auto Group
Jim R. Bowers
Alfred & Judy Branch
Pat & Paula Brooks
Martha Burger
Cactus Jack’s
David Chansolme
Clearwater Enterprises, L.L.C.
Clements Foods Foundation
Community Racks of Oklahoma
Lonnie & Linda Courtright
Cox Communications, Inc.
Robert & Linda Croak
Bobby Darnell
Downing Wellhead Equipment, Inc.
Dynamic Drinks
Edmond Electric
Edmond Rotary Club
Colonel Bruce W. Ewing, USAF (RET)
First Fidelity Bank
Grant Thornton, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Hare
David & Aimee Harlow
Ed Heinen
Mark Herrin
Hudiburg Auto Group
IBC Bank
INTEGRIS Southwest Medical
Johnson Controls
The Joullian Foundation, Inc.
Kelly & Jennifer Kay
Kirkpatrick Bank
Alan & Deborah Loeffler
Main Street Parking, LLC
Matherly Mechanical
McAfee & Taft
McCubbin Hosiery, LLC
Mercy Health Center
The Merritt Sealing Company, Inc.
Midwest Regional Medical Center
Tony & Marian Moon
Norick Investment Company Fund
Oklahoma Bar Foundation
On Track Staffing
OU Medical Center - Edmond
Price Edwards & Company
R Thompson Development
The Redwoods Group
Foundation, Inc.
Kathryn Reilly
Mike & Kelley Roark
Southwestern Roofing & Metal, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Caple Spence
Stable Energy Resources
Standley Systems
Sterling Management Group
Stevens and Dillinger Physical
Therapy Specialists
Michele Taylor
Johnathan & Sarah Teal
Michael & Julia Tharp
Travis Voice & Data
Bill & Rhonda Underwood
Women of the South
Universal Insurance Agency, Inc.
Paul & Karyne Urquhart
Walmart Foundation
| 13
2012 YMCA Annual Report_Layout 1 5/28/13 12:59 PM Page 014
| doNoR ReCoGNitioN |
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
Chairman’s Club
ABNG, Inc.
Robert Abernathy
Debbie Anderson
Arvest Bank - Chickasha
Audio Dimensions
B & B Theatres Operating Co., INC.
B & C Custom Designs, Inc.
Mark Barnett
David Beal
Cindy Bechtel
Bob Mills Furniture
Helen Bondurant
Carl & Linda Bosteels
Brandi Bradford
Brewer Entertainment Systems, INC
Sherry & Scott Brooks
Pat Brown
David & Sherri Bryan
James Buchanan
Burgess Engineering
Kevin J. Calabrese
Capitol Hill Florist
Jeff Cato
Charles Allen Ford
Steve & Wanda Chiles
Cimarron Trailers, Inc.
Claims Management Resources
Richard L. Clements
CMP Corporation
Cole + Reed, PC
John B. Combs
Steve Commons
Companion Health Services, LLC
Construction Building Specialties, Inc.
Traci Cook
Cooley Constructors, Inc.
Coppermark Bank
Luke Corbett
Corner Energy, LLC
Bruce Cornett
Cory's Audio Visual Services, Inc.
Cox Business
Craig Foundation
Crest Discount Foods, Inc.
Deaconess Hospital
Milton W. Deason
Dent Systems
Diffee Motor Co, Inc
Brad & Heather Doherty
Victory & Diana Donald
Shirley Donaldson
LaVerne Dowding
14 |
Douglas R. Cummings
Revocable Trust
Mike W. Ellis
Kristin Fares
Bradley Fielding
Jim Fincher
First Presbyterian Church
Fitness Resource Group
Linda Foster
Fremont Exploration Inc
Bill Frick
Robert G. Fuller
Jeri Gifford
Gilbert Medical Center
Golden Age Nursing Home of
Guthrie, LLC
Robert T. Goolsby
Grady Memorial Hospital
James Gragg
Jim Gray
Stan Griffin
Guthrie Job Corps Center
Bill Hamilton
Richard Hammonds
Jay Hannah
Larry Harmon
Ben Hardcastle
Amy Hawkins
Curtis Hayes
Bryan & Erin Heathcock
Heritage Trust Co.
