Click here to view the Dial247 Manual


Click here to view the Dial247 Manual
Dial247 Training Manual
USER ACCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................4
SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................................................4
GETTING STARTED........................................................................................................................................................5
APPLYING FOR DIAL247 ...................................................................................................................................................5
DIAL247 ..............................................................................................................................................................................6
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................7
ORDER ENTRY..................................................................................................................................................................8
ORDERING PARTS FROM THE ‘ORDER ENTRY’ PAGE ON DIAL247.................................................................................9
CHANGING THE DELIVERY ADDRESS. .............................................................................................................................13
CONFIRMATION OF ORDER ..............................................................................................................................................15
IMPORTING AN ORDER FROM 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................16
Comma delimited...................................................................................................................................................16
Tab delimited. .........................................................................................................................................................16
STOCK ENQUIRY ...............................................................................................................................................................18
PERSONAL CATALOGUE ...........................................................................................................................................20
ACCOUNT SELECT ........................................................................................................................................................21
CONTACT US ...................................................................................................................................................................22
HELP ....................................................................................................................................................................................23
HELD ORDERS ..............................................................................................................................................................234
BACK ORDERS................................................................................................................................................................28
REPEAT ORDERS...........................................................................................................................................................31
ELECTRONIC PARTS CATALOGUE .......................................................................................................................33
SEARCHING FOR PARTS ON THE EPC .............................................................................................................................33
QUICK SEARCH..............................................................................................................................................................33
CATALOGUE SEARCH .................................................................................................................................................35
MODEL MENU .................................................................................................................................................................41
SEARCH FOR A MODEL .....................................................................................................................................................41
HOW TO DISPLAY PARTS SCHEMATICS .........................................................................................................42
SUPERSEDED PARTS.........................................................................................................................................................43
ORDERING PARTS .......................................................................................................................................................46
ORDERING PARTS FROM THE ‘PARTS LIST’ ON EPC......................................................................................................46
CURRENT LIST...................................................................................................................................................................53
SAVED LISTS ....................................................................................................................................................................54
CHECKOUT ........................................................................................................................................................................55
PLACED ORDERS ..............................................................................................................................................................56
Dial247 Training Manual
MANAGER ..........................................................................................................................................................................57
DOCUMENT SEARCH ...................................................................................................................................................60
USER SETTINGS ...............................................................................................................................................................61
CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................................................................................................................62
ACCOUNTS ........................................................................................................................................................................63
HELP ....................................................................................................................................................................................66
HISTORY ...........................................................................................................................................................................67
EXIT EPC ...........................................................................................................................................................................67
CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................69
PAGE LEFT BLANK FOR YOUR NOTES...............................................................................................................70
Dial247 Training Manual
EP Barrus has launched its next generation of spare parts ordering system,
Dial247, which is now available to authorised dealers via the internet.
Designed as a combined ordering and Electronic Parts Catalogue (EPC) package,
Dial247 now offers the user ‘live’ access to information including stock
availability, order entry, back order status and full order history. Up to the
minute pricing information showing dealer discount terms and bulletins on the
latest special offers will be available on line.
As this is an internet based service, Dial247 can be accessed from any PC with
internet connection. By using Dial247 a wide range of business functions can be
performed, some of which are outlined below.
User Access
The user identity that is initially supplied to the dealer will give full access to both
the EPC and ordering functions of Dial247.
It is essential that each username is logged on no more than once at any one
time, as this will affect your access to various areas of the website. If additional
login details are required they are available by contacting the Dial Support Team
via email [email protected]. Also available are accounts which have
restricted access for users only wishing to view the EPC, but without the ability
to order parts.
Due to the flexibility of being an internet based service your account details,
such as user name and password, should be kept secure and only given to
authorised personnel. The Dial support Team can change the password/account
should any staff or circumstances change. Please be sure to contact us
Once an order has been placed the information is held on our computer
infrastructure at EP Barrus, so if you do have any technical issues on site this will
not affect the order.
Dial247 Training Manual
Getting Started
Enter the address below into your web browser address bar.
