Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015
Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015
Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 If God is for us, who can be against us? — Romans 8:31b Fr. Timothy M. Ekaitis, Pastor E-mail: [email protected] St. Mary Catholic Church 401 Main Street Norway, MI 49870 906-563-9845 E-mail: [email protected] READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38 Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21; Parish Personnel Phone # 906-563-9845 Office Hours: Mon - Fri , 8:30AM-3:30PM Fax Number: 906-563-7623 Saturday: Sunday: St. Barbara Catholic Church 159 Mission Street Vulcan Mail: 401 Main St Norway, MI 49870 Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Ex 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]; Ps 19:8-11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 Alternate readings (Year A): Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42] Evangelization Coordinator: Hannah Gr oeneveld 906 396-5311 E-mail:[email protected] Pastoral Council Administrative Assistant: Mar y Lindstr om Renee Pollard- Vice Chairperson Patti Bianco- Secretary Music/Liturgy: Mar y J ean Menar d, 563-9097 (H) Finance Council Maintenance: Beth Sturm Gerald Cieslak - President Housekeeper: Kathy Zychowski Faith Formation Coordinator: Nancy Degnan e-mail: [email protected] Middle School Ministry Coordinator: Maur een Zanoni e-mail: [email protected] Youth Ministry Coordinator: Denice Westcott 563-9834 e-mail: [email protected] Women of St. Mary’s: Marge Meneghini, 563-9366 St. Barbara Women’s Group: J udy Ball, 563-9408 Holy Spirit School Principal: Melissa Menghini 906-563-8817 e-mail: [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Store 906-563-7302 Mass Intentions 3/2 MON No Mass 3/3 TUE 5:00PM SB—Leonard Schultz 3/4 WED 8:00AM SM—Marie Peters 3/4 WED 1:00PM At Evergreen Meadows—Deceased of the Aldebrando Sartorelli Family 3/5 THUR 8:00AM SB—Deceased of the Aldebrando Sartorelli Family 3/6 FRI 8:30AM SM—Marie Peters 3/7 SAT 4:00PM SM—Mary Ropelle & Rosemary DeBakker 3/7 SAT 6:00PM SB—For the People of St. Barbara & St. Mary Parishes 3/8 SUN 8:00AM SB— Improved Health for Jerry & Caelilia Sarnowski 3/8 SUN 10:00AM SM—Ruth Pretto When there is a funeral, daily Mass will NOT be cancelled WELCOME TO ST. MARY & ST. BARBARA PARISHES We are happy that you decided to worship with us. If you are visiting just for today, we pray that God will be with you on your journey. If you are seeking a church to be part of, we would be honored to welcome you into our parish community. If you are interested in joining our parish family, call the parish office at 563-9845 or email: [email protected]. Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs This week's featured CD is THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE with Fr. Bill Casey. In this presentation on reconciliation, Fr. Casey reminds us that confession, the forgotten sacrament, is the ordinary means for the forgiveness of mortal sins after baptism and a true treasury of graces and spiritual strength for us in our daily struggles against temptation and sin. Discover how this Sacrament can transform your life if you allow it! Listen to it today and then attend the Penance service on March 1 at 4:00. A VOCATIONAL VIEW ~ Peter, James and John saw the Lord transfigured before their eyes and heard, “This is my son, my beloved, listen to him.” Are you listening? (Mark 9:2-10) Soup and Sandwich Fellowship Donations of soup and sandwiches, as well as kitchen help, will be needed for the Lenten Fellowships following the Tuesday evening Masses at St. Barbara Church on February 24, March 3, 10, and 24. Sign up sheets are available in the vestibule of the church. Thank you. Our parishes’ bulletin is on-line. To read or print it, go to, then in the center of the page click on parishes and Missions, then on St. Mary or St. Barbara Church. Hope you enjoy this and make use of it when you are out of town. St. Mary’s Collection-February 22, 2015 Envelopes $3,085.00 Loose 305.00 Children 11.70 Fuel 15.00 Easter Flowers 31.00 Maintenance 145.00 Total: $3,592.70 **Thank you for