Heidi Hess
Don Q. Hewett
H-I-S Paint Manufacturing Co Inc
Randy Hogan
Homeworkx/Workx Property
Rhonda Hooper
Willena Horton
Howell-Stone Insurance, Inc.
Claude Humble
Hunsucker Legal Group PC
Interstate Acceptance Co, Inc.
Jackie Cooper BMW & Mini
Alissa Jackson
Robert Jessup, Jr.
James A. Johnson
Michael A. & Carol F. Johnson
Terri Johnson
Courtney C. Jones
Lonnie Jourdan
Kenneth James State Farm Agency
Sara Kersey
Scott & Christy Kilgore
Kirsten Killinger
Damon & Kathleen King
Elizabeth R. King
King Energy
Michelle Kinzer
Russ Koch
Jerry Krittenbrink
Jean Laughlin
Ledbetter Insurance
Lucile Lindsay Estate
Bill Livermon
Heather Lunsford
M M Energy, Inc.
Mac Systems
David Mallory
Marc Marion
Andrea M. Martin
Carl Martincich
Jeffrey Matthews
Ginger Maxted
Dick McCalla
Alan McNally
Mark & Lisa McPherson
Bud Meade
Jarett Metheny
MidConex Energy Management, Inc
Midwest City Firefighters
Midwest Hose & Specialty, Inc.
Jan Milanowski
Scott & Tara Mitchell
Mollett Hunter Insurance
Moon Royalty L.L.C.
Chad Moore
Kenyon Morgan
Kathleen Moseley
Mosley Agency, Inc.
Erik & Michelle Mottinger
Linda Neimann
Jason Newsom
Northeast Tag Agency LLC
Robert O'Bannon
Oklahoma Auto Exchange LLC
Oklahoma Foot & Ankle
Oklahoma Home Centers, Inc.
Optimum Energy Solutions
Gary Orendorff
Matthew Paque
Steven Pata
Paul Pearson
Jessie Peach
Pedestal Oil Company, Inc.
Kendra Plafker
Presbyterian Health Foundation
Redman Triathlon, Inc.
Kenneth Rees
Taylor & Melissa Richardson
Lance Robertson
Janet Robinson
Royalty Management/Century 21
Sand Hill Electric
Holly Schiavo
Bill Scoggan
The ServiCenter, Inc.
Jim Lee Shaffer
Shapiro Foundation
Bryan Sherlock
Carl & Beth Shortt
Tammy Simkins
Chris A. Simpson
Signs by Tomorrow
Southwest Home Builders
Association, Inc.
Southwest Oklahoma MRI, LLC
St. Elijah Orthodox Christian Church
State Farm Insurance Chickasha
Steve's Wholesale Tools
Tinker Federal Credit Union
Tinker Leadership Development
Debbie Trammell
Victoria Tri
Gerald E. Tucker
University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center
Robert Valdez
Veolia Energy Oklahoma City, Inc.
James R. Waldo
Steve Walker
Walker Companies
Shirley Waner
Wattie Wolfe Mechanical
Bobby Wegener
Mary Jo Williams
Rosetta Williams
Willow Creek Nursing Home
President’s Club
ACS Playground Adventures Inc.
Gerald Adair
The Advisory Group
Steve Agee and Lori Mathews
Carol and Kerry Alexander
John and Deana Allen
Terry Allen
Angel, Johnston, & Blasingame, P.C.
Jim W Arnot
Arrowhead Energy, Inc
AT&T Inc. Federal Political Action
Atchley Resources, Inc.
Automated Gasket Company
Douglas Bell
Jason Bell
David Bennett
Ron and Doris Bever
Paul Blair
Thomas (Tom) C. Blanton
Phyllis Brawley
Vincent and Megan Brigham
Patrick Brooks
Brown's Driving School
Dan Brummitt
Jerry R. Burger
Frankfurt Short Bruza
Chris Busby
Mike Bystrom
C & R Steaks, Inc
Cardinal Aquatech Pools
Linda Carr
Ron Chadick
Dan Chavez
Kourtney Coats
John B. Combs
Scott Copelin
Duane Cory
Joe Cory
Chickasha Bank & Trust Company
Chickasha Chamber of Commerce
Chickasha Industrial & Welding
Supply, Inc.