Please be advised that you must use Windows Internet Explorer as this site has
content which is not compatible with Mozilla Firefox or other web browser
Applying For Dial247
To request access to Dial247 you will need to click ‘Apply’ from the home page
and fill-in your details, then click ‘Submit’.
You will then receive an email back with your login details, once this has been
Dial247 Training Manual
Once you have received your login details you can then enter the web site.
Please note you must read and agree to the ‘Terms & Conditions’ by placing a
tick in the check box. If this is not ticked it will deny access to the site.
Please note: Do not use the forward and back buttons on the browser, use the
navigation from within the website itself. As this can cause duplication of orders
and other issues.
Dial247 Training Manual
Minimum Requirements
In order to get the best from the website PC will need to meet the minimum
specifications. This can be checked in the ‘Check my PC’ section on the left of
the page.
If anything needs updating or downloading it will be displayed in red in the
updates column.
Dial247 Training Manual
Order Entry
This is the ‘Order Entry’ first page after you enter your login details.
Dial247 Training Manual
Ordering parts from the ‘Order Entry’ Page on Dial247
If part numbers are already known order using Dial247 ‘Order Entry’ page.
Just enter the ‘Order Quantity’ required and the ‘Item Number’ for each line.
For more lines press ‘Add More Parts’. Once order has been compiled click ‘Check
If your order is not required, clear all items from the page by clicking ‘Clear
Dial247 Training Manual
If when you click ‘Check Out’ it does not go to the ‘Checkout Order’ page, check
for errors or messages shown in red.
Contact Spares for any part number errors by using the ‘Contact Us’ link on the
left of the page. Please see next section for explanation.
To continue with this order delete or correct the part that is causing the message
and click ‘Check Out’.
Dial247 Training Manual
Enter a unique Order reference number in the ‘Your Order Ref’ field. This is a
free text mandatory field.
Order quantity can be amended by over typing the current value and then click
‘Update order’.
The delivery requirements can be changed choosing from the options in ‘Select
the delivery required’ by clicking on the arrow at the end of the field.
To add comments to an order line just type in the ‘Order Line Comments’ field
and click ‘Update order’. To add comments to the order as a whole click on ‘Add
Order Comments?’ button and a pop up window shall appear insert your
comments and close the window and then click ‘Update Order’. Both these
options are free text fields.
These comments will appear on the pick note, but are for your reference only.
Dial247 Training Manual
To add more items to your order click ‘Continue Shopping’ this will take you to a
new ‘Order Entry’ page this will not have any previous parts numbers in the list.
This allows you to insert more part numbers. Click ‘Checkout’ again to add new
items to your current order.
Dial247 Training Manual
Changing the Delivery address.
At the Check out order page you can change the delivery address of the order by
clicking on the ‘Deliver To’ button. The below page will then be displayed.
By using the search boxes on name or postcode you will be able to find any
saved addresses. Please note that if you click on search without entering a name
or postcode then all addresses will be displayed, alternatively enter a part of a
name or postcode to perform a generic search. You can create a temporary
address to use once just by filling in the details and clicking on Select. The lines
with a red * next to the line are mandatory field. If you wish to keep the
address for future use then click on Select and Save.
Dial247 Training Manual
To place the order click ‘Place Order’.
This displays an ‘Order Acknowledgement’ page which can be printed for you
own records. Use the ‘Print Order’ Button at the bottom of the page to do this,
you may have to scroll down to view this button depending on the size of your
This will automatically send a printout to your default printer.
To return to the ‘Order Acknowledgement’ screen click ‘Return’.
Dial247 Training Manual
Confirmation of Order
A ‘Confirmation of Order’ email will then be sent to the email address given at
time of application.
If this address has changed please email [email protected] with the
details of your new address and this will be updated.
Below is the example text of the email.
E.P. Barrus
R H P Marine Limited
Deliver to:
R H P Marine Limited
Shepards Wharf
Medina Road
PO31 7BU
This is an automatically generated order confirmation email. Replies to this address will not be
If you wish to email Barrus, log in to, click on Contact us and select the
relevant recipient.
