CITY OF TONAWANDA - Moley Magnetics, Inc.
CITY OF TONAWANDA - Moley Magnetics, Inc.
Garden Club of the Tonawandas CITY OF TONAWANDA ARDEN WALK 2015 NIGHT LIGHTS 07/17 @ 9P – 11P GARDEN WALK 07/18 @ 10A – 4P WELCOME . . . The COT Garden Walk sponsored by the COT Board of Visual & Performing Arts, in conjunction with the Garden Club of the Tonawandas, began in 2010. Since that time, the Garden Walk has become an important and much-anticipated community activity. Welcome to our 5th Anniversary Garden Walk! SAT., JULY 18 | 10A - 4P 249 ADAM STREET | Chris & Leslie Rosner Our garden has been a true labor of love in the past six years. A hodgepodge of shade, vegetable and butterfly gardens. 332 ADAM STREET | Bob & Susan Gregg Front yard garden including, containers of flowers and grass. 465 Adam Street | Charles & Susan Giannantonio As tea parties, climbing trees and all sort of things are done in Nana & Pappy’s garden. Where fairies play at night and flowers blooms. As moonlight fells and it time to rest. Come read the story the grandkids love best, George the Dream Dragon. Read and rest awhile in Nana & Pappy’s garden. 470 Adam Street | William Miles A Tribute Garden In Honor Of Firefighters. 35 Broad Street | Cindy Geisler Pots, pots and more pots. Plus a lot of decoration. 248 BROAD STREET | Sharon & Mike Moore Sculptured hedges, shrubs, ornamental grass, hosta gardens, flowers, vegetables, herbs, annuals, perennials. Container plants, hanging plants. Accents, arbor, stone borders, gazebo dining & living room patio. Side upper porch open. 32 Catherine Street | Robert & Patricia Ensminger Cottage gardens around house and backyard with gazebo as center piece. Includes perennials and annuals, with mixed trees and shrubs. Vegetable/herb gardens beside the mulch area and storm window green house. Small water feature and numerous small statues hidden in and around the flowers. Solar lighting for evening viewing. 21 CLEVLAND PLACE | Luann Grainy Many hanging baskets, many solar lights, many flowers, fountains, frt both sides 152 CLINTON STREET | Vincent & Maureen Ciancio Front gardens are a combination of perennials, bushes, vines and some annuals. Rear gardens are the same. 98 Seymour Street | Community Garden This is our 3rd year for the “Tonawanda Community Peace Garden.” We are looking forward to another great harvest. Come & see how an empty lot has been transformed into a beautiful space of flowers & food! 10 CRESTWOOD COURT | Betty Schaertel Perennials and annuals in front and back gardens along with a vegetable garden, potted planters, fountains & solar lights. 53 DEKALB STREET | Karen Evans My creation/.with fairy gardens herbs/vegetables/ flowers. 11 ELMWOOD PARK WEST | Vickie Keidel Shade style English Garden. Fountain, mature trees, annuals, and perennials. Side garden and potted plants. Relaxing oasis. 15 elmwood Park w. | Stacy Karanas Mixture of perrenials and annuals. fish pond and shaded hosta area in back. 113 Elmwood Park W. | Jason & Katherine Sammarco Take a stroll through a lovely perennial garden that has lots of color, butterflies, and hummingbirds, toped off with a pumpkin patch and vegetable gardens. 63 ERIE STREET | Zachary Stelter An urban farming oasis. 40ft wall of straw bale gardens, 8x8ft raised bed, container gardens and some flowers scattered throughout. 100% organic and lots of heirloom varieties. 201 Franklin Street | Bob & Janet Kessinger Large tree-lined yard with pond, fountain, perennials bed & container plants. ISLAND GARDENS ON CLINTON STREET Island gardens in the center of the street, some perennials and annuals. 85 FULLER AVENUE | Joe & Chris Pasek Straw bale garden, regular garden and flowers in back yard. A little bit of flowers in front yard too depending on the flowering time for some plants. 15 FREMONT STREET | JoAnn Mierzwa A peacefull backyard retreat w/ a grape arbour & small pond. Annuals, perennials & herbs serve as a backdrop for fairy gardens & a collections of garden statues &decorations. 