Chickasha Optimist Club
Church of the Savior
City of Midwest City
Coleman Clark
Lynn Clark
David Clayton
Cochran Abstract Co.
Morris Collie
Traci Cook
Scott Copelin
Cornerstone Construction, Inc.
Craig D Carter & Associates
Creative Image
Cummings Oil
Lawrence E. Davis
Tim Delise
Jeneane and Charlie Denger
Richard DiAngelo
W. J. Dillon, III
Bradley Doherty
Brian Donald
Dr. Dawn's Chiropractic
David Dutton
Carl Edwards
Emerick's Van & Storage Co
Express Credit Auto
Farmer's Insurance
Shelby Faust
First Christian Church of Crescent
Colin M. Fitzsimons
Fox Building Supply
Robert G. Fuller
Louis Gasbarra Jr.
Give With Liberty Employee
Courtney Glenn
Great Clips
David Greenwell
Grisham Construction Company
2012 YMCA Annual Report_Layout 1 5/28/13 12:59 PM Page 015
| doNoR ReCoGNitioN |
Marco Morrow
Dwight Moyer
MTM Recognition
Robyn Morse
R Ted Norton
David Odom
P.B. Odom
OK Runner
Oklahoma Electric Cooperative
Oklahoma Employees Credit Union
Emily Olguin
Van Oliver
Caroline Marie O'Neal
Fransen Ordelheide
Joann Pace
Francy Palmer
Panhandle Oil and Gas, Inc.
Jim Parrack
Tom Parrish
Passenger Transportation Spec
Mark Patterson
Dennis Phillips
Timothy Politte
PR Fitness Equipment, Inc.
Ford C. Price, Jr.
Professional Plumbing Service
The Public Finance Law Group PLLC
Ralph & Sons Tire
Gary Rankin
RCB Bank of Nichols Hills
Ricky L. Reaves
Steven Reeser
The Reserve Petroleum Company
Jonathan Rios
Rock Island Exploration, LLC
Bill & Glenda Rogers
John Rogstad
Richard Runyon
Lois Russell
Eduardo Sanchez
Ryan Sandefer
Cody Scarborough
Chad Schmidt
Charles Scott
Robert and Shawna Sershon
J.D. & Katrina Shaklee
Amanda Shankle-Knowlton
Jean Sharp
Cindy Shutt
Small Engine Services
Lisa R. Sorrells
David Spaller
Richie & Jill Splitt
St. Andrews United Methodist
Morgan Stanley
Melissa Stevens
Diane Stuart
Ronald G. Smith
Shawn Smith
Tyler Smith
Sonic S May
Dan Stewart
Stoddard Morris Law
Scott Tack
Jack Talley
Dawn Tartaglione
Robert Taylor
Anthony Thomas
Marion C. Thompson
Clarence Thorsen
John & Keli Tointigh
Michael and Britta Thrift
Andrew Tolly
Lisa Tomlinson
William G. Townsend
Bill Trammell
Clyde Tullos
Turf Team Lawn Management
Mark Turner
Douglas Tye
Doug VanMeter
Sheila Vinson
Blake Virgin
Pete Voogt
Vose Foundation Inc.
Thomas Walsh
Tim Waters
Dan Webber
Darrin & Michelle Webster
Betty Wente
Western Door & Plywood, Inc.
Mark F. White
John Wichert
Thomas Wicks
Hardy Williams
Luke Williams
Window Innovations
W.L. McNatt & Co
Tracy Woodie
C.H. Wyatt
Lee W. Young
Century Club
Angela Ables
David Aboud
Access Financial Group
Acre View Pet Hospital
AD Tax & Business Consultants, Inc
Tom Adams
AGI Consulting LLC
The Ainsworth Company
Kim Akers
Darrin and Cynthia Akins
Dianne Alexander
Sheila Algan
Yvonne Allred
Allstate DePriest Agency
Timothy Altendorf
Bob Amyx
Jack Anderson
Thomas Anderson
Jason Anshutz
Robert Anthony
Isabel Aos
Felix Aquino
Marc E. Arledge, D.D.S.