sharing your Time, Talent, and Treasure in Building God ’s Kingdom! Diocesan Collections $1,183.82 St. Barbara’s Collection-February 22, 2015 Envelopes $2,424.84 Loose 165.69 Children 8.00 Maintenance 10.00 Easter Flowers 35.00 Fuel 30.00 Total: $2,653.53 **Thank you for sharing your Time, Talent, and Treasure in Building God’s Kingdom! Diocesan Collections $253.00 Help with transportation: Gail Zanon can be called during the day at 563-9068 or Jan Pellegrini during the evenings at 563-5725 to request a ride to Mass or to arrange for a driver for a local medical appointment or errand. Upcoming Events: Pie Sale ~ Did you know that Mar ch 14 is National Pi Day? Pi is the ratio used to compute the circumference, area, and volume of circles. For those who didn't memorize it in middle school, that works out to 3.141592653 for the first ten digits. It's written using the Greek letter π, pronounced "pie." To celebrate, there will be “pie” sale from 10 am-Noon as a special fundraiser for Holy Spirit School and sponsored by the ladies group’s of both parishes. We anticipate 5075 pies to be available for sale. Watch for more information! Easter Bake Sale Our Easter bake sale will be April 4th on Holy Saturday. Bakers will be needed and for those who don’t bake, please consider donating an item or two which can be incorporated into our ever popular gift baskets which are raffled at the sale. Watch for more information next month, but start thinking about it now! Holy Spirit School 52 Club Winners Matt Kivi, Escanaba, MI $50 1st Prize Mike Degenaer, Norway, MI $25 2nd Prize Denisse Richards, St. Helen, MI $15 3rd Prize Jason Zanoni, Vulcan, MI $10 4th Prize License No. X85236 It Pays to Advertise—Our parish benefits significantly from the ads placed in this bulletin. The advertising dollars pay for our bulletin service. Many thanks to those who have continued to renew, and the new advertisers that joined us this past year. When patronizing those businesses that advertise with us, please let them know you saw their ad on our bulletin. This week’s feature ad is: CJ Graphics 906 774-8636 LENT PENANCE SERVICES Sunday, March 1st 4 pm at St. Mary’s Church in Norway Sunday, March 8th 3 pm at Guardian Angels in Crystal Falls Tuesday, March 10th 7 pm at St. Rose in Channing Sunday, March 15th 3 pm at American Martyrs in Kingsford Friday, March 27th 6:30 pm at Immaculate Conception in Iron Mt. Sunday, March 29th 3:30 pm at St. Cecilia in Caspian During Lent, Stations of the Cross will be after Mass on Wednesdays at St. Mary and Thursdays at St. Barbara. MSM Popcorn Fundraiser this weekend PLEASE PRAY Your Prayers are needed: Please pr ay for the sick, who suffer in silence and for family members and friends especially: April Styers, Dorothy Meneghini, Sharon Clifford, Paula Pieropon, Bruno Solda, Larry Sturm, Marion Holliday, Marie DeGroot, Fr. Ray Valerio, Fr. Raymond Zeugner, Laurene Zychowski, Pat Wall, Daniel Thompson, MaryAnn Krause, Rosalyn Bilski, Tim Kelly, Balinda Eagle and Cody Schwamlien. Also pray for our parishioners and family members in our nursing homes. If a name needs to be added or removed from the prayer list please e-mail or call the parish office 563-9845. St. Mary’s card sender for February is Rosemary Haepers 563-5071 St. Barbara’s card sender is Peggy Bryson 563-8073 Bulletin Deadline: Please have all bulletin announcements to St. Mary Parish office by Monday noon. These announcements need to be typed, e-mailed or written. ([email protected]). Thank You. Communion Call Visits: If you are home bound or know someone who is and would like to receive Holy Communion at home please call the parish office at 563-9845 so you may be added to our list. Thank You James: Pearls for Wise Living—Bible Study 7-8:15pm at St. Mary. Have you ever str uggled with living your faith pr actically? Do you want advice on how to live as a Catholic where you are? James is one of the most practical books of the Bible. Its teachings speak loudly to all those who feel torn between the competing demands of this world and their faith. Jam 4:1-10 Feb 26 Jam 5:7-11 Mar 12 Jam 4:11—5:6 Mar 5 Jam 5:12-20 Mar 19 Parish Retreat March 6-8 @ Marygrove Retreat Center Join Fr. Brian Gerber and members of our parishes on this year’s Parish Retreat at Marygrove (Garden, MI) to learn more about the teachings of Fulton J. Sheen. Cost: $120 / person or $200 / married couple St. Mary Memorial Each month we list the names of those in whose name gifts have been made to the Memorial Fund at St. Mary’s Church. They are remembered at the 10:00AM Mass on the First Sunday of each month for one year. The names are inscribed in our Memorial Book, which is on display in the vestibule. Contact the parish office for more information. Inscribed for the month of February are: Patrick Ray, Leo & Bob Bertolini, Emily Sturm, Joseph Bertolini, Bertha Chambers and Bob DeDecker St. Barbara's Women's League Meeting The Women's League will meet on Tuesday, March 3, at 1:00 in the Parish Hall. All women are encouraged to attend this important meeting as we will be making plans for the Spring Luncheon. Please bring your raffle prizes with you, if possible, so we can ready them for display. We hope to see you there! A seat has opened up for our youth rally to Steubenville this July. Interest individuals may contact Fr. Tim or Mrs. Westcott. What’s Happening: 2/28 & 3/1 MSM Popcorn Fundraiser after Mass at St. Mary 3/1 Sun. Coffee & Rolls after 8:am Mass 3/1 Sun. 11am High School Faith Formation 3/1 Sun 4pm Penance Service at St. Mary 3/2 Mon. 6:00pm St. Mary Adult Choir Practice 3/3 Tue. 10am AA meeting at St. Mary 3/3 Tue. 1pm St. Barbara Women League Meeting 3/3/Tue. 5:30pm St. Barbara Soup & Sandwich meal after Mass 3/3 Tue. 6:30pm Women of St. Mary Meeting 3/4 Wed. 3:00-4:30pm K-4th Gr. Faith Formation 3/4 Wed. 4:30-5pm Youth Choir Practice 3/4 Wed. 6-7pm 5-8th Gr. Faith Formation 3/4 Wed. 7-8pm MSM at St. Mary 3/4 Wed. 7:15-8:30pm Youth Group at HSS 3/5 Thur. 7:00pm Choir Practice for 6:00pm Mass 3/5 Thur. 7-8:15 James Bible Study at St. Mary 3/6 Fri.9:30-4:30 Adoration at St. Mary 3/6 Fri. 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am Choir Practice 3/7 Sat. 11:00-12noon Confessions at St. Mary First Friday Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place on Friday March 6th following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Please take a moment to sign-up for the time slot you will be able to spend with the Blessed Sacrament. If you have the time sign up for two time slots. Yum! Soup and Sandwiches St. Barbara's Parish will be hosting a Soup and Sandwich Fellowship following the Tuesday evening Masses during Lent. Everyone is invited to join us for a delicious meal and good conversation. There is no charge for the meal, but a free will offering will be accepted. (There will be no meal on Tuesday, March 17.) Charity Raffle Ticket Presale Prizes for St. Barbara's Women's League Charity Raffle will be on display in the vestibule of the church on the weekends of March 7-8 and March 14-15. We will be selling tickets at these times - $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. There will also be a variety of religious items for sale. Winners will be drawn at the Spring Luncheon on March 18. If you are unable to attend the luncheon, purchasing your tickets in advance is a good way to help the Women's League help the parish. Thank you. The Diocese of Marquette seeks to fill the full time position of Maintenance Supervisor. The selected candidate will be responsible for overall maintenance, minor repairs, janitorial services, and preventive & grounds maintenance for all diocesan owned buildings, as well as, maintenance and care of diocesan owned vehicles. This position does qualify for fringe benefits including health insurance, pension, short-term disability insurance, longterm disability insurance and life insurance. Required qualifications: Ability to work independently as well as schedule and produce work in a timely manner. Five years building maintenance experience. Ability to organize and arrange priorities. Initiative and self-direction Ability to supervise workers Verbal skills to communicate with members of the staff, contractors, etc. High level of discretion and integrity. To apply online, please visit No phone calls, please.