sponsorship prospectus
sponsorship prospectus
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] EVENT OVERVIEW After five successful national conferences in San Francisco, having grown annual registration from zero to over 6000 in three short years, APPNATION is excited to announce it is moving its sixth national conference and expo, APPNATION VI, into Las Vegas next January as an official partner event of the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2015. APPNATION VI is set for January 4-5, 2015 at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas. Our overall conference theme and positioning remain the same – Build. Discover. Monetize. – as we focus exclusively on the key business issues for app developers of all sizes including discovery, monetization, acquisition, distribution, funding / financing, and business development / partnerships. APPNATION VI will include a robust exhibit area, back-to-back main-stages positioned at the center of the show floor and an array of breakout sessions featuring deep-dive content focused on emerging best practices for app discovery, monetization, user acquisition, distribution, and more. We expect 4,000+ total attendees to join us at APPNATION VI. JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] WORLD-CLASS SPONSORS STRATEGIC SPONSORS APPNATION works with first-tier sponsors from across the app and broader mobile and connected device economy. Past sponsors include: JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] PREMIUM SPONSORSHIPS JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] KEYNOTE + MORNING GENERAL SESSION COFFEE OPENING KEYNOTE + MORNING GENERAL SESSION COFFEE SPONSORSHIP (2) $15,000 per day / $24,000 for both days This unique, high-profile sponsorship includes exclusive sponsorship of the the opening keynote and morning general session coffee / snack service (8:30am-11:30am). This includes: • Exclusive brand recognition on two (2) signs on either side of the breakfast and coffee service stations • Branded coffee cups and napkins • Dedicated sponsor recognition slide on the large, mainstage screens • Opportunity for sponsor to bring-in added sponsorship elements (rugs, etc..) per the approval of APPNATION • Six (8) full-conference, all-access passes to The Forum. JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] AFTERNOON COFFEE SPONSORSHIP AFTERNOON COFFEE / RE-CHARGE SPONSORSHIP $10,000 (1 day) / $17,500 (both days) The CDX Forum offers a daily afternoon coffee / “recharge” sponsorship. The afternoon coffee /recharge sponsorship on begins at 2:30pm and runs until 4:00 pm on each daywith coffee / snack service set-up in the pre-function area immediately outside the general session room. This sponsorship includes: • Exclusive brand recognition on two (2) signs on either side of the coffee / snack station • Branded coffee cups, napkins, and water bottles • Opportunity for sponsor to bring-in added sponsorship elements (rugs, etc..) per the approval of CDX Management and the venue • Two (2) full-conference passes JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] KEYNOTE CHAIR DROPS OPENING KEYNOTE CHAIR DROPS (2) $10,000 each / $17,500 both days This unique, high-profile sponsorship includes exclusive sponsorship of either or both of the opening keynote “chairdrops”. APPNATION handles the physical placement. Benefits include: • Exclusive opportunity to place collateral on all chairs prior to the opening keynotes on Day 1 and / or Day 2 of APPNATION VI. We estimate keynote attendance at 700+. • Dedicated sponsor recognition slide on the large, mainstage screens • Six (6), all-access passes to APPNATION VI • Preferred consideration for a speaking opportunity at APPNATION VI., JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] DELEGATE LUNCH SPONSORSHIP DELEGATE LUNCH SPONSORSHIP (2) $15,000 ea. / $25,000 both days Each day, there will be a full-delegate lunch. All VIP and Premium pass-holders will have a lunch ticket and all general admission ticketholders will have the opportunity to purchase lunch and sit in the lunch area. We expect 750-1000+ attendees for lunch each day. The lunch area will be open from 11:30am until 3pm. Benefits include: • • • • Exclusive logo recognition on “Lunch Provided By” tentcards signs placed on all lunch tables as well as opportunities to place collaterals on the lunch tables. Exclusive logo recognition on multiple signs (minimum of 6) around the lunch serving area and by the entrance/ exit to the lunch area Exclusive, branded logo recognition on all offline, online, and onsite collaterals and signage where lunch is mentioned / referenced Eight (8) full-conference passes (12 if sponsoring both days) JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] CHAIRMAN’S RECEPTION SPONSORSHIP THE CHAIRMAN’S RECEPTION (2) $12,000 each (or $20,000 to be exclusive sponsor) Hosted annually on the first day of