Philip Arnold
Arrowhead Energy, Inc
Mike Aston
Josh Atkinson
Atlas General Contractors
Steven and Lorraine Auchter
Patricia Ayling
B & W Exploration, Inc.
Rob Babcock
Charlotte Badgett
Susan Badgett
Max Baldischwiler
Bert and Belle Ballard
Wayne Balzer
Gary Banz
Jack Bard
Barnes & Friederich Funeral Home
Glenna Barnett
Barrett Drug Center
James and Barbara Barrett
Miles Bartlett
Stanley Barton
Bass Family
Cindy Batt
Nancy Bauske
Tom Beadles
Stephanie Beauchamp
Wayne Bechler
Cathy Beck
James Bellingham
Tim Berney
Leonard Bernstein
Lynnda Berryhill
Shawnna Berryman
Arvind Bhakta
Bible Baptist Church
George Biggs
Paulette and John Bird
Gary Birks
Jason Blair
Bruce Bockus
John and Melody Bocox
Philip Bohanon
Don Bolen
Bonham & Howard
Books Are Blessing
Boulevard Spa & Styles
Mike Bourland
Marilyn Bower
Brett Bowers
Dennis Bowman
Matthew Bowman
Brad Reeser Properties
Brady's Properties
Tammy Brakebill
Teresa Brekke
Rita Briscoe
Terry Britton
The Broadway Clinic
Bronco Steel
C.L. Brooks
Delores Brooks
Reed Brooks
Brown Family
Griffin Brown
Janyth Brown
Phillip Brown
Roger Brown
David Bryan
Buckaloo's Weed & Pest Control
Leslie Buford
Bill Bumpus
Dennis and Julie Burbank
Ronald Burkard
Denise Burns
Stephen Bussjaeger
Steve Buzin
Jo Carol Cameron
Catherine Campbell
Canfield & Joseph Inc
Capitol Abstract
Capitol Abstract & Title Co. –
Midwest City
Capitol Hill Florist
Carlile Buildings
Carpet Interiors
Carpet Market
Jay Case
Mary Lou Casper
Century 21 Goodyear Green
Darrell and Marynel Chabino
Champion Roofing
Reverend Michael Chapman
Shanika Chapman
Jon Chennault
Chickasha Lumber Company
Chickasha Oil Supply
Chickasha Realty
Chiropractic Arts Center Inc
City Of Moore
Micky Clagg
Renee Clark
Classic Printing
Robert H. Clements
Dr. John Clemons
CMS Willowbrook
Jamie Coakley
Coast Electronics/Allen's
Hilda Cobb
Julie Coffee
Coherent Contracts, LLC
Steven Cole
Cole, Paine & Carlin
Collier Law Office, Inc.
Collision Works
John Combs
Kenneth Conklin
Rodney Cook
Tim and Bridgid Cook
Copeland Plumbing
Shirley and Bubba Coskey
Dr. Terry Cotterell
Steve Cottom
| 15
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
John Grote
Guthrie Fraternal Order of Police
Gary Hackett
Melissa Hackney
Scott Hall
Jennifer Han
Rachelle Harak
Hartzog Conger Cason & Neville
Mike Hedrick
Dr. Jim Hochtritt
Dorothy Hollander
Bruss Horn, DVM
Bruce and Michelle Huck
Hunsucker Legal Group PC
Industry Systems
Jacobi Plumbing & Heating
James Lighting, Inc.
Darlene Justice
Sherri Kell
Kelley Brokerage, Inc.
Thomas Kerrihard
Kiwanis Club of Southwest OKC
William Kohs
Trina G. Koonce
Dr. Tom Kupiec
Hank Laakman
Shaun Lambert
Gwen Lang
Tom and Jamie Lantz
Cathy S. Lippard
Scott Loft
Leslie Love
LSB Industries, Inc.
Mary Luckowski
Ludwell Chiropractic & Sports
Krista Martin
Massco, Inc.
McConnell's Body Shop
Belinda McCoy
Greg Meacham
Anne Means
Daniel and Diane Medley
Merck Partnership for Giving
Frank Merrick
Metro Glass
Chris and Deborah Meyers
Michael J. Camlinde & Assoc., Inc.