Order Comment:
Order Reference: DB277
Order Date: 11/01/07
Shipment type: Std Delivery (FOC)
Subtotal of items:
£ 15.11
Minimum Order Surcharge: £ .00
Shipping and Handling: £ .00
£ 2.64
Order total:
£ 17.75
----------------------------------------------------------Product: 177088-03272 NUT
Quantity: 1
Extended Price: 15.11
----------------------------------------------------------This order may be subject to cash settlement discount’
Dial247 Training Manual
Importing an Order from 3rd Party Software
Dial247 will process any comma delimited or tab delimited file in the following
format. These can be created in Microsoft Excel using 3 columns. The 1st column
denotes quantity required, the second column is a company number and should
always be 01, the final column is the part number.
Then save the document and change the ‘Save as type’ to Text (comma
delimited) or Text (Tab delimited).
Comma delimited.
Tab delimited.
Choosing ‘Text (tab delimited)’ will always change the file to be opened in
Dial247 Training Manual
Click ‘Import File’ button in the bottom left hand corner of the Order Entry page.
Select the type of file that is to be imported, (Comma Delimited or Tab
Click the ‘Browse…’ button to find file, then click ‘Import’
The part numbers from the file will now populate the appropriate fields in the
Order Entry page. To continue with the order click ‘Check Out’ at the bottom of
the page. Then continue the order process.
Dial247 Training Manual
Stock Enquiry
Click ‘Stock Enquiry’
No products are shown on entry to this page, to search for a product, enter item
number in the ‘Select Item by Item Number’ field. This is located to the left of
the page. Click ‘GO’ to start the search.
The Item search looks for similar numbers to that have been entered. If your
item is not found enter the start of item number instead and all generic items will
Any results which appear may go over more than one page, if there are more
pages to display, the ‘Next Page’ button will display.
Dial247 Training Manual
The search results will indicate if this item is in your ‘Personal Catalogue’ or can
be added to your ‘Personal Catalogue’.
Items can be added to the current order by entering a quantity and clicking ‘Add
to Order’
Dial247 Training Manual
Personal Catalogue
Commonly ordered parts can be added to the Personal Catalogue for easy access
and ordering.
You can view the Personal Catalogue by selecting ‘Personal Catalogue’ on the
Parts can be added to the Personal Catalogue by clicking the ‘Add to Personal
Catalogue’ button from the ‘Stock Enquiry’ page.
These can be easily deleted by clicking the remove button, against the part.
Part details can be displayed by clicking the Item Number.
Parts can be added to the current order by entering a quantity against the part
and clicking ‘Add to Order’ from either the ‘Personal Catalogue’ menu or the
‘Item Details’ menu.
Dial247 Training Manual
Account Select
When you log onto Dial247 other accounts or delivery addresses may be linked
to your Dial247 Account will be visible. If so choose the correct account store or
depot for which you require to order.
Click ‘Account Select’ on the left if you are not prompted when you login. This
will show all relating accounts, for example ‘Winter Stocking’ or ‘Spring Ahead’
You can choose the account and continue raising your order.
Dial247 Training Manual
Contact us
It is possible to email Barrus Staff directly using the ‘Contact Us’ page, choose
which department to send the email to. Please fill in all mandatory fields and
advise of any issues or comments and click ‘Submit’.
Dial247 Training Manual
At any point you are unsure of any section of Dial247 click ‘Help’ at the left of
the page. This will open in a separate window, so you will not loose your place
when raising an order.
To view any section click on the text on the left and the information will appear
in the main body of the page.
Dial247 Training Manual
Held Orders
Click ‘Held Orders’ at the top of the page.
This displays abandoned or saved orders which have not been sent. The default
description states the date it was originally entered. This text can be changed at
any point and is a free text field.
To process an order from a ‘Held Order’ click on ‘Checkout’ at the end of the
relevant line and complete the order process.
To remove any unwanted ‘Held orders’ click ‘Remove’ at the end of the relevant
Dial247 Training Manual
From ‘Held Orders’ you can create Repeat orders. This can then be saved and
accessed via ‘Repeat Orders’. Click ‘View Cart’ on a held order.
Click ‘Save as Repeat Order’ this will then prompt you for a description of the
order this is a free text mandatory field, click ‘Continue’ and this is then added to
your list of repeat orders.