APPNATION by Founder and Event Chairman, Drew Ianni, the exclusive, by-invitation-only, VIP Chairman’s Reception offers a unique opportunity to engage with our VIP guests including all speakers and other invited VIP guests. • Branded sponsor recognition of The Chairman’s Reception on all online, offline, and on site collaterals and signage promoting / mentioning The Reception Exclusive branded recognition on a minimum of three (3) dedicated emails promoting the Reception and via on-site signage at the party including two (2) directional signs and one (1) projected brand gobo Custom-branded specialty drink served to all attendees on custom, branded cocktail napkins Eight (8) full-conference passes to the CDX Forum • Maximum of two (2) non-competing sponsors • • • JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] BADGE / LANYARD SPONSORSHIPS BADGE & LANYARD SPONSORSHIPS 1. BADGE SPONSORSHIP ($20,000): Exclusive branding opportunity offers front-and-back-badge logo placement on all conference badges. Estimated attendance 2,500+ 2. LANYARD SPONSORSHIP ($25,000): Exclusive sponsorship offers logo placement on the official conference lanyard for all attendees. Estimated attendance: 2,500+ ADDED BENEFITS FOR BADGE & LANYARD SPONSORS: • Added recognition as a PLATINUM-Level branded sponsor with branded recognition on all online, offline, and onsite collaterals and signage. • EIGHT (8) all-access full-conference passes to APPNATION VI JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] REGISTRATION SPONSORSHIP REGISTRATION SPONSORSHIP (1) $25,000 The exclusive delegate registration sponsorship is a unique, custom, high-profile, branded sponsorship opportunity that maximizes brand exposure in-andaround onsite registration at APPNATION VI. Includes: • • • • • • On-site co-branded directional signage (6 signs) along the “path” to registration in the hotel Brand logo presence on all runner boards and registration windows 2-large branded “meeting point” pillars in the registration / pre-function area Branded logo presence on all registration confirmation emails and on the online reg. page Ten (10) full-conference passes Area / directional rugs or other custom branded items around registration (at sponsor’s expense and per approval of APPNATION) JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] POWER-UP CHARGING STATIONS POWER-UP CHARGING STATIONS (1) $20,000 The exclusive branded, sponsorship, always very popular with the delegates, is a unique, custom opportunity to deliver an in-demand service at APPNATION VI – power – to all delegates • Four (4) exclusively-branded, turnkey, 10’+ high charging station pillars placed strategically and prominently throughout the conference, exhibit, and registration areas at APPNATION VI. • ½ page ad in the official conference event guide showcasing the branded sponsorship and reminding delegates to look for the branded “power-up” stations at the conference • Ten (10) all-access passes to APPNATION VI. JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] SPEAKER LOUNGE SPEAKER LOUNGE (1) $15,000 (both days) The speaker lounge sponsorship is an exclusive, unique opportunity to drive brand awareness amongst, and directly engage with, all speakers at APPNATION VI. The speaker lounge is a private area adjacent to the main-stage reserved for all speakers, and other invited VIP guests. BENEFITS INCLUDE: • Exclusive branded sponsorship of, and ongoing access to, the speaker lounge over both days of APPNATION VI • Includes exclusive logo recognition on three (3) on-site, directional signs and one (1) sign inside the Lounge. • Includes opportunity to include additional custom, branded elements within the Lounge (at sponsor’s expense) as well as the opportunity to offer all speakers a gift (per APPNATION approval) • Includes eight (8) all-access passes to APPNATION VI JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] VIP DELEGATE LOUNGE SPONSORSHIP VIP DELEGATE LOUNGE SPONSORSHIP (1) $20,000 (both days) Exclusive sponsor of the VIP Lounge -- a dedicated area for all premium pass-holders, speakers, and other invited VIPs to have meetings, recharge their phone, grab a snack, check email or to just relax. Benefits include: • Exclusive brand recognition on six (6) on-site, Delegate Lounge signs and one (2) in-lounge sign. • Branded cups / napkins at the in-lounge coffee station and collateral distribution throughout the Lounge • The sponsor may bring / order additional preapproved branded promotional items (rugs, pillows, signage, etc.. into the Lounge • Ten (10) all-access passes to APPNATION VI • Recognition as a Platinum-Level sponsor of APPNATION VI JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] DELEGATE KEY CARDS DELEGATE KEY CARD SPONSORSHIP (1) $10,000 This unique sponsorship enables a single sponsor to be the exclusive hotel key card sponsor which also entitles that sponsor to offer all