Michael J. Milligan
Gary Mixon
MKB Energy, LLC
Sarah K Miller, PLLC
Raymond and Mary Mobley
Chad Moore
Lorenzo & Monique Moore
Maria Moore
John Morris
Moore Professional Firefighters
Local 2047
Ron Moore & Associates, Inc.
2012 YMCA Annual Report_Layout 1 5/28/13 12:59 PM Page 016
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
| doNoR ReCoGNitioN |
Kenneth Couchman
Country Boy
Dale Covington
Covington Oil Co., Inc.
Don Cox
Robert Cox
Douglas Craig
George Crandall
Wayne Craney
Steven Crawford
Carolyn Crepps
Andy and Tanya Cromer
Paul Crossfield
Bill Crowell, M.D.
Tom Cupples
Shane & Dana Curtin
Wayne Dabney
Jep Daniel
Dansco Refrigeration
Data Realty LLC
Gary Davis
Brian Davis
Derek Davis
Eugenia Davis
Frank Davis
Deborah Brooks & Associates, PC
Ron Decker
Pam Deering
Ray and Patty Deiter
Marta Demaree
Susie Dennis
Nancy Dequevedo
Derrick Dewitt
John DeWitt
Andrew Diaz
Marty Dickens
Jerry Dickinson
Paul Diggs
Ron Dill
Chris Dillinger
Rick Dimick
D-Jay's Video
DMI Wholesale Textiles
John Dobson, CPA
Paula Dodson
Chris Dorman
Joseph Dorman
Elden Dozer
Amanda Duane
Elizabeth Duncan
William and Joyce Dunlap
Jean Dunlap
James Durr
Faye Eades
Earlywine Park Anonymous
Casey Eden
Lisa and Bentley Edmonds
Drew Edmondson
Eduardos Restaurant
Eddie Edwards
John Edwards
Amber Egnor
Ashley Ehret
George Elassal
16 |
Electro Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot
Ott Elliott
Elliott + Associates Architects
Amy and Gerald Elrod
Brian and Erika Evans
Casey Evans
Lee Evans
Excell Home Care, Inc.
Todd Fagin
Richard Fannin
Ebrahim Fardad
Vincent Farhood
Michael P. Fauks, D.D.S.
Dustin Faust
Suzette Felton
Nanci Fennell
Rodney Fergason
Fergason Farms
Ferguson Funeral Home
Fifth Avenue Wealth Management
Pat Fioretti
First American Bank
Steve and Ann Foerster
John Ford
Wendy Fox
Ray Franks
Teresa Fritz
Kathy Fronkier
G & R Auto Parts, Inc.
Gerald and Jane Gamble
Howard Gamble
David Gannon
Garcia Tire Center, Inc.
Rhoda Garfinkel
Verle Garnos
Norma Garrett
Lou Gasbarra
GB Energy INC.
Charles and Geralyn Geister
Jeri Gifford
James Gilbert
Edwain Glass
Glenhaven Retirement Village
Kay Goebel
Frederic Goldsmith, D.D.S
Gonzalez Pest Conrtol
Deborah Goodman
Gary Gorbsky
Richard Gorman
Grand Avenue Dental
Michael Grant
Cody Graves
Richard Gravlin
A.C. Gray
Sheri Greene
Trey and AJ Griffin
Bob Griffiths
Emmett Grinnell
John Grote
Rodney Guthrie
Guthrie Job Corps
Guthrie Pet Hospital
Vincent Guydon
Darlene Hadjibabaei
Christopher Haggard
Ward Hall
James Hampton
Jim Hampton
Troy and Sherri Hardin
Durenda Hardy
Christopher Hargrove
Allan Harris
Dr. Edward Harroz
Harry's TV, Video & Appliance LLC
David Hasel
Hawkins Family
Hayes Electric
Bob Hays
James R. Hazelwood, Jr.
Maryann Heard
Paul Heath
Jim and Janet Hendrick
Howard Hendrick
John Hershberger
G. Rudy Hiersche
Carol Hildreth
Irving Hill
Jim Hill
Teri Hill
Bill Hinton
Hocker & Associates, Inc.