Dial247 Training Manual
Order Acknowledgement
Orders sent by Dial247 are processed within 5 minutes after which the Order
Acknowledgement can be viewed under ‘Order Acknowledgement’.
Click ‘Order Acknowledgement’ to display all orders placed via Dial247 including
the date and time that the order was processed.
Click 'Barrus Order Number' relating to the order to display the entire order.
Dial247 Training Manual
The ‘Order Acknowledgement’ shows all details which are unique to the order.
To return to the full list click ‘Return’ button. To print click ‘Print
Please note: This will also show you if you account is on Credit Stop or has been
Dial247 Training Manual
Back orders
This page will show any items you currently have on back order.
Items not shown in this list which were on back order, will have been picked and
are in transit to you.
These can be seen in Order History, for each order click on ‘Despatch/Invoice
button which shows the pick date.
Dial247 Training Manual
Order History
To view your Order History click on ‘Order History’ at the top of the page.
You can view your entire order history here including orders NOT placed using
Dial247 and cancelled orders.
Dial247 Training Manual
By clicking on the order number you can check the progress of the order.
For example the ‘Order Status’ on the example is ‘ORDER BEING PROCESSED’.
Clicking on ‘Despatch/Invoice’ button will show every despatch/invoice including
date for an order.
Clicking on the price will show a breakdown of RRP, Dealer price, discount value
and discount percent.
Click ‘Return’ to go back.
Dial247 Training Manual
Repeat Orders
Repeat orders created from ‘Held Orders’ can be viewed from this screen.
To view content of the repeat order click ‘Show Detail’. This will show all item
numbers, descriptions and quantity for each line of the order. This section will
not show you any prices.
Click ‘Add to Order’ to add this to your current order.
Once a repeat order has been created it can be deleted by clicking ‘Remove’.
Please note that you do NOT get a confirmation of removal window.
Dial247 Training Manual
Electronic Parts Catalogue
To access the EPC (Electronic Parts Catalogue) click ‘EPC’ from Dial247.
Welcome to the first page of the EPC.
When you have logged in please take time to read the ‘Notice Board’ and ‘Latest
Documents’. Vital information about the EPC is posted here, including any
improvements or possible downtime or outages.
Dial247 Training Manual
Electronic parts Catalogue
Searching for parts on the EPC
There is more than one way to search for parts in EPC, but the most reliable way
for Lawn and Garden dealers is by search by the MTD Model Identification
Number i.e. 13AH489E611
Quick Search
Check the ‘Quick Search’ field displays ‘Catalogue’, if not this can be changed via
the dropdown menu.
Dial247 Training Manual
This will display your model and all thumbnail links relating to the model in the
search results.
The search can be anything from a description of a part or exact part number.
Please note that the search results may cover more than one page.
Now click on the line with just the model number required.
Now being displayed are the correct parts for the 703 Model Number of
Click on the drawing you require.
Dial247 Training Manual
Catalogue Search
This search will show all Brands and Models, so be sure of the exact model
details to choose the correct part. For this example we will be using details from
Lawn and Garden Division.
E.g. Model 703 and MTD Model number 13AH489E611
Click on the ‘Catalogue’ menu and then ‘MTD’.
Dial247 Training Manual
This page shows all Model Makes.
Dial247 Training Manual
It may be easier to change the ‘Style’ from ‘Pictures and Text’ to ‘Text only’ on
the right of the ‘Catalogue Navigation’ window.
This is the same information just a different view. To search for a 705 click
‘LAWNFLITE’ in the ‘Description’ pane.
Dial247 Training Manual
Click ‘Lawn tractors’
To find your product on this page you will need both your model and MTD model
Dial247 Training Manual
Scroll down until you find your product highlighted in yellow, click the line.
Dial247 Training Manual
Then choose the section required, and then the schematic will be available. As
per the previous parts searches.
Dial247 Training Manual
Model Menu
Search for a Model
This option gives you chance to search for a model/serial number rather than a
part. This is the default page for this section.
The search criteria changes depending on the ‘Search Type’.