79 LINWOOD AVENUE | Janet Frampton My garden is my serenity! After long days at work, I come home to lots of colors. I do it myself, nothing professional about it, starting with seeds in the house in February, to planting in late May, nursing the colors all of the way through until October! 26 lynbrook drive | Susan Gallagher As tea parties, climbing trees and all sort of things are done in Nana & Pappy’s garden. Where fairies play at night and flowers blooms. As moonlight fells and it time to rest. Come read the story the grandkids love best, George the Dream Dragon. Read and rest awhile in Nana & Pappy’s garden. 34 LYNBROOK DRIVE | Cyndi Rutter Front & back beds feature a mix of annuals, perennials, trees & shrubs, many native varieties. Also includes a butterfly garden, a rose garden & an organic vegetable garden. 333 MAIN STREET | Betsey Higgins (Librarian) Beautiful rock gardens, tulips, day lilies, hostas, rose of sharons, rhododendrons, vincas and peonies. 98 MITCHELL DRIVE | Rose Ortwein Serene Retreat off the beaten path offers a blissful flow of colorful blooms, lush foliage, artistic touches including living wall, water feature and a few surprises! A Must See! 318 MORGAN STREET | Cindy & Bill Thiebolt Variety of annuals and perennials in front and back yard. Vegetable garden in back. 362 MORGAN STREET | Cathy & Donnie Cribbs This is my 4th year being in the garden walk! I have grape vines that I make wine out of. Blue hydrangeas, grasses, rocks from all over a fountain, my garden is the back side and the front of my house! I have a little bit of everything! I love gardening! 491 MORGAN STREET | Peter & judy Kurtzworth Follow the path of hostas, on the west side of the house, to the backyard. Among the many perennials, you will find red and white petunias as the main accent this year. 68 PARK AVENUE | Dean & Jody Wienke Our yard is a wonderful place to see family and friends enjoying themselves. The love of friends and family and sharing this yard has brought us many smiles and fantastic memories. I hope our visitors this year enjoy a walk in our garden. 15 Steiner Ave | Katie Hellerman Vines flowers trees flower boxes; Ground cover berries wide variety of different flowering plants. 35 Taylor Drive | Ron & Joyce Barrett Gardens all around house, front , back,& side. Gardens contain Perennials, annuals, shrubs, etc. Also rock garden, garden art, etc. 60 TAYLOR DRIVE | Karen Hoppel Back yard small rock gardens, base of tree incorporated into garden, stain glass garden art, rock fountain, pot and hanging veggie garden. 356 UTICA STREET | Mark & Kate Scarpena Just moved in and starting over. A double lot with a nice seating area and ponds with a stream. Annuals and perennials designed to attract birds and butterflies. 56 WALTER AVENUE | Jody & Randy Ferris A cascading waterfall welcomes you to take a leisurely walk among a large variety of perennials & annuals. A stone pathway around the pond goes from sun to shade. NIGHT LIGHTS FRI., JULY 17 | 9P - 11P 249 Adam Street 332 Adam street 465 Adam Street 470 Adam Street 35 BROAD STREET 248 Broad Street 21 clevEland place 152 Clinton Street 11 Elmwood Park West 63 Erie Street 201 FRANKLIN STREET 15 Fremont Street 85 Fuller Avenue Island Gardens on Clinton Street 362 Morgan Street 68 Park Avenue 60 Taylor Drive 56 Walter Avenue MAP 248 249 332 318 362 470465 11 15 491 113 201 63 98 60 35 35 21 98 15 152 32 333 85 26 15 34 56 79 356 68 53 10 I.D. Theft Protection Don’t become a victim We offer the best coverage at the LOWEST PRICE 716-827-9768 City of Tonawanda Garden Walk Helping Tonawanda Grow Listening to Tonawanda and working to revitalize our neighborhoods “Good luck to all the participants and thanks to everyone who makes the City of Tonawanda Garden Walk happen!” Jon Juliano Running for 2nd ward council member FAMILY OWNED FOR OVER 50 