Chuck Hodges
Carl Hook
Kimberly Horsman
James Howell
Larry and Sherry Howell
Ron Howland
Rob and Mary Hudson
Sherman Huff
Chris Hummel
Marion Humphries
Richard Hunt and Family
Wanda Hurrelbrink
Mike Hyde
Norman Imes
Immediate Care
Industrial Rubber, Inc.
Investment Centers of America
Lee and Jean Ison
Ivy, Ratcliff & Chasteen, P.C.,
Attorneys at Law
Jack Vaughn Engineering Co.
Jacmor, Inc.
Father Joseph A. Jacobi
Cathy James
Kimberly Jameson
Todd Jenson
Edward Jezek
Jim's Tower Pharmacy
Joe's Maytag HAC
John Vance Auto Group
Jimmie Johnson
Roger P. Johnson, D.V.M
Dileep Joshi
Kevin Judd
Chris Kauffman
Drake Keith
James Keitz
John and Helen Kellogg
Brittany Kelly
Chris Kennedy
Larry Kennedy
Michael Kerran
Randy Key
Michael Khoury
Chip Kilburn
Robert and Karen King
Sandra Kirk
James Kite Jr.
Wylie Koiner
Stephanie and Richard Kondrick
John Koons
Raymond Krob
Bill Kroeger
In Memory of Penny Kruse
Robin Lacy
Gene Lamb
Alex Lancaster
Ben Langs
Langston's & Co.
Darrel and Martha Lanier
Robert and Karla Launhardt
Don Lawhorne
Mary Lawrence
Bryce Lawson
T. Lee
Patrick Lippmann
Diane and Billie Little
Dr. Robert Lockwood
Gary and Judy Lombard
Marilyn Loomis
Lauren Love
G.W. Lowry, Jr.
Mike Loyd
Thomas and Mary Lu
Albert and Donna Lukken
Jay Magerus
Maloy Properties
G.D. Manley
Louis Marschik
Dallas Marshall
H. G. Martin
Mitsy Martin-Davis
Raul Martinez
Connie Mashburn
Nick Massey
Neville Massie
Matthews Funeral Home
Joyce and Richard Mauldin
Kyle Maxwell
Wayman McAllister
Neal McCaleb
Susan McCalmont
Kenneth McClain
Daniel McClure
Patsy McClure
Michael McCoy
Joyce McCraw
Brady McDonough
Ken McGill
Jim McGoodwin
Patrick McGuigan
Dr. William McGuire
Joseph A. McKenzie
John McMillin
Debra McNeill
Ingrid McNutt
McRay Funeral Home
K.T. (Bud) Meade
John and Carrie Mefferd
Meli Heating & Air Conditioning
Mark and Patti Mellow
Teresa Metzger
John Meyers
Jeff Meziere
Mid-America Marketing Corp.
Midwest City Chamber of
Mikeman Heating & Air
Kelly Jay Miller
Dave Miller
Tom Miller
Miller Building, Inc.
Miller-Tippens Construction Co., LLC
Megan Mills
Bay Mitchell
James Mitchell
Kenneth Mitchell
Suzanne Mitchell
William Mitchell
Kiley Mixon
Emily Moad
Moisant Promotional Products
Mojo's Car Wash
Chris Moler
Monk Chiropractic Clinic
Corinne Moody
Mike and Jennie Morel
Brad Morelli
Kenyon Morgan
Coby Morris
Mrs. Don Morris
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Mike Muecke
Matt Mueller
Robert Muller
Russell Mulinix
Brooke Murphy
Mike and Lorrie Murphy
Julie and Thomas Murray
Murray Land Services Inc.
Leslie Wayne Muse
Deb Musick
Joe Muzarol
Kristi Nagode
Victoria Nance
Charles Nasem
Derek Neher
Dale Neikirk
John Nelson
Richard Newman
Jason and Tiffany Newsom
Nichols Travel
Joseph and Sandra Nissiotis
Kathy Nithman
Johnson Noerdlinger
Stanley Noxon
J.J. O'Connell
Thomas Jacob O'Connell
Doris O'Connor
Chasity Oen
Micah Ogden
Laurie Orme
Carol Orr
Stacey and Ted Owen
Todd Owens
D. Allen Paine
Ryan and Vanessa Palmer
Pete Palmer
Peter Pappas
Vicki Paque
Kim Parrish
Mukesh Patel
2012 YMCA Annual Report_Layout 1 5/28/13 12:59 PM Page 017
| doNoR ReCoGNitioN |
Sandy Salyer
Santa Fe Dental
Melissa Scaramucci
Cody Scarborough
Marta Schenk
Amy Schnitz
James Schuelein
Loretta Schumacher
David Schutz
Dan and Judy Schwarz
Carl Sebastian
Service Professional Inc.