or select delegates a gift which will be delivered in-room and awaiting the delegate upon their check-in at the hotel. We expect between 500-700 delegates to stay at the hotel BENEFITS INCLUDE: • Exclusive branded sponsor of the hotel key cards used by all delegates staying at The Cosmopolitan • Optional rights to offer all or select conference delegates an in-room gift (gifts and delivery are at the sponsor’s expense) • Eight (8) All-Access Passes to APPNATION VI JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] WI-FI SPONSORSHIP Wi-Fi SPONSORSHIP (1) $15,000 The exclusive Wi-Fi sponsorship includes: • Branded home / login screen • Listed as the exclusive Wi-Fi sponsor in all online, offline, and onsite collaterals, emails and signage • Dedicated on-site signage in the keynote room registration area, and high traffic delegate walkways (total of eight [8] signs) • Four (4) full-conference passes • Added recognition as a GOLD-level sponsor of APPNATION VI JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] PACKAGED SPONSORSHIPS JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] THE ROYAL FLUSH PARTNERSHIP ROYAL FLUSH SPONSOR (1): $50,000 The singular, ROYAL FLUSH Sponsor of APPNATION VI receives exclusive, top-billing above all other sponsors and becomes a full partner in the development, promotion and presentation of APPNATION VI. • Exclusive “Titanium” branded recognition in all online, offline, and onsite promotional materials and signage for APPNATION VI • Guaranteed Day 1, pre-lunch, Main Stage, dedicated / solo speaking opportunity for one (1) company executive. • A minimum of one (1) pre-show AND one (2) postshow email blasts to all delegates (pre-show) and the entire APPNATION database • Recognition as The Royal Flush sponsor on all online, offline, and onsite collaterals and signage • Up to a 50 x 50 showcase booth on the APPNATION VI exhibit floor • One (1) additional, main-stage speaking opportunity at The Forum • Twenty (25) all-access conference passes to APPNATION VI + unlimited expo passes JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA • One (1) Premium Suite at The Cosmopolitan and three (3) standard rooms FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] THE FULL HOUSE SPONSORSHIP FULL HOUSE SPONSORSHIP: $20,000 Our FULL HOUSE Sponsors enjoy a range of turn-key, event-wide benefits including: • Guaranteed speaking opportunity for one (1) company executive on the main-stage at APPNATION VI • Up to a 20 x 20 premium, high-traffic exhibit space on the show floor • One (1) pre-show and one (1) post-show email sent to all conference delegates • Recognition as a Full House sponsor on all online, offline, and onsite marketing collaterals, communications, and signage JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA • Fifteen (15) all-access passes to APPNATION VI (VIP access at the official party included) + unlimited expo passes • ½ page ad in the event-guide FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] LUCKY-7s PARTNERSHIP LUCKY-7s SPONSORSHIP: $15,000 • Guaranteed speaking opportunity for one (1) company executive at APPNATION VI • Up to a 15 x 15 exhibit space on the show floor. • Six (6) all-access passes (VIP access to the official APPNATION VI party included) + unlimited expo passes • Recognition as a Full House sponsor on all online, offline, and onsite marketing collaterals, communications, and signage • ¼ page ad in the APPNATION event guide • One (1) post-show email to all delegates JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] HIGH ROLLER PARTNERSHIP HIGH-ROLLER SPONSORSHIP: $7,995 • Guaranteed speaking opportunity for one (1) company executive at APPNATION VI • Up to a 15 x 15 exhibit space on the show floor. • Six (6) all-access passes (VIP access to the official APPNATION VI party included) + unlimited expo passes • Recognition as a High-Roller sponsor on all online, offline, and onsite marketing collaterals, communications, and signage • 1/6 page ad in the official APPNATION VI event guide JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected] VIP SUPPORTING PARTNER VIP PARTNER PACKAGE: $4,995 We are offering a very limited number of unique, VIP Supporting Partnership packages (based on availability) that include conference passes, hotel lodging, towncar transportation and VIP sponsor recognition. • Two (2) all-access passes (VIP access at the official party included) + Unlimited expo-only passes • Two (2) executive rooms at the Cosmopolitan • Branded recognition as a VIP Supporting Partner on all online, offline, and onsite collaterals and signage • Round-trip, black-car transportation from Las Vegas airport to The Cosmopolitan • 10 x 10 booth on the exhibit floor JANUARY 4-5, 2015 @ CES 2015 THE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL DREW IANNI, EVENT CHAIRMAN [email protected]
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