Dial247 Training Manual
How to display Parts Schematics
For this exercise we shall go to the ‘Cable’ schematic, just by clicking on the
image. The ‘Parts List’ and ‘Schematic’ will then be displayed.
If you click once on a part in the ‘Parts list’ pane the corresponding item in the
‘Schematic’ pane will show in red as above.
Alternatively if you move your mouse over the item number in the ‘Schematic’
pane the cursor will change from an open hand to a pointing hand click on the
number when this occurs and the part number in the ‘Parts List’ will be
highlighted in yellow.
Please note this feature does not work with Parts Schematics pre 2004.
For an explanation of the symbols please see Appendix A.
Dial247 Training Manual
Superseded Parts
If a part has been superseded a spanner will appear on the line.
If the spanner is clicked a new window is opened with the superseded part
Dial247 Training Manual
This will open a new window with the superseded part information.
Click ‘Add to List’ to add to you Basket or ‘Check Stock’ for availability.
Dial247 Training Manual
The search option can be accessed by clicking ‘Search’. This shows the ‘Search
Criteria’ page. Depending on the ‘Search Type’ you choose, different criteria
fields are shown. All relevant to the search requested.
If there are more than 10 results on the search, there will be more than one
page of results.
Please note that the maximum any search can return is 100 results.
Dial247 Training Manual
Ordering Parts
There are two ways to order parts for the first see the ‘Order Entry’ section
Ordering parts from the ‘Parts List’ on EPC
To order a part from the EPC Tick the item required as shown below.
Then click ‘Add to Basket’.
Dial247 Training Manual
This will create a separate window stating the amount of part lines have been
selected as you can select more than one item at a time from each part list.
Click ‘OK’. This item has now been added to your ‘Basket’
Once you have finished selecting parts you require, click on the ‘View Basket’
icon at the top of the page. This icon is visible on all screens while in the EPC.
Dial247 Training Manual
At this point you have various options:
‘Delete’ if an item line is ticked then this button clicked the line will be removed.
‘Check stock’ if an item line is ticked and then button clicked a new window will
appear advising of availability only.
‘Add Part’ will give you chance input a part number to the list if you already have
these details to hand.
‘Save Parts’ this will save any changes to your list if any have been made.
‘Clear Basket’ will clear the basket of all items.
‘Save Basket’ will save the list to ‘Order’ Menu and ‘Saved Orders’ to be used
‘Print Basket’ will show you a printer friendly page which can be printed for your
‘Place Order’ will pass the current information to the ‘Order Entry’ Page in
Dial247 Training Manual
You can change the quantity of the items selected by clicking on the ‘Edit’ icon at
the end of the row for the item required.
Here you can change the quantity and then save your changes.
When you have built up your order on EPC click ‘Place Order’ icon at the bottom
of the page.
Dial247 Training Manual
This will take you to the ‘Order Entry’ page on Dial247.
Click ‘Check Out’ button to continue your order.
Dial247 Training Manual
To place your order you need to add a unique Order reference number in the
‘Your Order Ref’ field. This is a free text mandatory field.
Order quantity can be amended by over typing the current value and then click
up date order.
The delivery requirements can be changed choosing from the options in ‘Select
the delivery required’ by clicking on the arrow at the end of the field.
To add any comments to an order line just type in the ‘Order Line Comments’
field and click update order. To add comments to the order as a whole click on
‘Add Order Comments?’ button and a pop up window shall appear insert your
comments and close the window and then click ‘Update Order’. Both these
options are free text fields.
Dial247 Training Manual
To add more items to your order click ‘Continue Shopping’ this will take you to
the ‘Order Entry’ page this will not have any parts numbers in the list. This
allows you to insert more part numbers. If then you click ‘Checkout’ again the
new items will be added to your current order.
To place the order click ‘Place Order’.
This displays an ‘Order Acknowledgement’ page which can be printed for you
own records. Using the ‘Print Order’ Button at the bottom of the page, you will
have to scroll down to view this button dependant on the size of your order.
At the Check out order page you can change the delivery address of the order by
clicking on the ‘Deliver To’ button. For further information please see ‘Changing
the Delivery Address’ section of this manual.