Randel Shadid
Shannonhouse Law
Arnold Shapiro
Larry Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun
Doug Sheffield
Paige Sheller
Robert Shepherd
Tim Sherar
Kim Shoemake
William Sieber
The Siegenthaler Cousins Barbara, Mary Jane & Marilyn
Dr. Jaymi Simpson
Darryl Sinclair
Tommy Skaggs
Amanda Smelser
Adella Smith
Brian and Trinity Smith
Craig Smith
Glen Smith
Gregory Smith
Julie Smith
Mark Smith
Mike Smith
Patty Smith
Randy Smith
Shawn Smith
David Snell
Tim Snyder
Weston Solomon
Southpointe Veterinary Clinic, Inc.
Southwest Trailers and
Greg Sparks
JP Spearman
David Spears
Sprinklerworks, LLC
State Farm Insurance
Debbie Stevens
Greg Stevens
Stewart Escrow & Title
Frank and Jean Stockham
James Stokley
Howard Stone
Kenneth M. Stoner, P.C.
Mary Strain
Strata Minerals, Inc.
Strategic Business Resources
Charles C. Stumbaugh, Ph.D.
Andrew Sullivan
Dee Sundholm
Jimmy Swan
SWM & Sons, Inc.
James Tappan
Gary Tarkington
Julian Taylor
Mike Teague
Teague Bodyshop
Team Effort Optical
Teena Hicks Co.
Sid and Pam Terry
Dorothy Thadani
Julee and Wayne Thomas
Steve Thomas
Jerry Thomason
Bruce Thompson
Courtney Thompson and Family
Mark Thompson
Doris Thurmond
Phil Tibbals
Sue Timberlake
Gena Timberman
John and Robin Tipsword
Michael Toler
Sam Torbati
Tower Investments, LLC
Stephen Travis
Brad Traynor
Jerry Tubb
Pam and Keith Tucker
Joseph Turner
Dave and Pam Twidwell
Jill Utz
Cyrus Valanejad
Michael Valdez
Sherry Valentine
Brooke and Bobbye Van
Tbone Van Hook
Amy Vanya
Richard Varley
Vaughn Insurance
Vaught & Conner
Deborah Venard
Barbie Vervack
D. Don Vick
VIP Salon
Vision Source OKC South, PLLC
MeChele Vongphakdy
Dr. Vyas
Diana Waddell
Dr. David and Sharon Wade
John Waganer
Ed Wagner
Harriett Wagnon
Jody and Kim Walker
Dr. Steve Walker
Maria Wallace
Rita Wallenberg
Thomas Walsh
Tom and Mary Walsh
Alan Walters
Acea Warn
Tim Waters
Joshua Watkins
Wade Watkins
Bryan Weathers
Wedel Rahill & Associates
Wegener Human Resource
Stuart Weinberg
Amy Welch
Mark Wells
Wheeler Insurance
Debbie White
Mark White
Karen and Jim Wicker
Gary Wilcox
Wilcoxen's Family
James Wilhite
Charles Williams
Mary Jo Williams
Kathy and John Williams
Tarah Williams
Stan Williamson
Dorothy Willoughby
Cassie Wilson
Michael Wilson
Miranda Wilson
Ron Wilson
Susan Winchester
Tom Wolfe
Steve and Betty Wood
Walter Woodard
Carol Woods
Marcy Woodson
Dr. Joe Wright
Loretta Wright
Johnny Yi
Troy and Carolyn Yokley
Ed Young
Gerald Young
Quail Creek Golf
and Country Club
Regional Food Bank of
ROBYN Promotions and Printing
Running Wild Catering
Jennifer Shubert
Sierra Club
Brian Smith
Sonic, America's Drive-In
Sport Clips
Transition OKC
Wickline United Methodist Church
Will Rogers World Airport
in – kind Contributions
Capital Contributions
Linda Airington
BC Clark, Inc
Ben E. Keith
Blair Vending and Coffee
Bob Moore Auto Group
Buy For Less
Capitol Building – State of
Chesapeake Energy Corp.