YEARS Cipriano Sells Throughout Western New York Elect Jenna November 3rd (716) 692-9464 &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRWKH &LW\RI7RQDZDQGD*DUGHQ:DON RQ<RXUWK$QQLYHUVDU\ Mark Doane - Candidate for Judge Ron Trabucco - Candidate for City Attorney Joseph Hogenkamp - Candidate for City Treasurer Jenna Koch - Candidate for Council President Guy Godios - Candidate for First Ward Council Member Jackie Smilinich - Candidate for Second Ward Council Member Sean Rautenstrauch - Candidate for Third Ward Council Member Roger Puchalski - Candidate for Fourth Ward Council Member See Our Work at 248 Broad St. Come visit our Garden Center 55 Delaware | City of Tonawanda (Corner of Delaware & Fletcher) Plaza Pizzeria Premium black & brown mulch & organic nutri-soil (pick up or delivery) (248 Broad St. purchased mulch for their gardens, see at garden walk) Flowers, shrubs, garden tools & supplies, seed, peat moss, seasonal décor & more. Brick & paver patio’s, walkway’s, and retainer walls installed licensed & insured ~ free estimates Fiorella’s Landscaping: Call us at (716) 525-1129 or email [email protected] or check us out on Facebook GROVE STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) River Side Review “The Jesus You Never Heard About In Sunday School!” Join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM Pastor: Jim Girling (716) 807-2910 85 Grove St., Tonawanda, NY 14150 BOB GREGG ART GARDEN 332 ADAM ST Partners In Art If you love flowers perhaps it’s time to learn to paint them! Classes and Workshops in Oil or Watercolor Visit our Frame Shop & Art Supply Store 716-692-2141 81 Webster Street, North Tonawanda 2014 Best Art Classes in WNY-Spree Mag. ALYCIA McMASTER “We’ll beat any company’s written estimates by 15%” Michael Barry, JR. Owner/Auto Repair Specialist NYS Inspections • Air Conditioning Complete Brake Service Electrical Systems • Transmission Repair 4-Wheel Drive Systems • Warranty Claim Steering & Suspension Systems Computer Diagnostics • Engine Repair (716) 213-0807 147 Young Street • Tonawanda, NY 14150 Doane Michael & Elaine Grisani Proudly Supports City of Tonawanda Garden Walk “All the Best to the City of Tonawanda Garden Walk.” ROB STUART Running for 3rd Ward Council Member Pilozzi Pilozzi ABOUT... “Expanding Arts and Culture into the Community.” The purpose of the City of Tonawanda Board of Visual & Performing Arts is to create cultural experience and opportunities in the City of Tonawanda by the promotion of visual and performing arts in a community setting…In general, the Board shall pursue the available sources, both locally and nationally, for cultural opportunities to be brought to the residents of the City of Tonawanda. Web: 1/8 Martinsville Soapworks??? E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: (Like Us) City of Tonawanda Board of Visual and Performing Arts THANK YOU! Thank You to ALL of those who have entered & supported the COT 2015 Garden Walk! This promised to be a wonderful event, only made possible by great people like you. Your dedication and respect is unprecedented. Again, Thank You for your incredible support. Thank You! 1/4 Nickel City??? • The Garden Club of the Tonawandas & Members • Immanuel Lutheran Church • Print Plus • 2015 Advertisers • Garden Walk Applicants • City of Tonawanda Board of Visual & Performing Arts Members • Garden Walkers It’s not Home Improvement until its A Best!!! Some people always have to be the “best,” so do we! 5RRILQJ6LGLQJ%XLOGHUV ´6HUYLQJ:1<)RU2YHU<HDUVµ 692-4517 1DWLRQDO$ZDUG:LQQLQJ&RQWUDFWRU 7 Payne Ave., N. Tonawanda 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO )LQDQFLQJ$YDLODEOH MEMBER ,QF Look For This House During The Garden Walk Located On Broad Street YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST 6,',1*522),1* $'',7,216*$5$*(6 .,7&+(16%$7+52206 5(3/$&(0(17:,1'2:6 68152206 325&+(63$7,26'(&.6 1(:+20(&216758&7,21 AFTER BEFORE AFTER