Dial247 Training Manual
Orders Menu
Current list
The current list shows the same view as the ‘View Basket’ option. Any item you
have selected to go to your basket should be in this list.
If no items have been added to your picking list/basket there will be no items in
this section.
Dial247 Training Manual
Saved Lists
This section will show all saved parts lists.
The User reference is defaulted to the basket reference number, but can be
changed. Click the Edit icon at the end of the basket line. And a new window
shall give you chance to change the User reference by going to the ‘Header’ tab
and changing the free text field. Any changes must be saved using the ‘save
header button at the bottom of the new window.
To place an order from the saved list/s tick the basket/s to order and click ‘Order’
this will force the details to the ‘Order Entry’ page in Dial247 to continue with the
Dial247 Training Manual
This screen actually shows deferred orders, but this will be changed to show this.
This feature is not live on the EPC, as it does not cover the information which is
passed to Dial247.
Dial247 Training Manual
Placed Orders
This section shows all orders ‘placed’ to the Dial247 platform.
This does not mean that the order has been completed at this point, only that
the order was complied and sent to the order entry screen in Dial247.
Please check the ‘Order History’ on the Dial247 pages for confirmation.
Dial247 Training Manual
There is a quick reference guide available in the EPC to brand information. To
access this information click on the ‘Documents’ menu at the top of the page on
the EPC and choose ‘Manager’.
All parts and service bulletins are located here.
Dial247 Training Manual
Then click on the drop down box and select ‘MTD Documents’.
Dial247 Training Manual
Then click on the relevant information and view.
The information at first may be too small to read, you can click on the plus icon
in the document pane to zoom in on the view.
Dial247 Training Manual
Document Search
To search for a technical document in the document search select from the
dropdown menu displayed using the arrow, to reveal a list of brand specific
Once you have chosen the section to search insert your search criteria and this
will bring up the results.
Click on the relevant line which answers your query and the document will open.
Dial247 Training Manual
User Settings
The navigation settings can be set or changed at this section.
Setting the ‘Catalogue Navigation’ or ‘Vehicle Navigation’ the options are:
‘Pictures and Text’ which will show the catalogue page with supported graphics
and text.
‘Pictures Only’ which will only display any graphical images till the schematics are
‘Text Only’ only shows the associated text till the schematics page has been
Dial247 Training Manual
Contact details
This facility is intended to retain all personal information these details are best
added immediately after registration.
Once any changes have been made click ‘Save changes’
Dial247 Training Manual
This section shows all relevant account information.
Dial247 Training Manual
This section shows the current ‘Export method’ and default ‘Order profile’.
Dial247 Training Manual
If you have any feed back while in the EPC, please send to the relevant
The ‘Comments’ field is a free text field. Once your comments have been
completed click the ‘Send’ button. This will send a message to the relevant
Dial247 Training Manual
The ‘Help’ option will open up a new window.
Just click on the topic which you require and it will appear in the main area of the
new window.
Dial247 Training Manual
The ‘History’ option shows up to the last 20 assemblies accessed on the EPC.
For quick access to these schematic, you can just click on the line to take you
back that page.
Exit EPC
Clicking ‘Exit EPC’ will take you back to the Dial247 order entry page.
Dial247 Training Manual
Appendix A
Drags page (Click on icon then on page and hold down left mouse
Magnifies image (Click on icon then on the picture to enlarge image).
Decrease image (Click on icon then on the picture to decrease
Hot spotted parts (Clicking on this icon will show if the part numbers
are linked to the parts descriptions).
Prints the parts drawing, but not the parts list.
Returns schematic to normal view after magnifying.
Shows a small box in the top left of page with exploded parts view.
Switches on/off grey shaded icons.
Allows you to draw around parts on the schematic for easy
Add notes to Schematics.
Remove drawn lines you have created.
Save schematics to your PC.
Allows you to open saved files.
Dial247 Training Manual
Contact information
E P Barrus Ltd
Launton Road
OX26 4UR
Tel: 01869 363636
[email protected]
Dial Support Team
01869 363684
Spare Parts
01869 363616
Dial247 Training Manual
Page left Blank for your notes