Chickasha Public Schools
Choctaw Nicoma Park School
City of Chickasha
City of Choctaw
City of Del City
City of Oklahoma City
City of Guthrie
Crest Foods
Eureka Water Company
Fairfield Inn
First National Bank of
Midwest City
Guthrie High School
Heritage Lanes
Jamba Juice
Oklahoma City Thunder
Oklahoma City University
Panera Bread
Budd Phillip
BKD Foundation
City of Midwest City
Dan Ward Family
To more accurately thank those
who have made contributions to
OKLAHOMA CITY this section is
comprised of annual donors at
the $100 level and above. If you
notice an error or for more
information about giving, contact
Alexis Lux, Vice President of
Financial Development, at
405 297 7753.
| 17
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
Amie and Darrell Patterson
Kenneth and Jimalea Patterson
Richard Payne
Dub Peace
Todd Pefferman
C.G. Pendergraf
Mike and Lisa Penner
John Perkins
Pet Medical Center PLLC
Stephen Peter
Arthur Peters
Macy Peterson
Lindsey Pever
Carl and Janice Phelps
Bob and Robin Phillips
Dennis Phillips
Joseph Phillips
Brian Pierson
Lisa Pitsiri
John Pitt
Gary Pitzer
Kendra Sue Plafker
Charles and Sara Planer
Michael Platt
Isabella Pollock
Richard Pollot
Cliff Pope
Alvan Porter
Dick Porter
Mara Porter
Steve Porter
James Posey
Greg Potter
Nina Powell
Precor Realty Advisors, Inc.
Progressive Technologies
ProSeal, Inc.
Earl and Ann Putnam
Steve Rains
George Randolph
Jim Rapp
Stan and MaryJac Rauh
Vic and Sara Raupe
Ricky Reaves
Dale Reeder
Pete Reeser
Rev. James Edward Reeves
Regional Physical Therapy, Inc.
Rex Playground Equipment
Erick Reynolds
Barry Rice
Rice & Associates, P.C.
Richard's Printing
David Rider
Leo Rios
Seth and Melynn Robbins
Naomi Roberts
Ben Robinson
Vonda Rodriguez
Roger Hicks & Associates Group
Insurance, Inc.
Susan Whitson Rogers
David Rolen
Dr. Tami Ross
Sherrie Rouse
Candy Rowe
Rueb Group, Ltd.
Kevin Rykard
Kailash "Kelly" Sachdeva
2012 YMCA Annual Report_Layout 1 5/28/13 12:59 PM Page 018
| loCAtioNS |
2012 YMCA ANNuAl RePoRt
YMCA ASSoCiAtioN offiCeS
500 North Broadway, Suite 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
405 297 7777
GuthRie YMCA
114 East Oklahoma Avenue
Guthrie, OK 73044
405 282 8206
261 South Santa Fe Avenue
Edmond, OK 73003
405 330 4016
3400 North Mueller Avenue
Bethany, OK 73008
405 789 0231
1110 North Classen Drive, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
405 232 9622
10840 Main Camp Road
Davis, OK 73030
580 369 2272
725 West Chickasha Avenue
Chickasha, OK 73018
405 224 2281
2817 North Woodcrest Drive
Midwest City, OK 73110
405 733 9622
1500 Kingsridge Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73170
edWARd l. GAYloRd doWNtoWN YMCA
1 Northwest 4th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
405 297 7700
NoRth Side YMCA
10000 North Pennsylvania Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
405 751 6363
11801 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73170
405 378 0420
12100 North Rockwell
Oklahoma City, OK 73162
405 728 9622
YMCA MilitARY WelCoMe CeNteR
Will Rogers World Airport
7100 Terminal Drive, Unit 927
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
405 680 9781
1220 South Rankin Street
Edmond, OK 73034
405 348 9622
8300 Glade Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
405 621 5858
3821 South Lake Hefner Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
405 613 8522
4712 North Martin Luther King Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73111
405 427 0862
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